Short version PDF - EAL Nexus

Teaching notes and ideas
Name of resource:
Age group
8 to 11
Geography, English
Language Level
EAL Nexus
Description of resource
Text about China without images
Text about China with images
PowerPoint flash cards – true/false sorting cards
True/false grid
Dictionary sheet
Question dice
Preparation needed
You will need:
 For each group
o a copy of the text, with or without images
o highlighters, pencils
o dictionary sheet
o question dice
o true/false flashcards (provided on PowerPoint)
o true/false grid
You will need to:
 print out copies of the text.
 make true/false cards by printing out the PowerPoint as two-on-a-page
handouts and then cutting them up. These can be laminated if you want to use
them again
 print the true/false grid enlarged to A3
 print and assemble a question dice for each group
Curriculum objectives
 To read with understanding a non-fiction text
 To identify true and false statements
Language/Literacy objectives
This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals
© British Council 2015
EAL Nexus
Giving and justifying
 I agree/disagree
 I (don’t) think that’s right because …
 I’m not sure …
 What I mean is …
 Let me explain … for example
true, false, China, billion, population, fertile, east, south-east, northern, central,
separate, seaports, coastal, official, protect, against, countryside, livestock,
paddies, main, ingredients, pinched
This resource could be used:
 as a whole class, in groups
 as differentiation within class
 one to one or small group to allow extra exploratory talk time
Ideas for using the resource
What to do
 In mixed-ability pairs, learners read the text and highlight unknown vocabulary.
 Pairs of learners complete the dictionary task
 Whole class activity feedback where teacher can check for understanding
 In mixed-ability collaborative groups learners use the Blooms questions dice to
ask and answer questions. Learners could also be encouraged to think of their
own questions.
 Finally in groups children sort true/false flashcards into the two columns on the
true/false grid. Learners must discuss their ideas and give a reason for their
Other ideas for making the best use of this resource
 Some groups may benefit from adult modelling.
 This text is suitable for a whole class dictogloss activity.
Possible extension activities
 Extend the true/false activity by introducing an auction.
This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals
© British Council 2015
EAL Nexus
 True/false cards could be printed six on a page and completed in books
 Blank map of China is also included
This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals
© British Council 2015