Monica Rettig

Monica Rettig
~ ~
Professional Experience
Liaison / E-Learning Librarian
July 2010 to present
• Co-drafted strategy documentation and planning for new E-Learning initiative
• Improved integration with Brock’s Course Management System (Sakai) via collaboration with
the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies
• Designed Research Guide infrastructure in new Content Management System (Drupal)
• Led active learning workshops for faculty and librarians on topics including screencasting best
practices, Sakai-Library integration, content development in Drupal, and e-books
• Planned and developed content for suite of Generic Research Help learning objects:
production of numerous video tutorials, and experimentation with screencasting software
• Co-administered the 2010 LibQUAL Library Service Quality Survey with Associate University
Librarian: prepared documentation for ethics approval; analyzed results using qualitative data
analysis software ATLAS.ti; drafted final report for staff and users.
• Served as liaison to Dramatic Arts and Music: responsibilities including instruction, collection,
reference, and content development for online research guides
• Communications and Marketing Working Group
• Instruction Working Group
• Liaison Steering Group
Liaison Librarian, OCULA New Librarian Resident
Sept 2009 – June 2010
• First librarian appointed under OCULA New Librarian Residency Award program
• Served as liaison to History, Classics, Canadian Studies, and Medieval & Renaissance Studies
• Developed and delivered innovative information literacy services using in-person workshops,
online guides, and screencast technology
• Provided reference services to the Brock community (in person, telephone, and chat) &
specialized research assistance through one-on-one consultations
• Assessed collection and monitored approval plans for assigned subject areas using two vendor
platforms (OASIS – Coutts, GOBI – YBP)
• Planned and implemented marketing and communications initiatives targeting specific user
groups & utilizing Web 2.0 technology
Professional Experience cont.,
Usability Testing Co-ordinator
Jan 2009 – Apr 2009
• Researched usability testing for online information literacy tutorial RE:search for University of
Toronto Libraries Instruction and Library Use Committee
• Designed and implemented testing of undergraduate & graduate students (105 hr practicum)
Graduate Student Reference Assistant
Sept 2008 – Apr 2009
• Provided one-on-one reference and research services spanning all disciplines to library users
on evenings and weekends
Readers Services & Collections Assistant
Oct 2007 – Aug 2008
• Provided research and reference services to Music Library clients
• Evaluated collection through research-based reports, quarterly collection promotion, and led
major de-selection project
• Contacted new clients to inform about library services and conducted reference interview
about reading interests
Intern, The Internationalization of Library Education Project
Jun 2008
• Authored a report on the relationship between Canadian library education and the
professional library setting in Germany following a 4 week placement in Berlin
Digitization Project Student
Mar 2008
• Adjusted and condensed MARC records for exhibit lists of Standing Committees of
Information Resources Branch (40 hr practicum)
• Digitized materials
• Produced a project manual for future student employees
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May 2011
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2007 – 2009
Master of Information Studies, Library and Information Science
University of Toronto
 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2007)
 University of Toronto Fellowship (2007, 2008)
2005 – 2007
Master of Arts, Comparative Literature
University of Western Ontario (U.W.O.)
Thesis: Holocaust Memory in Contemporary Mixed Media Texts
 Western Graduate Research Scholarship (2005, 2006)
 Canada Graduate Scholarship, SSHRC (2005)
2000 – 2004
Bachelor of Arts (Honours), History & Comparative Literature
McMaster University
Language and Technical Proficiencies
English, German (Fluent), French (Intermediate), Spanish (Basic)
Technical Skills:
Adept with e-learning applications including screencasting (e.g. Camtasia),
learning management systems (Sakai, Moodle), and content management
systems (Drupal).
Proficient with emerging web technologies including blog development (Blogger,
Wordpress), RSS, wiki mark-up language, basic HTML, social networking tools
(Facebook, Twitter), & assorted Web 2.0 applications (e.g. YouTube, Flickr,
Google Docs )
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May 2011
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Professional Service
Member, Communication Group for Academic Libraries
Sept 2009 – Oct 2010
• This assembly of librarians from various institutions explores communications and marketing
issues using a listserv and three annual gatherings.
OCULA Ex Officio Council Member
Sept 2009 – Sept 2010
• I contributed articles to the InsideOCULA newsletter and was involved in projects such as the
New Librarian Residency Award Committee and the Student Award Committee. (Council
membership is a component of the New Librarian Resident role)
Convenor, OLA SuperConference
2009, 2010
AskON Virtual Reference Volunteer (2 hrs. / week)
Sept 2009 – Jun 2010
• Provided reference assistance to Ontario college and university students
Co-Chair, iSchool Graduate Student Conference, “Housing Memory”
University of Toronto
May 2008 – Apr 2009
• Co-founded and organized a 2-day conference with 160+ attendees
• Drafted fundraising letters and marketing materials, supervised volunteers, designed budget
• Maintained website using open source content management system (Drupal)
Co-Chair, Graduate Student Conference, “Dark Matters”
University of Western Ontario
Sept 2007 – Apr 2008
• Facilitated a major conference (50 presenters, 3 keynote speakers) for three graduate
programmes: Comparative Literature, Spanish, Theory and Criticism
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Papers & Publications
Rettig, M. (2010). 2010 OCULA New Librarian Residency, Inside OCULA, 41. Retrieved from
Rettig, M. (2010). OCULA Spring Dinner Speaker – David Trick, Inside OCULA, 41. Retrieved from
Rettig, M., Dymarz, A., Ecclestone, M., & Harpham, B. (2009, May). Defining the Movement: Student
Initiatives at the Faculty of Information. Poster session presented at the annual TRY Library Staff
Conference, Toronto, ON.
Rettig M., & Dymarz, A. (2009). Guest Editorial, Faculty of Information Quarterly, 1(3). Retrieved from
Rettig, M. (2008, Summer). Navigating the Library System at Humboldt Universität. Report for GoetheInstitut Toronto. Retrieved from
Rettig, M. (2007, Fall). Orange Funk and Prophets of Death. Book review of Anthem of a Reluctant
Prophet by Joanne Proulx. University of Toronto Bookstore Review. 21(1).
Rettig, M. (2007). Mixed media and postmemory: holocaust remembrance in Sebald, Spiegelman, and
Boltanski. Unpublished master’s thesis. University of Western Ontario, London ON.
Rettig, M. (2007, April). Absence and Abstraction in the Oeuvre of Christian Boltanski. Paper presented at
the annual graduate conference of the Modern Languages and Literatures Department,
University of Western Ontario, London ON.
Rettig, M. (2006, October). Photography and Mourning in WG Sebald’s Austerlitz. Paper presented at the
annual graduate conference of the English Department, Tufts University, Boston MA.
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May 2011
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Continuing Education
7th Annual Best Practices in Teaching and Learning:
A Symposium on Service-Learning (Brock University), May 17, 2010
Led by a major advocate of service-learning, Dr. Edward Zlotkowski, this workshop defined and
explored key concepts of this new pedagogy, and identified the directions and development
planned at Brock.
ACRL e-Learning Webcast Series, May - July 2010
Exploring the Mystery of Library Instruction: New Thinking for Your Information Literacy Initiative
• Design Thinking Your Way to Information Literacy Innovation
• Promoting Information Literacy through a Better Designed Learning User Experience
• The Blended Librarian’s Approach to Rethinking Instruction and Redesigning the Information
Literacy Initiative
Led by Steven Bell and John Shank, these sessions focused on new ways of thinking about and
practicing information literacy programming and instruction.
LibQUAL+ Canada Consortium Webinar, October 5, 2010
 Understanding & Using Your LibQUAL+® Results (Sam Kalb)
 Statistical Testing & Analysis (Eun-ha Hong)
This webinar addressed the effective analysis and presentation of LibQual survey results,
including suggestions for interpreting quantitative data, an explanation of LibQual analytical
tools, and strategies for communication with stakeholders.
Professional Activities
Current Memberships
Association of College and Research Libraries
Canadian Library Association
Ontario Library Association
Conferences Attended
ACRL WNYO/ OCULA Spring Conference, “Innovation and Creativity” – 2011
Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (McMaster University) – 2010
Scholars Portal Day – December 11, 2009
OLA Super Conference 2008, 2009, 2010
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May 2011
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