Behavior Modification Assignment Teacher: Tapscott-Band Str-rdent: DateAssigned: DateCompleted: DATE DUE:- ReasonFor Assignment Disruptive to class activities Disobedienceof instructions given by teacher Disrespectful Answerthefollowin-equestions with no fewerthan25 words for eachquestion.Write neatly. Incorrect and/or incompleteanswerslvill require a relvrite. If the assignmentis turnedin disciplinaryactionwill be taken. afterthe duedateor is not turnedin at all, fur-ther you to receivethisassignrnent. 1. Explainin detailwhatyou did,or saidwhichhascaused 2. What couldyoLrhavedoneinstead? again? 3. What suggestions do you haveto preventthisfrom happening 4. What haveyou learnedfrom this experience? Student Signature TeacherSignature Parent Signature