Byker info your Byker, your news Useful numbers Who to contact When to ring Phone number Police In an emergency, if someone’s life is in danger or a crime is taking place. 999 To report all other crimes or incidents or for general information and advice. 08456 043 043 For the deaf and hard of hearing. 01661 820 915 Minicom text. 07786 200 815 To report noise nuisance, broken street lights, rubbish, litter or fly tipping, dog fouling, abandoned vehicles, vandalism and graffiti. 0300 1000 101 Fire and Rescue service Emergencies 999 Fire Community Safety Team Fire Safety Officers, Fire Prevention Team 0191 444 1144 Type-talk This enables deaf, deaf-blind and speech impaired people to contact ALL emergency services. 18000 Private Rented Project For problems with private rented properties 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday surgery. 0191 273 6103 Environmental concerns To report problems with street cleaning, graffiti, trees, bushes, shrubs, pavements. 0191 274 4000 Neighbourhood helpline Night-Watch Newcastle City Council switchboard 0191 232 8520 Repaircall 0845 113 8888 Byker Community Housing Office 0191 278 1555 Newcastle Civic Centre 24 hours freephone 0800 091 1252 Byker Ward Councillors Cllr George Allison Cllr Veronica Dunn Cllr Nick Kemp 0191 265 8995 0191 276 1358 0191 240 3068 Newcastle East and Wallsend Member of Parliament Nick Brown MP 0191 261 1408 Byker Ward Co-ordinator Caroline Collinson 0191 277 3564 Contents page 3 Byker - update page 8 Byker regeneration plan page 5 What does PFI mean? page 9 What is a listed building? page 6 Questions and answers page 11 The Byker Heritage Partnership Agreement page 2 Welcome to the 1st edition of Byker info We’ve produced this newsletter to give residents across Byker up-to-date information about how we’re working to improve Byker as a place to live and work. This first issue explains our current proposals to attract new investment to Byker by way of the Government’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI). We’re keen to get your comments on the newsletter. You can do this by contacting YHN’s Communications team on 0191 278 8719 or by e-mail Published by Newcastle City Council and Your Homes Newcastle in April 2009. Byker - update Since the turn of the millennium Byker has benefited from a range of general improvements - with CCTV, Street Wardens and ‘gating off’ schemes making a particularly big impact. It started back in 2001 when the Byker Forum worked with local housing officers and community development staff to make a successful bid for CCTV for the Byker redevelopment area. The Government were impressed that tenants had led the planning and design of the project, and approved the project. This was then complemented in 2002 with the introduction of the Street Wardens Scheme. The wardens are working closely with the council and local housing officers to deal with environmental issues, which has helped reduce anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. page 3 It hasn’t all been about safety and security though Byker is benefiting from having less empty properties in and around the estate. In 2004 there were over 170 empty properties at any one time; this has now been reduced to 15. Empty properties are also being let faster. In 2007 it took an average of 84 days to let a property; now it takes 35 days. These are big achievements for the Byker Community Housing Office (Byker CHO) and their partners. As well as reducing rental loss considerably these changes have removed the blight of boarded up properties from the estate. This has also improved the demand for properties in Byker. Reducing crime and the fear of crime Another important factor in reducing crime and the fear of crime has been the large number of ‘gating off’ schemes completed throughout Byker. These have typically been funded through Byker CHO’s Area Housing Project Fund and YHN’s Planned Environmental Maintenance Schemes. Gating off has given tenants and residents defensible space and encouraged people to take responsibility for communal land close to their homes – making this estate much easier to manage for agencies like Newcastle City Council, YHN and Northumbria Police. Further schemes are now being designed. Like all improvements taking place in Byker they have been given support from English Heritage so they blend in with the design of the estate. Tenants and housing staff have been working for the past year on the newly formed Byker Neighbourhood Agreement. The agreement gives tenants extensive information about standards of service and what they can expect in terms of performance from YHN. It also gives tenants and residents information about how they can be involved in Byker. The diversity of modern Byker Young people from the area have completed a grand piece of art which now takes pride of place on the Byker Community Housing Office wall. They worked with artist Allison McGowan to design and install a mural that shows the diversity of modern Byker. Byker info page 4 What does PFI mean? And what might it mean for Byker? What is it? The private finance initiative (PFI) is used to fund major new public building projects, including hospitals, schools, prisons and roads. Private companies raise the finance to complete a public sector project. They are also contracted to maintain the project while a public authority (in this case Newcastle City Council) uses them. Once the work is complete, the public authority begins to pay back the private companies for the cost of the buildings and their maintenance, plus interest. Background. Byker estate was built between 1969 and 1983 to a masterplan by British architect Ralph Erskine, and is currently home to around 4,500 people in 2,000 dwellings. Byker is regarded as one of the most important and influential social housing schemes of the period. Improving the estate. YHN’s programme of Modern Homes work on the Byker estate is ongoing and approximately one quarter of the estate has now been completed. All homes will meet the Government’s Decent Homes standard by the end of 2011. However, these works only offer part of the solution to the complex needs of the estate. Also, the cost of improving the estate is much bigger than the funding available under the Government’s Decent Homes programme. To restore the estate to its original condition and to transform it to 21st century living needs significant additional investment. Investment. We have considered a number of ways to attract the investment needed and decided that PFI is currently the best option available. We decided to submit an “Expression of Interest” to the Government in July 2008. The Government will let us know whether we have been successful in our bid in late Spring/early Summer 2009. If we are successful, the next thing we would need to do is complete a detailed Business Plan, which would take about a year to complete. Either way, we will involve you in decisions about how we take Byker forward. Works under a PFI project would not start until 2013, but YHN’s Modern Homes programme would continue in the meantime. The Byker Housing PFI project will build on recent investment in the area with an extensive programme of environmental improvement and remodelling, developing new homes for sale and to rent on an adjoining site, and external works to conserve and enhance the listed estate. It would also include the restoration of derelict and underused housing and community buildings, including Bolam Coyne, Raby Cross and the Hobby Rooms, and a new 24-unit Learning Disability Extra Care Unit on the site of the former Clifford Road Training Centre. page 5 Byker PFI questions What part of Byker is the subject of the PFI proposal? Would YHN manage our homes? The Byker redevelopment area is the area in and around the Byker Wall. It is the area redeveloped by Ralph Erskine between 1968 and 1983. Geographically it is the area to the east of Byker Bank, the south of the Byker bypass, west of Allendale Road and north of Walker Road. Our preference is for YHN to continue to manage the properties in Byker as we believe that this provides the best and most cost-effective service to residents. How will the community be involved? The community will be involved at every step of the project, building on the findings of consultation that has taken place in Byker recently. We will work with the Ward Committee, Byker Forum and other Byker residents’ groups, supported by an Independent Tenant Adviser to ensure that the community’s views are fully taken into account. The involvement of the residents of Byker is critical to ensuring that the project is a success. When would it start? If we are successful in getting Government approval for the project we would not expect work to start until 2013. Between now and then we would be talking to local people to find out exactly what they want, specifying the requirements, surveying the properties, appointing a partner from the private sector and getting planning permission for the works. However, YHN’s Modern Homes programme will continue in the meantime. Byker info page 6 Would rents be higher under the PFI? The council and YHN would continue to set rents for the properties on the Byker estate and they would not increase because of the PFI. Why would the contract last so long? (25 or 30 years) This is because the private sector partner would need to borrow a large amount of money from its own funders to finance the works to start with. This finance is then repaid during the contract period by the council (with support from the Government) paying a monthly charge for the assets and services provided. The period of the contract would be set to make sure the private sector partner can earn back the money it needs to repay its borrowings, providing it performs the contract services properly over this period. and answers What would happen at the end of the contract? What happens if it goes wrong? The costs of the project would all have been repaid, the Government subsidy would end and the properties would be “handed back” to the Council in a condition that was specified at the start of the contract. If the private sector partner does not fulfil their contractual obligations their payments would be reduced under the agreed “payment mechanism” which is part of the contract. If the partner’s performance was very bad over a period of time, the council would be able to terminate the contract. What would happen to the people who own their homes? There are a number of residents (approximately 180) who have bought their properties through the Right to Buy or on the open market. We would liaise with each owner individually to make sure that they are aware of the works to be carried out to the estate and where possible, to give freeholders the opportunity to buy into the refurbishment works. Who would repair our properties? The repairs and maintenance of the properties in Byker would be carried out by the private sector partner. We would have agreed a detailed specification of works, response times and other quality standards and there would be checks carried out to ensure that these standards are met. This is no different to the Modern Homes programme, which is carried out by private companies under contract to YHN. What would happen to the community facilities in Byker? The community buildings would remain on the estate and would continue to be owned and managed by the council. They would be improved and refurbished in line with the other properties across the estate. Would there be better public transport? Public transport is not part of the PFI project itself but will be looked at as a part of the wider Regeneration Plan for Byker. The PFI project does include environmental improvements which would improve vehicle access to the estate. Would there be more homes for rent? It is proposed that the vacant South Byker site (to the north of Walker Road) should be developed as part of, or alongside, the PFI project. This development would include a percentage of affordable housing for sale and rent. page 7 Byker Regeneration Plan Like much of the East End of Newcastle, Byker has social issues that need to be addressed at the same time as we look to improve the local environment and homes. So far we have gathered information to understand the current position of Byker so we can decide what needs to be done to ensure Byker has a sustainable future. Issues like education, health, housing problems and community safety are being looked at. We know that there are high levels of deprivation but there are also many good things going on which are tackling those problems. The proposed Regeneration Plan will build on what is already happening. It will look in a practical way to tackle the challenges and to bring together the opportunities so that more can be done to improve the area and help the people who live there. It is early days for the Plan. It is important that the Plan reflects what you, as local people, feel is important for you and your area. You will have the opportunity to give us your views; look out for more details soon. District and group heating District heating, also called communal or group heating, consists of a large central heating system which supplies the heating and hot water for a block or group of properties. Your Homes Newcastle manages almost 4,000 properties that have district heating. The largest of these is at Byker servicing 1,900 properties. The Byker system has been maintained since the estate was built and some major works have also taken place including replacement of the boiler. Through the internal package of the Modern Homes programme, all properties will receive Byker info page 8 upgraded controls, thermostatic radiator valves and a timer. This work is starting on properties in the Byker Wall and will be completed by 2011/2012. Work is also being done to look at any other improvements that could be made to the overall system and reviewing the approach to charging to ensure it is fair for all of the residents of Byker. What is a listed building? Buildings are chosen by the Government for listing if they are of “special architectural or historic interest”. Listing is done on the advice of English Heritage. The most important listed buildings - such as Hadrian’s Wall - are called Grade 1. Byker is the second most important type of listed building Grade 2 *. Grade 2 * listing means that Byker is particularly important and of more than local interest. People in Byker know this very well - a few years ago many residents took part in preparing the Conservation Plan for Byker which was published in 2006. In the whole country there are only three other modern estates which have Grade 2* listing - so, even though you have always known that Byker is special, that has now been recognised nationally. What is listing for? The purpose of listing is to protect the special character of listed buildings and prevent unsuitable changes. The ways in which this will be done will be set out in a “Byker Heritage Partnership Agreement”. The Agreement is described on pages 11 and 12 of this newsletter . page 9 What does the listing of Byker mean for you? The whole of the Byker estate is now a “listed building”. Every house and flat in the estate is included, as are outside features including fences, pergolas and planting boxes. Listing will not stop changes on the estate but the changes that do happen should preserve and enhance the unique character of Byker. This means that buildings and key parts of the environment cannot be demolished or altered or extended unless they have “listed building consent”. This affects the inside of buildings as well as the outside. Listed building consent is separate from other forms of consent which will still be needed if you plan to alter your home, such as planning approval, and landlord’s consent in the case of council tenants. So, if you want (for example) to alter your windows, or put on a porch or a conservatory, you will only be allowed to do so if you first obtain listed building consent. If you don’t get consent, you must not do the alteration. If you do such an alteration without getting listed building consent you could be fined. How will the listing affect the Modern Homes Programme? From the start, the Modern Homes Programme in Byker has been designed to meet the needs of listing. This means that the standards of design and the materials which are used in Byker are not the same as those used elsewhere in Newcastle. Listing means that the Modern Homes Programme needs to ensure that both internal and external packages support and improve Byker’s unique qualities. The outcome is that some aspects of the Modern Homes Programme will cost more than they would otherwise, and this may lead to delays to some aspects. Byker info page 10 You can find out how the Modern Homes Programme at your home will be affected by contacting YHN’s East Area Investment Team using the freephone number, which is 0800 091 1255. The Byker Heritage Partnership Agreement What is it? of dealing with large reement is a new way and complicated listed Ag A Heritage Partnership d English buildings such as Byker. wcastle City Council an Ne , tle as wc Ne es m Ho between Your management It will be an agreement ne concerned with the yo er ev r fo e nc ida gu ll be to provide ther for the Heritage. Its purpose wi that we can work toge so , te ta Es r ke By e th ich make up of the listed buildings wh live there. te and the people who ta es e th of t fi ne be rm listed long te are appropriate to the s ge an ch l ica ys ph at that will outline wh It will be a handy guide estate. 2005. The n -“A Byker Future“ in Pla n tio va er ns Co r ke ed to the By ent. Many people contribut age Partnership Agreem rit He e th of rt pa nt rta be an impo Conservation Plan will s i h t l l i w n e h W happen? e Byker Heritage Work began on th d ment last year an Partnership Agree Ward rted to the Byker progress was repo The November 2008. Committee held in YHN tly working with Council are curren d ge on the detaile and English Herita t. of the Agreemen technical content Will it make ? r e i s a e s g n i th t nership Agreemen The Heritage Part e YHN look after th is largely to help d ill make it easier an listed estate. It w d opriate changes an pr ap e ak m to er simpl the the properties on improvements to estate. page 11 Repairs GB Z_¨ nj Avcbvi Ni evox †givgZ Ki‡Z PvIqv m¤^‡Ü|GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 This information is about Your Homes Newcastle, who are responsible for managing council homes GB Z_¨ nj †Ubv›U‡`i KvDw݇ji Ni evox †Kbvi AwaKvi m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq Right to Buy on behalf of Newcastle Council, cÖ‡qvRb nqCity Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡iand †dvb how Ki“b- we 0191are 278doing. 8633 If you need this in your language or a phone 278 8633.†Ubv›U This wnmv‡e information is `vwqZ¡ also available in easy read, large print, Rentdifferent language GB这是有关您的租金账户的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 Z_¨ nj 0191 wbDKvm¨vj KvDw݇ji Avcbvi `vq m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev278 Ab¨ †Kvb 0191 Tenancy 8633 索取。 Braille and audio can also arrange for you see8633 a British Sign Language interpreter. fvlvqtape. cÖ‡qvRbWe nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^ v‡i †dvb Ki“b0191to278 GB这是有关要求维修您的住房的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 Z_¨ nj Avgv‡`i †jwUs mvwf©m( fvov welqK) m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq0191 cÖ‡qvRb nq YCHRepairs 278 8633 索取。 Zvn‡j GB bv¤^ v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 Right to Buy 这是有关租客有权购买他们的市政房屋的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致 Z_¨ nj BDi †nvgm wbDK¨vmj mg‡Ü| Ges Avgiv wKfv‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb KiwQ †m mg‡Ü| BDi †nvgm wbDK¨vmj, YHN Rentgeneral/Homes + GB 這是關於您的租金賬戶的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 0191 278 电 0191 278 8633 索取。 wbDK¨vmj wmwU KvDw݇ji c‡¶ KvDw݇ji Ni evox e¨e¯’ v cbvi `vwqZ¡ c Ö v ß| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb People 8633 索取。 Tenancy 这是有关您作为纽卡斯尔市政租客所需要承担的责任的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语 Bengali fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 Repairs 這是關於如何要求維修您住房的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 0191 言版本,请致电 0191 278 8633 索取。 278 8633 索取。 YCH 这是有关我们的出租服务的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 Right to Buy 這是關於租客有權購買他們的市政房屋的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致 8633 索取。 téléphoner au 0191 278 8633 pour obtenir une traduction écrite. 普通话/国语 0191 278 8633 索取。 YHN general / Homes + 電 这是有关代表纽卡斯尔市政府(Newcastle City Council)负责管理市政房屋的 Your Homes Newcastle Chinese People Tenancy 這是關於您作為紐卡素市政府租客所需要承擔的責任的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語 (您的纽卡斯尔住房)组织的信息,内容解释了我们是如何运作。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其 Simplified 言版本,請致電 278 278 8633 索取。 它语言版本,请致电 0191 索取。 Newcastle Furniture Ces informations0191 concernent le8633 service « mobilier » de Your Homes Newcastle, qui fournit du mobilier service aux locataires pour les aider à s’installer dans leur logement. Si vous avez besoin de ces 0191 278 YCH 這是關於我們的出租服務的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 informations 8633 索取。en français ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. Rent informations concernent votre loyer. Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en français ou YHN廣東話/粵語 general / Homes + Ces 這是關於 Your Homes Newcastle(您的紐卡素住房)機構的信息,內容解釋了我們代表紐卡素市政府 dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. People Chinese (Newcastle City Council)負責管理市政房屋以及如何運作。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它 Repairs Ces informations concernent les demandes de travaux pour votre logement. Si vous avez besoin de Traditional 語言版本,請致電 0191 278 8633 索取。 ces informations en français ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. @ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷@NóäbmóØòìíäb‚@ñòìó䆋ÙØbš@üi@ðîŒaí‚a†@ðmóïäüš@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Right to BuyRepairs Ces informations concernent les droits des locataires relatifs à l’acquisition de leur logement social. Si vous avez besoin de cesNç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ informations0191 en français ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 278 8633 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ YHNArea general / Homes + of YHN work Strapline to translate ، ﺎﺳﻞ278 ﻧﻴﻮﻛ8633. ﺷﻬﺮدارى اﻳﻦ ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن از ﺳﻮى.آن اﺳﺖ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﻧﯿﻮﮐﺎﺳﻞ« و اﻳﻦ اﻃﻼﻋﺎت درﺑﺎره ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن »ﺧﺎﻧﻪﻫﺎى ﺷﻤﺎ در 0191 People @ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ òŠb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@î ‹.دارد Ø@üi@çbåï“å–‹Ø@Àbà@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Tenancy Ces informations vosزﺑﺎن responsabilités queدرlocataire municipalité deﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﻴﺖ ﺗﻠﻔﻦ دﻳﮕﺮ ﺑﺎ ﺷﻤﺎرهconcernent ﻓﺎرﺳﻰ ﻳﺎ زﺑﺎنﻫﺎى @ﺑﻪNاﻃﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﻪ اﻳﻦen ﻧﻴﺎزtant ﺻﻮرت ﻋﻬﺪهde را ﺑﻪlaدوﻟﺘﻰ اداره ﺧﺎﻧﻪﻫﺎى Right to Buy Farsi Newcastle. Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en français ou dans une autre langue, @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói @óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 8633Newcastle, Adaptations service Информация службе адаптации0191 Your278 Homes которая предоставляет помощь .ﺑﮕﻴﺮﻳﺪ ﺗﻤﺎس٠١٩١٢٧٨٨۶٣٣ téléphonez au :о0191 278по 8633. людям пожилого возраста или с ограниченными физическими возможностями в сохранении YCH Ces informations concernent notre service de location. Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en @m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @Nóîa‡Ý—bØüïä@óÜ@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðÙ—åï“å–‹Ø@íØòì@òí—÷@ðäbØóïmóîb‹qŠói@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ независимости в их autre собственных домах на протяжении длительного периода. Если Вы Tenancy français ou dans une langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. Nвç‹i@ñ‡äòí— q@0191 278Homes 8633 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ нуждаетесь этой информации <на русском> или:другом языке звоните по 0191 278 8633. YHN general / Homes + Ces informations concernent Your Newcastle qui est chargé de gérer lesтел. logements sociaux Français <português> ouо noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278и 8633. Advice and support Информация службе предоставления консультаций поддержкиSiYour Newcastle, au nom de la municipalité de Newcastle et comment nous procédons. vousHomes avez besoin de ces People @Šóè@informação bî@которой ñ†ŠíØ@ ðäbàŒ@ ói@ óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ m‹ Šòì@ çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @ Nóîóá—÷@ ð–‹Ø@ ðäbØómóà‚@ ói@ помощи pòŠbió@ ãó÷ Rent Esta refere-se à suaãó÷@ renda. SeóÜ@ precisar desta informação em <português> ouóäbîŠbïäaŒ@ noutra French service цьлью является безприютности предоставление с informations en français ouпредупреждение dans une autre langue, téléphonezиau : 0191 278 8633. YCH língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. арендованным жильем. Если Вы нуждаетесь в этой 0191 информации <на русском> или другом @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 278 8633 Repairs Esta informação refere-se ao pedido de reparações em sua casa. Se precisar desta informação em языке звоните по тел. 0191 278 8633. <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. @òìóÝ—bØüïä@ñŠb’@ñaŠü’@çóîý@óÜ@óØ@óîóØó䆋؊bØ@ðmóïäüš@ì@ Your Homesповедением. Newcastle@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Anti-social behaviour Информация о том, как мы справляемся с антиобщественным Если Вы Right to Buy Esta informação refere-se ao direito que os inquilinos têm de comprar a sua habitação social. Se YHN general / Homes + нуждаетесь в этой информации <на русском> или другом языке звоните по тел. 0191 278 8633. @ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ precisar desta informação em <português>@NpbÙi@ðmóîaŠóiòí–Šói@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@óØ@òìaŠ‡—q@ñòìó÷@ðØŠó÷ ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. People Asylum seekers unit Информация об отделе по вопросам беженцев и их благоприятного пребывания сдесь. Если Kurdish Tenancy Esta informação refere-se às suas responsabilidades como inquilino social em Newcastle. Se Вы нуждаетесь в этой информации <на русском> другом языке звоните по тел. 0191 278 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 0191 278или 8633 precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. 8633. YCH Esta informação refere-se ao serviço de arrendamento. Se precisar desta informação em Community Care Alarm Информация о службе по установлению прибора для подачи сигнала для помощи Your Homes <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. Service Newcastle, которая предоставляет поддержку людям проживающим в г. Ньюкасле, которые YHN general / Homes + Esta informação refere-se à Your Homes Newcastle, a organização responsável pela gestão da Português считаются беззащитными по отношению к их возрасту, ограниченным физическим People habitação social em nome do Município de Newcastle, e a nossa situação actual. Se precisar desta Portuguese возможностям или противоправного поведения. этой информации <на idioma, llame 0191 278 8633. informação em al <português> ou noutra língua, queiraЕсли ligar Вы paraнуждаетесь o 0191 278 в8633. русском> или другомsobre языке звоните тел. 278reparaciones 8633. Repairs Ésta es información cómo pedirпо que se0191 realicen en su casa. Si necesita esta Housing Management Информация нашем управлении муниципальными домами в г. Ньюкасле. Если Вы información enо español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191жилыми 278 8633. нуждаетесь в этой информации <на русском> или другом языке звоните по тел. 0191 278 8633. Right to Buy Ésta es información sobre los derechos de los inquilinos a comprar su vivienda municipal. Si necesita PyccKo Involved Информация о том, как Вы можете быть задействованы высказать esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191и 278 8633. свое мнение по поводу предоставляемых услуг. Если Вы нуждаетесь в этой информации русском> или Tenancy Ésta es informaciónнами sobre sus responsabilidades como inquilino municipal <на de Newcastle. Si necesita Russian другом языке звоните по тел. 0191 278 8633. llame al 0191 278 8633. esta información en español o en otro idioma, Leasehold Информация о том, sobre как мыnuestro распоряжаемся предоставляемым в аренду YCH Ésta es información servicio deжьльем, adjudicación. Si necesita esta información en español Муниципалитетом г. Ньюкасла. Если Вы нуждаетесь в этой информации <на русском> или o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. звоните по тел. 278de 8633. YHN Español general / Homes + другом Ésta esязыке información sobre Your0191 Homes Newcastle, que es la responsable de gestionar las Modern homes work Информация об усовершенствованиях муниципальных жилых домов в г.nuestra Ньюкасле. Если viviendas municipales en nombre del Ayuntamiento de Newcastle, y sobre manera deВы People Spanish нуждаетесь в этой информации <на en русском> другом языке llame Ваш работник по связям hacerlo. Si necesita esta información españolили o en otro idioma, al 0191 278 8633. с общественностью в Вашем местном офисе сможет предоставить помощь с нахождением Your Homes Newcastle Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registration number 5076256. Registered office: Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PR. A company controlled by Newcastle City Council.