Exporter Behavior, Country Size and Stage of Development* Ana M. Fernandes Caroline Freund Martha Denisse Pierola and Tolga Cebeci November 2013 Abstract We present new data on exporter characteristics for 45 countries and study how they vary with country size and stage of development. The evidence implies that larger and more developed countries have more exporters, which are on average larger and more diversified, and an increasing share of exports is controlled by the top 5 percent of exporters. The channel through which the number of exporters expands matures as countries develop—exporter turnover plays a significantly more important role in countries at an early stage of development, while higher survival rates of new exporters promote creative destruction in more developed countries, with net entry being invariant to income. Overall, the evidence points toward allocative efficiency in export markets as countries grow. We discuss the findings considering recent trade theories with heterogeneous firms. JEL Classification codes: C81, F14. Keywords: exporter dynamics, exporter growth, firm-level data. * Ana Fernandes, Martha Denisse Pierola, and Tolga Cebeci are at the World Bank; Caroline Freund is at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and CEPR. We are grateful for the support of the governments of Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom through the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Trade and Development. We also acknowledge the generous financial support from the World Bank research support budget and the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP), a trust funded partnership in support of research and data collection on poverty reduction and sustainable development housed in the office of the Chief Economist of the World Bank (www.worldbank.org/kcp). We thank Mario Gutierrez-Rocha and Jamal Haidar for their contribution to this project and Erhan Artuc, Richard Baldwin, Peter Klenow, Aaditya Mattoo, Sam Kortum, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare for many useful comments and discussions. We thank Alberto Behar and Madina Kukenova for collaboration with the project early on and Francis Aidoo, Paul Brenton, Maurizio Bussolo, Huot Chea, Julian Clarke, Alain D’Hoore, Pablo Fajnzylber, Elisa Gamberoni, Sidiki Guindo, Javier Illescas, Mehar Khan, Sanjay Kathuria, Josaphat Kweka, Erjon Luci, Mariem Malouche, Eric Manes, Yira Mascaro, Mamadou Ndione, Zeinab Partow, Stefano Paternostro, Jorge Rachid, Richard Record, Jose Guilherme Reis, Jose Daniel Reyes, Nadeem Rizwan, Liviu Stirbat, Dimitri Stoelinga, Daria Taglioni, Maria Nicolas, Erik von Uexkull, Cristian Ugarte, and Ravindra Yatawara for facilitating the access to the data for developing countries. We thank Lina Ahlin, Martin Andersson, Juan de Lucio, Emmanuel Dhyne, Luc Dresse, Cédric Duprez, Richard Fabling, Jaan Masso, Raul Minguez, Asier Minondo, Andreas Moxnes, Francisco Requena, Lynda Sanderson, Joana Silva, Priit Vahter, and Hylke Vandenbussche for providing us with measures for developed countries. We thank workshop participants at the Empirical Investigations in International Trade at Santa Cruz, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the International Trade Center for useful suggestions. The findings expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank. I. Introduction We present new evidence on how the characteristics and dynamics of a country’s exporters vary with country size and stage of development. A number of studies use data from individual countries or a small group of countries in a region to demonstrate how firms export.1 Some commonalities arise: exports are found to be concentrated in a small share of large firms that export many products to many markets and high rates of entry and exit into exporting are typically found. However, because the studies involve single countries or groups of similar countries, it is not possible to determine how exporter behavior evolves with country characteristics. In addition, while many of the conclusions appear to be comparable across countries, it would require a larger sample to generalize the existing results across countries that differ in income and population. This paper fills this gap in the literature by presenting a large cross-country database of exporter behavior and exploring how exporter characteristics and dynamics vary with country size and stage of development, and also what features are common to all economies. Specifically, we gather exporter-level customs information from 38 developing and 7 developed countries around the world to build the “Exporter Dynamics Database” (henceforth referred to as the Database), containing comparable measures of exporter, product and market dynamics. The Database contains measures at different levels of aggregation: a) country-year, b) country-year-product (HS 2-digit, HS 4-digit, or HS 6-digit) and c) country-year-destination mostly for the period between 2003 and 2010 (with longer time series for some countries). The Database covers different aspects of firm dynamics, firm-product and firm-destination dynamics, 1 See Eaton, Kortum, and Kramarz (2008) for France; Eaton et. al. (2008) for Colombia; Amador and Opromolla (2013) for Portugal; Iacovone and Javorcik (2010) for Mexico; Andersson, Lööf, and Johansson (2008) for Sweden, Albornoz et. al (2010) for Argentina; Freund and Pierola (2010) for Peru; Manova and Zhang (2012) for China, Masso and Vahter (2011) for Estonia, De Lucio et. al. (2011) for Spain, Ekholm, Moxnes, and Ulltveit-Moe (2012) for Norway, Fabling and Sanderson (2012) for New Zealand, Mayer and Ottaviano (2008) for several EU countries, among others. See also Bernard et. al. (2007, 2011a) for US and a review of the empirical literature, respectively. 2 as well as exporter growth patterns, concentration, and diversification in the non-oil exporting sector. This paper introduces the Database and establishes several novel stylized facts on how exporter characteristics and dynamics vary with country characteristics. The distinguishing feature of these stylized facts is that they could not have been uncovered using any other crosscountry source of trade data available to date. We also confirm or generalize facts found in the recent empirical trade literature. First, we examine the relationships between exporter characteristics and both country size and stage of development. Controlling for the sectoral distribution of exports, we find that larger and more developed economies have a greater number of exporters, larger average exporter size, more diversified exporters, and that total exports are more concentrated in the top 5 percent of exporting firms. Similar results are found when we control for export destination. These results imply that as countries grow and exports expand, the export expansion happens through both the intensive and extensive margins, and more resources flow to the larger and more diversified firms. Second, we study how exporter dynamics change with stage of development and country size. We find that rates of both entry and exit into exporting are decreasing in stage of development, after controlling for sector fixed effects or destination effects, yielding similar rates of net entry across rich and poor countries. There is also evidence that survival rates of entrants into export markets increase as countries develop. Exporter dynamics are, however, not robustly correlated with country size. This implies that exporter dynamics mature as countries grow, first fueled by trial and error and later by more resilient exporters. 3 We also confirm for a large number of developing countries the well-known fact from the literature focusing on individual countries that total exports are largely dominated by multiproduct multi-destination exporters, but these account for a small share of the number of exporters. In particular, exporters selling more than four products to more than four markets account for 60 percent of exports on average. In line with our earlier results on concentration and diversification, we find that within broad sectors, these multi-product multi-destination exporters make up a larger share of exporters and account for a larger share of total exports as countries develop—again suggesting that a larger share of resources are directed to the most diversified (and productive) firms as countries grow. Overall the results imply that larger and more developed economies have more competitive export sectors, with a greater share of larger and more diversified firms, as well as more efficient creative destruction. While the standard heterogeneous firm model of trade does not offer definitive predictions about country size or stage of development and exporter characteristics, we discuss some adaptations that are consistent with these facts. In particular, allowing variation among countries in the shape of the firm productivity distribution, such as Spearot (2013), or allowing a wider support for the firm productivity distribution in bigger and richer countries, in a model with a truncated distribution, such as Helpman Melitz and Rubenstein (2008), can help to explain why average size and concentration vary with stage of development. Trade models which highlight the greater productivity of multi-product and multidestination firms, such as Bernard, Redding and Schott (2011b), are consistent with our findings on firm level diversification and stage of development. Trade models incorporating uncertainty about a firm’s profits in foreign markets offer predictions similar to our results on entry and exit. More broadly, the evidence supports allocative efficiency as countries grow in the sense that 4 resources are increasingly controlled by larger and more diversified exporters and dynamics involve lower gross flows for the same amount of net entry. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II describes briefly the Database. Section III presents three new stylized facts based on the Database. Section IV discusses models that provide a theoretical framework to understand the facts presented. Finally, Section V concludes. II. The Exporter Dynamics Database The Exporter Dynamics Database is constructed using customs data, covering the universe of annual exporter transactions for 37 developing countries and 8 developed countries.2 The Database includes the basic characteristics of exporters in each country (e.g., number of exporters, average exporter size and exporter growth rates), concentration/diversification (e.g., Herfindahl index, share of top exporters, number of products and destinations per exporter), firm, product and market dynamics (e.g., entry, exit and one-year survival rates of entrants) and unit prices (e.g., per exporter of a given product). The measures are available at different levels of aggregation: a) country-year (98 measures), b) country-year-product (HS2, HS4, or HS6) (113 measures, 113 measures, and 89 measures, respectively) and c) country-year-destination (74 measures). The list of measures under each category and for each type of aggregation level is presented in Appendix 1 along with the corresponding formula. The Database is publicly available at http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/exporter-dynamics-database. Details on how 2 The group of countries is determined by the willingness to share data by local officials or other researchers who have access to customs data. While the data underrepresent industrial countries and Asia, the patterns we find are robust and available statistics from other studies, such as for the US and the EU, are consistent with the patterns observed here. We aim over time to expand coverage of the Exporter Dynamics Database. 5 the countries’ customs data were cleaned and harmonized, and how the Database was constructed are provided in Appendix 2. Table 1 presents a summary of a representative set of measures in the Database, including number of exporters, average and median exporter size, share of top 5 percent of exporting firms, number of HS 6-digit products exported per firm, number of destinations served per firm, entry, exit and entrant survival rates as well as total exports per country. We report averages per country for the period 2006-2008, which is the period most commonly covered across countries and captures trade performance before the global financial crisis that started at the end of 2008.3 Table 2 presents the same set of measures in the Database but for groups of HS 2-digit sectors, where the measures for each sector group are obtained as averages across all countries that export that particular group of HS 2-digit sectors, again focusing on the period 2006-2008. Some interesting cross-country patterns emerge from Table 1. First, there is tremendous variation across countries in the export base (number of exporters) and the average exports per firm. Among developing countries, the largest numbers of exporters are found in Turkey and Mexico followed by South Africa and Brazil (around 20,000) whereas the smallest pools of exporters are found in Niger and Mali (around and below 300), followed by Burkina Faso, Laos, Yemen, and Cambodia. This pattern seems to mirror the countries’ level of development, and this link will be studied further in Section III. The number of exporters per capita is also largest in the richer countries in the sample. Average exports per firm are the highest for Belgium, followed by Brazil, Chile, and Mexico (in the range of 7-8 million USD). Albania, Lebanon, Macedonia, Yemen, and Kenya 3 Note that the sharp drop in world trade ensuring from the global financial crisis occurs in 2009 not in 2008. For countries for which data is available for only 1 or 2 years within the period 2006-2008 we compute the average based on those years. For Kuwait and Portugal the data coverage does not include that period. Hence we use averages for the 2009-2010 period for Kuwait and averages for the 2003-2005 period for Portugal in Table 1. However, these two countries are excluded from all summary statistics and regressions shown from Table 4 to Table 7, though including them makes little difference. 6 exhibit the lowest average exports per firm (less than 800,000 USD). The tremendous difference between mean and median exports per firm reflects the highly skewed exporter size distributions in all countries with some very large exporters driving total exports.4 For Botswana, Chile, Mali, Peru, South Africa, Mexico, and Malawi the skewness in the exporter size distribution is further confirmed by the very high share of exports—more than 90 percent—accounted for by just the top 5 percent of exporters. Interestingly, for most other developing countries those shares are smaller than those for the developed countries in the sample, such as Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand. Similarly, the U.S. and other European countries also exhibit high concentration, with the top 5 percent of firms accounting for 80 percent or more of trade, as shown by Bernard, Jensen, and Schott (2009) and Mayer and Ottaviano (2008) respectively. The average number of products per exporter also exhibits a high degree of heterogeneity across countries, ranging from 2 in Laos to 15 in South Africa. In terms of markets, the average number of destinations per exporter is more similar across countries ranging from 1.4 in Botswana to 4.8 in Cambodia and 6.8 in Belgium. The measures of exporter dynamics also exhibit important variability across countries. Entry rates range from 22 percent in Brazil to more than 50 percent in Malawi, Yemen, Laos and Tanzania while exit rates range from 22 percent in Bangladesh to 61 percent in Malawi.5 Firstyear survival rates of new exporters vary between 23 percent in Cameroon and 61 percent in Bangladesh. The magnitude of the survival rates in Table 1 suggests an extremely high attrition rate of new entrants after just one year in export markets, particularly in Africa. 4 Using the same cross-country exporter-level dataset used for the construction of the Database, Freund and Pierola (2012) show that exports are dominated by a small group of very large exporters (so-called ‘superstars’). These firms are remarkably larger than the rest, they participate in many sectors and most importantly, they define sectoral exports and drive the export growth observed in most countries. 5 These rates of entry into and exit from export markets are substantially larger than the rates of entry into and exit in production reported by Bartelsman, Haltiwanger, and Scarpetta (2013). Focusing on census/registries of manufacturing firms (excluding 1employee businesses) they document turnover of 10-20 percent in industrial countries and somewhat higher in developing countries. 7 The measures in Table 2 show a less pronounced variation in the number of exporters across sectors. The number of exporters is higher for machinery (electrical and mechanical) and plastics. Similar to the pattern within countries, the distribution of exporter size is also skewed within sectors: the difference between average and median size is considerable. Larger exporter size is more common in sectors that are highly resource-driven (mineral products and precious metals) and where increasing returns to scale are important. As far as firm concentration is concerned, the variation in shares of top exporters across sectors is not as wide as it is in the case of countries. Again, precious metals and minerals are among the most concentrated sectors, while firm concentration is lower in agricultural sectors. The average measures for product and market diversification are more homogenous across sectors than across countries. Finally, regarding exporter dynamics, entry and exit rates tend to be slightly higher in machinery and transport, while exporter survival is slightly higher in agriculture. In the analysis below, we also use data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) of the World Bank on GDP and on GDP per capita in constant 2005 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) USD.6 III. Exporter Features and Country Characteristics In this section, we evaluate how exporter characteristics and dynamics vary with country size and stage of development. We first show the importance of both country and sector characteristics in explaining exporter behavior. We then present three stylized facts on how the structure of exporters changes as countries get larger or richer, controlling for sectoral variation in exports and variation across destinations. 6 Note that all results presented from Table 4 to Table 7 are robust to the use of GDP and GDP per capita in current USD or in constant USD. 8 We begin by evaluating the relative importance of country fixed effects and either HS2digit sector fixed effects or destination fixed effects in explaining exporter characteristics and dynamics. Specifically, we perform an ANOVA with country and HS2-digit fixed effects, and separately with country and destination fixed effects, on the main measures that we will explore in detail below. 7 Panel A of Table 3 shows the results of the ANOVA with country and sector fixed effects. On average, country and sector effects explain over 60 percent of the variation in exporter characteristics, though somewhat less of the variation in exporter dynamics.8 With the exception of exporter size, product diversification, and entrant survival, country effects explain a greater share of the variation than sector effects. Still, the significance of sector effects implies that it will also be important to control for them as we examine the relationships between country characteristics and exporter characteristics. We next repeat the ANOVA exercise using the country-destination level data available in the database. The results are reported in Panel B of Table 3, and show that country and destination fixed effects together explain somewhat less of the variation in the statistics than did country and HS2 fixed effects. However, except for number of exporters and product diversification, destination effects prevail over country effects. In that sense, it will be important to control for destinations to ensure the results are not being driven by variation in trade barriers or other destination-specific market access costs. Next we present three stylized facts first focusing on basic characteristics of exporters, then exporter diversification, and finally exporter dynamics. 7 Note that the sample used for concentration (fourth column) is relatively smaller because the share of exports accounted for by the top 5 percent of exporting firms can be calculated only if a country-sector-year cell includes more than 20 exporters. 8 The percentages accounted for by country, sector, and residual effects in Panel A or country, destination, and residual effects in Panel B do not add up to 100 percent due to the unbalanced nature of each of the cross-sectional datasets. Namely, in Panel A not all sectors are exported by all countries while in Panel B not all destinations are served by all countries. 9 Stylized Fact 1: Larger and more developed economies have a larger export base (number of exporters), larger average exporter size, and more concentrated export sectors among firms (even after controlling for the sectoral distribution of exports and export destinations). Figure 1 presents a scatter plot of export base, average exporter size, and concentration and income per capita, using data averaged for the period 2006-2008.9 The figure shows that more developed economies have a larger number of exporters, larger average size of exporters, and more concentrated export sectors in terms of firms. Figure 2 uses income instead of income per capita and shows that larger countries have more exporters, larger exporters, and higher concentration. We next explore these relationships in more detail, controlling for sectoral variation in exports, considering cross-section regressions based on the data averaged across the period 2006-2008. Table 4 reports the results from the cross-section regressions. Specifically, we regress total exports, export base, exporter size, and firm concentration on GDP per capita and GDP. Columns (1)-(4) report the results using the country data. All measures are positively associated with country size and stage of development, though the correlation with average exporter size appears to stem from country size and not from stage of development. Similarly, country size has a greater impact on the number of exporters than the level of development. However, in terms of firm concentration, stage of development seems to matter more. A concern about the regressions in columns (1)-(4) is that larger or more developed countries may be more likely to specialize in sectors with increasing returns to scale, thus the results may be driven by the sectoral composition of trade and not by a change in exporter 9 The other scatter plots on diversification and exporter dynamics in Figures 1 and 2 are discussed as part of the stylized facts below. 10 characteristics within sectors as countries develop. To account for this possibility, we next consider the same measures at the country and HS 2-digit sector level averaged across the period 2006-2008 and control for HS 2-digit sectoral fixed effects.10 The results, shown in columns (5)(8) of Table 4, indicate that controlling for potential differences across sectors, larger and richer countries have both more and larger exporters. In addition, within sectors, the correlations with export concentration become highly significant for both stage of development and country size, suggesting that within sectors exports are more concentrated among the top firms in both richer and larger countries. The economic magnitude of these effects is such that if GDP per capita increased from the value for the country in the 25th percentile (Laos) to the value for the country in the 75th percentile (Mauritius) the number of exporters would increase by 92 percent, average exports per firm would increase by 63 percent, and the share of the top 5% exporters would increase by 8 percentage points.11 Columns (9)-(13) in Table 4 use the country-destination level data and results are qualitatively similar. Bigger and richer countries have more exporters, larger exporters, and greater export concentration in any given destination. These regressions show that even after controlling for market-specific characteristics, such as trade costs, more developed and larger countries have larger exporters that export larger volumes. Note that when we control for either sector or destination, the results on average size and concentration are both statistically and economically more significant than on aggregate. This implies that within a destination or sector, exporters from smaller and poorer countries on 10 For these, and all subsequent regressions at the country-sector level, robust standard errors clustered at the country level are reported. 11 These magnitudes are obtained as the product of the difference in logs GDP per capita, 1.744, and the corresponding coefficient in columns (6)-(8) of Table 4: 0.527, 0.359, and 0.045. 11 average export relatively less; but that across all sectors or all destinations, they export relatively more in sectors with large exporters or to high-demand destinations. Stylized Fact 2: Controlling for the sectoral distribution of exports, larger and richer countries have more diverse exporters in terms of products and/or markets. Stage of development matters more for exporter diversification than does country size. Richer countries also have a larger share of multi-product multi-destination firms and these firms weigh more heavily in total exports. We next examine the relationship between the average number of products and average number of destinations per exporter and country characteristics. Figures 1 and 2 show that as countries get richer and larger, exporters tend to be more diversified product- and destinationwise. In Table 5 we look at these relationships in more detail. Columns (1) and (2) in Table 5 report the results from the cross-section regressions of the average number of products and destinations per firm on GDP per capita and GDP using the 2006-2008 averaged country data. We find that firms in richer countries are more diversified with respect to products and firms in larger countries serve a greater number of destinations. As shown in the ANOVA (Table 3), sector effects explain a large share of the variation in the average number of products per exporter. While this could suggest that multi-product firms are relatively more common in some sectors, it could also reflect that the differences in product diversification are endogenously determined by the structure of the HS classification, which entails very different degrees of disaggregation by 2-digit sectors. Next, we control for HS 2-digit fixed effects. The results, shown in columns (3) and (4), provide strong evidence that within sectors exporters in richer countries export more products 12 and export to more destinations. However, the coefficients on per capita income are much larger than those on income (and in the case of product diversification only the coefficient on per capita income is significant), indicating that exporter diversification is associated to a greater extent with stage of development than with country size. In terms of economic significance our results imply that increasing GDP per capita from the 25th to the 75th percentile in our sample would increase the number of products per exporter by 16 percent and the number of destinations per exporter by 21 percent. In column (5), we examine how exporter diversification across products, within a destination, changes as countries grow. Again, we find a strong positive correlation with per capita income. Another way of looking at the importance of diversification is to examine the share of multi-product multi-destination firms in total trade. The recent trade literature shows a dominant role for firms that export many products to many destinations in explaining trade flows (see, for example, Bernard, Jensen and Schott 2009 on the U.S.; Eaton, Kortum and Kramarz, 2008 on France; and Amador and Opromolla, 2013 on Portugal). Using the firm-level information from developing countries over the 2006-2008 period, we calculate for each country the average share of exporters and of total exports accounted for by single-product single-destination firms and by firms exporting to more than four countries and to more than four destinations and record them in Table 6.12 Unfortunately, we do not have access to the firm-level raw data for the developed countries, used in other parts of this paper, to calculate these indices for them. The results show that single-product, single-destination firms represent more than a third of exporters on average across developing countries. They represent an even higher share over 40 percent in most 12 This analysis is based on an additional component of the Database which is a set of matrix tables showing for each developing country and year the joint distribution of exporters and of total exports by the number of HS 6-digit products exported and the number of destination markets served. This information can provide insights onto the importance of multi-product multidestination exporters across countries and over time. 13 African countries as well as in Albania and Mexico. The percentages shown in Table 6 are quite close to the 40 percent reported by Bernard, Jensen and Schott (2009) for the U.S.13 However, these single-product single-destination firms account for a minimal fraction of total exports, on average less than 3 percent across countries. That fraction is particularly low in Botswana, Costa Rica, and Niger at 0.5 percent or less. Table 6 also shows that firms exporting more than four products to more than four destinations represent a relatively small proportion of exporters, 12 percent on average across countries. But those percentages exhibit a substantial degree of heterogeneity across countries ranging from about 3.5 percent in Albania and Botswana to 29.4 percent in Cambodia. These multi-product multi-destination firms account for a large share of total exports in all countries, more than 60 percent on average. But again large differences are observed across countries: in Cambodia, Costa Rica, and South Africa that share is actually close to 80 percent whereas in Albania and Niger it is less than 30 percent. We next examine how the share of multi-product and multi-destination firms varies with stage of development and country size. As noted above, we do not have access to this data for the more developed countries in our sample, giving us less variation in level of development. As a result, we focus on country-sector data. Results are reported in columns (6) and (7) in Table 5. Again we find that as countries develop, more resources are allocated to the more diversified exporters within sectors. Stylized Fact 3: Exporter turnover is significantly lower in more developed countries, while net entry is invariant with respect to income per capita. 13 Note, however, that the U.S. percentage is based on products defined at the HS 10-digit level. 14 Figures 1 and 2 show exporter turnover and stage of development and turnover and country size, respectively. In both cases, there is a negative relationship indicating that richer and larger countries have lower entry and exit rates. We next explore these relationships in more detail. Columns (1)-(5) in Table 7 show the results from cross-section regressions of exporter entry, exit, survival of new exporters, net entry, and turnover on income and income per capita based on the 2006-2008 averaged data. The estimates show that entry and turnover rates are lower in larger countries, but point to no relationship between net entry or entrant survival rates and stage of development. In columns (6)-(10) in Table 7 we report results using country-sector level data, controlling for sector fixed effects. This is crucial here as some sectors have much lower turnover than others, as highlighted by the relative importance of sector effects in the ANOVA (Table 3). The results show that controlling for the sectoral composition of trade, stage of development has important effects on exporter dynamics. In particular, richer countries have lower turnover and higher rates of survival of new exporters, leaving net entry roughly unchanged. The economic magnitudes of the results are sizable—increasing GDP per capita from the 25th to the 75th percentile in the sample would lead to a decrease in entry rates by 11.5 percentage points, would lead to a decline in exit rates by 12.4 percentage points, and to an increase in the one-year survival rate of new exporters by 7.3 percentage points. In columns (11)-(15) in Table 7 we report results using country-destination level data and controlling for destination fixed effects. The results are qualitatively similar to the results using country-HS2 data, though the magnitudes are smaller. In this case, there is also some evidence that size matters, with larger countries having lower entry and exit and higher survival rates. 15 The coefficients on entry, exit, survival, and turnover are both economically and statistically more significant when either sectors or destinations are controlled for than when aggregate data are used, implying that poorer countries tend to have exporters that enter and exit less in industries and destinations where entry and exit is rare. These results show that exporter dynamics change as countries get richer. In poor countries turnover is largely a process of trial and error where many firms enter into export markets and exit almost immediately. In rich countries, fewer but more resilient exporters enter in any given year. Robustness of Stylized Facts In Appendix 3, we consider a number of alternative specifications to test the robustness of these results. (i) We re-estimate the regressions using country-destination data but focusing only on manufacturing industries (available only for the 32 developing countries for which we have access to the raw exporter-level data). (ii) We include distance in the cross-section regressions that use country-destination data to control for trade costs. (iii) We re-estimate the specifications for average exporter size, using data on incumbent exporters only, in order to exclude possible biases due to “partial year” data. 14 Finally, (iv) for the results on average exporter size and number of exporters, we re-estimate the regressions using a short panel from 2004 to 2008 with country-sector and country-destination fixed effects to see how exports adjust over time as income grows. 15 For this specification, we include GDP and GDP per capita 14 Bernard et al. (2013) show that the entry and exit of firms into and from export markets at different points in a calendar year means that the use of calendar annual data on export values to measure the average size of exporter entrants or exiters may introduce a bias - mainly their size being under-estimated during the first year - which they refer to as “partial year” effects. Our consideration of the average size of incumbent exporters addresses this concern to the extent that bias should not permeate the calculation of average size for exporters that have not interrupted their exporting activity. 15 We also try panel regressions with the other dependent variables: concentration, diversification, and dynamics. All results are robust in sign and significance when country-sector or country-destination fixed effects are included, however when we include year fixed effects, many of the results become insignificant—though the signs remain robust. This suggests that the change over the period in these variables is coming largely from global demand growth, making it difficult to identify correlation with home 16 separately, as over a short period they are highly correlated because population is relatively constant. We consider exports to the top 10 destinations only so as to avoid noise due to small destinations or changes in destinations. This final specification shows that in the short run as countries grow, much of the corresponding export growth is driven by larger exporter size as opposed to more exporters, especially when per capita income is considered. The other results remain qualitatively similar for all alternative specifications. IV. Theoretical Interpretation In this section, we review the evidence presented above on exporter characteristics and stage of development in light of recent trade models with heterogeneous firms. The basic theory of trade and heterogeneous firms, following Melitz (2003), focuses on the reallocation of production across firms within an industry in response to trade liberalization. More recently, efforts have been made to extend the model to make it consistent with other observed features of exporter behavior that have become known via the growing empirical work, such as, the numerous zeros in international trade (Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein 2008 and Eaton, Kortum and Sotelo 2012), or the large numbers of very small exporters (Arkolakis 2010). While the theory was not developed to explain how economies at various stages of development or scales differ in terms of exporter behavior, there are some features of these models we can use to address these relationships. The standard heterogeneous firm model assumes firms are differentiated by the variety they produce and by their productivity, and that there is a fixed entry cost into exporting. A firm will enter the export market if its net export profits cover the fixed exporting cost. Because of country characteristics. Note that this is a fairly strong test of the results, as the time period is only 5 years and the fixed effects swamp up much of the variation (see the high R squares in Table iv in Appendix 3). 17 the entry costs, there is a cutoff productivity level, such that firms at or above it will export while those below it produce only for the domestic market. Thus, firms that export are more productive than firms that produce only for the domestic market, and export quantity is increasing in productivity. This is consistent with our findings to the extent that developed countries are richer because their firms are more highly productive or they have a greater number of highly productive firms. Thus, if we allow for variation in the productivity distribution of firms across countries, the model would be consistent with our findings on stage of development although it would not help to explain them. However, it would be harder to justify our findings on country size. This is in part because constant elasticity of substitution (CES) preferences assumed in the standard model imply that the cutoff productivity level for an exporter to enter a market does not change with domestic market size, which implies that differences in the number or size of exporters must stem from trade costs. Moreover, in these models, if variation stems from fixed trade costs, exporter size and the number of exporters in a country would be inversely related since a higher productivity threshold would mean that there are fewer but bigger exporters. While if variation stems from variable trade costs, then all of the adjustment should be in the extensive margin. Thus, our findings of a positive correlation of country size and stage of development with number of exporters and exporter size could not be generated. The higher concentration of exports in the top 5 percent of exporting firms in larger countries and at higher levels of income that we show is also not consistent with a standard heterogeneous firm model. With firm productivity following a Pareto distribution, the larger average exporter size and the increasing concentration at the top of the size distribution as countries grow could come from either more skewed distribution in the Pareto shape parameter 18 (a lower shape parameter) or a larger support for the firm productivity distribution in bigger and richer countries. A number of models are consistent with larger markets having more and larger firms, but not necessarily with exporters from larger markets exporting larger volumes to any given destination. For example, Melitz and Ottaviano’s (2008) model with variable markups allows aggregate demand to matter for entry and firm size. In their model, larger markets demand more of each variety, generating more entry. However, when prices rise, demand falls off more sharply for each specific variety, inducing high-cost firms to exit. As a result, larger markets are characterized by tougher competition, with both more firms and bigger firms.16 This model can explain why firms export larger quantities to larger destination markets, but not why firms from larger markets export more than firms from smaller markets to a particular destination market. In recent work, Spearot (2013) adapts the Melitz-Ottaviano model to address this issue by allowing the Pareto shape parameter of the firm productivity distribution to vary across countries. He shows that such an accommodation can explain variation in the average size of exporters. He further shows that the response of export flows across countries of varying sizes to a trade shock can be used to estimate the shape parameters across countries. Using this methodology, he finds that larger and richer countries have more skewed distributions, a result that could explain our findings on the increasing share of the top 5 percent and large average size in large and rich countries. His model, however, does not explain why the shape parameter is more skewed in larger or richer countries.17 16 Chaney and Ossa (2012) also address the relationship between market size and firm size. They develop a model with labor division, where the production of a final good requires the performance of a number of tasks, each of them carried out by a specialized team. The larger the output, the larger the number of teams and the lower the average costs–each team performs more efficiently lowering marginal costs. In this context, an increase in market size –represented by an increase in the number of consumers–increases demand elasticity and is associated with more firms and larger firms. 17 One potential explanation for why this might be the case in richer countries derives from the work of Hsieh and Klenow (2012), who find that weak firm dynamics prevent developing countries from reaping the benefits of large firms. They 19 Alternatively, Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (2008) employ a heterogeneous firm model with a productivity distribution truncated from above to explain why some countries have zero trade. Such a model may also be able to explain why average exports are greater in larger and richer countries if the upper limit is increasing in size and stage of development. For example, a larger pool of potential technologies or managers in bigger and richer countries may yield a wider support. In this case, large and rich countries would have some very large exporters, raising the average size and the share of exports in the top 5 percent. Overall, the results on size and concentration are consistent with variation in the firm productivity distribution across countries, and more specifically with either a lower shape parameter or a wider support in bigger and richer countries. This is an important area for future research. Turning next to our results on diversification, a number of trade models with heterogeneous firms have also incorporated multi-product multi-destination firms. For example, in the model of Bernard, Redding and Schott (2011), firms are heterogeneous in terms of overall ability and expertise in each product, in addition they face fixed costs in terms of labor to export each product and serve each market. Only higher ability firms are able to generate variable profits to cover those fixed costs and thus supply a wider range of products to each market. This model helps to explain why the largest firms are multiproduct, as these are the most able firms, and also why they account for such a high share of exports. It also allows for across and within firm reallocation of resources in response to trade liberalization. While, like the standard heterogeneous firm model, the model does not directly address stage of development, assuming richer countries have more able firms or managers, our results on increased diversification and their increased share of exports as countries grow would hold. This helps to explain why richer hypothesize that this could be the result of constraints to growth in developing countries, via for example taxes or weak investment incentives, which constrain aggregate TFP because of a misallocation of resources away from the high-productivity firms. Over time this would lead to too many small firms and not enough large firms. 20 countries have more diversified firms, and can also explain why these firms account for a larger share of total exports as countries develop since there are more highly productive firms that are able to export widely.18 What is harder to explain with existing trade models with heterogeneous firms are our results on exporter turnover because those models have little to say about dynamics (Melitz and Redding 2012). Some recent work, however, has used uncertainty about export productivity to explain the high rates of entry into and immediate exit from foreign markets observed in the data (Albornoz et. al. 2010, Segura-Cayuela and Vilarrubio 2008 and Freund and Pierola 2008). In these models, there is high entry because there is effectively an option value of remaining in the export sector if the firm is successful in foreign markets. To illustrate how this works, consider the following simple case: each firm has probability p of getting high positive export profits, H, and probability (1-p) of getting negative export profits, L. Exporting requires fixed cost F. In a repeated game, with discount factor δ (smaller than 1), a firm will enter the export sector if (1) ( ) The important point is that there is an asymmetry because getting a good profit draw yields positive profits forever in this repeated game ( ), while export failure yields only one period of negative profits (L) followed by exit. This implies that a firm may enter the export sector even if its expected one-period profits are negative, pH+(1-p)L<0. This can explain why there is so much entry into exporting with high rates of immediate exit corresponding also to low one-year survival rates of new exporters. 18 Note that the firm-level results are distinct from evidence on production and industrial exports on diversification, where empirical evidence shows that countries first diversify and only later specialize (Imbs and Wacziarg 2003 , Klinger and Lederman 2006). The results are not contradictory, as it is possible that firms on average become more diversified as countries grow, but if the products are ultimately similar across firms at high levels of income, this is consistent with increased specialization by industry or product at the country level. 21 For both exporter entry and exit to be negatively correlated with the level of development, while net entry is roughly invariant, it would be necessary in the model above that fixed costs of exporting are lower, the discount factor is higher, or that the gap between H and L is greater in developing countries.19 The first, lower fixed costs of exporting, seems unlikely given that existing evidence points to higher costs of entering export markets in poorer countries.20 The second, higher discount factor also seems unlikely as developing countries have higher interest rates/discount rates for the future, indicating that money now is worth more than money later in poor countries. Finally, firms in developing countries may have greater variability in profit draws (outcomes). Even if one-period expected profits are the same across countries (pH + (1-p) L= k), a greater H and lower L will lead to more entry because H weighs more heavily on the decision to enter. In this case, the first term in Eq. (1) would be relatively larger for developing countries, implying that more firms would enter the export sector in poorer countries, while a similar or even a lower fraction of entrants would survive (depending on p), yielding higher overall entry and exit. Exit goes up precisely because there are more entrants. Indeed, this is consistent with high correlations between entry and exit at the country level and country-sector level. For example, using the 2004-2008 panel data, the simple within-country correlation between entry and exit is 0.77 and the within country-sector the correlation is 0.76. Search and matching models of trade partnerships can also generate similar exporter dynamics. While these models were designed to understand the importance of networks in international trade, they also offer conditions under which there will be more or less search. For example, Rauch and Watson (2003) show that with imperfect information about the ability of a 19 Note that a higher probability of a good outcome in developing countries would create more entry but is not consistent with the lower rates of survival that are observed in developing countries. 20 A simple correlation between various indicators on trade costs from the Doing Business database and GDP per capita using all available countries as well as the countries in the Exporter Dynamics Database sample is clearly negative and significant. 22 developing country exporter to supply a large order, developed country buyers may have more small trials before investing in a developing country exporter for a long-term trade relationship. This would lead to more exporter entry and exit from developing countries. In a different type of model, Araujo, Mion, and Ornelas (2012) integrate work on institutions and heterogeneous firm models of trade and show that there is less entry, less exit, less turnover and greater survival rates in countries with better institutions, resembling closely our findings with per capita income. In sum, the results on exporter characteristics are consistent with various strands of the recent theoretical work, with some accommodations. The results on average exporter size and increasing concentration are consistent with a heterogeneous firm trade model with variation across countries in the Pareto shape parameter or the support of the firm productivity distribution. The results on diversification and stage of development follow from theories with multi-product and multi-destination firms. The results on exporter dynamics and stage of development are consistent with models with uncertainty about export profitability or the viability of a particular importer-exporter match. Overall, the systematic variation in exporter behavior across countries by size and stage of development observed in the data is suggestive of more efficient resource allocation as countries get richer and larger. While tweaking existing models can explain specific features of the data, the results point to the need for a dynamic model to develop a better understanding of how exporter behavior changes with country size and stage of development. For example, why would the Pareto shape parameter be more skewed or the support wider in more developed or larger countries? Such a model may also help explain whether the changing firm characteristics and dynamics help drive income growth or whether demand growth drives firm behavior. 23 V. Conclusion While the literature on exporter dynamics is rapidly growing, there has not been a comparison across a large number of countries of different sizes and at differing stages of development. The Exporter Dynamics Database presented in this paper addresses that limitation by providing the research community and policymakers with a set of measures of exporter characteristics and dynamics that allow for cross-country comparisons, that expand our understanding of how exporting happens and show novel results on how these are related to stage of development. The Database compiles measures for 45 countries (37 of which are developing countries) covering the universe of firm-level export transactions primarily for the period between 2003 and 2010. The data point to systematic ways in which the micro structure of exports changes as countries develop. As countries grow, they have more and larger (likely better) exporters and also relatively more concentrated export sectors. Product and market diversification of exporters is also positively correlated with stage of development. Together with results from previous studies showing that exporters are more productive than non-exporters and larger exporters are more productive than smaller exporters, our results point towards allocative efficiency in export markets as countries develop. Of interest is how reallocation happens. In particular, exporter dynamics are also closely linked with stage of development, with richer countries experiencing lower entry and exit rates, higher survival of new firms, and net entry invariant to per capita income. This implies that as countries develop, there is less entry of firms that immediately exit to generate the same rates of net entry. We highlight that with uncertainty about export profitability at the firm level, this could reflect lower variability in export potential at higher stages of development. 24 The measures in the Database will allow the examination of several interesting crosscountry questions, cross-country cross-sector questions, and within-country questions. The measures can also be used as controls in estimations that require exporter characteristics at the country-industry level. In particular, as the measures in the Database offer the first opportunity to study exporter characteristics and dynamics on a global basis, some of the facts described above open the door to questions such as: Does trade promote growth via firm size or firm count? How can countries attract more large multi-product firms? What determines exporter survival? How comparative advantage is related to the typical exporter characteristics in an industry? 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International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Supplement to the Compilers Manual. 28 Figure 1: Correlations of Selected Database Measures with GDP per Capita (averages over 2006-2008) Number of Exporters - GDPpc 17 12 Mean Exports per Exporter - GDPpc ESP 16 Ln Mean Exports per Exporter BRA 15 NER MWI 13 4 7 8 9 10 CRI ZAF BWA TUR BGD COL CMR ECU JOR EGYSLVDOM GTM UGA LAO BFA TZA SEN PAK MUS NIC IRN BGR KEN YEM MKD LBN ALB 11 6 7 8 Ln GDPpc 9 ESP NOR EST NZL 10 11 Ln GDPpc R-squared=0.58 R-squared=0.13 Number of Products per Exporter - GDPpc 3 1 Share of Top 5% Exporters - GDPpc CHL PERZAF MEX MUS DOM MKD JOR BGR CMR BRA CRI SLV COL KEN TUR EGY ECU LBN GTM UGA NIC MAR PAK IRN SEN BGD SWE NOR ZAF ESP BEL TUR MUS KHM KEN EST GTM MAR NIC SEN SLVPER PAK 1.5 ALB YEM CMR MWI BGD TZA NER MLI BFA UGA LBN MEX BWA BGR IRN CRI BEL EST NZL SWE NOR COL DOM ECUMKD ESP CHL ALB JOR 1 .8 .6 YEM NZL 2.5 LAO TZA BFA 2 MLI Ln Number of Products per Exporter BWA MWI NER Share of Top 5% Exporters SWE PER MAR MLI NER 6 CHL MEX KHM 14 10 6 8 Ln Number of Exporters BEL TUR MEX SWE BEL ZAF BRA NOR PAK BGR IRN NZL COL EGY CHL PER BGD MAR LBN KEN EST GTM ECUMKD CRI SLVDOM MUS TZA JOR ALB BWA NIC UGA CMR SEN MWI KHM YEM LAO BFA MLI .4 KHM LAO 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 Ln GDPpc 9 10 11 Ln GDPpc R-squared=0.08 R-squared=0.20 Entry Rate - GDPpc 2 Number of Destinations per Exporter - GDPpc MWI YEM LAO TZA .5 BEL CMR UGA IRN .5 NOR DOM ALB ESP ALB PER BGR CHL JOR MKD NIC KHM BGD LAO NER EST BWA ECU SEN KEN NOR MEX MAR TUR GTM SLV COL MUS CRI ZAF .3 1 SEN PAK .4 TUR ZAF CHL CRI JOR LBN NZL CMR COL EGY PER MUS EST KEN MAR GTM SLV BGR TZA UGA YEM BFA ECU DOM MKD MEX MLI NIC IRN BGD MWI MLIBFA SWE ESP Entry Rate 1.5 KHM PAK BWA BEL NZL SWE EGY 0 .2 BRA 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 Ln GDPpc .6 BGD KHMPAK BRA TUR Survival Rate of Entrants YEM .3 .4 BFA MLI UGA DOM LAO BWA BGR .5 ESP SEN NOR NZL BEL SWE NZL BEL CHL KEN TZA EST UGA ESP MWI CMR BRA .2 BGD 7 BFA EST ECU MEX PER CHL MKD NICMAR ALB JOR COL MUS KHM SLV GTM TUR EGY PAK CRI ZAF SEN ZAF CRI ALB MKD SLVPER MAR MUS GTM COL ECU IRN DOM BWA MEX NIC MLI .4 CMR TZA KEN EGY JOR LAO .3 .5 IRN .2 Exit Rate 11 Survival Rate of Entrants - GDPpc Exit Rate - GDPpc 6 10 R-squared=0.18 MWI .6 9 Ln GDPpc R-squared=0.14 8 9 10 6 11 7 8 9 Ln GDPpc Ln GDPpc R-squared=0.00 R-squared=0.12 29 10 11 Turnover Rate - GDPpc 1.2 Net Entry Rate - GDPpc .1 LAO MWI UGA YEM 1 JOR ALB ECU CHL PER MKD TUR KHM SEN EST CRI BEL GTM ZAF BWA NIC CMR SLV PAK ESPSWE NOR COL DOM NZL MAR BRA MUS EGY MEX BGR YEM KEN IRN TZA CMR LAO DOM BFA UGA KEN MLI .8 Turnover Rate BWA ECU BGR PER CHL MKD ALB MEX JOR NIC MAR COL MUS TUR GTM SLV SEN IRN KHM .6 .05 0 TZA MLI BFA -.05 Net Entry Rate BGD PAK BGD EST ESP BEL NZL SWE CRI ZAF EGY NOR BRA .4 -.1 MWI 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 Ln GDPpc 7 8 9 10 11 Ln GDPpc R-squared=0.01 R-squared=0.16 Notes: The measures plotted are based on measures in the country-year level dataset averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country. GDP per capita is measured in 2005 PPP U.S. dollars per inhabitant. Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from these plots due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. 30 Figure 2: Correlations of Selected Database Measures with GDP (averages over 2006-2008) 17 Mean Exports per Exporter - GDP 12 Number of Exporters - GDP ESP MEX BRA BRA CHL IRN MEX KHM 15 PER MLI CRI BWA NER NER ZAF NOR BGD NZL DOM ECU GTM UGA TZA BGR KEN YEM LBN MKD SWE MAR EST JOR CMR SLV LAO BFASEN MWI MUSNIC 14 8 6 MAR LBN KEN EST GTM MKD DOM ECU SLVCRI MUS ALB TZA JOR BWA NIC UGA CMR SEN MWI KHM YEM LAO BFA MLI CHL PER BGD SWE BEL ZAF PAK COL EGY 16 Ln Mean Exports per Exporter 10 Ln Number of Exporters BGR NZL BEL TUR NOR ESP TUR COL EGY PAK IRN 4 13 ALB 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 Ln GDP 27 28 R-squared=0.24 Number of Products per Exporter - GDP 3 1 Share of Top 5% Exporters - GDP CHL NOR PER SWE ZAF SEN EST YEM .6 ALB BEL COL EGY PAK BRA TUR KHM EST LBNGTM SLV KEN BWA SEN NIC MKD MWI NER MLI BFA BGD TUR BEL MUS IRN 1.5 NIC ZAF MEX ESP NZL BGR CRI DOM YEM TZA CMR UGA PER MAR MEX SWE NOR CHL BGD ECU IRN PAK COL ESP ALB JOR 1 .8 DOM JOR CMR BGR SLVCRIKEN ECU LBNGTM UGA MAR 2.5 NZL TZA 2 Ln Number of Products per Exporter BWA MLI MWI NER LAO MUS BFA MKD Share of Top 5% Exporters 26 Ln GDP R-squared=0.78 .4 KHM LAO 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 Ln GDP 26 27 28 Ln GDP R-squared=0.01 R-squared=0.15 Entry Rate - GDP 2 Number of Destinations per Exporter - GDP MWILAO YEM TZA .5 BEL CMR UGA IRN 1.5 KHM MLI BFA SWE .5 PER TUR ZAF PAK ESP COL EGY IRN .4 BGD CHL NOR LAO NER ECU SEN ALB MKD JOR KEN ESP PER CHL NOR BGR NIC MEX KHM MEX MAR SLV MUS .3 MWI MUS BFA MLI MKD NIC CRI LBN NZL CMR EST KEN GTM BGR MAR SLVTZA UGA YEM ECU DOM Entry Rate 1 SEN JOR DOM EST BWA TUR COL BEL GTM CRI NZL BGD ALB BWA SWE ZAF PAK EGY 0 .2 BRA 23 24 25 26 27 23 28 24 25 Exit Rate - GDP Survival Rate of Entrants - GDPpc .6 BGD KHMPAK BRA TUR .4 EST BWA UGA SEN MKD NICALB JOR MUS KHM SLV .3 BGR ECU NZL CRI .5 BFA 25 26 SEN ESP MEX TUR NZL BEL CHL KEN COL BEL SWE EGY PAK ZAF TZA EST UGA ESP MWI CMR BRA .2 BGD 24 ZAF CRI ALB MKD SLVPER MAR MUS GTM COL ECU IRN DOM BWA MEX NIC MLI NOR PER CHL MAR GTM EGY JOR LAO .4 BFA IRN .3 CMR TZA KEN DOM .2 Exit Rate .5 Survival Rate of Entrants YEM 23 28 R-squared=0.25 MWI LAO MLI 27 Ln GDP Ln GDP R-squared=0.25 .6 26 27 28 6 Ln GDP 7 8 9 Ln GDPpc R-squared=0.14 R-squared=0.00 31 10 11 Turnover Rate - GDP 1.2 Net Entry Rate - GDP .1 LAO MWI UGA YEM CHL PER BEL ZAF PAK NOR SWE COL GTM SLV CMR 0 DOM MUS YEM NZL MAR EGY BGR KEN IRN TZA CMR LAO TUR ESP MLI MEXBRA IRN BFA DOM EST UGA BWA KEN ECU BGR SEN MKD ALB JOR NIC MUS .6 CRI ECU .8 TZA Turnover Rate .05 MLI MKD EST BFASENKHM NIC BWA -.05 Net Entry Rate 1 BGD JOR ALB KHM ESP NOR PER CHL MEX MAR SLV GTM CRI NZL BGD COL BEL SWE ZAF PAK EGY TUR BRA .4 -.1 MWI 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 Ln GDP 24 25 26 27 28 Ln GDP R-squared=0.06 R-squared=0.20 Notes: The measures plotted are based on measures in the country-year level dataset averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country. GDP is measured in 2005 PPP U.S. dollars. Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from these plots due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. 32 Table 1: Measures by Country (2006-2008 Averages) Total Exports Number of (bn USD) Exporters ALB BEL BFA BGD BGR BRA BWA CHL CMR COL CRI DOM ECU EGY ESP EST GTM IRN JOR KEN KHM KWT LAO LBN MAR MEX MKD MLI MUS MWI NER NIC NOR NZL PAK PER PRT SEN SLV SWE TUR TZA UGA YEM ZAF Albania Belgium Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Brazil Botswana Chile Cameroon Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt Spain Estonia Guatemala Iran Jordan Kenya Cambodia Kuwait * Laos Lebanon Morocco Mexico Macedonia Mali Mauritius Malawi Niger Nicaragua Norway New Zealand Pakistan Peru Portugal * Senegal El Salvador Sweden Turkey Tanzania Uganda Yemen South Africa Average - developing countries Median - developing countries Average - all countries Median - all countries Number of Exporters per Capita Mean Exports per Exporter ('000s USD) Median Number of Number of Exports per Share of Top Products per Destinations Exporter 5% Exporters Exporter per Exporter ('000s USD) 1.1 309.1 0.5 12.4 12.9 165.4 4.6 60.9 1.7 19.1 8.7 4.5 5.7 14.3 229.9 9.3 6.3 12.8 3.4 4.0 3.4 3.0 0.6 3.4 15.3 226.3 2.2 0.8 2.6 0.6 0.3 1.3 39.1 24.6 16.8 25.2 33.5 0.9 4.2 129.5 98.7 2.3 1.2 0.4 58.8 1,895 23,204 425 6,356 13,804 19,375 1,715 7,314 938 9,768 2,931 2,709 3,110 8,370 89,798 4,915 4,420 13,770 1,869 5,057 595 3,315 462 5,177 5,429 34,382 2,926 305 2,251 631 160 1,236 18,309 13,276 15,023 6,732 16,217 727 2,554 30,126 44,570 1,899 938 492 21,721 0.60 2.18 0.03 0.05 1.79 0.10 0.89 0.44 0.05 0.22 0.66 0.28 0.22 0.11 2.00 3.66 0.33 0.19 0.33 0.14 0.04 1.23 0.08 1.24 0.18 0.31 1.43 0.02 1.79 0.05 0.01 0.22 3.93 3.14 0.09 0.24 1.44 0.06 0.42 3.32 0.64 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.45 550 13,312 1,177 1,946 934 8,539 2,666 8,317 1,879 1,957 2,970 1,708 1,830 1,717 2,559 1,885 1,421 940 1,804 796 5,706 915 1,284 659 2,811 6,588 751 2,729 1,138 1,077 2,160 1,031 2,137 1,853 1,116 3,740 2,064 1,228 1,648 4,299 2,204 1,180 1,289 779 2,699 35 64 37 277 22 233 2 49 19 58 54 26 25 65 21 109 38 88 57 18 546 27 42 38 90 44 24 48 17 8 18 27 14 24 62 37 68 73 30 17 105 17 15 49 29 63% 84% 85% 50% 83% 82% 99% 94% 82% 81% 82% 85% 80% 79% 86% 69% 78% 72% 83% 81% 44% 86% 88% 78% 74% 91% 83% 93% 87% 91% 89% 76% 93% 90% 73% 92% 77% 71% 82% 92% 80% 86% 77% 64% 92% 21.7 4.2 35.1 5.7 7,017 2,931 10,027 4,420 0.49 0.22 0.77 0.28 2,206 1,708 2,489 1,830 63 37 61 37 81% 82% 81% 82% 3.0 9.3 3.8 4.2 6.2 1.5 6.8 2.4 3.8 2.4 6.6 4.5 4.0 4.9 5.6 4.7 4.4 4.7 7.8 7.8 6.0 2.7 7.2 8.3 4.4 2.3 7.7 6.4 6.7 4.5 3.8 9.0 4.2 3.9 5.9 5.2 7.5 5.5 7.2 8.5 6.2 6.9 6.5 9.6 4.1 3.8 4.4 15.0 1.4 3.4 2.8 2.8 3.2 2.3 2.4 2.7 4.0 2.7 2.5 2.1 3.1 2.5 4.8 2.0 1.6 3.1 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.6 1.9 1.6 2.1 3.4 3.1 3.3 2.6 3.5 3.2 2.4 4.3 3.9 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.6 5.7 5.2 5.9 5.6 2.6 2.5 2.8 2.6 Entrant Survival Rate Entry Rate Exit Rate 39% 31% 44% 28% 38% 22% 42% 38% 48% 32% 29% 44% 41% 25% 39% 44% 31% 47% 38% 40% 33% 53% 52% 33% 28% 41% 22% 40% 23% 40% 35% 46% 31% 26% 43% 37% 27% 38% 41% 29% 51% 32% 44% 30% 53% 40% 47% 40% 42% 61% 33% 35% 38% 43% 30% 52% 34% 36% 35% 39% 31% 61% 43% 39% 45% 45% 43% 25% 36% 38% 29% 28% 39% 30% 40% 31% 29% 32% 51% 47% 52% 28% 34% 37% 29% 27% 35% 29% 37% 30% 28% 29% 46% 38% 54% 26% 47% 38% 38% 38% 38% 37% 35% 36% 35% 43% 43% 43% 43% 54% 39% 35% 23% 42% 48% 40% 41% 51% 30% 30% 42% 41% 49% 35% 57% 50% 42% 56% 44% 45% 40% 44% 55% 32% 29% 49% Notes: The figures shown are based on measures in the country-year level dataset averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country. * indicates exceptions to the sample period: for Kuwait averages are taken across the 2009-2010 period and for Portugal averages are taken across the 2003-2005 period. Total exports are obtained as the number of exporters multiplied by the average exports per exporter. 33 Table 2: Measures by Sector (2006-2008 Averages) Number of Exporters Mean Exports per Exporter ('000s USD) 01-05 108 1,109 107 53% 1.9 06-15 168 631 40 58% 1.6 147 199 201 989 1,427 9,730 1,205 408 147 294 50 7 63% 76% 73% 77% 476 1,221 55 153 413 30 HS 2-Digit Codes HS Section Description Live Animals and Animal Products Vegetable Products (including Animal and Vegetable Fats) 16-24 Foodstuff (Beverages, Spirits, Vinegar, Tobacco etc.) 25-26 Mineral Products (except hydrocarbons) 28-38 Chemicals and Parachemical Products 39-40 Plastics and Articles Thereof Wood and Articles Thereof (including Paper & 44-46, 47-49, 94 Articles, Furniture) 50-59, 41 Textiles (Including Raw Skins and Leather) Apparel (Including Footwear, Headgear, Art. of 60-63, 64-67, 42-43 Feathers, Fur, Leather Products) 68-70 Glass, Ceramics and Articles of Stone, Cement, etc. Precious Metals (Pearls, Jewellery, Coin, Precious 71 Stones etc.) 72-83 Base Metal and Articles Thereof Mechanical Machinery (including Clocks and Music 84, 91-92 Instruments) Electrical Machinery (including Optical, Medical, 85, 90 Photographic Instruments) 86-89 Transportation Vehicles 93 Arms and Ammunitions Median Number of Number of Exports per Share of Top Products per Destinations Exporter 5% Exporters Exporter per Exporter ('000s USD) Entry Rate Exit Rate Entrant Survival Rate 1.9 49% 48% 38% 1.8 50% 48% 36% 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.3 1.6 2.0 1.8 46% 54% 53% 54% 43% 49% 51% 51% 38% 36% 31% 33% 73% 1.5 1.7 57% 56% 28% 66% 1.5 1.8 58% 57% 27% 353 402 35 69% 1.9 1.7 58% 57% 28% 429 212 4 76% 1.5 1.7 60% 58% 26% 227 7,503 473 78% 1.4 1.6 50% 47% 33% 327 2,010 26 75% 1.5 1.6 60% 58% 26% 870 252 8 72% 1.9 1.6 62% 61% 24% 1,183 737 8 76% 2.4 1.8 57% 54% 30% 326 25 1,275 523 41 39 71% 69% 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 65% 59% 63% 61% 24% 19% Notes: The figures shown in the table for each group of sectors are based on measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level averaged across HS2-digit codes within the groups listed in the first column, countries (Brazil, Kuwait, New Zealand, and Portugal excluded), and the 2006-2008 period. Brazil, Kuwait, New Zealand, and Portugal are excluded from these averages due to lack of measures at the country-year-HS 2-digit level (Brazil and New Zealand) or to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period (Kuwait and Portugal). 34 Table 3: ANOVA Decompositions at Country and HS 2-digit Sector and Country and Destination Level Panel A: Country-HS2 Data Ln Total Exports Ln Mean Ln Number Ln Number Ln Number Exports per Share of Top of of Products of Exporters Exporter 5% Exporters Destinations per Exporter (mn USD) per Exporter Entry Rate Exit Rate Entrant Survival Rate Net Entry Rate Turnover Rate Country 47% 56% 23% 26% 17% 42% 28% 27% 14% 11% 27% HS 2-digit Sector 29% 32% 30% 22% 52% 13% 17% 18% 16% 3% 18% Residual 29% 15% 48% 57% 34% 46% 56% 55% 70% 85% 56% Observations 3,621 3,750 3,621 2,584 3,530 3,621 3,571 3,584 3,167 3,504 3,504 Panel B: Country-Destination Data Ln Total Exports Ln Mean Ln Number Ln Number Exports per Share of Top of Products of Exporters Exporter 5% Exporters per Exporter (mn USD) Entry Rate Exit Rate Entrant Survival Rate Net Entry Rate Turnover Rate Country 29% 38% 14% 21% 23% 17% 16% 8% 4% 11% Destination 40% 36% 30% 21% 10% 20% 18% 13% 8% 13% Residual 43% 36% 61% 65% 68% 66% 68% 80% 89% 77% Observations 5,558 6,636 5,558 2,887 5,395 6,289 6,236 5,406 5,497 5,497 Notes: The variance decompositions shown are based on measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level and country-yeardestination level data averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country. The upper panel uses the country sector level data and the lower panel uses the country destination level data. Brazil, Kuwait, New Zealand, and Portugal are excluded from these ANOVA decompositions due to lack of measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level (Brazil and New Zealand) or to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period (Kuwait and Portugal). The sums add up to slightly more than 100 percent in some cases because the data form an unbalanced panel. Results are similar if we use a balanced panel. 35 Table 4: Export Base, Exporter Size, Concentration and Country Characteristics Cross-Section, Averaged Data Ln Total Exports Ln GDPpc Ln GDP Sector Fixed Effects Destination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared Basic Regressions Ln Mean Share of Top Ln Number Exports per 5% of Exporters Exporter Exporters (mn USD) Ln Total Exports HS 2-digit Regressions Ln Mean Share of Top Ln Number Exports per 5% of Exporters Exporter Exporters (mn USD) Ln Total Exports Destination Regressions Ln Mean Share of Top Ln Number Exports per 5% of Exporters Exporter Exporters (mn USD) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 0.598*** (0.093) 0.868*** (0.068) 0.516*** (0.086) 0.668*** (0.061) 0.077 (0.097) 0.200** (0.077) 0.034* (0.020) -0.008 (0.013) 0.845*** (0.166) 1.115*** (0.103) 0.527*** (0.112) 0.709*** (0.073) 0.359*** (0.111) 0.436*** (0.083) 0.045*** (0.012) 0.037*** (0.008) 0.516*** (0.126) 0.902*** (0.116) 0.408*** (0.110) 0.719*** (0.111) 0.136** (0.063) 0.274*** (0.046) 0.056*** (0.013) 0.024*** (0.007) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5,558 0.515 6,636 0.56 5,558 0.331 2,887 0.297 43 0.889 43 0.889 43 0.249 43 0.093 3,621 0.647 3,750 0.754 3,621 0.449 2,584 0.345 Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level for all HS2-digit and destination regressions. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. The regressions in columns (1)-(4) are based on measures at the country-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country; those in columns (5)-(8) are based on measures at the country-HS2-digit sector-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-sector (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level); and those in columns (9)-(12) are based on measures at the country-destination-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-destination (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-destination level). Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from all regressions due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. 36 Table 5: Exporter Diversification and Country Characteristics Cross-Section, Averaged Data Ln GDPpc Ln GDP Basic Regressions HS 2-digit Regressions Ln Number Ln Number of of Destinations Products per per Exporter Exporter Ln Number Ln Number of of Destinations Products per per Exporter Exporter HS 2-digit Regressions Share of Share of Total Exporters Exports Ln Number Accounted for Accounted for of by Multiby MultiProducts per Product Multi- Product MultiExporter Destination Destination Firms Firms (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 0.103** (0.044) 0.055 (0.048) 0.038 (0.043) 0.094** (0.040) 0.091*** (0.018) 0.008 (0.013) 0.122*** (0.035) 0.046* (0.026) 0.116*** (0.040) 0.020 (0.034) 0.006** (0.002) 0.000 (0.001) 0.040*** (0.010) 0.019* (0.010) Yes Yes Yes Yes 3,530 0.587 3,621 0.314 3,018 0.191 3,018 0.263 Sector Fixed Effects Destination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared Destination Yes 41 0.225 42 0.267 5,395 0.155 Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level for all HS2-digit and destination regressions. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. Products are defined at the HS6-digit level. Egypt is excluded from all the number of products per exporter regressions since its exporter-level raw data included products at the HS4-digit rather than the HS6-digit level. The regressions in columns (1)-(2) are based on measures at the country-year-level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country; those in columns (3)-(4) are based on measures at the country-HS2-digit sector-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-sector (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level); and that in column (5) is based on measures at the country-destination-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-destination (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-destination level). Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from all regressions due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. Only the developing countries for which we have access to the raw exporter-level data (the list is provided in Table 6) are included in the regressions in columns (6) and (7). 37 Table 6: Share of Single-Product Single-Destination and Multi-Product Multi-Destination Exporters Share of Exporters Accounted for by: Single-Product Single-Destination Firms ALB BFA BGD BGR BWA CHL CMR COL CRI DOM ECU GTM IRN JOR KEN KHM LBN MAR MEX MKD MLI MUS MWI NER NIC PAK PER SEN SLV TZA UGA YEM ZAF Albania Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Botswana Chile Cameroon Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador Guatemala Iran Jordan Kenya Cambodia Lebanon Morocco Mexico Macedonia Mali Mauritius Malawi Niger Nicaragua Pakistan Peru Senegal El Salvador Tanzania Uganda Yemen South Africa Average Median 45.4% 41.2% 26.5% 37.2% 38.9% 38.5% 39.1% 33.1% 27.5% 37.9% 37.5% 27.7% 34.3% 39.1% 35.3% 25.5% 31.3% 28.2% 40.1% 35.2% 35.8% 26.6% 42.5% 41.3% 34.2% 25.2% 29.8% 35.5% 30.1% 42.8% 42.9% 38.6% 25.0% 34.8% 35.5% Share of Total Exports Accounted for by: Firms Exporting Firms Exporting Single-Product More than 4 More than 4 Single-Destination Products to More Products to More Firms than 4 Destinations than 4 Destinations 3.4% 8.4% 13.4% 13.4% 2.8% 66.5% 22.4% 2.0% 63.9% 11.2% 1.4% 74.8% 3.5% 0.4% 53.0% 14.4% 0.8% 75.1% 9.3% 3.6% 55.2% 12.9% 3.0% 60.1% 18.3% 0.7% 79.4% 10.4% 1.6% 60.3% 8.8% 4.6% 54.6% 12.8% 1.5% 56.7% 6.9% 5.7% 47.5% 13.8% 2.4% 52.7% 12.8% 2.6% 58.7% 29.4% 1.1% 78.7% 19.9% 2.6% 70.8% 12.6% 3.0% 51.9% 9.1% 1.2% 63.4% 11.1% 1.7% 76.2% 11.3% 2.4% 60.9% 15.1% 3.4% 62.7% 5.6% 1.6% 57.9% 8.1% 0.5% 29.9% 8.6% 4.2% 53.4% 18.6% 2.2% 68.9% 11.9% 3.8% 73.0% 19.2% 3.6% 64.0% 14.3% 3.6% 72.5% 10.2% 3.1% 75.1% 9.3% 3.7% 38.5% 11.1% 6.8% 54.9% 21.5% 1.3% 82.3% 12.8% 11.9% 2.8% 2.6% 60.8% 60.9% Notes: The shares are based on several cells in matrix tables provided along with the Exporter Dynamics Database for all countries averaged across the 2006-2008 period. The information is available only for the developing countries for which we have access to the raw exporter-level data. 38 Table 7: Exporter Dynamics and Country Characteristics Cross-Section, Averaged Data Entry Rate Ln GDPpc Ln GDP Exit Rate Basic Regressions HS2-digit Regressions Entrant Survival Rate Entrant Survival Rate Net Entry Rate Turnover Rate Exit Rate Net Entry Rate Turnover Rate Entry Rate Exit Rate Entrant Survival Rate Net Entry Rate Turnover Rate (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) -0.016 (0.011) -0.020** (0.010) -0.016 (0.014) -0.014 (0.010) -0.010 (0.018) 0.016 (0.011) 0.000 (0.007) -0.006 (0.004) -0.032 (0.025) -0.035* (0.020) -0.065*** (0.012) -0.007 (0.011) -0.070*** (0.013) 0.001 (0.011) 0.042*** (0.010) -0.007 (0.007) 0.002 (0.004) -0.006* (0.003) -0.125*** (0.025) 0.004 (0.022) -0.031*** (0.010) -0.038*** (0.010) -0.039*** (0.012) -0.035*** (0.011) 0.017** (0.007) 0.020*** (0.007) 0.007 (0.006) -0.001 (0.003) -0.061*** (0.018) -0.027 (0.016) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3,571 0.314 3,584 0.312 3,167 0.21 3,504 0.043 3,504 0.296 Sector Fixed Effects Destination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared Entry Rate Destination Regressions 41 0.29 41 0.17 37 0.057 41 0.058 41 0.235 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6,289 0.26 6,236 0.247 5,406 0.152 5,497 0.08 5,497 0.162 Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level for all HS2-digit and destination regressions. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. The regressions in columns (1)-(5) are based on measures at the country-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country; those in columns (6)-(10) are based on measures at the country-HS2-digit sector-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-sector (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to lack of measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level); and those in columns (11)-(15) are based on measures at the country-destination-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-destination (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-destination level). Bulgaria, Norway, Sweden, and Yemen are excluded from the regressions in columns (3), (8), and (13) since their shorter sample period does not allow for the calculation of any entrant survival rates between 2006 and 2008 while Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from regressions due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. 39 APPENDIX FOR ONLINE PUBLICATION Appendix 1: Measures in the Database LEVEL CODE MEASURES A Country – Year – Product Country - Year Country - Year Destinati on HS2 & HS4 HS6 BASIC CHARACTERISTICS 1,2,3,4,5 N (Exporters, Entrants, Exiters, Survivors, Incumbents) 6,7,8,9,10 MMS & Q1Q3 (TEV per Exporter, Entrant, Exiter, Survivor, Incumbent) 11 MMS & Q1Q3 (Growth of Incumbents)t= MMS (ln(TEV of incumbentt in t) – ln(TEV of incumbentt in t-1)) 12 MMS & Q1Q3 (Growth of Survivors)t = MMS (ln(TEV of survivort in t+1) ln(TEV of survivort in t)) B CONCENTRATION/DIVERSIFICATION 1 Herfindahl Index 2 Share of top 1%, 5%, 25% Exporters in TEV 3 MMS (N. HS6 Products per Exporter) NA 4 MMS (N. Destinations per Exporter) NA 5 MMS (N. Exporters per HS6 Product) NA 6 MMS (N. Exporters per Destination) NA C FIRM DYNAMICS 1 Firm Entry Ratet = N. Entrantst / N. Exporterst 2 Firm Exit Ratet = N. Exiterst/ N. Exporterst-1 3 Firm Survival Ratet = N. Survivorst / N. Entrantst 4 Share of Entrantst= TEV of Entrantst in t / TEV in t 5 Firm 2-year Survival Ratet = N. 2-year Survivorst / N. Entrantst 6 Firm 3-year Survival Ratet = N. 3-year Survivorst / N. Entrantst D PRODUCT DYNAMICS 1 MMS (Product Entry Rate of Incumbents)t = MMS (N. products not exported in t-1 but exported in t by incumbentt / N. all products exported by incumbentt in t) NA 2 MMS (Product Entry Rate of Survivors)t = MMS (N. products not exported in t-1 but exported in t by survivort-1 / N. all products exported by survivort-1 in t) NA 3 MMS (Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents)t= MMS (EV of incumbentt from products not exported in t-1 but exported in t / TEV of incumbentt in t) NA 40 4 MMS (Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors)t= MMS (EV of survivort-1 from products not exported in t-1 but exported in t / TEV of survivort-1 in t) NA 5 MMS (Product Exit Rate of Incumbents)t = MMS (N. products exported by incumbentt in t-1 but not in t/ N. all products exported by incumbentt in t-1) NA 6 MMS (Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents)t = MMS (N. products not exported in t-1 but exported in both t and t+1 by 2-year incumbentt /N. all products not exported in t-1 but exported in t by 2-year incumbentt) NA E DESTINATION DYNAMICS 1 MMS (Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents)t = MMS (N. destinations not exported in t-1 but exported in t by Incumbentt / N. all destinations exported by Incumbentt in t) NA 2 MMS (Destination Entry Rate of Survivors)t = MMS (N. destinations not exported in t-1 but exported in t by Survivort-1 / N. all destinations exported by Survivort-1 in t) NA 3 MMS (Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents)t= MMS (EV of Incumbentt from destinations not exported in t-1 but exported in t / TEV of Incumbentt in t) NA 4 MMS (Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors)t= MMS (EV of survivort-1 from destinations not exported in t-1 but exported in t / TEV of survivort-1 in t) NA 5 MMS (Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents)t = MMS (N. destinations exported by Incumbentt in t-1 but not in t/ N. all destinations exported by Incumbentt in t-1) NA 6 MMS (Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents)t = MMS (N. destinations not exported in t-1 but exported in both t and t+1 by 2-year Incumbentt /N. all destinations not exported in t-1 but exported in t by 2-year Incumbentt) NA NA NA F UNIT PRICES 1,2,3,4,5 MMS (Unit Price (TEV/Quantity) per Exporter, Entrant, Exiter, Incumbent, Survivor) Notes: MMS indicate Mean, Median, Standard Deviation; Q1Q3 indicate the 25th and the 75th percentiles; N indicates Number of; EV indicates Export Value; and TEV indicates Total Export Value. 41 Appendix 2: Constructing the Exporter Dynamics Database Using Customs Data at the Exporter-Level The measures included in the Database are computed using customs data from 45 countries at the exporter-product-destination-year level covering the universe of export transactions. 21 For 11 countries (Brazil, Egypt, Estonia, Laos, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey), we do not have access to the raw data and the statistics were calculated for us by researchers or institutions with access to the raw data. Pooling across the raw datasets for the remaining 34 countries, we obtain a panel with 15 million unique observations at the countryfirm-product-destination-year level which is the raw dataset used to construct the Database. Some of the variables in this cross-country raw dataset were subjected to a series of cleaning procedures or had peculiarities that we briefly describe below: firm codes, country of destination, product and export values.22 Regarding firm codes, exporters are uniquely identified by their actual names, their tax identification number or artificial unique codes randomly created by our data providers. In the case of Albania, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Mexico, and Uganda their firm coding systems underwent changes in 2007 and in the case of Yemen in 2008. Hence, it is not possible to calculate exporter dynamics measures in the years when those changes occur. Regarding the country of destination variable, two cleaning operations are applied. One relates to the use of special trade regimes by Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Peru, Turkey, Yemen, which implies that customs agencies record the sales from inland to their own free zones/customs warehouses as exports resulting in a larger set of potential destinations.23 Since there is a lack of uniformity across countries in the definition of the special trade regime we drop the observations related to sales to free zones from our dataset. 24 The other relates to the changes in names that some statistical territories have undergone over time due to spatial divisions. When territories split, we keep them as a single destination since disregarding these changes in names would bias some calculations, especially those related to destination diversification and dynamics. For example, destination entry and exit rates in a given year would be overestimated as the appearance of a new destination in the dataset would not represent the true expansion of exporters into a different territory but would instead be due to the change in territory classification. Likewise, destination measures that are calculated using only one year of data (e.g., number of destinations per exporter etc.) would not be comparable to each other. In the end, each country has a potential set of 246 destinations as of end-2011. Regarding products, although most customs agencies record export transactions at 8-digit of the Harmonized System (HS) or higher, we aggregate the information to the HS 6-digit, since 21 The providers of the raw datasets for each country were mostly governmental agencies, mainly customs offices. Appendix 1 in Cebeci et. al (2012) provides a complete list of the countries included in the Database, the periods for which data is available, and the data sources. 22 Cebeci et. al. (2012) describe the cleaning procedures in further detail. Note that the cross-country raw dataset at country-firmproduct-destination-year level includes also quantities exported. 23 The “special trade regime” considers transactions where the goods are sold from the domestic territory only to both third countries and free zones/customs warehouses of the origin country as exports. In contrast, the “General trade regime” considers transactions where goods are sold from any national territory (including free zones) to third countries only as exports (see p. 32 of United Nations, 2008). 24 See p. 34 of United Nations (1998). This operation had a minor effect on total export volumes as sales to free zones/customs warehouses are negligible in most cases. The export volumes of Turkey, the country most affected by this operation, drop by 2-3 percent. 42 this is the most detailed level comparable internationally. That is, a specific HS code at 6 digits represents the same product in all countries in a given year. Several cleaning operations are applied to the product variable given that our sample period spans three different HS classifications (HS1996, HS2002 and HS2007). First, we combine all the codes existing under the three HS classifications into an aggregated list of 6065 unique HS 6-digit codes and eliminate the observations with a code that is not in that aggregated list.25 Second, through a process of “consolidation” among the three HS classifications, we account for the modifications introduced in each of the HS revisions: a) two different codes with low trade volume were converted into a single code and b) an existing code with an increasing trade volume was split into various codes. Ignoring these modifications would create problems for the tracking of trade volumes for certain products over time.26 The basic principle of consolidation is to identify the HS codes related to each other (e.g., codes that were split or merged with the modifications introduced by the HS2002 or the HS2007) and to replace them with a single code for the entire period. As a result of this consolidation 1104 codes are replaced by 402 codes that already exist in the HS lists but whose contents are altered, as discussed in Cebeci (2012). Consequently, the 6065 unique potential HS 6-digit codes in the list that aggregates across 1996, 2002, and 2007 classifications decline to a final number of 4961 unique potential HS 6-digit codes in the consolidated classification. 27 In our cross-country raw dataset 4767 of those 4961 HS 6-digit codes are present. In terms of the array of products included in the cross-country raw dataset, we eliminate observations in HS Chapter 27 (hydrocarbons such as oil, petroleum, natural gas, coal etc.) given that we do not have exporter-level data on that chapter for important oil exporting countries such as Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Iran, Kuwait, and Yemen.28 Regarding export values in the cross-country raw dataset, they are measured in US Dollars (USD) and they are Free on Board (FOB) figures, except for El Salvador and Senegal, whose export values represent Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) figures. 29 This difference should be taken into account for cross-country comparisons of measures related for example to the size of exporters but is not expected to affect other measures related to concentration, diversification and firm, product and market dynamics. In order to have a sense of the reliability of the raw data in each of the countries included in the Database, we apply two filters. For the first filter we compare the total values exported (excluding HS 27) calculated from the cross-country raw dataset with the total values exported from the United Nations’ COMTRADE database (excluding HS 27) for every country and 25 The number of HS categories included in the original classifications HS 1996, HS 2002, and HS 2007 are 5209, 5224, and 5053, respectively. Most of this elimination results from eliminating observations with a product code belonging to HS Chapter 99 as this is reserved for national use and the HS 6-digit codes under this chapter differ across countries. This elimination accounts for about 0.5 percent of total exports in our cross-country raw dataset. 26 See Cebeci (2012) for the methodology used in the consolidation. The paper along with a list of consolidated codes and concordances are available at http://econ.worldbank.org/exporter-dynamics-database. A similar process was used by Schott and Pierce (2011) to concord 10-digit United States Harmonized System codes between 1989 and 2007 and by Wagner and Zahler (2011) to homologate among 6-digit HS1992, HS1996, and HS2002 classifications. 27 The number of HS 6-digit codes not affected by the consolidation process is 4559, obtained as the total number of codes 6065 minus the 1104 codes that disappeared and minus the 402 codes whose content changed. 28 Possible reasons for this lack of data are confidentiality reasons or the fact that goods exported through pipeline are not recorded at customs but instead are recorded by other government/private institutions in the countries. 29 For countries for which export values were provided in local currency, they were converted to USD using the exchange rate series PA.NUS.FCRF taken from the World Development Indicators (whose original source is the IMF’s International Financial Statistics) which is based on an annual average of daily exchange rates determined by national authorities or in the legally sanctioned exchange market. 43 year.30 This comparison yields quite different results for different countries. On the one hand, for Albania, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Kenya, Lebanon Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania and Turkey, the ratio of total values exported in the raw dataset to total values exported in COMTRADE is about 100 percent. While for countries such as Mali and Yemen, the ratios indicate that total values exported in the raw dataset are as low as half of the total values exported in COMTRADE, for others such as Mauritius total values exported in the raw dataset are on average 30 percent above total values exported in COMTRADE.31 For the second filter, we focus on the countries and years that would have been left out because of a unfavorable match with COMTRADE (below 60 percent) and we keep those countries (and years) where we observe internal consistency within the export totals calculated from the corresponding exporter-level raw dataset over time. 32 As a result of this second filter, we keep in the raw dataset the information for Macedonia, Jordan, Mali, Mauritius, and several years of El Salvador’s data which would be left out due to an unfavorable match with COMTRADE data.33 To protect the confidentiality of the firms in the raw datasets at the exporter-productdestination-year level, some of the measures in the files with product or destination disaggregation are missing when the underlying country-product-year or country-destinationyear cell includes a single firm whose individual information cannot be revealed.34 For the measures of firm dynamics in the country-year dataset, of firm-product dynamics in the country-year-product datasets, and of firm-destination market dynamics in the country-yeardestination datasest, we use the following definitions: Exportert: any firm that exports in year t; Entrantt: a firm that does not export in year t-1 but exports in year t; Exitert: a firm that exports in year t-1 but does not export in year t; Incumbentt: a firm that exports in both years t-1 and t; 2-Year Incumbentt: a firm that exports in years t-1, t, and t+1; Survivort: a firm that does not export in year t-1 but exports in both years t and t+1; 2-Year Survivort: a firm that does not export in year t-1 but exports in years t, t+1 and t+2; 3-Year Survivort: a firm that does not export in year t-1 but exports in years t, t+1, t+2 and t+3. 30 Given our understanding about which transactions are included in the raw files, for this comparison we consider gross export figures in COMTRADE (which include re-exports) for Albania, Kenya, Mauritius, Tanzania and Senegal and net export figures (gross exports minus re-exports) for Jordan, Uganda and Yemen. For all other countries, it does not matter which COMTRADE figure we choose as they report either insignificant or no re-exports. 31 The Appendix in Cebeci et. al. (2012) provides detailed results on these comparisons. 32 Although both sources of trade data, COMTRADE as well as the exporter-level raw datasets that we use, originate from customs authorities, we are aware of potential difficulties in the processing of the exporter-level raw datasets that may justify the differences sometimes observed between the export totals obtained from the exporter-level raw datasets and the export totals available in COMTRADE. One of the potential reasons for these difficulties relates to the manual registration of export transactions that still takes place in some countries and may result in under-recording of export transactions for some countries and years. 33 For countries such as Macedonia for which the match with export totals in COMTRADE in the first few sample years is relatively poor, the match improves over time and this is likely due to a shift from manual to digital registration of export transactions. 34 For such cells the number of exporters shows a value of 1 and most measures except those based on exiter firms in Appendix Table 1 are missing. The developed countries in our sample applied their own confidentiality rules (often stricter) as detailed in Cebeci et. al (2012). A file with the percentage of total exports corresponding to the hidden values by country and year, for the developing countries for which we have the raw exporter-level data is available from the authors upon request. 44 Appendix 3: Robustness Specifications i. Estimations using country-destination data – Only manufacturing Cross-Section, 2006-2008 Averaged Data Ln Mean Ln Ln Number Exports Share of Ln Total Number of per Top 5% Exports of Products per Exporter Exporters Exporters Exporter (mn USD) Ln GDPpc Ln GDP Destination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared (1) (2) (3) (4) 0.372** 0.198 0.194** 0.060*** (0.179) (0.141) (0.087) (0.017) 1.041*** 0.611*** 0.467*** 0.021** (0.163) (0.116) (0.075) (0.009) Entry Rate Exit Rate Entrant Survival Rate (5) 0.125** (0.053) 0.026 (0.037) (6) -0.033** (0.015) -0.034** (0.013) (7) -0.043** (0.017) -0.036** (0.014) (8) 0.018 (0.013) 0.019** (0.008) (9) 0.006 (0.007) 0.001 (0.004) (10) -0.084*** (0.026) -0.015 (0.023) Net Entry Turnover Rate Rate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,838 0.425 4,838 0.432 4,838 0.289 1,600 0.328 4,838 0.134 4,503 0.204 4,498 0.206 4,090 0.128 3,776 0.089 3,776 0.151 Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level for all destination regressions. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. The regressions are based on measures at the countrydestination-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-destination (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-destination level). Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from all regressions due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. 45 ii. Estimations using country-destination data – Controlling for trade costs (distance) Cross-Section, 2006-2008 Averaged Data Ln Mean Ln Number Ln Number Exports Share of Ln Total of of per Top 5% Exports Products per Exporters Exporter Exporters Exporter (mn USD) Ln GDPpc Ln GDP Distance Destination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared (1) (2) (3) (4) 0.434*** 0.344*** 0.113* 0.054*** (0.131) (0.112) (0.063) (0.013) 1.066*** 0.811*** 0.317*** 0.037*** (0.123) (0.111) (0.051) (0.009) -1.606*** -1.310*** -0.401*** -0.064*** (0.100) (0.077) (0.059) (0.010) Entry Rate Exit Rate Entrant Survival Rate Net Turnover Entry Rate Rate (5) 0.105** (0.040) 0.041 (0.037) -0.201*** (0.025) (6) -0.027** (0.011) -0.042*** (0.011) 0.070*** (0.007) (7) -0.034*** (0.012) -0.038*** (0.011) 0.066*** (0.008) (8) 0.015* (0.008) 0.022*** (0.007) -0.043*** (0.006) (9) (10) 0.007 -0.057*** (0.005) (0.019) -0.001 -0.033* (0.003) (0.018) 0.003 0.076*** (0.003) (0.016) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5,346 0.655 6,344 0.73 5,346 0.361 2,806 0.363 5,188 0.223 6,012 0.292 5,957 0.274 5,163 0.16 5,295 0.07 5,295 0.17 Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level for all destination regressions. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. The regressions are based on measures at the countrydestination-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-destination (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-destination level). Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from all regressions due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. Distance is taken from the CEPII database. 46 iii. Estimations on average exporter size using sample of incumbent exporters Cross-Section, 2006-2008 Averaged Data Ln GDPpc Ln GDP Basic Regressions HS 2-digit Regressions Destination Regressions Ln Mean Exports per Continuing Exporter (mn USD) Ln Mean Exports per Continuing Exporter (mn USD) Ln Mean Exports per Continuing Exporter (mn USD) (1) (2) (3) 0.10 (0.097) 0.162** (0.076) 0.327*** (0.109) 0.466*** (0.083) 0.121 (0.079) 0.250*** (0.053) Sector Fixed Effects Destination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared Yes Yes 41 0.221 3316 0.404 4,699 0.276 Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level for all HS2-digit and destination regressions. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. The regression in column (1) is based on measures at the country-year-level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country; that in column (2) is based on measures at the country-HS2-digit sector-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-sector (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-year-HS2-digit level); and that in column (3) is based on measures at the country-destination-year level averaged across the 2006-2008 period for each country-destination (Brazil and New Zealand are excluded due to the lack of measures at the country-destination level). Kuwait and Portugal are excluded from regressions due to lack of data for the 2006-2008 period. 47 iv. Estimations using panel data, 2004-2008. HS 2-digit Regressions Panel Destination Regressions Panel HS 2-digit Regressions Panel Destination Regressions Panel Ln Mean Ln Mean Ln Mean Ln Mean Ln Ln Ln Ln Exports Exports Exports Exports Ln Total Number Ln Total Number Ln Total Number Ln Total Number per per per per Exports of Exports of Exports of Exports of Exporter Exporter Exporter Exporter Exporters Exporters Exporters Exporters (mn USD) (mn USD) (mn USD) (mn USD) Ln GDPpc (1) 1.549** (0.684) (2) 0.390 (0.534) (3) 1.170* (0.644) (4) 1.262* (0.728) (5) 0.207 (0.472) (6) 1.055* (0.602) Ln GDP Year Fixed Effects Country Sector Fixed Effects CountryDestination Fixed Effects Observations R-squared Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14335 0.962 14939 0.984 14335 0.922 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1660 0.983 1660 0.994 1660 0.954 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 2.149*** (0.790) Yes 0.867 (0.626) Yes 1.357** (0.553) Yes 1.160 (0.749) Yes 0.366 (0.478) Yes 0.793 (0.589) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1660 0.983 1660 0.994 1660 0.954 14335 0.962 14939 0.984 14335 0.922 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the country level. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively. All regressions cover the 2004-2008 period, those in columns (1)-(3) and (7)-(9) are based on measures at the at the country-HS 2-digit sector-year level; and those in columns (4)-(6) and (10)912) are based on measures at the country-destination-year level. Destination regressions include the top 10 destinations only for each exporting country and year. 48