Breast Ultrasound Scanning Technique

Educational Supplement
Breast Ultrasound Scanning Technique
Tania Griffiths Dip.App.Sci. DMU AMS
Tania is Chief Sonographer with Melbourne Diagnostic Imaging Group
Breast ultrasound is very operator dependent. It is a difficult and underrated technique.
The purpose of this paper is to describe:
the technical requirements of breast ultrasound. An understanding of the physical principles of ultrasound and
normal breast anatomy is needed to achieve the best quality ultrasound images of the breast.
a structured examination protocol.
The paper incorporates recently published papers focussed on breast ultrasound scanning technique.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The breast is a modified sweat gland that develops
between a split layer of fascia. The fascial layers do not
completely isolate the breast, blood vessels and
lymphatics penetrate the fascial layers. The breast is
composed of lobes and lobules interspersed with adipose
and connective tissue. These fat layers are heterogenous
and hypoechoic. The breast stroma is much more
hyperechoic. Importantly, fat lobules contained within
breast stroma can cause confusion and be misidentified
as a mass lesion.
Planar sheets composed of fibrous connective tissue give
the breast structure. These Cooper’s Ligaments are thin
linear echogenic bands which ascend from the chest wall.
Figure 1 Breast Cancers are usually located at the
periphery of the parenchyma. This image shows this
zone where 70% of breast cancers will occur.
Also within the breast tissue are the ducts which converge
to form a lactiferous duct which drain each lobe. These
are distinctive tubular hypoechoic structures radiating
from the nipple to drain each lobule. It is this orientation
which makes radial and antiradial scanning an essential
component of the examination. They should be a
maximum of 2mm in diameter and can usually be identified
under the areolar. These drain to the lactiferous sinus.
(maximum 4mm.)
Posterior to the main breast architecture, the pectoralis
muscles can be seen as a slightly hypoechoic zone with
linear strands. Anisotropy will distort the appearances
of these if the scan plane is not at 90 degrees.
The ribs lie posterior to this musculature and have typical
attenuative properties. They are the source of confusion
for those who are just commencing breast ultrasound.
Another area which causes similar artifacts is the nipple
and areolar region. Compression is vital in differentiating
a mass from attenuating anatomy.
Figure 2 Typical ultrasound appearances of breast
Lymph nodes occur normally in the breast and are more predominant in the axillary region. These are often isoechoic
with surrounding breast parenchyma and can be difficult to identify. Colour can be useful to detect hilar flow in a lymph
node thus assisting identification.
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Educational Supplement
Breast ultrasound requires the use of high-resolution ultrasound equipment. The sonographer must select the appropriate
transducer for the area to be examined. Lower frequency transducers may be required for a large breast or attenuative
Breast ultrasound may require the use of a stand-off. This is necessary only when the out of plane focus of the
transducer is not in the region of interest. The fixed lens in front of the transducer dictates the out of plane focus. Speak
to the manufacturer of your equipment to determine the out of plane focus of your transducers. If you are using 2-d
arrays, you have control over all the focal planes and can focus the beam to the depth required.
There are now varieties of high frequency probes available for breast ultrasound. The out of plane focus ranges between
0.5cm to 1.5cm to 3.5 cm depending on the transducer. Ensure you select the probe suitable for the area you wish to
image. It may be necessary to use more than one transducer to complete the examination.
Figure 3(a & b) These images highlight the focussing characteristics of the ultrasound transducer. Variation of
this is essential in breast ultrasound.
(Diags. from Gent. R. Applied Physics and Technology of Ultrasound, 1997)
Machine Setup
When establishing a breast preset for your ultrasound system, the following issues should be considered.
In order to display the maximum level of grays you need to use a wide (high) dynamic range (Db).
The selected compression curve (post processing function) should display a wide range of grays.
This combination will allow you to demonstrate a lesion that might at lower levels of dynamic range appear isoechoic
with the surrounding breast tissue. i.e. the mass will be shown on the image at the same shade of gray as the surrounding
tissue. When a wide dynamic range is set, the lesion can then be differentiated from the surrounding tissue, as it will be
displayed as a different shade of gray.
Focal zones: Use as many focal zones as your equipment will allow for a reasonable frame rate. A frame rate of
10hz is about three or four focal zones depending on the field of view.
Field of View: The field of view needs to be sufficient to see the back of the pectoral muscle.
Power Levels: Most machines require about 10% of maximum power output for breast imaging. Maximum power
results in flaring on high impedance mismatch interfaces (such as ribs or the back of cysts). If you lower the gain to
prevent the flaring vital information is then lost. However, by lowering the power levels you can have uniform levels of
grayscale i.e. no flaring and display low levels of gray in the image that would not have otherwise been demonstrated.
Set the focal zones superficial to the ribs. By using 10% power, and keeping the focal zones in front of the ribs any
problems of heating in the tissue are minimized. Temperature changes in the tissue tend to mostly occur where there is
high impedance mismatch e.g. at the breast/rib interface.
Patient Positioning
The side to be examined is raised with the patient’s hand behind their head. The breast needs to be spread evenly across
the chest wall to allow for a uniform depth of field and to reduce breast thickness. The reduced thickness allows
optimization of focusing.
The degree of obliquity required varies with the size and position of the breast on the chest wall. Placing the ipsilateral
hand behind the head will assist in spreading the breast further. This also allows access to the axilla.
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Figure 4 These images demonstrate (a) good patient position with an even distribution of breast across the chest
wall and (b) the effect of over rotating the patient.
Sonographer Positioning
Position the patient close to the edge of the ultrasound couch. Move the machine in close so that you do not have to
stretch to reach the control panel. This will assist in reducing fatigue of the upper arm/neck etc by decreasing the amount
it is necessary to abduct the scanning arm. You will have to ‘invade the patient’s personal space’ to be sufficiently close
for this to be effective. The arm can be supported with a 45-degree sponge wedge. The sponge can carry the weight of
the arm rather than having to hold the arm in constant abduction. It is a position that can be adopted for all scanning and
can reduce some of the physical stresses of scanning. Adjustment of the height of the patient couch and the scanning
chair to suit each scanning situation is also important.
Figure 5 (a) Good patient positioning will ensure
the sonographer is comfortable during the
Figure 5 (b) Poor sonographer position with the
arm abducted and keyboard arm extended will
result in sonographer discomfort
Clinical assessment
It is important to determine the focus of the breast examination. Typically this will be either:
Focussed toward an area of clinical/mammographic concern,
General survey in the small group of patients for whom this is beneficial.
General ultrasound survey is beneficial in those women:
at high risk,
have dense parenchyma on mammography,
under the age of 25 yrs.
The direction of the scan is often further confused by the information on the referral and the examination being
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Examine the patient’s breast for palpable lumps. This is very important as correlation between the palpable lump and the
ultrasound-detected lesion is vital. It is common to have a clinically occult lesion seen on ultrasound that does not
correspond with the palpable lump. Examine the breast with the flats/pads of the fingers not the tips, as the pads are the
most sensitive. Very firm pressure is needed to palpate the chest wall. Examine the breast in a radial manner. Sometimes
gel helps the clinical examination allowing the fingers to slide over the skin.
Ultrasound Technique
There are two key components to the examination. i.e. Transverse/Para-sagital and Radial/Antiradial
With warm gel, examine the breast in a grid pattern in both the transverse and para-sagital plane. Overlap each scanning
movement to ensure the whole breast is covered.
Consider the following guidelines from the IBUS Guidelines for the Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast 1998.
Breast ultrasound should be:
Systematic : A planned approach for performance and documentation of the examination is required. When a specific
lesion is examined, its precise position should be noted on the image and its correlation with the clinical and mammographic
findings recorded. When the total breast volume needs to be assessed, overlapping scans will ensure complete
All breast structures must be completely displayed, and particular care taken in the area of interest
to ensure that normal anatomical and/or pathological findings are recognized and recorded.
The imaging results must be readily reproducible, and ultrasonic findings should be clearly
identified on the stored images. It should be possible to confirm the same appearances on different types of high
resolution ultrasonic scanning systems.
Extract IBUS Guidelines for the Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast 1998
Compression can be used to reduce refraction and scattering from normal anatomical structures when sound penetration
is insufficient, and to test for tissue elasticity which can be useful in differentiating between benign and malignant
Make sure the axilla is examined in both planes along with any extra mammary breast tissue. Examine the breast with the
transducer parallel to the glandular/subcutaneous fat interface and with the chest wall parallel to the transducer. This
allows the ultrasound beam to be perpendicular to both the superficial and deep glandular/fat interface and permits
better visualization of the tissue planes.
The majority of lesions in the breast grow along the glandular/fat interfaces, in the plane parallel to the chest wall or
parallel to the skin surface. Therefore, the most information is obtained by imaging perpendicular to these planes. This
is particularly important when looking at the areas under or adjacent to the nipple. To maintain the perpendicular
interface a heel toe action with the transducer will be required.
Figure 6 Variation of transducer position like the above ‘heel-toe’ action will ensure good visualization of the
breast anatomy
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Educational Supplement
Radial/Antiradial scan planes are orientated to the distribution of the ductal system.
The purpose of performing this is to
Provide a scan which is reproducible
Ensure the entire breast is scanned.
Detect focal areas of ductal ectasia,
The transducer is placed with the left margin on the nipple. The right margin is then pivoted about the nipple rotating in
a clockwise direction. At 7 o’clock, the right edge is moved onto the nipple and the left edge becomes the mobile part of
the transducer. This ensures the sonographer’s wrist is maintained in an ergonomic position.
Breast size will determine the number of rotations that are required.
Once the entire clock has been scanned, any areas of concern should be reviewed in the anti-radial scan plane.
After you have examined the whole breast, you can document images. ASUM guidelines advocate documenting in a
radial fashion following the clock face. This method can be used for non-targeted breast imaging. ROI (region of interest)
or targeted examinations should be measured;
distance from the nipple
distance from the skin surface
size in three planes i.e. antiradially – 90 degrees to
the clock face.
The distance from the nipple is routinely underestimated.
Familiarize yourself with the length of your transducer
and use this to estimate distance from the nipple. Use a
ruler when the lesion extends beyond the transducer
width. Accurate documentation is required if areas of
interest are to be followed up.
Patient Care
Patients having breast examinations require special care
and attention. Patients are often well informed on breast
lesion detection, management and outcomes, and can be
anxious and demanding. Take care to explain to the patient
the examination procedure and the process by which the
patient will receive the results before starting the
examination. This will hopefully avoid difficult questions
from the patient at the end of the examination.
Breast ultrasound requires sonographers to use the full gamut of their skills. Clinical acumen, equipment knowledge,
attention to detail and care for the vulnerable patient are all required.
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Breast Ultrasound Update. (Proceedings of the 5th Int. Congress on the Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast). 1993
Egan RL. Breast Imaging: Diagnosis and Morphology of Breast Diseases. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1988, pp. 100-125
Fornage BD. Ultrasound Of The Breast. In: Ultrasound Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 1: 1-39, Raven Press Ltd., New York, 1993.
Kopans DB, Meyer TE, Sadowsky N. Breast imaging. The New England Journal of Medicine, 1984; 310:960-967
Rotten D, Levaillant JM: The Value Of Ultrasonic Examination To Detect And Diagnose Breast Carcinomas. Analysis Of
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Tohno, E.,et al Ultrasound Diagnosis of Breast Diseases, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1994.
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