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Sub Plans for Ashley Taylor, Team Carleton

Sub Plans for Ashley Taylor, Team Carleton, Room 1321
Friday, September 3rd
Thank you so much for subbing for me! I really appreciate it.
**emergency procedures are posted near the door
Team Carleton: There are 4 teachers on my team that you can ask for help with
anything: Mylie Ellis (Lead Teacher, math teacher, room 1315), Lauren Fodor
(other ELA teacher on Carleton to the left of this classroom, Room 1319), Jessica
Ducker (geography teacher, room 1318), Brandy Clements (math teacher, room
● Schedule
--1st hour: U-Time-9:35-9:52
--2nd hour (elective--you will take the Learning to Lead/Art classes to their
classroom--the kids in that class line up next to the double doors to the left of my
classroom. They should know where to go, so you can just have a line leader and
they can lead the way while you walk with them. This time period is also our
planning period--9:56-10:38---(At 10:38, you will pick the Learning to Lead/Art
classes up)
--3rd/4th block period: 10:45-12:11
--5th/6th block period: 12:14-2:48 (lunch is during this time)
--Lunch: 1:40-2:10 (You will line the kids up and leave at 1:35 to get to lunch-please walk them to table 13--they should know where to go if you need help
knowing where to go) (Please go with the other teachers on this team at 2:10 to
pick the Carleton students up! Thank you)
--2:10-2:35: Recess outside
--When you come back in from recess, you will still have about 13 minutes of 6th
hour left--they can finish their assignment from today or read--you can dismiss
them at 2:48!
--7th/8th block period: 2:51-4:17
Seating Charts: Seating charts are on my desk.
Hall Passes: there should be hall passes to give to any student that needs to
leave the room (bathroom, nurse, office, etc.) They are located in the little black
basket on the black stool by the door. They will just throw away the hall pass
when they get back. They will also sign the “Sign Out Log” on the table by the
door and turn on the light for “Boys” if they are a boy and “Girls” if they are a girl.
Disrespectful or Disruptive Students: if a student is disrespectful or has bad
behavior, you can send them to the hall for a few minutes if necessary. Also,
please write down the names of any students that are disrespectful, rude, or
disruptive on the back of this! You can also tell the whole class that if anyone’s
name gets written down for being disrespectful or disruptive, they will get a call
home and a detention. All of my classes are AMAZING and very respectful
though, so there shouldn’t be any issues! Thank you.
Lunch-lunch is during 5th/6th block period. You will line the kids up inside the
classroom at 1:35 and then once they’re lined up in the classroom, you can tell
them to line up under the clock in the hallway. Once everyone is in a line in the
hallway, you can go ahead and walk them to lunch. You will walk them to table
13 on the side of the cafeteria near the stage. Lunch ends at 2:10, and you will
leave at about 2:08 to go back to the cafeteria to pick up the kids along with
the other teachers on Carleton.
Emergency Procedures are on the next page.
U-Time (this is 17 minutes long): there is an “Autumn Word Search” on my
desk that my U-Time students will complete.
Assignments for the Day (there should be enough work for the students to
do the whole class period and the assignments will all be on Canvas):
1. On my class on Canvas, they will click the assignment titled “Nouns,
Verbs, Genres Assignment--do this first.”
2. Next, they will do the assignment titled “No Red Ink Assignment.”
3. If they finish BOTH of those assignments, they will read a book from
my shelf, read their own book, OR read on Epic.
*they can listen to music while they are working!*
Names of any students that were disrespectful or disruptive:
3rd/4th block period:
5th/6th block period:
7th/8th block period:
Names of any students that were GREAT:
3rd/4th block period:
5th/6th block period:
7th/8th block period: