Form RG5 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE ACADEMIC RESEARCH FUND RESEARCH GRANT FINAL REPORT THE FINAL REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. IN ADDITION, A FINAL RESEARCH REPORT WHICH CONTAINS A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (PLEASE SEE PARAGRAPH 12 OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RESEARCH GRANT) SHOULD BE SUBMITTED AND MUST BE IN A FORM SUITABLE FOR DISPLAY IN THE UNIVERSITY’S LIBRARY. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF SUBSEQUENT RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATIONS FROM THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR UNTIL THE FINAL REPORT IS RECEIVED. IF THERE ARE EXCEPTIONAL REASONS WHICH PREVENT THE FINAL REPORT FROM BEING SUBMITTED ON TIME, A WRITTEN REQUEST MUST BE MADE THROUGH HEAD, FACULTY RESEARCH COMMITTEE TO BURSAR’S OFFICE BEFORE THE DEADLINE, FOR THE SUBMISSION PERIOD TO BE EXTENDED. TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT: Reconstruction of 3-D Objects from Video Sequences REFERENCE NUMBER: R-252-000- TOTAL PROJECT COST: $28,500 APPROVAL DATE (dd/mm/yy): 25.11.1998 051-112 APPROVING AUTHORITY: *FRC/URC/ARC/MLC Note: START DATE (dd/mm/yy): 25.11.1998 COMPLETION DATE (dd/mm/yy):30.6.2002 FRC - Faculty Research Committee URC - University Research Committee ARC - Academic Research Committee MLC - Ministerial Level Committee RESEARCH TEAM PARTICULARS Principal investigator: Huang Zhiyong Assistant Professor, Dept of CS, SoC Other key team members: Leow Wee-Kheng Associate Professor, Dept of CS, SoC Other collaborating parties/agencies: To provide names, posts, departments. 1(6) PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES (IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) Provide details as stated in the original proposal. 1. To research the novel polygonization algorithm. 2. To develop a software and hardware platform for reconstructing 3D models of objects from video sequences. ACHIEVEMENTS Major achievements are two novel methods have been developed: (1) Frontier Advancing Polygonization Method. It is devised specially for 3D points recovered from image sequences of objects and scenes. The results are polygon meshes representing the objects and scenes. A mesh model represents an object, terrain or other surface as a series of interconnected planar shapes. The 3D points recovered are constrained by the features present in the images. They are not densely or uniformly sampled that the existing methods are not suitable. The method addresses the problem from the following aspects: a. b. c. d. Describe the extent to which the objectives of the research have been achieved and relate the significance of the research to recent work in the field. Provide details on the conferences/seminars/ workshops held in conjunction with the research project. Please compare against targets. It constructs a mesh from advancing the frontier of smooth surfaces, formed by more reliable 3D points, towards surface discontinuities. Thus, the surface discontinuities, i.e., corner points and edges of the shape, can be computed. It only adds triangles to the mesh and each added triangle is in the final mesh. It constructs Delaunay triangulation/Voronoi diagram of sample points and the resulting mesh is therefore optimal. It can incorporate many different mesh construction requirements easily. (2) Error-Predictive Correspondenceless 3D Shape Reconstruction. This method is devised for recovering 3D points from image sequences of objects and scenes. The results are 3D points representing the captured 2D feature points of objects and scenes. The method has the following features: a. b. c. d. It is a correspondenceless approach. It is not necessary to compute the correspondence of 2D feature points in image sequences. It would bypass the difficulties and potential errors of deriving the correspondence. It is based on the use of optimizing spheres in 3D space that is different from the existing volume based approach. The advantage over the volume approach is that the result is independent of the accuracy of the volume decomposition. Moreover, it can predict the error of reconstruction. The theoretic analysis and experimental have shown the method has better accuracy over the existing methods. Its accuracy is about 1% of the object size if actual model is required and about 0.5% if structurally identical model is required. It is used as a core technique in a desktop 3D reconstruction system consisting of a PC, a step-motor driving turntable controlled by PC, and a CCD camera. STUDENTS TRAINED Number of students trained 4 MSc: Zhang Yong, Indriyati Atmosukarto, Zhou Luping, Liu Sujin 2 Honours student: Merzad Gotla, Neo Chee-Seng during the research project, type of training received. Please provide targets and actual numbers. Type of Student i) PhD ii) Masters iii) Undergraduate If possible, indicate whether these students intend to continue research. Neo C. S. and Huang Z. Texture Mapping on Doo-Sabin Subdivision Surfaces Using Multiple Images, accepted by Eurographics 2002 for short presentation. List titles of papers and internal reports etc arising from the research (indicate if they were refereed or nonrefereed). Zhou L, Atmosukarto I, Leow W K, and Huang Z. Reconstructing surface discontinuities by intersecting tangent planes of advancing mesh frontiers. In Proc. Computer Graphics International, 2002. Describe any significant publicity obtained for this work. PUBLICATION AND DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS Atmosukarto, I., Zhou, L., Leow, W. K. and Huang Z. Polygonizing Nonuniformly Distributed 3D points by Advancing Mesh Frontiers. In Proc. Computer Graphics International, 2001. 175-182. Neo C. S. and Huang Z. Texture mapping on subdivision surfaces using multiple images. CADGraphics 2001. 170-179. Atmosukarto I., Leow W. K., Huang Z., Zhang Y. and Sung K. K., Mesh Construction from Non-Uniformly Distributed and Noisy 3D Points Recovered from Image Sequence. PG 2000, 423-424. Leow W. K., Huang Z., Zhang Y., and Setiono R. Rapid 3D Model Acquisition from Images of Small Objects. GMP 2000, 33-41. Liu S. and Huang Z. Interactive 3D Modeling Using Only One Image. ACM Symposium of Virtual Reality Software Technology (VRST) 2000, 49-54. Leow W. K., Huang Z., Zhou L., Atmosukarto I., Zhang Y. Acquiring 3D Models from Images for Multimedia Systems. MMM 2000. 153-166. Gotla M. and Huang Z., A Minimalist Approach to Facial Reconstruction. Eurographics 1999 Short Papers and Demos. 12-14. Leow W. K., Huang Z, Accurate and True Reconstruction of 3D Models with Closed-Form Solutions, Technique Report, School of Computing, NUS, 1998. No. TR12/98. EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS One patent Frontier Advancing Polygonization. has been filed in USA, October, 2001. Describe any patentable/commercially exploitable results, and what follow-up arrangements have been made or are planned. 2(6) PROGRESS OF THE RESEARCH (1) Was there any significant change in the research compared with the original proposal? If YES, give reasons for changes. No. If NO, give details. (2) Did the research proceed as expected and on time? Yes. (3) Were there any circumstances which aided or impeded the progress of the research? No. If YES, give details of problems and explain the steps you took to overcome them. Examples could include difficulties in staff recruitment, late delivery of equipment, equipment malfunction etc. FURTHER RESEARCH (1) Has the research led to further grant applications from the Academic Research Fund? If YES, give details of the outcome. List grant applications, giving dates and grant reference number. Indicate value of any grants awarded. Has the research stimulated further work in other ways? If YES, provide details on research parties and agencies. No. (2) Yes. “3D object retrieval”, A/P Leow Wee-Kheng is the PI. EXTERNAL REVIEW (for ARC and MLC projects only) Please attach external referee’s post-project review. 3(6) FINAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Items Manpower E/F M/C O/T Total approved grant 5,400 8,700 2,900 (2) Total actual expenditure 1,900 5,966.79 1,082.75 4,076.23 5,877.92 18,903.69 (3) Total outstanding commitments 0 0 0 (4) = (1-2-3) Total grant balance Interest Earned* 3,500 2,733.21 1,817.25 223.77 1,322.08 9,596.31 0 0 0 0 = (4+5)* Total Uncommitted Balance (To Be Returned to Academic Research Fund) 3,500 2,733.21 1,817.25 223.77 (6) Note: 0 0 7,200 TOTAL (1) (5) 4,300 T/M 0 Part time undergraduate student assistantship: Wu Yinghui, $500 Xu Jie, $500 Top-up PhD student: Shou Lidan, $900 0 0 1,322.08 9,596.31 The project account will be closed within 1 month from the date of this Form BUR/RG5. Principal Investigator should therefore submit all claims/invoices for any outstanding purchase orders or commitments as soon as possible but no later than the aforementioned deadline. * Not Applicable for projects approved by the URC E/F denotes new equipment/facilities M/C denotes materials/consumables O/T denotes overseas travel T/M denotes training costs/other miscellaneous costs MANPOWER TRAINED 28,500 List the staff employed directly on the grant and any other research fellows/research students associated with the research project, highlighting the manpower grades and numbers.