Maths: Design mosaic flooring for a Roman Temple using your

Home Learning Grid
Here are six homework activities for you to do this term.
Please complete all activities in bold and select at least one other. These activities link to your “Theme” learning.
You will be expected to apply different areas of your learning to these tasks and, as always, your work should be of an excellent standard.
Bring your homework into school and share on these dates:
Tuesday 19th January 2016
Wednesday 3rd February 2016
Homework sharing will take place between 3 and 3.30pm. Parents are welcome to come and celebrate the home learning with us.
Maths: Design mosaic flooring for
a Roman Temple using your
knowledge of symmetry and
shapes. Calculate the area and
perimeter of your floor.
History/DT: Research Anglo-Saxon or
Roman fashion and dress a toy of your
choice (or a paper doll) as an AngloSaxon or Roman. (E.g. Could your teddy
become a Roman soldier?)
English: Imagine you’ve travelled
in time back to Roman or AngloSaxon times. Write a letter home
detailed your adventures (what
you have seen and experienced).
Geography: Research Roman or AngloSaxon place names. Plot them on a map
of the UK and explain their meanings.
Computing: Research Roman or AngloSaxon architecture (e.g. houses, roads,
amphitheatre) and design your own
using Minecraft or any other computer
You should take a screen shot of your
finished design and you must have an
explanation of the stages of your
development. (E.g. diagrams, steps etc.)
DT: Find a recipe for Anglo-Saxon or
Roman bread and try making a roll/loaf.
Compare your ancient bread with one
of your favourite modern ones. (You
could make both to compare)