Week of 8/26/13-­‐ Citizenship Civics Assignments and Homework *Note* All homework and due dates are underlined. CITIZENSHIP ONGOING ASSIGNMENTS: REQUIRED TEXT READING!!-­‐ Pages 45-­‐69-­‐ Due by 9/3. VOCABULARY!!-­‐ "Citizenship" Vocabulary sheets given out Monday 8/26 (Also downloadable below). Assignment: On your own sheet of paper-­‐ use each "Citizenship" vocabulary word in a sentence of your own making. Sentences must use the vocabulary word properly and be grammatically correct. Due Tuesday 9/3. Vocabulary Quiz-­‐ Wed. 9/4-­‐ short 5 question quiz on citizenship vocab. terms (downloadable below). Must know which 3 terms are the 3 legal ways to become a U.S. citizen. Monday: Portfolio Construction with Table of Contents and Performance Tracking Charts (2" binder, 10 tabs and folder due today). Class syllabus and the Community Supplies Contract due TODAY-­‐ 8/26/13 signed by parent. Informational Text Analysis-­‐ 14th Amendment on "Understanding Citizenship" worksheet (U1.3). Homework: on Understanding Citizenship worksheet, highlight words that help you define the term "citizen"-­‐ due tomorrow. Classroom Rules Proposals due tomorrow. Tuesday: Classroom Rules Proposals due today. "Kids Laws" 14th Amendment-­‐ class discussion and analysis. Review "Oath of Allegiance". iCivics worksheet-­‐ "Citizenship: Just the Facts" (U1.4) -­‐ finish for homework. Wednesday: iCivics worksheet-­‐ "Citizenship: Just the Facts" due today. Writing practice (U1.5). 1st benchmark test passed back and charted on Performance Tracking Charts (student portfolios). Homework: Finish "Understanding Citizenship" worksheet. Thursday: "Understanding Citizenship" worksheet due. Discuss Homeland Security and Immigration statistics. Video of President Obama's Naturalization Ceremony from 2012-­‐ review questions (U1.6). Homework: If you have noticed something you would change at Nolan for the benefit of the common good, bring your ideas to class tomorrow. Friday: Town Hall Meeting!! Ratification of Classroom Constitution. VOTING WINDOW IS NOW CLOSED! Link to President Obama's Naturalization Speech Submit any proposals for change to Nolan for the benefit of the common good (not mandatory). EXTRA CREDIT: "Preparing for the Oath" video. ( Worksheet-­‐ U1.7).