PRESCRIBED FORM FOR BOOKING OF HATCHING EGGS/DAYOLD /PARENTS OF CHICKEN/DUCK/TURKEY From: (ADDRESS IN BLOCK LETTERS) To, The Director, Central Poultry Development Organisation & Training Institute, Hessarghatta, Bangalore – 560088. SUB: Booking of _________________ Sir, I would like to state that I have carefully gone through the terms and conditions of supply and the same are acceptable to me. Please book my requirement of ……………………. S.No. Chicken/Duck/ (hatching eggs/dayold chicks/ducklings) No. required Month in which required I am herewith remitting Rs. …………….. (Rupees……………..Only) as full advance for the amount in the form of M.O./Demand Draft No. …………………dated ……………………. The details of payment are as follows: I. Cost of Dayold Chicken/Duck: a) Female ……………………… b) Male ………………………… II. Cost of Hatching eggs: Chicken/duck:…………………… III. Packing Charges:……………………… IV. Transportation Charges:……………… V. Freight Charges………………………. VI. Miscellaneous………………………… TOTAL:……………………………… Note: Please Refer Terms & Conditions. * The Consignment may please be dispatched to ___________ (RLY.STATION CODE ) Railway Station/Airport, I shall make necessary arrangement to take delivery of the consignment. Yours faithfully * Strike which ever is not applicable. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SUPPLY OF HATCHING EGGS/DAYOLD /PARENTS OF CHICKEN/DUCK 1. Chicks will be vaccinated against Marek’s Disease Only and the party should arrange to vaccinate the chicks with FI/Lasota strain vaccine against Ranikhet disease, with in five days. 2. Ducklings are not vaccinated against any disease. Please arrange to vaccinate the ducklings with Duck Plague vaccine at the age of 8 weeks. 3. Packing charges, transportation charges other charges, Railway Freight/air freight etc., will be extra and will be charged as per actual. i) Transportation Charges: a) Upto Railway Station – Rs. 700/b) Upto Airport – Rs.1000/- 4. ii) Air/Railway Freight : This should be ascertained by the party. How ever, a minimum of Rs. 70/to 80/- per Kg. By Air and Rs. 30/- per Kg. By Rail depending upon the distance in both the cases should be sent. iii) Approximate weight of one card board box packed with chicks/ducklings is 4kgs. But chargeable freight charges by Air per box is 7 kgs. iv) Other Charges : Miscellaneous expenses as per actuals. Full amount calculated on the above basis is to be paid in advance by means of a MO/Demand Draft in favour of “DIRECTOR, CPDO&TI HESSARGHATTA, BANGALORE” payable at SBI, Sadashivnagar, Bangalore and send to this office. Cheques will not be accepted. No part payment of advance will be accepted. This is applicable to Govt. parties also. If the cost of the supply exceeds the amount of advance payment, the same will be recovered from the party or the number of chicks/ducklings will be reduced to the extent of amount paid. 5. After the receipt of full amount in advance, the exact date of supply will be informed to the party well in advance as per the order of booking, in due course of time. 6. The prices are subject to revision and the rates and other charges applicable at the time of supply will be charged. 7. Detailed account will be furnished after the consignment (chicks/ducklings) is supplied and the balance amount if any will be refunded to the party. 8. Cancellation of Orders/alteration in the numbers already booked by the party should be intimated atleast 30 days before the supply. Incase of shorter notice the advanced paid is liable to forfeiture. 9. If the Order is cancelled with an intimation of 30 days in advance an amount of Rs. 50/- will be recovered from the advance of each party as handing of order charges. 10. The consignment is dispatched at the risk of the consignee and no claim will be entertained for the losses or pilferage during transit and responsibility of this Office ceases once the consignment is handed over to the railway/airport authorities. 11. Claims regarding sexing errors if any will not be entertained. 12. 5% chicks/ducklings are supplied as free to cover transit mortality and sexing errors. 13. The supply is subject to cancellation or postponement due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of this Office. 14. Indents will be accepted on the prescribed proforma only. This Office shall not be responsible for incorrect/incomplete address given by the party. 15. Govt./semi-govt./autonomous bodies/other organization should also submit their indents in the prescribed forms or else it would be presumed that they have gone through the terms and conditions of the supply and they agree to it. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Director of this Organisation shall be final.