2015 - Texas German Society

Texas German Society
Organized September 6, 1983
■ Witte Schmid Haus 1860
Editor – Marie Herridge, 5462 Hwy 159 W, Bellville, TX 77418
Summer 2015
The Straight Scoop on Ice Cream
5th Century, B.C.: Ancient Greeks enjoy a dessert similar to ice cream.
1300s: Marco Polo brings an early form of ice cream to Europe.
1700s: Ice cream is introduced to America as a delicacy enjoyed by high society.
1776: America’s first ice cream parlor opens its doors in New York.
1840s: The ice cream churn is invented.
1851: The first ice cream plant is opened.
1880s: The ice cream sundae is born.
1904: The waffle cone reportedly makes its debut at the World's Fair in St. Louis, MO.
1929: Rocky Road becomes the first widely available flavor (other than vanilla, chocolate and
1984: July is declared National Ice Cream Month.
Today: Next to cookies, ice cream stands as the bestselling treat in America!
Top 5 Ice Cream Consuming Countries in the World (per capita, gallons per year)
1. New Zealand: 7.5
2. United States: 5.5
3. Australia: 4.8
4. Finland: 3.8
5. Sweden: 3.2
The world’s tallest ice cream cone was over 9 feet tall. It was scooped in Italy.
Most of the vanilla used to make ice cream comes from Madagascar & Indonesia.
Chocolate syrup is the world’s most popular ice cream topping.
#1 Vanilla’s popularity rank in the US
87% of Americans have ice cream in their freezer at any given time.
The average number of ice cream pints an American enjoys each year. 48
California produces the most ice cream in America.
A cow gives enough milk to make: 2 gallons of ice cream per day. That’s 730 gallons per year.
It takes 3 gallons of milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream.
About 9% of all milk produced in the US is used to make ice cream.
A few things you probably didn’t know about ice cream
It takes about 50 licks to finish a single-scoop ice cream cone.
The perfect temperature for scooping ice cream is between 6° & 10°F.
“Brain freeze” occurs when ice cream touches the roof of your mouth.
1 in 10 people admit to licking the bowl clean after eating ice cream.
1 in 5 share with their pet.
Glenn Altwein
1441 FM 155
La Grange, Texas 78945
1st Vice President:
Dorothy Leyendecker
3977 Hwy. 90
Columbus, Texas 78934
2nd Vice President:
Dan Schoppe
1008 Auburn Drive
Arlington, Texas 76012
Peggy Schulin
P.O. Box 1242
Katy, TX 77492
Christa Prewitt
P O Box 992
Elgin, Texas 78621
Program Director
Alleen Winkler
2831 CR 323
Lexington, Texas 78947
Publicity Director:
Marie Herridge
Glenn Guettler
5462 Hwy 159 West
13730 Hambleton Circle
Bellville, Texas 77418
Houston, Texas 77069
Immediate Past President:
Robert D Herridge
5462 Hwy 159 West
Bellville, Texas 77418
Director (2011-2013)
Van Massirer
124 Canaan Church Rd.
Crawford, Texas 76638
Cathy Hanzik
6477 Fenske Lane
Needville, Texas 77461
Imogene Storrs
301 West Nichols St.
Bellville, Texas 77418
Roy W. Whitney
5814 McKnight St.
Houston, Texas 77035-2424
Aaron Schindewolf
6218 Windrose Hollow Lane
Klein, TX 77379
Austin County:
Ann Aschenbeck
1101 S. Nassau
Round Top, Texas 78954
Bastrop County:
Rebecca Bernhard
101 Link Street
Elgin, Texas 78621
Herbert Schumann
5099 Centerhill Rd.
Bellville, Texas 77418
Colorado County:
Dorothy Leyendecker
3977 Hwy. 90
Columbus, Texas 78934
Der Meer Platz:
Rev. Tom Dietzel
816 Oak Ave.
Rockport, Texas 78382-5906
Fayette County:
Clint Ellebracht
729 Swiss Alp Loop
Schulenburg, Texas 78956-5548
Fort Bend County:
Cathy Hanzik
6477 Fenske Lane
Needville, Texas 77461
Galveston County:
Dolores Taylor
4621 Avenue O
Galveston, Texas 77551
Golden Crescent:
Dennis Boehm
103 Taylorcrest Dr.
Victoria, Texas 77905-0693
Harris County:
Jeff Lindemann
3405 Roseland
Houston, Texas 77006
Heart of Texas:
J. W. Thiele
411 Ridge View
Clifton, Texas 76634-1156
Katy Tri-County:
Linda Phillips
P O Box 5793
Katy, Texas 77491-5793
Lavaca-Dewitt County:
Joyce Manning
500 Burt St.
Yoakum, Texas 77995-3922
Lee County:
Don Ahrendt
P O Box 907
Giddings, Texas 78942
North Harris County:
Roger Wunderlich
20817 Rhodes Rd #1
Spring, Texas 77388-3718
(832)651-8867 cell
South Belt:
Anthony Stott
200 Oak Crest Drive
Manvel, Texas 77578
Tarrant County:
Dan Schoppe
1008 Auburn Drive
Arlington, Texas 76012
Washington County:
Pat Fischer
404 Magnolia Lane
Brenham, Texas 77833
President's Chapter (Members at Large): Young German Texans
Robert Herridge
Robert Herridge
(see Immediate Past President)
Lifetime Director:
Alfred Drescher
956 N. Jefferson
LaGrange, Texas 78945
Lifetime Director:
Sanford Schmid
250 S. Main
LaGrange, Texas 78945
Lifetime Director:
Glenn Guettler
(see Publicity Director)
Herbert Gerken
Ann Aschenbeck
Glenn Guettler
1119 Nancy Beth Dr.
(See Austin County) (See Publicity Dir)
Kerrville, Tx. 78028
Paul Schenck
Elva Ulbrich
4222 Creamer Creek Rd.
6114 Peeler Rd.
LaGrange, Texas 78945
La Grange, Texas 78945
Joycine & Louis Hanath
4261 Routt Road
Chappell Hill, Tx. 77426
Texas German Trails Project
Van Massirer
124 Canaan Church Rd.
Crawford, Texas 76638
Lifetime Director:
Flora von Roeder
2515 Shakespeare2
Houston, Tx. 77030
Elected Members
Ruth Froebel
2227 Cherry Bend
Houston, Tx. 77077
Dorothy Leyendecker
3977 Hwy 90
Columbus, Tx. 78934
Verena Aeschbacher
1116 Old Nelsonville Rd.
Bellville, Texas 77418
Lifetime Members of Das Haus Commission
Geraldine Luetge
Sanford Schmid
806 FM 1457
(See Lifetime
New Ulm, Tx. 78950
Dorothy Leyendecker
(See Elected Member)
Paul Schenck
(See Elected
German Idioms and Sayings Game - Play Fun Trivia Quiz
1. In English, someone who has all of life's comforts is said to 'live
like a king'? In German, how is such a person said to live?
'like God in France'
'like Caesar in Rome'
'like an actress in Hollywood'
'like a fox in a rabbit hole'
2. In financial circles, which expression to German speakers commonly refer to as a
lost cause?
an overcast day
a calf without it's mother
a nine-man team
a keg without a bottom
3. It's definitely true that silence is golden. In German this goes one step further. How?
Whispering is silver, silence is golden
Silence is golden, singing is platinum
Talking is silver, silence is golden.
Silence is golden, talking is dirt
4. In English if something is very difficult to understand, someone might say 'That's all
Greek to me'. Translated, what is the German equivalent of this saying?
'I can't read Egyptian'
'I only understand railway station'
'Where does east meet west?'
'Where does the day begin and the night end?'
German Idioms and Sayings Game - Play Fun Trivia Quiz
5. To go off on the wrong track is to bark up the wrong tree. What is a
common equivalent in German?
to drink the wrong beer
to shoot the wrong target
to look for peas in a fruit shop
to bet on the wrong horse
6. According to old German weather proverbs, which month 'does what it wants'?
7. What do German speakers refer to colloquially as 'the upper class'?
'the kings of the realm'
'the powerful ones'
'the cream of the cake'
'the upper ten thousand'
8. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face ... But what shouldn't you do in German?
knock out your tooth to spite your mouth
kill you the cow you get your milk from
saw off the branch you are sitting on
shoot your foe to damage his shirt
German Idioms and Sayings Game - Play Fun Trivia Quiz
9. It's well known that the early bird catches the worm. But what happens in German?
The sunrise has silver teeth
The morning hour has gold in its mouth
The owl cowers in the morning hour
The first light is made of gold
10. As mentioned above, 'don't count your chickens before they hatch' wouldn't mean much
directly translated. What is the German version of this idiom?
'don't drink your wine before you've harvested the grapes'
'one shouldn't look at a herring from behind'
'a horse with a bridle is still a horse'
'one shouldn't praise the day before the night'
How well did you do?
Like God in France – wie got in Frankreich
A keg without a bottom – ein Fass ohne Boden
Talking is silver, silence is golden – Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold
I only understand railway station – ich verstehe nur Bahnhof
To bet on the wrong horse – aufs falsche Pferd setzen (das Pferd – die Pferde)
April – April, April, er macht was er will
The upper ten thousand – die oberen Zehntausend
Saw off the branch you are sitting on – man soll den Ast nicht absaegen, auf dem
man sitzt
9. The morning hour has gold in its mouth – Morgenstund’ hat Gold im Mund
10. One shouldn’t praise the day before the night – man soll den Tagnicht vordem
Abend loben
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
I don’t intentionally leave any chapter news out but there are times items get misplaced and overlooked (even with email).
So I apologize upfront to any chapter/person if your news is overlooked. I would really like to have news from every
chapter. Any special events or stories you want to share would also be appreciated. Please put TGS in your subject line
on email. (Editor)
Austin County
Bastrop County
New members are always welcome. For more information, please contact our president Mikki Meyer at (512)
253-1111 or vice-president Rebecca Bernhard at (512) 818-1022.
Bluebonnet Chapter
Meeting dates are the 4th Wednesday every other month at 7 pm starting in January at the Hill Center in Sealy.
Guests are welcomed. Membership to the Bluebonnet Chapter is open to anyone who is interested in preserving
German culture, language and heritage.
January 2015, the following officers were elected: President Herbert Schumann, Vice President, Sandy Schuff,
Treasurer Fay Berry, Secretary, Grace Holtkamp. Forty-two members attended this meeting and heard a very
informative presentation by Joe Mannke, who gave an interesting account of his early childhood in Pomerania,
which is a state of Germany along the Baltic Sea. After World War II his family moved to Kolberg. He
eventually came to America after traveling to many different countries and
found that his best choice of an occupation was to become a chef. He
finally came to Houston, Texas, where he worked in many popular hotels
and restaurants.
The March 25 meeting with 40 members and 7 visitors was a review of the Texas German Society Convention
held on March 21 in Needville. Many members of the Bluebonnet Chapter attended as well as past State
President Robert Herridge, who arranged musical entertainment for the guests. The program for the evening was
a presentation of Herbert & Laura Schumann’s travels, with their son and his family, to Germany last summer.
Another trip is planned this summer with another family member. The remainder of the meeting finalized the
plans for the up-coming annual Fruehling Saengerfest to be held April 26. This event, with Good German food
and good German music, has been a joint effort of the Bellville Lions Club and the Bluebonnet Chapter for 13
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
July was our ice cream social. We normally serve Blue Bell but this year we had to make do with Blue Bunny instead.
The entertainment was excellent – provided by Enzian Buam (Robert Herridge & Jason Keepers).
Our September meeting will be a presentation by Laura Schumann on Feed Sacks.
Colorado County
February 26, 2015- Colorado County Chapter met for their first scheduled meeting of the New Year.
Our program was “A Typical German Family Comes to America” tracing the Chollett family roots presented by Deanie
Chollett. After this informative program, Ron Frnka handed out information of four Autosomal DNA Testing Services
President Dorothy Leyendecker, announced the Nominating Committee – Kathryn Haluska, Elena Holub and Larry Uhlig.
April 23, 2015 – Met at Braden Hall for our annual Spring Social/Meeting. We all enjoyed dinner of bratwurst,
sauerkraut, green beans, German potato salad, homemade made and a variety of desserts.
The officers for the next two years elected were President, Dorothy Leyendecker, Vice President, Elena Holub, Secretary
Shirley Frers and Treasurer, Siegfried Keierlber.
The program for the evening was “Preserving the Texas German Dialect” for future generations presented by Ryan Dux
and introduced by Dr. James Kearney, Professor at UT. The group involved in this project are also interviewing persons
that had been taught German at home by the parents and grandparents and were asked to sign up for interviews.
Fayette County
June was an indoor picnic and German games. They will celebrate October fest with a German meal at The Oaks.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Fort Bend County
The Fort Bend Chapter of the Texas German Society meets on the second Tuesday of every other month at the
Albert George Library Meeting Room in Needville at 7 PM.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact President Cathy Hanzik by telephone at 281-342-8243 or by
email at cathyhanzik@gmail.com.
On March 21, 2015, the Fort Bend and Katy Tri-County Chapters of the Texas German Society hosted the 2015 Annual
Texas German Society Convention at the KC Hall in Needville, Texas. Founded September 6, 1983, in Harris County,
the Texas German Society (TGS) has as its purpose to preserve and encourage the German heritage, culture, and language
of German-Texans and to continue these through communication, exchange, and good will with our fellow GermanAmericans and German people in other lands. TGS is a grass-roots organization, with each chapter conducting its own
activities at the county, city, or area level, complete with a slate of officers. Programs and projects include museum
exhibits, library drives, festivals, scholarship programs, singing and dance groups, genealogy workshops, food fairs,
historical and cultural field trips, plays, poetry readings, sponsorship of exchange students, slide and video shows of trips
to Germany and other German-related areas, and member or guest speakers who share their expertise with the groups.
There were approximately 225 people registered for the event. Kolaches, coffee, orange juice, and music by Robert
Herridge, the immediate past president of the TGS, welcomed the guests as they arrived. Nine vendors were present
selling their products and promoting their cause. The guests were welcomed by Mayor Delbert Wendt, Mayor of
Needville, Texas. The Colors were posted by Boy Scout Troop 129 of Needville, Texas. Alena Guthart, a German
Foreign exchange student from Germany, presented the German flag and said the blessing before the meal in German and
then in English. The speakers for the day were Cherry Wong whose presentation was entitled: “Sugar Land: From
Austin to Kempner and Eldreidge”; Dorothy Leyendecker whose presentation was entitled: “The Journey to Needville”;
and Wolfram Von-Maszewski whose presentation was entitled: “Mennonite Settlement in Fort Bend County, 18871907”. A meal was served of roasted pork loin, bratwurst, German potatoes, sauerkraut, salad, homemade bread, German
chocolate cake, and tea. The meal was catered by Ben’s Chuck Wagon. Music by Enzian Buam was enjoyed by the
attendees. There was a memorial service to remember those who have died during this past year since the last
Convention. Reverend Thomas Schwartz of the Immanuel United Church of Christ and a member of the Fort Bend
Chapter of TGS read the names and his son, Patrick, hit the bell to recognize each name. The Service ended with all
praying together the Lord’s Prayer.
We thank all who donated items for the Silent Auction. We, also, thank those who bid and purchased items from the
Silent Auction to help raise money for scholarships.
Host Chapters for the 2015 Convention Fort Bend & Katy TriCounty.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Fort Bend 2015 Schedule
March 21 - TGS Convention in Needville
May 12 - Washington on the Brazos Tour - Picnic Lunches
July 14 or August 11 - Movie and Ice Cream Social
September 8 - Danevang (Danish Museum) Tour
November 10 - Lunch at the House of Blue at Needville High School
Galveston Chapter
Contact Dolores Taylor at 409.750.0172 or dtylr28004@yahoo.com for more information.
Golden Crescent Chapter
2015 Officers:
President Dennis Boehm
Kenneth Foerster
Patricia Patterson-Williams
Dorothy Boehm
April 9, 2015 - The meeting began at 7:00pm with President Dennis Boehm leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
flag. Dennis suggested that we have our program first since our guest speakers needed to drive back to Austin, Texas
Program: Texas German Dialect Project (TGDP) conducted by Hans C. Boas was our program. Hans’ associates Ryan
Dux and Katie Dutcher presented our program. They are recording/archiving oral history interviews with German
speaking people in Texas. See all their work on the website www.tgdp.org or for more details of their work
www.tgdp.org/whatsnew.php. They are doing a great service by preserving German speaking Texans interviews on their
Minutes: Read and approved. Treasurer Report: Read and approved.
Old Business: Dennis has been getting our calendar to the paper, although they do not publish it in a timely manner. A
news article on last meeting with photos was turned in. Dennis is trying to attract new members. We had several guests
which introduced themselves. Dennis thanked our members for doing interview today with our guest speakers – several
of our members had interviewed for this same program ten years ago.
Harvey Spies gave us a report their trip to the German Convention in Needville, Texas. Dennis played a few minutes of
some of the German music which was at convention.
Dorothy Albrecht could not be at meeting to report on progress of scholarship progress, but Dennis said she has about 22
applications to date.
New Business: June picnic will be first Sunday in June at Wesley Hall beginning about 3:00pm with games and eating
fried chicken and side dishes about 5:00pm. Program for our August 06th meeting will be Jeffrey Wright giving us a
program about Adam Jatho, a successful German businessman who settled here in Victoria, Texas. We still need to
schedule a program for October which is German/American month.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Dennis wondered if the group still wanted to keep having a full meal or just desserts after our meetings; full meal won out.
Lois Eichhorn has volunteered to make phone calls to all members who do not have e-mail concerning upcoming
Announcements: Dennis mentioned two of our members who went to Heaven this year; Roleen “Billie” Diamond
2/21/2015 and Hermann Grueneberg 03/18/2015; also asked to keep Ralph and Lillian Lau’s son in our prayers – Randall
dealing with cancer. Leslie Buchhorn is now a resident of Twin Pines.
Attendance: 30 persons were in attendance, which included 3 guests.
Hostesses: Thanks to Ike/Lois Eichhorn, Harvey/Shirley Spies, Julia Slaughter, Ruby Diebel, Barney Myers and Mia
Harwell. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm
June 7 2015 - This was our annual June picnic meeting. We began the picnic at 3:00pm members gathered and visited
with each other. Usually we play games, but this year the members were all visiting with each other – and the games
never got under way. That was a special treat because most meetings we have our meal, conduct our business meeting
and leave – we never get to visit with each other. Dennis Boehm, President, got our attention about 5:10pm, we had the
pledge of allegiance and Dennis said the blessing for our meal. We had fried chicken catered and members brought side
dishes and desserts to complete the meal.
Program: We did not have a program; everyone visited with one another.
Old Business: Dorothy Albrecht announced the two winners of our scholarship awards.
Minutes: No minutes were read as this was not a formal meeting.
Announcements: Dennis reminded us we lost a member, Leslie Buchhorn, and remember his family in our prayers.
New Business: No new business was discussed.
Attendance: 31 persons were in attendance, including two guests.
Meeting was adjourned about 6:30pm.
Harris County Chapter
The Harris County Chapter of the Texas German meets at Trini Mendenhall Sosa Community Center, which is at 1414
Wirt Road at the intersection of Wirt and Westview in Spring Branch.
They have very interesting programs and if you are in need of some ideas or information you can contact Ruth Froebel at
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Harris County meeting announcements in Houston
Chronicle Community section.
Heart of Texas Chapter
Katy Tri-County Chapter
Since volunteering to co-sponsor the 2015 TGS annual convention, our chapter has been working on the convention
details with the Ft. Bend group during the past year.
We had met with the Ft. Bend members at Karl’s restaurant in Richmond to work on the convention and get to know each
other. What a special group of people and all of us enjoyed getting to know them.
The State Convention on March 21st in Needville was successful in spite of the rain that day. We hope all of you that
attended enjoyed the day.
Lavaca/DeWitt County
After celebrating the end of 2014 with a traditional Weihnachtenfest, including caroling in both English and German, and
a delicious authentic German meal, the Lavaca/DeWitt Chapter 8 began 2015 with enthusiasm. Our club has 36 active
members who come together on the second Thursday of every other month. We meet in the historic Hochheim Prairie
Schoolhouse. Before every meeting is called to order we share a potluck meal. Tischgebet (the Grace before Meals) is
offered in German and in English before we eat.
The slate of officers for 2015 are:
President Joyce Manning; Vice President Charles Soehnge; Secretary Barbara Braun;
Treasurer Robert Manning.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Our first meeting of 2015 was held in February. After the business portion of the meeting was concluded, Betty
Rathkamp gave an interesting and informative report on Fasching. She explained its origins in pagan times and its
evolution into the carnival festivity it is today.
We met in April and the primary topic of that meeting was the State Convention which had been held in March. Ten of
our members attended. Many more had registered, however, due to health problems or to the weather, they were not able
to attend. After the business part of the meeting, Betty Rathkamp reported on the effects of inflation on German currency
during the early 1900's. With the mark fluctuating hourly, it became so worthless that many people used it as wrapping
paper, to light fires or as wallpaper. It was an extremely interesting subject which was apropos to the concerns of inflation
of the dollar.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 11, 2015.
Lee County
The Lee County Chapter meets the first Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. at First National Bank meeting room, and we
enjoy a snack supper.
They will have indoor picnic in September.
North Harris County
Roger Wunderlich, president 281.353.4616
We invite you to our next meeting Monday, May 25, 2015
Meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September and November on the 4th Monday @ 7 p.m. Location:
Trinity Lutheran Church, Family Life Center -Rm 116 5201 Spring Cypress Rd, Spring, TX 77379 (Klein) (½ mile west
of Kuykendahl)
TGS will present a book-signing event by author Melvin F. Rosenbaum "Scissortails at Dawn, Bullbats at Dusk",
memories of growing up on the Texas Gulf Coast and other selected writings. Mr. Rosenbaum discusses his German
heritage from the first generation of German-American parents, and how German Texans, no matter what part of the State
they settled, tended to follow the same pattern in their everyday family life. Mr. Rosenbaum is a retired teacher. This very
well written book will be available for a special price of $15.00.
Invite your friends, colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, to join us for an interesting evening. Refreshments and
fellowship will follow.
If and where you see this event published please give the information to one of the board members, or even better, bring it
with you.
”A u f W i e d e r s e h e n”
Mark the calendar for September 28, 2015 at 6:30 as this will be our 20th Anniversary. Hope to see you there.
Southbelt Chapter
The South Belt chapter meets at 5:30p.m. on the Third Thursday evening of every month at Mount Olive Lutheran Church
on Scarsdale Blvd. in Houston, Texas. We invite all who are interested in our German heritage to join us for food and
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
They have interesting programs like one on the prisoner of war camp in Hearne. In June they had a social and went to
King’s Biergarten in Pearland for some delicious German food and music by Enzian Baum.
Tarrant County
Washington County
In September of 2014 we resumed regular meetings after giving ourselves a vacation for July and August. Joycine
Hanath, Vice President, gave an informative program on the Washington County Fair. October is always when we
celebrate Octoberfest with music and German food. This time the Concordia Singers joined us with their wonderful
singing. Herbert Schumann from the Bluebonnet Chapter gave a program in November sharing with us how his chapter
operates. Many of our members saw activities that our chapter might install. We enjoyed a catered meal for our
Christmas party at member Gloria Nix’s shop in downtown Brenham. Her gift shop has numerous German items. German
traditions were shared.
January 2015 began with some new officers and Al Fischer, past president, sharing his background growing up in
Germany. We all were enlightened at our February meeting with Mary Whigham’s review of the book entitled A Yankee
in German-America by Vera Flach on the Freethinkers of the Hill Country. The following month Joycine Hanath
presented a program about her Henniger relatives in Germany and the trips she and her husband Louis made to Germany
to meet them. Eddie Marx, born in Cologne, Germany, and now living in New Ulm, was the guest speaker for the April
meeting. His topic was “The War Years” in which he shared his unique background and experiences living in Germany
during World War II. A tradition for us is to have an ice cream social and games for the May meeting. Our big concern is
whether Blue Bell ice cream will be available for us at that time. We will also finalize plans at that gathering for our
annual June field trip.
Since the beginning of this year we have joined the Brenham Chamber of Commerce and have been fortunate to have four
new members join our chapter. We’re aiming for more!
Lu Hollander, Carol Muegge, Mary Claire Becker, Joycine Hanath,
Mary Whigham, Dorothy Utesch and Teddy Boehm at the February
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Eddie Marx, speaker at Washington County meeting in April
In June we took our annual field trip which to this year was to Independence in Brenham's own backyard. We
visited the museum in the old Independence Baptist Church. We were able to see a video of Cole's Settlement,
take a tour of the museum and have an interesting talk presented by the museum's docent, Kathleen Flick, who
introduced us to Frank Keifer whose story is included after this article. We were able to handle a sword used at
the battle of San Jacinto and saw the pew where Sam Houston had carved his initials. Kathleen also played the
old organ for us. After our visit to the museum and old church we had lunch at the Independence General Store
and then visited various sites in the immediate area.
Kiefer, J. Frank
J. Frank Kiefer was born August 13, l833 in Milheim, Prussia, into a Catholic family. In 1850, Kiefer sailed to Galveston
to join his older brother, who had settled in Texas earlier. He moved to Independence, in Washington County in early
1851, joined the Independence Baptist Church and was baptized there June 6, 1854. Kiefer began working as a minister
among the German people of Washington County in 1855 and was licensed to preach at Independence Baptist Church a
year later. He entered Baylor University at Independence as a student and taught German but never completed his
degree. On April 19, 1858, he married Amanda M. Allen of Huntsville and they had thirteen children.
In 1858-59, Kiefer was a missionary to German Texans for the Baptist State Convention of Texas; he was ordained at
Independence Baptist Church on December 19, 1858. The first German Baptist congregation in Texas was organized by
Kiefer in Burton, Texas (now Greenvine) on October 20, 1861. He served as pastor until 1868. Kiefer studied at
Galveston Medical School, receiving his diploma in March 1867. He practiced medicine and preached on Sundays in
Harris County. Later he gave up his medical practice because it took up too much of his time. In 1868, he was
missionary for the Union Baptist Association and the following year on November 20, he and Rev Frank J. Gleiss
organized Cedar Hill Baptist Church in Washington County.
Kiefer invented a purgative, the Kiefer Pill and opened the Kiefer Pill Company at Independence. The pill sales were
profitable along with donations financed his work in Europe. He sold his farm and began the first of four winter trips to
Germany and Russia for revivals. In 1884, Waco University granted him an honorary Doctorate of Divinity. By August
1889 he had moved his family to Roby. His wife died on January 6, 1899 and he married Mrs. Evans, a widow, on June
19, 1900. By 1902, he was serving as minister, doctor and Fisher County Health officer. He died in Abilene on
November 25, 1909 and was buried in Roby Cemetery.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Please! Support the Texas German Society Scholarship Fund by
subscribing or renewing your subscription to GERMAN LIFE. 50% or 1/2
of the subscription money stays in our scholarship fund ONLY if you send
your renewal to the address below – not directly to German Life. You will
receive your renewal from German Life but please make your check
payable to TGS and mail to the address below.
German Life
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TGS Scholarship Fund
13730 Hambleton Circle
Houston, TX 77069
Texas German Trails Project
Texas German Trails project is underway to identify and locate on a state map or in a guide all of the more
significant communities and towns that were settled by German immigrants. If you would like to see your area
represented and are willing to help or would like additional information, please contact Van Massirer at (254)
486-2366 or vmassirer@yahoo.com.
Be sure to submit any activities in your area. The next newsletter will be in
October so start submitting your articles and information now. The deadline for
the October 2015 newsletter is September 15, 2015.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Convention Pictures
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Living history farm preserves German culture for Klein students
By Petrina J. Johnson | Posted: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:30 pm
Wunderlich Farm is helping elementary students see history come to life while remembering the heritage of the first
families in the Klein community.
Located alongside Doerre Intermediate School in Spring, the farmhouse still stands on the original homestead where it
was built in 1891 by Peter Wunderlich II. His father, Peter Wunderlich came to Texas from Germany in 1852.
According to Steve Baird, Klein ISD historian, the farm sits on approximately 20 acres of the original 120 acres purchased
in the 1850s. As a former archeologist and teacher, Baird came to Wunderlich in 2013. He works seven days a week as the
farm manager, curator and administrator.
The farm was granted a Texas Historical marker in 1997 and has offered tours since 1998. As part of their Texas history
curriculum, Klein ISD fourth-graders have the opportunity to visit the farm each school year.
Baird gets into character by wearing a straw hat, vest, pocket watch, corn cob pipe and field boots to present himself as
Peter Wunderlich. Making sure his German accent is on point, he never breaks character during the whole visit. There are
also several hands on activities for the kids to do including working a plow, churning butter, feeding chickens, grinding
corn by hand and washing clothes using a wash board.
“With the kids it is way of preserving not just the German culture, it is preserving the pioneer heritage and it is preserving
a way of life that is not look at anymore,” he said. “Everything is turn of the century so the kids actually get to see what it
is like to do real work.”
The property also houses the Klein Texas Museum, which is dedicated in preserving the culture of first families such as
the Hilderbrandts and many others. One of the featured attractions is the Kohrville schoolhouse, the last schoolhouse used
by the African-American community.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
“It is not just a living history farm it is actually a museum at the same time,” Baird said. “We have probably close to
500,000 artifacts on site and about 70 percent of them were donated by the families.”
Wunderlich hosts several events open to the general public including Heritage Day held in May, an Old Fashioned
Christmas Market and the Farmer’s Market at Wunderlich Farms on the last Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
On Saturday, March 28, it will feature home grown produce from local farmers along with other locally made items. Baird
said the market will be open until 1 p.m. and the museum closes at 3 p.m.
“We are the only farmer’s market actually located on a farm.”
For more information call Steve Baird at 832-249-5800. Article submitted by Glenn Guettler
Jack W. Carsten
Jack Carsten passed away May 3, 2015. He was born on March 17, 1926 in Houston, TX to
Frank C. Carsten and Vera Belle Yockey Carsten. He grew up in the Heights on Oakridge
with his brother, Frank, and graduated from Reagan High School Class of 1942. Jack entered
The Rice Institute at the age of 16. He served on the USS Springfield CL-66 in the AsiaticPacific Theater near the war's end and was in Tokyo Bay on VJ day. After the war, he
returned to Houston and completed his mechanical engineering degree at Rice. Jack was a field engineer for Reed Roller
Bit in Wyoming and Alberta, Canada. In 1957, Jack joined Cameron Iron Works in Houston, specializing in oil well
control equipment. While in Houston, Jack met the love of his life, Rosemary Deihsler from New York, on a blind date.
They married in 1958 and had their first son in 1960. Soon after, Jack's career with Cameron took him to London,
England and then Celle, Germany. While overseas, Jack worked in Europe, various Middle Eastern countries, and Africa.
Jack and Rosemary lived the exciting life of the expats, making friends they would keep for a lifetime. In 1967, Jack &
Rosemary returned to his home town to raise their three children. Jack was actively involved with his kids, including
Scouting and Indian Guides. Jack loved the outdoors; he was an avid hunter and took up skiing in his early 70's. He had a
passion for learning and pursued many subjects, including genealogy and Native American and Texas history, which took
him to many forts and battlegrounds around the Southwest. In his later years, he logged countless hours on the road
visiting grandchildren in Arizona and Colorado. He rarely missed a birthday.
Jack is survived by sons Jack Jr. (Jay) and Keith, daughter Janice and nine grandchildren – Ben, Andrew, Chris, Sam,
Alex, James, Grace, Carsten Jack and Rose Marie. Dad was proud to be a veteran, Texan and Houstonian. Jack will be
remembered as a man who was always there when you needed him and could fix anything. He will be missed dearly by all
that knew and loved him.
Family and friends are invited to attend a memorial gathering on Saturday June 20, 2015 in Houston to share memories of
Jack's life. Please send an email to carsten@sbcglobal.net to obtain the time and location.
Published in Houston Chronicle on May 10, 2015
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Elva Ann Schietinger Ulbrich
Elva Ann Schietinger Ulbrich, age 73, cherished wife, loving mother, loyal friend and choral
director, died March 20, 2015, in La Grange, Texas, with family and friends at her side. Elva was
born May 6, 1941, in Weimar, Texas, the only child of Harold and Aline Loessin Schietinger. At age
two, Elva’s family relocated to Bay City, Texas, where she graduated High School as Valedictorian.
She continued her education at the University of Texas at Austin, receiving her Bachelor and
Masters degrees in Music Education. On August 19, 1967, Elva married Georg Raimund Ulbrich in
Bay City, Texas.
Elva was preceded in death by her parents, Harold Carl Schietinger and Aline Leona Loessin Schietinger. She is survived by her
husband, Georg Raimund Ulbrich; and two sons: Karl Georg Ulbrich and friend, Robin Perkins, of Houston; and David
Raimund Ulbrich and wife, Sara McCuistion Ulbrich, of Austin; brother-in-law, Adolf Ulbrich and wife, Selma, of Henderson,
Nevada; brother-in-law, Karl Ulbrich and wife, Marie Helene, of Las Vegas, Nevada; brother-in-law, Erich Ulbrich and wife,
Gertrud, of Guenne, Germany; brother-in-law, Heinrich Ulbrich and wife, Margret, of Oberhausen, Germany; brother-in-law,
Josef Tichy of Wilhelmshaven, Germany; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and countless friends.
She was a Charter Member of the Texas Music Adjudicators Association and was a highly requested judge at hundreds of state
contests. For years, she was an Assistant District Commissioner of the Bay Area Chapter of The Boy Scouts of America. In the
1990s, she received the Citizen of the Year Award of the City of Friendswood, Texas. She was a member of the Giddings and
La Grange chapters of the Texas German Society, actively preparing agendas, teaching German songs and guiding a successful
State Convention in Giddings, Texas. Elva was an elected member of Das Haus Museum Commission, Texas German Society.
Elva dedicated her life to presenting fine choral music throughout Texas. She had the gift of gently teaching and encouraging
students from all ways of life. Her choir members were a cross section of America, from a trained musician to those wanting to
become one. She taught Choral Music in Austin, Alvin, Deer Park and Dickinson, and directed church choirs in Bay City,
Austin, Alvin, Friendswood, Houston and Seabrook. For seven years, Elva was the Music Director of St. James Episcopal
Church, La Grange, Texas. She was the founder and Director of the Chorus Sine Nomine, Friendswood, and also the founder
and Director of the Mount Elise Singers, La Grange. With these choral groups, she presented concerts throughout Texas, from
Galveston to Fredericksburg, always mindful that classical choral music was much practiced by her emigrant German ancestors.
She considered it a joy to once again let these special harmonies be heard in the areas where her family members first settled in
the 1800s.
Her home was always open to friends and she was known for hosting fabulous gatherings of her musician friends and families.
Great food, joy and fellowship, was enhanced by guests who brought special treats. The rehearsal area in her home sometimes
seated as many as 28 singers. Elva’s way, her happy and winning smile, her consideration of feelings of others, and her
readiness to help, were omnipresent. Of this kind and gentle soul can be said, that she was someone, who never caused a
moment’s sorrow in her whole life.
A special thank you goes to the congregation of St. James for its steadfast support and prayers, and to Elva’s Angels of St.
James Episcopal Church. These ladies volunteered to keep watch at her bedside for many months of her life, ensuring that she
was seldom alone.
Visitation will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home, 208 W.
Pearl St., La Grange, TX 78945. Family will receive friends from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
We will be celebrate Elva’s life at a service of Christian Burial with Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, March 28, 2015 at
St. James Episcopal Church, La Grange, Texas, with Rev. Eric Hungerford officiating. Following the service, the family will
greet guests at a reception in the parish hall of St. James Episcopal Church. At 1:30 p.m., burial at Black Jack Cemetery, FM
609 near O’Quinn, Texas. She will find rest within just 100 feet of her ancestors buried there in the 1870s.
Pallbearers are: Clifford Grohmann, Robert Hays, Eric Batchelder, John Bradley, James Austin, and Ronnie Barker
Honorary Pallbearers are Elva’s cousins: Michael Loessin, Larry Loessin, Terry Belt, and Jimmy Belt.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Elva’s former students and members of previous choirs are especially invited to a short rehearsal at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday in the
Sanctuary of St James Episcopal Church, 156 N. Monroe, La Grange, TX 78945.
Sharing directing of the choir on this special occasion, Don Kirby, Music Director of St. James is welcoming conductor Dr.
James Morrow. Dr. Morrow is the Director of Choral Activities, Butler School of Music, The University of Texas at Austin. He
is one of Elva’s former high school students.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. James Episcopal Church, Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 507, La
Grange, TX 78945; or a charity of your choice.
LOVAASEN, Vern Marvin
Vern Marvin Lovaasen, 91, of Giddings TX passed away Wednesday morning, May 20 at St.
David's Medical Center in Austin.
Mr. Lovaasen was born on February 25.1924 in Park River North Dakota to Albert and Bergetta
Svidahl Lovaasen. He had served in World War ll at the Battle of Luzon, and was awarded the
Bronze Star. After the war, he moved to Austin and worked at the Varsity Barber Shop on
Guadalupe near the UT campus. While attending worship services at the original St. Paul
Lutheran church on Red River in 1951, he met his future wife, Hattie, and they married the
following year in 1952.
In 1964, Vern opened his own Wooten Barber Shop in one block closer to the campus from the Varsity. The Wooten was
immediately popular with students due to the outstanding haircuts, the close proximity to campus, and the color of burnt
orange on the barber chairs and fixtures. This was an old fashioned of barbershop with loyal customers from many diverse
occupations: university professors, legislators, who would walk up from the state capital, bankers, lawyers, ministers, a
Catholic Bishop, executives from Southwestern Bell at 1616 Guadalupe, carpenters, mechanics, car salesmen, and
musicians who wanted an authentic 50 hairstyle, as well as, punk rockers who wanted a buzz cut or Mohawk. He liked to
work with all types of different people and would listen closely to be sure they got the haircut that they wanted,
customizing every little detail. After almost 30 years at the Wooten, he retired in 1993. The legacy of the Wooten goes on
today. A recent article last year in the Daily Texan that recognized the 50th anniversary of the Wooten, stated it was the
"longest running independent business on the drag".
Vern is preceded in death by his parents Albert and Bergetta Lovaasen, his brothers Alfred, Bennie, Kenneth, Elmer, and
Robert Lovaasen and Oliver Kjelland, and his sisters, Doris Moffat and Marie Lovaasen.
He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Hattie; son Vern and his wife Yolanda of Austin; daughter Deborah and her
husband Chris of Austin; 2 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren and his brother Ernest Lovaasen.
Pall bearers: Robbie Lovaasen Jr. Grant Lovaasen, Kenneth Kjelland, Leland Kjelland, Hank Zoch, Freddy Zoch, Eugene
Zoch, and Ward Weaver.
Honorary pall bearers: Austin barbers Clarence Beck, Clayton Johnson, and Louis Zurovetz.
Special thanks to Rev. Mark Nuckols as well as St. David's Medical Center Chaplains, the ICU and Comfort Care
personnel who served Vern and family during the past week.
Visitation will be held 7pm until 9pm on Friday, May 22, 2015 at Cook-Walden/Capital Parks Funeral Home in
Pflugerville, Texas . Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, May 23, 2015 at Cook-Walden/Capital Parks Funeral
Home; interment will follow at Cook-Walden/Capital Parks Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donation be made in Vern Sr's name to St. Paul Lutheran Church in Austin TX or
Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, TX.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Martin Henry Menzel
Funeral services for Martin Menzel, 97 of Serbin, Texas, are scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on
Sunday, April 12, 2015 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Serbin with Rev. John Schmidt
officiating. Burial, with military honors provided by the Giddings American Legion York
Post 276, will immediately follow in the church cemetery. Visitation will be held on
Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and on Sunday, April 12, 2015
from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Giddings. The
family will be present for visitation Saturday evening from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Martin Henry Menzel was born on February 1, 1918 in Serbin, Texas to Gerhard &
Martha (Wukasch) Menzel. He was baptized on February 9, 1918 at St. Paul Lutheran
Church in Serbin by Rev. H.T. Kilian and confirmed on March 20, 1932 also at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Serbin by
Rev. Herman Schmidt. His confirmation verse was 1 Timothy 6:12, "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the
eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses". He served
in the Army during WWII and received a Purple Heart. Martin was united in marriage to Gliceria "Cherry" Villaluz on
February 1, 1985 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Serbin by Rev. Paul Hartfield. He was a farmer and rancher, carpenter,
the school bus driver for St. Paul Lutheran School in Serbin and worked at Northrup Store. He was a lifetime member of
St. Paul Lutheran Church where he sang in the choir and was a member of the men's club. He was also a member of the
Giddings American Legion York Post #276 and enjoyed farming, fishing, traveling, watching Texas Longhorn football
and spending time with his family. Martin passed away the afternoon of Thursday, April 9, 2015 at the Giddings
Residence and Rehabilitation Center.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Gerhard & Martha Menzel; his wife, Cherry; two brothers, Herman Menzel &
Arthur Menzel and nephews & niece, Melvin & Bonnie Menzel and Milton Mersiovsky.
Martin is survived by his sister, Hermine Zoch of Northrup; two nieces, Doris Fritsche & her husband, Erwin of Northrup
and Elaine Mersiovsky of Serbin; two nephews, Donald Menzel of Serbin and Eugene Menzel & his wife, Lorna of
Alabama as well as a host of extended family and friends.
Serving as pallbearers will be Rodney Fritsche, David Fritsche, Tim Menzel, Troy Menzel, Russell Kappler and Justin
Memorials may be made to The Lutheran Hour or the charity of one's choice
Otto Steinhauser March 31st, 1925 – December 28th, 2014
Otto Carl Steinhauser passed away on Sunday, December 28th, 2014 at the age of 89, surrounded by
loved ones at his home in Flatonia. Otto is survived by his wife of 63 years, Helen, and their six
children: Michael (Catherine), Chester (Suki), Randy "RJ" (the late Susan), Terri (Tom), Dale (Jamie),
and Jeff (Stephanie). He leaves behind twelve loving grandchildren: Heather (Eric), Brendan
(Randan), Annie, Nick, Megan (Lucas), Katie, Karl, Ted, Rachel, Alex, Lillieanne, and Chip; and two
great-grandchildren: Karsyn and Cameron; with another great-grandson on the way. Otto was the
youngest and the last remaining of his nine siblings.
Otto Steinhauser was born on March 31st, 1925 in Flatonia to Otto and Annie Steinhauser. His early years of schooling
took place at String Prairie down the road from where he grew up. He attended and graduated from Flatonia High School
in 1942, where he played football, basketball, track, and was on the debate team.
Otto volunteered for the United States Army during World War Two, training at Fort Sam Houston and Fort Hood. He
was a proud member of the 96th Infantry Division, also known as the "Deadeyes." After spending time in California and
Hawaii, Otto shipped out to the Pacific Theater in early 1945. He fought bravely at the Battle of Okinawa, which was the
final and bloodiest battle of the Pacific Theater. Otto then spent time in the Philippines preparing for an invasion of
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
mainland Japan, but that was prevented by the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, which ended the war.
After his military service, Otto returned to Flatonia and married his sweetheart Helen Frietsch of High Hill on June 17th,
1951. Otto started a bulldozing business, working hard to provide for his growing family. He also maintained a sixhundred acre ranch throughout his life, working cattle and raising chickens on his family's land.
Over the years, the couple welcomed six children into their family. His children remember him as a strong, yet gentle
father, who encouraged them to pursue their own dreams. He taught them the values of hard work, honesty, and
community service. Otto and Helen sacrificed to ensure that their children had the opportunity to pursue education and
learning throughout their lives.
Otto loved being on the O-4 Ranch, his ancestral home six miles northwest of Flatonia. He could usually be found outside
checking on his chickens, fixing fences, and collecting firewood. He loved driving his Grandkids through the pasture, and
into the brush, to check on the cattle.
Otto was a pillar of the community that he loved. He was a founder of both Czhilispiel and Crime Stoppers, and was an
active leader in the Flatonia American Legion, the Arnim Museum, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Schulenburg
VFW. He was an avid sports fan, and made countless football, baseball, basketball, and softball games over the years.
Otto and Helen supported the Flatonia Bulldogs with pride, especially when one of their children or grandchildren were
Otto will be remembered as a member of the Greatest Generation, dedicated to his family, hometown, state, and country.
He will be missed, but will never be forgotten by his family, nor the community that he so dearly loved.
A funeral was held for Otto Steinhauser in Flatonia on December 31st. Reverend Eddie Winkler officiated the ceremony,
and Judge Dan Beck gave the eulogy.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Flatonia American Legion, the E.A. Arnim Museum or
Crime Stoppers.
The following obituaries are 2 members from Colorado County chapter that was missed being
Snooks Stirl 1927-2014
Snooks was born December 11, 1927 to Robert & Paula Sachtleben Messamore in San Antonio. She passed on April 1,
2014. On July 7, 1946 she married Harold Stirl.
She had an exuberance for life and a flare for creativity. Her love for family was shown in the endless number of outfits
she sewed, birthday cakes she baked and family celebrations she planned and prepared for. She is survived by her
husband Harold H. Stirl of Columbus, daughters, Cynthia Willoughby of Cypress; Denise Hickey of Austin; and son
Michael Stirl and wife Nancy of Daingerfield; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in
death by her father, Robert Edward Messamore; mother Paula Sachtleben Messamore Luedicke; sons-in-law James T.
Hickey and William Willoughby II.
A memorial service was held on Saturday, April 15, at 10 am at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Rev. John
Hunisicker and Pastor Eugene Fogt officiating.
Leon Joseph Polocheck 1923-2013
Leon was born on August 5, 1923 in a farmhouse in El Campo, TX. He graduated from Columbus High School and
enlisted in the Army Air Force in 1941. He was stationed at Laughlin Field in Del Rio, TX and was a member of the band
playing in the USO club.
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
Leon moved to Galveston and went to work for American National Insurance Company, where he met his wife Jean.
They enjoyed fishing and together raised three devoted children, Judy, James & Jennifer. Leon liked to dabble in wood
refinishing and carpentry projects. He could usually be found puttering around in his garage trying to fix things even if
they weren’t broken. Leon retired from ANICO and continued to reside in Galveston until the loss of his wife Jean. He
returned to his hometown of Columbus and spent many happy years renewing old friendships. He found happiness with
his devoted “lady friend” Lyn Buescher and together they were members of the Colorado County German Society and the
Birthday Supper Club. Leon was an active member of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church.
When his health began to decline, Leon wanted to spend time with his children and grandchildren and moved into
Elmcroft Assisted Living in Texas City. Although he was a resident at Elmcroft for only a few months, Leon’s kind
words and bright smile left a lasting impression in the hearts of the staff.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Leo and Leona Polocheck, his wife Jean Soler Polocheck and his sister DeLois
Spoede. He is survived by his daughters Judy Priddy of Leage City and Jennifer Pandanell & husband Mark of Texas
City and son James Polocheck of Dickinson; sister Mary Stallman of Houston and brother Charles Polocheck and wife
Clemie of Columbus; grandchildren Ellen Pandanell, Jessica Lancaster, Brandon Priddy and Jenna Polocheck who loved
their PeePaw very much; also numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Calendar of Events
Sept 5-6 –
Westfest, West, TX http://www.westfest.com
Sept 12 Caldwell Kolache Fest http://www.burlesoncountytx.com/kolachefestival.html
OCTOBER – Look for all the October festivals around our area.
Oct 17 Fayetteville Lickskillet http://www.fayettevilletxchamber.org/
December 6 – Das Haus Christmas Party - all members welcomed - Bring your favorite dish/snack Hosted by
Executive Board
December 11-13- German Christmas Market “Weihnachtsmarkt Texas Style”, Tomball, TX The Market is
sponsored by the City of Tomball, Tomball Sister City, and German Heritage Festival
www.tomballsistercity.org . www.myspace.com/tgchristmas
March TBD 15th Annual Tomball German Heritage Festival www.tomballsistercity.org
March 12
Texas German Society State Convention 33rd Annual – Hosted by Colorado TGS Chapter,
location St. Roch Catholic Church, Mentz, TX
April 24- 14th Annual Frühling Saengerfest, sponsored by Bluebonnet Chapter of TGS & Bellville Lions Club,
Bellville, Concordia Hall, 936 S Tesch, Bellville 11 am.
May 6-7 – Brenham Maifest, Washington County Chapter, Brenham, TX
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015
2015 Tomball German Heritage Festival
December 11-13, 2015
Old Town Tomball, Texas
Historical Train Depot Plaza
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MARCH 12, 2016
Texas German Society Reporter
Summer 2015