This section defines the WebWizard configuration pages and provides detailed instructions and procedures for configuring the Gateway & Modem to operate correctly. Use the WebWizard pages to customize the Gateway & Modem to the customers needs rather than using the default settings.
In order to configure the Gateway & Modem, the WebWizard must be accessed.
To access the WebWizard, use the Web browser on the PC attached to the cable modem. Type the following IP address: and then select Go.
The Web browser accesses the WebWizard displaying the default About The
Modem page. This page displays information about the Gateway & Modem. The following table provides a description of each field within the About The Modem page.
Field Name
Cable Modem Serial
Cable Modem MAC
Hardware Version
Software Version
Receive Power Level
Transmit Power Level
Cable Modem Status
The name of the Gateway & Modem.
A unique sequential series of alphanumeric characters provided to every modem during manufacturing.
A unique alphanumeric address for the cable modem coaxial interface, which is used to connect to the Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) at the headend. A Media Access Control (MAC) address is a hardware address that uniquely identifies each note of a network.
Identifies the revision of the circuit board design.
Identifies the software version placed into the modem at the time of manufacturing.
The input level of the downstream CMTS carrier.
Indicates the upstream power level.
Lists one of the following five possible current states of the modem:
• notSynchronized
• phySynchronized
Field Name Description
• rangingComplete
• registrationComplete
• operational
To access the Setup page, click the Setup button on the arc logo located in the upper portion of the About The Modem screen. The Setup page opens displaying various Gateway & Modem configuration options.
Use the Setup page to access the various Gateway & Modem configuration options. The Setup page is divided into the following section headings:
• Basic
• Advanced
• Firewall
• Wireless
Click the selections listed within these sections to access the WebWizard page for that selection.
Basic Settings
The following table provides a description of the pages available from within the
Basic Settings section of the Setup page:
Field Name
Password Settings
Use this page to modify the password settings.
Network Configuration Use this page to enter or modify the basic settings for the network.
IP Address Management Use this page to configure how IP addresses are assigned and managed in the network.
Advanced Settings
The following table provides a description of the pages available from within the
Advanced Settings section of the Setup page.
Field Name
Use this page to enable or disable advanced features
Field Name
IP Address Filtering
Description on the network.
Use this page to configure IP address filters. These filters prevent designated IP addresses from accessing the Internet.
MAC Address Filtering Use this page to configure MAC address filters. These filters prevent designated MAC addresses from accessing the Internet.
Port Filtering
Port Forwarding
Port Triggers
DMZ Host
(Demilitarized Zone)
Use this page to configure TCP and User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) port filters. These filters prevent a range of TCP/UPD ports from accessing the Internet.
Use this page to configure port forwarding for local IP addresses. Port forwarding allows a server to be run on the LAN by specifying the mapping of TCP/UPD ports to local PCs or to the IP address of other devices. This is a static setting that holds the ports open at all times.
Use this page to configure TCP/UPD port triggers.
Port triggering is similar to port forwarding, but is a dynamic function. In other words, the ports are not held open, and the ports close if no outgoing data is detected on the selected ports for a period of 10 minutes.
Use this page to configure an IP address that is visible to the WAN. DMZ hosting is commonly referred to as
“exposed host,” and allows to specify the “default” recipient of WAN traffic that NAT is unable to translate to a known local PC. A DMZ is used by a company that wants to host its own Internet services without sacrificing unauthorized access to its private network.
DMZ allows one IP address to be unprotected while others remain protected. The DMZ is located between the Internet and an internal network’s line of defense that is a combination of firewalls and bastion hosts.
Typically, the DMZ contains devices accessible to
Internet traffic, such as Web (HTTP) servers, FTP servers, SMTP (e-mail) servers, and domain name system (DNS) servers.
Back to Top
The following table provides a description of the pages available from within the
Firewall section of the Setup page.
Field Name
Web Filters
Event Logging
Use this page to configure Web page filtering and firewall protection. This page allows Internet access based on keywords and/or domain names, to be blocked/allowed.
Use this page to access the firewall event log and to enter the e-mail address in order to receive e-mail alerts related to firewall attacks by hackers.
The following table provides a description of the pages available from within the
Wireless section of the Setup page.
Field Name
Basic Use
Use this page to configure the WAP parameters, including SSID, and channel number.
Use this page to configure the WAP WEP encryption keys and authentication. Using encryption and authentication prevents unauthorized access to the wireless devices.
Use this page to configure the WAP data rates and wireless fidelity (WiFi) thresholds.
Use the Basic Settings - Password Settings page to set up a password to restrict access to the Gateway & Modem settings. To access the Password Settings page, click the Password Settings button in the Basic Settings section of the
Setup page.
Note: It is not required to set up a password for the cable modem gateway.
However, if chosen to do so, choose a password that can easily be remembered.
To set up the password, type the password in the Password field, then re-type the password in the Re-Enter Password field and click the Apply button to save the password.
Note: The Division is required to establish a common Login and Password to use in all installations.
Use the default settings, or change the default settings using the Setup Basic
Settings – Network Configuration page. To access the Setup Basic Settings –
Network Configuration page, click the Network Configuration button in the Basic
Settings section of the Setup page.
The following table provides a description of the fields within the Setup Basic
Settings – Network Configuration page:
Field Name
The base IP address of the private home LAN and the
WebWizard IP address. The Gateway & Modem assigns private IP addresses to the attached computers by its internal
DHCP server.
MAC Address The MAC address of the four-port switch on the private home
The public IP address assigned to the cable modem by the
The length of time the WAN IP address is valid. This length of time renews when this duration expires.
Expires The date and time the WAN IP address expires.
Host Name Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will supply it.
Domain Name Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will supply it.
Static IP
Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will supply it.
Static IP Mask Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will supply it.
Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will supply it.
Primary DNS Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will supply it.
Secondary Some ISPs require this information for authentication and will
Field Name
Description supply it. Spoofed MAC Address: Some ISPs require the MAC address of the NIC in the computer for authentication. When installing the cable modem gateway, you can enter the computer MAC address here to allow you to connect to the
Function Keys
Renew NAT
Forces a release and renewal of the WAN IP address.
Saves the values entered into the fields without closing the screen.
Use the Basic Settings – IP Management page to configure how the system manages and assigns IP addresses in the network. To access the Setup Basic
Settings – IP Management page, click IP Management in the Basic Settings section of the Setup page.
The following table provides a description of the fields within the Basic Settings –
IP Management page:
Field Name
Starting Local
Number of CPEs
DHCP Client Lease
The starting address used by the built-in DHCP server to distribute Private LAN IP addresses.
Enter the maximum number of devices you are allowed to connect to the Private LAN. Note: The maximum number of devices is 5 or per divisional guidelines.
Displays the MAC address, IP Address, Subnet Mask,
Duration, and Expiration date of all devices issued an IP address by the built-in DHCP server. This field also displays the current system time and date.
Function Keys
Force Available
Saves the values entered into the fields without closing the screen.
Forces the release of an IP address for use.
In order to for the Gateway’s wireless functions to work properly, the Scientific
Atlanta Gateway WAP settings must be configured. The Wireless Network PC
Card, USB Adapters must be properly inserted into the computer Slot before powering on the Gateway. To access the Setup Wireless – Basic page, click the
Basic button in the Wireless section of the Setup page.
The Basic Tab
The following table describes the section headings and fields descriptions of the
Setup Wireless – Basic Tab:
Field Name
Service Set Identifier
New Channel
Current Channel
Encryption Mode
Firmware version
The SSID is a unique name for the wireless network. It is case sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters.
The default SSID is "WebSTAR", however, this should be changed, to the designated divisional name. All wireless points in the network must use the same SSID.
Note: The Division is required to establish a common
Wireless SSID Password to use in all installations.
Select the appropriate channel for the customer’s network from the list provided. All wireless points in the network must use the same channel in order to function properly.
Note: If one WAP is set to channel 1, then the adjacent
WAP should have a channel that is higher than channel
3, for example, set to channel 4.
This displays the channel at which the WAP currently broadcasts.
This displays the type of encryption mode utilized for the wireless network. All wireless configurations must be set to 128-bit encryption.
Displays the current firmware version.
1. Click the Apply button to apply the settings.
The Privacy Tab
From the Privacy tab, WEP encryption on the wireless network can be enabled and configured. Using WEP encryption is a good way of keeping the network secure and can be used in either 64-bit or 128-bit mode. All wireless configurations must be set to 128-bit encryption. All points in the wireless network must use the same type of WEP encryption with the same settings for it to work.
To access the Setup Wireless – Privacy page, click the Privacy button in the
Wireless section of the Setup page.
The following table describes the section headings and fields descriptions of the
Setup Wireless – Privacy Tab:
Field Name
Select the Encryption Mode. The 128-bit mode is the standard for Time Warner Cable.
Default Key
128 Bit Keys
• Open
• Shared
• Open System or Shared Key
The Authentication type default is set to Open System or
Shared Key.
Select which of the four 64-bit or 128-bit Keys to activate.
It is required that the Encryption Mode is set to 128-bit encryption. Enter 13-byte values for a Key. All four Keys do not need to be set; usually only one is needed for a home network. Each value is represented in hexadecimal. Use only these numbers/letters: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, A,
B, C, D, E, and F.
Note: Use two numbers or letters in each box.
Record the Key values; these will be needed when setting up the client (PCMCIA) wireless card. The Key values in each respective column must match.
Note: The Division is required to establish a common
Wireless SSID Password to use in all installations.
Note: The Division is required to establish a common Key to use in all installations.
Note: All points on the wireless network must use the same WEP encryption method and the same Key for WEP to function properly.
1. Click the Apply button to apply and save the wireless privacy settings.
Use the Setup Wireless – Advanced page to configure the WAP data rates and
WIFI thresholds. To access the Setup Wireless – Advanced page, click the
Advanced button in the Wireless section of the Setup page.
Note: It is recommended not to change the default wireless settings that are shown in the preceding illustration unless instructed to do so by the local Tier III
Support or Scientific Atlanta.
Field Name Description
Basic Data Rules The basic transfer rates should be set depending on the speed of the wireless network. Select 1, 2 Mbps if older
802.11 compliant equipment, such as wireless adapters that support only 1 or 2 Mbps is on the network. Faster wireless adapters can support the second choice from the drop-down menu: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps.
Control TX Rates The control transfer rates should be set depending on the speed of the wireless network. Select 1, 2 Mbps if older
802.11 compliant equipment, such as wireless adapters that support only 1 or 2 Mbps is on the network. Faster wireless adapters can support the second choice from the drop-down menu: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps.
Beacon Interval This value indicates the frequency interval of the beacon. A beacon is a packet broadcast by the Gateway to keep the network synchronized. A beacon includes the wireless LAN service area, the IP address, the Broadcast destination addresses, a time stamp, Delivery Traffic Indicator Maps, and the Traffic Indicator Message (TIM).
DTM Interval This value indicates the interval of the Delivery Traffic
Indication Message (DTIM). A DTIM field is a countdown field informing clients of the next window for listening to broadcast and multicast messages. When the Gateway has buffered broadcast or multicast messages for associated clients, it sends the next DTIM with a DTIM
Interval value. Clients for the Gateway hear the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast and multicast messages.
This value indicates how much of the Gateway’s resources are devoted to recovering packet errors. The value should remain at its default setting of 2,346. If this value has been decreased, and high packet error rates are experienced,
Field Name
RTS Threshold
Description increase it again, however, it will likely decrease overall network performance. Only minor modifications of this value are recommended.
This value should remain at its default setting. Should inconsistent data flow be encountered, only minor modifications are recommended.
1. Click the Apply button to save any changes.