CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 1 Case 1 Motorola Analog Division: Development of a Shared Global Vision Ralph Krueger and Corinne Pfund Motorola Analog Division In the beginning of May 1993 Alison Palmer, consultant for organizational effectiveness in the human resources department of Motorola’s semiconductors sector, was looking out of the window of the airplane that just left Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. She was on her way to Manila, where the fourth phase of the visioning process would occur. As the plane was penetrating the clouds, Alison reflected on the process the Analog division, part of Motorola’s Semiconductor Products Sector, had done to design and create a new global vision for the division. She was partly responsible for initiating this change and she thought of the process as a success. In the third meeting that had occurred in Toulouse, France in October 1992 the shared vision had been finalized. The development process of this shared vision had been unusual because it had directly or indirectly involved all managers and employees of the Analog division around the world. She was thinking back to how the idea of developing a global vision had begun almost one and a half years earlier. This case was written under the supervision of Dr. David O. Braaten, associate Professor, and Dr. Robert T. Moran, Professor of International Studies at the American Graduate School of International Management. This case has been prepared as a basis for discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Names of the people have been disguised to preserve confidentiality. The authors would like to thank the Motorola Analog division for its cooperation. G Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc. 1 Copyright © 2007 Elsevier, Inc. CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 2 The History of Motorola The company was founded by Paul V. Galvin in 1928 as the Galvin Manufacturing Corp. in Chicago. Its first product was a “battery eliminator” that allowed consumers to operate radios directly from household current instead of the batteries supplied with early models. In the 1930s, the company successfully commercialized car radios under the brand name “Motorola.” The company developed a broad customer base consisting of consumers and state authorities such as police departments. The name of the company was changed from Galvin Manufacturing Corp. to Motorola, Inc. in 1947. In the 1940s Motorola also entered into contracts with the U.S. government to explore solidstate electronics. At the time of Paul Galvin’s death in 1959, Motorola was a leader in military, space, and commercial communications, it had built its first semiconductor production facility, and was a growing force in consumer electronics. Under the leadership of Robert W. Galvin, the son of Paul Galvin, Motorola expanded into international markets in the 1960s, and began shifting its focus away from consumer electronics. Motorola continued to concentrate its energies on high-technology markets in commercial, industrial and government fields. As a result of the expansion into international markets Motorola’s customer base became more and more global. International sales represented 52% of total sales in 1992. Motorola had always placed particular emphasis on product quality, total customer satisfaction, short cycle manufacturing, and training and education of employees at all levels to improve manufacturing, marketing and technical skills. Motorola in 1993 In 1993, Motorola employed approximately 107,000 people worldwide and was among the United States’ forty largest industrial companies ranked by total sales ($13.3 billion in 1992). It was one of the world’s leading providers of wireless communications, semiconductor technology and advanced electronics equipment & services for global markets. The company’s operations can be described as highly decentralized, with business operations structured into sectors, groups or divisions, depending on size. Motorola’s three main activity sectors were: the Semiconductor Products Sector, the Land Mobile Products Sector, and the General Systems Sector. The Semiconductor Products Sector designed and produced a broad line of discrete semiconductors and integrated circuits (IC), including microprocessors, microcomputers, and memories, to serve the advanced systems needs of the computer, consumer, automotive, industrial, and federal government telecommunications markets. This sector G 2 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 3 was headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. The Semiconductor Products Sector accounted for $4,475 million in sales in 1992 equalling 33.64% of Motorola’s total sales. The Analog division was part of the Semiconductors Products sector and accounted for 10% of the sector’s sales in 1992. Corporate Culture Motorola had a strong and homogeneous corporate culture despite the relative independence of the various sectors, groups, and divisions of the organization. All employees act according to certain corporate values best captured in the Motorola global mission statement: In each of our chosen arenas of the electronics industry, we will grow rapidly by providing our worldwide customers what they want, when they want it, with Six Sigma quality and best-in-class cycle time, as we strive to achieve our fundamental corporate objective of Total Customer Satisfaction and to achieve our stated goals of best-in-class people, marketing, products, software, hardware and systems, manufacturing and service; increased global market share; and superior financial results. People at Motorola were empowered as long as they could show adequate performance and aim at total customer satisfaction. Motorola stressed empowered team culture that resulted in complex organizational structures that lead to team decision making. The company recognized the value of its employees. Motorola set priorities in developing the capabilities of its people. For this reason, emphasis was placed on training. Once an employee had worked for ten years in the company, there was an unwritten rule stating that he/she cannot be laid off without the permission of the CEO. The Analog Division within Motorola The Motorola Analog division was originally one of several divisions that evolved from the Integrated Circuits division that was formed in 1960 in Phoenix. In 1993, the Analog division was a major manufacturer of analog products in the world, manufacturing linear circuits of all different types and complexities for a broad spectrum of products around the world including AM stereo radio chip, fuel injection in cars, circuits in state-of-the-art cellular phones. The Analog division operated in a $7.5 billion worldwide market and employed more than 2,200 people worldwide. Its sales were expected to reach $500 million in 1993. In 1993, two thirds of Analog’s sales originated from outside the U.S. and consequently, the division had a global presence. It had major DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION G 3 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 4 business interests in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Toulouse, France. Design centers were located in these three locations, and in Geneva, Switzerland and Tempe, Arizona, site of the division’s worldwide headquarters. Production facilities for silicon wafers were located in France and Japan, while product packaging and final testing was done in Mexico, Malaysia, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The worldwide Analog division was organized along the lines of a three-dimensional matrix, in which decision making was shared among product managers, functional managers, and regional managers. The complexity of the Analog matrix organization reflects Motorola’s belief in empowerment, shared responsibility, and effective team management. The Decision to Develop a Shared Vision Marco Michelotti, vice-president and general manager of Analog, took charge of the division in 1991. He was concerned that the worldwide division lacked cohesiveness. Each of the regions and countries worked almost independently from the others. Marco felt that the idea of a global vision, communicated throughout the whole division, would improve the way Analog was doing business globally. Keeping in mind Motorola’s global mission, he hoped to develop a common goal for the Analog division. When he arrived, the communication among the country managers and the product managers was poor and prevented the division from operating efficiently on a global scale. More specifically, close collaboration between headquarters, the design centers and the manufacturing centers of the division was becoming more and more vital to the division’s ability to react to changes in the environment. This created difficulties, because each Analog country manager had different priorities. Marco was looking for a way to bring the worldwide Analog team closer together by giving them a common cause embodied in a vision. An overarching goal would, he hoped, make people communicate and collaborate better. To achieve his objective Marco asked the corporate effectiveness consultant, Alison Palmer, and the training and human resources manager, John Sherwin, to help him create and communicate a common goal to all the division’s employees. For Alison, this was the first time that she would work on an assignment with international scope. Alison and John discussed the task and identified three ways to convince people to change their behavior and adopt a global vision. The first alternative, which was the traditional way at Motorola, would have been to “train the change.” Motorola already had many training programs. Alison knew that the advantage of a training program lay in the fact that it required limited time and effort. But she and John saw a major disadvantage in that the employees would not be involved in the change, rather, the change would be imposed on them. They both G 4 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 5 knew that change was only truly accepted when it was initiated by the people themselves. John identified a second alternative: to hire a public relations company to create a convincing advertising campaign around the new global vision and promote it within the worldwide Analog division. Alison agreed that this would be a better way to convince people than the training approach. However, it entailed the hiring of an external organization to facilitate an internal change. This went against Motorola’s principles. Moreover, here again, the employees would not be intimately involved. The third option was to involve all Analog employees around the world in the conception and implementation of a “shared vision.” This ambitious alternative was clearly favored by Alison and John. Creating a shared vision was a totally new concept. It did not mean having Marco’s ideas communicated to all employees; it meant asking all employees for their vision for Analog and integrating those values into a common statement. The idea was to facilitate a “visioning process,” which would require that managers and employees from ten different countries develop a consensus on the future of the division. Alison realized that creating a shared vision would constitute a long process. The potential benefits, however, were tremendous. If the visioning process succeeded, the whole division would be focused toward one commonly created vision. The division would work more efficiently and faster as a global team. Alison and John prepared a proposal on developing a shared common vision. The task was not easy. The problem was to come up with a process that could involve all 2,200 employees. When they explained their idea to Marco at their next meeting, he was enthusiastic about the idea of a visioning process. He immediately backed the proposal. In several brainstorming sessions after that meeting, Marco, Alison, and John tried to determine how they could get the Analog people excited about the idea and how the process could be designed. It was anticipated that the visioning process would probably have to last between one and two years to involve as many employees as possible. The three had agreed that this process should build on rather than replace the existing mission and objectives that at that point existed within Motorola, i.e., the objective stated by CEO George Fisher that Motorola be the finest company in the world. Marco and his team, though, knew that “finest” might have various interpretations in various cultures. They intended to explore these differences when developing their own Analog vision. Designing the Visioning Process Alison and John began to design the initial process for the development of the vision. An external consultant helped on the macro design. At DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION G 5 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 6 first it was agreed that all employees would be involved either directly and/or indirectly in the visioning process. After reviewing the task it was decided that it was logistically and economically not feasible to bring together 2,200 people. Instead, the Analog country managers (in charge of Analog in each country), along with the Motorola Country general managers (in charge of all the divisions of Motorola in each country) would be directly involved. This was seen as a practical goal, because these managers already had two strategy meetings a year. Initially, three “visioning phases” were planned. Each phase would last six months and would be started with a special visioning meeting, piggybacking the strategic meeting that involved the worldwide Analog top management twice a year. The managers would then have the task of communicating the results of the process to their employees at home. The employees were to give their opinions, comments, and suggestions for improvements. Each phase would end when the managers met again six months later and shared the insights they had gained from their employees. Alison and John hoped that by the end of the third phase the division would have developed a finalized shared vision statement. This arrangement of piggybacking the strategic meeting was preferred because it allowed the company to limit the costs of the visioning process. Alison, John, and Marco assumed that, over time, the managers would understand and support this well-designed visioning process. They did not see the ten different cultures represented as an obstacle. Alison hoped that there would be an understanding of the need of leadership and vision. She was, at the time, not overly concerned with the way the managers would communicate the visioning process to their employees in the different countries. The vision idea was, at least in the beginning, a U.S. initiative. She hoped that none of the participants felt this process was imposed on them. For all these reasons it was of utmost importance not to rush the process. Developing and Implementing the Global Vision Phase One: Phoenix, October 1991 In late October 1991, thirty-two managers from the ten Analog plants gathered in Phoenix, Arizona for a two-day visioning meeting. Alison and John developed two objectives for that first visioning meeting. First, they wanted to begin to form the various managers into a global team. They knew that it was absolutely necessary to convince the general managers that this process was important to the future of the division. Second, Alison and John wanted them to work on the identification of so-called “essence words” that would be the backbones of G 6 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 7 the future global vision. Prior to the meeting, the participants were asked to read Kenichi Ohmae’s book The Borderless World. To achieve these objectives Alison and John developed a procedure in which participants would work in multicultural teams. These team ventures were reconstituted frequently to encourage a constant exchange of ideas between all managers. This had another advantage in that the managers for the first time really got to know each other. At the end of the first phase the team effort had developed several essence words in English that would be shared by each country manager with his or her local employees. The essence words were: Global Teamwork Unity Helping Others Global Family Innovation Leadership Personal Growth Trust Respect Mutual Understanding Esprit d’ Equipe Helping Each Other Premier/Finest Alison and John knew that the greatest problems during phase one would center around management expectations. All of the thirty-two participants wanted to finish the discussion as quickly as possible. At first, the managers regarded the visioning process as a task to be completed in the same way they completed their daily tasks. Alison remembered one manager saying: “All right, so let’s get started. We should be able to come up with a sentence by the end of the day.” Also, most of the people believed that a vision was imposed, and, therefore, expected the activities in this first meeting to be “a lot of fluff.” The meeting was perceived by most participants as being part of a Motorola training program. One other comment that John heard was: “The company wants top management to get more training.” Here again the meeting was seen more as an exercise. Most of it would be soon forgotten. However, once the activities started, the managers discovered they enjoyed the process of talking to and learning about each other. This allowed Alison and John to view this meeting as a success. Furthermore, Alison and John also had to consider the varying levels of written and spoken English. To accommodate everybody the processes had to be slowed down to avoid losing lose port of the group that typically consisted half of Americas and half of people from other countries. Non-Americans had difficulty with the constant use of English and dialogue was necessary to clarify the meaning of each essence word. For example, the word “family” had very different meanings from culture to culture. For Japanese and Korean managers to be a family meant that each of them would be willing to give up his or her life for the company. On the other hand, for Americans or French it had connotations such as unity, bonds, or nucleus. Asians were more reluctant to use this word. Long discussions were necessary to reach a common understanding of all the essence words’ meanings. DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION G 7 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 8 Immediately following the phase one meeting, Alison and John discussed the results of the first meeting. John at one point said, “I am convinced that with all these discussions and exchanges, all the managers have a common understanding on what each of the essence words means to the division.” In a communique sent to the participants of the phase one meeting. Alison tried to summarize the main findings and to provide guiding questions for the managers to use when sharing the results of this meeting with their respective organizations. Most importantly, Alison stressed that the words selected were less important than the spirit and the shared experiences that generated the words. Between Phase One and Phase Two Alison and John knew that the most critical part of the first phase was in the communication of the essence words to all employees in each of the Analog plants. Theoretically, the two effectiveness consultants’ role was to ensure that the feedback process was carried out in each country. However, Marco, John, and Alison decided that it should not become a performance issue when a manager failed to involve his or her employees in the process. Marco pointed out: “We will not control our people’s actions, we have to build trust and convince them of the necessity of this process.” Only a voluntary compliance based on the understanding of the importance of this process would lead to the desired results. Consequently, the involvement of employees differed from country to country. It was a challenge for most managers to transmit the experience of this first meeting to their people. How could they explain and communicate the discussions shared by managers from ten countries? Whereas the meeting in Phoenix had been planned for them by Alison and John, the country managers were responsible for creating an appropriate feedback process at home. Because Alison and John could not in person facilitate the visioning processes in the different countries, this created a psychological barrier for many managers of non-U.S. operations. Alison and John tried to help the managers as much as possible by putting together an English video and information material including presentation transparencies and a summary of the meeting. For the U.S. Analog managers who participated in the first meeting, Alison and John were able to take part in the feedback process. Outside the U.S. the various countries took different approaches. The Japanese organization, for example, brought in an external human resources consultant, while the French felt they knew how to handle the task on their own. Neither Alison nor John knew how the essence words were communicated to and evaluated by the employees in the different countries. G 8 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 9 Another important issue was the question of continuity. Because Marco had just been promoted to vice-president and general manager of the Analog division, all country managers were eager to attend the first visioning meeting and meet Marco. Therefore, they all participated in the activities. Nevertheless, Alison and John felt that, although most of the participants liked the activities, many of them did not believe that this visioning process represented a significant, long-term change. This attitude also constrained the feedback process. John estimated that only 30% of the participants really did a good job of duplicating the visioning process in their home country following phase one. Phase Two: Tokyo, March 1992 The managers from the various country facilities met again for two days in Tokyo in March 1992 to bring to the group the feedback from their respective Analog employees. The Japanese Analog division was very honored to host the strategic and visioning meetings because the costs of holding a meeting in Tokyo under normal circumstances would have been prohibitive. The decision to hold the meeting in Tokyo was of symbolic importance and meant to stress the idea of global family. At this meeting, Alison and John had planned first to develop a rough vision statement using the input from the worldwide Analog organizations, and, second, to start aligning the regional and local mission statements with the vision. To develop a draft of the vision, the participants were divided into six cross-cultural groups. Each of the groups had to review the feedback packages and combine the suggestions into one draft global vision statement. These six vision statements were then shared with the group as a whole. Then, the group discussed how each statement would strengthen the Analog division globally and how far it would build opportunities for the division. In the following session, six new groups were formed. Their task was to integrate these six statements developed by the first teams into one statement. The new set of six statements was then, in a final step, integrated into one rough global vision statement by the group as a whole. The Analog division wanted to be: An innovative, responsive and trustworthy global family achieving leadership and mutual prosperity by benefiting our customers, employees and communities. Based on the shared understanding of the essence concepts, this draft of the vision was developed in five languages including English. Alison and John had told the participants: “We do not want the different countries to have a translated version of the English vision. We want you to develop the Analog vision in your language based on the common understanding of the essence words.” Each of the participants was DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION G 9 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 10 responsible for verifying that the feedback on the essence words received after the first meeting from her/his organization at home was well represented in the statement. The following day, participants identified how their work and their organizations would have to change to implement the global vision statement. Furthermore, it was their task to review the compatibility between the first vision draft and their regional and functional missions. For this task they used the following set of questions that Alison and John had prepared. Task One (Friday Evening): 1. Review the Phase One Feedback Packet suggestions from Analog organizations and the ideas from the story board. 2. Are the suggestions clear? Listen for understanding. 3. Based on all suggestions, decide, identify, or recommend what the critical elements of the vision statement should be. 4. Write the suggestions into one global vision statement. Large Group Process Guide—Review the suggested statements and test against the following questions: How will this statement strengthen us globally? How will this statement build opportunities for us all? Task Two (Friday Evening): Using the suggested statements and outcomes from the previous discussion, write a recommended global vision statement. Process guideline—As a large group, integrate final six statements into one statement. Task Three (Homework—Friday Evening): 1. As a representative your organization, you are responsible for reviewing the suggested Global Vision Statement from the suggestions your organizations and the knowledge you have of your organizations’ ideas about the global vision. Are the ideas and suggestions from your organization well represented? 2. Prepare for tomorrow’s discussion by having examples of the following: If this were your global statement . . . If successfully carried out, what might be some results for • My organization G 10 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 • • • • • 21:25 Page 11 My culture My country My employees Motorola Myself as a leader Task Four (Saturday Morning): Working in a group which represents your function or region, prepare and agree upon a process plan that will ensure that the global vision is shared with your organization in such a way that employees begin to carry out the vision and have the opportunity to react to this recommended statement. Use the following suggested questions: • How will the global vision help me in my work? • Will I work differently than I have up until now? • How will we be different than we were before within Bipolar Analog? Identify critical steps and set dates Task Five (Saturday Afternoon): 1. Discuss your mission with others to ensure clarity 2. Review your regional/functional mission with respect to the global vision. Are there any missing elements with respect to aligning the global vision? 3. Identify and record any adjustments which must be made by you and your organization to ensure alignment. 4. Briefly share your thoughts, ideas or suggestions with the whole group. Task Six (Saturday Afternoon): Individual Reflection Your next task will be to develop a plan for your organization to address alignment of your mission with the global vision. In preparation for that discussion take some time to think about the many discussion points you have shared and heard today. • What have been the most important or valuable things you have experienced as a participant in a shared visioning process? • How can you ensure that people in your organization learn the same things? DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION G 11 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 12 • What challenges do your organization and Analog face in successfully implementing the global vision? • How should the mission alignment process be coordinated with the plan you developed to share the global vision? • What has to be decided upon before you can involve your organization in the alignment process? • What have you discovered to be familiar or in common across the Analog organization with respect to your mission? Task Seven (Saturday Afternoon): 1. Working in a group that represents your region or function, using what you have learned from your individual reflection, develop a process plan that will align the various missions of your group with the global vision. 2. Identify critical steps and set dates 3. Be prepared to share your entire plan with the whole group. (The entire plan includes the work of this morning on the process plan to share the global vision as well as the plan to ensure mission alignment with the vision.) Whereas almost all of the tasks were tackled in teams, the participants individually had to develop a procedure for their organizations to address the alignment of their local mission with the global vision. In all these activities, which can be considered the first steps of the implementation process, Alison emphasized setting deadlines by which the changes in structure, systems and behaviors within the organizations should be implemented. Although, in retrospect, she considered this meeting in Tokyo a success, Alison remembered all the problems she and John encountered. First, the decision to let some Japanese Analog employees who had not attended the first meeting in Phoenix participate created some confusion and delay, because the newcomers did not understand why all this was happening. As a result, a few confused participants left the room or did not come back the second day. Alison and John did not consider this to be detrimental to the process. Furthermore, a polarization in some of the smaller groups was noticed. The groups stuck to their interpretations and ideas and refused to further discuss other groups’ statements. Alison was somewhat discouraged when one of the American participants said, “Our statement is the best, why should we discuss it?” In these cases Alison had to lead the participants back to the common ground, namely the essence words, they started from. These problems made it difficult to keep the groups focused at times. Nevertheless, this meeting must be considered a milestone on the way to a global vision because Marco, Alison, and John recognized that G 12 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 13 visioning was a process that would not end on a certain date as they had first anticipated. Instead, the phases would continue indefinitely. Marco institutionalized the visioning meetings. They would occur after each strategic meeting, twice a year. Visioning was considered from then on as an ongoing process of positive change. This decision led to a change in the managers’ attitude as they realized they were in for the long haul. Their commitment to the process and the implementation of the vision increased noticeably. Between Phase Two and Phase Three Having developed the vision statement in five languages, the returning managers did not have to concern themselves with translating the English version of the vision statement. During the second meeting they had individually developed a plan on how to share the experience they had had (see Task Six) and how to involve the employees in the alignment of their local mission statement with the global vision. In line with these changes, the country managers also had to make sure that their employees started to adapt their systems and structures to the new vision. To facilitate these adjustments as much as possible Alison and John put together a package similar to the one distributed after the first phase. But this time the video was translated into French and Japanese. Furthermore, in preparation for the Phase Three meeting in Toulouse, Alison and John also asked each organization to come up with the symbol that best represents the work done thus far on the visioning process or the vision itself. Phase Three: Toulouse, October 1992 When the managers met again in Toulouse in October 1992, it became clear that they had been rather successful in creating the vision statement at their last meeting in Tokyo. Almost all organizations in the various countries were satisfied with the rough version that had been developed in Tokyo. Only two minor adjustments were necessary. The finalized English vision statement expresses what the Analog division wants to be: “A spirited, innovative, responsive and trustworthy global family achieving leadership and mutual prosperity by benefiting our customers, ourselves, and communities.” Looking back at the final wording of the vision, Alison had to smile when she read the words “mutual prosperity.” “Prosperity” was a word the Japanese and Korean had fought for. The Americans had preferred the word “success.” The Asians disliked the word success because it DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION G 13 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 14 had a very strong monetary connotation. Prosperity was more longterm oriented and broader in meaning. When she looked at the French draft of the vision, she remembered the comment of the country manager: “In France, we have leaders, but the word leadership does not exist. I have to change the sentence a little so that it fits.” She realized once more that the words by themselves were meaningless. The meaning of the vision was the key to the whole process. She was almost sure that by the third meeting everybody understood the vision. The development of the final statement in all languages was postponed until after the Phase Three meeting. Based on this achievement, Alison and John wanted the group to get a good grasp of what the vision meant in the various cultures. This was particularly aimed at developing the division into a global family that would understand that each culture had unique differences and strengths. For the third meeting, all the managers were asked to bring a symbol that would best represent the shared vision they had developed with their peers. To instill this mutual understanding, Alison once again split up the large group into six smaller groups. Within these teams, each of the participants had to share what symbol he or she had brought and in what way it represented the vision. For example, one manager from India showed a picture of a salad bowl and explained, “We selected this symbol because we are not a melting pot, but individuals with our own rights. Therefore, this compares well with a good salad that consists of many different ingredients each of them contributing to the whole. So, we are all ingredients of a big salad to which the seasoning is added in the form of a global shared vision and a global strategy.” A French participant brought a drawing that showed two hands reaching out for each other. He stated, “These two hands reaching out for each other symbolize relationships between two partners like wife and husband or supplier and customer. What we are trying to achieve with our vision is to close this gap between the hands.” Expressing the vision in the form of a symbol allowed the participants to get a feel for what the vision really meant to the other culture. This procedure also exposed the participants to the cultural differences and strengths that would have otherwise been difficult to detect. Having developed a global-shared vision and the necessary mutual understanding, the other main objective that was set for this meeting was to continue the implementation of the vision statement. The global team had already started this process during and after the Tokyo meeting. Local mission statements of each country organization were aligned with the global vision. This process was now pushed further by carrying out a global whole system assessment. This assessment was aimed at designing a strategy meeting that would be more efficient due to the implications and changes occasioned by the global vision. For this reason, this was the first of the semi-annual meetings in which the G 14 CASE 1 CASE-H8247.qxd 11/10/06 21:25 Page 15 visioning meeting preceded the strategy meeting. Alison chose a set of questions regarding the task, the culture, and the structure and systems technology that guided the group to make the strategy meeting more effective. The same set of questions was used after the strategy meeting to find out how the process and the content of the strategy meeting could be enhanced. This was especially important because it was so easy to fall back into the old way of doing things. Therefore, this whole system assessment was vital in translating the vision into real behavioral changes. Beyond Phase Three At the end of December 1992, Marco, Alison, and John followed up Phase Three with an implementation package to facilitate the discussions within the country organizations. In a letter to the global leadership team of the Analog division Marco wrote: It is critically important, as a leader of this change process, that you consistently present, participate in, and model to your organizations the spirit of the vision we have developed together. This next year will challenge us to be very creative in helping the organization to change the way it works. Throughout the last year and a half, Alison had spent a lot of time thinking about whether or not the process was perceived to be successful in the various countries. She feared to some extent that the Americans were more positive than the Asians about the whole process. Did all the different countries feel the change in their organization? More importantly, does every Analog employee know and understand the shared vision? Have the managers been able to communicate to their people what was involved? She now realized that the meeting in Manila would be another challenge. The division was now in the process of implementing the shared vision. Each of the plants had to change its systems and structures to be in line with the shared vision. She knew that the success of the implementation would primarily depend on how well the global vision was accepted and understood by each and every person in the global division. G DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED GLOBAL VISION 15