TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 User Guide Publication number Copyright notice TIAU-1000-00 (July 2010) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 (the Programs and associated materials) is a proprietary product of UNICOM Systems, Inc. The Programs have been provided pursuant to License Agreement containing restrictions on their use. The programs and associated materials contain valuable trade secrets and proprietary information of UNICOM Systems, Inc. and are protected by United States Federal and non-United States copyright laws. The Programs and associated materials may not be reproduced, copied, changed, stored, disclosed to third parties, and distributed in any form or media (including but not limited to copies on magnetic media) without the express prior written permission of UNICOM Systems, Inc., 15535 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Suite 310, Mission Hills, CA 91345 U.S.A. Information in this publication is subject to change. Changes will be published in new editions or technical newsletters. Documentation set The documentation relating to this product includes: Getting Started with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client Getting Started with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide Application Planning Guide Managing IFS Objects with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 PWM Quick Reference TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Copyright © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Program may be reproduced in any form or by electronic means, including the use of information storage and retrieval systems, without the express prior written consent and authorization of UNICOM Systems, Inc. Synchronizer User Guide No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission from UNICOM Systems, Inc. Trademark acknowledgements The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation: APPC, APPN, iSeries, System i, OfficeVision, OS/400, and SNA. Product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................................................... IX WHO SHOULD USE THIS GUIDE .........................................................................................................................................IX UNICOM SYSTEMS, INC. RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................IX UNICOM SYSTEMS, INC. CAUTIONS ..................................................................................................................................X WHAT'S NEW IN TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100? .........................................................................................................XI THE TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 INFORMATION LIBRARY ..................................................................................... XII CHAPTER 1: WORKING WITH APPLICATION DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................1-1 GETTING STARTED...........................................................................................................................................................1-2 WORK WITH APPLICATION DEFINITIONS PANEL ..............................................................................................................1-3 WORK WITH APPLICATION DEFINITION PANEL ................................................................................................................1-7 DEFINE THE APPLICATION PANEL ....................................................................................................................................1-9 Application Description ........................................................................................................................................... 1-12 Application Defaults and Rules ................................................................................................................................ 1-13 Project Defaults........................................................................................................................................................ 1-15 Library Defaults ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-18 Form Defaults .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-21 Line Defaults ............................................................................................................................................................ 1-29 Type Codes ............................................................................................................................................................... 1-37 Authorized Users ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-43 Distribution Defaults ................................................................................................................................................ 1-44 Approval Lists .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-45 Form Completion Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 1-48 Application Relationships......................................................................................................................................... 1-49 Version and Object Stamping Defaults .................................................................................................................... 1-51 CHAPTER 2: SETTING UP PROGRAMMER PROFILES........................................................................................2-1 ENROLLING PROGRAMMERS IN TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 .................................................................................2-2 Step 1: Sign-on as User TURNOVER ........................................................................................................................2-2 Step 2: Enter Programmer Information ....................................................................................................................2-3 CHAPTER 3: AUTHORIZING USERS TO TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 ...................................................3-1 SIGN ON AS USER “TURNOVER” .......................................................................................................................................3-1 ENTERING USERS AND AUTHORITIES ...............................................................................................................................3-2 SOURCE Authority ....................................................................................................................................................3-3 FORMS Authority .......................................................................................................................................................3-3 SYSTEM Authority......................................................................................................................................................3-3 PROJECTS Authority .................................................................................................................................................3-4 AUTHORIZING USERS TO APPLICATIONS, PROJECTS, OR WISEDESK TREES ......................................................................3-5 DELETING A USER FROM TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 ............................................................................................3-7 CHAPTER 4: WORKING WITH OBJECT HISTORY...............................................................................................4-1 THE WORK WITH OBJECT HISTORY PANEL ......................................................................................................................4-2 WORKING WITH NAMED FILTERS ....................................................................................................................................4-8 Adding and maintaining named filters .......................................................................................................................4-9 Filtering objects ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-13 VIEWING ARCHIVED INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 4-23 Restoring archived source members ........................................................................................................................ 4-24 How archiving works ............................................................................................................................................... 4-25 CHAPTER 5: CHECKING OUT/CHECKING IN SOURCE ......................................................................................5-1 THE CHECKOUT MENU ....................................................................................................................................................5-2 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page iii TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Table of Contents THE CHECKOUT/CHECK-IN MENU ...................................................................................................................................5-3 VIEWING CHECKED OUT OBJECTS OR MEMBERS .............................................................................................................5-4 Change checkout record .............................................................................................................................................5-5 CHECKING IN SOURCE FOR PRODUCTION OBJECTS ..........................................................................................................5-7 CHECKING IN SOURCE MEMBERS ....................................................................................................................................5-8 CHECKING OUT SOURCE BY OBJECT OR MEMBER ...........................................................................................................5-9 VIEWING CHECKED OUT IFS OBJECTS ..........................................................................................................................5-10 CHECKING IN IFS OBJECTS ............................................................................................................................................5-11 CHECKING OUT IFS OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................................5-12 WORKING WITH OBJECT REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................5-13 WORKING WITH USER-DEFINED REFERENCES ................................................................................................................5-15 PROGRAMMER WORKLIST MANAGER (PWM) ...............................................................................................................5-16 WORKING WITH *DATA DEFINITIONS ..........................................................................................................................5-17 CHECK OUT S/36 MENU ................................................................................................................................................5-19 CHECK OUT S/36 DFU ..................................................................................................................................................5-20 CHECKING OUT IN A MULTI-LEVEL ENVIRONMENT .......................................................................................................5-21 CHECKING OUT IN A VENDOR ENVIRONMENT ...............................................................................................................5-22 MULTIPLE CHECKOUT FACILITY ....................................................................................................................................5-23 CHAPTER 6: WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORMS .....................................................6-1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................................................6-1 What’s a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form?.........................................................................................................6-1 A few important things you should know about TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms .............................................6-3 CREATING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORM .....................................................................................................6-5 The Work with Forms panel .......................................................................................................................................6-7 Listing and selecting named filters ...........................................................................................................................6-13 Working with named filters ......................................................................................................................................6-14 Sorting and filtering forms .......................................................................................................................................6-18 Adding a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form ........................................................................................................6-29 Adding a new TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form .................................................................................................6-30 Selecting items for the form ......................................................................................................................................6-33 Working with the Form Maintenance panel .............................................................................................................6-34 Adding a line to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form ..........................................................................................6-40 Exiting from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Maintenance panel ............................................................6-42 Approving a form on line..........................................................................................................................................6-44 Printing a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form.......................................................................................................6-46 WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORMS ...........................................................................................6-47 Changing a form line................................................................................................................................................6-48 Adding a form or line comment ................................................................................................................................6-52 Entering form comments ..........................................................................................................................................6-53 Entering line comments ............................................................................................................................................6-54 Entering pre-run and post-run commands ...............................................................................................................6-55 Changing form header information ..........................................................................................................................6-64 Entering a lock check ...............................................................................................................................................6-66 Entering completion messages .................................................................................................................................6-68 Copying forms ..........................................................................................................................................................6-70 Creating a recovery form .........................................................................................................................................6-77 Approving forms on line ...........................................................................................................................................6-79 CHAPTER 7: SUBMITTING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORM TO RUN ..........................................7-1 SUBMITTING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORM TO RUN ...........................................................................7-3 Select a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to submit .............................................................................................7-3 Changing form distribution defaults ..........................................................................................................................7-7 More about submitting TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms ...................................................................................7-9 Page iv © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Table of Contents SCHEDULING FORM JOBS ............................................................................................................................................... 7-10 SUBMITTING A GROUP OF FORMS TO RUN TOGETHER ................................................................................... 7-12 How do form groups work? ...................................................................................................................................... 7-14 SUBMITTING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 ERROR-CHECK JOB .......................................................................... 7-15 CREATE AND SUBMIT A RECOVERY FORM ..................................................................................................................... 7-16 What happens during Form Recovery processing? .................................................................................................. 7-16 WORK WITH FORM GROUP JOBS .................................................................................................................................... 7-17 RESTARTING A FAILED TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 JOB ..................................................................................... 7-21 CHAPTER 8: UTILITY MENU......................................................................................................................................8-1 PURGING TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 DATA .........................................................................................................8-2 WORKING WITH SOURCE ARCHIVE FILES ..........................................................................................................................8-4 WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 TYPE CODE DEFINITIONS .................................................................8-6 Adding or changing TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes ................................................................................8-8 Creating user-defined parameters ............................................................................................................................ 8-15 SETTING GLOBAL TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 DEFAULTS ................................................................................... 8-17 DISPLAYING CURRENT RELEASE LEVEL ........................................................................................................................ 8-21 WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 EXITS ............................................................................................. 8-22 REORGANIZING TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FILES .............................................................................................. 8-24 ARCHIVING OBJECTS TO OFF LINE................................................................................................................................. 8-25 LOOKING UP AND RESTORING ARCHIVED OBJECTS ....................................................................................................... 8-27 SETTING SOURCE COMPARE UTILITY DEFAULTS ........................................................................................................... 8-28 SETTING PROGRAMMER WORKLIST GLOBAL DEFAULTS ............................................................................................... 8-29 WORKING WITH THE TYPE CODE CONVERSION TABLE .................................................................................................. 8-30 Adding an entry ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-32 Changing an entry .................................................................................................................................................... 8-34 Copying an entry ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-34 Deleting an entry ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-34 Displaying an entry .................................................................................................................................................. 8-34 What happens to the “old” source member? ........................................................................................................... 8-35 SAVING AN IFS ARCHIVE DIRECTORY ........................................................................................................................... 8-36 CHAPTER 9: WORKING WITH PROJECTS AND TASKS .....................................................................................9-1 ABOUT TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS: AN OVERVIEW .............................................................................9-1 Project Views..............................................................................................................................................................9-4 The Helpdesk View .....................................................................................................................................................9-5 User Entry View .........................................................................................................................................................9-7 Coordinator’s View ....................................................................................................................................................9-9 Project Leader’s and Developer’s View................................................................................................................... 9-13 Time reporting .......................................................................................................................................................... 9-14 Auditing task changes............................................................................................................................................... 9-14 TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS AUTHORITY ............................................................................................. 9-16 Authorizing users to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects ................................................................................. 9-16 Authorizing users to a project .................................................................................................................................. 9-18 WORKING WITH PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................. 9-19 The Work with Projects panel .................................................................................................................................. 9-19 Creating and changing a project .............................................................................................................................. 9-23 Creating a Helpdesk project..................................................................................................................................... 9-38 TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS VIEWS ...................................................................................................... 9-41 Working with requesters (HELPDESK) ................................................................................................................... 9-42 Working with FASTTASK ......................................................................................................................................... 9-46 Working with WORKTASK ....................................................................................................................................... 9-54 WORKING WITH TASKS AND SUBTASKS ......................................................................................................................... 9-68 The Work with Tasks panel ...................................................................................................................................... 9-69 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page v TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Table of Contents Adding and changing a task .....................................................................................................................................9-74 After adding or reviewing a task ..............................................................................................................................9-76 TASK ESCALATION PROCESSING .....................................................................................................................................9-77 An overview ..............................................................................................................................................................9-77 Task escalation: how it works .................................................................................................................................9-78 The escalation table..................................................................................................................................................9-80 Example escalation policy ........................................................................................................................................9-84 Examples of escalation processing ...........................................................................................................................9-85 Working with the escalation queue...........................................................................................................................9-87 WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS CONTROL FILES.............................................................9-88 Work with status codes .............................................................................................................................................9-89 Work with task types .................................................................................................................................................9-90 Work with timesheet categories ................................................................................................................................9-91 Work with resources .................................................................................................................................................9-92 Work with requesters ................................................................................................................................................9-93 Work with user-defined fields ...................................................................................................................................9-95 Work with entry masks .............................................................................................................................................9-98 Work with report masks..........................................................................................................................................9-100 Work with project messages ...................................................................................................................................9-102 Work with escalation tables....................................................................................................................................9-104 Work with Reason Codes (Option 11) ....................................................................................................................9-112 ENTERING TIME USING THE ON-LINE TIMESHEET .......................................................................................................9-113 Viewing time reporting for projects and tasks........................................................................................................9-115 PROGRAMMER WORKLIST MANAGER (PWM) .............................................................................................................9-116 Getting started with PWM ......................................................................................................................................9-117 Working with the Programmer Worklist ................................................................................................................9-118 Running source compare from PWM .....................................................................................................................9-123 Checking for cross-reference information ..............................................................................................................9-124 Related application processing ..............................................................................................................................9-131 Using the multiple-checkout option ........................................................................................................................9-134 PROJECT REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................................9-135 WISEDESK ....................................................................................................................................................................9-136 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................9-136 Setting up a help tree ..............................................................................................................................................9-137 Finding information in a help tree .........................................................................................................................9-146 Setting up dynamic category updating ...................................................................................................................9-151 CHAPTER 10: TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 REPORTS ..............................................................................10-1 OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................................................................10-1 THE REPORTING MENU ..................................................................................................................................................10-2 APPLICATION REPORTS ..............................................................................................................................................10-3 Print Application Definition .....................................................................................................................................10-3 Check Application Definition ...................................................................................................................................10-8 Application Audit Report ........................................................................................................................................10-11 Audit Adjustments Report .......................................................................................................................................10-15 PROJECT REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................................10-17 Projects and Tasks Report: Summary Version ......................................................................................................10-17 Projects and Tasks Report: Detail Version ...........................................................................................................10-19 Project Task Report: *MASK version ....................................................................................................................10-22 Resource Time Report ............................................................................................................................................10-24 Project Timesheet Report .......................................................................................................................................10-25 Projects and Tasks by Priority ...............................................................................................................................10-26 Project Cost Report ................................................................................................................................................10-27 Task Aging Report ..................................................................................................................................................10-28 Page vi © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Table of Contents Project Definition Report ....................................................................................................................................... 10-31 HISTORY REPORTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 10-32 List Forms .............................................................................................................................................................. 10-32 Object History Report ............................................................................................................................................ 10-34 Programmer History Report .................................................................................................................................. 10-36 Source Checkout History Report ............................................................................................................................ 10-38 Reference Activity Report ....................................................................................................................................... 10-40 Related Application Conflict Report ...................................................................................................................... 10-41 DISTRIBUTION REPORTS .............................................................................................................................................. 10-43 Form Distribution Report....................................................................................................................................... 10-43 Object Distribution Report ..................................................................................................................................... 10-44 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................... 10-45 Authorized TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Users Report ...................................................................................... 10-45 Programmer Profile Information Report ............................................................................................................... 10-46 OTHER TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 REPORTS .................................................................................................... 10-47 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report ........................................................................................................... 10-47 CHAPTER 11: DISTRIBUTING CHANGES TO PRODUCTION COMPUTERS ................................................ 11-1 DISTRIBUTION OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 11-1 Manual distribution .................................................................................................................................................. 11-2 Automatic distribution .............................................................................................................................................. 11-3 Specifying the distribution job queue ....................................................................................................................... 11-4 Combination distribution ......................................................................................................................................... 11-4 Application definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 11-4 Distributing source members ................................................................................................................................... 11-6 Distributing physical file data .................................................................................................................................. 11-7 Distributing logical files ........................................................................................................................................... 11-8 Updating form status ................................................................................................................................................ 11-8 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form numbers ......................................................................................................... 11-9 Network versus media distribution ......................................................................................................................... 11-10 More about network distribution ............................................................................................................................ 11-10 Confirmation messages and form log entries ......................................................................................................... 11-11 Distribution authority ............................................................................................................................................. 11-11 Distributed object ownership and authority ........................................................................................................... 11-11 Distribution user .................................................................................................................................................... 11-12 User to receive confirmation messages .................................................................................................................. 11-12 SETTING UP YOUR SYSTEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION ......................................................................................................... 11-13 Step 1: Draw a change and distribution schematic ............................................................................................... 11-14 Step 3: Create remote application definitions for distributed applications .......................................................... 11-24 Step 4: Check OS/400 release level and set TGTRLS parameter if needed........................................................... 11-26 Step 5: Set up message processing autostart job ................................................................................................... 11-26 Step 6: Set up remote receive autostart job ........................................................................................................... 11-26 Step 7: Distribute application and system definitions to your remote computer ................................................... 11-27 Step 8: Test changes and distribution process ...................................................................................................... 11-34 DISTRIBUTING FORMS MANUALLY .............................................................................................................................. 11-35 Step 1: Select forms to be distributed .................................................................................................................... 11-35 Step 2: Submit distribution job .............................................................................................................................. 11-37 Step 3: Redistributing forms .................................................................................................................................. 11-38 Step 4: Receive a form manually ........................................................................................................................... 11-39 Step 5: Select network files to be received ............................................................................................................ 11-40 Step 6: Submit form to be run ................................................................................................................................ 11-40 DISTRIBUTING FORMS AUTOMATICALLY ..................................................................................................................... 11-41 Step 1: Submit a form ............................................................................................................................................ 11-41 Step 2: View distribution defaults.......................................................................................................................... 11-42 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page vii TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Table of Contents Step 3: Change distribution defaults .....................................................................................................................11-43 UPDATING FORM DISTRIBUTION STATUS.....................................................................................................................11-44 Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms ...................................................................................................11-45 View system distribution status ..............................................................................................................................11-46 Update status ..........................................................................................................................................................11-46 USING THE FORM LOG .................................................................................................................................................11-47 How the form log works .........................................................................................................................................11-47 HOW DISTRIBUTION WORKS ........................................................................................................................................11-54 The distribution overview .......................................................................................................................................11-54 What happens on the development computer .........................................................................................................11-56 What happens on the production computer ............................................................................................................11-60 Page viii © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide PREFACE This guide is intended to help you use the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 user interface on the iSeries. It contains chapters that describe the panel interface of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product. The chapter numbers correspond directly to the options on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. WHO SHOULD USE THIS GUIDE This guide is intended for the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator, Developer, and System Administrator. You, the reader of this guide, should have a general knowledge of the iSeries, be familiar with Security Administration, and understand the organization of your company’s applications and databases. You should also have some understanding of, and experience with, Command Language (CL). 1 UNICOM SYSTEMS, INC. RECOMMENDATIONS Throughout this guide you will be given a complete explanation of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 features and procedures to help you install the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 system quickly. Where appropriate, we have provided additional notes that contain our recommendations to help you with the decisions you need to make. We clearly label our recommendations like this: UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Our first recommendation is probably the most important. We suggest that you assign someone to be your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator. This person does not need to be a programmer – in fact, most data processing auditors recommend that you assign someone outside of programming to act as your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator. This person might be an operations manager, quality assurance specialist, or database Administrator. Ideally, this person will understand the technical issues related to system security, data integrity, and object management, and will have some programming experience. 1 The iSeries context-sensitive Help is a useful reference for CL. You can position the cursor on a command prompt display to get Help about the command, and you can position the cursor on a field to get Help about parameters for that field. Also, for information about every aspect of your system hardware and software, refer to the many fine publications that come with your IBM iSeries computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page ix TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Preface UNICOM SYSTEMS, INC. CAUTIONS In every system there are choices – some choices may come back to haunt you later, especially where your production environment is concerned. We have provided cautions whenever we felt that you will need to make a particularly important choice. Cautions look like this: UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! Although we have provided you with the capability to Move Objects (MO) and Create Duplicate Objects (CD) from test libraries to production libraries, we recommend that you use the option CSCO (Copy Source to production and Compile Object) to ensure that the object is always created from the source member in your production library and that the correct files are used when creating the object. Page x © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Preface WHAT'S NEW IN TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100? This is a brief summary of the changes that are included in TURNOVER® for iSeries for the new release. New Eclipse-based TURNOVER® Client (January 2006). With the introduction of this product TURNOVER® for iSeries completes its transition to the Eclipse Rich Client Platform. The TURNOVER® for iSeries Client completely replaces TURNOVER® Client/Server. Projects-related enhancements. These consist of: • Relational dependencies between user-defined fields. This enhancement is available in all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 interfaces that handle projects and tasks. • A new exit point pertaining to blackout times for escalation processing. • Two new exits for task authorization and validation. Enhanced form filtering in the Work with Forms 5250 interface. A new function key (F17) on the Work with Forms panel provides access to sorting and filtering functions that make working with forms on that panel MUCH easier. New CHGPWLPGMR and TARAFORM commands. The CHGPWLPGMR command (Change Programmer Worklist Programmer) is useful when you need to reassign the programmer associated with a given worklist. Depending on the parameters you pass, the changes made might include: Worklist programmer, Worklist item programmer for all lines on the worklist, and checkout records. The TARAFORM command (TURNOVER® for iSeries Add Related Application Form) is useful when you need to create related application forms once the base form has been created. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page xi TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Preface THE TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 INFORMATION LIBRARY Other sources of information about TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 include: • The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 iSeries information library, consisting of (in addition to this TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide) a getting started guide and a tutorial: o The Getting Started with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 guide provides instructions for installing TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 on your iSeries computer (for the first time), upgrading to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, and applying changes to an existing TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 release. o The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Tutorial presents an example of a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 application, and walks you through the steps you would typically perform in your actual working environments. o The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide contains topics of specific interest to software developers. It also serves as an effective introduction to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. o The Synchronizer User Guide describes all of the features of the Synchronizer system, including the source compare and merge programs. • The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide provides information to help you understand TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 application definitions. (This information is user interface independent.) • The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplements and Technical Bulletins are articles on specialized or advanced topics. • The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Interface Guides describe how to use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to manage objects created by other products. 2 • The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client/Server information library remains available on the CD for customers who have not transitioned to the new TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client. • The Getting Started with the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client guide provides installation and configuration instructions for using the Eclipse-based TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 plugins, either in the standalone TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client or within your WebSphere IDE. 2 For a complete list of products with which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 interfaces, visit our Web site or contact your UNICOM Systems, Inc. Sales Representative. Page xii © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Preface • TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement #66: Implementing TURNOVER® for SVN v100 provides complete information for installing and configuring the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 version control product for your Web/PC/Java development projects. This product integrates seamlessly with the Eclipse-based TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 plug-ins running either in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client or another Eclipse-based IDE such as IBM’s Rational Application Developer (RAD) or WebSphere Development Studio Client (WDSC) products. In addition, Help text (both field sensitive and extended help) is available for every display. Position the cursor to any field, or to the panel title, and press the F1/Help key. All TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 documentation is available as Adobe™ Acrobat® PDF files on your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product CD. Using the Acrobat® Reader with Search (also provided), you can search, view, and print TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 information. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page xiii TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Preface Page xiv © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 1: WORKING WITH APPLICATION DEFINITIONS Your application definitions tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 about your software development, test and production environments. This is where you specify defaults to be used when checking out objects and source and when working with Projects and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms. Default entries also permit you to define rules. For example, you can specify libraries, you can enforce a naming standard, and you can define rules about how to promote objects. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 comes with many of the system-wide defaults already set when you get it. It also has several applications defined as examples (see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide). After you review this chapter, we suggest that you review the settings of the system-wide defaults and change whatever is necessary to conform to your company’s environment. When you create an application definition, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 starts by making a copy of the System-wide defaults. (Note: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does this, except when you copy another application definition or use one of the models to create your own definitions.) The more representative of your environments this is, the fewer changes you’ll have to make when defining your applications later. With proper authority, you can change these defaults at any time. You can add application entries any time you need to as well. For field definitions, refer to the online Help text (press F1/Help). UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We strongly recommend that you use the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator module and its Application Designer feature to design and maintain your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 application definitions. You’ll find it much easier and more intuitive to design your applications in a graphical user interface, PLUS you’ll have the added benefit of application auditing. For more information, read your Getting Started with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator guide. Before you begin, create a list of all of your software applications and identify the all libraries associated with each application environment (QA, Production, and so on). Where is the source stored? Where are the data files? Where are the programs and related objects? Are any of these items stored in secured libraries (for example, vendor source) to prevent them from being changed? Next, diagram your environments on paper. Then copy one of the models provided with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and modify it to reflect your diagram. For more information, and for additional guidance in deciding how best to set up applications on your system, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. If you are planning to distribute changes to other computers, we suggest that you also read Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions GETTING STARTED To work with application definitions, sign on as TURNOVER or use a profile that is authorized to work with application definitions. 1/29/10 11:16:26 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu Your Company Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. Work with application definitions 2. Maintain programmer information 3. Maintain Users authority 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Work with object history Check-out/check-in menu Work with forms Submit a form to run Utility menu Work with Projects and Tasks Reporting menu Distribution menu Programmer Worklist Manager Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F24=More keys From the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu, select option 1 (Work with application definitions) and press Enter. (Alternatively, you can type the WRKAPPDFN command on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 command line.) The Work with Application Definitions panel appears. Page 1-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions WORK WITH APPLICATION DEFINITIONS PANEL The Work with Application Definitions panel lets you define and maintain your application definitions. You’ll see entries for application definitions to which you have authority to any level, or for applications that have no levels yet. 1/29/10 Work with Application Definitions Your Company Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS (Home) Rel: Ver: Position to . . . Application: Fltr: Type options (and Application), press Enter. 1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 7=Rename 14=Create missing items 19=Application relations . . . Opt Appl AP VNDF VNDR YCAP 01M 02M 03M 04M 05M Rel Ver 1 Description System-Wide Defaults Accounts Payable - TurnOver Tutorial Vendor Base with Fixes and Mods Vendor Base with Mods Your Company's Software Application Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Emer. N N N N N N N N N N N Relations More... F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Create application definition F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=Command line F23=More options F12=Cancel Additional Options: 21=Change level 1 22=Change level 2 . . . 299=Change level 99 51=View level 1 52=View level 2 . . . 599=View level 99 . . . From this panel, you can work with both system-wide and application definition defaults. You can use the system-wide defaults as a base from which to create a new application entry when you use option 1=Create. What you can do: Position to Type the application, release, or version code associated with the application definition with which you want to work, and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 positions the cursor at that application. You can then select that application definition with the options described below. If your list of applications is filtered, the cursor is positioned within the filter if applicable. (See the description of the Fltr field, below.) Fltr Type an entry in one or more filter fields to filter the list of application definitions by application code, release, version, description, emergency setting, or application relationship. If you type a value in more than one field, you will see only those definitions that meet all criteria specified. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard prefix or suffix with a partial value (for example, *A or A*) to see all definitions with values that either contain or end with the designated value, respectively. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 1=Create Create a new application definition, with no levels. You must add the levels before the application can be used. 2=Change Change an application definition. When you select an application definition with this option, you are checking it out, and if someone else already has it checked out your request will be denied. Note: If this application has already been edited using the Application Designer, you will be warned, because minor error loss can occur if you change the application using the iSeries editor. 3 If the application is eligible for editing, the Work with Application Definition panel appears. For more information, see Work with Application Definition Panel on page 1-7. 3=Copy Copy an application definition to create a new definition. When you select an application definition with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Create Application Definition (CRTAPPDFN) panel. 4=Delete Delete an application definition. When you select an application definition with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Delete an Application Definition panel once for every level. On this panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the application code, application description, the release, version, and level, and the application owner, to let you confirm your delete request. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not delete the application if there are any TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, object history, or active checkout records for the application. You must check in all objects currently checked out and then purge the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, specifying Retain Object History of N on the Purge TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms (PRGFOR) panel. (See TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu option 8, then option 1.) 5=View View information about an application’s levels and defaults. When you select an application definition with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the View Application Definition panel. From this panel, you can access the application defaults options, either from the Define the Application panel, or individually. 6=Print Print an application definition. When you select an application definition with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the List Default Values (LISTDFTS) panel. From this panel, you can print the application and level details for all levels of the application. (See the Application Definition Report in Chapter 10: TurnOver Reports.) 3 If data area TGAEONLY is set to ‘*YES’, then you cannot edit on the iSeries any applications that have been edited using the Application Designer. Page 1-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 7=Rename Rename an application definition, without losing all the application history. When you select an application definition with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Rename Application (RNMAPP) panel. You must give the application definition a name that is not being used. Because the name includes the application release, version, and level, use *SAME if you’re just changing the release, version, or level. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 updates all the related records – including forms, checkout records and object history – to the new application level code. 14=Create missing items Lists, on the Create Missing Items panel, the create commands for any libraries, source files, and reference objects that are missing from the selected application definition. From this panel, you can create the missing items by selectively running or changing the create commands. 19=Application relations View and change application relationships. Relationships on page 1-49. For more information, see Application 21=Change level 1 Define the defaults for the first level of your application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Define the Application panel, from which you can work with the application defaults for that level. See Define the Application Panel on page 1-9. 22=Change level 2 Define the defaults for the second level of your application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Define the Application panel, from which you can work with the defaults for that level. See Define the Application Panel on page 1-9. 2n=Change level n Define the defaults for additional levels of your application, where n is the application level. If the level already exists, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Define the Application panel, from which you can work with the defaults for that level. If the level doesn’t exist, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Work with Application Definition panel, from which you can work with existing levels or create a new level. 51=View level 1 View the defaults for the first level of your application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Define the Application panel, from which you can view (but not change) the defaults for that level. 52=View level 2 View the defaults for the second level of your application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Define the Application panel, from which you can view (but not change) the defaults for that level. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 5n=View level n View the defaults for additional levels of your application, where n is the application level. If the level already exists, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Define the Application panel, from which you can view the defaults for that level. If the level doesn’t exist, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Work with Application Definition panel, from which you can view the defaults for existing levels. F6=Create application definition Displays the Create Application Definition (CRTAPPDFN) panel. This panel lets you create a new application definition from a model shipped with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, or from an application you’ve already created. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that you use the Application Designer feature in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator module to design and maintain your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applications. F14=WRKSBMJOB Work with submitted jobs from the Work with Submitted Jobs panel. F21=Command line Type a system command on a command line. Page 1-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions WORK WITH APPLICATION DEFINITION PANEL You can work with a specific application definition and its levels. To do so, select the application definition with option 2=Change (or option 5=View) on the Work with Application Definitions panel. A Work with Application Definition panel like the following appears: 1/29/10 Work with Application Definition Appl: AP Rel: Ver: Description . . . . . Accounts Payable - TurnOver Tutorial Emergency . . . . . . N Your Company Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type options, press Enter. 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 7=Rename 25=Deployment settings 20=Sbm XRef 21=Lock/unlock 22=Distribute App 23=Sbm initial build . . . Deploy Opt Lev Description Lock XRef PC Objects 1 QA N Y N 2 Production N Y N Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Create level F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options F21=Command line F23=More options More options: 8=Description 9=Application defaults and rules 10=Project defaults 11=Library defaults 12=Form defaults 13=Line defaults 14=Type codes . . . More options: 15=Authorized users 16=Distribution defaults 17=Approval list 18=Form completion messages 19=Application relations 24=Version Dfts . . . This panel displays the levels for the selected application definition. You can work with the defaults for these levels, and create new levels. Also, if you have authority to update the highest unlocked level (Production) of the application, you can update the application description and emergency application flag shown at the top of this panel. What you can do: 20=Sbm Xref Submit a job to generate a cross-reference file for the application level. Before selecting this option, you should first specify *TURNOVER as the application’s X-Ref method on the Application Defaults and Rules panel. You only need to perform this operation once. (You do not need to do this if your application is using libraries that are already built into the crossreference table.) This job is submitted on hold and you can release it when you want it to run. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 21=Lock/unlock Lock the application to prevent anyone from entering or running a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form for the application. This lets you deactivate old application definitions and defaults, or set up entries for future use and prevent anyone from using them until you’re ready. To unlock a previously locked application, select option 21 again. Don’t confuse this option with the parameter, Application level permanently locked, on the Application Description panel. 22=Distribute App Distribute the application definition to one or more production (remote) computers using the Remote Configuration Wizard. You can also access the Wizard using option 7 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Distribution menu. For more information, see Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers. 23=Sbm initial build Submit a job to load the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 object history file with initial entries for the application and level. Objects are also stamped with initial version information at this time. When you select the application with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Confirm Initial Build panel. This panel serves as a means of confirming or canceling the submission before the build occurs. If you confirm the build, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 writes a record for each object in the designated libraries for an application in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 object history and audit database, and “stamps” version information into each object’s description. The status of each entry will be INITIAL. These are visible when you view object history and are used to detect unauthorized access to production objects and source. We recommend that you perform this step for the highest unlocked level (Production) of the application. Also, as an alternative, you can run the Audit Adjustment Report to update TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s audit file without creating an object history record for each object. For more about the Audit Adjustment report, see Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports. Options 8 through 19, 24 These options are the same options that are available to you on the Define the Application panel. For detailed information about these options, see Define the Application Panel on page 1-9. F6=Create level Create an application level. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Application Description, Authorized Users, and Define the Application panels so you can define all the defaults for the level. F16=User options Work with user-defined options. When you select an application definition with this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a panel for maintaining user-defined options. Page 1-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions DEFINE THE APPLICATION PANEL The Define the Application panel lets you work with defaults for your application. To display this panel, select the application definition with options 2n or 5n (where n represents the application level) on the Work with Application Definitions panel. (This panel also appears after you define library list objects during the CRTAPPDFN process.) The Define the Application panel follows: Define the Application Your Company Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Action: CHANGE Application . . AP QA Release . . . . Lock . . . . . No Version . . . . XRef . . . . . *TURNOVER Level . . . . . 1 Emergency. . . No Type options, press Enter. Press F21 to select all. 1=Select Description Application defaults and rules Project defaults Library defaults Form defaults Line defaults Type codes Authorized users Distribution defaults Approval list Form completion messages Application relations Version and stamping defaults F3=Exit F12=Cancel F18=Next level F21=Select all This panel lists all the categories of application defaults. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses application defaults when building a programmer worklist, during checkout, and when building a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Notice that you can press F17 and F18 on this panel to quickly jump to higher or lower levels of the application definition. F17 and F18 appear here only if there are higher or lower levels defined. Taken together, these defaults are referred to as an application definition. Some of these defaults, such as Application Distribution Defaults and Approval List, are optional. Any defaults you’ve previously specified are marked with a > sign. Use option 1 (Select) to selectively choose from the list of default categories, or press F21 to work with all parts of the application definition. If you use F21 to select all the default categories, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents each defaults panel in succession. When you’ve finished with a panel, press Enter to advance to the next panel. Each application defaults panel is shown and described in this section. Note: Changes made to these defaults are not applied to any existing form or programmer worklist items unless you re-edit the item or recreate the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions What you can do: Select the following default categories to view or change the associated details: Description Work with application descriptive name, owner information, and so on. Application defaults and rules Work with application archiving, cross-reference method and similar defaults and rules. Project defaults Work with defaults that control how project status updates should be applied. Library defaults Work with From and Target libraries for the application and level. Form defaults Work with job control and related TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form defaults. Line defaults Work with defaults controlling how source and objects should be promoted. Type codes View and edit the valid object type entries for the application, and work with specific type entry defaults. Authorized users Work with the list of users who are authorized to work with an application. Distribution defaults Work with the list of systems to which objects promoted to this application and level should be distributed. Approval list Work with a list of users who must approve TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms before they are run. Form completion messages Specify additional messages that should be sent when a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form completes. (The programmer and Administrator associated with a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form always receive completion messages.) Application relations Associate other applications with this application. Version and stamping defaults Page 1-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Define rules for stamping object descriptions with object version numbers, and similar data. For an in-depth explanation of this feature, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Application Description 1/29/10 9:23:41 Application Description Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Application Application Release . . Version . Level . . code . . . description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AP . Test Application . . . 1 Audit application . . . . . . . . . . . Use reference object for owner . . . . Application default owner . . . . . . . Application administrator . . . . . . . Allow only administrator to submit form Pre-run/Post-run command authority . . Application level permanently locked . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W N QSECOFR QSECOFR N QSECOFR N W,E,N Y,N Usrprf Usrprf Y,N Usrprf Y,N F12=Cancel Whether you’re working with entries for the system-wide definition or an application definition, this panel looks the same. • If a user other than QSECOFR is the owner of production objects for this application, change the Application default owner field. • If you have one person who will usually be designated as the Application Administrator, enter that user’s profile name. • Pre-run/Post-run command authority indicates the user profile under whose authority pre- and post-run commands (commands that can be added to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form) will be run. Page 1-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Application Defaults and Rules Defaults and rules can be defined differently for each level of an application. For example, when you promote to a production level, you may want to archive source. However, when promoting to a test level, you may not be as concerned about archiving source. There are numerous other defaults and rules that can also be set by level. The models we provide with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 are probably set appropriately for your company’s needs. However, if you do use our models you should review these settings to make sure they meet your requirements. 1/29/10 15:18:36 Application Defaults and Rules Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: Type choices, press Enter. . . . . . . *TURNOVER Update X-Ref on form run: X-Ref table . . . . . . . Last X-Ref build . . . . Last X-Ref form update . F3=Exit F12=Cancel Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Field attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock Source archive file . . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Archive objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFS archive subdirectory . . . . . . . . Field mapping for copy file command . . . Compress out deleted records on copy file Require checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . Checkout error severity . . . . . . . . . X-Ref method 1 *YES DEFAULT 05/01/05 05/05/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *DEFAULT N Y,N L *DEFAULT *MAP *DROP *YES *YES,*NO *YES *YES,*NO,*NATIVE E W,E *TURNOVER, *HAWKEYE, *ABSTRACT *XANALYSIS, *NONE *YES, *NO F19=Submit X-Ref build With TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you can manage the contents of your on line source archive files and store files off line. If you choose to archive off line, you’ll need to periodically save source off line to tape. 4 Archived source can be retrieved any time and restored if necessary from the Work with Object History panel (see Main Menu option 4). The Archive information topic in Chapter 4 contains a complete description of the archiving process. Also, the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide contains tips and examples for setting up your source archiving strategy. You can also archive objects. Objects that are being deleted or replaced can be retained in a library associated with the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job (identifiable by its form number). You can run a regular job to save these objects off line to tape, or you can purge them on a regular basis. If you save the objects using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s save procedure, 5 you can view, retrieve, and restore them later, if necessary. You can use the Field attributes parameter to lock in the default value. L=Lock the field. The value you provide cannot be overridden when entering a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. R=Restrict the field. The value you provide here can be changed when entering a form. Blank=the value you provide will be presented as a default, but you can change it when entering a form. 4 See Main Menu option 8, then option 2, and then select, with option 3=Save, the source archive file you want to save off line. 5 See the SAVARCO command or Main Menu option 8, then option 9 and 10 and also the SAVARSBM command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions For applications with IFS type codes, another field (IFS Archive subdirectory) appears on this panel. For more information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. You’ll usually require that source be checked out and that new object names be identified to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 (reserved) before they are permitted to be promoted. There are some instances when this may not be the case, as when you are promoting source and objects created by CASE software. You can choose to use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Cross-reference system or interface to Hawkeye’s Pathfinder or ASC’s Abstract/Probe+. If you have one of these packages, request a copy of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 documentation supplement that describes how to set up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to run with these products. If you choose to use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s cross-referencing system, set X-Ref method to *TURNOVER. You’ll be asked to specify whether or not to update the cross-reference whenever a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is run and also to supply an X-Ref table name. For more information, see the online Help text. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends When specifying the X-Ref table name to be used to contain the cross-reference table, consider whether or not your applications share resources such as files. You may choose to set up several different cross-reference tables, if your applications do not intersect (such as share common files). A simple rule to follow is, if an application shares any programs or files from another application, then they should share the same cross-reference table, otherwise they should be separate. Using a single cross-reference file ensures that you’re aware of the true impact of a change across application boundaries. For example, a change to a file shared by AP, AR, and Purchasing programs will be understood at the time you make the file change. Page 1-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Project Defaults With TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you can require that all changes be associated with a project task in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project database by setting the Require Project entry parameter to Y. If you do, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will require that a developer identify a valid project task any time s/he checks out or turns over source and objects. For more information, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks. If you choose to link events that occur during object management to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system, then you can also specify the value to which the task status code should be updated when key events, such as checkout or form completion, occur. (You can also define escalation processing for your project, to automatically generate e-mail notices or run commands, for any of the status codes you choose here.) For example, assuming a two-level application, your task status might progress this way: 1. When you check out of Production for the first time, you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 update your task to Started. 2. When you build any form and require approval to run it, you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 update the task status to Approve. 3. When you run a level 1 form to promote to test libraries, you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 update your task to In Testing. 4. If you check out of level 1 to do revisions, you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 update your task to In Revision. 5. When you run a level 2 form to promote to production, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can update the form status to Completed. Note: Status changes linked to the completion of a form occur only if the form completes with a status of xxx-OK. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 1/29/10 9:56:21 Project Defaults Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS 1 Type choices, press Enter. Require Project entry . . . . . . . . . Y Project entry verification program . . . TURRPROJ Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Y/N Update Project task status . . . . . . . Y Y/N When When When When When checked out . . . . . form requires approval form completes . . . . form distributes . . . remote confirms . . . . . . . . . . . . . New . S . 2 . T . . Task Status STARTED APPROVE TESTING F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List Project Task Status field will be updated to these values when the related event has occurred. F3=Exit Page 1-16 F4=List F12=Cancel © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Set Require Project entry to Y. This will ensure that all of your changes are properly documented in the Project system. The minimum information required to describe a task takes only a few seconds to enter. In the Status code control file, 6 you can specify whether or not to update the Actual Start or End dates when the task status is set to the corresponding value. For example, you would probably want the task’s Date-started date to be set when you check out objects. You might want the task’s end date set when the task status is set to Completed (or perhaps, In Production, if distributing to production computers). If you specify Require Project entry as Y, but leave one or more of the status update conditions blank, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 doesn’t update the status at the corresponding point in the process. Although we recommend that all objects related to a task be promoted together on the same TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, if more than one TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form references the same project task, the status is not updated until the final form has run, been distributed, or confirmed. The TURNOVER® for iSeries Log Report indicates whether the project task status was updated and, if not, why it wasn’t updated. For example, if more than one form exists with the same project task reference and that form status is Ready, you see a message in the log that “TURNOVER® for iSeries did not update the project task status because another form is pending.” For a sample TURNOVER® for iSeries Log Report, see Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports. 6 You can define your own status code values to be used by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. Projects and Tasks. For more information, see Chapter 9: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Library Defaults From and Target libraries are specified for each application and level. 1/29/10 10:11:04 Library Defaults Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Data objects Target library . . . . . . . . . . . ACPTTEST Other objects Target library . . . . . . . . . . ACPTTEST Source Target library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACPTTEST Data objects From library . . . . . . . . . . . . DEVTEST Other objects From library . . . . . . . . . . . DEVTEST Source From library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEVTEST Bypass copy prompt when checking out source . . . N F8=IFS Path defaults F12=Cancel L L L (Y,N) Data object name mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AP%%%%%% Other object name mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . AP%%%%%% F3=Exit Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock L L L L L F19=Explode data libraries Note: This panel shows the Target and From libraries for this application level. The Target libraries are the libraries into which source is copied and to which objects are moved or created when a promotion occurs. These libraries can also be specified by object type (see TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Type Defaults on page 1-39). The From libraries are the libraries from which source or objects (or both) should be moved, and where test objects should be found. (Read the online Help for the values you can type here.) These can also be specified differently by object type (see TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Type Defaults on page 1-39). If any of the libraries don’t exist, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a message and lets you create the libraries. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the libraries using the profile and authority of the application owner, with PUBLIC(*CHANGE) authority. You can also elect to create these outside of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 with different ownership and authority. You can specify name masks to check new object names when you enter a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. You can also specify name masks for each object type within the application (see TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Type Defaults on page 1-39). Maintaining IFS path defaults Use option F8 (IFS Path defaults) on the Library Defaults panel to display or maintain path defaults for Integrated File System (IFS) object types. When you select this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Path Defaults panel. For more information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries. Page 1-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Exploding data libraries Use option F19 (Explode data libraries) on the Library Defaults panel (see page 1-18) if, for the application you’re defining, you have files duplicated in more than one library. This would probably be the case if you have multiple divisional or company databases. With this option, you can specify a list of libraries that contain duplicate copies of files so that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can “explode” all data object types into all of the libraries in the explode library list. In other words, when a file object is promoted, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 recreates it in each explode library. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 maintains multiple members and it copies data forward from each old file member to each new file member within each library. You can specify any number of explode data object libraries. However, if you add libraries to this list, you should make sure that the data objects are duplicated into the new library. 7 When you select this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the Maintain Data Explosion Table panel, as follows: 1/29/10 11:36:41 Maintain Data Explosion Table Application: AP4 Rel: Ver: Lev: Your Company, Inc. 2 Type options, press Enter. 2=Change 4=Delete Library TSTDTABAS F3=Exit Allow Override N F5=View 2 Override library list F6=Add library F12=Cancel If reference objects exist in the explode library, they’ll be used to set creation parameters and object authority, where applicable, otherwise the regular reference objects in the primary data library of the application are used. For more information, see the discussion about Reference objects on page 1-38. If you have a pre- or post-run command that you want to run for an object that resides in all explode libraries, you can use the “&ALLTGT” value (including the quotes shown) in the Library parameter of your pre- or post-run command string. For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Change Process (#14). If you specify Allow override = Y, a user is allowed to decide when creating a form whether or not to explode data objects to that library. If you specify Allow override = N, data object changes are 7 You can either duplicate an existing data library or create a library and duplicate each file object from an existing library into the new one. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions always exploded to that library. Leave the Override library list field blank if you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to set the library list to the application library list with the explode library placed at the top. On the other hand, if you specify a library list in the Override library list field, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 temporarily sets the library list to that value before compiling the data object in the explode library. Whether or not you specify an override library list, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 always places the explode library at the top of the library list before compiling the data object in the explode library. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends For various reasons, some users have decided to include their application libraries in the system library list (that is, they have changed the system value QSYSLIBL to include application libraries.) UNICOM Systems, Inc. recommends against putting your application libraries in your system library list for these reasons: 1. First and foremost: How can you test a change to a program that is in both a test library and a library in the system library list? The system will always use the older program. True, you can manipulate the system library list using the CHGSYSLIBL command (usually restricted to just the security officer), but we recommend against this. This command allows you to add or remove libraries, one at a time. Libraries are always added to the top of the system library list. However, its unrestricted use represents a security breach! 2. The ADDLIBLE, CHGLIBL, and EDTLIBL commands are much more flexible, so why not use them? The answer we hear most is “for security reasons.” If the production library is in the system library list, a knowledgeable user cannot write his/her own version of a production program and slip it into the list in front of a production program of the same name. This doesn’t solve the testing problem and, if users have access to the CHGSYSLIBL command, they can still subvert security. Without doing a thorough security audit of your systems, it’s very difficult to say whether or not you have a security exposure; however, manipulating the system library list is certainly not the solution. In fact, we would recommend tightening control of – or removing access to – the CHGSYSLIBL command. If you must include application libraries in your system library list, then you should be sure that they are removed before entering TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 so they do not interfere with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s normal operations. You should also write an exit program to remove them from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s promotion job library list when the form starts to run. For more information about exit programs, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Exits and APIs (#30). For more security recommendations, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Change Process (#14). Page 1-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Form Defaults Form defaults govern the running of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 promotion job (the job that promotes the source and objects to the next test level or to Production). When you create a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, these defaults comprise the form header. Form defaults control such things as what job description and library list TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should use when running the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, where output should be placed, and which recovery option should be used. 1/29/10 12:05:59 Form Defaults Application: 01M Rel: Ver: Lev: Type choices, press Enter. Job Description . . . . QBATCH Library . . . . . . . QGPL Library list name . . . . QBATCH Error Recovery . . . . . 1 Threshold . . . . . . Error check form . . . Form schedule time . . Schedule elapsed action Submit Form on hold . . Submit Finalization . . Retain Form Log Reports Form Level Programmer . Form Level Project mask F3=Exit F4=List . . . . . . . . Name, *PGMR Name Name, F4=List 1=Recover 2=Recover 3=Attempt 4=Process *BATCH *CURRENT *SBMRLS Y N N *USRPRF Your Company Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS 1 Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock L L L entire form and end job L object in error and end job to continue starting at next object remaining objects, then recover all *BATCH, *INTER *CURRENT, hhmmss *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD, *SBMRLS, *NOSBM Y, N Y, N Y, N Name, *USRPRF L F10=Override Jobd parameters F12=Cancel The Library list name field identifies the library list TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should use when compiling objects into the target library. The library list must contain libraries identified for this application level and for higher levels. It may also include libraries for other applications, as when you have a joint logical file over files in this and other applications. To create or work with library lists, position the cursor to the Library list name field and press F4. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 constructs a library list for you which you can then edit, if none exists. (For an illustration of the Library list name panels, see Working with an application’s library list, beginning on page 1-23.) Error check, job submission, and form scheduling fields let you specify default values for controlling local form jobs. If necessary, you can override these values when you submit the form to run. A Y in the Submit Finalization field defers certain steps of the promotion process to a separate job, called a finalization job, making the objects you’re promoting more quickly available. For more about this parameter, see page 1-28. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Use the Error Recovery field to control how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should deal with problems encountered during a promotion run. If a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form doesn’t run correctly because of a compile or explode error or an unanticipated object lock, you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 back out the changes, stop the form wherever the error occurred, or bypass the object in error and continue with the next object on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. If you choose the latter, then you can also set the Threshold field to control how many errors you’ll tolerate before TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 backs out all changes. For example, if you’re promoting many objects to test, you may want to get as many objects compiled as you can and then, later on, promote the few objects that didn’t make it. When you submit a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to run, you have several scheduling options. You can have it run immediately, place it on hold, or (at submit time) specify the date and time you want the job to run. If you’re running on a development computer that doesn’t run production, scheduling is usually not a problem; however it’s usually very important on a busy production computer. If you need to override some of the fields of the job descriptions you’ll be using to promote objects and source, you can press F10=Override Jobd parameters (panel not shown). 8 The Job description fields you can override include the Logging Level, Logging Severity, Output Queue, and Job Accounting Code. If you have no special run requirements that would require a unique job description for each application and level, you can create a single job description for all your applications. 8 The Override Form Job Description Defaults panel is also audited for application changes. Page 1-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Working with an application’s library list You can define your application to use a named library list for each application and level. About the expansion to a 250-library limit Prior to OS/400 operating system Version 5 Release 1 (V5R1), you were limited to a maximum of 25 library names in the user part of a library list. With V5R1, IBM allows you to have as many as 250 libraries in the user portion of the library list. Currently, when V5R1 is loaded, it includes a special data area, QUSRSYS/QLILMTLIBL. If you keep the QUSRSYS/QLILMTLIBL data area, your iSeries retains the 25-library limit; if you delete this data area, your iSeries enables the 250-library limit. For additional information about the V5R1 library list expansion, see IBM Web page www.iseries.ibm.com/developer/os400/lib_list.html. You can create a data area called TLIB# to store the maximum number of libraries that an application’s library list can have. 9 (You should place this decimal 3 0 data area in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 data library, which is usually SOFTTURND.). If this data area exists, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the stored number as the maximum allowable number of libraries it permits in a library list, regardless of your operating system release. For example, you might be on a V4Rx box, maintaining a library list for an application that resides on a V5R1 box. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks for the following conditions, in this order: Condition What TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does … If data area TLIB# exists. Uses the stored number as the maximum allowable number of libraries it permits. If you are running OS/400 operating system Version 4 Release x. Gives you a 25-library limit. If you are running V5R1 and data area QUSRSYS/QLILMTLIBL exists. Gives you a 25-library limit. If you are running V5R1 and data area QUSRSYS/QLILMTLIBL does not exist. Gives you a 250-library limit. 9 There are other areas, besides in the application’s form defaults, where you can specify a library list. You can also specify library lists for explode data libraries (in the application’s library defaults) and in a form’s header. However, those library list fields have not been expanded to accommodate 250 library names. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Specifying your library list To work with your application’s library list, position to the Library list name field on the Form Defaults panel: 1/29/10 10:35:06 Form Defaults Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS 1 Type choices, press Enter. Job Description . . . . QBATCH Library . . . . . . . QGPL Library list name . . . . AP1 Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock L L L Name, *PGMR Name Name, F4=List and press F4=List. The panel you see next depends on if your system is configured for a maximum of 25 or 250 libraries in the library list: 1/29/10 10:38:16 Work with Application Library List Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 1/29/10 13:48:26 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Library list Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Type choices, press Enter. Library list name . . . . AP1 Work with Application Library List Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Library list name . . . . AP1 Name, F4=List . . . . . . LIBRARY001 LIBRARY002 Recommended . . . . . . . LIBRARY001 LIBRARY002 Name, F4=List Library list . . . . . . LIBRARY001 LIBRARY002 LIBRARY003 LIBRARY004 LIBRARY00 5 LIBRARY006 LIBRARY007 LIBRARY008 LIBRARY009 LIBRARY010 LIBRARY011 LIBRARY012 L IBRARY013 LIBRARY014 LIBRARY015 LIBRARY016 LIBRARY017 LIBRARY018 LIBRARY019 LIBR ARY020 LIBRARY021 LIBRARY022 LIBRARY023 LIBRARY024 LIBRARY025 More... (F7) Recommended . . . . . . . LIBRARY001 F3=Exit and update F4=List F5=Reset for Appl F7=EDTLIBL F10=Usage F11=Display recommended library list F12=Cancel LIBRARY002 F3=Exit and update F4=List F5=Reset for Appl F7=EDTLIBL F11=Display recommended library list F12=Cancel If your system is configured for 250 libraries If your system is configured for 25 libraries These panels work as follows: • If you left the Library list name field blank on the Form Defaults panel, then the first time you view this panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 constructs a library list for you based on the libraries identified in the current application definition and gives it the same name as the job description. For this reason, we recommend that you define all the levels of your application first, and then build a library list for each level. If the Library list name already exists, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 appends ‘01’, ’02’, and so on, to the name to make it unique. • If you position to the Library list name field and press F4=List, you will see a window (not shown here) containing a list of the named library lists you may have created earlier from which you can select or view. • To create a new library list based on an existing library list name, position to the Library list name field, press F4 and then select another list name. Then, back on this panel, over-type the Library list name field. You can then edit your new list, if you want. Page 1-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Note: If the library list name you specify is already used, you will see the message “Warning: library list is used by other applications. Press F10 for list.” You can press F10 to see the list of applications that use that library list name: 1/29/10 10:38:16 Work with Application Library List Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Library list name . . . AP1 Description . . . . . . Library list object created for AP Level 1 Library list is used by the following applications: Appl AP APC2 CPAP MARK Rel Ver Lev 1 1 1 10 Description Test Application- Test Level 1 Test Application- Test Level 1 Test Application- Test Level 1 Test Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel Warning: library list is used by other applications. • Press F10 for list. Changing the library list affects all applications that use the same library list name. If you do not have authority to change all of the application definitions on the list, you will not be able to change the library list and F5 and F7 are disallowed. If you change the library list name to a new name, you will see the message, “Library list does not exist. Press Enter to add it.” TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays warning messages if one or more libraries in your list do not exist on the current system. Press F5=Reset for Appl to adopt the Recommended library list and then, if necessary, modify that list. Be sure to press F3 to update the list afterwards. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions • If you position to the Library list name field and press F7=EDTLIBL, you will see the current library list: Edit Library List Edit Library List System: YOURSYS System: Type new/changed information, press Enter. Sequence Number 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Library LIBRARY001 LIBRARY002 Sequence Number 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Sequence Number Library Library Sequence Number 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 LIBRARY001 LIBRARY002 LIBRARY003 LIBRARY004 LIBRARY005 LIBRARY006 LIBRARY007 LIBRARY008 LIBRARY009 LIBRARY010 LIBRARY011 LIBRARY012 LIBRARY013 LIBRARY014 F3=Exit F5=Refresh Library Sequence Number 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 Library LIBRARY015 LIBRARY016 LIBRARY017 LIBRARY018 LIBRARY019 LIBRARY020 LIBRARY021 LIBRARY022 LIBRARY023 LIBRARY024 LIBRARY025 LIBRARY026 LIBRARY027 LIBRARY028 LIBRARY029 Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh YOURSYS Type new/changed information, press Enter. F12=Cancel Editing a library list with up to 25 libraries Sequence Number 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 Library LIBRARY030 LIBRARY031 LIBRARY032 LIBRARY033 LIBRARY034 LIBRARY035 LIBRARY036 LIBRARY037 LIBRARY038 LIBRARY039 LIBRARY040 LIBRARY041 LIBRARY042 LIBRARY043 LIBRARY044 More... F12=Cancel Editing a library list with up to 250 libraries Edit the library list by typing new or changed information on this panel. This is useful for defining and maintaining library lists for a remote system. When you are finished, press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the list in the format shown at the beginning of this section. • Press F11=Display recommended library list to display a complete list of the recommended libraries, including the library name, library type (PROD or TEST), and a text description: Display Library List System: YOURSYS Type options, press Enter. 5=Display objects in library Opt Library LIBRARY001 LIBRARY002 Type PROD PROD Text Production Library One Production Library Two Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom On this panel, select a library with option 5 to view the objects in that library. Page 1-26 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents the names and attributes of all objects in the library you selected: Display Library Library . . . . . . : Type . . . . . . . . : Create authority . . : LIBRARY001 PROD *SYSVAL Type options, press Enter. 5=Display full attributes Opt Object CLP98 CLP99 RPG01 EVFEVENT PF001 PF002 PR00F PR00FL1 PR01F QCBLSRC QCLSRC F3=Exit Type *PGM *PGM *PGM *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE F12=Cancel Number of objects . : ASP of library . . . : 18 1 8=Display service attributes Attribute CLP CLP RPG PF PF PF PF LF PF PF PF F17=Top Size 45056 45056 81920 208896 49152 49152 65536 12288 49152 8192 49152 Text uses file pr01F Physical file Physical file PHYSICAL FILE LOGICAL FILE OVER PR0 PF 01 CBL source file CLLE source file More... F18=Bottom Two additional options let you display full attributes and service attributes for any object you select on this list. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends When defining your library list, keep these suggestions in mind: • Each level should have a unique library list. • DO NOT include any target libraries from lower levels. • DO include target libraries from the current level and higher levels. These should appear AFTER all target libraries from the current level. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-27 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions What is Submit Finalization? Some steps in the form promotion job can be done in a separate job or the same job. This could result in your users being able use the objects being promoted more quickly, especially if you’re running several groups of forms together. 10 If you set Submit Finalization to Y, then once all of the lines on the form have been successfully processed, the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form job will submit another job to complete the form finalization steps, such as source archiving, and the refresh of crossreference files. If you set Submit Finalization to N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 continues to do these steps within the form-processing job. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends During the form run, the form status is set to FINAL when the finalization step begins. Once the status is FINAL, it’s safe to use the objects you’ve promoted. The work done during finalization, source archiving, and cross-reference refresh does not affect the objects you changed. The only time we recommend setting Submit Finalization to Y is if you have a very busy system. In that case, you want finalization to run in a separate job so that the next form in line can begin more quickly. If you have an extremely busy system, you might want to submit finalization to a separate job queue, under a lower priority than your form jobs, so that other form jobs will not have to wait for the finalization job to complete. To do this, set the Finalization job queue global parameter 11 to some other job queue name. 10 For more about running groups of forms, see Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run. 11 See TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu option 8, then option 5. Page 1-28 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Line Defaults Line defaults are used when TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 adds a line to a form or when you manually add an item to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. One line corresponds to one object or source member to be promoted. This information is used during promotion processing to dictate how the object is processed. When you copy a form to the same level of the same application, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 doesn’t alter the form lines. However, if you copy a form to a different level of the application, or to a different application, then all values come from the application to which you’re copying the form. 1/29/10 15:28:46 Line Defaults Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Method . . . . . . . . . CSCO Check for Level-Check Update Objd . . . . . Create parameters . . Reference object . . Library . . . . . Authority . . . . . . Reference object . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y N P REF* Delete test object . . Delete test source . . Programmer . . . . . . Project task reference . . . . Y Y *CHECKOUT *FORM F3=Exit ACPTTEST P REF* ACPTTEST F8=IFS Line defaults Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock CSCO, MO, CD, COPR, L CSMO, CSCD, CS, *NULL Y, N Y, N P, T, S, R, C Name, REF* L Name L P, T, S, R L Name, REF* L Name L Y, N Y, N *USRPRF, *FORM, *CHECKOUT Code, *FORM R R L R F12=Cancel What is the Method? The Method lets you specify how you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to promote the source or object. If you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to compile the object, you specify CSCO (Copy Source, Compile Object) as the method. If you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to move or duplicate source and objects into the target libraries, but not to compile them, specify a method of CSMO (Copy Source, Move Object) or CSCD (Move Source, Create Duplicate Object). You can specify a different method for each application level you define. For example, you can use CSMO (Copy Source, Move Object) for level one and CSCO (Copy Source, Compile Object) for level two. Unless you have severe time constraints, we recommend that you use CSCO. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will then perform the promotion by compiling the object from the promoted source. If you use CSCO, we suggest that you consider using application model 7, or a variation of it. For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-29 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions When you specify a method such as CSCO for your application, you might wonder how that is interpreted for non-source type objects such as data areas, or for source-only objects such as text members or /COPY code. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 recognizes these different types and adjusts the defaults appropriately. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 defaults non-source object types such as Data areas to method MO (Move Object) or CD (Create Duplicate Object). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 defaults Source-only types such as copy code to CS (Copy Source only objects). You can also specify the method by application type code (see page 1-39). Finally, method COPR (Compile the Object in Production) lets you recompile objects from source in production. Also, a special method, *NULL, lets you distribute and install a subset of objects on a remote computer, without recreating the objects on the development computer. This creates the objects you need for distributing, without processing them unnecessarily on the production computer. Using Method CSMO or CSCD What about method CSMO or CSCD? What are the pros and cons of using these methods? Instead of method CSCO, you can use methods CSMO or CSCD. However, unless you have a very small downtime window, we recommend that you use CSCO. What Method to use if you have multiple ASPs? In most cases, you would use method CSCO when promoting from one auxiliary storage pool (ASP) to another. How does TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 handle multiple user ASPs (auxiliary storage pools), if you were to specify MO? Your form will not run and will recover. You must set the Method to CD rather than MO if you are promoting from one ASP to another. Note: The iSeries requires that logical files be in the same ASP as the physical files over which they are built. Page 1-30 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions How does Method affect some other object types? • Message files How does TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 handle message IDs and files? When you check out a message file, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 marks it as checked out, but does not move or duplicate it from your production library. You should create it in test, code the messages you need to add or change, and then turn it over. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically merges the messages you changed or added into the message file in the target library. If you need to delete several messages, you can delete message IDs individually. For more about checking out and promoting individual message IDs, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Handling Message IDs in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 (#61). If you need to manage more than one message file with one application, you’ll need to create a unique type code for each message file. See Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Type Code Definitions on page 8-6. • UIM panels, SQL types, and similar object types Can it handle UIM panel groups? Yes. Can it handle SQL type programs? Yes. Virtually any object type for which a create command exists or for which one can be created can be managed using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. • Special Vendor application object types Many vendor supplied applications have “object types” that are unique only to those vendors. For example, PeopleSoft® has a report writer called Dreamwriter. They also have special create commands that can be used for creating PeopleSoft’s RPG programs. These can be defined to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 as TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes and managed just like your other program objects. If you have a vendor-supplied application package, ask us for more information about these capabilities. Level check Set Check for Level-Check to N to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 bypass the source level check. During a source level check, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks to see that the Fromsource and object match; that is, that the From-object was created from the From-source. If they do not match, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 prevents you from submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Note: If your method is CSCO, this parameter is not relevant; however, we recommend you set it to your preference anyhow. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-31 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Update object description Set Update Objd to Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 update the iSeries object description in the target library to point to the source at that level, after the form has run, as though the target object was created from the target source. During an object description update, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 updates the source file, source library, source member, and source change date in the object description to match the target source member. This allows you to use method CSMO or CSCD without causing a level-check warning. Note: If your method is CSCO, this parameter is not relevant; however, we recommend you set it to your preference anyhow. Create and Authority parameters The Create parameters field tells TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 where to obtain the create parameters for the create (compile) command that you want it to use for objects it creates for the application. The Authority field tells TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 where to obtain the object authorization for objects it creates or replaces for the application. What do the Create parameters and Authority fields do? When TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 objects are created, parameters specific to the object type (such as the size parameter for physical files, and User profile and Use adopted authority parameters for programs) are transferred as follows: Value Parms transferred from: P T R S C Target and higher “From” (or Test) object Reference object* System defaults User-defined create parameters Authority based on: Old object in target library Object being promoted Reference object* PUBLIC (library definition) N/A * R is the default for new objects in either case. How do the values specified for the Create parameters and Authority fields determine TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s behavior? For both fields, a value of P tells TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use the object in the target library. Also, for both fields, if the object is new (does not exist in a target library or in any higher-level library), then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 defaults to R, and references the named object. Page 1-32 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Authority parameter If you set Authority to P and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not find the object in the target library, then it uses the object specified in the Reference object field, resets P to R, and uses the reference object. Otherwise, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 resets P to S. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not look through your application libraries to process the object, as it does with the Create parameters field. It assumes that when you are promoting an object to a Test level, that you would not want to assert the Production authority of an existing object. • Create parameters If you set Create parameter to P and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not find the object in the target library, then it looks forward through all intermediate libraries until it reaches the production level. The first time the object is encountered, it is used as the reference object. If TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 fails to find the object in any of these libraries, then it uses the reference object. If you have not specified a reference object , or if you have set Create parameters to S, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses whatever system defaults are associated with the create command in the global type code (including special type codes) for the object it is creating. As stated previously, you specify, in the Create parameters field, the parameters you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use for objects it creates for the application upon a promotion. If you do not specify create parameters in the application definition line and type code defaults, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the default parameter settings for the create command in the global type code. Next, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 looks for any overrides that previous developers have applied, shows them to the developer currently performing the change, and prompts the current developer for his/her overrides. You can restrict developers from overriding any parameter settings in the create command in the global type code. You impose these restrictions using settings in the following data areas and file: • TPROTECT data area (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Protect) • TKEYPRTF file (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Keyword Protect) • TALWKEYOVR data area (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Allow Keyword Override) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 protects, or does not protect, create command parameters against user modification based on the contents (Y or N value) of the one-character data areas, TPROTECT and TALWKEYOVR, and whether or not the TKEYPRTF file contains a record (such as *ALL CMD) for the create parameter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-33 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions The conditions you can set with the TPROTECT and TALWKEYOVR data areas and the TKEYPRTF file are summarized here: TPROTECT data area Results Contains a Y value. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 protects create parameters. TKEYPRTF file Contains an N value. + Contains a record for the parameter. Contains an N value. + Contains no record for the parameter. TALWKEYOVR data area TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not protect create parameters. + Contains a Y value. Note: Your settings only control what developers can override at the development level. Depending on the promotion methods (for example, CSCO) and create parameters (for example, P) you have specified, these values could changes during the form run. Results Once a form is copied to another application or application level, or is received on another computer, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not reset nonprotected parameters that are explicitly specified in the global type code. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Warning We initially ship TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 with TPROTECT set to Y, with TKEYPRTF empty, and with TALWKEYOVR set to *NO. These are the preferred settings for most situations. Before you change any of these settings, you should contact UNICOM Systems, Inc.’s Technical Support. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note If on the remote system the value for Create parameters is Locked (L), then customized create commands do NOT copy forward during distribution. You’ll have to change the Locked setting to Restricted (R) to use the customized create commands from the development system. For information about protecting create command parameters, read about changing form lines in Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms. Page 1-34 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Following is a list of create command parameters that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 changes for different kinds of objects. Use this list when setting up your reference objects, or when determining the parameters TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will use when creating the target object: Commands ALWLMTUSR HLPPNLGRP CURLIB HLPID PRDLIB PMTOVRPGM Display Files DEV DFRWRT WAITFILE ENHDSP MAXDEV CHRID WAITRCD LVLCHK IGCDTA DTAQ RSTDSP IGCEXNCHR SHARE Modules OPTIMIZE Physical files MAXMBRS SIZE WAITFILE REUSEDLT MAINT ALLOCATE WAITRCD RECOVER UNIT DLTPCT FRCACCPTH FRCRATION LVLCHK Programs USRPRF OPTIMIZE USEADPAUT FRCCRT Printer Files SPOOL DEV CPI JUSTIFY CTLCHAR FONT SCHEDULE HOLD MULTIUP PAGERANGE FRONTMGN IGCDTA IGCSOSI OUTBIN WAITFILE DEVTYPE OVRFLW RPLUNPRT PRTQLTY CHRID COPIES SAVE DUPLEX FRONTOVL BACKMGN IGCEXNCHR IGCCDEFNT SHARE PAGESIZE FOLD PRTTXT FORMFEED OUTQ FORMTYPE OUTPTY DFRWRT BACKOVL FNTCHRSET IGCCHRRTT CHLVAL LVLCHK LPI PAGRTT ALIGN DRAWER MAXRCDS FILESEP USRDTA UOM FIDELITY ODEFNT IGCCPI REDUCE Service Programs USRPRF User-defined objects If the change management scheme is not TURNOVER, then the TRTVOBJDTA command is issued to gather information about the object. For more information about user-defined objects, see the type code definitions topic in Chapter 8: Utility Menu as well as the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing User-Defined Object Types (#59). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-35 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Object ownership The owner of objects being promoted can be based on Reference objects by setting the Use Reference object for Owner parameter on the Application description panel to Y. In this case, object ownership is set to the same owner as the Reference object rather than to the value of the Application default owner parameter. However, if no reference object exists of the object type being promoted, then the owner is set to the Application default owner. Reference objects How do you interpret REF* ? TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 replaces the * with the attribute code (RPG, LF, CLP, and so on) and looks for an object with that name in the designated library. You can duplicate a set of reference objects from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s library into your own target or production libraries by using the DUPREFOBJ command. A reference object for special type codes should also be created or overridden to an existing object for the application type code. A reference object can also be duplicated individually from the application’s Type Codes panel (see page 1-38). For more information about reference objects, also see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Security Recommendations (#15). If reference objects exist in the Explode data library, they are used where applicable, otherwise the reference objects in the primary data object library defined for the application are used. Delete Test Object Rule If Delete Test Object is Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 normally deletes the object in test; however there are instances when it does not. Delete Test Object is overridden to N when the test object is needed to test a file change in test; is checked out to another programmer; or is checked out to the same programmer for a different project task. 12 Maintaining IFS line defaults Use option F8 (IFS Line defaults) on the Line Defaults panel to display or maintain line defaults for Integrated File System (IFS) object types. When you select this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the IFS Line Defaults panel. For more information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. 12 To void this rule, you can set the Global default parameter Use delete test object rule to N. See Main Menu option 8, then option 5. Page 1-36 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Type Codes The Type Codes panel displays the valid TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 object types for your application. The type of objects valid for one application may vary from those of another. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 lets you set those by application. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes you use should be consistent from one application level to another. 1/29/10 11:07:43 Type Codes Application: AP Rel: 2=Maintain definition Type CBL CBLLE CLP CMD DOC DSPF DTAARA LF LFDUP MSGF PF PFDUP PFREF Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS 8=Edit reference authority Data Description Obj. Cobol/400 program N ILE CBL Program N CL Program N Command N Documents N AS/400 Display File N Data Area Y AS/400 Logical File Y SYNON Condition values LF N Message File Y AS/400 Physical File Y SYNON Condition values PF N PF-Field Reference N Source File QLBLSRC QCBLLESRC QCLSRC QCMDSRC Creation Reference Authority Ref Obj Reference Exists QDDSSRC QDDSSRC QDDSSRC QDDSSRC More... F3=Exit F4=Add/Delete types F8=User-defined parameters F6=Create missing items F12=Cancel • Press F4 (panel not shown) to work with the list of all the available TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes and to select or deselect the object types appropriate for this application. Afterwards, this panel contains just the types that are appropriate for this application. • Select the type codes by entering a 1 next to the appropriate object types, or deselect types by removing the 1. If the application includes additional levels, then another panel is displayed, prompting you to add or remove the same type codes from all levels to which you’re authorized. • Press Enter. This panel reappears, containing just the subset of types you selected. • Press F6 to view a list of missing libraries, source files, and reference objects for this application level, with options to create these missing items. • Press F8 to view and specify defaults for User-defined parameters. (For more about user-defined parameters, see page 1-41.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-37 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Reference objects As described on page 1-36, reference objects are used in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to set certain object specific default parameter values such as Member size for physical files and Use adopted authority for programs. They can also be used to grant object authority and establish ownership of an object at creation time. When you create an application or copy an application to create a new one, reference objects are created for each TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 object type for your new applications according to the following rules: 1. A reference object exists in the model application you are copying and, 2. There is a reference object in the model application or the application from which you are copying named REFxxxxxx, where xxxxxx=TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code or type attribute code and, 3. The library in which the reference object exists is the Target library for the corresponding object type, in the application you are copying. Most reference objects can be created when you create a new application using the CRTAPPDFN command or option 1=Create on the Work with Application Definitions panel. However, if you add new type codes to the application definition, you’ll need to use option 6 to create them here. F6=Create missing items Once you’ve set up the type codes for your application, you can press F6 to check for any missing libraries, source files, and reference objects for that application level. If you specified *YES for Show missing items on the Create Application Definition (CRTAPPDFN) panel, the following panel appears: 1/29/10 14:40:18 Application: AP 1=Run command 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Create Missing Items Rel: Ver: Lev: Your Company, Inc. 1 2=Change create command Create command CRTSRCPF FILE(DEVTEST/QLBLSRC) TEXT('CBL source file') CRTSRCPF FILE(ACPTTEST/QLBLSRC) TEXT('CBL source file') CRTSRCPF FILE(ACPTTEST/QCBLLESRC) TEXT('CBLLE source file') CRTSRCPF FILE(ACPTTEST/UDDSSRC) TEXT('PFASI source file') CRTSRCPF FILE(PRODTEST/UDDSSRC) TEXT('PFASI source file') CRTSRCPF FILE(ACPTTEST/QRPGLESRC) TEXT('RPGMOX source file') CRTSRCPF FILE(PRODTEST/QRPGLESRC) TEXT('RPGMOX source file') Type SRC-PF SRC-PF SRC-PF SRC-PF SRC-PF SRC-PF SRC-PF Bottom F3=Exit Page 1-38 F12=Cancel F21=Command line © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents a list of create commands to use for creating the object. You can either press Enter to create them, or change (option 2) any of these commands before doing so. For example, when creating reference objects, you might want to duplicate an object other than the default reference object shipped with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100; or when creating source files, you might want to verify that the record length is appropriate for ILE source. 13 (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the Create Reference Object (CRTREFOBJ) command to create the reference objects.) 8=Edit reference authority Once the Reference authority objects exist, you can edit its object authority, if you need to. This displays the standard Edit object authority command panel for the object type you selected. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Type Defaults On the Type Codes panel, type a 2 next to one or more type entries in the list. You’ll see the following panels: 14 1/29/10 11:18:16 CLP Application: AP Defaults Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type choices and press Enter. From Source file . Library . . Target Source file Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QCLSRC . DEVTEST . QCLSRC . ACPTTEST From object library . . . . . DEVTEST Target object library . . . . ACPTTEST Naming mask Name Name, *PGMR Name Name Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock L L L L Name, *PGMR Name . . . . . . . . . Delete from object . . . . . . Delete from source . . . . . . Y, N Y, N Method . . . . . . . . . . . . CSCO, MO, CD, COPR CSMO, CSCD, CS, *NULL F3=Exit L L F12=Cancel More... 13 The recommended record length of the ILE RPG source file is 112 bytes rather than the previous standard default of 92 bytes. For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing ILE Programs (#60). 14 Defaults for IFS objects look different than those shown in these panels. For detailed information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-39 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 1/29/10 11:20:46 CLP Application: AP Defaults Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type choices and press Enter. Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock Create parameters . . . . . . P Creation reference object . . Library . . . . . . . . P, T, S, R, C Name, REF* Authority . . . . . . . . . . P Authority reference object . . Library . . . . . . . . P, T, S, R Name, REF* Distribute . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit Y=Yes, N=No, O=Obj, S=Src F12=Cancel Bottom The [type code] Defaults panel identifies the From Source file and Target Source file (usually QxxxSRC) and their respective libraries to be used by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. It also identifies other information such as the From object library and Target object library for this object type. These can be specified globally for your application level (see Library Defaults on page 1-18), but you may want to set up one or more object types differently here. Test source for level one might be in a programmer library or a common development library; production might share one library or many application libraries. Read the online Help to see what values you can type here. Notice that many of the defaults that can be specified on the type entry were also specified for the application and level on the Library Defaults and Line Defaults panels. These remain in effect unless you specify some other value for an object type default. Leave these blank or unchanged unless you want the object type to be treated differently. Entries you make at this level take precedence. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends If you have non-standard source file names that cannot be set as defaults here, you may want to use an exit program to set the source file name programmatically using some other criteria. For example, maybe your source files are named differently for different parts of your application, having names such as APSRC, ARSRC, and so on, and can be determined based on how the object itself is named. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 provides many exit points and exit program samples. 15 For more about defining Exit programs, see Chapter 8: Utility Menu. Specialized type codes You might have certain data objects that you want to store in a library other than the data object library specified for your application. You can do this by creating a specialized type code, such as 15 Read about Exit 5 in the online Help text for the Work with Exits panel (option 7 on the Utility Menu) or see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Exits and APIs (#30). Page 1-40 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions PF2, supplying the alternate data object library there. This way, any PF2-type objects would be stored in the alternate data object library. When you create such a type code, you should use the object type as the first few characters of your new type code. User-defined parameter values TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 lets you define up to 10 user-defined variables (or command parameters). Definition of the user-defined variables is done globally, as part of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code definitions (see Main Menu option 8, then option 4). These parameters can be used wherever you code a command in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, as you can in the Type code create command. For example, you can specify the following create command string: CRTCLPGM PGM(“&LI“/“&OB“) SRCFILE(“&SL“/“&SF“) SRCMBR(“&SM“) ALWRTVSRC(“&U3“) In this instance, &U3 is a user-defined parameter. It can be anything you define it to be—in this case, the ALWRTVSRC parameter values of *YES or *NO. How would you use this feature? Assume you’re running a two-level application: one to promote source objects to a QA library and one to a Production library. When you promote to level one, you may want objects to be created with ALWRTVSRC(*YES). Later, when you promote to production, you may want to set it to ALWRTVSRC(*NO). Once you define a user-defined parameter, you can set it differently for each application and level. For more about defining TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes and these user-defined parameters, see Chapter 8: Utility Menu. 1/29/ 10 1 1:51: 30 User -defi ned P aramet ers Ap plica tion: AP Rel: Ve r: Lev: 1 Yo ur Com pany, Inc. SY STEM: YOURS YS T ype c hoice s, pr ess E nter. U ser P arm & TR & U0 & U1 & U2 & U3 & U4 & U5 & U6 & U7 & U8 & U9 Descr iptio n Targe t rel ease Gener ation opti ons Debug ging views Optim izati on le vel Targe t Rel ease no ra nge c hecki ng Bindi ng Di recto ry Unass igned Unass igned Unass igned Unass igned F 3=Exi t Keyw ord TGTR LS GENO PT DBGV IEW OPTI MIZE TGTR LS GENO PT BNDD IR Def ault V5R 1M0 *NO OPTIM IZE *ST MT *NO NE F 12=Ca ncel You can only assign values to those user-defined options that have been defined globally for your organization. See Main Menu option 8, then option 4 to change type code entries and maintain the list of these user-defined parameters. You must have special authority to change these parameters. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-41 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions The Target release parameter is predefined and always appears on the panel. This parameter lets you specify the target release (TGTRLS) parameter to be used wherever appropriate when creating objects during the promotion process. In this example, we have defined four user-defined parameters. As you can see, you can assign any parameter you want to each of the 10 user variables. These can then be used when promoting objects to this application level. Page 1-42 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Authorized Users You can specify which users should be authorized to work with each application. See also Main Menu option 3 (Maintain TURNOVER® for iSeries authority). 1/29/10 13:45:10 Authorized Users Your Company, Inc. Application: AP Test Application Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 1=Authorize User 2=Reset User to default authority 1 1 1 1 1 User *NONE AUSER BENNETT BIKER COWLES ELSINORE FRENCH GROVES HAMMON JONES LAWSON MATHEWS F3=Exit User Profile Description A. User Bob Bennett Joe Biker Dana Cowles Tim Elsinore John French Laurie Groves Ed Hammon Kenneth Jones Ann Lawson Carol Mathews F11=Authority + F12=Cancel F21=Authorize all users • Type 1 next to each profile who can work with this application. An Application Authority Maintenance panel appears. • Press F11 to view or update a more detailed view of specific application level authorities. For more information, see Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. You can work with and view only those applications to which you have been granted authority. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-43 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Distribution Defaults When changes are successfully promoted to the production level 16 of your application on your development computer, the changes can be distributed to your remote computer. These changes can be distributed automatically or manually. For more information, see Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers. 1/29/10 14:13:16 Application Rel Ver Lev Description Application Distribution Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . AP Position to system . . . . . . 1 . Test Application- Prod Level 1 1=Add to distribution list Sys 80 150 410 420 430 450 451 452 System JM SLSWEB S1014706 S1014706 S1014707 SLSTRAIN *V45011 *V45012 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Device *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS 2=Change distribution 4=Delete from list Distribute Src Obj N Y N N N N N N N N N Y N N N + System description Non existent, to test failure SLS Web Server 200 QA Environment 4.2 to 4.1 Distribution 4.2 to 4.2 Designed to fail SLS Training box Virtual system Virtual F3=Exit F11=Show only selected F2=System definitions F12=Cancel F21=Add all systems to list Hilighted systems are included in application distribution list. For the application and level with which you are working, you can select those systems to which you want to distribute changes. For example, you may have several computers, but your application runs on only a few of them. Select the systems by typing 1 next to those that are appropriate. You can also indicate that, for this application and level, objects and/or source should be included in the distribution. In fact, you can choose whether objects and/or source should be sent by computer, application, and object type. Object distribution parameters exist in the system definition, the application definition and the type definition within the application defaults. An entry of *SYSTEM here in the application definition tells TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use the distribution Send defaults as they appear in the system definition. (For more about distribution defaults, see Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers.) 16 Some companies distribute changes when they are promoted to a test level for user testing and again when changes are promoted to production. You can distribute from any level. Page 1-44 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Approval Lists Approval lists can be defined for any application and level; however, they are not required. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms may require approval by different people at different levels of your application. For example, a programming manager may be required to approve a form before it is promoted to level 1, while the MIS manager and a user department manager must approve the form before it is promoted to level 2. The Approval List panel lets you specify a named approval list object to associate with your application definition. 1/29/10 13:40:23 Approval List Application Release . . Version . . Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company Inc. . . . . Notify programmer upon approval . . . *NO Approval list name . . . . . . . . . MYAPPRVRS . YCAP . 1 . 0 . 10 *YES, *NO F4=List 5=Display User BIKER COWLES MANAGER SMITH F3=Exit Admin N N F4=List N Notify Y Y Y Override N N Y N Approve Own Form Y Y Y Type *USRPRF *USRPRF *GROUP *USRPRF MsgQ BIKER COWLES MsgQ Lib QUSRSYS QUSRSYS SMITH QUSRSYS F12=Cancel An approval list object contains any combination of user profiles and/or Approval groups. You can give any user authority to approve for other people on the list, in case of absence, by granting that user Override authority. An Approval group is a list of users, any one of whom must approve changes before a form is run. For example, you may have a Quality Assurance department. Anyone within that departmental group can be responsible for reviewing approving your changes. In other words, approval by any member of the group constitutes approval by the entire group. If the approval user usually works on another production computer, you can instruct TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to send a message to the person’s profile on that computer. That user must either pass-through to the development computer to view details and approve the form, or use the Eclipsebased TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator module. Named approval list objects make it easier to assign one list to other applications or application levels. To select an approval list object, position your cursor to Approval list name and press F4. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-45 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 1/29/10 14:10:30 Work with Approval List Objects Your Company Inc. YOURSYS Position to approval list . . . 1=Select 2=Change List MYAPPRVRS PRODUCTION 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Usage Description My Application Approvers Production approval list Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Cancel From here, you can select from and/or maintain all available approval list objects. To choose an existing approval list, select it option 1 and press Enter. To create a new approval list object, use F6. To change an existing list, use option 2. To delete a list, use option 4. To view the contents of a list, use option 5. To see what applications use an approval list object, use option 7. When creating a new approval list object, you must first name it. You can then add users or groups to your approval list object. If you use option 2 to change an approval list object, you can then add or remove users and groups. Once you’ve selected or defined a list, you can exit and then select that new Approval list object to be used for your application. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Approval list objects are named lists and consist of Approval Groups and/or individual user profiles. Approval list objects can be reused for several applications, to avoid re-keying the same list of users over and over again. Approval Groups themselves can be named and reused in several Approval lists. So, to avoid confusion: 1) If you intend to use Approval Groups, create your Approval Groups first. (Use this dialog, or use the WRKAPPGRP command.) 2) Create your Approval list objects. (Use this dialog, or use the WRKAPPLST command.) 3) Assign the Approval list object to your applications. (Use this dialog.) It’s easier to understand what you see on the various approval list panels, if you do it in this order. Page 1-46 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions How Form Approval Works When a programmer or Administrator creates a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form for an application level that has an approval list, the status of the form will be approval pending (APL-PN) rather than READY (as it would be if no list was defined). On the Programmer’s Worklist panel, the programmer can select option 48 to view the Approval list and then send a message to all of the people on that list. On the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries Forms panel, the programmer selects the form with option 10=Form approval and then sends a message to all of the people on the approval list. Each person on the list will receive the message, usually “Form nnnnnnn is pending your approval.” To approve the form, the reviewer signs on to view the changes and, on the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries Forms panel, selects option 10=Form approval. To approve the form, s/he must type a Y in the Approved column next to his/her profile name. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 records the profile name, date and time that each person approved the form. This information is available later, online and on the Form Listing report. Once the last person has approved the form, the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 application Administrator receives a message and the form status is advanced to READY. The form can now be submitted to run. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note If changes are made to either the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form or the source members or objects being promoted, then the form status reverts to APL-PND and the form must be approved again. Users who have already approved the form receive a message notifying them that the form requires re-approval. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-47 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Form Completion Messages By default, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form completion messages are always sent to the programmer associated with the form. If you want, you can also add more messages to be sent to other people when the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form has completed. You can condition these messages to be sent only when the form runs successfully, or when it fails, or in either case. You can override or delete them for a particular TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, if you want. You can also add additional messages for any form. Different messages may apply for different application levels. 1/29/10 12:49:24 Form Completion Message Application: AP Rel: 00 Ver: 00 Description: Test Application Your Company, Inc. Lev: 01 Type in message information and press Enter. Termination code for which message will be sent: 1=Normal, 2=Abnormal, 3=Any Message: Message Queue Library . or User ID . . . Address. . F3=Exit Page 1-48 . . . . . . . . . . . . Name Name, *LIBL . . . . . . . . . . . . Character Value Character Value F9=Duplicate last message F12=Cancel © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Application Relationships Application definitions can be interrelated so that changes in one application prompt you to check to see if a similar change is required for a related application. The Work with Application Relationships panel shows all existing application relationships for your current (or selected) application. You can also display this panel by selecting the application definition with option 19=Application relations on either the Work with Application Definitions panel or the Work with Application Definition panel. 1/29/10 Work with Application Relationships Selected application Release . . . . . Version . . . . . Parent application . Release . . . . . Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. . AP Test Application . . . *NONE F7=Select parent . . The following applications have child relationships with the selected application: 1=Add child Appl ACAM ADIS AMER AP3 2=Change rule Rel Ver 7 3 New Obj. Rule *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE 4=Remove child relationship Description ACAM application Distribution Application American Software Application3 Bottom F3=Exit F4=Select child F7=Select parent F12=Cancel The names of the selected application and its parent application appear at the top of this panel. The names of any applications that have child relationships with the selected application are listed on the panel’s lower half. Options let you add and remove relationships between the selected application and its child applications, and set new object rules for these relationships. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution Interrelating applications is a specialized function that may or may not apply to your company. We recommend that you thoroughly understand it and build test cases of your own before you apply it in your production environment. For more about related applications and managing versions of software, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63). What you can do: 1=Add child Add a new child relationship to the selected application. Select the topmost blank line with this option, then type the application code, release, version, and new object rule. Press F4 to display a list of applications from which you can select the child application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-49 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions 2=Change rule Change the object rule between the selected application and one of the child applications listed at the bottom of the panel. When you use this option, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the New Related Object Rule (TNEWRELOBJ) panel. For information about related applications, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63). 4=Remove child relationship Remove the relationship between the selected application and one of the child applications listed at the bottom of the panel. F4=Select child Display a list of applications from which you can select a child for the selected application. F7=Select parent Display a list of applications from which you can select a parent for the selected application. F23=Remove parent Remove the relationship between the selected application and the parent application. (This option is only available if a parent application has been selected.) Page 1-50 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Version and Object Stamping Defaults Object versioning in intended to: • Help you quickly identify the version of a specific object, especially, by differentiating it from its predecessors and successors; • Quickly tell what version of an object a user is using. Tell exactly how an object was changed, who changed it, why it was changed, and so on, every time it was changed, throughout the object’s life. The Version and Object Stamping Defaults panel lets you control whether or not the object description of the object TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 promotes is to be updated by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. 17 1/29/10 13:30:19 Version and Object Stamping Defaults Application: AP Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Version Control Settings Version number to increment on promotion . . *MINOR *MAJOR, *MINOR, *NONE Object Stamping Settings Stamp object description . . . . . . . . . . Y Y, N Values to stamp: Object version number Form number . . . . . Project/task reference TurnOver type code . . Y, Y, Y, Y, F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y Y Y N N N N F12=Cancel 17 For a more in-depth discussion of object stamping, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 1-51 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions Page 1-52 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 2: SETTING UP PROGRAMMER PROFILES In this chapter, you’ll enroll programmers in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. 18 The Programmer profile is used by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to determine defaults such as the programmer’s development library name, used when checking out source and entering a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. It’s used when reporting on TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 history and for reporting time associated with programming changes. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project provides an option to report time for project task and then report the time and cost information on the Resource Time report, the Project Timesheet report and the Project Cost report. (For more information, see Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports.) You must also authorize all programmers to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 using Main Menu option 3. (To authorize a user to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 or to delete a user from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s enrollment files, see Chapter 3: Authorizing Users to .) 18 Each chapter in this User Guide corresponds with a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu option. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 2-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 2: Setting Up Programmer Profiles ENROLLING PROGRAMMERS IN TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 Step 1: Sign-on as User TURNOVER You will need to be signed on as user TURNOVER or you must have authority to maintain programmer information. If you don’t have access to the password for user profile TURNOVER, see your System Administrator. 1/29/10 13:54:55 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu Your Company, Inc. Select one of the following: 1. Work with application definitions 2. Maintain programmer information 3. View Users authority 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Work with object history Check-out/check-in source Work with forms Submit a form to run Utility menu Work with Projects and Tasks Reporting menu Distribution menu Programmer Worklists Select option: F3=Exit • F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F24=More keys Select option 2 to maintain programmer information. Page 2-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 2: Setting Up Programmer Profiles Step 2: Enter Programmer Information 1/29/10 14:24:06 Maintain Programmer Information 2=Change _ _ _ _ 4=Delete Programmer BERNARDI ELSINOR PHILLIPS PSHIFTY Data Library BERNARDI ELSINORE PHILLIPS TESTLIB Programmer Name Irvin Bernard Steve Elsinore Ed Phillips Peter Shifty Your Company, Inc. Other Object Library BERNARDI ELSINORE PHILLIPS TESTLIB F3=Exit F12=Cancel F10=Additional parameters F4=Add from List F5=Fold/Unfold F6=Add Programmer Source Library BERNARDI ELSINORE PHILLIPS TESTLIB Rate 20.00 60.00 45.00 25.00 F21=System command Use F10 to define up to four 10-character user-defined fields. These fields are primarily used for CASE interfaces; otherwise they are not used by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. Once you’ve defined one, you can enter a value as an additional parameter on either the Add or the Change a Programmer Profile panel. • Press F6 to add a programmer profile record. 1/29/10 9:12:53 Add a Programmer Profile Your Company, Inc. Enter User Profile and press Enter. User profile . . . JOEBURKE__ Name User name . . . . . __________ Job description Library . . Output queue . Library . . Message queue . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Name Name Name Name Name Name Data library . . . __________ Name Object library . . __________ Name Source library . . __________ Name Folder . . . . . . _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Folder name Hourly rate . . . . ______ F3=Exit F12=Cancel F10=Additional parameters Type the User profile name and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will retrieve and display the rest of the information on the panel. Complete or change the information. If user-defined fields are available for this programmer, then F10 appears, and you can use it to provide additional information as necessary. • Press Enter to confirm your new entry. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 2-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 2: Setting Up Programmer Profiles When you add a programmer profile record, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically creates a project resource entry for you in the project system. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Assign each programmer an individual development library in which to work. This will eliminate the likelihood of conflict with other programmers. Source checkout ensures that only one copy of code be checked out at one time. Page 2-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 3: AUTHORIZING USERS TO TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 Each person who will be using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 must be authorized to use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 functions and to work with the applications you define to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. You can authorize one or more people to check out source, enter TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, submit TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms to run, and so on. You control who can do what. You can determine the extent of authority any one user may have for any application and level. For example, for application AP, a programmer may have authority to run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to promote from development to acceptance test, but not from acceptance test to production. SIGN ON AS USER “TURNOVER” You must be signed on as user TURNOVER to do this procedure, or you must have authority to maintain TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 authority information for other users. If you do not have access to the TURNOVER password or if you yourself are not authorized to the maintain authority option, see your System Administrator. 1/29/ 10 1 0:07: 23 T URNOV ER® f or iS eries v100 Ma in Me nu Yo ur Com pany, Inc. YOU RSYS S elect one of th e fol lowing : 1. Wo rk wi th ap plica tion d efini tions 2. Ma intai n pro gramm er inf ormat ion 3. Ma intai n Use rs au thorit y 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. S elect opti on: F 3=Exi t • Wo rk wi th ob ject histor y Ch eck-o ut/ch eck-i n sour ce Wo rk wi th fo rms Su bmit a for m to run Ut ility menu Wo rk wi th Pr oject s and Tasks Re porti ng me nu Di strib ution menu Pr ogram mer W orkli st Man ager 3 F6 =DSPM SG F12= Cance l F14=W RKSBM JOB F24=Mo re ke ys Select option 3 to maintain TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 authority. Continue with next panel... TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 3-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 ENTERING USERS AND AUTHORITIES Within TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, a typical division of responsibility might be for programmers to have authority to checkout and check-in source, and also to view, add and update TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms. A manager or TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator might be responsible for running forms, distributing changes, purging TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form history, and maintaining application definitions. Your security officer might be responsible for maintaining TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 authority. Some application users might have authority to work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 projects and tasks. However you divide up responsibilities, you can decide who can work with what applications and projects. First you set the user’s basic TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 system authorities. Later, you can modify the user’s authorities as they pertain to specific applications, application levels, or projects. 1/29/10 13:40:57 Maintain Users Authority List Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to user . . .: __________ 1=Application authority 2=Project authority 3=Wisedesk 4=Delete user Source -------- FORMS --------- -- SYSTEM -- ----- PROJECTS ----Out In View Add Chg Run Dst Prg Dft Aut Pgmr Use Add Code Rsc Rqs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X More... F4=Add from List F6=Add User F12=Cancel F21=System command User BENNETT BLAKE DONNA DUMMY ELMSMIKE GILLIGAN GUEST KING MORKPHIL MILLER MARYLYN QPGMR F3=Exit • Press F6 to enter a new user profile name to the list. (To add multiple users, press F4 and select them from the list.) • Type an X in the appropriate task columns for each user. (To jump ahead, go to next panel.) Page 3-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 SOURCE Authority Source authority options permit a user to checkout and/or check-in source code using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. Note: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically checks in source when a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is run. Manual check-in only needs to be done if you decide not to change an object after checking out source, or if a task was canceled. Production source is not affected by source check-in. Manual check-in frees a lock on the source so it is available for someone else to check out. It also lets you delete test source and objects from your development library. FORMS Authority View - Allows a user to look at a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Chg - Allows a user to change a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Add - Allows a user to enter a new TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form into the system. Run - Allows a user to submit a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form for processing and to distribute TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to remote computers (if applicable). Dst - Allows a user to change distribution defaults and to manually distribute and receive TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms. Prg - Allows a user to purge old forms for those applications on which he/she is authorized to work. Note: A user may be authorized generally to run TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, but an application Administrator may be the only one allowed to run TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms for a particular application. SYSTEM Authority Dft - Defaults allow a user to enter system-wide and application definition information. Aut - Authorizations allow a user to maintain this authorization list. Pgmr - Indicates that the user can maintain TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 programmer information. Note: In a multi-level application, if you want to allow programmers to have run authority to a lower level application, you can use application approval-lists as an alternative. For more information, see Approval Lists on page 1-45. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 3-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 PROJECTS Authority These columns appear only if you have elected to use the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects system. Use - Gives the user access to the project system. Add - Lets the user enter new projects into the system. Code - Lets the user maintain user-defined code tables within the project system, such as the status code table or other user-defined fields. Rsc - Lets the user add names to the project resource list. Rqs - Lets the user add names to the project requester list. You must have authority to the project system to grant others access. You also need access to a specific project in order to work on that project. This should be done when you or others define projects to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. If projects are already defined, select a user in the authority list with option 2=Project Authorities to grant authority to a specific project. If Wisedesk help trees are defined, select option 3=Wisedesk to grant authority to specific decision trees. For more information, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks. The Administrator(s) is usually given authority to all project system functions except Requester Maintenance. (The requester file contains all of your department’s or company’s clients or contacts.) Page 3-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 AUTHORIZING USERS TO APPLICATIONS, PROJECTS, OR WISEDESK TREES If you have already defined applications, projects, and/or Wisedesk trees and want to give a user access to some of those entities, select the user with the appropriate option (1 for applications, 2 for Projects, and 3 for Wisedesk trees) to access the entity’s Authority Maintenance panel. The Application Authority Maintenance panel appears here as an example. Regardless of which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 entity you are working with, the procedure is the same: mark the authorities the user should have with an X. Blank out Xs to remove a specific authority. (For applications, you can also select specific application levels a user should be able to use.) If you have not yet entered applications, projects, or Wisedesk trees yet, you can authorize users later, when you define those entities. 1/29/10 10:39:12 Application Authority Maintenance User: BENNETT 1=Authorize User Fltr: Appl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AKM AKM AKM AP AP APE APP APP APPO APTS APTS F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. Bob Bennett 2=Reset User to default authority ----SOURCE---Rel Ver Lev Chkout Chk-in X X 1 X X 2 X X 3 X X 1 X X 2 X X 1 X X 1 X X 2 X X 1 X X 1 X X 2 X X F11=Description ---TURNOVER FORM AUTHORITY--View Add Updt Run Distr Purge X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X F12=Cancel F13=Authorize all SYSTEM Dfts X X X X X X X X X X X + F21=Command Line • Use the Fltr: fields to specify criteria with which to further limit the list of applications that appears. All filter values you specify are combined, so the results show only those applications that meet all the filter values you typed. Enter or F3 on this panel saves the current filter settings for use during the next session; F12 neither saves filter values upon exit, nor replaces existing saved filters. Filter fields you can specify also toggle when you use F11, but filters that have been toggled out of view remain in effect. Read the online help for more detailed information about filters. • Press F11=Description/F11=Authority as needed to toggle the view between showing the application descriptions and the user’s authority settings. (This function key applies only when you are working with Application authorities.) • Press F13 to toggle authority for all currently-selected records. Pressing once grants authority; pressing again removes authority. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 3-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 • Field-Exit (blank) the 1’s next to any application to which you do not want the user to have authority. Page 3-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 3: Authorizing Users To TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 DELETING A USER FROM TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 This procedure describes how to prevent a user from accessing TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s change management functions. To delete a user from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you must do the following: • Select Main Menu option 2 and, 1. If the user is a programmer, type 4=Delete next to the appropriate profile name and press Enter. 2. Return to the Main Menu. • Select Main Menu option 3. 1. Blank out all of the Xs for the user you are deleting and press Enter. 2. Return to the Main Menu. • Select Main Menu option 9. 1. Press F7=Control files. 2. Select menu option 4 (Work with Resources). 3. Type option 4=Delete next to the appropriate user profile name and press Enter. 4. You will see a confirmation panel. Press Enter to delete. 5. Return to the Main Menu. If you also need to delete the user from the list of requesters, then: • Select Main Menu option 9. 1. Press F7=Control files. 2. Select menu option 5 (Work with Requesters). 3. Type option 4=Delete next to the appropriate user profile name and press Enter. 4. You will see a confirmation panel. Press Enter to delete. This procedure does not deactivate the user profile or remove the user profile from the iSeries. If appropriate, be sure to do these steps as well. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 3-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 4: WORKING WITH OBJECT HISTORY The change history of each object promoted by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is maintained as long as you maintain the data in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 database. History of promotions to intermediate test levels is also available, but is usually purged more frequently, leaving only history of changes to production on file for a longer period of time (see Utility Menu option 1). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 provides you with a way to review Project Task history (Main Menu option 9), TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms (Main Menu option 6) and a way to review the history of individual objects (Main Menu option 4). As you’ll see, you can see a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form while reviewing object history if you want to see what other objects were promoted at the same time as an object you’re researching, or if you want to see comments about the changes made to the object. If you elect to use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system, you can also view object history for objects related to a particular project or task as well as view project details directly from Work with Object History panels. You can see details about a change and also invoke a source compare utility when viewing history. For example, assume that you’d like to see exactly what the source change was between the current version and the previous archived version. You can select an option to do so here. 1/29/10 10:09:42 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. Work with application definitions 2. Maintain programmer information 3. Maintain Users authority 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Work with object history Check-out/check-in menu Work with forms Submit a form to run Utility menu Work with Projects and Tasks Reporting menu Distribution menu Programmer Worklists Select option: F3=Exit • F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F24=More keys Select option 4 to work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 object history. You can also access the Work with Object History panel by typing the command TURNOVER 4 on a command line and as a user option from the Programmer’s Worklist panel. For field definitions press F1/Help. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History THE WORK WITH OBJECT HISTORY PANEL 1/29/10 10:31:25 Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . N Filter name: *DEFAULT 1=Browse current source 2=Browse archived source 3=Copy archived source 5=View form 6=Data explosion 7=Checkout 8=Archive information ... Exists Chk Object Library Type Run Date Appl Rl Vr Lv Cd Obj Src Arc Out MENCACTU T54PRDS PF 3/02/06 A N N N N MENCADDU T54PRDS PF 3/04/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCADDU T54PRDS PF 3/04/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCADSA T54PRDS PF 6/28/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCATST T54PRDS PF 6/28/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCATTN T54PRDS PF 7/04/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCATTY T54PRDS PF 7/18/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCBADS T54PRDS PF 7/27/06 TO 5 4 2 A Y N N N MENCBADS T54PRDS PF 7/29/06 TO 5 4 2 A N N N N MENCCACT T54PRDS PF 8/01/06 TO 5 4 2 Y N N N MENCCAND T54PRDS PF 8/02/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N MENCDATU T54PRDS PF 8/09/06 TO 5 4 2 N N N N More... F3=Exit F5=Refresh F8=IFS history F11=Alt. view F12=Cancel F24=More keys To reposition screen, enter Object: F23=More options: 9=View task 10=Checkout history 16=Dist History F24=More keys: F16=User options F17=Filters 11=Line details F21=Cmd. line 12=Compare source ... F23=More options F24=More keys This panel offers a variety of options, including view, browse, copy, and checkout options; and it displays object-related information. The Exists Arc column indicates whether or not archived source exists. The Chk Out column indicates whether or not the source for this object is currently checked out. Select option 11 (Line details) for more details about any of the objects displayed here. (See description is later in this chapter.) Select option 12 (Compare source) to invoke the source compare function. (See description later in this chapter.) You can use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 user-defined options to define other functions you may want to do. Press F16 to see the user-defined options already available, if there are any. You can specify criteria to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 list the most recent record for each object, or to list all objects, on the Work with Object History panel. You can view objects associated with applications with which you are authorized to work. To position the subfile to an object, type the object name at the top of the display. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sequences objects by object name and sorts them alphabetically or by date. Page 4-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History What you can do: To reposition screen, enter object Type the name of the object to which you want to position. Apply filters Indicate whether or not you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply the filtering criteria you have specified on the Filtering panel (see Filtering objects, beginning on page 4-12). Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 apply the filtering criteria you have defined. Type N to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 ignore any filtering criteria you’ve specified. Filter name Specify what set of filtering criteria you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply to the list of objects. You can save sets of criteria under different filter names. Then when you want to retrieve those criteria, you specify the filter name here. (You can save your default criteria under the filter name *DEFAULT.) In this field, you can type the filter name, if you know it, or press F4 to see a list of saved filter sets on the Select Named Filter panel. Also on the Select Named Filter panel, you can press F2 to add and maintain (change, copy, delete, and view) named filters. For additional information about named filters, see Working with Named Filters on page 4-8 and Adding and maintaining named filters on page 4-9. 1=Browse current source Select an object name to browse the current source for an object. If the object was deleted the last time a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form ran, you can still select 2 to browse previous (archived) source as long as the value in the Exists Src column is Y. 2=Browse archived source Retrieves the archived source associated with the selected version of the object. The value in the Exists Arc column must be Y. 3=Copy archived source TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will copy the archived source for the member selected to a new source member name. The value in the Exists Arc column must be Y. You’ll be prompted for the default target source file and the target library. The default for library will be the test library for the current user if he/she has a programmer profile record; otherwise it will be blank. (See Main Menu option 2 for programmer information.) 5=View form Select an object with option 5 to see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form associated with that object. You’ll see the View TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel. (Also see Main Menu option 6.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History 6=Data explosion Select an object with option 6 to view library names into which the data object was duplicated. This applies only if you’re using the Application Explode data library feature. For more information about defining explode data libraries, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. 7=Checkout If you’re authorized to check out source members, you can check out the object to make changes to it. You’ll see the Add TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Checkout (CHECKOUT) panel. For more information, see Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source. 8=Archive information Select an object with option 8 to view the object’s archived source information. From the Archive information panel you can select an option to restore an off-line source member. For more information, see Viewing Archived Information on page 4-23. 9=View task Select an object with option 9 to view the project task associated with this change. 10=Checkout history Select an object with option 10 to view the object’s checkout history for a particular object or source member. 11=Line details Select an object with option 11 to see the form line details for that object when it was promoted, including any line comments and task details. When you select option 11, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 12:31:48 Line Details for Object Object: AAITVAL Attr: DTAARA Library: QGPL Pgmr: Form: 5103356 Initial Application Load Checked out to programmer: JSMITH Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Action: 11/20/98 18:34:15 Src archived: N Obj archived: N Line: 378 Sts: Initial Version: 001 000 + Number of checkout records: 2 Line Comments The line comment, if it exists, is displayed here with a “+” Following if additional comment lines exist. Task Details Details for the project or task are displayed here if they exist. F3=Exit F17=Previous change Page 4-4 F10=View form F11=View line © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 F12=Cancel F24=More keys TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History This panel contains all of the details about the selected object, including date and time the object was created, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form details, programmer name and also any form line comments and project details. The message “No comments or details” is displayed if no comments or task details exist for the form line. To see details about earlier versions of the same object, you can press F17. If no earlier version exists, F17 does not appear on this panel. To see details about later versions of the same object, you can press F18. If no later version exists, F18 does not appear on this panel. If a “+” appears after the programmer’s name, you can press F19 to see other programmers who have the object checked out. You can also access many of the same options and functions, such as View Form, Browse, or Copy archive source, and view checkout information, from the Work with Object History panel. 12=Compare source This option depends upon whether or not you have identified a source compare command to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 (see Setting Source Compare Utility Defaults on page 8-28). When you select an object with option 12, you’ll see this panel. Select the member you want to compare with the one you selected. For example, if you want to see the differences between the current source and the last version, select the first archived version listed with an option 1 or 2. 1/29/10 14:32:22 File Library Compare Source Members Compare: QCLSRC SOFTTURN Member Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS TURCADDL 1=Compare interactive 2=Compare in batch 3=Copy member 5=Browse member 6=View form 9=View task Run Archive Archive Archive Object Library Form Date Member File Library _ TURCADD SOFTTURN 92354 10/01/08 M000003023 ARCHIVE YOURARCLIB _ TURCADDL SOFTTURN 90917 11/03/09 M000000394 ARCHIVE YOURARCLIB Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel F4=Prompt F14=WRKSBMJOB F10=Maintain source compare command F18=WRKSPLF F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History The number of versions of archived source available in this list depends on how you are managing your archive files. For more information, read How archiving works on page 4-25. You can view the source compare command you are using by pressing F10, but you must have System Defaults authority to change it. If you want to compare two archived versions, type the Archived Member name of one member in the Compare: Member field at the top of the panel and then select the other member. 16=Dist History Type 16 next to an object to view its distribution history, if this object has been distributed to another system. If the object has not been distributed, an informational message will be displayed. F4=Prompt Press F4 (with the cursor positioned on a field) to prompt the field for a list of appropriate values. (Note that not all fields are eligible for prompting.) F5=Refresh Press F5 to refresh the panel. F8=IFS history Press F8 to work with the object history for IFS objects. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 15:10:27 Work with IFS Object History To reposition screen, enter Object: Programmer: Filter by Type: Reference: Status: Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Appl: 3=Copy archived object 5=View form 6=Explode paths 8=Archive information 9=View task 10=Checkout history 11=Line details 16=Dist History Object Type Path Cd Status Run Date ANOTHERLINEADDED IFSA /JFC/QA A Ready 0/00/00 Reference: JFC001 Pgmr: ELSEMORE Archived: N Checked out: N Form: 5103177 Appl: ETET Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 OBJECT TEST IFSA /JFC/QA A Ready 0/00/00 Reference: JFC001 Pgmr: ELSEMORE Archived: N Checked out: N Form: 5103177 Appl: ETET Rel: Ver: Lev: 1 OBJECT1 IFSA .../JFC/DEMOPROD R Ran-OK 10/09/98 Reference: DEMO0001 Pgmr: ELSEMORE Archived: N Checked out: N Form: 5103179 Appl: DEMO Rel: Ver: Lev: 2 More... F3=Exit F4=List F11=Show all F12=Cancel F21=System command F22=Full path This panel lists the most recent TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 record for each IFS object. Only objects that are associated with applications to which you’re authorized are displayed. See the online Help for a description of the fields displayed for each object. For detailed information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries. Page 4-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History F11= Alternate view (toggle) Press F11 to toggle the view. The view shifts to show you additional information about the objects: 1/29/10 10:54:07 Work with Object History To reposition screen, enter Object: 1=Browse current source 2=Browse archived source 5=View form 6=Data explosion 7=Checkout Object MENCACTU MENCADDU MENCADDU MENCADSA MENCATST MENCATTN MENCATTY MENCBADS MENCBADS MENCCACT MENCCAND MENCDATU F3=Exit Library T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS T100PRDS F5=Refresh Type PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF Run Date 1/02/10 1/04/10 1/04/10 1/28/10 1/28/10 1/04/10 1/18/10 1/27/10 1/29/10 1/01/10 1/02/10 1/09/10 F8=IFS history Programmer SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK SAMK F11=Alt. view Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y Filter name: *DEFAULT 3=Copy archived source 8=Archive information ... Description Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update Menu update More... F12=Cancel F24=More keys F16=User options Enter your own user-defined options. F17=Filters Press F17 to see the Filtering panel on which you can define filtering criteria for objects you want listed on the Work with Object History panel. Once you define your criteria, you can press F17 (again) on the Filtering panel to save your settings. For more information, see Filtering objects on page 4-13. F21=System Command Press F21 to work on a command line. F23=More options Press F23 to view additional options. F24=More keys Press F24 to view additional keys. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History WORKING WITH NAMED FILTERS A named filter defines a set of filtering criteria you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply to the objects list. On the Work with Object History panel, press F4 on the Filter name field to see a list of named filters. The following popup panel appears: 1/29/10 11:21:45 Work with Object History Apply filters . . Y Filter name: *DEFAULT To reposition screen, enter Object: 1=Browse curren 5=View form 6= Object ABC CLLEX001 CLLEX002 CLLEX003 CLLEX004 CLLEX005 CLLEX006 CLLEX007 CLLEX008 CLLEX009 CLLEX010 CLLEX011 F3=Exit L D D D D D D D D D D D D Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select Named Filter Position to: 1=Select Fltr: *DEFAULT KING_OBJ RANOK_WRN RECOVER King's Objects that are ready Objects that RAN-OK or RAN-WRN Recovered objects Bottom F2=Maintain Filters F5=Refresh F8=IFS history F3=Exit F12=Cancel F11=Alt. view More... F12=Cancel F24=More keys The Select Named Filter panel lists the existing named filters. You can select a filter name with option 1 and press Enter to apply that filter’s criteria to the list of objects on the Work with Object History panel. On that panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sets the Apply filters flag to Y (if it is not already set to that) to indicate that you have applied filtering criteria, it replaces the value in the Filter name field with the name of the filter you are have selected, and it removes the popup panel. If you now pressed F17 (if you do not see F17 at the bottom of the panel, press F24 to see more keys), a Filtering popup panel will appear. This panel shows the filtering criteria associated with the named filter you have selected (see Filtering objects on page 4-13). Page 4-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Adding and maintaining named filters On the Select Named Filter panel, you can press F2=Maintain Filters to maintain (add, change, copy, delete, and view) named filters. (Alternatively, you can prompt the WRKNAMFLT command (Work with Named Filters) and specify *OBJHST as the filter program.) A Named Filter Maintenance panel appears: 1/29/10 11:54:06 1=Add Named Filter Maintenance W/w Object History - user filters (HOME) Position to . . . 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete Your Company, Inc. 5=View Name Description *DEFAULT KING_OBJ RANOK_WRN RECOVER King's Objects that are ready Objects that RAN-OK or RAN-WRN Recovered objects Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Show Shared F12=Cancel F21=System Command The Named Filter Maintenance panel lists the existing named filters and provides options for working with them. If your filter names list becomes lengthy, you can press the Home key to position your cursor on the Position to field. In that field, you can type a filter name (and press Enter) to quickly position your cursor on that filter name in the list. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Adding a named filter To add a named filter, type 1 (Add) on the left top field, then tab to the right and type a filter name (of up to 10 characters), as shown here: 1/29/10 12:05:12 1=Add 1 Named Filter Maintenance W/w Object History - user filters (HOME) Position to . . . 2=Change Name READYOBJS *DEFAULT KING_OBJ RANOK_WRN RECOVER 3=Copy 4=Delete Your Company, Inc. 5=View Description King's Objects that are ready Objects that RAN-OK or RAN-WRN Recovered objects Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Show Shared F12=Cancel F21=System Command Press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the new filter name at the top of the Filtering panel. You can now type a filter description (of up to 40 characters) in the field to the right of the filter name and supply the filtering criteria beneath that: 1/29/10 12: Named Filter name Filter Maintenance Your Company, Type a description here. Inc. Filtering 1=A 1 F3= Page 4-10 Filter name: READYOBJS Select one or more filters: Field Object . . . . . . . Library. . . . . . . Type code. . . . . . Object type. . . . . Programmer . . . . . Reference. . . . . . Line status. . . . . Action code (A/R/D). Run date . . . . . . Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Value List values . . . . . . . . . Specify your filtering criteria here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Named filter READYOBJS does not exist. Press ENTER to create. © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Once you supply a filter description and specify the filtering criteria, the contents of the Filtering panel will look something like this: 1/29/10 12: 1=A 1 F3= Named Filter Maintenance Your Company, Inc. Filtering Filter name: READYOBJS Objects with a Ready status Select one or more filters: Field Object . . . . . . . Library. . . . . . . Type code. . . . . . Object type. . . . . Programmer . . . . . Reference. . . . . . Line status. . . . . Action code (A/R/D). Run date . . . . . . Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Value EQ READY . . . . . . . . . . List values and More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Named filter READYOBJS does not exist. Press ENTER to create. Press F17 to save your criteria settings (and then press Enter to create the filter) or press Enter twice to save your criteria and create the filter. (For detailed information about defining your filtering criteria, see Filtering objects on page 4-13.) Maintaining named filters You can change, copy, delete, and view named filters listed on the Named Filter Maintenance panel. You do so by selecting a named filter set with the desired option (2=Change, 3=Copy, 4=Delete, 5=View) and pressing Enter. When you select a filter set with options 2 or 5, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the filter name, description, and criteria on the Filtering panel. You can change the filter description and criteria (option 2) or just view the filter information (option 5). While viewing the criteria for a named filter, you can press F19 (Previous) or F20 (Next) to scan the criteria settings for the other named filter sets, one by one. When you select a filter set with option 4 (Delete), TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 asks you to confirm your choice. Press Enter delete the filter set. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 deletes it and removes its name from the named filters list. You can duplicate an existing filter set to create a new named set, and change the new filter set’s name, description, and criteria as you want. Also, if you want to make a filter set available to other users, you can copy it to a shared filter set. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History When you select a filter set with option 3 (Copy), a panel like this appears: 1/29/10 12: Named Filter Maintenance Your Company, Inc. Copy Filter 1=A 3 From Filter: READYOBJS Type: *USER Objects with a Ready status To Filter: READYOBJS Type: *USER Objects with a Ready status *USER, *SHARED F3=Exit F12=Cancel Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Show Shared F12=Cancel F21=System Command Use this Copy Filter panel to supply the name and description of the new filter set. You can also specify the type of filter you’re creating (*USER or *SHARED). Descriptions of the filter types follow: • *USER filter sets are private – that is, they are specific to your user profile. Only you have access to these filter sets. • *SHARED filter sets are a pool of named filter sets that are shared among users. Only users with System Aut authority can delete shared filter sets. You can interchange user and shared filter sets when copying: • *USER to *USER – Copy a private filter set to and provide a new name to modify the filter set name or type, while retaining the original criteria settings. • *USER to *SHARED – Copy a private filter set to a shared filter set to make it available to others to copy to their own private filters. Any changes you and others subsequently make to the private filter will not affect the shared filter set. If a shared filter set with that name already exists, you must supply a new name. • *SHARED to *USER – Copy shared filter sets to user filter sets to create your own private versions. Any changes you subsequently make to the resulting private filter set will not affect the originating shared filter set. If you already have a user filter with the same name, you must supply a new name. • *SHARED to *SHARED – You cannot modify shared filters. Therefore, this copy function is not permitted. Page 4-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Once you supply a new filter name and description, and specify the filter type, press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the new filter set and adds it to the list. On the Named Filter Maintenance panel, you can press F11 to toggle between lists of user filter sets and shared filter sets. Filtering objects You see the Filtering popup panel when you add and maintain filter names (as described on the previous pages) or when you press F17=Filters on the Work with Object History panel. 19 The Filtering panel follows: 1/29/10 12: Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. Filtering To Filter name: *DEFAULT Select one or more filters: 1=B 5=V Field Object . . . . . . . Library. . . . . . . Type code. . . . . . Object type. . . . . Programmer . . . . . Reference. . . . . . Line status. . . . . Action code (A/R/D). Run date . . . . . . Form . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value . . . . . . . . . . List values and F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel More... F17=Save Filters F16 Page down… 1/29/10 12: Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. Filtering To 1=B 5=V Filter name: *DEFAULT Select one or more filters: Field Application. Release. . Version. . Level. . . Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object exists. . . . . Source exists. . . . . Archived source exists Checked out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Include only objects run in the past F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List Value 0 List values days. . . N F12=Cancel More... F17=Save Filters F3= 19 You will initially see the Filtering panel upon entering object history if you have set the Prompt for filters when entering object history field to Y. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Filtering fields You define filtering criteria by supplying values in the Test and Value fields. The value that you can specify in the Test field depends on the field by which you are filtering. (For example, if you are filtering by programmer, you can supply any valid test value except BT.) Also, if you are filtering by programmer, you are likely to supply a specific programmer’s profile name in the Value field. All possible values for the Test field are the following: Test Field Value EQ NE GT LT GE LE CT BT LI NL XX Description Equals Not equals Greater than Less than Greater than or Equal to Less than or Equal to Contains Between In the defined list Not in the defined list Do not test Notes: 1. Use CT to see information for specific characters. For CT, you must specify a value that begins with a percent sign (%), ends with a percent sign, or both. Also, with CT, you can use an underscore in the value to indicate that any single character must occupy that position. For example, if you wanted to see information for programmer TJEFFERSON, you could specify %JEFF% in the Programmer field. However, you would also see information for programmer TJEFFERSON if you specified %ERS_N (this has one underscore) or __EFF% (this has two underscores). 2. Use LI to see information for multiple values. For example, you might want to see a list of forms run by a programmer who has multiple User IDs. Specify LI as the test and press F11 to define the list of User IDs. Your results will only include information for User IDs in your list. 3. Use NL to exclude information for multiple values. For example, you might want to see a list of forms run by all programmers except AUSER and SMITH. Specify NL as the test and press F11 to define the list of User IDs (AUSER and SMITH) you want excluded. Your results will include information for all User IDs except AUSER and SMITH. 4. Use XX to retain a value that you often, but do not always, test. Specify XX with a value when you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to ignore that value. Page 4-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History 5. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies an AND condition to its filtering. This means that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only display information that matches ALL the filtering criteria you specify. On some, but not all, of the Value fields, you can press F4=Prompt to see a list of your choices. And, on the Value fields that you can prompt, you can press F11 to supply or edit a list of values. When you specify a list of values, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a partial list under List values on the Filtering panel. For additional details, see the online Help. In most cases, if you do not specify a Test value, it will default to EQ. However, there are these exceptions: If you leave the Test field blank and supply this in the Value field… A value that contains percent sign (%). The default Test value becomes… a CT A list of values (using F11). LI Both dates for the Run date field. BT Another field appears at the bottom of the Filtering panel. A description follows: Include only objects run in the past 0 days Specify for how many days you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to display objects that have been promoted. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only display objects promoted within the number of days that you specify. For example, if you use the default value of 0 days, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only show objects promoted today (the current day). If you specify a value of 1 day, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will show objects promoted yesterday and today. If you specify a value of 2 days, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will show objects promoted the day before yesterday, yesterday, and today. You can specify up to 999 days. Note: You might have a particular number of days that you repeatedly reuse. If you specify that number in this field, you can use the field (Y/N) to the right to toggle this criteria setting on and off. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History User specific settings When you page down on the Filtering panel, you see additional options that apply to your user profile. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 saves these settings when you press Enter, and it saves them independently of the settings you specify for named filters. The panel looks like this: 1/29/10 12: Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. Additional Options To User specific settings: 1=B 5=V Sort by run date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Show Latest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Exclude deleted objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Prompt for filters when entering object history. . . Automatically apply filters . . . . . . . . . . . Initial filter name. . . . . . . . . . . . *DEFAULT Automatically save filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . Show 'Press ENTER to confirm' message. . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Y Y name, *LAST Y Y Bottom F17=Save Filters F3= These additional options are described here. Sort by run date Specify how you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to sort the object history data in the Work with Object History panel. If you type N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sorts in this order … If you type Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sorts in this order … Field Description Field Description Object Ascending by object name Run Date Descending by form run date Type Code Ascending by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code Object Ascending by object name Ascending by object library Type Code Ascending by TURNOVER® for Library Run Date Descending by form run date Library Ascending by object library Run Time Descending by form run time Descending by form run time Form Descending by form number Run Time Line Ascending by form line number Form Descending by form number Line Ascending by form line number Page 4-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 iSeries v100 type code TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Show Latest Specify whether or not you want to see, on the Work with Object History panel, only the most recent change for each object, based on object name (Object), object type (Type), and object library (Library). Type Y to only see the most recent record for each object, type, and library combination. Type N to see the complete objects information. Exclude deleted objects Specify whether or not you want to see, on the Work with Object History panel, history for an object that was deleted in its most recent promotion. Type Y to omit history for deleted objects. Type N to include history for deleted objects. Prompt for filters when entering object history Specify whether or not, upon entering object history (option 4 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu), 20 you initially want to see the Filtering panel. By visiting the Filtering panel first, you can define a set of filtering criteria that exactly describes the objects whose history you want to see. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 then populates the Work with Object History panel only with those objects, which improves the speed at which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents the data and helps you to quickly find what you need. Type N to bypass the Filtering panel and to initially see the Work with Object History panel. Type Y to see initially see the Filtering panel. When you are ready to exit from the initial Filtering panel, you can use several keys, as follows: • F3 - When you press F3 to exit the Filtering panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not save any filtering changes you have made and does not show you the Work with Object History panel. • F12 – When you press F12 to exit the Filtering panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not save any filtering changes you have made but does show you the Work with Object History panel. • Enter – When you press Enter to exit the Filtering panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 saves any filtering changes you have made and shows you the Work with Object History panel. 20 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 only recognizes the value you specify for this Prompt for filters when entering object history field when you access object history from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. When you access object history for a particular object (for example, if you use the TDSPOBJD command) or for a particular reference (for example, if you select a task on the Work with Tasks panel with option 18=Object history), TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will automatically apply filters based on that object or reference. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Automatically apply filters Specify whether or not when you re-enter the Work with Object History panel, you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to automatically apply the filtering criteria you last saved. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically apply the saved criteria the next time you enter the Work with Object History panel. (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies the criteria associated with the named filter you specify in the Initial filter name field; see next.) Type N to NOT have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically apply the saved criteria the next time you enter the Work with Object History panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the value you specify here in conjunction with the value you specified in the Prompt for filters when entering object history field (see previous) in the following way: • If you type Y here but have set Prompt for filters when entering object history to N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will automatically apply any filtering criteria you previously saved. • If you type N here and have set Prompt for filters when entering object history to N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not automatically apply any filtering criteria you previously saved. However, you can instruct TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply those criteria by setting the Apply filters flag (on the Work with Object History panel) to Y. 21 Initial filter name Specify the named filter you want to initially be your active filter when you enter the Work with Object History panel. On this field, you can press F4 to see a list of existing named filters (including *DEFAULT; see below). Otherwise, your choices are: *DEFAULT *LAST Name Use your default filters. Use the named filter you used the last time you exited the Work with Object History panel. Type the name of a specific named filter. Automatically save filters Specify whether or not you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to automatically save your filtering criteria when you exit the Filtering panel. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 save your current criteria, making them the default values for the named filter and available the next time you enter the Work with Object History panel. When you specify Y, you do not have to press F17 (on the Filtering panel) to save your current settings. When set to N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not automatically save your settings. You must then press F17 to save them manually. (If you have changed the criteria but not yet saved them, you can press F5=Refresh to revert to the values initially shown.) 21 When you access object history for a particular object (for example, if you use the TDSPOBJD command) or for a particular reference (for example, if you select a task on the Work with Tasks panel with option 18=Object history), TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will automatically apply filters based on that object or reference. Page 4-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Note: If you are not automatically saving filters, and you have changed the named filter values but need to reinstate the default values for that named filter, you can do so by exiting from and re-entering the Work with Object History panel. Show ‘Press ENTER to confirm’ message Specify whether or not you want to see a Press ENTER to confirm message when you change a named set’s filtering criteria. This option lets you press Enter once to verify your criteria, and then again to apply them. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 issue the message and wait for your confirmation after you change the filtering criteria and press Enter once. Type N to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 validate your changes and, if successfully validated, apply them immediately after pressing Enter once. Examples Several examples of how you can define filtering criteria are provided on the following pages. Example 1: Filter by application and objects promoted in the past 30 days This example shows how you can filter objects to only see those that have been promoted for a specific application in the past 30 days. The information provided by these settings could help you determine how often you need to make custom modifications to a vendor application. 1/29/10 12: 1=A 1 Named Filter Maintenance Filtering Filter name: LAST30DAYS Appl BFFJ & Objects Promoted this month Select one or more filters: Field Application. Release. . Version. . Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object exists. . . . . Source exists. . . . . Archived source exists Checked out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test EQ Include only objects run in the past F3= Your Company, Inc. F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List Value BFFJ 30 List values days. . . Y F12=Cancel More... F17=Save Filters TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History As shown here, for the Application field, you type EQ (Equals) in the Test field and supply the application code in the Value field. (You can press F4 to see a list of applications, including release, version, and level.) In the Include only objects run in the past 0 days field, type 30 and specify Y to toggle that criteria setting to be on. When you press Enter twice (the second time to confirm your settings), your results will look something like this: 1/29/10 12:16:12 Work with Object History To reposition screen, enter Object: 1=Browse current source 2=Browse archived source 5=View form 6=Data explosion 7=Checkout Object J41590Y J41590Y P4101 P4101 P41590Y P41590Y R41590Y R41590Y V4101 V4101 Library J73SLSOBJ J73TSTOBJ J73SLSOBJ J73TSTOBJ J73SLSOBJ J73TSTOBJ J73SLSOBJ J73TSTOBJ J73SLSOBJ J73TSTOBJ Type Run Date CLPJDE 8/02/09 CLPJDE 8/02/09 RPGJDE 8/02/09 RPGJDE 8/02/09 RPGJDE 8/02/09 RPGJDE 8/02/09 PRTJD3 8/02/09 PRTJD3 8/02/09 DSPJDE 8/02/09 DSPJDE 8/02/09 F3=Exit F5=Refresh F8=IFS history NOTE: This is a subsetted list. Appl Rl BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 BFFJ 7 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y Filter name: LAST30DAYS 3=Copy archived source 8=Archive information ... Exists Chk Vr Lv Cd Obj Src Arc Out 3 2 R Y Y Y N 3 1 R N N Y N 3 2 R Y Y N N 3 1 R N N N N 3 2 R Y Y Y N 3 1 R N N Y N 3 2 R Y Y Y N 3 1 R N N Y N 3 2 R Y Y Y N 3 1 R N N Y N F11=Alt. view Bottom F12=Cancel F24=More keys Here, all objects that have been promoted under application BFFJ within the past 30 days (see the dates under Run Date) are shown. Example 2: Filter by objects modified for a particular task reference and application level This example shows how you can filter objects to only see those that have been modified for a particular task reference and application level. The information provided by these settings could help you determine what objects you need to work with to make additional changes for a task. 1/29/10 12: 1=A 1 F3= Page 4-20 Named Filter Maintenance Filter name: REGT0136 Select one or more filters: Field Object . . . . . . . Library. . . . . . . Type code. . . . . . Object type. . . . . Programmer . . . . . Reference. . . . . . Line status. . . . . Action code (A/R/D). Run date . . . . . . Form . . . . . . . . Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. Filtering Production objects modified for REGT0136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQ Value List values REGT0136 and More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Named filter REGT0136 does not exist. Press ENTER to create. © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Page down to set additional filtering criteria: 1/29/10 12: 1=A Named Filter Maintenance Filtering Filter name: REGT0136 Production objects modified for REGT0136 Select one or more filters: Field Application. Release. . Version. . Level. . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object exists. . . . . Source exists. . . . . Archived source exists Checked out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test EQ EQ EQ EQ Include only objects run in the past F3= Your Company, Inc. F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List Value REGT List values 20 0 days. . . N F12=Cancel More... F17=Save Filters As shown here, for the Reference field (see topmost panel), you type EQ (Equals) in the Test field and supply the task reference in the Value field. (You can press F4 to see a list of reference codes.) On the bottom panel, you specify that you only want to see the production objects (Level 20) that have been modified for application REGT. When you press Enter twice (the second time to confirm your settings), your results will look something like this: 1/29/10 12:25:59 Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition screen, enter Object: Apply filters . . Y Filter name: REGT0136 1=Browse current source 2=Browse archived source 3=Copy archived source 5=View form 6=Data explosion 7=Checkout 8=Archive information ... Exists Chk Object Library Type Run Date Appl Rl Vr Lv Cd Obj Src Arc Out CLP001 REGT100PRD CLP 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N CMD01 REGT100PRD CLP 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N CMD01 REGT100PRD CMD 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N DTAARA01 REGT100PRD DTAARA 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y N N N DTAQ01 REGT100PRD DTAQ 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y N N N DXLF1 REGT100PRD LF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N DXPF1 REGT100PRD PF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N DXPF2 REGT100PRD PF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N FILE01 REGT100PRD PF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N FILE02 REGT100PRD PF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N FILE03 REGT100PRD PF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N FILE04 REGT100PRD PF 6/05/09 REGT 20 R Y Y N N More... F3=Exit F5=Refresh F8=IFS history F11=Alt. view F12=Cancel F24=More keys NOTE: This is a subsetted list. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History Here, all the production objects that have been modified for application REGT and task reference REGT0136 are shown. To see the task reference, you must press F11 (Alt. view) a couple times. You will then see the REGT0136 task reference, as shown here: 8/11/06 12:26:05 Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y Filter name: REGT0136 1=Browse current source 2=Browse archived source 3=Copy archived source 5=View form 6=Data explosion 7=Checkout 8=Archive information ... Version Object Library Type Run Date Form Status Reference Maj Min CLP001 REGT54PRD CLP 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 CMD01 REGT54PRD CLP 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 CMD01 REGT54PRD CMD 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 DTAARA01 REGT54PRD DTAARA 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 DTAQ01 REGT54PRD DTAQ 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 DXLF1 REGT54PRD LF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 DXPF1 REGT54PRD PF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 DXPF2 REGT54PRD PF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 FILE01 REGT54PRD PF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 FILE02 REGT54PRD PF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 FILE03 REGT54PRD PF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 FILE04 REGT54PRD PF 6/05/06 6402618 Ran-OK REGT0136 More... F3=Exit F5=Refresh F8=IFS history F11=Alt. view F12=Cancel F24=More keys NOTE: This is a subsetted list. To reposition screen, enter Object: Example 3: Filter by RPG service programs This example shows how you can filter by RPG service programs that have been created or modified for all applications. A service program is generally a reusable chunk of code that performs a particular function like calculating dates or converting dollars into euros. You might want to see what service programs already exist before writing a new one. 1/29/10 13: 1=A 1 F3= Page 4-22 Named Filter Maintenance Your Company, Inc. Filtering Filter name: RPGSRV RPG Service Programs Select one or more filters: Field Object . . . . . . . Library. . . . . . . Type code. . . . . . Object type. . . . . Programmer . . . . . Reference. . . . . . Line status. . . . . Action code (A/R/D). Run date . . . . . . Form . . . . . . . . Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQ Value List values RPGSRV and More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Named filter RPGSRV does not exist. Press ENTER to create. © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History As shown here, for the Type code field, you type EQ (Equals) in the Test field and RPGSRV (the type code for service programs) in the Value field. When you press Enter twice (the second time to confirm your settings), your results will look something like this: 1/29/10 13:03:11 Work with Object History Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y Filter name: RPGSRV 1=Browse current source 2=Browse archived source 3=Copy archived source 5=View form 6=Data explosion 7=Checkout 8=Archive information ... Version Object Library Type Run Date Form Status Reference Maj Min RPG009 SKPROD RPGSRV 2/12/08 6308180 Ran-OK SAKP0008 003.000 RPG009 SKTEST RPGSRV 2/12/08 6307922 Ran-OK SAKP0004 000.001 T3ADDCHGSV A2PROD RPGSRV 2/20/09 6312174 Ran-OK JM520059 000.000 T3ADDCHGSV A2TEST RPGSRV 2/20/09 6312134 Ran-OK JM520059 006.000 T3MSG A2PROD RPGSRV 2/20/09 6312174 Ran-OK JM520059 006.000 T3MSG A2TEST RPGSRV 2/20/09 6312134 Ran-OK JM520059 006.000 To reposition screen, enter Object: F3=Exit F5=Refresh F8=IFS history NOTE: This is a subsetted list. F11=Alt. view Bottom F12=Cancel F24=More keys Here, all objects representing existing service programs are shown. VIEWING ARCHIVED INFORMATION To view archive information select option 8=Archive information. This panel appears: 1/29/10 13:22:55 Work with Archived Member Your Company, Inc. Object . . . . . APPF001 Library . . . PRODTEST Type . . . . . . *FILE 1=Restore Form 2=Browse Archive Line Date 103214 100621 100301 100027 005 006 001 003 F3=Exit Archive File 01/21/98 APARCHIVE 06/30/98 APARCHIVE 04/11/98 03/21/98 Archive Library Archive Member Save Date ARCLIB ARCLIB M000043912 M000003249 M000000911 M000000312 00/00/00 09/18/98 09/18/98 Save Volume SLS210 SLS210 F12=Cancel TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History This panel lists archived source members for the object you selected. Some of the members in the list might be in the application’s current on-line archive file; some might be in an old on-line archive file that hasn’t yet been stored off line; and some might be stored off line on the indicated save volume. From this panel, you can browse any member shown; but you can restore only those that have been saved off. If the source code hasn’t yet been saved to tape, then you can retrieve a copy of the archived source using option 3 on the Work with Object History panel. (For the big picture, read How archiving works on page 4-25.) Restoring archived source members To restore archived source from off line, load the volume indicated on the panel and select the object you want to restore with option 1. Source is then restored into any source physical file you designate. (By default, the restore-to file and library are those defined in your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 programmer record.) The library specified must exist. The file is created if it doesn’t already exist. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can track previous generations of source members both on line and off line. You can have any number of previous generations stored on line; the number of generations stored off line depends on how long you decide to keep your off-line archive tapes before re-using them. Page 4-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 4: Working with Object History How archiving works TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 archives to a source file22 defined by the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 global default called Source Archive File, unless you override this default by specifying a qualified source archive file at the application level (Application Defaults and Rules panel). The global default value is used for any application that archives source without overriding the global default. When source is archived during a form run, it is compressed and copied to the source file identified by the application. (The default value for applications is *DEFAULT, which refers back to the global default.) If the source file does not yet exist, it is created. When the number of members in the archive source file approaches the upper limit, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 begins warning the application administrator whenever a form archives a source member (one message per form). If the administrator does not change the global default and/or application default to archive to a new source file, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 builds a new application archive file when the number of members exceeds the maximum (32,767 members). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 names the new archive file Annnnnnnnn (where nnnnnnnnn represents the next available sequential number), and stores it in the same library as the original archive file. Information about archived source members is stored in object history (this chapter). You can browse or copy archived source members from the Work with Object History panel as long as the archive file has not been stored off line, and you can restore members from archive files that have been saved off. You can manage your source archive files using option 2 (Work with Source Archive Files) on the Utility Menu. This panel lists for you all the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 source archive files on your system, and provides options for you to save them off line, delete them, reorganize them, or list the applications that use them. This feature is fully described in Chapter 8: Utility Menu. When you (carefully!) run the Purge TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms job using option 1 on the Utility Menu, you remove forms that you designate from your system. At this time, you can opt to also remove all associated object history information for those forms, which would in turn remove all associated archive information as well. This feature is also described in Chapter 8: Utility Menu. For archiving setup tips, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. 22 As a rule of thumb, the record length of your archive files should be the widest of the record lengths used by your source files. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 4-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 5: CHECKING OUT/CHECKING IN SOURCE When you check out source, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 transfers a copy of the source member from production to a designated development source file. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 records the checkout to prevent anyone else from checking out the same source member until you check it back in. Information about the Multiple Checkout Facility is provided later in this chapter; also see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Emergency Changes in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 (#24). When you run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to promote source back into production, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically checks in the source. Manual check-in of source frees the source in production so someone else can check it out, but it does not alter the source in production. All checkout functions are commands and are accessible from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Checkout Menu, from within PDM, or while working within TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM) facility (the preferred method). For more information, see the Developer’s Guide: Programmer’s Worklist Manager. Although generally transparent to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 users, it would be helpful for you to understand how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 locates the source to be checked out, as follows: • First, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 attempts to check out source for a production object by referring to the object description to locate the source that created it, and then checking out and copying that source to your development library. If it cannot find the source based on the object description, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 looks at the application definition to find the source and check it out from there. • If you specify a source member name to be checked out and no object exists, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will check out the source member from a source file, without referring to the production object. • When you check out source, you do not need to know the source file name and library. You can reference the application name and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the application definition to determine these variables. Also, depending on how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is set up on your system, you do not need to tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 the name of your development library. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also determines this from the application definition or your programmer profile. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source • When you check out an object, we recommend that you specify a Project task reference. This makes it easier to build a form later, by typing the Reference field and having TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 complete the form with the object names that were checked out or reserved here. Your company may have made the Project task reference field a required field. If you use the Programmer’s Worklist, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will use the Project task reference associated with the worklist, by default. • You can manually perform source check-in if you check out source and then decide not to change it. In this case, checking in the source only resets the lock in the checkout file. The only time production source is changed is during the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run, when it is copied to production. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically checks in the source at that time. THE CHECKOUT MENU23 1/29/10 12:40:26 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. Work with application definitions 2. Maintain programmer information 3. Maintain Users authority 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Work with object history Check-out/check-in source Work with forms Submit a form to run Utility menu Work with Projects and Tasks Reporting menu Distribution menu Programmer Worklists Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F24=More keys Select option 5 to access TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Checkout/Check-in Menu. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends All of the functions contained on this menu can be accomplished on the Programmer Worklist panel more efficiently, and we recommend that you use that facility to manage and test your changes. This menu predates the existence of the Programmer Worklist and, for that reason, is preserved, but the Programmer Worklist provides considerably more functionality. 23 For normal operations, you will perform most of these functions from your Programmer’s Worklist (PWM) rather than from this menu. For more about PWM, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide, and see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. Page 5-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source THE CHECKOUT/CHECK-IN MENU 1/29/10 09:01:57 Checkout/Check-in Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. View checked out objects/members Check-in by object Check-in by member Checkout 31. Checkout S/36 Menu 32. Checkout S/36 DFU 10. View checked out IFS objects 11. Check-in IFS object 12. Checkout IFS object 20. Work with object references 21. Work with user-defined references 22. Programmer Worklist Manager 30. Work with *DATA definitions Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F20=PDM Menu F21=System command UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends 1. All checkout options are commands and can be accessed from PDM as well as the Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM). 24 We encourage you to always use the worklist. 2. If you must use the menu, check out source by specifying the production object name (or select from a list of objects) rather than checking out directly from the production source file. Every time you specify the object name, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks the object description and the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 application description to find the source. You see exactly where the source for the current object is stored. The advantage of this approach is that you know that you have the correct source. If someone had bypassed TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and compiled an object directly from a test source member, you would see that condition immediately and could take corrective action. Although this will not happen if security is enforced, this method provides an extra measure of assurance. 24 See the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplements entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Commands (#28), as well as the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide (for PWM). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source VIEWING CHECKED OUT OBJECTS OR MEMBERS25 You can view and search all source members that are currently checked out. Also, if you have checkin authority, you can change or reassign a checkout record to another programmer. To view checked out objects and members, select option 1 (View checked out objects/members) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 13:15:44 View Checked Out Members Your Company Inc. YOURSYS Position to member: __________ 2=Change checkout record Fltr: __________ __________ Member Library MYOBJECT AUSRPRDSRC TESTPF AUSRPRDSRC TESTPF AUSRPRDSRC 5=Browse current member __________ Srce File QRPGLESRC QCLSRC QDDSSRC __________ Type RPGLE CLLE LF 6=Print current member __________ Programmer AUSER JSMITH JSMITH __________ Reference YCWP0004 YCWP0001 YCWP0001 ________ Status NEW NEW NEW Bottom F3=Exit F4=Select F16=User options F5=Refresh F11=View2 F21=Command F12=Cancel 25 An alternate path is to type the DSPCHKOUT command on a command line. Page 5-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source To refine the list of objects in sight, position to the member you want or use the Fltr fields to include only the objects desired. Select an object with option 5 or 6 to browse or print its current production source. Select an object with option 2 to reassign the checkout responsibility to another user or make other changes to its checkout record. (See the description of the next panel.) When you reassign a checkout record, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will mark the previous checkout record as checked in and start a new checkout record for the programmer to whom control is being passed. The Source Checkout History Report will show this check-in/checkout activity. (For more information, see Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports.) If you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, you can press F4 to view and select project and task codes from a list. This can then be used as a filter on this panel. Note: The information on this panel is organized according to the source file information for the object. The checkout records for object-only objects (data areas, queries, some ILE programs, and so on) contain no source information; they’re sorted to the top of the list. You can’t use the Position to field for object-only items; use the Page Down key instead. Press F11 to view checked out IFS objects for this task (same as option 10 on the Checkout/Check-in Menu; see page 5-10). Change checkout record To change the checkout record for any item in the list, select option 2 (Change) on the View Checked Out Members panel. A panel like this appears: 11:16:18 Change Checkout Record Application: MSPR Rel: Ver: Object . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . Type . . . . . . . . . Production source file Library . . . . . . Member . . . . . . . . Type code . . . . . . Test source file . . . Library . . . . . . Member . . . . . . . . Programmer . . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. Lev: 4 ACTPYBMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE QDDSSRC MSPRDSRC ACTPYBMSTF PF QDDSSRC MARYSDEV ACTPYBMSTF ELMESMIKE PROJ0002 New type code . . . . . . . *SAME New programmer . . . . . . . *SAME New reference . . . . . . . *SAME *SAME, Type code, F4=List *SAME, *USRPRF, Name, F4=List *SAME, Char, F4=List Copy test source . . . . . . N Delete test source . . . . . N F3=Exit F4=List F12=Cancel Y,N Y,N TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source You can change the source checkout record if you want to transfer checkout responsibility for a source member from one programmer to another. You can transfer source to another programmer, and also delete the source from the original programmer when you transfer control. Another reason that you may want to change the checkout record is that, occasionally, you may need to change the checkout record to reset to type code. For example, you may have checked out an RPG38 member, then decided to convert it to native RPG. You can change the type code on the checkout record to type of RPG. This will then become the default when the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is created so that the correct create command is used to create the object. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will close the first checkout record and create a new checkout record for the new programmer. Page 5-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING IN SOURCE FOR PRODUCTION OBJECTS26 If you checked out source by referring to the object name, you can manually check it in using option 2 (Check-in by object) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. We refer to this as check in by object. If you checked out source directly from the source file, you can check it in using option 3 (Check-in by member) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. Do not check in source manually if you are promoting the object or a source member in a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 promotion job. Remember that checking in source does not replace the production source. That is only done in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form promotion job. To manually check in an object’s source, select option 2 (Check-in by object) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 Position to object: Check in Source for Production Object Your Company, Inc. Filter by Programmer: PGMR1 Reference: Appl/Rel/Ver/Lev: 1=Checkin 2=Checkin,delete test member 3=Checkin,delete test member/object Object Library Type Programmer Test Lib Reference ACTPYBMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 ACTPYBMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 ACTPYBMSTF MSQADTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 APCLP999 PRODTEST *PGM PGMR1 DEVTEST APPR0078 GNRLDGMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 GNRLDGMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 GNRLDGMSTF MSQASTGDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 MYCOMMAND MSPRDOBJ *CMD PGMR1 PGMR1DEV MLST0002 MYCOMMAND MSQAOBJ *CMD PGMR1 PGMR1DEV MLST0002 PYRMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 PYRMSTF MSPRDDTA *FILE PGMR1 PGMR1DEV PROJ0002 TIFHAPPT DOCPRD *PNLGRP PGMR1 DOCDEV PROJ0003 + Note: Source for objects being turned over to Production is checked in automatically. Do not check in manually. F3=Exit F5=Fold/Unfold Select the object for which you want to check in source. You can select options to delete the test source member, or to delete both the source member and test object from your development library. You must have Check-in authority for the application and level you select. 26 Normally, you will check in using option 22 on the Programmer’s Worklist (PWM). We recommend that method. (While this option predates PWM, we still support it.) For more about PWM, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide, and see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING IN SOURCE MEMBERS27 If you checked out the source member directly from the production source file, you can manually check it in using option 3 (Check-in by member) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. Do not check in source manually if you are promoting the object or a source member in a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 promotion job. If you checked out source by production object name, you can check it in using either option 2 (Check-in by object) or 3 (Check-in by member). Remember that checking in source does not replace the production source. That is only done in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form promotion job. To manually check in a source member, select option 3 (Check-in by member) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 Check in Source Members Position to member: Your Company, Inc. Filter by Programmer: Reference: Appl/Rel/Ver/Lev: 1=Checkin 2=Checkin,delete test member 3=Checkin,delete Source File Library Member Type Programmer QDDSSRC JFC CALL087RL LF ELMSMIKE QCLSRC JFC CLPXX CLP ELMSMIKE QCLSRC JFC CLP01 CLP ELMSMIKE test member/object Test Lib Reference ELMEMIKE T99M0203 ELMSMIKE JFC ELMSMIKE ETEVMIK + Note: Source for objects being turned over to Production is checked in automatically. Do not check in manually. F3=Exit F5=Fold/Unfold Select the member for which you want to check in source. You can select options to delete the source member from your development library, or to delete both the source member and test object from your development library. You must have Check-in authority for the application and level you select. 27 Normally, you will check in using option 22 on the Programmer’s Worklist (PWM). We recommend that method. (While this option predates PWM, we still support it.) For more about PWM, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide, and see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. Page 5-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING OUT SOURCE BY OBJECT OR MEMBER You can check out source by object or source member using option 4 (Checkout) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: Add TURNOVER for iSeries v100 Checkout (CHECKOUT) Type choices, press Enter. Object . . . Type code . Application Level . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name AAUDIT, ABPGM, ADMDL, ADPGM... CHAR Number Char . . . . . Additional Parameters Library . . . . . . . . Source Member . . . . . Source File . . . . . . Source Library . . . . . Source copy option . . . Duplicate non-src object Release . . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh *APPL *OBJ *APPL *APPL *NONE *YES F12=Cancel *APPL, name Name, *OBJ, *OBJD Name, *APPL Name, *APPL *NONE, *ADD, *REPLACE *YES, *NO Number Number More... F13=How to use this display To check out source by object or source member, you must satisfy all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 rules pertaining to checkout. You must be a user of the application you specify and have Checkout authority to that application. You must specify valid libraries for the object or member you are checking out. You cannot check out an object or member that is already checked out (unless group checkout is allowed). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source VIEWING CHECKED OUT IFS OBJECTS You can view and search all IFS objects currently checked out. To view IFS objects that have been checked out using the TCHKOUTIFS command or using option 12 (Checkout IFS object) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu, select option 10 (View checked out IFS objects) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 View Checked Out IFS Objects Position to object: Your Company, Inc. Filter by Programmer: Reference: Appl/Rel/Ver/Lev: 2=Change checkout record Object Type Programmer AUTCOD.CLA CLASS BAUMGARTEN Path: /PROD/JAVA/SLSAPPLETS/COM.SOFTLANDING Application: WEB Release: 00 Version: 00 Level: 02 AUTCOD.HTM HTML BAUMGARTEN Path: /PROD/HTML/SLSWEB Application: WEB Release: 00 Version: 00 Level: 02 AUTCOD.JAV JAVA BAUMGARTEN Path: /PROD/JAVA/SLSAPPLETS/COM.SOFTLANDING Application: WEB Release: 00 Version: 00 Level: 02 AUTOMARK.DOC IFSDOC MARYS Path: /DOCS/TURNOVER/PUBLISH/R51 Application: DOC Release: 05 Version: 01 Level: 02 F3=Exit F4=Reference selection F12=Cancel Reference WEB 0001 WEB 0001 WEB 0001 PROJ0003 + F22=Full path/object For more information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. Page 5-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING IN IFS OBJECTS You can manually check in an IFS object if you’ve checked it out and then decided to cancel the checkout. Otherwise, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically checks in the object when it’s promoted back to the path from which it was checked out. Also, manually checking in an object does not replace the object. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does that when you run the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. To check in IFS objects that have been checked out using the Check Out IFS Object (TCHKOUTIFS) command or using option 12 (Checkout IFS object) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu, select option 11 (Check-in IFS object) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 Check in IFS Objects Position to object: Your Company, Inc. Filter by Programmer: Reference: Appl/Rel/Ver/Lev: 1=Checkin 2=Checkin, delete test object Object Type Programmer Reference AUTOMARK.DOC IFSDOC MARYS PROJ0003 Path: /DOCS/TURNOVER/PUBLISH/R51 Application: DOC Release: 05 Version: 01 Level: 02 DISTRIB.DOC IFSDOC MARYS PROJ0003 Path: /DOCS/TURNOVER/PUBLISH/R51 Application: DOC Release: 05 Version: 01 Level: 02 EXITS.DOC IFSDOC MARYS PROJ0003 Path: /DOCS/TURNOVER/PUBLISH/R51 Application: DOC Release: 05 Version: 01 Level: 02 FILES.DOC IFSDOC MARYS PROJ0003 Path: /DOCS/TURNOVER/PUBLISH/R51 Application: DOC Release: 05 Version: 01 Level: 02 + Note: Objects being promoted on a TURNOVER® for iSeries form are checked In automatically. Do not check in manually. F3=Exit F22=Full path/object This panel shows all the IFS objects that are currently checked out. For more information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING OUT IFS OBJECTS You can check out objects from any of the Integrated File Systems. To check out IFS objects, use the Check Out IFS Object (TCHKOUTIFS) command or select option 12 (Checkout IFS object) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: Check Out IFS Object (TCHKOUTIFS) Type choices, press Enter. Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASS, DLL, EXE, HLP, HTML,... Character value Character value Type code . . . . . . . . . . . Application . . . . . . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F13=How to use this display F10=Additional parameters F24=More keys Bottom F12=Cancel For detailed information, see the IFS guide, Managing Integrated File System (IFS) Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries. Page 5-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source WORKING WITH OBJECT REFERENCES The Work with Object References option allows you to supply an object name and view usage information in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s cross-reference files, if you built them for your application. To build a cross-reference file for an application, you must first set the X-Ref method parameter to *TURNOVER for that application level. Then you must type 20=Sbm Xref on the Work with Application Definitions panel to submit a cross-reference build job. For more information, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. To view cross-reference files for your applications, select option 20 (Work with object references) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: Work with Object References (WRKOBJREF) Type choices, press Enter. Object Name . . Library Name . . Type code . . . X-Ref Table Name Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh TLINEF SOFTTURND PF DEFAULT * F12=Cancel Name Name AAUDIT, ABPGM, ADMDL, ADPGM... APDEMO, DEFAULT, J52XREF, L.. *, *PRINT Bottom F13=How to use this display Type the Object Name, Library Name, Object Type, and X-Ref Table name in which the crossreference information is to be found and press Enter. If you position to the X-Ref Table parameter and press F4, you will see a list of all of the cross-reference (X-Ref) tables defined on your system. (Note that those you see here are only examples.) Note that you can also see cross-reference usage information by selecting option 15 on the Programmer’s Worklist and Work with Object History panels. If you have Pathfinder™, Abstract/Probe+™, or some other cross-reference package, you can create a user-defined option while viewing the Work with Object History or Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panels to get into your cross-reference files quickly. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source Press Enter while viewing the Work with Object References panel. You’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 Data set 11:12:52 Work with Cross-Reference . . . . DEFAULT Apply filters . . . Y 5=View checkout 6=Work with relationships ------ Uses/Used-by -------> Object Library Attr TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF TLINEF SOFTTURND PF Object ADDCHKITMR ADDCMDR ADDCMDXR CHGFORMPRR CVTLINCMTR DISTDATAR TCRTPGM TCRTSRVPGM TLINEH TLINEL TLINEN Your Company, Inc. X-Ref Depth= 01 (F17=Filters) 8=Browse member Library SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTRUN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURND SOFTTURND SOFTTRUND F3=Exit F5=Refresh F10=Data set information F17=Filters F21=Command line Attr RPG RPG RPG RPG RPG RPG CLP CLP LF LF LF F12=Cancel Chk How Used Out U/B Input N B Input N B Input N B Update N B Input N B Input N B Not given N B Not given N B PF->LF N B PF->LF N B PF->LF N B More… F13=Repeat F22=Print You will see all of the objects that refer to the object you specified (TLINEF in our example). You can also see how the reference object is used. Values for the How Used column are: Input Output Out/Upd Update Pgm-Call PF->LF Pgm-module Pgm-SRVPGM DTAARA Cmd-VLDCKR Cmd-CPP Program uses the referenced file as input Program uses the referenced file as output Program uses the referenced file both for output and update Program updates referenced file Program is called by the referenced program LF is built over referenced object Program includes a referenced module Program called by a service program Data area referenced by a program Command uses the referenced program as a validity checker program Command uses the referenced program as a commandprocessing program Another example: If you started with a physical file, you could then see all of the related logical files built over that physical, and then see all of the programs that used one of the logicals, and then a program that called one of those programs, and so on. Page 5-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source WORKING WITH USER-DEFINED REFERENCES If you want to define relationships between objects yourself, you can do so using option 21 or by typing the Work with User References (WRKUSRREF) command. For example, to document the relationship between a display file, TURSLINA and its panel group help text object, you could to type WRKUSRREF XRFTBL(TURN100). You would then see this panel: 1/29/10 17:56:09 2=Change Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 4=Delete Object _ TURSLINA _ TURSLIND _ TURSFORS F3=Exit Work with User Defined References Cross Reference Table: TURN100 Library SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN F6=Add X-Ref Type *FILE *FILE *FILE F12=Cancel Attr DSPF DSPF DSPF Reference --------------------------Object Library Type Attr TURHLINA SOFTTURNE *PNLGRP PNLGRP TURHLIND SOFTTURNE *PNLGRP PNLGRP TURHFORS SOFTTURNE *PNLGRP PNLGRP F21=System command Of course, the X-Ref table you specify will be one you defined when you set up your application definitions. You could add additional relationships by pressing F6. While these relationships can be added and updated from this panel, you could also write a program that uses the Add a user-defined reference API program to add these entries more efficiently. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source PROGRAMMER WORKLIST MANAGER (PWM) You can start the Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM) using option 22 (Programmer Worklist Manager) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 12:08:11 Work with Programmer Worklists Position to Worklist . . . . Filter by Programmer . . . . Filter by Appl rel ver . . . Filter by Task status . . . 1=Select 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Print 8=Clear Worklist Filters Worklist Description APR0031 Vendor master file change TOPR0542 Batch related application chg TOPR0547 User options on exit panel F3=Exit F4=List F6=Add Your Company, Inc. F7=Previous Worklists task 6=Work with forms Status Done Started Started App Rel Ver Programmer AP PSCHMIDT TO40 PSCHMIDT TO32 PSCHMIDT F12=Cancel F21=Command line For detailed information, see Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM), beginning on page 9-116 in this guide, and see the TURNOVER® for iSeries Developer’s Guide. Page 5-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source WORKING WITH *DATA DEFINITIONS You can use the special *DATA (read “star-data”) object type to manage data in special system control files (such as menu files and report control files) and control changes to these files the same way you do other object types. You can associate *DATA with a type code to manage data at the record level using that type code. Using *DATA for your file, you can check out data in your file, change it, promote it, and optionally, distribute it to other systems. To work with *DATA files, select option 30 (Work with *DATA definitions) on the Checkout/Check-in Menu. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 12:46:35 Work with *DATA Files Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 1=Checkout 2=Change definition 4=Delete defn 5=View file 9=Update test file File ARNOLDPF GGSTRDTA GGSTRDTA PRDATA03 PRDATA03 SIXFIELD SIXFIELD F3=Exit Library HENRY AAXPRD AAXQA PRTEST RICHARDS AAXPRD AAXQA Member ARNOLDPF GGSTRDTA GGSTRDTA PRDATA PRDATA SIXFIELD SIXFIELD F6=Add definition App Rel/Ver Lev HRS 2 AAX 2 AAX 1 PR01 10 PR01 20 AAX 2 AAX 2 F11=Alternate view Rpl Y N N Y N N N Test lib C.O. File AAXDEVX AAXDEVX TD00005F TD00004F AAXDEVX AAXDEVX TD00001F TD00003F TD00006F F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB While the *DATA object type serves its purpose, it is somewhat cumbersome to use and has some limitations. For example, *DATA object types: • Do not let you define how others should edit the source for the object or how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should move, delete, and archive the object. • Do not readily support file and record format names that are greater than eight characters. • Only manage records in a single file. They do not handle records in a group of related files, such as menu header and menu option files. With TURNOVER® Release 5.3, support for managing data at the record level was significantly expanded over that provided by the *DATA object type. As of Release 5.3, you can use change management schemes to selectively override, for a user-defined object type, almost any change management method that you would execute for an object. You can use the sample change management schemes that ship with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 as examples, or create your own schemes. For detailed information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing User-Defined Object Types (#59). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source If you still need information about the original *DATA support, it is available as a supplement from Technical Support in several ways: • by mail in hardcopy form, or • as an Acrobat® PDF, available by: o email (send requests to techsupport@softlanding.com) o on your TURNOVER® for (/Docs/TurnOver/Supplements_v100/), or iSeries v100 product CD o downloaded from our support Web site (http://support.softlanding.com/). Page 5-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECK OUT S/36 MENU S/36 environments only: Option 31 is displayed only if the global default, Manage S/36 object types, is set to Y. Select option 31 to check out an S/36 menu. A panel like this appears: Checkout S/36 Menu (CHKOUTMEN) Type choices, press Enter. MENU . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . Programmer . . . . . . . Source checkout library Application code . . . . Release . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *APPL *USRPRF *APPL Name Name, *APPL, *LIBL Name, *USRPRF, *SELECT Name, *PGMR, *APPL Name Number Number Number Char, *SELECT Additional Parameters Bypass Prompt Y,N . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display For more about S/36 menus, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Menus, DFUs, and Queries (#58). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECK OUT S/36 DFU S/36 environments only: Option 32 is displayed only if the global default, Manage S/36 object types, is set to Y. Select option 32 to check out an S/36 DFU. A panel like this appears: Checkout DFU (CHKOUTDFU) Type choices, press Enter. DFU . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . Programmer . . . . . . . Source checkout library Application code . . . . Release . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *APPL *USRPRF *APPL Name Name, *APPL, *LIBL Name, *USRPRF, *SELECT Name, *PGMR, *APPL Name Number Number Number Char, *SELECT Additional Parameters Y,N Include Source . . . . . . . . . N F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F12=Cancel F5=Refresh Bottom F13=How to use this display Specify Include Source = Y if you want to check out the source, N if you just want the DFU object. For more about S/36 menus, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Menus, DFUs, and Queries (#58). Page 5-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING OUT IN A MULTI-LEVEL ENVIRONMENT This section describes how checkout works in a multi-level application environment. When checking out source from a multi-level environment, there is no need to tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 from which level you are checking out. (Refer to the diagram below.) APPL Level 1 (CSCO) APPL Level 2 (CSCO) PRODDTA PRODOBJ PRODSRC ACCEPTANCE TEST *PGMR CSCO CSCO Checkout When you check out source for an object, you specify the object name, object type, and application code. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 looks for the source by referring to the highest-level application description; in the example above, APPL level 2. If the source is checked out already, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will tell you that the source is checked out from the highest level (production) and, if it has been promoted to another level (Acceptance Test, in the example above), you will have the opportunity to check it out from there. If you have more than two levels defined, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will search them all. If you want to specify from which level you are checking out the source, you can still specify the level. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source CHECKING OUT IN A VENDOR ENVIRONMENT Checking out source in a vendor environment is especially useful if you are modifying software and want to keep the vendor’s base version(s) intact. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 allows you to specify one or more application levels (level 3 in the diagram below) to define the base library(s) and source file names for your application. In the example, this level is “permanently locked” (controlled by a field on the Application Definition entry.) Most likely, you will never promote objects to that level. (Note: The exception to this is when you update the base with a new release from the vendor. However, you would use a different application definition for that purpose.) When you check out source for an object, you specify the object name, type, and application code. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 looks for the object and source by referring to the highest-level application definition that is not permanently locked (Modification Source Library, below). If TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not find the source there (for example, if the base version had never been modified before), it will check for the source in the locked (base) level (level 3). If TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 finds the source, it copies the source to your development library. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates a checkout record for the source member as if it had been found in the modification source file. Actually, it reserves the name at that level. When you create a form to promote the object, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 adds the object to the modification level library(s). If you have more than one permanently-locked level, such as a PTF library and a Base library, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 searches the PTF library and then the base. APPL Level 2 (CSCO) APPL Level 1 (CSCO) MOD DTA MOD OBJ MOD SRC APPL Level 3 (CSCO) Perm Locked BASE DTA BASE OBJ BASE SRC ACCEPTANCE TEST *PGMR CSCO CSCO Checkout Note also that the Base level does not have to contain software from a vendor, but might be the previous release of an application you have developed. The modification level might represent work in progress on a later release. Page 5-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source To permanently lock an application definition, select option 1 (Work with application definitions) on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu and then select the Application definition for the permanently-locked level(s). They update the Application permanently locked field to Y. MULTIPLE CHECKOUT FACILITY One of the features available since Release 3.1 is setting up your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 system to allow more than one programmer to check out the same object. To set up your system to use this feature, select Main Menu option 8, then option 5 to set global defaults. Set the last parameter (Allow group checkout?) to Y. This enables several changes in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. A new parameter, Exclusive lock, appears on the Checkout commands. When you check something out, you must specify whether or not you want to lock it. By setting Exclusive lock to Yes, other users will not be able to check out the same object. If Exclusive lock is No, others will be able to check out an object while you are working on it. On other panels, such as View checked out objects and Change checkout, you can view and change this parameter. If you attempt to check out something that someone else has checked out, you will get a chance to confirm that you still want to check the object out. If you do, then all programmer(s) that have it checked out will get a message informing them that you have checked it out. When you promote an object, if any other programmers have promoted the same object while you had it checked out, you will see a panel showing you all of the objects on your form that have been changed while you were working on it, along with who changed them and when. Before you can run your form, you must indicate that you have “reconciled” any changes the other programmer(s) made. The system records that you confirmed that you have reconciled the changes. If you want a “Higher authority” to confirm that all changes have been made, simply attach an Approval list to your applications and make sure the person(s) responsible for approving and/or running the form confirms that the changes have been made. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 5-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source You can run the Check Changed Objects (CHKCHGOBJ) command to view any objects you currently have checked out that have been changed concurrently by another programmer. Multiple Checkout Approval Your Company, Inc. The objects listed below have been turned over by other programmers while checked out to JIMCLARK. Changes made by those programmers must be included in changes made by JIMCLARK. Position to object . . . . Filter by programmer . . . Filter by reference . . . Type options, press Enter. 1=Approve 4=Cancel approval 5=View form 7=Project details Object SLSF001 F3=Exit Library SLSLIB F5=Refresh Type RPG Programmer ABFORTIS F12=Cancel Form 10431 Run Date 04/30/93 Reference SLPR0321 Approved PSMITH F14=Display all By selecting option 1=Approve, you confirm that the changes made by the other programmer have been made to your version of the object. A variant of this command also runs when you exit a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, and again during the Pre-run error-check. When the multiple checkout feature is enabled, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not run a form containing objects that you have not confirmed. If you try to promote an object to an intermediate level while another programmer’s work is in process (at the same target level), TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 prevents you from doing so. However, you can check out an object from an intermediate level. Keep in mind that the multiple checkout rules apply to any level. Page 5-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 6: WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORMS Please use F1 and read the online Help for descriptions of all panel field definitions. OVERVIEW What’s a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form? In TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, we use form as short hand for promotion request. A TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is the vehicle for promoting source and object from a test environment to a higher-level test environment, or to production. Figure 1: Sample Application Schematic When you visualize the application schematic, think of a form as all the information TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 needs to promote objects and source from left to right. Checkout occurs right to left and is done when you start a programming project-task. A form is created when you are done programming and are ready to have your work certified and put back into production. A TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form consists of: 1. Job control information (the form header) 2. Object information (the lines on the form) A form can also contain: 3. Commands (Pre-run or Post-run commands). Commands like override database file necessary for creating some objects can be included as Pre-run commands. Commands can be associated with particular objects on the form. When you do so, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remember this association for you next time you or someone else changes that object. 4. Create command overrides. You can override the default create command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses to create this object. This command override is associated with a particular object on the form. When you do so, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remember this command override for you next time you or someone else changes that object. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 5. Comments (form and/or line). These are additional documentation about the form. Sometimes comments are used for instructions to the Administrator or to operations. 6. Lock checks (objects which are checked for locks before the form starts to run). When you include objects to be checked, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will check locks and allocate the object, if you want. You can check locks on any object(s); not necessarily those you are changing now. 7. Completion messages (default messages or special messages to be sent when a form completes). Messages can be set up to be sent if the form runs successfully, fails, or in either case. Default messages can be set up for your application definition. Page 6-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms A few important things you should know about TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms A few important things you should know about TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms are the following: • Each form is numbered with a unique seven-digit number, similar in concept to a job number, with two digits being a form prefix number and five digits a sequence number that is assigned by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. • Note: Previously, the first three digits of the form number referred to the system on which the form was created. As of Release 5.2, TURNOVER® for iSeries stores system information in the form header. You no longer have to set a form rollover threshold or change your form number prefix when your form sequence number approaches 9999; TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 now handles this situation automatically. • Any time a form is created, if the number of lines on the form exceeds a number set by the XREFOVRFLW data area (shipped set to 900), then the remaining lines are automatically added to one or more new forms, such that a form group of dependent forms is created. • Each form contains a reference to your project task (subject to how your environment is set up). This field is called Reference or Project task reference, where space allows. • Each form is run once. If a form needs to be rerun, it is copied to create a new form, and the new form is run. In this way a complete audit trail is maintained by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. • The objects on a form are sequenced such that objects are created in the correct logical order (PF first, then LF, then DSPF, and so on). • Logical files are added to the form automatically for physical files in a target library. You only need to identify explicitly those logical files that you have changed. • Your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator can purge (remove) forms from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. When you purge forms, you should be careful not to remove valuable change history. • Form status determines whether a form can be run. Only forms that are READY or RECVD status can be run. (Note: RECVD is only valid on remote production systems where TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 changes have been “received.”) • If Form status is APL-PN (Approval Pending), the form must be approved before being run. • When distributed to another system, a form will retain its original form number. • Forms can be scheduled to run at any time in the future. • Forms can be grouped together and run as a group or run independently. They can also be linked such that one form must complete successfully before another form can start. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Use the Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM) function to manage your objects. You can do all of the steps you need such as checking out source and objects, editing source, compiling objects, creating and running TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, all from one panel. Page 6-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms CREATING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORM Select option 6 (Work with forms) on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. 1/29/10 11:02:13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. Work with application definitions 2. Maintain programmer information 3. Maintain Users authority 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Work with object history Check-out/check-in menu Work with forms Submit a form to run Utility menu Work with Projects and Tasks Reporting menu Distribution menu Programmer Worklists Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 F24=More keys Page 6-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms To add a form, 28 you will do the following: • Press F6 and enter the application-level with which you are working; i.e. AP level 1. You will be prompted for the last one you used; you can change this or press F4=List to select another. • On the Add a Form panel, you enter your project task code – or press F19 to select from a list. Confirm the information on the form header. • Confirm the list of objects you checked out or reserved under that Project task code. • View and confirm the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form on the Form Maintenance panel. • See TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Maintenance in this chapter for detail about other things to do. • Exit and confirm exit panel choices. Once you’ve returned to Work with Forms, you can request to have your form approved or run, or submit it yourself (depending on form status and your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 authority). The remainder of this chapter steps you through the process illustrated on the preceding page in greater detail and describes the function of each panel. 28 For an alternative method, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide as well as the topic Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM) in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. Page 6-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms The Work with Forms panel 1/29/10 11:17:29 Work with Forms To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 5300189 5300188 5300187 5300186 5300185 5300184 5300183 5300182 5300181 5300180 5300178 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Add eCM presentation Add eCM presentation Add press releases t Add press releases t Add press releases t Add sales targets to Add eCM presentation Add eCM presentation Promote all web file Promote all web file Add development cont F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev WEB 20 WEB 10 WEB 20 WEB 10 WEB 10 WEB 10 WEB 20 WEB 10 WEB 20 WEB 10 WEB 10 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . N Filter name *DEFAULT 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 Programmer MARTIN MARTIN PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN Status RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RECOVER RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F11=Alternate view F16=User options F24=More keys F23=More options: 1=Perform error check on form 17=Run turnover without error checking 11=Distribution status 12=Create recovery form F24=More.keys: F17=Filters F21=System Command F23=More options F24=More keys The Work with Forms panel lists all the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms that have been entered. By default, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 lists the forms in descending order by form number. (This means that the most recent form appears at the top of the list.) You will only be able to see forms for applications that are unlocked and to which you have Forms authority. If you are creating forms and receiving distributions on the same computer, this panel will position to the range of forms created on your computer. Roll or page up to see forms distributed to you from other systems. Special note to Developers— Most developers use the Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM) to perform many of the functions described in this chapter. You can do all of the various tasks you need to do, such as checkout, editing, compiling and promoting objects and source, from the Worklist panel. (See the topic Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM) in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide and Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide.) Although you will occasionally want to view and work with the list of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, your change Administrator is more likely to use these panels frequently. Think of it this way; you are more likely to work on objects associated with one request, whereas the change Administrator is more likely to want to work with all requests at one time. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms What you can do: To reposition, enter form By default, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sorts the Work with Forms panel in descending order by form number. If you want information about a particular form to appear at the top of the list, you can type the number of that form in this field and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 repositions the Work with Forms panel so that form’s information appears topmost in the list. If you have defined, on the Sorting and Filtering panel (see page 6-17), that you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to sort by a specific forms field rather than by (the default of) descending form numbers, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will reposition the Work with Forms panel so that field information appears at the top, and it will fill in this field accordingly. For example, if you specify that you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to sort the forms by Programmer, once you define your sorting and filtering criteria on the Sorting and Filtering panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will reposition the information on the Work with Forms panel and will change this field to look like this: 29 To reposition, enter Programmer . .: then form. . . . . .: Apply filters . . Y Here, you can type the name of a specific programmer (or if a programmer name is already filled in, you can type over that name) and press Enter to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 display that programmer’s forms at the top of the list. In the then form field, you can type a specific form number for that programmer and press Enter to have that form’s information appear topmost in the list. Note: If you type a form number to which you are not authorized, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will position the panel to the next form matching your criteria. For details about sorting and filtering TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, see Sorting and filtering forms, beginning on page 6-17. 29 In this field, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the name of the programmer whose forms are now topmost in the list. Depending on your sorting and filtering criteria, this name might change as you scroll down through the forms list. Page 6-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Apply filters Indicate whether or not you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply the sorting and filtering criteria you have specified on the Sorting and Filtering panel (see Sorting and filtering forms, beginning on page 6-17). Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 apply the sorting and filtering criteria you have defined. (Note that a Y shown in reverse image indicates that you have already defined filtering criteria; a Y that is not shown in reverse image indicates that you have not defined filtering criteria. If you have defined sorting criteria, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will sort the forms accordingly and display the “Sorted Ascending/Descending by XXXX” text on the upper right side of the Work with Forms panel.) Type N to NOT have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 apply any sorting and filtering criteria, and to list the forms in descending order by form number. Filter name Specify what set of sorting and filtering criteria you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply to the list of forms. You can save sets of criteria under different filter names. Then when you want to retrieve those criteria, you specify the filter name here. (You can save your default criteria under the filter name *DEFAULT.) In this field, you can type the filter name, if you know it, or press F4 to see, on the Select Named Filter panel, a list of existing named filters from which you can choose. Also on the Select Named Filter panel, you can press F2 to add and maintain (change, copy, delete, and view) named filters. For additional information about named filters, see Listing and selecting named filters on page 6-13 and Working with named filters, beginning on page 6-14. 1=Perform error check on form Select a form with option 1 to error-check the form without submitting the form to run. (You do not need run authority to do this.) You can do the error check interactively or in batch. If you run it in batch, an error checking report is printed. The error-checking report can be printed in two formats – one that identifies the line with errors, and one that does not. The first format is the default. To have the report print using the second format, create a data area called TNO2100 and store it somewhere that will protect it from removal during an upgrade (a separate library that’s defined to your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 environment is a good candidate). It doesn’t matter what the data area contains or what its length is; it need only exist. 2=Update form Type a 2 next to a form to change a form. The next panel you will see is the Form Maintenance panel. Status must be READY 30 or APL-PN. 3=Copy to new form Type a 3 next to one or more forms to copy them to a new form. 30 Note that if a form has been approved and is READY and you change it, it will be reset to APL-PN. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 4=Cancel form Type a 4 next to a form to cancel a form. When you cancel a form with READY or APL-PN status, it becomes CANCEL status. When you cancel a form with SUBMIT status, it becomes READY status. When you cancel a form with RUNNING status, it becomes RECOVER status. Note: When you use option 4 to cancel a form that is running, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 updates a data area that tells the form job that a cancellation has been requested. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks this data area just before it processes each line/object on the form. If the data area indicates that a cancellation has been requested, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies recovery processing to the form and restores, back to their original state, objects that have already been promoted. However, once all the lines/objects have been promoted and the form has moved to the finalization phase, the cancellation does not occur and the form completes normally. When you cancel a form with IN USE status, it becomes READY status. (Be sure somebody is not working with this form before canceling it.) When you cancel a form with a DST-PND status, it becomes: • CONFIRM if all distributions for a form confirmed. • DISTRIB if all distributions for a form distributed but not all have been confirmed yet. • PARTIAL if some but not all distributions have distributed. • RAN-OK if there are no distributions for a form. 5=Display form Type a 5 next to a form to view the details of the form. 6=Print form Type a 6 next to a form to print the form. You will see a command prompt for printing the form. 7=Run turnover Type a 7 next to a form to submit it to be run. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will perform an edit check on the form and then display the Submit TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Job Prompt panel. Forms may be submitted on hold, depending on the application default. 8=Work w/ job Type an 8 next to a form to view the job if it has been submitted or run. 9=Release job Type a 9 next to a form to release the form from the job queue. When a form is submitted, it may be submitted on hold. This is an application default. Page 6-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 10=Form approval Type a 10 to view and approve a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, or to send messages to people who are on the approval list. Your user profile name must have been included in the application approval list. 11=Distribution status Type an 11 to view and change the form distribution status. Applies only to applications that are being distributed to other computers. You must have distribution authority to select this option. 12=Create recovery form Type 12 next to the form number to create a recovery form. A recovery form will undo the changes run previously. The application default entry must be set to archive objects. When creating recovery forms, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 reminds you to check for other forms that ran in the same form group, in case those also require recovery. Once you have created the recovery form, you can submit it to run; it will reverse the changes made by the original form. If you only need to recover some objects on the form, edit the recovery form to delete lines. Caution: Some data might have been lost if you have updated any files being recovered since the form was run. 17=Run turnover without error checking Type a 17 next to a form to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 submit the form to be run without performing error checking on the form. The next panel you will see is Submit Form. You must have Run authority to do this. F3=Exit/F12=Cancel Press F3 or F12 to exit from the Work with Forms panel without saving any updates you have made to the panel in your current session. F4=Prompt Press F4 (with the cursor positioned on a field) to prompt the field for a list of appropriate values. (Note that not all fields are eligible for prompting.) F5=Refresh Press F5 to refresh this panel. Form status changes will be displayed. F6=Add form Press F6 to add a new form. You will first enter the application and level codes and then be prompted to enter the form header information. F7=DSPMSG Press F7 to display the Display Messages panel. This lets you view and respond to any messages you receive. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms F11=Alternate view (toggle) Press F11 to toggle the view. The view shifts to show you additional information about the forms: 1/29/10 11:24:33 Work with Forms To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 5300189 5300188 5300187 5300186 5300185 5300184 5300183 5300182 5300181 5300180 5300179 5300178 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Description Add eCM presentation to website Add eCM presentation to website Add press releases to Marketing page Add press releases to Marketing page Add press releases to Marketing page Add sales targets to site Add eCM presentation to Sales site Add eCM presentation to Sales site Promote all web files Promote all web files Add development content Add development content F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . N Filter name: *DEFAULT 5=Display form 9=Release job Entered 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 7/09/09 Reference WEB 0007 WEB 0007 WEB 0005 WEB 0005 WEB 0005 WEB 0004 WEB 0003 WEB 0003 WEB 0002 WEB 0002 WEB 0001 WEB 0001 Status RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RECOVER RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F11=Alternate view F16=User options F24=More keys F14=WRKSBMJOB Press F14 to display the Work with Submitted Jobs panel. This lets you view and work with the status of jobs that you’ve submitted. F16=User options Press F16 to select user defined options. PP - Use option PP to flag a form to be purged. Status will be PURGEPND. SC - Use option SC to call your source compare program. (See Setting Source Compare Utility Defaults on page 8-28.) F17=Filters Press F17 to see the Sorting and Filtering panel on which you can define sorting and filtering criteria for the forms you want listed on the Work with Forms panel. Once you define your criteria, you can press F17 (again) on the Sorting and Filtering panel to save your settings. For more information, see Sorting and filtering forms on page 6-17. F21=System Command Press F21 to work on a command line. F23=More options Press F23 to view additional options. F24=More keys Press F24 to view additional keys. Page 6-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Listing and selecting named filters A named filter defines a set of filtering criteria you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply to the forms list. On the Work with Forms panel, press F4 on the Filter name field to see a list of named filters. The following popup panel appears: 1/29/10 12:05:19 Work with Forms To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 5300189 5300188 5300187 5300186 5300185 5300184 5300183 5300182 5300181 5300180 5300179 5300178 Desc Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Promo Promo Add Add Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . N Filter name: *DEFAULT Select Named Filter Position to: 1=Select Fltr: *DEFAULT KING_FORMS King's Forms that need approval RANOK_WRN Forms that RAN-OK or RAN-WRN RECOVER Recovered forms Bottom F2=Maintain Filters F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F3=Exit F12=Cancel More... F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F11=Alternate view F16=User options F24=More keys The Select Named Filter panel lists the existing named filters. You can select a filter name with option 1 and press Enter to apply that filter’s criteria to the list of forms on the Work with Forms panel. On that panel, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sets the Apply filters flag to Y (if it is not already set to that) in reverse image to indicate that you have applied filtering criteria, it replaces the value in the Filter name field with the name of the filter you are have selected, and it removes the popup panel. If you now pressed F17 (if you do not see F17 at the bottom of the panel, press F24 to see more keys), a Sorting and Filtering popup panel will appear. This panel shows the filtering criteria associated with the named filter you have selected (see Sorting and filtering forms on page 617). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Working with named filters On the Select Named Filter panel, you can press F2=Maintain Filters to add and maintain (change, copy, delete, and view) named filters. (Alternatively, you can prompt the WRKNAMFLT (Work with Named Filters) command and specify *FORMS as the filter program.) A Named Filter Maintenance panel appears: 1/29/10 12:15:09 1=Add Name Named Filter Maintenance W/w Forms - user filters (HOME) Position to . . . 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete Your Company, Inc. 5=View Description *DEFAULT KING_FORMS King's Forms that need approval RANOK_WRN Forms that RAN-OK or RAN-WRN RECOVER Recovered forms Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Show Shared F12=Cancel F21=System Command The Named Filter Maintenance panel lists the existing named filters and provides options for working with them. If your filter names list becomes lengthy, you can press the Home key to position your cursor on the Position to field. In that field, you can type a filter name (and press Enter) to quickly position your cursor on that filter name in the list. Page 6-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Adding a named filter To add a named filter, type 1 (Add) on the left top field, then tab to the right field and type a filter name (of up to 10 characters), as shown here: 1/29/10 13:17:41 1=Add 1 Named Filter Maintenance W/w Forms - user filters (HOME) Position to . . . 2=Change Name READYFRMS *DEFAULT KING_FORMS RANOK_WRN RECOVER 3=Copy 4=Delete Your Company, Inc. 5=View Description King's Forms that need approval Forms that RAN-OK or RAN-WRN Recovered forms Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Show Shared F12=Cancel F21=System Command Press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the new filter name at the top of the Sorting and Filtering panel. You can now type a filter description (of up to 40 characters) in the field to the right of the filter name and supply the filtering criteria beneath that: 1/29/10 12: 1=A 1 Named Filter Maintenance Your Company, Type a description here. Filter name Sorting and Filtering Filter name: READYFRMS Select ONE field to sort by: Select one or more filters: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Test Value List values Application Release Version Level Specify your sorting and filtering Reference criteria here. Programmer Status Description Entered date and Run date and Include only forms entered in the past Include only forms run in the past F3= Inc. 0 days: 0 days: More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Named filter READYFRMS does not exist. Press ENTER to create. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Once you supply a filter description and specify the sorting and filtering criteria, the contents of the Sorting and Filtering panel will look something like this: 1/29/10 12: 1=A 1 Named Filter Maintenance Sorting and Filter name: READYFRMS Forms Select ONE field to sort by: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Application Release Version Level Reference Programmer Status Description Entered date Run date Filtering with a Ready status Select one or more filters: Test Value List values EQ READY Include only forms entered in the past Include only forms run in the past F3= Your Company, Inc. and and 0 days: 0 days: More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Named filter READYFRMS does not exist. Press ENTER to create. Press F17 to save your criteria settings (and then press Enter to create the filter) or press Enter twice to save your criteria and create the filter. (For detailed information about defining your sorting and filtering criteria, see Sorting and filtering forms on page 6-17.) Maintaining named filters You can change, copy, delete, and view named filters listed on the Named Filter Maintenance panel. You do so by typing an option number (2=Change, 3=Copy, 4=Delete, 5=View) next to a filter name and pressing Enter. When you select a filter name with options 2 or 5, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the filter name, description, and criteria in the Sorting and Filtering panel. You can change the filter description and criteria (option 2) or just view the filter information (option 5). While viewing the criteria for a named filter, you can press F19 (Previous) and F20 (Next) to scan the criteria settings for the other named filters, one by one. When you select a filter name with option 4 (Delete), TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents a Delete Filter popup panel. Press Enter to confirm that you want to delete the filter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 deletes it and removes its name from the named filters list. You can duplicate an existing filter to create a new filter. You can change the new filter’s name, description, and criteria as you want. Also, if you want to make a filter available to other users, you can copy it to a shared filter. Page 6-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms When you select a filter name with option 3 (Copy), you see a panel like this: 1/29/10 12: Named Filter Maintenance Your Company, Inc. Copy Filter 1=A 3 From Filter: READYFRMS Type: *USER Forms with a Ready status To Filter: READYFRMS Type: *USER Forms with a Ready status *USER, *SHARED F3=Exit F12=Cancel Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Show Shared F12=Cancel F21=System Command On this Copy Filter popup panel (in the To Filter fields), you type the name and description of the new filter. You also specify the type of filter (*USER or *SHARED) you are creating. Descriptions of the filter types follow: • User filters are specific to your user profile. Only you have access to these filters. • Shared filters are a pool of named filters that are shared among users. Only users with System Aut authority can delete shared filters. The ways you can interchange user and shared filter types as follows: • *USER to *USER – Copy a user filter to a user filter with a new name to modify the filter yet retain the original criteria settings. • *USER to *SHARED – Copy a user filter to a shared filter to make it available to others to copy to their own user filters. Any changes you and others subsequently make to the user filter will not affect the shared filter. If a shared filter already has the user filter name, you must supply a new shared filter name. • *SHARED to *USER – Copy shared filters to your user filters. Any changes you subsequently make to the user filters will not affect the shared filters. If you already have a user filter with a shared filter name, you must supply a new user filter name. • *SHARED to *SHARED – You can not modified shared files. Therefore, this copy function is not permitted. Once you supply a new filter name and description, and specify the filter type, press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the new filter and adds it to the named filters list. On the Named Filter Maintenance panel, you can press F11 to toggle between lists of user and shared filters. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Sorting and filtering forms You see the Sorting and Filtering popup panel when you add and maintain filter names (as described on the previous pages) or when you press F17=Filters on the Work with Forms panel. The Sorting and Filtering panel follows: 1/29/10 12: 2=U 6=P Work with Forms Sorting and Filtering Filter name: *DEFAULT Select ONE field to sort by: Select one or more filters: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Test Value List values Application Release Version Level Reference Programmer Status Description Entered date and Run date and Include only forms entered in the past Include only forms run in the past F3= F12 Your Company, Inc. 0 days: N 0 days: N More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters You use the Sorting and Filtering panel to define sorting and filtering criteria for the forms listed on the Work with Forms panel. On the Sorting and Filtering panel, the fields that you use for sorting are listed on the left; the fields that you use for defining filtering criteria are on the right. See pages 618 through 6-23 for details about these fields and their possible values; see pages 6-24 through 6-27 for several examples. Sorting fields You can sort by the fields on the Work with Forms panel. You can choose only ONE sorting field, and you choose the field with A (sort in Ascending order) or D (sort in Descending order) to specify in what order you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to list the information. Alternatively, you can leave all the sorting fields blank to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 list the forms on the Work with Forms panel in descending order by form number. When you choose to sort by one of these fields rather than by the default of descending form numbers, the form numbers sort becomes the secondary sort. For example, if you have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sort by application in ascending order, it then lists the forms in descending order within each application group. Note: When you choose to sort by application, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 treats the four fields that comprise the application (Application, Release, Version, and Level) as one field. Page 6-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Filtering fields You define filtering criteria by supplying values in the Test and Value fields. The value that you can specify in the Test field depends on which field you are filtering by. (For example, if you are filtering by programmer, you can supply any valid test value except BT.) Also, if you are filtering by programmer, you are likely to supply a specific programmer’s profile name in the Value field. All possible values for the Test field are the following: 31 Test Field Value EQ NE GT LT GE LE CT BT LI NL XX Description Equals Not equals Greater than Less than Greater than or Equal to Less than or Equal to Contains Between In the defined list Not in the defined list Do not test Notes: 1. Use CT to see information for specific characters. For CT, you must specify a value that begins with a percent sign (%), ends with a percent sign, or both. Also, with CT, you can use an underscore in the value to indicate that a character (any character) must occupy that position. For example, if you wanted to see information for programmer TJEFFERSON, you could specify %JEFF% in the Programmer field. However, you would also see information for programmer TJEFFERSON if you specified %ERS_N (this has one underscore) or __EFF% (this has two underscores). 2. Use LI to see information for multiple values. For example, you might want to see a list of forms run by a programmer who has multiple User IDs. Specify LI as the test and press F11 to define the list of User IDs. Your results will only include information for User IDs in your list. 3. Use NL to exclude information for multiple values. For example, you might want to see a list of forms run by all programmers except AUSER and SMITH. Specify NL as the test and press F11 to define the list of User IDs (AUSER and SMITH) you want excluded. Your results will include information for all User IDs except AUSER and SMITH. 31 To see which of these values are valid, position your cursor on the Test field and press F1 for the online Help. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 4. Use XX to retain a value that you often, but do not always, test. Specify XX with a value when you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to ignore that value. 5. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies an AND condition to its filtering. This means that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only display forms that match ALL the filtering criteria you specify. On some, but not all, of the Value fields, you can press F4=Prompt to see a list of your choices. You can prompt the Application (includes Release/Version/Level), Reference, Programmer, and Status fields. For the Description, Entered date, and Run date fields, you must type your values. Also on the same Value fields on which you can prompt with F4, you can press F11 to supply or edit a list of values. When you specify a list of values, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a partial list under List values on the Sorting and Filtering panel. For additional details, see the online Help. In most cases, if you do not specify a Test value, it will default to EQ. However, there are these exceptions: If you leave the Test field blank, but The default Test supply this in the Value field … value is … A value that contains a percent sign (%). CT A list of values (using F11). LI Both dates for the Entered date or Run BT date field. Other fields Several other fields appear at the bottom of the Sorting and Filtering panel, as follows: Include only approval pending for your user ID: N Include only forms entered in the past 0 days: N Include only forms run in the past 0 days: N Descriptions of these fields follow. Page 6-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Include only approval pending for your user ID This field only appears if, for the Status field, you specify APL-PN in the Value field and EQ in the Test field, as shown below: 1/29/10 12: 2=U 6=P Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. Sorting and Filtering Filter name: *DEFAULT Select ONE field to sort by: Select one or more filters: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Test Value List values Application Release Version Level Reference Programmer Status EQ APL-PN Description Entered date and Run date and Include only approval pending for your user ID: N Include only forms entered in the past 0 days: N Include only forms run in the past 0 days: N F3= F12 More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Press ENTER to confirm. In the Include only approval pending for your user ID field, indicate whether or not you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to only show forms with a status of APL-PN (Approval Pending) for which you are on the approval list. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 only show forms with a status of APL-PN for which you are on the approval list. Type N to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 show all forms with a status of APL-PN, including those for which you are not on the approval list. Include only forms entered in the past 0 days Specify for how many days you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to display forms that have been entered. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only display forms entered within the number of days that you specify. For example, if you use the default value of 0 days, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only show forms entered today (the current day). If you specify a value of 1 day, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will show forms entered yesterday and today. If you specify a value of 2 days, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will show forms entered the day before yesterday, yesterday, and today. You can specify up to 999 days. Note: You might have a particular number of days that you repeatedly reuse. If you specify that number in this field, you can use the field (Y/N) to the right to toggle this criteria setting on and off. This works the same way for the following field, Include only forms run in the past 0 days. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Include only forms run in the past 0 days Specify for how many days you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to display forms that have been run. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only display forms run within the number of days that you specify. For example, if you use the default value of 0 days, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only show forms run today (the current day). If you specify a value of 1 day, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will show forms run yesterday and today. If you specify a value of 2 days, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will show forms run the day before yesterday, yesterday, and today. You can specify up to 999 days. Page 6-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms User specific settings When you page down on the Sorting and Filtering panel, you see fields that apply to your User ID. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 saves these settings when you press Enter, and it saves them independently of the settings you specify for named filters (thereby keeping them apart from the shared filter settings). These fields follow: 1/29/10 12: Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. Additional Options 2=U 6=P F3= F12 User specific settings: Automatically apply filters. . . . . . . . Initial filter name. . . . . . . . . . . . N *DEFAULT Automatically save filters . . . . . . . . Show 'Press ENTER to confirm' message. . . N Y F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel name, *LAST Bottom F17=Save Filters \ Descriptions of these fields follow: Automatically apply filters Specify whether or not when you re-enter the Work with Forms panel, you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to automatically apply the sorting and filtering criteria you last saved. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically apply the saved criteria the next time you enter the Work with Forms panel. (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies the criteria associated with the named filter you specify in the Initial filter name field; see next.) Type N to NOT have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically apply the saved criteria the next time you enter the Work with Forms panel. Note: You might have set this Automatically apply filters field to N, but decide, upon reentering the Work with Forms panel, that you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to apply the saved sorting and filtering criteria after all. You can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 do so by typing Y (and pressing Enter) in the Apply filters field on that panel. Note: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 only applies criteria settings that you have saved. To save the criteria you have set on the Sorting and Filtering panel, you must press F17=Save Filters before exiting that panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 confirms that it has saved your criteria by displaying the message “Filters saved” in the lower left corner of that panel. If you have set this Automatically apply filters field to Y, but you exit the Sorting and Filtering panel without pressing F17 to save the sorting and filtering criteria, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will apply, the next time you enter the Work with Forms panel, the criteria that you previously saved rather than those you most recently defined but did not save. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Initial filter name Specify the named filter you want to initially be your active filter when you enter the Work with Forms panel. On this field, you can press F4 to see a list of existing named filters (including *DEFAULT; see below). Otherwise, your choices are: *DEFAULT Use your default filters. *LAST Use the named filter you used the last time you exited the Work with Forms panel. Name Type the name of a specific named filter. Automatically save filters Specify whether or not you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to automatically save your sorting and filtering criteria when you exit the Sorting and Filtering panel. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 save your current criteria, making them the default values for the named filter and available the next time you enter the Work with Forms panel. When you specify Y, you do not have to press F17 (on the Sorting and Filtering panel) to save your current settings. Set this to N to NOT have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically save your criteria settings. You must then press F17 to save them manually. (If you have changed the criteria but not yet saved them, you can press F5=Refresh to revert to the values initially shown.) Note: If you have set this Automatically save filters field to N, and you have changed the named filter values but need to reinstate the default values for that named filter, you can do so by exiting from and re-entering the Work with Forms panel. Show ‘Press ENTER to confirm’ message Specify whether or not you want to see a “Press ENTER to confirm” message when you change the sorting and filtering criteria. This message lets you verify your criteria before you press Enter a second time (see page 6-16) to apply the criteria to the named filter. Type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 display the “Press ENTER to confirm” message after you change the sorting and filtering criteria and press Enter. Type N to NOT have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 display the “Press ENTER to confirm” message after you change the criteria. When you press Enter the first time, if TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 successfully validates your changes, it applies your new criteria to the named filter and closes the Sorting and Filtering panel. Examples Several examples of how you can define sorting and filtering criteria are provided on the following pages. Page 6-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Example 1: Sort by reference in descending order This example shows how you can sort forms by reference code in descending order. 1/29/10 12: 2=U 6=P Work with Forms Sorting and Filtering Filter name: *DEFAULT Select ONE field to sort by: Select one or more filters: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Test Value List values Application Release Version Level D Reference Programmer Status Description Entered date and Run date and Include only forms entered in the past Include only forms run in the past F3= F12 Your Company, Inc. 0 days: N 0 days: N More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters As shown here, all you need to do is type D (Descending) in the Reference field. When you press Enter twice (the second time to confirm your settings), your results will look something like this: 32 1/29/10 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. 12:29:58 YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y To reposition, enter Reference. . .: WEB0007 then form. . . . . .: Filter name: *DEFAULT 2=Update form 3=Copy to new form 4=Cancel form 5=Display form 6=Print form 7=Run turnover 8=Work w/ job 9=Release job Sorted Descending by Reference Form Description Entered Reference Status 5300189 Add eCM FAQ to support site 8/09/09 WEB0007 RAN-OK 5300188 Add instructions to "Download fixes" pa 8/09/09 WEB0006 RAN-OK 5300191 Add instructions to "Download fixes" pa 8/09/09 WEB0006 RAN-OK 5300190 Add auth code generation and logging 7/03/09 WEB0005 RAN-OK 5300187 Add auth code generation and logging 7/03/09 WEB0005 RAN-OK 5300186 Add auth code generation and logging 7/03/09 WEB0005 RAN-OK 5300185 Add auth code generation and logging 6/19/09 WEB0005 RECOVER 5300201 Post new version of docs 6/13/09 WEB0004 RAN-OK 5300184 Post new version of docs 6/12/09 WEB0004 RAN-OK 5300183 Integration with iSeries Projects 4/16/09 WEB0003 RAN-OK 5300182 Integration with iSeries Projects 4/16/09 WEB0003 RAN-OK 5300181 Integration with iSeries Projects 4/16/09 WEB0003 RAN-OK More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F11=Alternate view F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options F24=More keys Here, the reference codes (WEB0007 through WEB0003) are in descending order. The form numbers are in descending order within each reference code group. Therefore, although “5300201” is the highest form number shown, because it belongs to WEB0004, it is listed under that reference code. Notice that the Apply filters flag is set to Y, but is not in reverse image. This indicates that you have not defined any filtering criteria. Finally, the line “Sorted 32 To see the form references, as shown here, you must press F11 (Alternate view) from your initial view of the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Descending by Reference” indicates how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 has sorted the forms. Example 2: Filter forms by date range This example shows how you can filter forms by a date range. 1/29/10 12: Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. Sorting and Filtering Filter name: *DEFAULT Select ONE field to sort by: Select one or more filters: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Test Value List values Application Release Version Level Reference Programmer Status Description Entered date BT 1/05/10 and 1/15/10 Run date and 2=U 6=P Include only forms entered in the past Include only forms run in the past F3= F12 0 days: N 0 days: N More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Press ENTER to confirm. As shown here, you type BT (Between) in the Test field and your dates in the Value field. If you type your dates as “41606” and “80106,” TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will insert the slashes (/) when you press Enter. When you press Enter again, your results will look something like this: 1/29/10 12:53:42 Work with Forms To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 6402836 6402835 6402834 6402833 6402832 6402831 6402830 6402829 6402828 6402827 6402826 6402825 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Description Error when processing new claims pre/post run command authority pre/post run command authority pre/post run command authority pre/post run command authority prepost prepost prepost prepost prepost prepost Recover Form 6402824 F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y Filter name: *DEFAULT 5=Display form 9=Release job Entered 8/01/09 7/31/09 7/31/09 7/31/09 7/31/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 Reference SAKP0003 PRPR0135 PRPR0135 PRPR0135 PRPR0135 REGT0542 REGT0542 REGT0542 REGT0542 REGT0542 REGT0542 JPWP0104 Status READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F11=Alternate view F16=User options F24=More keys Here, all forms entered between April 16, 2009 and August 1, 2009 (inclusive) are shown. The Apply filters flag is set to Y, and is in reverse image to indicate that you have defined Page 6-26 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms filtering criteria. Because you have defined no sorting criteria (hence no line such as “Sorted Ascending/Descending by XXXX” appears), the forms are listed in descending order by form number. Example 3: Sort by reference in ascending order and filter for level 20 forms with a status of APL-PN This example shows you how to combine sorting and filtering. For example, if you wanted to sort forms by reference code in ascending order, as well as only include level 20 forms for which you (the signed on user) are on the approval list, you would do so as follows: 1/29/10 13: 2=U 6=P Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. Sorting and Filtering Filter name: *DEFAULT Select ONE field to sort by: Select one or more filters: Sort A=Asc,D=Desc Test Value List values Application Release Version Level EQ 20 A Reference Programmer Status EQ APL-PN Description Entered date and Run date and Include only approval pending for your user ID: Y Include only forms entered in the past 0 days: N Include only forms run in the past 0 days: N F3= F12 More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=List F12=Cancel F17=Save Filters Press ENTER to confirm. As shown here, you type A (Ascending) in the Reference field to define how you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to sort the forms. For the Application/Level field, type EQ (Equals) in the Test field and 20 in the Value field to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 only include forms that are level 20. For the Status field, type EQ (Equals) in the Test field and APL-PN in the Value field to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 only include forms for which you are on the approval list. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-27 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms When you press Enter twice, your results will look something like this: 33 1/29/10 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. 13:19:25 YOURSYS To reposition, enter Reference. . .: AAX 0062 Apply filters . . Y Filter name: *DEFAULT then form. . . . . .: 2=Update form 3=Copy to new form 4=Cancel form 5=Display form 6=Print form 7=Run turnover 8=Work w/ job 9=Release job Sorted Ascending by Reference Form Description Entered Reference Status 6305668 Jean's first Helpdesk task 6/14/07 AAX 0062 APL-PN 6310946 Testing application authorities for Don 10/01/08 AAX 0171 APL-PN 6310867 Testing post runs for Brooks 9/23/08 BOB 0001 APL-PN 6305979 This is a test 7/31/08 JPHD0001 APL-PN 6310044 General testing task 7/10/08 JPWP000P APL-PN 6312373 Testing if checkout source/object 3/04/09 JPWP001F APL-PN 6306867 Dependent on PR01 11/01/08 PRPR0002 APL-PN 6308503 Blank form 3/03/08 PRPR0003 APL-PN 6400017 Blank form 7/16/09 REGT0038 APL-PN 6311369 Recover form 6311357 11/21/08 REGT0109 APL-PN 6312277 Blank form 2/26/09 REGT0116 APL-PN 6312219 BOB with pre and post LOCAL only 2/23/09 REGT0116 APL-PN Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F11=Alternate view F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options F24=More keys Here, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 only displays forms that match your filtering criteria, and it lists them in ascending within each reference code group. (Only the last two forms belong to the same reference code, and form number 6312277 precedes form number 6312219.) The Apply filters flag is set to Y, and is in reverse image to indicate that you have defined filtering criteria. The line “Sorted Ascending by Reference” indicates how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 has sorted the forms. 33 To see the form references, as shown here, you must press F11 (Alternate view) from your initial view of the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel. Page 6-28 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Adding a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form On the Work with Forms panel, press F6 to add a form. A popup panel appears: 1/29/10 12:57:05 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: N 2=Updat 6=Print Select Application for New Form Application . . Form Release . . . . 1423 Version . . . . 1423 Level . . . . . 1423 1423 1423 1423 1423 F4=List F12=Cancel 1423 1423 1423 1423540 Test Threshold on fo 1423539 Test Threshold on fo F3=Exit F12=Cancel . AP . . . 1 F4=List AP AP 1 1 8/27/09 8/27/09 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options atus ADY N-OK ADY ADY STRIB RTIAL R-OK COVER N-OK ADY RECOVER RECOVER More... PHILLIPS PHILLIPS F11=Alternate view F24=More keys The application will default to the last application and level you had selected. If you press F4=List, you will then see the entire list of applications from which you can choose. 1/29/10 Application Selection Your Company, Inc. Function: Add new form 1=Select Code _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A/P A/P FDA FDA MENU PROB PROB SECR SECR SECU SECU SLS F3=Exit Position to . . . Application: Application Description Rel System-Wide Accounts Payable Level 1 Accounts Payable Level 2 File Design Aid Release 2 2 File Design Aid Release 3 3 CENTRAL® for iMenu v100 Problem Tracking Release 1 1 Problem Tracking Release 1.2 1 Secret Application 1 Secret Application release 2 2 Security Management Release 1 1 Security Management Release 2 2 SoftLanding Prospect/Order System Rel: Ver Ver: Lev: Lev 1 2 100 2 1 1 1 1 2 F12=Cancel You’ll see the Application Selection panel. Select the appropriate application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-29 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Adding a new TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form 34 1/29/10 12:22:12 Add a TurnOver Application: A/P Rel: Ver: Your Company, Inc. Lev: 1 Key information and press Enter (Form number will be assigned) Project task reference . Form description . . . . Programmer . . . . . . . Error recovery . . . . . Do not run before (date) or after (date) Do not run before form . Submit finalization . . Job description . . . . Library . . . . . Archive objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4=List Proj F19=List Refs APPR0001 Change check writing pgm ELMSMIKE Name, *USRPRF 1 (1-3) 00/00/00 (time) 00:00:00 (hhmmss) 00/00/00 (time) 00:00:00 (hhmmss) ________ Form number, F4=List Y Y,N AP1 Name, *PGMR PROD Name, *LIBL Y (Y/N) Library list:*AP01____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ *JOBD, *CURRENT, *library list name, Lib List More... F3=Exit F4=List Proj F11=Unprotect fields F12=Cancel F19=List Refs Enter your project task and complete or confirm the form header information. Page down to see additional parameters that are less frequently used. 1/29/10 12:22:12 Add a TurnOver Application: A/P Rel: Ver: Your Company, Inc. Lev: 1 Key information and press Enter (Form number will be assigned) Listings . . . . Logging level. . Severity . . . . Accounting code Output queue . Library . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4=List Proj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y 4 0 ___________ APOQ QGPL F11=Unprotect fields Y/N 0-4 0-99 Name, *JOBD, *PGMR, *USRPRF Name, *LIBL F12=Cancel F19=List Refs To jump ahead, go to the next panel ... Usually you need only type the reference code and a description and accept the remaining defaults. If you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, either type the project and task code or press F19 to select from your list of those Project Tasks associated with your profile or press F4 to select from 34 A developer will perform this function by selecting option 46 on the Programmer’s Worklist (PWM) rather than from this menu. For more about PWM, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide and Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide. Page 6-30 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms the entire list of project tasks. After you make your selection, the form description will be completed for you. You can also type a generic project and reference code (such as “APPR01*”) to include all objects checked out with all projects and tasks within a generic group. The programmer on the form will be the programmer resource associated with the first task. Each form line will identify the programmer who checked out the object. Field defaults and the rules that determine which fields are required and which can be changed are specified in your application definition. For more information, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. You may want to specify a Do not run before... date and time range for when this TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can be run. Type the date in the format MMDDYY and the time of day as HHMMSS. The second date-time must be greater than the first date-time. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form will not run outside the date-time entered. Your operator will get a warning message and may allow it to be run. This is not a required entry. You might also want to specify the Library list that you want be included in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job when it is submitted to be run. If you use a named library list, the name of the list will appear here as *liblistname. If you type *CURRENT, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will return your current library list into this field that you can then modify. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Have your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator create a unique library list for each application and level. Include only those libraries in the list that are required to create objects for the application at this level. Do not include the test from library in the library list; otherwise you risk creating logical files in production over physical files in test libraries. If a field is protected and a default entry is not appropriate, press F11 to unprotect the field. If F11 is not available, then your application has been set up so you cannot change the defaults. If the default is in error, we recommend having your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator correct the application definition. If you do press F11, you’ll see the panel Temporarily Override Field Attributes. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-31 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Each field can be “Locked” or “Restricted”. You can remove the R adjacent the field title to make the field input capable. You cannot remove the Ls. These have been set this way in your application definition by your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator. They must be changed in the application definition to allow you to change them on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. • Blank out the R in the field you want to change. • Press Enter or F3/F12 to return to the previous panel. • You can now change the field. • When you complete the form-level entries, press Enter. • Review the entries to confirm and press Enter again. Page 6-32 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Selecting items for the form If you are using the Project task reference field, you will first see the Work with Check-out References panel. This contains all of the objects checked out under the Project task code specified on the form header. Press F21 to include all of the objects on the form or select those objects you want to include on the form. 1/29/10 12:24:19 Work with Checkout References Form Reference Your Company, Inc. 200008 APPR0123 Filter by level . . . . . Filter by programmer . . . The objects listed below have been checked out using the above reference number but have not yet been included on the above form. 1=Include on form 1 1 1 1 1 1 Obj/Mbr APFILEF APFILE1 APFILE2 APS0001 APCL0323 APRPG026 F3=Exit Library APDATALIB APDATALIB APDATALIB APPGMLIB APPGMLIB APPGMLIB F12=Cancel Type *FILE *FILE *FILE *PGM *PGM *PGM Attribute PF LF LF CLP CLP RPG Programmer ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE F19=Submit form build Reference APPR0123 APPR0123 APPR0123 APPR0123 APPR0123 APPR0123 F21=Select all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 builds and displays the new TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-33 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Working with the Form Maintenance panel 1/29/10 Form Maintenance Your Company, Inc. 15:11:11 Form . . . . . . . . 40567 Chg credit-term verify program Application . . . . AP Rel/Ver/Lev . . . . . 3/00/02 Job description . . AP2 Output queue . . . . . ELMSMIKEOQ Library . . . . . PRODTEST Library . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Library list . . . . APLIST Job accounting . . . . Programmer . . . . . ELMSMIKE Reference . . . . . . APPR0123 Form comments: Y Lock checks: N Completion messages: Y Archive objects: Y Position to line . . . or Object . . . IFS objects (F8): N 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Comments 8=Pgming time M=Move B=Before A=After 10=CreateParms 11=PreRunCmd 12=PostRunCmd ... Source Libraries Ln Object Library Type Cd FROM Lib FROM TARGET Cmts 001 APPF001 PRODTEST PF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 002 APLF991A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 003 APLF993A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 004 APDSPF01 PRODTEST DSPF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 005 APCLP991 PRODTEST CLP R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 006 SNDMSG MSG ('Postrun command sample') TOUSR(ELMSMIKE) F3=Exit F4=Comments F5=Resequence F6=Add line F7=Locks Bottom F24=More keys More keys: F8=IFS objects F9=Insert line F11=Header F12=Cancel F24=More keys F13=Other pgmr chgs F14=Comp. messages F15=Review commands F24=More keys F16=User options F17=X-Ref F18=Add cmd F19=Checkout F20=PDM F24=More keys F21=Command line F23=More options F24=More keys Normally, once you build the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, you can exit and your form is ready to run. However, you may want to do one or more of the following: • Enter commands to be run at the beginning or end of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form run. • Enter form comments. • Enter lock checks to ensure you will have exclusive access to objects being changed. • Add more lines (objects) or change lines on the form. • Select objects from PDM to include on form. • Select objects from the application’s cross-reference file to include in the form. Each of these choices is described in greater detail below. Press F24 to see more function keys. What you can do: 2=Change Type 2 to change the line. 4=Delete Page 6-34 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Type 4 to delete the line from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. (Note: You can perform a block delete by typing DD on two lines. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will delete the two lines you have chosen with DD, and it will delete all lines in-between those two lines.) 7=Comments Type 7 to type comments about an object on the form. 8=Pgming time Type 8 to record programming time for the line. When you select a line with this option and press Enter, a panel like this appears: 1/29/10 09:21:09 Enter Programming Time Form: Line: 40567 2 Your Company, Inc. Description: Chg credit-term verify program Object . . . APLF991A Code: ADD Library . . PRODTEST Type in time information and press Enter. Programmer . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Rate . . . . . . . . . 999.99 Analysis time . . . . Programming time . . . Testing time . . . . . Description F3=Exit . . . . . F12=Cancel The fields on the of this panel (Form, Description, Line, Object, Code, and Library) display the form number of the current form as well as information about the line you have chosen. The Code field shows the action code (ADD, REPLACE, or DELETE) for the current line. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-35 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Descriptions of the other fields on this Enter Programming Time panel follow: Field Name Description Programmer The user profile name of the programmer whose time you are recording. Rate The programmer’s hourly rate. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 retrieves this from the programmer’s TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 profile record, or you can enter it here. Analysis time The amount of time, expressed in hours, that the programmer spent analyzing the change or planning the new object. Programming time The amount of time, expressed in hours, that the programmer spent programming. Testing time The amount of time, expressed in hours, that the programmer spent testing. Description A description or comment relating to the time entry. (Optional) Page 6-36 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 9=Explode Type 9 to display a list of the Explode libraries. The libraries to which data objects will be duplicated will be selected with a 1. If your application Explode library list is set to allow override, you can de-select any of the libraries in the list by blanking out the 1. Press Enter to confirm your changes. M=Move B=Before A=After Type M(ove) on a line to move it B(efore) or A(fter) another line. (Once you have moved the line, you can press F5=Resequence to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 resequence the form in the correct logical order.) 10=CreateParms Type 10 to override the create command parameters associated with the line. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remember the command override and prompt you to include it next time you promote that object. Note: You will not be able to override this value if it is protected. Generally, create command parameters are protected if they are explicitly defined in the command string specified on the global type code; however, there may be exceptions. For a description of the conditions under which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 protects create command parameters, see page 6-48 or the online Help for this option. 11=PreRunCmd Type 11 to specify a pre-run command and associate it with a particular object on the form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remember the association and prompt you to include the command the next time you promote that object. Pre-run commands are run before any objects on your form are changed. 12=PostRunCmd Type 12 to specify a post-run command and associate it with a particular object on the form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remember the association and prompt you to include the command the next time you promote that object. Post-run commands are run after all objects on your form are changed. F3/Enter Press F3 or Enter to exit. You’ll view the Form Maintenance Exit panel described later in this chapter. You can return later to change or add lines to the form. F4=Comments Press F4 to add form level comments. You can enter one or more documentary comments for the form. F5=Resequence Press F5 to resequence the form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 reorders the form in the correct logical order (PF, LF, DSPF, and so forth). The form’s sequence is determined by the value of the Sequence field in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-37 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms F6=Add line Press F6 to add a line. The Add a Line to Form panel appears. For details, see Adding a line to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form on page 6-40. F7=Locks Press F7 to enter form lock checks. Object locks can be checked for any object prior to running the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form (not necessarily an object being promoted). The form will not run if a lock is on the object(s) specified. A message is sent to the QSYSOPR message queue and a retry can be attempted after the lock condition is cleared. F8=IFS Objects Press F8 to see any IFS objects that are on the form. (For more information about IFS objects and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, see the online help and the Managing IFS Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 guide.) F9=Insert line Position the cursor on the line before which you want to add a line to the form and press F9. The Add a Line to Form panel appears. For details, see Adding a line to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form on page 6-40. F11=Header Press F11 to modify the Form-level header information. F12=Cancel Press F12 to exit. When you exit this way, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not perform the checking that it does when you exit with F3. F13=Other pgmr chgs Press F13 to see a list of objects changed by other programmers during the time you have had the objects on the form checked out. This applies only if you use the Multiple Programmer Checkout facility. (For more information, see Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source.) F14=Comp. messages Press F14 to enter completion messages. You can specify that messages be sent at the successful completion of the promotion, or in the event of an error. Messages are always sent to the form programmer and application Administrator; and additional default messages may have been specified in your application definition. F15=Review commands Press F15 to review overridden create commands and linked pre- and post-run commands. F16=User options Press F16 to enter or select user-defined options. Page 6-38 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms F17=X-Ref Press F17 to view any objects that use any file referenced on the form that has not already been included on the form. You can add these for mass-recompile at this time. (You must be using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s X-Ref system or another 3rd party system.) F18=Add cmd Press F18 to add a command. You can add commands to run either at the beginning or the end of a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form job. Commands are inserted into the line following the cursor position. You can associate a command such as an OVRDBF command with particular objects on the form. The next time you promote that object, you will be prompted to include the command. F19=Checkout Press F19 to view any objects that had been checked out with the same reference code as on the form header and not yet on the form. F20=PDM Press F20 to transfer control to the Programming Development Manager (PDM). F21=Command line Press F21 to work on a system command line. F23=More options Press F23 to view additional option selections. F24=More keys Press F24 to view additional keys. To simplify the presentation in this guide, most functions (but not Adding a line to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form; see page 6-40) are described in Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, beginning on page 6-47. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-39 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Adding a line to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form Normally, if you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects and have set up applications as Require project entry of Yes, you will not add lines manually; TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does that for you when you create your form. Occasionally, you may need to change a line or override the create command parameters used on the form. You can enter more object names, or view and edit the lines that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 added to your form when you selected objects on the Work with Checkout References panel. Press F6 to add a line to the form. 1/29/10 10:41:14 Add a Line to Form Form: Key choices, press Enter. Object: APFILE Library: APDATALIB Method: Your Company, Inc. 200008 Change check writing pgm Line: 3 Type: PF Code: R (A=Add, R=Replace, D=Delete) CSCO CD, COPR, MO, CSCO, CSMO, CSCD, CS, *NULL Copy Source, Compile Object FROM Source File: QRPGSRC FROM Object Name: APFILE TARGET Source File: QRPGSRC Lib: APDATALIB Lib: APDATATST Lib: APRPGSRC FROM Source Member: APFILE2 TARGET Source Member: APFILE2 Create Parms: P P,T,R,S,C Create Reference Object: REFPF Authority: P P,T,R,S Authority Reference Object: REFPF Lib: REFLIB Lib: REFLIB Delete FROM Object (Y/N): Y Delete FROM Source (Y/N): Y Ref: CR0123 Programmer: ELMSMIKE Comments (Y/N): * File copy FMTOPT: *MAP *DROP *MAP *DROP, *NOCHK, *FROMFILE, *NONE F3=Exit * F7=Change top F11=Unprotect fields F12=Cancel File copy FMTOPT only appears when type is a physical file type (PF). Supply the object name, type code, and action code and press Enter. The remaining fields are filled in from the application definition defaults. As with the form level entries, field defaults and rules defining which fields are locked and which can be changed are determined from the application definition. For more information, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. For edit rules for the panel, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Change Process (#14). For field definitions, see F1 Help text. To jump ahead, go to the next panel ... Page 6-40 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms What you can do: Enter You must press Enter to update or add the line to the form. F3=Exit Exit Add a Line without update. F7=Update top/Update bottom (toggle) When you see the expanded Add a Line panel, you can only key the fields on the bottom or the fields on the top, not both at the same time. The reason is that most of what is displayed on the bottom half is dependent on the information keyed on top and is refreshed from defaults each time you change the top. F7 enables you to toggle between top and bottom to make changes, when necessary. F11=Unprotect fields Press F11 to unprotect restricted fields. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-41 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Exiting from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Maintenance panel Once you have reviewed and updated your form, press F3 or Enter to exit from the Form Maintenance panel. You’ll see the Form Maintenance Options panel: 1/29/10 14:46:19 Form Maintenance Options Your Company, Inc. To run Form Maintenance exit options, type choices and press Enter. To return to Form Maintenance without running options, press F12. To exit without running options, press F3. Form . . . . . . . . . 40567 Description . . . . . Chg credit-term verify program Resequence the form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y, N Check for logical files and add them to the form . Y Y, N Check cross-reference file for related objects . . Y Y, N Check for objects changed by other programmers . . N Y, N Check for related application conflicts . . . . . . Y Y, N F3=Exit F12=Cancel Normally you’ll take the defaults set by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and press Enter. If you’ve already performed the operations listed here, you can press F3 to exit without running them. F12 returns you to form maintenance. Page 6-42 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms What you can do: Resequence the form This will put the form in the correct logical order (PFREF, PF, LF, DSPF, Programs, and so on). To view the file that contains the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes and the sequence field that controls this operation, type TURNOVER 8 on a command line and then select option 4. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 builds the form in the correct order, but you may have inserted an object out of order. Check for logical files TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will check the form for any logical files over physical files being replaced or deleted in the Target library for this form and add them for your form automatically. The logical files must exist in the Target library for TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to add them to the form for recompilation. Check cross-reference file for related objects If you are using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s cross-reference function or Hawkeye’s Pathfinder or ASC’s Abstract/Probe+; you can check to see if there are related objects you need to include on the form for recompilation. You can add them to your form. Check for objects changed by other programmers If you are using the multiple programmer checkout feature, then it is possible that another programmer has changed an object on your list while you were working on it. For more information, see Multiple Checkout Facility on page 5-23. Check for related applications conflicts Enter Y to check for related applications conflicts associated with objects on the form. A related applications conflict occurs when an object is checked out of the base application, but not from the related application. Related applications conflicts must be resolved before the form can run. Press F3 or Enter to Exit or press F12 to return to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Maintenance. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-43 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Approving a form on line 35 Each application and level may have an approval list defined as part of the application definition. 36 If your Administrator has specified an Approval list for your application, the form status for your new form will be approval pending (APL-PN). You can send messages to each of the users on the approval list to alert them that the form is ready for their approval. Type a 10 next to the form. 1/29/10 14:09:20 Work with Form Approval List Form: 200008 Change check writing pgm Application: A/P Release: 0 Version: 0 Level: Your Company, Inc. 1 Message: Form 200008 is pending your approval 1=Send message 1 _ _ 5=Display Group User Name Approved PSHIFTY Paul Shifty N TURNOVER TURNOVER® System Admin. Y QAGROUP Quality Assurance Group N Date Time 00/00/00 01/08/10 13:21:01 00/00/00 By TURNOVER Enter message text and press F10 to send message to selected Users. F3=Exit F9=View Prj/Tsk F10=Send message F11=View form F21=Select all Select which users to send a message or press F21 to select all. Change the message and/or press F10 to send the message. Once the message has been sent, each of the users on the list must sign on to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, select option 6 to work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, select the form with option 10, and approve the form by entering a Y in the approval column. S/he can also send a reminder message to users who have not yet approved the form. When you define the approval list, you can create approval groups such as Quality Assurance group. You can include all of the people in QA in that group such that, if any one within that group approves the form – it may fall to any one of several people – it is approved for the group. If the user has override authority for the application, s/he can enter an approval for all or some of the other users on the list. This may be a useful feature if only one of several people needs to approve the form before it can be submitted to run. 35 A developer will perform this function by selecting option 48 on your Programmer’s Worklist (PWM) rather than from this menu. For more about PWM, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide and Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks in this guide. 36 See Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. Page 6-44 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Once the form has been approved, the form status will be advanced to READY. Later, if changes are made to the form; or if test objects or source members referenced on the form have changed, the status will revert to APL-PN and it will need to be approved again. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that you use an approval list rather than rely on printing and approving hard copies of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. The on-line approval history remains with the form and can be printed or reviewed at any time. For a description of more capabilities of Working with Forms, see the next section. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-45 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Printing a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form Although not required, you may want to print a hard copy of your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. The form listing includes all form information including form header, lines, commands, comments, and approvals. 1/29/10 08:49:14 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form 6 Form 1423554 1423553 1423551 1423547 1423546 1423545 1423544 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Contact cmmnt changes 1st top secret T.O. Change check writing Chg. alloc. method 3 Enhance budget format Submenu call chg MENU Prtfile paint enhance 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev SLS 1 SECR 1 AP 1 EQPT 1 ACCT 1 1 FDA 2 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 2/04/09 1/29/09 1/22/09 1/18/09 1/18/09 Programmer DELANEY ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE PHILLIPS ELMSMIKE PHILLIPS Status READY RAN-OK READY DISTRIB PARTIAL EMER-OK RECOVER F11=Alternate view F24=More keys Type 6 next to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form you have entered to print it. You are prompted for print instructions. An example of the printed TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form appears below. 1/ 29/1 0 17: 08:0 0 Fo rm List ing Yo ur Comp any, Inc . Pag e 2 A P R O V A L S ** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** * ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ __ ____ /__ __/_ ___ * * ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ __ ____ /__ __/_ ___ * * ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ __ ____ /__ __/_ ___ * ** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** *** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** **** * APP LIC ATIO N: A /P Acco unts Pa yabl e * * REL EASE -#: * * V ERSI ON-# : * *** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** **** *** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** * Form : 20 0008 Desc ript ion : Ch ange ch eck writ ing pgm St atu s: R eady * * Run dat e: 2/0 8/09 J ob d esc ript ion: AP 1 R efer enc e#: * * Run tim e: 21: 41:3 7 Libr ary: PR OD P rogr amm er: ELM SMI KE * * Jo b n umbe r: Jo b ac cou ntin g: * * Libr ary lis t: *JO BD * *** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** **** **** *** Lin e: Lin e: Lin e: 1 2 3 Obj ect: AP FILE F Obj ect: AP FILE 1 Obj ect: AP FILE 2 L ibra ry: APD ATAL IB L ibra ry: APD ATAL IB L ibra ry: APD ATAL IB Ty pe: PF Ty pe: LF Ty pe: LF Co de: Rep lace Co de: Rep lace Co de: Rep lace Meth od:C SCO Meth od:C SCO Meth od:C SCO Stat us: Rea dy Stat us: Rea dy Stat us: Rea dy If your form has commands, comments or approvals, they appear on the printed version as well (not shown in sample). If you want the approval box to be printed on the form, answer the Print for approval prompt with Yes. If you want to see full line-level details on the form, type *FULL in the details prompt. If you want to print several forms, refer to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reporting Menu. To print the details of the task referenced on the form, enter *LINE or *FULL in the task details parameter. Page 6-46 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms For an example of a Form listing with all details specified, see List Forms, beginning on page 10-32. For more about other options on the Work with Forms panel, see the next section. WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORMS TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 allows you to change a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form at any time prior to actually running the form. You can also add or change certain information on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form such as programmer time, form comments and line comments after the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form has been run. Each is presented in a procedure described in this section. Select Main Menu option 6 to work with forms. 1/29/10 08:49:14 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 1423554 1423553 1423551 1423547 1423546 1423545 1423544 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Contact cmmnt changes 1st top secret T.O. Change check writing Chg. alloc. method 3 Enhance budget format Submenu call chg MENU Prtfile paint enhance 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev SLS 1 SECR 1 AP 1 EQPT 1 ACCT 1 1 FDA 2 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 2/04/09 1/29/09 1/22/09 1/18/09 1/18/09 Programmer DELANEY ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE PHILLIPS ELMSMIKE PHILLIPS Status READY RAN-OK READY DISTRIB PARTIAL EMER-OK RECOVER F11=Alternate view F24=More keys More options: 1=Perform error check on form 17=Run turnover without error checking 10=Form approval 11=Distribution status 12=Create recovery form More.keys: F17=Filters F21=System Command F23=More options TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-47 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Changing a form line The procedure for adding a line is described in the previous section, Creating a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, on page 6-40. To see the definition of specific fields on the panels, position the cursor on that field and press the F1/Help key. 1/29/10 Form Maintenance Your Company, Inc. 15:11:11 Form . . . . . . . . 40567 Chg credit-term verify program Application . . . . AP Rel/Ver/Lev . . . . . 3/00/02 Job description . . AP2 Output queue . . . . . ELMSMIKEOQ Library . . . . . PRODTEST Library . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Library list . . . . APLIST Job accounting . . . . Programmer . . . . . ELMSMIKE Reference . . . . . . APPR0123 Form comments: Y Lock checks: N Completion messages: Y Archive objects: Y Position to line . . . or Object . . . IFS objects (F8): N 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Comments 8=Pgming time M=Move B=Before A=After 10=CreateParms 11=PreRunCmd 12=PostRunCmd ... Source Libraries Ln Object Library Type Cd FROM Lib FROM TARGET Cmts 001 APPF001 PRODTEST PF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 2 002 APLF991A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 003 APLF993A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 004 APDSPF01 PRODTEST DSPF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 005 APCLP991 PRODTEST CLP R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 006 SNDMSG MSG ('Postrun command sample') TOUSR(ELMSMIKE) F3=Exit F4=Comments F5=Resequence F6=Add line F7=Locks Bottom F24=More keys As described previously (see page 6-34), the options on this panel enable you to perform a number of operations associated with the lines on a form. One such operation you can perform is to override the create command parameters for a form line, providing the command parameters are not protected. (Conditions under which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 protects create command parameters against user modification are described below.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 protects, or does not protect, create command parameters against user modification based on the contents (Y or N value) of the one-character data areas, TPROTECT and TALWKEYOVR, and whether or not the TKEYPRTF file contains a record (such as *ALL CMD) for the create parameter. The conditions you can set with the TPROTECT and TALWKEYOVR data areas and the TKEYPRTF file are summarized here: Page 6-48 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms TPROTECT data area Results Contains a Y value. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 protects create parameters. TKEYPRTF file Contains an N value. + Contains a record for the parameter. Contains an N value. + Contains no record for the parameter. TALWKEYOVR data area TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not protect create parameters. + Contains a Y value. Note: Your settings only control what developers can override at the development level. Depending on the promotion methods (for example, CSCO) and create parameters (for example, P) you have specified, these values could changes during the form run. Results Once a form is copied to another application or application level, or is received on another computer, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not reset nonprotected parameters that are explicitly specified in the global type code. On the Form Maintenance panel, to override the create command parameters for the form line, select the line with option 10 (CreateParms) and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-49 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms On the Form Maintenance panel, to change a line, select it with option 2 and press Enter. A panel like this appears: 1/29/10 10:41:14 Change a Line Form: Type choices, press Enter. Object: APLF991A Library: PRODLIB Method: Type: LF Your Company, Inc. 200010 Contact cmnt changes Line: 2 Code: R (A=Add, R=Replace, D=Delete) CSCO CD, COPR, MO, CSCO, CSMO, CSCD, CS, *NULL Copy Source, Compile Object FROM Source File: QDDSSRC FROM Object Name: APLF991A TARGET Source File: QDDSSRC Lib: ACPTTEST Lib: ACPTTESTT Lib: PRODLIB FROM Source Member: APLF991A TARGET Source Member: APLF991A Create Parms: P P,T,R,S,C Create Reference Object: REFLF Authority: P P,T,R,S Authority Reference Object: REFLF Lib: REFLIB Lib: REFLIB Delete FROM Object (Y/N): Y Delete FROM Source (Y/N): Y Ref: APPR0001 Programmer: SUEMRKS Comments (Y/N): Press Enter to change line, or press F3 to exit without update. F3=Exit F7=Change top F11=Unprotect fields F12=Cancel Type your changes to the form line and press Enter. You’ll only be able to change fields that are unlocked. Notice that some fields are input inhibited (there is no underline under the field value, indicating that the field is view only). Some fields are simply restricted to prevent you from accidentally making a change to a field that usually will not need to be changed. Note that if you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s on-line approval procedure and the form has been approved already, it will need to be approved again if you change it. Form status will revert to APL-PN (Approval Pending). Page 6-50 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms To see which fields are restricted or locked, and to un-restrict some fields, press F11. 1/29/10 15:04:27 Temporarily Override Field Attributes Your Company, Inc. Enter desired field attribute changes. Method Field Attributes R=Restrict, L=Lock L . . . . . . . . . CSCO Compile parameters . . . P Reference object . . . . Library . . . . . . . L L L Authority . . . . . . . . P Reference object . . . . Library . . . . . . . L L L Delete from object . Delete from source . Programmer . . . . . Reference . . . . . . F3=Exit F12=Cancel R R . . . . . . . . Y Y *CHECKOUT *FORM L More... You can remove the Rs, which indicate that a field is restricted. This enables you to change the associated field when you return to the previous panel. If the field you need to change is Locked, then you should see your System Administrator to determine if the field needs to be unlocked within the application definition or whether the reasons for the changes you are trying to make are sound. Press Enter when you’re done to confirm the changes. When you’ve completed changing the line, you will be returned to the Form Maintenance panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-51 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Adding a form or line comment On the Work with Form panel, select the form you want to update with option 2. 1/29/10 Form Maintenance Your Company, Inc. 15:11:11 Form . . . . . . . . 40567 Chg credit-term verify program Application . . . . AP Rel/Ver/Lev . . . . . 3/00/02 Job description . . AP2 Output queue . . . . . ELMSMIKEOQ Library . . . . . PRODLIB Library . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Library list . . . . APLIST Job accounting . . . . Programmer . . . . . ELMSMIKE Reference . . . . . . APPR0123 Form comments: Y Lock checks: N Completion messages: Y Archive objects: Y Position to line . . . or Object . . . IFS objects (F8): N 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Comments 8=Pgming time M=Move B=Before A=After 10=CreateParms 11=PreRunCmd 12=PostRunCmd ... Source Libraries Ln Object Library Type Cd FROM Lib FROM TARGET Cmts 001 APPF001 PRODTEST PF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 002 APLF991A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 003 APLF993A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 004 APDSPF01 PRODTEST DSPF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 005 APCLP991 PRODTEST CLP R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 006 SNDMSG MSG ('Postrun command sample') TOUSR(ELMSMIKE) F3=Exit F4=Comments F5=Resequence F6=Add line F7=Locks Bottom F24=More keys To add or change form comments, press F4. Page 6-52 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Entering form comments If form comments already exist, you’ll see Form Comments panel. (If there are none, you’ll see the Add Form Comment panel.) 1/29/10 15:31:23 Form Comments Form: 2=Change 13 Description: Test form 4=Delete Date Time Added Added Added-by 8/23/09 15:31:14 PHILLIPS 2 8/23/09 15:31:21 ELMSMIKE F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. F6=Add comment Comment Text This is a sample of a comment about the entire+ This is another comment. F12=Cancel Select a comment to change by typing a 2 next to the comment line, or press F6 to add a new comment. 1/29/10 15:28:54 Add Form Comment Form: 13 Your Company, Inc. Description: Test form Type in comment and press Enter. Comment: This is another form comment. F3=Exit F12=Cancel TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-53 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Entering line comments To add a line comment, select a form line on the Form Maintenance panel with option 7, and press Enter. If a line already has comments, you’ll see the following panel. Each comment is stamped with the date, time, and the user profile name of the person who entered the comment. 1/29/10 15:38:56 Line Comments Form: Line: 2=Change Description: Change check writing pgm Object . . . APLF991A Code: REPLACE Library . . PRODLIB 4=Delete Date Added 8/23/09 8/23/09 F3=Exit 13 1 Your Company, Inc. Time Added Added-by 15:38:46 PHILLIPS 15:38:55 PHILLIPS F6=Add comment Comment Text This is a sample comment about this line of th+ This is a 2nd, shorter comment about this line. F12=Cancel To add a line comment, press F6; to change an existing comment, select it with option 2. (The Add and Change panels are similar.) 1/29/10 15:52:17 Add Line Comment Form: Line: Your Company, Inc. 13 3 Description: Change check writing pgm Object . . . APLF993A Code: ADD Library . . PRODLIB Type in comment and press Enter. Comment: APLF993X has been replaced by APLF993A. F3=Exit F12=Cancel Type a line comment and press Enter. Page 6-54 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Entering pre-run and post-run commands Generally, commands are unnecessary for a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s logic automatically handles most conditions that you might have thought would have required the use of a command. Features such as lock checks, completion messages, automatic copying of physical file data, automatic recreation of logical files, and others, make the need for instream commands rare. However, there are certain conditions that are best handled by entering either a pre- or post-run command. One such condition is when changes being made to a physical file are beyond the ability of the copy file command to accommodate, and where only a conversion program would suffice. In that case, the best approach is to insert a pre-run command to create a duplicate of the file (DATA *YES) and a post-run command to call a conversion program. 37 Another example of when a command might be appropriate is an OVRDBF command, which is necessary for compiling programs that use a temporary file. You can associate pre- and post-run commands with particular objects on the form. In the future, when you promote that object again, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will prompt you to use the command again. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 executes a pre- or post-run command 38 either before or after it makes the stream-of-object changes, or before or after it runs a form line, depending on choices you make when you enter the command. You can also control the system on which a pre- or post-run command runs. For example, a command might run on all systems, only local systems, only remote systems, or on a specific system. (To run the command on more than one specific system, add a command for each system.) UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that you run pre- and post-run commands before or after all objects are promoted. In this way, it is less likely that a command you specify would interfere with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s promotion processing. We suggest that you run a command just before or after an object is created only if absolutely necessary. 37 Another method is to code your post-run command to access the copy data from the old file in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s archive object library using your conversion program called in a post-run command. 38 If you have commands you want to be executed every time you run a form, you might prefer to code a pre- or post-run exit program. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-55 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Select the form with which you want to work on the Work with Forms panel with option 2=Change. 1/29/10 Form Maintenance Your Company, Inc. 15:11:11 Form . . . . . . . . 40567 Chg credit-term verify program Application . . . . AP Rel/Ver/Lev . . . . . 3/00/02 Job description . . AP2 Output queue . . . . . ELMSMIKEOQ Library . . . . . PRODLIB Library . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Library list . . . . AP1 Job accounting . . . . Programmer . . . . . ELMSMIKE Reference . . . . . . APPR0004 Form comments: Y Lock checks: N Completion messages: Y Archive objects: Y Position to line . . . or Object . . . IFS objects (F8): N 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Comments 8=Pgming time M=Move B=Before A=After 10=CreateParms 11=PreRunCmd 12=PostRunCmd ... Source Libraries Ln Object Library Type Cd FROM Lib FROM TARGET Cmts 001 APPF001 PRODTEST PF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 11 002 APLF991A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 003 APLF993A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 004 APDSPF01 PRODTEST DSPF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 005 APCLP991 PRODTEST CLP R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 006 SNDMSG MSG ('Postrun command sample') TOUSR(ELMSMIKE) F3=Exit F4=Comments F5=Resequence F6=Add line F7=Locks Bottom F24=More keys To enter a pre-run command, position the cursor to the point above which you want to insert a command, and press F18. The command line will be inserted after the cursor position. You can insert a pre-run command into an existing form by positioning the cursor on the line above the first line and pressing F18. OR ... Select an object with option 11 and press Enter. To enter a post-run command, position the cursor at the last line on the form and press F18. If preor post-run commands already exist on the form, position the cursor on the line after which you want the new command inserted, and press F18. OR ... Select an object with an option 12 and press Enter. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Always use option 11 or 12 if the pre- or post-run command should be associated with a particular line on the form – especially if you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use that same item again the next time the object promoted. Otherwise, use F18 to enter a command as described above. Page 6-56 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 1/29/10 16:18:05 Add a Command Your Company, Inc. Form . . . . . . . 40667 Command type . . . Post-Run Sequence . . . . . 2 Type command, press Enter. Command to execute: CHGPGM Error recovery: C C=Cancel, G=Go, R=Recover Link to line: 1 F10=Select When to execute . . . *PREFORM Library list . . . . *CURRENT Run on system . . . . *ALL F3=Exit F4=Prompt command Object: PF1 Lib: DEVELOP Type: PF *PREFORM, *PRELINE *APPL, *CURRENT *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name F9=Retrieve F10=Select line F12=Cancel You can prompt commands by typing the command and pressing F4. (Note: Prompting the command allows you to change the case of the keywords and values in the command string.) Supply up to 999 pre-run or post-run commands. If the command fails, Error recovery tells TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 whether or not to proceed. There is a difference between the implications of errors for pre- and post-run commands. Error recovery: G C R Error recovery: G C R Pre-run commands Continue with the next step of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Cancel the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. No objects are promoted. Roll back all installed objects and end the job. Post-run commands Continue with the next step of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. End the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job. All objects have already been successfully promoted. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report indicates that the command was in error. The form is not rolled back. Roll back all installed objects and end the job. You can link your command to a specific line on the form if you so desire. To select the line, press F10 (unless you selected options 11 or 12 described above). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will scroll the lines of the form through one by one. Stop scrolling when the line you want appears. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also brings the object name, library and object type with the line, so you do not have to enter any information in those fields. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-57 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms The When to execute and Library list fields control when the command runs and what libraries should be in the job library list at that time. You can run commands at the beginning or end of the form, or just before or after a form line is processed. You can use the current form job library list, or the application library list specified on the form. For more about pre- and post-run commands, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Change Process (#14). The Run on system field controls where the command runs when a form is distributed. Your command can run on the local system only, on the remote system only, on all systems, or on specific systems. (When specifying more than one system, add the command for each system desired.) Using the TSETPPCDFT (Set Pre/Post Command Defaults) Command You can use the TSETPPCDFT (Set Pre/Post Command Defaults) command to specify the defaults you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use when you add pre- and post-run commands to a form. When you type TSETPPCDFT on a command line and press Enter, you see this panel: Set Pre/Post Command Defaults (TSETPPCDFT) Type choices, press Enter. PreRun: Error recovery When to execute Library list . Run on system . PostRun: Error recovery When to execute Library list . Run on system . Linked: Command type . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh C *PRELINE *CURRENT *ALL C *POSTFORM *CURRENT *ALL *PRERUN F12=Cancel C=Cancel, G=Go, R=Recover *PREFORM, *PRELINE *APPL, *CURRENT *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name C=Cancel, G=Go, R=Recover *POSTFORM, *POSTLINE *APPL, *CURRENT *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name *PRERUN, *POSTRUN Bottom F13=How to use this display This panel shows the defaults you can specify for pre- and post-run commands. These are described on pages 6-61 through 6-64. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 panels on which these defaults will appear are shown on pages 6-59 and 6-60. Page 6-58 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 1/29/10 16:18:05 Add a Command Your Company, Inc. Form . . . . . . . 40667 Command type . . . Post-Run Sequence . . . . . 2 Type command, press Enter. Command to execute: CHGPGM Error recovery: C C=Cancel, G=Go, R=Recover Link to line: 1 F10=Select When to execute . . . *PREFORM Library list . . . . *CURRENT Run on system . . . . *ALL F3=Exit F4=Prompt command Object: PF1 Lib: DEVELOP Type: PF *PREFORM, *PRELINE *APPL, *CURRENT *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name F9=Retrieve F10=Select line F12=Cancel Add a Command panel To access this panel: 1. On the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu, select option 6. 2. From the list of forms, select a form with a status of READY or APL-PN with option 2 (Update form). 3. On the Form Maintenance panel, type 11 (PreRunCmd) or type 12 (PostRunCmd) to the left of a form line number. (Alternatively, for a prerun command, you can position the cursor above the first line and press F18. For a post-run command, position the cursor on the last line and press F18.) The fields on this panel for which you can set pre- and postrun command defaults are Error recovery, When to execute, Library list, and Run on system. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-59 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 1/29/10 16:36:12 Add IFS-Linked Command Your Company, Inc. Form . . . . . . . 40668 Command type . . . Post-Run Sequence . . . . . 1 Type command, press Enter. Command to execute: Error recovery: C C=Cancel (end TurnOver job) G=Go (continue TurnOver job) Link to line: 1 F10=Select Object: PF1 Path: /SMITH/QA Type: PF Library list . . . . *CURRENT *APPL, *CURRENT Run on system . . . . *ALL *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F10=Select F12=Cancel Add IFS-Linked Command panel To access this panel: 1. On the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu, select option 6. 2. From the list of forms, select a form with a status of READY or APL-PN with option 2 (Update form). 3. On the Form Maintenance panel, press F8 (IFS objects). 4. On the Form Maintenance – IFS panel, type 11 (PreRunCmd) or type 12 (PostRunCmd) to the left of a form line number. The fields on this panel for which you can set pre- and postrun command defaults are Error recovery, Library list, and Run on system. 1/29/10 17:01:30 Add a Linked Command Your Company, Inc. Link to object . . . TESTPF Library . . . . . . SMITH Type . . . . . . . . PF Type choices, press Enter. Command to execute: Command type . . . Sequence . . . . . Error recovery . . When to execute . . Library list . . . Run on system . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt . *PRERUN *PRERUN, *POSTRUN . 1 0-999 C=Cancel, G=Go . C . *PRELINE *PREFORM, *PRELINE . *CURRENT *APPL, *CURRENT . *ALL *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name command F12=Cancel Add a Linked Command panel To access this panel: 1. On the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu, select option 9. 2. From the list of projects, select a project with option 12 (Work with tasks). 3. From the list of tasks, select a task with option 20 (PWM) to see its worklist. 4. On the worklist, select an object (usually at the development level) with option 38 (Pre/post-Cmds). 5. On the next panel you see, press F6 (Add command). The fields on this panel for which you can set pre- and postrun command defaults are Command type, Error recovery, When to execute, Library list, and Run on system. Page 6-60 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 1/29/10 Type code Add IFS Type Code Default Command Your Company, Inc. . . . . IFSOBJ Command type . . . *PRERUN Sequence . . . . . 10 *PRERUN, *POSTRUN Type command, press Enter. Command to execute: &TY=Type code &TP=Target path &OB=Target object &FP=From path &FO=From object &ME=Method &PG=Programmer &RF=Reference &AL=Authority list &PO=Path/Object &UO-&U9=User defined &TR=Target release C=Cancel (end TurnOver job) G=Go (continue TurnOver job) Error recovery: C Library list . . . . *CURRENT *APPL, *CURRENT Run on system . . . . *ALL *ALL, *LOCAL, *REMOTE, Name F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel Add IFS Type Code Default Command panel To access this panel: 1. On the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu, select option 8. 2. On the Utility Menu, select option 4. 3. From the list of type codes, select an IFS type with option 2 (Change). 4. On the next panel you see, press F6 (Add default linked command). The fields on this panel for which you can set defaults for pre- and post-run commands are Command type, Error recovery, Library list, and Run on system. Descriptions of the defaults you can specify using the TSETPPCDFT (Set Pre/Post Command Defaults) command are the following: PreRun: Error recovery Specify how you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to handle the form job if it encounters an error while running the pre-run command. Your choices are: C (Cancel) Cancel (and recover) the form if the command ends in error. G (Go) Continue running the form (with warnings). R (Recover) Recover the form if the command ends in error. PreRun: When to execute Specify when you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to execute the command. If the command is linked to an object on the form, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can execute the command at different points in the form process. Your choices are: *PREFORM Execute the command before promoting any objects on the form. You might want to use this option if, for instance, a single override is required for compiling multiple objects on the form. Note: This is the recommended choice if it does not matter at what point TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 executes the command. *PRELINE Execute the command immediately before processing the object to which the command is linked. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-61 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Note: If it does not matter at what point TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 executes the command, *PREFORM is the recommended choice. PreRun: Library list Specify the library list you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use when it executes the pre-run command. Your choices are: *CURRENT Use the current library list of the form job. Note: This library list includes all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product libraries. You should choose this if the command references TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 APIs. *APPL Use the application library list specified on the form. Note: You should choose this if the command makes unqualified references to objects that are part of the user application associated with the form. PreRun: Run on system Specify on what system(s) you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to run the pre-run command. Your choices are: *ALL Run the command on all systems. *LOCAL Run the command only on the local system. *REMOTE Run the command only on the remote system(s). Name Run the command only on the specified system. PostRun: Error recovery Specify how you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to handle the form job if it encounters an error while running the post-run command. Your choices are: C (Cancel) Cancel the form if the command ends in error. Note: If the command is a post-run type and the When to execute parameter is set to *POSTLINE, this option causes the form to recover if the command ends in error. If the command is a post-run type and the When to execute parameter is set to *POSTFORM, this option will not cause the form to recover; you should use R (Recover) for this. However, it will stop the form from processing subsequent commands and cause the form to run with warnings. Page 6-62 G (Go) Continue running the form (with warnings). R (Recover) Recover the form if the command ends in error. © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms PostRun: When to execute Specify when you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to execute the command. If the command is linked to an object on the form, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can execute the command at different points in the form process. Your choices are: *POSTFORM Execute the command after promoting all objects on the form. Note: If you choose this, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only execute the command if all objects on the form promote successfully. *POSTLINE Execute the command immediately after processing the object to which the command is linked. Note: If the form needs to recover because of failing to process a subsequent object on the form, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not undo the results of the *POSTLINE command. PostRun: Library list Specify the library list you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use when it executes the post-run command. Your choices are: *CURRENT Use the current library list of the form job. Note: This library list includes all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product libraries. You should choose this if the command references TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 APIs. *APPL Use the application library list specified on the form. Note: You should choose this if the command makes unqualified references to objects that are part of the user application associated with the form. PostRun: Run on system Specify on what system(s) you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to run the post-run command. Your choices are: *ALL Run the command on all systems. *LOCAL Run the command only on the local system. *REMOTE Run the command only on the remote system(s). Name Run the command only on the specified system. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-63 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Linked: Command type Specify whether you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to run the command before or after it processes the objects on the form. Your choices are: *PRERUN Run the command before processing the objects on the form. *POSTRUN Run the command after processing the objects on the form. Changing form header information Form level information can be changed at any time up to the time the form is submitted to run. Select the form with which you want to work on the Work with Forms panel with option 2=Change. 1/29/10 Form Maintenance Your Company, Inc. 15:11:11 Form . . . . . . . . 40567 Chg credit-term verify program Application . . . . AP Rel/Ver/Lev . . . . . 3/00/02 Job description . . AP2 Output queue . . . . . ELMSMIKEOQ Library . . . . . PRODLIB Library . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Library list . . . . AP1 Job accounting . . . . Programmer . . . . . ELMSMIKE Reference . . . . . . APPR0004 Form comments: Y Lock checks: N Completion messages: Y Archive objects: Y Position to line . . . or Object . . . IFS objects (F8): N 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Comments 8=Pgming time M=Move B=Before A=After 10=CreateParms 11=PreRunCmd 12=PostRunCmd ... Source Libraries Ln Object Library Type Cd FROM Lib FROM TARGET Cmts 001 APPF001 PRODTEST PF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 002 APLF991A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 003 APLF993A PRODTEST LF R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 004 APDSPF01 PRODTEST DSPF A ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 005 APCLP991 PRODTEST CLP R ACPTTEST ACPTTEST PRODTEST N 006 SNDMSG MSG ('Postrun command sample') TOUSR(ELMSMIKE) F3=Exit F4=Comments F5=Resequence F6=Add line F7=Locks Bottom F24=More keys Press F11 to change the information in the form header. 1/29/10 16:56:18 Application: Change Form Header AP Rel: Ver: Your Company, Inc. Lev: 1 Make changes and press Enter. Form . . . . . . . . . . . . 40567 Project task reference . . . APPR0004 F4=List Proj F19=List Refs Form description . . . . . . Change credit-term verification program Programmer . . . . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Name, *USRPRF Error recovery & threshold . 3 (1-4) 999 (1-999) Do not run before (date) . . 0/00/00 (time) (hhmmss) or after (date) . . 0/00/00 (time) (hhmmss) Do not run before form . . . Form number, F4=List Submit finalization . . . . Y (Y,N) Job description . . . . . . AP1 Name, *PGMR Library . . . . . . JOBDLIB Name, *LIBL Archive objects . . . . . . Y (Y,N) Library list . . . . . . . . *AP01 F3=Exit Page 6-64 F4=List F11=Unprotect fields *listname, *CURRENT, Lib List More... F12=Cancel © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms You’ll only be able to change fields that are unlocked. (Page down to see more.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-65 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Notice that some fields are input inhibited. (There is no line under the field value, indicating that the field is output only.) Some fields are restricted to prevent you from accidentally making a change to a field that usually won’t need to be changed. Press F11 to un-restrict a field. You can remove the Rs that indicate that a field is Restricted. This will enable you to change the associated field when you return to the previous panel. If the field you need to change is locked, then you should see your System Administrator to determine if the field needs to be unlocked within the application definition or whether the reasons for the changes you are trying to make are sound. Entering a lock check Locks for one or more objects can be checked at the beginning of the form run to ensure that the promotion will not fail because of object lock conflicts. To do this, you add a lock check to your form. Some of the items you see on this panel might have been added automatically to your form when it was created. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically adds lock checks for data objects or physical files if the Automatic lock checking global default is set to *DTAOBJ or *FILE respectively. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not add lock checks if this default is set to *NONE. You can enter the name of any object. The object does not necessarily have to be one of those you are promoting in this TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run. For example, you could check locks on one or more key physical files, which would ensure that no users were accessing the application you are changing while the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is running. From the Form Maintenance panel, press F7=Locks. If one or more lock checks already exist, you will see this panel: Page 6-66 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 1/29/10 17:02:43 Maintain Lock Checks Form: 40567 Your Company, Inc. Description: Change credit-term verification program 4=Delete lock check Object APFILE F3=Exit Library APDATATST Type *FILE F6=Add lock check Allocate Y F7=Select from form F12=Cancel (If no lock checks exist on the form when you press F7 from Form Maintenance, the Add Lock Checks panel shown next appears instead.) You can remove a lock check from your form, whether it was added manually or automatically, at any time using option 4. Press F6 to add more lock checks. 1/29/10 17:04:19 Add Lock Checks Form . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. 40567 Change credit-term verification program Type in object name, library and type and press Enter. Object . . . . . . APPF002S Library . . . . PRODTEST Type . . . . . . . *FILE Name, *ALL Name, *ALL *FILE, *DTAOBJ, *DTAARA, . . . Allocate . . . . . Y Y,N F3=Exit F7=Select from form F12=Cancel Type the name of the object that should be checked for locks. If you want to allocate this object for the duration of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form run, set Allocate to Y. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-67 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Entering completion messages Completion messages are delivered to the programmer and application Administrator when the form completes. In addition, you can type messages to be delivered to other users. These messages can be sent unconditionally or conditionally when a promotion completes successfully or unsuccessfully. • Select the form with which you want to work on the Work with Forms panel with option 2=Change. • Press F8=Comp. messages to add or maintain messages. If, when you defined your application, you set up default messages, you can view and modify them here. You can also define completion messages as an application default. If messages already exist, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 13:41:22 Form Completion Messages Form: 2=Change message Comp. Code Normal F3=Exit 40667 Your Company, Inc. Description: Change credit-term verify program 4=Delete message Message Text Your form has completed normally. F6=Add message ----- Send To ----ELMSMIKE QUSRSYS F12=Cancel Press F6 to add more completion messages. Page 6-68 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms 1/29/10 13:36:47 Add Form Completion Message Form: 40667 Your Company, Inc. Description: Chg credit-term verify program Type in message information and press Enter. Termination code for which message will be sent: 1 1=Normal, 2=Abnormal, 3=Any Message: The programmer did a great job. Message Queue Library . or User ID . . . Address. . F3=Exit You should give him a raise! . . . . . . PRESIDENT . . . . . . QUSRSYS Name Name, *LIBL . . . . . . . . . . . . Character Value Character Value F9=Duplicate last message F12=Cancel Enter the termination code, the message and message queue to which the message should be delivered. The message queue can be either a personal message queue or a device message queue. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-69 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Copying forms If your applications are defined with more than one level (i.e. development to quality-assurance to production), then after running forms for level one, you copy the form(s) to prepare a form to run to the next level. Also, if a form fails and recovers (form status is RECOVER), then you need to copy it to create a new form to run. For audit control reasons on the development computer, you cannot rerun a form that has already run. You may have entered a form, canceled it, and decided later that you want to do the same set of changes after all. (You cannot reactivate a form once it has been canceled or run.) There are two types of form copies. One is a simple copy of one form to create a new form. On the Work with Forms panel, select the form you want to copy with option 3=Copy (or use option 43=Copy form on the Programmer Worklist panel). Copy Form Copy From Form . . . . Description Form status Application Release . . Version . . Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104859 . Corrections to Install program . RAN-OK . TO . 4 . . 1 Copy to Application . . . . . . . Release . . . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . . . New form description . . . *Drop COPR lines . . . . . *Copy commands. . . . . . . *Copy comments . . . . . . *Check cross-reference. . . *Check related applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TO F4=Select 4 2 Corrections to Install Program Y, N N Y Y, N Y Y Y F3=Exit F4=Select application F12=Cancel F19=Submit to batch Press Enter or F19 to copy form, or press F3 or F12 to cancel form copy. * Parameters are conditioned. Accept the defaults or type another target application and description and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the new form. Page 6-70 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Consolidating forms Another copy option lets you consolidate forms. Consolidation means that you can combine several related forms into one. When you do this, an object that exists more than once on several forms will appear only once on the new form. If you are consolidating forms, all of the forms involved must be for the same target application and level. You can also copy forms from one application into another application. For example, you may want to copy a form from the “A/R Quality Assurance” application to the “A/R Production” application. The old forms will be changed to conform to the rules associated with the new application, including changing the test and target libraries (if they are different), or changing the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 method. 1/29/10 15:05:07 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form 3 3 Form 104555 104554 104553 104552 104551 104550 104549 104548 104547 104546 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description LF member not added LF member not added Checkout/promote Dre Checkout/promote Dre Testing delete of LF Incorrect text durin Removal of pre-run c Correct requester fi HD420009 – CPF0001 i HD420009 – CPF0001 i 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev TO 5 2 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 1 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 1 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 2 TO 4 1 2 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 1 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 5/16/09 5/15/09 5/13/09 5/13/09 Programmer BRADLEY ELMSMIKE BRADLEY DAVIS DAVIS BRADLEY DAVIS ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Status READY READY APL-PND INITIAL READY PURGEPND PURGEPND READY PURGEPND PURGEPND F11=Alternate view F24=More keys UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that you run multiple forms as a Group form rather than consolidating forms. Group forms better preserve a single form-to-programmer relationship throughout the promotion cycle. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-71 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms If you do decide to consolidate forms, keep these things in mind: • TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 eliminates any duplicate objects when it merges two or more forms. • If more than 999 total lines are involved, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 splits the result into multiple, correctly-sequenced, dependent forms. • If you request a cross-reference check, we check the table identified in the application definition. This can be particularly useful if applications other than that on the consolidated form share the same cross-reference table. • The consolidation job always submits to batch as job CPYFORMS. This job produces a log report showing you o The names and descriptions of the forms you copied; o Which, if any, lines were dropped during the copy, the associated reason codes, and footnotes explaining the reason codes; and o A cross-reference listing, if you requested a cross-reference check. To consolidate several forms, select them all with option 3 on the Work with Forms panel. 39 This panel appears: 01/29/10 12:42:33 Copy Form Consolidation Prompt Your Company, Inc. Type in selections and press Enter to Consolidate. You have selected multiple forms for copying. To copy all selected forms to one new form, enter Y below. To copy each selected form to a separate form, enter N below. Do you wish to consolidate forms . . . Y (Y/N) Drop COPR lines . . . . . . . . . . . N (Y/N) Do you wish to copy comments . . . . . Y (Y/N) Do you wish to copy commands . . . . . Y (Y/N) Convert command library references . . Y (Y/N) Check cross reference . . . . . . . . Y (Y/N) Create related application forms . . . Y (Y/N) New form description . . . Cleanup Review sequencing of commands before running form. F12=Cancel * This panel appears only if you have selected multiple forms for copying. 39 You can also do this from the Programmer Worklist using option 43. Page 6-72 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Do you wish to consolidate forms Use this option to combine two or more forms into a single form. For example, suppose three programmers each worked independently on three related subtasks, and each separately promoted his work to a test level. Those three forms can now be merged into one new form for all three tasks before promoting them to the next level. Type Y if you want to consolidate the forms; type N if you are copying multiple forms to an equal number of new forms. If you consolidate forms, the job is always submitted to batch. Drop COPR lines If you will want to recompile objects that are not checked out to the form programmer and reference, use N to keep the COPR lines on the resulting consolidated form. If you do not want to recompile these objects, drop the lines from the form by specifying Y. You can later add COPR lines for these objects back to the form (if they refer to objects that are on the form) by using the object cross-reference. Do you wish to copy comments If you type Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 copies the form comments when it builds a new form. Do you wish to copy commands If you type Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 copies all pre- and post-run commands when it builds a new form. Convert command library references If you are building a form to promote to the next highest level, type Y to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 look for library references related to one level and convert them to comparable library names appropriate for the next level. Note: When copying forms, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 processes references to the data library first, then object library references, then source library references. If you are copying a form from a level with a common from- or to library to a level with multiple from- or tolibraries, then pre- or post-run command(s) on the resulting form will use the data library by default, and you must edit the new form afterwards to correct the commands if necessary. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-73 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Check cross reference Type Y to check the cross-reference for the new forms TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will create. Type N if you do not want to check the cross-reference. This field appears only if your application is set up to use cross-referencing. Create related application forms Type Y to create new forms for the applications that are specified as related to the application to which you are copying forms. Type N if you do not want these forms created automatically. This field appears only if your application has related applications specified in the application definition. New form description Usually the same form description applies, but you can change it if you want. After you fill in the consolidation prompt, press Enter. Now you must select the application and level for the new form: 1/29/10 8:18:23 Copy Form Consolidation Prompt Your Company, Inc. ................................................................ : Select Application for New Form : : : F4=List : : Application . . . XX : : Release . . . . . 2 : : Version . . . . . : : Level . . . . . . 3 : : : : : : : : : F4=List F12=Cancel : : : : : :..............................................................: New form description . . . Installation programs Review sequencing of commands before running form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 defaults to the application for the last form you selected. Press F4 to see a list of applications from which to choose. Press Enter to copy. Allow a minute for the copy to complete. (If you are consolidating forms, the job is submitted to batch.) You’ll see the Form Maintenance panel next. Verify the new form and then exit. Setting a cross-reference threshold If a form is large, it’s possible to approach or exceed the maximum number of lines allowed on a form. To reserve space for the objects added during the cross-reference check, you can set an overflow threshold in the XREFOVRFLW data area. This threshold controls the number of lines that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can add to a form before it begins adding cross-reference items to the form. The default number of lines that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can add to a form before cross-referencing is 900. Page 6-74 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Form copying rules These rules apply to copying forms where the target application is different than the application on the form being copied. Note that the “Target application” refers to the application you select to which the object you are promoting will be promoted. 40 The target application definition defaults will determine many of the values on the new form. • The test and production source file names and libraries will be determined by the target application. • The from library (from which objects may be duplicated or moved) is determined by the default entry for the target application. • The object library name will be determined by the default entry for the target application. • The object name must conform to the naming convention defined in the default entries for the target application. • Field protection (Lock or Restrict specifications) will be determined by the default entries of the Target application. • The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Method will be determined by the target application. • The P/T/S/R/C rules for Create Parms and the P/T/S/R rules for Authority will be determined by the target application. (For a Create Parm of C, see next page) • If an object appears on more than one form being copied, it will appear only once on the new form. A unique object is one with a unique name, type, action, attribute and library. • The Action code (Add or Replace) will automatically be set appropriately, depending on whether the object exists in the target library. • The user doing the copy must have authority for both the existing form and target application. • Pre-run or post-run commands will be copied, unless you answer the prompt N. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will look for library references related to one level and convert them to comparable library names appropriate for the next level. Note: If the library in the command is not referred to in the from application, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not convert these library names. • Completion messages will be copied unless you answer the prompt No. • Line or form comments will be copied unless you answer the prompt N. 40 These rules also apply to forms distributed to other computers; the form is copied to conform with the local application definition. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-75 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms • If you copy an LF line that was added automatically by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 on the from form, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will delete those lines from the new form. Logical file entries appropriate for the target level will be added to the form later, before it is run. • If a create command has been customized for a form line (Create Parm: C), the command will be copied forward and library references will be converted appropriately to match test and production libraries of the target application. (See next rule for exception.) This rule applies when copying a line from one application to another application with different object types. For example, you may want the create RPG program command set to *NOOPTIMIZE when you compile the program for acceptance testing and to *OPTIMIZE when you compile it into production. In this case TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 allows you to define two type codes (such as RPG and RPG2), each one set up to use different versions of the CRTRPGPGM command. Type code conversion rule for copying a line • If the type codes for the source and target applications match, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will copy the object type code to the same type code (for example, RPG to RPG). The same create command will be used on the new form that was used on the old one. • If the type codes for the source and target applications do not match, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will pick the first type code of the target application that matches the first two positions of the type code. For example, CLP might be changed to CLP2; PF1 to PFX; RPG to RPG2. Note that form lines with customized commands (Create parm: C) will not be copied forward in this instance. • If the source application has no equivalent type code, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will copy the line as it is, using the same type code, even though that type code may not be valid for the target application. In that case you will get an error when you try to submit the form to run. For information regarding copying forms for interrelated applications, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63). Page 6-76 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Creating a recovery form TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 permits you to undo a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form change after it has been run. Before you can recover a form, the application must have been set up to archive objects when the form you want to recover was created. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the archived objects to undo your changes. If you have saved the archive objects off line, you must restore the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 library corresponding to the form you want to recover before running this procedure. (See Archiving Objects to Off Line on page 8-25.) To undo a form, select TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu option 6 to work with forms. 1/29/10 15:05:07 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 12 104555 104554 104553 104552 104551 104550 104549 104548 104547 104546 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description LF member not added LF member not added Checkout/promote Dre Checkout/promote Dre Testing delete of LF Incorrect text durin Removal of pre-run c Correct requester fi HD420009 – CPF0001 i HD420009 – CPF0001 i 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev TO 5 2 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 1 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 1 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 2 TO 4 1 2 TO 4 1 1 TO 5 1 Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 5/16/09 5/15/09 5/13/09 5/13/09 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Programmer BRADLEY ELMSMIKE BRADLEY DAVIS DAVIS BRADLEY DAVIS ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Status READY READY APL-PND INITIAL READY PURGEPND PURGEPND READY PURGEPND PURGEPND F11=Alternate view F24=More keys 1. Locate the form you want to recover (undo). 2. Type 12 next to the form number to create a recovery form. The Create Recovery Form panel appears: 1/29/10 16:49:51 Create Recovery Form YOURSYS Form to be recovered . . . 1422905 Add field to Payroll, GL, and Accts Paya Select the objects to be recovered and press Enter to create recovery form. Press F21 to select all objects and create recovery form. 1=Select Line 001 Object ACTPYBMSTF Library MSQADTA Type PF Line Status RAN-OK Action ADD Recovery Action DELETE If your original form ran as one of a group, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 reminds you to check for others you might also need to recover. Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Select all Form nnnnnn was run as part of a form group. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-77 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Select the objects on the panel that you want to recover (F21 selects all objects), and press Enter to build the recovery form. 1/29/10 17:14:10 Checkout Items to be Recovered The items below will be recovered. at this time. Checkout in Batch: Y YOURSYS Select the items that you wish to checkout Checkout Programmer: MARYS Reference: PROJ0002 1=Select Object ACTPYBMSTF Library MSQADTA Type PF Method MO Bottom F3=Exit F9=Change task F21=Select all If you want to check items out at the same time, select them on this panel and press Enter. 3. Once you’ve created the recovery form, submit it to be run. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! Use extreme caution if you are reversing a physical file. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will copy the data from the new version of the file to the old version, using the copy command Record format field mapping parameter *MAP *DROP. Normally this is exactly what you would want it to do, but you should consider whether or not you want the file changes since the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form that you are recovering was run. The original data is contained in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Archive library. You may want to avoid the copy and have the data restored as well. The recovery form reverses changes. The recovery TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form uses the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Archive library as the “from library” and the production library(s) as the “target library.” The method of the recovery form will be MO (Move Object). Deleted objects are moved back into the production library, and replaced objects will replace the newer versions. If you only want to undo (recover) some of the objects, you can do so by editing the recovery forms and deleting lines you do not want to undo. Note: If multiple ASPs (Auxiliary Storage Pools) are being used, up to sixteen TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 temporary libraries may exist at the end of a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run (if you are archiving objects); one for each of your ASPs. All of these must exist on-line when the recovery TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form runs. The temporary library names are TnnnnnnnDx, where nnnnnnn=form number and x=ASP, ‘0’ through ‘F’ representing from one to sixteen ASPs. Page 6-78 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Approving forms on line Each application and level can have an approval list specified in the application definition (see Approval Lists on page 1-45). Select option 6 to work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, select the form with option 10 and approve the form. The form status on forms is Approval Pending (APL-PN). You can also send a reminder message to users who have not yet approved the form. 1/29/10 16:28:20 Work with Form Approval List Your Company, Inc. Form: 200008 Change check-writing program Application: AP Release: 0 Version: 0 Level: 1 Message: Form 200008 is pending your approval. 1=Send message User PSHIFTY GIBBONSED QAGROUP Name Paul Shifty Ed Gibbons Quality Assurance Group Approved Date Y 02/08/09 N 0/00/00 N 0/00/00 Time 13:21:05 By PSHIFTY F3=Exit F7=Message programmer F11=View form F9=View Prj/Tsk F12=Cancel F21=Select all Enter message text and press F10 to send message to selected users. View the project task details or the form details. If you approve the changes, type Y in the approval column next to your profile name. You can also cancel your approval by changing the Y to N. When you define the approval list, you can create approval groups such as Quality Assurance group. You can include all of the people in QA in that group such that, if any one within that group approves the form – it may fall to any one of several people – it is approved for the group. If the user has override authority for the application, s/he can enter an approval for all or some of the other users on the list. This may be a useful feature if only one of several people needs to approve the form before it can be submitted to run. Once the form has been approved, the form status will be advanced to READY. Later, if changes are made to the form, or if test objects or source members referenced on the form have changed, the status will revert to APL-PN and it will need to be approved again. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that you use an approval list rather than rely on printing and approving hard copies of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. The online approval history remains with the form and can be printed or reviewed at any time. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 6-79 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms Page 6-80 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 7: SUBMITTING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORM TO RUN A TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is run to promote source and objects to a test application level or to production. You can run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form immediately, submit it on hold and release it manually, or schedule it to be submitted and run at any future date and time. You can also make a form job dependent on the completion of another TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Several TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms can be submitted together as a group, run together, and distributed together. When selected as a group, forms submitted together can be set to recover all forms automatically, even if the last form in the group fails. Forms run in this way are run as one job. When you create a form, you can select a range of dates and times to specify an early-start time and a late-start time. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not start the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form outside of that date-time range. It will send a message to the operator and the operator can override the date-time range and start the job. If the operator elects not to start the job, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will print a message on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report and then return the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to READY status. If the date-time range is left blank, this restriction does not apply. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms can be run unattended. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s ability to verify a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form when it is entered, and again when it is submitted – and to roll back all objects to their earlier state if the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 fails – ensures that you will be up and running after the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job completes. You can also roll back a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form after it has run if the results are not satisfactory. (See Create and Submit a Recovery Form on page 7-16.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run There are three primary ways to submit a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form: 1. From the Programmer’s Worklist panel (option 47); 2. From Main Menu option 6 followed by Work with Forms option 7; or 3. From Main Menu option 7 (Submit a form to Run). The second method requires that you select the form from a list; the third assumes that you know the number of the form you want to submit. However, once you start the submit procedure, they all operate the same way. This section assumes that you’ll select the form from a list on the Work with Forms panel or from a Programmer Worklist – the most commonly used methods. Page 7-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run SUBMITTING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FORM TO RUN Select a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to submit Select Main Menu option 6. The Work with Forms panel appears: 1/29/10 14:09:30 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form 7 Form 103340 103339 103338 103337 103336 103330 103327 103326 103325 103324 103321 103320 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Added by KLINE Change worklist Prob Create worklist Prob Fixes to update pgm Session or device er Recursive call in app Error checking not go Error checking not go Added by KLINE Added by KLINE Added by ELMSMIKE Added by ELMSMIKE 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev T1 2 T1 2 T1 2 SLS 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 6/17/09 6/17/09 6/14/09 6/10/09 6/10/09 6/14/09 6/14/09 6/09/09 6/08/09 Programmer KLINE KLINE KLINE PHILLIPS MARKSSUE MILLER ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE KLINE KLINE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Status READY READY READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F11=Alternate view F24=More keys More options: 1=Perform error check on form 17=Run turnover without error checking 10=Form approval 11=Distribution status 12=Create recovery form More.keys: F3=Exit F17=Filters F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F21=System Command F23=More options F11=Alternate view F24=More keys Note: The person running the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 may be someone other than the programmer. You must be authorized to run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. If you are unable to submit a form and you have run authority, your application might be set up to allow only an Administrator to submit forms. See your Administrator if this is the case. Form status The form status must be READY – or RECVD on a remote computer – for the form to be eligible for processing. If the form status is APL-PN, people on the approval list must approve it. Type 10 next to the form. (If you are using the Programmer Worklist, use option 48 to see the approval list.) To see a list of forms pending your approval, press F10. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run If the form status is RECOVER, and you have fixed the problem that caused the form to recover, you must copy that form and run the new copy of the form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 insists on maintaining an audit trail of form runs, whether they were successful or not. If the Form status is IN-USE, another user is editing it, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is error checking it, or some other batch operation is in process. If none of these are the case, then it is possible that someone signed off while editing a form. If you are sure no jobs are using the form, type 4 next to the form. The status will be reset to READY, RECVD, or APL-PN. If the status is not any of these, position the cursor on the Filter by Status code field and press F4 to see a list of status codes and their meaning. Form dependencies You can make one form dependent on another, so that a dependent form will not run unless its predecessor form runs. If you submit the dependent form and the predecessor form at the same time, they will submit successfully. However, if the first form fails, the second form will start, check the predecessor form and then return to READY status. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sets some form dependencies automatically. For example, when you have a form containing a file and TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays dependencies from another application, it will create a new form to recompile the related programs from the source in production and will set that new form to be dependent on the first one. On a remote production system, it will also set form dependencies automatically when a form contains an object that is on another form. If that form has not run, the dependent form will not run. You can clear (or set) dependencies on remote systems manually by updating the form header. On a remote system, the Do not run before form parameter is the only field in the form header that you can change. Changes to form dependencies are automatically logged as form comments by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and these entries cannot be updated manually. Page 7-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run To submit a form, type option 7 next to it. When you press Enter, the Submit Form panel appears: 1/29/10 11:56:16 Submit Form Form . . . . . . . . . 1000131 Application . . . . . . AP Status . . . . . . . . READY Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Fix a program problem Release: Version: Level: 1 Type options, press Enter. Form schedule date . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT, date Form schedule time . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT, hhmmss Submit on hold . . . . . . . *NO *YES, *NO 1=Select Opt Form Submit Option 1 Error-check in batch Error-check interactively 1 Submit form 1 Check for checked-out objects not on form Work with form Work with form distribution defaults 1 F3=Exit F5=Refresh F10=Form approval F12=Cancel F15=Scheduling Note: Read about scheduling form jobs on page 7-10. Note that you would also see this panel if you selected option 7 from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu and entered a form number on the Submit Form panel (or used option 48 on the Programmer Worklist). Some of the Form Submit Options are already selected for you; you can change or accept the selections. What you can do: Form schedule date Type the date on which the form should run, or type *CURRENT to use today’s date. Form schedule time Type the time at which the form should run, or type *CURRENT to use the current time. Submit on hold Type Y or N to indicate whether you want the form processing job to be submitted on hold, such that it must be released manually to run. Error-check ... Error-checking a form refers to the process of checking the form for potential errors before running it. The error-checking option default is determined by the application definition. You can do error checking interactively if you have a short form. Any errors detected will be displayed in a window on this panel. Errors and warnings will be reported; if you only have warnings and they are acceptable, then you can submit the form by pressing F6. See Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Error-Check Job on page 7-15. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run If you have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 submit the error-check to batch, the error-check job will be called SBMnnnnnnn 41 (where nnnnnnn is the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form number). If no errors are found, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will submit the form job to be run. If errors are found, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will send a message to the programmer and print an error log. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not submit the form to be run. If you selected option 1=Error check on Work with Forms or 41=Error check form from the Programmer’s Worklist, then only Error check in batch option will be selected when the Submit Form panel is displayed next, but you may select Error-check interactively if you prefer. If any warnings are detected, F6=Run with warnings will appear in the error-check messages window. You must press F6 to submit the form. If you select option 17=Run form without error-checking on Work with Forms, error check options will not be selected. Submit ... The submit of the form can be done immediately, on hold or as a timed-job. You must have authority to submit a form. If you don’t have authority, you will not be able to select the submit options. The job name of the submitted job is TOnnnnnnnG where nnnnnnn is the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form number. Check for checked out objects not on form Select this option to check for objects that have been checked out using the form reference, but are not included on the form. If any such objects are selected and there is an approval list associated with the application, the form status becomes APL-PN and any submit options that were selected will be canceled. Work with form Select this to view or update the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. 42 Work with form distribution defaults If you have authority to maintain distribution defaults, and if distribution is specified in the application level definition, then this option will be available. Use it to override the distribution defaults for this application level. 41 If you submit an error check only job to batch, the job name will begin with CHK. 42 For more information, see Chapter 6: Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms. Page 7-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run Changing form distribution defaults If you selected the Work with Form Distribution defaults option on the Submit Form panel, the Form Distribution Defaults panel appears: 1/29/10 14:51:16 Form Distribution Defaults Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Form . . . . . . 1000133 Description . . . Demo form II Distribution job schedule date Distribution job schedule time Schedule elapsed action . . . Automatic remote rollback . . Position to system 2=Change 4=Remove System Name Description S1014444 SLS Product4 S1014445 SLS Product5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT *SBMRLS *NO *CURRENT, date *CURRENT, hhmmss *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD, *SBMRLS,... *NO, *RMT, *ALL Device *SNADS TAP01 Receive Logs Back *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Alt. view F12=Cancel F13=Repeat Highlighted systems are selected for distribution. Receive Confirmation Back Y Y F15=Scheduling Note: Read about scheduling form jobs on page 7-10. The system or systems that appear highlighted in the list are on the distribution list for the application to which this form applies. The columns describe some of the distribution settings. What you can do: • Press Enter to accept the distribution defaults and continue processing your other form submit options, or • Override the distribution defaults by selecting a system with option 2; press Enter. • Press F11 to see different columns of information. • Press F13 to repeat the last option specified, beginning with the selected system and ending with the last system listed. • Press F15 to adjust the form, distribution, or remote form job schedule. (Read Scheduling Form Jobs on page 7-10.) If you accept the distribution settings and continue, the form is submitted for processing according to your selections on the Submit Form panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run If you decide to override the distribution defaults, you see the Change Distribution Defaults for Form panel after you press Enter. 1/29/10 11:01:12 Change Distribution Defaults for Form Your Company, Inc. Type changes and press Enter. Form . . . . . Description . Target system Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000133 Demo form II S1014706 UNICOM D4 Distribute . . . . . . . . . . . . Target user id and address . . . . Distribution device . . . . . . . . Distribute source . . . . . . . . . Distribute objects . . . . . . . . Remote form schedule date . . . . . Remote form schedule time . . . . . Schedule elapsed action . . . . . Submit received forms automatically Receive logs back . . . . . . . . . Receive confirmations back . . . . Receive forms method . . . . . . . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y, N TURNOVER S1014444 UserId-Address *SNADS Device, *SNADS, *NONE Y Y, N Y Y, N *CURRENT *CURRENT, date *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS, *CURRENT, hhmmss *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS, *NEXTDAY,... *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS, Y, N *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS, Y, N *RMTDFTS, Y, N Y *AUTOSTART *AUTOSTART, *PASSTHRU F12=Cancel Use this panel to override the distribution default settings for this form. 43 What you can do: Press F3 or F12 to return to the Submit panel. For more information, see Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers. 43 Requires that you have Forms Distribution authority. Page 7-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run More about submitting TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms You can submit a form if you are authorized to the application and the application is not locked. (For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide.) If a form is SUBMIT status and needs to be canceled, you can type a 4 next to it. The form will return to READY status. Once a form has been run, it cannot be rerun. If you need to rerun it, you must copy it to create a new form, which you then submit to run. One exception to this rule is for a form received from another computer that is now in RECOVER status. On a remote system, you can reset a form in RECOVER status to RECVD by typing the RESETFOR command followed by the form number on a command line. If a form’s status is RUNNING, you can cancel it from Work with Forms by typing a 4 next to it. The status will change to END-RQS and, after it has backed out the changes already made, the status will change to RECOVER. Do not attempt to cancel a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job outside of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will be submitted to the batch job queue specified in the job description, or to the job queue specified on the Set Global Defaults panel. 44 The global job queue takes precedence (if one is specified). If the form was submitted on hold, it can be released immediately by selecting it with option 9 on the Work with Forms panel. 44 See Main Menu option 8, then option 5. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run SCHEDULING FORM JOBS You can set defaults that control the timing of the various jobs associated with running and distributing forms using the Scheduling form jobs panel. These defaults are represented by the value *CURRENT in job scheduling fields on the panels that pertain to form jobs, and you can override them as needed. 1/29/10 12:21:19 Form Scheduling Your Company, Inc. Form group . . . . . . . . . TO1000141G Type changes, press Enter. Local form schedule date . . . Local form schedule time . . . Schedule elapsed action . . Distribution job schedule date Distribution job schedule time Schedule elapsed action . . . . . . . . Form Schedule System Date S1014706 200 *CURRENT Schedule Elapsed Action *RMTDFTS Form Schedule Time *RMTDFTS . . . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT *NO *CURRENT *CURRENT *SBMRLS *CURRENT, *CURRENT, *NEXTDAY, *CURRENT, *CURRENT, *NEXTDAY, date hhmmss *SBMHLD, *SBMRLS,... date hhmmss *SBMHLD, *SBMRLS,... Bottom F3=Exit F11=Work with form group forms F12=Cancel Using this panel, you control the date and time that your form can be run locally, distributed to a remote computer, and submitted on the remote computer. The distribution and remote job fields appear only if the form is for a distributed application. The elapsed action parameters let you tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 what to do if the job could not start on time. You can access this panel using F15=Scheduling on any of the following panels: 45 • Submit Form panel (see page 7-5). • Form Distribution Defaults panel (see page 7-7). • Work with Form Group panel (see page 7-13). What you can do: • Type information in the local form scheduling fields to indicate when the local form job should run. • Type information in the distribution job scheduling fields to indicate when the form should be distributed. • Type information in the fields next to the remote systems listed at the panel bottom, to control the timing of the form-processing job on each remote computer where it will be distributed. 45 The F15=Scheduling option is circled on these panels on these pages. Page 7-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run • Use F11 to adjust the schedule and distribution information for forms in a form group. What you see: Form group This field identifies the form or group of forms you were working with when you pressed F15 to access the scheduling panel. Description This field contains the text description for the form or form group. The remaining fields control the processing of the jobs on their respective systems. Local form jobs are processed on a development computer; distribution jobs are processed on a sending computer (which could be a development or a production computer); and remote form jobs are processed on a receiving computer (which also could be either development or production). Schedule date fields In the date fields for the local form and distribution jobs, you can type a specific date on which the job should run, or use *CURRENT to retrieve and use the current system date. For the remote form job schedule date, you can also type *RMTDFTS to retrieve and use the date in the remote computer’s local form schedule defaults. Schedule time fields In the time fields for the local form and distribution jobs, you can type a specific time at which the job should run, or use *CURRENT to retrieve and use the current system time. For the remote form job schedule time, you can also type *RMTDFTS to retrieve and use the time in the remote computer’s local form schedule defaults. Schedule elapsed action fields The Schedule elapsed action fields let you tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 what to do with the job if the schedule date or time you set has passed by the time the job processor begins to run the job. In the elapsed action fields for the local form and distribution jobs, you can type one of these choices: *NEXTDAY *SBMHLD *SBMRLS *NOSBM Submit it for processing the next day Submit it immediately, with a status of HOLD Submit and run it immediately Do not submit the job. In the elapsed action field for the remote form job, you can type one of the above choices, or you can type *RMTDFTS to retrieve and use the remote computer’s default elapsed action information. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run SUBMITTING A GROUP OF FORMS TO RUN TOGETHER If you select more than one form to run, you will be asked whether you want to run those forms as a group. This section illustrates the flow of selecting more than one form to be run as a group. To run several forms as a group, select each applicable form with option 7: 1/29/10 14:09:30 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form 7 7 7 Form 103340 103339 103338 103337 103336 103330 103327 103326 103325 103324 103321 103320 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Added by KLINE Change worklist Prob Create worklist Prob Fixes to update pgm Session or device er Recursive call in app Error checking not go Error checking not go Added by KLINE Added by KLINE Added by ELMSMIKE Added by ELMSMIKE 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev T1 2 T1 2 T1 2 SLS 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 6/17/09 6/17/09 6/14/09 6/10/09 6/10/09 6/14/09 6/14/09 6/09/09 6/08/09 Programmer KLINE KLINE KLINE PHILLIPS MARKSSUE MILLER ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE KLINE KLINE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Status READY READY READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F11=Alternate view F24=More keys When you press Enter, this panel appears: 1/29/10 14:26:35 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Submit Multiple Forms Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Multiple forms have been selected for submit. Link submitted forms . . . Y F3=Exit 103337 103336 103330 103327 103326 103325 103324 103321 103320 F3=Exit F12=Cancel Page 7-12 Y, N F12=Cancel Fixes to update pgm Session or device er Recursive call in app Error checking not go Error checking not go Added by KLINE Added by KLINE Added by ELMSMIKE Added by ELMSMIKE SLS TO TO TO TO T1 T1 T1 T1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options 6/17/09 6/17/09 6/14/09 6/10/09 6/10/09 6/14/09 6/14/09 6/09/09 6/08/09 Status READY READY READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F11=Alternate view F24=More keys © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Programmer KLINE KLINE KLINE PHILLIPS MARKSSUE MILLER ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE KLINE KLINE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run If your answer to the Link submitted forms prompt is Yes, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. 14:28:32 YOURSYS ............................................................................... : Work with Form Group : : : : Form group schedule date . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT, date : : : Form group schedule time . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT, hhmmss : Schedule elapsed action . . . *SBMRLS *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD,... : : Submit on hold . . . . . . . . N : : Submit form finalization . . . N : : Error Distribution : : Form Description Seq Check Defaults : : 103338 Create worklist Prob 10 Y N : : 103339 Change worklist Prob 20 Y N : Y N : : 103340 Added by KLINE 30 : : : : : Bottom : : F3=Exit F12=Cancel F15=Scheduling : : : : : :.............................................................................: F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options F24=More keys Note: Read about scheduling form jobs on page 7-10. You can change the sequence in which the forms should be run, set the Error Check indicator on or off (if you are authorized to run without doing the pre-run error checking), and you can view or change the Distribution Defaults (if you have Distribution authority). If this form group will be distributed, you can use F15 to control the timing of the local form job, the distribution job, and the remote form job. If your answer to the Link submitted forms prompt is No, you’ll see the normal Submit Form panel for each form you selected. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run How do form groups work? The following rules apply to form groups: • When you select more than one form to be run in a group, all forms will be run under the control of one job. • The name of that job is TOnnnnnnnG, where nnnnnnn is the form number of the first form in the group. • As soon as you select the forms to be included in the group, the form status for all of these forms is set to IN-USE. • If you select the option to do error checking, all forms are checked and the job will continue only if no errors are detected; otherwise, an error report will be printed. • Once the form group is submitted, status is set to SUBMIT for all forms in the group. • When the group form job starts to run, all forms are set to IN-USE. The form that is actually running is set to status RUNNING. • Form status will remain at RUNNING status until all form processing has completed. • Once the finalization phase of the final form has started, the form status of all forms will be set to FINAL. At this point, your completion messages will be sent and your users are free to use the objects. Page 7-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run SUBMITTING A TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 ERRORCHECK JOB If you do not have the authority to run a form or if you would like to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 error-check a form without submitting it to run, go to Work with Forms and type 1 next to the form you want to error-check or use option 41 from the Programmer’s Worklist. You’ll see the Submit Form panel shown on page 7-5. You can perform error checking interactively or in batch. Error checking can be done independently here, or when you submit the form. Only the Administrator can bypass error checking. We recommend against bypassing the error-check unless you have just performed it, backed out, and then submitted again. If TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 finds any errors, it will send a message to the programmer and print an error log. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 performs several error-checks on the form. In addition to making sure that the source members, test objects, production objects (if you’re replacing or deleting objects), and reference objects are in place, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 performs these other edit checks: • Has the form been approved (on-line approval only)? • Are there any logical files related to any physical file on the form that have not been included on the form (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 adds them to the form)? • Have any source members or test objects been changed since the form was approved (if you use the on-line approval feature)? • Are all of the files that are referenced by the programs on the form found in the library list of the job description under which the form will be running? You will see warning messages if necessary files are not found. • Do the source and object members match, if you’re using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 methods CSMO or CSCD? • Have any objects or source been checked out under the same reference code since the form was created? This might have been an oversight. You’ll be prompted to add these to the form if you forgot to earlier. • Are all of the objects and members on the form reserved or checked out to this programmer and for the application and level indicated (depends on application settings), or for a higher level of the same application? • Does any object on the form being submitted appear on another form that has not run to completion? If so, if the other form status is not RAN-OK, FIN-OK, RAN-WRN, FINWRN, EMER-OK, EMER-WRN (if the application is not being distributed) or is not CONFIRMED 46 (if the application level is being distributed) then, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will issue a warning message in your error-check log. 46 Confirmation requirement can be suppressed, if you want. Call our Support line for assistance. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run All of these checks help ensure that the form will run successfully. CREATE AND SUBMIT A RECOVERY FORM Go to the Work with Forms panel and press F23. 1/29/10 15:09:30 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition, enter form: 2=Update form 6=Print form Form 103340 103339 12 103338 103337 103336 103330 103327 103326 103325 103324 103321 103320 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Added by KLINE Change worklist Prob Create worklist Prob Fixes to update pgm Session or device er Recursive call in app Error checking not go Error checking not go Added by KLINE Added by KLINE Added by ELMSMIKE Added by ELMSMIKE 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev T1 2 T1 2 T1 2 SLS 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 F5=Refresh F6=Add form F7=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Apply filters . . N 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 6/17/09 6/17/09 6/14/09 6/10/09 6/10/09 6/14/09 6/14/09 6/09/09 6/08/09 Programmer KLINE KLINE KLINE PHILLIPS MARKSSUE MILLER ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE KLINE KLINE ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Status READY READY READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK More... F11=Alternate view F24=More keys Type 12 next to the form you want to recover or undo. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will copy this form and create a new form set up to reverse previously applied changes. What if you only want to undo some of the objects or source on the form? You can edit the new recovery form to remove objects you do not want to recover. Only the objects left on the recovery form will be recovered from archives and put back into production (or the application level target libraries). A recovery form will undo the changes run previously. If files are recovered, data will be copied back from the new file to the old file. Some data may have been lost if you have updated any new data fields in files being recovered since the form was run. Once you’ve created a recovery form, you can submit it to run (using the normal submit form procedure) in order to reverse the changes made by that form. What happens during Form Recovery processing? TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will recover archived source and objects and put them back into the original production or target libraries. The method used on the recovery form is always CSMO, CSCD, MO, CD, or CS (for source-only objects) no matter what the method was on the original form. If you want the source you promoted to be returned to the development library for further updates, then you must indicate this by selecting the items you want checked out during the recovery form Page 7-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run create process (Checkout Items to be Recovered panel). Note: Compile-only objects from the original form are not included in the list of objects you can select for checkout. Note: To create a recovery form, the application default entry Archive objects must be set to Y. The Archive object library must be available on your system when the recovery form runs. WORK WITH FORM GROUP JOBS At any time after a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form or form group has been submitted to run, you can work with the jobs that are associated with the form group (if a single form is submitted, it is still submitted as a form group) by selecting option 40 from the Programmer Worklist, or by selecting option 8 on the Work with Forms panel. If no jobs are found that are associated with the selected form, you will see the message “No jobs found for form group”. If one or more jobs are found, you’ll see the Work with Form Group Jobs panel: 1/29/10 10:06:04 Work with Form Group Jobs Your Company, Inc. Form group . . . TO3004868G 2=Work with job 5=Display job 6=Release job 7=Resume job 8=Work with spooled files 9=Jobs submitted Last Last Job name Description Status Phase Function TO3004868G Run form group *ACTIVE *FORMPROC *NEWSRCOBJ F3=Exit F5=Refresh F10=Forms F12=Cancel by job Last Form 3004868 F14=WRKSBMJOB TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Last Line 2 Page 7-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run Depending upon what phase the form group is in (if the form group job is currently active), whether you chose to have the form group finalization phase run in-line or as a submitted job, and whether or not the form group is being distributed to other computers, the Work with Form Group Jobs panel will list one, two, or three jobs. Job TOnnnnnnnG (nnnnnnn = the form number of the first form in the form group) will be the first job listed. This is the main form group-processing job. Job TOnnnnnnnF (nnnnnnn = the form number of the first form in the form group) is the form group finalization job and performs cleanup functions such as archiving source, deleting test source and objects, refreshing the cross-reference database, and deleting temporary objects used during the form group process. If finalization was not submitted, then these functions will be performed by job TOnnnnnnnG. Job DISddddddd (ddddddd = the distribution job number) is the distribution job that sends the form group and associated objects to remote computers. This job will only be listed if the form group is being distributed to other computers. The status of each of these jobs will be indicated in the Status column. The group job status may be *ACTIVE, *JOBQ, *OUTQ, or *FIN (the job has completed and all associated spooled files have been either printed or deleted). The last action completed by jobs TOnnnnnnnG and TOnnnnnnnF is indicated by the Last Phase, Last Function, Last Form, and Last Line columns. The form group phases and functions are listed in the table below. Phase *ERRORCHK Function *EXITPRE *FORMPROC *DEPEND *DATETIME *LOCK *SYNONPRE *PRERUNX *CMDPRE *LANSAPRE Page 7-18 Description Error-checking (performed for all forms in group before proceeding to next phase). Pre-form group exit (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Exit19). Form pre/main processing (performed for all forms in group before proceeding). Form dependency checks. Form time range checks. Form lock checks. OVER/2E pre-run processing (if you’re using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Synon interface). Form pre-run exit (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Exit 8). Form pre-run commands. LAN/TURN pre-run processing (if you’re using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Lansa interface). © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run Phase Function *CRTARCLIB *MOVARCLIB *NEWSRCOBJ *CRTPARMS *MEMBERS *DATACOPY *DOCUMENTS *POSTRUN *AUTHORITY *JOURNAL *EXPLODE (*POSTRUN)… *LANSAPOST *SYNONPOST *POSTRUNX *CMDPOST *FINAL *ARCHIVE *DELETETST *XREF *DLTARCLIB (*FINAL) *CHECKIN *LOGS *CONFIRM *MESSAGES *DISTRIB *EXITPOST Description Create temporary TnnnnnnnD archive libraries. Move source and object to archive libraries. Copy source, compile object, and so forth. Set creation parameters for object. Add members to PFs and LFs. Copy PF data. Copy Documents. Form post-run processing (performed for all forms in group before proceeding to next phase). Set authorities. Restart journaling. Explode data objects. LanTurn post-run processing (if you’re using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Lansa Interface). OVER/2E post-run processing (if you’re using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Synon interface). Post-run form exit (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Exit 1). Post-run form commands. Form Finalization Archive source (TOnnnnnnnG or TOnnnnnnnF). Delete test source/object (TOnnnnnnnG or TOnnnnnnnF). Cross-referencing refresh (TOnnnnnnnG or TOnnnnnnnF). Delete temporary libraries (TOnnnnnnnG or TOnnnnnnnF). Check in source (TOnnnnnnnG). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 log reports (TOnnnnnnnG and/or TOnnnnnnnF). Confirmation messages (TOnnnnnnnG). Form completion messages (TOnnnnnnnG). Submit distribution job (TOnnnnnnnG). Post-form group exit (TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Exit 20). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run Note that the Last Phase and Last Function columns indicate the last step of the form group process that has completed. Even if a form group does not happen to make use of a particular phase or function, all phases and functions are processed when the form group runs. For example, it is possible that the ‘Work with Form Group Jobs’ will indicate that the last function completed was *CMDPRE (pre-run commands) even though the form group does not include any forms which have pre-run commands. What you can do: Function Keys Press F3 or F12 to exit from the Work with Form Group Jobs panel. Press F5 to refresh the panel. The most recent status, last phase, last function, last form, and last line will be displayed for each job. Press F10 to display all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms that are part of the form group. Press F14 to work with your submitted jobs. Options You can work with or display any job that has a status of *JOBQ, *OUTQ, or *ACTIVE using options 2 and 5. If the job is currently held then the status will be *JOBQ. You can release the job using option 6. For an explanation of option 7, see Restarting a Failed TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Job on page 7-21. Use option 8 to access the spooled files for any job listed here. Use option 9 for any job listed here to see a list of jobs it in turn submitted, and access those jobs’ spooled files. Page 7-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run RESTARTING A FAILED TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 JOB If your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form group job has failed because someone powered down your system or terminated a subsystem, or for a similar reason, then you can restart the job where it failed. This does not apply to a form that ended with status of RECOVER, RAN-WRN, or RANERR. To determine where the job was interrupted, select option 8 on the Work with Forms panel or select option 40 on your Programmer Worklist. The Work with Form Group Jobs panel will appear: 1/29/10 10:06:04 Work with Form Group Jobs Your Company, Inc. Form group . . . TO3004868G 2=Work with job 5=Display job Job name Description 7 TO3004868G Run form group F3=Exit F5=Refresh 6=Release job 7=Resume job Last Last Last Last Status Phase Function Form Line *OUTQ *FORMPROC *NEWSRCOBJ 3004868 2 F10=Forms F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB If job TOnnnnnnnG has a status of *OUTQ or *FIN, then the last phase should be *EXITPOST. Any other phase would indicate that the form group job terminated abnormally (system failure, subsystem ended, and so on). If job TOnnnnnnnF has a status of *OUTQ or *FIN, then the last phase should be *FINAL and the last function should be *DLTARCLIB. Any other phase or function would indicate that the form group finalization job terminated abnormally. If the form group job or form group finalization job terminated abnormally, and you have authority to run forms for all forms in the form group, then you can resume the form group or form group finalization job using option 7. This will cause job TOnnnnnnnG or TOnnnnnnnF to be resubmitted. Form group processing will be resumed starting at the phase, form, line and function where the failed job left off. For more about this panel and a description of the various status values, see Work with Form Group Jobs on page 7-17 in this chapter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 7-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! When a form group is resumed, the new job makes use of temporary libraries and objects that were created by the failed job. It is assumed that all source, objects, checkout records, and so forth, are exactly as they were at the time that the original job failed. If, after the original form group job failed, source and objects related to the form group have been moved, changed, or deleted, then the resumed form group job may not run predictably. The resume form group capability should be considered a valuable safety net to be used in the event of an actual failure, and not used as part your day-to-day TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 procedures. You should make every possible effort to schedule TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form group jobs to run at a time when you can guarantee that there will be sufficient time for them to reach successful completion. Page 7-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 8: UTILITY MENU This chapter describes several housekeeping functions, such as purging information from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files, which are all accessible from the following menu. Select Main Menu option 8. The Utility Menu contains several housekeeping and administrative options. You must have System Default authority to access options on the menu. 1/29/10 08:47:03 Utility Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. Submit file purge 2. Work with source archive files 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Work with type code definitions Set global defaults Display current release level Work with exits Submit reorganize of files Submit save of archived objects Lookup archived objects Set source compare defaults Global Programmer Worklist session defaults Work with type code conversion table Submit IFS archive save Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=System command Each option is explained in the corresponding sections that follow. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu PURGING TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 DATA TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms are stored in several files. One contains the form-level information, another the line-level information, another form and line-comments, another pre-run and post-run commands, and another is the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 log file. For a list of all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Files and Data Areas (#23). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 allows you to go back and remove obsolete forms from your system either wholesale, for all applications, or by application. You can also specify that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 purge only canceled forms, or canceled forms and forms that have run or have been distributed. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not purge forms that have not been run, distributed or canceled. If the form is “ready” and should be purged, cancel it first. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also allows you to do a ‘soft’ purge – that is, mark forms as deleted without removing the associated object history information. You can also tag specific forms to be purged by selecting option PP (Purge Pending) on Work with Forms and have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 purge only those forms. PP is a Work with Forms user-defined option that is shipped with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. Select option 8 on your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu (not shown). Select option 1 on the Utility Menu. The Purge Forms (PRGFOR) command prompt appears: Purge Forms (PRGFOR) Type choices, press Enter. Application Release . Version . Level . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more values 00 00 00 Name, *ALL 00-99 00-99 00-99 00 00 00 Purge Date . . . . . . From Form-# . . . . . To Form-# . . . . . . Form Status . . . . . Retain Object History F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh 1 9999999 C Y F12=Cancel Date Number Number C=Cncl, R=Run, P=Pend, A=C/R/P Y,N Bottom F13=How to use this display The PRGFOR command submits a job to run in batch. The user submitting the purge job must have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 purge authority. A Purge Report lists all forms that were purged. Only forms that have a Form Status of RAN-xx, CANCEL, or PURGEPND are eligible to be purged. To purge a recovered form, cancel it first. You may select any of the codes or A to purge forms with all three codes. Page 8-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Forms can be set to Purge Pending on Work with Forms by selecting forms with option PP. Forms that are READY or RECOVER status can be set to CANCEL on Work with Forms by selecting forms with option 4. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! Make sure that the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 data library, SOFTTURND, has been backed up recently prior to running this purge procedure! We also suggest that you print forms you are purging (detail=*FORM) before you purge the forms. See List Forms (option 20) on the TURNOVER® for iSeries Reporting Menu (option 10 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries Main Menu.) Type Y to Retain object history. The forms will be flagged as purged, but will not be deleted from the system. Forms flagged as purged will not be displayed on the Work with Forms panel. The object history will still be available when you view the Work with Object History panel. Type N (are you sure!) to remove all records from all TURNOVER® for iSeries files for the forms selected. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Use the form status and form number range if you want to purge a specific group of forms. If you run a purge for an overlapping range, and do not retain the object history, all records from all files will be deleted for form numbers that meet the purge criteria. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu WORKING WITH SOURCE ARCHIVE FILES47 This panel presents a list of all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 source archive files that currently reside on your system. From here, you can determine if an archive file in the list is no longer used by any TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applications, and then subsequently reorganize, save, or delete unused files to free system storage. Note: Source in your archive files is compressed. To restore compressed source members that have been saved off line, use Object History; read the Viewing Archived Information topic on page 4-12. For information about setting up your archiving policies, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. When you select option 2 on the Utility Menu, the Work with Source Archive Files panel appears: 1/29/10 13:24:53 Work with Source Archive Files Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. 2=Reorganize File ARCHIVE ARCHIVE ARCHIVE 3=Save Library APP199 APP299 MLARCHIVE 4=Delete 5=Usage Members 8 22 9 Size 16384 24576 16384 First Used 9/17/99 9/17/99 9/17/99 Last In Save Used Use Date 9/17/99 N 10/05/99 9/17/99 Y 10/05/99 9/17/99 N 0/00/00 Save Volume 991005 991005 991005 Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=System command Use this panel to manage the contents, usage, and existence of the TURNOVER® for iSeries source archive files on your system. 48 This list includes only source archive files that still reside on the system. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Object History is the best place to find information about source members that have been saved off line. The save date and volume information you see on this panel are likely to reflect either backup procedures or manual saves done from this panel. 47 For a description of how the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 archiving process works, read How archiving works in Chapter 4: Working with Object History. 48 If you restore to your system a source archive file that has been saved off line, it does not show up in this list unless an application has since archived source to it. Page 8-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu 2=Reorganize This option runs the TRGZARCF API to move members from one archive file to another. You might do this when you want to store specific contents of a file off line while continuing to use the file for your application archiving. You can move members from one file, or from several files at once. You can add conditional processing, moving only those archived before a certain date or version. (You can specify *ALL for the member and/or file parameters without adding conditional processing.) Once members are copied to the target file, they are deleted from their original location. You can then store the target file off line using option 3, and your applications will continue archiving to the original file. 3=Save This option runs the TSAVARCF API to store an archive file to an offline storage medium, then updates the object history records for all objects saved with appropriate save volume and date information. A file is not deleted automatically during a save. You must do this using option 4 if you want to remove it from your system. 5=Usage Use this option to determine which files are in use, and which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applications are using them. 4=Delete Use this option to remove unused archive files. (You cannot remove an archive file if a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 application is still using it.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 TYPE CODE DEFINITIONS You can maintain TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s system-supplied TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes; you can also create your own type codes for TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use. • You can control default command parameters such as Target release and Replace *YES/*NO that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses when it creates an object in Production. • You can create your own object type, as when you need to create an object using a vendorsupplied create command. • You can create your own command to use in place of the system-supplied commands, if you have some special requirements, such as collating source members before compiling an object. This section explains how to go about changing and adding type entries. To see a list of available type codes, select option 4 on the Utility Menu: 1/29/10 13:32:13 2=Change Type AAUDIT ABPGM ADMDL ADPGM AFILE AFLD ARPGM ASHLP ASUBR BAS BASCPY BKPDF BMP BND BNDDIR F3=Exit Work with Type Codes 3=Copy Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to . . . 4=Delete Description ASSET Audit Trail ASSET Batch Program ASSET Data Model ASSET Display Program ASSET File ASSET Field ASSET Report Program ASSET Help Text ASSET Action Subroutine Basic/400 program /COPY BAS Member Manage PDF'd book files Windows Bitmap ILE Binder Language ILE Binding Directory F6=Add Type Object Type *AAUDIT *ABPGM *ADMDL *ADPGM *AFILE *AFLD *ARPGM *ASHLP *ASUBR *PGM *SRC *IFSOBJ *IFSOBJ *SRC *BNDDIR Data Object N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Seq 250 350 300 350 200 100 350 350 250 500 100 20 100 100 480 F8=User-defined parms Create CMD SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S SRCFILE("&SL"/"&S CRTBASPGM PGM("&L More... F24=More Keys TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is shipped with most object types already predefined. We recommend that you consult with our support staff before changing them. All of the valid type codes available on your system are listed on this panel. • Type 2 to view or change the details associated with a type code. • Type 3 to copy a type code in order to create a new one. All related commands will be copied too. • Type 4 to delete a type code. • Press F6 to create a new type code. • Press F8 to add and update user-defined parameters that can apply to any type. Page 8-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! You should be extremely careful when you change, delete, or create object type code entries. These entries affect all applications on your system. You need to coordinate changes with all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 users, and to test new object types thoroughly. Be sure you understand how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses these entries before changing them. If you do not, you may have unexpected results. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Adding or changing TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes Press F6 to add a type code (or select a type code with option 2 to change it): 1/29/10 13:56:06 Add a Type Code Type code . . Description . Object type . Sequence . . . Create command "&OB" = "&LI" = "&TY" = "&SM" = "&SF" = "&SL" = "&U0" = "&U2" = "&U4" = "&U6" = "&U8" = F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS CM scheme . . . Attribute . . . Source file name Data object . . Object name Library name Type code Source member name Source file name Source library name Generation options Optimization level Source listing options Unassigned Binding directory F4=Prompt/select F8=Add IFS . . . . . *TURNOVER . . . N "&RF" = Reference "&X0"-"&X9" = Exit "&TO" = Test object name "&TL" = Test object library name "&TR" = Target release "&FM" = From source member name "&FF" = From source file name "&FL" = From source library name "&U1" = Debugging views "&U3" = Compiler options "&U5" = Unassigned "&U7" = Service program source file "&U9" = Module source file type code F12=Cancel F22=Long command After you supply information for the type code you want to add, the Add a Type Code panel looks something like this: 1/29/10 13:59:03 Add a Type Code Type code . . . . . CLP Description . . . . CL program Object type . . . . *PGM Sequence . . . . . . 500 Create command . . . CRTCLPGM PGM("&LI"/"&OB") SRCMBR("&SM") ALWRTVSRC("&U3") "&OB" = "&LI" = "&TY" = "&SM" = "&SF" = "&SL" = "&U0" = "&U2" = "&U4" = "&U6" = "&U8" = F3=Exit Object name Library name Type code Source member name Source file name Source library name Generation options Optimization level Source listing options Unassigned Binding directory F4=Prompt/select F8=Add IFS Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS CM scheme . . . . . Attribute . . . . . Source file name . . Data object . . . . SRCFILE("&SL"/"&SF") *TURNOVER CLP QCLSRC N "&RF" = Reference "&X0"-"&X9" = Exit "&TO" = Test object name "&TL" = Test object library name "&TR" = Target release "&FM" = From source member name "&FF" = From source file name "&FL" = From source library name "&U1" = Debugging views "&U3" = Compiler options "&U5" = Unassigned "&U7" = Service program source file "&U9" = Module source file type code F12=Cancel F22=Long command Press Enter to add the type code. (Note: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is shipped with object types already defined.) The information on the following pages describes how you add new types or change existing ones. Page 8-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Adding or changing a type code for a change management scheme With TURNOVER® Release 5.3, support for user-defined object types was significantly expanded. Release 5.3 introduced change management schemes that you can use to selectively override, for a user-defined object type, almost any change management method (such as moving an object, copying an object, deleting an object, and so forth) that you would execute for an object. After you create a CM scheme and override CM methods, you must create new type codes, or change existing ones, to use the new scheme. (Several sample schemes, with their type codes already created, are shipped with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100.) To do so, press F6 as you would to add any other type code. 1/29/10 15:10:06 Add a Type Code Type code . . Description . Object type . Sequence . . . Create command "&OB" = "&LI" = "&TY" = "&SM" = "&SF" = "&SL" = "&U0" = "&U2" = "&U4" = "&U6" = "&U8" = F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS CM scheme . . . Attribute . . . Source file name Data object . . Object name Library name Type code Source member name Source file name Source library name Generation options Optimization level Source listing options Unassigned Binding directory F4=Prompt/select F8=Add IFS . . . . . *TURNOVER . . . N "&RF" = Reference "&X0"-"&X9" = Exit "&TO" = Test object name "&TL" = Test object library name "&TR" = Target release "&FM" = From source member name "&FF" = From source file name "&FL" = From source library name "&U1" = Debugging views "&U3" = Compiler options "&U5" = Unassigned "&U7" = Service program source file "&U9" = Module source file type code F12=Cancel F22=Long command On this panel, in the CM scheme field, type the name of the CM scheme for which you are creating a type code (or press F4 to select the name from a list of CM schemes). When you press F4, you see a list of existing CM schemes: 1/29/10 15:15:35 Add a Type Code Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type code . . . . . CM scheme . . . . . *TURNOVER Des Obj Select Change Management Scheme Seq 1=Select Cre Scheme Description UTBIO Employee Biography Scheme UTDDG JD Edwards Data Dictionary Glossary Text "&O 1 UTMENU Menu System Scheme "&L "&T "&S "&S "&S "&U Bottom "&U F2=Work with schemes F3=Exit F12=Cancel "&U "&U6" = Unassigned "&U7" = Service program source file "&U8" = Binding directory "&U9" = Module source file F3=Exit F4=Prompt/select F8=Add IFS type code F12=Cancel F22=Long command On this pop-up panel, type 1 to select a scheme and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 fills the name you selected in the CM scheme field: 1/29/10 15:21:06 Add a Type Code Type code . . Description . Object type . Sequence . . . Create command "&OB" = "&LI" = "&TY" = "&SM" = "&SF" = "&SL" = "&U0" = "&U2" = "&U4" = "&U6" = "&U8" = F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS CM scheme . . . Attribute . . . Source file name Data object . . . . . . . Object name Library name Type code Source member name Source file name Source library name Generation options Optimization level Source listing options Unassigned Binding directory F4=Prompt/select F8=Add IFS . . . . . UTMENU . . . N "&RF" = Reference "&X0"-"&X9" = Exit "&TO" = Test object name "&TL" = Test object library name "&TR" = Target release "&FM" = From source member name "&FF" = From source file name "&FL" = From source library name "&U1" = Debugging views "&U3" = Compiler options "&U5" = Unassigned "&U7" = Service program source file "&U9" = Module source file type code F12=Cancel F22=Long command After you supply information for the type code you want to add, the Add a Type Code panel looks something like this: 1/29/10 15:25:09 Add a Type Code Type code . . Description . Object type . Sequence . . . Create command SM") "&OB" = "&LI" = "&TY" = "&SM" = "&SF" = "&SL" = "&U0" = "&U2" = "&U4" = "&U6" = "&U8" = F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS UTMENU CM scheme . . . . . UTMENU My Menu Attribute . . . . . *UTMENU Source file name . . UTMENSRC Data object . . . . N 100 UTCRTMENU MENU("&LI"/"&OB") SRCFILE("&SL"/"&SF") SRCMBR("& Object name Library name Type code Source member name Source file name Source library name Generation options Optimization level Source listing options Unassigned Binding directory F4=Prompt/select F8=Add IFS "&RF" = Reference "&X0"-"&X9" = Exit "&TO" = Test object name "&TL" = Test object library name "&TR" = Target release "&FM" = From source member name "&FF" = From source file name "&FL" = From source library name "&U1" = Debugging views "&U3" = Compiler options "&U5" = Unassigned "&U7" = Service program source file "&U9" = Module source file type code F12=Cancel F22=Long command Press Enter to add the type code. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 adds the type code and displays it on the Work with Type Codes panel. Page 8-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu To change a type code for a CM scheme, select the type code with option 2=Change as you would any other type code: 1/29/10 16:03:02 2=Change Type TBL TXT T3 UIMMNU UTBIO 2 UTMENU WORD YINT YUFC YUFR YYCLP YYCMD YYDSPF YYLF YYPF Work with Type Codes 3=Copy 4=Delete Description Translation Table Copy Text Member AS/400 Physical File UIM Menu User-defined Biography My Menu Word Documents Synon/2E Non-source type User Source (COBOL) User source CL Program Command AS/400 Display File AS/400 Logical File AS/400 Physical File F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to . . . F6=Add Type Object Type *TBL *SRC *FILE *MENU *UTBIO *UTMENU *IFSOBJ *SGT *SRC *SRC *PGM *CMD *FILE *FILE *FILE Data Object N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N Y Y Seq 400 100 410 200 100 100 900 100 100 500 400 450 425 410 F8=User-defined parms Create CMD CRTTBL TBL("&LI"/ CRTPF FILE("&LI"/ CRTMNU MENU("&LI" UTCRTMENU MENU("& &PRDLIB/TCRTOBJY &PRDLIB/TCRTOBJY &PRDLIB/TCRTOBJY &PRDLIB/TCRTOBJY &PRDLIB/TCRTOBJY More... F24=More Keys Press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays the type code information: 1/29/10 16:05:04 Change a Type Code Type code . . Description . Object type . Sequence . . . Create command SM") "&OB" = "&LI" = "&TY" = "&SM" = "&SF" = "&SL" = "&U0" = "&U2" = "&U4" = "&U6" = "&U8" = F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS UTMENU CM scheme . . . . . UTMENU My Menu Attribute . . . . . *UTMENU Source file name . . UTMENSRC Data object . . . . N 100 UTCRTMENU MENU("&LI"/"&OB") SRCFILE("&SL"/"&SF") SRCMBR("& "&RF" Object name "&TO" Library name "&TL" Type code "&TR" Source member name "&FM" Source file name "&FF" Source library name "&FL" Generation options "&U1" Optimization level "&U3" Source listing options "&U5" Unassigned "&U7" Binding directory "&U9" F4=Prompt/select F7=Applications = Reference "&X0"-"&X9" = Exit = Test object name = Test object library name = Target release = From source member name = From source file name = From source library name = Debugging views = Compiler options = Unassigned = Service program source file = Module source file F12=Cancel F22=Long command Change the type code information as you want and press Enter. For detailed information about creating and using CM schemes, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing User-Defined Object Types (#59). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Adding your own type codes TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 allows you to create your own TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type codes so you can create variations of standard types. When naming a new type code, begin the name with a recognizable iSeries type code. For example, you may want to create a second CLP type code, CLPNO, that uses a different version of the create CL program command from the command associated with CLP. For example, you might want to set the default to RTVSRC *NO (Allow Retrieve Source=No). You can create types and then use them in one or more of your application default definitions. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will use the command you specify, even a command you yourself may have written. Substitution variables provide a way for TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to know what fields the command expects to be passed during the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run. To enter a command string longer than 256 characters (often necessary with use of substitution variables or when binding multiple ILE programs), press F22. Another example of a type we have defined for you is PFREF. This can be used exclusively for creating a field reference file. It is defined with MEMBER(*NONE) and LVLCHK(*NO) and assigned a form sequence code that ensures that it will always be listed first on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form (it needs to be created before physical and logical files are created). If you define your own type entry, use the Attribute field to tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 what the real attribute is. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will use this code in Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM) when you edit source so the right editor is used. For example, the PFREF type referred to above should be defined with an attribute of PF. You can create types and then use them in some or all of your application definitions. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will use the command you specify, even a command you yourself may have written. Substitution variables provide a way for TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to know what fields the command expects to be passed during the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run. It is useful to consider that three categories of type codes are possible: Source-only types such as text source members and copy books (see TXT type). Object-only types which will always be duplicated or moved into production. For these types, the associated command has no source reference (see DTAARA type). Object-only types without a command specified can only be moved or duplicated from test to production. Source-created object types Any object created using a create command, or moved or duplicated into production along with the source member from which the object was created (see RPG type). Page 8-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also recognizes special types related to some case tools. Supplemental documentation that describes when these apply is available. Some restrictions apply to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 methods permitted to each of the above. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Method Source Only CS – Copy Source X Source Compiled Object Only CSCO – Copy Source, Compile Object X CSMO – Copy Source, Move Object X CSCD – Copy Source, Create Duplicate Object X CD – Create Duplicate Object X X MO – Move Object X X COPR – Compile/Create in Production X X – – NULL – No action – Source-only types have *SRC in the Object type code field. Source-compiled types have a reference to a source member in the designated create command. Object-only types have no create command or a create command without a source member command. For more information about how each object type is promoted by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Change Process (#14). The Sequence field is used when sorting objects on a form into the correct logical order. For example, all PFs precede LFs that precede DSPFs... and so on. If you enter objects on a form out of order, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will give you a warning message. You can resequence them quickly with a command key. The Create command and default parameters entered here will be used when creating an object or transferring this object type to production. Similar to the way you can code user defined options in PDM, the substitution parameters appearing below the command line can be used wherever appropriate in the command. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu An example is: CRTCBLPGM PGM(“&LI”/”&OB”) SRCFILE(“&SL”/“&SF”) SRCMBR(“&SM”) Where &LI = Library name (target library name) &OB = Object name (program name) &TY = Type code &SL = Source library name &SF = Source file name &SM = Source member name &TO = Test object name &TL = Test object library name &TR = Target release &FM = From source member name &FF = From source file name &FL = From source library name &U0-9 = User-defined parameters (see below) If the command line is blank and the object type (above) is not *SRC, only TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 methods MO or CD will be allowed for this object type. (See How does TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 resolve the create command? on page 8-16.) F4=Prompt Enter a command name and press F4 to prompt the command. When entering the & variables, surround each one with a double quote. Page 8-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Creating user-defined parameters TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 enables you to create up to 10 user-defined variables (or command parameters). These parameters can be used wherever you code a command in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, as you can in the Type code create command. For example, you can specify the following create command string: CRTRPGPGM PGM(“&LI”/“&OB”) SRCFILE(“&SL”/“&SF”) SRCMBR(“&SM”) ALWRTVSRC(“&U3”) In this instance, &U3 is a user-defined parameter. It can be anything you define it to be; in this case, the ALWRTVSRC parameter with value of *YES or *NO, depending on the default setting on the user-defined parameter panel, as illustrated below. 1/29/10 19:34:27 User-defined Parameters 2=Change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ User parm &U0 &U1 &U2 &U3 &U4 &U5 &U6 &U7 &U8 &U9 F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 4=Delete Description ________________________________ Generation options______________ Replace program ________________ Allow retrieve source___________ User profile____________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Keyword Default __________ ________________________ GENOPT____ ________________________ REPLACE___ *NO_____________________ ALWRTVSRC_ *NO_____________________ USRPRF____ *USER___________________ __________ ________________________ __________ ________________________ __________ ________________________ __________ ________________________ __________ ________________________ F12=Cancel In this example, we’ve defined four user-defined parameters. As you can see, you can assign any parameter you want to each of the ten user variables. Also, it’s not necessary to use all of them and you can leave gaps. Notice that we left &U0 unassigned. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu How are user-defined parameters used? Assume, you are running a two level application, one with a QA library and one with a Production library. When you promote to level one, you may want objects to be created with the ALWRTVSRC parameter set to *YES. Later, when you promote to production, you may want to set it to *NO. Once you define a user-defined parameter, you can set it differently for each application and level. For more about using these user-defined parameters, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. How does TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 resolve the create command? When TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 promotes an object, the resolution of the create command substitution parameters proceeds as illustrated below. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Program Get command 1. Retrieve command Global Type Code file CRTRPGPGM PGM(“&OB”) … GENOPT(“&U3”) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Line file 2. Substitute standard parm values Application default files Page 8-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu SETTING GLOBAL TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 DEFAULTS You can set several global parameters – parameters that apply to all aspects of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 on your computer – to achieve particular results. Select option 5 on the Utility Menu. You’ll see: Set Global v100 Defaults (SETGLOBE) Type choices, press Enter. Duplicate library warnings . . Allow checkout by object only Submit User . . . . . . . . . Submit Form job queue . . . . Library name . . . . . . . . Submit Finalization job queue Library name . . . . . . . . Target Release . . . . . . . . Source File Name Exit Pgm . . Library name . . . . . . . . Name Checking Pgm . . . . . . Library name . . . . . . . . Programmer check at check-in . Level checking on checkout . . Manage S/36 object types . . . Allow group checkout . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Y N *CURRENT *JOBD *LIBL *JOBD *LIBL V5R1M0 *NONE *LIBL TURRNSTD *LIBL Y Y Y N F12=Cancel *SAME, Y, N *SAME, Y, N Name, *SBMJOB, *CURRENT... Name, *SAME, *JOBD Name, *LIBL Name, *SAME, *JOBD Name, *LIBL Character value Name, *SAME, *NONE Name, *LIBL Name, *SAME, *NONE Name, *LIBL *SAME, Y, N *SAME, Y, N *SAME, Y, N *SAME, Y, N More... F13=How to use this display Page down... Set Global Defaults (SETGLOBE) Type choices, press Enter. Use Delete Test Object rule . Company name . . . . . . . . . Specify method of distribution IFS Adopted authority user . . QNTC Adopted authority user . IFS Archive subdirectory . . . Source archive file . . . . . Library name . . . . . . . . Automatic form lock checking . Allocate form locks . . . . . Reference objects library . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys *SAME, Y, N . > Y . > 'Your Company' *SAME, *FORM, *DISTRIB > *DISTRIB Name, *SAME, *CURRENT . > TURNIFS Name, *SAME, *CURRENT . > TURNIFS Character value . > ARCHIVEABC Name, *SAME . > ARCHIVE . > ARCHIVELIB Name *SAME, *NONE, *FILE, *DTAOBJ . > *FILE *SAME, Y, N . > Y Name, *SAME, *TURNOVER . > *TURNOVER F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display This option gives you access to global parameters that control how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 runs on your computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Command Parameters Duplicate library warnings (DUPLIBWRN) Duplicate library warning. When you are entering a form, if you type a target library name that is the target library for another application, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will issue a warning message. No will suppress this warning message. If you have more than one application defined with the same target library, you probably want to set this entry to No. Allow checkout by object only (OBJCHKONL) With TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you can enforce checkout by object only or allow programmers to checkout directly from a source member in a source file. Checkout by source ensures that you get the right source member for the object you reference, but is not always possible to enforce. Yes will enforce check out by object. Submit User (USER) When submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, the user profile under which the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form job will be run, *CURRENT will use the current users profile name. *SBMJOB will use the default parameter on the submit job command (usually *CURRENT). *JOBD will use the user profile referenced in the job description associated with the application definition. Name is a profile name to be used for this field. Submit Form job queue / Library name (JOBQ) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will submit TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms to the job queue referred to in the job description for the form. If you want all of your forms to be submitted to one job queue, enter the name of the queue here. For example, some companies set up one job queue such as TURNOVER® for iSeries to which all forms are submitted. Submit Finalization job queue / Library name (FINALJOBQ) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will submit TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form finalization jobs to the job queue referred to in the job description for the form. If you want all of your finalization jobs to be submitted to some other job queue, enter the name of the queue here. Target Release (TGTRLS) Target release for distributions. If you do form distribution, and if any of your production (target) systems are at an earlier release level of the iSeries operating system than the development system, set this parameter to *PRV or to the version release of the target system such as V2R1M1. See the TGTRLS parameter on the SAVLIB command for current valid values. When all systems are up to the same release level, set the parameter to *CURRENT. You won’t be able to restore objects to an earlier release unless you have specified the lowest release level here. Source File Name Exit Pgm / Library name (SRCFILNAM) If you want to use your own program to determine the source file name to use when checking out objects, or when adding or changing a line on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, you must enter the name and library of your program here. Page 8-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Name Checking Pgm / Library name (NAMSTDPGM) If you want to use your own program to verify object names entered when reserving new object names, or when adding or changing a line on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, type the name and library of your program here. Programmer check at check-in (PGMRCHECK) If Y, the programmer on the form must be the same programmer that checked out the objects, when a form is being submitted or run. Level checking on checkout (COLVLCHK) If Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 warns you that the object you are checking out does not match its known source. Checkout proceeds and the source is handled based on the copy option you specified. It is up to you to determine the reason for the mismatch. If N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not advise you of such mismatch conditions when you check out objects. For more information, see Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source. Manage S/36 object types (S36) If you are managing any System/36 object types, or source types, then set this parameter to Y. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will allow S/36 object types and perform additional verification steps when promoting objects. Allow group checkout (GRPCHK) Type Y here to enable TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s group checkout feature. This allows more than one person to check out the same source at the same time, and implements related control features. Use Delete Test Object rule (DTORULE) Use delete test object rules or bypass these rules. 49 Company name (COMPANY) Type the company name you want to appear on each of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s menus and panels. Specify method of distribution (DISTSAVE) Specify an alternate distribution method. The two possible values are *FORM and *DISTRIB (the default). Use *FORM to distribute objects that were promoted at the time of the form run. Use *DISTRIB to distribute the objects that are in place when the distribution job is started. IFS Adopted authority user (IFSUSER) 49 See the topic Form Copy and Object Delete Rules in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Change Process (#14). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu If you are managing IFS objects using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you must supply the name of a specifically configured user profile to be used for creating objects in IFS directories during promotion. For information about this parameter and about the requirements for the user profile, see the Managing IFS Objects using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 guide. QNTC Adopted authority user (QNTCUSER) The user profile whose authority you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use when checking out or promoting IFS objects from the /QNTC file system. You must create this profile or use an existing one. The profile must have enough authority to copy, move, or delete any IFS objects being managed by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. IFS Archive subdirectory (IFSARCHIVE) The subdirectory name you supply here is used as the default archive subdirectory for IFS objects, if *DEFAULT is specified at the application level. For more information about IFS archiving, see the Managing IFS Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 guide. Source archive file / Library name (SRCARCFIL) The values you supply for this parameter identify an archive file and library name to be used for archiving files. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can archive all applications to one file specified here, or you can specify different archive files and libraries for different applications (or application levels). Automatic form lock checking (AUTOLOCK) Use this parameter to have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 check for locks, either on files only (*FILES) or on all data objects (Data object field is set to Y in the type code definition), before replacing such objects during a form run. Use *NONE to disable automatic lock checking. This default setting applies to each individual form. You can manually override this setting before running the form. Allocate form locks (ALLOCATE) If Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will keep the allocation on the object for the entire form run. If N, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will only keep the lock on the object at the very beginning of the form job; just long enough to determine that no one is using the object at that moment. Once TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 determines that no one is using the object, it releases all locks on the object and the form processing begins. This default setting applies to each individual form. You can manually override this setting before running the form. Reference objects library (REFOBJLIB) The name of the library that contains the reference objects that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 duplicates when creating missing objects for an application. If you specify *TURNOVER, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 duplicates the reference objects from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product library. Page 8-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu DISPLAYING CURRENT RELEASE LEVEL This option displays your current TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 release number and also the OS/400 Version and Release that you are running. 50 It also provides you with a list of changes you have made to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. This information is often helpful for UNICOM Systems, Inc. when trying to solve problems on the phone. When you select this option, this panel appears: 5/29/10 12:11:30 Version/Install History Your Company, Inc. Currently installed TURNOVER® for iSeries Release . . . . . . . . . : ver 100 Currently installed TURNOVER® for iSeries Cumulative Change Date . . : 5/19/10 Currently installed version of OS/400 . . . . . . . . . . . .: V5R3M0 ------------------Date Cum. Applied Date 5/19/10 5/19/10 1/14/10 1/13/10 11/10/09 11/09/09 6/08/09 6/08/09 3/09/09 3/09/09 12/24/08 12/24/08 12/18/08 12/18/08 9/04/08 9/04/08 4/10/08 4/09/08 1/31/08 1/15/08 9/05/07 9/05/07 6/08/07 6/08/07 F3=Exit F12=Cancel Installation What was Applied Changes Ver 100 Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes Changes and RSF Log Applied By USRPRF SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR SOPR -------------------Type D D D D D D D D D D D D OS/400 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 5 3.0 More... F21=System command UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Before calling for technical support, know your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Cumulative Change Date. This will help us assist you more quickly. 50 Obtain the same information from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client or plug-ins using Administration > Utilities ` TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Version/Install History. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 EXITS TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 provides you with several program exit points and application program interfaces (APIs). The Work with Exits panel lets you quickly see if exit programs have been defined on your system. To specify an exit program that is to be called at an exit point, type in the program name and library in the fields provided (see Caution! below). 1/29/10 11:27:37 Work with Exits 5=Browse exit program Exit EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 F3=Exit 7=Work with sample exits Description Active Form Finalization Processing N Pre-Distribution Form Exit Y Pre-Distribution Library Exit Y Receive of Distribution Y Determining Source file names Y Form Initialization phase Y Post-Checkout Exit Y Manual check-in N Form Completion Processing N Add a line to TurnOver form N Pre-run Error check Exit N Pre-Checkout Processing N Add PWL Item N Form Approval Y Pre-Form Group Exit Y F8=IFS Exits F12=Cancel Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 8=Help Program Library TOEXIT2UDR DXDDG TOEXIT3UDR DXDDG TOEXIT4UDR DXDDG *LIBL TOEXIT8RAY SMITH TPDWX9 SMITH SNDEXIT12 RICHARDS TOEXIT15AC FRPROD TOEXIT16 SMITH LGEXIT19 RICHARDS Library List *APPL *CURRENT *APPL *CURRENT More... F21=Command line Page down… 1/29/10 11:27:38 Work with Exits 5=Browse exit program Exit EXIT 20 EXIT 21 EXIT 22 EXIT 23 EXIT 26 EXIT 27 EXIT 28 EXIT 29 EXIT 30 EXIT 31 EXIT 32 EXIT 33 Xn EXIT PROJ 01 PROJ 02 7=Work with sample exits Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 8=Help Description Active Program Post Form Group Exit N Post-Receive Exit Y Post Add-Line Exit Y TPDWX22 Create Change Impact File N EXIT23 Related Forms Creation N Pre-Save - Rmt Cfg Wizard Y Post-Receive - Rmt Cfg Wizard N Form confirmation N Conflict resolution N Lock Check Exit Y Change Checkout Exit N Application Pre-Checkin Exit N Create Command Replacement Var N Timesheet Exit N Escalation Blackout Date/Time Y Library Library List *CURRENT SMITH PHILLIPS *CURRENT More... F3=Exit Page 8-22 F8=IFS Exits F12=Cancel F21=Command line © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Page down… 1/29/10 11:27:39 Work with Exits 5=Browse exit program _ _ _ _ Exit PROJ PROJ PROJ XREF 03 04 05 01 7=Work with sample exits Description Escalation Blackout Item Task Authorization Task Validation X-Ref Exit 1 - RPG Source Scan Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 8=Help Active Program Y ___________ N ___________ N ___________ N ___________ Library ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Library List Bottom F3=Exit F8=IFS Exits F12=Cancel F21=Command line You can select option 5=Browse exit program to see the source for that program exit. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 looks at the object description to find the source member used to create the program object. If you want to see the sample program supplied by UNICOM Systems, Inc., you can select option 7=Work with sample exits to see the source for that exit program. Complete Help text describes each exit; read this by selecting 8=Help. The help describes when the exit is used, the required parameters, and in most cases provides an example of how it might be used. Press F8 to display the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 IFS exit programs. For more information, see the Managing IFS Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 guide. F1 from any field shows you broader information about exits in general. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! Keep in mind that, once an exit is defined, it is called for all applications. The program will be called immediately after you make the change on this panel. Therefore, if the exit applies only to one or a few applications, it must be coded to bypass processing for applications for which it does not apply. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu REORGANIZING TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 FILES Occasionally you may want to reorganize TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s files. Select this option to submit a reorganize file job to batch. Be sure no one is working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and that no TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms or TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 distributions are running when you run this reorganize job. The command to reorganize files is RGZTOFILES. This job will be submitted on hold status and will have to be released manually at an appropriate time. Page 8-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu ARCHIVING OBJECTS TO OFF LINE If you have decided to archive objects for your applications, the objects can be found in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form “temporary” library, TnnnnnnnD (where nnnnnnn=form number), at the end of each TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run. These will remain on-line until you save them to off-line media and delete them. If you save them off line using this procedure, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will keep track of where each object archive library is saved. Notes: 1. You can set up a scheduled job to perform this function. If you want to do so, we recommend using the SAVARSBM command described in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Commands (#28). 2. The SAVARCO command does NOT save archived explode libraries. To do this, use SAVARSBM. The SAVARCO (Save Archive Object) command can be run from the Utility Menu (option 9 or from a command line). Submit Object Archive Save (SAVARCO) Type choices, press Enter. Form . . . From date To date . Volume . . Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0_____ 000000 999999 ______ __________ F5=Refresh F12=Cancel number, 0=Select Date, 000000 Date, 999999 Character value Character value Bottom F13=How to use this display Type the device name and (first) volume serial number you intend to use to save the archived objects, and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu You can select a specific form number or a date-range of form run dates, such as all forms that ran between 01/01/09 and 01/31/09. 1/29/10 16:35:26 Save Archived Objects Form selected Date range selected Save device/volume Your Company, Inc. 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 TAP01 SLS533 4=Delete _ _ 5=Display 9=Save Archive Run Form Library Date 200005 T0200005D 200008 T0200008D F3=Exit Save Date Save Volume 1/28/09 12/01/09 F12=Cancel Type 9 next to those object archive libraries that you want to save off-line and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will submit a job. Type 5 next to a form number to display the contents of the object archive library. Type 4 next to a form number to delete the object archive library. Make sure you save it first! Page 8-26 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu LOOKING UP AND RESTORING ARCHIVED OBJECTS Once you have saved an object archive library, you can view these libraries and a directory of save volumes by selecting option 10 on the Utility Menu. 1/29/10 16:36:23 Lookup Archived Objects Your Company, Inc. To reposition screen, enter form: _________ 1=Restore __ __ __ __ 200001 200004 200005 200008 Form Description Changes to check-writer Revise TO purge program Fix program SMASOLDA Emergency Change TURSONFF Saved Library Date T0200001D T0200004D T0200005D T0200008D Save Save Volume 1/02/91 VOL3 1/02/91 VOL1 1/02/91 VOL3 1/02/91 VOL3 F3=Exit F12=Cancel This panel provides a list of all of the object archive libraries that have been saved and deleted from your system using the SAVARCO or SAVARSBM commands. It provides you with a directory of volume serial numbers on which the archive libraries were saved, in case you have to restore these at any time in the future. To restore any of these object libraries select option 1=Restore. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-27 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu SETTING SOURCE COMPARE UTILITY DEFAULTS When TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is shipped to you, it includes our own source compare utility. This command default is set up to use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s source compare command, CMPSRCMBR. For more information about this command, see the Synchronizer User Guide. If you have another source compare utility program you prefer, you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 submit a job that will compare the test and production source prior to approving a form; or to compare current and prior versions of source; and at other times during the change process. 1/29/10 17:50:28 Maintain Source Compare Command Your Company, Inc. Type the necessary changes and press enter. Change command . . . CMPSRCMBR REFFILE("&OL"/"&OF") REFMBR("&OM")CMPFILE("&NL" /"&NF") CMPMBR("&NM")__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ "&NF"=New "&NL"=New "&NM"=New "&OF"=Old "&OL"=Old "&OM"=Old Source Source Source Source Source Source File Library Member File Library Member F3=Exit F4=Prompt command F12=Cancel TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is shipped with this command set to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s own source compare command, CMPSRCMBR. You may use any other source compare product, if you prefer one you have already been using. Note that this command is also used by the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Synchronizer system. Type the source compare command and substitution variables just as they are displayed on this panel. Once established, the command parameter enables the source compare option SC on Form Maintenance, Work with Forms, and other panels as a user-defined option. Emergency change applications use the source compare utility defined here to print a source compare of the emergency change against the checked out source and the production source. Page 8-28 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu SETTING PROGRAMMER WORKLIST GLOBAL DEFAULTS Session defaults for the Programmer Worklist can be set globally for all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 users. When session defaults are set at the global level, those settings take effect for all new users enrolled as TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 programmers. For a complete description of the parameters on these panels, see the online Help. A default value can be locked from this panel. When a global default value is locked, users cannot override it using F18 from their worklist, as they can with unlocked defaults. 1/29/10 14:16:55 Global Worklist Session Defaults Default option 21/46 mode . . . . . *INTER Edit/compile authority . . . . . . *SYSAUTH Test object creation parameters Link option 36 compiles . . . Job description . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . Job queue . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . Output queue . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . Library list . . . . . . . . Replace object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y *USRPRF *JOBD *JOBD *APP N Your Company, Inc. *BATCH, *INTER *SYSAUTH, *DEVELOP, *CHECKOUT Y, N *USRPRF, name Library name *JOBD, name Library name *PGMR, *JOBD, name Library name *APP, *CURRENT Y, N Lock (Y/N) N N N N N N N N N N N More... F3=Exit F12=Cancel Page down… 1/29/10 14:19:54 Global Worklist Session Defaults Your Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUSROPTF *LIBL *TOP N *OBJECT, *LIBRARY, *TYPE, *CRTSEQ File name Library name *TOP, *ITEM Y, N Require X-Ref check . . . . . X-Ref automatic . . . . . . . Option 15 library to X-Ref . Require related apps check . Related apps check automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y *ALL N Y Y, N Y, N *SELECTED, *ALL Y, N Y, N List sequence . . . . . . . . . . . *OBJECT User option file . . Library . . . . . . Position-to default . Show perm-lock levels . . . . . . . . . . . . Lock (Y/N) N N N N N N N N N N Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-29 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu WORKING WITH THE TYPE CODE CONVERSION TABLE TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 lets you maintain the system-supplied type code conversion links that are used with the Convert Object Type (TCVTOBJTYP) utility. You can control the conversion process by creating, in a Type Code Conversion Table, the links between your From and To type codes that direct which older style objects you’ll be converting to newer style objects. You can create entries in the Type Code Conversion Table, as well as change, copy, delete, and display entries. You can also specify a conversion command, either the IBM-supplied command (CVTRPGSRC), or any other vendor-supplied command. To create entries in the Type Code Conversion Table, you must have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 system defaults authority. In addition to having system defaults authority, you need to ensure that the type codes you specify in your conversion table entries, including type codes you have selected for removal from the table, exist at the global level and at each level of the application that you’ll use to perform the conversion. The type codes that you specify must also exist at permanently locked levels. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 comes with some predefined type code conversion entries. Before you change any of these codes, we ask that you consult our support staff. To manage entries in the Type Code Conversion Table, select option 13 from the Utility Menu. The Work with Type Code Conversion Table appears: 1/29/10 13:04:03 Work with Type Code Conversion Table Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. 2=Change 3=Copy Convert From Type RPG RPG 4=Delete Convert To Type RPGLE RPGMOD 5=Display Delete Type RPGCPY RPGCPY Check Out Copy Y N Y N Conversion Command CVTRPGSRC FROMFILE("&PL"/ . . . CVTRPGSRC FROMFILE("&PL"/ . . . Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Cancel F21=System command As shown here, the conversion table comes with two initial entries: • The first entry is for converting RPG to RPGLE. • The second entry is for converting RPG to RPGMOD. This section describes the actions you can perform on entries in the Type Code Conversion Table. Descriptions of the fields in the Type Code Conversion Table Entry panels are provided; also refer to the online Help. Page 8-30 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu What you can do: 2=Change Change an entry. 3=Copy Copy an entry. 4=Delete Delete an entry. 5=Display Display an entry. F6=Add Create (or add) an entry. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-31 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Adding an entry To create an entry in the Type Code Conversion Table, press F6 on the Work with Type Code Conversion Table panel. The Add Type Code Conversion Table Entry panel appears: 1/29/10 13:31:23 Add Type Code Conversion Table Entry Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Convert from type . Convert to type . . Checkout . . . . . Copy source . . . . Type code to delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y . N . TURNOVER® for iSeries type code TURNOVER® for iSeries type code Y, N Y, N TURNOVER® for iSeries type code Conversion command . . . F4=Prompt The following substitution parameters may be used in the conversion command: "&PF" = Production source file "&PL" = Production source library "&PM" = Production source member F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel "&DF" = Development source file "&DL" = Development source library "&DM" = Development source member F21=System command The fields in the Add Type Code Conversion Table Entry panel are the same fields that appear in the panels for changing, copying, and displaying an entry. In those three panels, however, the fields are filled in. To add a new conversion table entry, enter values for the following fields: What you see: Convert or supply from type Type the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code that is to be converted (for example, RPG). This type code must exist at the global level and at each level of the application definition (including permanently locked levels). Convert or supply to type Type the new TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code to which the object will be converted (for example, RPGLE). This type code must exist at the global level and at each level of the application definition (including permanently locked levels). Checkout Indicate whether the object should be checked out when the TCVTOBJTYP utility is run. Y checks out the object; N does not check out the object. Page 8-32 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Copy source Indicate whether the source should be copied when the object is checked out. Y copies the source; N does not copy the source. Use N if the conversion command will create the source member in development. In this case, it may not be necessary to copy the source during checkout. Use Y if you have a conversion utility that converts source “in place,” rather than converting source from one source member into another source member. For example, if your company has a policy that every time an RPG member is checked out it will be converted to RPGLE, you would make QRPGLESRC the development source file for the RPG type code. The TCVTOBJTYP utility would then copy from QRPGSRC in production to QRPGLESRC in development when the object is checked out, and the conversion command would convert the copied source in place. Type code to delete Type the type code that will be used to delete the obsolete source member once the object has been converted (for example, the RPG member that was converted). In most cases, you will have defined RPGCPY as the type code to delete, but your company may use some other RPXXXX type code to designate a source-only type for RPG members. • If you type a type code here, a D delete line is added to the highest unlocked level (Production) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to delete the old source. • If you leave this field blank, a line is NOT added to the form for the highest unlocked level (Production). • If you type a type code, it must be a *SRC (source-only) type code, and the type code must be defined to each level of the application definition. • If for some reason the highest unlocked level (Production) form, once it is created, is cancelled and re-created, the D delete line is not automatically added to the new form. You’ll have to manually create the D delete line. Conversion command Type the command that should be executed to convert the source from one type to another (for example, CVTRPGSRC). You can include the substitution parameters that appear on the panel in the command string. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-33 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu Changing an entry You can change an entry in the Type Code Conversion Table. In the Work with Type Code Conversion Table panel, select the entry you want to change with option 2. The Change Type Code Conversion Table Entry panel appears: 1/29/10 13:46:56 Change Type Code Conversion Table Entry Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Convert from type . Convert to type . . Checkout . . . . . Copy source . . . . Type code to delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RPG RPGLE Y N RPGCPY Y, N Y, N TurnOver/iSeries type code Conversion command . . .CVTRPGSRC FROMFILE("&PL"/"&PF") FROMMBR("&PM") TOFILE ("&DL"/"&DF") TOMBR("&DM") LOGFILE(*NONE) F4=Prompt The following substitution parameters may be used in the conversion command: "&PF" = Production source file "&PL" = Production source library "&PM" = Production source member F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel "&DF" = Development source file "&DL" = Development source library "&DM" = Development source member F21=System command Copying an entry You can duplicate an entry in the Type Code Conversion Table to create a new entry. In the Work with Type Code Conversion Table panel, select the entry you want to copy with option 3. The Add Type Code Conversion Table Entry panel appears, with all the fields filled in for the entry you selected. You can then modify the field contents as you want. Deleting an entry You can delete an entry from the Type Code Conversion Table. In the Work with Type Code Conversion Table panel, select the entry you want to delete with option 4. The Work with Type Code Conversion Table panel reappears, with the entry you selected removed. A message appears at the bottom of the panel, notifying you that the entry was deleted. Displaying an entry You can display an entry in the Type Code Conversion Table. In the Work with Type Code Conversion Table panel, select the option you want to display with option 5. The Display Type Code Conversion Table Entry panel appears, with all the fields filled in for the entry you selected. Page 8-34 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu What happens to the “old” source member? When you first created an entry in the type code conversion table, you may have entered a type code you wanted to delete. If you did, then when a form is created for the highest unlocked level (Production) of the application, a D delete line is added to the form for the object being converted. The type code to be deleted is used to remove the old source member (for example, the RPG member that was converted). In most cases, you will have defined RPGCPY as the type code you want deleted, but your company may use some other RPXXXX type code to designate a source-only type for RPG members. If you did not specify a type code to be deleted, then a D delete line is NOT added to the highest unlocked level (Production) form. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Enter a value for the Type code to delete parameter in the conversion table entry. As long as the highest unlocked level of the application being used is set to archive source on line, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will archive the “old” source member. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-35 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu SAVING AN IFS ARCHIVE DIRECTORY You can save an Integrated File System (IFS) archive subdirectory and clear the subdirectory after it’s saved. To so, you must have all necessary authority to the archive subdirectory. To save an IFS archive subdirectory, select option 14 from the Utility Menu. (Alternatively, you can type the TSAVIFSARC command on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 command line.) The following popup panel appears: 1/29/10 10:26:31 Utility Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select Save IFS Archive Directory Type choices, press Enter. Volume . . . . . . . Device . . . . . . . Archive subdirectory Clear subdirectory . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . F4=List Y, N F4=Select subdirectory F12=Cancel 14. Submit IFS archive save Select option: 14 F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=System command After you enter the command parameters, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 submits your archive save job to batch. For more information, see the Managing IFS Objects Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 guide. Page 8-36 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 8: Utility Menu TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 8-37 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 9: WORKING WITH PROJECTS AND TASKS Note: For more information about specific fields on panels and reports described in this section, use F1 to read the online Help text. ABOUT TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS: OVERVIEW Helpdesk AN Wisedesk Work with Requesters Work with Help Trees Enter Problem (FASTTASK) Review Assign Problem (WORKTASK) Work with Projects Reporting Work with Tasks Timesheet Work w/ Escalation Queue Search Change Tasks Add Tasks Other Change Mgmt functions... Programmers Worklist Task Details Figure 1 This panel map summarizes the main elements and flow of the Helpdesk and project subsystems of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects. Reading from top left to bottom right, you can see that the entire change process is addressed, from identifying the person making a request, entering a request or problem through programming and promotion, as supported by the Programmer’s Worklist function. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks With TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, authorized users or Helpdesk personnel can enter requests and problems directly, and track them as they make their way through your system. At the same time, you can limit user access to only those capabilities and projects you want them to see. Automatic escalation and messaging, based on rules you define, ensure that a project coordinator and programmer are informed of high-priority problems as soon as they enter the system. Text masks that you can define help you collect descriptive details you need in order to respond to the request or problem. Help trees, which you can use from several points of view, let you answer user questions about your product; identify duplicate requests and problems; and locate related, pre-existing tasks in any of your projects. Once assigned a task, your programmer can work from one panel (the Programmer’s Worklist) to complete all phases of testing and development. A request or problem – in fact any task – can be entered at any stage, by a Helpdesk person, by an authorized end-user, and by information system personnel. Another way to look at TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects is to consider the different user interfaces that have been provided to support these different user perspectives, as illustrated in Figure 2. Page 9-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Wisedesk HELPDESK==> Helpdesk View Work with Requesters Problem Details Add Problem or Request FASTTASK: Work with Projects FASTTASK==> WRKESCQ==> WORKTASK==> TURNOVER 9==> Manage a user base User Entry View Authorized users enter their own problems and requests. Coordinators’ View Work with Escalation Queue Review and assign requests and problems WORKTASK: Work with Projects Working Project Leader’s View Work with Projects Work with Tasks Manage your projects to get the work done ---------------------- STRPWM==> STRPWM Listname==> Work with Programmer Worklists Developer’s View Programmer Worklist Develop programs efficiently —using one powerful panel --------------- Figure 2 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Project Views Figure 2 shows the various views or perspectives supported by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects. • Helpdesk personnel normally work from the perspective of the requester (or customer). Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, this person can look up a requester by first name, last name, company name, and phone number; check the status of outstanding requests for a requester or his/her company or department; search for answers using Wisedesk; and enter new problems or requests quickly using the FASTTASK command. • Authorized Users can enter problems directly into the system using the FASTTASK command (or an equivalent menu option). They can also look up previously entered requests to learn their current status. • A project coordinator can review all pending requests (entered since the last time requests were reviewed) or review pending requests and problems, using the escalation queue. • Project leaders and programmers can manage their own Working projects – that is, those projects to which the Coordinator assigns requests and problems as Working tasks. • Assigned programmers can then use the Programmer Worklist to complete their assignments. The topics that follow describe each view in more detail. About Projects, Tasks, and Subtasks In TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, work units are called tasks. They are keyed by project, task, and subtask codes. Projects define a group of related tasks. Subtasks are optional. A helpful rule you might adopt is if a task is too large for one person to complete, subdivide it into subtasks and assign each to a programmer. Each task or subtask should be the responsibility of one person only. Usually, a project is associated with a particular application 51 or group of applications. For example, at UNICOM Systems, Inc., we have defined Working Projects for the next TURNOVER® for iSeries Release and another one for TURNOVER® for iSeries Problems. We have defined a Helpdesk Project into which both our customers and we can enter problems and requests directly. Think of the Helpdesk project as a funnel, into which undifferentiated requests and problems are entered. They do not necessarily relate to a particular application. As the requests are entered, the Project Coordinator reviews and assigns each request to Working projects that are associated with particular applications. This way, it is not necessary for your user or Helpdesk person to know how your project teams or Working projects are organized. Your user need only report a problem; it is the coordinator’s job to assign it to the appropriate Working project. 51 For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. Page 9-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The Helpdesk View Work with Requesters ---------------------- Filters-- View Task Add/Change Requesters ---------------------- F6/2 1 F2 View Related Tasks Work with Tasks for Requester 12 ---------------------- Wisedesk: Filters-- Work with Help Trees FASTTASK: Enter Requests or Problems Work with Escalation Queue ---------------------- Figure 3 Identifying a requester On a Helpdesk, responding to a problem or request starts with knowing to whom you are talking. In TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, you – the Helpdesk staff member – can use the HELPDESK command to look up a requester by name, company name, location, or phone number. (For example, you may want to see all of the people at a certain company or department.) There are also several user-defined fields for special use in the requester file that you can use to filter the list. If authorized, you can add new requesters to the file or update requester information. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Validating the request or problem Before entering a new request or problem, you might want to see if someone has already requested or reported something identical or related. Using Wisedesk, you can search all the projects on your system for existing tasks that describe the problem or request you want to report. Sometimes, you’ll be able to add information to existing tasks without creating a new task. And if it’s a problem that’s been fixed, you’ll be able to tell the requester how to correct it. Entering requests or problems Once you’ve determined that a problem or request is not a duplicate, you can create a new task in the appropriate Helpdesk project. When problems are entered by, or on behalf of, a person in the Requester file, a list of Helpdesk Projects appears, defaulting to the last project for which the Requester reported a problem or made a request. Handling inquiries about previously reported problems Besides being able to look-up and review problems that were reported earlier on the requester’s behalf, you (the Helpdesk person) can view all of the Working tasks related to the FASTTASK request. For example, suppose a user reported a problem that impacts both the AR and AP projects. As a result, the Project Coordinator created and assigned two Working tasks. You can then view the status of both of these assigned tasks and review the details for each, if necessary. If no action took place, you can look up on the escalation queue all of the tasks for that requester to determine when action is scheduled to take place. If necessary, and assuming you are authorized to change the queue, you might change the wake-up date and time of the queue entry. Helpdesk Projects and Working Projects When you create a project entry, you tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 whether the project you are defining is to be a Helpdesk project or a Working project. All projects share the same database, but a Helpdesk project includes additional default values used to manage a Helpdesk. For example, the project definition designates the Project coordinator – that is, the person who reviews requests and problems and assigns them to Working project teams or programmers. Page 9-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks User Entry View Your users or Helpdesk personnel can access TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s problem entry panels by typing the command FASTTASK (or you can put this command on your users’ menus). FASTTASK: Enter Requests or Problems 2 1 View Assigned Tasks Details Add a Request or Problem F5 Work with Requests or Problems Filters-F6 F5=Details F2 Wisedesk: 25 2/5 7 Work with Categories for Task Escalation Queue View or Change Requests and Problems Text Search Figure 4 Entering problems An authorized user or a Helpdesk person can directly enter problems and tasks into TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects by selecting the appropriate Helpdesk project and then completing the Enter a Problem/Request panels. If the Helpdesk person is authorized, s/he can also review and assign the request (see Working with WORKTASK on page 9-54). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks If an authorized user is entering a problem or request on your system, the user is prompted first for data about the request, and then to describe the request further on a text panel. This text panel can be set up as a mask, to prompt the user for specific information or to supply instructions. More than one mask can be associated with a project. For example, if your Helpdesk project is Hardware Problems, then you can have a mask for printer problems, PC problems, display problems, and so forth. The user selects the appropriate mask and then describes the problem. If the user is authorized to do so, s/he can review and assign the task immediately by pressing F2=Assign. Looking up problems/requests After a problem has been entered, the user or Helpdesk person can look it up and view the current status of the original problem or the assigned task(s) on line. Filtering and text searches can be done to quickly find previously entered problems. Wisedesk can be checked to see and work with how a task fits into the categories defined there. Users can change or delete a request they entered any time before the Project Coordinator reviews it. Escalation queue Each time a request is entered or changed, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks the project escalation rules and values changed (such as due date) to determine whether or not to add or change an escalation queue entry. When the wake-up time is reached, the escalation queue triggers processing, such as automatically advancing the task status or priority. See Task escalation processing on page 9-77. Tracking and Working with Tasks Once a request or problem (referred to here generally as a “task”) is entered, an authorized Requester, Helpdesk person, or authorized systems person can track the request at each stage of the process, without calling you. S/he can also view text details that have been entered and see the current task status. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects provides messaging, work-with panels and reports to help keep everyone informed. You can generate reports of project and task information in several different useful formats. Each standard report is initiated using report commands that allow you to specify what information you want to see, and whether you want information summarized or in detail. With the task report generator – the Report Masks feature – you can generate a fax (if you have a machine connected to your iSeries) or other output format easily. With TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, you can produce a fax document to send to your customers or users, when a problem is solved or a task completed. Page 9-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Coordinator’s View WORKTASK: Work with Requests and Problems 1 Change or View a Task 2 Work with Escalation Queue Work with Pending Requests and Filters-Problems F2 1 Task Details 11 Escalation Queue 12 Review Requests Work with Assigned Tasks Filters-- 1=Append Request or Problem F2 F16 Assign to Working Projects 23, 24 Work with Category Tasks Work with Categories WISEDESK: Work with Help Trees 1 Send Messages To: Requester Assigned Resource Edit Details Assign Resource Figure 5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Coordinator’s role You, or someone in your organization, will be designated the Project Coordinator for any Helpdesk project you define. To review new problems and requests, the coordinator uses the WORKTASK command (or equivalent menu option). As a Coordinator, you would periodically review all pending problems and requests to assign, defer or reject them. You can either process all pending requests, one by one (option 2), or do so selectively, either by referring to the escalation queue (option 1) or the list of requests and problems (option 5) and assigning particular items in the list. Using the escalation queue As the Project Coordinator, you can set up the escalation queue to sequence pending requests by priority or some other relevant criterion. This way, you can assign the most important requests first. Escalation Rules When you define a project, you can specify escalation rules. These rules are based on the value of priority and status codes for a task. For example, you can establish a rule that a request with a status of New and a high priority be reviewed within four hours. The escalation rules define a Wake-up interval – a time at which some action is to occur – and Actions, such as send a reminder message or change the task status. In fact, you can even write your own program to be called under conditions defined in the escalation table. Escalation Queue Each time a problem or request is entered into the system for a project for which escalation rules are defined, an entry is made in the escalation queue. The escalation queue entry contains a wake-up time, which is a specific time at which some predefined action is to be taken. The queue entry is changed or removed, depending on the requirements defined in the project’s escalation rules. Page 9-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Reviewing a request Before assigning a request or problem, you might want to see if a similar task has been reported and assigned. If help trees have been created across the projects on your system, then you can use them to check for a similar, identical, or related task that already exists in your projects, and either append the task you are reviewing to the existing task, or assign it as a subtask to the existing task. If you append the new request to that previously assigned task (or add it as a subtask), you establish a link between the assigned task and the request or problem under review. You might also want to update the assigned task details at that time. Later, when that assigned task is completed, all originating requests can be viewed and, if appropriate, each of the requesters notified that the request has been completed. Searching for a Task There are two ways to search your projects for duplicate or related tasks: manually, or using help trees within Wisedesk. These are just the kind of features that make a Helpdesk person effective. When you search manually, you can view the list of tasks by project, after you’ve started to assign the task, using F4. You can filter the list by requester, resource, status or any number of other filter values, including up to ten user-defined fields. Then you can search task text details using a powerful text search capability (option 25). For example, one project may be “Accounts Payable Problem Reports” with a task that describes a fix to a check-writing program. You can interactively search all tasks for the word “check” and then print or view the resulting list. Once you locate a task, you can view the task details. You can also view the list of program objects changed when the problem was resolved. Using Wisedesk, you can accomplish the same work, but more efficiently. To use Wisedesk, you must have help trees set up on your system. Help trees are structures consisting of reasonable categories and subcategories, into which the tasks from all the projects on your system are sorted using specific search requirements that you supply. If you are using Wisedesk, problems or requests reported by your users would be sorted and displayed using these logical categories, making it easy to spot duplicate or related tasks during a search. And, if you do find a match, it’s easy to handle the task you’re reviewing – whether you need to add it as a new task, link it to an existing one, or explain to the requester how the problem or request has already been dealt with. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Assigning a request If your search reveals that the request is a new problem, you can then assign it to a Working project; in fact, you can assign it to more than one project or task. For example, a request may impact both the AP and the AR projects. The projects to which a particular problem or request can be assigned is determined by F10=Valid projects within the *HELPDESK project-specific options parameter of the Helpdesk Project definition. If you select more than one assignment project, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 performs the assignment cycle once for each project. You can update the assigned task to include the resource, time-estimates, start time, and so on. After you complete the review, messages can be sent to the requester and assigned resource. You can set these to be sent automatically, or you can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 prompt you to edit and send the message. Requests are accepted and assigned, conditionally accepted, or rejected. Requests that are assigned are copied to a Working project and assigned to a resource. The original request is preserved as the user entered it. The assigned task is given to the programmer or other resource to be completed. That programmer’s view of Projects is illustrated on the next page. Page 9-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Project Leader’s and Developer’s View 52 Work with Projects Filters-- 5 F2 Change/View Tasks Work with Tasks Work with Escalation Queue Filter s-- F20 F16 20 Search or View Assigned Tasks 25 Escalation Queue 15 Wisedesk: View Originating Requests Work with Worklists Work with Help Trees Filters-- Categories 1 Cat. Tasks Programmer Worklist 20 Filters-32 PDM™ • • • • F2 0 F15 / 15 X-Ref DB Pathfinder™ Abstract/Probe™ TURNO VER® X-ref SEU/SDA™… CODE/400™ FLEX/EDIT™ Figure 6 52 Not all options and function keys appear in this diagram. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Once the Helpdesk project coordinator has reviewed and assigned a task to a Working project, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 informs the project leader or developer to whom the task was assigned. As a developer, you then go to the Work with Tasks panel, select the assigned task, and build a Programmer Worklist. A worklist is a list of the objects and source needed to complete the task. You can access cross-reference files and view objects and source in PDM to add items to the list. Once the list is complete, you’ll do all of your work from this Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM) panel – including things like checking out objects and source, building TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms, and running the forms to promote your work into the next application level. Time reporting If you are required to account for time spent on your project tasks, you can use the on-line timesheet to enter and track your time. You can also create administrative projects to track time spent in meetings, or sick time and holidays, and so on. You can view the accumulated time reported for any project or task, no matter how many people have reported time. Auditing task changes TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects lets you track changes to tasks and subtasks. This capability is optional; you can turn it on for any project by setting the Audit project parameter to Y. If you are auditing changes, you will then be able to view a change log showing dates and times that the changes where made. The Programmer’s Worklist If you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system, you will find the Programmer’s Worklist Manager (PWM) function the most natural way develop programs. PWM lets you perform all of your change management and development tasks from one panel; you see only those objects and source members related to the task on which you are working, whether the objects reside in one source file or many. Think of PWM as a combination of PDM and Change Management on one powerful work-with panel. For more about PWM, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. Page 9-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks How Projects Relate to Software Changes When you define your applications to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, 53 you can tell it whether or not you are using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects to track changes to the application. You can also define how the project task should be updated. For example, when you check out objects in response to a request, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 associates the object you check out with a task. It will automatically set the task status to Started (or a status code you define) when you do. Later, after you program your changes and promote your source and objects to quality assurance or production, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 again will update your task status to IN-QA (or some other status value you define). You can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 effect similar status updates when changes are distributed to your production computers, and when your production computers confirm that installation was successful. Of course, at any time, you can view the list of objects and source members, and other important information associated with a completed task or one in process. Develop QA Prod Promote Promote Distribute Checkout Figure 7 Analyze Assign Task Check out Build Worklist Promote to QA Program & Test 1 Promote to Prod. Distribute… Test in QA 2 3 4 Example of Automatic task status updating 1=Set task status to START at check-out 2=Set task status to IN-QA at promotion to QA 3=Set task status to PROD at promotion to Production 4=Set task status to DONE at distribution 53 For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 Projects Authority To use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system, users must first be authorized to work with projects and then, to each project with which they need to work. To give other users access to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, you need authority to maintain TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s user authority list. Authorizing users to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects To authorize a user to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, select option 3 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. This panel appears: 1/29/10 11:58:20 Maintain Authority List Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to user . . .: 1=Application authority 2=Project authority 3=Wisedesk 4=Delete user Source -------- FORMS --------- -- SYSTEM -- ----- PROJECTS ----Out In View Add Chg Run Dst Prg Dft Aut Pgmr Use Add Code Rsc Rqs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X More... F4=Add from List F6=Add User F12=Cancel F21=System command User *NONE BARCLAY COMPARDI BIANCHA BLAINE ELMSMORE GILBERT RONNY HOLMESBY JSCHMIDT 2 KLINE LELAND F3=Exit Use the set of columns labeled PROJECTS to specify for each user generic authorities for the project management component of your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 system. An X in the Use column gives the user basic authority to use the project system. The remaining columns are used to define additional levels of project system authority; read the online help for more about these settings. Assigning authority to groups of users There are two ways to assign project authority to groups of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 users. If you use group user profiles, you can assign project authority to the group profiles to avoid entering each individual member of the group into TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s authority list. Assigning authority to individual users If you don’t use group profiles (the group profile parameter in the iSeries user profile is *NONE), you can add a user called *NONE to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Authority List, assigning to that user the project system authorities you want your individual users to have. Use caution though – this means that any user without a group profile will adopt the authority of the *NONE user upon entering the project system. Page 9-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks To work with user authority settings for a specific project, select one or more users with option 2. When you press Enter, this panel appears: 1/29/10 11:24:02 Project APPR LANT MKTG MKTP OVER OEPR F3=Exit Edit Project Authority For user: MARYLYN Description Your Company, Inc. View Accounts Payable Problems & Requests LANTURN Problems and Enhancement Request Marketing Requests Marketing Projects Over/2E Problems and Enhancement Request Order Entry Problems and Requests X X X X X X Add Chg Dlt Rvw X X X X X X X X X X X X F12=Cancel This panel contains a list of all the projects defined to your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 projects system. The list is arranged in alphabetical order by project ID. The user you selected on the previous panel appears at the top of the panel. To work with this user’s authority for a project, use the Page Up/Page down keys to position the panel to the desired project and type an X in the fields that represent the kind of access you want the user to have for that project. What you see: Project The four-character identifier assigned to the project. Description Text that explains the project ID. definition. This information is taken directly from the project View The user can look at the information in the project definition, tasks or subtasks for the selected project. Add The user can add tasks or subtasks to the selected project. Chg The user can change information in the project definition, or in tasks and subtasks, for the selected project. Dlt The user can delete the project definition for, or tasks and subtasks from, the selected project. Rvw If the selected project is a HELPDESK project, this user can review tasks for approval and assign them to any WORKING project for which s/he has authority. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Authorizing users to a project When you create a project, you are prompted to indicate which users can access the project or task, and the degree of authority they can have. The project authority panel that follows lets you set the authority for a project. The authority you set at the project level applies to all of the tasks and subtasks within the Project. Likewise, task authority applies to all subtasks within the task. If you change a project’s authority, authority for all subordinate tasks and subtasks is also changed. If you need to change authority settings for a particular project then, on the Work with Projects panel, type a 14=Authority next to the project. This panel appears: 1/29/10 10:56:51 Maintain Project/Task/Subtask Authority Project . . Task . . Subtask . Description User DELANEY BERNARD COMPARDI BIANCHA BLAIRE ELSINORE GILBERT HOLMESBY JSCHMIDT F3=Exit . . . . Your Company, Inc. . DOC. . . Documentation projects Name Jim Delaney Andrew Bernard Joe Compardi Biancha Paterson Blair Edwards Steve Elsinore Gordon Gilbert Bruce Holmesby Jeanne Schmidt F12=Cancel View X X X X X X X X Add X Chg X Dlt X Rvw X X X X X X X X X X + F21=Authorize all Note: You can achieve the same results using option 2=Change next to the project and selecting Authorized users on the Define the Project panel. Type X in the appropriate columns and rows, or press F21 to authorize all users; type a space to remove authorities. Press F1/Help for a description of authority settings. Page 9-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks WORKING WITH PROJECTS The Work with Projects panel The Work with Projects panel is central to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system. Whether you’re working with an existing project and related task or creating a new project, you will start with this panel. To work with projects, select option 9 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. 54 If you’re not authorized to Work with Projects, see your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator. 1/29/10 11:04:12 Position to project . . . . Filter by Administrator . . Work with Projects Status Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS . . . . . F4=List 1=Add task 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 7=Rename 9=View time 12=Work with tasks 14=Authority 16=Forms 17=Checkout 18=History __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Proj CENH CMPR PET PHPT PLOG SE50 SLSO SMI SM5 SNEN SP50 Description CENTRAL® for iMenu Enhancement Request CENTRAL® for iMenu Problem Reports Product Evaluation Physical plant changes SLS Phone Log SoftMenu 5.0 Enhancements SLS Order System SoftMenu Release 5.0 Installation Programs SoftMenu Release 5.0 Serial Number Enhancements SoftMenu 5.0 Problem Fixes F3=Exit F4=List F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F16=Wisedesk F18=Timesheet F24=More keys Highlighted lines indicate HELPDESK projects Administrator TURNERJIM ANDREWS TURNERJIM THOMASMA TURNERJIM TURNERJIM TURNERJIM ANDREWS ANDREWS ANDREWS ANDREWS Status ASSIGNED ONGOING STARTED ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING More... F7=Control files The project ID can be up to four alphanumeric characters. You must be authorized to work with a project. If you can’t view or change a project or task, see your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator. Notice that you can type a project code to position the panel to the project with which you want to work. You can also filter the list by Administrator or status code to focus on just those projects you want to see. As with all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 panels where filters are provided, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remember your filter settings and automatically apply them every time you go to this panel, until you change or delete them. If you do not have View authority to a project, you will not see it on the list (see page 9-18). Other functions you can perform on this panel are described on the following pages. 54 Alternate path: type TURNOVER 9 on a command line. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you can do: F6=Add Project Press F6 to add a new project entry. 1=Add task Type 1 next to a project to add a task to that project. 2=Change Type 2 next to a project to change a project definition. 3=Copy Type 3 next to a project to copy a project definition and create a new one. 4=Delete Type 4 next to a project to delete it. Caution: All subordinate task and subtask entries will also be deleted. You must have Delete authority (see option 14 below). You’ll view a confirmation prompt before the project is deleted. 5=View Type 5 next to a project to view (only) the entry. 6=Print Type 6 next to a project to print the project definition. 7=Rename Type 7 next to any project to rename that project. All related information, including tasks, subtask, worklist, checkout and object history, and application references will be renamed when you rename a project. 9=View time Type 9 next to any project to view time reported for all tasks and subtasks subordinate to that project. 12=Work with Tasks Type 12 next to any project to work with all tasks and subtasks subordinate to that project. For more information, see Working with Tasks and Subtasks on page 9-68. 14=Authority Type 14 adjacent to a project to view or update the authority list for the project. You can specify which users may view, add, update or delete project/task entries. 16=Forms Type 16 to view all TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms related to the project. This is the equivalent to filtering by project code on the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel. Page 9-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 17=Checkout Type 17 to work with checkout history related to this project. This is equivalent to filtering by project code on the View Checkout panel. (From there, press F11 to see checked out IFS objects for this task.) 18=History Type 18 next to a project to view object change history related for this project. This is equivalent to filtering by the project code on the Work with Object History panel. F2=Esc. queue Press F2 to view the task escalation queue. See page 9-87 for more about the escalation queue. F4=List Position to a Filter by ... field and press F4 to see list of acceptable values. F7=Control Files Press F7 to go to the Project Control Files Menu. For more information, see Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Control Files on page 9-88. F9=Actual time update Press F9 to submit a job that updates (rolls-up) all the time reported by each resource into subtask, task, and project records and changes the “Actual duration” of all tasks to this total. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically updates the time when you submit the Project Report. However, if you have not recently run the Project Report, you must update the time using F9 for all time to be reflected in the task and project records. Note: By default, the Time Update function assumes an 8-hour work day, 40-hour work week. Previously, you could override this default with the TDFTDAY and TDFTWEEK data areas. Your company’s schedule might be a non-standard 7.5-hour work day, 37.5-hour work week. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 provides two new data areas (TDFTDAYM and TDFTWEEKM) to supersede the old data areas. These data areas let you specify the time worked as a whole number in minutes, instead of having to round to the nearest hour. Descriptions of these data areas follow: TDFTDAYM TDFTWEEKM *DEC 7.0 *DEC 7.0 You must manually create these data areas in the SOFTTURND library. In these data areas, for a 7.5-hour work day, you would specify 450 as the value for TDFTDAYM; for a 37.5-hour work week, you would specify 2250 as the value for TDFTWEEKM. If none of the four data areas exists, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the default 8-hour work day, 40-hour work week. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks F16=Wisedesk Press F16 to start Wisedesk and go to the Work with Help Trees panel. You can use help trees to search for information about problems, requests, or tasks and to add new tasks in projects to which you are authorized. F18=Timesheet To enter time on the daily timesheet report. You will be prompted for a profile name and date (default is your profile). Press Enter to report time for yourself for the current day. Alternate path: use the TIMESHEET command. F20=PWM To work with your Programmer worklists. F21=System command To view and work with a command line. Page 9-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Creating and changing a project On the Work with Projects panel, press F6 to add a project. If you are not authorized to Add a Project, see your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator. (To change a project, type a 2 next to a project.) The following panel only appears when you are changing a project or immediately after the project has been created. When you create a new project, you’ll first see the Project description panel (shown on page 9-25). 1/29/10 10:41:42 Define the Project Your Company,Inc SYSTEM: YOURSYS ACTION: ADD Project . . . . . TP40 Description . . . TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Problems Release 4.0 1=Select Opt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Project Definition Option > Description Details User-defined fields Valid applications Valid resources Valid status codes Task defaults Authorized users *Helpdesk project-specific options1 WISEDESK dynamic update options F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=System command Each option represents a panel on which you supply information, guidelines and rules for your project. Type 1 next to each line and press Enter to view each of the definition panels. The project definition panels are summarized here, and illustrated with additional detail on the following pages. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you see: Description (required) Use this panel to provide all of the necessary descriptive information for your project. Details (optional) Use this panel to provide a text description of project. User-defined fields (optional) Use this panel to define up to ten user-defined fields, accessible to you when adding, changing, filtering, and reporting a task. Valid applications (required) Use this panel to specify which application(s) are to be managed using this project. When you manage checkout and promote object and source with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you specify which project task you’re working on. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks to make sure the application you’re working on is in the list of valid applications for the reference project. Valid resources (required) Use this panel to specify a list of resource personnel (usually programmers) who can be assigned to tasks within this project. For example, if you’re defining a Helpdesk project, you may not want to list any resources. For a Working project, you may list all of the resources available to that project. Valid status codes (required) Use this panel to specify which status codes are valid for a project. For example, if you define a Helpdesk project, then you’ll probably have a different set of valid status codes than for a Working project. Task defaults (required) Use this panel to specify the default values TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should fill in for most task fields when entering a task or subtask for this project. Authorized users (required) Use this panel to work with the authority settings for the list of users who have access to a project. Authority settings apply to all tasks and subtasks for the project. *Helpdesk / *Working project specific options (required) Use this panel to specify additional, personality-specific defaults. There are two personality types available, Helpdesk and Working project. WISEDESK dynamic update options (optional) Use this panel to supply information that controls dynamic updating for Wisedesk help trees. Page 9-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Project description The Project description panel contains fields, such as project description and Administrator name, which describe the nature of the project you’re defining. Refer to the online Help for a definition of each field. 1/29/10 10:46:12 Project Description Project . . . . . . . . . Description . . . . . . . ________________ Status . . . . . . . . . Priority range . . . . . Project administrator . . Auto assign task numbers Audit project changes . . Requester validation . . Personality . . . . . . . Escalation table . . . . Details editor . . . . . F1=Help F3=Exit F4=List Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS . . . TP40 . . . TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Problems Release 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O ONGOING 1 to 3 TURNOVER Y Y *FILE *WORKING WORKPROJ *TURNOVER F12=Cancel F4=List name Y=Yes, N=No, A=Aggressive Y, N name, *FILE, *USRPRF, *BOTH, *NONE *WORKING, *HELPDESK F4=List *TURNOVER, *OFFICE, *SEU F21=System command On the Project Description panel, you can specify such things as the project name, valid priority range for the project, whether or not task codes should be sequentially assigned automatically and whether to audit changes to the project (record all changes in a project journal). UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note When naming a project, the only special characters you can use are: # $ @. Also, you cannot include embedded blanks in project names. The Project Administrator must either have a valid iSeries user ID, or exist in the Resource file. The Requester validation field identifies the rules TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should use to check the Requester field in a project task, problem report, or enhancement request. If your users have profiles on your computer, the Requester validation can be set to *USRPRF or *BOTH. In the first case, the requester must have a profile on the system; in the latter, s/he must have a profile and an entry in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project’s requester database. If you use the value *FILE, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects requires that the requester exist in the Requester file, but does not require that requester ID to be a user profile on your system. The Auto assign task numbers field determines if the task names are to be generated by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 or keyed by you. If you type Y, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will generate sequential task numbers automatically, ranging from 0000 to 9999. If you type A, task numbers are generated automatically AND they can range from 0000 to ZZZZ. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks You can associate an escalation table with the project. Escalation tables contain rules that control when some automatic action should be triggered for a task, and they define that action that should occur. When you position to the Escalation table parameter and press F4=List, you will see the following panel: 1/29/10 10:46:12 Project Description Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . TP40 Description . . . . . . . . . . TURNOVER® for iSeries Problems Release 4.0____ _________________________________ Status . . . . . . . . . . . . O ONGOING F4=List Priority range . . . . . . . . 1 to 3 Project admin ................................................................ Auto assign t : Select Escalation Table : Audit project : 1=Select : Requester val : : Personality . : Table Description : Escalation ta : _ FTPR Queue created for project: FTPR : Details edito : _ HELP-PS Test Helpdesk table : : _ HELPDESK Escalation Table for Helpdesk Projects : : _ PAULHELP Test queue for HELPDESK project : : _ WORK1 Test queue for WORKING project : : _ SLS SoftLanding Internal Escalation Table : : _ TEST Escalation Table for Testing : : _ TESTHELP Test queue for HELPDESK project : : More... : F3=Exit F4=L : F2=Maintain tables F3=Exit F12=Cancel : :..............................................................: Type 1 to select the escalation table you want to be applied to this project. Type F2 to work with the escalation table. For more information, see The escalation table on page 9-80. Page 9-26 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Detail and report masks You can define several text detail masks and report masks to format task information in any number of ways. Detail masks are used when entering text that describes the task (if the Details editor is set to *TURNOVER). If you require detail masks, then you will see the mask or a list of masks from which to choose, after entering the task data. You will fill in the text description according to the format provided by the mask, and then exit. Report masks can be defined as well. Report masks can be best thought of as text merge documents; virtually any data contained in the requester file or the project and task files can be included on the report mask. For example, you could create a report mask to create a fax of the task to be sent to a user, or a format to be handed to a programmer that contains space for recording time spent on the task that would later be keyed using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s TIMESHEET command. Details editor The Details editor parameter lets you choose between TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s editor (*TURNOVER), SEU (*SEU), or OfficeVision (*OFFICE) to edit task details. This field defaults to *TURNOVER. Detail masks cannot be used if you use SEU or OfficeVision editor options. If you choose *OFFICE, you will be prompted to specify a folder to be used for task descriptions. If you specify *SEU, you will be prompted to specify a source physical file name to be used to store project descriptions. For *OFFICE and *SEU, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will generate document or member names based on the project/task/subtask, unless a document or member name is specified by the user. The Initial status field determines the beginning status of new task and subtasks. Project details The Details option lets you provide a text description for your project. 1/29 /10 11:56:37 Pro ject Details Proje ct: PRPT Your Company, Inc. Y OURSYS This is a sample p roject for assi gning HELPDESK request. It is a good ide a to s et up special projects for as signing HELPDE SK requests. You can, thus, ensu re that User d efined fields a re the same fo r each project . When you ass ign a HE LPDESK request the user defi ned fields sim ply map into t he same positi on, assu ming they are defined in the project. So it's possible t o have nonsens ical info rmation in the se fields, if y ou do not take the time to s ee that they matc h. Ther e are two repo rt masks set u p for this pro ject. One nor mal mask, and one FAX mask. The FAX mask will auto matically fax a message to t he person in t he requ ester field. This of course assumes that you have an in tegrated FAX o n your 400. The con trol instructio ns in this mas k are for FAX* STAR. If you h ave a di fferent fax sy stem simply cha nge the contro l variables. HINT: You must ente r the fax numb er in the requ ester file EXA CTLY as the fa x system needs to r eceive it. i. e. 1-603-924-85 08 or 9,1-603- 924-8508 etc.. ****** EN D OF DOCUMENT ****** Bot tom F3=E xit F4=Delete line F6=Inser t line F12=C ancel F21=Sys tem command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-27 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks User-defined fields You can specify up to ten user-defined fields for your project. The fields’ characteristics (alpha, numeric, number of decimal places, valid values) are predefined in the Project Control File for Userdefined Fields (F7 from the Work with Projects panel). When you create or change your project, you identify the predefined fields you want to associate with it and specify default values for them. 1/29/10 10:39:36 User-defined Fields Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . TP40 Default Value User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined F3=Exit field field field field field field field field field field F4=List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F11=View 2 . . . . . . . . . . . SUBSYSTEM . USR013 . . . . . . . . F12=Cancel F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List 0 0 .00 .00 F21=System command Only those fields you associate with your project here will appear on the Add a request, Add a task, and Change a task panels, discussed starting on page 9-68. If you provide a default value, it appears in the field when a new task is added to the project. Page 9-28 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends When setting up user-defined fields, keep in mind how the tasks in your organization will flow. For example, if you will be assigning tasks from a help desk project to a working project, then it makes sense to keep the user-defined fields defined for both projects parallel. This is because any information in a user-defined field of the help desk project is carried into the equivalent user-defined field of the working task. If no equivalent user-defined field is defined there, the information is dropped. To select a value from a list of user-defined fields, position the cursor to a field with the desired characteristics and press F4=List. A pop-up panel appears: 1/29/10 11:16:41 User-defined Fields Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . TP40 Default Value User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined User-defined field 1 field field field field field field field field field . . . . . F4=List Select User-Defined Field (Type *CHAR, Length 10) 1=Select Field name SUBSYSTEM RESPONSE ACCT DOCCHG DIV METHOD DOCUMENT Description Application subsystem Method of response--Fax? Account number Doc. Change required? Division Method Which document impacted? More... F2=Maintain F3=Exit F4=List F11=View 2 F3=Exit F12=Cancel F12=Cancel F21=System command A list appears of all of the pre-defined fields that have the same characteristics as the field that you chose (such as 10-character decimal). • To choose an existing field definition, select it with option 1. • To add a new field, press F2=Maintain (see Work with user-defined fields on page 9-95). You then see a panel (not illustrated here) on which you can add new fields, specify a table of valid values, create a field dependency, 55 or specify a user-written program with which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should validate the field contents. Using this approach you can define fields once and use them in any number of your projects, ensuring consistency across all of your projects. The field description is the field label that will actually appear on the Add and Change a Task panels. 55 For more about user-defined field dependencies, go to page 9-3. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-29 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks User-defined field exit programs When you create a user-defined field, you can specify the names of two programs—one to call for F4 support, and one for validity checking. Normally, you will use the default (*DEFAULT) program supplied. However, you can write your own. If you do, follow these steps: 1. Create your F4 program. An F4 program is called with the following two parameters: • The 10-character name you have assigned to this user-defined field. • The value for the field. The second parameter varies depending on the type of the user-defined field you are defining. It will either be a 10-character field, 25-character, 7,0 decimal, or 7,2 decimal, depending on the field type. Obviously, you couldn’t have a single program that handles all types of fields. Your program will always be called by a CL program named TURCCUDP. If you need to send back messages for some reason, send them to the *PRV program queue of this program. Generally your program should bring up some kind of list panel where the user can select a valid value for the field, and should return that selection to the task. 2. Create your validation program. This program lets you verify that the user has entered a valid value in the field. A validation program is called with the following four parameters: • The 10-character name you have assigned to the field. (This is the name of the validation program.) • The value for the user-defined field. Again, this varies depending on the field type. (See the text for the F4 program, above.) • A 10-character value, which is the name of the program to which you want your validation program (named in the first parameter above) to send error messages. TurnOver passes this name to the validation program. Note: TurnOver does not automatically send error messages. To have TurnOver display a message on the screen during the validation process, you must issue a SNDPGMMSG command to the program identified by this third parameter. • Page 9-30 A one-character flag that you set to Y if an error is encountered. If this field is returned with a Y the display program presents a default error message and reverses the field image. If your program sends any messages they are also displayed. If your program sends messages, but doesn’t return a Y the messages are displayed on the panel, but the program treats it as if there were no errors. © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Define one or more user-defined fields as keyword fields that must be entered when adding a request. Then you will be able to filter on a field value when looking up tasks, or supply it as a search criterion in Wisedesk when categorizing tasks in help trees. This greatly improves your ability to find information without relying on text searches later on. For example, on our system at UNICOM Systems, Inc., TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 problems are categorized by Subsystem that is a userdefined field with a table of valid values that we defined in our own Helpdesk project. For example, if we are looking for a problem and know that it had to do with Application definitions, we can filter on the word “Application” and narrow the search to just a few tasks. This filter is available on all Work with Tasks panels. Valid applications Use this panel to specify one or more valid applications for the project. You can specify more than one application, but when you supply task defaults, you’ll have to choose one to specify as a default application. For example, in the following panel, we have selected three valid applications for this project; however, the entry TO 4 will be used as the default unless overridden wherever it applies. 1/29/10 11:08:47 Valid Applications Your Company, Inc YOURSYS Project: TP40 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Problems Release 4.0 1=Select _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 Appl *ALL *NONE AP AR GL HR INV SM SM SM SM TO TO TO Rel 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 Ver 5 1 2 Description All applications are valid No application Accounts payable Accounts receivable General ledger Human resources application Inventory application SoftMenu Release 3.0 SoftMenu Release 3.5 SoftMenu Release 4.0 SoftMenu Release 5.0 TurnOver Release 3.1 TurnOver Release 3.2 TurnOver Release 4.0 More... F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-31 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The object and source management subsystems of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 are closely integrated with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects. By specifying which applications can be changed under the control of a project, you limit the chance of a programmer specifying the wrong application during checkout or promotion. Think of it this way: When you get a problem or request, what applications need to be changed to service the request? In our example, the project TURNOVER® for iSeries Problems Release 4.0 is very specific. We wouldn’t include a SoftMenu problem in this project (there would be another project for that product). However, previous releases of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 might be affected; therefore they are included in our list as valid applications. Note that *ALL will include any new applications that might be created in the future. *NONE would be appropriate if the project is to be used to track hardware problems or other non-software applications. If you are defining a *HELPDESK project, then you may decide not to specify *NONE. The Helpdesk project is intended as a collection point for problems and requests. The application is not assigned until the Project Coordinator reviews the request and assigns it to a *WORKING project that has one or more valid applications associated with it. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends In most organizations, it is appropriate and reasonable to select only one application for a project. It is possible that you will have more than one application under the control of one project, but you will find it easier to specify only one. If a task affects more than one application, copy the task and assign it to the person most knowledgeable about that application. Note that *NONE is also valid and might apply to a Helpdesk project or a Working project that is set up for working on hardware problems. Valid resources 1/29/10 11:16:18 Valid Resources Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project: TP40 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Problem Release 4.0 1=Select 1 _ Resource *ALL BILL CHRISTINE CLARA DAVIS JON JULIETTE KERRI LISA RICH ROB SANDY TINA Description All resources are valid Bill C. Christine P. Clara G. Davis B. Jon S. Juliette W. Kerri C. Lisa E. Rich C. Rob T. Sandy L. Tina T. Bottom F3=Exit Page 9-32 F12=Cancel F21=System command © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks When assigning a problem or request to a Working project, the project coordinator can assign it to a specific resource. You may list those resources assigned to the project, if appropriate at your company. If you are defining a Helpdesk project, then you may decide not to specify any resource. The Helpdesk project is intended to be a collection point for problems and requests. The resource is not assigned until the Project coordinator reviews the request and assigns it to a *WORKING project, for which valid resources are specified. Valid status codes 1/29/10 15:00:55 Valid Status Codes Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project: FTP2 FASTTASK/Problem Reports 1=Select 1 1 1 1 Code *ALL A ASSIGNED B DISTRIB C CANCEL D DONE F FINISHED H HOLD K DUPLICAT M CONFIRM N NEW O ONGOING P IN-PROD Q IN-QA F3=Exit Description All status codes are valid Request/Task has been assigned. Task has been distributed Has been canceled The task has been completed Task has been completed On hold. Awaiting instructions. The task is a duplicate of another Task has been confirmed A new request. Project/task is on-going Task has reached production Task has reached QA F12=Cancel Allow as Reference Y Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Update Start Date N N N N N N N N N N N N Update End Date N N N Y Y N N Y N N N N More... F21=System command The Status code table is defined once and applies to all your projects. However, for a particular project, a subset of these valid status codes may be appropriate. For example, a *HELPDESK project used to collect requests and problems might have these valid status codes assigned: NEW REVIEWED ASSIGNED HELD REJECTED CANCELLED DONE The *WORKING project to which problems can be assigned might have these valid status codes assigned: NEW HELD CANCELLED CLOSED STARTED DONE IN-QA IN-PROD TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-33 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The Update start date and Update end date determine whether to automatically set the task start and end dates when the task status is set to that value. For example, when you checkout an object, the application you are working on can be set such that the task status is automatically set to S (Started). The Update start date field for S Started is set to Y, so the Task start date will be set to today’s date. Task defaults This panel defines the values that you want to appear automatically (that is, by default) in the fields of new tasks or subtasks that users add to this project. 1/29/10 12:02:37 Task Defaults Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . TE40 Application . . . . . . Release . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . Resource . . . . . . . Requestor . . . . . . . Status . . . . . . . . Status Transition Rules Priority . . . . . . . Task type . . . . . . . Time units . . . . . . Billable time . . . . . Test data library . . . Test object library . . Test source library . . F3=Exit F4=List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F12=Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TO 4 0 *USRPRF *USRPRF N NEW *NONE 1 A ASAP H Y F4=List name, *USRPRF, *NONE name, *USRPRF F4=List F4=List 1 to 3 F4=List H, D, W, M Y, N name, *PGMR, *TASK name, *PGMR, *TASK name, *PGMR, *TASK F21=System command You can override these defaults when you add or change the task. If you are defining a *HELPDESK project, you might want to supply default values for Resource, Requester, Priority, and Task type. (The other fields are for tracking change work, and are less applicable to the problem reporting function of a Helpdesk project.) These fields carry information forward to any *WORKING task to which the Helpdesk task is assigned. For *WORKING projects, you might want to specify defaults for the Application fields, Status, Time units, Billable time, and the Test library fields; this kind of information is more pertinent to tracking the changes made to satisfy a request. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note When you add or change a project, you can specify blanks as the defaults for the Priority and Task type fields. Also, unless you use the Status Transition Rules field to associate a status transition rules table with the project, you can specify a blank as the default for the Status field. (If you associate a status transition rules table with the project, you must specify a default status code.) However, when you add a task to the project, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 requires entries for the Status, Priority, and Task type fields. Page 9-34 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks If you decide to specify default test libraries, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses these library names as defaults in the test library fields of new tasks. You can use specific library names; you can use *PGMR, to use the library names from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 programmer profile (Main Menu option 2); or you can use *TASK, to build the library name from the project and task/subtask IDs (for example, TE40011801). If the library does not exist, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates it. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note If your application definition is NOT set up to get the From library name from the Project record, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will NOT check the Project task for the test library name. However, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will populate a new task’s test library fields with default values specified on this panel, and will create libraries if they don’t exist. But these libraries won’t be used when checking out and promoting objects for this task; the application libraries will be used instead. Authorized users All users who have been enrolled in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 and have Work with Projects level of authority will appear in this list. 1/29/10 11:57:24 Authorized Users Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project: TP32 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Problem Reports User BILL CHRISTINE CLARA DAVIS JON JULIETTE KERRI LISA QSECOFR RICH ROB SANDY TINA T. TURNOVER Name View Bill C. X Christine P. X Clara G. X Davis B. X Jon S. X Juliette W. X Kerri C. X Lisa E. X Security officer X Rich C. X Rob T. X Sandy L. X Tina T. X TURNOVER® for iSeries Admin X Add X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Chg X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Dlt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ X Rvw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ X Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Authorize all For more about authorization to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, see Authorizing users to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects topic on page 9-18. View View authority lets the user look at project, task, or subtask information for this project. Add Add authority lets the user create tasks or subtasks for this project. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-35 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Change (Chg) Change authority lets the user update task or subtask information for this project. Delete (Dlt) Delete authority lets the user remove a project, task, or subtask from the system. Review (Rvw) Review authority lets the user examine a Helpdesk task using WORKTASK, and assign it to a *WORKING project (to which the person is authorized). Personality defaults The fields displayed here depend upon the value of the Personality parameter on the Project Description panel. This example applies to a Personality of *WORKING. 1/29/10 10:59:16 Personality Defaults Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . TP40 Personality . . . . . . . . . . *WORKING Details mask required . . . . . Y Report mask required . . . . . Y F3=Exit Page 9-36 F4=List F12=Cancel Masks defined Masks defined 1 3 F4=List F4=List F21=System command © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The following example applies to a Personality of *HELPDESK. (See Creating a Helpdesk project on page 9-38.) 1/29/10 11:02:14 Personality Defaults Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . FTRQ Personality . . . . . . . . . . *HELPDESK Details mask required . . . . . Y Report mask required . . . . . Y Task synonym Accept status Reject status Review status Coordinator . F3=Exit . . . . . F4=List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F12=Cancel . . . . . . . . . . Masks defined Masks defined Request X ACCEPTED R REJECTED V REVIEWED BERMANJIM F10=Valid Projects 1 3 F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List USRPRF F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-37 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Creating a Helpdesk project As stated in the Overview section, the two categories of projects are Helpdesk projects and Working projects. Helpdesk projects are defined especially to let your end-users or Helpdesk personnel enter problems and change requests directly into the project system. Think of a Helpdesk project as a funnel into which requests are placed. You might elect to have only one Helpdesk project called “Problems”. You can then log all problems into this one project. Once logged, they are reviewed and accepted, at which time they are copied into Working projects and assigned to a programmer or other resource. As problems are reviewed, accepted, assigned, and completed, the status is updated at every stage so your user or Helpdesk person can see its progress. Your users can view the original Helpdesk request or the assigned Working request at any time, if authorized to do so. This section describes how to set up a Helpdesk project. The Helpdesk project is set up just as any project type is set up as described in the previous section – except that when you set a Personality parameter to *HELPDESK, the Personality Defaults panel looks like this: 1/29/10 11:02:14 Personality Defaults Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . FTRQ Personality . . . . . . . . . . *HELPDESK Details mask required . . . . . Y Report mask required . . . . . Y Task synonym Accept status Reject status Review status Coordinator . F3=Exit Page 9-38 . . . . . F4=List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F12=Cancel . . . . . . . . . . Masks defined Masks defined Request X ACCEPTED R REJECTED V REVIEWED BERMANJIM F10=Valid projects 1 3 F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List USRPRF F21=System command © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The information you type on this panel controls the problem entry and messaging functions. For example, you can specify the profile name of the Project Coordinator. This might be a manager or project leader who is responsible for reviewing and assigning (or rejecting) the problems and requests. This person must either have a valid iSeries user ID or exist in the Requester file. When assigned, the Helpdesk request displays the status of the task to which it has been assigned. If conditionally accepted, the status is determined by the Accept status parameter. If it is rejected or reviewed, then the Reject status and Review status parameters determine the setting of the task status. When a problem or request is first entered, the coordinator can receive a message. Similarly, once the coordinator has assigned the request, the requester and/or the assigned resource (usually the programmer) can be sent a message automatically. Escalation table processing programs manage all such messaging. All projects have available the task escalation features that provide for automatic messaging and updating of a task, upon entry and after a specified time-interval. For more information, see the Task Escalation Processing topic on page 9-77. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-39 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks How do Helpdesk projects differ from Working projects? When you type FASTTASK on a command line or select the Add Problem/Request option on the Work with Requesters panel, you will only see those projects that have been defined as HELPDESK projects. Further, only those projects to which you are authorized will appear. If you select a HELPDESK type project on the Work with Projects panel, you will then see the View Request/Problems panel rather than the Work with Tasks panel. The Work with Tasks panel only applies to Working projects, not Helpdesk projects. Also, the functions controlled by the HELPDESK Personality defaults on the previous page are available only for Helpdesk projects. Press F1 for more about each of the fields on the panel. Wisedesk dynamic update options This panel is for specifying whether you want your Wisedesk categories to be updated whenever a new task is entered into the project system. 1/29/10 11:43:39 WISEDESK Dynamic Update Options Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project: APPR Accounts Payable Problems & Requests Dynamically update decision trees . . . . N F3=Exit F12=Cancel Y, N F21=System command To update your Wisedesk help trees each time a new task is created, type Y and press Enter. For more about Wisedesk, read the Wisedesk topic on page 9-136. For specific information about dynamic updating for Wisedesk, read the Setting up dynamic category updating topic on page 9-151. Page 9-40 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS VIEWS As described in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview section, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects supports different views or perspectives to accommodate different Projects user needs: • As Figure 3 shows, a Helpdesk person usually starts with a list of customers or requesters (see the Working with Requesters panel). • Figure 4 shows how an authorized end-user can enter problems and requests directly into the system using the FASTTASK view. S/he will find this to be a quick and efficient way of entering a request or notify you of a problem (see Working with FASTTASK on page 9-46). Similarly, once the Helpdesk person decides to enter a problem or request on behalf of a user, s/he will use this same FASTTASK facility that the end-user could be allowed to use. • As shown in Figure 5, the Project Coordinator must review pending problems and requests quickly. S/he needs an efficient means of reviewing previously entered requests and appending a new request to an old one, or assigning the new one to a Working project (see Working with WORKTASK on page 9-54). • And finally, as pictured in Figure 6, a Project Manager needs direct access to all of the Working projects for which s/he is responsible. A Programmer needs direct access to Working projects and tasks for which s/he is responsible. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-41 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with requesters (HELPDESK) As described in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview, good Helpdesk services start with identifying the person calling for help. Work with Requesters ---------------------- Filters-- View Task Add/Change Requesters ---------------------- F6/2 1 F2 View Related Tasks Work with Tasks for Requester 12 ---------------------- Wisedesk: Filters-- Work with Help Trees FASTTASK: Enter Requests or Problems Work with Escalation Queue ---------------------- Figure 3 (See the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview section for an explanation of this diagram.) Page 9-42 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The HELPDESK command, which can be placed on a menu or typed directly on a command line, displays this panel: 1/29/10 13:07:41 Work with Requesters Position to and sort by: First name . . . . __________ Requester code . . __________ 1=Add request _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Requester BURBANK BUSHNEIL CAMPBELL ELSINORE ESPNBERM HAYES NEWTON PHILLIPS SCHWARZC STANLEY 2=Change First name Karen Neil David Steve Chris Bernard Jane Ed Norman Stephen F3=Exit F6=Add requester F10=View 3 F11=View 2 Last name . Company . . Apply filters . 4=Delete 7=Comments Last name Burbank Bush Campbell Elsinore Berman Hayes Newton Phillips Schwarzcopf Stanley Your Company,Inc. YOURSYS . ____________________ . _____________________________ . Y 9=View time 12=Tasks Company Quaker Publishing BCCI Merril-Lynch UNICOM Systems ESPN Northeast Mutual Parade Systems UNICOM Systems General Motors FedReserve F8=User fields F17=Filters Phone number 703-463-8590 803-524-5540 413-848-2175 203-924-8818 503-438-6744 913-441-9989 218-945-0412 103-924-8818 213-483-8619 603-418-8821 Ext. 23 25 2 More... F12=Cancel F2=Escalation queue F18=Timesheets F21=System command Typically, this is the view that a systems or Helpdesk person would prefer to use. Starting with a list of your users or customers, you can filter by company, locations or any of a number of fields including up to four user fields that you can define yourself. For example, you could filter by department ACCT* and then type 12 next to each person in the list to view all of the requests entered on behalf of each person in that department. When you search by last name, company or any of the other fields provided, the list will be presented in the order of that search field. From the Work with Requesters panel, you can look up all of the requests for a requester or enter a new one. You can also include comments to log conversations you have had with your requesters. Of course, you can also enter a new request for the requester. When you enter a new request, you will then see the HELPDESK – Work with Projects panel (identical to FASTTASK – Work with Projects except that when entered from HELPDESK, it remembers the requester you selected and defaults to that requester’s ID when adding a request). See Working with FASTTASK on page 9-46 for more information. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-43 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks You can also press F17 and filter the list by one or more of several other criteria: 1/29/10 13:07:41 Work with Requester Your Company,Inc. YOURSYS Position to and sort by: ................................................................ : Filters : : : 1 : Company/Department . . . *ALL : : : Location . . . . . . . . *ALL : Product . . . . . . . . . *ALL : r : 72 : Release . . . . . . . . . *ALL : Maintenance level . . . . *ALL : 97 : 45 : Custom modifications . . *ALL : : 11 : F12=Cancel : 11 :..............................................................: 54 _ ESPNBERM Chris Berman ESPN 203-438-6744 _ HAYES Bernard Hayes Northeast Mutual 813-441-9989 _ NEWTON Jane Newton Parade Systems 418-945-0412 _ PHILLIPS Ed Phillips UNICOM Systems 603-924-8818 _ SCHWARZC Norman Schwarzcopf General Motors 313-483-8619 F3=Exit F6=Add requester F10=View 3 F11=View 2 F8=User fields F17=Filters Ext 213 021 25 2 More... F12=Cancel F2=Escalation queue F18=Timesheets F21=System command When you type a value in a filter field and press Enter, the requester list is sub-setted by that filter parameter. A message appears to remind you that you are viewing a sub-setted list. You can type a partial name followed by an *, as in a Company of SOFTLAND*, to see a partial list of all people that have a company that matches. What you can do: 1=Add request Add a request or problem on behalf of the requester. Equivalent to typing the FASTTASK command on a command line, this will display the FASTTASK: Work with Requests/Problems panel. See the next section for more on the FASTTASK function. 2=Change Change requester record. 3=Copy Copy an existing requester to create a new requester record for the same company/department. 4=Delete Delete a requester. 7=Comments Enter comments about interactions with the requester. 9=View time See how much time has been spent on this requester’s tasks. Page 9-44 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 12=Tasks See all of the requests related to a particular requester. See also F2 and F14. F2=Work Escalation Queue Work with the escalation queue. If you use the automatic escalation features of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, you can look up the status of pending requests in the queue. If filters are set on, then you will see only those escalation queue entries related to the requesters that match the filter criteria. See the Working with the escalation queue topic on page 9-87. F6=Add requester Add a new record to the Requester file. F8=User fields Review and change the user field definitions. Up to four Requester-related user fields can be defined for your company. 1/29/10 13:07:41 Work with Requester Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to and sort by: First name . . . . __________ Last name . . __________ Reque ................................................................ : User-Defined Field Headings : 1=Add r : : : Long heading Short heading : Requ : User-field 1 . . . Product . . . . . . . . . Product : Ext _ ANDE : User-field 2 . . . Release . . . . . . . . . Release :213 _ ANDE : User-field 3 . . . Maintenance level . . . . Maint. Lvl :021 _ ANDE : User-field 4 . . . Custom modifications . . Cust. Mods : _ ANDR : : _ ANDR : F12=Cancel : _ ANGE :..............................................................: _ ESPNBERM Chris Berman ESPN 203-438-6744 _ HAYES Bernard Hayes Northeast Mutual 813-441-9989 _ NEWTON Jane Newton Parade Systems 418-945-0412 _ PHILLIPS Ed Phillips UNICOM Systems 603-924-8818 25 _ SCHWARZC Norman Schwarzcopf General Motors 313-483-8619 2 _ STANLEY Stephen Stanley Fed Reserve 703-418-8821 F3=Exit F12=Cancel F2=Work F17=Filters EscQueue F4=List F6=Add Requester F11=View2 F10/F11=View3/View2 See additional requester data (including any user-defined fields) on alternate display panels. F17=Filters See a window from which you can set panel filters (selection criteria), including user fields, to control what you see on Work with Requesters. F18=Timesheet Enter time in your timesheet. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-45 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with FASTTASK Using FASKTASK, authorized end users or Helpdesk personnel can quickly type in problems, change requests or any other project-related tasks. Later, the Project Coordinator can quickly review the request and accept and assign it to an active Working project); reject it; or conditionally accept it, pending more information. (See WORKTASK in the following section.) FASTTASK: Enter Requests or Problems 2 1 View Assigned Tasks Details Add a Request or Problem F5 Work with Requests or Problems Filters-F6 F5=Details F2 Wisedesk: 25 7 2/5 Work with Categories for Task Escalation Queue View or Change Requests and Problems Text Search Figure 4 (Figure repeated from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview section for clarity.) UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that all project information about office procedures, status codes, priority range, and the user-defined fields be written in the project description so that all users can easily refer to it, without having to tie up the coordinator’s time with repetitive questions. We also recommend that you put the FASTTASK command on the menu for each of your FASTTASK users, using SoftMenu or other menu software. Page 9-46 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Throughout this section, you’ll see a few “generic” references on some panels. This is because FASTTASK contains many features that are tailored for your company’s specific needs. These references are: REQUEST - This appears in the title of some of the panels and in the description for some of the function keys. “Request” might become “Problem Report,” “Change Request,” or anything else that your company may want. You can set the actual title in the project definition. FIELD # - TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 provides up to ten user-defined fields for each project. You might see up to ten of these fields in the project in which you are working, depending on how many fields your coordinator decided to use. The names of the fields will also vary from project to project, depending on how the coordinator set them up. Your Company - This is a global parameter that can be set to contain your company’s name. To begin the FASTTASK function, type the command FASTTASK on a command line. (We suggest that you see your System Administrator about having FASTTASK put on your menu, and to confirm that you have been authorized to all necessary functions.) You should see the main FASTTASK Work with Projects panel: 1/29/10 10:21:20 FASTTASK -- Work with Projects Your Company, Inc. Position to Project Name:____ 1=Add a task _ _ _ _ Proj FCRQ FHPR FSPR MISC F3=Exit 2=Lookup a task 5=View project description Description Change Requests Hardware Problem Reports Software Problem Reports Miscellaneous F12=Cancel Coordinator JONESMIKE JONESMIKE RAYMOND RYLAND F21=System commands Before entering a problem or request for the first time, it is a good idea to select option 5 (View Project Description) for the Project with which you’ll be working. The project coordinator may have entered some comments that will further explain how this specific project is set up. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-47 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you can do: 1=Add a Task Type a 1 next to the appropriate project to enter a request, task, problem, or other related information. 2=Lookup a Task Type a 2 next to a project to work with requests that you have previously entered. You might do this to check on the progress of your request, to make changes to a request, to delete a request or to send a message. 5=View Project Description Type a 5 next to a project to view the project description. The project description should contain details about how you should enter requests into that project. We suggest that you choose this option before entering requests to a new project. Entering a request To enter a request, type a 1 next to the appropriate project on FASTTASK - Work with Projects. You will see this panel: 1/29/10 14:20:20 Add a Request Your Company, Inc. Project: FPPR FASTTASK/ SLS Products Problem Reports Description . . . . . . . . . . _____________________________________________ _________________________________ *Resource . . . . . . . . . . . PSCHMIDT F4=List Phip Schmidt *Status . . . . . . . . . . . . N NEW F4=List Requester . . . . . . . . . . . __________ F4=List Priority . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1 to 3 Sequence . . . ___ Date needed . . . . . . . . . . _______ Task type . . A ASAP F4=List ‘User-defined field1’ . . . . . __________ F4=List1 ‘User-defined field2’ . . . . . __________ F4=List ‘User-defined field3’ . . . . . __________ F4=List ‘User-defined field4’ . . . . . __________ F4=List ‘User-defined field5’ . . . . . _________________________ F4=List ‘User-defined field6’ . . . . . _________________________ F4=List ‘User-defined field7’ . . . . . ________ F4=List ‘User-defined field8’ . . . . . ________ F4=List ‘User-defined field9’ . . . . . ________ F4=List ‘User-defined field10’. . . . . ________ F4=List F3=Exit F4=List F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel F21=System command * Status and Resource appear only when adding a request from HELPDESK. Entering a request is a two-part process; the first is to complete this panel, the second is to enter a detailed text description of your request. You should fill in the details for every parameter, if possible, and enter a complete and accurate description of your problem or request when the Details panel appears. When you viewed the project description, there may have been information about the significance of the Status and Priority codes, and about the User-defined fields for this project. (If you haven’t checked the project description yet, press F12=Cancel, and type a 5 next to the project when you return to the original panel.) Page 9-48 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you see: Description Enter a short, meaningful description to describe your entry. Avoid abbreviations. You will have the opportunity to enter a more detailed description later. Requester At first, this field contains your user profile. If you are entering a problem report or request from a client or another user, you should type their Requester ID over your user profile, provided they are in your requester file. Press F4 to select from the list of all valid requesters. If you entered FASTTASK from the Work with Requester panel, then the default requester will be the Requester ID you selected there. Priority Enter a number in this field that falls in the range you see to the right. You must find out from your coordinator the significance of the priority code. For example, is priority 1 the highest or lowest priority? View the project details first; that may provide you with the information you need. Priority Sequence This is an optional field that lets you specify the order in which requests should be handled, when entering multiple requests of the same priority. Date needed Enter the date you need this request resolved, if applicable. Task type Enter the Task type from a list. Default is As soon as possible (ASAP). User-defined fields You may see up to ten additional fields on your panel. These are the “user-defined” fields for this project – that is, fields defined at your company when defining this project. The words “user-defined” will not appear; instead the label your Administrator gave them appears. If user-defined fields have not been specified, they will not appear. You should always complete the information in these fields. View the project details or ask your coordinator if you are not sure what information is needed. Once you’ve completed these fields, press Enter. If a details mask has been defined for this project, you will see the Project Details Entry panel. On this panel you will enter a detailed description of your request. You will probably see some information or directions on the entry “mask” on this panel. Do not type over the information in the mask. Press the F1/Help key (Scroll Lock on a PC) for information about how to enter details. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-49 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks When you finish entering a detailed description, you must press Enter to exit. You should see a message at the bottom of your panel confirming that the request or problem has been entered. You might also see a message saying that a message has been sent to the coordinator. This is pre-defined by the coordinator, depending on the priority of the task you entered. You’ll return to the Add a Task panel. If you want to enter more requests or problems for this project, do so. If you’re finished, or want to enter a request for a different project, press F3. If you want to cancel your text changes, press F12. You’ll return to the FASTTASK - Work with Projects panel. Looking up a previously entered request Select option 2 on the FASTTASK - Work with Projects panel to lookup all tasks that have been entered for a user entry project. You might do this to check on the status of prior requests; to make changes to a request; to delete a request; to view other requests; to search requests or to send a message(s) to the coordinator or person (resource) assigned to perform the task. You can also add a new task by pressing F6 and following the procedure outlined on the previous pages. 1/29/10 10:22:44 Project: FHPR Work with Requests FASTTASK/Hardware Problems Your Company, Inc. Position to task: ____ *TOP *BOT Apply filters. . . Y 2=Change 4=Delete 25=Search 10=Send message _ _ _ _ Rqst 0001 0002 0003 0004 5=View 6=Print Description Laser printer jammed Terminal flickers FAX not receiving--Comm. Error Laser printer--'fuzzy' output F17=filters 15=View assigned task Assigned Task PRTP0024 FAXP0005 + Status DONE CANCELED STARTED NEW F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Add Problem Report F2=Escalation queue F10=View 3 F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F13=Repeat F17=Filters F21=System command The Assigned Task column shows the Working task to which your request or problem was assigned (if applicable). If this column is followed by a + sign, the request resulted in more than one Working task. Your original request is just as you entered it. The assigned Working task(s) was copied from it. You can view both your original request and the assigned task(s). If more than one task was created to service a particular request, then you will see a list of the assigned tasks. If this field is blank then the task has not been assigned. The Status is the status of the assigned task unless the assigned task field is blank; then it is the original status. Your Project Administrator controls the actual status. These may have been changed on your system since TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 was installed. For each user entry project, each company can decide what the initial status, accept status, assigned status and completed status should be. Page 9-50 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you can do: Position to Task: If you know the task number you are looking for, type it here and the panel will be repositioned to the task number you enter. Use *TOP and *BOT to position to the top or bottom of the list, respectively. Apply filters Once you set filter values using F17, you can use this field to toggle them on (Y) or off (N) as necessary, to alter the list of requests you see. Refer to F17=Filters for more. 12=Assigned task Type 12 next to a task to work the assigned task(s). Once you see the task, you can press F5 to edit the text details. Note: If the status is still set to the initial status, then the task has not been reviewed yet. The requester or Helpdesk person can change or delete it. Once the coordinator has reviewed the task, you will not be able to change or delete it. Notify the coordinator by sending a message (see option 10 below) or through whatever channels your company has established. 2=Change Type 2 next to a task to change some of its information. You cannot change a task once it has been assigned to a working task. 3=Copy Type 3 next to a task to copy it – either within this project, or to another project. 4=Delete Type 4 next to a task to delete it. You should not, however, delete a task unless you are absolutely sure it should be deleted. You will only be able to delete a task you entered if the status is still set to NEW (or the equivalent). Only delete a task if you want to cancel it and it has not been reviewed or assigned yet. If it has been assigned, send a message to the coordinator to cancel it. You don’t need delete authority to the project to delete your own request before the project coordinator has reviewed it. 5=View Type 5 next to a task to view the original task. If you want to see the assigned task, select option 15. Press F5 to view the details while in View a Task. 6=Print Type 6 next to a task to print the task. You may be prompted to select a print mask first. Select the appropriate mask for your report. See your coordinator or view the project description for more details. 7=Categories Type 7 next to a task to see a list of Wisedesk categories in which it belongs. You can change the list by excluding the task from some categories and including it in others. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-51 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 10=Message Type 10 next to a task to send a message relating to that task. You’ll see the Send Project Messages panel that is discussed in greater detail later in this section. 11=Move Type an 11 next to a task to move it – either within this project or into another project. 25=Find text Type 25 next to one or more tasks to do a search based on the context of the task and text description. You can press F13 to repeat the 25 selection throughout the remaining tasks in the list (that is, from that point forward). F2=Escalation queue Press F2 to work with the escalation queue. See page 9-87 for more information. F6=Add Problem Report Press F6 to add requests to this project. This works the same as option 1 of the main panel. F17=Filters Press F17 to view and set filters (selection criteria) to only see those requests you need to see on this list. For example, you can set a Status filters to see only NEW requests or a priority filter to see only priority 1 requests. F18=Timesheet Press F18 to make a time entry on your timesheet. F21=System command Press F21 to bring up a system command line. Page 9-52 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Sending messages Type 10 next to a task on the Work with Requests panel to send a message relating to that request. 1/29/10 10:31:06 Task: FTPR0016 Send Message Your Company, Inc. A new task Profile Resource: ELSEMIKE Requester: PHILLIPS Coordinator: GIBSONGUI User ID ELMS PHILLIPS GIBSON Address MIKE ED GUITAR Send message to: User profile . . . . __________ -- and/or -User Id/Address . . __________ __________ Message . . . . . . . . . __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Key in message text and recipient and press F10 to send message. F3=Exit F10=Send F12=Cancel F21=System command The names at the top are for reference purposes. If the person to whom you are sending the message is on the same system as you, you do not need the directory address. Note that you can send the message to anyone who has a user profile on your system, or on a system in your network, accessible through a directory. You can also change the default message by typing over it. You can send messages to as many people as you want by sending a message and then repeating this step. To send the message, press F10. Press F3 or F12 to exit. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-53 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with WORKTASK The WORKTASK function allows the project coordinator to quickly and easily review, accept, assign, or reject requests that were made using FASTTASK. When a task is assigned, it is copied to one or more Working projects and assigned to a resource. The Helpdesk person or user can view the original request to view and track the progress of the Working task(s) that might have additional information appended to it. (Figure repeated from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview section for clarity.) WORKTASK: Work with Requests and Problems 1 Change or View a Task 2 Work with Escalation Queue Work with Pending Requests and Filters-Problems F2 1 Task Details 11 Escalation Queue 12 Review Requests Work with Assigned Tasks Filters-- 1=Append Request or Problem F2 F16 Assign to Working Projects 23, 24 Work with Category Tasks Work with Categories WISEDESK: Work with Help Trees 1 Send Messages To: Requester Assigned Resource Edit Details Assign Resource Page 9-54 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We recommend that you read through this section before setting up your Helpdesk projects, so that you’ll have a better idea about what additional information your users will need. We also recommend that you use the expanded project text description to convey information about the project that the FASTTASK users may need. This information might include a description of status codes set for this project; the priority code range, and its significance; the user-defined fields, the entry and report masks you may be using, and how they’re to be used, and the priority codes that will result in messages being sent. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-55 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Reviewing tasks On a command line enter the command WORKTASK, or select it from your menu. 56 9/20/94 10:21:20 WORKTASK - Work with Projects Your Company, Inc. Position to Project Name:____ 1=Review all _ _ _ _ Proj FCRQ FHPR FSPR MISC 2=Lookup tasks 5=View description Description FASTTASK/Change Requests FASTTASK/Hardware Problem Reports FASTTASK/Software Problem Reports Miscellaneous F3=Exit F12=Cancel Coordinator PSHIFTY ELSINORE PSHIFTY PSHIFTY F21=System command The initial panel is WORKTASK - Work with Projects. This panel shows you all of the projects that have been defined as user entry projects along with the profile names of their respective coordinators. There are three ways that you can review tasks. • Press F2 to Work with Escalation Queue and view pending requests or problems in order by priority, as they are presented to you on that queue. (See the section entitled Working with the escalation queue on page 9-87.) • Select option 1 to cycle through and review all of the requests and problems for the project that have not been reviewed yet. • Select option 2 to see a list of all tasks for a project. There you can choose from various options on that panel. • Select option 5 to view the Helpdesk project description, if available. Regardless of which method you choose, the process works the same, so we will only discuss option 2=Lookup task. 56 If you have included it on your menu. Page 9-56 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with requests 57 Type a 2 next to a project to lookup tasks for that project. 1/29/10 11:22:44 Project: Work with Requests Your Company, Inc. FHPR FASTTASK/Hardware Problem Reports Position to task: ____ *TOP *BOT Apply filters. . . N F17=Filters 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 9=View time 10=Message 11=Move 12=Assigned task 25=Find text 1-Review _ _ _ _ Task 0001 0002 0003 0004 Description Laser printer jammed Terminal flickers FAX not receiving--Comm. Error Laser printer--'fuzzy' output Assigned Task PRTP0024 FAXP0005 Status DONE CANCELED STARTED NEW F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Add Problem Report F2=Escalation queue F7=Review All F10=View 3 F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F13=Repeat F18=Timesheet F21=System command What you can do: Position to task If you know the number of the task you are looking for, enter it here, and the panel will be repositioned to that task. Apply filters Once you specify filter values, you can toggle them on (Y) or off (N) as necessary, to alter the list of requests you see. (For more information, see F17=Filters.) 1=Review Type a 1 next to a task to review it. See below for more. 2=Change Type a 2 next to a task to change the original Helpdesk task. 57 You can set Requests to any literal value you want it to be when you define your project. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-57 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 3=Copy Type a 3 to copy the request from one project to another. Copy rules are: • *WORKING to *HELPDESK project – Task created looks “new”. It is given the initial tasks status for that project, and escalation entries are processed if defined. Task will appear if Review All is selected. • *WORKING to *WORKING – Task is copied; no escalation processing is performed. • *HELPDESK to *HELPDESK – For copies, same as *WORKING to *HELPDESK. For moves, if the task has already been assigned, then the task and all its assignments are “moved”. The task is not made to appear as a new task. Escalation entries are not processed. If the task has not been assigned, then a move is treated the same as a copy. • *HELPDESK to *WORKING – A copy is performed; however “attachments” which existed for the HELPDESK task, if it had been assigned, are not copied or moved. 4=Delete Type a 4 next to a task to delete it. 5=View Type a 5 next to a task to view it. Once there, press F5 to view the details. 6=Print Type a 6 next to a task to print out a report. You’ll be prompted to select a report mask if more than one has been assigned to this project. 7=Categories Type 7 next to a task to see a list of Wisedesk categories in which it belongs. You can change the list by excluding the task from some categories and including it in others. 10=Send message Type a 10 next to a task to send a message relating to that task. See below for a more. 11=Move Type a 11 next to a task to move that task. (For Copy rules, see 3=Copy above.) 12=Assigned task Type a 15 next to a task to view the assigned task. Once there press F5 to view the details. 25=Find text Type a 25 next to a task to search the task description and detail test for a particular character string. You will be prompted for the search string. F2=Escalation queue Press F2 to view requests or problems pending on the escalation queue in order by priority, as they are presented to you on that queue. (See the Working with the escalation queue topic on page 9-87.) Page 9-58 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks F6=Add Request / Problem report Press F6 if you want to add a task to this project. F7=Review all Press F7 if you want to review all pending requests for this Helpdesk project. F10=View 2/F11=View 3 Press F10 and F11 to see additional information about the tasks in alternate views. F13=Repeat Press F13 to repeat an option down the list of request to the end of the list. F17=Filters Press F17 to view and set filters (selection criteria) so that you see only those requests you need to see in the list. For example, you can set a Status filter to see only NEW requests or a priority filter to see only priority 1 requests. .......................................................................... : : Filters : : : Requester ............ *ALL F4=List : : Status ............... *ALL F4=List : : Entered by ........... *ALL : : Date entered ......... 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 : : Assigned resource .... *ALL F4=List : : Start date ........... 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 A P=Planned, A=Actual : : End date ............. 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 A P=Planned, A=Actual : : TurnOver subsystem ... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : F12=Cancel : :........................................................................: F18=Timesheet Press F18 to enter time in your timesheet. F21=System command Press F21 to work with a command line. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-59 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Reviewing a request Type a 1 next to a task listed on Work with Requests to review it. 1/29/10 10:21:43 Review a Request Your Company, Inc. Project: FHPR FASTTASK/Hardware Problem Reports Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0019 Status . . . NEW Description . . . . . . . . . . A test request delete it. Resource . . Status . . . Requester . . Priority . . Date needed . ‘User-defined ‘User-defined ‘User-defined ‘User-defined ‘User-defined ‘User-defined ‘User-defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . field1’ field2’ field3’ field4’ field5’ field6’ field7’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSCHMIDT V Reviewed MARSSTELLA 1 to 3 3 0/00/00 F4=List Phil Schmidt F4=List F4=List Stella Mars Sequence . . . ___ Task type . . A ASAP F4=List1 F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List More... F2=Assign F11=Reject F13=Accept F9=Print F10=Addl. Parms F16=Wisedesk F3=Exit F5=Edit details F7=Requester comments F12=Cancel F21=System command The Review a Request 58 is the same panel as the Add a Request panel on which the user entered the task, with two notable exceptions. A Task identifier and the task Status now appear on this panel. The coordinator can do one of the following: • Press F2 to assign the request to a Working project (see below). • Press F5 to view or change the text details for the request. • Press F7 to view any requester comments that may have been entered by the Helpdesk person. • Press F9 to print the request. • Press F10 to view additional parameters (not shown). • Press F11 to reject the request. You will be prompted to send a message to the requester. • Press F12 to cancel any changes you may have made to the request, and either proceed to the next one or return to the Work with Projects panel. • Press F13 to accept the request without assigning it (the status changes to ACCEPT but no other changes are made automatically). • Press F16 to start Wisedesk and search for related duplicate tasks. 58 You can set Request to be any literal value you want it to be. Page 9-60 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Initially the Resource field is set to *NONE. You can enter a valid resource name before proceeding, if you like, or you can wait until you assign the task to a new project. Some people assign the resource to a project manager who will reassign it later to a programmer in his/her group. The initial Status assigned to the task is specified in the project definition. The status automatically changes when you take some action. You do not have to set the Status manually unless you want to override the automatic change of value. Parameters in the project definition determine the values. If you take no action, the status will be set to the Initial review status. If you accept the task, the status is set to the Accept status. If you reject the task, the task is set to the Reject status. If you assign the request to a Working project, the status becomes Assigned. [This field is input capable, however, and if you manually set the status yourself before taking any action, the status will not be changed automatically. This feature was included so that you could have more than one Reject status to provide more information about why you rejected a task – to “soften the blow.” For example, your normal Reject status might be Rejected. In some cases a request may have already been solved for someone else and you may want to return a status of Duplicate along with a note in the details as to which task to see for the solution.] Note that, once a request is assigned, subsequent changes will be made to the assigned task(s), not the original request. Look at the assigned task(s) to view current status and details. Look at the original request if there are questions about the original request. In the project definition, you can define up to ten User-defined fields. These will appear only if they are defined for the project. For more about what happens when a request or task is updated, see the Task escalation processing topic on page 9-77. What you can do: Enter If no action is to be taken, press Enter to update and exit from the panel. The Status is set to the Initial review status. If you’re Reviewing All you see the next request. F2=Assign Press F2 to assign the request to one or more Working projects. Any changes you have made before pressing F2 will be updated. You have several options to choose from when assigning tasks. The process is outlined in detail on page 9-63. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! Any data entered in the user-defined fields in the Helpdesk task is copied into the user-defined fields for the newly assigned Working task, if the same fields are defined for that project. Therefore, you should consider carefully how you name and use these fields. They should be used consistently between your Helpdesk projects and Working projects. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-61 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks F3=Exit Press F3 to exit without update. The Status will be set to Initial review status. If you are Reviewing All, you will exit and return to the initial WORKTASK panel. F5=Edit Details Press F5 to view or edit the text details that the requester entered. We recommend that you attach a brief statement to the end of the details to explain the actions you’ve taken to the requester. If you’re assigning the request, you may also want to include additional instructions for the person (resource) to whom you have assigned the request. When you exit from the Edit Details panel, you will return to this panel. F6=Print Press F6 to print out a copy of the details. You may be prompted to select a report mask, if more than one is assigned to this project. F11=Reject request Press F11 to reject the request. Any changes you have made will be updated. The status will be set to the Reject status defined for the Project unless you manually set a status before rejecting. F12=Cancel Press F12 to proceed without update. Works the same as Enter, except if you’ve entered some changes, such as Resource, those changes will not be saved. In Review All, you will proceed to the next task. The request status will be set to Reviewed status. F13=Accept only Press F13 to conditionally accept a request. Any changes you have made will be updated. To conditionally accept a request means that you have accepted the request, but have not yet decided where and/or to whom to assign the request. The status will be set to the Accept status defined for the Project unless you manually set it before accepting the request. Page 9-62 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Assigning a Request When you assign a request to a Working project, you have several choices: 1. You can assign the request to one task of a Working project. One Working task is created in the project you selected. 2. You can assign the request as a subtask of another Working task. A subtask is created is created under the project task you selected. 3. You can append the request to an existing Working task or subtask, as in the case where more than one person reports a particular problem and the Working task has already been assigned. 4. You can assign the request to more than one Working task in more than one project, as in the case where a problem impacts more than one project. For example, a problem requires that programming fixes be done in the AP project and the AR project. 5. Any combination of these conditions. To assign a task, use F2 while you review requests within WORKTASK, as described on page 9-56. This pop-up panel appears: 1/29/10 11:21:30 Review a Problem Report Project: FTPR FASTTASK/Problem Reports Your Company, Inc. Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0019 Status . . . NEW Descrip ...................................................... : Assign Task : Request : : rs Priorit : To project . . . . . . APPR F4=Select : Priorit : : Date ne : : Task ty : : TurnOve : : List : : : F4=Select project F12=Cancel F16=Wisedesk : : : :....................................................: F2=Assign F11=Reject F13=Accept F3=Exit F5=Edit details F7=Requester comments F12=Cancel F21=System command You can either accept the default project, type in another one, or press F4 to select from a list, as shown on the next panel. (Notice that you can also press F16 to start Wisedesk and search for related tasks. For more information, see the Wisedesk topic on page 9-136.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-63 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Using the list, you can now select one or more projects to which to add the request; or you can work with tasks in any one of the Working projects and either assign the request to an existing Working task, create one or more Working subtasks, or assign the request as a new Working task to the project. 1/29/10 14:49:01 Assign Task - Select Project Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to project . . . . 1=Add task 12=Work with Tasks Proj 12 APPR __ OFC __ TP40 Description Demo Project sample problem reports Project with *OFFICE editor TURNOVER® for iSeries Release 4.0 Problems F3=Exit F12=Cancel Bottom F21=System command If you select one of the Working projects with option 12, then you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 15:01:45 Project . . . APPR Assign Task - Select Task Your Company, Inc. Position to task . . . . ______ Apply filters . . . . . Y *TOP, *BOT F17=Select 1=Assign as subtask 2=Add to existing task/subtask 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 12=Change 13=Details 15=Original tasks 25=Find text _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Task 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 Description Fix check-writing program: This is a sam Add status field to Vendor File Test task 3 Test task 4 Test task 5 Test task 6 Add status field to Vendor File Test task 13 Update sales tax tables This is a big problem This is a trivial problem F3=Exit F5=Refresh F10=View 3 F11=View 2 Page 9-64 Resource ELMSMIKE TURNOVER MARKPHIL MARKPHIL MARKPHIL MARKPHIL TURNOVER MARKPHIL MARKPHIL PSCHMIDT PSCHMIDT Status ASSIGNED ASSIGNED IN-QA ASSIGNED ASSIGNED ASSIGNED CANCEL DONE ASSIGNED ASSIGNED ASSIGNED More... F6=Add task F7=Control files F8=Assign to project F12=Cancel F13=Repeat F21=Command line F24=More keys © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Pty 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you can do: • Select a task with option 1 to assign the request to an existing task as a subtask. • Select a task with option 2 to append the Helpdesk task to it. • Press F17 to supply values for subsetting the list. • Select a task with option 25=Find text to search the Working tasks for a task that is similar or identical to the request you are reviewing. If you find one, then you can append the request to that Working task with option 2. • If you do not find a related task, or the task status indicates that the one you were looking for is closed or completed, then press F6 to add a new Working task based on the request being reviewed. If the choice you make results in adding a new Working task, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 16:18:50 Assign a Task Your Company, Inc. Project: APPR Demo Project sample problem reports Description . . . . . . . . . . Testing Helpdesk panels Resource . . . . Status . . . . . Requester . . . . Application . . . Release . . . Version . . . Priority . . . . Priority sequence Duration . . . . Start date . . . End date . . . . Date needed . . . Date promised . . Task type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSCHMIDT A ASSIGNED ASPINMAY AP __ __ 2 Planned: Planned: Planned: 0/00/00 0/00/00 A ASAP F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List Pat Schmidt May Aspin 1 to 3 0/00/00 0/00/00 Actual: Actual: Actual: Units: H 0/00/00 0/00/00 F4=List More... F3=Exit F4=List F7=Requester comments F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel F21=System command When you press Enter you can edit the task details. When you return to Work with Requests, you will see that the task status is now assigned and the Assigned Task field contains the Working task ID. At any time, you can see all of the assigned tasks associated with a Helpdesk request and vice versa. Read more about task relationships on the next page. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-65 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks More About Associating Requests and Assigned Tasks A HELPDESK task can be associated with many WORKING tasks, and vice versa. For example, A user enters request RQST0001 on September 4th. It requires action by two project teams. As project coordinator, Bill reviews the request and assigns it to the two appropriate WORKING projects, APPR and OEPR, as tasks APPR0043 and OEPR0068. If you now looked up HELPDESK task RQST0001 using option 2 from WORKTASK, 59 you would see by the plus (+) sign next to the task that it is assigned to more than one WORKING task. If you select the task with option 12, you can see a list of all the WORKING tasks associated with this request – in this case, you would see APPR0043 and OEPR0068. Helpdesk Task Working Tasks Request RQST0001 Task APPR0043 Task OEPR0068 Now, suppose request RQST0012 is entered on September 6th. It is reported by another user and is a duplicate of request RQST0001. When Bill reviews the request, he recognizes it as a duplicate, and selects F16=Wisedesk to search for the request he’s already reviewed. (Wisedesk in turn remembers which task Bill is reviewing now.) When he finds it, he selects it with option 12 to remind himself which task(s) he assigned it to. Still within Wisedesk, Bill looks up the two assigned tasks, and selects both with Wisedesk option 24 to append to each the task he was reviewing. Now you can select either WORKING task with Wisedesk option 12 and see that it now has two originating HELPDESK tasks: RQST0001 and RQST0012. Helpdesk Task Working Tasks Request RQST0001 Task APPR0043 Request RQST0002 Task OEPR0068 59 You can also view task relationships from Work with Tasks option 15, or from Wisedesk’s Work with Tasks in Category option 12. Page 9-66 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Sending messages If you press F10 to send a message, or later if you select the send message option on Work with Requests panel, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 16:31:03 Task: FTPR0009 Send Message Your Company, Inc. New task Profile Resource: MARKPHIL Requester: MARKPHIL Coordinator: GIBSON User ID Address MARKPHIL S1014706 MARKPHIL S1014706 GIBSON S1014706 Send message to: User profile . . . . __________ -- and/or -User Id/Address . . __________ __________ Message . . . . . . . . . __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Key in message text and recipient and press F10 to send message. F3=Exit F10=Send F12=Cancel F21=System command The panel displays the requester’s, resource’s, and coordinator’s user profiles and directory addresses, for your reference. You can send messages to anyone who has a user profile on your system or a directory address on your network. • Type a profile or directory address and a message; then press F10 to send the message. You can repeat this step to send messages to as many users as you want. • Press F3 or F12 to exit. When you return to the Work with Requests panel, the status of the original Helpdesk request is set to the status of the assigned task. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-67 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks WORKING WITH TASKS AND SUBTASKS As a project leader or developer, you will view projects and tasks from the perspective of Work with Projects (option 9 on TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Main Menu). As described in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview section, Working projects, in contrast to Helpdesk projects, contain all of the tasks on which a developer will work. You will select a Working project, display the associated tasks assigned to you and get to work to complete them. The following panel 60 ((Figure map shows the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 functions that support this process. repeated from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Overview section for clarity.) Work with Projects Filters-- 5 F2 Change/View Tasks Work with Tasks Work with Escalation Queue Filters-- F20 F16 20 Search or View Assigned Tasks 25 Escalation Queue 15 Wisedesk: View Originating Requests Work with Worklists Work with Help Trees Filters-- Categories 1 Cat. Tasks Programmer Worklist 20 Filters-32 PDM™ • • • • F20 F15 / 15 X-Ref DB Pathfinder™ Abstract/Probe™ TURNO VER® X-ref SEU/SDA™… CODE/400™ FLEX/EDIT™ 60 The data and rules for adding or changing tasks also apply to subtasks. Only tasks are discussed here. Page 9-68 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The Work with Tasks panel When you select an option to work with tasks on your Work with Project panel, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 17:48:13 Project . . . APPR Work with Tasks F4=List Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to priority . . ____ *TOP, *BOT Apply filters . . . . . Y F17=Select 1=Add subtask 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 9=View time 11=Move 13=Details 14=Authority 15=Original task 20=PWM 25=Find text ... Status REVIEWED REVIEWED REVIEWED REJECTED REVIEWED REVIEWED REVIEWED REVIEWED REVIEWED REVIEWED REVIEWED More... F3=Exit F4=List F5=Refresh F6=Add task F7=Control files F8=All projects F10=View 4 F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F13=Repeat F23=More options F24=More keys __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Task 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0010 0011 0014 0015 0018 0020 Description Application distribution fails if applic Nickname field in Requester file is shor XREF did not grab a pgm to be COPR'd bec Reserve Object Name allowed invalid name CHKINOBJ does not recognize if source ha Form Reapproval Error FASTTASK tasks statuses are not being se Source Checkout Problem Upgrade bombs if SOFTTURN is not in ASP Can't apply TO Changes to Remote systems Received error MCH0603 when printing a p Resource BERNARDS ELMSMIKE SANDSAMY ELMSMIKE BERNARDS *NONE SANDSAMY ELMSMIKE SANDSAMY BERNARDS *NONE Pty 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 More options … 16=Forms 17=Checkout 18=Object history 7=Categories 19=Test plan 22=Audit history ... More Keys … F3=Exit F9=View project F17=Filters F18=Timesheet F20=PWM F21=Command line F10=View 4 F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F2=Esc. Queue F16=Wisedesk F24=More keys You can jump to another project by typing the project code in the Project parameter or by pressing F8=All projects or entering *ALL in the project code to see all tasks for all projects. Besides selecting a particular task to view or update, this panel has some powerful filtering and search capabilities that enable you to look up a task quickly, as might be the case when you need to find a previously resolved problem that you want to review. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-69 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks If you press F17=Filters, you see the Filter Selections dialog box. Here you can specify selection criteria so you see just those tasks you need to see at any given time. ............................................................................ : Filter Selections : : : : Filters: : : Resource ............. *ALL Status ............... *ALL : Appl/Rel/Ver ......... *ALL : : Requester ............ *ALL : Priority ............. _ 1 to 3 : : Start date ........... 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 A A=Actual, P=Planned : : : End date ............. 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 A A=Actual, P=Planned : : Date entered ......... 0/00/00 to 99/99/99 : : : : : : : : : : Application function . : : : : Date Reported ........ : : Entered by ........... 1=Task, 2=Resource, 3=Priority : : Sort by: 2 : : : F4=List F12=Cancel : : : :..........................................................................: Note: The Application function field is an example of a user-defined field. For example: 1. Suppose you want to see all of the tasks added this month that are assigned to you. You can set the Resource filter to your profile name and set the Date entered range to this month. Press Enter. 2. Suppose you want to see the status of only the high-priority tasks. Set the Priority filter appropriately. Press Enter. 3. Suppose you wanted to see all of the tasks completed this year on behalf of a particular customer or user (requester). Set the Requester filter to the customer’s Requester ID (press F4 to see a list if you don’t know the ID) and set the End date range to this year followed by an A for Actual time. Press Enter. 4. You can quickly change back to the unfiltered state, without clearing the filters, by setting the Apply filters parameter on the Work with Tasks panel to N. 5. Suppose you want to see all of the tasks that are completed and have to do with the order entry customer address maintenance process. If you often need to search for such a category, we recommend setting up a User-defined field for your projects. In this example, you might call the field Application function, as our panel shows (previous page). You could set up a table of acceptable values that could be used to verify the field during data entry. If you had done so, then you would see this user field in the Filters dialog box and be able to filter on a keyword such as “Address updates”. You could set the Status filter to D for done (or the equivalent status code on your system.) Then you would see all tasks that meet those criteria. Page 9-70 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you can do: 1=Add subtask You can add one or more subtasks to any task. A good rule-of-thumb is that you should reduce a task to two or more subtasks if the task is too large for one person to do alone. A good objective for maximum accountability is that each task should be the responsibility of just one person. 2=Change Type 2 next to a task or subtask to view and change the task. (Shown in the next section.) 3=Copy Type 3 next to a task or subtask to copy it in order to create a new, similar task or subtask. 4=Delete Type 4 next to a task or subtask to delete it. You must have project delete authority. 5=View Type 5 next to a task or subtask to view the task or subtask details. 6=Print Type 6 next to a task or subtask to print it. You will be prompted for print command parameters. If the task you are printing is associated with more than one requester, a list of related requesters appears so you can choose those for whom you want to print copies. You can include copies for any unrelated requesters you want to notify. If you don’t select any requesters, a single copy prints. If your report mask includes requester information, the copies will be “personalized.” 7=Categories Type 7 next to a task to see a list of Wisedesk categories in which it belongs. You can change the list by excluding the task from some categories and including it in others. 9=View time Type 9 next to a task or subtask to view time reported against that task. See the section entitled Entering Time Using the On-Line Timesheet on page 9-112. 11=Move Type 11 next to a task or subtask to move it to another project or task (respectively). 13=Details Type 13 next to a task or subtask to edit the text detail description for that task or subtask. 14=Authority Type 14 next to a task to edit the task authority. Unless specifically changed by you, the authority settings for the task are identical to those for the project. (See the section entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Authority on page 9-18.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-71 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 15=Original task Type 15 next to a task to view original Helpdesk requests. When a request or problem is entered into TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 from the HELPDESK or the FASTTASK Helpdesk function, it remains in the Helpdesk project after it is assigned to a Working project. One request can result in one or more Working tasks. Also, several users may have reported one Working task; therefore, one Working task will fix more than one request. Option 15 lets you view all of those original requests. If the task did not derive from a Helpdesk request, then you’ll see a message “This task not derived from a Helpdesk request.” (See More about Associating Request and Working Tasks on page 9-66.) 16=Forms Type 16 next to a task or subtask entry to view all of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms (promotion jobs) related to that task. 17=Checkout Type 17 to view any system objects currently checked out with work in process that are related to the task. (From there, press F11 to see checked out IFS objects for this task.) 18=Object history Type 18 adjacent to a project or task to view all object change history for the task selected. 19=Test plan Type 19 next to a task to view the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 test plan associated with that task. 61 The test plan lists the TestBench™ tests that will need to be run to test the changes for the task. 20=PWM Type 20 to create or work with a Programmer’s Worklist associated with the task. A worklist is a list of objects that are to be changed or created to complete the task. (For more information about PWM, see Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM) on page 9-116.) 22=Audit history Type 22 to view all project change history for the task selected. The project’s Audit project changes parameter (in the Project Description) must have been set to Y. 25=Find text Type 25 next to several tasks or subtasks to search the task descriptions and text details for a specific text string. You’ll be prompted for the search string. To limit your search time, we recommend that you set filters first, and then search only the tasks that meet the filter criteria. F6=Add task Press F6 to add a new task (see the next section for illustration of add/change a task panels). 61 To work with a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 test plan, you must have the TestBench product installed on your system. If you do not have TestBench installed on your system, when you attempt to access a test plan, you will see the message “TestBench files not found.” For detailed information about the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TestBench interface, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Interface guide entitled Using the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TestBench Interface. Page 9-72 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks F7=Control Files Press F7 to access a menu to view or change certain control file information in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. You must have specific authority to do so. (See Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects Control Files on page 9-88.) F8=All projects Press F8 to view all tasks for all projects. F10/F11=View 2/View3 Press F10 or F11 to see alternate task views that include, among other things, user-defined task fields. F13=Repeat If you type an option and then press F13, the option will be replicated for every task/sub-task in that project from that position on. If you have filters applied, it will only repeat the option for the filtered tasks and subtasks. F16=Wisedesk Press F16 to start Wisedesk and go to the Work with Help Trees panel. You can use help trees to search for information about problems, requests, or tasks and to add new tasks in projects to which you are authorized. F18=Timesheet Press F18 to enter timesheet information. See the section entitled Entering Time Using the On-Line Timesheet on page 9-113. (Alternate path: TIMESHEET command.) F20=PWM Press F20 to view and work with your list of Programmer Worklists. You’ll then see the Work with Programmer Worklists panel. For more about PWM, see Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM) on page 9-116. (Alternate path: STRPWM command.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-73 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Adding and changing a task When you press F6 on the Work with Tasks panel, you’ll view the Add a Task panel. If you select a task with option 1, you’ll see the Add a Subtask panel. (The Change a Task and Change a Subtask panels are identical to their corresponding add panels, except for the titles.) If your project definition parameter, Auto assign task numbers, is No, you’ll be required to type a four character task ID; otherwise this will be generated for you. 1/29/10 13:10:06 Task . . . . . . Description . . . is not active Resource . . . . Status . . . . . Requestor . . . . Application . . . Release . . . Version . . . Priority . . . . Priority sequence Duration . . . . Start date . . . End date . . . . Date needed . . . Date promised . . Task type . . . . Add a Task Project: APPR Accounts Payable Project Your Company, Inc. . . . . . . . 0001 . . . . . . . Application distribution fails if Remote system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHMIDTP V REVIEWED SLAWSONJIM AP F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List 2 1 to 3 Phil Schmidt Jim Slawson Planned: 12.00 Actual: 13.00 Planned: 12/01/02 Actual: 12/04/02 Planned: 12/31/02 Actual: 0/00/00 1/02/03 12/31/02 F4=List A ASAP Units: H More... F3=Exit F4=List F7=Requester comments F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel F21=System command Note: Notice that the function keys at the bottom of the Add a Task panel are different from those on the Change a Task panel. For a description of these function keys, see the online Help. 1/29/10 13:12:26 Task . . . . . . Description . . . is not active Resource . . . . Status . . . . . Requestor . . . . Application . . . Release . . . Version . . . Priority . . . . Priority sequence Duration . . . . Start date . . . End date . . . . Date needed . . . Date promised . . Task type . . . . Change a Task Project: APPR Accounts Payable Project Your Company, Inc. . . . . . . . 0001 . . . . . . . Application distribution fails if Remote system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHMIDTP V REVIEWED SLAWSONJIM AP F4=List F4=List F4=List F4=List 2 1 to 3 Phil Schmidt Jim Slawson Planned: 12.00 Actual: 13.00 Planned: 12/01/02 Actual: 12/04/02 Planned: 12/31/02 Actual: 0/00/00 1/02/03 12/31/02 F4=List A ASAP Units: H More... F3=Exit F4=List F5=Edit details F6=Add subtask F7=Requester comments F8=View time F9=Print F10=Additional parms. F12=Cancel F24=More keys More Keys … F3=Exit F4=List F5=Edit details F6=Add subtask F7=Requester comments F8=View time F9=Print F19=Test Plan F21=System Command F24=More keys Page 9-74 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Most of the defaults that you see and rules governing what information you can enter here are supplied by the project definition. For example: 1. The Resource name might default to a particular profile name, but in our example, it is set to *NONE with the assumption that you will assign it appropriately. 2. The rules for entering a requester are determined by the Project definition. They can be set to require that it be a user profile; a Requester ID selected from the Requester file, or both a profile and a Requester ID. 3. The Application, Release, and Version fields are also determined by the Project definition. Normally, each project or task will relate to only one application. See UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends on the next page. 4. If User-defined fields have been included, then these must be entered according to the edit rules or tables specified when they were defined in the project definition. 5. Test libraries might default to specific names, but in our example, they are blank with the assumption that you are supplying test library names in your application definition. If the application definition test libraries were set to *PROJECT, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 would look to these fields for the names of the appropriate test libraries. (If you ARE supplying this information in your application definition, then you should leave these fields blank.) Refer to the online Help for more about each of these examples. What you can do: F4=List Press F4 where appropriate to see a list of valid entries for the corresponding field. F5=Edit details (Change only) Press F5 to view, edit, or enter text details about the task. 62 F6=Add subtask (Change only) Press F6 to add a subtask entry subordinate to the current task entry. F7=Requester comments Press F7 to read any comments the requester included when the task was created. F8=View time (Change only) Press F8 to view the time logged for this task. 62 When entering task details, you can press F2 to stamp your entry with a comment header containing a date and time. You can customize this comment header by renaming program object SOFTTURN/TURRBRCH to TURRBRCHX (or some such), then copying our sample comment header program SOFTTURN/ARPGLESRC(TURRBRCH2) into a location in your system library list. Rename it to TURRBRCH, modify it as desired (our sample adds a prefix of dashes to the comment header), and compile it. As long as your version resides in your system library list, it will not get replaced when you upgrade or apply changes. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-75 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks F9=Print (Change only) Press F9 to print the task. F10=Additional parameters Press F10 to view additional fields if not already displayed (not illustrated here). F12=Cancel Press F12 to cancel entry and return to the Work with Tasks panel. F19=Test Plan (Change only) Press F19 to work with the test plan for this task. F21=System command Press F21 to display a window into which you can type an iSeries command. F24=More keys (Change only) Press F24 to display additional function keys. Enter When you finish creating or changing the task details, press Enter. You must press Enter again to finish adding the task. If adding a task, you will then go to the Details Entry panel, if these are required for your project (as determined by the project definition). UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends If you need more than one person assigned to a task, consider dividing it into two or more tasks or adding subtasks. For best accountability, we recommend that only one person be responsible for a task. You can copy a task (option 3 on the Work with Projects panel) to create a new task or subtask. Similarly, if a task relates to more than one application, we suggest that you divide it into two or more subtasks, each of which relates to a single application. These may or may not be assigned to the same resource (developer). After adding or reviewing a task Once a task has been created, you can start work by selecting option 20=PWM on the Work with Tasks panel to create a Programmer Worklist and start to work. (See Programmer Worklist Manager (PWM) on page 9-116 or see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide.) Page 9-76 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks TASK ESCALATION PROCESSING An overview Whether a project is a Helpdesk project or a Working project, you can define whether its tasks should be automatically escalated after a certain time interval if no progress has taken place. When a task is escalated, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 takes certain actions (which you define) to prompt immediate response from some responsible person. The actions taken might be to send messages, change the task status, change the task priority, run one or more commands to perform a particular function, or some combination of these. For example, you might have a problem that was entered as priority 3 (in a range of 1 to 3, where 3 is high). The rule you establish might be that if the task hasn’t been changed in four hours, send messages to a product manager and systems manager and then reset the timer to wake-up and send reminders every two hours. Assume that work on this same task had been started. Monitoring could continue. If no activity was recorded for a specified period of time, messages could be sent again. It is possible to have the status or priority updated automatically during the escalation process. The information used to manage task escalation includes information about the Task itself, and the project’s escalation table that defines the rules and actions for each combination of priority and status. Besides being subject to the actions defined in the escalation table, tasks can be reported on the Task Aging Report, a report that can tell you which tasks need attention, and how long certain tasks have been on the escalation queue. Besides providing aging information for each task, a summary version of this report provides you with valuable statistics of numbers of tasks in each aging threshold. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-77 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Task escalation: how it works Updating the escalation queue An escalation queue (ESCQ) is used to monitor all of the tasks for which escalation-monitoring rules apply. Only tasks that meet certain criteria, as defined in the project’s escalation table, are included in the escalation queue. Here’s how it works: 1. A task or subtask is created or updated. The fields in the task file that are monitored for change include: Status Priority Date promised Duration Projected completion date 2. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks for an entry in the escalation table (see The escalation table on page 9-80, keyed by Priority and Task status) 3. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 calculates the wake-up date and time 4. Is there a matching escalation table entry? Yes. Did the task priority and/or status change? No. Calculate the wake-up date and time. Update the wake-up date, time. Yes. Delete the queue entry for this task. Update the wake-up date and time. Add a new queue entry for this task. No. Is there already an entry on the escalation queue for this task? Yes. Delete the task escalation queue entry. If the task status and/or priority has changed and there is no matching entry in the escalation table, the task is removed from the escalation queue and will no longer be monitored. Page 9-78 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Calculating a wake-up date/time 63 The calculation of the wake-up date and time depends one of these variables: Escalation Interval (from escalation table) Alarm Interval (from the escalation table) Due date from task record Estimated completion date Estimated Duration from the task record If Due date is blank and Estimated completion date is blank Wake-up date/time = Todate + Escalation-time-interval - Alarm-days/hrs - Duration-days/hrs If Due date is < Estimated completion date, then If Due date is not blank, Wake-up date/time equals Due date/time - Alarm-days/hrs - Duration days/hrs Else If Estimated completion date is not blank, Wake-up date/time equals Due date/time - Alarm-days/hrs - Duration days/hrs Example 1: (time of day on due date assumed to be 0800hrs or .333) Todays date 94100.333 (julian) Escalation interval +10.000 (days) Duration 16 hrs (default=7/day) -2.183 (days) Alarm interval (24 hrs) -1.000 (days) Wake up date/time 94107.150 (or 4/17/94 at 03:36) Example 2: (time of day on due date assumed to be 0800hrs or .333) Due date 94100.333 (julian) Est. Duration 16 hrs (default=7/day) -2.183 (days) Alarm interval (24 hrs) -1.000 (days) Wake up date/time 94097.150 (or 4/07/94 at 03:36) Task escalation processing flow A task is added to a project and, after checking the escalation table, an entry is made on the escalation queue. At periodic intervals, the escalation processing program – which is set to run as an autostart job 64 – wakes up and checks the escalation queue, as follows: Is any task’s Wake-up date-time >= (greater than or equal) current date-time? Yes. Look up action in escalation table. Do the defined action(s). When an escalation queue entry is added or updated on the escalation queue, it is set to indicate whether the next wake-up date-time is to send an Alarm or to Escalate the entry. 63 The actual date calculations are based on days since January 1, 0000. Julian dates used here are for illustration only. 64 See the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25) for information about how to set up an autostart job to run the Start Escalation queue command: TSTRESCQ. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-79 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The escalation table Escalation rules are specified on the Work with Escalation Table panel, which you can access using option 10 on the Project Control Files menu: 65 1/29/10 16:56:46 Work with Escalation Table Table: HELPDESK 2=Change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3=Copy Pty Status A ASSIGNED 1 N NEW 2 N NEW 3 N NEW 4 N NEW R REJECTED 1 U URGENT 2 U URGENT 1 V REVIEWED 2 V REVIEWED 3 V REVIEWED 4 V REVIEWED F2=Print listing Your Company, Inc. SLS Description: Escalation Table for Helpdesk Projects 4=Delete Aging Rpt N N Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y F3=Exit 6=Command Alarm Interval 48 24 2 4 Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs 24 4 7 2 1 4 Hrs Hrs Days Days Days Hrs 7=Messages Repeat Alarm N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y ------ ACTIONS ----Escalation Esc Esc Interval Pty Status Msg Cmd Y N 7 Days 1 U URGENT Y N 48 Hrs 2 U URGENT Y N 4 Hrs 4 N NEW Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N F6=Add table entry F12=Cancel Bottom F21=System command If an escalation table has not been associated with the project66 or no matching entries are included, no automatic escalation will occur for this project. How the escalation table works A task is added The escalation table is checked for a matching Priority and Status entry. If found: If one or more messages exist (Msg=Y) with Action code of N (New), send the message(s). If one or more commands exist (Cmd=Y) with Action code of N (New), run the command(s). Calculate the Alarm wake-up time based on the Alarm interval. Calculate the Escalation wake-up time based on the Escalation interval. Calculate the Task wake-up time based on the Due dates and duration. Write an escalation queue entry for the task for the Alarm, Escalation, or Task wake-up time, which ever is sooner. 65 Press F7 on the Work with Projects or Work with Tasks panel. 66 See Project description on page 9-3 of this chapter. Page 9-80 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks An Alarm wake-up time elapses for a task The escalation table is checked to determine action to be taken. If one or more messages exist (Msg=Y) with Action code of A (Alarm), send the message(s). If one or more commands exist (Cmd=Y) with Action code of A (Alarm), run the command(s). Calculate the Alarm wakeup time based on the Alarm interval. Calculate the Escalation wake-up time based on the Escalation interval. Calculate the Task wake-up time based on the Due dates and duration. Update the escalation queue entry for the task for the Alarm, Escalation, or Task wakeup time, which ever is sooner. An escalation wake-up time elapses for a task The escalation table is checked to determine action to be taken. Task is updated to new Status and/or Priority. The escalation table is checked for a matching entry for the new Status and Priority. If found: If one or more messages exist (Msg=Y) with Action code of E (Escalate), send the message(s). If one or more commands exist (Cmd=Y) with Action code of E (Escalate), run the command(s). Calculate the Alarm wake-up time based on the Alarm interval. Calculate the Escalation wake-up time based on the Escalation interval. Calculate the Task wake-up time based on the Due dates and duration. Update the escalation queue entry for the task for the Alarm, Escalation, or Task wakeup time, which ever is sooner. Note: Escalation table messages and commands with Action code of E (Escalate) apply only after a task is escalated – that is, after its status and/or priority is changed. The table entry for the new status and/or priority is referenced to determine action to take. When you set up your escalation table, be sure to consider whether the project is to be a user entry project, a Helpdesk project, a Working project, or is to be used for some other purpose. If the project is a Helpdesk project, the escalation table would be set up similarly to the table shown on page 9-80. However, a Working project (one used by your programmers) would most likely contain entries for status values of Assigned, Started, Held (or equivalent codes at your company) to track progress after a task is assigned. The next panel shows an escalation table for a typical Working project. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-81 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks We provide model Helpdesk and Working tables that you can use or copy as the basis for your own tables. The sample on page 9-104 is the Helpdesk table. The following escalation table might govern a Working project to which tasks are assigned: 1/29/10 15:13:31 Work with Escalation Table Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Description: WORKING project Esc Table Table: WORKING 2=Change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pty * 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 * * * 3=Copy Status A ASSIGNED A ASSIGNED A ASSIGNED A ASSIGNED A ASSIGNED D DONE D DONE D DONE D DONE H HOLD S STARTED W WAITING F2=Print listing 4=Delete Aging Rpt N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N F3=Exit 6=Command Alarm Interval 14 Days 12 Hrs 6 Hrs 7=Messages Repeat Alarm N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N ------ ACTIONS -----Escalation Esc Esc Interval Pty Status Msg Cmd 1 Days Y N Y Y 120 Days 3 Y Y 3 Days 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Days Y N 1 Days Y N 1 Days Y N F6=Add table entry F12=Cancel Bottom F21=System command What you see: Priority A key field for the escalation table, the task’s Priority is used along with its Status to look up an entry in the escalation table. If Priority is * TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects will do special processing. A wake-up time will be determined by calculating the Date Promised (or the Estimated completion date) - Duration - Escalation interval. Usually the action is to send a message to the resource in time for him/her to start work on a task and finish it by the due date. It will also send a message on the due date, if the task had not been started. This feature normally applies to a Working project. Status A key field for the escalation table, the task’s Status is used along with its Priority to look up an entry in the escalation table. If Status is blank, the entry applies to all values of Status. Aging Rpt If this is Y, and the Escalation time interval has passed, include the item on the Task Aging Report. Alarm Interval In days, hours, or minutes, the time interval after the escalation time interval has been exceeded, when reminder messages will be sent. The reason for the Alarm time interval is to ensure that an important task does not get “parked” in the file by mistake without any action occurring. Page 9-82 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Repeat Alarm If set to Y, continue to send an alarm message for a task whenever the Alarm interval time limit passes. If set to N, alarm messages will be sent only once. Escalation interval In days, hours or minutes, the time interval after which an escalation action will occur. Esc Priority This is the new priority code value to which a task is changed after the task Escalation time interval has been exceeded. The task Priority will not be changed automatically if this field is left blank. Esc Status This is the new status code to which a task is changed after the Escalation time interval has been exceeded. The task Status will not be changed automatically if this field is left blank. Msg This is Y if messages have been defined that are to be sent when a task is added or an Alarm interval or Escalation interval expires; otherwise N. More than one user can be a recipient of a message. Select option 7 to view recipients and messages. You can set default recipients to a user profile name or *RSRC (task Resource), *RQST (Task Requester) or *COORD (project Coordinator for Helpdesk projects; Administrator for Working projects). Cmd This is Y if commands have been defined that are to be run when an Alarm interval or Escalation interval expires, otherwise N. Select the entry with option 6 to view the command(s) to be run. Refer to the section about defining escalation tables on page 9-104 for more about creating a table. Escalation table definitions can be accessed using option 10 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control File Menu (F7 on the Work with Projects panel). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-83 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Example escalation policy Here is a sample escalation policy. The Helpdesk and Working escalation table (illustrated earlier in this section) would serve to implement this policy in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects. Remember that when the escalation action occurs depends upon the escalation table and other fields in the task under review. If the Priority assigned to this problem/request is: • Priority 4 (highest); most severe problem, must be reviewed within 2 hours and must be addressed and fixed as soon as possible. Task takes precedence over all other tasks. May require advisory be sent to all customers. • Priority 3; urgent, must be reviewed within 4 hours and will be addressed immediately and fixed or resolved with a work-around within two working days. If a satisfactory work-around is devised, it will be down-graded to priority code 2. • Priority 2; must be reviewed within 48 hours. It will be addressed in the next release of the product. If it has a due date assigned, then the task will be completed by that due date. • Priority 1; must be reviewed with 7 days. It will be addressed the next time the related function is revised or replaced, not necessarily in the next release, but will remain open no longer than 365 days. Imagine two projects, one Helpdesk project (PROB) and one Working project (APPR). Page 9-84 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Examples of escalation processing Escalation examples (Refer to the escalation tables illustrated earlier in this section.) A Priority 1 (lowest) priority task is entered. Initial status is N (New). Alarm messages will be generated every 48 hrs. If no action is taken within 7 days, it will be updated to status of Urgent. This item will not appear on the Task Aging Report. If the item is reviewed, but no action is taken, then the status would be set to V (Reviewed). The 1 V table entry would then govern further action for this problem. A Priority 2 (medium priority) task is entered. Initial status is N (New). Alarm messages will be generated every 24 hrs. If no action is taken within 48 hrs, it will be escalated to status of Urgent. The item will be reported on the Task Aging Report. If the item is reviewed, but no action is taken, then the status would be set to V (Reviewed). The 2 V table entry would then govern further action for this problem item. A Priority 3 (high priority) task is entered. Initial status is N (New). It is reviewed by the coordinator. As a result of being reviewed, the coordinator downgrades to priority 2 and does not assign the task. The 2 V table entry would then govern further action for this problem. It will not appear on the Task Aging Report. A Priority 3 task is entered. Initial status is N (New). An initial Alarm message is sent when the task is entered and every 2 hrs thereafter. If no action occurs in 4 hours, it is escalated to priority status 4 N. Rules for 4 N apply. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-85 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks A task is escalated to priority status 4 N. An initial Alarm message is sent to several people when the task is escalated and every 2 hrs thereafter. No further action is specified until it is reviewed. A Priority 3 task is reviewed by the Helpdesk project coordinator (status set to V). The coordinator assigns this task to a Working project. The task is now subject to the escalation rules defined for priority 3 with a status A (Assigned) for the Working project. In the Helpdesk project, the table entry 3 A will cause a message to be sent. No other action related to the Helpdesk task will occur. Page 9-86 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with the escalation queue You can view the escalation queue directly using the command WRKESCQ. This panel appears: 1/29/10 Work with Escalation Queue Filter by: Project: ____ Status: __ Priority: _ Soft by: _ 1=Wake-up 1=Priority 2=Status Your Company, Inc. 4=Project Type selection, press Enter: 2=Change 4=Delete 5=View 11=Review task 12=Work with task 15=View task Wake up Task Proj/Task Pty Status Date Time Date Time Changed by _ PRPT0049 1 N NEW 3/03/08 17:12:20 2/17/08 17:12:07 *UPDT _ PRPT004901 1 N NEW 3/03/08 17:20:47 2/17/08 17:20:40 *UPDT _ PRPT004902 1 N NEW 3/03/08 17:21:03 2/17/08 17:21:00 *UPDT _ PRPT0050 1 N NEW 3/04/08 17:36:47 2/18/08 17:36:40 *UPDT _ PRPB0001 1 A ASSIGNED 3/05/08 9:31:46 2/22/08 9:03:32 *ESCQ _ TP400012 2 N NEW 3/05/08 13:08:45 2/03/08 13:08:45 *ESCQ _ PRPT0052 1 A ASSIGNED 3/05/08 13:28:42 2/22/08 13:24:22 *ESCQ _ MARK0003 1 A ASSIGNED 3/05/08 14:27:26 2/24/08 14:49:53 *ESCQ _ PRPT0046 2 N NEW 3/05/08 16:57:05 2/06/08 16:43:14 *ESCQ _ PRPT0051 1 A ASSIGNED 3/05/08 17:47:53 2/18/08 17:38:56 *ESCQ _ PRPT0053 1 N NEW 3/07/08 16:28:17 2/17/08 10:04:21 *UPDT More... F3=Exit F4=List F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F21=System command You can filter and change the sequence of the items in the queue. Only tasks with a priority/status combination that appear in the project’s escalation table will be listed. To make a change to the queue, you must have full authority to the associated project. You can override the Wake-up date and time manually. When you do, the Chgd by column will be set to the profile ID of the user who changed it. Other values for Chgd by are *ESCQ (by the escalation processing program) and *UPDT (by the Task update program) as a result of a task being added or significant data being updated. Select option 5 to view the complete queue entry. Select option 12 to work with the task and option 15 to view the task. Select option 11 to start WORKTASK and review a task that was entered using HELPDESK or FASTTASK, and process the request if you are authorized to do so. Some project managers may prefer to work with this escalation queue rather than with WORKTASK. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks the escalation queue at a frequency you define (default is 30 minutes) and processes all entries that have a wake-up date and time that has expired. To change the wake-up interval, use the command TSTRESCQ. The parameter is wake-up interval, in seconds. This command starts the escalation queue monitor if it is not running and resets the time interval. (3600 seconds equals one hour.) The TSTRESCQ command must be submitted to run in batch. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-87 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks WORKING WITH TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 PROJECTS CONTROL FILES TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects provides several additional control files that allow you to define project-related codes, resources, requester data, and masks. This section describes the function of each option on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. Press F7 on the Work with Projects panel. 1/29/10 15:26:11 Project Control Files Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work with with with with with with with with with with with Status codes Task type codes Timesheet categories Resources Requesters User-defined fields Entry masks Report masks Messages Escalation tables Conflict resolution codes Select option: __ F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F14=WRKSBMJOB F12=Cancel F21=System command From this panel, you can maintain all of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project control files. Any user can get to this panel, but s/he must have the appropriate authority to access each option. Code maintenance authority (the Code column on the Maintain Users Authority List panel) allows the user access to options 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Resource maintenance authority (the Rsc column on the Authority List panel) allows the user to access option 4, and Requester maintenance authority (Rqs column on the Authority List panel) allows the user to access option 5. Page 9-88 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with status codes Status codes are used to track the status of each task; to indicate that it is new, in process, completed, and so on. Your company can define its own status codes using option 1 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. They apply to all projects. Use care when changing them to avoid changing the meaning of tasks or projects that exist already. 1/29/10 15:33:01 2=Change Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 4=Delete Short Code Desc. _ A ASSIGNED _ B DISTRIB _ C CANCEL _ D DONE _ F FINISHED _ H HOLD _ K DUPLICAT _ M CONFIRM _ N NEW _ O ONGOING _ P IN-PROD _ Q IN-QA _ R REJECTED _ S STARTED _ V REVIEWED F3=Exit Work with Status Codes Long Description Request/Task has been assigned Task has been distributed Has been canceled The task has been completed Task has been completed On hold. Awaiting instruction The task is a duplicate of ano Task has been confirmed A new request. Project/task is on-going Task has reached production Task has reached QA Request was not accepted. Project or Task has been start Request has been reviewed F6=Add code F12=Cancel Show Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Update Update Allow as Start End Reference Date Date Y N N Y N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y N N Y N N Y N N N N N Y Y N Y N N More... F21=System command You can change the status codes or add new ones. You must have code maintenance authority to maintain this status code list. Remember that this is the master control file and that changes will impact all applications and projects. The Show field determines whether or not tasks with this status will be displayed on panels that you’ve filtered with a status code value of *LIMIT. Y means that tasks with this status are always shown. The Allow as Reference column indicates whether any task assigned the related status value can be used as a reference when checking out or promoting objects in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. The Update start date and Update end date determine whether to automatically set the task start and end dates when the task status is set to that value. For example, when you check out an object, the application you are working can be set such that the task status is automatically set to S (Started). The Update start date field for S Started is set to Y, so the Task start date will be set to today’s date. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-89 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with task types Task type codes indicate how a task is to be scheduled. Your company can define its own task types using option 2 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. 1/29/10 15:40:52 2=Change Work with Task Types Your Company Inc. YOURSYS 4=Delete Type code A ASAP C CNVNENCE F FIXED L ALAP M MILESTON Description As soon as possible At your convenience Fixed As late as possible Milestone Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add task type F12=Cancel F21=System command You can change or add codes to this table – but be aware that future releases of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 may lock its use to the values below. A=ASAP (Schedule As Soon As Possible) L=ALAP (Schedule As Late As Possible) M=MILESTON (Milestone task – duration must be zero). F=FIXED (Fixed date – task must be done on date specified) Page 9-90 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with timesheet categories If you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s on-line timesheet function, you can report your time by category such as Testing or Programming. Your company can define its own timesheet categories using option 3 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. 1/29/10 15:44:19 2=Change Code A C D M P Q R T W Work with Timesheet Categories Your Company Inc. YOURSYS 4=Delete Description Administration Consulting Design Marketing Programming Quality Assurance Problem Resolution Testing Writing User Documentation, Etc. Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add category F12=Cancel F21=System command If you do not need to report specific categories of time, then you might delete all of the category codes except one, and use that code when reporting all of your time. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-91 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with resources Project resources are usually people who are assigned to perform a task or subtask, but may also be another type of resource such as a computer. Although frequently a programmer or analyst, a resource can be any person who could be assigned to perform a task, for example a technician employed to install a computer or fix a PC. Your company can define its resources to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 using option 4 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. If you add a user to the resource list, that person will be included on the Maintain Project/Task Authority list. You must have authority to maintain resources to add or change resource information. If you delete a resource, that resource will be removed from all project authority lists but will remain on all tasks to which s/he was previously assigned. 1/29/10 16:21:91 2=Change Work with Resources 4=Delete Resource *NONE DELANEY ELSINORE PHILLIPS PSHIFTY QSECOFR _ _ _ _ _ _ F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. Description no resource is assigned Jim Delaney Steve Elsinore Ed Phillips Paul Shifty Security Officer F6=Add resource F12=Cancel Dept./Category Training Dev QA QA F21=System command Press F6 to add a resource name. You’ll be prompted for a Resource, Name, and Department/Category. The Resource is usually a User profile name. The Department/Category can be used for anything you want to use it for. Type a 4 next to a resource you would like to delete; type a 2 next to any resource you would like to change. Names on the resource list can be included on the authority list for a project. You can specify which users should have access to specific project or task at that time. Only users authorized to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 project can be authorized to a subordinate task or subtask within the project. (For more information, see TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 PROJE, beginning on page 916.) Page 9-92 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with requesters You can define all of your clients/contacts in the Requester file (not a requirement) using option 5 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. (You must do this for anyone who will add problems or requests to your Helpdesk projects.) 1/29/10 15:58:14 Work with Requesters Your Company Inc. YOURSYS Position to and sort by: First name . . . . ____________ Last name . . ___________________ Requester code . . __________ Company . . . ____________________________ Apply filters . . Y 1=Add request 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Comments 9=View time 12=Tasks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Requester ANDERSOALB ANDERSODAV ANDERSOJOE ANDERSOLIZ ANGLEMAMAR APPLEWORAY ARCSON KRO ARCELMALOU ARGDENNIL ASHERMIK First name Albert Dave Joel Liza Margo Ray Kronen Lou Niles Michael Last name Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Angleman Appleworks Arcson Arcelman Argden Asher Company Meyers Co Warren Distributi Margrove Ind. Yorkey Publishing American Nutritio The Bowles Group UCC Industries Cyruss Corp. Busch Research Connector Box Co. F3=Exit F6=Add requester F8=User fields F12=Cancel F10=View 3 F11=View 2 F17=Filters F18=Timesheet Phone number Ext. 1-804-555-9172 2232 1-402-555-9397 0021 1-515-555-8845 (603) 555-8111 1-409-555-6654 44-53-555-4661 1-607-444-2841 0112 1-702-555-3515 1-314-555-7470 1-404-555-7182 More... F2=Escalation queue F21=System command To enter a new requester, press F6 and enter all of the appropriate information on the form provided. To update requester information, place a 2 next to a requester name. The Requester identifier must be unique. You can also define up to four user-defined requester fields. To do so, press F8=User fields. Keep in mind that changes affect all project system requester records. Requester information might be useful for generating reports using a project Report Mask. For example, you can produce letters – or even faxes – to users informing them of the latest status of their requests. For more information on this procedure, see page 9-97, or press the F1/Help for details on the mask entry panel. You can quickly search through your requester file to find a specific client by entering the last name, first name, company/dept. or requester code in the appropriate fields at the top of the panel. Press F10 or F11 to see alternate view panels. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-93 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Press F17 to see the filters. You’ll see this pop-up panel: 1/29/10 10:59:57 Work with Requesters Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Position to and sort by: ................................................................ : Filters : : : 2 : Company/Department . . . *ALL : : _ : Location . . . . . . . . *ALL _ : Product . . . . . . . . . *ALL :umber Ext. :59-9172 2139 _ : Release . . . . . . . . . *ALL _ : Maintenance level . . . . *ALL :41-9397 0219 :91-8845 _ : Custom modifications . . *ALL _ : :63-8111 _ : F12=Cancel :63-8111 _ :..............................................................:66-6654 __ APPLEWORAY Ray Appleworks The Bowles Group 44-53-555-4661 __ ARCSON KRO Kronen Arcson UCC Industries 1-607-444-2841 0112 __ ARCELMALOU Lou Arcelman Cyruss Corp. 1-702-555-3515 __ ARGDENNIL Niles Argden Busch Research 1-314-555-7470 __ ASHERMIK Michael Asher Connector Box Co. 1-404-555-7182 More... F3=Exit F6=Add requester F8=User fields F12=Cancel F2=Escalation queue F10=View 3 F11=View 2 F17=Filters F18=Timesheet F21=System command Note that the last four filter fields are user-defined fields that you or your Administrator may have defined in some other way. You may type a generic search field such as SOFT* in the filter fields. Once you set a filter, press Enter to view the Work with Requester panel subsetted by your filter settings. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends If you plan to use the Helpdesk system then, in order to take full advantage of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project’s messaging features, you should take time to complete the User ID and directory address information on the requester panel. Also, you will find that things will work smoothly if you enter all of your users in the Requester file and make their requester code name the same as their user profile. Page 9-94 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with user-defined fields Any project can include up to ten user-defined fields. You pre-define the available fields by creating them in the Project System’s User-Defined Fields control file using option 6 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. Your fields can have corresponding lists of possible values, and values for one field can determine the valid choices available for another. Once associated with a project, these fields appear on the task maintenance panels as well as in the Work with Tasks filter field window (press F17 on the Work with Tasks panel). Once defined here, these fields can be referenced in any project definition (see User-defined fields on page 9-28). This provides you with significant flexibility for defining unique search criteria at your company. 1/29/10 16:39:33 Work with User-Defined Fields Primary sort field . 1 Filter by type . . . _ 2=Change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4=Delete Field NUMERIC SUBSYSTEM TESTFIELD USERNAME USR0000001 USR0000002 USR0000003 USR0000004 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 1=Field name, 2=Type 1=*CHAR (10), 2=*CHAR(25), 3=*DEC(7,0), 4=*DEC(7,2) 6=Work with valid values Panel description Test numeric field TURNOVER® subsystem Test field User Name Department ID/Location Product/Version Module -- AP, AR, GL etc. Accounting Module F4 Pgm *NONE *DEFAULT *NONE *DEFAULT *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE Valid. Pgm *NONE *DEFAULT *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE Type *DEC (7,2) *CHAR (10) *DEC (7,0) *CHAR (25) *CHAR (25) *CHAR (25) *CHAR (10) *CHAR (10) Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add field F12=Cancel F21=System command You can press F6 to add a field, or select an existing field with option 2 to change it. This panel appears when you press F6. (Option 2 produces virtually the same panel.) 1/29/10 15:44:21 Work with User-Defined Fields Your Company Inc. YOURSYS .............................................................................. : Add Field Definition : : : : Field name . . . . . . . : : Field type . . . . . . . 1 = Character length (10) : : 2 = Character length (25) : : 3 = Decimal length (7,0) : : 4 = Decimal length (7,2) : : Panel description . . . . : : F4 program . . . . . . . program name, *DEFAULT, *NONE, *CHILD : : Library . . . . . . . library name, *LIBL : : Validation program . . . program, *DEFAULT,*NONE, parent field : : Library . . . . . . . library name, *LIBL : : : : F12=Cancel : :............................................................................: Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add field F12=Cancel F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-95 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The Field name you assign must start with an alphabetic character and be no longer than 10 characters. The Field type designates its length and content characteristics. Choose from four combinations of field length and type. The Panel description is the field label that will appear on task panels. The F4 program field either identifies a program that will prompt users to view and select field values when adding or changing a task, OR it defines a relationship dependency between this field’s values and those of a parent field. • If set to *NONE, the F4=List option is not available to users who are typing information into a task panel field. • If set to *DEFAULT, users can define a table of values by pressing F4=List and then creating acceptable values for the field. • If set to a program name, you must provide an exit program for TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to call. Your program must display a list of valid values from which users can select. • Note: Custom programs specified here run only when processing tasks from the 5250 interface. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client cannot call custom programs. For prompting that works in all interfaces, use *DEFAULT. • If set to *CHILD, the Validation program field must identify the parent field on which this field’s valid values should depend. Validation program works similarly to F4 program. • If set to *NONE, no validation will be performed when entering information in the field. • If set to *DEFAULT, the values will be validated against the list of valid values defined for the field. • If set to a program name, you must provide an exit program that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will call and that must validate a value passed to it, returning a status flag back to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s calling program. Note: Custom programs specified here run only when processing tasks from the 5250 interface. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Client cannot call custom programs. For field validation that works in all interfaces, use the Task Validation exit point (PROJ 05). • And, if set to a parent field name, the values of the child field depend on the value chosen for the parent field during task maintenance. Page 9-96 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Considerations for using dependent user-defined fields • Only Type 1 and Type 2 fields (*CHAR fields) can be dependent. • Only Type 1 fields (*CHAR, length 10) can be parent fields. • Nesting is limited only by the number of fields you can specify for any given project (10), but dependencies themselves can be only one layer deep. In other words, using the diagram below, UDF2 dependencies apply only to UDF1 values, and UDF3 dependencies apply only to UDF2 values. The value chosen for UDF1 has no effect on the valid values for UDF3. • Custom programs for prompting and validation are not supported when you are using field dependencies. • TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not try to make sure that you have added all related fields to your project. UDF1 Hardware UDF2 Display Software Modem JDE Printer OE Payroll UDF3 Ink Jam Figure 1: Example of dependent user-defined fields For instance, suppose you have a help desk project for end users to enter problems. UDF1 might be called TYPE of ISSUE with valid values of hardware or software. UDF2 might be called CATEGORY and have valid values defined that depend on UDF1. UDF3 might be called PROBLEM and have valid values defined that depend on UDF2. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-97 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with entry masks Think of entry masks as templates that you can use in your projects to gather task detail information. You can assign entry masks to one or more of your projects. Entry masks can contain text and variables that create a “form-like” appearance on the panel, letting you standardize the way users report descriptive details about requests and problems. Your company can create its own entry masks using option 7 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. 1/29/10 13:08:03 Maintain Valid Project Masks Your Company, Inc. Add Mask Name Description _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2=Change mask details 4=Delete Mask Mask Name Description CHANGEREQ Program Change Requests________ CMPR CENTRAL® for iMenu Problem Rprt HARDWARE Hardware Problems ________ MASK Standard Mask ________ PR Standard Problem Report________ SOFTWARE Software Problems ________ TOPR TURNOVER® for iSeries Prob. Rpt F3=Exit F12=Cancel If you choose to add or change a project mask, you will go directly to the Project Masks panel. • To add a mask, fill out the name and description at the top of the panel and press Enter. • To change a mask, type a 2 next to the mask you want to change and press Enter. • To delete a mask, type a 4 next to the mask you want to delete and press Enter. Before creating an entry mask, try to anticipate all of the information that you might want to gather. Then create a form-like mask that “prompts” for the information you need. Page 9-98 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks This is an example of a mask you could use for problem reports: 1/29/10 14:53:49 Project Mask Mask Name: PROBRPTS Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Describe the problem below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Resolution: (To be filled out by the programmer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****** END OF DOCUMENT F3=Exit and update F4=Delete line F12=Discard Changes and Exit ****** F6=Insert Lines When the task details from an entry mask are printed using a report mask, it operates like a mail merge for one task or request; everything (including the mask) is printed. The text will print starting with column one, so if you want a left margin, you’ll have to leave spaces for a margin. One more tip: If you’re going to be printing the task details using a report mask, don’t put headings such as “Problem Report” on the entry masks. Put these on the report mask – otherwise when you print it out, you will have two headings in two places. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-99 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with report masks Report masks are similar to entry masks in that they collect and standardize information. However, in report masks you can use substitution variables that pull information from various project files, as well as including the descriptive information a user provided in the task entry mask. Your company can define its own report masks using option 8 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. 1/29/10 13:08:03 Maintain Project Report Masks Add Mask Name Description . Output queue Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2=Change mask details _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mask Name CMPR CMPR-FAX FAX PR PR-FAX TOPR TOPR-FAX F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. __________ _________________________ __________ *CURRENT, Name __________ *LIBL, Name 4=Delete Mask Description CENTRAL® for iMenu Prob. Rpt CENTRAL® for iMenu Fax Form Fax Form Mask Problem Report Problem Report Fax Form TURNOVER® for iSeries Prob. Rpt TURNOVER® for iSeries Fax Form Output Queue *CURRENT FAXOQ FAXOQ QPRINT FAXOQ *CURRENT FAXOQ Outq Library *LIBL_____ QGPL______ QGPL______ QGPL______ QGPL______ *LIBL_____ QGPL______ F12=Cancel If you choose to add or change a project report mask, you will go directly to the Report Masks panel. To add a mask, fill out the name, description, output queue and library at the top of the panel and press Enter. Page 9-100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks To change a mask, type a 2 next to the mask you want to change and press Enter. Here’s an example of a Report Mask we have defined. 1/29/10 17:22:35 Report Mask Mask Name: PROBRPT P R O B L E M Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS R E P O R T Requested by: .&USR3 Company: .&USR4 Entered by: .&FNME.&LNME Date entered: .&USR2 Assigned to: .&PROJ.&TASK.&SUBT Planned Start Date: .&SDTP End Date: .&EDTP Duration: .&DURP Resource:.&RSRN Status:.&STSD Actual .&SDTA .&EDTA .&DURA .&DTLS ****** END OF DOCUMENT F3=Exit and update F4=Delete line F12=Discard Changes and Exit ****** F6=Insert Lines F9=Substitution parms You can position to wherever you want a substitution parameter and press F9=Substitution parms. You will see a list (not included here) from which you can select the substitution parameters you want to use in your report mask. You can use the substitution variables to merge information relating to the task you are working on from the project, task and requester files. This might include dates, durations, names, phone numbers, fax numbers, and so on. The variables must be preceded with “.&”. For example, to print the text details, you would use the variable name “.&DTLS”. Press the Help key (Scroll lock on a PC) on any of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s “Word processing” panels for more information, and to see a list of all the available substitution parameters. If your company has one of the many iSeries fax systems on the market, you can create a report mask that merges all of the necessary information for a fax (Name, address, fax #, details, your name, and so on). Also, by including the control statements for your fax system in the mask (on our system it is **FAX .&FAX#), you can send the output directly to your fax queue and it will be sent automatically. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-101 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with project messages You can set up your Helpdesk or Working project to send messages whenever requests or problems are added to the project, or when a problem or task is escalated according to the rules defined in the project’s escalation table. Escalation processing is determined by the priority and status entered for a task. (See Task escalation processing on page 9-77.) Your company can define its own project messages using option 9 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. 1/29/10 13:08:03 1=Select _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MSGID ABC0001 ABC0002 ABC0004 ABC0005 ABC0007 ABC0010 ABC0101 ABC0111 ABC9999 F3=Exit Work with Project Messages 2=Change message Your Company, Inc. 4=Delete message Message text Hey &RS. Deal with this problem (&PJ &TK &SK) now! A priority &PY change request, &2, has been entered. A priority &PY hardware problem, &2, requires your immediate atten+ A priority &PY hardware problem, &2,has been entered please look + A priority &PY hardware problem, &2, has been entered. A priority &PY software problem requires your immediate attention. A priority &PY problem has been entered. Please review ASAP! Task &PJ &TK &SK has been completed by &RS with aplomb! No entry found in message table for task &PJ &TK &SK. F6=Add message F12=Cancel This message file contains messages by project and priority to be sent to the project coordinator when a task is entered, or to others during escalation processing. From this panel you can view, add, change, and delete all of the messages in the message file. You can also refer to and use messages when setting up the project’s escalation rules. For more information, see The escalation table on page 9-80. These messages are similar to iSeries messages, but are not stored in standard message files. Press F6 to add a message, or type 2 next to a message you want to change. Page 9-102 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks You will then see the Add a message panel: 1/29/10 12:14:34 Add a Message Your Company, Inc. Message ID . . . . . . ABC0001 Message text . . . . . Hey &RS. Deal with this problem (&PJ &TK &SK) now!_____ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Substitution parameters: &PJ = Project &TK = Task &SK = Subtask &RS = Resource &RQ = Requester &PY = Priority &ST = Status &RF = Project/Task/Subtask (Reference) &DN = Date needed &DP = Date promised F3=Exit F12=Cancel &U1 &U2 &U3 &U4 &U5 &U6 &U7 &U8 &U9 &U0 = = = = = = = = = = User User User User User User User User User User field field field field field field field field field field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F21=System command You can include any of the substitution parameters shown in the message text, as shown in the example. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-103 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with escalation tables In the topic called Task escalation processing (see page 9-77), we described how to set up your Helpdesk or Working project so that a task is automatically escalated whenever a request or problem has not been resolved within a designated period of time. Escalation processing is triggered by the priority and status of the problem or task. The rules that govern escalation processing are stored in escalation tables. Your company can create its own escalation tables using option 10 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu. 1/29/10 12:43:16 2=Change 3=Copy Table FTPR HELPDESK SLS TEST WORKING Work with Escalation Tables 4=Delete 6=Print Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 12=Work with Description Queue created for project: FTPR Escalation Table for Helpdesk Projects SoftLanding Internal Escalation Table Escalation Table for Testing Escalation Table for Working Projects Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add escalation table F12=Cancel F21=System command Escalation tables can be defined globally using this panel, and then applied to one or more projects. For example, you might have two escalation tables defined, one to be used for Helpdesk project, the other for Working projects. If you used task status and priorities consistently for all of your projects, two definitions would work best. Select a table with option 2 to change its title. Select it with option 12 to work with the rules in the table. 1/29/10 16:56:46 Work with Escalation Table Table: HELPDESK 2=Change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3=Copy Pty Status A ASSIGNED 1 N NEW 2 N NEW 3 N NEW 4 N NEW R REJECTED 1 U URGENT 2 U URGENT 1 V REVIEWED 2 V REVIEWED 3 V REVIEWED 4 V REVIEWED F2=Print listing Page 9-104 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Description: Escalation Table for Helpdesk Projects 4=Delete Aging Rpt N N Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y F3=Exit 6=Command Alarm Interval 48 24 2 4 Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs 24 4 7 2 1 4 Hrs Hrs Days Days Days Hrs 7=Messages Repeat Alarm N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y ------ ACTIONS ----Escalation Esc Esc Interval Pty Status Msg Cmd Y N 7 Days 1 U URGENT Y N 48 Hrs 2 U URGENT Y N 4 Hrs 4 N NEW Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N F6=Add table entry F12=Cancel © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Bottom F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks For a discussion about how this escalation table works, see the Task escalation processing section on page 9-77. Each table entry is keyed by Task status and Priority. Type 3 next to an entry to copy it into a new entry. Press F6 to add a new table entry. Actions can be defined to change (escalate), the task by changing the Task status or Priority, send messages to one or more individuals or groups and/or run a command. Select an entry with option 6 to define a command that should run when the escalation Alarm [time] interval has passed. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-105 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with escalation table commands To work with commands that associate actions with task status, select a table entry with option 6. This panel appears: 1/29/ 10 13 :01:5 5 Wor k wit h Esc alati on Com mands Ta ble: HELPD ESK Prior ity: 1 Sta tus: N NEW Des cript ion: Escal ation Table for Helpd esk Pr oject s 2 =Chan ge Se q 10 4 =Dele te Cm d Ac t En v Co de I N You r Comp any, Inc. YOU RSYS Comman d to execu te TPRTTS K TAS K("&R F") M ASK(*S ELECT ) FAX (*YES ) Bo ttom F 3=Exi t F6 =Add messa ge F1 2=Can cel F21=S ystem comma nd Press F6 to add a command. 1/29/10 13:05:15 Add Escalation Command Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restrict command to escalation action: N Restrict command to execution environment: I Your Company, Inc. 20 N=New, A=Alarm, E=Escalation I=Interactive, B=Batch, A=All Command to execute: TPRTTSK TASK("&RF") MASK(*SELECT) FAX(*YES) F4=Prompt command Substitution parameters: "&RF" = Project/Task/Sub (Reference) "&PJ" = Project "&TK" = Task "&SK" = Subtask "&PT" = Priority "&RS" = Resource "&RQ" = Requester "&Un" = User field 1-10 n=1-0 F3=Exit F4=Prompt command F12=Cancel F21=System command Commands can include any of the substitution parameters listed on the Add and Change panels. Press F4 to prompt the command. Page 9-106 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Restrict command to escalation action lets you specify the action for which the command should run. • If N (New), the command runs only when a task that matches the Task status and Priority defined for the associated escalation table entry is added to the project. • If A (Alarm), the command runs when a task has been on the escalation queue beyond the Alarm interval. • If E (Escalate), the command runs when a task has been on the escalation queue beyond the Escalation interval. Restrict command to execution environment controls whether the command can be run only in batch, only interactively or both. For example, if the escalation-processing program that runs in batch was processing an escalation queue entry, it would bypass any command that was set to I (interactive only). However, if the command were being run when the task was being interactively added to the project, then the command would run. In the example above, the TPRTTSK command is a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects command that will prompt the user (interactively) to select a task report format from a list of predefined report masks. This is a real example of how you might use this command feature. The command is run when a new Helpdesk task is added to a Helpdesk project. At UNICOM Systems, Inc., the report we run generates a confirmation fax that we send to the customer who reported a problem or entered a request on our system. This is one example of the many ways you could use this command feature. The TUPDHLPTSK command is another command that you’ll typically use in an escalation table. This command enables you to update the Helpdesk tasks that are associated with a Working task. With this command, you can synchronize the information for a Helpdesk task with the values of its associated Working task. For example, when the status of the Working task changes to ASSIGNED or DONE, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will update the basic Helpdesk task information so it matches the Working task information. You can optionally have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 update the task details also. When using this command in an escalation table, you should use the “&RF” substitution parameter to specify the Working task. The entry for this command looks like this: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-107 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 1/29/10 10:23:59 Add Escalation Command Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restrict command to escalation action: N Restrict command to execution environment: I Your Company, Inc. 20 N=New, A=Alarm, E=Escalation I=Interactive, B=Batch, A=All Command to execute: TUPDHLPTSK WORKTASK("&RF") HELPTASK(*ALL) DETAILS(*YES) PRCESC(*YES) F4=Prompt command Substitution parameters: "&RF" = Project/Task/Sub (Reference) "&PJ" = Project "&TK" = Task "&SK" = Subtask "&PT" = Priority "&RS" = Resource "&RQ" = Requester "&Un" = User field 1-10 n=1-0 F3=Exit Page 9-108 F4=Prompt command F12=Cancel F21=System command © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with escalation messages One Action that can occur when a task is added to a project, or when the Alarm or Escalation interval has passed is to send a message to one or more users or groups. You accomplish this by associating messages you’ve defined in the Project Message Control File with specific escalation table entries. To do this, select an escalation table entry (see the panel on page 9-104) with option 7. When you press Enter, this panel appears: 1/29/10 10:34:00 Work with Escalation Messages Table: HELPDESK Priority: Status: A ASSIGNED 2=Change Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Description: Escalation table for Helpdesk Projects 3=Copy 4=Delete USRPRF Seq MSGID or Method 10 PRJ0001 *MAPI 20 PRJ0002 PSCHMIDT User-ID/Address or E-mail Address Marylyn Schoop Pablo Schmidt Act. Code Message text A Task &RF has been entered, A Task &RF has been entered, Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add message F12=Cancel F21=System command In this example, two different alarm messages will be sent when the Alarm interval has passed. You can also have messages sent as soon as the task is added to the project or later, after the Escalation interval has passed. Press F6 to add a new message entry. Each message has specific delivery options that identify the recipient. 1/29/10 10:41:38 Change Message Entry Your Company, Inc. Message ID . . . . . . . PRJ0001 Sequence . . . . . . . . 20 Message text . . . . . . ------- Message Delivery Options ------Delivery method . . . . . *STD *STD, *OFFICE, *MAPI User profile . . . . . . name, *RSRC, *RQST, *COORD, *ENTERED User ID . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . name, *RSRC, *RQST, *COORD, *ENTERED Action code . . . . . . . N N=New A=Alarm E=Escalation F3=Exit F4=List F12=Cancel TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-109 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Note that you can press F4 to see a list of messages and, if necessary, maintain that list from that panel (not shown). You can choose one of these delivery methods: *STD Standard – uses standard iSeries messaging commands. *OFFICE Uses OfficeVision/400 mail messages. *MAPI Stores the message in an iSeries data queue for retrieval by a LAN-based PC email system. When you type this method and press Enter, you’ll see a place to enter e-mail recipient information. The remaining fields on the panel vary according to which method you choose. When you press Enter after typing a method, fields appear that apply to the method you chose. For more information, read the online Help. Rather than type a specific user profile name in the User profile and User ID fields, we recommend that you use one of the variables, *RSRC, *RQST, or *COORD. This will substitute the Task Resource, Task Requester, or the Project Coordinator or Administrator (respectively) to be the recipient of the message. The Action code controls when the message should be delivered: at the moment the task is added to the project (N); when the Alarm interval has passed (A); or when the Escalation interval has passed (E). If the same person is to be notified at more that one of these events, you need more than one message entry. Page 9-110 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Using *MASKNAME messages You can define *MAPI escalation messages to use a report mask for determining their message content. This technique lets you include the task details in your message, as well as any other task, requester, resource, or utility information. Suppose, for example, that you want the notification message you receive from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 each time a programming task is entered to contain the task details of the new task. Instructions for doing this follow: 1. Create or copy a report mask, giving it a name like PRGNEW, which contains information such as the task reference number and task details. 2. Create a new message in the escalation message file that uses the new report mask as its message text. For example, you could create a message PRG0001 and give it a message text of *PRGNEW. By doing this, you refer to the new report mask described in the previous step. 3. Add the new message to the appropriate escalation table entry for your project. Continuing with our example, you could add the PRG0001 message to an escalation table entry called PRGTABLE that controls what happens when a programming task has an A (Assigned) status. You could specify *MAPI for the delivery method, press Enter, and then use the *RSRC variable for the email address. The result of this escalation table entry is that, when you or someone else assigns a new programming task to a resource, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends an Internet email message to the resource. The message contains the task details that the resource needs to promptly begin the task. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-111 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Work with Reason Codes (Option 11) When you are working with related applications, you’ll have to resolve development conflicts that occur when changes are being made to the same object in multiple versions of your software. To resolve conflicts, you’ll use reason codes that explain how you resolved a conflict between the versions of a program in related applications. Option 11 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu is where you can add, change, or delete the reason codes and their associated meanings. When you select option 11 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project Control Files Menu, this panel appears: 1/29/10 10:05:11 2=Change Reas Code LT OB OK Work with Reason Codes Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 4=Delete Description Do later Obsolete code Normal resolution Bottom F3=Exit F6=Add code F12=Cancel F21=System command All reason codes are valid for all projects and applications. • To add a reason code, press F6. • To change a code, select it with option 2. • To delete a code, select it with option 4. A confirmation panel appears; press Enter to delete. Page 9-112 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks ENTERING TIME USING THE ON-LINE TIMESHEET You can record the time you have spent in any project task by entering your time on the on-line timesheet. You can even define an administrative project, including tasks such as vacation, sick time, time spent in seminars, meetings, and so on, to track this time as well. Time can be reported by category within task. For example, you can record time spent on categories such as analysis, design, programming, testing, and so on. These categories can be customized at your company. Press F18 on the Work with Projects or Work with Tasks panel. 67 1/29/10 12:28:35 Work with Time Sheets Resource . . . PShultz Date . . . . . 9/08/06 Phil Shultz Friday September 8, 2006 1=Add Time Entry 2=Change Time Entry Sub Cat. Project Task Task Code _ _ _ _ TE31 TE31 TE31 TE31 0001 0001 0001 0001 01 02 03 03 P P P R 4=Delete Time Entry -------Time------From - To Total 08:0012:0013:0015:00- 12:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 Your Company, Inc YOURSYS Comment 4:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 Bottom Total time for day . . . . . . . 9:00 F3=Exit F4=List F6=Add time entry F12=Cancel F17=Previous day F18=Next day To add an entry, type 1 and type the information for the underlined fields or press F6 to use the Add Time Sheet Entry window. (This panel is the same as Change Time Sheet Entry; see samples on next page.) To change an entry, select a time entry with option 2. You can position to the Project, Task, or Subtask field, and press F4 and view the lists of projects tasks from which to select. A window appears containing this information. You can position to the Cat. Code field and press F4 to view the list of valid Category codes. Note that either the From or To times or the Total time should be entered. If the From and To times are entered, the Total time is calculated for you. 67 Alternate path: type the command TIMESHEET on a command line. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-113 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Select option 2 and view this window to change the time entry: 1/29/10 10:52:24 Work with Time Sheets Resource . . . PSHULTZ Date . Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Phil Shultz Change Time Sheet Entry 1=Add T Resource . . . SHULTZ 2 Proj TE31 TE31 Date . . Project Category Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . From time . . To time . . . --or-Total time . . F3=Exit F4=List Phil Shultz 7/06/09 Friday July 06, 2009 TE31 0002 F4=List P F4=List 12 : 00 14 : 00 HH:MM - 24-Hour Clock HH:MM - 24-Hour Clock 02 : 00 HH:MM F12=Cancel F3=Exit Page 9-114 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Press Enter to change the entry; press F3 or F12 to exit back to the Work with Time Sheets panel. Viewing time reporting for projects and tasks You can view and report time in a number of ways. You can see time reported against any project, task or subtask from Work with Projects by selecting the project or task entry with option 9. You’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 13:42:03 Daily Time Sheet Lookup Your Company Inc. Project TP31 TURNOVER® Program Fixes to Release Task Subtask Filter by Date: 00:00:00 Task/ Subtask Date Comment 3/30/93 0032 4/13/93 0105 2/11/93 0105 2/11/93 0105 2/12/93 0105 2/12/93 0105 2/12/93 0129 3/15/93 -------Time------Resource From - EDELLIS12:00 14:00 PSCMIDT8: 00 10:00 SUEMRKS 3:00 SUEMRKS 30 SUEMRKS 40 SUEMRKS10:10 10:20 SUEMRKS12:00 13:00 SUEMRKS 30 P Total time F3=Exit Resource : __________ To Cat: _ Total F4=List Cat 2:00 T Test 2:00 A PChanged USRTOOL Pgms P TTesting 10 T Testing 1:00 P Testing DDS Chg'd TURRFAPS 10:55 F4=List F12=Cancel Several reports also include time information. Time can be reported by project on the Project Timesheet Report and by resource on the Project Resource Time Report. If you’ve included Rate in your Programmer Profile records (see Chapter 2: Setting Up Programmer Profiles), you can also see projected and reported costs in the Project Cost Report (see Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-115 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks PROGRAMMER WORKLIST MANAGER (PWM)68 This section introduces you to most of the features of the Programmer Worklist Manager™ (PWM). See the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide for more in depth information and for a step-by-step illustration of how you would use the Worklist to fulfill a programming request. There are three methods of working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. If you think of development as a network of tasks, think of each of the three methods as different paths through that network; each leading to your goal. You can: 1) work through TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s menus; 2) enter TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 commands while working in Programmer Development Manager™ (PDM); or 3) use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Programmer’s Worklist Manager. PWM has the advantage of integrating all of the procedures you need to perform into one panel. It provides TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s most efficient development path. Here’s a partial list of some of the things you can do from the Worklist panel: • Check out objects • Identify (reserve) new object names • Work with cross-reference information • Work with related application objects • Edit your source code • Compile and test objects • Compare source • Merge source • Promote source and objects • Review object and project history. Whether or not you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, you’ll need to decide exactly what to do to fulfill the request or fix the problem. You need to determine which objects to change, which ones to recompile, what new objects you will need and, of course, the specific code changes you must make. There are a myriad of design details you need to work out with your user(s) and others within your department. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can help you build a list of objects and source members to change, and make sure that your list is complete; it cannot change them for you. In addition to determining what objects need to be changed, you need to gauge the impact of your changes on related objects. During the analysis process, you may find that some of the objects you need are checked out to someone else; this means you may have to coordinate your changes with another programmer or wait until that person finishes. If you’re using the multiple checkout feature, you may be able to check out an object while someone else is working on it; but you will still need to coordinate with that other person to decide who will merge your changes. 68 For a complete discussion of PWM, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. Page 9-116 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Getting started with PWM To start building a working list of objects, select option 20 on the Work with Tasks panel or type the STRPWM command. If you enter option 20 next to a task for the first time, you will see a command prompt. You can accept the defaults and press Enter. See the help text for details about each of the command parameters. This panel appears: 1/29/10 12:08:11 Work with Programmer Worklists Position to Worklist . . . . Filter by Programmer . . . . PSCHMIDT Filter by Appl rel ver . . . Your Company, Inc. Filter by Task status . . . 1=Select 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display task 6=Work with forms 7=Print 8=Clear Worklist Filters 9=Reassign Worklist Worklist Description Status App Rel Ver Programmer APR0031 Vendor master file change Done AP PSCHMIDT TOPR0542 Batch related application chg Started TO40 PSCHMIDT TOPR0547 User options on exit panel Started TO32 PSCHMIDT F3=Exit F4=List F5=Refresh F6=Add F7=Previous Worklists F24=More keys You can type 1 to select a worklist, or press F7 to view the four most recent worklists and then press Enter to transfer to the last one you worked on. Note that the STRPWM command also has a LIST parameter that defaults to *SELECT. You can type a specific worklist name or *PRV to select the last worklist you used, in which case you’ll bypass this panel and go directly to the next one. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-117 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with the Programmer Worklist This is the main worklist panel: 1/29/10 8:53:31 Worklist. . . . . APPR0003 Position to . . . Work with Programmer Worklist Your Company, Inc. Chg credit-term verify program Apply filters . . . Y (F17=Filters) 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 11=Move 12=Compare source 99=Next option 21=Checkout 22=Change checkout 24=Checkin 25=Task details 26=Conflicts Object Chk Nxt Object Attr Library Obj Src Out Form FormSts ItemSts Opt __ APCLP001 CLP PRODTEST N N Y NEW 46 __ APCLP001 CLP ACPTTEST Y Y N 0100212 RAN-OK NEW __ APCLP001 CLP DEVTEST N N N NEW __ APDSPF01 DSPF PRODTEST Y Y Y+ NEW 46 __ APDSPF01 DSPF ACPTTEST Y Y N 0100212 RAN-OK NEW __ APDSPF01 DSPF DEVTEST N N N NEW __ APRPG001 RPG PRODTEST N N Y NEW 46 __ APRPG001 RPG ACPTTEST Y Y N 0100212 RAN-OK NEW __ APRPG001 RPG DEVTEST N N N NEW __ APRPG002 RPG PRODTEST Y Y Y NEW 46 More... Parameters or command ===> _________________________________________________________________________ F2=Forms F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add item F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F11=View2 F19=Batch 21/46 F23=More options F24=More keys (When you first create a new worklist, the subfile is blank.) More Options 15=Check X-Ref 16=Related objects 18=Object history 32=Edit source 35=Browse source 36=Compile 37=SDA/RLU 42=Edit form 43=Copy form 44=Remove from form 45=View form 46=Add to form 47=Run form 48=Form approval 40=Form jobs 41=Error check form 49=Print form More keys F7=Previous WorkList F12=Cancel F13=Repeat F16=User options F18=Defaults F20=PDM F21=Print list F22=Add time F23=More options F14=WRKSBMJOB F17=Filters F15=PATHFINDER(F15 can be customized) The “+” after the checkout flag indicates that the item is checked out to more than one person. Page 9-118 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The key to using the worklist panel effectively is to use the filter fields; you’ll find the next option, level (*DEV, *PROD, or the target application level code) and item status filters especially useful. To set filters or change subfile sequence, press F17=Filters. You’ll see this pop-up panel: 1/29/10 20:20:29 Work with Programmer Worklist Your Company, Inc. ............................................................................... : : : Type filter value and Press Enter. : : : : Next option . . . __ F4=List : : Library . . . . . ___________ Library name, generic* : : Level . . . . . . _____ number, *DEV, *PROD : : Appl rel ver . . . ____ __ __ F4=List : : Programmer . . . . ___________________ F4=List : : Item status . . . _______ : : Object type . . . ______ : : TurnOver Type. . . ______ F4=list : : Checked out . . . ___ Y, N, blank : : : : F3=Exit F4=List F12=Cancel : : : : : ............................................................................... Parameters or command ===> _________________________________________________________________________ F2=Forms F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add item F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F11=View2 F19=Batch 21/46 F23=More options F24=More keys If you’re viewing the PWM on line, experiment by adding items to the list, using the filter-by fields and looking at the alternate views (F11). Press F1/Help for more information. (You won’t be able to do anything that you’re not authorized to do on your system.) Session defaults let you set your Programmer Worklist options the way that works best for you. Press F18=Defaults to view and set other personal session preferences. You’ll see this pop-up panel: 1/29/10 11:08:36 Work with Programmer Worklist Your Company, Inc. ............................................................................... : Change Session Defaults : : : : Save session defaults . . . . . . . Y Y, N : *BATCH, *INTER : : Default option 21/46 mode . . . . . *INTER : Edit/compile authority . . . . . . *DEVELOP *SYSAUTH,*DEVELOP,*CHECKOUT : : : : Test object creation parameters : : Link option 36 compiles . . . . . Y Y, N : : Job description . . . . . . . . . *USRPRF *USRPRF, name : : Library . . . . . . . . . . . . Library name : : Job queue . . . . . . . . . . . . *JOBD *JOBD, name : : Library . . . . . . . . . . . . Library name : : Output queue . . . . . . . . . . *JOBD *PGMR, *JOBD, name : : Library . . . . . . . . . . . . Library name : : Library list . . . . . . . . . . *APP *APP, *CURRENT : : Replace object . . . . . . . . . N Y, N : : More... : : F3=Exit F12=Cancel : : : : : :.............................................................................: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-119 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Page down... 1/29/10 11:08:36 Work with Programmer Worklist Your Company, Inc. ............................................................................... : Change Session Defaults : : : : Save session defaults . . . . . . . Y Y, N : : : : List sequence . . . . . . . . . . . *OBJECT *OBJECT, *LIBRARY, *TYPE... : : User option file . . . . . . . . . TUSROPTF File name : : Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . T51QAD Library name : : Position-to default . . . . . . . . *ITEM *TOP, *ITEM : : Show perm-lock levels . . . . . . . N Y, N : : : : Require X-Ref check . . . . . . . . N Y, N : : X-Ref automatic . . . . . . . . . . Y Y, N : : Option 15 library to X-Ref . . . . *ALL *SELECTED, *ALL : : Require Related apps check . . . . N Y, N : : Related apps check automatic . . . Y Y, N : : : : More... : : F3=Exit F12=Cancel : : : : : :.............................................................................: Page down... 1/29/10 11:08:36 Work with Programmer Worklist Your Company, Inc. ............................................................................... : Change Session Defaults : : : : Editor defaults : : Edit source . . . . . . . . . . . *SEU, *CODE400 : : Browse source . . . . . . . . . . *SEU, *CODE400 : : Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . *SDA, *CODE400 : : Debugger . . . . . . . . . . . . *OS400, *CODE400 : : : : Code communications library . . . *USRPRF, Name : : Code server name . . . . . . . . *DFT, Name : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Bottom : : F3=Exit F12=Cancel : : : : : :.............................................................................: You can select the sequence of the worklist. • If you sequence by *LIBRARY, the sort key will be library, object, and type. • If you sequence by *OBJECT, the sort key will be object, type, and level. • If you sequence by *CRTSEQ, the sort key will be create sequence, object, type, and level. • If you sequence by *TYPE, the sort key will be type, object, library, and level. When you press Enter, you’ll see the worklist again with objects displayed in the sequence you chose. Page 9-120 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks You can specify how your test objects are to be created, including whether or not TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should use the application library list, what job description it should use, where it should be submitted, and where compile output should be placed. These session defaults are saved for each user. When you create a new worklist, the last settings are applied to the new worklist. When you press F11=View2, you’ll see this alternate view: 1/29/10 20:20:29 Work with Programmer Worklist Worklist . . . . APPR0003 Position to . . . Your Company, Inc. Chg credit-term verify program Apply filters . . . Y (F17=Filters) 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 11=Move 12=Compare source 21=Checkout 22=Change checkout 24=Checkin 25=Task details Source Source Checkout Object Attr Library File Programmer Appl Rl Vr APPR004 RPG ACPTTEST QRPGSRC APPR __ APCLP001 CLP PRODTEST QCLSRC PSCHMIDT + APPR __ APCLP001 CLP ACPTTEST QCLSRC PSCHMIDT APPR __ APCLP001 CLP DEVTEST QCLSRC APPR __ APDSPF01 DSPF PRODTEST QDDSSRC PSCHMIDT APPR __ APDSPF01 DSPF ACPTTEST QDDSSRC APPR __ APDSPF01 DSPF DEVTEST QDDSSRC APPR __ APRPG001 RPG PRODTEST QRPGSRC PSCHMIDT APPR __ APRPG001 RPG ACPTTEST QRPGSRC APPR __ APRPG001 RPG DEVTEST QRPGSRC APPR Chk Chk Lv Xrf Rel 01 Y 02 Y N 01 N N 02 01 Y N N N 02 01 N N N N More... Parameters or command ===> _________________________________________________________________________ F2=Forms F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add item F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F11=View3 F19=Batch 21/46 F23=More options F24=More keys The fields Chk Xrf and Chk Rel tell you whether you have checked the cross-reference file for dependent objects and whether you’ve checked for related objects in related applications, respectively. Both of these are explained more completely later in this section. Press F11=View3 to see the third worklist display format: 1/29/10 20:20:29 Work with Programmer Worklist Worklist. . . . . APPR0003 Position to . . . Your Company, Inc. Chg credit-term verify program Apply filters . . . Y (F17=Filters) 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 11=Move 21=Checkout 22=Change checkout __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Object APCLP001 APCLP001 APCLP001 APDSPF01 APDSPF01 APDSPF01 APRPG001 APRPG001 APRPG001 Attr CLP CLP CLP DSPF DSPF DSPF RPG RPG RPG 12=Compare source 24=Checkin 25=Task details Item Description Programmer Test item 1 desc PSCHMIDT Test item 1 desc PSCHMIDT Test item 1 desc PSCHMIDT Test display file desc PSCHMIDT Test display file desc PSCHMIDT Test display file desc PSCHMIDT Test RPG program desc PSCHMIDT Test RPG program desc PSCHMIDT Test RPG program desc PSCHMIDT ProjRef APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 APPR0212 More... Parameters or command ===> _________________________________________________________________________ F2=Forms F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add item F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F11=View1 F19=Batch 21/46 F23=More options F24=More keys TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-121 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Why show objects that do not exist? By showing all objects at each level, you can see the progress of your work from development through to production. You can tell exactly where your objects are, no matter how many levels you use for your application. Referring to the PWM panel, you can press F6 to add additional items to your worklist; or you can select other options to scan and select items to include on your worklist. For information about setting up user-defined options to use in PDM, or other documentation or cross-reference tools, see Using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 with PDM in the Advanced Topics section of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide For example, you can press F20 to start PDM. Then, in PDM you can use option AW (Add to Worklist; as defined in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s user option file SOFTTURND/QAUOOPT) to add items to your list. As you browse objects and source files, you can continue to add items to the list by selecting them with the ‘AW’ PDM option. As with PDM, you can also do the same with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s view cross-reference, with Pathfinder and with Abstract/Probe+. When you return to PWM, each of the items you selected will appear. You can continue to build your list by pressing F6=Add to add new objects (those you intend to create) or by removing others after you analyze them further. For example, you may have included all items that referred to the Vendor file. Then, after analyzing the programs, you may have removed from the list those that did not refer to the vendor payment terms field. Incidentally, notice that the PWM panel tells you if the object and source actually exist in any of the libraries associated with the application with which you are working. As the sample shows, the PWM panel lets you position, filter by, and perform many development and change management functions. For a complete explanation of all of these functions, see Working with PWM in the Advanced Topics section of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Developer’s Guide. Now read the following section, where you’ll find a wealth of other useful features. Page 9-122 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Running source compare from PWM You can type option 12=Compare source next to any worklist item to initiate the source compare utility. When you do, you’ll see this panel: 1/29/10 17:11:29 Compare Source Members Compare: 1=Compare interactive _ _ Member __________ APCLP001 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Member . . . . APCLP001 File . . . . QCLSRC Library . . . . PRODTEST 2=Compare in batch File __________ QCLSRC Library __________ DEVTEST F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Archived members F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F18=WRKSPLF F10=Maintain source compare command F21=System command You can select one of the items on the list or type in another member and its file and library names. Press F1/Help for more about other things you can do on this panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-123 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Checking for cross-reference information Whether you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s cross-reference capability or another product such as Hawkeye’s Pathfinder, 69 you can work with information that tells you where an object is used. For example, you can see which programs use a particular file; which modules are included in a particular program; which programs are called by or call other programs. For example, you are adding a field to files APPF001 and APLF001A and changing program APRPG01. You have added those objects to your Programmer Worklist, as shown: 1/29/10 09:16:50 Work with Programmer Worklist Worklist . . . . APPR0003 Position to . . . Your Company, Inc. Chg credit-term verify program (Object) Apply filters . . . Y (F17=Filters) 15=Check X-Ref 32=Edit source 16=Related objects 18=Object history 38=Pre/post-Cmds 35=Browse source 36=Compile 37=SDA/RLU 39=Debug Object Chk Nxt Object Attr Library Obj Src Out Form FormSts ItemSts Opt 15 APLF001A LF PRODTEST Y Y Y NEW APLF001A LF ACPTTEST N N N NEW 46 APLF001A LF DEVTEST Y Y N NEW PF PRODTEST Y Y Y NEW 15 APPF001 APPF001 PF ACPTTEST N N N NEW 46 APPF001 PF DEVTEST Y Y N NEW 15 APRPG01 RPG PRODTEST Y Y Y NEW APRPG01 RPG ACPTTEST N N N NEW 46 APRPG01 RPG DEVTEST Y Y N NEW Bottom Parameters or command ===> F2=Forms F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Add item F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F11=View2 F19=Inter. 21/46 F23=More options F24=More keys Now you type option 15=Check X-Ref next to the items you want to check and press Enter. 69 If you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s cross-reference, you will see the cross-reference panels displayed below; otherwise you will see your vendor’s cross-reference panels. In that case, you can use user-defined options to add related items to your Programmer Worklist. Page 9-124 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks You’ll then see the Work with Cross-Reference panel, which includes all of the objects related each of the items you selected: 1/29/10 Worklist Data set 09:46:14 Work with Cross-Reference Your Company, Inc. X-Ref Depth= 01 . . . . APPR0003 . . . . ACCTGSYS Chg credit-term verify program Apply filters . . . Y (F17=Filters) 1=Add to Worklist 2=Add to Worklist/Checkout 4=Compile in Development library 5=View checkout 6=Work with relationships 8=Browse member ------ Uses/Used-by -------> Chk Object Library Attr Object Library Attr How Used Out U/B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG965 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG977 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG980 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG982 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG983 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG993 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APPF001 APRODLIB4D PF APLF001A APRODLIB4 LF Input N B APPF001 APRODLIB4D PF APRPG993 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APPF001 APRODLIB4D PF APRPG993 APRODLIB4 RPG Update N B APRPG991 APRODLIB4D RPG APRPG001 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N U APRPG991 APRODLIB4D RPG APRPG005 APRODLIB4 RPG input N U More… F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Data set information F12=Cancel F17=Filters F19=Submit 1/2 F21=Command line F22=Print In this example, we selected a logical file, a physical file and a program from the worklist. 1. The logical file is used by six programs. 2. The physical file is used by the logical file and two programs. 3. The program calls three programs. You can press F17=Filters (not shown here) to display a panel on which to set filters on these conditions: • Type attribute code of related item; • Show only items that “use” or items that are “used by” the reference items; • Cross-reference method code; • Library checked out. If you want to add objects to your worklist, type 1 next to each one and press Enter or use option 2 to add them to the Programmer Worklist and also check them out. If you want to compile related objects – objects that you don’t need to change but need to test – into your development library, select it with option 4. The object(s) will be created in the development library identified for that application’s first level. If *PGMR is specified, then into your own development library. Options 1 and 2 can be submitted to batch by pressing F19. Option 4 is always submitted. You can prompt options 1, 2, and 4 by pressing F4. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-125 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Working with relationships You can determine if an item listed uses other items, or is used by other items, by selecting it with option 6. For example, suppose you were researching a physical file that you had placed on your worklist. When you reach this panel, you might then see related logical files and programs that refer directly to the physical file. If you type 6 next to one of the related logical files, you would see all of the programs that refer to that logical file. If you type 6 next to one of the programs, you might see another program that calls that program. This way you can drill-down to see all of the objects that might be affected by the pending file change. Each time you see a dependent object, you can add it to the list. This way, you can be sure that your analysis provides you with a complete picture. Each time you use option 6, the X-Ref depth field advances to indicate how far you have “drilled down.” • If you select option 6, X-Ref depth advances to 02. • If you select option 6 again on the X-Ref depth 02 panel, the X-Ref depth becomes 03, and so on. Once you go beyond the first depth of dependencies, F12 will return to the previous depth; F3 will return to your Programmer Worklist. The cross-reference check will also show any logical files that are built over any physical files on the form. You can add these logical files to the form so that they will be recompiled in the test environment. Be aware, though, that any programs that use a logical file you add from the crossreference selection panel are not added automatically. You must edit the form and recheck the crossreference file for programs related to the additional logical files. A logical file is automatically added to the form if it exists in the target library for the form you are creating. In that case, any programs that use the logical file will be found by the cross-reference check because the additional logical file will be added to the form before the cross-reference check occurs. If an object you need to change is currently checked out to someone else, then you can read the checkout information to find out more about when, and by whom, it was checked out. Depending on whether the multiple-checkout feature is enabled, you might then decide to check it out. Otherwise, you might want to coordinate your changes with the programmer who already has it checked out. Note that you can add an item to your Programmer Worklist, whether it is checked out or not. You should only add items to the worklist that you intend to change. If you intend only to have the item recompile when you promote it, as in the case where you change a file and want only to recompile dependent programs to avoid level checks, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will prompt you to recompile these objects later, when you add the items to your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Page 9-126 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks When you add an item to your programmer worklist from the Work with Cross-reference panel, it will set the X-Ref checked indicator for that item to Y. (See What happens if you forget to check cross-reference? on page 9-127.) What happens if you forget to check cross-reference? TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 maintains a field for each worklist item that is set on when you select option 15=Check X-Ref on the Programmer Worklist. If cross-reference information exists in the cross-reference database for any item on your worklist, and you forget to check the cross-reference file during development using option 15, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remind you to check when you add the item to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form using option 46. After you check, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will set the Cross-reference checked indicator to Y. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not allow you to add an item to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, interactively or in batch, if the Cross-reference checked flag is N. You can set this Cross-reference checked flag manually with the Change Worklist Item (CHGPWLITM) command (option 2 on the worklist), if you want. Recompiling related items that did NOT change Suppose you checked the cross-reference database earlier and decided that no other related items needed to be changed. (That is, you didn’t add these items to your Programmer Worklist at that time). Now you are ready to promote your changed objects. When you add the worklist items to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will let you add the unchanged related objects to your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to be recompiled. They will be recompiled from source in the application’s target library or a library at a higher level. As explained below, the process of adding items works differently when done interactively or in batch. Adding items to the form in batch If cross-reference information exists in the cross-reference database for any item on your worklist, and you forget to do a cross-reference check (using option 15), then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will add the item to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form when you select it with option 46=Add to form and press F19=Batch 21/46 to build the form in batch (as you would do if you had several items on the form). To avoid having cross-reference items added automatically in this fashion, add the items to your form interactively. An alternative is to delete some of the reference items from the form afterwards. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-127 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Adding items to the form interactively If cross-reference information exists in the cross-reference database for any item on your worklist, and you forget to do a cross-reference check (using option 15), then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remind you to do so at the time you add the item to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form when you select it with option 46=Add to form (interactively). If cross-reference information exists and has not been checked, then you will not be able to add the item to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form until you either select the item with option 15 to check cross-reference information, or set the Cross-reference checked indicator to Yes. 1/29/10 Worklist Data set 09:46:14 Work with Cross-Reference Your Company, Inc. X-Ref Depth= 01 . . . . APPR0003 . . . . ACCTGSYS Chg credit-term verify program Apply filters . . . Y (F17=Filters) 1=Add to Worklist 2=Add to Worklist/Checkout 4=Compile in Development library 5=View checkout 6=Work with relationships 8=Browse member ------ Uses/Used-by -------> Chk Object Library Attr Object Library Attr How Used Out U/B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG965 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG977 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG980 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG982 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG983 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APLF001A APRODLIB4D LF APRPG993 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APPF001 APRODLIB4D PF APLF001A APRODLIB4 LF Input N B APPF001 APRODLIB4D PF APRPG993 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N B APPF001 APRODLIB4D PF APRPG993 APRODLIB4 RPG Update N B APRPG991 APRODLIB4D PF APRPG001 APRODLIB4 RPG Input N U APRPG991 APRODLIB4D PF APRPG005 APRODLIB4 RPG input N U More… F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Data set information F12=Cancel F17=Filters F19=Submit 1/2 F21=Command line F22=Print You can avoid a recompile of these related objects by de-selecting them. If added to the form, the items will be recompiled in the target libraries using the source found in the target source library. If an item had been added to the worklist, but never checked out, it will also be recompiled from target source. Only physical-to-logical file, file-to-program and program-to-module relations 70 will be included on the Work with Object Cross-Reference panel. If a logical file is selected, then that files relatives (that is, programs that use the logical file) are also displayed so you can include those items on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. 70 The cross-reference method table contains an indicator that determines what type of relationships are to be automatically added to a form and in what order they are to be added (LF first, then modules, then programs). Page 9-128 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Cross-referencing related items from other applications If you or TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 need to add a related cross-reference item to a form for a different application than the primary worklist application, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will create a new form and add the related item to that form (see the Caution! that follows). If this is done interactively, then you will see a message informing you that a related form has been created. If done in batch, the log report will indicate that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 has done this. The related application forms will be dependent on your primary form and cannot run unless the primary form has run successfully. If you run all of the forms as a group, then the rules that apply to running group forms apply. 71 If an item is already on your Worklist, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 assumes you have added it or will be adding it to a form in the standard manner. You will not be able to select it here. If you add items to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form in batch, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will add items to the form automatically. If, for some exceptional reason (see the Caution! that follows), you do not want the cross-reference items on the form, you can delete them from the form after it is created. If you do not want the cross-reference items on the form, we suggest that you add items to the form interactively rather than in batch. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution! Do you use one production library for more than one application? When TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 detects a related object in the cross-reference, it adds it to the same TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form or, if it is in another application, to a new form. Which application to use is not always clear when more than one application uses the same target library. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 first looks at its own history database to determine the correct application. If TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 cannot determine the application in this way, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 assumes that it is part of the first application it encounters for which a matching target library was found. In some cases, it won’t really matter and the object will be recreated correctly. However, if it does matter, we recommend that you build a form interactively so that you will see a panel that lets you determine the correct application interactively. 71 For more about running group forms, see the section entitled Submitting a Group of Forms to Run Together in Chapter 7. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-129 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Recompiling related items that did NOT change Why wouldn’t you check the cross-reference? If you know you are changing a program and are certain the change does not impact any other programs, then you may decide to bypass the cross-reference check; however, it just takes a few seconds to do the check, so we recommend that you do it. What happens if you do not use the Programmer’s Worklist? We recommend that you use the Programmer’s Worklist; however, if you do not use it, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will prompt you to check the cross-reference database when you checkout an item and again when you edit your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, to ensure that you do not overlook anything. Editing your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form If you build a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form from a Programmer’s Worklist, then the Check cross-reference file for related objects prompt on the Form Maintenance Exit options panel will default to N. If you do not use the Programmer Worklist and there are files on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form, then this will default to Y. However, if you chose to edit a form, the exit options will work the same, no matter how the form was created. If you set Check cross-reference file for related objects to Y, then you’ll see the Work with Object Cross-reference panel, as described earlier. Page 9-130 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Related application processing The related application feature of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 lets you define several application promotion paths that are related to one another. As described in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63), you can use the related application feature to map the same object name across several related applications or software releases. For example, you can set up two application definitions, one for Release 7 and one for release 8 of your application. If you need to change an object for Release 7 and the same object name has been modified and therefore now exists for Release 8, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will remind you to look at the related item in Release 8 and decide whether or not it also needs to be changed. Another example might be that you must customize changes for several company locations that you support. You may have base application libraries and several location or customer specific libraries, each containing modified versions of objects that exist in the base libraries. Suppose you need to modify RPG program SDRWRKLU in base application SDU. If this program has been modified for three other locations – Canada (CN), Mexico (ME) and the United Kingdom (UK) – then when you select program SDRWRKLU with Worklist option 16=Related objects, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a panel like this one: 1/29/10 Worklist 15:39:12 . . . . TP400060 1=Add to Worklist Member _ SDRWRKLU _ SDRWRKLU _ SDRWRKLU F3=Exit Work with Related Applications Attr RPG RPG RPG F4=Prompt Your Company, Inc. Add Line to Form Unrestrict fails 2=Add to Worklist/Checkout --------Base-------Appl Rel Ver Lev SDU 2 SDU 2 SDU 2 F11=Alt. view 8=Browse base 9=Browse related -------Related------Appl Rel Ver Lev Out Programmer SDCN 2 N SDME 2 N SDUK 2 N F12=Cancel F19=Submit 1/2 Bottom F21=Commands If you want to add objects to your worklist, type 1 next to each one and press Enter or use option 2 to add them to the Programmer Worklist and also check them out. Options 1 and 2 can be submitted to batch by pressing F19. Options 1 and 2 can be prompted by pressing F4. Press F11 to see an alternate view that contains source file names, library names and checkout programmer name. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-131 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks If you add an item to your worklist using option 1 or 2, and if you have nested related applications, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will display related items in the nested application(s). The Depth indicator at the top of the panel reflects how many nested levels you have. For example, suppose you are managing two releases of your software and have defined them as APPL Release 1 and APPL Release 2. You can relate these applications. You would probably related APPL Release 2 to APPL Release 1, referred to as the Base. If you maintain custom modifications for each of these – one set of modifications for Release 1 and two for Release 2 – then you can relate these modification applications to whichever Release they apply. Then you will see any object of the same name that resides in any of the related application libraries as you drill down through the nested applications. APPL Rel 1 (Base) APPL Rel 2 (Related and Base) MOD1 Rel 1 (Related) MOD2 Rel 2 MOD3 Rel 2 (Related) If you do use the related applications feature, then we recommend that you check for related application objects (option 16) and add them to your worklist (if necessary), before you check the cross-reference database (option 15). Note that, because the related object is associated with another application (related to the base application), each item you add to your Programmer Worklist will be associated with a separate application. The project definition associated with the worklist must have all of the applications in its related application list. Later, when TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms are created using option 46, one TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form will be created for each application represented on the Programmer Worklist. Page 9-132 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What happens if you forget to check for related applications? TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 maintains an indicator for each worklist item that is turned on when you select option 16=Related object on your Programmer Worklist. You can set this Related application checked indicator with the Change Worklist Item (CHGPWLITM) command (Programmer Worklist option 2). If related applications exist for any item on your Programmer Worklist (as determined by the item application) and you forget to check for related objects, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will prevent you from adding the item to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form with option 46=Add to form until you check for related applications or turn on the Related application checked indicator. Adding items to the form in batch If objects exist in a related application for any item on your worklist, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will create a form automatically when you select the object with option 46=Add to form and press F19=Batch 21/46 to build the form in batch (as you would do if you had several items on the form). To avoid having forms created for related applications, add the items to your form interactively. You’ll then see a panel on which you can void the creation of forms for one or more of the related applications. An alternative is to delete the related items from the forms afterwards. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-133 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Using the multiple-checkout option If your company uses the multiple-checkout processing option that allows more than one programmer to check out an object at the same time, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will display the following panel when you add the item to a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form and, if not resolved then, again when you submit the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to run. Multiple Checkout Approval Your Company, Inc. The objects listed below have been turned over by other programmers while checked out to PSCHMIDT Changes made by those programmers must be included in changes made by PSCHMIDT Position to object . . . . __________ Filter by programmer . . . __________ Filter by reference . . . __________ Type options, press Enter. 1=Approve 4=Cancel approval 5=View form 7=Project details Run Object Library Type Programmer Form Date Reference Approved _ APRPG001 PRODTEST RPG SMITHRAY 100021 042194 APPF0002 F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F14=Display all This panel will not appear if no items where promoted while you were working on the item. If one or more items were changed and promoted while you were working on them, then you must merge those changes with your own, or using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s source merge command, test them and then certify that you have done so by selecting option 1=Approved on the this panel. Page 9-134 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks PROJECT REPORTS There are many reporting options you can use to retrieve and report all of the project and task data in a variety of ways. Each report option includes a command prompt to help you specify the breadth and depth of information you need. Each report, described briefly below, is illustrated with an example in Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports. Task Aging Reports Provided in detail and summary formats, this report contains information about how long any task has been on your system. Project Description Report Provides a listing of the project definition information. Escalation Table Listing Shows the contents of the escalation table, along with associated commands and messages. Project Task Report Provided in detail and summary formats, this report contains information about how long a request, problem (any task) has been on your system. Project Time Resource Report Summarizes the time reported for any resource or for all resources, within date ranges for all or some projects. Sequence is resource within project. Projects and tasks by priority Lists tasks in priority order, by resource or for all resources. You can also specify priority, status, and task ranges. Project Time Report Summarizes the time reported for tasks or projects, within any date range. Sequence is project and task. Project Cost Report Lets you report project costs, based on time reported and programmer’s rate, of task within project. Reporting can be limited to specific date ranges, resources, and requesters. Programmer Worklist listing Lists the contents of your programmer worklist. Other Reports Most reports, such as the Object History Report let you select by project task reference to see objects changed to complete a particular task or request. For more about reports, see Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-135 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks WISEDESK The Wisedesk feature lets Helpdesk personnel “interview” TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system to find out whether a working task, problem report, or change request already exists for an issue that someone is describing to them. It can also help users gather information from the project tasks defined on your system to see how your projects affect each other. Overview Wisedesk lets you define “logical views” over your existing projects – without creating a special question and answer database. Although you can build a special project for this purpose and build a Wisedesk decision tree over it, you’ll probably prefer to build decision trees over your existing projects – especially if you are already using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects. The beauty of Wisedesk is that you can build a decision tree over several projects, ensuring that every relevant task is represented in the tree. Also, if one task matches the criteria of two or more categories, it will show up in each related tree branch, even though it only exists once in the project database. To use Wisedesk, you must build one or more help trees. A help tree is a group of related tasks that are organized in a common-sense, level-oriented structure that you define. The levels in the tree structure are called categories. The first level of categories in a tree are called root categories. Any category can have one or more levels of its own, called subcategories. For example, you might have a tree called Trees, with categories and subcategories like these: Cortland Trees Fruit Trees Apple Trees Pear Trees Plum Trees … MacIntosh Granny Smith … The avenue of access through the layers of a tree into a specific category is called a path. The dotted line in the diagram shows the path into the Cortland category. (Notice that the help tree name – “Trees” – is not included in the path.) If you wanted to specify this path on a Wisedesk panel, you would type: /fruit trees/apple trees/cortland/ You tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 how to group tasks into categories by supplying a set of requirements, called selection criteria. During a build process, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 compares these criteria to values in the task definition, description and details, selecting for the category those tasks that satisfy them and ignoring those that don’t. Once you’ve built your trees, you can view task lists by category to find out what work is under way for a given project, problem, or change request. Grouping tasks like this helps you find relevant information fast, so you can see if something’s already been reported, determine whether a fix is available, or clear up confusion about how a product feature is designed to work. Page 9-136 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks You can access Wisedesk help trees from these key areas of the Helpdesk process: 1. Independently, by typing WRKHLPTREE on a command line. 2. From option 16 on the HELPDESK Work with Requesters panel, so you can select a requester and search for answers to his or her questions and, if necessary, enter a request on the user’s behalf. 3. Using F16 on Work with Tasks or Work with Projects panels within TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects. 4. Using F16 from the task review panel or the Assign Task pop-up panel within WORKTASK, so the reviewer can search for and locate existing duplicate tasks. Setting up a help tree Setting up a help tree requires two basic activities: Defining the tree and building the tree. When you define a tree, you are creating the categories and subcategories of your tree structure and supplying search criteria for selecting related tasks from your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 projects. Building the tree is a process you submit to batch, during which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 searches the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects database to locate matching tasks for each category you’ve defined. To create a help tree, follow the steps beginning on the next page. Step 1: Create a help tree To create a tree, type WRKHLPTREE on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 command line. Press Enter. The Work with Help Trees panel appears: 1/29/10 14:40:07 Work with Help Trees 1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 12=Work with Categories 14=Build Tree Description CENTRAL HARDWARE TURNOVER USI F3=Exit 6=Print Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 7=Authorities CENTRAL® iMenu Items Hardware Related Items TURNOVER® for iSeries Related Items UNICOM Systems, Inc. Internal Items F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-137 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Type option 1 and a tree name in the selection fields on the first row of the panel: 1/29/10 14:44:07 Work with Help Trees Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 6=Print 7=Authorities 12=Work with Categories 14=Build Tree Description 1 NEWTREE CENTRAL CENTRAL® for iMenu Items HARDWARE Hardware Related Items TURNOVER TURNOVER® for iSeries Related Items USI UNICOM Systems, Inc. Internal Items F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F21=System command Press Enter. The Add Help Tree panel appears: Add Help Tree (ADDHLPTREE) Type choices, press Enter. Help tree . . . . . . . . . . . > NEWTREE Name Description . . . . . . . . . . New Help Tree F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display This panel is the prompt for the Add a Help Tree (ADDHLPTREE) command. Type a description for your new help tree and press Enter. The tree is created and the Work with Help Trees panel reappears. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note Another way to create a help tree is to use option 3=Copy to duplicate an existing tree. You can then change the tree by giving it a different name and description, reassigning user’s authorities to it, working with its categories, and so forth, as described in the remainder of this section. Continue with the next step. Page 9-138 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Step 2: Assign tree authorities On the Work with Help Trees panel, select the new tree with option 7=Authorities and press Enter. The Wisedesk Authorities panel appears: 1/29/10 10:07:02 Tree: NEWTREE User *NONE BERNEY COMPARDI BIANCHA BLAIRE ELLISMAN GIBBONS HOLMER JSCHMIDT KLINE LEBLANC MIKEPHIL F3=Exit Wisedesk Authorities New help tree Name Unassigned Berney Fern Roy Compardi Biancha Jefferson Blaire Peterson Stephen Ellisman Greg Gibbons Denise Holmesby Joan Schmidt Sandy Kline Louie LeBlanc Mike Phillips F12=Cancel Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS View X X X X X X X X X X X Work with X X X X X X X X X X X Bld X X X X X X X X X X X Dlt X X X X X X X X X X X Match Tasks X X X X X X X X X X X Exclude Tasks X X X X X X X X X X X F21=Authorize all The tree for which you’re assigning authority is identified at the top of the panel. People who will be repeatedly searching for information in the help trees on your system should have, at a minimum, View and Match authority. People who will update the trees should have all authorities. • For each user in the list, type an X in the column(s) representing the kind of authority the user should have for this tree. Press Enter. • Review the results, and correct them if necessary. Press Enter, then F3 to return to the Work with Help Trees panel. Once the help tree is created and populated with task lists, your help desk users can begin using it to locate information. Users can see task information only from projects that they are authorized to, regardless of their authority to the tree. (To learn how to use Wisedesk from a Helpdesk user’s point of view, read Finding information in a help tree on page 9-146.) Continue with the next step. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-139 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Step 3: Create root categories Select your tree with option 12. The Work with Categories panel appears: 1/29/10 12:16:19 Work with Categories Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Tree . . NEWTREE F4=List Maximum indent level . . . 99 .......................................................................... 1 : Add Category : 12 : : : Tree . . . . . . NEWTREE : : Path . . . . . . / : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Category . . . . : : Description . . : : : : F3=Exit F12=Cancel : :........................................................................: F3=Exit F4=List F5=Refresh F6=Add category F17=Collapse F18=Expand F19=Collapse all Bottom F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F20=Expand all F21=Command Note: Press F6 to see the Add Category pop-up panel. Here you create your tree categories and supply criteria for selecting related tasks to include in the categories’ task lists. At any time, you can add or change categories or subcategories, and then rebuild them. Press F6 to add a root category to your tree. The Add Category pop-up panel appears. The Tree and Path fields at the top of the pop-up are informational, and show you where in the tree the category will be added. Type a category name and description, and press Enter. The Change Help Tree Category panel appears: 1/29/10 14:44:45 Change Help Tree Category Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Tree . . NEWTREE Path . . /ROOT1/ Logical relationship between criteria and strings . . *AND 1=Set criteria 2=Remove criteria Selection Criteria Category Projects Resources Requesters Status codes Priority codes Task type codes User-field 1 User-field 2 User-field 3 User-field 4 F3=Exit Page 9-140 F4=List F10=Change description F12=Cancel Selection Criteria Defined y N N N N N N N N N More... F21=System command © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 *OR, *AND TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks This is a two-page panel; press Page Down. 1/29/10 14:44:45 Change Help Tree Category Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Tree . . NEWTREE Path . . /ROOT1/ Logical relationship between criteria and strings . . *AND 1=Set criteria 2=Remove criteria *OR, *AND Selection Criteria Defined N N N N N N N Selection Criteria Category User-field 5 User-field 6 User-field 7 User-field 8 User-field 9 User-field 10 Search strings Bottom F3=Exit F4=List F10=Change description F12=Cancel F21=System command TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-141 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Step 4: Provide task selection criteria Use this panel to supply a set of requirements called selection criteria. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses this information to choose from the database any tasks that relate to this category. There are three kinds of selection criteria: 1. Project criteria – identify to which projects a task must belong to be included in a category list. 2. Task criteria – identify values that a task must match to be included in a category list. 3. Search strings – identify specific words or portions of words, acronyms, or other character strings that the task description or details must contain to be included in a category list. If the category you are working with is a root category – that is, a category in the first level of the tree – then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies the criteria to all projects and tasks. If the category is a subcategory, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 applies the criteria only to the parent category’s task set. What you see: Logical relationship between criteria and strings You can assign a logical relationship between the task selection criteria (project, resources, requesters, and so on) and the search string selection criteria. The values you can type here are: *OR Any task that either meets all the task selection criteria OR matches one search string criterion is included in the category during a build. *AND Any task that both meets all of the task selection criteria AND matches one search string criterion is included in the category. Project criteria Type the IDs for up to ten specific projects that might contain tasks for issues related to this category, or use one of the following: *ALL Specifies all projects in the database. *HLP Specifies all *HELPDESK projects in the database. *WRK Specifies all *WORKING projects in the database. Generic* Specifies a group of projects that have some portion of their IDs in common. A task must match one of the Projects you specify; otherwise, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not select it. A task that meets the Projects requirements must also meet at least one requirement from either the task criteria or the search strings. If not, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not select it. Page 9-142 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Task criteria Select any of the task criteria listed here with option 1 to supply information TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can use to identify tasks relating to this category. You can supply up to ten specific values for each of these task fields: • Resources • Requesters • Status codes • Priority codes • Task type codes • User-defined fields 1-10 72 In addition to specific values, you can also supply one of the following (exceptions apply as noted): *ALL Specifies all possible values for a task field. *ALL can be used for any of the task fields shown above. Generic* Specifies values for a task field that have one or more characters in common. Generic* applies only to Resources, Requesters, and user-defined fields. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 compares these values to the contents of the corresponding task fields. If any one matches, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 includes it in the category’s task list. 72 Wisedesk is just one more reason to define and use these fields – when you specify user-defined fields, the usefulness of this decision tree increases dramatically. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-143 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Search strings Select Search strings with option 1 to supply an unlimited number of text strings. Search strings are automatically treated as Generic* values. To add a string, type a 1 in the selection field on the first line. Tab past the Seq field, position the cursor in the Search string column, and type a text string that you think is most likely to appear in the description or details of a task relating to this category. When you press Enter, the Add Category Search String (ADDCATSTR) prompt appears with your information filled in. Additional parameters appear so you can tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 where to look for these strings – in the task description or the task details, or both. You can also make the search case-sensitive, if necessary. If you enter your strings in order from most to least common, you can let TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sequence your strings for you. If necessary, you can change the order later by selecting the string with option 2 and typing in a different sequence number. Make your strings as all-inclusive as you can, such that you supply as few strings as possible. Also, use strings sparingly at the root category level, where the list of tasks to choose from is large. These measures save time during the category build, when tasks are selected. Read the online help for additional information about specifying and sequencing search strings. • Press F3. A pop-up prompt appears asking if you want to build the category you’ve just created. You can either build category-by-category as you go along, or build the entire tree later when you finish defining categories. We’ll build our tree later. • Answer N and press Enter. The Work with Categories panel reappears. • To define more root categories, return to the beginning of Step 2 and proceed as before. • If you’ve finished adding root categories, you can now begin branching out using subcategories. Continue with Step 5. Step 5: Create subcategories This is where the true branching of your tree takes place. You can add subcategories to root categories, or to other subcategories. • To add a subcategory, select a category with option 1 and press Enter. The panels presented are the same ones you saw when adding root categories. Proceed as you did before, again skipping the build after each subcategory is defined. • When you finish supplying the selection criteria for the last subcategory, press F3. The build prompt appears. Page 9-144 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Step 6: Build your help tree • Answer N to the build prompt and press Enter. Then use F3 to return to the Work with Help Trees panel. • Select your help tree with option 14=Build and press Enter. The Build Help Tree Category panel appears. • Press Enter to accept the defaults and submit the job. Alternate build method: • Answer Y to the build prompt and press Enter. The Build Help Tree Category panel appears. • Position the cursor at the Path field. What you see here represents the subcategory you just defined. You want to build the entire tree – not just the last subcategory you created. • To build the entire tree, type *ALL in the Path field, and blank out any remaining path information. Press Enter. The build job is submitted. Either way, a build job called BLDHLPCAT is submitted to the job queue. When the job completes, a spool file called BLDHLPP will be in your default output queue. This spool file contains the Help Tree Category Build Summary report, which describes all the categories and subcategories you created, and lists the tasks that were selected for each. • Press F3 to return to the Work with Help Trees panel. Step 7: Check your work • Review the task list for each category you created. Look for information that can help you refine your search strings or other selection criteria. Then make any changes to the categories that are necessary, rebuilding each category as you finish changing it. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Our own usage of Wisedesk suggests that you might want to create a “Question and Answer” project to compliment your existing project database. This complimentary project contains answers to users’ questions that are not requests or problems. Once the answers are entered, they can be shared by your entire support staff. For example, at UNICOM Systems, Inc., our TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 decision tree includes a problems project and an enhancements project for each TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 release, and a general TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Question and Answer project. This ensures that all relevant TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 issues are documented and represented in the decision tree. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-145 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Finding information in a help tree As a Help desk staff member, you know that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 stores mounds of information as project tasks. You also know that related information stored this way can be scattered over several projects. This is fine for project execution; each piece of work gets done, as it should. But when it comes to answering user questions about the product, finding all the related pieces of information can be a challenge. With TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Wisedesk, existing project tasks are organized into broad topics called help trees. Each tree is broken down into neat, logical, increasingly-specific layers you can browse, following only those branches that apply to the question you’re answering. Using Wisedesk, you can quickly find out whether a fix has already been created for your user’s problem, or whether the problem is unreported; or you can provide answers about how to use the software to its best advantage. These instructions explain how to use Wisedesk to locate the information you need quickly and easily. Step 1: Start Wisedesk You can start Wisedesk from four convenient locations: • From within the HELPDESK command, by selecting a requester with option 16=Wisedesk; • From the task review panel within the WORKTASK command, using F16=Wisedesk; • From the Work with Tasks or Work with Projects panels within TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, using F16=Wisedesk; or • From a command line within TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 using the WRKHLPTREE command. These locations are strategically located within common TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 work pathways; explore them at your leisure to see how they fit into the procedures you use. Regardless of how you start Wisedesk, the Work with Help Trees panel appears: Page 9-146 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks 1/29/10 14:44:07 Work with Help Trees Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 6=Print 7=Authorities 12=Work with Categories 14=Build Tree Description 1 NEWTREE CENTRAL CENTRAL® for iMenu Items HARDWARE Hardware Related Items TURNOVER TURNOVER® for iSeries Related Items USI UNICOM Systems, Inc. Internal Items F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F21=System command A list of the help trees that have been constructed on your system appears. See the next step. Step 2: Choose a tree Select a tree with option 12 to view its categories, and press Enter. The Work with Categories panel appears: 1/29/10 9:25:25 Tree . . TURNOVER Work with Categories Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Maximum indent level . . . 99 1=Add 2=Change 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 12=Work with Tasks 14=Submit build 12 Category API APPL |-APPROVAL |-AUDIT |-AUTHORITY |-AUTHUSERS |-COMPMSGS |-DEFAULTS |-DESC |-DISTRIB |-FASTTURN |-FORM 7=Strings 8=Subcategories Last Build Chg 1/24/96 N 1/24/96 N 1/10/96 N 1/24/96 N 0/00/00 Y 0/00/00 Y 1/10/96 N 0/00/00 Y 0/00/00 Y 0/00/00 Y 0/00/00 Y 0/00/00 Y More... F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F20=Expand all F21=Command Tasks 29 39 25 10 15 7 3 8 5 42 30 27 F3=Exit F4=List F5=Refresh F6=Add category F17=Collapse F18=Expand F19=Collapse all This panel shows the categories and subcategories that are part of the help tree you selected. They’re presented in a visually layered structure so you can go directly to the task list for any layer, without having to “dig” through each preceding layer. (Option 8 provides an alternative style of viewing subcategories for a category.) The number of tasks that meet each category’s selection criteria are shown. Note: The number of tasks shown for a category can disagree with the number you actually see, because what you see depends on what projects you’re authorized to look at. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-147 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Step 3: Choose a category or subcategory Select a category or subcategory with option 12 to see its task list. Press Enter. The Work with Tasks for Category panel appears: 1/29/10 12:17:08 Work with Tasks for Category Position to task . . *TOP, *BOT Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Apply filters . . Y 1=Add subtask 2=Change 8=Add time 9=View time Task TE41003702 TE41003703 TE410039 TE410049 TE410058 TE410076 TE41007602 TE41007603 TE410079 TE41007903 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 7=Recategorize ... 10=Match 11=Move 12=Assigned/Original 13=Details Match Description Count Pty Status File changes for versioning 0 2 DONE Create new application definition panel for 0 2 DONE Option to distribute application history 0 2 WAITING Allow application libraries in the system l 0 1 WAITING Add ability to update HAWKEYE & ABSTRACT/PR 0 2 CLOSED Audit application definition changes 0 2 GROUP Display application changes and change data 0 2 STARTED Archive Application definition and related 0 2 OPEN Application Definition Enhancements 0 2 GROUP Allow multiple check Y/N 0 1 OPEN F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Add task F10=Change path F11=Alt. view F23=Options F12=Cancel F13=Repeat F16=Task Seq. F17=Filters F21=System command Many of the options on this panel are similar, if not identical to, options you use when working with tasks using Main Menu option 9; these are explained earlier in this chapter. When you press F23, you see these additional options: 14=Authority 19=Test plan 16=Forms 17=Checkout 18=History 20=PWM 22=Audit 25=Search The options specific to Wisedesk are described on the next couple of pages. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note The tasks listed may not match the number of tasks shown for that category on the Work with Categories panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 does not display tasks belonging to projects that you’re not authorized to use. Page 9-148 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks What you can do with tasks within Wisedesk: • Select a task with option 7 to exclude it from this category and/or (optionally) include it in another related category. Use this option when you notice that a task has been included in a category where it doesn’t belong, and recategorize it properly. • Select a task with option 10 to indicate that the task contains the information you need. Use this option any time you locate a match. Using this option helps you get results from later searches more quickly by “rippling” tasks with useful information to the top of the task list subfile. • Select a task with option 21 to append a requester to the task. (This option is available only when you enter a help tree from HELPDESK, and uses requester information carried forward from there.) When you press Enter, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 prompts you to select a *HELPDESK project in which a new task is created on the requester’s behalf. The new task is assigned to this task. • Select a task with option 23 to assign a *HELPDESK task – the one you were reviewing when you started Wisedesk – as a subtask to the task you located within Wisedesk. This option is available only when you start Wisedesk from within WORKTASK using F16. If you use this option next to a subtask, the *HELPDESK task will be assigned to the subtask’s main task. • Select a task with option 24 to attach a *HELPDESK task – the one you were reviewing when you started Wisedesk – to a task or subtask you located within Wisedesk. This option is available only when you start Wisedesk from within WORKTASK using F16. It is especially useful when several people have made the same request, and you want them all notified when you complete it. • Press F6 to add a new task to a project, or to assign a *HELPDESK task to a *WORKING project. Add or assign new tasks when your search reveals that the problem or request your customer is reporting has not been previously reported. This function key is subject to these conditions: 1. If you reached this panel from Work with Categories within Wisedesk, then a list appears containing projects you can access, so you can select where to add the task. 2. If you reached this panel from TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Project’s Work with Tasks (F16), then F6=Add task adds a task to the project you came from. 3. If you reached this panel after selecting a requester with option 16 from within HELPDESK, the requester is carried in from your selection. Which project(s) you can add to is controlled by the contents of the Add task default field on the filter panel (F17), as follows: Project The name of a specific project to which any tasks added within HELPDESK should be added. *ALL Presents a selection panel containing all projects to which you have access, so you can choose where to add the task. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-149 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks *HELPDESK Presents a selection panel containing all *HELPDESK projects to which you have access, so you can choose where to add the task. *WORKING Presents a selection panel containing all *WORKING projects to which you have access, so you can choose where to add the task. 4. If you reached this panel while reviewing tasks in WORKTASK (F16), then F6=Asg. new shows you a list of the valid *WORKING projects for the task, so you can choose where to assign it. • Press F10 to type another tree or path name, to transfer quickly to another tree or to another category within this tree. • Press F11 to see different information about the tasks in the list, including who entered them and to whom they’re assigned. • Press F16 to toggle the order of the list between match sequence and task ID sequence. “Match sequence” means the tasks appear in order from most often matched to least often matched. This capability relies on users to faithfully update a task’s match counter using option 10 each time a search completes successfully. As you proceed, review the online Help for more information. Page 9-150 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Setting up dynamic category updating You can set up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 such that, when new tasks are added to projects, they are searched for criteria that match categories within Wisedesk, and added to any appropriate help trees. This is called dynamic updating. This topic explains how to set up Wisedesk dynamic updating. Step 1: Create a data queue and a data queue monitoring job Type WDDYNUPD on a command line and press F4. (WDDYNUPD) command prompt appears: The Wisedesk Dynamic Update Wisedesk Dynamic Update (WDDYNUPD) Type choices, press Enter. Action code . . . . . . . . . . Data queue . . . . . . . . . . . Data queue library . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh WDDYNUPD *LIBL F12=Cancel *START, *STOP, *DLYJOB... Character value Character value Bottom F13=How to use this display To start a monitoring job, type *START in the Action code field. Leave the other fields as is, or type the name of a data queue that you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to create, and the name of the library where you want it to reside. Press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the data queue, and creates and starts the monitoring job. The monitoring job is controlled by the WDDYNUPD job description in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product library. Continue with the next step. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-151 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Step 2: Configure your projects for dynamic updating TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 needs to know which projects should dynamically update your help trees. To provide this information, do the following: Select Main Menu option 9. From the resulting list of projects, select a project with option 2=Change, and press Enter. The Define the Project panel appears: 1/29/10 12:01:18 Define the Project Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS ACTION: CHANGE Project . . . . . APPR Description . . . Your Project 1=Select Opt 1 F3=Exit Project Definition Option Description Details User-defined fields Valid applications Valid resources Valid status codes Task defaults Authorized users *WORKING project-specific options WISEDESK dynamic update options F12=Cancel F21=System command Select Wisedesk dynamic update options with option 1 and press Enter. The Wisedesk Dynamic Update Options panel appears: 1/29/10 12:09:58 WISEDESK Dynamic Update Options Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project: APPR Your project Dynamically update decision trees . . . . N F3=Exit F12=Cancel Y, N F21=System command Type Y in the Dynamically update decision trees field and press Enter. Page 9-152 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks The panel is refreshed and reappears: 1/29/10 12:13:47 WISEDESK Dynamic Update Options Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Project: APPR Your project Dynamically update decision trees . . . . Y Dynamic update data queue . . . . . . . . WDDYNUPD *LIBL 1=Update tree Tree *ALL CENTRAL DOCUMENT HARDWARE NEWTREE TURNOVER USI Y, N queue name library Description Update all trees CENTRAL® for iMenu Items Tasks that affect TurnOver Documents Hardware Related Items New tree to test steps TURNOVER® for iSeries Related Items UNICOM Systems, Inc. Internal Items Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=System command Select with option 1 the trees that you want this project to update. Press Enter. By selecting the trees a project can update, you limit the CPU cycle time spent processing project tasks for trees that aren’t related. For example, you probably won’t want your software project updating the HARDWARE tree. • Press F3 twice to return to the Work with Projects panel. • Repeat this step for each project that should update your help trees. When you’ve finished, press F3 until you return to the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. • Now read the next topic to learn more about dynamic updating. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-153 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks Things to consider when using dynamic updating Data integrity and file conflicts: You can use the WDDYNUPD command to stop or delay the monitoring job whenever necessary (for example, during system backups). Then you can restart it to continue monitoring. System performance: You can set up more than one job to monitor the same data queue. This way, while the first job is handling one update, the second job can handle the next. Note: One job is adequate in most cases. To optimize performance for a high-volume or high priority project, you can create a dedicated data queue for it, to which none of the other projects are defined. Updates for the project will go only to that data queue, while updates for all others will be processed using the other data queue. You can set up the monitoring job as an autostart job, if you want. (Or you can include the WDDYNUPD command in your system’s startup program.) • If one does not already exist, set up a dynamic updating autostart job. This is done for you in subsystem TSERVER during a typical install; but if an autostart job called WISEDESK does not exist on your system, you might have to create it manually. For instructions, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). Page 9-154 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 9-155 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 10: TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 REPORTS OVERVIEW In this chapter, we present all of the standard TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports and show you how to specify report selection parameters. We also explain the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report, which is produced when a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job is run and placed in the output queue with the other output produced during the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form run. In addition to the standard reports described here, you could write reports or query the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files directly. All files can be queried using standard iSeries queries. For a list of the files you might want to query, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries Files and Data Areas (#23). Each option has a command interface; for a list of commands, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled TURNOVER® for iSeries Commands (#28). Context Help text is provided for each command. See the Help text for more information about parameters. You can decide whether to print the selection criteria, or not, by setting the Print Select Criteria parameter to Y or N. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will print out a “cover page” containing the selection criteria you have used for this run. All TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 reporting functions respect user authority settings, and all report jobs are submitted to batch. 1/29/10 12:50:52 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. Work with application definitions 2. Maintain programmer information 3. Maintain Users authority 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Work with object history Check-out/check-in source Work with forms Submit a form to run Utility menu Work with Projects and Tasks Reporting menu Distribution menu Programmer Worklists Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F24=More keys Select Option 10 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports THE REPORTING MENU 1/29/10 13:10:32 Reporting Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Application Reports Print application definition Check application definition Audit report Audit adjustments and report Project Reports Projects and tasks Resource time report Project timesheet report Projects and tasks by priority Project cost report Task aging report Project definition report 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. History Reports List Forms Object history Programmer history Source checkout history Reference activity report Related application conflict report Distribution Reports 30. Form distribution report 31. Object distribution report Miscellaneous 40. List authorized users 41. Programmer profile information Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=System command The remainder of the chapter follows in the same order as options on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reporting Menu. Page 10-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports APPLICATION REPORTS Print Application Definition List Default Values (LISTDFTS) Type choices, press Enter. Application code . . Release . . . . . . Version . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . Defaults to list . . Suppress underlines F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL *YES F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Application code, *ALL Number Number Number *ALL, *DESC, *SYSTEM... *YES, *NO Bottom F13=How to use this display This option prints the system-wide and/or application definitions on your system. Report sequence is by application, release and version. Enter the selection parameters and press Enter. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Application Definition Report Sample For more information, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions. 1/29/10 Applica tion De finitio ns YOUR COMPANY, INC . YOURSYS Page: 1 Ap plication: APA Release: 0 Version: 0 D escript ion: Ac counts Payable Application Le vel: 1 Description: Accounts Payable Lev el 1 APPLICAT ION DES CRIPTION Audit ap plicati on . . . . . . . . . . . Use refe rence o bject for owner . . . . Applicat ion def ault owner . . . . . . . Applicat ion adm inistrator . . . . . . . Allow on ly admi nistrator to submit form Pre-run/ Post-ru n command authority . . Applicat ion lev el permanently locked . Emergenc y chang e application definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W N AUSER AUSER N *USER N N Source a rchive file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librar y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Archive objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFS Arch ive sub directory . . . . .. . . . . . . . Field ma pping d efault for copy file command . . . Compress out de leted records on copy file command Require source checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checkout error severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-Ref me thod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *DEFAUL T W, E,N Y, N US RPRF US RPRF Y, N US RPRF, *PGMR, *USER Y, N Y, N APPLICAT ION DEF AULTS & RULES Y *DEFAUL T *MAP *D ROP *YES Y E *NONE Y, N U nlocked *M AP *DROP, *NOCHK, *NOCOPY, *FROMFI LE U nlocked Y, N W, E, blank *T URNOVER, *HAWKEYE, *ABSTRACT, *NON E PROJECT DEFAULT S Require project entry . . . . . . . Project entry v erification program Libr ary . . . . . . . . . . . . Update p roject task status . . . . Status w hen che cked out . . . . . . Status w hen for m requires approval Status w hen com pletes . . . . . . . Status w hen dis tributes . . . . . . Status w hen rem ote confirms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y, N TURRPRJ F Na me SOFTTUR N Na me, *LIBL Y Y, N S (ST ARTED) 2 (AP PROVE) D (DO NE) B (DI STRIB) M (CO NFIRM) Data obj ects Ta rget library . . . . . . . . Other ob jects T arget library . . . . . . . Source T arget l ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . Data obj ects Fr om library . . . . . . . . . Other ob jects F rom library . . . . . . . . Source F rom lib rary . . . . . . . . . . . . Bypass c opy pro mpt when checking out source Data obj ect nam e mask . . . . . . . . . . . Other ob ject na me mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRODDTA PRODOBJ PRODSRC *PGMR *PGMR *PGMR N LIBRARY DEFAULT S Na me Na me Na me Na me, *PGMR, *PROJECT Na me, *PGMR, *PROJECT Na me, *PGMR, *PROJECT Y, N Ma sk Ma sk L ocked L ocked L ocked L ocked L ocked L ocked U nlocked U nlocked U nlocked EXPLODE LIBRARI ES Library DATALIB DATALIB2 Ove rride Y N Library List LIB1 LIB2 LIB3 LIB1 LIB2 LIB3 LIB4 LIB4 Sample continues… Page 10-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports 1/29/10 Application D efiniti ons YOUR COMPANY, INC. YOURSYS Page: 2 I FS PATH DEFAULTS Target path . . . ( Unlocke d) /ACCOUNTS//PAYAB LE/CLOSED From path . . . . ( Unlocke d) /ACCOUNTS/PAYABL E/OPEN IFS EXPLODE PATHS Path . . . . . . ( Unlocke d) /QNTC/SERVER/SHA RE/DEPLOYPC/&F/&L FORM DEFAULTS Job description . . . . Library . . . . . . Library list name . . . Library list . . . . . Error Recovery . . . . Threshold . . . . . Error check form. . . . Form schedule time. . . Schedule elapsed ac tion Submit Form on hold . . Submit Finalization . . Form Level Programm er . Produce Listings . . . Logging Level . . . . . Logging Severity . . . Output Queue . . . . . Library . . . . . . Job Accounting Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QBATCH QGPL APA1 QBATCH 3 0 *BATCH Method . . . . . . . . . Check for Level-Che ck . . Update Object Descr iption Create parameters . . . . Reference object . . . . Library . . . . . . . Authority . . . . . . . . Reference object . . . . Library . . . . . . . Delete test object . . . Delete test source . . . Programmer . . . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSCO Y N P *SBMRLS Y N *USRPRF Y 4 0 *JOBD *JOBD Name, *PGMR Name Name Restricted Restricted Restricted 1-3 0-99 *BATCH, *INTER *CURRENT, hhmmss *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD , *SBMRLS, *NOSBM Y, N Y, N Name, *USRPRF Y, N Blank, 0-4 0-99 Name, *PGMR, *USR PRF, *JOBD Name, *LIBL Code, *JOBD Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted LINE DEFAULTS P N Y *CHECKO UT *FORM CS CO, CSMO, CSCD, COP R, MO, CD, CS, *NU LL Y, N Y, N P, T, S, R, C Na me, REF* Na me P, T, S, R Na me, REF* Na me Y, N Y, N *U SRPRF, *FORM, *CHEC KOUT Co de, *FORM Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Restricted Locked Restricted IFS LINE DEFAULTS Target authority li st . . Development authori ty list Promotion method . . . . . Delete from object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Unlocked) A CCOUNTS ACCOUNTS (Unlocked) M OV (Unlocked) N Sample continues… TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports 1/29 /10 A ppl icat ion Def init ions YOU R COMPA NY, INC . YOU RSYS Page: 3 TYPE COD ES TYPE ABPG M CBL CLP CMD FROM SRC TAR GET SRC *PGMR QLBLSRC *PGMR QCLSRC *PGMR QCMDSRC *PGMR PR ODSR C QLB LSRC PR ODSR C QCL SRC PR ODSR C QCM DSRC PR ODSR C *PGMR QDDSSRC *PGMR QDDSSRC *PGMR PR ODSR C QDD SSRC PR ODSR C QDD SSRC PR ODSR C DTAA RA LF PF PFDA TA *PGMR QDDSSRC *PGMR QPNLSRC *PGMR QDDSSRC *PGMR QRPG SRC *PGMR PFRE F PNLG RP PRTF RPG PR ODSR C QDD SSRC PR ODSR C QPN LSRC PR ODSR C QDD SSRC PR ODSR C QRP GSRC PR ODSR C F ROM OBJ LIB * PGMR T GT OBJ LIB P RODO BJ CR EAT E RE F PARM P AUT H RE F PA RM P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P * PGMR P RODD TA P P * PGMR P RODD TA P P * PGMR P RODD TA P P * PGMR P RODD TA P P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P * PGMR P RODO BJ P P NAME MASK D LT DLT M ETHO D O BJ SRC D IST C SCO N Y Y IFS TYPE CO DES TYPE IFSO BJ D EPLO Y DIST AUTH LIS T N Y ACCOUNTS FROM PAT H: / ACC OUNT S/PA YAB LE/O PEN TA RGET PAT H: / ACC OUNT S/PA YAB LE/C LOSE D METH OD D LT ARC EXPL CPY N Y N APPL ICAT ION AUTHORI TY User AUSE R BIKE R COWL ES HOLM ES JBRO WN JSMI TH TURN OVER -- Sourc e -- Chko ut C hk-i n X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ---- ---- --- --- Form -- ---- ---- --- --View Ad d Upda te Run Di str Pu rge X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X --- Sy stem ---Dft s Auth Pgmr X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - ---- --- - Projec ts ---- ---- U se Add Codes Rsrc Rqst r X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Sample continues… Page 10-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports 1/29/10 Appli cation Defi nitions YOUR COMPANY, IN C. YOURS YS Page: 4 DISTRIBUTION DEFAULTS ----System---No. Name 300 NEWBOX 0 S1014705 200 S1014706 0 S1014707 --------Us er-------ID Addr TURNOVER NEWBOX TURNOVER S1014705 TURNOVER S1014706 TURNOVER S1014707 Device *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS ----Dist- --App Src Obj N N Y N N Y N N Y N N Y Auto Dist N N Y N Schd Time *CURRENT *CURRENT *CURRENT *CURRENT Elapsed Action *SBMRLS *SBMRLS *SBMRLS *SBMRLS Sb m Rcv F orms N N Y N ---- -Receive--- -Logs Conf Met hod N N *AUTO START N N *AUTO START Y Y *AUTO START N N *AUTO START APPROVAL LIST Notify Programmer Upon Form Approval Approval list name ACCTSPAY User/Group AUSER BILLDEPT COWLES SLICK Type *USRPRF *GROUP *USRPRF *USRPRF Admin Y N N N Notify Y N Y Y *NO *YES, *N O Override Y N N Approve Own Form Y N Y Y MsgQ AUSER MsgQ Lib QUSRSYS UserID AUSER COWLES SLICK QUSRSYS QUSRSYS COWLES SLICK Address APPROVAL GROUPS Group BILLDEPT Description Billing Department Override Users Admin No tify Appr ove Own Form AUSER JBROWN JSMITH Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y MsgQ MsgQ L ib User ID AUSER JBROWN JSMITH QUSRSY S QUSRSY S QUSRSY S JBROW N Addres s RELATED APPLICATIONS Appl ARA Rel 0 Ver 0 VERSION AND OBJECT STAMPIN G Version number to increment on promotion. . . . . . . . *NO NE Stamp object description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y, N TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Check Application Definition Once you have defined an application, you can select this report to check that application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 assumes that the actual production objects are in the libraries you defined for your application. Check Application Definition (CHKAPPDFN) Type choices, press Enter. Application Release . . Version . . Level . . . Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . for F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more values F5=Refresh *LAST *LAST *PROD *ALL F12=Cancel Character value *LAST, Release Number Number, *LAST Number, *PROD *ALL, *OBJNAMSTD, *JOBD... Bottom F13=How to use this display If you leave the Detail default to *ALL, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will print nine reports, each corresponding to the categories listed below: *OBJNAMSTD Lists objects that do not match the object naming standards in the application type code. *JOBD TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks the library list in the job description to make sure that it is correct for the application. From libraries, or libraries referenced at lower levels, should not be contained in the library list. *APPLLIBL Lists, for the application level, the recommended application library list as well as the libraries that have been defined to the application library list name. *OBJNOSRC Lists objects for which TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 could find no source in the target libraries. *LVLCHK Lists objects for which source was found in the correct library, but for which the change date does not match the object description. *REFOBJ Lists all missing reference objects (objects which are used by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 when creating new objects and granting authority to objects). *SRCNOOBJ Lists all source members for which no object exists. *OBJOWNER Lists all objects with owners that are different than TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 expects, given the application settings. Page 10-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports *OBJNOTYP Lists any objects of a type not included in the list of valid type codes for the application. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Application Check reports Sample (Not all categories are shown) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will produce a list similar to this for each category described above; or the message “No Errors Found ”. 1/29/10 17:47:03 Check Application Definition Report ****************************************************************** * APPLICATION: AP Test Application- Prod Level 2 * RELEASE-#: * VERSION-#: LEVEL-#: 2 ****************************************************************** SLS-US Division Page: 1 * * * Selection: *OBJNAMSTD - Objects that do not match naming standards Object Library Type Name-Std APREFF PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% QCLSRC PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% QCMDSRC PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% QDDSSRC PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% QRPGSRC PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% QTXTSRC PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% REFCLP PRODTEST CLP APCL%%%% REFCMD PRODTEST CMD APCMD%%% REFDSPF PRODTEST DSPF APDSPF%% REFLF PRODTEST LF APLF%%%% REFMSGF PRODTEST MSGF APMSGF%% REFPF PRODTEST PF APPF%%%% REFPGM PRODTEST CLP APCL%%%% REFRPG PRODTEST RPG AP%%%%%% ETC.. . . Page 10-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Application Audit Report Application Audit Report (AUDITRPT) Type choices, press Enter. Application Release . Version . Level . . Object . . . Object Type Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + for more Starting Date . . . . . . . Include past number of days Outfile . . . . . . . . . . Library name . . . . . . . Add or replace outfile . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh *ALL 0 0 *PROD *ALL *ALL *ALL Character value, *ALL Number Number Number, *PROD, *ALL Name, generic*, *ALL Character value Character value, *ALL 000000 000000 Date, 000000 Number of days, 0000 Name Name *YES, *NO *ADD F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display With this command, you can run a reporting option to produce an Application Audit Report to identify any application objects or source members that might have been changed, added or deleted outside of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 (including objects in explode libraries). Once you’ve resolved any discrepancies, you can run another reporting option to adjust TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s audit control file so that it matches the application’s object and source. If you run the initial application build job (Work with Application Definitions, option 23), or the Audit Adjustment Report, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 builds an audit control file (TOBJRPTF) that contains information about each of the objects and source members for the application you select. If any levels of your application definition have no issues to report, a separate “No Variances” report is generated listing all levels to which that condition applies. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 updates the audit control file every time you run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. The flow chart on the next page illustrates the procedure followed during the AUDITRPT job. Supply an output file name if desired, to create a file for special reporting. This file contains records of discrepancies identified during the verification run. You can have TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 replace the output file if it already exists. The following diagram illustrates the steps that are performed when you run the initial build job, when you run TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms and by this audit job. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Jobs Appl/Rel/Ver/Lvl Initial Build SOFTTURN/TOBJRPTF SOFTTURN/TMBRRPTF SRCLIB OBJLIB DTALIB EXPLODE DSPFD DSPOBJD Check for Variance QTEMP/MBNOW QTEMP/OBNOW exceptions QTEMP/TOBJWRKF Or USER-s pecified outfile Report Variance Application Audit Report Page 10-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Audit Report Sample Date: Time: 1/29/10 12:18:17 Audit Report SLS-US Division Page 1 Application: AAX Release: 2 Version: Level: 1 Objects: *ALL Object Type: *ALL Library: *ALL Starting From: 0/00/00 Object: "&A" Library: AAXPRD Type: *PGM TURNOVER Values --------------OBJATR OWNER ASP CRTDATE CHGDATE RSTDATE CRTUSER CRTSYSTEM SRCF SRCFLIB SRCMBR SRCDATE 00/00/00-00:00:00 00/00/00-00:00:00 00/00/00-00:00:00 00/00/00-00:00:00 Actual Values ------------CLLE QPGMR 01 04/07/29-15:05:05 04/08/21-22:09:16 04/08/21-22:09:15 BIKER YOURSYS QCLSRC BIKER "&A" 04/07/29-15:04:57 No Record of Object Creation in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Object: ACME01 Library: AAXPRD Type: *PGM TURNOVER Values --------------- Actual Values ------------- Not Found--Deleted Outside of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Member: SOMECLPGM LibFile: QCLSRC Library: AAXPRD SRCCHGDATE TurnOver Form Nbr: 6401844 Line Nbr: 001 Run Date: 2/13/06 10:19:25 TURNOVER Values Actual Values --------------------------06/02/13-10:19:26 06/02/13-10:28:10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports When all objects in an application level meet audit expectations, a No Variance report is generated along with other report output: Date: 1/29/10 Audit Report Time: 10:29:23 Objects: *ALL Object Type: *ALL Library: *ALL Starting From: Your Company, Inc. System: YOURSYS Page 1 0/00/00 No Object or Member Variances Found for the following Application/Release/Version/Levels: AAX /00/00/01 AAX /02/00/02 AAX /02/00/03 AAX /02/00/04 Page 10-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Audit Adjustments Report Audit Adjustments (AUDITADJ) Type choices, press Enter. Application code. . . . . . . . . Release . . . . . . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object Type . . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . + for more values Starting Date . . . . . . . . . . Include past number of days . . Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh *ALL *ALL *ALL *PROD *ALL______ *ALL______ *ALL Character value, *ALL Number Number Number, *PROD, *ALL Name, *GENERIC, *ALL Character value Character value, *ALL 000000__ Date, 000000 000000 Number of days, 0000 ________________________________ F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display The application adjustment procedure lets you correct the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 audit control file so that it matches the objects and source members for your application. Run this report only after you thoroughly understand the reasons for any discrepancies and have corrected the source of these discrepancies. The flow is the same as for the Audit Report except that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 updates the audit control file (TOBJRPTF) and writes records to the Audit adjustment history file (TAUDHSTF), making a permanent record of any changes. Use the Library parameter to include all application libraries (including explode libraries), or identify up to 10 specific libraries to include. Use the Starting date parameter to select only objects promoted or created since the date you specify. A 32-character Comment field is available to enter the reason this adjustment is being done. This comment appears in the report should you decide to print and file it for auditing purposes (however, the comment information is not retained). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Audit Adjustments Report Sample Date: 1/29/10 Time: 12:46:48 Application: Release: Version: Level: Objects: Object Type: Library: Starting From: Comment: Library ---------AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA AAXQA Page 10-16 Adjustment Report System: YOURSYS Your Company, Inc. Page 1 AAX 1 *ALL *ALL *ALL 0/00/00 Object ---------QCLLESRC QCLSRC QCLSRCGPG QCLS36SRC QCMDSRC QCSRC QCUMBER QDDSSRC QDDSSRCGPG QLBLSRC QMNUSRC QRPGLESRC QRPGSRC Type ---------*FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE *FILE Form-# Line-# ------- -----6311001 104 6311001 105 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 6311001 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Run Date -------0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Message -----------------Chg-d TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj Added TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj Rmv-d TO Audit Frm Chg-d TO Audit Obj Rmv-d TO Audit Frm Chg-d TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj Chg-d TO Audit Obj TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports PROJECT REPORTS If you use TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s project system, you can print project and task information with this report. A variety of selection criteria can be specified to limit the detail or define the breadth of information reported. You can run this report from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reporting menu or by typing the command PRJTSKRPT. Three versions are available. The first is the *SUMMARY version, the second is the *DETAIL version and the last is the *MASK version. They are presented in that order on the following pages. Projects and Tasks Report: Summary Version The summary version of the Project Task Report prints one line of information for each task. In addition to being able to report all tasks for one or more projects, you can also print selected tasks. You can further limit the report by specifying Requester, Resource, Status, and Priority. Select option 10 on the Reporting Menu or type the command PRJTSKRPT on a command line and press F4. Press Enter again to view the parameters for the summary version. 1/29/10 13:43:03 Project Task Report (PRJTSKRPT) Your Company, Inc. Type choices, press Enter. Report option............. Print cover page.......... *SUMMARY Y Y,N Project................... *ALL ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Task...................... *ALL ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Subtask................... *ALL __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Resource.................. *ALL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel Page down… TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports 1/29/10 13:57:13 Project Task Report (PRJTSKRPT) Your Company, Inc. Type choices, press Enter. Requester................ *ALL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Status.................... *ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Priority.................. *ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Task type................. *ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Search string............. _______________________________________ Search description........ Y Y,N Search details............ Y Y,N Case-sensitive search..... N Y,N Additional Parameters User-defined field #01.. *ALL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F10=Additional Parameters F12=Cancel You can also search the task description and/or task details for a character string value to further limit your search. This search, also available interactively on the Work with Task panel, is a very effective way to focus in on previously entered requests. 1/29/10 Project Task Report Your Company, Inc. 17:30:07 Page: Selection criteria Report option . . . . . . Project . . . . . . . . . Task . . . . . . . . . . Subtask . . . . . . . . . Resource . . . . . . . . Status . . . . . . . . . Requester . . . . . . . . Priority . . . . . . . . Task type . . . . . . . . User-defined field #1 . . : : : : User-defined field #10 . Date needed . . . . . . . Date promised . . . . . . Actual Start Date . . . . Actual End Date . . . . . Date entered . . . . . . Search string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SUMMARY *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL : : *ALL 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 to to to to to 1 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1/29/10 Project Task Report Your Company, Inc. 17:30:07 Proj/Task APPR0001 APPR0002 APPR0003 APPR0012 Page: Status Pty Resource ASSIGNED 1 ELMSMIKE ASSIGNED 1 ELMSMIKE IN-QA 2 ELMSMIKE CANCEL 1 TURNERIV Requester MERKMD CARPENTER MARKPHIP MERKEMD 2 Description Fix check-writing program: This is a high priority Add status field to Vendor File Update sales tax tables Add priority field to Vendor File Etc. Page 10-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Projects and Tasks Report: Detail Version The detail version of the Project Task Report prints one page of information for each task. In addition to being able to report all tasks for one or more projects, you can also print selected tasks. You can further limit the report by specifying Requester, Resource, Status, and Priority. In addition, you can specify which detail sections you want to see. Select option 10 on the Reporting Menu or type the command PRJTSKRPT on a command line and press F4. Type *DETAIL and press Enter again to view the parameters for the detailed version. 1/29/10 13:46:30 Project Task Report (PRJTSKRPT) Your Company, Inc. Type choices, press Enter. Report option............. Print cover page.......... Print task details........ Print checked out objects. Print test plan........... Project................... *DETAIL Y Y,N Print related tasks....... Y Y,N Print timesheet entries... N Y,N Print object history...... R Y=Yes, N=No, R=Results *ALL Task...................... *ALL Subtask................... *ALL Resource.................. *ALL Y N N Y,N Y,N Y,N More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F10=Additional Parameters F12=Cancel The parameters, Print related tasks, Print task details, etc. correspond to sections of the report (see detail report sample on page 10-20 which you can exclude, if you want). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Page Down... 1/29/10 13:47:13 Project Task Report (PRJTSKRPT) Your Company, Inc. Type choices, press Enter. Requester................. *ALL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Status..................... *ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Priority................... *ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Task type.................. *ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Search string.............. _______________________________________ Search description......... Y Y,N Search details............. Y Y,N Case-sensitive search...... N Y,N Additional Parameters User-defined field #01.. *ALL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ More... F3=Exit F4=Prompt F10=Additional Parameters F12=Cancel As was the case with the summary version, you can print all of the tasks or requests entered on behalf of a particular Requester or for a particular Resource. You can print all of the text details available for the tasks you select. Page 10-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Projects and Tasks Report: Detail Report Sample For more about TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Projects, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks. The Selection Criteria can be printed and would appear is it does on page 10-18. 1/29/10 9:54:45 Project Task Report Your Company, Inc. Page: 1 Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . TP320383 Fix TOMSGRCV for NLS -enabling Resource . . . . . . . . . . . ELMSMIKE Mike Elms Status . . . . . . . . . . . . DONE Requester . . . . . . . . . . . MERKEMD M.D. MERKE Priority . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 to 3 Priority sequence . . . . . . . Task type . . . . . . . . . . . ASAP Application . . . . . . . . . . TO 3 2 Date needed . . . . . . . . . . 0/00/00 Date promised . . . . . . . . . 3/02/62 Planned Actual Duration . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 H 1.00 H Start date . . . . . . . . . . 10/26/95 10/26/95 End date . . . . . . . . . . . 10/26/95 10/26/95 Dependency . . . . . . . . . . Billable time . . . . . . . . . N Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . Distrib [User defined field example] Entered Changed User profile . . . . . . . . . PHILLIPSMA PHILLIPSMA Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/26/93 12/07/94 Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:23:32 17:09:32 Task details: Problem: ------------------------------------------------------------------------Fix TOMSGRCV for NLS -enabling. It is not recognizing the correct environment when it sends back confirmations, and confirms to the wrong environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Resolution: ------------------------------------------------------------------------Program TURCAUTR fixed on 10/26/93. This program was sending back the wrong environment ID on confirmations. Originating Tasks: Task Requester FTPR0221 CARLSONRA FTPR2554 CLARKKENT Date entered 2/12/61 2/12/94 Timesheet entries: ------ Time ------Resource Date ELMSMIKE 3/17/95 Checked out objects: Object Library CLP1 SOFTTURN CLP2 SOFTTURN Type CLP CLP Entered by TAGERTMIKE TAGERTMIKE From To 8:00 10:00 Total: Programmer ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Total 2:00 2:00 Appl TO TO Date reviewed Reviewed by 2/12/95 TAGERTMIKE 2/12/95 TAGERTMIKE Date assigned Assigned by 2/12/95 TAGERTMIKE 2/12/95 TAGERTMIKE Cat Comment P All done Rel Ver Lvl 3 2 2 3 2 2 Date 2/14/95 2/14/95 Time 11:56:50 11:56:50 Reference TP320383 TP320383 Object History: Object CLP1 CLP2 Library SOFTTURN SOFTTURN Type CLP CLP Programmer ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE Appl TO TO Rel Ver Lvl Cd Method Form 3 2 2 R CSCO 4100190 3 2 2 R CSCO 4100190 Run Date Status 2/14/95 Ran-OK 2/14/95 Ran-OK TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Reference TP3203883 TP3203883 Page 10-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Project Task Report: *MASK version When you specify the Report type *MASK (see the PRJTSKRPT command on page 10-16), you can specify the name of a Report mask you want to use. Complete the Report mask 73 and other parameters and press Enter to run the report. Here is an example of the Report mask before being merged with data from the project files. Notice that the substitution variables all start with .& which is followed by the field name as in .&FNME which stands for Requester’s first name. TO: .&FNME.&LNME .&TITL .&COMP .&TEL1 Project ID: .&PROJ.&TASK.&SUBT Priority: .&PRTY Planned start date: .&SDTP End date: .&EDTP T U R N O V E R P R O B L E M A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T ================================================================ .&DATL .&DTLS To maintain report masks, select Main Menu 9 and then press F7. You can then select option 8 to work with report masks. 73 For more about Report Masks, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks. Page 10-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Here’s what the resolved mask document looks like after the merge program replaces the substitution variables. TO: Rachael Carlson Environmental/Analyst Silent Spring Publishing, Inc. 1-700-924-8818 Project ID: TP32 0383 Priority: 1 Planned start date: 10/26/96 End date: 10/26/96 T U R N O V E R ® P R O B L E M A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T ========================================================================================== March 17, 1996 Problem: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fix TOMSGRCV for NLS -enabling. It is not recognizing the correct environment when it send back confirmations, and confirms to the wrong environment. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Resolution: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Program TURCAUTR fixed on 10/26/96. This program was sending back the wrong environment ID on confirmations. You can design virtually any output format for reporting a task. Any of the variables in the Project, Task, or Requester file, including user-defined fields, can be used as substitution variables. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Resource Time Report Project Resource Time Report (PRJRSRTIM) Type choices, press Enter. Resource (User-Id) . . . . . . . + for more values Project . . . . . . . . . . . . Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SubTask . . . . . . . . . . . . Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . + for more values From date . . . . . . . . . . . To date . . . . . . . . . . . . Print Selection Criteria . . . . Only print summary info . . . . Page break on resource . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . *ALL Usrprf, *ALL . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL Char, Char, Char, Code, . . . . . . . . . . 000000 999999 Y N N Date, 000000 Date, 999999 Y, N Y, N Y, N F5=Refresh F12=Cancel *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL Bottom F13=How to use this display The Resource time report is designed to report time entered by one or more resources. The report sequence is Resource, Date, Project, Task, Subtask. The Page break on resource field controls whether or not each resource prints on a separate page. Resource Time Report Sample For more information, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks. 1/29/10 13:11:05 Resource PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS Project Resource Timesheet Report Page: Sub Project Task Task Description APPR 0001 Fix check-writing program APPR 0001 Fix check-writing program APPR 0001 Fix check-writing program APPR 0002 Change Trial Balance APPR 0002 Change Trial Balance APPR 0002 Change Trial Balance APPR 0047 Change PWM tasking APPR 0047 Add postal codes to checks APPR 0053 Demonstrate PWM APPR 0059 Change FPC position on label FPPR 0012 TURNOVER® issuing CHECKOUT 1/29/10 13:11:05 Resource PALANO PALANO SLS-US Division ---Time--Date From - To Total Cat 2/10/95 2:00 P 2/12/95 2:00 P 2/16/95 2:00 T 9/24/95 6:30 3:30 9:00 C 10/27/95 1:00 P 12/17/95 2:00 P 4/28/95 2:00 P 6/08/95 2:00 P 5/25/95 3:00 5:00 2:00 R 3/09/95 2:00 P 4/21/95 2:00 P PHILLIPS Subtotal:88:30 Comment Found a shortcut *** Project Resource Timesheet Report SLS-US Division Page: Sub Project Task Task Description APPR 0001 Fix check-writing program TP31 0032 TPR3 - In work with object Date 7/07/95 4/13/95 PALANO From - To Total Cat 4:20 A 8:00 10:00 2:00 A Subtotal: 6:20 Total: Page 10-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 184:00 1 2 ---Time--Comment *** **** TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Project Timesheet Report Use this command to produce a detailed report of time spent on a project and/or task(s). Project Timesheet Report (TIMERPT) Type choices, press Enter. Project Task . Subtask Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + for Resource (User-Id). + for From date . . . . . To date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more values . . . . . . more values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL _____ *ALL_____ __________ 000000__ 999999__ Char, Char, Char, Code, *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL Usrprf, *ALL Date, 000000 Date, 000000 Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh F12=Previous F13=How to use this display Project Timesheet Report Sample The Timesheet Report can be run for just one Resource for any span of time, or for multiple users. For more information, see Chapter 9: Working with Projects and Tasks. 1/29/10 17:50:23 Selection parameters Project: Task: Subtask: Status codes: Resources: From date: To date: Project Time Sheet Report Your Company, Inc. Page: 1 TE31 *ALL *ALL *ALL EMERSON 04/01/95 04/01/95 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/29/10 Project Timesheet Report Your Company, Inc. 17:50:23 Page: 2 Sub Project Task Task Description Date TE21 TE21 TE21 This is the first task This is the first task This is the first task 040195 EMERSON 040195 EMERSON 040195 EMERSON 0001 0001 0001 01 02 01 Resource From - To -----------Time--------Total Cat 11:00 11:00 11:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 P P T Total: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 12:00 Page 10-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Projects and Tasks by Priority This report will produce a list of Project tasks in Priority and Priority sequence order, by Resource or other selection criteria. Priority Report (PRJPTYRPT) Type choices, press Enter. Resource (User-Id) . . . . . . . . + for more values From Project/Task/Subtask . . . . To Project/Task/Subtask . . . . From Priority . . . . . . . . . . To Priority . . . . . . . . . . Status Codes . . . . . . . . . . + for more values Summary Description? . . . . . . Page Break on Task and Subtask. . Print Selection Criteria . . . . *ALL______ __________ *START_ *PRJEND 1 9 _ _ Y N Y Name, *ALL ProjTaskSb, *START ProjTaskSb, *PRJEND, *END Priority Range Priority Range Status, Blank for All Y, N Y, N Y, N Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display Project and Tasks by Priority Report Sample 1/29/10 17:42:57 Priority Report Your Company Inc. Page Selection parameters: Resource: PHILLIPS From Project: *START From Priority: 1 to 9 Status: Summary: Y Page Break: N 1 to *END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/29/10 Priority Report Your Company Inc. 17:42:57 Page 2 Pty 1 1 1 1 2 Resource PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS Prj/Tst/SubTsk APPR0047 APPR0059 CMA 0001 CWI 0001 FTRQ0107 Status STARTED NEW NEW NEW REVIEWED 2 PHILLIPS FTRQ0120 REVIEWED 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PET 0001 PET 0002 PET 0003 PET 0004 PET 0005 PET 0006 PET 0007 SLSO0002 SLSO0003 SLSO0008 STARTED STARTED STARTED ASSIGNED STARTED STARTED STARTED DONE DONE DONE Page 10-26 Description Sample PWM task Sample programmer Worklist First Customer MO First change to Rel 8 Change Timesheet to allow accuracy down to the second Application audit report doesn’t accept *ALL Add new fields to database Fix bugs in existing programs Add UIM Help Recover print check list source Create menu with authorization check Recompile for V2R2M0 Create a non-rating mode Update Tape Dates from Packing list pram Send Fax from Contact Scan & Select Scen Can’t delete contact © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Project Cost Report Use this command to produce a detailed report of time spent and costs incurred on a project and/or task(s). Project Cost Report (PRJCSTRPT) Type choices, press Enter. Project Task. . Subtask Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + for more values Resource . . . . . . . . . . + for more values Requestor . . . . . . . . . . + for more values From date . . . . . . . . . . To date . . . . . . . . . . . Calculation method . . . . . Print selection criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL _____ *ALL_____ __________ *ALL_____ __________ 000000__ 999999__ *TIMESHEET Y Char, Char, Char, Code, *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL Resource Id, *ALL Requestor Id, *ALL Date, 000000 Date, 000000 *TIMESHEET, PROJECT Y, N Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh F12=Previous F13=How to use this display Note: You must be authorized to Programmer Defaults to be able to run this report. For more information, see Chapter 3: Authorizing Users to . Project Cost Report Sample 1/29/10 16:45:45 Your Company, Inc. Project Cost Report -----Planned-------------Actual--------Proj Task Sub Description Status TE31 0038 Partial Distributions DONE TE31 0095 Archive compile listings ASSIGNED TE31 0117 Fields on form that are ASSIGNED TE31 0121 Time Sheet Report DONE TE31 0123 Allow Create Parms ASSIGNED : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Total: 12,143 121:00 6,058 Page: Requestor SULLIVAN SULLIVAN DURANELI KANEPAT KLINEM : : : : : : Resource SUEMRKS EDDOYLE ELSINOR SUEMRKS ELSINOR : : : : : : Rate 15.00 5.00 75.00 15.00 75.00 : : : : : : Time 8:00 24:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 : : : : : : Cost Time 120.00 3:00 120.00 .00 600.00 60.00 600.00 .00 : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 Cost 45.00 .00 12:36 189.15 : : : : : : 324:00 Subtotals by project, and totals, are shown for the entire selection. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-27 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Task Aging Report The Task Aging Report can be used to keep track of overdue tasks that need attention or it can be used to see an Aging Report of all tasks, based on priority and the date they were added to the file. Detail and summary versions of the report can be produced. To run the report, select option 15 on the Reporting Menu or type the command TSKAGERPT and press F4. Task Aging Report (TSKAGERPT) Type choices, press Enter. Project . . . . . . . . Time interval one . . . Time interval two . . . Time interval three. . . Time interval four . . . Time interval five . . . Only tasks exceeding due Resource . . . . . . . . Requester . . . . . . . Requester company . . . Status . . . . . . . . . Priority . . . . . . . . Report date . . . . . . Report type . . . . . . Aging report criteria . Print cover page . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL, *HELPDESK, *WORKING ... 7 days *PRV days, *PRV 15 days, *PRV 30 days, *PRV 60 days, *PRV Y Y, N *ALL Character value, *ALL *ALL Name, generic*, *ALL *ALL____________________________ *ALL Character value, *ALL *ALL Character value, *ALL *TODAY Date, *TODAY *DETAIL *DETAIL, *SUMMARY *TABLE *TABLE, *DATE Y Y, N F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display You can generate an Aging Report for a single project, for all *HELPDESK projects, for all *WORKING projects or for *ALL projects. Set Only tasks exceeding due date to Y to have only tasks reported whose Planned end date or Date promised are beyond the Report date. Set Only tasks exceeding due date to N to have all tasks reported. Tasks will be grouped by Priority and Time thresholds, according to the length of time the task has been on file as compared to the Report date. If Aging report criteria is *TABLE, then only those tasks whose task status and priority are included in the Escalation Table for the project and whose Aging Report parameter is set to Y are shown. If you use the Escalation feature, then this provides a means to limit the report only to the most important requests and tasks. If Aging report criteria is *DATE, all tasks will be reported where the Actual End Date is zero. Page 10-28 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Task Aging Report: Summary Version Sample The summary version provides summary statistics (counts) of tasks within each time threshold. For example, between 1 day and 7 days old, 8 and 15 days, 16 and 30, and so on, including up to five time ranges. 1/29/10 10:22:02 Selection criteria: Project . . . . . . . . Time interval one . . . Time interval two . . . Time interval three. . . Time interval four . . . Time interval five . . . Only tasks exceeding due Resource . . . . . . . . Requesters . . . . . . . Requester company . . . Include status . . . . . Include priority . . . . Report date. . . . . . . Report type. . . . . . . Aging report criteria . Task Aging Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. System: SLSDEV *ALL 7 7 15 30 60 *YES *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *TODAY *SUMMARY *DATE Project: APPR AP Project Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority All Project: etc. Group 1 to 7 Days 1 tasks 2 tasks 3 tasks 4 tasks 1 8 to 14 days 3 3 4 3 15-30 days 31-60 days 60-90 days 31 4 6 2 1 3 91+ 10 43 14 ARPR AR Project TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-29 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Task Aging Report: Detailed Version Sample Each task for which action is due is reported on the Task Aging Report. This version provides you with a list of the highest priority problems and total duration of tasks within each aging threshold. 1/29/10 10:22:02 Task Aging Report Your Company, Inc. System: SLSDEV Selection criteria: Project . . . . . . . . Time interval one . . . Time interval two . . . Time interval three. . . Time interval four . . . Time interval five . . . Only tasks exceeding due Resource . . . . . . . . Requester . . . . . . . Requester company . . . Status . . . . . . . . . Priority . . . . . . . . Report date. . . . . . . Report type. . . . . . . Aging report criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL 7 7 15 30 60 Y *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *TODAY *DETAIL *DATE Project: APPR AP Project Priority 1 tasks 3 to 7 Days Task/subtask Description APPR002402 This is a task description APPR0027 This is another task Started APPR0031 This task is makes one more APPR0042 This is yet another task Started Total: 4 tasks total duration 29 hrs Priority 1 tasks 8-14 Days APPR000102 This is a task description APPR0002 This is another task Started APPR004202 This is yet another task Started Total: 3 tasks total duration 18 hrs Priority 1 tasks 15-30 Days Etc. Page 10-30 Resource 08/25/94 ADAMSANN Date added Plan Date DurationDate Promised Status 08/30/94 6 hrs 00/00/00 Started 08/25/94 08/30/94 5 hrs00/00/00 *NONE 08/25/94 TRANTEM 08/30/94 08/25/94 2 hrs 08/30/94 00/00/00 16 hrs00/00/00 Started MERCHTO 08/10/94 08/30/94 DANIEL 08/11/94 6 hrs 08/30/94 00/00/00 6 hrs00/00/00 Started MURPHYA 08/30/94 6 hrs00/00/00 SMITHJOE 08/09/94 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Project Definition Report This report can be produced by selecting option 6 on Work with Projects panel, or by running the Project Definition Report command (PRJDEFRPT). It lists all the project parameters and rules. Project Definition Report Sample 1/29/10 15:08:15 Project: APPR Demo Project sample Project Description Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Priority range . . . . . . . . . . Project administrator . . . . . . Auto-assign task numbers . . . . . Audit project changes . . . . . . Requester validation . . . . . . . Personality . . . . . . . . . . . Escalation table . . . . . . . . . Details editor . . . . . . . . . . Project Details AP Demo problems: Demo User-defined fields User field 1 . . . . . User field 2 . . . . . User field 3 . . . . . User field 4 . . . . . User field 5 . . . User field 6 . . . User field 7 . . . . . User field 8 . . . . . User field 9 . . . . . User field 10 . . . . Project Definition Your Company, Inc. Page: 1 problem reports STARTED 1 to 3 TURNOVER Y N *FILE *WORKING *TURNOVER project for TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEPT . . . PRODUCT . . . . Department ID/Location Product/Version Valid applications Appl Rel Ver Description AP Test Application- Test Level 1 AR Test Application—Prod Level 2 Valid Resources Resource *ALL Description All resources are valid Valid status codes Sts Description *ALL All status codes are valid Task defaults Application . . . . Release . . . . . . Version . . . . . . Resource . . . . . . Requester . . . . . Status . . . . . . . Priority . . . . . . Task type . . . . . Time units . . . . . Billable time . . . Test data library . Test object library Test source library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AP *USRPRF *USRPRF ASSIGNED 1 ASAP H Y Authorized users User Description *NONE Unassigned ELMSMIKE Mike Elms QSECOFR Security officer TURNOVER TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator Personality defaults Details mask required . . . . . . Y Masks defined . . . . Report mask required . . . . . . . Y Masks defined . . . . View Add Chg Dlt Rvw X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-31 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports HISTORY REPORTS List Forms List Forms (LISTFORMS) Type choices, press Enter. Application . . . . . . . . Release . . . . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . . . From form . . . . . . . . . To form . . . . . . . . . . Programmer. . . . . . . . . + for more values Job accounting code . . . . + for more values Form status . . . . . . . . + for more values Form Detail Level . . . . . Task Detail Level . . . . . Print Selection Criteria . Print Form for approval . . List all forms in Group . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys *ALL 0 0 0 *ALL______ 1_______ 999999__ *ALL______ Appl, *ALL Rel Ver Lev Char, *ALL, generic* From form number number USRPRF, *ALL *ALL *ALL___ *ALL, RAN-OK, RAN-WRN ... *LINE *NONE Y N Y *FORM, *LINE, *FULL *NONE, *LINE, *FULL Y,N Y,N Y,N F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display This report will print a hard copy of one or more TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms. You can select forms by application, by form number or range of form numbers, level of detail and other selection criteria. Report sequence is by form number. Page 10-32 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Listing Sample This sample Form Listing includes: • Form Detail Level of *FULL detail • Task Detail Level of *LINE • Print Form for approval of Y. This sample includes a form comment, a pre-run command, and a post-run command. 1/29/10 18:57:35 Your Company Inc. Form Listing Page **************************************************** * APPLICATION: AP Test Application- Test Level 1 * * RELEASE-#: * * VERSION-#: LEVEL-#: * **************************************************** 1 A P P R O V A L S ******************************************** * __ ____________________ ____/____/____ * * __ ____________________ ____/____/____ * * __ ____________________ ____/____/____ * ******************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************ * Form: 0100331 Description: Fix check-writing program Status: READY * * Run date: 00/00/00 Job description: AP1 Reference: APPR0001 * * Run time: Library: ACPTTEST Programmer: PSCMIDT * * Job number: Job accounting: * * From date: 0/00/00 From time: * * To date: 0/00/00 To time: * * Library list: *JOBD * * Submit Finalization: *YES * * Forms in run Group: 0100331 * ************************************************************************************************************************ Description: Fix check-writing program: This is a sample task description from the project task file FORM COMMENTS: PSCMIDT 6/09/95 This is a Form comment. This form must complete by 12 midnight, 6/10/95 LOCK CHECKS: Object: TLINEF Library: SLSPROD Type: *FILE Allocate: Y PRE-RUN COMMANDS: CPYF FROMFILE(SLS/TOINVF) TOFILE(QTEMP/TOINVF) CRTFILE(*YES) Line: 1 Object: APCLP991 Library: ACPTTEST Type: CLP Code: Add Method: CSCO TEST source file: QCLSRC Library: DEVT EST TEST object name: APCLP991 Library: DEVT EST PROD source file: QCLSRC Library: ACPT TEST Compile parms: C Reference object: APCL P991 Library: PRODTEST Ref: APPR0001 CRTCLPGM PGM(ACPTTEST/APCLP991) SRCFILE(ACPTTEST/QCLSRC) SRCMBR(APCLP991) USRPRF(*OWNER) ALWRTVSRC( *NO) TGTRLS(V2R1M0) Authority: R Reference object: REFC LP Library: *LIBL Programmer: PSCMIDT Reference#: APPR00 01 Delete test object: Y Status: READY Member: APCLP991 Member: APCLP991 Create command: Line: 2 Object: APR00991 Library: ACPTTEST TEST source file: QRPGSRC TEST object name: APR00991 PROD source file: QRPGSRC Type: RPG Code: Add Library: Library: Library: Method: CSCO DEVT EST DEVT EST ACPT TEST Ref: APPR0001 Delete test source: Y Status: READY Member: APR00991 Member: APR00991 POST-RUN COMMANDS: CALL SLSCVTF TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-33 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Object History Report Report Object History (RPTOBJHST) Type choices, press Enter. Application Release . . Version . . Level . . . Reference . Object . . Library. + for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object type From date . To date . . Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh *ALL 0 0_ 0 *ALL *ALL Appl, Rel Ver Lev Char, Name, Name, *ALL *ALL 000000 999999 *BASIC *PGM, *FILE, *ALL Date, 000000 Date, 999999 *BASIC, *FULL F12=Previous *ALL *ALL, generic* *ALL *ALL Bottom F13=How to use this display This report will print the change history of one or more promoted by TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. You can select objects by application, by object type, by change date range, by programmer and by reference code. Also see the Programmer History Report. The report is sequenced by object name within promotion date. Page 10-34 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Object History Report Sample The Object History Report lists objects changed or about to be changed; in this example programmer profile EDELLIS. The report sample was produced with the default of Detail *BASIC. It contains one line for each object listed. If we had selected Detail *FULL, you would see all of the data associated with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form line when it was promoted to production (as illustrated on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Listing sample on page 10-33). For an explanation of fields on this report, see Chapter 4: Working with Object History. 1/29/10 14:26:00 Selection parameters Application: *ALL Release-#: Version-#: Level-#: Reference: Object: Library: Type: From date: Detail: Object History Report 0 0 0 *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *FIRST *BASIC Your Company Inc. Page 1 to date: *LAST Object Library Type Form APCLP99 APRPG01 TURASIP ADCALT ADCBRO ADCCKD ADCCMP ADCL022 ADCL024 ADCL043 ADCL044 ADCL046 ADCL066 ADCL067 ADCL088 ADCL089 ACPTTEST ACPTTEST ASILIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB ADLIB CLP RPG RPG CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP 101808 100971 100712 101669 101669 101734 101674 101669 101669 101669 101669 101669 101669 101669 101669 101669 Line 1 1 1 8 9 2 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Date Time 0/00/00 0/00/00 9/23/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 5/19/95 4/29/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 4/28/95 00:00 00:00 16:45 11:50 11:12 15:41 9:530 11:22 11:26 11:33 11:44 11:47 11:48 11:55 12:01 12:04 Job# Code Status Test Src Lib Tst Obj Lib 043123 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 043127 A-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO READY READY RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK DEVTEST DEVTEST SUEMRK EDELLIS EDELLIS PHILLIP PHILLIP EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS DEVTEST DEVTEST SUEMRK EDELLIS EDELLIS PHILLIP PHILLIP EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS Programmer PSCMIDT PHILLIP SUEMRK EDELLIS EDELLIS PHILLIP PHILLIP EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS EDELLIS Reference APPR0001 APPR0001 TPR30198 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ADID0001 ETC . . . TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-35 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Programmer History Report Report Programmer History (RPTPGMRHST) Type choices, press Enter. Programmer . . . + Reference . . . Object . . . . . Library . . . + . . for . . . . . . for . . . . . . more values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more values Object type . . . . . . From date . . . . . . . To date . . . . . . . . Detail . . . . . . . . . Print Selection Criteria F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh *ALL Usrprf, *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL 000000 999999 *BASIC Y Char, *ALL, generic* Name, *ALL Name, *ALL F12=Cancel *ALL, *FILE, *PGM ... Date, 000000 Date, 999999 *BASIC, *FULL Y, N Bottom F13=How to use this display Similar in content to the Object History Report, the Programmer History Report provides a chronological history of changes made by one or more programmers. Report sequence is change date within object name within programmer name. Page 10-36 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Programmer History Report Sample The Programmer History Report lists objects changed by a selected programmer; in this example programmer profile EDELLIS. The report sample was produced with the default of Detail *BASIC. It contains one line for each object listed. If we had selected Detail *FULL, you would see all of the data associated with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form line when it was promoted to production (as illustrated on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form Listing sample earlier in this chapter). For an explanation of fields on this report, see Chapter 4: Working with Object History. 1/29/10 20:03:16 Programmer History Report Your Company, Inc. Page 1 Selection Parameters Programmer: EDELLIS Reference: *ALL Object: *ALL Library: *ALL Type: *ALL From date: 5/15/95 to date: *LAST Detail: *BASIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6/09/96 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Programmer History Report Your Company, Inc. 20:03:16 Page 2 Appl Rel Ver Lev SM SM SM TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Object Library Type Form MENRCMD MENXCMD UPGRADE CHCKOUTR DISTDATA DISTDATA DISTDATA DISTDATAR TURCCCLO TURCDDRS TURCDDR2 TURCOAEP TURCPGDF TURCSRCH TURRAUTO TURRCCLO TURRDDRS TURRDESC SFTMNU SFTMNU SFTMNU SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTO SOFTTO SOFTTO SOFTTO SOFTTO SOFTTO SOFTTO SOFTTO RPG LF CLP RPG CLP CMD PNLG RPG CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP RPG RPG RPG RPG 101784 101784 101785 101759 101774 101774 101774 101774 101732 101774 101774 101732 101762 101752 101764 101732 101774 101746 Line 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 2 5 6 3 1 1 1 4 7 1 Date 6/02/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 6/12/95 Code R-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO A-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO R-CSCO A-CSCO Status Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-Wrn Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Ran-OK Test Src Lib EDELLIS SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST Tst Obj Lib EDELLIS SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST TRNTST Reference SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 SMPR0342 ETC. . . TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-37 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Source Checkout History Report Report Source Checkout History (RPTSRCUSE) Type choices, press Enter. Source Member. . . . . . . . .*ALL Source File. . . . . . . . . .*ALL Library . . . . . . . . . .*ALL + for more values *ALL *ALL Object type. . . . . . . . . .*ALL Programmer . . . . . . . . . .*ALL + for more values . . . . From date . . . . . . . . . .000000 To date . . . . . . . . . . .999999 Status . . . . . . . . . . . .*ALL Reference . . . . . . . . . .*ALL Print Selection Criteria . . .Y F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys F5=Refresh Name, *ALL Name, *ALL Name, *ALL *PGM, *FILE, *ALL USRPRF, *ALL Date, 000000 Date, 999999 *IN, *OUT, *ALL Char, *ALL Y, N F12=Previous Bottom F13=How to use this display This report lists source and object checkout history for selected objects, source members or group of members. Report sequence is library, source file and member. All non-source objects appear first, then all source members. Specify status to select source that is currently checked out, checked in, or both. Your choices are: *IN for check-in activity. *OUT for check-out activity. *ALL for both check-out and check-in activity. Page 10-38 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Source Checkout History Report Sample For an explanation of fields on this report, see Chapter 5: Checking Out/Checking In Source. 1/29/10 20:05:18 Source Checkout History Report Your Company, Inc. Page 1 Selection parameters Source Mbr: *ALL Source File: *ALL Library: *ALL Type: *ALL Programmers: *ALL From date: 5/15/95 to date: *LAST Status: *ALL Reference: *ALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/29/10 Source Checkout History Report Your Company, Inc. 20:05:18 Page 2 ***-- P R O D U C T I O N -- *** Library Object Type DEVELOP TESTMSG MSGF DEVELOP JFCOUTQ1 *OUTQ ***--P R O D U C T I O N--*** Library File Member SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS SFTMNU40 QCMDSRC ADDBAS ***----Library SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST SMTEST Check-Out Date Time 5/26/95 3:11 5/26/95 12:16 T E S T ------*** File Member QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS QCMDSRC ADDBAS Check-In Date Time 6/12/11 14:00 6/12/11 14:00 Checkout Date Time 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 Form Number 101721 101721 Check-In Date Time 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 11/25/95 3:04 Programmer Reference EDELLIS JFPA0121 EDELLIS JFPA0121 Form Number 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 101751 Programmer SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK Reference SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 SENH0021 ETC. . . TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-39 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Reference Activity Report This report lists all of the Checkout and Object change history related to any particular Project task reference. Reference is only one parameter on the command prompt. You can enter a specific project task or a generic* reference. 1/29/10 20:05:47 Your Company Inc. Page: 1 Reference Activity Report Reference: TP31010* Checkout History Object TADDDAT TADDTIM TCLCTIM TRTVDAT TRTVDAT TURCSBCJ TURSWTSP TURRWTRR TURRWTRX Library SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN SOFTTURN Type CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP CLP Programmer SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK SUEMRK Appl TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO Rel 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ver 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Object TURNMAIN Library SOFTTURN Type CLP Programmer Appl SUEMRKS TO Rel 3 Ver 1 Lev 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---Checkout--Date Time 95/04/01 8:54:42 95/04/01 8:55:22 95/04/01 9:06:14 95/04/01 9:07:42 95/04/01 9:13:12 95/04/01 9:13:32 95/04/01 8:14:42 95/04/01 8:14:44 95/04/01 8:16:49 ---Checkin--Date Time 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:41:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 95/05/01 11:35:55 Form 101286 101286 101286 101286 101286 101286 101286 101286 101286 Reference TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 TP3101053 Form History Lev 1 Date Time Date - Time Form 94/04/01 10:12:12 94/04/02 10:43:01 Ran-ok Reference TE310312 Etc. . . Page 10-40 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Related Application Conflict Report This report lists related application conflicts, including an audit history of conflict resolutions. For information about related application conflicts, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63). Report Conflicts (TRPTCON) Type choices, press Enter. Object . . . . . . . Base library . . . . Type code . . . . . Include only objects Base application . . Base release . . . . Base version . . . . Base level . . . . . Conflict type . . . Conflict from date . Conflict to date . . Base programmer . . Base reference . . . Related library . . Related application Related release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh *ALL *ALL *ALL *NO *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL 000000 999999 *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL F12=Cancel Name, *ALL Name, *ALL Character value Number, *NO Character value Number, *ALL Number, *ALL Number, *ALL *ALL, *CHKOUT, *FORM Date, 000000 Date, 999999 Name, *ALL Name, *ALL Name, *ALL Character value Number, *ALL More... F13=How to use this display Page down… Report Conflicts (TRPTCON) Type choices, press Enter. Related version . . Related level . . . Resolution from date Resolution to date . Resolved . . . . . . Resolved by user . . Reason code . . . . Print audit history F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh *ALL *ALL 000000 999999 *ALL *ALL *ALL *NO F12=Cancel Number, *ALL Number, *ALL Date, 000000 Date, 999999 *ALL, *NO, *YES Name, *ALL Character value, *ALL *NO, *YES Bottom F13=How to use this display TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-41 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Related Application Conflict Report Sample 1/29/10 13:54:43 Conflict Report for System: Object CLP07 Type CLP Object COPY01 Type RPGCPI Object COPY01 Type RPGCPI Object COPY01 Type RPGCPI Page 10-42 YOURSYS Your Company, Inc. Page: 1 ------Base------ ----Related----Appl Rel Ver Lev Appl Rel Ver Lev Type Res LS01 2 LS02 2 *CHKOUT Y Base programmer: SMITH Base reference: PRPR0103 Base form: Base library: LSMOD1 Related library: GH0190B Conflict time stamp: 20001129082623 Related time stamp: 20010205112552 Resolved by user: SWAIN Related reference: PRPR0102 Related form: Resolution code: OK Comment: ------Base------ ----Related----Appl Rel Ver Lev Appl Rel Ver Lev Type Res GH 5 GH 1 5 *CHKOUT Y Base programmer: SMITH Base reference: PRPR0117 Base form: Base library: Related library: GH0190B Conflict time stamp: 20010205103433 Related time stamp: 20010205113407 Resolved by user: SMITH Related reference: PRPR0102 Related form: Resolution code: OK Comment: ------Base------ ----Related----Appl Rel Ver Lev Appl Rel Ver Lev Type Res GH 5 GH 1 5 *CHKOUT Y Base programmer: SMITH Base reference: PRPR0117 Base form: Base library: Related library: GH0190B Conflict time stamp: 20010205112612 Related time stamp: 20010205113536 Resolved by user: SMITH Related reference: PRPR0102 Related form: Resolution code: OK Comment: ------Base------ ----Related----Appl Rel Ver Lev Appl Rel Ver Lev Type Res GH 5 GH 1 5 *CHKOUT Y Base programmer: SMITH Base reference: PRPR0117 Base form: Base library: Related library: GH0190B Conflict time stamp: 20010205113417 Related time stamp: 20010206094300 Resolved by user: SMITH Related reference: PRPR0102 Related form: Resolution code: OK Comment: © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports DISTRIBUTION REPORTS Form Distribution Report Report Form Distribution (RPTFORMDST) Type choices, press Enter. Application . Release . . . Version . . . Level . . . . Target System Reference . . From form . . To form . . . Programmer . + for more Detail Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . values. . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL 0 0 0 *ALL___ *ALL______ 1_______ 9999999__ *ALL______ Appl, *ALL Rel Ver Lev System name, *ALL Char, *ALL, generic* number number Usrprf, *ALL *BASIC *BASIC, *FULL F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display Select this option to print a report of all forms that have been distributed to one or more systems. Form Distribution Report Sample 1/29/10 20:41:13 Form Distribution Report Your Company, Inc. Page 1 Selection Parameters Application: ANCB Release-#: 0 Version-#: 0 Level-#: 0 System: *ALL Reference: *ALL From form: 1 to form: *LAST Programmers: *ALL Detail: *BASIC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6/09/96 Form Distribution Report Your Company, Inc. 20:41:13 Page 2 Form: 101809 Account Balance Rpt System: SLSB App: ANCB Lev 2 Job: DIS0000510 Ref: ANPR0023 Pgmr: DOYLE Sts: CONFIRM Run: 6/01/95 Date: 6/02/95 Media: APPN Confirmed: Y Form: 101567 Account Recon System: SLSB App: ANCB Lev Job: DIS0000490 Ref: TESTUSER Pgmr: DOYLE Sts: DIST-PND Run: 6/01/95 Date: 5/02/83 Media: APPN Confirmed: N ETC. . . TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-43 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Object Distribution Report Report Object Distribution (RPTOBJDST) Type choices, press Enter. Application . . . . . . Release . . . . . . . . Version . . . . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . . Target System . . . . . Reference . . . . . . . Object . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . + for more values *ALL 0 0 0 *ALL___ *ALL______ __________ *ALL______ __________ *ALL______ Object type . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL___ From date . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000__ To date . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999999__ F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh F12=Cancel Appl, *ALL Rel Ver Lev System name, *ALL Char, *ALL, generic* Name, *ALL Name, *ALL *PGM, *FILE, *ALL Date, 000000 Date, 999999 Bottom F13=How to use this display This report provides you with a list of all objects distributed to one or more systems. A variety of selection criteria are available. Object Distribution Report Sample 1/29/10 20:41:13 Selection Parameters Application: ANCB Release-#: Version-#: Level-#: System: *ALL Reference: *ALL Object: *ALL Library: *ALL Type: *ALL From: *FIRST Object Distribution Report Your Company, Inc. Page 1 0 0 0 To: *LAST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/29/10 Object Distribution Report Your Company, Inc. 20:41:13 Page 2 Object JDATA JDPF001 JDPF002 JDPF003 JDPF005 JDLF001A JDLF001B JDLF001C JDLF003A JDLF003B JDCL001 JDCL004 JDCL006 Library Type JALIB DTAA JALIB PF JALIB PF JALIB PF JALIB PF JALIB LF JALIB LF JALIB LF JALIB LF JALIB LF JALIB CLP JALIB CLP JALIB CLP Form Line 101107 1 101107 2 101107 3 101107 4 101107 5 101107 6 101107 7 101107 8 101107 9 101107 10 101107 11 101107 12 101107 13 Run Code Status System Dstrb DateMedia 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 A Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 R Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 A Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 A Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 A Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN 1/05/95 A Ran-OK SLSB 12/14/95 APPN Ref# JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 JAPR0001 Confirmed N N N N N N N N N N N N N ETC. . . Page 10-44 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS Authorized TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Users Report This report prints a list of users who are authorized to perform TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 functions. To see user application authority, print the System default reports, detail *SYSTEM or *ALL. There are no command parameters for this report. Report sequence is User Profile. Authorized Users Report Sample For an explanation of fields on this report, see Chapter 3: Authorizing Users to . 1/29/10 20:06:47 User DOYLE EDELLIS JOMOOR JSCMIDT PSCMIDT QSECOFR SUEMRKS TURNOVER Your Company, Inc. Page 1 Authorized Users --- Source --Chkout Chk-in X X X X X X X X X X X X ----------- Form View Add Update X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ---------------Run Dist Purg ----- System Dfts Auth ----Pgmr X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------------ Project ------------Use Add Codes Rsrc Rqstr X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-45 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports Programmer Profile Information Report List Programmer Profiles (LISTPGMRS) Type choices, press Enter. Programmer . . . . . . . . . . *ALL + for more values . . . . F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys • F5=Refresh Usrprf, *ALL F12=Cancel Bottom F13=How to use this display Type a programmer’s user profile name or *ALL. Programmer Profile Information Report Sample This report sample lists the programmers defined to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 along with programmer profile information. Report sequence is user profile name. 1/29/10 20:06:51 Programmer ------------------------ELMSMIKE Steve Elsemore Folder: DOLLAR John Dollar Folder: FORDMAN Bill Fordman Folder: Programmer Profile Information Your Company Inc. Page 1 JobD ----------ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE OutQ ----------ELMSMIKEOQ ELMSMIKE MsgQ ----------ELMSMIKE QUSRSYS Data Lib ---------ELMSMIKE Pgm Lib ---------ELMSMIKE Source Lib ---------ELMSMIKE DOLLAR DOLLAR DOLLAROQ DOLLAR DOLLAR QUSRSYS DOLLAR DOLLAR DOLLAR 85.00 FORDBILL QUSRSYS FORDBILL FORDBILL FORDBILL 65.00 FORDBILL QGPL Rate -----85.00 ETC. . . For an explanation of programmer profile information, see Chapter 2: Setting Up Programmer Profiles. Page 10-46 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports OTHER TURNOVER® FOR ISERIES V100 REPORTS This topic describes TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 reports that are not available from the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reporting Menu, but are generated instead by activity within certain areas of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, or by issuing a command. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report This report is generated whenever you run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. Every step executed during a form run is listed in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report. You’ll find reference to all information type, errors and warning messages there. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report is printed in two formats; one sequenced chronologically and one sequenced by form line. To view the log reports, select the form with option 8 on the Work with Forms panel to work with the form job. Then select the form job with option 5 to see the job’s spool files. This panel appears: Job: User: TO4200751G Type options, press Enter. 5=Display Device or Opt File Queue TL4200751G PRT01 TL4200751G PRT01 QPJOBLOG QEZJOBLOG TL4200751F PRT01 TL4200751F PRT01 QPJOBLOG QEXJOBLOG Display Job Spooled Files Number: MARYLYN User Data TURRLOGR TURRLOG2 TO4200751G TURRLOGR TURRLOG2 TO4200751F Status RDY RDY RDY RDY RDY RDY Total Pages 1 1 3 1 1 2 215092 Current Page Copies 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bottom F3=Exit F10=View 3 F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F24=More keys Note: The top circle indicates log reports for the form group job. The bottom circle indicates log reports for the form group finalization job, if it was run separately. You’ll see several spool files; the log reports are in TURRLOGR (the chronological version) and TURRLOG2 (the version sequenced by object). Note that the version sequenced by form line does not contain information about pre- and post-run commands. In addition to the log report, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 always prints a joblog for all form runs. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-47 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report Sample If you have any questions about what happened during a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 run, you should refer to its associated TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Log Report(s) and joblog(s). 1/29/10 Type Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Log Report for job: TO0110111G Form: 110111 Status: RAN-OK Date 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 4/06/00 Page 10-48 Time 11:36:15 11:36:16 11:36:19 11:36:22 11:36:29 11:36:31 11:36:34 11:36:36 11:36:41 11:36:44 11:36:46 11:36:47 11:36:47 11:36:48 11:36:48 11:36:48 11:36:48 11:36:56 11:36:56 11:36:57 11:37:01 11:37:04 11:37:05 11:37:09 11:37:09 Page: 1 System: YOURSYS Message Temporary library T0110111D created. Temporary data area T0110111DA created. Member APPF001 in file JBDEVTEST/QDDSSRC copied to library JBACPTTEST. Object APPF001 type PF created in library JBACPTTEST. Member APLF001A in file JBDEVTEST/QDDSSRC copied to library JBACPTTEST. Object APLF001A type LF created in library JBACPTTEST. Object APLF001B type LF created in library JBACPTTEST. Member APRPG001 in file JBDEVTEST/QRPGSRC copied to library JBACPTTEST. Object APRPG001 type RPG created in library JBACPTTEST. Object APRPG002 type RPG created in library JBACPTTEST. Object APRPG003 type RPG created in library JBACPTTEST. Owner changed to ELSINORE for object APPF001. Owner changed to ELSINORE for object APLF001A. Owner changed to ELSINORE for object APLF001B. Owner changed to ELSINORE for object APRPG001. Owner changed to ELSINORE for object APRPG002. Owner changed to ELSINORE for object APRPG003. Test object JBDEVTEST/APLF001A deleted. Test object JBDEVTEST/APPF001 deleted. Test source member APPF001 removed from file JBDEVTEST/QDDSSRC. Test source member APLF001A removed from file JBDEVTEST/QDDSSRC. Test object JBDEVTEST/APRPG001 deleted. Test source member APRPG001 removed from file JBDEVTEST/QRPGSRC. Temporary data area T0110111DA deleted. Temporary library T0110111D deleted. © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 10: TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Reports TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 10-49 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide CHAPTER 11: DISTRIBUTING CHANGES TO PRODUCTION COMPUTERS We recommend that, before setting up system definitions on your computer, you read the Distribution Overview section beginning on page 11-1 to understand how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 distribution works. For a more complete technical explanation, see How Distribution Works on page 11-54. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Before defining your computers and applications to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, we recommend that you draw a change and distribution schematic diagram (see Setting Up Your Systems for Distribution on page 11-13). DISTRIBUTION OVERVIEW 74 In the following explanation, development computer refers to the source computer, where software changes originate; and production computer refers to the target computer(s), to which changes are sent for installation. Use of either term does not imply that the computer is used exclusively for either development or production. Production can be run on your development and production computers; development can be done on any of your production computers. Distribution is a process consisting of three components: • Sending a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form and its associated source and/or objects from a development computer to a production computer; • Receiving the form and source/objects on the production computer; and • Submitting the form on the production computer to process and install the changes. Sending is the physical transfer of a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form and its associated changed items (objects only, source and objects, or source alone) from a development computer to one or more remote computers. The development system has a file with system definitions for each remote production system to which changes are distributed. The definition for each remote system contains Send defaults that control how the local system packages and distributes changes to that remote system. Receiving involves accepting and storing the form and changed items onto the remote computer(s). The receiving system has a file with system definitions for itself, and for any system that sends to it. 74 This chapter describes standard iSeries-to-iSeries distribution practices. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can distribute IFS objects using FTP, to a target computer outside your corporate firewall (or to other platforms that run FTP). For more information about this kind of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 distribution, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Configuring TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 for Direct FTP Distribution (#26), which you can find on your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product CD, or you can obtain a copy from our support Web site (support.softlanding.com). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-1 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers The definition for the receiving system contains Receive defaults, which control how the system accepts information and changes from the other systems in the network. Submitting means processing the received form according to the instructions in the remote computer’s Send defaults. (Remember, the remote system’s Send defaults are stored on the computer that is sending the information, so they are packaged and sent to the remote computer along with the form and changed items.) Submitting can be either automatic or manual; this is controlled by a field in the Receive defaults defined locally on the receiving system. All three components can be handled either automatically or manually, depending on your system or organizational requirements (read Combination distribution on page 11-4). To distribute changes using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you must have either the production or development version of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 on each of your production computers. The production version of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 has all of the functions necessary to receive forms, run them, and track change history. It does not have facilities for source check-out/check-in, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms creation, or distributing to other computers. For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Differences in TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Production Version (#62). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can distribute source and/or objects to any number of remote computers using a network, or using a medium such as tape or diskette. The names of libraries on the development and production computer can be different. Also, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 can “explode,” or duplicate, data-type objects into multiple libraries on each production computer. Only forms that have a form status of RAN-xx, FIN-xx, EMER-xx, or PARTIAL (indicating that a distribution has already been sent to some, but not all, production computers) are eligible for distribution. The following topics describe how to set up your computers to distribute changes. Manual distribution To distribute manually, you must perform each step in the send, receive, and submit processes yourself. Using this setup, you would run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form on the development computer and manually send it to the production computer. Then you would sign onto the production computer using pass-through or a locally attached device, receive the distribution, and schedule the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to be run. You can distribute several forms concurrently, as long as they are all being distributed to the same production computers. Page 11-2 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Regardless of how you set up distribution defaults, if the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form completes with a status other than RAN-OK, EMER-OK, or FIN-OK, you must check it and then distribute it manually. Automatic distribution To distribute automatically, you must set up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to send a form to the production computer automatically, as soon as the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form finishes running on the development computer. Your production computer would also be set up to automatically receive the form, schedule it to run, run it unattended and, optionally, send log spool files and status back to the development computer to update the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form status there. Also, with automatic distribution, you can override the distribution defaults at run-time for all or some of the production computers. For example, today you might only want to distribute a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form automatically to one of several production computers when it completes, and then manually distribute to the remaining computers tomorrow. Automatic distribution is done one form or form group 75 at a time. If distribution is specified for an application level, you will be presented with the list of production computers and distribution defaults when you submit a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form to run. At that time, you can accept these options or, if you have distribution authority, change them. Distribution occurs immediately after the form runs, unless you override distribution for all production computers; or the form status is xxxERR, xxx-WRN, xxx-ERR, or RECOVER. Form status must be RAN-OK, FIN-OK, or EMEROK for it to be distributed automatically. Otherwise, you must inspect the form and, if it is OK, distribute it manually. Automatically receiving changes The automatic receive feature relies on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 autostart job called TURCRARE that must be running on each production system where you want to automatically receive changes. This way, forms can be received even if the changes are distributed by SNADS hours after the distribution job has ended on the development computer. If you want a production system to automatically receive changes sent from other systems, you must first set up the TURCRARE autostart job there. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Set up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to automatically receive changes on your production system(s). For instructions for setting up the autostart job TURCRARE, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). 75 For more about how to submit more than one form at a time, see Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-3 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Specifying the distribution job queue You can use the data area called TDSTJOBQ (type *CHAR, length 20) to specify to which job queue you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to submit the distribution job. In the TDSTJOBQ data area, provide the following information: • In positions 1-10, specify the job queue name. • In positions 11-20, specify the job queue library name. If you want TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to use the job queue specified in TURNOVER *JOBD, then use the special value *JOBD in positions 1-10. If the TDSTJOBQ data area does not exist, or if it contains invalid values, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will use the value you have specified for the Submit Form job queue parameter in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 global defaults.76 Combination distribution You can control how automatic the distribution process should be by using a combination distribution. That is, you might have reasons for sending the form manually, but once sent you might prefer to receive it automatically. On the other hand, you might want forms to be automatically sent and received, but submitted manually. When you create your system definitions, you include default values for your computers that control their sending and receiving activities. Application definitions Changes promoted to any application level can be distributed to all or some of your production computers. Once you have identified all of your computers to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, 77 you must specify to which computers you want changes to be distributed, for each application level definition that is to be distributed. 78 For example, if you have ten computers, but application “AR” only runs on six of them, then you must specify to which six computers to distribute “AR” changes. Any level of an application for which forms are distributed requires equivalent application level definition entries on each computer to which changes are sent – that is, if you are distributing from application “AP level 1”, you must have an application level definition called “AP level 1” on each remote computer that will receive changes. 76 To access the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 global defaults, select option 8 (Utility menu) on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu, and then select option 5 (Set global TURNOVER® for iSeries defaults). 77 On TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Main Menu, select option 11 (Distribution menu), and then select option 1 (Maintain system definitions). 78 On TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s Main Menu, select option 11 (Distribution menu), and then select option 1 (Maintain system definitions). On the Maintain System Definitions panel, select a system with option 16 (Distributed Applications). Page 11-4 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers You can copy application definition entries to remote computers. There are two ways of doing this: 1. Using remote application definition records – This is the recommended approach because it requires no physical connection between systems; it works with SNADS or with media. It is also automated – you don’t have to remember to change the application definition on the remote system before you can process a distributed form. To use this method, you create and maintain remote application definition records for each application you distribute in a file on the sending system. If this feature is in use, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 checks to see if the definition has been changed since the last distribution. If it has, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends the definition to the production system along with the related form. The definition is applied when the form runs on the production computer, and then the form is received. You control use of this feature with the Distribute application definition (Y/N) field in this system’s Send distribution defaults on the development computer. Create entries in the remote application definition file using Distribution Menu option 5. 2. Using the Remote Configuration Wizard – For detailed information about this method, read Step 7: Distribute application and system definitions to your remote computer, beginning on page 11-27. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-5 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Distributing source members You can send source code to all, some or none of your production computers. You may want to keep a backup copy of source on one computer, or you may want to compile objects on one or more production computers instead of distributing objects. First you must use the Application Definition Distribution Defaults to tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to distribute source for a given application. Then, in the System Definitions, the Send Distribution Defaults entry for each remote computer must indicate whether the computer can receive source. You might decide to distribute source for some applications and not for others. Source-only objects, such as text members, can be distributed in either case. Source-only distribution If you tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 that you will be distributing only source code, you can specify which source to send by object type and application. The application determines if source and/or objects are to be distributed. If only source is distributed, then the application definition on the production computer – where local promotions are controlled – must specify TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 method of CS (Copy Source) or CSCO (Copy Source, Compile Object). Objects-only distribution If you tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 that you will not be distributing source code, then only objects and source-only objects, such as Help text, are distributed. If only objects are distributed, then the application definition on the production computer must specify TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 method of MO (Move Object) or CD (Create Duplicate). UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note If you plan to distribute objects for an application definition that uses MO (Move Object) or CD (Create Duplicate) as its promotion method, you should make sure that object stamping is turned off in the remote application definition. For more information, see Step 3: Create remote application definitions for distributed applications, beginning on page 11-24. For more information about object stamping, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63); specifically the section entitled Object Versioning. If necessary, you can set defaults to let you distribute source and object types differently for an application. For example, you may want to send only objects for most object types (files, programs, and so forth) but only source for a few object types such as an SQL logical view, which must be compiled on the target system. Distribution of source or objects (or both) depends upon the defaults settings in the application definition and in the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code entry. This is summarized in the chart on page 11-7. Page 11-6 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Distribution Decision Chart Prompt System definition Application definition 79 Type code entry Distrib? Distribute source? Y Y Y or S or blank Y Distribute source? Y Y N or O N Distribute source? N N Y or S Y Distribute source? Y Y N or O N Distribute source? Y Y 80 Blank Y Distribute object? Y Y Y or O or blank Y Distribute object? Y Y N or S N Distribute object? N N Y or O Y Distribute object? Y Y N or S N Distribute object? Y Y 81 Blank Y Distributing physical file data When you distribute physical files, you can pass along data from test to production, and then on to a target computer(s). You can override the Copy file FMTOPT parameter on the form line to *FROMFILE. This copies the data from the file specified by the from library into the new file specified by the target library. This, in turn, will distribute that data to remote systems and install it there. If, for some reason, you do not want the data distributed and installed on remote computers, only copied from test on the development computer, then you should not override the Copy file FMTOPT. Instead, use the CPYTSTDTA command as a post-run command. This command is a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 command in library SOFTTURNE 82 and has one parameter – file name. The command will determine the from and to library names from the form line. To include this command, it should be your intention to copy the data from test to your target library. The 79 The application definition can also contain *SYSTEM in these fields, which refers back to the Y/N value in the system definition. 80 Alternatively, when blanks are entered for the type code, the source is distributed if the application definition is set to *SYSTEM and the system definition is set to Y – unless someone with the authority to do so, overrides the Distribute source parameter by changing it to N when the form is submitted or when a manual distribution is submitted. 81 Alternatively, when blanks are entered for the type code, the object is distributed if the application definition is set to *SYSTEM and the system definition is set to Y – unless someone with the authority to do so, overrides the Distribute object parameter by changing it to N when the form is submitted or when a manual distribution is submitted. 82 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s product library names may be different on your system. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-7 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers CPYTSTDTA command used as a pre- or post-run command will be dropped from a distributed form. To distribute from your development computer without first promoting the data, use the DISTDATA command as a post-run command. Like the CPYTSTDTA command, this has just one parameter, file name. *DATA and *SRC (source-only) object types will also cause TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to distribute data. The *DATA object type lets you define a physical file so you can check out and promote the contents of a file without changing the file format. The *SRC type lets you define a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 type code to check out and promote – and optionally distribute – a source or non-source file member. (For more information, see Working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Type Code Definitions on page 8-6.) Distributing logical files If you distribute a logical file, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will automatically distribute the source for the logical file and use the source to create the logical files on the production computers, regardless of the default method defined there. The source will be placed in the target source library on the production computer, if it is defined, or in a temporary source file in QDDSSRC in QTEMP. If you want to retain the logical file source on your production computers, you can create QDDSSRC source files in your target data libraries. However, we do not recommend keeping the logical file source on your production computer. Updating form status Distributed forms When a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is distributed, the form status on the development computer is changed to DISTRIB. If the form is partially distributed (distributed to some of the production computers designated for the application, but not all), then the form becomes PARTIAL. When the form is distributed to the remaining computers, then the form status becomes DISTRIB. After the form has run successfully on the production computer and, if you have told TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to send a confirmation back to the development computer, a network message is sent to the development system from each production computer. When the message is received by the development system, the distribution history record for the distribution is updated. When confirmations have been received from all production systems to which the form was sent, the form status changes from DISTRIB to CONFIRM. You can also view and update the distribution history record manually for each form. (See Updating Form Distribution Status on page 11-44.) Received forms When a form is received on a production computer, the form status is RECVD. This is equivalent to READY on the development computer. After the form is run, the form status is changed to RANOK or RAN-WRN, as when a form is run on a development computer. If the form fails and is Page 11-8 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers recovered (status RECOVER) – as when an object is in use when the form is running, for example – you can reset it by typing the command RESETFOR on a command line, and then pressing F4 to fill in the form number. The form status will be reset to RECVD. (We suggest that you use the Lock check feature to avoid this condition.) Form status on the development computer must be xxx-OK for the form to be distributed automatically. Form status may be xxx-OK, xxx-WRN, xxx-ERR, or PARTIAL to be eligible for manual distribution. 83 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form numbers It’s possible to encounter duplicate form numbers if you develop on multiple computers, all or some of which then distribute changes to a common computer. If you anticipate this possibility in your network, use the CHGFORMPRE command to change the form prefix on one or more computers in your network to be different, so that form numbering on all systems will be unique. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Distributing from a development computer with multiple environments to production computers with a single environment can produce duplicate form numbers on the receiving system. A form generated in one environment on your development computer can have the same number as a form produced in another environment on the same computer. If your production computer does not have multiple environments, the result is duplicate form numbers. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not process duplicate form numbers on a remote computer correctly. The simplest solution is to put TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s form number and distribution number files into TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s program library; this way, the same file is used regardless of environment. If you must distribute from a multiple environment computer to a single environment computer, call UNICOM Systems, Inc.’s technical support line for guidance. 83 DID YOU KNOW? You can make RAN-WRN forms eligible for automatic distribution by creating a one-character data area called DSTRANWRN in your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 product library. You need not initialize the data area; it should merely exist. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-9 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Network versus media distribution There are some differences worth noting between network and media distribution. You can run several distribution jobs simultaneously using network distribution. Network distribution uses a variable distribution library and savefile name on the development and production computers, thus eliminating the possibility of any conflict between multiple distributions running at the same time. You cannot mix network and media distributions in the same distribution request. If you must distribute via network to some computers and media to others, you must select one method first and then the other. Form status for forms being distributed will be PARTIAL until the form has been distributed to all production computers. At the time you distribute forms, you can override the media parameter from the default to another medium; as in the case where a communications line is down and you decide to distribute by tape. You’ll need matching application level definitions on your development and production computers. You’ll either have to create the application definition directly on the production computer, or maintain your remote application definitions centrally and package them with distributions as described on page 11-24. More about network distribution TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses the send network file (SNDNETF) command, which in turn uses SNADS (system network architecture distribution services); however, alternative methods are available. The actual time of distribution depends on distribution queue scheduling and also on the availability of a physical connection between computers. If you send a distribution, it won’t be transmitted or received until: 1) a physical connection is established and 2) the distribution queue threshold is reached. If a distribution is sent and never reaches a production (target) system or is misdirected, as sometimes occurs with a network failure, the form can be distributed again, by redistributing the form on the development computer to all or just a few of the production computers. If your auxiliary storage threshold on the production computer is beyond the storage threshold, that computer will not receive the distribution and the distribution will fail. You can view and change this threshold from the IBM System Service Tool menus (see the STRSST command). Page 11-10 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Confirmation messages and form log entries Confirmation messages are returned to the development computer. These messages are sent to user profile TOMSGRCV on the development computer. This user profile is created automatically when you install TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. You must set up the TOMSGRCV autostart job on your development computer to receive and process messages.84 When a message is received in message queue TOMSGRCV, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 runs a program that updates the distribution form status on the development computer. If the transmission of these messages is lost or misdirected, or you elected not to send back confirmation messages, you can update the form distribution status to CONFIRM manually. These messages are also passed on to the form programmer and the application Administrator. Form log entry messages are also returned from remote computers to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. If the autostart job is running, user TOMSGRCV makes form log entries describing the form distribution or processing activity that occurred on the remote and local systems. For more information, read Using the Form Log on page 11-47. Distribution authority You must have application default authority to maintain or distribute application definitions to production computers. You must have run authority to run and distribute forms automatically. You must have distribution rights to change distribution options when you submit a form, or to distribute a form manually. You must have forms run authority to distribute a form automatically, and forms distribution authority to override or change distribution defaults. Distributed object ownership and authority Distributed objects are assigned ownership and authorities on your production computer(s) according to the application default definitions there. For more information, see the Application Description and Line Defaults topics on pages 1-12 and 1-29. 84 See the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-11 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Distribution user You can specify which user is to receive a distribution at each production computer. The default user name is user profile TURNOVER. We recommend that you use this profile. When TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 is loaded on your system, it creates a user profile called TURNOVER and a directory entry for that user. TURNOVER is the user to whom distributions are sent unless you substitute another name when you set the system distribution defaults. That user profile must exist on the production computer. If you do specify another user name for target user, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will automatically create a directory entry on the sending computer for that remote target user. If you change the target user name, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will change directory entries appropriately. For more about the form distribution process, see How Distribution Works on page 11-54. User to receive confirmation messages TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also creates user profile TOMSGRCV (password *NONE) when you install TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. This profile is used exclusively by autostart job TOMSGRCV to receive messages from a production computer and to update the distribution and form status for that computer on the development computer. A distribution entry for the development computer is also created on the production computer when you define the development computer there. Page 11-12 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers SETTING UP YOUR SYSTEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION This section provides information you need to set up distribution on your development and production computers. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 assumes that you have established communications between your computers and can pass-through from one to another. These instructions assume that: • Your company’s applications have already been defined. If this is not the case, for information about setting up application definitions, see Chapter 1: Working with Application Definitions in this guide and see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Application Planning Guide. • You plan to use SNADS for exchanging information between your development and production computers. If this is not the case, you can use other network communications protocols. You’ll follow these steps: 1. Draw a change and distribution schematic diagram. 2. Define your computers to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. 3. Verify the operating system levels of all computers involved, and set the TGTRLS parameter if necessary. 4. Create remote application definitions on the development computer. 5. Set up the autostart job TOMSGRCV on the development computer (this job is usually already set up for you at install time). 6. Set up the automatic receive autostart job TURCRARE on the remote computer. 7. Use the Remote Configuration Wizard to distribute system and application definitions to your remote computer. 8. Test your change and distribution process. Each step is explained in detail. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-13 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 1: Draw a change and distribution schematic If you haven’t done so already, we recommend that you draw a schematic diagram of your change and distribution environment for each of your applications. The following diagram is an example. Checkout Production Source Production “APPGM” Program Library Checkout Test Source *PGMR Test Library Production “APSRC” Source Library “APTEST” Test Library AP level 1 CSCO Compile Objects Production “APDATA” Database Library AP level 2 CSCD O bjects Only* * or Source-only, or Source and Objects Sys tem D… System C System B AP APPGMSG Program Library TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Distribution Library TnnnnnnnS Application default “AP Level 2” Method “MO” Move Objects (nnnnnnn = TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form number) APDATA3 APDATA2 AP APDATA1 Database Library Page 11-14 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers In this example, we have created two application level definitions on the development computer – AP level 1 and AP level 2. For each of the production computers, we intend to distribute objects from the production libraries APPGM and APDATA located on the development computer to the production libraries on each production computer. Note the following: • All of the library names on the production computers can be different than on the development computer. • We have set up application definition AP level 2 on the production computers. Also, this has been defined to Explode data libraries – that is, duplicate object changes from one production data library into multiple data libraries, as might be the case if you were supporting multiple divisions or companies. • The application definition on the production computers specifies TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 method MO (Move Object). If we specified CSCO, CSCD, or CSMO, we would have to tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to distribute source as well as objects. Obviously, there are many possible variations. Your environment may be more or less complex. And, each of your applications may be different. Other information you might include in your schematic is: • The serial numbers for all computers in your network. • The production system(s) on which the TURCRARE autostart job is needed for automatically receiving changes. • The development system(s) on which the TOMSGRCV autostart job is needed for processing incoming confirmation messages or distribution log entries from a receiving system. • The operating system release level for all computers concerned. Gathering this kind of information in advance makes the remaining steps easier to follow. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Set up your systems for automatic distribution. If you need to, you can override defaults to distribute manually under exceptional circumstances. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-15 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 2: Define your computers to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’After you’ve decided how you’re going to manage and distribute changes, you can define your computers to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100. Step 2.1: Sign onto the development computer and go to the Maintain System Definitions panel Sign onto your development computer. Define each of the computers in your network to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 on this computer, as follows: Select Main Menu option 11, then option 1. This panel appears: 1/29/10 11:13:35 Maintain System Definitions Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 2=Change 4=Delete 7=Application definitions 9=Distribution defaults 12=Distribute system 13=Change DDMF definitions 16=Distributed applications Sys 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 F3=Exit System USI UIUK CDC WASH FLOR ALAS TORON Device TAP01 TAP01 TAP01 *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS *SNADS System Description UNICOM Systems, Inc. Headquarters UNICOM Systems, Inc. U.K. Confederated Data Company UNICOM Systems, Inc. Washington Florida Fifty Group UNICOM Systems, Inc. Alaska UNICOM Systems, Inc. Toronto F6=Add system definition F12=Cancel If none of your systems are defined, this panel will be blank. To skip ahead, go to STEP 2.2 All of the production computers in your network must be defined to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 on the development system. The development computer must be defined on each production system. Each computer, whether it’s a development or production computer, must have a local definition for itself. Each system has a unique 3-digit system number. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses this number as a prefix when it generates a form number. The system definition record is where you define Send and Receive defaults to control how forms are handled on your systems during a distribution. If you need to distribute manually, this is where you tell TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 what device to use for saving or restoring changes on tape. Page 11-16 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers The Maintain System Definitions panel If your systems have been defined to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 already, they are listed here. The entry for the system on which you are working (the development system) should be highlighted. If it isn’t, make sure the serial number specified in the system definition entry matches the system value QSRLNBR. (Do not start it with an ‘S’.) In your development system entry, you can use *LOCAL in the Serial number field; this retrieves the system value automatically. What you can do: 2=Change Select a system entry with option 2 to view or change its system information. 4=Delete Select a system entry with option 4 to delete it from your system. 7=Application definitions Select a system entry with option 7 to view and update its application definitions. If you select a remote production system, an active network connection must exist for it. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses DDM files to let you view and update the remote production system’s application entries. If you don’t have a network connection between your computers, you won’t be able to select option 7. To get around this, you can pass-through to the production computer and work with applications directly. Or you can use Distribution Menu option 5 for another way of maintaining application definitions for your remote systems. (Read about this on page 11-24.) You must have system defaults authority to update application definition entries. 9=Distribution defaults Select a system entry with option 9 to view and update its distribution default entry. If you select a remote production system with this option, you’ll see its Send defaults. If you select the local system, you’ll see its Receive defaults. These defaults are distributed with the forms. They control the scheduling of the form on the development and production computers. You must have forms distribution authority to update system definition entries. 12=Distribute system Distribute the system definition to one or more production (remote) computers using the Remote Configuration Wizard. You can also access the Wizard using option 7 on the Distribution menu. For more information, see Accessing the Remote Configuration Wizard on page 11-27. 13=Change DDMF definitions Select a system with option 13 if you’ve changed any system definitions and need to rebuild the DDM file connection to a remote computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-17 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers 16=Distributed applications Select a remote system with option 16 to see or update a list of applications that are distributed by the chosen system to other systems in the network. By changing an application in the resulting list, you can specify application Send defaults that would override the system Send defaults. Select the local system (highlighted) with option 16 to see a list of applications defined on that system. By changing an application in the resulting list, you can specify application Receive defaults that would override the system Receive defaults. F6=Add system definition Press F6 to add a new system definition to your system. (You must have authority to use this option. See your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Administrator.) Page 11-18 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 2.2: Add a system definition Press F6 on the Maintain System Definitions panel. This panel appears: 1/29/10 10:45:34 Add a System Definition Your Company, Inc. Type choices, press Enter. System name . . . . . . . WASH System number . . . . . 40 System description . . . UNICOM Systems, Inc. Washington Machine type . . . . . . 400 Model . . . . . . . . . . 320 Serial number . . . . . . *LOCAL Contact name . Title . . . . . Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City/State/Zip Country/FPC . . Phone . . . . . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Char, *LOCAL Neal Bush Finance Manager IRS Data Center 100 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20341 2023378899 F12=Cancel Complete the panel and press Enter. To skip ahead, go to STEP 2.3 All of the systems in your network, including the one you’re on, must be defined to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 before you can distribute TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms to them. The sending and receiving computers must be defined on each production computer. The System number can be any number between 1-999; however, the System number assignments must be consistent across all of your systems. In other words, if you define your Model F20 to be System number 20 on your development computer, it must be defined as System number 20 on your remote production computer as well. However, on a remote production computer, only the development (source) and local production (target) system need to be defined. On your development computer, all systems, including the development computer, need to be defined. System name must match the Current system name parameter on the Display Network Attributes panel on the system you’re defining. (Use the DSPNETA command.) Serial number must match the Serial number field on the Display System Value panel on the system you are defining. You can type *LOCAL, or use the DSPSYSVAL QSRLNBR command on that system to get the exact value. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-19 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 2.3: Set system Send and Receive distribution defaults Once you’ve created entries for all your systems, return to the Maintain System Definitions panel (see STEP 2.1). Select your local system entry with option 9=Distribution defaults. This panel appears: 1/29/10 21:18:26 System Receive Distribution Defaults System name . . . . . USI System number . . . 100 UNICOM Systems, Inc. F10 Distribution device . . . . . . . . User profile to receive Snads files Automatically submit received forms Send logs back to host . . . . . . Send confirmations back to host . . Allow override from sending system F3=Exit Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SNADS TURNOVER N Y, N N Y, N N Y, N Y Y, N Device, *SNADS, *NONE User profile F12=Cancel To skip ahead, go to STEP 2.4 System Receive distribution defaults apply to a system that will receive changes from other computers in the network. If you don’t plan to use your local system – the system you’re working on now – to receive changes, press Enter to accept the defaults, and continue with the instructions for system Send distribution defaults, on the next page. The Automatically submit received forms field is where you control the automatic submit component of the distribution process. If this field is Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 automatically submits forms for processing as soon as they are received. The Allow override from sending system field controls whether you can override the Receive distribution defaults for a target system when you submit a form on the sending system. If this field is Y, Receive default overrides that are sent with the form to the receiving system are accepted and applied when the form is received there. Page 11-20 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Once you’ve supplied the system Receive distribution defaults for your local system, return to the Maintain System Definitions panel. Select one of your remote production systems with option 9. The System Send Distribution Defaults panel appears: 1/29/10 21:27:54 System Send Distribution Defaults Your Company, Inc. System name . . . . . S1010101 UNICOM Systems, Inc. D4 System . . . . . . . 200 Target user id and address . . . . Distribution device . . . . . . . . Distribute application definitions Distribute source . . . . . . . . . Distribute objects . . . . . . . . Automatically distribute forms . . Distribution job schedule time . . Schedule elapsed action . . . . . Submit received forms automatically Receive logs back . . . . . . . . . Receive confirmations back . . . . Receive forms method . . . . . . . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TURNOVER S1014706 UserId-Address *SNADS Device, *SNADS, *NONE N Y, N N Y, N Y Y, N N Y, N *CURRENT *CURRENT, hhmmss *SBMRLS *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD, . . . N Y, N, *RMTDFTS N Y, N, *RMTDFTS N Y, N, *RMTDFTS *AUTOSTART *AUTOSTART, *PASSTHRU F12=Cancel System Send distribution defaults control how the local development system packages and sends application changes to the remote production system you selected. These defaults are systemspecific, but you can override them for each application you distribute to the remote system. For example, if most applications are to be distributed via SNADS, but, for whatever reason, your AP application is to be distributed via tape, specify SNADS here at the system level, and then override the Distribution device parameter for the AP application definition. Automatic distribution can be fully or partially automatic. That is, you may not want the form sent automatically, but when the form is sent, you may want it to be received and run automatically. Or, you may want forms to be sent and received automatically, but submitted to be run manually. The Send distribution defaults specify the degree of automation for each production computer. If you have forms distribution authority, you can override the distribution defaults at run-time for all or some of the production computers. For example, today you may only want to distribute a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form automatically to one of several production computers when it completes, and then distribute to the remaining computers manually tomorrow. Automatic distribution is done one form at a time. If automatic distribution is specified for any production system to which an application would be distributed, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents the list of production computers and distribution defaults when you submit a form to run. At that time, you can change or accept these options. Distribution occurs immediately after the form runs, unless it has form status xxx-ERR, xxx-WRN, or RECOVER. (Form status must be RANOK, FIN-OK, or EMER-OK to be distributed automatically. Otherwise, you must inspect the form and, if it is OK, distribute it manually.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-21 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends You can control the receive process completely from your development computer, or locally on each production computer. If you’re distributing to more than one computer, or if your communication lines are slow, or if your connection is intermittent (switched-line), we recommend that you set up the automatic receive autostart job, 85 TURCRARE, on each production system and control the receive process locally, at each system. If you use this method, then here in the Send distribution defaults for each remote computer, set the Automatically distribute forms field to Y and the Receive forms method field to *AUTOSTART. (Do not set Receive forms method to *PASSTHRU if the autostart job is running, because this will cause conflicts.) In each production computer’s Receive distribution defaults, set the Distribution device field to *SNADS, supply a user profile (usually user TURNOVER) for receiving SNADS files, and indicate whether TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 should automatically submit received forms. • Fill out the panel and press Enter to accept the Send defaults for this system. • Repeat the process for your remaining remote production systems. • When you finish, use F3 to return to the Maintain System Definitions panel, then proceed with the next step. 85 For more information, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). Page 11-22 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 2.4: Identify distributed applications for each system On the Maintain System Definitions panel, select a remote system with option 16. The System Distributed Applications panel appears: 1/29/10 11:01:57 System Distributed Applications Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS System name . . . . . S1014706 UNICOM Systems, Inc. D4 System number. . . . 200 1=Add to distribution list Appl Rel Ver Lev AP AP APR APR APR APR 1 10 1 2 3 4 2=Change distribution Description System-Wide Defaults Test Application- Test Test Application- Prod Test Application- Test Test Application- Prod Test Application- Test Test Application- Prod Level Level Level Level Level Level 4=Delete from list 1 2 1 2 1 2 Distribute Src Obj N N N N Y Y N N Y Y N N N N F3=Exit F11=Show only selected F12=Cancel Highlighted applications are included in system distribution list This panel lists all applications defined on the development system. Highlighting identifies any applications that are distributed to the remote system shown at the top of the panel. If none are highlighted, no applications are currently distributed to the remote system you selected. • To distribute an application to this remote system, select an application level entry from the list with option 1. If an application is already highlighted, you can select it with option 2 to supply application-level Send defaults. These would override the system’s Send defaults. When you use option 2 for an application that’s not highlighted, the application is automatically selected for distribution and appears in the list when you return to the System Distributed Applications panel. Use option 4 to remove undesired applications from the distribution list. (The application definition itself is not deleted – only removed from the distribution list for this system.) • When you’ve identified all the applications you want to distribute to the remote system shown, press Enter; then press F3 to return to the Distribution Menu. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-23 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 3: Create remote application definitions for distributed applications Any application level you distribute from your development computer must have a matching application definition on each remote computer that receives it. The recommended approach for maintaining application definitions on your remote computers uses a Remote Application Definition file on the local development computer. This method doesn’t require a physical connection between systems, and it is fully automatic, regardless of what medium you use to distribute changes. (You don’t have to remember to sign onto each remote computer and change the application definition there before you distribute a form.) UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends We urge you to thoroughly test any changes you make to your application definitions. Take the time to set up some sample objects. Then, when you do make a change, create a worklist, check them out, promote them through all levels, distribute them, and install them on your production computers. PLAY IT SAFE! To create an entry in the Remote Application Definition file for an application that is defined to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, select option 5 on the Distribution Menu. The Work with Remote Application Definitions panel appears: 1/29/10 Work with Remote Application Definitions Position to . . . Application: Rel: Ver: Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Lev: Type options to be executed against remote applications, press Enter. 1=Create 2=Change 4=Delete 5=View 6=Print 8=Description 9=Application defaults and rules 10=Project defaults 11=Library defaults 12=Form defaults 13=Line defaults 14=Type codes . . . Appl Rel Ver Lev Description AP 3 2 2 Accounts Payable- Prod Level 2 AR 2 4 2 Accounts Receivable- Prod Level 2 Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=Command line F23=More options Highlighted lines have remote application definitions defined. This panel shows application level entries that have been identified in the system definition as distributed applications. Highlighting identifies the applications that have remote definitions already. • To create a remote application definition for an application, select its unhighlighted entry with option 1. • To change an existing entry, select it with option 2 or one of the other topic-specific options. (These options are the same as those found on the Work with Application Definitions panel.) For example, if you’re not distributing source, you should change the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 promotion method to MO (Move Object) in your remote application definitions. Read the Note and the recommendations on the following page. Page 11-24 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note If you plan to distribute objects for an application definition that uses MO (Move Object) or CD (Create Duplicate) as its promotion method, you should make sure that object stamping is turned off in the remote application definition. For more information about object stamping, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Managing Multiple Versions (#63); specifically the section entitled Object Versioning. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Recommends Check these application default parameters for your production computers. Consider changing them to these suggested settings: Field Setting Location Require source checkout N Application defaults and rules Require Project entry N Project defaults Update Project task status N Form level programmer blank Form level project mask blank Method MO Delete test object blank Delete test source blank Line programmer blank Project task reference blank Form defaults Line defaults You should also: • Change any *PGMR values to some other value, or leave them blank. • Make sure that the libraries in the library list referenced in your application definition exist on your production computer(s). • If you plan to use reference objects on the production system, make sure they exist and are set up appropriately for each object type being distributed. (Use F6=Create missing items on the application definition Type codes panel while signed on to your remote product computer to create any missing items there.) TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-25 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 4: Check OS/400 release level and set TGTRLS parameter if needed If you are distributing objects, check your diagram for the operating system release level of all computers concerned. If your development computer is running a newer release of the operating system than your production computer(s), you must do the following: 1. On your development computer, specify the remote computer’s target release value in the Target Release global default (Utility Menu option 5). (If you are distributing to multiple computers with different release levels, use the lowest release level. 2. Add the following TGTRLS parameter specification in the create command for all global type codes that handle programs, modules, or service programs: …TGTRLS(“&TR”)… The &TR substitution variable is replaced with either the global default, or with an override specified at the application level with a user-defined parameter value (F8 on the Type Codes panel of your application definition). Step 5: Set up message processing autostart job If you want to have distribution status messages returned from your production systems processed on the development computer, you must define the message-processing job, TOMSGRCV, as an autostart job on your development computer. For instructions for setting up this autostart job (if you have not done so already), see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). Step 6: Set up remote receive autostart job If you want to have distributions automatically received by the production computers, then set up the auto-receive job, TURCRARE, on each production computer. For detailed instructions, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). Page 11-26 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 7: Distribute application and system definitions to your remote computer After you create your application and system definitions, you can use the Remote Configuration Wizard to distribute them to your remote computer. 86 When you run the Remote Configuration Wizard, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents a series of panels from which you can select application or system definitions you have already created to send to remote systems. How you access the Wizard, and the sequence of panels you see, depends on whether you are distributing an application or system definition, or both. These differences are described in the following sections. Accessing the Remote Configuration Wizard You can access the Remote Configuration Wizard in several ways, as described below: If you want to distribute …. Then access the Wizard using …. Either an application or a system definition (Or both) Distribution Menu option 7 (Remote Configuration Wizard). (Alternatively, you can type the TRMTCFGWIZ command on a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 command line.) An application definition TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu option 1 (Work with Application definitions). The Work with Application Definitions panel appears. On this panel, select an application definition with option 2 or 5. The Work with Application Definition panel then appears. Select option 22=Distribute App to run the Remote Configuration Wizard. A system definition Distribution Menu option 1 (Maintain system definitions). The Maintain System Definitions panel appears. Select a system definition with option 12=Distribute System. 86 An application’s library list objects are included with the distributed definition, but they are NOT overlaid on the remote computer if they already exist. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-27 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers When you access the Remote Configuration Wizard with option 7 on the Distribution Menu, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 immediately starts the Wizard. If you access the Wizard with Main Menu option 1 (for application definitions) or Distribution Menu option 1 (for system definitions), as described above, the first panel you will see explains that the option you have selected has been replaced by the Remote Configuration Wizard. You’ll have to press Enter to start the Wizard. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 then displays the first panel: 1/29/10 16:17:22 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 1 of 5 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Welcome to the TURNOVER® Remote Configuration Wizard. The Wizard is designed to simplify the process of sending TURNOVER® application and system definitions to the remote system. You will step through a series of panels that will gather information about what you need to send to your remote systems. On each panel, after responding to the necessary prompts, you can press ENTER to continue to the next panel, or press F12 to go back to the previous panel. You can press F3 at any time, to end the process. Press ENTER to continue. ENTER=Next Panel F3=Exit Wizard This panel provides an introduction to the Remote Configuration Wizard. After viewing this panel, press Enter. A second panel appears: 1/29/10 16:20:50 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 2 of 5 Specify the information you wish to send: 1 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS 1=Applications and systems 2=Applications only 3=Systems only If you have selected options 1 or 2, then please specify where to get the application data. Your two choices are: Remote definitions and Local definitions. The remote definitions are configured using option 5 on the Distribution menu. These give you the ability to setup locally, the way the definition should appear on the remote. The local definitions are the definitions you are actively using on this system (Main menu option 1). This option would be useful if you are sending the data to another TURNOVER® Development system. Specify the application data to send: 1 1=Remote Definitions 2=Local definitions Press ENTER to continue. ENTER=Next Panel F3=Exit Wizard F12=Previous Panel This second panel offers you three distribution options. The option you choose determines the sequence of panels you see next, as is illustrated on the next page. Page 11-28 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Application & System Definitions • Distribution Menu option 7 System Definitions Application Definitions • • Main Menu option 1 Option 22=Distribute App • • Distribution Menu option 1 Option 12=Distribute System Remote Configuration Wizard Each option is described in detail on the referenced pages. Panel 1 Introduction Panel 2 Select Option Option 1 – (page 11-31) Both Application and System Definitions Panel 3 Select Applications Option 2 – (page 11-32) Application Definitions only Panel 3 Select Applications Panel 4 Select Systems Panel 4 Select Systems Panel 5 Final Specifications Option 3 – (page 11-33) System Definitions only Panel 5 Final Specifications TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Panel 5 Final Specifications Page 11-29 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Distributing both application and system definitions To distribute both application and system definitions, select option 1=Applications and systems on the second panel. Because you’re distributing application definitions, you need to indicate whether the application definitions are remote or local definitions. (The panel displays text describing the difference between remote and local definitions.) Specify this information and press Enter. The next panel appears: 1/29/10 16:24:31 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 3 of 5 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select Application data to include and press ENTER: 1=Select Appl Rel Ver Lev Application Description System-Wide Defaults ADIS 10 Marlene's Distribution Application AEB 2 Alan's Test Appl-level 2 AP 1 Test Application- Test Level 1 AP 2 Test Application- Prod Level 2 AP4 1 Test Application- Test Level 1 AP4 2 Test Application- Prod Level 2 AX 20 AGQA40 to AGPTF40 AXE 1 *EMER to AGPTF40 BARB 2 Virtual App - QA to Prod BFP 10 Test Application- Prod Level 2 DEB 2 Deb's App - QA ==> PROD More... ENTER=Next Panel F3=Exit Wizard F12=Previous Panel F21=Select all On this panel, select with option 1 the application definitions that you want to send to the remote computer. Press F21 to select all the applications listed, including those displayed on subsequent panels. Press Enter to confirm your choices and to display the next panel. 1/29/10 17:10:38 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 4 of 5 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select System data to include and press ENTER: 1=Select System JM USIWEB S1014706 S1014706 S1014707 USITRAIN *V45011 *V45012 USI DEBS PAULR 080 150 410 420 430 450 451 452 510 555 999 Serial 12345678 1000D6R 1038112 1038112 1038112 101314R *V45111 *V45112 1048206 1048208 123456 Mdl F10 150 200 200 200 150 150 150 400 999 620 System Description Non-existent, to test failure USI Web Server QA Environment 100 to 5.4 Distribution 100 to 5.4 Designed to fail USI Training box Virtual system Virtual Development Debs system Paul’s system Bottom ENTER=Next Panel F3=Exit Wizard F12=Previous Panel F21=Select all Next, select with option 1 the system definitions that you want to send to the remote computer. Press F21 if you want to send all the system information shown. Page 11-30 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Press Enter to confirm your choices and to display the next panel: 1/29/10 17:25:40 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 5 of 5 Your Company. Inc. Select systems to send data to and press ENTER: Specify the Target Release for the save command: V5R1M0 Create one tape for all tape distributions? N Overlay existing definitions upon receive? 1=Select 8=Copy to Tape System Serial JM 080 12345678 SLSWEB 150 1000D6R S1014706 410 1038112 S1014706 420 1038112 S1014707 430 1038112 USITRAIN 450 101314R *V45011 451 *V45111 ENTER=Next Panel F21=Select all Mdl F10 150 200 200 200 150 150 Method *SNADS *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE F3=Exit Wizard *YES System Description Non-existence, to test failure SLS Web Server QA Environment 100 to 5.4 Distribution 100 to 5.4 Designed to fail USI Training box Virtual system F5=Reset to Defaults More... F12=Previous Panel Finally, specify such information as the lowest release level of the target systems and whether or not you want to create only one tape for all the distributions that will result from your selections during this procedure. Refer to the online Help for detailed information about this panel. When you’re finished, press Enter to confirm your entries and to start the distribution process. The series of messages you’ll see during the distribution are listed and described on page 11-33. Distributing application definitions only To distribute application definitions only, select option 2=Applications only on the second panel. Because you’re distributing application definitions, you need to indicate whether the application definitions are remote or local definitions. (The panel displays text describing the difference between remote and local definitions.) Specify this information and press Enter. 1/29/10 16:24:31 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 3 of 5 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select Application data to include and press ENTER: 1=Select Appl Rel Ver Lev Application Description System-Wide Defaults ADIS 10 Marlene's Distribution Application AEB 2 Alan's Test Appl-level 2 AP 1 Test Application- Test Level 1 AP 2 Test Application- Prod Level 2 AP4 1 Test Application- Test Level 1 AP4 2 Test Application- Prod Level 2 AX 20 AGQA40 to AGPTF40 AXE 1 *EMER to AGPTF40 BARB 2 Virtual App - QA to Prod BFP 10 Test Application- Prod Level 2 DEB 2 Deb's App - QA ==> PROD More... ENTER=Next Panel F3=Exit Wizard F12=Previous Panel F21=Select all On this panel, select with option 1 the applications that you want to send to the remote computer. Press F21 to select all the applications listed, including those displayed on subsequent panels. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-31 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Press Enter to confirm your choices and to display the next panel: 1/29/10 17:25:40 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 5 of 5 Your Company, Inc. Select systems to send data to and press ENTER: Specify the Target Release for the save command: V5R1M0 Create one tape for all tape distributions? N Overlay existing definitions upon receive? 1=Select 8=Copy to Tape System Serial JM 080 12345678 USIWEB 150 1000D6R S1014706 410 1038112 S1014706 420 1038112 S1014707 430 1038112 USITRAIN 450 101314R *V45011 451 *V45111 ENTER=Next Panel F21=Select all Mdl F10 150 200 200 200 150 150 Method *SNADS *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE F3=Exit Wizard *YES System Description Non-existence, to test failure USI Web Server QA Environment 100 to 5.4 Distribution 100 to 5.4 Designed to fail USI Training box Virtual system More... F12=Previous Panel F5=Reset to Defaults Next, specify such information as the lowest release level of the target systems and whether or not you want to create only one tape for all the distributions that will result from your selections during this procedure. Refer to the online Help for detailed information about this panel. When you’re finished, press Enter to confirm your entries and to start the distribution process. The series of messages you’ll see during the distribution are listed and described on page 11-33. Distributing system definitions only To distribute system definitions only, select option 3=Systems only on the second panel and press Enter. The next panel appears: 1/29/10 17:10:38 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 4 of 5 Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select System data to include and press ENTER: 1=Select System JM USIWEB S1014706 S1014706 S1014707 USITRAIN *V45011 *V45012 USI DEBS PAULR 080 150 410 420 430 450 451 452 510 555 999 Serial 12345678 1000D6R 1038112 1038112 1038112 101314R *V45111 *V45112 1048206 1048208 123456 Mdl F10 150 200 200 200 150 150 150 400 999 620 System Description Non-existent, to test failure USI Web Server QA Environment 100 to 5.4 Distribution 100 to 5.4 Designed to fail USI Training box Virtual system Virtual Development Debs system Paul’s system Bottom ENTER=Next Panel F3=Exit Wizard F12=Previous Panel F21=Select all On this panel, select with option 1 the system information you want to send to the remote computer. Press F21 to select all the systems listed, including those displayed on subsequent panels. Page 11-32 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Then press Enter to confirm your choices and to display the next panel: 1/29/10 17:25:40 Remote Configuration Wizard Panel 5 of 5 Your Company, Inc. Select systems to send data to and press ENTER: Specify the Target Release for the save command: V5R1M0 Create one tape for all tape distributions? N Overlay existing definitions upon receive? 1=Select 8=Copy to Tape System Serial JM 080 12345678 USIWEB 150 1000D6R S1014706 410 1038112 S1014706 420 1038112 S1014707 430 1038112 USITRAIN 450 101314R *V45011 451 *V45111 ENTER=Next Panel F21=Select all Mdl F10 150 200 200 200 150 150 Method *SNADS *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE *NONE F3=Exit Wizard *YES System Description Non-existence, to test failure USI Web Server QA Environment 100 to 5.4 Distribution 100 to 5.4 Designed to fail USI Training box Virtual system F5=Reset to Defaults More... F12=Previous Panel Next, specify such information as the lowest release level of the target systems and whether or not you want to create only one tape for all the distributions that will result from your selections during this procedure. Refer to the online Help for detailed information about this panel. When you’re finished, press Enter to confirm your entries and to start the distribution process. The series of messages you’ll see during the distribution are listed and described below. Distribution messages During the distribution process, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a series of status messages in the lower left corner of the panel. These messages are: Message Description Creating work file x of x. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the work files. Copying selections to work files. Please wait. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 copies the definitions you selected to the work files it just created. Creating save file. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates the save file. Saving to save file. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 saves the work files to the save file. Sending file to remote machines. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 distributes the save file to the remote system. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-33 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers As indicated by the messages, all of this information is packaged in a save file and sent to the remote computer, in care of user TURNOVER (or whomever you configured in Step 2.3). Once that network file arrives on the remote, a message is sent to the user profile’s message queue. The remote receive TURCRARE job monitors the message queue, and upon receipt of a file, triggers two jobs: 1. The RCVTONET job, which receives the network file. 2. The RCWAUTORCV job, which unpacks the save file and restores its contents on the remote box. If this process fails, check your remote system for the job logs associated with these two jobs, and review them for clues. When the local distribution process completes, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 displays a system message telling you if the save file distributed successfully or not. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Note The save file that’s created remains in QTEMP after the process completes. Step 8: Test changes and distribution process We strongly recommend that after you have set up each application on your development and production computer(s), you follow a complete change cycle from start to finish for a variety of object types to ensure that everything is set up properly before you commit to changing and distributing live objects. Also, you’ll want to make sure that each person working with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 understands your change and distribution strategy and has been trained to use the parts of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 with which they’ll be working. Page 11-34 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers DISTRIBUTING FORMS MANUALLY This section describes how to distribute forms from a development computer to one or more production computers, manually. Manual distribution consists of: • Sending one or more forms to a remote system • Receiving the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms on the remote system, and • Submitting the forms to be run. This discussion assumes that you have already submitted the form for processing on the development computer with satisfactory results. Then you send the form to a remote production computer. On the production computer, you or someone local receives the distribution and then submits the form to be run. (See the section following this one for a description of the automatic distribution process.) Step 1: Select forms to be distributed Sign on to the development computer and select TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu option 11. The Distribution Menu appears: 1/29/10 8:56:58 Distribution Menu Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Maintain system definitions Distribute form Receive Distribution Work with form log Work with remote application definitions Override network distribution method Remote Configuration Wizard Select option: F3=Exit F6=DSPMSG F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB F21=System command Select option 2 to distribute forms. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-35 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers This panel appears: 1/29/10 11:10:39 Distribute Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition screen, enter form: Filter by Programmer: Filter by system: 1=Select _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Form 200039 200038 200037 200011 200010 200009 200008 200005 200004 200003 F3=Exit Filter by App/Rel/Ver/Lev: Filter by Reference: 5=Browse Description Add extended cmd Chg Submenu custom Emergency change to Chg to Upload Wt. Chg UPS Tables Delete XAR distr. Installment billg Invoice form chg Invoice form chg Statement format chg F4=List App/Rel/Ver/Lev SFTM 1 SFTM 1 AGL 2 DIST 2 DIST 2 DIST 2 AR 1 AP 1 AP 1 AP 1 F10=Redistribute Run 1/05/10 1/03/10 1/03/10 1/01/09 12/16/09 12/16/09 12/15/09 12/12/09 12/07/09 12/06/09 F12=Cancel Programmer ELSINORE ELSINORE PSHIFTY PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PSHIFTY DELANEY DELANEY DELANEY Status RAN-OK RAN-WRN EMER-Ok RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-WRN RAN-OK RECOVER CANCEL RAN-WRN F21=Select all The list contains all forms eligible for distribution. Forms must have status RAN-xx, EMER-xx, FIN-xx, or PARTIAL to be eligible for distribution. You can select more than one form at a time. All forms that you select must be destined for the same group of computers. To redistribute a form that was distributed earlier (not showing on this panel), go to Step 3 on page 11-38. • Type 1 next to each form you want to distribute; press Enter. Continue with the next step. Page 11-36 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 2: Submit distribution job The Select Systems for Distribution panel appears: 1/29/10 11:10:46 Select Systems for Distribution Your Company, Inc. Type changes, press Enter. Distribution job schedule date Distribution job schedule time Schedule elapsed action . . . Submit to batch . . . . . . . Automatic remote rollback . . 1=Select 4=Remove System Device 1 USITRAIN 450 *SNADS 1 *V45011 451 *SNADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT *SBMRLS Y *NO *CURRENT, date *CURRENT, hhmmss *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD, *SBMRLS,... Y, N *NO, *RMT, *ALL Receive Select *AUTOSTART *AUTOSTART Submit Received Form Y N Form Schedule Date *CURRENT *CURRENT Form Schedule Time *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS Schedule Elapsed Action *RMTDFTS *RMTDFTS Bottom F3=Exit F12=Cancel (Consult the online Help to learn about the valid values for the fields on this panel.) All systems to which the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms should be distributed appear, along with form receive and scheduling information for each system. All systems in the list are pre-selected with option 1. If you distribute the forms to all of the computers listed, the form status for each form becomes DISTRIB. If you don’t want to distribute to all systems now, blank out the 1 next to the systems you don’t want to include. When the distribution job runs, the form status will become PARTIAL. You can distribute the forms to the remaining systems at a later time. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-37 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers You can omit one of the systems from the list by selecting option 4=Remove. If you never intend to send a change to that system, then normally the form status would remain PARTIAL; meaning that the change has been distributed to some of the systems, not all. If you remove a system, then, once you have distributed to all remaining systems, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will update the form status to DISTRIB. If you have distribution authority, you can override the form receive and scheduling information for each system you are distributing to by typing over the information as it appears for each system in the list. You can also override the distribution job scheduling information appearing at the top of the list if necessary. When you press Enter, the form is transmitted using SNADS from the development computer to each production computer you selected. If the distribution queue depth is set to a high number, it might take awhile for the actual transmission to occur. Once the distribution is sent, then you or another authorized local user must receive it manually and submit it to be run. (This discussion assumes the form was not received automatically.) Step 3: Redistributing forms Use this step only if you want to redistribute a form that has a status of RECOVER on the production computer. Otherwise, skip this step. On the Distribute TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel, press F10. This panel appears: 1/29/10 11:56:52 Work with Distribution Status Your Company, Inc. To reposition screen, enter form: Filter by appl/rel/ver/lev: Filter by programmer: Filter by reference: To flag a form for redistribution, change the Dist field to 'N'. Form 100613 100311 100304 100295 100296 F3=Exit Form description Test Distribution 113 A/P Chk writing fix Emer. Chg TESTDIST Invoice form chg Statement format chg F4=List Sys WASH USI CDC USI FLOR 40 10 30 10 50 System description Washington Headquarters Confederated Data Com Headquarters Florida Fifty Group Dist N Y Y Y Y Dist date 1/15/10 1/15/10 1/15/10 1/15/10 12/29/09 F12=Cancel All forms that TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 has distributed are listed here, with the most recent forms appearing first. If the form status on the production computer is status Recover, redistribute the form from the development computer by changing the Dist field from Y to N and press Enter; then distribute the Page 11-38 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers form again using the instructions under Step 1 of this procedure. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will replace the original form with the new one. Step 4: Receive a form manually Forms can be received automatically or manually on a production computer. This discussion assumes that your remote computer is NOT set up to receive forms automatically. Do not perform this procedure if the form has already been received automatically. Receiving the distribution occurs in two steps: 1. First the network file is received. This is very fast and is always done interactively. 2. Next, the network file is restored to a distribution library. The contents of the distribution library are unbundled into multiple temporary (TnnnnnnnS) libraries – one for each form contained in the distribution. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also copies its own data into TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files and prepares the form(s) to be run. The form(s) must be received manually if: • The form(s) were distributed on a medium such as tape or diskette, or • The automatic receive autostart job, TURCRARE, is not running on your target system. If forms are being distributed by media, load the medium in the reader and proceed. • To receive a form, select option 11 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. • Select option 3 on the Distribution Menu. This panel appears: 1/29/10 12:25:20 Receive Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Type choices, press Enter. Restore device name . . . . . . . User profile to receive Snads file Receive schedule date . . . . . . Receive schedule time . . . . . . Submit receive job to batch . . . Submit received forms . . . . . . Send logs back to host . . . . . . Send confirmation back to host . . F3=Exit . . . . . . . . *SNADS TURNOVER *CURRENT *CURRENT Y N N N Device name, *SNADS User profile *CURRENT, date *CURRENT, hhmmss Y, N Y, N Y, N Y, N F12=Cancel Change or confirm the prompts and press Enter. The Select Network File to Receive panel appears. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-39 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 5: Select network files to be received If more than one distribution is ready to be received, you will see a list of distributions, as shown on the sample panel. If only one distribution is ready to be received, the form will be received interactively or in batch, according to your choice on the previous panel. 1/29/10 12:31:14 Select Network File to Receive Your Company, Inc. 1=Select 1 _ _ _ Net File T162401675 T162521676 T174543733 T175500755 F3=Exit User QSECOFR QSECOFR QSECOFR QSECOFR Sending User ID UK DELANEY TORON ALAS Date Sent 1/21/10 1/21/10 1/21/10 1/21/10 Time Sent 09:43 16:32 09:01 18:54 Date Arrived 1/21/10 1/21/10 1/21/10 1/21/10 Time Arrived 10:01 17:05 18:01 19:33 F12=Cancel Select one or more network files to be received with option 1. Step 6: Submit form to be run Once the receive step has completed, the forms will either be automatically submitted for processing, or you will manually submit the forms, depending on how you answered earlier prompts on the Receive TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel (in Step 4). In either case, you can view the form using the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel (for instructions, see Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run.) Page 11-40 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers DISTRIBUTING FORMS AUTOMATICALLY In this section we will submit a form and specify automatic distribution. This section applies to you if, when defining your systems to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100, you: 1. typed Y in the Automatically distribute forms field for any of your system Send distribution defaults entries, and 2. typed Y in the Submit received forms automatically field for any of your system Send distribution defaults entries, and 3. typed Y in the Automatically submit received forms field for any of your system Receive distribution defaults entries. If the above items are not true, see Distributing Forms Manually on page 11-35. Step 1: Submit a form Select option 6 on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Main Menu. Type a 7 next to the form you want to submit for processing. 87 You’ll see: 1/29/10 12:49:39 Submit Form Form . . . . . . . . . Application . . . . . . Status . . . . . . . . 108888 T1 READY Type options, press Enter. Form schedule date . . . *CURRENT Form schedule time . . . *CURRENT Submit on hold . . . . . *NO Test form Release: Your Company, Inc. SYSTEM: YOURSYS Version: Level: 1 *CURRENT, date *CURRENT, hhmmss *YES, *NO 1=Select Opt Form Submit Option 1 Error-check in batch Error-check interactively 1 Submit form Check for checked-out objects not on form Work with form 1 Work with form distribution defaults F3=Exit F5=Refresh F10=Form approval F12=Cancel F15=Scheduling Select the Work with form distribution defaults option. Press Enter. Continue with the next step. 87 For more about this submission panel, see Chapter 7: Submitting a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form to Run. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-41 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 2: View distribution defaults If the application is eligible for distribution, and if you have distribution authority, you can update the distribution defaults; otherwise you can only view them. 1/29/10 13:55:26 Form Distribution Defaults Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS Form . . . . . . 4100114 Description . . . Test form Distribution job schedule date Distribution job schedule time Schedule elapsed action . . . Automatic remote rollback . . Position to system 2=Change 4=Remove System Name Description UK UNICOM Systems, WASH UNICOM Systems, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT *SBMRLS *NO Inc. UK Inc. Washingt *CURRENT, date *CURRENT, hhmmss *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD, *SBMRLS,... *NO, *RMT, *ALL Device *SNADS TAP01 Receive Logs Back N N F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Alt. view F12=Cancel F13=Repeat Highlighted systems are selected for distribution. Receive Confirmation Back *RMTDFTS N F15=Scheduling • The online Help contains details about the valid values for the job scheduling and rollback fields on this panel. To accept distribution defaults as they were defined in the System Send Distribution Defaults, press Enter. The form is submitted for processing, then distributed as you’ve specified. When the form(s) reach the target computer, they are received and submitted for processing automatically. The form log is updated with information during each processing step on each computer. • To override the distribution defaults, type 2 next to any system; then go to Step 3. To skip ahead, go to next step. If an application is defined as a distributed application, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 presents this panel when you submit a form for that application. Some or all of the production systems might be defined for distribution. Page 11-42 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Step 3: Change distribution defaults 1/29/10 13:34:05 Change Distribution Defaults for Form Your Company, Inc. Type changes and press Enter. Form . . . . . Description . Target system Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5103437 .Test form .WASH .UNICOM Systems Inc, Washington Office Distribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Target user id and address. . . . . . . . . .TURNOVER Distribution device. . . . . . . . . . . . . *SNADS Distribute source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Distribute objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Remote form schedule date. . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT Remote form schedule time. . . . . . . . . . 23:30 Schedule elapsed action. . . . . . . . . . *NEXTDAY Submit received form automatically . . . . . *RMTDFTS Receive logs back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . *RMTDFTS Receive confirmations back . . . . . . . . . *RMTDFTS Receive forms method . . . . . . . . . . . . *AUTOSTART F3=Exit Y, N S1014706 UserId-Address Device, *SNADS, *NONE *CURRENT, date *CURRENT, time *NEXTDAY, *SBMHLD, . . . Y, N, *RMTDFTS Y, N, *RMTDFTS Y, N, *RMTDFTS *AUTOSTART, *PASSTHRU F12=Cancel If any of the target systems are to be sent a distribution after the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form is complete, the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job will submit the distribution job when the form has completed successfully. Form status must be RAN-OK, FIN-OK, or EMER-OK. A Y in the Distribute field indicates that the form is to be distributed to the target system when the form completes successfully. An N indicates that it should not be distributed. When you have completed reviewing these defaults, press Enter to return to the Submit TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Form panel and submit the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-43 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers UPDATING FORM DISTRIBUTION STATUS In this section, you’ll view and update the form distribution status. You can set up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 to update the form distribution status automatically, or you can maintain the distribution status manually. Occasionally, even if you use the automatic procedure, a message may fail to be transmitted back to the development computer. In this case, you may need to update the distribution status manually. On the development computer, the form distribution status is set to CONFIRM when the form has been run successfully on all of the target computers. For the automatic confirmation procedure to work, you must set up an autostart job TOMSGRCV on your development computer. This runs in a subsystem, usually QINTER or QSNADS, as long as the subsystem is active. The job will update the form status when a message is received in message queue TOMSGRCV from a production computer. For more information, see Step 5: Set up message processing autostart job under Setting Up Your Systems for Distribution. Page 11-44 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms Choose Main Menu option 6. 1/29/10 13:53:34 Work with Forms Your Company, Inc. YOURSYS To reposition screen, enter form: _______ Filter by Programmer:__________ Status code:__________ 2=Update form 6=Print form __ __ __ 11 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Form 103340 103339 103338 103337 103336 103330 103327 103326 103325 103324 103320 F3=Exit 3=Copy to new form 7=Run turnover Description Added by KLINE Change worklist Prob Create worklist Prob Fixes to update pgm Session or device er Recursive call in ap Error checkine not g Error checking not g Added by KLINE Added by KLINE Added by ELMSMIKE F4=List Appl/Rel/Ver/Lev: ____ __ __ __ Reference: __________ F5=Refresh 4=Cancel form 8=Work w/ job Appl Rl/Vr Lev T1 2 T1 2 T1 2 USI 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 TO 3 1 2 T1 1 T1 1 T1 1 F6=Add form 5=Display form 9=Release job Run 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 6/17/09 6/17/09 6/14/09 6/10/09 6/10/09 6/14/09 6/14/09 6/08/09 Programmer KLINE KLINE KLINE PHILLIPS MARKSSUE MILLER ELMSMIKE ELMSMIKE KLINE KLINE ELMSMIKE F23=More options Status READY READY READY PARTIAL RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK RAN-OK F24=More keys Note: Press F23 to see more options. More options: 1=Perform error check on form 17=Run turnover without error checking 10=Form approval 12=Create recovery form 11=Distribution status More keys: F7=DSPMSG F10=Show APL-PND F11=Alt Vw F14=WRKSBMJOB F16=User options Select a form with option 11 to change its distribution status. If you elected to maintain form distribution status manually, or you are distributing forms using a medium such as tape only, you can maintain the distribution status from this panel. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-45 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers View system distribution status 1/29/10 14:18:28 Maintain Form Distribution Status Form . . . . . . . Description . . . . Status . . . . . . Your Company, Inc. 100613 Test Distribution 113 PARTIAL 2=Change System _ UK 2 WASH Description 20 USI UK Office 40 USI Wash Office F3=Exit Distribution Job Date Dist DIS0000377 2/11/09 Y DIS0000377 2/11/09 N Device TAP01 TAP01 Confirmed Y N F12=Cancel Type 2 next to a system entry to change the distribution status. You’ll then see the panel illustrated on the next page. If confirmations have been received from all systems, then the form status will be CONFIRM. You can determine if a form has been distributed, to which computers it has been distributed and whether or not it has been run on the production computer(s). Update status 1/29/10 14:35:28 Change Form Distribution Status Form . . . . . . . . . . . Description . . . . . . . Status . . . . . . . . . . 5100613 Test Distribution 113 PARTIAL Target system WASH . . . . . . Distribution job name . . . Your Company, Inc. 40 DIS0000377 Type choices, press Enter. Distribution date . . . . . 2/11/09 Date Distribution device . . . . TAP02 Device name, *SNADS, *NONE Distributed . . . . . . . . Y Y, N Confirmation received . . . Y Y, N F3=Exit F12=Cancel Change the distribution or confirmation field and press Enter. Page 11-46 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers USING THE FORM LOG You can track the progress of forms you’re distributing across multiple systems using TURNOVER® for iSeries v100’s form log feature. This feature enables you to see the status of each form on all remote computers while you are working on your development or hub computer, even if you are distributing through intermediate systems! (See diagram on next page). To take advantage of this feature, the TOMSGRCV autostart job must be running on the systems in your network where logging should occur. Logging is not limited to sending systems; local log entries for a non-distributing system will be written as long as TOMSGRCV is running there. For information about starting the TOMSGRCV autostart job, see the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Supplement entitled Setting Up TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Autostart Jobs (#25). How the form log works If the Receive distribution defaults for the local system are set as above, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to local user TOMSGRCV whenever a local form is: Created Copied Approved Submitted Running Completed Distributed Received If the Send distribution defaults for the remote system are set as described above, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to a sending computer’s user TOMSGRCV to update the remote form log whenever one of these same actions occur for a distributed form on the remote system. If the distribution defaults are set as described but the TOMSGRCV autostart job is not running, incoming log messages cannot be processed and no entries are made. The diagram on the following page illustrates how form logging works. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-47 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers System 10 CREATE FORM SUBMIT FORM RUN FORM MSGS 1 USER TOMSGRCV 2 3 4 FORM COMPLETES DISTRIBUTE FORM TO 5 SYSTEM 20 Update TFORLOGF Development TFORLOGF file entries: Sys 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 Function *CREATE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN *DISTRIB *RECEIVE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN *DISTRIB *RECEIVE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN System 20 RECEIVE FORM SUBMIT FORM RUN FORM FORM COMPLETES MSGS 6 USER TOMSGRCV 7 8 9 DISTRIBUTE FORM TO SYSTEM 30 10 Update TFORLOGF System 20 TFORLOGF file entries: Sys 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 Function *RECEIVE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN *DISTRIB *RECEIVE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN System 30 RECEIVE FORM SUBMIT FORM RUN FORM 11 12 MSGS USER TOMSGRCV 13 FORM COMPLETES 14 Update TFORLOGF System 30 TFORLOGF file entries: Sys 30 30 30 30 Page 11-48 Function *RECEIVE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers How the form log works The explanation that follows is keyed to this diagram. 1. Form is created on development computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *CREATE record in the log on the development computer (system = development computer). 2. Form is submitted on development computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *SUBMIT record in the log on the development computer (system = development computer). 3. Form runs on development computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a messages to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer; TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUNNING record in the log on the development system. 4. Form completes on development computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUN record in the log on the development computer (system = development computer, status = ‘RAN-OK’). 5. Form is distributed to System 20. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *DISTRIB record in the log on the development computer (system = development computer, target distribution system = System 20). 6. Form is received on System 20. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RECEIVE record in the log on the development computer (system = System 20). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV writes a *RECEIVE record on System 20 (system = System 20). 7. Form is submitted on System 20. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *SUBMIT record on the development computer TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-49 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers (system = System 20). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV writes a *SUBMIT record on System 20 (system = System 20). Page 11-50 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers 8. Form runs on System 20. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer; TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUNNING record in the log on the development computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV writes a *RUNNING record on System 20 (system = System 20). 9. Form completes on System 20. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUN record on the development computer (system = hub computer). A message is also sent to TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV writes a *RUN record on System 20 (system = System 20). 10. Form is distributed from System 20 to System 30. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. TOMSGRCV then writes a *DISTRIB record on the development computer (system = System 20, target distribution system = System 30). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV writes a *DISTRIB record on System 20 (system = System 20). 11. Form is received on the System 30 computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RECEIVE record in the System 20 form log (system = System 30). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to System 30’s user TOMSGRCV, which then writes a *RECEIVE record in the System 30 form log (system = System 30). 12. Form is submitted on the System 30 computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV then writes a *SUBMIT record in the System 20 form log (system = System 30). A message is also sent to TOMSGRCV on System 30. TOMSGRCV then writes a *SUBMIT record in the System 30 form log (system = System 30). 13. Form runs on the System 30 computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUNNING record in the System 20 form log (system = System 30). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on System 30, which then writes a *RUNNING record in the System 30 form log (system = System 30). 14. Form completes on the System 30 computer. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on System 20. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUN record in the System 20 form log (system = System 30). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-51 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 also sends a message to user TOMSGRCV on System 30. TOMSGRCV then writes a *RUN record in the System 30 form log (system = System 30). To view the records that user TOMSGRCV has logged in file TFORLOGF, select option 4 (Work with form log) 88 on the Distribution Menu. The following panel appears: Work with Form Log (WRKFORMLOG) Type choices, press Enter. Form number . System name . System number Function . . . . . . . + Time period: Beginning time Beginning date Ending time . Ending date . . . . . . . . . for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more values *LAST *PRV *PRV *PRV Number, *LAST Name, *PRV, *ALL Number, *PRV, *ALL *PRV, *ALL, *CREATE, *COPY... . . . . . . . . *PRV *PRV *PRV *PRV Time, Date, Time, Date, F3=Exit F4=Prompt F24=More keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F5=Refresh F12=Cancel *PRV, *PRV, *PRV, *PRV, *AVAIL *AVAIL *AVAIL *AVAIL Bottom F13=How to use this display Use this panel to describe the information you want to see in the list on the Work with Form Log panel. Type your choices and press Enter (use the online Help if you need it). 88 Alternate path: type the Work Form Log (WRKFORMLOG) command on a command line. Page 11-52 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers The Work with Form Log panel appears, positioned at the latest form: 1/29/10 13:20:53 Work with Form Log Your Company, Inc. Position to form . . . 5=Display local form _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Form 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 5303023 6=Print local form Form Description NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all NL Enable all DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s DSPF’s System DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV HUB HUB HUB HUB HUB 8=Work w/job 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 Function *CREATE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN *DISTRIB *RECEIVE *SUBMIT *RUNNING *RUN *DISTRIB F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=View2 F12=Cancel F14=WRKSBMJOB 11=Distribution status Date/Time 10/05/09 11:30:24 10/05/09 12:45:20 10/05/09 12:45:30 10/05/09 12:47:02 10/05/09 17:30:00 10/05/09 17:45:19 10/07/09 9:33:33 10/07/09 9:33:37 10/07/09 10:12:57 10/07/09 10:29:05 F17=Filters F21=Commands F11 shows you an alternate view, including form status, programmer, and details. Use F17 to manipulate the contents of the list. You can also access this panel from the Work with TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Forms panel (Main Menu option 6). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-53 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers HOW DISTRIBUTION WORKS This section provides more details about the distribution process. It is not necessary to know how distribution works to distribute or receive forms. This section is provided only to further your understanding of how TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 works and also to provide additional guidance in setting up the distribution function. The distribution overview You can distribute any number of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms to any number of target systems. The diagram illustrates a distribution example. System 10 Development Computer SLS Target System 20 Tape Manual receive Manual submit Target System 40 Source &Objects Automatic receive System 40 Production Computer WASH T Target System 70 Objects only Automatic receive Automatic submit System 70 Production Computer TORONTO T Target System 30 Objects only Automatic receive Automatic submit System 30 Production Computer T CDC System 20 Development System U.K. T = TURCRARE autostart job running Development is done at SLS on System number 10. System number 40 is set up to have distributions of source and objects received automatically. System number 70, which passes through System 40 in an APPN Network, is set up to have distributions of objects only received and forms submitted to run automatically. System number 30 is set up to have distribution of objects only received and submitted to run automatically. System number 20 is set for manual distribution via tape. When you select systems for distribution, you must select tape distributions separately from network distributions. Page 11-54 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers This flowchart and the notes that follow it describe the steps that occur on the development and production computers when forms are distributed. A Development Computer 1 3 Manually Distribute Form Automatically Distribute F orm 13 Network? Y N 2 4 14 15 Select Forms Submit and Run Form SAVLIB Thhmmssjjj to SAVEF ILE Thhmssjjj SAVELIB TURNWORK to Media (tape) 16 End 5 Submit Distrubution Job SENDNETF Thhmmssjjj to TARGET USER Production Computer 6 Create T emp lib T nnnnnnnS 17 Auto Receive? 7 Y Y *AUTOSTART Network? N 8 9 Create savefile and templib Thhmmssjjj Create templib TURNWORK N B *PASSTHRU 18 19 T URCRARE Submit Remote Job to Receive Netfile B 20 N C Receive F ail? 10 Duplicate Objects into T nnnnnnnS Y N 21 Successful Retry? 11 Copy T urnOver Info to Thhmmssjjj or T URNWORK Y B 23 Submit Remote Job to Unbundle Netfile 12 MoveObjects from TnnnnnnnS to Thhmmssjjj or T URNWORK 22 Wait for Receive-wait-limit End C 24 A Submit Remote Job to Receive Netfile 25 Update form status TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 End Page 11-55 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers What happens on the development computer 1. Manually distribute forms. After forms are run successfully, you must select forms from a list of eligible forms. See Distributing Forms Manually on page 11-35. 2. Select forms. One or more forms can be distributed at the same time. The forms you select must all be destined for the same set of computers. You cannot mix network distribution and media distribution in the same run. Multiple network distributions can be run concurrently. Distributions using tape or diskette must be run one at time. 3/4. Automatically distribute forms. Automatic distribution is initiated at the time you submit a form to be run. Automatic distribution includes one form at a time. Multiple network distributions can be run concurrently. Media distributions must be run one at a time. 5. Submit distribution job. Manual distributions can be run interactively or can be submitted to batch, either to be run immediately or as a timed job. Automatic distributions are submitted when the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form completes successfully (RAN-OK) by the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 job itself. It can run in batch immediately, or as a timed job. Note: For information about specifying the job queue for the manual or automatic distribution job, see Specifying the distribution job queue on page 11-4. 6. Create Temporary Library TnnnnnnnnS (where nnnnnnn is the form number). TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 uses this library to stage objects being distributed. If multiple forms are being distributed at the same time, then multiple TnnnnnnnnS libraries are created. 7. Network? Is distribution via network (such as SNADS) or a medium (tape, diskette)? 8. If distributing via network, create savefile and temporary library named Thhmmssjjj, where hhmmss is time and jjj is the last three characters for the distribution job number. 9. If using media distribution, create temporary library TURNWORK. All media distributions are done through this temporary library. 10. Duplicate objects in TnnnnnnnS library. All objects on the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form being distributed are duplicated from the production library into TnnnnnnnS library. If a form line for a PF specifies File Copy FMTOPT of *FROMFILE, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will distribute the data from the file. This enables you to pass data through from test to production, and then onto target systems. Page 11-56 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers 11. Copy TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 Info. Create duplicates of TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files in the distribution library (Thhmmssjjj for network distribution and TURNWORK for media distribution) and copy form data into that library. This data is necessary to run a TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form on the target system. 12. Move objects from TnnnnnnnS to Thhmmssjjj or TURNWORK. Objects are moved from the distribution form library to the distribution library. Duplicate object names from different libraries are given an alias, as in the case of distributing multiple forms concurrently. 13. Network? Is distribution via network (SNADS) or a medium (tape, diskette)? Refer to the flowchart. 14. If distribution is on network, the distribution library is saved to a savefile of the same name. SAVLIB Thhmmssjjj to SAVFILE Thhmmssjjj. 15. If distribution is via media, save library TURNWORK to a medium. Update the form status to DISTRIB or PARTIAL. If distribution is via network: 16. SNDNETF Thhmmssjjj to Target User. The distribution network file is sent to the user identified as the target user on the system distribution default panel for the target system. 17. Auto Receive? If receiving forms automatically, which method? If not receiving automatically, then manually unbundle and receive the network file using option 3 on the Distribution Menu. 18. If the system/application Send defaults on the development system for the production system specify a Receive forms method of *AUTOSTART and the autostart job, TURCRARE is running locally, the distribution will be received automatically. If the system/application Send distribution defaults on the development system for the production (target) system specify a Receive forms method of *PASSTHRU, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will call a program on the target system to receive the network file using the SBMRMTCMD command from the development system. 19-22. Receive fail? (*PASSTHRU only). If the network file has not yet arrived at the target system, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will retry the receive command. First, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will automatically retry in 10 seconds. Then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will retry after waiting the time specified in the system distribution default field Auto receive delay time for the number of times specified in the Auto receive retries field. If the receive fails after the specified delay and retries, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will stop attempting to receive the distribution. It will continue with the next target computer on the distribution list. You or someone else will then have to receive the distribution manually on the Target system. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-57 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers 23. Submit job to unbundle netfile. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will call a program – on the target system from the production system, if *PASSTHRU; using TURCRARE if *AUTOSTART – that will unbundle the contents of the savefile. See below for more about what happens on the production computer. 24. Submit job to receive netfile. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will call a program – on the target system from the production system, if *PASSTHRU; or using TURCRARE if *AUTOSTART – that will store the contents of the netfile onto the receiving system. 25. Update form status on development computer. If a form is distributed to all of the intended computers, the form status is DISTRIB; if only some computers on the list, the form status will be set to PARTIAL. Once run confirmations have been received from all of the target computers at the development computer, the form status is set to CONFIRM. Page 11-58 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers This diagram and the notes that follow it describe what happens on the target system when a form is received. 1 2 Automatic Rece ive Manual Rec eive 3 Y Networ k? N 4 5 Restor e librar y TURNWORK Rec eive net file Thhmmssjjj 6 Restore libr ary Thhmmssjjj 7 Crea te library T nnnnnnnS 8 Move objects from T hhmmssjjj to T nnnnnnnS 9 Copy TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 data to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 file s 10 Copy dist ribution defaults to TURN OVER® for iSeries v100 files 11 Y 12 Automatic submit? Submit form to r un N 13 Y 14 Se nd log to host? Se nd networ k spoolfile to deve lopment computer N 15 Confir m status? N Y 16 End Se nd conf irmation message to developme nt computer TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-59 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers What happens on the production computer 1. Automatic Receive. Forms are received automatically by a job initiated from the development computer (*PASSTHRU method) or, as recommended, by the autostart job, TURCRARE, running on the production computer (*AUTOSTART method). The receive of the savefile, the unbundling of the savefile and the running of the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form can be initiated by jobs submitted automatically by the development computer. 2. Manual Receive. You can receive forms manually at the target computer, either as a network file or on media. If more than one distribution has been received as a network file, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will display a list from which you select the file(s) you want to receive. 3/4. Network? If the manual distribution is on media, you will select an option to receive the distribution; in this case, restoring to library TURNWORK. Only one distribution can be received at a time (once a receive step has been run, another one can begin). If the manual distribution is using a network file, you will select an option to receive the file. 5. Receive Netfile Thhmmssjjj. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will receive a savefile called Thhmmssjjj where hhmmss is the time and jjj the last three characters of the job name of the distribution job on the development computer. If more than one distribution is queued up to be received, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will present you with a list from which to select. 6. Restore library Thhmmssjjj. The savefile is restored into a library name of Thhmmssjjj. 7. Create library TnnnnnnnS. A temporary library for each form called TnnnnnnnS (where nnnnnnn is the form number) is created on the production computer. 8. Move objects from Thhmmssjjj or TURNWORK to TnnnnnnnS library. Each object in the distribution library is moved to the appropriate form library. 9. Copy TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 data to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files. Control data for each form is copied to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 files. The TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 entries are changed to conform to the application definitions on the target computer. For example, production library names on each form line are changed to the library names in the application definition locally. There must be a matching application definition for the application level entry that matches the application and level on the form. 10. Copy the distribution defaults to TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 file TDISTHF. (See 11/12.) Page 11-60 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers 11/12. Automatic submit? The distribution history record (in TDISTHF) and the system Receive distribution default record on the target computer control the degree to which processing is automatic. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will look at the defaults in TDISTHF first. If they say to submit the form(s) to run, the form will be submitted. Otherwise, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 looks at the Automatically submit received forms field in the system’s Receive distribution default entry. If that says Y, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will submit the form(s) automatically; otherwise the form(s) must be submitted to run manually. 13/14. Send log to host? If either distribution control file is set to have the run logs returned to host, the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will send network spool files to the development computer. 15/16. Confirm status? If either distribution control file is set to have a confirmation message sent back to the development computer, then TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will send a network message to user TOMSGRCV on the development computer. This message will be processed by job TOMSGRCV to update the distribution history record and form status there. UNICOM Systems, Inc. Caution 1. Is your storage space limited? Be aware that during a form run, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 creates a duplicate of every object on your TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 forms. If you are distributing very large objects (for example, large files with data) or very large forms, you should consider whether or not you have sufficient space on your computer to hold the duplicates of objects being distributed. If you don’t have sufficient space on your development computer to accommodate the temporary library and the save file, you may run into serious space problems. You can avoid some space usage by using media exclusively, but if space is tight, we suggest you calculate the space needed first. Unless you are very tight on space, this should not be a concern to you. It is also your responsibility to make sure you have enough space on the remote computer to receive the TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 form(s). If the target computer is above the warning threshold, the distribution will be rejected. To determine what that threshold is, type the command STRSST, select the Work with disk units option, then the Work with ASP Thresholds option. 2. Does the target user (usually user TURNOVER) have maximum storage allowed “*NO MAX"? If distributions exceed the storage allowed for that user, TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 will not be able to receive the network file. TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 Page 11-61 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Chapter 11: Distributing Changes to Production Computers Page 11-62 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Index INDEX type defaults ............................................................ 42 update object description ......................................... 34 using method ........................................................... 31 X-Ref method .......................................................... 14 application relationships working with ........................................................... 52 application Send/Receive defaults .......................... 11-18 applications checking for related application conflicts.............6-44 related application checked indicator ................. 9-134 approval lists description of ........................................................... 48 using ..................................................................... 5-22 approving a TURNOVER® for iSeries form (on line) .645, 6-81 archive files .................................................................8-4 archive object library ................................................ 7-18 archived member .........................................................4-6 archived objects......................................................... 7-18 looking up............................................................. 8-29 restoring................................................................ 8-29 archived source ...........................................................4-3 ASP using multiple ASPs ................................................ 32 Audit Adjustments Report....................................... 10-15 authority application ..............................................................3-5 application definition..............................................3-3 assigning to groups of users............................................. 9-16 authorization ...........................................................3-3 check-in ..................................................................3-3 creating conversion table entries .......................... 8-32 distribution ................................................. 3-3, 11-11 for distributed objects ......................................... 11-11 form ........................................................................3-3 forms .................................................................. 11-11 programmer information ................................ 3-3, 3-4 project .....................................................................3-4 purge.......................................................................3-3 purging forms/history .............................................8-3 to TURNOVER® for iSeries forms .......................6-7 Authorized TURNOVER® for iSeries Users Report ..1045 authorized users for an application ..................................................... 46 auto receive job recommendation for setting up ................. 11-3, 11-22 automatic distribution description ................................................ 11-3, 11-21 initiating ............................................................. 11-55 * *DATA files working with ........................................................ 5-16 *NONE user group profile (authority) ...................... 9-16 *PROJECT (specifying test library names) .............. 9-76 A adding a TURNOVER® for iSeries form 6-6, 6-12, 6-30, 6-31 Allow group checkout? (global parameter)............... 5-22 application default authority ................................................. 11-11 exploding data libraries ...................................... 11-15 application definition accessing the Remote Configuration Wizard ............ 8 approval lists ........................................................... 48 authorized users....................................................... 46 completion messages............................................... 51 components of ........................................................... 9 creating ...................................................................... 6 default owner .......................................................... 12 defaults and rules .................................................... 13 deleting ...................................................................... 4 description ............................................................... 12 distributing .......................................... 8, 11-30, 11-31 distributing to remote system ............................. 11-27 distribution defaults................................................. 47 error recovery .......................................................... 24 error recovery threshold .......................................... 24 explode data libraries .............................................. 20 form defaults ........................................................... 23 from libraries ........................................................... 18 level check .............................................................. 33 library defaults ........................................................ 18 library list name ................................................ 23, 28 library lists .............................................................. 26 line defaults ............................................................. 31 maintaining ............................................................... 3 object authority ....................................................... 34 object create parameters .......................................... 34 object ownership ..................................................... 38 path defaults ............................................................ 19 project defaults ........................................................ 15 reference objects ............................................... 38, 40 relationships ............................................................ 52 renaming ................................................................... 5 require project entry ................................................ 17 submit finalization................................................... 23 target libraries ................................................... 10, 18 type codes................................................................ 39 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 © 2005-2010 UNICOM Systems, Inc. Jul-10 INDEX-63 TURNOVER® for iSeries v100 User Guide Index running ............................................................... 11-55 specifying ........................................................... 11-40 autostart job remote jobs spawned by TURCRARE ............... 11-34 TOMSGRCV (msg receiver) 11-11, 11-12, 11-26, 1160 TURCRARE (automatic receive)............11-22, 11-56 CHKOUTMEN (Checkout S/36 Menu) ...............5-18 CMPSRCMBR (Compare Source Member) ........8-30 CPYTSTDTA (Copy Test Data) ..........................11-8 CRTAPPDFN (Create Application Definition) ....... 40 CRTREFOBJ Create Reference Object) ................. 41 DSPCHKOUT (View Checked Out Members) ......5-4 EDTLIBL (Edit Library List) .................