71 Journal of Cell Science 111, 71-79 (1998) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1998 JCS1506 The role of NuMA in the interphase nucleus Andreas Merdes1 and Don W. Cleveland1,2,* 1Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and 2Division of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of California at San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0660, USA *Author for correspondence Accepted 17 October 1997; published on WWW 11 December 1997 SUMMARY NuMA is an essential protein for the formation of spindle poles in mitosis. During interphase, NuMA is transported into the nucleus where it resides until prometaphase of the next mitotic cycle. We tested for a potential function of NuMA in interphase nuclei that were assembled from human sperm DNA using frog egg extract immunodepleted of NuMA. Despite the absence of NuMA, nuclei formed without visible changes of the chromatin structure, surrounded by an intact nuclear membrane containing pores and nuclear lamins. These nuclei were fully competent to import nuclear substrates and to replicate their DNA. By screening tissue sections of various organs, absence of NuMA from the nucleus was observed in a number of cell types, including sperm, granulocytes in the blood, and differentiated smooth and skeletal muscle fibers. Experiments on cultured myoblasts indicated that NuMA is degraded during muscle cell differentiation. The absence of NuMA in interphase nuclei of the tissues tested correlated with a non-spherical, elongated or beaded nuclear morphology, suggesting that during interphase NuMA may act as a non-essential nucleoskeletal element. INTRODUCTION indeed found to be associated with certain matrix-associated regions (Luderus et al., 1994). In addition, immunolocalization studies at the electron microscopic level visualized NuMA in a filamentous network in the interphase nucleus (Zeng et al., 1994a), and overexpression of a NuMA mutant that lacked a functional nuclear localization signal resulted in the formation of cytoplasmic aggregates with a filamentous substructure (Saredi et al., 1996). A nucleoskeletal framework provided by NuMA could contribute to the mechanical stability of the nucleus, provide attachment sites for the chromatin and nuclear proteins, serve as tracks along which nuclear components could be shuttling between the cytoplasm and the nuclear interior (Meier and Blobel, 1992), or help to maintain the compartmentalization of nuclear processes as suggested for mRNA splicing (Zeng et al., 1994b). Also, a system of nuclear filaments might be involved in tethering the individual chromosomes into a compact mass of a single nucleus at the end of mitosis. In this context, several lines of evidence have suggested that NuMA plays an active role in the reformation of the postmitotic nucleus by providing cohesion to the segregated chromatids in anaphase and telophase. Overexpression of NuMA deletion mutants that were truncated at their amino terminus or the carboxy terminus resulted in the postmitotic formation of numerous micronuclei. Also, a mutant hamster cell line with a defective RCC1 gene showed a similar postmitotic micronuclei formation effect, which could be suppressed by increased expression of wild-type NuMA (Compton and Cleveland, 1993). The nuclear/mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) is characterized by its cell cycle-dependent shuttling between the interphase nucleus and the mitotic spindle (Lydersen and Pettijohn, 1980). During mitosis, NuMA is an essential component for the formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles (Gaglio et al., 1995, 1996; Merdes et al., 1996). Spindle assembly experiments in egg extracts indicated that NuMA acts as a tethering factor that bundles microtubules and anchors them at the spindle poles. NuMA is not an integral component of the centrosome itself, but focuses in a crescent-shaped area between the centrosome and the spindle equator as the spindle is being formed. NuMA may achieve its mitotic localization by the interaction with minus-end directed microtubuledependent motors, as immunoprecipitation experiments have shown that NuMA associates with the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein and its activator complex dynactin (Merdes et al., 1996). During telophase, NuMA releases from the spindle poles and is transported into the newly formed nucleus (Yang et al., 1992; Compton et al., 1992). Little is known about the role of NuMA during interphase. Biochemically, NuMA represents a protein that is insoluble after DNase and high salt treatment of the nucleus; it is also resistant to non-ionic detergents but can be solubilized at high concentrations of urea (Kallajoki et al., 1991; Harborth et al., 1995). Thus, NuMA fulfills the biochemical criteria of a nuclear matrix protein. DNA-binding studies showed that NuMA is Key words: NuMA, Nucleus, Nuclear matrix, Interphase 72 A. Merdes and D. W. Cleveland To test for a role of NuMA in the formation of the nucleus and to examine potential functions of NuMA throughout interphase, we monitored the formation of nuclei assembled in frog egg extracts from which NuMA was removed by immunodepletion. We also tested NuMA-free nuclei for their ability to assemble a nuclear lamina, to synthesize new DNA, and to perform nuclear transport. In addition, we tested cells from various tissues for the presence and localization of nuclear NuMA. MATERIALS AND METHODS Egg extract experiments Xenopus egg extracts and demembranated sperm were prepared as described by Murray (1991). Depletion of NuMA from the extracts was performed as described by Merdes et al. (1996). The depletion efficiency was monitored by immunoblots of extract aliquots using anti-Xenopus NuMA antibodies and 125I-Protein A (Merdes et al., 1996), followed by phosphorimaging. The metaphase-arrested egg extracts were converted into interphase extracts by addition of 0.4 to 0.8 mM CaCl2. Formation of nuclei in the extracts was monitored by staining of the DNA with 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and fluorescence microscopy. Immunofluorescence studies were performed as described earlier (Merdes et al., 1996). Nuclear import studies were done by adding 0.3 µl of rhodamine-labeled human serum albumin, coupled to the SV40 large T nucleophilic peptide sequence (gift from Dr D. J. Forbes’ laboratory, UC San Diego, CA; Newmeyer and Forbes, 1988), to 10 µl of extract. Nuclear import was inhibited using wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) at 1 mg/ml. The amount of imported subtrate was quantified by taking digital images using a charge-coupled device camera (Princeton Instruments, Trenton, NJ) and the ‘Toolbar’ and ‘Measure’ functions of the Metamorph program (Universal Imaging Corp., West Chester, PA). DNA replication was tested by the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into the nuclei. Initially, 0.5 µl of 2 µM BrdU was added with the sperm to 15 µl egg extract. At 70 minutes after CaCl2 addition, nuclei were spun onto coverslips, methanol-fixed at −20°C, rehydrated, and treated with 1.5 M hydrochloric acid for 30 minutes. For immunofluorescence of the incorporated BrdU, a monoconal mouse anti-BrdU antibody (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL) was used. DNA replication was inhibited using aphidicolin (Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA) at 200 µg/ml. Immunofluorescence of the nuclear lamina was performed with the monoclonal antibody Lo46F7 against Xenopus lamin LIII, donated by Dr W.W. Franke (German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany; see Benavente et al., 1985). Electron microscopy on nuclei formed in vitro was done by fixing 20 µl of extract in 500 µl of 1.5% glutaraldehyde in Sørensen buffer (100 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.2) for one hour. The nuclei were pelleted in a tabletop microcentrifuge, washed five times in Sørensen buffer, and postfixed with 2% osmium tetroxide in Sørensen buffer for one hour. After washing and dehydration in a graded series of ethanols, the nuclei were infiltrated with Epon which was subsequently polymerized at 65°C. Ultrathin sections were counterstained with saturated lead citrate for five minutes and visualized by electron microscopy. Immunoelectron microscopy using silver-enhanced 1 nm goldconjugated secondary anti-rabbit antibody was performed on nuclei that were processed by methanol fixation as described for immunofluorescence of Xenopus NuMA (Merdes et al., 1996). Details on the secondary reagent and silver enhancement are published by Yao et al. (1997). Detection of NuMA in various tissues Cryosections were cut on a Jung Frigocut 2800 E microtome (Leica Inc., Deerfield, IL) from various frog tissues that had been immersed in Tissue-Tek (Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA) and frozen on dry ice. The tissue sections were collected on positively charged microscopy glass slides (Labcraft, Curtin Matheson Scientific, Houston, TX) and fixed for 10 minutes in methanol at −20°C. Immunofluorescence was done with a rabbit antibody raised against the proximal portion of the Xenopus NuMA tail (Merdes et al., 1996). For double immunofluorescence of NuMA and γ-tubulin, a mouse anti-Xenopus NuMA tail serum and a polyclonal rabbit anti-γ-tubulin antibody (gift from Dr Rebecca Heald, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany) were used. Secondary antibodies (goat anti-mouse and goat anti-rabbit, coupled to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) or Texas Red, respectively) were obtained from Cappel/Organon Teknika (West Chester, PA). Human and mouse blood, as well as frog sperm were spotted onto glass coverslips and processed as described above. A mouse myoblast cell line (C2F3) was obtained from Dr K. Arden (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA). Cells were cultured at 37°C and 8% carbon dioxide in Dulbecco’s modified essential medium (DMEM) containing 20% fetal calf serum. Myotube formation was induced by changing the medium and culturing in 2% horse serum in DMEM for several days. Immunoblots were performed using anti-Xenopus NuMA tail antibodies or a human anti-NuMA autoimmune serum (crossreacting with mouse cells and other species by immunoblot), provided by Dr D. E. Pettijohn (Denver, CO). Control blots were stained with anti-myosin II monoclonal antibody (M2-42), provided by Dr T. Pollard’s laboratory (Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA). RESULTS To investigate whether NuMA is essential for any aspect of nuclear formation, we assembled nuclei in vitro by the addition of sperm chromatin to frog egg extract that was depleted of its cytoplasmic pool of NuMA. Up to 98% of NuMA could be removed by adsorption to antibody-coated Protein A beads, in the majority of the experiments the depletion efficiency ranged between 85 and 90% (Fig. 1A). To assemble nuclei, we used demembranated human sperm or plasmid DNA, because these DNA-sources had no traces of endogenous NuMA (Fig. 1B and C). In contrast, Xenopus sperm contained small amounts of NuMA, as described below. After addition of the DNA to the mitotically arrested egg extract and a pre-incubation of 10 to 15 minutes, the cell cycle state was converted into interphase by the addition of 0.8 mM calcium chloride which caused a loss of cdc2 activity (not shown). Within 45 minutes, the hypercondensed sperm chromatin began to swell until it reached the size and shape of an interphase nucleus, with an average diameter of 15 µm, both in NuMA-free extracts and in controls (Fig. 2A to C). The nuclei that were assembled in NuMA-depleted extract showed no significant immunostaining for NuMA, as shown by immunofluorescence (Fig. 2C′) as well as immunoelectron microscopy (Fig. 3A and B). In order to maintain the antigenicity of the NuMA epitope, it was necessary to use relatively mild fixation, which did not fully preserve fine ultrastructural details of the nuclei. To circumvent this problem, we also processed parallel samples with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide fixation, to ensure optimal preservation of the nuclei, and no differences were found between NuMA-containing and NuMA-free samples (Fig. 3C and D). In addition to sperm, bacterial plasmid DNA was also capable of forming nuclei in depleted and untreated NuMA in the interphase nucleus Fig. 1. NuMA depletion from frog egg extracts. (A) Anti-NuMA immunoblot of untreated egg extracts (untr.), and extracts after incubation with Protein A beads coupled to control antibodies (mock), or anti-NuMA antibodies (depl.). NuMA is almost completely absent in the depleted extract. (B) Coomassie staining and (C) anti-NuMA immunoblot with the human-specific monoclonal antibody 1F1, revealing that NuMA is absent in human sperm, but present in large amounts in a HeLa cell extract (identical results were obtained with a polyclonal anti-NuMA antibody, data not shown). The migration positions of molecular mass standard proteins (kDa) are indicated. egg extract, although the sizes of the various nuclei were highly variable, between 2 to 50 µm in diameter, and their nuclear envelopes were sometimes discontinuous (Fig. 3E and F). In all cases, the nuclear envelopes associated with the DNA contained nuclear pores (Fig. 3G,H), and nuclear lamins from the extract were incorporated into sperm nuclei, as revealed by the staining for the frog-specific lamin LIII (Fig. 3I′ to K′). To test whether these nuclei were capable of importing nuclear substrates, the uptake of a peptide containing the nuclear localization signal from the SV40 large T antigen, coupled to rhodamine-labeled human serum albumin, was studied in NuMA-depleted and control extracts. As shown in Fig. 4A′ and C′, all samples stained positively in this assay. The degree of nuclear import was comparable between NuMAcontaining and NuMA-free nuclei, as photometric measurements of the imported substrate revealed an average pixel intensity of 107±36 (n=11) for controls and 123±24 (n=8) for NuMA-depleted samples. Nuclear import could be completely blocked in both cases by the addition of wheat Fig. 2. Nuclear assembly in NuMA-depleted extracts. (A-C) DNA staining of nuclei assembled from human sperm in untreated (untr.), mock-depleted and depleted (depl.) egg extract, using the DNAspecific dye DAPI. (A′-C′) Corresponding NuMA staining, revealing that no NuMA is present in the nuclei formed in depleted extracts (C′). Bar, 20 µm. 73 kDa germ agglutinin, a transport inhibitor known to bind to glycoproteins at the nuclear pores (Fig. 4B′ and D′). The nuclei treated with wheat germ agglutinin were on the average smaller than without the inhibitor (compare Fig. 4A and B, C and D). In addition, DNA-replication was unaffected by the depletion of NuMA, because all nuclei were able to incorporate the nucleotide homologue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU; Fig. 4F and G). BrdU incorporation was suppressed in presence of aphidicolin, a drug that specifically inhibits DNA polymerase α (Fig. 4H′). Because NuMA appeared to be dispensable during nuclear formation and for any of the nuclear functions tested, we investigated various tissues of the frog for the presence and localization of NuMA in the nucleus, to see whether this protein is ubiquitous in every cell type. Whereas sections of most tissues, including liver, lung, brain, skin and intestines revealed a homogeneous staining of NuMA in the nucleus (Fig. 5A′, showing liver cell nuclei), the immunolabeling of the testis was positive for spermatocytes, but appeared to be negative for the sickle shaped, elongated frog sperm nuclei (Fig. 5B′). However, closer inspection of the sperm indicated that there was a region at the end of each sperm where concentrated NuMA staining was detectable, but apparently outside the nucleus itself (Fig. 5C′). To determine whether this area contained the sperm centrosome, parallel staining of γ-tubulin was performed (Fig. 5C′′). Indeed, NuMA and γ-tubulin seemed to colocalize in this area, suggesting an association of NuMA with centrosomal material. Artificial swelling of the sperm confirmed the exclusive NuMA localization at the sperm end but did not reveal any NuMA signal on the DNA (Fig. 5D′), indicating that the lack of staining was not due to a permeability problem of the NuMA-antibody into the hypercondensed chromatin. Also, the antibody reacted specifically with the 240 kDa-sized NuMA protein band by immunoblotting of frog sperm (Fig. 5J), assuring that the immunofluorescence labeling was not the result of antibody crossreactivity. In contrast to frog sperm, there was no NuMA at all detected in human sperm, as determined by immunoblotting (Fig. 1) and immunofluorescence (not shown). We reasoned that NuMA might be absent from the sperm chromatin to allow the sperm DNA to undergo hypercondensation, or to adapt to the non-spherical nuclear 74 A. Merdes and D. W. Cleveland Fig. 3. A nuclear envelope forms around NuMAfree nuclei. (A-B) Immunoelectron microscopy of NuMA in extracted nuclei assembled from human sperm in (A) control and (B) NuMAdepleted extracts. Sections at the periphery of the nucleus are shown. NuMA was visualized with silver-enhanced immunogold (indicated by arrowheads). (C-D) Electron micrographs of unextracted nuclei formed from human sperm DNA in (C) undepleted and (D) NuMA-depleted extracts. (E-F) Electron microscopy of nuclei formed from bacterial plasmid DNA in (E) undepleted and (F) NuMA-depleted extracts. (G) Electron micrograph of a nucleus from sperm DNA incubated in NuMA-depleted extract, containing nuclear pores (arrows). (H) Electron micrograph of a small nucleus assembled from bacterial plasmid DNA, containing a closed nuclear membrane with nuclear pores (arrowheads). (I-K′) Human sperm acquires a nuclear lamina from frog lamin LIII in undepleted and NuMA-depleted extracts. (I-K) DNA staining with DAPI of human sperm (I) before incubation in frog egg extract, and after 60 minutes in calcium chloride treated interphasic extract that was (J) mock-depleted and (K) NuMA-depleted. The corresponding immunofluorescence of lamin LIII is shown in (I′-K′). Bars: (B,D,F,G,H), 1 µm; (K′), 20 µm. (+) NuMA-containing; (−) NuMA-depleted egg extract. shape in the case of frogs and to improve sperm motility due to a less rigid nucleoplasm. To see whether other cell types with non-spherical nuclei were also devoid of NuMA, we continued our search in blood cells. One class of leucocytes in human blood, the granulocytes, represent cells with clearly non-spherical nuclei. We tested for NuMA using the previously characterized monoclonal antibody 1F1 (Compton et al., 1991). Immunofluorescence of eosinophile granulocytes NuMA in the interphase nucleus 75 Fig. 4. Nuclear import takes place in NuMA-free nuclei. (AD) DNA staining with DAPI of sperm nuclei in (A,B) undepleted and (C,D) NuMA-depleted egg extracts. (A′-D′) Corresponding images showing the rhodamine fluorescence of a labeled nuclear import substrate, synthesized from human serum albumin coupled to the SV40 large T nuclear signal peptide. The import is inhibited by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), as shown in B′ and D′. Bar, 20 µm. revealed that NuMA was absent from their two-lobed nuclei, whereas a diffuse cytoplasmic NuMA signal was detected (Fig. 5E′). The same result could be obtained in granulocytes from mouse blood (not shown). In contrast, lymphocytes from the same human blood preparation contained spherical nuclei and showed a strong and homogeneous nuclear NuMA staining (Fig. 5F′). Besides sperm and granulocytes, another cell type was found to contain NuMA in an unconventional distribution. Sections of skeletal muscle of the frog hind leg revealed an exclusively granular or punctate NuMA staining in the elongated muscle cell nuclei (Fig. 5G′). To see whether muscle fibers other than from skeletal muscle showed a similar NuMA staining pattern, sections of the heart and the stomach (the latter containing smooth muscle cells) were investigated. As in skeletal muscle, these samples also revealed a weak punctate immunofluorescence of NuMA in all nuclei of muscle fibers (Fig. 5H′ and I′). Immunoblotting of several tissues revealed that NuMA was present in liver and lung at a slightly lower molecular mass than in frog sperm and eggs (Fig. 5J), perhaps indicating a difference in the phosphorylation state of NuMA due to their different cell cycle state or an alternatively spliced isoform (Tang et al., 1993; Cleveland, 1995). Muscle tissue, however, showed no detectable amounts of full length NuMA by immunoblotting, but revealed the presence of reactive protein bands at ~100 kDa and below (Fig. 5J). This indicated that the granular NuMA signal seen inside muscle fiber nuclei most likely represents NuMA degradation products. Finally, to test whether concentration of NuMA in nuclear foci is a general feature of muscle fibers, we cultured mouse myoblasts and induced the formation of myotubes in vitro by serum starvation. Fig. 6B shows that once multinucleate myotubes are formed, NuMA is no longer homogeneously distributed over the nucleoplasm, but a major proportion is concentrated in focal areas inside the nucleus (Fig. 6B′′). These NuMA foci also colocalize with regions of high chromatin condensation, as revealed by parallel staining of the DNA with DAPI (Fig. 6B′). Thus, the particular NuMA staining seen in muscle tissue is recapitulated during differentiation in vitro. Immunoblotting of cells after two days of differentiation revealed that NuMA is only present in a lower molecular mass form (approximately 200 kDa) and at a significantly reduced amount. Continued culturing of the myotubes resulted in a complete loss of the NuMA signal (Fig. 6C). We therefore conclude that NuMA is degraded in maturing muscle fiber cells and that the degraded form is accumulated in the nuclear foci seen by immunofluorescence. 76 A. Merdes and D. W. Cleveland Fig. 5. NuMA localization in cells from various tissues. (AI) DNA staining with DAPI. (A′-I′) Immunofluorescence of NuMA. Fluorescence micrographs of tissue sections from (A) frog liver, (B) frog testis, (G) frog hindleg muscle, (H) frog heart muscle, (I) frog stomach, as well as preparations of (C) untreated and (D) swollen frog sperm, (E) an eosinophile granulocyte from human blood and (F) a human lymphocyte. (C′′) The immunofluorescence of γtubulin in frog sperm, corresponding with the NuMA-labeling in C′ and the DNA-staining in C. (J) A NuMA-immunoblot of frog egg extract, frog liver, frog lung, frog sperm and frog leg muscle. The positions of molecular mass standards are indicated. Bars: in F′ (for A,A′,B,B′,D,D′,E,E′,F,F′) and I′ (for C,C′,C′′,G,G′,H,H′,I,I′), 20 µm. DISCUSSION Previous work has shown that NuMA is a fairly abundant protein with 2×105 copies per cell (Compton et al., 1992), and that it localizes exclusively to the nucleoplasm in interphase cells in culture, as well as in cells from adult tissues, such as skin, liver, brain (Kallajoki et al., 1992), esophagus, cornea, and epidermis (Tang et al., 1993). Surprisingly, in this report we have found that several cell types in the adult organism, including sperm cells, granulocytes in mammalian blood and muscle fiber cells all lack regularly distributed NuMA in the nucleus. Common to all these cell types is the non-spherical NuMA in the interphase nucleus 77 Fig. 6. NuMA is degraded during muscle fiber maturation and enriched in intranuclear granules. (A,B) Phase contrast light micrographs of myoblasts and fused myotubes, respectively. (A′,B′) Corresponding DNA-staining with DAPI. (A′′,B′′) NuMA-immunofluorescence in the nuclei of (A′′) myoblasts and (B′′) fused, multinuclear myotubes. (A′′,B′′) Identically exposed. (C) Immunoblots of myoblasts, myotubes after two and four days in culture, and HeLa cell extract. Top: a human autoimmune antibody against NuMA, crossreacting with NuMA in mouse myoblasts, was used. Bottom: immunoblot using an anti-myosin II antibody, indicating that comparable amounts of protein was loaded in all samples. Myosin II overexpression was not yet visible at the indicated stages of cell culture. Bar, 20 µm. appearance of their nuclei. In line with the mounting evidence which indicates that NuMA constitutes a nucleoskeletal element (Zeng et al., 1994a; Saredi et al., 1996, 1997), our findings suggest that NuMA may also be involved in defining the nuclear shape in interphase cells and that the absence of NuMA may allow the cell to modulate the nuclear architecture to adapt to specific functions upon differentiation. In frog sperm, the sickle-shaped nucleus may need to retain a certain degree of elasticity in order to allow sperm motility. If a nucleoskeletal element such as NuMA were present in sperm, it would probably increase the mechanical rigidity of the cell, placing such sperm at a potentially serious disadvantage during fertilization. An alternative, but not mutually exclusive possibility, is that NuMA could have been excluded from the sperm nucleus to allow dense packing of the hypercondensed DNA. Consistent with these roles, frog sperm contained some NuMA protein, but this was outside the nucleus, most likely associated with centrosomal material. This small amount of NuMA could be supporting the organization of the sperm-induced microtubule aster after fertilization of the frog egg, and ensure the anchoring of those microtubules to the center of the aster that have disconnected from the centrosomal nucleation origin (Merdes and Cleveland, 1997). NuMA in muscle cells appears to be degraded during muscle fiber maturation. On one hand, it is possible that degeneration of nuclear material is a general property of the mature muscle fibers. Consistent with this, muscle fiber cells are unable to proliferate and cannot regenerate themselves, but are replaced by satellite cells induced to become myocytes (Snow, 1977). On the other hand, NuMA degradation could be part of an active process to adapt the nucleus to the mechanical requirements of the muscle fiber cell. It has been documented that in smooth muscle fibers, the nucleus retains an elongated shape with a smooth contour as long as the fiber is relaxed. As the muscle fiber contracts, the nucleus becomes shortened in length and shows deep clefts and convolutions of its surface (Lane, 1965), apparently due to the deforming forces of the contracting cell. Similarly, as in the sperm cell, the presence of rigid nuclear skeletal elements such as NuMA (Zeng et al., 1994a) would most likely interfere with such nuclear plasticity. Release of NuMA to allow modulation of the nuclear shape may also play a role in the differentiation of myeloid stem cells into granulocytes, which display a very unusual nuclear 78 A. Merdes and D. W. Cleveland morphology characterized by two large lobes interconnected by a small nucleoplasmic bridge in eosinophiles. However, the reason for remodeling the granulocyte nucleus is not known. In our examples of NuMA-free nuclei, the absence of NuMA could be due to a lack of expression, specific posttranslational modifications, or by proteolytic degradation, as shown in muscle fiber cells. The machinery that leads to the proteolysis of NuMA may involve some of the recently described ‘death proteases’ or ‘caspases’ that are involved in apoptotic nuclear degradation (Earnshaw, 1995). There is evidence that apoptosis does involve proteolysis of NuMA (Weaver et al., 1996; Hsu and Yeh, 1996) and that the apoptotic degradation products are of similar size as the NuMA forms found in myotubes. Perhaps degradation of nuclear proteins in terminally differentiated cells such as granulocytes or muscle fibers reflects a step that precedes the execution of apoptotic cell death upon further specific signals. This would explain the rapid turnover that granulocytes undergo upon parasite infection or muscle fibers upon muscle injury. The absence of NuMA from the nucleus, however, is not always linked to nuclear degradation or future cell death, as NuMA-free sperm cells give rise to a complete new organism following fertilization of the egg. Taken together, our results presented here, as well as earlier reports document that NuMA is normally present in regular interphase nuclei, but not in all cell types. Thus, if NuMA plays a role as a structural nuclear component in interphase, its function must be non-essential and might be redundant with other structural elements, such as the nuclear lamins, chromatin binding proteins, or other, yet unidentified components (Georgatos, 1994). This idea is consistent with our finding that nuclei of normal spherical shape are formed in the absence of NuMA in frog egg extracts which allow nuclear formation in the test tube without any mechanical constraints of the cytoskeleton, plasma membranes, or surrounding tissue. Furthermore, these experiments show that neither nuclear transport nor incorporation of proteins such as lamin LIII into the nuclear scaffold require NuMA. Although the depletion of the structural nuclear envelope protein lamin LIII inhibits DNA replication (Newport et al., 1990; Meier et al., 1991), our immunodepletion data demonstrate that NuMA is not essential for this process. An additional proposal for NuMA-function in the nucleus is derived from previous experiments showing that overexpression of head- or tail-less NuMA mutants in cultured mitotic cells causes the formation of micronuclei when the cell exits from mitosis (Compton and Cleveland, 1993). These data suggest that NuMA plays an important role in the postmitotic reformation of the nucleus. In contrast, the data presented in this paper demonstrate that nuclear formation is independent of the presence of NuMA, and NuMA-free nuclei show no detectable alterations in the ultrastructure of both the chromatin and the nuclear envelope. Certainly, the system used to assay nuclear formation in our current work, i.e. the formation of a nucleus from a compact mass of sperm chromatin, may be different from the postmitotic nuclear reformation around multiple individual chromosomes. Yet, our data are fully consistent with reports by Yang and Snyder (1992) and Kallajoki et al. (1993), who both observed the formation of normal daughter nuclei after mitosis, despite the apparently complete sequestration of NuMA in the cytoplasm or at the centrosomes, caused by antibodies microinjected during anaphase. In addition, immunofluorescence of NuMA in telophase cells indicates that the formation of daughter cell nuclei precedes nuclear import of NuMA (Yang et al., 1992). Therefore, the most likely explanation of the post-mitotic micronuclei formation after expression of NuMA mutants (Compton and Cleveland, 1993) or after NuMA-antibody injection into PtK2 cells prior to anaphase (Kallajoki et al., 1993) is a disruptive effect on the mitotic spindle resulting in inefficient chromosome tethering to the pole late in anaphase and/or telophase, rather than a direct effect on the formation of the nucleus. Consistent with this, it has been clearly demonstrated that NuMA is essential during the formation of mitotic spindles by tethering microtubules at the spindle poles (Merdes et al., 1996; Gaglio et al., 1995, 1996). Finally, the question why NuMA is localized to the interphase nucleus in most cells still remains to be answered. Probably, incorporation of NuMA into the nucleus after completion of mitosis may allow the cell to segregate this protein to avoid interference of NuMA with the building of a functional interphase microtubule network. Overexpression studies of wild-type NuMA in cultured cells have revealed that excess NuMA that is not imported into the interphase nucleus can indeed bind to microtubules in the pericentrosomal area and in some instances reduce the density of the microtubule network (Gueth-Hallonet et al., 1996). In this view, the interphase nucleus provides a storage compartment from which NuMA is released upon mitotic phosphorylation and nuclear envelope breakdown in prometaphase. We thank Drs K. Arden, D. J. Forbes, W. W. Franke, R. Heald, D. E. Pettijohn, and T. Pollard for their generous donations of antibodies and cultured cells. We thank our colleagues in the laboratory for their help and stimulating discussions. This work was supported by NIH grant R37 GM 27036 to D.W.C. 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