Burlington High School Newsletter - May 10, 2015

52 Institute Road, Burlington, VT 05408 802‐864‐8411 www.bhs.bsdvt.org Amy Mellencamp, Principal, amellenc@bsdvt.org Find us on Facebook at Burlington High School May 10, 2015 Thank you spring athletes and other members of the school community who had the opportunity to hear from BHS graduate Muji Karim speak about his journey back from the loss of legs to run again. Read and view stories on this event at: http://t.co/2wZgWqLHjV (Fox News), http://www.wcax.com/story/29019835/muji‐karim‐returns‐to‐where‐it‐
all‐began (WCAX), and http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/sports/2015/05/08/burlingtons‐karim‐aims‐
paralympic‐games/27020831. To donate: https://www.crowdrise.com/MujiKarimRunningToRio/fundraiser/mujikarim. Upcoming Dates and End of Year Calendar  Monday, May 11: AP Biology, AP Music Theory, AP Physics; seniors vote on graduation speakers/awards during lunch; HOME Girls Lacrosse 4:30/6:00; Boys Tennis 3:30; AWAY Girls Tennis at St. Jay, Track/Field at Colchester  Tuesday, May 12: AP French, AP US Government; HOME JV Baseball 4:30; AWAY Varsity Baseball/Softball 4:30 CVU; Boys Golf 3:00 Spaulding; Girls Golf 3:00 Missisquoi  Wednesday, May 13: AP Statistics; HOME Boys Lacrosse 4:30 JV, 7:00 Varsity; AWAY Girls Lacrosse 4:30/6:00 Middlebury  Thursday‐Saturday, May 14‐16: Drama Club Production of Scapino; Nepali Dinner May 15 4:30‐7:00; Drama Club Dinner May 16  Thursday, May 14: AP World History; HOME Girls Tennis 3:30; Varsity Baseball/Softball 4:30; AWAY Boys Tennis 3:30 Rice; Girls Golf 3:00 St. Albans; JV Baseball 4:30 Essex  Friday, May 15: AWAY Boys Golf 3:00 Rocky Ridge  Saturday, May 16: HOME Boys Tennis 10:00; AWAY Girls Tennis 10:00 SBS; Girls Golf 12:00 Newport; Boys Lacrosse 11:00/12:30 Mt. Abe  Monday, May 18: 11th Grade Science NECAP Test, Classes Start at Noon – Block 3, 4, 1, 2. Tutoring and make‐up work support available for grades 9‐10, 12 in the Library 8:00‐11:30.  Tuesday‐Friday, May 19‐22: Final Exams  Monday, May 25: NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day  Tuesday, May 26: Make‐Up Finals/Course Work Day – No School unless Exam/Extra Work Time Assigned  Wednesday, May 27‐Tuesday, June 9: Year End Studies Program; Seniors Must Turn in All Community Service Hours and Pay Fines in order to Get Graduation Tickets  Monday, June 8: Academic Awards Night 7:00 – Students receiving awards and their parents will be invited  Tuesday, June 9: BTC Graduation 7:00  Wednesday, June 10: YES Presentation of Learning Day – All Students Required to Be in School; Last Day of the School Year; Athletic Awards Night 6:00 – Students being recognized and their parents will be invited  Thursday, June 11: Senior Graduation Rehearsal 8:30 – All Seniors Must Attend to Participate in Graduation  Friday, June 12: Graduation! 10:00 School News Thanks to the BHS Baseball Team who hosted Opening Day of Little League this year, as well as to the students, parents, and other volunteers at the recent Green Up Day and BHS Invite. A lot happens at BHS in May! The ULTIMATE Frisbee Team is having a strong year, winning most recently against the CVU varsity ULTIMATE Frisbee Team! Go C‐HORSES (as they call themselves). BTC Students of the Quarter are Chrisshaunna Bell and Mariah Katon (Automotive Science and Technology; Shavar Dawkins (Electronic Recording Arts); and Merrick Mendenhall (Medical and Sports Sciences). BHS students had strong performances on the 2015 National Latin Exam including the following: Latin I: Gold Medal Summa Cum Laude: Mary Markley; Silver Medal Maxima Cum Laude: Teagan Hart, Tasha Kleppner; Magna Cum Laude: Ruby Smith, Emma Chaffee, Cheten Sherpa; Cum Laude: Connor Eaton, Turner Allen; Latin II: Cum Laude: Finn Shore; Latin III Silver Maxima Cum Laude: Sterling Ford, Jack Evans; Magna Cum Laude: Blaise Rainville. The following students participated in the All‐State Music Festival at Middlebury High School: Ryan Mahany, Bastien Gliech, Nick Gratton, Emily Hamlin, Ben Hunt, Malcolm Hutt,Nicole Long, Cai McCann,Dylan Sayamuangkhua, Oscar Smith, Sophie Watterson, and Sophia Weisman‐Rowell. Three BHS students completed participation in the PILOT career and community exploration and leadership program supported by the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce. Cai McCann did a job shadow at the Burlington Free Press in their graphic design department. Kaysi Herrera‐Pujols completed a job shadow at Twincraft Soap learning about chemical engineering in their research and development department. Kevin Huang job shadowed at Engelberth Construction in electrical engineering. Two students are representing Burlington High School at the Hugh O'Brian Leadership Conference at Vermont Technical College later this month: Bidhya Chamlagai and Jacob Bucci. BHS students will be participating in the Vermont Playwrights Festival this week: Francine Bahati, Tian Berry, Nicholas Bottino, Mary Chamers, Shavar Dawkins, Eamon Friend, David Gossens, Raeven Groves, Dana Harrington, Tyler, Harris, Edin Hassan, Averiel Hossley, Paige Kaeding, Spencer Lengyel, Suman Thapa, Nhu‐Quynh, Kathryn Winn and teacher Eve Berinati. Congratulations to BHS artists. Colin Freiheit, Mary Markley, Sarah Gafner‐Bergeron, Alyssa Dubois along with Kevin Huang have outstanding works in the Congressional Arts Show in Montpelier. Senior Liivy Arau‐McSweeney has a solo exhibit at Fletcher Free Library this month of paintings and photography. The annual Class of 2015 Art Show for the region's seniors will be on exhibit May 8‐May 27 at Union Station (1 Main St. Burlington), with a closing reception on May 27 from 6‐7pm, to which the public is invited. BHS Seniors exhibiting this year are: Sophie Zeman‐Hale, Alice Schroeder, Tyler Harris, Cody Borden, Paige Keading, Colin Freiheit, Sarah McNamara, Liivy Arau‐McSweeney, and Genevieve O'Brien. The winners of the April Reading Plus Motivation Contest are Abdulkadir Mohamed, Cho Theh Aye, Anjana Mangar, Francoise Manishimwe, Faiza Hassan, Yara Alshaabi, and Som Dahal. Thank you to Leonardo’s Pizza, Pizza Put, Shelburne Museum, and Spare Time for supporting this program. BHS is fortunate to have many 11th graders selected for the National Honor Society this year: Emma Abu‐Damoah, Emin Alicic, Hannah Anderson, Ziva Barsotti, Katherine Becker, Alicia Breen, Natalie Bullock, Lena Burns, Naw Ruth Doe, Rachel DuBrul, Forest Elliott, Georgia Essig, Gianna Gallucci, Joshua Hale, Hayley Hancock, Morgan Hazo, Grant Headrick, Kaysi Herrera‐Pujois, Lucie‐Rose Hladik, Kevin Huang, Benjamin Hunt, Ena Ibrisimovic, Riley Janeway, Colin Kuhn, Anna Marchessault, Sally Matson, Zachary Mazuzan, Cai McCann, Elizabeth McKegney, Kathryn McManamon, Fiona McSweeney, Merrick Mendenhall, Jonathan Miller, Nicole Miller, Margaret Moran, Keana Moreau, Linda Neonene, Anisha Neopane, Eva Paradiso, Jeffrey Peterson, Connor Plante, Mabel Prine, Dylan Sayamouangkhua, Amila Semic, Henry Severance, Mikaela Sienkiewicz, Ava Simonds, Nina Singer, Oscar Smith, August Tallmadge, Briejhonna Thon, Robert Treadwell, Barbara Turnbull, Lena Unger, Meagan Waldron, Rachel Watterson, and Sophie Watterson. Thank you to teacher advisers Lisa Sitek and Jacqueline Kohler. Thank you to all who made this year’ Prom and After‐Hours events go so smoothly! We appreciated the support of the BHS Student Planning Committee, the ECHO Center, Champlain Lanes, and the BHS Booster Club. Special thanks to teacher Francesca Villella and parent Fritz Senftleber! Student Input Needed UVM has created a short survey about student beverage preferences to help us understand what to offer at BHS. Students: Please take 2‐3 minutes to complete the following survey regarding your beverage preferences. All completed surveys will be entered into a random prize drawing to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Deadline to complete the survey is May 18, 2015. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/H2JQ2Q5 BHS Daily Schedule Next Year Next year BHS will have a 35 minute advisory time for students and teachers to regularly meet together four days a week. Learn more at the Advisory/PLPs link on the BHS web page: http://bhs.bsd.schoolfusion.us/modules/cms/pages.phtml?pageid=322869&sessionid=b48d11dcf4d55ae7936ae1adb072fbc5 To view next year’s daily schedule, go here: http://bhs.bsd.schoolfusion.us/modules/groups/homepagefiles/cms/2383201/File/2015‐16%20Daily%20Schedule.pdf. Thank you to students who have been helping to organize how this time will work as well as to teachers participating on the BHS Teacher Advisory Committee. For more information, contact teacher Nadya Bech‐Conger at bhsadvisory@bsdvt.org. BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL: OUR VISION AND MISSION
Burlington High School is an innovative, equitable, and collaborative community of learners inspiring and
shaping a dynamic and sustainable future for Burlington.
We build on the diverse cultures, experiences, and interests of our students and community to support
student-centered learning and foster intellectual growth.
We partner with families and the community at large to help our students develop the skills to become
independent, self-directed, and lifelong learners who contribute responsibly to our world.
Our mission is to challenge all students to achieve at their highest levels and to demonstrate Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving, Effective Communication, Cross-Cultural Understanding and Civic
Engagement, Personal Development, and Curiosity and Creativity.