NURSING PROCESS ASSIGNMENT (FOR WEB-BASED ONLY STUDENTS): Reviewthe classhandoutbelow. 1. Explorethe North AmericanNursing DiagnosisAssociation(NANDA) website: What is the purpose of NAND A? What are the six goals explicated under NANDA's strategic plan? 2. Briefly describeoneof your patients/clientswho had a medical~rognosisthat was "negative," but a nursing~rognosisthatwas"positive." Why? Describeone of your patients/clientswho had a medical~rognosisthat was"positive" but a nursing~rognosis that was"negative." Why? 3. Doesyourpracticesettingusestandardized plansof care? Are theycomputerizedor on paper? Are theyuser-friendly?If your workplacedoesnot usestandardizedplansof care,why not? E-MAIL YOUR ANSWERS TO THE INSTRUCTOR (AT LEAST 250 WORDS).