- Thee Backslacpkping with Star Wars Media - Thee Backslacpkping with Star Wars Media (TBSWM) DVD-Rip (avi)
6/13/09 4:56 PM
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Details for Thee Backslacpkping with Star Wars Media (TBSWM) DVD -Rip (av
Created by
mMathab 1 week ago
Movies : Documentary : Other quality : English
Not my creation. This is a rip from the original 8 gb source posted on alt.binaries.starwars, see information bellow.
-Main movie only (no menu, not bonus)
-Main soundtrack (no alternate director commentaries)
-No subtitles
-711 mb avi (divx/mp3)
Its' focus is on the media perception (corporations and individuals) of the Star Wars phenomenon during the run upto and just after the
release of Revenge of the Sith. How this was accomplished was by finding as many sources as i could which dealt with the issue and
then cutting-up and recompiling those clips into chapters which reflect societies themes and memes.
More info on
The full dvd can be downloaded here
Individual chapters can be watched/downloaded here:
Thank you to the creator, I really enjoyed this fan-edit and wanted to share it.
---------------------------------%20 in conjunction with the :F:L:I:M:I:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E: Unfortunately Presents
後面 掴懶與媒介
Release Date ..: 2009/04/01
Theater Date ..: Never
DVD ...........: 2009/04/01
DVD Runtime ...: 03:26:18
Aspect Radio ..: 4:3
Language ......: Chinese / English
Resolution ....: 640 x 480 / 720 x 480 Menus
Video .........: NTSC
Audio .........: AC3 - PCM
Framerate .....: 29.97 VFR
Subtitles .....: Ch/n/GB/En/Cg
Translation ...:
Disc Name .....: TBSWM / PIRATESWEB
Region ........: TBSWM = ALL / PIRATESWEB = 6
Film Genre ....: Documentary / Media Analysis
Filesize ......: 7.78 GB
Disc Type .....: DVD*DL
Trailer .......: Yes
Bonus Features : Yes
Menus .........: Yes / Animated
Source ........: Analog (VHS) / Digital (PDTV) / Web (Misc.)
Capture Equip .: Sony SLV-779HF - Magnavox 1988 - Aiwa VX-S13 - Sony DCR-PC100 - Others Unknown
Page 1 of 3 - Thee Backslacpkping with Star Wars Media (TBSWM) DVD-Rip (avi)
6/13/09 4:56 PM
Packet ........: 156*50MB*5
Posted to .....: alt.binaries.starwars
Freer Culture .: Yes Please
Public Domain .: Yes
Creative Commons : CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain .: Still Yes
Dual-Layer Break Point : (Actual) Chapter 29 - [Chapter 27 thematically]
Website .......:
Release Summary
An analytical narrative of the media coverage of the movie Star Wars Episode III "Revenge of the Sith"
Release Notes
Don't Watch This Presentation.
Contact / Questions
subject heading should contain : TBSWM
Peers: 4 seeders, 0 leechers, 4 total
Size: 711.85 MB
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Posted by
none295 1 week ago
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Hello, this is the creator of this disc. Thanks for the more easily digestible version, to help spread knowledge of this
To those who are reading this, the full DVD is available from the website:
I recommend it, because of the extra features you'll be able to interact with. The aurebesh subtitles are available for
those who read Basic.
If you can't wait for this 700 meg file to download, individual chapters can be watched/streamed from the website:
(and the website streaming version has the chinese subtitles burned in as the disc was ment to be viewed, and those
individual chapter mp4 files are around 930 megs in total)
Note: the individual chapters which are not compressed are extremely large, actually they are double the size
of the final DVD... I didn't use much compression...
Page 2 of 3 - Thee Backslacpkping with Star Wars Media (TBSWM) DVD-Rip (avi)
6/13/09 4:56 PM
If you have any questions or comments, i'll do what i can to answer them.
thanks mMathab and whom ever downloads.
<< Edited by none295 on Jun/05/2009 >>
Posted by
HAILMARDUK 7 days ago
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wow this is cool
Posted by
Vashgun 7 days ago
wat is this is?
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Vash the Stampede: I'm like a hunter of peace. One who chases the elusive mayfly of love... or something like that.
Vash the Stampede: That cross is awfully heavy.
Wolfwood: That's because it's filled with mercy.
Posted by
none295 6 days ago
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Vashgun: Imagine if you were able to search through all the video produced ever, and have a search engine produce a
program which fit your search requirements.
In this case, about 40+ hours of media (700+ programs), all which focused on Star Wars around the release of Revenge
of the Sith have been cut-up and recompiled into chapters which focus on different topics.
You can review the chapter titles here: (maybe one of them will interest you)
and if you click on 'play' on the right that chapter will start.
So for instance if you wanted to know what people were saying about how much money Star Wars made you'd watch the
'$' chapter:
Again the complete DVD can be downloaded from the website, so if you like what you see, think about burning your own
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