17th ISA World Congress July 17 2010, RC45 ISA2010 RC45.10 17 July, 2010 Purpose of the Presentation An Initial Condition Game of the Richardson Model of Arms Races To point out another type of micro-macro linkage for social change Complementing Crucial Atsushi ISHIDA (Kwansei Gakuin University) the Coleman’s boat for historical sociology To propose an “initial condition game” of the Richardson’s arms races model, as a simple example of the above framework Interdependent rational choice situation for influential players on the premise of people’s tendencies 1 Coleman’s Boat 2 Overturned Coleman’s boat Macro Situatoin X(t) Recognition of Situation by Influential Players Macro Situation X(t +1) Rational Actions by Actors Recognition of Situation by Actors Macro Situation X(t) Rational Actions by Influential Players Macro Situation X(t +1) 3 Unit Process Unintended Outcome of Process Micro process driven by influential players X(t -1) 4 X(t) X(t + 1) Macro changes Micro process driven by ordinary people for influential players Essential uncertainty of process Limits of recognition and rationality Interdependency of rational choices by players 5 Game theory + Differential Equation Model 6 1 17th ISA World Congress July 17 2010, RC45 Richardson’s Arms Races Model An Example of Stream of x, y 20 Armament of the country decided through a democratic process x, y : quantity of arms in the country X and Y k, l : defense (rival) coefficient k > 0, l > 0 α, β : fatigue coefficients α > 0, β > 0 g, h : grievances factors 15 10 x' = k y − α x + g y' = l x − β y + h 5 0 7 0 5 10 15 Initial Condition Game Initial Condition Game Symmetric condition, same values of parameters Assume k > α, g < 0 (k = 2, a = 1, g = − 5) : the limit value (maximum value) of x, y Each player chooses an initial value x0, y0 from [0, xm], [0, ym], respectively. armament race, tending toward either disarmament or war x' = k y − α x + g y' = k x − α y + g Utility function U X ( x, y ) = s X ( x + 1)γ X ( y + 1)1−γ X U Y ( x, y ) = sY ( x + 1)γ Y ( y + 1)1−γ Y Two players Leaders Strategies xm, ym Unstable 8 20 or Social planners representing X and Y 9 Initial Condition Game Unit Process of Arms Races Initial Condition Game (I.C.G) Nash Equilibriums ( ( ) )≥ U X ( lim x(t, x ) ) ( ) )≥ U Y ( lim x(t, x ) ) ∀x0 ∈ [0, xm ], U X lim x t , x*0 ( t →∞ ∀y0 ∈ [0, ym ], U Y lim x t , x*0 t →∞ 10 t →∞ t →∞ 0 (x(t -1),y(t -1)) 0 Macro changes (x(t),y(t)) (x(t+1),y(t+1)) x' = k y − α x + g y' = l x − β y + h where x = ( x, y ) 11 Differential Equation Model (D.E.M) 12 2 17th ISA World Congress July 17 2010, RC45 xm = 15, ym = 15 Exp. 1: Coincidence of Interest The representative of each country wants to make disarmament in his/her own country sX = − 1, sY = − 1, γX = 1, γy = 0 Best Response for X U X = −( x + 1) U Y = −( y + 1) Nash Equilibriums Best Response for Y 13 Exp. 2: Conflict of Interest in Interdependent situation xm = 15, ym = 15 The representative of country X wants to make disarmament in the both country simultaneously The representative of country Y wants to enhance further arms race involving the both country simultaneously Best Response for X 14 No Nash Equilibriums Best Response for Y sX = − 1, sY = 1, γX = 1/2, γy = 1/2 U X = −( x + 1)1/ 2 ( y + 1)1/ 2 U Y = ( x + 1)1/ 2 ( y + 1)1/ 2 15 xm = 10, ym = 10 16 xm = 7, ym = 15 Nash Equilibrium (0, ym) Nash Equilibrium (0, 2g /(α− k)) Best Response for X Best Response for Y Best Response for X Best Response for Y 17 18 3 17th ISA World Congress July 17 2010, RC45 Exp. 2: Conflict of Interest in Interdependent situation Conclusion Existence of Equilibriums depends on (xm, ym) 2g ⎞ ⎛ ( xm < y m ) ∧ ⎜ y m > ⎟ ⇒ (0, ym ) α −k ⎠ ⎝ ym = Two types of micro-macro process as a unit process Important especially for historical analysis consequences Unintended 2g 2g ⎞ ⎛ ⇒ ⎜ 0, ⎟ α −k ⎝ α −k⎠ Initial condition game Game theoretic structure over the differential equation flow of event If Y has sufficiently large amount of potential productivity, the representative of Y can achieve the goal to some extent, by putting maximum amount of armament as the initial condition Future tasks Related model (Brito 1972; Intriligator 1975; Gillespie et al. 1977) Changes in parameters in D.E.M. by I.C.G. 19 20 References Richardson, L. F. 1939. Generalized Foreign Politics: A Study in Group Psychology. British Journal of Psychology. Monograph Supplement No. 23, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Richardson, L. F. 1960. Arms and Insecurity: A Mathematical Study of the Causes and Origins of War. Edited by Nicolas Rashevsky and Ernesto Trucco. Pittsburgh: Boxwood Press. Brito, D. L. 1972. "A Dynamic Model of an Armaments Race." International Economic Review 13:359-375. Intriligator, M. D. 1975. "Strategic Considerations in the Richardson Model of Arms Races." Journal of Political Economy 83:339-354. Gillespie, J. V., D. A. Zinnes, G. S. Tahim, P. A. Schrodt, and R. M. Rubison. 1977. "An Optimal Control Model of Arms Races." American Political Science Review 71:226. 21 4