How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher's Statement

How to Use an AAM
Consumer Magazine
Publisher’s Statement
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
AAM (previously Audit Bureau of Circulations) has
audited consumer magazines since its inception
in 1914. As publications increasingly become
multi-platform brands, AAM has developed new
products and services to meet its members’
needs. Consolidated Media Reports (CMR) present circulation, website traffic and other auditable
media in one single report. This gives potential
advertisers a comprehensive way to look at a
brand and its vitality.
This booklet is designed to help you understand
each paragraph of the publisher’s statement for
paid, verified and analyzed nonpaid circulation.
Please also note that AAM offers more information about its rules, reporting requirements and
specific guidelines on its website.
Table of Contents
Reporting and Circulation................................. 2
Publisher’s Statement........................................ 3
Terms and Definitions for Paragraph 6.......... 10
Resource Tools................................................. 12
Glossary............................................................ 14
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
AAM releases data on consumer magazine
members in four basic reports:
1) Publisher’s statements
2) Audit reports
3) Snapshot (formerly FAS-FAX) reports
4) AAM Rapid Report
Publisher’s Statement: All publisher members are required to report their circulation on
an AAM publisher’s statement. For consumer
magazine members, this is represented by a
pink-colored statement or “pink sheet.” Publishers file their circulation claims with AAM for
the six-month periods ending on June 30 and
December 31.
Five types of publisher’s statements:
• Paid, verified and analyzed
nonpaid circulation
• Paid and verified with digital editions
• Paid and verified circulation
• Analyzed nonpaid circulation
Audit Report: An AAM audit report is a
standardized document that reports the objective findings of AAM’s audit of a publication’s
circulation. Audit Reports verify the information
reported in publisher’s statements filed for the
same period.
Snapshot (formerly FAS-FAX) Reports: This
report reflects top-line circulation information
for all AAM member publications by skimming preliminary data from filed publisher’s
statement claims and lists it side-by-side, in
alphabetical order, by publication name. These
reports are issued twice a year for the June 30
and December 31 six-month reporting periods.
Snapshot is widely referenced by those who
often need a quick, current summary of
circulation trends and changes.
AAM Rapid Report: This online circulation
reporting tool allows magazine publishers to
voluntarily report their top-line circulation data
on an issue-by-issue basis within weeks of the
on-sale or distribution date.
Paid Circulation: The consumer must pay
at least one cent, net of all considerations, for
either a subscription or single copy to qualify
and be classified as paid circulation.
Verified Circulation: Verified circulation is
defined as subscription copies designated by
publishers for readership in public places or intended for individual use by recipients who are
likely to have a strong affinity for the content
of the magazine. No payment is necessary to
qualify a recipient for verified reporting.
Verified public place is a category used
typically for hotel, airline and waiting
room copies.
Verified individual use is a category in
which individual recipients receive
the magazine either through an individual
request or an opt-out opportunity.
Digital Edition Circulation: The label “digital
edition” is used to describe distribution of a
magazine’s content via electronic means. The
digital edition must maintain the same identity
of the host publication by maintaining the same
name/logotype characteristics.
A digital edition may be classified as paid subscription/single copy or individually requested
verified where access is restricted to those
individuals in either replica or nonreplica formats. Replica editions may also be classified
as analyzed nonpaid bulk circulation accessed
by a consumer via an unrestricted website.
Analyzed Nonpaid Circulation: This circulation falls into one of the four subcategories,
each with their own unique qualification criteria,
none of which involves payment for the subscription:
Analyzed nonpaid list source – Those
individuals receiving the magazine based
upon criteria involving a list source.
Analyzed nonpaid bulk – Copies of the
magazine delivered to locations where
the intent is to redistribute the magazine
to unknown recipients.
Analyzed nonpaid market coverage
circulation defined – Copies of the
magazine served to recipients known
only by address.
Analyzed nonpaid delivered with host
products defined – Copies of a
magazine inserted into another
publication for distribution.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Publisher’s Statement
Report Masthead
The official name of the publication is
shown at the top of the publisher’s statement. The publication may include a
graphic of its official title as a heading
on the front page.
Field served is a general statement by the publisher describing
the magazine’s market(s) and/or occupations to whose interest
the publication’s editorial content is directed.
Definition of list source recipient is a statement by the publisher specifying list sources used for delivery of analyzed nonpaid list source
Method of circulation is the publisher’s general statement specifying
how each analyzed nonpaid recipient and/or analyzed nonpaid bulk
location is to receive the publication.
Other highlights include:
• Publishing company
• Frequency of the publication
• AAM member number
Paragraph 1
Total Average Paid, Verified &
Analyzed Nonpaid Circulation
This paragraph reports the average circulation of all issues whose cover dates
fall within the six-month period covered
by the statement.
It includes the average for the statement
period along with a percentage of the
total, the rate base, the quantity above
or below rate base and a percentage.
Total average circulation is broken out in segments:
– Paid (print and digital)
– Verified (print and digital)
• Single copy (print and digital)
• Analyzed nonpaid
The primary rate base, if used, will consist of both paid and
verified subscription circulation. In situations where a publisher
elects to make a rate base claim for a segment of circulation,
such as paid only or verified only, the explanatory paragraph
may be used to disclose this additional information.
Any verified circulation is broken out in paragraph 6A verified
public place and paragraph 6B verified individual use.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 2
Suggested Retail Prices
This paragraph reports the publication’s suggested one-year subscription and single-copy
cover price for the six-month reporting period.
Average Price
Paragraph 2 also reports the average net subscription price for the 12 months prior to the start of the publisher’s
statement period. For example, a publisher’s statement for a June 2012 reporting period will report average price
for the 12-month period ending December 2010.
The reporting of net average subscription price is mandatory for paid subscriptions on a per-copy and annualized basis.
Annualized data is obtained by multiplying the average per copy price by the number of issues in the period covered by
the average price reporting.
Net price reporting excludes:
• Premium values
•Transfers •
• Nondeductible clubs
Subscriptions canceled for nonpayment
Copies sold as public place/sponsored
Any foreign subscriptions
Gross average price reporting is optional. If a publication chooses to report gross average subscription price, the
sources of business that are excluded from net average price calculations are also excluded from gross average
subscription price except for the following:
Premium values
Subscriptions canceled for nonpayment
For paid subscriptions only: What is net versus gross?
Net Average Price: Gross individual subscriptions and dollars minus the values of premium inducements and credit cancellations.
Gross Average Price: Gross individual subscriptions and dollars.
Essentially, gross includes premium and credit cancel values and net excludes premium and credit cancel values.
Paragraph 3
Paid, Verified & Analyzed
Nonpaid Circulation By Issue
The average of the issues shown in paragraph 3 (except for special issues) will always equal the total average paid, verified
and analyzed nonpaid circulation shown in
paragraph 1. Special issues will be listed
in this paragraph, however they will not be
included in the average of paragraph 1.
Publications that have digital editions will
show a breakout by print and digital replica
(paragraph 3) and nonreplica (paragraph
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 4
Average Circulation by Regional,
Metro & Demographic Editions
Any edition of a national publication that
is regularly sold as a separate advertising vehicle is listed individually in paragraph 4. This includes regional, metro
and demographic editions offered for
separate advertising sales according to
the publication’s rate card. If the publication reports a rate base for any edition, it
must be reported in this paragraph.
It is important to remember that some of these editions
may overlap, be noninclusive or have fewer issues than
the frequency of the national edition. Their sum does
not necessarily add up to the full national
average listed in paragraph 1.
Paragraph 5
Trend Analysis
This paragraph is compiled by AAM and
represents a five-year trend analysis for
the circulation categories reported in
paragraph 1 as well as average annualized subscription prices. Regardless of the
audit period, a January through December
average is reported.
A percent of change will be shown for a
year over year basis for total circulation. If
a rate base was reported, then this element
as well as the average price (annualized)
for each year is also disclosed.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 6
Supplemental Analysis of Average
Paid, Verified & Analyzed Nonpaid
This paragraph provides a detailed analysis
of circulation by category reported in paragraph 1 of the publisher’s statement.
If an asterisk appears next to the category,
then the sales for that category were included in the paragraph 2 average price calculation. This is annotated at the bottom of the
Terms and definitions of these categories
can be found on pages 10 and 11.
If verified circulation is reported in
paragraph 1, a publisher must
report it in paragraphs 6A and 6B.
Paragraph 6A
Additional Analysis of
Verified Public Place
This paragraph provides further analysis
of verified public place circulation for the
period covered by the statement.
The breakout reports the top five distribution locations from a standardized list of
sources maintained in the verified circulation guide on AAM’s website. The remaining
circulation is reported under “other.”
Paragraph 6B
Additional Analysis of Verified Individual Use
Verified individual circulation represents copies delivered to individual readers who would likely have a strong affinity for the editorial content of the
publication. Examples of this type of circulation may be names obtained
from lists, individually requested, etc.
The breakout reports the top five sources used to acquire consumer names.
Remaining circulation is reported under “other.” A standardized listing of
sources is maintained on the AAM website in the verified circulation guide.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 7
Geographic Data for the
Month, Year issue
This paragraph reports circulation
by geographic area for a single issue
in the publisher’s statement reporting period (also referred to as the
“analyzed issue”). It identifies circulation for the 48 contiguous states
in alphabetical order, then Alaska,
Hawaii and U.S. Possessions. Data
is also provided for Canada, international and military subscriptions, if
any were served.
At least once in each 12-month
period, publishers must report actual
counted figures in each of these categories by state and province. The
next selected issue can be based on
either a proration of that counted issue or on another analysis.
Analysis by ABCD County Size
(for one issue)
These groups represent county
size ranging from the largest to the
smallest, using U.S. Census data and
defined by A.C. Nielsen Company for
the contiguous 48 states. This analysis is required for U.S. magazines
with circulation of more than 500,000
and for Canadian magazines with
circulation of more than 100,000.
U.S. Criteria
A. All counties located within the 25 largest metropolitan areas
B. All counties not included under A. that have a population of more than 150,000
C. All counties not included under A. or B. that have a population of more than 35,000
D. All remaining counties
Canadian Criteria
A. All counties, in whole or in part, within the boundaries of Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs)
B. All counties not included under A. that have a population of more than 25,000
C. All counties, in whole or in part, that have a population of more than 25,000 and other
counties containing a population of 10,000 or more
D. All remaining counties
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 8
Analysis of Total New
and Renewal Paid
Individual Subscriptions
Paragraph 8 shows information
concerning the terms, use of premiums in subscription selling and sales
sources. Subscriptions reported here
(new and renewal) are gross numbers
for subscription sales that qualify as
paid under AAM definitions. These
are subscriptions sold during the sixmonth period covered by the publisher’s statement as opposed to the
average circulation numbers shown
in paragraph 1. In other words, this
paragraph excludes orders for paid
sponsored subscriptions, all verified
subscriptions, single-copy sales and
analyzed nonpaid circulation. Consumer magazines have up to seven
months to collect for these subscriptions, some of which may cancel.
Paragraph 8A
Duration - This subparagraph
describes the length of subscription terms sold during the statement
Paragraph 8B
Use of Premiums - A publisher’s use or non-use of premiums in subscription
selling is shown in this subparagraph. Categories include:
(1)Ordered without premium are subscriptions sold in consideration of
monetary payment alone.
(2)Ordered with material reprinted from this publication are subscriptions
sold involving editorial premiums. The explanatory paragraph 9 will
contain a description of the editorial premium(s).
(3)Ordered with other premiums reports the subscriptions sold with a product that is being used as a premium. To qualify these subscriptions, the publisher is required to collect the full value of the premium(s) in
addition to the subscription price of one cent or more. The explanatory paragraph 9 will contain a description of the premium(s).
Paragraph 8C
Channels - This subparagraph describes the channels in which the subscriptions were obtained.
Ordered by subscriber action via direct mail, direct mail agents,
inserts, online, renewals, catalogs, or other outlets available to
the subscribers. This includes all new sales generated through channels
where the subscriber(s) initiated action and renewals of subscriptions
generated through publishers or their agents.
(b) Ordered by subscribers in response to unsolicited telemarketing
and door-to-door selling. This includes new sales where the publisher
or their agent make solicitation efforts through outbound telemarketing or
door-to-door sales to new subscribers.
(c) Ordered by subscribers in response to fundraising programs of
schools, churches, and other similar organizations. Self-explanatory.
(d) Subscriptions as part of membership in an organization. The
explanatory paragraph 9 will contain a description of subscriptions
sold in conjunction with an association or club membership.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 9
In this section, publishers must disclose
further details and explanations of data
reported in the other paragraphs of the
publisher’s statement. Some of the
explanations that may be included are:
• Other publisher’s prices (foreign, two-year, three-year)
• Premium offers
• Sweepstakes offers
• Explanation of any circulation reported in paragraph 6
• Disclosure of post-expire copies
• Disclosure of verified paid distribution
This paragraph also lists the average total nonanalyzed nonpaid circulation for the publisher’s statement period.
These are copies that were distributed during the period, but did not meet AAM’s rules for inclusion in paid or
analyzed nonpaid circulation. The major contributions to this category are copies supplied to advertisers and
agencies and copies served on credit that were canceled later due to nonpayment.
If a publication reports digital circulation, the descriptions will be contained in this paragraph.
Paragraph 10
This paragraph lists the circulation as
disclosed on the latest released audit
report. It identifies if any difference existed between the circulation claimed
by the publisher and the results of the
AAM audit for the same time period.
Signature Block
The signature block at the end of
each publisher’s statement shows
the name and address of the publication’s circulation director and publisher, which testifies that the information in their publisher’s statement
is reported in accordance with AAM’s
bylaws and rules.
This section also lists:
•Parent company
•Telephone, fax and URL of the
publishing company
•Sales offices
•Date established
•AAM membership date
We certify that to the best of our knowledge all data set forth in this publisher’s statement are true and report
circulation in accordance with the Alliance for Audited Media’s bylaws and rules.
Parent Company:
PROTYPE MAGAZINE, published by XYZ Publications, 123 Any Lane, Anytown, IL 60000
Circulation DirectorPublisher
Sales OfficeEstablished:
P: F: URL:
Remember that the figures cited in the AAM
publisher’s statement are subject to audit.
Audited findings are issued in an annual
audit report.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Terms & Definitions for Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
Supplemental Analysis of Average Paid & Verified Circulation
Paid Subscriptions
Individual Subscriptions
Subscriptions ordered and paid by an individual.
Combination Subscriptions [Rule F 8.4]
Subscriptions to two or more different publications sold at a special combination
Association [Rule F 2.4]
Subscriptions received as part of membership in an association, organization or
Deductible: The subscription amount is deductible from association fees or dues.
Nondeductible: The subscription amount is included in association fees or dues
and are not deductible.
Club Membership [Rule F 2.7]
Subscriptions served to individuals as a result of membership in a club or similar
organization who belong for a common purpose.
Deductible: The subscription amount is deductible from club/membership fees or dues, meaning the member may decline the subscription and deduct the value of the subscription from the club’s membership dues.
Nondeductible: The subscription amount is included in club/membership fees
or dues and are not deductible.
Deferred [Rule F 7.1]
Individual subscriptions served a month or more late, usually from copies unsold
from initial distribution and returned by distributor.
Loyalty/Award Point [Rule F 8.9]
Subscriptions acquired through the redemption of accrued award credits or loyalty
points (e.g., frequent flyer miles, credit card member points). Essentially, the “currency” used to pay for the subscription is loyalty/award points. Partnership [Rule F 2.6]
Subscriptions served to individuals that are tied to a partnership agreement
(e.g., subscription to a magazine partnered with the purchase of season tickets
to a sporting or cultural event).
Deductible: The subscription amount is deductible at the point of sale, meaning
the consumer may decline the subscription and deduct the value from the
partnered good or service.
Sponsored Sales [Rule F 2.1]
Subscriptions purchased in quantities of 11 or more that promote the professional or
business interests of the purchaser.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Paragraph 6 - cont’d
Supplemental Analysis of Average Paid & Verified Circulation
Verified Subscriptions [Rule F 15.1]
Public Place
Two categories of subscription service may be reported as public place distribution:
1) Copies intended for use in waiting rooms by patrons of the business location
2) Copies delivered to hotels for placement in rooms for use by guests
Individual Use
Copies delivered to a consumer who would likely have a strong affinity for the editorial
content of the publication.
Single-Copy Sales
Copies of a magazine sold at newsstands, racks in grocery stores, etc. as opposed to a
subscription. Data is broken out in the following categories:
• Single-issue sales
• Combination sales (see Rule F 8.4)
•Partnership (see previous page)
• Sponsored sales (see previous page)
Analyzed Nonpaid
Copies of a magazine that are distributed free of charge to defined recipients, or are available
for pickup at designated locations. Data is broken out in the following categories:
List source: Copies distributed to individual recipients as a result of their name appearing
on a qualified list. Individuals must meet “definition of list source recipient.” Consecutive
issuance is required.
Market coverage: Copies individually addressed or delivered where consecutive issuance is not measured.
• Delivered with host products: Copies that act as inserts to another publication (the “host”).
Nonpaid bulk: Circulation delivered to designated locations for redistribution to
recipients unknown to the publisher.
What’s the difference between an association and a club?
An association is a nonprofit or not-for-profit organization that is governed by a board of directors.
A club is a for-profit organization.
What’s the difference between club/memberships and partnerships?
Club/memberships infer ongoing relationships or access to a group or facility because of
the membership status or ongoing communications.
Partnerships infer single transaction relationships of purchase of products or services.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Resource Tools
AAM’s Media Intelligence Center is unique in the industry. AAM
members have access to data on more than 1,000 periodicals.
Analysis and data-mining tools feature built-in standard reports
and include 10 years of historical circulation data. In addition,
special requests can be converted into customized reports.
A suite of online products provides a wealth of targeted circulation and research study data. These easy-to-use resource tools
provide time-saving features and functionality, including:
• Vital historical data
• Multiple query capabilities • Save and retrieve lists
• A full range of search options
• Standard market area data
• Download to Excel
Periodical Analyzer [publisher’s statement data]
Available as a full product or in separate modules for all consumer magazines or business publications, Canadian/International
consumer magazines and all U.S./Canadian farm publications.
Magazine Trends [publisher’s statement data]
This online report provides objective information on a large number of AAM-audited consumer magazines. A five-year tabulation
of paid, verified and nonpaid total circulation and rate base data
for U.S. and Canadian periodicals is published annually. Tracks
single-copy sales and subscriptions, prices, premiums, postexpiration copies and advertising page rates. Offers a built-in
online historical archive.
Magazine Market Coverage [county analysis]
A quick reference to current circulation aligned to standard
market areas (DMA or MSA/CBSA) for publications that analyze
their net paid and verified circulation by county and release this
information in a Supplemental Data Report. Available as a full
set or separately by market or by publication for either DMA or
Total Circ – Users have the ability to search top-line circulation data online from Snapshot by publisher title, U.S. SRDS or
Canadian CARD classifications.
Media Rebate Analysis Tool
With AAM’s Media Rebate Analysis Tool there’s no need to populate your own database because AAM data is immediately available. Rebate estimates from post-media buys can be automatically calculated with this time-saving tool. Four types of calculations are available with the option to perform calculations based
on AAM report rate base or advertiser rate base guarantee.
Reference CD-ROMs
Statement Library
Compilation of annual publisher’s statements for all AAM
periodical members in PDF format. Released semiannually. Available in various modules as a single order or annual
GEO/CIRC Periodicals [publisher’s statement data]
Spreadsheet formats available as a full product, separate modules include:
• Mag-Circ Set or individually
•Geo – Geographic data, including total circulation,
subscriptions and single-copy sales by state across
U.S. regions, Canadian and international
•I-Comp – Total paid and verified circulation and
rate base by issue
•Subs – Total new and renewal subscriptions broken
out by time intervals
•Trends – Five years of circulation trends from
paragraph 1
•DMA or CBSA – County circulation detail aligned
to market areas for all AAM-audited magazines
that report paid county circulation via a
supplemental data report
Reports Library – Thousands of current and historical publisher’s statements and audit reports are constantly updated as new
reports are released.
Snapshot – Get the latest top-line circulation summary data
from publisher’s statements. Magazine Snapshot is issued twice
a year with a supplement released approximately two weeks
Canadian Circulation of U.S. Magazines – This annual report
contains circulation data by province and percent coverage of
total circulation for all U.S. magazines that break out Canadian
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
AAM Rapid Report:
More Frequent Circulation Estimates
AAM Rapid Report is a tool that allows consumer magazine
publishers to report their top-line circulation figures within weeks
of the on-sale or distribution date. Beginning in July 2013, U.S.
magazines with circulation of 250,000 and over are required to
file via Rapid Report. AAM members have free access to the data
through the Media Intelligence Center.
AAM Rapid Report includes (as applicable):
• Subscriptions, paid and verified
• Total paid and verified subscriptions
• Single-copy sales
• Total paid and verified circulation
• Paid and verified rate base
• Average analyzed nonpaid circulation
• Total paid, verified and analyzed nonpaid circulation
• Amount and percent above or below rate base
• Robust search capabilities include selecting publications by title, parent company
or SRDS classifications.
• Publishers are able to update or change the data as necessary. A history of changes is available.
• At the end of the six-month reporting period, the AAM Rapid Report program will
automatically calculate a six-month average for each line item. These averages will be
compared to the publisher’s statement average from that same period.
• The reporting publication’s audit report will include a reconciliation of any
differences between the AAM Rapid Report submissions versus the final audited numbers.
AAM members may access Rapid Report data in the Media Intelligence Center.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Advertising rate base is the publisher-provided assumption
of circulation performance (also referred to as the circulation
Distribution is the total number of copies distributed per
issue whether paid, verified, analyzed nonpaid or unpaid.
Analyzed nonpaid circulation are copies of a publication
that are distributed free of charge to defined recipients, or are
available for pickup at designated locations.
Distributor is a general term applied to carriers, dealers,
street vendors and all others who sell publications as a vocation or part of their vocation. This term also covers those
who resell publications (“middlemen”).
Association subscriptions are those subscriptions received as part of membership in an association.
Draw is the number of copies delivered to distributors or
other outlets for single-copy sales.
Average annualized price is the average price of individual
subscriptions sold in a 12-month period – presented in a
manner reflecting a one-year subscription.
Edition refers to copies of the total distribution of an issue
in which the editorial and/or advertising content varies by
region, demographics and/or metro areas.
Average paid, verified or analyzed nonpaid is circulation
calculated by dividing the total circulation of all the issues
during the reporting period by the total number of issues.
Expiration is the end of the subscription period.
Back copies are issues of a publication that immediately
precede the appearance of the next issue for sale.
Checking copy is a copy of the publication sent to an
advertiser or advertising agency for verification of advertising
Club/membership are those subscriptions served to individuals as a result of membership in a club or similar organization who belong for a common purpose.
Collection stimulant is an inducement used by the publication to stimulate prompt payment after the subscription order
has been received.
Combination sales are subscriptions to two or more different publications sold at a special combined price.
Complimentary copies are given as a courtesy.
Credit subscription is a subscription for which payment is
not made at time of order.
Deferred subscriptions are those served to individuals a
month or more late, usually from copies unsold from initial
distribution and returned by distributor.
Delivered with host products are magazines that act as
inserts to another publication.
Extension is when a subscription goes beyond its original
expire date, due to lowered subscription price or reduced
frequency of issue.
Field served is the publisher’s description of the markets or
occupations whose interest the editorial content is directed.
Frequency is the period issuance of a publication (e.g.,
monthly, weekly).
Fulfillment is the procedures involved in delivering copies
of a publication to recipients.
Galley is a list of all subscribers to a publication (mailing
Gift subscriptions are those subscriptions paid for by one
other than the recipient, used as a gift and not to promote
the interest of the donor.
Individual paid subscriptions are those subscriptions
ordered and paid for by an individual qualifying as paid in
accordance with AAM rules.
Installment subscriptions are subscriptions that are paid
in installments within the subscription period.
List source refers to copies distributed to individual
recipients as a result of their name appearing on
a qualified list.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Loyalty/award programs promote brand loyalty and
increase sales volume of discretionary goods and services.
There are qualification standards for reporting magazine sales
as paid circulation when the “currency” used for remittance is
loyalty or award points.
Market coverage refers to magazine copies that are individually addressed or delivered where consecutive issuance
is not measured.
Net press run refers to the total copies printed suitable for
Newsdealer is a merchant with a fixed place of doing business who buys newspapers or periodicals to sell again at
Nondeductible from dues refers to subscriptions to an
association’s or club’s publication in which the subscription
price is automatically included as part of dues – regardless of
whether the member wishes to receive the publication.
Nonpaid bulk refers to copies delivered to designated locations for redistribution to recipients unknown to the publisher.
Nonreturnable is a term used for dealers or other distributors who purchase copies of the publication with the understanding that they must pay for all copies purchased whether
they sell them or not. These copies are not subject to credit
on being returned.
Paid subscription is a subscription paid in accordance with
AAM rules defining a paid subscriber.
Partnership subscriptions are those that are served to
individuals that are tied to a partnership agreement (e.g.,
subscription to a magazine partnered with the purchase of
season tickets to a sporting or cultural event).
Post-expiration copies (formerly known as “arrears”) are
copies sent to subscribers consecutively for up to three
months after expiration of the subscription term.
Premium is anything, except periodicals, offered to a potential or renewing subscriber, either free or at a price, to induce
a subscription order.
Publisher’s interim statement may be issued at the
publisher’s option. These are often used to report significant
changes in circulation and are subject to audit.
Publisher’s statements are circulation claims made by the
publisher and reported by AAM. These are subject to audit.
Renewal refers to a subscription that has been renewed
prior to, at or within a period after expiration, permitted under
AAM rules.
Returnable refers to copies of publications sold to distributors under agreement to take back unsold issues.
• Fully returnable means that all copies sold to any and all
distributors may be returned if unsold.
• Limited returnable is used when:
1) A part of the distribution is sold on a
returnable basis and part on a nonreturnable basis.
2) Distributors are allowed the return privilege but only of a certain percentage of the quantity purchased.
Returns are copies left unsold by dealers or other retail
Short-term subscriptions are those that are secured for
less than a year.
Single-copy sales are copies of a magazine sold at newsstands, racks in grocery stores, etc. as opposed to a subscription.
Split-run is the insertion or substitution of different advertising content for a portion of the distribution of an edition or of
an issue for either a newspaper or periodical.
Subscription-selling agency may be an individual, firm
or corporation that obtains subscriptions for two or more
Suggested retail price is the price at which a publication can
be purchased by anyone, without limitation, for a definite duration. This is in contrast to a special price for a limited period or
to a limited class or under limited conditions.
Total paid is a sum of all classes of a publication’s distribution for which the ultimate purchasers have paid in accordance with AAM rules.
Trial subscriptions are the result from test offers.
Unpaid copies are those distributed either entirely free
or at a price inadequate to qualify as paid according to
AAM rules.
Verified circulation are subscription copies
designated by publishers for readership in public
places or intended for individual use by
recipients who are likely to have a strong
affinity for the content of the magazine.
Wholesalers are distributors of newspapers or periodicals to retailers.
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
The Alliance for Audited Media is a not-for-profit organization that connects North
America’s leading media companies, advertisers and ad agencies. Founded in
1914 as the Audit Bureau of Circulations, AAM is the preeminent source of crossmedia verification and information services, providing standards, audit services
and data critical to the advertising industry. The organization independently verifies print and digital circulation, mobile apps, website analytics, social media,
technology platforms and audience information for newspapers, magazines and
digital media companies in the U.S. and Canada. In November 2012, AAM joined
forces with Certified Audit of Circulations.
Headquarters Office
48 W. Seegers Road • Arlington Heights, IL 60005-3913
P: 224.366.6939 • F: 224.366.6949
New York Office
122 East 42nd Street, Suite 807 • New York, NY 10168-0899
P: 212.867.8992 • F: 212.867.8947
Canadian Office
151 Bloor Street West, Suite 850 • Toronto, ON M5S 1S4
P: 416.962.5840 • F: 416.962.5844
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
How to Use an AAM Consumer Magazine Publisher’s Statement
Copyright © 2013 Alliance for Audited Media. All rights reserved.