Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Milnor number, Unfolding and Modality of Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Nguyen Hong Duc June 26, 2015 Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Setting Hypersurface singularity: f ∈ K [[x]] := K [[x1 , . . . , xn ]], K = K̄ , char(K ) = p ≥ 0. isolated ⇐⇒ µ(f ) < ∞. Right equivalence: f ∼r g ⇐⇒ ∃φ ∈ Aut(K [[x]]), f = φ(g ). Unfolding (or, deform. w. section) of f over variety T , t0 : ht := H(x, t) ∈ O(T )[[x]] s.t. H(x, t) − f ∈ mT ,t0 OT ,t0 and H(x, t) ∈ hxi. Complete unfolding: H(x, t) over T , t0 is complete if any unfolding G (x, s) over S, s0 is “isomorphic” to a pullback of H after passing to some étale neighbourhood. Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Setting Semiuniversal unfolding of f over AN , 0: X fλ := F (x, λ) = f (x) + λi ϕi , i where {ϕi }Ni=1 is a basis of m/m · j(f ). Here m ⊂ K [[x]] maximal ideal and j(f ) jacobian ideal. ([Greuel-N 2014]): Semiuniversal unfolding is complete. For each unfolding ht := H(x, t), by theorems on determinacy (cf. [Boubakri, Greuel, Markwig, 2012]) we may assume, for fixed t, that ht polynomial and defines ht : An → A, x 7→ H(x, t) Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Semicontinuity of Milnor number ht : An → A, x 7→ H(x, t) Theorem ∃U = U(0) ⊂ An , V = V (t0 ) ⊂ T , W = W (0) ⊂ A, s.t. (1) 0 ∈ U is the only singular point of f = h0 : U → W , and ht has only isolated singular points in U for all t ∈ V . (2) One has X µ(f ) = µ(ht , x) x∈Sing(ht ) In particular, for each t ∈ V , µ(f ) = µ(h0 ) ≥ µ(ht ). Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Singularities in positive characteristic Remark Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Singularities in positive characteristic Remark Deformation of formal power series over variety. Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Singularities in positive characteristic Remark Deformation of formal power series over variety. Zariski topology Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Singularities in positive characteristic Remark Deformation of formal power series over variety. Zariski topology étale topology Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Singularities in positive characteristic Remark Deformation of formal power series over variety. Zariski topology étale topology Example: ϕ : X , x0 → Y , y0 quasi-finite. Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Parity of Milnor number Corollary Let f ∈ K [[x1 , . . . , xn ]] with char(K ) = 2 and n odd, be an isolated singularity. Then µ(f ) is even. Proof. Consider the semiuniversal deformation fλ and apply the theorem to get open neighbourhoods U, V , W . Show that, ∃λ ∈ V s.t. fλ has only ordinary quadratic singularities. P µ(f ) = x∈Sing(fλ ) µ(fλ , x). Suffices to show: µ(fλ , x) is even for all x ∈ Sing(fλ ). Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Openness of completeness of unfoldings Theorem {t1 ∈ V : H(x, t) is a complete unfolding of f over T , t1 } is open in V . Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality µ-constant stratum Theorem Let fλ (x) be the semi-universal unfolding of f over AN , 0, ∆µ := {λ ∈ AN : µ(fλ ) = µ(f )} the µ-constant stratum of f . Then the restriction of F on ∆µ is a modular unfolding. That is, for any λ in some étale neighbourhood U ⊂ ∆µ of 0 there exist only finitely many λ0 ∈ U such that F (x, λ) is right equivalent to F (x, λ0 ). Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality µ-constant stratum and modality Corollary µ-constant stratum is a coarse moduli space for isolated singularities with constant Milnor number (modulo a finite group action) w.r.t. right equivalence. Corollary rmod(f ) ≥ dim ∆µ . Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality µ-constant stratum and modality Conjecture rmod(f ) = dim ∆µ . Partial results: Univariate power series [N, 2014]: rmod(f ) = [µ/p] = dim ∆µ . Simple, unimodal and bimodal singularities [N, 2015] using classification of: simple sing. by Greuel-N 2014, unimodal and bimodal sing. by N. 2015. Complex analytic case, by Gabrielov, 1974 using Picarrd-Leftschetz theory. Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Happy Birthday! Gert-Martin Wishing you hapiness, health and all the best in your 70s years! Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic Milnor number and Unfolding µ-constant stratum and modality Thanks! Nguyen Hong Duc Isolated Hypersurface Singularities in Positive Characteristic