pelican papers - North Atlantic Packards

The Stagecoach Inn
and Packards in Salado,
Texas – April 6, 2014
A Region of Packard Automobile Classics, Inc.
North Atlantic Packards
2013 Officers
Vice Director:
Les Herzog
174 Kimball Rd
Carlisle MA 01741-1040
Home: 978-369-2503
John Evers
PO Box 91
Middleboro MA 02346-4943
Home: 508-923-0290
Ruth Raswyck
6 Riverview Cir
Litchfield NH 03052-2470
Home: 603-883-0956
Past Director
George Sweezey
13 Gladiola Ter
Mansfield MA 02048-3133
Home: 508-339-1157
Scott & Ruth Raswyck
6 Riverview Cir
Litchfield NH 03052-2470
Home: 603-883-0956
Parker Roaf
72 Chester St
Worcester MA 01605-1012
Home: 781-760-2566
David Robinson
PO Box 480
Saxtons River VT 05154-0480
Home: 802-869-2891
Web Master
Scott Raswyck
6 Riverview Cir
Litchfield NH 03052-2470
Home: 603-883-0956
Pat Turano
PO Box 20084
Worcester MA 01602-0084
Home: 508-753-9288
2013 Board-Appointed Positions
Asst Editor
Scott Raswyck
6 Riverview Cir
Litchfield NH 03052-2470
Home: 603-883-0956
J. Eric Robinson
PO Box 480
Saxtons River VT 05154-0480
Home: 802-869-2891
Paul Aldrich
89 Concord St
Maynard, MA 01754-1236
Work: 978-466-1471
Sunshine Person
Colleen Evers
PO Box 91
Middleboro MA 02346-4943
Home: 508-923-0290
Regional Contact Members
Dan Reynolds
Don Russell
New Hampshire:
Gerald Faneuf
Rhode Island:
Joe Scanlan
Bob Lee
David Robinson
Pelican Papers, Winter 2014
The Newsletter of North Atlantic Packards, published four times a year
A Region of Packard Automobile Classics Incorporated
Editor: David Robinson
©Copyright held by North Atlantic Packards, Editor – David Robinson. The Pelican Papers are published for the sole use of members
of North Atlantic Packards club and the Packard Automobile Classics, Inc. Any other use, print or electronic, is unauthorized.
page 2 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
North Atlantic Packards
2013 Activity Calendar
May 4……
George Sweezey
Dust Off Tour to Concord Inn
June 22…………… Elm Bank Car Show, Wellesley, MA
John Evers
June 22-24 ……… Covered Bridge Tour, Woodstock, NH
NAP sponsored David & Gail Wesson
July 13 …………… Bay State Endicott Show, Dedham, MA
John Evers
Special Packard parking
Membership Meeting
July 15-20 …………Packard National Meet
Warren, OH
Dave Robinson
Aug TBD……
Tom Hickey
Night at the Races, Seekonk, MA
Aug 8-10………… Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts Car Show, Stowe, VT
Dave Robinson
Aug 31-Sept 5…… 8th Henry Joy Tour, Cooperstown, NY
Chuck Flinchbaugh
Sept 7…………… Vintage Era Day Meet, Endicott Estate
John Evers
Oct 7-12………… Hershey AACA Fall Meet - PAC Board Meeting
Dave Robinson
Oct 27…
Dec 9……
Membership Meeting
Annual Meeting & Holiday Banquet, Ken's Steakhouse, Framingham, MA
Membership Meeting
Tom Hickey
NAP exclusive functions
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 3
A Note From the desk of:
Les Herzog, Regional Director
To All NAP Members:
174 Kimball Rd
Carlisle MA 01741-1040
978-369-2503 •
I hope everyone enjoyed the cold and
George Sweezey is working on the
snowy winter that gave you time to
year's activities, which he should have
work on your Packard Cars, ha-ha.
shortly, as well as the Dust Off Tour
in May. We should all think about
I have s ad ne ws; G e orge Gag non
looking for additional activities and
passed away on February 18th. He
let George know our thoughts.
was a wonderful person and great NAP
We need more NAP Members to get
Member. He will be sadly missed.
involved in the club activities; let's
NAP has a new Activities Director keep on working to get new members
– George Sweezey, a new Technical to join.
Advisor – Paul Aldrich, and a new Hope to see you all in the spring.
Web Master – Scott Raswyck. We also
have a new Regional Contact Person Les
for New Hampshire – Jerry Faneuf.
From the Desk of
David Robinson, Editor
will receive a paper copy
that will include the Club
Roster for your records
and use. The email edition
will be smaller and will
not cont ain t he roster.
Please do not give any copies of
the roster to anyone else. Thank
PO Box 480
Saxtons River VT 05154-0480
802-869-2891 •
e re I a m w r it i n g t h e s e
c om m e nt s an d t h e re i s
a snow storm raging outside.
I hope all the older cars are
sleeping and the modern vehicles
are doing their job getting me
around and plowing the drive.
I am looking for ward to the
summer and the opportunity
to use the cars and doing some
George Gagnon passed away on
February 18th. Our thoughts are
for Pat and her family at their
loss. There is a statement in this
issue of the Pelican Papers.
This issue of the Pelican Papers
will be in two parts. All members
page 4 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
So far I have made reservations
at the Red Lantern Inn for the
Covered Bridge Tour and the
Otesaga Hotel for the Henry Joy
Tour. Earlier I made reservations
for Packard Nationals and was
a b l e t o b o o k t h e l a s t ro om
available at the meet hotel.
It has been a long winter and we
are all getting stir crazy. Here
in Vermont the maple sap has
not started to run and the syrup
season is beginning quite late.
I am told that spring is coming
and the warm weather fun will
begin right after mud season.
There is a PAC board meeting
in Salado, Texas; I will escape to
the meet and meeting and look
for early warmth.
This issue contains the new 2014
Schedule and there are some
changes to the NAP Board of
Directors. Most important new
officer is the Activities Director,
George Sweezey. He is catching
up to the position and is looking
at having several assistants to
cover the wide geographic area
of Nor t h At l ant ic Pack ards .
Other positions filled or changed
a r e t h e We b M a s t e r, S c o t t
Raswyck, and the new Technical
Advisor, Paul Aldrich. The New
Hampshire Regional Contact
person for New Hampshire is
Gerry Faneuf.
Minutes of North Atlantic Packards
General Membership Meeting
Sunday December 8, 2013
Ken's Steakhouse, Framingham, MA
Meeting called to order at 1:30 PM
Director's Comments: Les Herzog was attending to the imminent snow storm. Tom Hickey admirably
filled in as our MC.
Vice Director's Comments: Kendall Gibbs was not present Treasurer's Report: Ruth stated our financial position which is very good. The financial report
is available to any members who could not attend this meeting. Ruth also recognized our Patron
members who regularly contribute more than the dues renewal amount.
Membership Report: Parker Roaf was not present. Tom Hickey reviewed the list of potential
candidates for Vice Director, Assistant Membership, Activities and Technical Directors.
Editor's Report: Dave listed the numerous awards voted by PAC National for our outstanding
"Pelican Papers." The new Membership Roster will be sent by snail mail to avoid spamming. He
also asked for articles on members Packards, and reminded the club that he will be retiring as
Editor in 2015.
Old Business: Tom Hickey promoted our apparel inventory, which is well stocked. Items were for
sale at the dinner.
New Business: Charles Flinchbaugh presented the 2014 Henry Joy Tour to be held in Cooperstown,
NY in early September. Tom Hickey recognized and welcomed our new members: Marll McDonald,
Drusilla Carter, and Bob Koch. Per Christensen discussed the Hudson Club's promotion to improve
the U.S. Infrastructure. Tom Hickey awarded door prizes.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Scott Raswyck, Secretary
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 5
2 014 D u st Of f Tou r
May 4, 2014
Please join us for the first tour of the 2014 season. We will have a driving tour and
then a great brunch for all who come. After all this we will have a membership
meeting and then all of us will go home with happy memories.
We will begin the tour at 10:00 AM at the Newton Marriott. After meeting there,
we will drive back roads into Concord, most likely stopping at the Battleground
Visitor Center and the Old North Bridge (pictured). The tour will then drive on
to the Colonial Inn in the center of Concord for a brunch at 12:00.
This is a great opportunity to see many friends who have been cooped up for the
past 12 months (Ok, 6 months, but it seems longer). The cost of the brunch to
members is $17.00. NAP will pick up the remainder of the cost.
Please notify George Sweezey at or call 508-339-1157
before April 28 to confirm your spot at the table. If you know someone who does
not have email, please give a copy of this to them.
photograph by Jim Lozouski
page 6 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
George Gagnon passed away suddenly on February 18,
2014. Ruth & I drove down to the Holy Trinity United
Methodist Church in Danvers for the morning service
on February 22nd. Once there we joined John Evers. The
church itself is very attractive in its 60's contemporary
architecture, with a high vaulted ceiling and a spectacular
floor to ceiling stained glass wall behind the alter area. I'm
sure George, who was a member there, admired the high
quality of work necessary to build such a well-designed
church. This venue was a most inspirational place to witness
such an incredible outpouring of grief and love to a life that
was well spent.
Pat and George have a large family and they were all there
to bid George farewell. Inevitably one learns more about a
valued acquaintance upon their death than when they were
alive. Cheryl and Jack Billings, Pat and George's daughter
and son-in-law, each gave a poignant narrative of George's
life. We learned that he had to quit high school to help
support his parents. He later worked hard in the trades
(many times two jobs) and was well liked by his friends and
loved by his family. To paraphrase "It's A Wonderful Life,"
George died "The Richest Man in Town."
He was quiet but not shy,
he had a natural smile
and a twinkle in his eye.
Here, Ruth and I would like to add an additional facet to
George's life, as viewed through the prism of the Packard
Club. I recall when Ruth and I first met George and Pat. It
was shortly after they bought their "new" Packard, a very
nice 1954 Clipper Super Sedan. In 2002 they drove to the
late Darrell Hawksley's first Packard picnic at his fabulous
home in Avon MA. I remember that day very well, as Ruth
and I had seen the same car at an Eastern Packard meet in
Newton, CT two or three years earlier. At that time George
could walk and get around, but it was obvious his legs were
bothering him. What we didn't know was that he had a
massive, almost fatal heart attack five years before, which
had lingering affects. Also, he was suffering from the onset
of diabetes, if everything else to cause pain was not enough.
The last time I specifically remember him driving to a meet
was when he and Pat took their cute little '36 Dodge up to
a luncheon at Hector Ramierez's company in Newburyport
the summer of 2007. As time passed his knees, consumed
with arthritis, would not allow driving or stair climbing.
Finally in the last three years or so his legs could only be
used to get in and out of his wheelchair and scooter.
What made George's severe health problems so remarkable
is that he refused to let them interfere with one of the
activities he loved, the antique car lifestyle. With Pat's
heroic assistance, patience, and dedication, the Gagnons
had one of the highest meet participation rates of any
members going back to our "new founding" in 1999. They
went to all the Packard picnics, dinners, overnighters,
and the Henry Joy Tours. George did not feel sorry for
himself, nor complain about the pain he was constantly
in. When we would ask him how he was doing, he almost
discussed his health situation in the third person, as if this
was a mechanical problem that he could eventually solve.
I'm sure towards the end he knew he was not going to get
better, but if he confided in anyone, it was only to Pat. Last
September at the second (and just as lovely) Red Lion meet,
he winced in obvious pain unless he sat perfectly still. When
he could not make the Christmas gathering at Ken's we
realized something was really wrong. Thankfully George
is no longer in pain.
George was a most pleasant gentleman. He was quiet but
not shy, he had a natural smile and a twinkle in his eye. He
enjoyed life to the fullest right to the end. We are privileged
and honored to have known George Gagnon. He will not
be forgotten.
In lieu of flowers our club will be making a donation to The
Friends of the Danvers Council on Aging.
Ruth & Scott Raswyck
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 7
June 22-24, 2014
Hosted by the North Atlantic Packard Region of PAC
Check in: 4PM
Tour the resort grounds. Ranked as “one of the most scenic areas in New Hampshire” it offers 360 degree
views of the White Mountains. Walk across the Jack O’ Lantern covered Bridge, (a replica of the 1878
Woodstock Bridge) located on the golf course pathway. At 5PM the club will host a welcoming party,
cocktails & hors d’oeuvres - cash bar.
We begin a scenic tour with a stop at the Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves - good footwear recommended.
Following will be stops at Swift water Falls and Bridge and then we will cross the Bath Bridge (built
1832 – at 375 feet long-it is the 2nd oldest bridge in NH). There will be stops for photo ops at both sites.
Following will be a short drive to Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway where we will take a10 minute tram
ride to the top of Cannon Mountain for lunch and spectacular views of 4 states and Canada!
Dinner will be at the “Italian Farmhouse” in Plymouth.
We depart for Holderness, NH, across the Blair Bridge in Campton (built 1869 - 295 feet long) and
continue on to pristine Squam Lake (of “On Golden Pond” fame) for a 90 minute guided boat cruise.
Special parking has been arranged at the New Hampshire Nature Center. Following will be a scenic drive
for lunch at the historic Corner House Inn. The tour will conclude with a visit to Bob & Alice Valpey’s
venerable Car Collection in Center Harbor, NH.
David & Gail Wesson Ruth & Scott Raswyck page 8 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
847-533-1086 603-883-0956
Covered Bridge Tour Registration Form
Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________Email:______________________________________
Per Person Registration Fee
Sunday Check-in 4:00 P.M
Number______@ $20.00 $__________
Cocktails & hors d'oeuvres (cash bar)
Number______@ $12.00 $__________
Buffet Dinner
Number______@ $25.00 $__________
Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves
Number______@ $17.00 $__________
Number______@ $15.00 $__________
Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway
(lunch on your own at the summit)
Cruise on Squam Lake
Number______@ $21.00 $__________
Total enclosed:
Will you need trailer parking?
Yes ____
No ____
Send Registration form by June 1, 2014, make check payable to NAP:
Mail to: Ruth Raswyck 6 Riverview Circle Litchfield, NH 03052
Please call the Jack O’Lantern Resort 1-800-227-4454 ROOM RATE $117.75 INCLUDES TAX AND FULL
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 9
Park er ' s Pac k a rd s Ope n H ous e
Article and photographs by David Robinson
a good representation of Packards in attendance
arker Roaf, our membership Chair for North
Atlantic Packards, holds an Autumn open house at
his business to encourage auto enthusiasts to dust off
their cars and come enjoy a day of food, fun and cars.
This open house was offered in late October after the
Hershey AACA Meet.
Parker brought out many of the cars he had in the shop,
including a 1926 Packard Phaeton and my 1930 Club
Sedan. There were a number of people who showed up
to see the shop and see what cars Parker is currently
working on. There were a number of projects in process
such as George Sweezey’s 1954 Caribbean. There were
also an Oldsmobile 8 cylinder car and a v23 Cadillac,
both from the ‘30s. Parker has a number of test stands
for diagnosing car problems, some contemporary to
the cars. Parker is justifiably proud of his shop, which
he had recently moved to this new location, a move
that allowed him to triple his workspace.
There were a number of Parker’s customers and friends,
along with some other curious people in attendance.
One was a gentleman from Roxbury with a ‘56
Caribbean, complete with photos of its restoration
process. Fran Mayer came up from the Hartford CT
area. He ended up returning later in the year with his
car for Parker to work on. Peter Lief came with his ‘41
Coupe and Les Herzog and Pat Turano came to visit
and meet with others who had come.
hot dogs, hamburgers a& drinks for all
Arthur Sanders showing photos &
explaining the restoration of his Carribbean
Parker’s wife, Sheryl, along with several friends, kept
the group supplied with hot dogs, hamburgers and
plenty to drink.
All in all it was a great day for all who came.
1956 Packards representing each of the 3 Senior models
Peter Lief departing
page 10 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
he Annual Holiday Banquet and Annual
Meeting of the North Atlantic Packards
There were more than thirty members and guests
attending the banquet held last December 8th at
Ken’s Steak House in Framingham MA. It was
organized by Tom and Marie Hickey and they did
a very good job with the dinner. We all joined for
refreshments and hors d'oeuvres in the dining
room. There were door prizes displayed at a table
where everyone could see them, and Packard
clothing for sale. There was a sign in sheet to
know who was there. It was great seeing all the
members there; we were able to catch up with a
number of people we had not seen for some time.
H oliday B a nquet
As Les was unable to attend due to weather
concerns (he operates a snow removal company),
Tom Hickey took the job as host and leader for
the Membership Meeting. It consisted of a review
of the year and current business (see p. 5 for the
minutes of the meeting.)
All who attended had a great time and went home
with full stomachs and happy spirits. ❧
The dinner was served, with a salad starter and
then the main course. Most ordered the roast
beef and were not disappointed with the food.
Other choices included baked scrod and chicken.
Dessert was a chocolate cake that was quite good.
We sat with Paul Aldrich, Frank Wemple, Chuck
Flinchbaugh, and Marll and Alice McDonald.
We had good conversation about a wide range
of subjects, mostly revolving around Packards.
Gerry Faneuf and Tom Hickey
deep in conversation
Pat Turano and Frank Wemple
enjoy the banquet
Chuck Flinchbaugh, Drusilla Carter and
Jim Peters catching up
In attendance were:
Paul Aldrich
Angelo and Florence Amara
Drusilla Carter
Per and Rose Christiansen
Chuck Flinchbaugh
John and Colleen Evers
Gerry Faneuf
Frank and Joyce Finney
Tom and Marie Hickey
Bob Koch
Bob and Gerry Lee
Peter Lief
Marll and Alice McDonald
Bob and Marilyn Neubert
Jim Peters
Stan and Candi Preuss
Scott and Ruth Raswyck
David and Eric Robinson
Joe and Robin Scanlan
Pat Turano
Frank Wemple
Paul Aldrich holds everyone's attention
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 11
The 8th Henry Joy Tour©
“A James Fenimore Cooper Leatherstocking Tour”
Cooperstown, New York
August 31-September 5, 2014
Sponsored by Packard Automobile Classics -“The Packard Club”
Hosted by East Grand Packards
Schedule of Events
Early Bird Tour
A short tour to the
the remainder of the day exploring Cooperstowns’ shops, restaurants and
A Revolutionary Ramble
including the SCHOHARIE BATTLE MUSEUM COMPLEX, ( a fortified 1772 church),
a box lunch at Schoharie Valley Farms, THE GREAT WESTERN WAY (historic Rte. 20)
Wednesday A motor tour of the east side of Otsego Lake
with a stop at HYDE HALL STATE HISTORIC SITE (an early 1800’s 50-room mansion) and on to
CANAL PLACE/MOHAWK RIVER GORGE at Lock #17 of the Erie Canal in Little Falls, N.Y.
Our final tour
will include a visit to George Staley’s 150 restored automobiles in Norwich known today as
the NORTHEAST CLASSIC CAR MUSEUM with a catered lunch.
Henry Joy Awards Banquet
*Registration Deadline: July 18, 2014
*Registration form will be available January 1, 2014
Tour Leaders:
Chuck and Janet Flinchbaugh
(518) 793-5571,
Janet Flinchbaugh
13 Cunningham Ave
Glens Falls NY 12801-2606
Advertising & Communications:
Eric & Dave Robinson (North Atlantic Packards)
ask for the
$225.00 per day +8% Sales Tax, MAP*
The Otesaga Resort Hotel
double occupancy rate $300.00 per day +8% Sales Tax, MAP*
60 Lake Street
(Suite upgrade available at $135.00 per day plus tax)
Cooperstown, N.Y. 13326-1042
daily breakfast and dinner, starting with Sunday picnic buffet
and ending with Friday breakfast (departure day)
“Over 100 Years of Gracious Hospitality”
Note! High Season Rate is $511.00 daily
Hotel Info:
page 12 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
The 8th Henry Joy Tour©
“A James Fenimore Cooper Leatherstocking Tour”
Cooperstown, New York
August 31-September 5, 2014
Sponsored by Packard Automobile Classics -“The Packard Club”
Hosted by East Grand Packards
Packard Owner/Driver – please print clearly_____________________________________
Spouse/Guest(s) ___________________________________________________________
Email_________________________Packard on Tour______________________________
Packard Car Insurer, Policy # and Exp. Date plus UL Approved UL Fire Extinguisher
Registration Fee - Packard Owner and Driver (includes Tour Book)
Spouse / Guests
@$30 ea = $
@$20 ea = $
Sunday, August 31
Otesaga Resort Hotel’s recommended “Walking Tour.”
Opening Otesaga Patio Picnic Buffet (MAP)
Monday (Labor Day), September 1
Breakfast Buffet at the Otesaga (MAP)
The Fenimore Art Museum and/or
The Farmers Museum (your hosts recommend both)
2 Mile Tour
@$9 ea = $
@$9 ea = $
Lunch and Afternoon (on your own) to Explore Cooperstown
Dinner at the Otesaga (MAP)
Tuesday, September 2
80 Mile Tour
Breakfast Buffet at the Otesaga (MAP)
“Revolutionary Ramble” including the Schoharie Battle Museum Complex,
lunch at Schoharie Valley Farms, The Great Western Way (historic Rt. 20),
Sharon Springs, N.Y. and The Cherry Valley Massacre.
Dinner at the Otesaga (MAP)
Wednesday, September 3
74 Mile Tour
Buffet Breakfast at the Otesaga (MAP)
A motor tour of the east side of Otesgo Lake with a stop at Hyde Hall
(an English Manor House circa 1821) and on to lunch at Canal Place/Mohawk River
Gorge at Lock #17 of the Erie Canal
@$19 ea = $
@$22 ea = $
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 13
Wednesday, September 3 (continued)
Dinner at the Otesaga (MAP)
Thursday September 4
82 Mile Tour
Buffet Breakfast at the Otesaga (MAP)
Our final tour will be a visit to George Staley’s 150+ restored automobiles in
Norwich, N.Y. known today as the Northeast Classic Car Museum
@$23 ea = $
TOTAL - Please make check out to East Grand Packards
Friday September 5
Farewell buffet breakfast at the Otesaga (MAP)
Registration Deadline: July 18, 2014
ask for the
single occupancy rate $225.00 per day , MAP*
The Otesaga Resort Hotel
double occupancy rate $300.00 per day, MAP*
60 Lake Street
plus NYS Sales Tax - 8 %, Otsego Bed Tax - 4%
Cooperstown, N.Y. 13326-1042
(Suite upgrade available at $135.00 per day plus tax)
*Includes daily breakfast and dinner, starting with Sunday picnic buffet
“Over 100 Years of Gracious Hospitality”
and ending with Friday breakfast (departure day)
Hotel Info:
Tour Leaders:
Chuck and Janet Flinchbaugh
(518) 793-5571,
Janet Flinchbaugh
13 Cunningham Ave
Glens Falls NY 12801-2606
Advertising & Communications:
Eric & Dave Robinson (North Atlantic Packards)
page 14 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 15
page 16 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
Pac k a rd Na tion a ls 2014
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 17
Sales, Service, Cars and Parts
New Website Features:
-easier to navigate-description, part#, group#
-easier to find parts for YOUR Packard
-view assembly illustrations
-view pictures of actual catalog parts
-easily view new items added to website
-pics of fellow Packard owner’s cars
-lookup body style of your Packard
-post your car for sale
-view cars for sale
-learn Packard information & history
-ever expanding-check regularly for new updates
Order Line:
235 Terre Haute St. Franklin, IN
10% off all Steele Rubber
orders placed with us!*
*Discount not available on all items
Fax: 317-736-6235
Info: 317-736-6233
I have space available in Wakefield (Massachusetts) for hobby cars. We have 2 lifts
for common use and would like to find owners that would like to store and work on
their cars in our shop. $400 per mo. We can accomodate 10-12 cars.
Frank Rossetti
1941 160 Touring Sedan
1941 Packard Touring Sedan, Model 1904 in Barola Blue and
Silver French Grey metallic. 3 speed standard transmission with
overdrive and Electromatic Clutch,
This vehicle is fully equipped with nearly every option Packard
offered in 1941, except air conditioning. This vehicle has had only
three owners. The second owner was Tom Mix, who restored
the car to its present condition, refurbishing as needed all body
and mechanical aspects of the vehicle. He drove it as his favorite
Packard touring car until 2001 when the vehicle was purchased
by the current owner with 58,000 miles on the odometer. It has
been maintained in excellent touring condition since.
In the spring of last year the car participated in a Henry Joy
Tour based at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
During a week long driving tour that logged nearly one thousand
miles, the car performed flawlessly, without incident. The vehicle
currently has just over 70,000 miles on the odometer. The car
has received many awards and has been used as a limousine in
several weddings.
Price is $42,900.00
Phone: 508-385-3462
1929 Packard Runabout
Older restoration that has been very well cared for. recent mechanical
restoration, valve job, carburetor, gen, starter, distributor, vacuum
tank, brakes, water pump. All fluids new. Leather beautiful w/no
cracking. Engine compartment highly detailed. Chassis detailed and
exterior paint very good with slight shrinking in a few small spots.
$130,000 or 781-760-2566
The Pelican Papers offers advertising space to both members and nonmembers of the North Atlantic Packard. Rates are as follows:
Display Advertising:
page 18 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
1 year
(4 issues)
Members - Personal
full page
Text Ad
½ page
Add $10
1/4 page
Text Ad
$.10/word ($1 minimum)
Add $10
Pelican Papers Winter, 2014 • page 19
I am looking for an original brochure
(or a good copy) of the spring 1968
Park-Bernet Auction held at the Larz
Anderson Museum.
Tom Vagnini, Pittsfield MA
page 20 • Pelican Papers Winter, 2014
For Sale
Series 143 Parts car primarily drive
parts and fenders
1928 front and rear Axles
2 rear ends:
1) 1924-5-6
2) 1925 - 6?
Call 207-793-2800 or
Stamped steel artillery wheel for
1940 120 (years ‘37 thru ‘40 the
same). Will buy one or more.
For Sale
55-56 Packard NOS Front Windshield, small chip out of top-covered
by gasket. $400.00
Dan Reynolds, 860.345.2723
All tools supplied with a 1936 Model
120, or information on where they
can be found.
Don Russell, Falmouth ME