INTRO INTRODUCTION TO ROSI It is imperative that all exercises be done in the ROSI ‘Training’ environment at Student Information Systems for Staff (SIS), using the SecurID card provided for training. Do not attempt these exercises with your personal SecurID card. Contact ROSI Help at or visit to reserve a time. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Table of Contents _________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................6 ALL ABOUT ROSI ................................................................................................................6 A WORD ABOUT MAINFRAME SYSTEMS ..............................................................................6 ROSI'S VOCABULARY .........................................................................................................7 ORGANIZATIONS ..................................................................................................................7 SESSIONS AND SUB-SESSIONS ..............................................................................................8 PROGRAMS OF STUDY (POSTS) .........................................................................................10 DEGREE PROGRAM OF STUDY (DEGREE POST) .................................................................10 TABLE 5: EXAMPLES OF DEGREE POST .............................................................................11 SUBJECT PROGRAM OF STUDY (SUBJECT POST) ................................................................12 TABLE 6: EXAMPLES OF SUBJECT POST CODES ................................................................12 ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................................13 TABLE 7: EXAMPLES OF UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC ACTIVITY CODES .........................14 TABLE 8: EXAMPLE OF GRADUATE ACADEMIC ACTIVITY CODES .....................................14 STUDENT INFORMATION AND POSTS .................................................................................15 LOGGING ONTO ROSI .......................................................................................................16 SECURID CARD .................................................................................................................16 ACCESS AUTHORIZATION IN ROSI ....................................................................................16 LOGON PROCEDURE ...........................................................................................................16 LOGIN SCREEN ...................................................................................................................17 MENU SCREENS ..................................................................................................................18 MAIN MENU SCREEN .........................................................................................................18 TABLE 1: COMPONENTS OF A ROSI SCREEN ......................................................................18 MODULES .............................................................................................................................20 1 MANAGE RESOURCES MODULE ......................................................................................20 2 MANAGE PERSON MODULE ............................................................................................20 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Table of Contents INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MANAGE ADMISSION MODULE ...................................................................................... 21 4 STUDENT RECORDS AND REGISTRATION MODULE ......................................................... 21 5 SUPPORT GRADUATION MODULE ................................................................................... 22 6 ACADEMIC AUDITS MODULE ......................................................................................... 22 7 STUDENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MODULE ................................................................. 22 8 MAINTAIN SYSTEM REFERENCE TABLES MODULE ........................................................ 23 9 MANAGE AWARDS AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT MODULE ................................................. 23 NAVIGATING IN ROSI ...................................................................................................... 24 USING THE CODE FIELD .................................................................................................... 24 EXAMPLE OF NAVIGATING USING A CODE FIELD ............................................................. 24 USING DIRECT COMMANDS .............................................................................................. 25 EXAMPLE OF NAVIGATING USING A DIRECT COMMAND .................................................. 25 EXAMPLE OF NAVIGATING USING A DIRECT COMMAND AND PERSON ID ......................... 26 MAINTAIN PERSON INFORMATION SCREEN ....................................................................... 26 NAVIGATING FROM FIELD TO FIELD.................................................................................. 27 TABLE 2: DESCRIPTION OF ACTION KEYS ......................................................................... 27 KEYBOARD MAPPING........................................................................................................ 27 OTHER TYPES OF SCREENS ........................................................................................... 28 MAINTENANCE SCREENS .................................................................................................. 28 MAINTAIN DEGREE POST BASIC INFORMATION SCREEN (1 A A A) ................................. 28 TABLE 3: AVAILABLE ACTIONS ON A MAINTENANCE SCREEN .......................................... 29 MAINTAIN STUDENT MARKS AND CREDITS SCREEN ......................................................... 30 BROWSE SCREENS............................................................................................................. 30 TABLE 4: SUMMARY OF FUNCTION KEYS ......................................................................... 32 BROWSE-SELECT SCREENS ............................................................................................... 33 SINGLE-SELECT BROWSE-SELECT SCREENS ..................................................................... 34 EXAMPLE OF SINGLE-SELECT BROWSE-SELECT SCREEN .................................................. 34 MULTIPLE SELECT BROWSE-SELECT SCREENS ................................................................. 35 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Table of Contents _________________________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLE OF MULTIPLE-SELECT BROWSE-SELECT SCREEN ..............................................36 ON-LINE HELP .....................................................................................................................38 SCREEN HELP ....................................................................................................................38 EXAMPLE OF SCREEN HELP ...............................................................................................38 FIELD HELP ........................................................................................................................39 EXAMPLE OF FIELD HELP...................................................................................................39 TABLE-DRIVEN FIELD HELP ..............................................................................................39 EXAMPLE OF TABLE-DRIVEN FIELD HELP .........................................................................40 EXERCISE 1 – NAVIGATING ................................................................................................41 EXERCISE 2 – MENUS.........................................................................................................41 FINDING A PERSON IN ROSI ...........................................................................................42 SEARCHING BY SURNAME ONLY........................................................................................42 PERSON SEARCH SCREEN (2 A, B WITHOUT A PERSON ID).................................................42 SEARCHING BY SURNAME AND DATE OF BIRTH.................................................................43 SEARCHING BY SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER ....................................................................44 BROWSE SURNAME ............................................................................................................45 EXERCISE 3 – USING A MAINTENANCE SCREEN .................................................................46 EXERCISE 4 – ADDING A CONTACT ....................................................................................46 LOGGING OFF ROSI ..........................................................................................................47 APPENDIX A: GETTING HELP.........................................................................................48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Introduction INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Welcome to the introductory course for ROSI. In this course, you will learn: How to log on and off ROSI How to navigate through ROSI How to find, add and update some student information How to get help when you get back to your office and begin using ROSI for your everyday tasks All about ROSI ROSI, the Repository of Student Information, is an institutional system that supports the operations, planning and management of student academic records, accounts and awards. It is the definitive source of institutional data on applicants, students and alumni with respect to their work in degree, diploma and certificate programs at the University of Toronto. A Word about Mainframe Systems ROSI is a mainframe system, a large central computer, which stores and processes huge amounts of data. All of the processing takes place on the mainframe computer in a separate building. When you get online access to ROSI, your computer acts as a “dumb” terminal. It doesn’t have a mind of its own in this regard and needs the mainframe to tell it what to do. Students can also interface with ROSI via the Student Web Service (SWS). Some of the things they can do are: Add/drop courses, add/change meeting sections, and list their courses Add banking information (available to registered graduate and undergraduate students) Cancel Program of Study to adjust fees invoice Change major, minor, or area of specialization Confirm invitation to graduate Display their own academic record Reactivate their Personal Identification Number (PIN) Request a transcript Update address, phone numbers, contact information, and view other personal information View fees invoice View their own timetable Vote in university related elections Page 6 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI ROSI’s Vocabulary ________________________________________________________________________________________ ROSI'S VOCABULARY The following is a list of terminology with accompanying explanation. These terms are covered in more detail in Resources: Viewing and Maintaining Basic Resource Information. Organizations Organizations represent administrative units of the University. Their primary purpose in ROSI is to identify units that administer courses, programs or processes, as well as assign staff with appropriate access privileges. There are organizations in ROSI that are defined by the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) as institutional. Both ROSI and HRIS use the same organization code to facilitate cross-system institutional reporting. In ROSI, the ‘Institutional Y/N’ field on the Maintain Organization Unit Information Screen (1 A E A) identifies whether an organization is institutional. An organization is a unit that offers: A Degree Program of Study A Subject Program of Study An academic activity An award Or a unit that administers in ROSI: A Degree Program of Study A Subject Program of Study An academic activity An award An applicant, student or graduate record Or an Organization is a unit with which the student is affiliated in a specific registration. In most cases, this will be a U of T organization but in some cases it will be a non-U of T organization that would belong to an institution other than U of T and is in the Institution Table. ROSI stores information for the following types of organizations: Primary Organizations–Faculties/Schools (primary administrator of a Program of Study) School of Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts and Science Institute of Biomedical Engineering Centre for Industrial Relations Division of Life Sciences New College Each Program of Study (POSt) is administered by at least one organization, which is referred to as the “Primary Organization”. For example, the “Doctor of Dental Surgery” ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 7 of 48 ROSI’s Vocabulary INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ POSt is administered by the Faculty of Dentistry. Secondary Organizations–Departments (secondary administrator of a Program of Study) Department of Anthropology Department of Civil Engineering In some cases, the POSt may also be administered by another Organization, usually a department that belongs to the faculty that is the Primary Organization. This other organization is referred to as the “Secondary Organization”. For example, the “PhD in Anatomy & Cell Biology” is a POSt that consists of two Organizations: The School of Graduate Studies is the Primary Organization and the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology is the Secondary Organization. Co-Secondary Organizations–Co-sponsor (of the Program of Study) May be used when a Program of Study has a more complex sponsoring structure Used to link to students and for user authorization to student records Associated Organizations–Organizations with which a student is affiliated, e.g. Arts and Science colleges Organization Codes Each Organization has its own unique identification in ROSI referred to as an Organization Code. This code is up to five characters in length (e.g. CIVIL for Civil Engineering) and is used throughout the system to link Organizations to other data. ROSI keeps a history of organizational name changes, and an Organization can have more than one name (e.g. a department may have different names for the undergraduate and graduate units within the department). Sessions and Sub-Sessions Sessions and sub-sessions define the academic calendar and identify the periods of time in which the business of the university is conducted. There are three sessions per year: Fall Session (September - December) Winter Session (January - April) Summer Session (May - August) o Sub Sessions: o (May – June) o (July – August) The Summer session is often referred to as a “Parent” session because it is the only session that has two sub-sessions. Session Codes Session Codes are used to identify sessions and are up to six characters in length: first 4 digits signify the year Page 8 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI ROSI’s Vocabulary ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5th digit indicates the month the session begins: 1 = January, 5 = May, and 9 = September 6th digit is used for sub-sessions for the summer session only where F indicates the first term and S indicates the second term; otherwise, the 6th digit is blank. Sub-sessions are academic periods for academic activities only and do not span the entire summer parent session. They are a derivative of a session (the “child” of a “parent” session). Time periods are not limited to the parent session’s start and end dates. Examples: 20049 – Fall session beginning September 2004 (9th month) 20051 – Winter session beginning January 2005 (1st month) 20055 – Summer session beginning May 2005 (5th month) 20055F – Summer sub-session beginning in May 2005 20055S – Summer sub-session beginning in July 2005 Sessions are used in the following ways: Students register into parent sessions Activity enrolments are in parent sessions and may be in summer sub-sessions Academic record reflects parent sessions Sessions in a Calendar Year Months Sessions 20041 J F X M X X A M J J A S O N D X 20045 X X 20045F X X 20045S 20049 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 X X X X X X X X Page 9 of 48 ROSI’s Vocabulary INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Programs of Study (POSts) Programs of Study (POSts) are the academic degree programs (Degree POSts) and the subject areas of study (Subject POSts) available to students at the University of Toronto. There is a great deal of information associated with them, for example: level of instruction (graduate/undergraduate) information about number of credits or number of years required to complete the POSt whether or not GPAs (Grade Point Averages) are calculated ROSI stores three main types of information about POSts: Basic information – static information that does not change with each new session Offering information – historical information that is session-specific Title information - form, transcript, correspondence, diploma and graduation These are explained in more detail in Resources: Viewing and Maintaining Basic Resource Information. POSts and Organizations One important relationship between students and the Organizations of the university is through their Programs of Study. By recording the administering Organizations in the POSt inventories, a link is established between the administrative Organizations and the students who are associated with each POSt. Each POSt is administered by at least one organization, which is referred to as the primary organization - the faculty or school. In some cases, the POSt may also be administered by another organization, referred to as the secondary organization, which is usually a department within the faculty. More infrequently, there may be a co-secondary organization where the sponsoring structure is more complex. Degree Program of Study (Degree POSt) A Degree POSt (Program of Study) roughly corresponds to what is usually called a "Program”. A Degree POSt may have variable components that can be used to define programs where students have some flexibility in selecting subject areas of interest or they may be quite structured. Examples of Degree POSts: Master of Arts/Classics Bachelor of Commerce Master of Music Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering Diploma in Radiation Oncology Page 10 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI ROSI’s Vocabulary ________________________________________________________________________________________ Degree POSt Codes Degree POSts are identified in ROSI by Degree POSt Codes. Codes for Degree POSts can have up to ten characters. Historically, the coding format has followed the convention of: First 2 characters identify the Organization - Faculty/Department Next 3 characters can identify the Subject Area of Study if required - Department or Subject Area of Study (may be blank) Next 4 characters can identify the degree if required Next character ensures uniqueness Despite this structure, this coding has no intrinsic meaning. Any querying of POSts should be done against the data fields that make up the POSt Basic and POSt Offering information, NOT against the POSt Code itself. Examples of Degree POSt Codes are given in Table 5 below. Table 5: Examples of Degree POSt Codes Degree POSt Code Description of POSt Code AE CHE BASC Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering LW Bachelor of Laws from the Faculty of Law LLB AN LNG MA R Master of Arts in Linguistics from the Department of Anthropology ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 11 of 48 ROSI’s Vocabulary INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Program of Study (Subject POSt) A Subject POSt is a POSt where no degree is specified and a subject of interest is specified (Designation Code/Subject Code). It is used in divisions where students have some flexibility in selecting subject areas of specialization. For these Programs of Study, the code must be specified in the system. Subject POSt Codes Subject POSts are identified by Subject POSt Codes in ROSI. They can be up to ten characters in length. Examples of Subject POSt Codes are given in Table 6 below. Table 6: Examples of Subject POSt Codes Subject POSt Code MA FLD APPM Description PhD in Applied Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics AS MIN 0230 Minor in French Linguistics from the Faculty of Arts and Science HS FLD CAN PhD in Canadian Studies from the Department of History Note: Currently, Undergraduate Subject POSts use numbers for the subjects, and Graduate Subject POSts use letter abbreviations. However, UTSC may be using letter abbreviations in the future. Page 12 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI ROSI’s Vocabulary ________________________________________________________________________________________ Academic Activities Academic activities are sessional and non-sessional academic pursuits in which a student enrols to complete a Program of Study. They can be: Courses Field Placement Research Thesis Internship ROSI offers the flexibility of recording activities that are longer than a session and activities that are shorter than a session Academic Activities and Organizations ROSI stores information about the relationship between an Organization and its academic activities. Each academic activity has a Primary Organization or owner. ROSI is also capable of storing information about a Secondary Organization, which is usually a department, for the activities. More than one such organization may be recorded by using the Co-Secondary Org. Code. By recording these Organizations in the Activity inventories, you can manage the administration of these resources and establish the link between activities and student information. Academic Activity Codes – Undergraduate Structure Academic activities are identified in ROSI by Academic Activity Codes. These codes have a different structure depending on whether they are for undergraduate or graduate academic activities. Codes for academic activities using the undergraduate structure can have up to eight characters as follows: First 3 characters identify the Subject Area Next 3 digits uniquely identify the Activity Number 7th character identifies the Weight (Y for full weight; H for half weight) 8th character identifies the Campus (0 for off campus; 1 for St. George; 3 for Scarborough; and 5 for Erindale) In the following example, the Academic Activity Code for the undergraduate course “Introduction to Anthropology” is broken down into its component parts: ANT Subject Area (anthropology) 10 0 Unique Number ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Y 1 Weight Campus Code (full course) (St. George) Page 13 of 48 ROSI’s Vocabulary INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Table 7: Examples of Undergraduate Academic Activity Codes Academic Activity Code Description of Academic Activity ANT 100 Y 5 Introduction to Anthropology - full course – University of Toronto at Mississauga PHE 102 H 1 Physical Activity in Canadian Society - half course - St. George Campus PTH 450 Y 1 Disordered and Restored Motor Control - full course - St. George Campus Academic Activity Codes – Graduate Structure Codes for academic activities using the graduate structure can have up to eight characters, which represent the following: First 3 characters identify the Subject Area Next 4 digits uniquely identify the Activity 8th character identifies the Weight (Y for full weight; H for half weight) In the example below, the Academic Activity Code for the graduate course “Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies – half course” is broken down into its component parts: AER 13 03 Subject Area (aerodynamics) Unique Number H Weight (half course) Table 8: Example of Graduate Academic Activity Codes Academic Activity Code Description of Academic Activity NUR 1016 H Social and Political Issues in Health Care – half course AER 1303 H Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies – half course EDU 1260 Y Politics (Intermediate/Senior) – full course TST 3572 H John H Yoder Theol – half course Page 14 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI ROSI’s Vocabulary ________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Information and POSts When a person (student) is admitted to the university, information about the student is immediately associated with a specific POSt. Once admitted, the person registers for each session and enrols in courses and other academic activities for a session. ROSI carries over the person’s information from one session to the next, even if the person does not register for one session. For ROSI to change the association of the person and the POSt, the person must: move to a program in a different division (from the Faculty of Arts and Science to the Faculty of Dentistry), Graduate and thus complete the program, Permanently withdraw from the program or be refused further registration from the program. Note: The association between a person and a POSt will forever be recorded in the system. The diagram below shows the relationship between the student information, the POSt and the sessions. In this example, the person did not enrol in any academic activities for the 20011 session. Despite the break, the person’s information still remains associated with the POSt and is considered “not registered” for that session. POSt Person admitted into POSt 1999 Person registers for sessions Person enrols in acad. activities for each session 2000 2001 2002 19999 20001 20009 20011 20019 20021 20029 20031 Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac N O T Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac R E G I S T E R E D ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 G R A D U A T I O N Ac Page 15 of 48 Logging onto ROSI INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ LOGGING ONTO ROSI SecurID Card ROSI is a protected computer system and only authorized users can gain access. The method by which a user gains access is through the use of a SecurID Card. If you do not have a SecurID Card, you need to contact your Divisional Access Control Representative. A list of Access Control Representatives is maintained on the CNS website at: Every SecurID Card has a Personal Identification Number (PIN) associated with it. The PIN is confidential and should not be shared with anyone. You must initialize your card before using it for the first time. Instructions come with the card or they can be found on the Computer and Networking Services website at: Access Authorization in ROSI Every user has specific access to certain screens and works with records from one or more organizations (faculties, division, departments) and a specific level of instruction (graduate, undergraduate or both). For example: Some Woodsworth College staff may require two logon IDs: one for Arts and Science and one for the Woodsworth College Certificate and Diploma program. Staff in College Registrars’ Offices can change records for a student in any college. Staff in the Office of Convocation, who can update records for students in any division, will ‘belong’ to the organization ‘Registrar’. Staff at Enrolment Services, who can update records for students/applicants of any division, will belong to the organization ‘Registrar’. Logon Procedure The following procedure is how to log onto ROSI after your SecurId Card has been initialized. Page 16 of 48 Double-click on the MVSB icon on your desktop A screen appears asking for your Username ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Logging onto ROSI ________________________________________________________________________________________ Login Screen WARNING: RESTRICTED APPLICATION INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN IS UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO CONFIDENTIAL. ACCESS TO IT FOR ANY REASON MUST BE SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED. UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS AND MISUSE MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF ACCESS PRIVILEGES AND OTHER SANCTIONS UP TO AND INCLUDING TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND OTHER LEGAL LIABILITY. YOUR LOGIN IS ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE ACCESS CONDITIONS. Username: Enter your <Username> and press [Enter] The cursor is now on the SecurId Passcode field.7 Using your SecurID Card, press the numbers of your unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) on the number pad and then press the diamond key A six-digit number, the SecurId Passcode, is displayed on the SecurID Card. Using your keyboard, enter the <SecurId Passcode> and press [Enter] The message “Login Accepted” appears and you are taken to the CL/SUPERSESSION Main Menu Screen. [Tab] to ROSI and press [Enter] The Main Menu Screen of ROSI’s Production environment appears where any changes you make here will be recorded in the official student record system. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 17 of 48 Menu Screens INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ MENU SCREENS The first screen you see in ROSI is the Main Menu Screen. Menu screens in ROSI give you a listing of options from which to choose. The ‘M’ after each menu item indicates that when you select this item, you will reach another Menu screen. You continue onto the next Menu Screen until you reach the screen giving you the function that you need. In all, there are four different types of screens in ROSI. The remaining three types of screens will be covered later in the workbook. Main Menu Screen Header Line1 SZP0001 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - MAIN MENU - SZM0011 11:32 AM Header Line2 Code ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * ? . ---Code: __ Work Area Direct Command Line System -------------------------------------------Manage Resources (M) Manage Person (M) Manage Admission (M) Student Records and Registration (M) Support Graduation (M) Academic Audits (M) Student Accounts Receivable (M) Maintain System Reference Tables (M) Manage Awards and Financial Support (M) Divisional Reports (M) Help Terminate -------------------------------------------- Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip PF Key Definitions System Messages The Main Menu is an example of the layout of all screens in ROSI. Below is a brief summary of the component parts of the screen, location on the screen and corresponding value. Table 1: Components of a ROSI Screen Part of Screen Consists of Location In Above Example Header Line 1 Program Name Top left corner SZP0001 System Name Centre of screen Student Information System Map Name Top right corner SZM0011 Current Date Left corner under Program Name Header Line 2 Page 18 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Menu Screens ________________________________________________________________________________________ Part of Screen Consists of Location In Above Example Screen Name Centre of screen Main Menu Current Time Right corner under Map Name Work Area Differs depending on type of screen Middle of screen Gives menu options to choose from Direct Command Line Direct Command - used to move quickly from one screen to another Near bottom of screen Blank PF Key Definitions Function Keys – availability of function keys depends on screen, but definition of function key is consistent throughout ROSI Bottom of Screen PF1 = Help text System Messages – give results, error messages and other system responses Very bottom of screen System Messages ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 PF2 = Return to previous screen PF3 = Quit ROSI Not showing on screen Page 19 of 48 Modules INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ MODULES ROSI is made up of nine modules, which correspond to all the processes involved in managing, storing, and updating student information. They are listed on the Main Menu in ROSI and each module is identified by a unique numerical code. 1 Manage Resources Module The Resources module stores and maintains inventories of tangible and intangible resources. Examples of tangible resources are buildings and rooms; examples of intangible resources are organizations and sessions. Resources are a key component of every task you perform in ROSI and must be set up before you can perform functions such as admitting and registering students. Major Functions: Maintain Organizations Maintain Program of Study (POSt) Information: Maintain Academic Activity Information (e.g., course) Maintain General Session Information Maintain Sessional Events Institutional Reports Maintain Automated Correspondence 2 Manage Person Module The Person module stores and maintains personal information about a student. A student in ROSI is referred to as a Person and the student number is referred to as a Person ID. Data recorded in this module include name and name history, current, previous, future, and permanent mailing addresses, birth date, next-of-kin information, and residency status in Canada. Address history is displayed with an effective start date and termination date. Major Functions: Create Person Maintain Person Information Browse Person Information Manage Person Support Tables Browse Web Address/Activity Logs Produce Address Labels Page 20 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Modules ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Manage Admission Module The Admission module supports the complete admission process for all divisions of the University. This includes applications to first and second entry undergraduate programs, graduate programs including doctoral streams and professional faculties. The admissions cycle includes processing applicant information, monitoring completion of applications, application evaluation, determination of admissibility, notification of decision, and monitoring acceptance of applications. ROSI maintains up-to-date information on the status of the applicant’s file to support inprogress and post-application inquiries. Major Functions: Collect and Process Applicant Information Assess Applications and Determine Admissibility Generate Correspondence Decision Notification and Response Handling Record Significant Events that occur during the Process Monitor the Application Process Monitor Completion of Admission Conditions Document Tracking 4 Student Records and Registration Module The Student Records and Registration module manages information related to students’ pursuit of their academic programs of study. It covers four areas: academic association with a program of study, registration in an academic period, enrolment in academic activities (e.g., courses), and the assessment of marks. Major Functions: Preparation for Registration View Enrolment Statistics Produce Reports and Downloads of Registration data Manage Activity/Registration information Manage Student POSt information Manage the Assessment of Academic and Administrative Fees Manage Government MET reports Grade Collection Average Calculations Manage supplemental exams Produce transcripts and maintain transcript requests ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 21 of 48 Modules INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Support Graduation Module This Support Graduation module provides divisions with the ability to maintain graduation information and manage processes, such as graduation, related to the normal completion of a student’s association with a Program of Study. Major Functions: Collect and record Degree Requests Identify Students Eligible to Graduate Identify Students Eligible for Citation Manage Graduation Ceremonies Produce downloads of Graduation data 6 Academic Audits Module The Academic Audits module supports processes related to the evaluation of the student’s academic standing at the end of every academic session, or for some divisions, at the end of every academic period. Academic performance can be assessed with respect to a course/academic activity or set of courses/academic activities in the same session. Major Functions: Collect grades Manage audit rules Perform audits at the Organization and student level Produce downloads and reports for the academic audit 7 Student Accounts Receivable Module The Student Accounts Receivable module provides the facility for recording charges and payments of all student financial obligations in accordance with University policies. Major Functions: Maintain receivables Produce invoices Maintain financial arrangement information (including sponsor, fee waivers and short-term loans) Manage payments, credits and refunds Manage Accounts Receivable reports View student account details Calculate tax information Page 22 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Modules ________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Maintain System Reference Tables Module The Maintain System Reference Tables module allows Student Information Systems to update University-wide system reference tables on behalf of divisions. Major Functions: View and update support tables for different modules in ROSI 9 Manage Awards and Financial Support Module The Awards and Financial Support module provides facilities to manage the assignment of awards to eligible students and the payment authorization process. Major Functions: Manage the awards inventory Manage award recipients and payment installments ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 23 of 48 Navigating in ROSI INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ NAVIGATING IN ROSI There are two ways of moving from screen to screen in ROSI: By using the Code field on every Menu screen or By using a Direct Command Using the Code Field One way to navigate in ROSI is to use the Code field on every menu screen until you reach the screen you want. Example of Navigating Using a Code Field SZP0001 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - MAIN MENU Code ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * ? . ---Code: 1_ Type 1 in the Code field to reach the next menu screen SZM0011 03:04 PM System -------------------------------------------Manage Resources (M) Manage Person (M) Manage Admission (M) Student Records and Registration (M) Support Graduation (M) Academic Audits (M) Student Accounts Receivable (M) Maintain System Reference Tables (M) Manage Awards and Financial Support (M) Divisional Reports (M) Help Terminate -------------------------------------------- Direct Command: ___________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip Type 1 in <Code> and press [Enter] The Manage Resources Menu Screen appears. Type A (either in upper or lower case) in <Code> and press [Enter] The Manage Resources (General) Menu Screen appears. Type A (either in upper or lower case) in <Code> and press [Enter] The Maintain Program of Study Menu Screen appears. Type A (either in upper or lower case) in <Code> and press [Enter] The Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen appears. Below the Direct Command line on this screen and every screen in ROSI, you’ll notice the PF keys, which are referred to as Function Keys. Which function keys are available depends on the screen you are on. They will be discussed in more detail later, but for now, the Function Key 12 will take you back to the Main Menu. Page 24 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Navigating in ROSI ________________________________________________________________________________________ Press [F12] The Main Menu Screen appears. Using Direct Commands The second way of reaching a specific screen in ROSI is by using a Direct Command and bypassing all the menu screens. The Direct Command is entered on the Direct Command line in either upper or lower case and must have a space between each alphanumeric entry. Example of Navigating Using a Direct Command SZP0001 Nov 29,07 Type 1 A A A on the Direct Command line and press [Enter] to go directly to the Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen ***** Student Information System ***** SZM0011 - MAIN MENU (Training) 10:33 AM Code ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * * ? . ---Code: __ System -------------------------------------------Manage Resources (M) Manage Person (M) Manage Admission (M) Student Records and Registration (M) Support Graduation (M) Academic Audits (M) Student Accounts Receivable (M) Maintain System Reference Tables (M) Manage Awards and Financial Support (M) Divisional Reports (M) Help Terminate -------------------------------------------- Direct Command: 1 A A A_____________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip ISPF On the Main Menu Screen: [Tab] to the Direct Command line Type 1 A A A (with spaces between the alphanumeric characters) on the Direct Command line and press [Enter] The Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen appears. You can use a Direct Command for any module on any screen that displays the Direct Command line. For example, when viewing an Admissions screen, you can enter a Direct Command and go directly to a Registration screen. Besides the Direct Command, many screens require a Person Id to be entered before proceeding to the next screen. In these cases, ROSI will prompt you by stopping you at the Person Search Screen so that you will be able to search for a specific Person Id. This screen is discussed in detail further on in the study guide. If you already know the Person Id, you can enter it on the same screen as you enter the Direct Command. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 25 of 48 Navigating in ROSI INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Example of Navigating Using a Direct Command and Person Id SMP0088 Nov 29,07 Action ***** Student Information System ***** - MAINTAIN DEGREE POSt BASIC INFORMATION - (A,B,C,D,M,N,P): _ *POSt Code: __ ___ ____ _ Type 2 A C/ 30100 on the Direct Command line and press [Enter] to go directly to the Maintain Person Information Screen *Degree...: ____ SMM0881 10:50 AM Title: Title: Level of Instruction....: _ *Type of Program...........: _____ *Primary Organization Cd.: _____ Upgrade Degree (Y/N)......: _ *Designation Code 1: ___ *Subject Code 1: ___ 2: ___ 2: ___ 3: ___ 3: ___ *Field of Study..........: _____ *Program Code..............: _____ *Offered by Institution..: ______ Co-op (Y/N)...............: _ POSt Time Limit Years...: __ *Co-Sponsor Institution Id.: ______ Council Approval Date...: __________ *POSt Targeted Start Sess..: ______ POSt Last Review Date...: __________ POSt Last Appraised Date..: __________ Grad Title Indicator....: _ Allow Subject POSt Ind....: _ Direct Command: 2 A C/30100_________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--confm help retrn quit flip pref main From the Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen: Type 2 A C/30100 on the Direct Command line and press [Enter] The Maintain Person Information Screen appears and shows this student’s biographical information. Maintain Person Information Screen SPP0019 Nov 29,07 Action ***** Student Information System ***** - MAINTAIN PERSON INFORMATION - (C,D,M): SPM01911 10:55 AM _ Person Id: _____30100 Surname........: TEST 30100 Given Name.....: ROSI Gender..........: *Marital Status..: SIN.............: Old SIN.........: M 1 _________ _________ Date of Birth.....: *First Language....: Date of Death.....: Archival Session..: Preferred Name..: _______________ 1974-07-26 1__ __________ ______ Comment...........: _______________ *December 1 Occupation............: __ Release Marks to High School(Y/N): N December 1 Update Dt..: Directory Release(Y/N): N Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--confm help retrn quit flip pref main Person 30100 displayed successfully Page 26 of 48 Type 1 A A A on the Direct Command line and press [Enter] to return to the Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Navigating in ROSI ________________________________________________________________________________________ Navigating from Field to Field Always use the [Tab] key to move from field to field within a screen in ROSI. If you use your cursor to navigate to a field instead, your entry may not be at the beginning of the field and will not register. The table below summarizes other useful keys on your keyboard and their corresponding action in ROSI. Table 2: Description of Action Keys Keyboard Action in ROSI [Shift] and [Tab] simultaneously Moves you back to the previous field [Home] Moves you to the first field on any screen [F1], [F2], [F3], etc. Function Key PF1, PF2, PF3, etc. Keyboard Mapping If one or more of your keys does not perform the required function, you can re-map keys by selecting “Options” from the main ROSI toolbar and then “Keyboard Mapping”. A picture of a standard keyboard is displayed at the top of the screen and below is several areas used to change the assignment of a specific key. If you click on any key on the keyboard, the box titled ‘Selected Key’ displays the current assignment for that key. To change the assignment of a key, select a ‘Function Group’ from the pull-down menu and then the appropriate ‘Function’ from the scroll-down menu. Click and hold on the selected action/character, then drag and release the action/character on the key that you want to re-assign. Save the new configuration if you want the new key assignment to be permanent. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 27 of 48 Other Types of Screens INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER TYPES OF SCREENS The Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen (1 A A A) is an example of another type of screen in ROSI – a maintenance screen. Maintenance Screens Maintenance screens are used to enter and modify information in ROSI. Maintenance screens have an Action field displayed on the third line of the screen on the left. Generally, every on-line update to ROSI is performed on a Maintenance screen. Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen (1 A A A) SMP0088 Jun 12,07 Action ***** Student Information System ***** - MAINTAIN DEGREE POSt BASIC INFORMATION - (A,B,C,D,M,N,P): SMM0881 04:17 PM _ Action Line *POSt Code: __ ___ ____ _ Title: Key field *Degree...: ____ Display Only Field Level of Instruction....: *Primary Organization Cd.: *Designation Code 1: ___ 2: ___ 3: ___ *Field of Study..........: *Offered by Institution..: Council Approval Date...: POSt Last Review Date...: Grad Title Indicator....: Candidacy Required......: JEP UofT Role (L/C).....: Asterisk= Lookup List [PF] Key Definitions System Messages Title: _ _____ _____ ______ _______ __________ __________ _ _ *Type of Program...........: _____ Upgrade Degree (Y/N)......: _ *Subject Code 1: ___ 2: ___ 3: ___ *Program Code..............: _____ Co-op (Y/N)...............: _ *Co-Sponsor Institution Id.: ______ *POSt Targeted Start Sess..: ______ POSt Last Appraised Date..: __________ Allow Subject POSt Ind....: _ *JEP Institution Cd........: ___ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--confm help retrn quit flip pref main All Maintenance screens in ROSI have the following common features. Action Line The Action line identifies the types of actions that you may perform using a Maintenance screen. Up to seven actions may be available. The available actions for each screen are listed in parentheses. The table below shows all the available actions possible. However, the list of actions that you see may not include all seven actions. It depends on your security access. Page 28 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Other Types of Screens ________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 3: Available Actions on a Maintenance Screen Action Code Description Adds a record. A B C D M N P Browse the existing records (displayed in a list on another screen). Clears data values from the screen, except for key field information, without deleting information from ROSI. It does not delete the record from ROSI; it merely blanks out the fields. Displays a record (one specific record, not all the available records). You need to enter appropriate key field information. Modifies a record (make changes/additions). Shows the Next record. Purges a record (deletes a record) You might want to check if a record exists for a particular student. That action is B for BROWSE to tell ROSI to list all existing records for the specified student. When none exists, you will need to select the action A to ADD a record. When a record already exists, but you need to change it, you would select the action M to MODIFY the record. Note: Special characters should never be used when entering information on ROSI text lines, such as accents over characters in the Surname, Previous Name, or Given Name fields. Key Fields In ROSI, there are fields that define the record and ensure uniqueness. They are called key fields. Key fields cannot be modified. On the Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen, POSt Code is an example of a key field. By convention, the fields that appear immediately under the Action Line are the key fields. They are the fields that the system uses to identify the data displayed and locate and update records. The remaining fields on the screen are called data fields. Display-Only Fields Display Only fields are not underlined and you cannot enter anything in these fields as they are for reference purposes only. On the Maintain Degree POSt Basic Information Screen the Display Only field is Title. The English title for the POSt Code is automatically inserted by ROSI. Another common example on many ROSI screens is the “Change by User Id” field. An example of this is shown below on the Maintain Student Marks and Credits Screen. This field is automatically updated by ROSI when the user updates a record and is a non-modifiable field. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 29 of 48 Other Types of Screens INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Maintain Student Marks and Credits Screen SRP0739 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - MAINTAIN STUDENT MARKS AND CREDITS - SRM7391 11:13 AM Action (D,M) Person Id.....: 9999999900_____ Test00 Rosi Session CD....: 19981_ 1998 Winter POST Cd.......: AS HBA__ Honours Bachelor of Arts Primary Org Cd: ARTSC SGPA: CGPA: Y/N Fields Second Org Cd: AGPA: Acad. Stand Cd..: Grade Report Ind: Y Activity Cd: ECO100Y1 Sec: Y_ Attendance Sts: CRE Repeat Ind: N Mark Type: F Credits: 1.00 Exclude from GPA (Y/N): Y Entered Mark: 89_ Pass (Y/N): Y Mark Approved (Y/N)...: Y Eligible for Supplemental (Y/N): N Display Only Fields Supplemental Mark.....: ___ Entered By..: XXXXXXX Approved By..: XXXXXXX Entered Date: 2001-12-21 Approved Date: 2001-12-21 Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--confm help retrn quit flip pref main Marks and Credits 9999999900-19981-AS HBA-ECO100Y1-Y modified successfully In the above example Entered By, Entered Date, Approved By and Approved Date are display-only fields generated automatically by ROSI when the screen was modified to include the student’s mark in ECO100Y1. Y/N Fields The “(Y/N)” to the right of any field name signifies that the only valid values for that field are ‘Y’ (for yes) and ‘N’ (for no). The “(Y/N)” fields are identified on the Maintain Student Marks and Credits Screen above. Browse Screens A Browse screen is a view-only screen that displays a list of information but does not allow you to select or maintain the information. Page 30 of 48 Press [F12] The Main Menu Screen appears. Type 2 in <Code> and press [Enter] The Manage Person Menu Screen appears. Type C in <Code> [Tab] to <Surname> Type Test in the <Surname> field and press [Enter] The Surname Search Screen appears. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Other Types of Screens ________________________________________________________________________________________ Surname Search Screen (2, C with Surname) SPP0014 Sep 22,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - SURNAME SEARCH - 2 more > Date Immediate Prev Given of Previous Name Surname Name Birth Surname Ind -------------------- ----------------- ---------- -------------------- ---TEST 30011 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30012 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30013 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30014 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30015 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30016 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30017 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30018 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30019 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30020 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30021 ROSI 1971-03-10 TEST 30022 ROSI 1971-03-10 Surname: TEST____________________________________ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip bkwrd frwrd left right main Function Key Definitions The Surname Search Screen is an example of a Browse screen. It displays a list of students with surnames beginning with ‘Test’. As the ‘End of Data’ message is missing from this screen, you know that more data is available. To see the rest of the data: Press [F8] to scroll down through the list When you reach the end of a data list, you will see: ***** End of Data ***** Press [F7] to scroll back up through the list Function Keys There are a total of 12 function [F] keys. A definition for a function key lies underneath the [F] key on the second and third lines from the bottom of the screen. Function keys have the same meaning across all modules in ROSI; however, not all function keys are available on every screen. If a definition appears under the [F] key, then it indicates that the function key is active on the screen. Function keys [F1], [F2], [F3], [F5], [F7], [F8], [F10], [F11], and [F12] are all active on the Surname Search Screen above. Table 4 provides a summary of each of the 12 function keys. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 31 of 48 Other Types of Screens INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4: Summary of Function Keys Function Key Function Press this Function Key To [F1] Help View Screen or Field Help in ROSI. To view Field Help, put your cursor at the beginning of the field and press [F1]. To view Screen Help, put your cursor on a blank section of the screen and press [F1]. [F2] Retrn Move back one level to the previous Menu, or exit a Maintenance Screen, or enter a Maintenance Screen from a Browse Screen. [F3] Quit Exit ROSI. If you press [F3] a confirmation message appears. Press [F3] again to confirm that you want to exit ROSI. [F4] Add Add a new record on a Maintenance Screen. [F4] is not displayed on all screens. [F5] Flip Change how the Function key information is displayed at the bottom of your screen. [F6] Pref Set your preferences when using Maintenance Screens. For example, you can set your preference to clear the screen after each successful add/modify/purge action. [F7] Bkwd Scroll backward to a previous screen if you are working with several data-entry screens or if you are working with a list of valid values that comprise more than one screen. [F8] Frwrd Scroll forward to the next screen if you are working with several data entry screens or if you are working with a list of valid values that comprise more than one screen. [F9] ISPF On the Main Menu, [F9] gives access to Natural for ISPF, which allows users to view/edit datasets and review the status of jobs submitted. Print On screens that allow printing of reports or records, pressing [F9] will display a pop-up screen where you can enter the printer destination. Page 32 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Other Types of Screens ________________________________________________________________________________________ Function Key Function Press this Function Key To [F10] Left Scroll to the panel on the left of where you are. ROSI displays the number of panels available for scrolling to the left of the current screen. This number is displayed in the upper left corner of the current screen. This function has a wraparound feature. This function key is not available on all screens. [F11] Right Scroll to the panel on the right of where you are. ROSI displays the number of panels available for scrolling to the right of the current screen. This number is displayed in the upper right corner of the current screen. This function has a wraparound feature. This function key is not available on all screens. [F12] Main Return to the Main Menu. This function is not available on all screens. Browse-Select Screens Browse-Select screens look similar to Browse screens, but they are used differently. They offer a list of records from which to choose. To see details on a record or to modify it, you can select the record and transfer the information to a Maintenance screen. There are 2 types of Browse-Select screens: single select and multiple select. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 33 of 48 Other Types of Screens INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Single-Select Browse-Select Screens The first type of Browse-Select screen displays the records of the appropriate file in ascending order by key value as shown in the example below. To reach this screen: Type 2 A on the Direct Command Line and press [Enter] The Manage Person Information Menu Screen appears. Type D in <Code> Type 30303 in <Person Id> and press [Enter] The Browse Person Address History Screen appears. Example of Single-Select Browse-Select Screen If you see “1 more”, “2 more” etc. it means that there are more screens to the right of this one. SPN018 Sep 22,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - BROWSE PERSON ADDRESS HISTORY - 2 more > Person ID.: 30303 Surname...: TEST 30303 Given Name: ROSI Field names become column headings Addr Type ---M P Address Effective Date ---------1997-01-15 1997-01-15 Address Termination Date Street City ----------- ------------------------------ -------------------2699-12-31 246 BLOOR STREET W TORONTO 2699-12-31 246 BLOOR STREET W TORONTO *** End of Data *** Person ID: 30303_____ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip bkwrd frwrd left right main Position cursor or enter screen value to select System Messages Rows or records appear in ascending alpha order of the key value. Dates are shown with the most recent date at the top. System Messages Always check the bottom left-hand side of the screen for system messages. These can include error messages, confirmation of actions successfully completed and hints for entering the correct data or report criteria. At the bottom of this screen, the message “Position cursor or enter screen value to select” indicates that you can select one of the entries and display it on the Maintenance screen. Page 34 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Other Types of Screens ________________________________________________________________________________________ To display the record: Click on the first record with your mouse and press [Enter] The Maintain Person Address Screen appears. It is also possible to move the cursor to the first record by using your arrow keys and then pressing [Enter] The record that you have selected is then carried over to the Maintenance screen. From this Maintenance screen, you can re-display the Browse screen: Type B in the <Action> field to browse addresses for this person Press [Enter] The Browse Person Address History Screen re-appears showing the mailing address (<Addr Type> = M) and the permanent address (<Addr Type> = P) for this person. Notice the “2 More >” in the upper right-hand corner of this screen. It indicates that there are two more panels of information. Press [F11] You scroll to the right and the second panel of the screen appears. It indicates in the upper right-hand corner that there is one more panel. Press [F11] again The third panel appears. To scroll to the left: Press [F10] several times until you return to the first panel of the screen Multiple Select Browse-Select Screens The second type of Browse-Select screen also offers a list of records from which to choose but allows you to select one or more records at a time and transfer the information to the Maintenance screen. This is particularly useful when the same information needs to be changed for a group of students or for a group of records for a student. Type 4 A A A on the Direct Command Line and press [Enter] The Browse Student Activities (Restrictive) Screen appears. Type 70103 in <Person Id>, 20039 in <Session Cd>, AT^^^PHD (^^^ stands for 3 spaces using the Space Bar) in <POSt Cd> and press [Enter] A list of academic activities appears for this student. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 35 of 48 Other Types of Screens INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Example of Multiple-Select Browse-Select Screen Act Column SRP0500 Jul 11,06 Act --___ ___ ___ ___ Activity -------AEC1171H AER1009Y AST1000Y RST9999Y ***** Student Information System ***** - BROWSE STUDENT ACTIVITIES (RESTRICTIVE) Sect ---Y Y Y Y Act Sts Att Sts ------- ------REQ CRE REQ CRE INT CRE APP CRE *** End of SRM500 2:47 PM Teach Method / Section -------------------------------LEC 0101 LEC 0101 LEC 0101 LEC 0101 Data *** Name: ROSI TEST 70103 Assoc Org.......: POSt: PHD - Astronomy & Astrophysics Attendance Class: FT Course/Wait Loads: 1.50 / (total) Registration Sts: INVIT 1.50 / (sessional) *Person Id: 70103_____ Session Cd: 20039 *POSt Cd: AT PHD__ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ ADd APProved DElete DIsplay Interim Modify REFused REQuest PF4=add PF6=f/w Possible Actions You will see an Action column on a Multiple-Select Browse-Select screen, which has the same function as an Action field on a Maintenance screen. The possible actions from which to choose are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Type only the capitalized letters (but you don’t need to type them in capitals) beside the activity in the Act column to perform the desired action. Type DI in the <Act> field beside 2 of the activities and press [Enter] The Maintain Student Activities (Restrictive) Screen appears and displays details of the first academic activity. Press [F2] to display details of the other activity ROSI displays details of the second activity. Press [F2] again to return to the Browse screen The Browse Student Activities (Restrictive) Screen appears. The function key [F2] is not only used to display each selection on a Multiple-Select screen, but is also used whenever you wish to: Return to a previous screen from where you are Exit a Maintenance screen Display a Maintenance screen from a Browse screen When dealing with Multiple-Select screens, if you have not completed updating the records from the list you have selected, [F2] will not return you to the previous screen. You will first need to go through the remaining records before you can return to the previous screen. Page 36 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Other Types of Screens ________________________________________________________________________________________ When there isn’t room to display both Action keys and Function keys at the bottom of the screen, such as on the Browse Student Activities (Restrictive) Screen, ROSI allows you to switch back and forth by pressing [F5]. Press [F5] The PF-Key Display Options Screen appears. Type ‘S’ beside “Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5” or “Available Commands” whichever one is not presently visible on the screen and press [Enter] You’ll see a message at the bottom of the pop-up saying “PF-key option has been set successfully”. Press [PF2] to return to the previous screen The Browse Student Activities (Restrictive) Screen re-appears. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 37 of 48 On-Line Help INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ ON-LINE HELP There are three types of on-line help in ROSI: Screen Help Field Help Table-Driven Field Help All three types of on-line help are available through the use of the function key [F1]. Screen Help When you are on a Maintenance screen, you can get a general text description on the purpose of the screen, the required fields, the optional fields and any information unique to that screen. Type 2 A on the Direct Command Line and press [Enter] The Manage Person Information Menu Screen appears. Type B in <Code>, 30303 in <Person Id> and press [Enter] The Maintain Person Name Screen appears. Using your mouse, click the cursor on any blank area of the screen and press [F1] Screen Help appears for this screen. Press [F8] to view the next couple of pages of the Screen Help and [F7] to return to the first page of the Screen Help. Example of Screen Help Student Information System - Help Sub-System Maintain Person Name Maintain Person Name is used to correct current or past name information, to create a new current name record or to browse the name history for a person. To record an official name change, add a new name ('A' in Action) and change the effective date and name fields as required. The current name will be kept as history. Please enter information into the following required fields: - Person Id - Name Effective Date - Surname - Given Name You may also enter/confirm information in these optional fields: - Title Code Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF1 frwrd help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd Help for: P/PERSON/SPP0017/1 Page 38 of 48 Press [F2] to exit Screen Help The Maintain Person Name Screen re-appears. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI On-Line Help ________________________________________________________________________________________ Field Help There are two types of Field Help in ROSI. Field Help can be a text description of a field or a table of values from which to select an appropriate value. [Tab] to the <Name Effective Date> field and press [F1] The text description of the field appears. Example of Field Help Student Information Systems Help For: Name Effective date Date when the name becomes valid. This date cannot be greater than the current date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD To change the Name Effective Date for a person, you must create a new record by putting A in the Action field. You cannot modify the Name Effective Date in an existing record. Page ... : 1 / 1 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF1 frwrd help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd Help for: D/SIS-NAME_HIST/NAME_EFFECTIVE_DT/1 Press [F2] to exit Field Help The Maintain Person Name Screen re-appears. Table-Driven Field Help There are fields on the screen that have an asterisk (*) to the left of the field name. The asterisk (*) indicates that there is a table of possible values available for that field. [Tab] to <*Marital Status> and press [F1] The Marital Status Table appears. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 39 of 48 On-Line Help INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Example of Table-Driven Field Help SZH094 Sep 23,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - MARITAL STATUS TABLE - 11:08 AM Marital Start End Status Session CD Session CD Description ------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------1 19711 99999 Single, Divorced, Widowed 2 19711 99999 Married or Separated 9 19711 99999 Not Reported ****** End of Data ****** Marital Status: _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF1 help retrn flip bkwrd frwrd Position cursor or enter screen value to select Press [F1] again to display the text help A text description of the Marital Status field appears. Press [F2] twice to exit field and table-driven help The Maintain Person Name Screen re-appears. There are three ways to select a value for a field with table-driven help: On the Maintenance Screen, type in the whole word or number and press [Enter] without having to refer to the table, or From the table, click on the value with the mouse and press [Enter], or Move the cursor to that value and then press [Enter]. The contents will be displayed automatically on the Maintenance screen whenever you retrieve a record from the table of values. Page 40 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI On-Line Help ________________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 1 – Navigating 1. What Function key would you use to return to a previous screen? 2. On the Direct Command Line, type 4 A C B and [Enter]. 3. Take a few minutes to [Tab] through fields and display field help for fields with both text and table help. Display screen help. (Hint: your cursor must be on a blank portion of the screen.) Exercise 2 – Menus 1. Go to the Main Menu of ROSI using a Function Key. 2. How many items are displayed under the Academic Audit Menu and how many have an additional menu level? 3. What student information would you expect to retrieve by using Direct Command 4 F? ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 41 of 48 Finding a Person in ROSI INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ FINDING A PERSON IN ROSI The Person Search Screen (2 A B) allows you to search for a person in three ways: by Surname only, by Surname and Date of Birth (DOB) by Social Insurance Number (SIN) only or with the Surname It is important to try to find the person using several methods. For example, if you try to find Smyth, John and no records are found, it is possible that the record exists with a different spelling, i.e., Smith. Exhaust all possibilities until you are absolutely certain you have the correct person or that the record does not exist. Searching by Surname Only Press [F12] to return to the Main Menu Screen The Main Menu Screen appears. [Tab] to the Direct Command Line Type 2 A on the Direct Command Line and press [Enter] The Manage Person Information Menu Screen appears. Type B in <Code> and delete 30303 in <Person Id> Press [Enter] The Person Search Screen appears. Person Search Screen (2 A, B without a Person Id) Type only as many letters of the Surname as you need to find possible matches SPP0012 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - PERSON SEARCH - Surname: Te ______________________________________ Given Name: ________________________________________ SPM0121 02:54 PM Date of Birth: __________ SIN: _________ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip main Page 42 of 48 Type Te in <Surname> and press [Enter] The Name Search Screen appears with a listing of all the people whose last name starts with ‘Te’. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Finding a Person in ROSI ________________________________________________________________________________________ SPP0102 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - NAME SEARCH - SPM10211 2 more > Date Immediate Prev Given Of Previous Name Action Surname Name Birth Surname Ind ------ -------------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- ----_ Test09 Rosi 1905-11-01 _ Test10 Rosi 1915-04-26 _ Test00 Rosi 1970-03-15 _ Test01 Rosi 1906-03-09 _ Test02 Rosi 1954-09-09 Test12 _ Test03 Rosi 1902-02-16 _ Test04 Rosi 1983-12-04 Y _ Test05 Rosi _ Test06 Rosi 1974-12-12 Test11 _ Test07 Rosi 1975-01-01 Y _ Test08 Rosi Create New Person (Y/N): N Surname: Te____________________________ Given Name: _________________________ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Select (PF5=flip) Result: All people whose last name starts with “Te” Searching by Surname and Date of Birth The second way of searching for a person in ROSI is to enter the surname and the person’s date of birth. Press [F2] to exit the Name Search Screen The Manage Person Information Screen appears. Type B in <Code> and press [Enter] The Person Search Screen appears. Type Test in <Surname> [Tab] to <Date of Birth> Type 1969-01-10 in <Date of Birth> and press [Enter] The Name Search Screen appears with a listing of all the people whose last name starts with ‘Test’ and whose date of birth is March 10, 1971, which does not match what you entered as the date of birth. When the combination of surname and date of birth is used to search for a person, ROSI first checks the surname for a match and if a match exists, then checks the date of birth. If there is a match in both fields, ROSI will display just the one case where a match exists. However, if there is only a match on the Surname field, ROSI will display everyone with that surname and ignore the date of birth information. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 43 of 48 Finding a Person in ROSI INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ SPP0102 Sep 23,03 Result: Match on Surname field only and ignores Date of Birth information ***** Student Information System ***** - NAME SEARCH - SPM10211 2 more > Date Immediate Prev Given Of Previous Name Action Surname Name Birth Surname Ind ------ -------------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- ----_ TEST 30000 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30001 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30002 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30003 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30004 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30005 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30006 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30007 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30008 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30009 ROSI 1971-03-10 _ TEST 30010 ROSI 1971-03-10 Create New Person (Y/N): N Surname: TEST__________________________ Given Name: _________________________ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Select (PF5=flip) Searching by Social Insurance Number The third way of searching for a person is to use a Social Insurance Number (SIN) with or without the person’s surname. SIN is not a required field in ROSI. If you use the SIN as part of your search criteria and the SIN has not been recorded, ROSI will not be able to find an exact match for your search criteria and will not retrieve the record for you even though it may exist. As there are no valid Social Insurance Numbers in the ‘Training’ environment, you will not be able to do a search here. SPP0012 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - PERSON SEARCH - Surname: Test00___________________________________ Given Name: ________________________________________ SPM0121 02:54 PM Date of Birth: __________ SIN: 000000000 You can use the SIN alone or with the Surname Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip main Page 44 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Finding a Person in ROSI ________________________________________________________________________________________ Search Results: SIN with Surname SPP0104 Apr 01,03 Result: Only one person has that SIN ***** Student Information System ***** - SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER SEARCH - SPM10411 2 more > Date Immediate Prev Given Of Previous Name Action Surname Name Birth Surname Ind ------ -------------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- ----_ Test00 Rosi 1900-01-16 *** End of Data *** Social Insurance Number: 000000000 Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Select (PF5=flip) Browse Surname The Browse Surname Screen (2, C with Surname) allows you to search for a person by surname. Since this is a Browse screen and not a Browse-Select screen, you are limited to viewing the information only and you cannot select the record. Surname Search Screen (2, C with Surname) SPP0014 Apr 01,03 ***** Student Information System ***** - SURNAME SEARCH - 2 more > Date Immediate Prev Given of Previous Name Surname Name Birth Surname Ind -------------------- ----------------- ---------- -------------------- ---Test00 Rosi 1970-03-15 Test01 Rosi 1906-02-09 Test02 Rosi 1954-09-09 Test12 Test03 Rosi 1902-10-16 Test04 Rosi 1983-12-04 Y Test05 Rosi Test06 Rosi 1974-12-12 Test13 Test07 Rosi 1975-01-01 Y Test08 Rosi Test09 Rosi 1970-08-31 Test10 Rosi 1958-07-12 Y Test11 Rosi 1968-08-08 Surname: TEST___________________________________ Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--help retrn quit flip bkwrd frwrd left right main ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 45 of 48 Finding a Person in ROSI INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 3 – Using a Maintenance Screen 1. Go to the Manage Person Information Menu Screen by entering 2 A and pressing [Enter]. Continue by typing B in the Code field and 30301 (or 30300) in the Person Id field. Press [Enter]. This brings you to the Maintain Person Name Screen. Modify the record by adding a new Title Code for this student. You can press [F1] to view and select from a list of valid title abbreviations. When you are done, look for the system message at the bottom of the screen to make sure you have modified the record successfully. Exercise 4 – Adding a Contact 1. Go to the Browse Contact Information Screen by entering 2 B on the Direct Command Line and pressing [Enter]. Press [F2] to view the Maintain Contact Information Screen. 2. Record emergency contact information for your student. Press [F1] on any field for individual field help or on a blank space on the screen for a detailed explanation of how to use this screen. Remember that special characters should never be used when entering information on ROSI text lines, such as accents over characters in the Surname, Previous Name, or Given Name fields. 3. Next, record next-of-kin contact information. 4. Enter B in the <Action> field to browse the contacts that you have added. 5. Change the name of the person to contact in case of an emergency. 6. Purge the next-of-kin contact information. Page 46 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 INTRO: Introduction to ROSI Logging Off ROSI ________________________________________________________________________________________ LOGGING OFF ROSI It is very important to log off from ROSI as outlined below. If these steps are not taken, ROSI will not recognize the fact you have logged off, and when you attempt to log back on, you will get a system message saying that you are already logged into ROSI. To log off: If you are on the Main Menu, go to next step, otherwise press [F3] Termination Confirmation pop-up window appears, asking you to confirm your intention to log off the system. Press [F3] The system message, ‘NAT9995 Natural Session Terminated Normally’ appears. Press [Enter] The ROSI Com-Pass Screen appears. At this screen, you are given an option to either return to the ROSI environment (Type A and press [Enter]) or continue the logoff procedure by completing the next step. Type B and press [Enter] The Supersession Main Menu Screen re-appears. Press [F3] The system message “The session has been terminated” appears. Click on the ‘X’ at the top-right corner of your screen or choose File Exit All from the toolbar A Dialog box appears and asks “Do you want to close this session?” Click on Yes The system logs you out. ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013 Page 47 of 48 Appendix A INTRO: Introduction to ROSI _________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A: GETTING HELP The ROSI for Staff website at is a great source of information about ROSI. Some of the valuable information it provides is: Accessing ROSI, i.e. obtaining SecurId Card Learning ROSI, i.e. training methods and self-study guides Enhancing ROSI Direct Commands Download information In addition, there are three main avenues of help available for ROSI users. The Table below describes the types of questions you might have and the proper channel to take to get your questions answered. An explanation of the types of queries is provided for clarity purposes. Type of Query Help System Queries ROSI Help: Business Process Queries Divisional ROSI Business Process Representative Access to ROSI Queries Divisional Access Control Representative System Queries Email the ROSI Help Desk for any system problems. System problems arise when ROSI is not working as it should or where unexpected error messages occur. In addition, ROSI Help can be of assistance in the case where you know what the business process is that you are following, but do not know or cannot remember how to accomplish it in ROSI. Business Process Queries Your Divisional ROSI Business Representative handles business Process questions, when advice is needed on how to conduct the business. Questions of this nature relate to your division's business rules, i.e., how your division processes, records, performs, enrolls, etc. The Divisional Rep is the person who contacts the SIS Client Representative. Access to ROSI Queries For access to ROSI whether it is gaining first-time access or replacing a lost card, contact your Divisional Access Control Representative. To find out who your Divisional Access Control Rep is, check the web site at the following address: Page 48 of 48 ©Student Information Systems, University of Toronto Nov 28, 2013