MFO IN OXFORD CLASSICS IOANNOU CENTRE, 66 St Giles Journée Jean-Pierre Vernant Tuesday 25 February, 2.00pm Presentations by French and British Doctoral Students 5.00pm: Keynote Lecture by François de Polignac, EPHE, Paris: “Anthropology and the ‘Mediterranean Paradigm’: Which Connections?” Convenors: Catherine Darbo-Peschanski, CNRS-MFO and Robert Parker, New College IOANNOU CENTRE, 66 St Giles, Lecture Theatre Ancient History Tuesday Seminar Tuesday 11 March, 5.00pm “The Inside and the Outside of the Body (Medical Treatises from Hippocrates to Galen)” Catherine Darbo-Peschanski, CNRS-MFO LAW AND LEGAL ANTHROPOLOGY PROGRAMME HILARY TERM 2014 19 January - 15 March ALL SOULS COLLEGE Legal History Seminar: Codifying the Law - II Convenors: Boudewijn Sirks, All Souls College and Soazick Kerneis, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre-MFO Wednesday 5 February, 3.00-5.00pm, Seminar Room “Why did Louis XIV First and Foremost Codify Civil Procedure?” Serge Dauchy, CNRS-Univ. Lille II-Univ. Saint-Louis, Bruxelles Monday 17 February, 5.00-7.00pm, Wharton Room “The Historiography on Roman Legal Thought from Fritz Schulz until our time” Aldo Schiavone, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane Wednesday 5 March, 5.00-7.00pm, Hovenden Room “The Great Codes (end of the 18th Century-19th Century) and the Law Consolidation Movement” Jean-Louis Halpérin, ENS, Paris CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, Rainolds Room Friday 14 March, 2.30pm “From Self-Reliance to Disobedience: The Question of Voice” Sandra Laugier, CNRS Chair: Anna Marmodoro, Corpus Christi College Director: Anne Simonin 2-10 Norham Road, OX2 6SE | Library: 01865 274 224 | INSTITUTE OF EUROPEAN AND COMPARATIVE LAW, St Cross Building Tuesday 11 March, 1.00pm “The Role of the Judiciary in Contemporary Democracies: Principle, Politics and Accountability” Roger Errera, Former Member of the Conseil d’Etat Convenor: Stefan Vogenauer, IECL HISTORY ST HUGH’S COLLEGE, Mordan Hall Wednesday 12 March, 5.00pm “Social Encounters in the French Trenches” Nicolas Mariot, CNRS-CESSP Chair: Adrian Gregory, Pembroke College HISTORY OF SCIENCE CONGRESS Tuesday 19 - Wednesday 20 March, 9.30am-6.00pm “Franco-British Exchanges in the Life Sciences during the 19th and 20th Centuries” 20th International Congress of the Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences de la Vie (Shesvie) Convenor: Stéphane Tirard, Université de Nantes ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY SEMINAR Convenor: Thomas Le Roux, CNRS-MFO Monday 24 February, 4.30pm, History Faculty, George St. Toxicants and Agriculture (20th Century) “Insecti-, Pesti-, Homi- cides? Public Health and Agricultural Pesticides in France in the 1950s and 1960s”, Nathalie Jas, INRA-RITME “Beyond Toxic: Britain and the Challenges of Agricultural Antibiotic Regulation since 1953”, Claas Kirchhelle, University College Monday 3 March, 4.30pm Toxicants and Transnational Policies (20th Century) “Powerless Science? Science and Politics in a Toxic World” Soraya Boudia, Université Paris-Est-LATTS “Dangerous Trades: A Transnational Perspective” Joseph Melling, University of Exeter OXFORD GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE HISTORY SEMINAR Convenor: Laurent Châtel, Univ. Paris-Sorbonne-CNRS-MFO Saturday 8 March, 10.30am-4.30pm “Rustic Nature and Artistic Rusticity in China” Yolaine Escande, CNRS-EHESS, Alison Hardie, University of Leeds and Stephen McDowall, University of Edinburgh Chair: Craig Clunas, Trinity College Supported by The Oxford Centre for Research in the Humanities _________________________________________________________ DURKHEIMIAN STUDIES Saturday 15 February, 10.30am-4.00pm “Thinking about Religion in France around 1900” Convenors: Bill Pickering, British Centre for Durkheimian Studies-Oxford and Sondra Hausner, St Peter’s College In conjunction with Orientophilia of the Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Wednesday 26 February, 5.15pm “Rescaling Light Rail Policies in Europe” Charlotte Halpern, CEE-Sciences Po, Paris (OXPO programme) Chair: Malek Al-Chalabi, Transport Studies Unit, Oxford Univ. _________________________________________________________ LITERATURE CONFERENCE Monday 31 March - Wednesday 2 April (31 March: from 3.30pm at All Souls College, 1 and 2 April: from 9.00am at MFO) “Transforming the Early Modern Republic of Letters: Literature, Learning, Logic, Books. A Conference in Honour of Ian Maclean” Convenors: Neil Kenny, All Souls College, Richard Scholar, Oriel College and Wes Williams, St Edmund Hall MEDIEVAL FRENCH SEMINAR Convenors: Daron Burrows, St Peter’s College, Sophie Marnette, Balliol College and Helen Swift, St Hilda’s College Tuesday 21 January, 5.15pm “The Kings of Britain and England in a Medieval Occitan Text: Questions of Translation and Context” Catherine Léglu, University of Reading Tuesday 4 February, 5.15pm “Performativity in Verse Romances and the dits: Thinking Subjectivity Back in Time from Christine de Pizan’s Le Livre du Duc des Vrais Amans” Charles L. Samuelson, Princeton University Tuesday 18 February, 5.15pm “Language Myths and the Historiography of French” Anthony Lodge, University of St Andrews Followed by a drinks reception and presentation of “On Linguistic Change in French: Socio-Historical Approaches; Studies in Honour of R. Anthony Lodge” Monday 3 March, 5.00pm, Venue to be confirmed “Forgery in the Middle Ages” Julia Crick, King’s College London An interdisciplinary event sponsored by Oxford Medieval Studies, a network supported and funded by The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) PHD STUDY DAY Friday 28 February, 9.30am-6.45pm “Formes et pratiques des querelles/Quarrels: Forms and Practices” Convenors: Kate Tunstall, Worcester College and Alain Viala, Lady Margaret Hall, in collaboration with University of Fribourg KEYWORDS IN EARLY MODERN FRENCH CULTURE Convenors: Richard Scholar, Oriel College and Alain Viala, Lady Margaret Hall Thursday 13 February, 5.15pm “Marie NDiaye: Inhospitable Fictions” Shirley Jordan, Queen Mary, University of London Thursday 23 January, 3.30pm “How to be a Miser” Jonathan Patterson, St Hugh’s College Thursday 27 February, 5.15pm “Catherine Breillat and L’Origine du monde” Emma Wilson, University of Cambridge Thursday 6 February, 3.30pm “How to be a Monster” Wes Williams, St Edmund Hall Thursday 13 March, 5.15pm “French Lessons: Literature and the Mission civilisatrice” Nick Harrison, King’s College London Thursday 20 February, 3.30pm “How to be a Person of Polite Manners, honnête, galant and so on” Alain Viala, Lady Margaret Hall Thursday 6 March, 3.30pm “How to be an Early Modern Quarreler” Alain Viala, Lady Margaret Hall EARLY MODERN FRENCH SEMINAR Convenors: Emma Claussen, St John’s College, Richard Scholar, Oriel College, Caroline Warman, Jesus College and Wes Williams, St Edmund Hall Thursday 23 January, 5.15pm “‘Nos ancêtres les Gaulois’: Inventing Gallic Antiquities in Renaissance France” Richard Cooper, Brasenose College Followed by a book launch and drinks reception Thursday 6 February, 5.15pm “‘Corps infect et defaict, ame fausse et traitresse’: The Plague of Vieilles in the Recueils satyriques” Victoria Harvey, University of Cambridge Thursday 20 February, 5.15pm “‘Ma délicieuse île’: Picturing Other Spaces with Rousseau” Daniel Brewer, University of Minnesota Thursday 6 March, 5.15pm “Performing, Picturing and Singing Racine’s Esther: A Round Table following the Performances of Esther in the Chapel of St John’s College, Oxford, from Thursday 27th February to Saturday 1st March at 8pm” Matthew Cheung Salisbury, Julia Hartley, Michael Hawcroft and David Maskell, University of Oxford MODERN FRENCH SEMINAR Convenors: Nikolaj Lübecker, St John’s College, Ian Maclachlan, Merton College and Jennifer Yee, Christ Church Thursday 30 January, 5.15pm “Blanchot (1938-1939) : les années insoupçonnables” David Uhrig, New York University, Paris FRENCH LITERATURE FROM THE MODERN TO THE POSTMODERN Convenors: Philippe Roussin, CNRS-MFO and Michael Sheringham, All Souls College Friday 7 February, 2.00-5.00pm “Pourquoi écrire une vie ? Usages, valeurs et fonctions de la biographie littéraire” Convenors: Didier Alexandre, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Alexandre Gefen, CNRS and Ann Jefferson, New College In collaboration with the LABEX OBVIL Friday 7 March, 2.15-4.00pm Title to be confirmed Philippe Roger, EHESS, Paris _________________________________________________________ READING Wednesday 12 February, 8.00pm Nicole Gore will read extracts from “A la recherche du temps perdu” by Marcel Proust, with musical interludes by Bruno Guastalla (cello) and Sarah Verney Caird (piano) _________________________________________________________ CINEMA This term, the MFO will show four films on the subject of World War I. All films will be in French with English subtitles. Tuesday 28 January, 8.00pm “La Grande Illusion”, Jean Renoir, 1937, 117 min. Tuesday 11 February, 8.00pm “La Vie et rien d’autre”, Bertrand Tavernier, 1989, 135 min. Tuesday 25 February, 8.00pm “La Chambre des officiers”, François Dupeyron, 2001, 135 min. Tuesday 11 March, 8.00pm “Joyeux Noël”, Christian Carion, 2005, 116 min. CHRONOLOGY 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Jan. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 11 Mar. 11 Mar. Seminar Seminar Seminar Film Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Study Day Film Reading Seminar Study Day Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Study Day Film Lecture Seminar Study Day Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Lecture Seminar Seminar Seminar 11 Mar. 12 Mar. Film Lecture 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 19-20 Mar. 31 Mar.-2 Apr. Seminar Lecture Congress Conference Medieval French Seminar Keywords Seminar Early Modern French Seminar La Grande Illusion Modern French Seminar Medieval French Seminar Legal History Seminar Keywords Seminar Early Modern French Seminar Pourquoi écrire une vie? La Vie et rien d’autre A la recherche du temps perdu Modern French Seminar Religion in France around 1900 Legal History Seminar Medieval French Seminar Keywords Seminar Early Modern French Seminar Environmental History Journée Jean-Pierre Vernant La Chambre des officiers Rescaling Light Rail Policies Modern French Seminar Quarrels: Forms and Practices Environmental History Medieval French Seminar Legal History Seminar Keywords Seminar Early Modern French Seminar Philippe Roger Garden and Landscape History The Role of the Judiciary The Inside and the Outside of the Body Joyeux Noël Social Encounters in the French Trenches Modern French Seminar The Question of Voice Franco-British Exchanges Transforming the Early Modern Republic of Letters