Inside Details:\ A JOB …… Page 2 Award Time…Page 3 Newsbriefs Briefs Fall 2014 The time is at hand!!! CIEC 2015 Approaches!!! Get your registrations in at Newsbriefs Briefs COOPERATIVE AND EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION DIVISION ASEE Published at Michigan State University /Craig Gunn Make your hotel reservations NOW!!! Get the best airline reservations you can!!! Remember there is Orange County, LAX, and Ontario THEN… Start thinking about ASEE 2015 in Seattle. Hotel reservations and registration will begin shortly JOB Global Internship Advisor Office of Interna onal Educa on Georgia Ins tute of Technology This posi on reports to the Director of the Global Internship Program (GIP) and Interna onal Plan. The GIP provides opportuni es for students to complete an internship outside of the United States. This posi on is responsible for the day‐to‐day opera on of the Global Internship Program. This includes student advising, data management, par cipant recruitment, and providing workshops/events to support successful par cipa on. The specific du es of this posi on are as follows: Advise prospec ve and current GIP students from ini al interest through full cycle of par cipa on and re‐entry. This includes one‐on‐one advising, group advising, advisement about applying for internships, seeking intern‐ ships, naviga ng GT and employers’ systems/processes, etc. Develop and facilitate workshops and informa on sessions to support program development and to support the students’ success in the work environment and in intercultural se ngs (e.g. regular workshops on finding in‐ ternships, resumes/cover le ers, etc.) Execute recruitment plan and ac vi es, including wri ng content for regular GIP newsle ers, managing GIP social media, and running peer advising program. Plan and execute GIP events and ac vi es such as annual internship fair and German Career Fair; collaborate with GT Communica ons to develop and maintain printed materials; develop new and maintain exis ng content of GIP online informa on; a end campus marke ng events to represent GIP (e.g. freshman orienta on, admis‐ sions events, classroom presenta ons, Connect With Tech). Maintain consistency and integrity of GIP student and program data, and provide data as requested by various GT and non‐GT en es. Serve as primary contact for day‐to‐day program management and administra on, including collabora on with IT support and the Center for Career Discovery and Development for CareerBuzz/Simplicity; class/registra on issues for GIP classes; processing applica ons; maintaining and upda ng student records; etc. Serve as staff to the Global Internship Advisory Council, including organizing mee ngs, distribu ng agendas and related materials, taking mee ng minutes, and providing follow up. Assist Director with instruc on of DOPP 2001 (Preparing to Work in a Global Economy). Assist Director with intercultural training events by handling logis cs and co‐facilita ng workshops. Collaborate with the Center for Career Discovery and Development and the Office of Assessment to con nuously improve and report on assessment of the GIP. Administer surveys, collect data, share with stakeholders, etc. Develop GIP alumni rela onships to support the further development and impact of the program. Hire, train, and supervise one Student Assistant. Other du es as assigned by the Director. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree; two to three years job related experience; interna onal experience; ability to com‐ municate effec vely; use of office computer applica ons. Preferences: Master’s degree; experience working in career development or study abroad advising; proficiency in a second language; ability to use social media to recruit, advise, and retain. Desired start date: January 15, 2015 Informa on on how to apply for this posi on is available on the website of the Office of Human Resources: h p://‐paths/staff‐opportuni es‐taleo. (Posi on#______, Global Internship Advisor). Applica ons will be accepted at least through December 19th, and will be accepted longer if necessary. Interested par es must apply on‐line using the Office of Human Resources’ applica on in order for to applica on to be considered official ( Resumes and cover le ers can also be emailed to: Clement J. Freund Award This Award is offered biennially in odd numbered calendar years. The nomination process for the 2015 award will end on January 15, 2015. Clement J. Freund (1895-1984) was one of the pioneers in the field of cooperative engineering education. He chaired an ASEE committee on the aims and ideals of cooperative engineering education, which produced the report entitled "The Cooperative System-A Manifesto." The report is still accepted as the official statement of the Cooperative and Experiential Education Division policy. The Clement J. Freund Award honors an individual in business, industry, government or education who has made a significant positive impact on cooperative education programs in engineering and engineering technology. This award is now offered every odd numbered calendar year. The Award: The awardee receives a $2,000 honorarium, reimbursement of travel expenses to attend the ASEE Annual Conference to receive the award, a plaque and a certificate of achievement. Established in 1979 by the Cooperative and Experiential Education Division of ASEE to commemorate its 50th anniversary, the award has been funded through an endowment provided by the following contributors: Caterpillar Tractor Company, Danly Machine Corporation, Diamond Shamrock Corporation, Dow Chemical U.S.A., John Deere, Sundstrand Corporation and Union Carbide Corporation. Qualifications: Nominees need not have been directly involved in cooperative education but must have exerted a profound influence on the betterment of the movement. Cooperative education, as used in this text, refers only to programs in engineering and engineering technology that adhere to the criteria adopted by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Accomplishments may include, but are not restricted to the following: Long and dedicated service to the practice and philosophy of cooperative education and to students in the programs through administration, counseling and fostering of high quality cooperative programs as an employer or an academician. Initiation, promotion and support of an extensive, quality cooperative program in business, government, industry or education that clearly benefits engineering and engineering technology. Administration or executive support at the highest levels in business, industry, government or education of a cooperative program. Publication of recognized and widely distributed books or articles contributing to the understanding and growth of the concept of cooperative education as defined by the criteria adopted by ABET. Exertion of influence on legislation at the national level which is clearly beneficial to cooperative education. Eligibility: Any person whose professional duties and accomplishments have furthered cooperative education programs in engineering or engineering technology is eligible for the award. How to Nominate In general, all award nominations must include a nomination cover page, citation, nomination rationale statement, and curriculum vitae as well as evidence of accomplishments and supporting letters of recommendation. However, some awards have specific nomination requirements. Please refer to the award descriptions at for any special instructions. Nominations should not include voluminous materials, such as exhibits, samples or numerous recommendations of former students. Clear, concise statements of achievements are of more value. Information from public sources such as Who's Who is helpful, but should be supplemented by information as to specific contributions. Nomination: Follow the general nomination instructions with these exceptions: Publications and accomplishments need to be included only if appropriate. Nominators must be active members of ASEE or have been members during their professional career. No member may nominate a family member or an immediate supervisor or subordinate in his/ her own organization. Please Remember that this is a NATIONAL AWARD and is very important for CEED to be visible with this national recognition. We realize that it does take a little effort to provide the nomination information, but it means a great deal to the organization and the individual being nominated. So put your fingers to the keyboard and start that nomination process and have a wonderful holiday season!!!