Certification should be the capstone for a lawyer's professionalism goals. ~Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Harry Lee Anstead May 2013 – Issue 51 Capstone offers news and resource links for board certified lawyers. You receive this newsletter as a special benefit of your certification; we applaud your achievement and strive to provide timely information to further your practice. FloridaBar.org/certification is our Florida Bar web page containing a variety of resources for certified lawyers. We have a Florida Board Certified Lawyers group on LinkedIn, and we welcome your comments and news. Certification Program News Nominate a Certified Lawyer by May 24. Nominate a certified lawyer or judge for the BLSE’s 2013 certification awards: The Justice Harry Lee Anstead Award for Florida Bar Board Certified Lawyer of the Year and the Award for Excellence in the Promotion of Board Certification. You or one of your colleagues could be among the distinguished group of lawyers who are previous recipients. The Anstead award recognizes exemplary professionalism, excellence, character and commitment to The Florida Bar’s certification program and to the practice of law. The excellence award recognizes excellence and creativity by a Florida Bar board certified lawyer or a law firm in advancing the public’s knowledge of and appreciation for legal board certification. Applications are available at FloridaBar.org/certification and are due May 24, 2013. Please contact Maritza McGill at (850) 561-5850 or mmcgill@flabar.org for more information. Certified Lawyers’ Reception at Florida Bar Annual Convention. Please join the Board of Legal Specialization & Education at the Certified Lawyers' Reception and Awards Ceremony sponsored by Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Co., a special tribute to the 221 lawyers who earned civil trial or tax law certification in 1983 and who have remained certified for 30 years. We also will present the two certification awards, Florida Bar Board Certified Lawyer of the Year and Excellence in the Promotion of Board Certification. The reception is Thursday, June 27, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. in Grand Ballroom B at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. Please contact Maritza McGill at (850) 561-5850 or mmcgill@flabar.org for more information. Legal Milestone: 221 Lawyers Maintain Board Certification for 30 Years. The BLSE is proud to announce that 221 of The Florida Bar members who earned legal board certification in civil trial or tax law in 1983 have maintained their board certification status for 30 years, including eight who hold emeritus specialist status. Members who hold emeritus specialist status no longer practice law, but are recognized for their past and continuing contribution in the advancement of the specialty area through other career activities. "Maintaining board certification for 30 continuous years is a significant professional accomplishment," said Florida Bar President Gwynne A. Young of Carlton Fields in Tampa. "These individuals are leaders by example in Florida's legal profession and we salute their commitment to excellence and professionalism in the practice of law." View the list of lawyers, and view the lawyers’ photos. Certification Flag Travels. Visit our certification flag page to view photos of our lawyers and the flag as it continues its world journeys. JJ Dahl, board certified in marital and family law, with the flag on Presidents Day at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Norman Vaughan-Birch, board certified in business litigation and civil trial, is pictured with the flag in Agra, India, home of the Taj Mahal. If you are interested in taking the flag on your next vacation or business trip, please contact Pamela Rosier, prosier@flabar.org or (850) 561-3150. 2 Capstone May 2013 Certification Annual Fees Due, Must Be Submitted by Mail. If you have questions about annual fees, please contact Julie Coiro at jcoiro@flabar.org. Annual fee late fee invoices were mailed on April 24 and payments are due by May 24. The original invoices were mailed on February 15 and payment was due April 1. The fee is $150 per area certified, and late fees are $50 per area. Members must mail completed invoices with checks made payable to The Florida Bar; electronic payments cannot be accepted at this time. Your annual fees help to support the certification plan's operation and enable the BLSE to serve you more effectively through programs and benefits designed to enhance your practice. For recertification information, visit the certification program's Florida Bar web page or contact us at (850) 5615842. The first cycle board certification exams were held March 14-15 in Tampa. Former Chair Rich McCrea welcomed the examinees on behalf of the BLSE. Of the 161 applicants eligible, 137 sat for exams in the following areas: Admiralty and Maritime Law, Adoption Law, Appellate Practice, Aviation Law, Civil Trial, Education Law, Elder Law, Immigration and Nationality, International Law, Labor and Employment Law, Marital and Family Law and Tax Law. Second cycle exams are set for May 9-10. To date, 234 are eligible to take exams in the following areas: Business Litigation; City, County and Local Government Law; Construction Law; Criminal Appellate; Criminal Trial; Health; Intellectual Property; Real Estate; State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice; Wills, Trusts and Estates; and Workers’ Compensation. Successful examinees from the first cycle exams will be certified effective June 1, 2013, and second cycle examinees who pass will be certified as of August 1, 2013. Those certified in 2013 will comprise the 30th class of board certified lawyers by The Florida Bar. August 31 is Application Deadline for 12 Florida Bar Board Certification Areas. Florida Bar members interested in board certification must have applications postmarked by Aug. 31 for 12 of Florida's 24 legal specialization areas. Applications are available on The Florida Bar website at FloridaBar.org/certification, and are due Aug. 31 for the following specialties: Admiralty and Maritime Law, Adoption Law, Appellate Practice, Aviation Law, Civil Trial, Education Law, Elder Law, Immigration and Nationality, International Law, Labor and Employment Law, Marital and Family Law and Tax Law. Florida Bar News Annual Convention. Online registration is still available. Join your colleagues during the 63rd Annual Florida Bar Convention June 26-29 at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. This year’s theme is Inclusion – The Path to Unity, reflecting the Bar’s commitment to the enhancement of diversity within the legal profession, legal education and in the justice system. Register by June 12 to receive the discounted registration fee of $225. Review the schedule and make your hotel reservation now. Judicial Feedback. The Judicial Administration & Evaluation Committee's Judicial Feedback Program allows attorneys to give confidential feedback to judges about their strengths or weaknesses. Attorneys may evaluate judges’ demeanor, knowledge, fairness and other factors, but may not discuss issues of their specific cases. Judicial feedback forms are available online. Judges are notified quarterly that attorneys' feedback forms are available for review. All feedback is confidential pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.420(c)(4). The 2013 Florida Voluntary Bar Leaders Conference will be held July 19-20 at the Sheraton Sand Key in Clearwater. Designed to prepare local bar officers for service, the program includes sessions on increasing non-dues revenue; membership recruiting; putting on quality CLE programs; event planning; membership diversity and inclusion; tax filings compliance requirements; and many others. It also includes exclusive networking opportunities with other local and specialty bar leaders and The Florida Bar President. Presented by the Voluntary Bar Liaison Committee, this conference consistently receives high marks from participants. Visit www.floridabar.org/voluntarybars for more information or email mjohnson@flabar.org. Registration begins on Monday, June 3. Certified Lawyer News Erin Smith Aebel of Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick in Tampa discussed “Health Care Clinic Licensure and Regulation” at a Hillsborough County Bar Association Health Law Section luncheon. She also presented “The Future of Health Care Reform in Florida” to women executives at the University of South Florida CAMLS facility. Aebel is board certified in health law. Akerman Senterfitt Firm News. Richard Bezold, board certified in real estate, and chair of the firm's Real Estate Practice Group in Miami, appeared in the following articles: Law360 "Optimistic Outlook Prevails at Real Estate Conference;" GlobeSt.com "CRE Exec Optimism at Five-Year Record High;" Property Funds World "Optimism Among Real Estate Executives Hits Record-High Since Financial Downturn;" and the Mortgage Bankers Association weekly 3 Capstone May 2013 newsletter, MBA NewsLink, "Optimism Grows Among CRE Executives." James Bramnick, board certified in labor and employment law, and chair of the firm's Labor and Employment Practice Group in Miami, was quoted in the Daily Business Review Litigation Departments of the Year award series in the article "Akerman's Prime Goal: Keep Clients Out of the Courtroom." Bramnick recently was promoted from regional vice chair of North America of the Lex Mundi Labor and Employment practice group to chair-elect, a global leadership position for the world's largest network of independent law firms. Karen Buesing, board certified in labor and employment law, and a shareholder in the firm's Tampa office, was a featured speaker at the American Bar Association's Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee Midwinter Meeting session, "Ethical Issues in Internal Investigations," and at the association's National Conference on Equal Opportunity Law in a panel titled, "Deposing the Plaintiff in the Harassment Case." Kirk Davis, board certified in health law, and chair of the firm's Healthcare Practice Group in Tampa, presented "Advanced Health Law Topics" at the Certification Review 2013 course offered by The Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Health Law Section. Martin Dix, board certified in health law, and a shareholder in the firm's Tallahassee office, spoke at the Florida Pharmacy Association Law and Regulatory Conference on "Pharmacy Audits – Unstacking the Deck!" Dix and Julie Gallagher, board certified in state and federal government and administrative practice, and of counsel in the firm's Tallahassee office, authored an article titled, "Federal Appeals Court sides with HIPAA over Florida law in 'Catch 22' case over the release of deceased patient records by nursing homes," which was featured in American Health Lawyers Association's daily publication, AHLA Newsstand. Katherine Giddings, board certified in appellate practice, and a shareholder in the firm's Tallahassee office, spoke at the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance 2013 annual conference in the "Staff Counsel: Benefits, Challenges, and Ethics" session and also at the Jacksonville Area Legal Aid's "Appellate Practice for Legal Services Trial Attorneys: Strategies, Perfecting the Record, Oral Argument" seminar. Richard Milstein, board certified in elder law, and a shareholder in the firm's Miami office, authored a Huffington Post blog on "The Potential Impact of This Summer's DOMA Ruling on the IRS' FAQ for Same-Sex Couples," and was a featured speaker at "DOMA Town Hall: How U.S. v. nd Windsor Impacts You." For his 22 year, Milstein led Akerman's team for the Miami AIDS Walk and raised more than $30,000. Scott Silverman, board certified in labor and employment law, and a shareholder in the firm's Tampa office, was a featured speaker at the Medical Group Management Association's "2011-2013 Labor/Employment Law Developments That Every Employer Must Know to Avoid Liability." Along with Bramnick and Silverman, the following attorneys spoke at th Akerman's 18 Annual Labor and Employment Seminar: Susan Eisenberg, board certified in labor and employment law, and a shareholder in the firm's Miami office; Debra Leder, board certified in labor and employment law, and a shareholder in the firm's Fort Lauderdale office; Richard Tuschman, board certified in labor and employment law, and a shareholder in the firm's Miami office; and Jennifer Williams, board certified in labor and employment law, and a shareholder in the firm's Miami office. Robert G. Amsel of Robbins, Tunkey, Ross, Amsel, Raben and Waxman in Miami was a panelist at the AILA South Florida Chapter 34th Annual Immigration Law Seminar, discussing criminal implications of work site raids. Amsel is board certified in criminal trial. Blalock Walters Firm News. Scott E. Rudacille has been voted the Anna Maria Island Sun newspaper’s 2013 Readers’ Choice for attorney, and he was elected chair of the board of directors of the Anna Maria Island Community Center. He is a principal attorney in the firm’s Land Use, Real Estate and Local Government practice groups in Bradenton, and is board certified in city, county and local government law. Robert S. Stroud has received the AV® Preeminent Peer Review Rating by Martindale-Hubbell. He is a principal attorney in the firm’s Business and Corporate, Health Care, and Real Estate practice groups in Sarasota and is board certified in health law. Elaine Bucher, a shareholder in Gunster’s West Palm Beach office, has been selected as Florida chair for the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. Bucher is an ACTEC Fellow, one of only about 140 in the state. The college is a national organization of approximately 2,600 lawyers elected to membership based on demonstrated competence and experience as trust and estate counselors, integrity and commitment to the profession. Bucher is board certified in wills, trusts and estates. Stephen M. Bull of Bull and Associates in Orlando presented “Contractual Indemnification Issues for Architects” at the AIA Florida Chapter – License Renewal Seminar in Orlando. Bull is board certified in construction law. Carlton Fields Firm News. Jeffrey Michael Cohen of Miami served as a panel moderator for “Expert Witnesses – Can’t Live With ’Em – Can’t Live Without ’Em: Tips on the Use and Misuse of Experts in Bad Faith and Coverage Cases” at the Annual Conference of the ABA Litigation Section’s Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee in Tucson. Cohen earned civil trial board certification in 1983 and is among the members who this year will be honored for 30 years of continuous certification. Cohen serves on the Board of Legal Specialization & Education. George J. Meyer, a board certification construction lawyer in Tampa, was named a fellow of the American College of Construction Lawyers. Sylvia H. Walbolt of Tampa received the 2013 Chambers Women in Law Award for Litigation Lawyer of the Year from Chambers & Partners USA. Walbolt is board certified in appellate practice. 4 Capstone May 2013 Michael Chesal of Peretz Chesal & Herrmann in Miami has been appointed chair of 11th Circuit Grievance Committee 11 “B.” Chesal is board certified in intellectual property law and serves on the Intellectual Property Law Certification Committee. Clark Fountain Firm News. Clark, Fountain, La Vista, Prather, Keen & Littky-Rubin has launched an updated website. The site has enhanced navigation abilities and provides a more in-depth look into the firm’s top case verdicts and practice areas. Visit www.clarkfountain.com to view the site. Clark Fountain attorney Julie H. Littky-Rubin is board certified in appellate practice, and attorneys Mark W. Clark, Donald R. Fountain Jr., Nancy La Vista and David C. Prather are board certified in civil trial. Prather is a member of The Florida Bar Board of Governors. Stephen G. Cobb of Cobb Criminal Defense Law Firm of Florida in Crestview spoke on “Forensic Use of SPECT Neuroimaging” at a joint continuing medical education and continuing legal education seminar in Atlanta. Cobb is board certified in criminal trial. Jeffrey L. Cohen of the Florida Healthcare Law Firm in Delray Beach discussed the legal implications of MD/DC business arrangements at the Florida Chiropractic Association’s meeting in Jacksonville. Cohen is board certified in health law. Jennifer Diaz, shareholder in charge of Becker & Poliakoff's Customs and International Trade Department in the firm's Miami office, was a key speaker at the "Expedite Your International Expansion Strategy" seminar hosted by UPS in Tampa on March 27. Diaz is board certified in international law and is editor of the firm's Customs and International Trade law blog. Charles H. Egerton of Dean, Mead, Egerton, Bloodworth, Capouano & Bozarth in Orlando was appointed to the American Tax Policy Institute’s Board of Trustees. Egerton earned tax law board certification in 1983, and is among the lawyers who this year are celebrating 30 years of board certification. Jorge Espinosa of Espinosa Trueba in Miami was a panel speaker for Strafford Publications’ webinar program on “Ethical Risks in Attorney Marketing via Blogs, Websites, and Social Networks.” Espinosa is board certified in intellectual property law. Alice Reiter Feld and the medical director of Hospice of Broward County held a free seminar April 16 – National Healthcare Decisions Day – on the future of healthcare decision making for seniors. Feld recently announced the May 1 move of her firm’s headquarters to the Century Plaza building, 1829 N. University Drive, Coral Springs. Branch offices will remain open in Boca Raton and Delray/Boynton. She is board certified in elder law. Robert S. Fine of Greenberg Traurig in Miami discussed “Is the Web Accessible?” at the Miami Law Review Symposium “Social Media & the Law” in Coral Gables. Fine is board certified in construction law. John W. Frost II of Frost Van den Boom & Smith in Bartow is the featured commencement speaker at the Florida State College of Law spring graduation ceremony on May 5 at the Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center. Frost is a past president of The Florida Bar and is a member of the FSU College of Law’s charter class of 1969. Frost is board certified in business litigation and civil trial. Goldstein Buckley Firm News. Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz donated Easter baskets to the fifth annual Good Shepherd Lutheran School’s Easter Basket Drive. Baskets were distributed to local children associated with the Children’s Network of Southwest Florida, Abuse Counseling and Treatment, the Salvation Army homeless shelter, local hospitals and other organizations that help foster children and those in shelters. The firm also donated backpacks and school supplies to a fourth grade class at Eden Park Elementary located in Immokalee. Several Goldstein Buckley partners are board certified: John B. Cechman and Richard L. Purtz, civil trial; and J. Jeffrey Rice, business litigation, construction law and civil trial. GrayRobinson Firm News. Michele K. Cummings of Fort Lauderdale was honored as Broward Lawyers Care “Attorney of the Month.” Cummings is board certified in marital and family law. Peter Quinter, a board certified international lawyer with the firm’s Miami and Fort Lauderdale offices, chaired and moderated a panel discussion on North American Free Trade Agreement Verification Visits at a meeting of the ABA Section of International Law. Quinter recently celebrated his one-year anniversary with the firm. He is a member of the International Law Certification Committee. George E. Spofford of Tampa became a member of the Dispute Review Board Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the avoidance and resolution of disputes worldwide. Spofford is board certified in construction law. 5 Capstone May 2013 Jeffrey A. Grebe of the Williams Parker in Sarasota was elected as a board of directors member for Habitat for Humanity of Sarasota. Grebe is board certified in real estate. Lee T. “Tad” Griffin of Pajcic & Pajcic in Jacksonville was elected president of Jacksonville’s Chapter of ABOTA. Griffin is board certified in civil trial. Jerry Hamilton of Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel in Miami spoke to hotel and restaurant corporate counsel on “Medical Emergencies at Your Hotel, Restaurant, or Business: An Analysis of Duty, Risk, and Liability” at the Hospitality Law Conference in Houston. Hamilton is board certified in admiralty and maritime law. John H. (Jack) Hickey of Miami spoke on “How to Interview Your Client to Get the Story on Damages” at the Winter Convention of the American Association for Justice in Miami Beach. Hickey is a member of the Board of Governors and is board certified in civil trial. George F. Indest III of The Health Law Firm in Altamonte Springs wrote “19 Tips to Prepare You for a Medicare Audit and Site Visit,” published in the December issue of Medical Economics. Indest is board certified in health law and serves on the Health Law Certification Committee. Harold E. Kaplan of Coral Springs served as a judge for the ABA’s Law Student Client Counseling Competition at Nova Southeastern University Law Center. Kaplan also presented on legal aspects of alternative dispute resolution at Florida International University’s MBA program. Kaplan is board certified in health law. Christopher S. Knopik of Knopik Deskins Law Group in Tampa was recognized by the Tampa Bay Chapter of the Federal Bar Association as the recipient of the George C. Carr Memorial Award for 2012. Knopik is board certified in civil trial. Kimberly Kolback of Miami moderated the panel “Television Obsession and the Law – Legal Basics of Reality TV” during the 24th Annual North American Entertainment, Sports and Intellectual Property Law Conference in Cancun, Mexico. Kolback is board certified in intellectual property law. Michael N. Kreitzer of Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod in Miami has been elected chair of the Friends of WLRN Board of Directors. Kreitzer is board certified in business litigation. Laird A. Lile of Naples was elected to the board of regents of The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. He also was a featured speaker during a recent statewide webcast for The Florida Bar titled “What Every Lawyer Needs to Know about E-Filing and E-Service.” Lile is a current member of The Florida Bar Board of Governors and is board certified in wills, trusts and estates. Leslie J. Lott of Lott & Fischer in Coral Gables moderated a panel discussion titled “New gTLDs – Opportunity or Formula for Disaster?” at the International Trademark Association’s Trademarks and the Changing Internet Landscape conference in Philadelphia. Lott is a current member of The Florida Bar Board of Governors and is board certified in intellectual property law. Curtis Jay Mase of Mase, Lara, Eversole in Miami discussed “Admiralty” at the Dade County Bar Association’s Bench & Bar Conference. Mase is board certified in civil trial. Barry A. Nelson of Nelson & Nelson in North Miami Beach presented “How Safe are Trust Funds from Claims for Alimony or Child Support?” at the annual meeting of The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel in Maui, Hawaii. Nelson is board certified in tax law and wills, trusts and estates. Jerome M. Novey of Novey Law in Tallahassee became a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Novey is board certified in marital and family law. Mark R. Osherow has joined Buckingham, Doolittle & Borroughs LLP in Boca Raton for litigation, creditors' rights & bankruptcy, employment & labor and securities litigation. Osherow is board certified in business litigation and chairs the Business Litigation Certification Committee. Lester Perling, a partner with Broad and Cassel in Fort Lauderdale, recently became Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) by the Health Care Compliance Association’s Compliance Certification Board. Perling is board certified in health law and is the third Broad and Cassel health law attorney to earn the CHC designation. 6 Capstone May 2013 Steven Peretz of Peretz Chesal & Herrmann in Miami discussed legal writing at the University of Miami School of Law. Peretz is board certified in intellectual property law. Patricia A. Petruff of Dye, Deitrich, Petruff and St. Paul in Bradenton has received her accreditation from the Veterans Administration and now is authorized to assist veterans with issues encountered in obtaining benefits. Petruff is board certified in city, county and local government law. Patrick Poff of Trenam Kemker in Tampa was a plenary session speaker at the Midwinter Meeting of the ABA Forum on the Construction Industry, “Making Dollars & Sense of Construction Damages,” held in Naples. Poff spoke on “Ethics: Throwing in the Kitchen Sink – How Far Can You Go in Presenting Damages in Litigation, Mediation, and Negotiation?” He is board certified in construction law. Judge Lisa M. Porter of Fort Lauderdale was installed as the president of the B’nai B’rith Justice Unit #5207 in Plantation. Porter is board certified in criminal trial. David Pratt of Proskauer in Boca Raton moderated “Understanding Fiduciary Risk” at the Jewish Federation of North America Investment Institute at the PGA Resort. Pratt is board certified in tax law and wills, trusts and estates. Radey Thomas Yon & Clark Firm News. Donna E. Blanton and Travis L. Miller of Tallahassee spoke at FSU College of Law’s insurance law and regulation class on “Insurance Law from an Administrative Law Perspective.” Blanton and Miller are board certified in state and federal government and administrative practice. Keith Rizzardi, special counsel to Jones, Foster, Johnston & Stubbs in West Palm Beach and a law professor at St. Thomas University, published “The Duty to Advise the Lorax: Environmental Advocacy and the Risk of Reform,” and presented the paper at the University of Florida Public Interest Environmental Conference in Gainesville and the Seminar Group Endangered Species Act conference in Atlanta. Rizzardi is board certified in state and federal government and administrative practice. Tom Scarritt of Scarritt Law Group in Tampa acted in a production that was awarded PBS Affiliate WEDU’s 2013 “Be More” Special Events Award for Entertainment in the Tampa Bay Area. Scarritt played three different characters in staged readings of the Broadway success “Sylvia,” which raised more than $11,000 to benefit Hillsborough at-risk youth. Scarritt is board certified in civil trial. Cathleen Scott of Cathleen Scott & Associates in Jupiter presented the “Effect of Criminal History Background Checks on Discrimination Claims” at the Florida National Employment Lawyers Association’s Winter Conference in Orlando. Scott is board certified in labor and employment law. Ronald Siegel of Brinkley Morgan in Boca Raton was honored at the Israel Elwyn Tribute to Friends of JARC for his support of both organizations. Siegel is board certified in wills, trusts and estates. Robert J. Sniffen of Sniffen &Spellman in Tallahassee was elected to the board of directors and as an officer of the Academy of Florida Management Attorneys. He will serve as sergeant-at-arms and chair of the continuing legal education committee. Sniffen’s firm recently announced the launch of its newly design website at www.sniffenlaw.com. Sniffen is board certified in labor and employment law. David Steinfeld of the Law Office of David Steinfeld in Palm Beach Gardens presented an e-discovery “boot camp” to attorneys and paralegals for the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists and the Legal Learning Series. He also was named a contributing author on business law matters for the Daily Business Review, which has a circulation of 35,000 in South Florida. In addition, Steinfeld was invited to join the Executive Leadership Team for the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women April 2013 Luncheon. Steinfeld is board certified in business litigation and serves on the Business Litigation Certification Committee. Michelle R. Suskauer of Suskauer Law Firm in West Palm Beach was honored by the National Conference of Jewish Women as its 2013 Women in Power awardee. Suskauer is a current member of The Florida Bar Board of Governors and chairs the Annual Convention Committee. She is board certified in criminal trial. Deborah J. Townsend of Deborah J. Townsend P.A. in Yalaha presented “Immigration Law 101” to the Marion County Chapter of FAWL. Townsend is board certified in immigration and nationality. 7 Capstone May 2013 Michelle Otero Valdes of Chalos & Co. in Miami was named program chair of the board of directors of the Fort Lauderdale Mariners Club. She also was named chair of the board of directors of the ReThink and ReUse Center, an environmental, educational non-profit in Miami. Valdes is board certified in admiralty and maritime law and chairs the Admiralty and Maritime Law Certification Committee. Michael J. Wilson of Williams Parker in Sarasota served on the speakers’ panel at the Association for Corporate Growth Tampa Bay Chapter. Wilson is board certified in tax law and serves on the Tax Law Certification Committee. Melvin B. Wright of Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter in Orlando was selected for membership in the American Board of Trial Advocates. Wright is board certified in civil trial. Lawyer Resources Hurricane season officially starts on June 1, but disasters like floods, fires or theft can happen any day. The resources below are intended to help your firm prepare and recover – no matter what the mishap. Disaster Preparation 101 – Is Your Firm Ready? The April 2013 “Disaster Prep Special Issue” of Law Practice Today contains several excellent articles to help law firms plan ahead and anticipate potential disasters: Before Disaster Strikes: What Law Firms Should Know About Case Management and Electronic Case Filing. Hurricane Sandy was more than just the costliest hurricane in U.S. history. It had a profound impact on the judicial system in the Northeast, especially for smaller law firms and the public trying to access affected courts. However, throughout the storm and its aftermath the federal court system's case management/electronic case filing system remained up and running, and that experience offers important lessons to law firms and lawyers throughout the country. (George B. Huff Jr.) The Cyber Challenge Facing the Legal Profession. Cyber crime is on the rise worldwide, and law firms increasingly are the targets of information thieves. Few firms, however, are well-prepared to prevent or defend against the ongoing wave of cyber criminals. (Don Byrne and Joseph Booth) Preparing for a Disaster: Data Backup and Beyond. The worst time to find out that your data backup plan is insufficient is after a disaster. Follow this five-step process to get started on a better plan for preparing for a disaster or other emergency that impacts your business continuity. (Joshua Poje) TFB Disaster and Risk Management Page. The Florida Bar’s Law Office Management has compiled a comprehensive list of links, articles and contacts to assist lawyers with disaster planning and response, including posthurricane recovery. Links include the annual law office check-up, a new law practice/new office checklist and a guide for setting up a disaster preparation, protection and recovery program for your law firm. Disaster Resources for Lawyers and Law Firms, Courtesy of the ABA. The American Bar Association’s Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness web page offers a complete list of resources and links to help lawyers and firms prepare for and respond to disasters. Some of the topics included: Managing Practice Interruptions Being Prepared with Law Office Emergency Planning Disaster and Recovery – Special Issue of ABA General Practice, Solo, & Small Firm Division magazine Firms and Courts Take up Challenge of Preparing for the Worst Pandemics: Preparing Businesses for a Global Outbreak Cybersecurity Information/ABA Journal Blawg Central. The ABA Journal maintains a list of blawgs on various topics, and its cybersecurity page contains links to some excellent discussion pages about this interesting, new legal topic. The Journal Blawg Directory contains a comprehensive directory of continually updated law blogs on a wide variety of subjects. Your blawg can be listed! Click here to apply for inclusion in the directory. Did you know? Florida Bar members are strongly cautioned against engaging in solicitation of hurricane victims. Solicitation, whether by the lawyer personally or by someone else on his or her behalf, is prohibited. Read the Rule 47.4 from the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. Solicitation includes any direct contact face-to-face, by telephone, by fax or telegraph. It includes passing out business cards or other law firm information. Lawyers cannot mail solicitations within 30 days of the disaster. Any direct mail solicitations must comply and be filed with The Florida Bar for review. Fees from solicitation, as any form of advertising that does not comply with the rules, are subject to forfeiture in cases involving solicitation or other violation of the advertising rules. Lawyers with questions concerning whether their own future conduct violates bar rules may call the Ethics Hotline toll free at (800) 235-8619.Volunteer lawyers who are offering their services to accident victims at no charge do not violate the anti-solicitation rule. ###