here - Greenwood College School

From Our
Just a few of the postsecondary institutions
attended by Greenwood alumni...
University of Waterloo
University of Edinburgh
Veterinary Medicine
McMaster University Arts and Sciences, Integrated Science
engineering, Kinesiology, Human Anatomy,
Dalhousie University Commerce, community design,
computer science, engineering, arts, international development
University of Guelph
Human Kinetics, animal biology, International development
Parsons Fashion Design
Imperial College
london (UK)
Western University Ivey AEO
humber College marketing management
biomedical engineering
OCAD university
Environmental Design
Biomechanics, Psychology of Sport, commerce, Athletic Therapist
Cognitive Science,
Development Studies,
arts and sciences
london School of
Hygiene & Tropical
Medicine (uk)
Control of Infectious Diseases
Fanshawe College Graphic Design
University of St. Andrews (uk)
Materials Science and Engineering
brown university
Human Evolutionary Biology
Management and International Relations
of toronto
Trinity College,
Faculty of Engineering,
Vic One Program
Trevor Weir
grad 2008
Queen’s university (ontario, canada)
bachelor of science & Engineering/
Mining engineering
Greenwood’s academic
program challenged
me to... set goals beyond what
I thought I could achieve. I learned
how much better it feels to
attain something you didn’t think
you could do when you started it.
I chose my university/program
I wanted a program
I knew would
challenge me.
Greenwood taught
me to always strive
to push myself
in whatever I do.
My favourite Greenwood moment was...
Our Grade 11 Hiking
Trip in B.C., waking up
one morning
on the summit of a
mountain completely
immersed in a cloud —
it was like we
had been removed
from the earth.
things I loved
How much effort Greenwood teachers put into
helping me; being in a university lecture hall really
put that into perspective.
You could get involved in any team or club you
wanted to; it was very inclusive in that way.
The experiential trips; you really got to know people
on a whole new level.
Without Greenwood,
I wouldn’t have…
the self-confidence
I do today. The outdoor
education trips gave me
the confidence to travel
last summer to the
middle of the Sahara for
a summer job in Africa.
In five years... I want to be working abroad
as a mining engineer. It’s a single person’s life so
who knows how long I’ll be able to stay at it,
but I figure the longer I can be out exploring the
corners of the planet, the better.
A typical day for me now…
Hannah Oatley
grad 2006
london School of Hygiene
& Tropical Medicine (london, uk)
Masters in Control of Infectious Disease
starts with yoga and the BBC news
before rushing to class through London’s
financial district. I have classes from
9-5 every day where I get to learn about
the determinants, distributions and
control strategies for infectious diseases
from amazing lecturers who discovered
the Ebola virus or Mad Cow Disease, or
are creating a vaccine for malaria. It’s an
exhausting, tough program — but I’ve
never been happier!
Without Greenwood, I wouldn’t be…
so committed to activities outside of school and
ensuring that I’m always trying new things to
enrich my mind and grow as a person. Greenwood
is so great because it encourages your personal
development beyond academic success. I think I am
a better, more well-rounded person because
of the school and am doing my best to give back
to my community as Greenwood taught me.
In five years
I hope to...
My favourite Greenwood moment was…
canoeing through five-foot-high waves
in Georgian Bay with my classmates
paddling like crazy — and the feeling of
triumph despite being exhausted.
Our friendship grew and I’ve learned
to persevere.
I chose my undergraduate university/
program because…
I really enjoyed both
arts and science classes
at Greenwood so wanted
to go to a university
where I could study both.
I also wanted to move
to a new city, so I decided
to live in Montreal and
go to McGill to take an
arts and science degree.
When I’m not studying, you’ll find me…
exploring the markets, galleries and restaurants of London.
There is always something new to try or a place to explore
and it’s amazing to be in a city buzzing with life. I’ve always
loved travelling and am planning trips to Ireland, Portugal
and Iceland on weeks off, which I’m really excited about.
Recently, I’ve been pretty busy planning events as president
of my school’s charity committee and preparing for
medical school interviews in Canada.
have graduated from
medical school, be training
in pediatric surgery
and be working with
Doctors Without Borders
for a few months of the
year. Helping to control
disease epidemics and
build health care capacity
in Haiti, Cambodia and
in Sub-Saharan Africa have
always been big dreams of
mine and I’m excited that
I’m finally gaining skills to
be able to do this. My dream
is to spend my life working
as a pediatrician and
doing research to improve
child health in Northern
Canada. It’d be great after
paying off my medical
school debts to live in B.C.
in a house with a view
of the ocean surrounded by
nature trails, so I can enjoy
the outdoors every day!
montana kimel
grad 2012
University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, uk)
International Relations
In five years, I hope to be
doing…something I can’t
predict now. I have many
dreams and aspirations, but
I hope that in five years I
will realize at least one —
or maybe all — of them.
Three things I loved about
Greenwood were…
the outdoor education program — especially
my trip to B.C. — the amazing and genuine
teachers and the learning experiences that
I wouldn’t have had elsewhere.
Without Greenwood, I wouldn’t be…
the confident person I am today.
The school enabled me to find
my footing and not be scared of
speaking out for what I believe in.
Greenwood’s academic
program challenged me to…
think outside the box. As a creative-minded student
I love to push the boundaries outside of rubrics.
During my time at Greenwood, I have done much work
that I am very proud of.
When I’m not
studying, you’ll
find me…
taking photographs
of everything, enjoying
coffee and exploring
the city I am in.
I chose my university/program because…
I decided I needed to challenge myself
with a change of scenery. I wanted
to continue to explore my interests
in world issues and International
Relations. Travelling independently
has been a dream of mine for many years.
The teachers at
Greenwood are…beyond
supportive. I have always
felt there was a teacher
who I could speak to in any
situation or time of need.
They were always there
for me academically and if
I needed solid advice.
My proudest
achievement is…
winning the Leader
by Example Award
in grades 11 and 12. It felt
really special to have
the school choose me
for that honour. I have
worked hard to be involved
with the community
and my own grade over
the years, but it still
came as a
huge surprise.
Without Greenwood,
I wouldn’t be…
the positive, confident,
exuberant, passionate,
risk-taking, curious,
dedicated, determined,
and short-haired
person I am today.
Justin Oliver
grad 2012
harvard university (cambridge, usa)
My favourite Greenwood
moment was…
relaxing at Kilcoo with my entire
graduating class at the beginning of
our final school year. It was an amazing
moment of reflection; looking back
over my time at Greenwood with
all my friends around me, and looking
forward to what I knew would be
my best year yet.
I loved the Greenwood
community because…
the opportunities were always
abundant and failure was never a
concern. Greenwood allowed
me to balance academics with
every other passion in my life.
I was free to try new things, pursue
what I loved, always without fear
of judgment.
I chose my university/program because …
Harvard will allow me to continue
to challenge myself academically, socially,
athletically, and in every other facet
of my life. Like Greenwood, the students
are genuine and the professors love what
they do, the support system is incredible
and the opportunities are endless.
My proudest achievement is…
breaking out of my shell and taking full advantage of
everything Greenwood has to offer. It opened my eyes to
opportunities and people that I may have never seen, things
that have become some of the most important in my life.
The teachers at Greenwood are really…
excited. Excited by learning, by exploring,
by challenging, by having fun, and even by
failure. All are crucial to a great education,
and Greenwood teachers combine them in
a way that makes their teaching captivating
and the classroom environment addictive.
things I must see
(or do) in my lifetime…
1. See the world
(yes, it’s cliché, but it’s true).
2. Discover my passion and
devote myself to it for
the rest of my life.
3. Come to Greenwood’s
75th anniversary.
4. Continue to play the drums
even when I am old.
5. Take advantage of
every opportunity.
In five years
I hope to be doing...
something I love. At
this point the future is
pretty unclear. Maybe
I’ll be settling into
a job, maybe looking
to go to graduate
school for research.
All I know is that I
want to continue to
pursue what I love
academically, while
never letting go
of the other passions
that make me who I am.
Erin Shirreff
grad 2007
Durham University (Durham, uk)
My favourite Greenwood
moment was...playing my final
high school rugby game at the provincial
championships — I captained for the
first two years of the program and in my
Grade 12 year I missed the majority
of the season because of illness, but
I got to play my final game on the
field with the team at OFSAA.
I chose my university/
program because…
The teachers at Greenwood are really...
Approachable and
personable. They
were always willing
to help me out when
I needed it, but also
encouraged me
to be creative and
figure things
out on my own.
typical day
for me now...
with me heading to work at Me to We (the social
enterprise connected to Free the Children). My job involves
me working very closely with independent schools across
North America and organizing international service trips to one
of Me to We’s five destinations. I have also recently joined a
recreational rugby team in the city.
Greenwood’s academic
program challenged me to...
understand that there are
different learning styles and
figure out how I learn best.
A lot of things that I learned
at Greenwood I use in my
day-to-day life now. Being
aware of how you learn best
really helps with university
and in the workforce.
of my Grade 10, 11 and 12
Humanities classes. I loved
learning about people
and more specifically how
they responded to each
other in groups, and put
some reasoning behind
why people do what they
do. My teachers in these
classes were so passionate
about humanities and
how it affects us in our
everyday life and how
these theories are all
around us. They really
passed that passion
on to me.
In five years...I hope to be living in
London and working for a non-profit
organization there. I really love
being in the non-profit world and it
makes my days really rewarding.
A typical day for me
now is…working hard during
my work term in financial
services, meeting interesting
people and learning about
how different businesses
Michael Warrington
grad 2009
Wilfrid Laurier University, Business, Co-op
(ontario, canada)
Accounting, minor: Economics
The teachers at Greenwood are really…
devoted to helping
the students succeed
and getting to know
us as individuals.
Without Greenwood, I wouldn’t be…
as comfortable in my own shoes,
expressing my own ideas
and pursuing my own dreams.
I chose my university/program because…
I am interested in business and
wanted to have the opportunity
to participate in a program
that offered real-life experience
in the business world.
winning the
in my
senior year.
academic program
challenged me to...
find answers from
different perspectives,
recognizing there is
more than one solution
to every problem.
I loved the Greenwood community because…
even though I have been gone for three years, I still feel like I
belong and have made lifelong friendships.
things I loved
the use of technology in >
every aspect of learning.
enthusiastic community >
that encourages participation.
my day off with a friendly >
greeting at the front door.
Without Greenwood, I wouldn’t be…
as willing to try new things or be open to new
experiences. With all the opportunities
Greenwood gave me, it made me a much more
well-rounded person. Greenwood taught me
to go confidently in the direction of my dreams.
lauren olney
grad 2006
college of the Holy Cross (Mass., USA)
English, minor: art history
A typical day for me now is...
always changing. I recently moved from a smaller
public relations firm to a much larger one, and no
two days are ever the same! I’m working in the
firm’s global corporate marketing department, where
I help with external and internal communications.
It’s also very important — especially in my industry —
to stay on top of news around the world, so I spend
a lot of time reading newspapers, magazines,
blogs and various social media.
The teachers at Greenwood are really...
academic program
challenged me to...
be more
confident in
my abilities,
to think in
different ways,
and to try
new things.
extraordinary. They were instrumental
in shaping the person I am today. They opened
my eyes to new avenues and always pushed
me to succeed. I’m forever grateful for their
help throughout my transition to Canada.
I chose my university/program because...
I always loved to write and knew
that having a solid foundation in
English Literature/Creative Writing
would serve me well in the future.
Proudest achievements:
I had a variety of moments
at Greenwood that I remain
very proud of. First thing
that comes to mind is when
I somehow managed to
memorize over 250 lines
for the play You Can’t
Take It With You in Grade 11.
Also, I was quite proud
that I was elected Head Girl
in Grade 12.
I loved the Greenwood
community because...
it was more than just a school.
Although small in size, I really
felt like a member of a greater
community, and loved all the
people I met and different activities
I was able to participate in.
In five years
I hope to be...
doing something I
really love. I’m not sure
what or where that
will be, but I’m excited
to find out!
callie bowman
grad 2009
Mount allison university
(new brunswick, canada)
biology, minor: international development
Greenwood’s academic
program challenged me to...
push myself and really personalize my
course selections. In Grade 12 I ended
up taking two AP classes (Calculus
and English). If you told me in Grade 8
that I was going to be in AP English,
I would have laughed in your face!
Without Greenwood,
I wouldn’t be…
As confident as I am
today. I was always
encouraged to try new
things, whether it be
on one of the many outdoor
education trips or to run
for a leadership position
at the school. Because
of the encouraging and
supportive environment,
I was never scared
to participate, and that
has really translated
into my life
My proudest
since Greenwood.
achievement is…
the awards I was
lucky enough to win on
Greenwood Day
in Grade 12. It was such
an unexpected and
awesome day!
the thing I loved about Greenwood was…
the Small size of the school.
When I was in Grade 12, I could name
every student in the school. It made
walking down the halls not a frightening
experience, but an enjoyable one.
The teachers at Greenwood are really...
Awesome! Enthusiastic,
funny, energetic,
caring, encouraging.
My favourite Greenwood moment was...
too many to name! From winning the first girls’
sports banner in Grade 11 for volleyball, to hanging
out in the Lodge, to Kilcoo and all the other
outdoor education trips.
I loved the Greenwood community because...
there was always someone to cheer you up if you were having a bad day.
Whether it was something silly or an idle chat between classes, or
complaining about university-acceptance stress in the Reading Room —
someone was always there to listen.
This picture is
from a field trip
I did in January to
St. Andrews, New Brunswick
for one of my classes. We
were sampling invertebrate
species in the intertidal zone
of the Bay of Fundy in
-20 C weather!
In five years
I hope to be...
•Living in a new place
and working in a job
that I love. Not quite
sure where or what
that’ll be, but...
•Maybe working in a
third world country,
or maybe working in a
biology research lab
or maybe studying the
behaviour of large
Savannah animals
somewhere in Africa.
A snapshot representation
of programs that our
alumni enrolled in for the
past 5 years:
Architectural Studies
& Cognitive Science
Arts and Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
Community Design
Environmental Design
Fashion Design
Human Evolutionary
International Relations
Media Information
& Technoculture
Songwriting and
Music Business
Veterinary Sciences
recent Graduate destinations
of students from the 2012
Graduating Class that
applied to U.S. and U.K. schools
received at least one offer.
selected by our alumni in the
last three years
(not including
Acadia University
Berklee College of Music (USA)
Bishop’s University
Brown University (USA)
Concordia University
Dalhousie University
Durham University (UK)
GAP Year
Harvard University (USA)
Huron University College at Western
Imperial College London (UK)
Lakehead University
McGill University
McMaster University
Mount Allison University
OCAD University
Parsons The New School for Design (USA)
Queen’s University
St. Francis Xavier University
University of Edinburgh (UK)
University of Guelph
University of King’s College
University of Toronto
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of Waterloo
Western University
Wilfrid Laurier University
number of universities and
colleges in canada, the u.s.,
the united kingdom
and south africa that
greenwood graduates are
attending or attended
Average Number
of Offers
per Grad in 2012
to date
The outcome of a Greenwood
education is character.
Our graduates aren’t simply
well prepared for university
or college; they’re well
prepared for life.
Greenwood College School embraces a
student-focused education, inspiring
young men and women to lead fulfilling lives.
Greenwood’s goal is to be
the best school in canada
at personalized learning
and innovative teaching.
We hope this booklet has helped you learn
a bit about some of our alumni. They are a
wonderful example of Greenwood’s mission
and values in action. Selecting a school
that is the right fit for your child is a vital
decision. Let us know how we can help.
For more information,
visit our website or contact our
admissions office at:
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