
INDEX NO. 651410/2013
MRI AdMeasure
Sharpening the Focus on Magazine Accountability
Kathi Love
President & CEO, Mediamark Research & Intelligence
At last, the solution to a century-old problem
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted;
the trouble is I don't know which half.”
John Wanamaker (1838-1922)a
MRI AdMeasure could have told him (at
least for his print campaigns).
MRI AdMeasure is a new ad rating service that
delivers comprehensive and reliable readership data for…
every ad
(national ads 1/3 page or larger)
in every issue
(over 3,100 issues a year).
of every magazine
(measured by MRI – close to 200 consumer titles).
MRI AdMeasure’s syndicated ratings provide a powerful
new currency for buying and selling ad space in magazines.
Advertisers want more accountability for their ads.
The ARF Advertising Measurement Model shows that simple exposure
is not key to advertisers’ interests.
Degree of
relevance to
Effectiveness measures
Sales Response
Ad-related purchase behavior
Advertising Response
Actions taken
Advertising Persuasion
How an ad influenced consumers who saw it
Advertising Communication
How well ad content is remembered
Advertising Attentiveness
Who paid attention to an ad
Advertising Exposure
Exposure to both vehicle and ad
Vehicle Exposure
Exposure to and attention paid to vehicle
Vehicle Distribution
Physical units by which ads are distributed
Major media are moving toward ad accountability models.
Changed the ROI game by offering ad performance
metrics such as click-through and cost-per-click.
In 2007, Commercial Ratings (C3) became the adbuying currency for the $70 billion TV market,
replacing 65 years of program ratings.
Moving from an “opportunity to see” metric to a
“likelihood to see” metric.
Starch: Setting the standard for print advertising effectiveness
• Formed in 1922 by Dr. Daniel Starch
• First to measure the impact of reader involvement with print
advertisements and editorial in the U.S.
• Today conducted through ongoing, weekly online surveys
The evolution of print advertising effectiveness
• In 2005, Affinity introduced its VISTA product to
compete with Starch. VISTA moved the industry
forward by introducing new measurement
points, being first to go online and producing a
syndicated study.
• In 2008, MRI acquired Starch and made it
comparable to VISTA.
• In 2009, MRI enhanced Starch by tying it to
MRI’s Issue Specific Study and The Survey of the
American Consumer.
• Starch was the first to bring conformed print ad
ratings to market and the only company to
deliver it on an issue-specific basis. This product
is called AdMeasure.
Now magazines have a fully developed ad ratings system
Reliable metrics for quantifying the marketing value of specific print ads
For every ad in every issue of
every magazine, AdMeasure delivers:
 Readership metrics – the number of
consumers who noted, read some or
read most of an ad.
 Behavioral & attitudinal metrics –
the number of consumers who took or
an action upon seeing an ad, such as
buying the product advertised or
recommending it to others.
Example of an MRI AdMeasure ad rating
10.1 million consumers noted the Aveeno ad in this issue of Vogue.
Advertiser: Aveeno
Magazine issue: Vogue, January 2009
Issue audience
Noted score
Noted audience
Example of an MRI AdMeasure ad rating
Over 4 million consumers took an action after noting the Aveeno ad
in this issue of Vogue.
Advertiser: Aveeno
Magazine issue: Vogue, January 2009
Noted audience
“Action” score
“Action” audience
AdMeasure puts magazines at the leading edge of accountability.
AdMeasure responds to every ARF ad effectiveness measure.
Degree of
relevance to
Sales Response
Advertising Response
Advertising Persuasion
Advertising Communication
Advertising Attentiveness
Advertising Exposure
Vehicle Exposure
Vehicle Distribution
The Power of Three
MRI leverages data from three powerful studies to produce AdMeasure.
Survey of the
American Consumer
Issue Specific
Readership Report
Average audience
Issue audience
Ad readership
Established 1979
Released 2006
Acquired 2008
The Power of Three
AdMeasure Building Block 1. The Survey
 The most in-depth collection of statistically
sound consumer and media research data in
 For over 30 years, the industry standard-bearer
for reliability and integrity in magazine audience
market research.
 Provides a solid statistical footing for making
credible audience projections for the Issue
Specific Readership report.
The Power of Three
Building Block 2. Issue Specific Readership Report
 Measures every individual issue of every magazine - the only
national survey of magazine readership at the issue level.
 Provides publishers with a level playing field for competing with
other media.
 Online panels of 5,000 respondents per week.
 Data conformed to ensure reliable, accurate data.
 Provides issue audience metrics for AdMeasure.
The Power of Three
Building Block 3. MRI Starch
 Provides ad performance metrics for AdMeasure.
 MRI Starch’s roots go back to 1923. It is the
originator of ad effectiveness research in the U.S.
 Key ROI metrics collected for every national ad
one-third page or larger in every issue of every
magazine measured.
 Who saw a specific ad, how much of it they read,
who took a specified action after seeing an ad.
The Power of Three
In a nutshell…
Ad readership
photo: flickr/naturelover2007
Print ad
Composition Targeting
A proprietary algorithm used to weight the
MRI Starch ad readership scores that come
from Issue Specific and Survey of the
American Consumer audience estimates.
Composition Targeting
Example: Correcting for online survey bias
Too many infrequent readers in the
survey sample can artificially lower
“noted” readership scores.
Too many frequent readers in the
survey sample can artificially raise
“noted” readership scores.
To sum up…
MRI AdMeasure is an accountability metric for print advertisements.
 AdMeasure reports on the number of consumers who saw or
acted on a specific ad in a specific issue of a measured
 Only MRI can produce as comprehensive and reliable a report
as AdMeasure – actual readership data for every national ad
one-third page or larger in every issue of close to 200 consumer
 AdMeasure is the only service to provide reliable accountability
metrics that focus on the performance and effectiveness of
specific print ads and quantify their marketing value.
MRI AdMeasure
The first reliable ad ratings for consumer magazines
MRI AdMeasure
Sharpening the Focus on Magazine Accountability
Kathi Love
President & CEO, Mediamark Research & Intelligence