17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct. 22 – Oct. 26, 2001 Interference Voltages induced by Magnetic Fields of Simulated Lightning Currents in Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays H. Haeberlin Berner Fachhochschule, Hochschule fuer Technik und Architektur, Jlcoweg 1, CH-3400 Burgdorf, Switzerland Phone +41 34 / 426 68 11, Fax +41 34 / 426 68 13 e-mail: heinrich.haeberlin@fhburg.ch, internet: http://www.pvtest.ch ABSTRACT: Already in 1990 – 1993 HTA Burgdorf’s PV laboratory had carried out tests about sensitivity of PV modules against lightning currents flowing in or close to the frame of a PV module [1, 2]. For these tests a high impulse current generator with imax ≤ 100kA and di/dtmax ≤ 50kA/µs was used. With this device it was possible to expose the part of the module closest to the impulse current (aera ≤ 50cm⋅40cm) to the fast changing magnetic field of this current and measure the resulting voltage induced in the module. It was found that lightning currents flowing in the metallic frames of PV-modules may cause a certain degradation of the I-V-characteristic and that frameless modules are more sensitive to lightning currents. It was also shown that for modules with metallic frames an increase of the distance to the lightning current path to a few centimeters was already sufficient to avoid any damage to the module [1, 2]. In 1998 - 2000, in an EU project (PV-EMI, JOR3 CT98 0217, partners: FhG/ISE, HTA Burgdorf, KEMA) a larger high impulse current generator could be built. With this device it is possible to expose whole PV modules and wired models of PV arrays with an area of up to 1.25m⋅2.25m to the magnetic field of a high impulse current with imax ≤ 120kA and di/dtmax ≤ 40kA/µs. These values are higher than those of average lightning currents. Therefore the earlier experiments could be repeated on a much larger scale. Main results of these tests are given in this paper. Keywords: PV modules – 1 : Induced voltages – 2 : Lightning – 3 1. Coaxial Impulse Current Generator Fig. 1 shows the principal layout of the coaxial impulse current generator used for the tests. In fig. 2 there is model of a PV array that is going to be tested in it. Fig. 3 shows a typical impulse current waveform used for the tests. With this generator, impulse currents up to 125kA with maximum values of di/dt between 15kA/µs and 40kA/µs (depending of the array size) can be produced. Such rise velocities are representative for typical lightning currents. Fig. 2: Partial view of the coaxial impulse current generator (through open door) with a model of an array consisting of 3 PV modules KC 60. Fig. 3: Waveform of a typical impulse current used for many tests. imax ≈ 100 kA, di/dtmax ≈ 25 kA/µs. Scales used: 20kA/division and 2µs/division. 2. Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the coaxial impulse current generator used for the tests. A wired model of a PV array with 3 modules is also shown. Induced Voltages in single PV Modules In each loop, no matter if it is an internal wiring loop in the module or an external wiring loop, a lightning current induces a voltage in that loop: Induced voltage in a loop: u = M⋅di/dt . (M = mutual inductance between current path and loop). In a PV module with cristalline cells there are at least two internal wiring loops. In principle, depending on the orientation of these internal wiring loops, the voltages induced in these loops can add or (partially) compensate. 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct. 22 – Oct. 26, 2001 However, the situation is more complicated owing to the bypass diodes, which are usually mounted across these internal wiring loops, as these are either conducting or reverse biased according to the polarity of the induced voltage. Taking into account the effect of bypass diodes, three different types of modules were identified: • Additive modules with even row number (most frequent type, example: Kyocera KC60): Depending on the direction of the lightning current, induced voltages in the internal loops add (bypass diodes reverse biased) or are 0 (bypass diodes forward biased and conducting). • Compensating modules with even row numbers (example: Solarex MSX 60/64): Different polarities of the induced voltages in the loops. Half of the loops are short circuited by their bypass diodes. Only half of the loops are active and contribute to the measured induced voltage at the terminals. • Compensating modules with three rows (example: Siemens SM46 / SM55): Different polarities of the induced voltages in the loops. One of the two loops is short circuited by its bypass diode. Only the other loop is active and determines the measured induced voltage at the terminals. The highest induced voltages occur in the beginning of the lightning current. In the first moment, all solar cells of a module are shunted by a large capacitance (a few µF per cell). Therefore a good approximation for the maximum induced voltage can be obtained by calculating the voltage in a wire going through the centres of the solar cells which are part of the internal wiring loop. 2.1 Induced Voltages in an additive Module (Kyocera KC60) in parallel Position This module is an additive module with four cell rows. It is rated for 60Wp at STC, 0.751 m long and 0.652 m wide. Fig. 4 shows the position of the module and the current conductor during the test. Fig. 5: Induced voltages in KC60 without frame in parallel position according to fig. 4 . di/dtmax = 25 kA/µs. As voltage dividers 100:1 are used, actual voltages are 100 times higher. Fig. 6: Induced voltages in KC60 with metal (Al) frame in parallel position according to fig. 4. di/dtmax = 25 kA/µs, actual voltages 100 times higher. A comparison between fig. 5 and fig. 6 shows, that if there is no metal frame, the induced voltages in both loops are much higher, as there is no compensating current circulating in the frame that reduces the magnetic field in loop 1 and 2 and therefore also the induced voltage. The stress of the internal insulation is much higher for modules without a frame. Measured maximum induced voltages depend on distance from the lightning current (see fig. 7). dc Induced voltage in module KC60 ∆V caused by lightning current with di/dtmax = 25kA/µs (module parallel to current) 10000 + Black full lines : Total voltage at module terminals Gray dotted lines: Voltage in inner loop Triangles + squares: Measured values V2 CH2 - dm1 i Induced voltage in V V1 CH1 KC60 without frame 1000 KC60 with metal frame dm2 100 100 1000 Distance d from lightning current in mm ground plate Fig. 4: PV module KC60 mounted in parallel position, both loops open circuit (dm1 = 450mm, dm2 = 900mm) Fig. 5 displays the induced voltages in a module without frame, fig. 6 the induced voltages under the very same conditions in a similar module with metal frame. Fig. 7: Induced voltages in additive PV module KC 60 in parallel position with and without metal frame for different distances d = dm1 from simulated lightning current. All measured values were normalised to di/dtmax = 25kA/µs. If the module is relatively close to the lightning current, even an overcompensation may occur (see fig. 6). In a practical application this would mean that like with 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct. 22 – Oct. 26, 2001 2.2 Induced Voltages in an additive Module (Kyocera KC60) in normal Position Similar tests were also carried out with the module in normal position (long side of module normal to lightning current) in the test layout shown in fig. 8. The resulting induced voltages are indicated in fig. 9. Frame-Reduction-Factor RF for induced voltages in PV modules with metal frame 6 Frame-Reduction Factor RF compensating modules only the voltage of one loop appears at the terminals. In order to avoid unnecessary bypass diode defects, the measurements shown were carried out without bypass diodes (conducting diodes were replaced by short-circuits). 5.5 5 KC60p KC60n 4.5 MSX60p 4 MSX60n SM46p 3.5 SM46n 3 2.5 0.1 1 dc 100 Fig. 10: Frame reduction factors RF for induced voltages measured at different modules. For greater distances a mathematical model was used. i CH1 + dm1 V1 ∆V - V2 CH2 dm2 ground plate Fig. 8: PV module KC60 mounted in normal position, both loops open circuit (dm1 = 450mm, dm2 = 1000mm) Induced voltage in module KC60 caused by lightning current with di/dtmax = 25kA/µs (module normal to current) 10000 Black full lines : Total voltage at module terminals Gray dotted lines: Voltage in one loop Triangles + squares: Measured values Induced voltage in V 10 Distance d from lightning current in m KC60 without frame 1000 KC60 with metal frame Similar tests performed with a SOLRIF module resulted in comparable values of RF . The results of the tests with single modules showed a considerable reduction of induced voltages in modules with metal frames (typically by a factor of 3 to 5) owing to a circulating current in the frame which reduces the magnetic field in the module. Therefore the use of modules with a metal frame is preferable in PV plants exposed to lightning strokes. With compensating modules (e.g. SM55 or MSX 64), under the same conditions the induced voltage referred to module area is up to a factor of 2 lower than the (worst-case) induced voltage of additive modules (e.g. KC60) of the same area. 2.4 Influence of Aluminium Foil on Backside In order to determine the influence of a metal foil on the back side of a PV-module on induced voltages, some tests were carried out with an additive module, the most common type of module. Tests were carried out with a KC60 without and with aluminium frame. To eliminate any differences between different module types, for this purpose an additional metal foil was stuck right on the glass surface in front of a module previously measured without foil. At the module with frame, a distance of about 5 mm was maintained to the edges of the metal frame in order to avoid flashover. All tests were done with the module in parallel position according to fig. 4. Induced voltage in module KC60 caused by lightning current with di/dt max = 25kA/µs (module parallel to current) 10000 100 100 Black full lines : Total voltage without aluminium foil Gray dotted lines: Total voltage with aluminium foil Triangles + squares: Measured values 1000 Fig. 9: Induced voltages in additive PV module KC 60 in normal position with and without metal frame for different distances d = dm1 from simulated lightning current. All measured values were normalised to di/dtmax = 25kA/µs. Induced voltage in V Distance d from lightning current in mm KC60 without frame 1000 KC60 with metal frame 100 2.3 Frame Reduction Factor RF Similar tests like those described in section 2.1 and 2.2 were also carried out with other types of modules (MSX60/64, a compensating module with 4 cell rows, and SM46, a compensating module with 3 cell rows). In order to compare different modules with and without frame, a frame reduction factor RF can be defined (ratio between the maximum induced voltage without and with frame). RF depends on the module type and on the distance between the module to the lightning current (see fig. 10). 10 100 Distance d from lightning current in mm 1000 Fig. 11: Total induced voltages in additive PV module KC 60 in parallel position with and without metal frame and with and without an aluminium foil for different distances d = dm1 from simulated lightning current. All measured values were normalised to di/dtmax = 25kA/µs. 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct. 22 – Oct. 26, 2001 With an aluminium foil, measured induced voltages were between a factor of 7 to 10 lower than without foil under the same conditions. An aluminium foil is therefore an effective means to reduce the voltage induced by nearby lightning currents considerably. Earlier experiences a few years ago have shown that aluminium foils may make it difficult to achieve a sufficiently high impulse voltage withstand capability (required for instance for protection class II modules). However, with a sufficient backside insulation and a distance of a few mm to a metal frame, this problem could probably be solved. 2.5 Bypass Diodes A weak point discovered in many modules were the bypass diodes, which were often destroyed by excessive voltage or current transients. After excessive reverse voltage stresses these diodes mostly were short circuited. This may be very dangerous in PV arrays with many strings in parallel without any overcurrent protection in the strings (as proposed in some drafts for standards). In PV arrays that are designed to survive nearby lightning strokes, bypass diodes with a reverse voltage rating of 1000V or even higher should be used. In addition in large PV arrays with many strings in parallel overcurrent protection devices in the strings should be used in this case. ning protection system (e.g. to avoid flashover due to insufficient distance), the best method is to use a shielded DC main line, whose shield is connected to the metallic frames on the PV generator side and grounded on the other side, with surge arresters from + and – to ground on both sides of the cable. A simpler, but less efficient method is the use of a ground conductor of sufficient cross section very close to the DC main line, but in this case a significant part of the lightning current will flow through the surge arresters. Unfortunately is very difficult to find surge arresters which are capable of handling significant parts of lightning currents on the market. 5 Conclusion Due to space limitations, only a short overview could be given in this paper. An extended series, dealing thoroughly with the problem of lightning protection of PV systems and giving much more details about the tests performed, was published in [6]. IMPORTANT NOTICE Information contained in this paper is believed to be accurate. However, errors can never be completely excluded. Therefore any liability in a legal sense for correctness and completeness of the information or from any damage that might result from its use is formally disclaimed. 2.6 Influence of framed Neighbour Modules ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Under otherwise identical conditions, voltages induced in a certain module are influenced by the presence of neighbouring modules with metallic frames, in which a circulating current can be induced. If there are neighbouring modules closer to the lightning current, the induced voltage in the module is increased. In one case, measured induced voltage nearly doubled due to a similar module closer to the lightning current. On the other hand, neighbouring modules at greater distances reduce induced voltages. Initial experiments about sensitivity of PV modules against lightning currents were carried out already in 1990-1993 by several students working towards their diploma thesis. Most of the work described in this paper was done during the EU project PV-EMI, JOR3 CT98 0217 (Partners: FhG/ISE (BRD), HTA Burgdorf (CH) and KEMA (NL)). This project was funded by Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft (BBW) in Berne. My thanks go to all persons involved in these projects for their valuable contributions. Special thanks go to my former colleague, Dr. R. Minkner, who participated not only in the early work with students, but also in the EU project, and to Mr. R. Fischer, who was project assistant at HTA Burgdorf during this EU project. 3 Induced Voltages in PV Arrays Despite the non-linear characteristic of solar cells, for maximum values of induced voltages occurring in the beginning of lightning currents, the superposition law proved to be still valid. Therefore maximum voltages in wired PV arrays can be calculated by adding the voltages induced in the modules of a string and the voltage induced in the wiring. Low area of the wiring loop can keep this wiring voltage low. This can not always be realised in practical PV generators. Tests showed that metallic frames of modules reduce the voltage induced in the wiring by a similar frame reduction factor RF (see fig. 10) like the voltages induced in the modules, if the wiring is in (and within the boundaries of) the module plane. 4 Methods of Grounding and Lightning Protection of PV Arrays Extended experiments were also carried out with models of PV arrays and different kinds of DC main cables to determine the need and the optimum method of grounding and the proper use of surge arresters. To protect a PV generator against direct lightning strokes, the best possibility is to place it into the protected area of a lightning protection system according to EN61024. If modules with metallic frames or a metallic support structure are used, these elements should be grounded by a ground conductor placed as close to the DC main line as possible. If there is an additional connection to the light- REFERENCES [1] H. Häberlin and R. Minkner: "Tests of Lightning Withstand Capability and Measurements of Induced Voltages at a Model of a PV-System with ZnO-Surge-Arresters". Proc. 11th EC-PV-conf., Montreux, 1992. [2] H. Häberlin and R. Minkner: "A simple Method for Lightning Protection of PV-Systems". Proc. 12th EU PV Conference, Amsterdam 1994. [3] S.A.M. Verhoeven: "Short-circuit behaviour and lightning induced voltages in solar modules". Proc. 12th EU PV Conference, Amsterdam 1994. [4] S.A.M. Verhoeven, J.A.J Pettinga: "Lightning induced voltages in a solar array to improve the grounding structure". Proc. 13th EU PV Conference, Nice 1995. [5] European Commission: "Lightning and Overvoltage Protection in Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Systems", General Information, Thermie-B Programme Action No. SME-166298-DE. Authors: H. Becker, W. Vaassen, F. Vassen, M. Bosanac and I. Katic. TÜV Rheinland, D-51105 Köln, 2000. [6] H. Häberlin: "Blitzschutz von Photovoltaikanlagen". Elektrotechnik 4/2001 bis 10/2001. (extended series of 6 parts in German) [7] Publishable Final Report: „Development of standard test procedures for electromagnetic interference (EMI) tests and evaluations on photovoltaic components and plants (PV-EMI Project)“. Contract JOR3 CT98 0217, Aug. 2000. Further information about the research activities of HTA Burgdorf’s PV laboratory on the internet: http://www.pvtest.ch