CLIENT INTERVIEWS AND PRE-PLEADING MATTERS personal injury action, In a or serving the the steps that you take the Statement of Defence relationship attaches set of a or negative, steps the Statement of Claim can determine whether and whether you secure a good litigation. result for your client in the suggests how issuing to vital. These initial positive with your client is This paper are prior to precedents principal steps that arise that may assist you in your practice. approach the prior pleadings, to and Before the Initial Interview Where possible, you should conduct potential opposing parties (if if there is responsible lawyer Consider informing consulted by firm the Many conflict a conflict check you know their arrive for the initial interview. databases. a or offices firm does a before the have now potential clients and the potential clients computerized conflict potential conflict you should inform the of this. the other legal professionals potential clients. in your office that you have been You may want to clients have consulted you without first This the identities) accept consultations regarding the collision working. on speaking or request that no one incident about which the with the lawyer plaintiff and defence work. potential with whom you request may be particularly important in avoiding mixture of both else in the a are conflict if your Consider meeting briefly going call before that there or potential the on lawyer and the person who took the initial intake to the initial interview. You may find out the extremely distraught, report" with the clients are can cultural go a linguistic barriers. or long potential clients way toward a A are "scouting successful initial interview. Contact the potential relevant documents in their sophistication Assemble chronology or firms individuals find a individuals with or applicable the package on the bring a it to the interview. authorizations, retainer form, and any other summary information sheets Benefits Schedule Depending all you may want to ask the client to prepare typically provide provide injured to the interview. of events and the initial directions, documents that you developed possession potential clients, of the written summary bring clients before the initial interview and ask them to a to potential clients. Some firms have regarding personal injury applicable Statutory copy of the sections of the Insurance Act. of this information to be claims. a Other Accident Many injured useful reference. Initial Interview The initial meeting plaintiff's firm, is an extremely important part the initial intewiew is the first real the claim is worth taking on, whether the of personal injury practice. For the opportunity potential to determina whether clients will be easy to deal with, they and whether are consulting with to information access becoming yourselves to "sell" through injury litigation meeting. Most of the questions an important opportunity potential clients. With increased They services and law firms. apply considerations are about the firm's of the experience for the personal in legal professionals they initial contact with appointed pressure to maintain Everyone has a simply approach a defendant. already proceed potential clients, interested in their number if they points. with the insurer. You to can then follow up with immediately you risk story" clients "tell their giving personal experience run through them the and that they a greetings, to fit and see questions and take investigate the checklist of information impression will they as require the standard information that you matter further, if you with the insurer, but there is the additional to the initial interview. After the initial potential let the take notes of the relevant through an positive ongoing relationship different a you may want to the clients by to act for the defendant are accurately. There may be less pressure to "sell" your firm to the defendant if you have been also past, and you should expect that reasonable and should be answered are clients legal advertising, potential plaintiffs than in the specific experience questions same legal about legal professionals and the These to the the internet and may be very direct in their potential witnesses. In addition, where the sophisticated more less deferential to they good number of firms, the initial interview is a lawyer for you and the are will make simply that you are be treated not as a hire your firm. As you listen to the information from the potential clients, consider whether there might be representing conflict in a all of them in determine this until you hear their information. injured driver and example, as a a defendant even though the name injured to potential proceed claim with against claim a against with the stop the interview (if him driver primarily immediately concern that the driver may want to contact his separate counsel her or own already done) not the drunk driver as a injuries. result of his important From the outset of the initial interview, it is expectations. that he If you or If you are meeting with an injured individual, claim, particularly if damages are that you and the meeting with lawyer attending seriousness of the potential a potential potential to manage likely she understands that there will not resolution to the personal passenger to drunk driver, for a the initial interview and it may be necessary to injured driver, explain question. by struck injured are an the drunk driver appears to have been insurance company to report the sure potential clients was for the collision. You should raise this lawyer attending and retain injured action. You may not be able to If the vehicle that it may be necessary for the responsible of the passenger of an you will want to make be quick a significant is in defendant you will have to make sure and implications, including financial exposure if claims exceed and easy liability are the interview make the defendant claim and the clients' policy limits and the aware of the possibility of requirement to the cooperate with the insurer in the defence of the action. It is also impo•ant th• outset. to establish Many injured appropriate boundaries with the potential c!ient from individuals feel vulnerable and isolated. You can certainly support and encourage professional distance. The possible. Not only individual but you must also maintain person has legal suggests this could you are to go sure with something be someone beyond asking If you hear signage defendants other than the make the particular lawyer is Once there is the they to initial an exchange of are the a "standard" Assuming to be periods the initial interview negligence want to retain you. If they retainer form signed and limitation at that time. of activities to name principal lawyer, periods they Your acting, the they do, inquiries are not so apply. clients and potential to potential it may be may potential should inform the whether or to confirm whether particulars suggest that you will need retained, whether they need agreeable are claim. If injured person's information between the being retained, you and collision, for example, be and the legal professionals prepared to operator of the at-fault vehicle, you should and that short notice aware matter further before retained. during clients note of this in the information you convey to the legal professionals, whether owner anything together objectivity affect your can reason surrogate family. or about the other driver and obtain full weather conditions, road conditions, before the collision. her life back or motor vehicle a main one a support you provide. potential in his but it other than injured to you for social worker a advice and Be sensitive to any information from the that put needed to emotionally draining, the value of the meeting come It is not your function to be will this become consequently injured compensation to obtain the financial the extent injured the clients investigate prepared the to be clients must also appropriate to have may indicate that additional plaintiffs should be added to the claim beyond potential the clients with whom you appropriate have met. if so, you should follow up with those individuals and obtain confirmation that It is important they litigation would like to be added to any to make the clients and everyone in your scope of the retainer. Most seriously injured that practice clients have ensues. group a of the aware personal, host of financial, medical and legal issues arising from their injuries. You may intend to act issues, for example, and not only a in CPP respect of the client's accident benefits and disability application that your firm is important that there be as no the case application. misunderstanding review client, however, may The arising all of his needs principal lawyer's letter for the retainer, protecting and LTD tort from his injuries assume and it is very about this. You may want to draft confirming the scope of the retainer a or non- may be. You should inform your clients about the members of the "team" from your firm who will be handling the file. You should inform them that member of the team and that they give should they may be contacted any team member full Unless you have this conversation with your clients at the outset, confused when they hear from have abandoned them Assuming or someone example unworthy a plaintiff's cooperation. they may be of your attention. that the clients retain your firm, you may want to of any else at your office, and may feel that you deemed their file the standard checklist of information by on a proceed client intewiew sheet Bill 59 interview sheet is appended with or compiling form. An to this paper. Th.•re may be some repetition first, but it is such in useful exercise. It a spellings as name imposes discipline the information Err on going through the side of sometimes correct can physicians' need to quantity to make the claim move when you obtain individual has signed delay for these records without Various Try to examples give of directions and the clients want to consider preparation lawsuit. This letter personal injury actions, In One of their most a claim. By providing the expectations and help or they "standard" letter you should still obtain files so that you parties frequently litigation. in the outlining have is about the can do your client understand length great why a write change. Your firm may the various knowledge no outlining a status can attached to this paper. to clients at the initial interview time line, you have obtained employment are expect clear letter at the outset a anticipated or a frequent complaints arise and the his of provided be can example, request letters idea of what to some checklist also a Even if you do not think the injuries if the client's that details authorizations and directions for employment authorizations for release of tax returns and important in story defence forward. or income loss claim, for an errors sure release of medical records and other information. injured heard the client's Completing addresses. legal professionals the on they and having the checklist after or stages of shortly of civil a after. litigation. of time it takes to resolve some of the steps that will deal to manage your client's quick resolution is often not in her best interests. You may want to conside• ending the initial interview by providing some standard "warnings" requests. It may be helpful to put these in the form of and written list that the clients clients plaintiffs, are You should activity they only people know that the unduly do not become importance your clients about the obtaining photographs activity of the regarding of compiling injuries statements, may be even potential if the people whose stated level. You should also inform and of the incident that caused their producible are about it and let them careful lists of expenses injuries regularly, Most clients will not realize that any statement their example, nervous who should fear surveillance level is much lower than their actual any statement For or you should inform them of surveillance and how to deal with it. that ensure take home with them. can letter a they incurred, of contacting you before signing injuries about their injuries. make or regarding the incident and in the tort action and that inconsistencies among though inadvertent, their recollection of the incident or can their be used by opposing counsel to attack lawyer who attended the credibility. Investigation Following the initial interview with your interview should prepare members of your not seem important acting if you are memo promptly are issues such attention. legal for a memo team. The regarding memo or the the interview and copy it to the should be detailed. Often facts which may at the initial interview may prove to be plaintiffs, the principal lawyer and you should speak impending notice as clients, you to the or important should be in the provided litigation. with your principal lawyer immediately limitation if there periods that require prompt Many legal professionals requesting documents such items as helpful find it shortly to send off obtaining confident in its Depending parties Nonetheless, or a a must One of the most on witnesses and to contact them. and it is therefore advantages discrepancies are prudent being to or be affinity preferred. in as they a a toward the witness subsequently gives legal of or debris on the police on media or photos of items are photographs. such as a traffic repaired. identify independent is to witness' recollection fades with time the first firm to contact In addition, that it is It may be critical to skid marks early investigation Generally, to contact diligent photographs to obtain as soon an as possible. independent between the information the witness information the witness likely rely mainly the road before important stages and consulted, the site of the incident has been are law firm may still be able to obtain large pothole prompt impression imperative. attention to this issue is the time most law firms cleaned up and the other appropriate the issues involved, it may be injury. Early firm that is the matter forward to trial if necessary. contemporaneous photographs of such items highway. By sign move of initial letters you write for these sooner medical records conveys the and is eager to case on the site of the have producing and plaintiff's "battery" These will include letters for reports. The medical records and accident records the sooneryou will receive them. A in meeting. after the initial a to another gives There witness. are If there to you and the firm, the earlier version will independent witnesses often develop firm that first contacts them. When they an allegiance receive a caii from they second firm a often find it vexatious and are cooperative less with the second firm. it is a matter of discretion from the potential confirming his or witness. You a a confirming You so. can potential letter or a diligence witnesses who may be given witness but this may be less likely unhelpful You may not want to to your case. case law may The witnesses. interviewing how to go about opposing require you to produce opposing firm to firm may not have the principal lawyer parties lawyers touching in the on how to go about interviewing litigation. are her interest to a potential witness. There interaction with interviewing witness£s. Among other things, or potential so. Professional Conduct for disclose his potential principal lawyer witnesses who may become persons and intimidating letter to the You may want to leave it up to the You should also discuss with the potential confirming find this record of the witness' recollection. This that the Rules and unhelpful potential to do a statement a the discussion. summary of their evidence. contact also send sign witness know at the start of the discussion that you will send following interview them at all, witness to Many witnesses, however, intimidate the You will have to discuss with the potential potential ask the helpful contemporaneous letter may also alienate if you let the can her recollection. and will refuse to do witness. This is to how to confirm the information you have obtained as In a unrepresented lawyer addition, where Rules of is a obliged to corporation or organization other has retained employees or agents corporation to liability. potential liability caused a corporation of the professionals acting motor vehicle whose acts must not contact omissions may expose the or legal investigating the lawyer's a if your firm is instruction, serving tavern for a lawyer another These restrictions should also govern the activities of on of lawyer, a alcohol to patron who subsequently a collision, for example, you should of the tavern if your firm knows has substantial or reason not contact the bartender to believe that the tavern has retained counsel. On defence files, you will also likely receive that may include such items with counsel for the the package injured adjusters' as person. As have been considered in your initial and notes and from the defendant's insurer reports and correspondence report and that the documents in the to the insurer ensure package regarding liability, damages litigation budget. a Pre-Pleading The package part of your investigation, you should complete from the insurer is a Notices plaintiff's firm and defendant's firm have similar investigation discussed above. From the goals of the investigation this is straightforward Report and licence liability cases, the and plate search appropriate completed be are investigation obtained. may when plaintiff's perspective, is to determine the can goals one conducting of the additional Motor Vehicle Accident In other cases, such require Sometimes, defendants. as soon as a the title searches as and occupiers' review of maintenance contracts Once the or potential defendants pre-pleading the issue of Transportation One of the most notice and as identified, the plaintiff's firm have been regarding required by statutes such requirements notice ("Bill 59"). pre-judgment impression the claim. Municipal personal injury in The earlier you are to collisions occurring serious about the claim. There are delivery that you meet with the client the incident and that you ask the Bill 59 notice package From the defence received a obligations be right questions completed perspective, notice letter on can regarding the defence firm to it is a in important potential respond specified periods after soon so after that the fashion. to determine when the defendant claim. There are, for to the the. defendsnt has received the notice letter. within at the initial interview timely a the motor addition, getting the notice out early provided important on or able to send this notice letter is also additional material that is to be of the notice letter, it is Act and the claims is the 120 begin running against interest does not that you and your firm as must consider Act. applies it as vehicle defendants until the notice is served. In conveys the impending the Highway Improvement in the Insurance Act after November 1, 1996 the better, are common requirement contracts. notice letters Sometimes, notice letters Public cleaning plaintiff's example, Bill 59 notice letter some once Even if there is the notice no principal lawyer claim prior to obligation whether to in particular a case, you will want to review with put the opposing parties on notice of a potential litigation. Summary In summary, the steps Statement of Claim client relationships or that you take serving on behalf of your client the Statement of Defence and successful results in are prior Anna-Marie Castrodale Neil P. Wheeler Judy K. Weston, Law Clerk Lerner & Associates LLP issuing the vital to successful personal injury litigation June 3, 2002 to