HESPERIA 76 IDEA AND (2OO7) VISUALITY Pages SSSS9S IN HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE A Geometric Temple at of Analysis of A the Asklepieion Kos ABSTRACT author uses analytic geometry and AutoCAD software to analyze at Kos, revealing a circumscribed the plan of Temple A of the Asklepieion as the basis for the and Pythagorean triangle plans design.This methodology its results counter earlier doubts about the application of geometry to Doric The temple design and suggest the existence of an alternative to the grid-based approach characteristic of Hellenistic temples of the Ionic order. Appre ciation of the geometric system underlying the plan of Temple A leads to a consideration of the role ofvisuality inHellenistic architecture, characterized inwhich abstract ideas shared by architects and scholars here as the manner conditioned viewing and influenced the design process. on the island of Kos was a The Asklepieion healing sanctuary and medi some 4 km cal school of great importance throughout antiquity.1 It lies southwest of the ancient polis of Kos, built on a terraced slope commanding sea. views of the In its the state, impressive completed complex consisted of three separate terraces connected by stairways, each supporting structures from various periods (Figs. 1,2).2 By the middle of the 3rd century b.c., the sanctuary's three terraces were constructed.3 On the lower terrace, a Doric stoa with ad ?-shaped was built to enclose an rooms x 93 m 47 joining approximately space.4Major architectural features on the middle terrace included an altar, a replaced by more monumental version in the following century, and temples dedicated to thank Andrew 1.1 wish for his taking which constructive an interest criticisms in my are all the versations. stronger I am indebted Stewart and for arguments, for our con to Fikret Yeg?l andDiane Favro for their de voted attention inception to to this completion. to Erich Gruen study from I am also and Craw grateful ford H. Greenewalt Jr. for their gen ? American School The of Classical erous encouragement an initial following at an Art my arguments Mediterranean quium of this project of presentation and History Collo Archaeology at the of California, University Berkeley, inApril 2005. All drawings and are my photographs own. 2. For the history of the Koan Asklepieion, pp. 340-342, Studies see Sherwin-White 345-346. at Athens For 1978, the devel and of the site, opment dating Schazmann and Herzog 1932, see p. 75; Gruben 1986, pp. 401-410; 2001, pp. 440-449. 3. Schazmann pp. 72-75, pis. and Herzog 1932, 37,38. 4. A centrally placed propylon on its north wing served as the monumental to the entrance Schazmann sanctuary; and Herzog 1932, pp. 47-48. 556 R. JOHN SENSENEY at Kos, 1. Figure Asklepieion the middle and lower the upper of the Asklepios restoration the terrace, 3rd-century terraces with the b.c. of the altar 2nd-3rd-century stoa of the The to the lower terrace.6 first half of the 2nd century b.c. witnessed upper terrace in a new resulted that character and additions changes for the as a sanctuary whole. To connect the upper terrace with the rest of the sanctuary below, a new a dominant central axis a grand staircase created (Fig. 3).7 In addition, new marble stoa the replaced earlier timber structure. In the center of the 50.4 x 81.5 m approximately temple of Asklepios ple A space enclosed by this stoa, a marble Doric was as as 170 b.c., as begun early today referred to Tem to distinguish it from the earlier temple of Asklepios (Figs. 2-5) on the terrace below.8 (Temple B) placed before Axially the middle and lower terraces, Temple A became overlooking visual focus of the entire Asklepieion. The Doric choice of the Doric stoas continued through order for Temple to be common the Hellenistic A fig. 74. 7. Schazmann terrace, were upper this level. For these pp. 22-24, fig. 54. 45-48, found on as well features, as the monumental altar, 2nd-century see Schazmann and Herzog 1932, pp. 25-31, pis. 12-14. 6. For later marble mann figs. 34-39, 49-51, 60, 73, is an archaism. While and the nearby 5. Important utilitarian features, as a and wells lo springhouse cated along the retaining wall for the also the dramatic in all areas of the Greek world period, Asia Minor such the staircase down islands reflect 62, 75,98,109,112,149,159,171,246, and 18, pis. 8. Schazmann pp. 3-13, figs. ple is oriented and 3-14, Herzog 10,11, 1932, 37-40, 1932, Herzog tem 1-6. The pis. 25 degrees west of north. on a foundation the of limestone, con the of is superstructure temple with the structed of marble throughout Built the timber and portico replacement, and Herzog 1932, 15-17, pi. 9; Coulton its see Schaz pp. 14-21, 1976, pp. 9, of courses of poros limestone exception blocks in the interior walls of the naos. of from remains Temple (left), the 2nd-century of b.c. and (center), a.d. restoration of the Temple of Apollo to Asklepios see and Apollo (Temples B and C, respectively; Fig. I).5 On the upper terrace, a TT-shaped stoa of timber construction balanced the view (right) IDEA AND IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 557 -C 2. Figure at Kos, Asklepieion view :::?-%--S?: ;?: ?,',:R"?:?". of the remains (in situ) of the upper terrace from complex the southeast, looking toward Temple A, with the stoa in the foreground ! Figure 3. Asklepieion restored plan ==J 0 at Kos, of the upper I I terrace complex with Temple A 0 3W a for the Ionic order for temple architecture. As Vitruvius predilection bolstered this pref such as Pytheos and Hermogenes architects indicates, as its erence with a theoretical (Vitr. 4.3.1-2).9 Furthermore, justification was measurements traditional in its omission of demonstrate,10 Temple A to and Pytheos Vitruvius mentions 9. In addition Hermogenes, architect Arkesios, to the 3rd century. who perhaps For Arkesios, the dates as well as the convincing looked arguments Vitruvian the Doric and still much over the common against of a "decline" conception order in the 4th century of b.c., seeTomlinson 10. Schazmann pp. 3-5, pis. 2-5. 1963. and Herzog 1932, 558 JOHN R. SENSENEY ??-?:-; u ?;?: i: ?:: : ?x?? ::t:?i r-?:?ii :I "'?ic??:r? ?-: Figure Temple 4. View A from of the the remains of southwest the kind of novel modifications and "optical refinements" characteristic of also the Foregoing interesting and easily detectable schemes of Ionic temples associated with Pytheos and Hermogenes (Fig. 6), the seem to have been a would conventional temple strictly reapplication of the Parthenon. order in the 2nd century b.c. character of Temple A may represent only the straightforward a part of its story. As I argue below, a measure geometric analysis of its ments reveals the use of a compass in constructing the interrelationships of architectural in plan according to circumferences.11 The di elements the Doric Yet ameters share a simple arithmetical relationship a 3:4:5 of proportions Pythagorean triangle, of these circumferences based on the whole-number rather than amore to irrational strictly geometric relationship pertaining like v2 or v3, or their fractional approximations. The geometry of the temple's plan is therefore very simple, and is not to be confused by the analytic geometry it. required to substantiate numbers circumferences concealed within the presence of theoretical nature raises features about the of the building's interesting questions Doric design process on aHellenistic architect's drawing board. That such an is found in only a single (albeit prominent) underpinning example of Greek temple architecture, as opposed to the more widespread approach of grid patterns, does not detract from its significance. As I will discuss, the uniqueness in a temple plan?as of circumferential op relationships to the kind of orthogonal that temples of the Ionic posed relationships The to a dearth of specifically Doric temples during the order permit?relates inTemple A demon Late Hellenistic period. The interesting geometry an important architectural tenet that we might strated here exemplifies term "cryptomethodic," to the features of the design systematic referring process that cannot be appreciated be recovered only through detailed through study. casual observation, but may 11. For plans berger an excellent in ancient 1997. discussion architecture, of see Hasel IDEA AND IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 559 m ?-#-3.080 ?^ -7.228 1 Joid - 1.016* CD-" 4.368 4.435-1? & 9.272 k-+ i.ioa O O T-"^.I 18.075 Figure state 5. Measured plan of Temple A according to material and trace remains, exposed foundations shown limestone without masonry the of the -?- ."" 1"...'".""H -??-~~-* 10 rn 56o R. JOHN SENSENEY IDEALISM AND HELLENISTIC VISUALITY a turning to technical discussion, that an ancient architect should design Before Iwill first address the very premise on geometry that building based the final product.12 It is important to a does not correlate experientially with state from the outset that architects of the Hellenistic world thought about their buildings in terms different from those used by architects today.We that Greek architects called their plan, elevation, and know from Vitruvius to the notion that perspective drawings i??ou (Vitr. 1.2.1-2), corresponding uses to in reference the transcendent ideas (or forms) that Platonic idealism are to be the ultimate thought reality underlying the perceptible objects of the everyday world. As Lothar Haselberger has admirably observed, the is between the philosophical and architectural meanings correspondence not casual,13 and the full implications of this correlation have yet to be appreciated in studies of ancient architecture. rhetorical manner The inwhich Plato sometimes this ideal discusses can seem our own way of as when he ist vision quite foreign to thinking, can presents Socrates' argument that couches manufactured only by artisans a realm an our in imitate couch existing beyond archetypical imperfectly senses (Resp. 10.596e-597e). to these isolated metaphors to reduce Platos it is unfair Yet conception and parables, and the lack of any clearly stated our attention instead unifying theory of ideas in Plato's work should draw as amodel for systematic to the more of mathematics general importance universe to the ultimate realities of the of penetrating idealism. Perhaps the most articulate expression of this methods and hierarchical in Plato's is the well-known way of understanding passage inwhich Socrates, after an uneducated a slave that geometric proof, concludes through guiding in the world eternal truths lie beyond our embodied experiences (Meno to is it theoretical rather than the Platonic the model, 82b-86c). According the sensory that is privileged. What systems geometric to bear on the question of underlying in architectural plans is what J. J. Pollitt terms the this discussion brings of the Hellenistic "scholarly mentality" Roman 12. The considerations following to the ancient world, only pertain to how but more culturally generally of the world based understandings discussion of this in which objects For constructed. idea Cartesian are a in the contexts perspectivalism, and 19th-century painting, see Jay 1988, esp. pp. phy, early modern photogra 16-17. A definition of visuality offered by Nor man Bryson (1988, pp. 91-92) has recently been evoked by Jas Eisner in his new context: structs between screen in a classical study of visuality con of cultural "the pattern that stand and social discourses the retina through which and a the world, ... Greek and had people in the originating no choice but to look and through which they acquired not the way anticipate viewed and visually age.14 Perhaps (at least in part) their sense of subjec I focus tivity" (Eisner 2007, p. xvii). texts and what here not on subjectivity of images in the classical how Temple were tell us about can and world, but visuality rather on of underpinning to ways of seeing that and socially conditioned. the geometric A relates culturally 13. Haselberger and primary 92-94, sources esp. pp. 77, and secondary Arendt (1958, cited. Hannah p. 90) offers articulation to notions 1997, an excellent of how of models philosophical ideas relate Platonic and measures, which may be useful for framing the conceptual connection between ideas and of the drawn based geometrically in architecture: into measures, ideas models "For the transformation is Plato helped by analogy from practical life, it appears that all arts and crafts are also guided by 'ideas,' that is, by the 'shapes' of objects, visualized by the inner eye of the craftsman then who where them in reality through reproduces imitation. This enables him analogy to understand ter of the he does the transcendent ideas in the the transcendent charac same manner existence as of the fab lives beyond it and therefore process guides can for become the standard eventually its success or failure." the model, which rication 14. See Pollitt 1986, pp. 13-16. IDEA ----m AND VISUALITY IN HELLENISTIC ?g.| .?j I??j?I??h?-1|?H?| _ 1,1. Jlj rrriT;r Ifli | tia 11_lij_| IB ?P ARCHITECTURE 561 g?-^_||L? ft lE iB] f?fjf loig,.?II_JiiL-JSIJ_lllll_? [m 0 Figure 6. Restored plans showing the grid systems of Pytheos's Temple of Athena Polias, Priene (left), and Hermogenes' Magnesia p. 70, fig. 23 Temple After (right). of Artemis, Coulton 1988, 10m a taste for didactic of the Library at Alexandria, came to displays of abstruse knowledge strongly characterize Hellenistic art and literature. A notable feature of works appears to have been the deliberate potential for simultaneous appreciation from both common and In architecture, in particular, this tendency is found in erudite perspectives. intellectual ambience as Pytheos's Temple examples such inwhich the masses might marvel knew the building's proportions of mathematical precision.15 of Athena Polias at Priene (Fig. 6, left), at its surface qualities, while those who its plan as an expression could understand text depends in part upon the writings of earlier Vitruvius, whose insists He that this Hellenistic architects, exemplifies scholarly emphasis. as an architect's in and like geometry, music, background disciplines tronomy is requisite (Vitr. 1.1.4, 8-10), a claim that he backs up at times his eagerness to show with pretentious displays of erudition. Sometimes that he discusses, as exceeds his command of the material his knowledge of the doubling of the square, to the Pythagorean which he follows immediately theorem, without realizing that both of these theorems illustrate an identical such limitations, he (Vitr. 9.Praef.4-7).16 Despite principle of proportion when 15. Pollitt 1986, pp. 14-15. 16. See de Jong 1989, pp. 101 102. he credits Plato with the demonstration with an introduction R. JOHN 562 SENSENEY * 5 ,"i:. ? , * ,,+ rt . ~.: ",, ! I , , ,; ..~.~ . ,, ?,.. his scholarly quality in the context not only of general theory, the plans of but also of architectural design. His procedures for designing both Latin and Greek theaters (Figs. 7,8) well illustrate this tendency, and merit quoting at length. For the Latin theater, he writes (Vitr. 5.6.1-3): demonstrates Figure 7. Plan of a Latin theater according to Vitruvius's description to be constructed as follows. plan of the (Latin) theater itself is a line of circumfer Having fixed upon the principal center, draw ence to be the perimeter at the bottom. In equivalent to what is it inscribe four equilateral triangles at equal distances apart and The as the touching the boundary line of the circle just astrologers do in a are making computa figure of the twelve celestial signs when they tions from the musical harmony of the stars. From these triangles, side is closest to the scaena and in the spot select the one whose it cuts the curvature of the circle let the front of the stage be located. Then draw through the center a parallel line set off from that position to separate the platform of the stage from the space of where The wedges for spectators in the theater should the orchestra.... run around the cir so that the angles of the triangles that be divided of the circle may provide the direction for each flight of between the sections up to the first curved cross-aisle. Above steps are to be laid out with aisles that alternate the this, upper wedges with those below. The angles at the bottom that produce the direc tions of the flights of steps will be seven in number, and the remain cumference the arrangement of the scaena. In this ing five angles will determine center in the the way ought to have the "palace doors" facing it angle and the angles to the right and left will designate the position of the doors for "guest chambers." The two outermost angles will point to the passages in the wings.17 17. Smith S. Kellogg. 2003, pp. 165-166, trans. IDEA AND IN VISUALITY I I HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 563 r C C C Ir \ C? r -------?1---?--------??-,,,*,II,,, (r fr C\CCI *? Y r.f L' ' 1, r Ir \t' I I`rr \ I,II " r r, i r Ir\ II' ( II "'?'~''"""~""~"""'~~""""""' rtt '' r r \ 'r ?I 1 ,r I\ c rr t Z r r rrr 4\ rr r ?r t . rt ? \ 1. tr r rr , r ? r t rr I ?r f r I? r c r t, r \ ?I I Figure 8. Plan of aGreek theater according toVitruvius s description '4? ??r \ for the Greek And t ?-Ir ?) C theater C (Vitr. 5.7.1-2): theaters some things are done differently. First, in the bot tom circle, while the Latin theater has four triangles, the Greek has three squares with their angles touching the line of circumference. In Greek The is determined by the line of the side of limit of the proscenium the square that is nearest the scaena and cuts off a segment of the cir cle. Parallel to this line and tangent to the outer circumference of the segment, a line is drawn that delineates the front of the scaena. Draw a line through the center of the orchestra and parallel to the direction of the proscenium. Centers are marked where it cuts the circumfer ence to the at the ends of the half-circle. Then, with right and the left the compass fixed at the right, an arc is described from the horizontal distance at the left to the left-hand side of the proscenium. Again, with the center at the left end, an arc is described from the horizontal distance at the right-hand side of the proscenium_Let the ascend as as of between the of far the first seats, steps up ing flights wedges 18. Smith S. Kellogg. 19. For 1989. For 2003, the Greek a discussion pp. 167-169, material, trans. see Isler of questionable to match Vitruvius's attempts scholarly of Roman theater design description to later Roman see Sear 1990; theaters, 2006, pp. 27-29. curved cross-aisle, be laid out on lines directly opposite the angles of the squares. Above the cross-aisle, the other flights are laid out between the first.At the top, as often as there is a new cross-aisle, the number of flights of steps is always increased by the same amount.18 are not easy to follow, and it would be to prescriptions tempting them as indicating a fussy outlook on the part of Vitruvius if not for the fact that these geometric constructions were applied in surviving These dismiss Greek and Roman to a basic geometry prescriptions pertain or squares, rather than considerations triangles theaters.19 The of forms such as equilateral 564 JOHN R. SENSENEY based on irrational numerical case of both theater types, relationships. In the not contribute to the cryptomethodic described would patterns arguably nor most ancient visitors have would any visible harmonic relationships, been likely to perceive them. Certainly, there are less theoretically grounded and the locations of radial stairways, boundaries, ways of determining on seem more sensible to it forms based and would doorways, design simple intuition and functional criteria. On the other hand, our very concern with issues may be a consequence of an inherently modern prerequisite that the design process directly correlate with sensory experience. For the world who could read and understand privileged few in the Hellenistic these such passages, there was value of a different to aworld for material Furthermore, dence of underlying kind: the value of discourse. pertaining ideas, our own privileging in the final built form is arguably misplaced. that validates the indepen of the tangible properties Vitruvius's reference to the drawings of astrologers reveals a signifi cant interdisciplinary issue at work in such architectural ideas. Given the interests of Hellenistic architects, there is no reason to believe that scholarly in reference solely to the the practice of architectural drawing developed construction Another drawn that Vitruvius describes of designs buildings. avaXrijiua, which was the graphic reference for solar declensions that served as the basis for sundials (Vitr. 9.1.1, 9.7.2-7). He recon an algorithm for the drawing, which has allowed for its provides in detail is the Greek struction as amarkedly circumferential design (Fig. 9).20 In this curvilinear the cir quality, the analemma provides intriguing general comparisons with cumferential geometry underlying the design of Temple A at Kos proposed Interestingly, Berossos the Chaldean, whom Vitruvius credits with to Kos and established the invention of the semicircular sundial, moved the Great s conquest of there a school of astronomy following Alexander In the course of the 3rd century, Berossos s (Vitr. 9.2.1,9.8.1). Mesopotamia school amalgamated with elements of the Koan medical school to establish below. the discipline of medical astrology, concerned particularly with the moment of conception as the basis for casting nativities (Vitr. 9.6.2). I do not argue that there was any symbolic connection between Tem and the analemmay let alone some sort of mystical value. The study A ple is an inexact science, and we cannot lose of architectural iconography we deal with a design that pertains solely to the sight of the fact that here architect s drawing board; it is only the circumferential approach that is of of shared the (and ways similar, underscoring envisioning possibility ?izz?ary drawing) forms among architects and those concerned with astral as well as geometry. As I demonstrate below, the curvilinear phenomena of Temple A pertains not to solar declen element in the underpinning to sions, but rather to a Pythagorean triangle. In this aspect, it is similar the ways inwhich Greeks and Romans began their theaters with squares an outlook characteristic of the ways in or triangles, and consistent with the drawn which educated men of the Hellenistic period thought. While an eternal and abstract form of the idea, the final built form plan expresses into presence inways that need not readily unveil its un idea that brings truth to the senses. mathematical derlying then, visuality in architecture was consti of the casual viewer, but also by the solely by the perceptions In the Hellenistic tuted not period, 20. trations Howes e.g.,Thomas in Howe and Rowland See, pp. 288-289, figs. 114,115. illus 1999, IDEA Figure 9. The analemma according AND VISUALITY IN HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 565 to Vitruvius's description spon certainty of geometry. Framed by a monarchically ac agenda and the resulting practices of visualizing form to geometry, modes of visual representation established the starting cording for form in disembodied abstractions that were subject to math point epistemological sored scholarly rules or norms. ematical In this way, the squares underlying the placement were of empirical features within the curvilinear Greek theater patently mea real. Similarly, the circles (and the Pythagorean triangle that gives sure to their of the rectilinear forms underlying experiential proportions) relate to a primary consideration: the that defines the visuality of the building by constructing its geometry eternal idea. The square, circle, triangle, and other shapes are the ideas of nature that engender the visible things in the world, be they a theater, a or even a human temple, body (Vitr. 3.1.3). As in Vitruvius's discussion Temple A at Kos discussed below of theaters, the drawing of a building may begin with geometry alone, and only through the process of design arrive at the final form. In further sup I argue that the design for the plan of Temple port of these observations, a similarly began with the drawing of Pythagorean triangle, from the design and construction which evolved into a completed expression that continues to reflect its origin, however imperfectly. A at Kos QUESTIONABLE METHODOLOGIES very suggestion of a hidden system within an architectural to touch a raw nerve among archaeologists and architectural The plan tends historians alike. Far from striking an innovative note, such an approach falls squarely a tradition that has so tried the one patience of readers that itmay within day risk outright exclusion from mainstream scholarly research. Before to it is circumstance. address this necessary briefly proceeding, 566 R. JOHN SENSENEY In a penetrating essay on the Parthenon, Manolis Korres offers amark assessment of efforts to present that celebrated building as an edly negative expression of ideal numerical relationships and harmonious proportions.21 such studies as "pseudo-science," Korres notes the disturb that contradict the reality of the building. ing tendency error in the to him, According approaches include impudent suggestions of Characterizing to argue theories the reliance of proposed temple's construction and published measurements; on inaccurate, small-scale drawings rather than the theories geometric found in the actual building; the inability to credibly degrees of magnitude the proposed geometric shapes with analytic geometry; and the or even that may underlie such studies in motivations mystical like these have articulated and, justifiably, the first place.22 Observations correlate obsessive even reinforced general reservations about the rigor and value of studies of architecture in various periods and and geometric metrological world.23 locations in the ancient Mediterranean perhaps to future stud Although Korres's remarks may provide salutary caution of geometric ies, we may not entirely benefit from severe marginalization one thing, the Parthenon antedates For in Greek analysis temple design. the use of scale drawings in architectural planning.24 In buildings of the were used con Hellenistic (Fig. 6), questions period, when such drawings more of become basis the considerably applicable.25 cerning geometric plans at the close of the Hellenistic (1.2.1-2) clearly period, Vitruvius Writing describes Greek temple design process in terms of Tragic, or the creation of a quantitative geometric system, and SiaGeGi?, the placement of archi Vitru tectural elements according to that established geometry.26 While vius's comments statements 21. Korres's pp. 79-80) going back (1994, on Greek scholarship not be aware of the might attached of esteem degree and his views, to Korres own my referenced 2005). "genius" (Hurwit the remarks of Korres In tically incisive, that I invoke as a and their implications used for the methodology background A at Kos. To in my of analysis Temple be clear, I in no way draw any meaning ful comparison between Temple A and greater of a different era. The environ architectural (1972), in of the Asklepieion analysis both a proper trigono Lacking and convincing identi analysis metric of salient fication structures to relate tended features architectural to his geometry, proposed that the sanctuary's suggests eras were in from various lines to one established another at through related angles sight to the section." He does not "golden an A. See of Temple attempt analysis Doxiadis 1972, esp. pp. 125-126, fig. 77. its markedly and sophistication is an expression the Parthenon details, of a completely different mentality from what we find in Temple A, and the product Similar pp. 79-80. toward the be directed his pertaining Doxiadis are characteris study and it is these remarks in this in execution may of Greek cluding at Kos. to With 1994, to method carry ments by C. A. Doxiadis view, the Parthenon. 22. Korres practice, implications of ancient analysis and not to the temple architecture, of the Parthenon architecture per se. study referred Jeffrey Hurwit ological for any geometric that criticisms that comes something set across in less formal particularly a recent In an aside during public tings. in Chicago, Institute lecture at the Art for example, as a Korres pertains issues (1923a, 1923b). Readers architecture discussion lowing similar misgivings at least as far asWilliam with represent Hellenistic comprehensively reflect Bell Dinsmoor less familiar cannot fol is advocates "a general architects exploited rule [that] geometry ... but not details for the unless of whole buildings composition or con were concentric they partially own in Wilson centric Jones's plan." of such complex geometry acceptance and numerical ings and other in turn, elicited to material in circular systems structures (2000b) doubts extending of the Roman 2001. e.g., Yeg?l 24. A particularly in favor of detailed period; forceful architectural build has, even see, argument draw for at least one Classical-period ings Athenian building, the Propylaia, is Dinsmoor on the plans Jr. 1985. introduction in Greek 1997, berger 25. For For and views opposing role of drawn architecture, p. 83. the development see Hasel of scale plans during theHellenistic period and alternative design In support of his theory for in the 5th "facade-driven" Doric design b.c., Mark Wilson (2001, Jones century 23. p. 678) ancient for resolving in earlier modes periods, pp. 51-67. 26. For complexities of architectural see Coulton 1988, Vitruvius's use in this passage, p. 217. of Greek arising from terminology see Fr?zouls 1985, esp. IDEA AND VISUALITY IN HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 567 his stated reliance upon Greek architectural writers arguably merits con into the geometric of Hellenistic tinued investigations underpinnings to In Vitruvius's adherence addition, ap apparent grid-based buildings. proaches in Ionic temple design27 might elicit inquiry into procedures that he does not elaborate upon: in the Doric order, where intercolumnar spatial contractions do not lend themselves to an orthogonal grid, how might the of taxis differ?28 geometric constructions a the Parthenon will continue furthermore, privileged monument, to be a favored object of attention for numerous lines of inquiry despite of particular approaches. Dating from the 19th century condemnations are re too volumes of onward, however, many archaeological published we ports with scientific measurements pertaining to buildings about which As still know relatively electronic little. To allow these to gather dust or occupy unused space, instead of reaping what the laudable efforts of storage their excavators can tell us about ancient design, will benefit nor architectural historians. Furthermore, accusa neither archaeologists tions of "intellectual totalitarianism"29 directed at proponents of geometric architectural serve only to curtail productive discussion. analysis could as ra Rather than framing various outlooks as scientific or mystical, tional or obsessive, we might instead see observations such as those of to reevaluate the methodologies in Korres as an opportunity employed and geometric analyses. In addition, an inclusive view may proportional us to methods that allow for scientifically sound analyses that, in turn, open a our of Hellenistic solidify understanding temples. Finally, responsible, and mathematically rigorous, computer-based approach to geometric us build upon and refine the criticisms, analysis will help tations of similar studies. rules, and expec The present study uses analytic geometry and vector-based AutoCAD of the design of (or CAD) software to analyze the geometric underpinning at Kos. In the course of this analysis, I also consider Temple A questions the perceived limitations of studies that attempt to unveil surrounding hidden numerical and geometric systems. In order to avoid the inevitable distortions of proportional and geometric that look correct relationships on a plan drawn to reduced scale, my only when overlaid study instead on the measurements. relies In other words, directly buildings published 27. Howe the comments See in Howe pp. 5,14,149. 28. See Vitr. expresses tradition his of Thomas and Rowland 1999, where 4.3.1-8, indebtedness he to the Ionic of by charac as deficient, interaxes issue of columnar Hermogenes the Doric order terizing leaves the on elevations and focuses unexplained, at the expense of any discussion of of Jones's related notion plans. Wilson "facade-driven" Doric design (2000b, pp. 64-65; 2001) is discussed below; see also n. 23, above. 29. Korres 1994, p. 80. the proposed geometric system is now mathematically verifiable rather than we is in and So that intuitive, may furthermore computation. grounded ensure both mathematical accuracy and the relationship between the nu systems and the concrete, graphic form of the revealed geometry, the calculations have been verified through the use of AutoCAD. CAD is not a requisite for this study, but merely a convenient tool that may merical allow researchers and readers a simpler recourse to the measurements of in an architectural proposed relationships tions themselves that demonstrate form; it is ultimately the calcula the geometry. This combined Cartesian carries the potential of standardization and computer-based method for future studies, allowing for a truly scientific approach inwhich results may be replicated to confirm their veracity. Provided that an analysis such as this one relies upon previously published numbers rather than ones own we may now set aside measurements, suspicions of personal agenda and in the objectivity of the process. have confidence R. JOHN 568 SENSENEY ANALYSIS OF THE BUILDING The Metrology Before dimensions revealed through analy discussing the nonorthogonal should consider the temple s general measurements. From the 5th was a common rule of thumb that the width:length century onward, it ratio of a Doric should match temples plan (including the euthynteria) sis, we on the short and long sides of its peristyle.30 With rear and eleven along its flanks, its front and along Temple A no appears to be exception (Fig. 10). In plan, the temple's overall dimen sions are 18.075 x 33.280 m,31 a differential of only 0.4% from a proper the number of columns six columns as a 0.143 m reduction of the overall simple adjustment, such or a 0.078 m increase in the width, would result in a length perfect whole 6:11 ratio. A ratio. number in Scholars usually account for such "errors" by citing constructional as well as centuries of exposure to the ele exactitude and adjustments, ments.32 Other the temple might slight irregularities found throughout the theoretical design and support this notion of a difference between the actual built form (Fig. 5). For example, there are slight variances in the thickness of the eastern and western naos walls (1.028 and 1.016 m, to the respectively) and in the distances from the exterior of these walls edges of the stylobate (3.313 and 3.380 m, respectively).33 As naos is not centered on the stylobate.34 a result, the over and deterioration factors such as imperfect masonry Although for such disparities, additional consid time are plausible explanations erations deserve emphasis. If it is the architect's design to begin with a 6:11 plan, other features might the maintenance of complicate as the construction progresses. in the final built form perfect proportions In the end, there will be a set of measurements that are necessarily inter as of the and the overall dimensions of such the widths related, krepidoma proper 30. See Coulton Wilson 1974, on pp. 62-69; Jones 2001, p. 694. 31. Schazmann and Herzog 1932, in courses pi. 2. 32. For ence the architect Wilson and the final see product, Jones 2000b, pp. 11-14; Dwyer p. 340. 33. Schazmann 2001, pi. and Herzog 1932, 34. The reason result excavators of Temple A is a lack of symmetry of earthquakes that have shifted that the entire an and pronaos eastward, that I find unconvinc explanation see Schazmann ing; and Herzog 1932, on on-site there 6. Based p. my analysis, are differences in the limestone foun dations sides on the eastern of the naos. While and western the masonry that are roughly perpendic In addition, the continue tendencies divergent raised foundations where of the naos the separate ing the should crews were limestone indicate responsible foundations that for lay on either than side of the temple. More plausible the eastward shift of the entire celia is that one in crew establishing or stylobate, resulting committed the eastern possibly in a distance a minor limit error of the the euthynteria, from the celia is edge of the euthyn and southern sides, to 4.368 m on the eastern the western m was the eastern would celia axis of the central that originally side as well, be a more if the entire difference on to the outer opposed side. If we maintain 4.435 itself, that found less than side. This as into m interpretation distances supported by the nearly equal of 4.43 and 4.435 m from the naos teria on the two separate approaches at a line west of the central axis The is 0.067 the western walls of the naos. this naos that on the western side are tighter joints than those toward the east. These meet 2. in courses to these walls. ular the problem of the differ the abstract vision of between side runs the eastern of that are parallel with the long walls the naos, that on the western side runs approximately intended for the result balanced originally than design on the lay in its present temple I therefore favor dimensions. human causes for to natural opposed in the the lack of symmetry temple's measurements. Such errors can and do error occur as in the laying of foundations, of elements the placement affecting the superstructure. in IDEA AND VISUALITY IN HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 569 14.666 M = 45 F = 24 T 4^ i-4 o Uh 10m Figure 10. Restored plan ofTemple A, with axes measurements (M = meters, of the colonnade F = Doric T = triglyph width modules) feet, SENSENEY R. JOHN 57? in turn relate to the sizes of the paving slabs and the the stylobate, which area where the relative propor spacing of the columns they support. The is the conversion from tions of the various parts are subject to modification the abstract units of the drawing board (such as 6 x 11) to actual metric must be privileged values. In determining specifications, certain distances while others must be adjusted to the space allotted them. Considerations of the paving slabs, for example, may such as the specific measurements a ultimately result in slight departure from the integral proportions of the s architect original drawn plan. One method of accounting for the overall and individual dimensions of a building is a metrological analysis. A recent study proposes that the architect of Temple A first worked out the overall dimensions according were the usual corner to a specific metrological system.35 Only thereafter to of the Doric order worked out, resulting in adjustments contractions of the theoretical plan. This theory, however, relies upon the dimensions the the identification of a 0.305 m "foot" as the common unit underlying no such unit of system. Simply put, there exists temple's metrological measurement in the ancient Greek world, a fact that the theory's authors in our understanding of contend with by advocating greater flexibility Greek metrology.36 Instead of suggesting issue of commensuration. we may consider the Jones specifically, Wilson new units of measurement, For Doric temples, exam system, at least for 5th-century a to this theory, the width of standard triglyph expresses ples.37 According the module that establishes commensurability throughout various elements itself commonly corresponds to a of the building.38 The triglyph module a standard foot (e.g., 25 or 30), with a dactyl equal to 5-dactyl multiple of standards.39 1/16 of a foot in accordance with Greek metrological makes a detailed case for amodular for the remains in situ are available for the InTemple A, measurements western half of the columns on the rear the and central columnar interaxis of the stylobate, aswell as four columns along the western lateral colonnade m for the missing eastern half (Fig. 5). At the rear, the addition of 5.793 + m + a 14.666 for in of the entire results 3.080 5.793 m) (5.793 length axis (Fig. 10). For the long sides, the temple's excavators posit columnar of interaxes of 3.05 m based on the remains in situ and a consideration 0.61 and 0.915 m, respec the triglyphs and metopes, which measure one of 3.034 m (see Fig. 5) interaxis the Thus preserved tively (Fig. II).40 would represent an unintended departure from the theoretical constant of 3.05 m, and we may thereby restore the theoretical lateral axes, excluding the contracted corners, to a length of 24.4 m (8 x 3.05 m), as in Figure 10. and the 14.666 m the 24.4 m axes of the lateral colonnades Therefore, axes of the front/rear respectively, would of a value equal to 0.61 m 35. Petit andDe Waele 36. Petit colonnades and De Waele 37.Wilson 1998. 1998, esp. an earlier essay, J. J. de Jong p. 62. In to have the measure claims analyzed ments of Temple A, but offers no dis or results to his anal cussion pertaining ysis; see de Jong 1989, equal 40 and 24 (Fig. 10).41 esp. p. 104, fig. 3. the possibility have endured author's response integral units, Jones 2001. Regarding that into comments to Coulton such a could system see the later periods, on p. 697, n. 107 (in Jones 2001. 39. Wilson Jones 2001, frieze; 1932, 0.611 esp. p. 690. measurements are based of the surviving fragments see Schazmann and Herzog three pp. 10-11. 41.24.4/40 1983). 38.Wilson 40. These on m. = 0.610 m; 14.666/24 = IDEA AND IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 571 .345fr .960 v * 1.5r ? .610 * .803 \\\\ \ MI <--1.056-5>j IM I M Hl 3.05 = 5 T <?1.270--> HS?1.515-3H<S-1.535?-3H .358' .355 5m 0 Figure 11. Restored elevation of lateral colonnade of Temple A, with measurements in meters width modules (T) and also measure 0.61 m.42 A Significantly, Temple As triglyph widths shows that this value equals 30 dactyls of a 0.325 m simple calculation triglyph "Doric" shares a 2:3 relationship with the triglyph width a 1:5 ratio with the average interaxial of the spacing and a 1:24 ratio with the axis of the facade colonnade? foot.43 This standard metope, lateral colonnades, all typical proportional relationships is It also 10, ll).44 (Figs. interesting 42. pp. and Herzog Schazmann combined 1932, 10-11. 43.0.610 from m/30 = 0.02033 m. Since foot divides into 16 dactyls, 0.02033 m x 16 = 0.325 m. Varying between 0.325 and 0.329 m, the Doric foot has been known since Wilhelm study D?rpfeld's of the late-5th-century (1890) inscrip tion relating in the expenses involved the construction of the Erechtheion, a and with measurements various buildings Attica. throughout tions ofWilliam who coined firmed Wilson Bell Dinsmoor term Doric of 0.326 m. (1961), con foot, See also Jones 2000a, p. 75; 2001, p. 689. The Salamis, sent a the a value taken on the Acropolis The investiga metrological previously system based relief from to repre thought on a 0.322 m foot according toWilson that these distances Jones's study of 40 and 24 to the measurements according of Ifigenia Dekoulakou-Sideris has now Wilson system been (1990), shown convincingly by Jones (2000a) to represent a based on a 0.3275 to 0.3280 Doric foot. For the divisibility of the triglyph module into 20,25, 30, etc., dactyls, p. 690. 44.Wilson seeWilson Jones Jones 2001. 2001, m JOHN 572 R. SENSENEY to precisely 75 and 45 Doric feet.45 In triglyph modules correspond to of the actual dimensions the drawn the building and translating plan its features, then, it is reasonable to theorize that the architect may have the colonnades of the facade and rear, establishing their axes privileged a of 45 Doric feet. Through this magnitude, 3:5 ratio finds the 75-foot for the axes of lateral colonnades measurement (Fig. 10). This latter di each of which subdivides into eight intercolumniations, two into two half triglyphs, one whole and metopes triglyph, (Fig. 11). the distance separating the end columns of these axes es Furthermore, tablishes the measurements for the contracted corners, and the remaining mension divides of the facade and rear colonnades three interaxial distances to the criterion according the dimensions of incremental widening could be set toward the center. In slabs in accordance with of the individual paving of the stylobate are es spacing, the total dimensions of the and and the widths stereobate tablished, euthynteria are set according to the remaining distance necessary to maintain the 6:11 ratio of the over varying this irregular column all plan. To insist upon this explanation, however, is to treat Temple A as we one more have the Canon of Polykleitos, plausible theory resulting in yet that can never be proven. There are too many types of metrical units, too and too many rationales for us to induce conclu many ways of measuring, a sively guiding metrological is not so much a reasonable system. What is lacking in such approaches to a pattern of numbers, such correspondence ratios, but rather something outside of the buildings themselves that might verify the significance of those numbers, such as a source or a basis in Euclidian geometry. While Vitruvius validates primary as whole-number the case for how this system relates of the triglyph module, to large-scale distances must remain provisional; in this regard, we may 40 units of the lateral colonnades for the wonder, integral example, why as corner In the modular interaxials. exclude the addition, theory applied to Temple A cannot address a central aspect of design that is unrelated to the trabeation: the placements of the walls of the naos and pronaos in of relation to the overall plan. We must therefore explore other methods the relevance analysis in seeking buildings design. The Theoretical to substantiate Plan a theory for the underlying and Standards for logic of the Accuracy it is not enough to merely draw geometric shapes emphasizes, to a scale of 1:100.46 Instead, over the features of a proposed plan reduced must be verified through analytic geometry. In other geometric shapes to a the elements they words, drawing should correspond superimposed As Korres co not through Cartesian overlap only visually, but also mathematically and with lines ordinates with expressed algebraically, interrelationships described in terms of slopes and curves with coefficient-based formulas, such a strict standard places a damper on continued for example. Naturally, to ancient architectural plans, but the gains in about theorize attempts are arguably well worth the endeavor. credibility 45.14.666 m is only 0.026 m (or 0.18%) in excess of 14.640 m. 14.640/24 = 0.610 m; 14.640/45 = 0.325 m; 24.4/40 = 0.610 m; 24.4/75 = 0.325 m. 46. Korres 1994, p. 80. AND IDEA IN VISUALITY ARCHITECTURE HELLENISTIC 573 a point of emphasis has been that the degree of accuracy in must in the actual the tolerances theoretical geometry approximate plan's the accuracy of the built form, however, elicits construction.47 Determining a bit of circular reasoning, since many of its elements must be measured Another same theoretical to plan that its author attempts support.48 against the very This need not be the case for every feature, however. In Temple A, for ex columnar interaxes ample, there exist slight variances in the noncontracted such as 3.050 m and 3.034 m,49 that are likely to of the lateral colonnades, relate to a theoretical constant rather than an intentional irregularity. On a larger scale, we may note that Temple As naos (9.272 m wide, not in the exact center of the stylobate (15.965 m including itswalls) lies 0.067 m off axis (Fig. 5).50 Given the gen wide), but an imperceptible for symmetry even in conjunction with "optical refine eral predilection one be hard-pressed to argue the plausibility of this feature as would ments," intentional. From the outer wall to the edge of the stylobate, the dis sides of the naos measure tances on the western and southern 3.375 m, and the diverging measurement eastern respectively, side an represents error of ca. 3.380 and of 3.313 m on the 1.98%.51 Still, it may be inadvisable to isolate this error in the eastern pteron, since the final built form is the product of multiple interrelating compo nents. The most conservative approach would be to calculate the percentage of tolerance according to the entire width of the stylobate. This calculation should pertain to the theoretical plan rather than the actual plan, with the m from the eastern only difference being the addition of the "missing" 0.067 side of the temple, resulting in awidth of 16.032 m for the stylobate and an overall width of 18.142 m (see the 1). In order to maintain Appendix strictest possible tolerance in my analysis of this theoretical plan, I will cap the standard for accuracy at 0.42% discussed here.52 in accordance with the divergence in the It is important to emphasize that this addition to the width not is in "stack the deck" for the and does any way slight, plan results of the analysis that follows. Instead of adding 0.067 m to the nar rower side, we may be justified in adjusting for symmetry in the theoretical the actual width and shifting the naos to the plan either by maintaining center (see Appendix 2),53 or by reducing the width of the naos by 0.067 m in order to balance the sides 3). As the calcula evenly (see Appendix 2 and 3 demonstrate, the results for each of tions provided inAppendixes theoretical these alternative 47. Korres 48. 80), theorists methodological to which degree (whether whatever) p. 79. words (1994, pp. 79 "refuse to be bound by the that the requirement 1994, In Korres's a theoretical metrological, approximates should be no definition or geometric, to the actual less than the de building the build of accuracy with which was constructed in any (which ing itself gree case such theorists ceiving)." 49. Schazmann pi. theoretical are plans of con incapable surements and Herzog 1932, plane of the walls 51. 0.067/3.380 the strict tolerance see and others, and Herzog m 52. 0.067/16.032 53. This and Herzog 1932, this and all of the follow Schazmann p. 6, pi. 2. For measurements ing naos, dimensions under Schazmann 2. 50. remain well of the naos and pro to the outside relate rather m. than For the socle. these mea tent with vators, who the result the entire solution the views Fig. 1932, = 0.42%. would 5, and pi. 2. be consis of Temple A's exca as the displacement explain of an that shifted earthquake and celia; see Schazmann 1932, p. 6. For the problems Herzog with this theory, see n. 34, above. 574 R. JOHN SENSENEY of 0.42%, and in fact produce results closer to 0% in the case of several dimensions. The rationale for privileging the theoretical plan inAppendix 1, not to most to is the rather but therefore, convincing analysis, adjust provide for symmetry in away that most thoroughly relates to the measurements of the actual plan; when 0.067 m is added to the eastern side of the stylobate, the eastern and western sides of the plan equal one another as well as the side behind the southern wall of the naos.54 The theoretical plan of 18.142 x 33.280 m solves one problem but leaves another unresolved. On the one hand, our expectation for integral in the overall plan is satisfied, since the theoretical plan results proportions in a nearly perfect 6:11 form.55 On the other hand, the rationale for the naos and pronaos remains unclear. While the distance of placement of the an equal the walls of the naos from the edge of the euthynteria maintains 1:1:1 ratio on the sides and rear, the space before the antae of the pronaos shares no integral relationship with these distances.56 Nor in the discern any meaningful proportional relationship dimensions of the naos and pronaos.57 As I argue below, a servable correspondences pertains to process of design arithmetical may we readily length-to-width this lack of ob grounded not in but rather to a relationships orthogonal dimensions, procedure executed with the rule and compass. This geometry between geometric is quite simple, though it requires some detail and rigor to substantiate it. In the following section, I demonstrate how we may recover the plan's specific design process through analytic geometry. Analysis Geometric To properly analyze the plan, I rely on simple calculations based on the of Temple A, with the only adjustment being a published measurements centered naos, flanked on either side by equal distances of 0.380 m from of the naos to the edges of the stylobate.58 All relevant di in the plan are mathematically verified and expressed agonal relationships in the footnotes with reference to a single quadrant of a two-dimensional 1-3 with accompanying Fig coordinate system. In addition, Appendixes ure 23 the and tolerances that demonstrate equations, provide magnitudes, the outer walls measurements for all three theoretical plans proposed geometry according to described in the prior section. Whenever relevant, the location of features will be given as Cartesian coordinates, inwhich the southeastern corner of the euthynteria's outer edge is at the origin 0,0, and the extreme northwest 54. The m 4.430 the exterior of the naos wall euthynteria, to the 4.435 side measures southern from to the outer which 56. The face of the edge of the is essentially equal measurement of the west ern side (see Fig. 5). Adding 0.067 m to the narrower bate, eastern therefore, ratio side of the produces for all three sides. a stylo 1:1:1 nearly of only 0.02 m 33.280 m length. naos to the outer teria is 6.797 find from the plan's distance and the pronaos it preserved be Here, the pro whose tolerance would from integral relationship rear distances ratio I can between the to the euthyn teria (4.435 m) and that of the front m), with (6.797 ance of 2.1%. an implausible overall 57. The naos and pronaos the closest edge of the euthyn m. Of these two measure the closest is a 2:3 were facade, m. The ments, from edge, 5.742 lateral 55. (18.142/6) x 11 = 33.260, a dif ference distance to the stylobate on the northern toler acceptable. 58. Thus, the exterior long 4.435 outer m, and 4.435 above. integral of 1.9% the distances m; x 22.053 ratio is again and each of the euthynteria than the present see Fig. m. is 3:7, un between of the naos walls edge rather of the dimensions are 9.272 5. See equal 4.368 also n. 34, AND IDEA IN VISUALITY m Figure 12. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under ARCHITECTURE HELLENISTIC 575 M,M,M,UP I II pinning corner at 18.142,33.280. In addition to consulting the calculations provided here, readers may replicate the proposed findings using CAD software. The results of the following analysis were verified with AutoCAD.59 A significant result of this analysis emerges from the location of a the outer corners of the antae and theoretical central point from which corners are the outer back of the euthynteria and thereby equidistant, The of this cir share a theoretical circumference 12).60 pertinence (Fig. cumference to the design process is supported by the rational relationships it shares with other features. The overall width of the temple shares a 3:5 ratio with the diameter of the theoretical circumfer whole-number ence, with a tolerance of less than 0.1%.61 If caution advises us to consider this ratio a possibly 59. For all magnitudes consistency, to the millimeter. are rounded 60. From plan's long a located on the point central axis at [9.071, 12.101], a theoretical line to [0, 0] measures is the square root of the sum of the squares of 9.071 and 12.101. 15.123 From m, which the same coordinates on the central corner sures m. nal 15.124 corner a theoretical axis, the external result, there is an additional whole-number fortuitous of either line to anta mea the exter Specifically, anta is at of the western [13.749,26.483]. Through simple sub traction, distances from we find of 4.678 [9.071,12.101]. these m at coordinates and The 14.382 m sum of these + 15.124 m) finds a figures (15.123 m theoretical diameter of 30.247 see m; Appendix 1. 61. (30.247 m/5) x 3 = 18.148 m, a difference overall plans therefore of only width a tolerance seeAppendix 1. 6 mm from of 18.142 m, of less than the and 0.1%; 576 JOHN R. X/ SENSENEY _' I-' ~ r r _ .... __ 0__ <'^) _--_ ~~~10m 0 that should give pause to our skepticism: the distance from proportion to the plans southern edge and the overall the theoretical circumcenter width of the temple share a 2:3 ratio, again with a tolerance of less than with a baseline x-x of 0.1%.62 We may illustrate this correspondence 3 units drawn across the entire width of plan at the ordinate correspond a line center point of the circumference, along with ing to the theoretical y-y of 2 units drawn from the circumcenter to the edge of the euthynteria (Fig. 12). Figure 13. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under pinning 62. (18.142 m/3) x 2 = 12.095 m, a difference ordinate tolerance of only 6 mm from the at 12.101 m, and therefore 63. The we may express this Geometrically, relationship through the algorithm of two circumferences with a radius of 2 units, each centered on either terminus of baseline centered at the middle x-x is (Fig. 13). The larger circumference, which of x-x\ intersects with the smaller circumferences outer corners of the euthynteria. Both the exactly at the points of the are for and mathematical significance of these intersecting points proof ratio of of the diameters the smaller and revealed by the whole-number a tolerance of less than 0.1%.63 When larger circles, equaling 4:5 with in relation to the overall width of the temple (the 3 units of conceived this final dimension x-x), brings the geometric principle underlying the architect's system into striking clarity: the 3:4:5 dimensions of a a of less than 0.1%. diameter theoretical circumference larger (see n. 60, above), equals which has of the 30.247 m a ratio of 5:4 with 24.202 m (the diameter cor to the radius of 12.101 m in responding x-x from the baseline the y dimension to either back corner of the euthynteria at [0, 0] and [18.142, 0]), with an error of less than 0.1% calculated by the difference divided by the magnitude: = (30.247 m/5) x 4 24.198 m, a dif ference of 4 mm from 24.202 m. = (24.202 m/4) x 5 30.253 m, a differ ence of 6 mm from 30.247 m. IDEA AND IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 577 X 0 -0-__ 0 Os__ Figure 14. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under pinning _ 1~~~~~010m K^)0~~~ circumscribed Pythagorean triangle.64 In effect, this geometric form ABC lies at the heart of the design, with the compass centered midway along its hypotenuse and the circumference coinciding with its angles and lines (Fig. 14). We should understand as based construction this geometric underpinning interdependent. Even in the Roman and its compass period, architects a square, let alone aT square. Instead, the method of a lines with the rule producing perpendicular highest precision employed and compass, with straight lines drawn through circumferential intersec tions in the same manner that is revealed through this analysis of Tem ple A.65 It has already been observed that Roman buildings such as amphi theaters would commonly begin with a Pythagorean triangle, and arrive at did not work with the final design using the compass through various stages.66 This Roman use of the similar manner of Pythagorean triangle recalls a conceptually 64. The theoretical circumference diameter of the 30.247 m larger equals of (see n. 60, above). The magnitudes or 18.142 m (the plan's overall width, baseline 24.202 m (the diameter x-x), to the radius of 12.101 corresponding in the y dimension from the baseline x-x to either back corner m of the euthyn teria at [0,0] and [18.142,0]), and 30.247 m = 3:4:5, with a maximum error in any dimension of less than 0.1%. 65. See Roth Conges 1996, pp. 370 372; Taylor 2003, p. 38. 66.Wilson Jones 1993, pp. 401 406, figs. 13,15,16. 57? JOHN -- ------ -- ----- ------ R. SENSENEY --l ------ -------- Figure 15. Proposed general con struction of a 3:4:5 Pythagorean to circumferential triangle according with intersections, dashes indicating the baseline Ionic column bases that was familiar to Greek architects as constructing as the Archaic early period.67 The transparency of the plan of Temple A us to allow understand how aHellenistic architect might construct the may a Pythagorean triangle itself. The formula appears to consist of baseline of 6 units, upon the center of which a compass with a radius of 5 units is set, and on the ends of which are set compasses with radii of 4 units. By these could be joined to form the perpendicular lines means, the intersections of the triangle's sides as well as the diagonal of its hypotenuse (Fig. 15). In the case of Temple A, it appears that the larger circumference of this to construct extent in remained define the of the pronaos geometric place at the antae (Fig. 14). To dismiss these results would now us to a confluence require posit of three separate coincidences of whole-number (3:4:5) with proportions a maximum error that is consistent with the strictest possible standard in the actual building, along with a fourth (and an inte more that these proportions coincidence engender conspicuous) to Greek of central mathematics. More form gral geometric significance a the of over, circumscription triangle graphically expresses Pythagorean bisectors meet at a circumcenter Tha?es' theorem: three perpendicular of tolerance observable located on the hypotenuse, which runs the length of the circle's diameter that the Pythagorean triangle (Fig. 16).68 In turn, the basic proportions center point and the di of establish location the theoretical the yields ameters (Fig. 15). In the face of these internal to Euclidian geometry, the balance their and pertinence correspondences on the side of in form this concerning obviously falls heavily resulting of the circumferences design rather than chance. There is yet another integral proportion that completes the geometric of the temple's plan. The diagonal across the naos from underpinning 67. For and column pp. 126-129. a 68. By definition, Pythagorean see Eue. is a triangle right triangle; Elem. 3.31. 69.Width tentional a 1:1 correspondence including its external walls shares a difference of only 0.1%.69 From with the total width of the temple, with a theoretical central point located on the cross-axes of the naos, therefore, corner to corner the distance to either edge of the temple's width and each of the external a circum corners of the naos is essentially equal. This congruency suggests to the design of the naos, whose diameter shares a ferential underpinning the Pythagorean triangle see Gruben bases, 1963, including 15.572 m, and length of naos its walls equal respectively. 9.272 According and to theorem, then, we Pythagorean and find the each square square root the of their sum, thus finding 18.123 m. Ifwe take the 0.019 m difference between 18.123 and 18.142 m (the total adjustedwidth of the temple) and divide by either 18.123 or 18.142 m, we find a difference of 0.1%. IDEA AND IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC 010 ARCHITECTURE 579 0 Q ---=- --S---- ---- X '-0^~~ :- -~ -c =- L d - m m "S^~~~loZZ Figure 16. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under 0 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 0 0t pinning the diameter of the large circle, with a toler we as a If accept these circumferences (Fig. 17).70 guiding method for the placement of features within the plan, their ratio would call tomind Vitruvius s formula of 3:5 circumferences for the main proportions whole-number 3:5 ratio with ance of 0.1% of plans in peripteral round temples (Vitr. 4.8.2). One indication that the circumferences here geometric underpinning the ordinates suggest an intentional is their planar interrelationship. The distance of their theoretical center points is 0.115 m.71 In separating a scale are plan, special markings required to make this separation percep tible (Fig. 18). Before considering why the architect might have centered his compass at different points a hair swidth apart in his design, we might consider this separation in relation to the theoretical proportions and ac to which it corresponds: the separation of these ordinates tual dimensions 70. (30.247 m/5) x 3 = 18.148 m, a difference of 0.1% from 18.123 m; = (18.123 m/3) x 5 30.205 m, a differ ence of 0.1% 71. The cal center from 30.247 coordinates point of the m. of the theoreti larger circle are [9.071,12.101] the smaller (see n. 60, above). For of the circle, the coordinates are [9.071,12.216]. center The point sum ordinate here is determined by the of the center point of the naos and the distance of the naos from the south outer (15.572 edge of the euthynteria: + 4.43 m. For the distance sepa center of rating the theoretical points the larger and smaller circles: 12.216 = 0.115 m. 12.101 m/2) 580 - R. JOHN -- SENSENEY -- -0 --------\ ---- - ---_ ^= = Y-. BiaS~~iiiiff~~ia1Q lo Figure 17. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under pinning represents a 0.38% difference, sowe remain within the strictest standard for theoretical tolerances of 0.42% calculated according to the constructional inexactitude found in the actual building.72 On the other hand, the applicability of this standard here is dubious. we cannot the precise metrological sys Although conclusively determine tem the remains fact that the architect or builders underlying Temple A, would have needed to convert any conceptual circumferential geometry to actual measurements for orthogonal distances. After all, we cannot ex pect masons to have laid out the building according to invisible circles with an eye to a shared theoretical center maintaining point. Due to such nec in the essary adjustments planning and building process, it is natural that from original design elements are bound to occur. Since we lack secure access to this intermediary the stage of metric specification, relevance of a precise calculation for the percentage of error in a common deviations center point (such as 0.38%) may be limited. Instead, we may conceive of the divergence inmore experiential terms: in a building over 33 m we long, find the two theoretical circumcenters of the integrally proportioned cir cumferences child's hand at points only 0.115 m apart, or less than the a length of small in relation to the distance from floor to vaults in the cathedral 72. As relating the widths tion bate), of error in the calculation to the difference of the ptera to the entire width the difference of 0.67 m (0.42% of the is here in in rela stylo calculated to the geometry, according complete as of represented by the diameter the larger theoretical circumference: m = 0.38%. 0.115/30.247 IDEA AND IN VISUALITY 1 ?-DII ARCHITECTURE HELLENISTIC zzzzzz ~-Q-) I --Q" / EEEEz \>QZ 581 oizzzzzzziq-; Figure 18. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under and pinning circumcenters indicators marking iii i the fc\7) i i i i * i i i i^~^ i 10m 0 in Paris. In a structure where even the width of the stylo of Notre Dame bate is off by 6.7 cm, an additional inexactitude of 4.8 cm for an invisible feature is insignificant, particularly when that feature was no longer relevant during the actual building process. The Schematic Plan affords, I will justification Leaving aside the security that mathematical now suggest to in the Hellenistic which this relates geometry possible ways the theoretical demon architect s process of designing Temple A. Unlike stration above, the following analysis takes into account the proportions intention here is to explore further questions of the actual building. My to the design process, integrating what I hope is well-grounded relating the results of the above geometric analysis. with speculation In designing Temple A, the architect would have needed to harmo nize the 3:4:5 triangle underlying the placement of the naos and pronaos inmind how a compass is with the 6:11 ratio of the overall plan. Keeping that the simplest way of working with centered, it isworth emphasizing the tool is to conceptualize circumferences in terms of radii rather than 582 JOHN ' R. ' ' ?'i K')l I?I tV i i i ; i ; i ; r SENSENEY i ; i i, I?I ? In this way, one need not resort to half-number divisors, such as 2.5, in order to create a whole-number diameter such as 5 units. In radii of 3, 4, and 5 on a baseline of 6, therefore, the architect producing would have created a 6:8:10-unit this same divisor triangle. Extending to the overall plan, an additional 3 units in the y dimension produces the final 6:11 ratio of the temples plan, which repeats the 6 x 11 number of columns for the intended colonnades and simplifies the process of drawing diameters. by maintaining integers. This demonstration of the architect to circumferences Figure 19. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A overlaid with intersec tions of circumferences with 3 units s method of locating the wall still does not explain the rationale termini according behind where they were placed along those circumferences. It is tempting to suggest a circumference-based the architect simple algorithm whereby out x-x have worked these placements. On the baseline of 6 units, might center the compass on the termini and center, drawing radius. Repeat this procedure three times, each with three circles of equal radii of 3, 4, and 5 according to the cir units, finding the location of the walls and corners cumferential intersections (Figs. 19-21). Despite the appeal of the resulting to it would be inadvisable this plans, however, procedure. As Korres adopt we cannot draw conclusions on the basis recognizes, concerning geometry of how that geometry appears to coincide with features when overlaid on a scale plan.73 Rather, we must replicate such results mathematically. Unlike 73. Korres 1994, pp. 79-80. radii of IDEA AND -NIo-- C-:o / / /111.~-^ VISUALITY - IN HELLENISTIC _1_1... ~ I Ii I ..'. .. - / . I. . I I ? 0^J)~~ tions of circumferences with radii of 4 units 583 \s 0 \ Figure 20. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A overlaid with intersec ARCHITECTURE ~lo10m the case of the underlying geometry demonstrated above, calculations do away that satisfies the strictest not verify the hypothesis in here suggested possible tolerance of 0.42% in the actual building.74 Still, even in cases where proposals hold up to such scrutiny, one deserves recognition. There is, of course, a gap between our of verifying the plan through analytic geometry and the ancient of converting the location of its features into magnitudes for consideration method method 74. In the case of the 3-unit radii that the naos the cross-axis from are set 9.062 m at [9.071,12.216]. we corner at [4.435,4.430] dimensions of 4.435 andjy to calculate a m of diagonal a difference of 1.1% showing from the 9.062 m. expected In the case of the 4-unit radii 8.961 m, we may reference the line of (Fig. 20), either wall. That of the long pronaos western intersects with wall the central m of 4.636 erance of the plan to the external and the 12.101 m ra a distance in resulting the baseline of 11.178 m to the intersection in = 4.6362 + dimension (12.1012 they y2). intersection The western wall's with the lateral as 23.360], of 4.435 occurs circumference m given from by the outer and the 12.101 euthynteria resulting the baseline at [13.707, the wall's in a distance to the distance intersection in the y dimension is a tol of 0.7%. In the case of the 5-unit radii of the central (Fig. 21), the intersection anta circle and the western exterior corner is at [13.749,26.483], of 15.124 m from in a radius (see n. 60, above) 12.101] resulting [9.071, and a dis tance of 14.382 m from [13.749, If the circle with 12.101]. m a radius of 15.124 m 12.101], itwill intersectwith the line of from in the theoretical the anta is centered at the end of the of the edge m radius, of 11.259 m of 0.081 from of the naos from x find and 7.786 distance given by the midpoint dius, corner sidered here: from [0,12.216] to the naos the distance wall the plan is symmetrical, only to be con of the naos needs Because one corners as at [13.707,23.279], circumference (Fig. 19), it has already been established baseline x-x at [13.749,26.573], at [18.142, a differ = y dimension (12.1012 4.4352 + y2). ence of 0.09 m from [13.749,26.483], The or an error of 0.6%. difference of these intersections 584 JOHN R. SENSENEY --r I I rI I 10om the actual building. We might, scale therefore, ask how an architectural in would have been created the Hellenistic This drawing question period. is especially relevant to the planning of Doric temples, where interstitial contraction precluded convenient slabs that ensure conformity to a grid-based A reasonable answer in the case of Temple intuitive process that begins with the initial columnar repetition of uniform paving plan. A, I suggest, lies in a simple schematic sketch before the the smaller of the detailed drawing (see Fig. 22): (1) within completion rear naos at set exterior of the the lines of the walls the and sides circle, with approximately equal distances to the outside edges of the overall plan in accordance with the principle of symmetry; (2) where the lateral lines same circle, set the spur walls again intersect with the circumference of this naos and pronaos; (3) in conjunction with these same lateral separating the lines, set the antae at the intersection with the circumference of the larger circle. In the drawing process itself, this result is most easily achieved in away that is similar to what I describe above: first set the locations of the s corners and the antae by establishing equal distances from the plan edges, and then mark these points with the compass set on the termini and center of the baseline x-x. In these ways, the logic of the overall design maintains that are circumferential, which is in keep symmetry with interrelationships a process of relies upon the rule and compass. with that ing drawing Figure 21. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A overlaid with intersec tions of circumferences 5 units with radii of IDEA AND IN VISUALITY - HELLENISTIC I- - - I \ ARCHITECTURE I --1 585 -- Figure 22. Proposed geometric underpinning of Temple A If we of a modular-based again consider the hypothesis metrology, we can on one manner s in which the. speculate plan designer might have established scale. Since the placement of features depends upon circum considerations, while the production of elements such as paving slabs must be related to orthogonal dimensions, itwould appear that the a fixed in the the scaling drawing precedes following way. In privileging as 45 Doric feet for the colonnade axes of the front and such magnitude ferential the remaining elements in the drawing rear, the architect could measure and placements of the walls and the varying (such as the dimensions of the individual slabs that make up the stylobate and steps) dimensions against these established distances and fix their sizes according to scale. By its nature, this procedure would be inexact for two reasons. In the first place, the expectation of symmetry in the final built form would dictate naos walls to the equal values for the distances from the exterior edge of the at in both the sides when and fact the of the drawn rear, geometry stylobate form would show a very slight discrepancy between the lateral and rear indeed, the separation of 0.38% in the centers of the theoretical distances; circumferences 75. Two tect could in which ways resolve this the archi issue would be for the (1) to center the compass at a smaller circumference slightly dif ferent location discussion (see above), a result of this very consideration.75 (Fig. 18) is likely to be to measure the would need the features on the Secondly, plans designer the drawing surface by hand and convert them to varying values. Unlike case with Ionic a the varied in of columns Doric temples, spacing temple such as that at Kos dictated that individual slabs could not repeat an therefore, would need to be subdivided prototype. Distances, into varying units for the paving slabs in accordance with the spatial or (2) to a verbally designate larger numerical distance for the area behind established the naos, contractions. and subtract this distance the length of the walls latter solution pronaos. The from more practical especially of verbal of the seems both and more considering probable, Greek traditions in specification "incomplete as discussed preliminary planning," by Coulton In either case the ad (1985). is very small, both in relation justment to the in of 0.42% tolerance expected the final built form cal distance it would the original scale and in the theoreti correspond drawing. to in dress In the end, therefore, the measurements would have needed to ad the individual paving slabs in addition to the overall size of the or steps in this process, stylobate euthynteria. Because of the multiple and the slight modifications bound to occur in each of these steps, it is not reasonable for us to theorize intended values for each element and of the plan, given asmeasurements down to the dactyl. Instead, the significant result of this study remains the revealed correspondence of the overall form to a rational, theoretical geometry in which the per error of remain within the strictest centages possible tolerance found in dimension the actual construction. 586 JOHN R. SENSENEY CONCLUSIONS at Kos suggests A metrological analysis of Temple A in the Asklepieion that the triglyph module theory proposed byWilson Jones for 5th-century Doric temples may be applicable to this Hellenistic example. This theory cannot, however, account for the locations of features not associated with the temples trabeation, such as the walls of the naos and pronaos. Since was created in an era when the kind of drawn plan described Temple A in Ionic temples, is likely to have been already commonplace by Vitruvius we are in its how address the considerations of asking justified plan might design particular to the Doric order, where transparent orthogonal relation a were not grid possible. A geometric analysis that ships established with to the methodological issues addressed by Korres demonstrates responds a that circumscribed Pythagorean triangle forms the basis of Temple As the placements of the plans of the problem verifying principal rests for this modular the evidence system geometric solely upon theory, the internal, measurable correspondences that conform to Euclidian norms. Furthermore, we can replicate these results both by calculation and with design, in which determine circumferences features. Unlike the more difficult with the modular theory, we can speculate axes scale in the that the colonnade may have played a role in establishing into drawn plan, by allowing for the conversion of relative dimensions CAD software. In combination actual values for the building. The full implications of the results of this a few observations analysis cannot be explored in the present study, but merit brief comment.76 the design process proposed here runs counter to the cur as well as differing from simple grid approach used in Ionic temples, rent ideas about the way in which Doric temples were designed. Wilson In its details, Jones insists on the principle of "facade-driven" design for Doric temples, in contrast to the "plan-driven" design for Ionic temples.77 In other words, architects designed Doric temples strictly according to the commensuration of elements in the facade, as opposed to the creation of a guiding plan that the layouts of Ionic temples. Yet given the mixing of the archi determined tectural orders as early as the 5th century b.c.?most famously witnessed might question such categorical notions of mutual exclusiveness, particularly in buildings as late as the Hellenistic period. As discussed above, it appears that the triglyph module may very well have in the Parthenon?we a significant role in the design of Temple As facade. One might played wonder, however, why ancient architects who are likely to have been trained in the details of both orders should necessarily have repressed planning of a particular module. After all, tendencies solely due to the employment the very notion of mutu demonstrated has Rowland convincingly Ingrid an to of Vitruvius's modern transformation be "orders" early ally exclusive notable accommodate like ancient buildings themselves, genera, which, a discussion omit should Vitruvius That of interchangeability.78 degrees of taxis in relation traditions to Doric temples probably reflects his bias toward the that formed the core of his architectural train of Ionic design s ignorance ing.79 If Vitruvius of Doric taxis stemmed from this limited 76. In an article in prog currently the results of the present other considerations analysis along with of ancient Greek in the larger context I assess ress, architectural 77.Wilson 2001. 78. The rigidly Jones 2000b, pp. 64-65; notion of the "orders" defined begin with the milieu continuing tools, drawing, masonry of planning. and methods categories Renaissance of Raphael later with appears thinkers as to in and Bramante, Serlio, Palladio, and Vignola; see Rowland 1994; Howe and Rowland 1999, 79. See Tomlinson p. 15. 1963. IDEA AND background, extending With IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE 587 there is no reason why we should perpetuate his ignorance by to Hellenistic it retrospectively architects and their buildings. support from the results of this analysis, it is even worth specu a on the higher degree of special potential of the Doric order for in in the case of At the least design process. drawing-board sophistication a in in columnar placements Doric temple might Temple A, the variations lating an alternative approach to the location of the internal the plan.80What appears to have resulted was a system more interesting than the characteristic arithmetical simple relationships one was too innovative that for reuse and of the grid plan, but also perhaps have motivated features within partly for this reason, and partly because of Doric temples altogether, the possibly in Temple A may have disappeared from continued development. Perhaps of the "decline" in the production Doric-related method found common practice well before Vitruvius picked up his pen. Yet Temple A was not the final instance of this approach, which appears to have extended even and into aHellenistic-Roman the Doric order context, where beyond to demonstrate the application of the Pythagorean temple plans continued as their guiding geometry.81 Ultimately, triangle and 3:5 circumferences of form of Temple A might have its the characteristic however, geometry not most recognizable in the taxis of the architect's legacy cryptomethodic in the caementicium but that Roman drawing board, shapes opus finally al lowed for permanent expression in three dimensions. Framed in this way, the fully experiential rise to a new aesthetic 80. In Temple interaxes A, the lateral corner ca. 2.7 m, measure as to the other average opposed axes of ca. 3.05 m. In the facade rear colonnades, interaxes measure the corner and central sure 3.065 and 3.080 pi. 2. and column ca. 2.7 m, while the second see Schazmann inter interaxes m, and Herzog 81. These found geometric approaches in two of the earliest hellenizing respectively; 1932, have been unimaginable are temples in Italy during the Republican period: theTemple of Juno atGabii of ca. 160 b.c. ca. 120-100 mea that would and the round b.c. in Rome's temple Forum of Boa rium. For of Juno of the the geometry Temple see at Gabii, Almagro-Gorbea 1982; Jim?nez 1982, esp. pp. 63-74; Almagro-Gorbea give in the Hellenistic theory of Vitruvius. architectural column of the idea and its reflection would intersection and Jim?nez 1982; Coarelli 1987, pp. 11-21. For the round see Rakob 1973. and Heilmeyer temple, An elaborated of such geom analysis etry, its significance, tions between these and the connec and the examples at Kos discussed in the present work are themes in a that I explore study article focused (in follow-up progress) on Roman architecture. APPENDIX 1 THEORETICAL PLAN A Select and equations for theoretical locations, coordinates, magnitudes, are given below. The coordinates A in correspond to measurements plan meters taken by Schazmann to and Herzog converted here (see Fig. 5),82 an 18.142 x 33.280 0 and limit 18.142, 33.280 at with 0, origin quadrant the southeastern and northwestern extremes, respectively (Fig. 23). For additional equations, see text and notes above. Location Relevant Coordinates Circumference 1 A 1 B 1 C 0,0 18.142,0 24.202 D 2 4.435,4.430 E 2 13.707,4.430 F 2 13.707,20.002 G 2 4.435,20.002 H 1 13.749,26.483 I 1 4.393,26.483 Circumference (Circumcenter 1 9.071,12.101) Definitions = Radius 1 + Radius 2 AC = Diameter = to A Radius 1 distance from circumcenter to H Radius 2 = distance from circumcenter Magnitudes X, Y distances from circumcenter = 9.071 XI: 9.071-0 = 12.101 Yl: 12.101-0 X, Y distances from circumcenter 9.071 = 4.678 X2:13.749 = 14.382 Y2:26.483-12.101 (or B) (or I) to A to H 82. Schazmann pi. 2. and Herzog 1932, AND IDEA IN VISUALITY HELLENISTIC ARCHITECTURE / ^ID EIL G F_ ,-_ - 1^ L __ _ 0 _~ O- O _ 0 I Figure 23. Restored theoretical plan of Temple A with geometric under pinning responding and indicated to Cartesian locations cor ~10m lomo 0WJ~ coordinates Equations Radiusl2 Radius =Xl2 inMagnitudes Differences = 0.042 30.247-30.205 = 0.025 18.148-18.123 +Yl2 Radius 12=9.0712+ 1 = 15.123 Radius 22 =X22 +Y22 0.042 / 30.247 Radius 22=4.6782+14.3822 2 = 15.124 0.025 / 18.123 12.1012 Tolerances Radius AC = 15.123 + 15.124 = 30.247 Pythagorean Equations Circumference (Circumcenter 2 hypotenuse2 hypotenuse2 9.071,12.216) hypotenuse Diameter2 = (DE)2 + (EF)2 Diameter2 Diameter 6:10 Ratio Equations = 9.2722+ = 18.123 = (18.123 / 6) x 10 30.205 = (30.247 / 10) x 6 18.148 Triangle =AB2 + (Yl x 2)2 = 18.1422 + 24.2022 = 30.247 inMagnitude Difference AC hypotenuse 30.247 30.247 = 0 15.5722 of Circumferences = 0.1% = 0.1% 1 and 2 Tolerance 0 / 30.247 = 0% 589 APPENDIX 2 THEORETICAL PLAN B Select and equations for theoretical locations, coordinates, magnitudes, are B below. The in coordinates given plan correspond to measurements meters taken by Schazmann and Herzog (see Fig. 5),83 converted here to an at the 18.075 x 33.280 quadrant with origin 0,0 and limit 18.075,33.280 a southeastern and northwestern and extremes, respectively, symmetrically and centered naos (see Fig. 23, scaled for the slightly differing dimensions coordinates of Appendix 1). Location Relevant Coordinates Circumference 1 A 1 B 0,0 18.075,0 C 1 18.075,24.224 D 2 4.402,4.430 E 2 13.674,4.430 F 2 13.674,20.002 G 2 4.402,20.002 H 1 13.716,26.483 I 1 4.360,26.483 Circumference 1 9.038,12.112) (Circumcenter Definitions = Radius 1 + Radius 2 AC = Diameter = to A Radius 1 distance from circumcenter to H Radius 2 = distance from circumcenter Magnitudes X, Y distances from circumcenter 0 = 9.038 XI: 9.038 = 12.112 Yl: 12.112-0 X, Y distances from circumcenter 9.038 = 4.678 X2:13.716 Y2: 26.483 12.112 = 14.371 (or B) (or I) to A to H 83. Schazmann pi. 2. and Herzog 1932, IDEA AND Equations Radiusl2 Radius IN VISUALITY =Xl2 12=9.0382+12.1122 1 = 15.112 Radius 22 =X22 +Y22 Radius 22=4.6782+14.3712 2 = 15.113 AC = 15.112 + 15.113 ARCHITECTURE inMagnitudes Differences 30.225 30.205 = 0.020 = 0.012 18.135 -18.123 +Yl2 Radius Radius HELLENISTIC Tolerances = 30.225 0.020 / 30.225 < 0.1% 0.012 / 18.123 < 0.1% Pythagorean Equations Circumference (Circumcenter 2 hypotenuse2 hypotenuse2 9.038,12.216) hypotenuse Diameter2 = (DE)2+ (EF)2 Diameter2 Diameter 6:10 Ratio Equations = 9.2722+ = 18.123 15.5722 of Circumferences = (18.123 / 6) x 10 30.205 (30.225 / 10) x 6 = 18.135 Triangle = AB2 + (Yl x 2)2 = 18.0752+ 24.2242 = 30.224 inMagnitude Difference AC hypotenuse 30.225 30.224 = 0.001 1 and 2 Tolerance 0.001 / 30.224 < 0.1% 59I APPENDIX 3 THEORETICAL PLAN C Select and equations for theoretical locations, coordinates, magnitudes, are in C The coordinates below. plan given correspond to measurements meters taken by Schazmann to here and Herzog converted (see Fig. 5),84 an 18.075 x 33.280 0 and limit 18.075, 33.280 at with 0, origin quadrant the southeastern and northwestern extremes, respectively, with the width of the naos reduced .067 m in order to provide symmetry (see Fig. 23, scaled dimensions and coordinates of Appendix 1). for the slightly differing Location Relevant Coordinates Circumference 1 A 1 B C D E F 0,0 18.075,0 1 18.075,24.224 2 4.435,4.430 2 13.640,4.430 2 13.640,20.002 G 2 4.435,20.002 H 1 13.682,26.483 I 1 4.393,26.483 Circumference 1 (Circumcenter 9.038,12.107) Definitions = Radius 1 + Radius 2 AC = Diameter = to A Radius 1 distance from circumcenter to H Radius 2 = distance from circumcenter Magnitudes X, Y distances from circumcenter = 9.038 XI: 9.038-0 = 12.107 Yl: 12.107-0 X, Y distances from circumcenter 9.038 = 4.644 X2:13.682 12.107 = 14.376 Y2: 26.483 (or B) (or I) to A to H 84. Schazmann pi. 2. and Herzog 1932, IDEA AND Equations Radiusl2=Xl2 Radius IN VISUALITY 12=9.0382+12.1072 1 = 15.108 Radius 22 =X22 +Y22 Radius 22=4.6442+14.3762 2 = 15.108 AC = 15.108 + 15.108 ARCHITECTURE Differences inMagnitudes 30.216 30.148 = 0.068 = 0.041 18.130-18.089 +Yl2 Radius Radius HELLENISTIC Tolerances = 30.216 0.068 / 30.216 0.041 / 18.089 Pythagorean Equations Circumference (Circumcenter 2 hypotenuse2 hypotenuse2 9.038,12.216) hypotenuse Diameter2 = (DE)2+ (EF)2 Diameter2 Diameter 6:10 Ratio Equations = 9.2052+ = 18.089 15.5722 of Circumferences (18.089 / 6) x 10 = 30.148 (30.216 / 10) x 6 = 18.130 = 0.2% = 0.2% Triangle = AB2 + (Yl x 2)2 = 18.0752+ 24.2142 = 30.216 inMagnitude Difference AC hypotenuse 30.216 30.216 = 0 1 and 2 Tolerance 0/30.216 = 0% 593 594 SENSENEY R. JOHN REFERENCES 1982. "Levanta M. Almagro-Gorbea, miento del templo," fotogram?trico in El Santuario de Juno en Gabii (BABesch man and (Biblioteca It?lica 17), ed.M. 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