May Day Awards Citation 2014 64

May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Friend of
Friend of Labour
Chong Kee Hiong
Nominated by Singapore Labour Foundation
Brother Chong Kee Hiong is the President of the Orchid
Country Club (OCC), a position he held since 2012. Prior to
that, he was Treasurer of OCC from 2005 to 2011. Brother
Kee Hiong also serves on the Boards of SLF Leisure
Enterprises Pte Ltd and Pasir Ris Resort Pte Ltd since 2010
and was appointed as Chairman of NTUC Foodfare
Co-operative Limited in 2014.
Drawing on his extensive knowledge and commercial
experiences in the service and hospitality industry, Brother
Kee Hiong provides invaluable guidance to OCC. Under
his leadership, strategic policies have been established and
implemented to ensure that OCC remains financially viable
and competitive amidst challenging times.
With his strong financial and business acumen, Brother
Kee Hiong has ensured that OCC puts in place a robust
organisation corporate governance and enterprise risk
management framework so that the club can uphold
integrity in its financial reporting and operational processes.
His dedication in overseeing the execution of management
strategies has also led to higher patronage of OCC’s
facilities from OCC members and the unions.
Brother Kee Hiong advocates the importance of OCC
staying relevant to its members and the Labour Movement
family. He also strongly supported the vision of making OCC
the hub for tripartite activities. With him at the helm, OCC
continues to achieve its social mission as a place where
golf and country club facilities are accessible to all workers
in Singapore.
In recognition of his invaluable contributions, the National
Trades Union Congress is pleased to present Brother
Chong Kee Hiong with the Friend of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Clara Lee
Shan Hua
Nominated by Consumers Association of Singapore
Sister Clara Lee Shan Hua joined the Consumers
for the CASE Endowment Fund. With the funding,
Association of Singapore (CASE) as a co-opted
CASE promoted consumer awareness through outreach
member of its Central Committee in 2000, and remains
programmes such as consumer education seminars, and
committed to CASE’s vision and mission. With her
published informative pamphlets and magazines to help
effective communication skills and knowledge of different
consumers, including union workers, to avoid pitfalls and
business systems, she gives valuable inputs to the Central
Committee to chart the future directions of CASE.
With higher levels of awareness, the membership of
Since her appointment as the Chairperson of the Marketing
CASE grew and CASE now has a bigger voice in terms
and Communications Committee in 2003, she used her
of lobbying for consumer laws that better protect the
excellent marketing skills to drive fundraising activities
public, including union workers and their loved ones. The
fundraising activities also became a platform for CASE
Institutional members, mostly NTUC-affiliated trade unions,
to get together for a good cause.
In 2011, she became the Vice-Chairman of the Business
Practices Committee to take on a pro-active role
in examining whether market practices were fair to
consumers. The Committee carried out surveys on pricing,
and these findings helped consumers to choose wisely
when making purchases.
Since June 2012, Sister Clara took on the challenging
role as Chairperson of CaseTrust Advisory Council to set
standards and benchmarks for various industries, and
ensure that each and every business which applied for
CaseTrust accreditation is clear and fair in their transactions.
This helped consumers, including union workers shop with
peace of mind.
In recognition of her invaluable contributions, the National
Trades Union Congress is pleased to present Sister Clara
Lee Shan Hua with the Friend of Labour Award.
Friend of Labour
Denise Phua
Lay Peng
Nominated by NTUC First Campus Co-operative Limited
Sister Denise Phua Lay Peng serves as an institutional
In recognition of her invaluable contributions, the National
member representative on the Board of Directors of NTUC
Trades Union Congress is pleased to present Sister Denise
First Campus Co-operative Limited (NFC) since 2006. She
Phua Lay Peng with the Friend of Labour Award.
is also the Chairperson of NFC’s Professional Advisory
Committee and a member of the NFC Audit Committee.
Sister Denise is one of the strongest advocates of NFC’s
belief that every child deserves a good start in life. As a
Member of Parliament for the Moulmein-Kallang Group
Representation Constituency, she has firsthand knowledge
of the plights faced by low-income families. She fully
appreciates the positive impact that quality pre-school
education can have on children’s development and how it
can help families escape the poverty cycle.
With a firm finger on the pulse of the ground, Sister Denise
has championed the extension of quality childcare by NFC
to more low-income families and advanced the Do Good
mission of the Labour Movement.
NFC has been evolving and expanding rapidly to support
the Government’s push to provide more childcare places
for Singapore families. Sister Denise has provided valuable
insight to steer NFC’s relations with government agencies
and is a leading voice in the organisation’s adoption of the
latest technologies in both education and business.
Sister Denise has been a Director for NFC’s Bright Horizons
Fund (BHF) since it was launched in 2007. This fund
provides children from under-privileged families in NFC
childcare centres with financial assistance for learning
support and developmental programmes. Her knowledge
of the community networks and perspectives of supporting
children from these families have provided strong guidance
to the BHF team. Over 4,000 children have benefitted from
its programmes to date.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Kevin Kwok Khien
Nominated by NTUC Eldercare Co-operative Limited
Brother Kevin Kwok Khien has
been serving on the Board of
NTUC Eldercare Co-operative
Limited (NTUC Eldercare) since 2007.
As a former Senior Partner and the Head of
Assurance and Advisory Business Services for Singapore
and ASEAN at Ernst and Young LLP, he brings on board a wealth
of audit experience.
Brother Kevin is a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants
of Singapore. He is also qualified as a Chartered Accountant and a
member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and
Wales, as well as the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. He is also a
Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Taxation and the Singapore Institute
of Directors, for which he also serves as a Council member.
As an NTUC Eldercare Board member, Brother Kevin contributes
significantly to Board discussions and decision-making. His extensive
knowledge and experience have been invaluable in the guidance and
support he has provided to the management team. He also chairs the
Audit Committee which is responsible for the review of financial reports,
adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems, as well as in
ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Brother Kevin is well-respected by fellow Board members and the
senior management team. He exercises his responsibility in this role
with great commitment and passion. He cares especially that NTUC
Eldercare’s services are within reach of the elderly they seek to serve
and this has helped the management team to continually focus on
delivering quality and affordable eldercare services.
He is also a Board Member of NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative
Limited, an appointment he has held since January 2013.
In recognition of his invaluable contributions, the National Trades
Union Congress is pleased to present Brother Kevin Kwok Khien with
the Friend of Labour Award.
Friend of Labour
Kuah Boon Wee
Nominated by NTUC LearningHub Private Limited and
NTUC Thrift and Loan Co-operative Limited
Brother Kuah Boon Wee has been serving on the Board
Brother Boon Wee also chaired the Credit, Risk and
of NTUC LearningHub Private Limited (LearningHub)
Investment Management Committee in Thrift, contributing
since 2011 and as its Chairman since 2013. He is also
to its investment strategy and ensuring regulatory
concurrently chairing the Audit and Risk Committee in
compliance. He also chaired the Executive Committee of
LearningHub, actively promoting and strengthening strong
Thrift to advise on policy matters that aligned with the social
corporate and finance governance.
mission of Thrift.
With his wealth of experience as a Chief Financial Officer
In recognition of his invaluable
earlier in his career, Brother Boon Wee provided invaluable
contributions, the National
guidance to tackle financial risk areas including receivables
Trades Union Congress
management and strategic business concentration. He
is pleased to present
helped put in place a robust governance system to manage
Brother Kuah Boon
an expanded business profile of LearningHub.
Wee with the Friend
of Labour Award.
Brother Boon Wee’s wealth of experience in the marine,
oil and gas sector enabled him to provide invaluable inputs
when LearningHub set up the Industry Skills and Safety
Training Centre at Benoi to conduct vocational training
for workers.
His advice and guidance helped LearningHub smoothen
the operationalisation process for the new training centre.
With his support, the Benoi training centre has proudly
served many Singapore workers by equipping them with
new industry skills and safety awareness.
Brother Boon Wee also served on the Board of Directors
of NTUC Thrift and Loan Co-operative Limited (Thrift) from
2007 to 2013. Serving on the Thrift’s Board for more than
five years and as Deputy Chairman from 2010, he provided
invaluable input on how Thrift could improve in areas of
social impact and corporate governance standards. He
also played an important role advising management on
communicating with unions and members on technical and
operational issues.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Philip Eng
Heng Nee
Nominated by NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited
Brother Philip Eng Heng Nee’s appointment as Director
of NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited
(NTUC Income) brought to NTUC Income many years
of rich corporate experience. Trained as a Chartered
Accountant, he spent 23 years with the Jardine Cycle and
Carriage Group holding several senior positions, including
the Group Management Director, before retiring in 2005.
Brother Philip has served as a Director of NTUC Income for
close to six years. He was appointed as a member of the
Audit Committee in 2008 prior to his appointment as its
Chairman in 2012, a position he continues to hold today.
He was also a member of the Investment Committee from
2009 to 2013.
Under Brother Philip’s able leadership, the Audit Committee
provides oversight on the financial reporting process, the
audit of financial statements, the system of internal controls,
and the internal audit and external audit functions. As
the Chairman of the Audit Committee, he has provided
invaluable guidance to enhance the effectiveness of the
internal audit function and ensure that its policy, procedures
and practices are aligned with corporate governance
principles and internal auditing best practices. This has
increased the overall corporate governance standards in
the organisation.
During his tenure in the Investment Committee, Brother
Philip contributed significantly to ensuring that the
investment policy and strategy continues to be sound,
taking into consideration risk, the business and economic
environment. His advice and guidance in the evaluation of
property investments were particularly valuable.
In recognition of his invaluable contributions, the National
Trades Union Congress is pleased to present Brother Philip
Eng Heng Nee with the Friend of Labour Award.
Friend of Labour
Wong Heng Tew
Nominated by NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited and Mercatus Co-operative Limited
Brother Wong Heng Tew was elected to the Board of NTUC
Fairprice Co-operative Limited by institutional members in 2008
as its Director. In addition, he also served on the Board’s
Sub-Committees to undertake several specific roles.
He is a member of the Finance and Investment Committee and
the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee. In his
capacity as a member of the Finance and Investment Committee,
and together with his colleagues on the committee and
management, he reviews the co-operative’s investment policy to
ensure that they provide reasonable returns.
Brother Heng Tew was previously the Managing Director of
investments in Temasek Holdings. With his extensive experience
and knowledge in direct investments, investments in private
equity funds, mergers and acquisitions, the management was
able to tap on his experience before making any investment.
As a member of the CSR team, he and his committee work with
the management to fulfill the co-operative’s social obligations
as laid down in its by-laws, and co-ordinate the co-operative’s
philanthropic efforts.
Brother Heng Tew was also invited to join an ad-hoc Board
Committee to study the co-operative’s capital structure to ensure
its sustainability in the long term, and to make appropriate
recommendations to the Board.
He is also a Board member of Mercatus Co-operative Limited,
and is currently the Chairman of its Audit and Risk Committee
where he assists the Board to review the financial reporting
process, risk management process and internal control systems.
In recognition of his invaluable contributions, the National Trades
Union Congress is pleased to present Brother Wong Heng Tew
with the Friend of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
of Labour
Comrade of Labour
Abdul Latiffuddin
Sutan Khalidin
Nominated by Singapore Airport Terminal Services Workers’ Union
Brother Abdul Latiffuddin Sutan Khalidin embarked on
his Labour Movement journey when he first served as
a Branch Official of the Passenger Services Division in
1987. Subsequently, he was elected as an Executive
Council member of the Singapore Airport Terminal
Services Workers’ Union (SATSWU) in 1991. Brother
Latiffuddin then rose to become the Vice-President of
SATSWU in 2009, a position he still holds today. He
also continues to serve as the Branch Chairman of the
Passenger Services Division.
Through the years, he has helped resolve numerous
workplace issues. He goes the extra mile to understand
members’ concerns and champions for their welfare
by representing them in grievance cases, highlighting
any injustices and areas for improvement to the
He works tirelessly to promote and enhance
harmonious labour-management relations, maintaining a
safe and healthy working environment and contributing
effectively to the union’s Collective Agreement
Brother Latiffuddin also represents SATSWU in the
NTUC Membership Committee, actively promoting and
participating in recruitment activities. He also serves on
various union committees such as Youth, Scholarship,
Annual Dinner & Dance, Delegates’ Conference, and
Overseas Seminar.
In recognition of his positive contributions to SATSWU
and fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present Brother Abdul Latiffuddin Sutan
Khalidin with the Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Nominated by Union of Power and Gas Employees
Brother Anbalagan Veeramuthu has supported the
Labour Movement for more than 40 years, and has been
a union delegate since 1995. He was elected to be the
Assistant General Secretary of the Union of Power and Gas
Employees (UPAGE) in 2003 and subsequently became
Deputy General Secretary in 2006, a position that he still
holds today. Concurrently, he serves as the Chairman of the
Senoko Power branch.
Brother V. Anbalagan chairs the UPAGE Activities SubCommittee, organising social events as well as coordinating
with union delegates for attending NTUC’s leadership
dialogues. He also works closely with the union’s
Leadership Sub-Committee by mapping out training
pathways for union delegates and helping potential leaders
gain more exposure to NTUC dialogues.
In 2008 when the power generation companies were sold
to foreign owners, Brother V. Anbalagan played a critical role
in safeguarding the employment terms of UPAGE members.
Together with other key leaders in the union, he met the
new owners to ensure a smooth transition and retention of
all workers.
A dedicated and vocal leader, Brother V. Anbalagan
developed a reputation as an advocate for low-wage
workers. He is mindful that skills upgrading is necessary
in order for one to move up the career ladder. As a former
daily-rated worker himself, he leads by example by
continuously upgrading his skills. As Branch Chairman,
he works closely with management to up-skill his fellow
members so that they can progress further in their careers.
In recognition of his positive contributions to UPAGE and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Anbalagan Veeramuthu with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Cheong Keng Yoong
Nominated by Keppel FELS Employees’ Union
Brother Cheong Keng Yoong was elected into
the Executive Committee of Keppel FELS
Employees’ Union (KFEU) in 2001. In 2010,
he was elected as Vice-President and
continues to hold the position today.
Brother Keng Yoong displays great initiative
and willingness to undertake any responsibility
entrusted to him by the union, and actively
promotes union activities and mobilises members
to participate in KFEU events. He is also very
knowledgeable about his industry, industrial relations
and work. As such, he ensures that any grievances raised
by members are dealt with fairly and amicably. With his
open and consultative approach towards deriving a winwin solution for both union and management, he is highly
respected by the company and members alike.
Brother Keng Yoong strongly supports KFEU’s strategies to
Recruit, Retain and build Relationships with members, and
is continuously coming up with new ideas and strategies
on how to recruit and retain union members. As a result,
KFEU is able to achieve 100 per cent unionisation rate for
bargainable employees.
As Chairman of the KFEU Workplace Safety and Health
Committee, he leads his team of safety representatives in
highlighting workplace issues faced by fellow workers and
works tirelessly to resolve them. This has earned him the
respect of both colleagues and superiors. He has been
serving as a member in the NTUC Workplace Safety and
Health Committee since 2010.
In recognition of his positive contributions to KFEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Cheong Keng Yoong with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Chong May Yuen
Nominated by Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Staff Union
Sister Chong May Yuen has been in the Executive
Committee of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Staff Union (IRASSU) since 2005. She plays an active
role in establishing close communication between the
Executive Committee and IRASSU members so that
their concerns can be looked into promptly. She has
shown unyielding commitment to serving the interest
and welfare of members.
Despite her hectic schedule as a working mother with
two young children, Sister May Yuen actively supports
union activities. She has organised numerous visits
for members to volunteer their services at charitable
homes, which resulted in the creation of much joy for
the beneficiaries.
Sister May Yuen has also been a Member of the NTUC
Care and Share Committee since 2008. She makes a
constant effort to ensure that needy members do not
miss out on eligible benefits under numerous U Care
programmes such as the Back to School and U Stretch
In recognition of her positive contributions to IRASSU
and fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present Sister Chong May Yuen with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
David Teo
Nominated by Singapore Press Holdings Employees’ Union
Brother David Teo joined as a member of the Singapore
In recognition of his positive contributions to SPHEU and
Press Holdings Employees’ Union (SPHEU) in 1989 and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
was elected as an Executive Committee member from
pleased to present Brother David Teo with the Comrade of
1993 to 2003. He was the Vice-President from 2004 to
Labour Award.
2006 and was elected to be President in 2007, a position
he holds to date.
Given the changes in the consumption patterns of news by
readers from print to digital, he encourages members to go
for skills upgrading or re-skilling so that they would remain
relevant and be transferable as the company goes through
a major transformation.
Brother David goes all out to help workers by getting
management to offer employment in other fields to
members who have difficulties in their work which they
cannot cope with or who are unsuitable for the job. He is
committed and listens to members’ grievances and raises
it through the Union-Management Production Meeting
or Joint Consultative Committee Meeting to have them
Brother David is an outstanding leader who made decisive
and firm decisions in the Collective Agreement and Annual
Increment negotiations, and does not hesitate to go against
management if it is unfair to the members. He is well
respected by management and members for such qualities
he possesses which improve the labour-management
He also serves as Vice-Chairman of the Infocomm and
Media Cluster and is a member in the NTUC Employment
and Employability Committee, Industrial Relations
Committee, International Relations Committee, NTUC
Club’s Advisory Committee (Union Square) and the Union
Network International.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Faridah Abdul Majid
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of Public Daily Rated Workers
Sister Faridah Abdul Majid has been a union member
At the NTUC level, she has been representing AUPDRW
since 1996. She started volunteering her services to
in the NTUC Women’s Committee since 2008. She also
the Amalgamated Union of Public Daily Rated Workers
frequently supports NTUC dialogues to offer her feedback
(AUPDRW) in 2008 as an Executive Committee member,
on industrial relations matters.
and was elected Deputy General Secretary in 2011, a post
she holds to date.
In recognition of her positive contributions to AUPDRW
and fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
Sister Faridah also serves the union’s Bursary Committee
is pleased to present Sister Faridah Abdul Majid with the
and the Care and Share Vouchers Disbursement
Comrade of Labour Award.
Committee, which help to disburse U Stretch and Back to
School vouchers to members. As a member in the union’s
Welfare Committee, she also goes all out to help members
claim their benefits.
At branch level, Sister Faridah represents the interests of
daily rated employees working in the National Environment
Agency (NEA) South West Regional Office. In 2011 when
NEA was re-designing and upgrading the job of the
Workman Cleansing to Environment Support Assistant, she
was selected by the South West Regional Office to take
part in this upgrading process and render help to other
daily-rated employees. She led by example by upgrading
her skills and productivity, which enabled her to fit into the
new role as an Environment Support Assistant.
Over the years, Sister Faridah built a harmonious
bipartite relationship between the union and NEA
management. She negotiates effectively
with the management on issues
affecting union members such as
grievances about training courses
and other workplace problems.
At union level, she was involved in the launch of the
commemorative book ‘The Unsung Heroes’ in 2008.
Subsequently, she was in the working committee for the
fund raising project ‘Kopi from the Heart’ in 2013. These
efforts helped sustain union activities.
Comrade of Labour
Faridah Morsidi
Nominated by Education Services Union
Sister Faridah Morsidi has been a union leader for close
to a decade. She started off as a committee member of
the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
Regional Language Centre (SEAMEO RELC, better known
as RELC) branch under the Singapore Industrial & Services
Employees’ Union in 2004. She joined the Education
Services Union (ESU) during its formative days, and
subsequently became an Executive Council member in
Sister Faridah is the main go-to person in the branch
committee for RELC members. Through her consistent
engagement with colleagues, she ensures RELC’s
unionisation rate remains above 90 per cent. Committed
to serving members, she goes to great lengths to help
those in need. At the union level, Sister Faridah serves in
various sub-committees such as the Corporate Planning
Committee and the Youth Committee.
Sister Faridah is an avid believer in lifelong learning
and leads by example. After completing a Diploma in
Employment Relations with Ong Teng Cheong Leadership
Institute, she enrolled with the SIM University for a Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration while still having a
full-time job.
A significant contribution made by her in 2013 was the
successful start in Collective Agreement negotiations at
her organisation despite years of continued reluctance
by management. Sister Faridah reaffirms her leadership
qualities and perseverance to do right for her members by
having achieved this milestone.
In recognition of her positive contributions to ESU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Faridah Morsidi with the Comrade
of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Gerald Chan
Kim Guan
Nominated by National Taxi Association
Brother Gerald Chan Kim Guan has served the National
& Logistics Cluster. This demonstrates his leadership
Taxi Association (NTA) - Comfort Taxi Operator Association
capabilities, and shows the trust and support given to him
(CTOA) Branch since 1997 when it was first formed as the
by fellow leaders and association members.
Taxi Operators’ Association. He is affectionately known
to many fellow leaders and drivers as one of the founding
In recognition of his positive contributions to NTA and fellow
members of the taxi association.
workers, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
present Brother Gerald Chan Kim Guan with the Comrade
Brother Gerald played a key role in the initial formation
of the taxi association as a CTOA Executive Committee
member and subsequently as General Secretary of CTOA.
Currently, he not only serves as CTOA Chairman but also as
NTA President.
During his 15 years of service, Brother Gerald played a
pivotal role in pushing through key initiatives to deal with
challenges. This includes risking his well-being to take the
temperatures of fellow taxi drivers during the SARS period;
encouraging drivers to save up for rainy days in the Drive
and Save Scheme since 2011; as well as issuing masks to
taxi drivers at Changi Airport during the haze period in July
2013. His contribution at the recent discussion with the
Land Transport Authority (LTA) on Taxi Availability Indicators
resulted in the policy being made friendlier for taxi drivers.
Brother Gerald readily serves as an important link between
various authorities and members, as he effectively reflects
ground sentiments towards policies. In bi-monthly and
tripartite meetings with LTA, the Singapore Traffic Police
and other government agencies, he regularly voices out
operational and pertinent issues on behalf of members and
fellow drivers to ensure that issues at the ground level can
be resolved.
Despite his heavy commitments as a self-employed taxi
driver and in the association, Brother Gerald also serves in
the NTUC Care and Share Committee, and NTUC Transport
of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Henry Goh
Liang Choon
Nominated by Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union
Brother Henry Goh Liang Choon has been a union member
since 1979. In 1984, he started serving in the Branch
Committee of Tanglin Club. After 10 years as a Branch
Chairman, he was elected in 2005 to serve the Food, Drinks
and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU) as an Executive Council
member and also assumed the role of Trustee in 2007.
In 2011, in support of the Concentrate and Dominate
strategy and with management’s support, Brother Henry
led the transfer of union officials and members with
five social and recreational clubs under FDAWU to the
Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU). He was
pivotal in ensuring that the members of the five social and
recreational clubs will be better served in AREU with more
customised and focused attention.
In AREU, he assumed the role of General Treasurer and has
proven to be a meticulous and valuable member. Chairing
the Care and Share Sub-Committee of the union, he also
orchestrated AREU’s inaugural Scholarship and Education
Awards. He actively volunteers his time for AREU and
NTUC events.
Brother Henry has been vital in maintaining good labourmanagement relations, placing the welfare of members
as top priority. He believes in the importance of providing
a good education for every member’s child, and actively
recruits new union members.
In recognition of his positive contributions to AREU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Henry Goh Liang Choon with
the Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Henry Wong
Kok Man
Nominated by Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore
Brother Henry Wong Kok Man first joined as a union
queries regarding the merger and was again nominated as
member in 1974 under the Amalgamated Union of Public
its Branch Chairman. Recognising his efforts, fellow union
Employees (AUPE). In 1982 when the Union of Telecoms
members nominated Brother Henry to represent the new
Employees of Singapore (UTES) was formed, Brother Henry
branch in the Executive Council in 2003.
joined as a Branch Official. With job transformation and
department restructuring, the SingTel Aeradio Branch was
During his term, Brother Henry concentrated his efforts on
formed in 1999 and he was elected as Chairman of
looking after the welfare of the members and participated
the Branch.
actively in recruitment drives to increase UTES membership.
He devotes his free time to union work, constantly looking
In 2002, following merger between the National Computer
for ways to better serve members.
Systems (NCS) Pte Ltd and SingTel Aeradio, NCS
Communications Engineering (NCS CE)
was formed. The Branch was
thus renamed the NCS CE
Brother Henry also plays a key role in the Collective
Agreement negotiations to secure annual increment,
variable bonus and better medical benefits for members.
Branch. Brother Henry
played a major role in
assisting with members’
Throughout his years of service, Brother Henry played a
considerable role in UTES’ events and activities such as
annual Dinner & Dance, Chinese New Year Celebrations
and Bursary Awards. He also helps out at every Souvenir
Distribution Exercise to recruit and meet members directly.
His passion for union work extends to the NTUC level
where he sits in the NTUC Employment and Employability
Despite strong engagement in union activities, Brother
Henry maintains excellent performance at work. He
strongly believes that as a union leader, he should serve
as a role model for colleagues. This is recognised by his
company where he is still re-employed at age 66, past the
recommended re-employment age of 65.
In recognition of his positive contributions to UTES and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Henry Wong Kok Man with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Ho Thiam Ee
Nominated by Keppel Employees Union
Since joining Keppel Employees Union (KEU) in 1993,
He is also a Member of the NTUC Workplace Safety and
Brother Ho Thiam Ee has been an active member. He
Health Committee and has kept himself updated by going
was elected union delegate in 2000 and into the Executive
through the Workplace Skills Qualification course in 2010.
Committee the same year. His willingness and initiative
Recognising the importance of upgrading oneself, he also
to undertake responsibilities, as well as strong leadership
constantly encourages union members to attend courses to
capabilities, have gained him popularity among union
upgrade their skills and competencies.
members. He was elected as a Vice-President in 2008
and holds the post till today.
In recognition of his positive contributions to KEU and fellow
workers, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
Brother Thiam Ee actively contributes
to present Brother Ho Thiam Ee with the Comrade of
to various management-union joint
Labour Award.
committees such as Health, Safety and
Environment, Transport, and Canteen.
Providing constructive opinions and
suggestions has allowed him to establish
excellent rapport with the management of
Keppel Shipyard Gul. With his keen interest
in members’ welfare, he tries his best to offer
comprehensive solutions to their work-related
grievances. His excellent relationship management
skills pave the way for smooth negotiations between
labour and the management, and this makes him wellrespected by many.
Brother Thiam Ee personally approaches non-members
and new staff of Keppel Shipyard Gul to promote the union.
His welcoming and friendly personality has won over many
to join the union. Within the union, he actively helps to
identify capable members with leadership potential.
Brother Thiam Ee is also a strong advocate of workplace
safety and health. He believes employee safety should
never be compromised at a potentially risky shipping
industry worksite. As Chairman of the Workplace Safety
Council of Keppel Shipyard Gul, he ensures a safe
workplace for employees by making sure that safety
practices are upheld and regulations are met.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Ho Wah Chai
Nominated by Education Services Union
Brother Ho Wah Chai was elected as the Secretary of the
through skills upgrading, Brother Wah Chai leads by
Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) - National
example and actively enrolls in and completes professional
Institute of Education (NIE) Staff Branch in 1992 and
courses. He encourages colleagues and members to
subsequently, became Chairman of the branch. In 2006,
do likewise.
he was involved in negotiations to merge NIE Staff Branch
with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Staff Branch.
In recognition of his positive contributions to ESU and fellow
After the merger, he was elected Vice-Chairman of NTU
workers, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
Staff Branch. Concurrently, he served as Vice-President
present Brother Ho Wah Chai with the Comrade of
in the Executive Council from 2006 till 2010. An advocate
Labour Award.
of leadership renewal, Brother Wah Chai stepped down
to allow younger leaders to Flow Up. He is presently an
Executive Council member.
Brother Wah Chai is active in membership recruitment,
retention and relationship-building. He helped plan road
shows and outreach sessions targeting non-members.
These initiatives strengthened the union’s relationship with
members. During his four-year term as Vice-Chairman,
branch membership grew two-folds from 787 in 2006
to 1,445 in 2013. He was also instrumental in the
smooth transfer of NTU members from AUPE to ESU
after corporatisation in 2006, and was also involved in
harmonising benefits for bargainable staff.
He represented ESU at various NTUC Committees presently in the Workplace Safety and Health Committee
and previously in the Membership Committee. Also, as a
member of the industrial relations team of NTU branch, he
worked closely with management to facilitate the transition
of bargainable staff to a new scheme of service in 2007,
and subsequently garnered support for an enhanced
medical and benefits framework in 2009 for union
Throughout the years, he has helped to build strong
labour-management relations in NTU and NIE. A firm
believer that one should stay relevant and employable
Comrade of Labour
Ho Wei Kheong
Nominated by Housing and Development Board Staff Union
Brother Ho Wei Kheong joined the Housing and
Brother Wei Kheong is also Secretary of the union’s
Development Board Staff Union (HDBSU) in 1995 and was
Membership Secretariat overseeing membership growth,
co-opted as a Committee Member of the Estates Technical
recruitment, retention, relations bonding and arrears
Staff Branch in 1996. Presently, he is the Counsellor of the
management. He works closely with HDB management
union and the Assistant Secretary of the Administrative &
and NTUC‘s Membership Department in membership
Clerical Staff Branch where he was first elected in 2007.
recruitment especially in recruiting the Professionals,
Managers and Executives.
Brother Wei Kheong serves as the union’s representative in
the Housing Management Group (HMG)-HDBSU Industrial
Relations (IR) Circle and the HMG-IR Cafe at the Group
level. He is also in the Organising Committee for the annual
Union Membership Awareness Day. These committees
were jointly established by HDB management and the union
to enhance harmonious industrial relations at the workplace
and increase membership rate.
In his 18 years with HDB and as a union leader, he assists
senior management to resolve workplace grievances of
support staff in an amicable manner and seeks to provide
comprehensive solutions to members who face grievances.
As a strong advocate of workers’ training and skills
upgrading, he was appointed as a trainer for HDB’s Lease
Administration Course.
Brother Wei Kheong has participated in all labourmanagement relations seminars and workshops jointly
organised by HDBSU and HDB management. He is also a
member of the NTUC Membership Committee.
In recognition of his positive contributions to HDBSU
and fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present Brother Ho Wei Kheong with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Irene Yeo
Kah Keow
Nominated by Healthcare Services Employees’ Union
Sister Irene Yeo Kah Keow has been actively involved
in union work since 1996. Currently working in National
University Hospital (NUH) as a Nursing Manager, she is
also the Vice-Chairperson of the Healthcare Services
Employees’ Union (HSEU) NUH Branch. She also helms the
position of Deputy General Secretary in HSEU Executive
Her in-depth knowledge in industrial relations enables her
to give members valuable advice and front grievance cases
in NUH. Sister Irene is a valued negotiator in meetings with
management and she ensures that sentiments from the
ground are heard. With a strong passion to help needy
members and to contribute to society, Sister Irene was
appointed as Chairperson of the HSEU Welfare SubCommittee. As Chairperson, she leads by example by
participating actively in volunteer work despite her busy
schedule juggling both work and studies.
With a great compassion for people, Sister Irene is always
on the look-out for members in need of HSEU’s help. In
order to provide greater assistance to members in need,
she is often innovative in generating new ideas and projects.
Sister Irene, being a team leader and a player, has definitely
earned the respect of HSEU branch officials. Standing firm
on her principles of reasonableness and compassion for
others, she encourages the team to work harder to serve
members and always be ready to lend a helping hand to
anyone in need.
In recognition of her positive contributions to HSEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Irene Yeo Kah Keow with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Ismail Jalil
Nominated by Building Construction And Timber Industries Employees’ Union
Brother Ismail Jalil was a Branch Official in SembWaste
In recognition of his positive contributions to BATU and
Pte Ltd in 1996. He has since taken on the leadership
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
position of Branch Chairman in 2005. In the same year,
pleased to present Brother Ismail Jalil with the Comrade of
he was elected into the Building Construction And Timber
Labour Award.
Industries Employees’ Union (BATU) as an Internal Auditor.
Following this, he became an Executive Committee
member in 2008, a position he still holds today.
An active union leader trained in industrial relations,
Brother Ismail often leads his Branch in discussing
workplace issues with management and resolving problems
at the Branch level. With his down-to-earth and sincere
approach, he is trusted and well-received by his union
members and management.
In addition, Brother Ismail has taken on other leadership
roles within the various departments in BATU. He always
volunteers his time to help organise and participate in
activities conducted by BATU and NTUC, and was a
member of the union’s Activities Committee from 2007 to
2008. Under his leadership, many activities were organised
to engage members of all collars, ages and nationalities.
Membership efforts were fruitful when he was BATU’s
Membership Committee Vice-Chairman from 2006. Apart
from his dynamic recruitment at his own branch, Brother
Ismail has been regularly following the BATU recruitment
team to boost membership efforts at the various sites.
These included visiting cleaners at commercial buildings
and Town Councils during recruitment drives. At BATU level,
he was awarded the ‘Best Recruiter’ Award for recruiting
the most number of union members within a year.
Brother Ismail also serves as an Alternate Member of the
NTUC Membership Committee, a position he still holds
today since 2006. He is a regular and active participant in
the U League since its beginning and was awarded with the
‘U League Champion’ award in 2012.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Janice Neo
Geok Eng
Nominated by Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers’ Union
Sister Janice Neo Geok Eng joined the Singapore Urban
Redevelopment Authority Workers’ Union (SURAWU) in
1985. Elected as General Treasurer in 2006, she still holds
this position today.
A dedicated and committed unionist, Sister Janice
continuously works towards serving the interests of
members by identifying and getting more benefits for them.
She conscientiously and efficiently manages the union’s
accounts and invests surplus funds to yield more returns
for SURAWU. She ensures that the accounts are kept
accurately, and works amicably with the banks, internal and
external auditors.
Under her dedicated leadership, grievances and issues of
members have been resolved amicably. She also maintains
close rapport with members through clear communication,
and constantly brings up to the Executive Council issues
that members are concerned with. She believes in
leadership renewal and succession. Over the years, she
has helped to identify potential and capable union leaders,
patiently guiding and mentoring them at every opportunity.
Sister Janice disseminates information to members
promptly and is ever ready to help out with union activities
and events such as road shows, lunchtime talks, hosting
of visitors to union meetings, among others. Membership
recruitment is also one of her prime objectives to grow the
union. She looks out for new staff joining the organisation
and approaches them to join the union.
She currently represents SURAWU in the NTUC
Employment and Employability Committee.
In recognition of her positive contributions to SURAWU
and fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present Sister Janice Neo Geok Eng with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Jessica Jamie
Tan Geok Sim
Nominated by Healthcare Services Employees’ Union
Sister Jessica Jamie Tan Geok Sim has been part of
the union’s monthly membership meetings and provides
the Labour Movement since 1999 when she started
insightful ideas and suggestions to support membership
working in the National Skin Centre (NSC) branch, under
the Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU). She
progressed to become Branch Chairperson in 2008 and
She currently represents HSEU in the NTUC Employment
in 2011 she was elected to be a member of the Executive
and Employability Committee.
Council of HESU, which are positions she holds today.
In recognition of her positive contributions to HSEU and
As Chairperson of her Branch, Sister Jessica has always
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
been keen to give guidance to her younger branch
pleased to present Sister Jessica Jamie Tan Geok Sim with
leaders, and lends a helping hand to them whenever
the Comrade of Labour Award.
they encounter difficulties. She takes special effort to
expose them to different levels of union meetings in
order to develop their leadership skills and deepen their
understanding of union work.
She dedicates her time to addressing issues of the
branch members and assists them promptly. Her
friendliness and dedication make her a well-liked union
representative at her workplace.
Sister Jessica has also been active in various HSEU
sub-committees over the years. With a strong sense of
responsibility and leadership, she was nominated to be the
Vice-Chairperson of the HSEU Sports Sub-Committee,
and attends most of the U Games to support the team and
ensure that the players’ welfare are well taken care of.
Being part of HSEU’s Welfare Sub-Committee, she has
always displayed her compassion for the less fortunate
by being actively involved in community programmes and
events that the union organises. Over the years, she has
been actively involved in the union’s annual home visits
to the Singapore Leprosy Relief Association (SILRA) and
bursary awards. Sister Jessica stays actively involved in
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Joanne Chua
Chor Hiang
Nominated by Singapore Industrial & Services Employees’ Union
Sister Joanne Chua Chor Hiang started on her Labour
learn and be more exposed to different industrial relations
Movement journey in 2002 when she joined as a Branch
issues. She also encourages them to share their views and
Official of SKF Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Branch. Subsequently,
articulate their thoughts during negotiation meetings
she was elected into the Executive Committee of the
with management.
Singapore Industrial & Services Employees’ Union (SISEU)
in 2006 as a member. She then became the Assistant
In recognition of her positive contributions to SISEU and
General Treasurer in 2011 and is now the Assistant General
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present
Sister Joanne Chua
When it comes to industrial relations issues, Sister Joanne
Chor Hiang with
is knowledgeable and assertive; and management
the Comrade of
approaches her readily when such issues arise. As an
Labour Award.
effective union leader, she ensures that concerns of the
members are surfaced and is able to put across her views
and opinions to management with strong supporting
facts. Interests of workers are always placed first and she
never fails to diligently follow-up on cases involving union
members despite her busy work schedule.
Members would approach Sister Joanne whenever they
face issues because they know that she goes the extra
mile to assist them in matters such as claiming medical
insurance and surfacing members with financial difficulties
for hardship grants, among others.
She is also very active in membership recruitment and
works closely with her human resource department to
ensure that all new employees learn about SISEU. She
also makes effort to communicate, engage and assist
interested employees on union membership matters. At
the end of each month, she will initiate updates to the
union’s Executive Committee on members who have left the
company or are promoted.
To help groom Branch Officials, Sister Joanne shares
her experiences and creates opportunities to help them
Comrade of Labour
Lau Sin Yong
Nominated by Chemical Industries Employees’ Union
Brother Lau Sin Yong advocates good labour-management
relations and has been actively involved in union activities
since his election into the FujiHunt Branch Committee as
Branch Chairman in 2002. This is a position he still holds
As Branch Chairman, he is instrumental in setting the
direction for the Branch Committee and has contributed
much of his personal time to union work. He resolves issues
for members and continues to be engaged in membership
activities. At the union level, he has been a member of
the Executive Committee of the Chemical Industries
Employees’ Union (CIEU) since 2005.
Brother Sin Yong displays strong leadership qualities
and actively contributes ideas for the betterment of the
union’s programmes and initiatives. As Chairman of CIEU’s
Community Services Sub-Committee, he frequently
organises activities to encourage positive interaction
between union members, and has been instrumental in the
union’s review of welfare and benefits for members and
their families.
He is also an outstanding example of a lifelong learner.
During the course of his work, he led by example and
volunteered himself for skills training courses when the
company needed mature welders in its employment to learn
newer welding techniques. His spirit of continuous learning
inspires other members. Brother Sin Yong also represents
CIEU in the NTUC Care and Share Committee.
In recognition of his positive contributions to CIEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Lau Sin Yong with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Lee Jun Yuan
Nominated by Singapore Industrial & Services Employees’ Union
Brother Lee Jun Yuan first served as a Branch Official and
between the union and management when it comes to
later as the Branch Chairman in Singapore Aerospace
discussions related to grievance cases.
Manufacturing Pte Ltd under the Singapore Industrial &
Services Employees’ Union (SISEU) since 1998. When the
Brother Jun Yuan often provides constructive feedback
company set up a new subsidiary, Avitron Pte Ltd, Brother
to the management on concerns of colleagues and offers
Jun Yuan was transferred to the subsidiary but continued to
suggestions for improvements in order to create a win-win
serve as a union leader. He was elected to be a member
situation for both the company and the workers.
of the Executive Committee in 2005, a position he still
holds today.
During times of crisis like the economic downturn in 2009,
he worked closely with the union and the management
As the Branch Chairman, Brother
Jun Yuan is actively involved in
negotiations relating to wages
and Collective Agreements,
to develop a comprehensive plan to better manage
operational costs, with retrenchment as the last resort.
Brother Jun Yuan also works with the union’s Membership
Department to organise recruitment road shows during
as well as grievance cases.
annual Branch General Meetings where non-members are
Over the past eight years,
invited so as to raise awareness on SISEU and recruit more
he has maintained a
cordial working relationship
with the human resource
He has made significant contributions by working with the
department and various
union and NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat to
supervisors, such that he
introduce the WorkPro Programme to his company, which
forms the important bridge
helped in implementing initiatives to benefit the growing
pool of mature workers within the company.
In support of the NTUC 3-Flow leadership framework,
Brother Jun Yuan also recruited a new young Branch
Official, which was not an easy task due to the mature
profile of the employees in his branch. He provided
mentorship and guidance to aid the new Branch Official
assimilate into union work, and helped him work towards
obtaining the Basic Certificate in Industrial Relations.
In recognition of his positive contributions to SISEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Lee Jun Yuan with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Lim Chye Lye
Nominated by National Taxi Association
Brother Lim Chye Lye started his relations with taxi
In addition, with a passion to help the less privileged, he
associations during his early days at SMRT Taxis when it
also actively serves as an Alternate Member of the NTUC
was first set up in 1998. In 2001, Brother Chye Lye assisted
Care and Share Committee.
the committee then and played a key role in the initial
set-up of the SMRT Taxi Operator Association (STOA). He
In recognition of his positive contributions to NTA and fellow
continues to play an active role in different capacities as an
workers, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
Executive Committee member and currently serves as the
to present Brother Lim Chye Lye with the Comrade of
Branch Secretary of the STOA Branch.
Labour Award.
In 2010 when the National Taxi Association (NTA) was
formed, Brother Chye Lye readily agreed to serve as the
Assistant General Secretary of NTA for the first term.
Currently into his second term, he is serving as the
Deputy President of NTA.
His years of experience and deep
knowledge of the taxi industry and
the association’s history enabled him
to help many younger leaders cope
with the formation of NTA. During his
past 12 years of service, he played
a contributing role in helping drivers
cope with several major crises such
as the SARS period in 2003, and the
recent haze problem. He also shaped
drivers’ perceptions to accept the difficult
policy changes in the industry, such as
the introduction of rules for taxi drivers in the
Central Business District and the recent Taxi
Availability indicators.
Brother Chye Lye also plays an active role during monthly
meetings with the Land Transport Authority and tripartite
partners by raising operational and workplace-related
issues faced by drivers and members to ensure that these
issues can be resolved. This shows that he is an important
link between management and members.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Lim Ka Hock
Nominated by United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries
Brother Lim Ka Hock joined the Labour Movement 21
years ago when he became a Branch Official at Panasonic
Industrial Devices Singapore in 1993. He subsequently
became Branch Chairman in 2003 and still holds the
position. In 2006, he was elected into the United Workers of
Electronics & Electrical Industries (UWEEI) Executive Council
as a member, appointed as Internal Auditor and became its
Assistant General Secretary in 2013, a position he
holds today.
Under his leadership, the branch has always been
supportive of the union’s initiatives and activities, and
participates actively in UWEEI’s annual dinners as well as
membership recruitment drives. The branch also provides
special fund contributions to better the welfare of its
members, and advocates training and re-skilling of
its members.
At the union level, Brother Ka Hock served as the ViceChairman of the Leadership Committee from 2006 to 2010.
Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Professionals,
Managers and Executives (PMEs) Committee, where he
supports UWEEI’s membership recruitment efforts and
provides ideas on how to increase the number of
PME members.
In addition, he served as the alternate union representative
in the NTUC Membership Committee from 2012 to 2013.
Presently, he is serving as the union representative of the
NTUC Employment and Employability Committee.
In recognition of his positive contributions to UWEEI and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Lim Ka Hock with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Ling Ngee Hua
Nominated by Building Construction And Timber Industries Employees’ Union
Brother Ling Ngee Hua has been with the Labour
the Building and Facility Management Cluster when he
Movement since 2003, first serving in the Branch
was BATU’s General Secretary. Currently, he is still actively
Committee of the Surbana branch and subsequently
serving as an Alternate Member in the Building and Facility
became Branch Chairman in 2005, a position he holds to
Management Cluster.
date. He displayed strong leadership and was co-opted into
the Executive Committee of the Building Construction And
In recognition of his positive contributions to BATU and
Timber Industries Employees’ Union (BATU) in 2006 as a
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
member. He was then elected as its General Secretary in
is pleased to present Brother Ling Ngee Hua with the
2008 and subsequently became the 2nd Vice-President in
Comrade of Labour Award.
As Branch Chairman, Brother Ngee Hua displayed
leadership in leading negotiations with the management.
He is able to balance members’ and company’s interests
which ensure a strong union presence whilst preserving
harmonious labour-management relations.
Despite the branch having over 600 members, he has
strong connections with the ground and handles each
member’s matters earnestly, thus earning him much respect
throughout his years of service.
Brother Ngee Hua is a strong advocate of the NTUC 3-Flow
leadership initiative. He ensures that there is a succession
plan in his branch and puts in great efforts to groom his
successor, such as involving him in all discussions and
negotiations with the management and guiding him in
leading the branch.
At the union level, Brother Ngee Hua led the Industrial
Relations Committee, Membership Committee and
Workplace Safety and Health Committee from 2008 to
2012. During those years, the union grew from strength
to strength. It also deepens its relationship with foreign
members through measures such as visiting them at their
hostels to raise awareness of safety at work, and organising
annual cricket events for them.
At the NTUC level, he has served in NTUC Membership
Committee, Workplace Safety and Health Committee, and
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Loh Lay Keang
Nominated by Chemical Industries Employees’ Union
Sister Loh Lay Keang joined the Labour Movement as
the Branch Secretary of the Nippon Pigment Branch
in 1992. She then served as an Internal Auditor of the
Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU) from 2007
to 2009, and was elected as a member of the Executive
Committee in 2009. She was subsequently elected to be
the Assistant General Treasurer in 2013, and has served in
this capacity since.
At the union level, she is also a member of the Leadership
Sub-Committee, which presides over the development
of union leaders. She supports the union’s Flow In, Flow
Up and Flow On initiatives. As Branch Official, Sister Lay
Keang works closely with the ground to solicit feedback
and help promote good industrial relations between
union, management and workers. She works towards the
promotion of workers’ workfare and welfare by engaging
the management to share gains with workers in a fair
manner. She also helps to ensure that there is proper
leadership renewal within her Branch Committee.
At the NTUC level, Sister Lay Keang represents CIEU in the
NTUC Women’s Committee. In an industrial sector that is
dominated by men, she champions for the women workers
within the union and in the industry.
In recognition of her positive contributions to CIEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Loh Lay Keang with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Luke Hee
Wing Wai
Nominated by Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union
Brother Luke Hee Wing Wai has actively served the Labour
Committee for Services Sector, Employment and
Movement (LM) for 14 years. In 1999, he started as a
Employability Committee as well as the Financial and
Delegate in Keppel Insurance Pte Ltd and rose to become
Business Services Cluster.
Branch Chairman in 2000. Subsequently, he was elected
as an Executive Committee member of the Singapore
In recognition of his positive
Insurance Employees’ Union (SIEU), then rose through the
contributions to SIEU and
ranks to be elected as the General Secretary in 2013.
fellow workers, the National
Trades Union Congress is
Brother Luke grew with the LM managing industrial relations
pleased to present Brother
matters and organising members at the workplace. He
Luke Hee Wing Wai with
strengthened labour-management relations within the
the Comrade of
company and played a vital role in representing workers
Labour Award.
through three company mergers and acquisitions.
Brother Luke initiated youth work at the union, NTUC
and regionally since 2001. He served as the pioneer
Vice-Chairman of Young NTUC and a titular member
in the former International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions-Asian Pacific Regional Organisation (ICFTU-APRO)
Youth Committee. He was also one of the pioneers in the
Union Network International-APRO Youth Committee. His
understanding of younger members helps him stay relevant,
and he serves as a connection between them and senior
On the same note, Brother Luke strongly advocates
continuous education and works relentlessly to reach out
to the younger and older Professionals, Managers and
Executives. He embarked on many professional courses
since 2000 to improve his knowledge and stay relevant, and
obtained various qualifications throughout the years.
At the NTUC level, Brother Luke served on various
committees over the years. These include the U Games
Organising Committee, 2005 Singapore Labour Foundation
Model Workers Award Organising Committee, 2006 May
Day Dinner Organising Committee, Industrial Relations
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Mohamed Nor
Mohamed Hussain
Nominated by Singapore Malay Teachers’ Union
Brother Mohamed Nor Mohamed Hussain joined the
Singapore Malay Teachers’ Union (SMTU) in 2005. In 2007,
he was appointed as Assistant General Secretary in the
Executive Committee and still holds the position today.
Brother Nor has been very helpful towards fellow teachers
in assisting them with their grievances. When SMTU was
appointed to organise the Arif Budiman Teacher Award
which recognises the contributions of Malay Language
Teachers in the teaching and learning of the Malay
language, Brother Nor was the Master-of-Ceremony
for the event for two consecutive years. He is also the
corporate member representative for SMTU in the People’s
Association (PA) and has helped negotiate for better PA
benefits for union members.
Brother Nor has represented SMTU in the Young NTUC
Committee from 2007 until 2010, and in the Workplace
Safety and Health (WSH) Committee from 2011 to date. In
his Young NTUC days, he has taken part in various events
such as the annual overseas workplan seminars and Uth
Campuses. As the union’s representative in the WSH
Committee, he has supported the committee by attending
their termly meetings and workshops. He is also actively
involved in garnering the support from his members to form
teams to take part in NTUC sports and games.
Internationally, he has been involved in the ACT Convention
(ASIAN Council of Teachers) as well as PGN (meeting of
Malay teachers from unions in ASEAN countries).
In recognition of his positive contributions to SMTU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Mohamed Nor Mohamed
Hussain with the Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Aswadi Salleh
Nominated by United Workers of Petroleum Industry
Brother Muhammad Aswadi Salleh joined the Labour
humble personality and consultative approach. He is thus
Movement in 1995 as a Branch Official with the then-
a well-respected union leader, whom members recognise
Singapore Petrochemical Complex Employees’ Union
as a good listener who takes in comments and feedback
(SPCEU). He was nominated to the SPCEU’s Executive
Council as its Treasurer in 1996. In 2001, he played a
key role in merging SPCEU with the United Workers
Brother Aswadi also takes care of the group of
of Petroleum Industry (UWPI). With his strong
Professionals, Managers and Executives in the union and
commitment, he got elected to the UWPI
negotiates with the management for them. He also
Executive Committee, and is now UWPI’s
works with the various Branches on the adoption
Assistant General Secretary and Branch
of the Progressive Wage Model to benefit more
Secretary of the Petrochemical Corporation
of Singapore Pte Ltd Branch.
He plays the role of the Advisor to the UWPI
Brother Aswadi is active and good with
Youth Committee and is involved in many major
recruiting members as he has a friendly
policies relating to the union. Recognising the
demeanor. As a result, his section and
the Branch managed to achieve a
98 per cent membership rate
importance for young leaders to be
groomed to carry on the impact
of union work, Brother Aswadi is
in 2002 and the membership
active in guiding and helping new
rate remains high since.
young leaders transit smoothly
With his skills and industrial
into union work. He also sits in
relations knowledge, UWPI
the NTUC Workplace Safety
tasked Brother Aswadi
and Health Committee.
with managing Collective
Agreements (CAs), in
most cases negotiating
with management
for fair remuneration
and benefits for
In recognition of his positive
contributions to UWPI and
fellow workers, the National
Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present
Brother Muhammad
Aswadi Salleh with the
He wins over members
Comrade of Labour
and management with his
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Ng Hai Leng
Nominated by United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries
Brother Ng Hai Leng is a long-time and dedicated union
leader. He was inducted into the big family of the United
Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries (UWEEI)
as Branch Chairman of Panasonic Industrial Devices
Semiconductor Asia 11 years ago. He was made a member
of the UWEEI Executive Council in 2006 and has since
actively served the union and its members.
As the Secretary of UWEEI’s Sports Department, Brother
Hai Leng has been proactive in organising events that
enhance the well-being of members. As an alternate
UWEEI representative in the NTUC Workplace Safety and
Health Committee, he provides vital feedback on issues
concerning the safety of workplaces and how best they can
be improved.
Due to Brother Hai Leng’s efforts in forging a harmonious
relationship between the management and union,
Panasonic Industrial Devices Semiconductor Asia is a
strong supporter of UWEEI’s initiatives and activities,
contributing towards its Annual Dinner and Dance and
Family Day events.
In recognition of his positive contributions to UWEEI and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Ng Hai Leng with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Ng Mau Kwai
Nominated by National Transport Workers’ Union
Brother Ng Mau Kwai’s involvement in the union started
and is committed to doing more for members and the
in 2001 when he was elected as the Branch Secretary of
community. He was in the working group that organised a
Jurong Port Branch under the National Transport Workers’
joint unions’ community service project with Toa Payoh East
Union (NTWU). He subsequently became the Branch
Community Club. It involved NTWU, Education Services
Chairman in 2012. In 2002, he was elected as a member
Union and HDB Staff Union.
of the NTWU Executive Committee, a position he currently
In recognition of his positive contributions to NTWU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
Together with the management, he and the Branch
pleased to present Brother Ng Mau Kwai with the
Committee achieved sustainable and scalable progress in
Comrade of Labour Award.
the areas of re-employment, raising productivity, workers’
training and welfare. Being in NTWU’s Membership SubCommittee, Brother Mau Kwai contributed significantly
to membership growth and development of an inclusive
strategy. He is active in the Social and Sports SubCommittee, and the new Welfare and Workplace Safety and
Health Sub-Committee.
At the Branch level, he strongly believes in mentoring and
grooming his younger committee members, and readily
shares his years of experience with them.
His dedication to members is clearly visible in his
continuous efforts to actively engage them and address
their concerns through open communication with
management. He plays an active role at dialogues and
town hall sessions organised by the company, advocating
workers’ welfare and providing insightful views.
Brother Mau Kwai is well-respected by management
partners and has developed a strong bipartite relationship.
He connects well with colleagues, union leaders and
members by frequently walking the ground and going the
extra mile for them. He also helps the company’s Canteen
Committee and has been instrumental in driving various
Labour Movement initiatives at the workplace.
At the NTUC level, he has served in the NTUC Care and
Share Committee since 2008. He found the role meaningful
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Norhana Ismail
Nominated by Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union
Sister Norhana Ismail has been a part of the Food, Drinks
and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU) since 1985. She was
elected as the Branch Chairman of Fuji Oil (Singapore) Pte
Ltd and as a member of the union’s Executive Council in
2005. She has been involved in the Labour Movement for
the past 29 years.
Being the Branch Chairman, she works closely with the
committee and management to negotiate for better terms
and benefits for her members. Sister Norhana has strived
to lead by example to fight for workers’ welfare and to do
more to serve members.
Over the years, she has served as the Vice-Chairman of the
FDAWU Women and Family Committee where she actively
helps to develop and mentor potential women leaders, as
well as advocates work-life harmony at the workplace. She
has also served in the NTUC Women’s Committee as an
advocate of back-to-work women since 2011.
In recognition of her positive contributions to FDAWU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Norhana Ismail with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Patricia Loke
Kum Peng
Nominated by DBS Staff Union
Sister Patricia Loke Kum Peng has been an active and great
contributor to DBS Staff Union (DBSSU) ever since she was
elected into the Executive Council in 2003 as a Member.
She is currently serving her third term in the Council.
As the Alternate Member in the union‘s Membership SubCommittee, Sister Patricia is actively involved in DBSSU’s
membership recruitment drives and road shows. She
strongly believes that everyone should be a union member,
not only for the benefits and social needs, but for protection
at the workplace. She would set a target of her own to
achieve during recruitment drives.
Sister Patricia will always attempt to attend dialogue
sessions organised by NTUC so as to be kept updated.
She also keeps herself abreast of Employment Relations
updates and attends courses in this area while balancing
work, family and studies. Despite her busy work schedule,
she took on a 18-month course to upgrade herself
and completed an OTC Institute - UniSim Diploma in
Employment Relations in 2013.
She takes it upon herself to be a role model for others. In
2013, she received the U Breakthrough Award on behalf of
DBSSU. She sits in the NTUC Care and Share Commitee,
NTUC Women’s Committee, NTUC U Live Committee and
U Family Committee. She is also an Alternate Member in
the NTUC Membership Committee.
In recognition of her positive contributions to DBSSU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Patricia Loke Kum Peng with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Patrick Ong
Keng Huat
Nominated by Singapore Bank Officers’ Association
Brother Patrick Ong Keng Huat’s passion for helping
to members’ work-life balance by organising social and
fellow workers was ignited 22 years ago when he joined
recreational activities for them. He also contributes towards
the Singapore Bank Employees’ Union’s (SBEU) Standard
effective office administration in SBOA as a member of the
Chartered Bank (SCB) Branch Committee in 1992, before
Supervisory Sub-Committee.
being elected into the Executive Committee in 1997.
Brother Patrick has been a Member of the NTUC Care
After his promotion to officer grade, he joined the SCB
and Share Committee as well as the NTUC Club Happy
Branch Committee of the Singapore Bank Officers’
Days Advisory Committee since 2012, where he actively
Association (SBOA) in 2000. Because of his proven ability,
participates in and supports the committees’ various
he was immediately appointed Assistant Branch Secretary.
He rose to Branch Secretary in 2004 and still holds that
position today. In 2004, Brother Patrick was elected into
In recognition of his positive contributions to SBOA and
the SBOA Executive Council as a member, was appointed
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
Assistant Treasurer in 2010 and subsequently became
pleased to present Brother Patrick Ong Keng Huat with the
Treasurer in 2013.
Comrade of Labour Award.
A proponent of good industrial relations, he is
respected by both management and branch
members for handling workplace issues and
Collective Agreement negotiations skillfully
and fairly. He was instrumental in persuading
the management to conclude an agreement
on the re-employment of their mature workers
under the Retirement and Re-employment Act.
He takes a personal interest in growing branch
membership and tirelessly persuades new
officers to join SBOA. Leadership succession
planning is also close to his heart and he is always
looking for younger members to be inducted into the
Branch Committee. The younger committee members
look up to him as a mentor as he shares his knowledge
and experience freely.
At the union level, he participates in various subcommittees. As the Chairman of the Community Service
and Welfare Sub-Committee, Brother Patrick contributes
Comrade of Labour
Vasantha Kumari
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of Public Employees
Sister Ramachandra Vasantha Kumari has been with the
Caring for her members’ well-being, and the impact of
Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) for 28
organisational change on them, she spent time and effort
years and served as Chairman of the Singapore Tourism
listening to their concerns and assisted them to manage the
Board Staff Branch for the last sixteen years. In 2001, she
changes through counselling and provision of training by
was elected into the AUPE Executive Council and currently
the organisation.
holds the position of Secretary.
Sister Vasantha is known to her members for her
As Branch Chairman, she fostered a strong labour-
compassion, patience and willingness to lend a listening
management relationship resulting in a consultative and
ear. She has won the trust and confidence of her members
supportive environment, which contributed to membership
and they are comfortable to discuss their problems and
growth in her branch.
seek advice from her.
Her competency in industrial relations
saw many workplace issues
resolved amicably with positive
outcomes for members.
She has made significant contributions through her
representation in AUPE’s Mutual Aid Welfare Committee
and Women’s Committee. She has led and organised
several activities for the union such as the annual National
Day Dinner and Dance, public speaking courses for women
members and talks by inspirational speakers.
Sister Vasantha has always believed in personal
development and upgrading. She recognises the
importance of acquiring and updating her knowledge and
skills to remain relevant in a competitive work environment.
She sets a good example for her peers and inspires
members to upgrade themselves. It is with this conviction
that she pursued higher academic and work-related
At the NTUC level, she also represents AUPE in the NTUC
Women’s Committee as an Alternate Member.
In recognition of her positive contributions to AUPE and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Ramachandra Vasantha Kumari
with the Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Ratnam Rajaram
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of Public Employees
Brother Ratnam Rajaram joined the Ministry of Community
In order to understand and perform his roles better as a
Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Staff Branch (now
union leader, he overcame the challenge of going back to
known as the Ministry of Social and Family Development
the classroom after many years, and pursued qualifications
(MSF) Staff Branch) in 2000 as a Committee Member.
relevant to his work and union work. He demonstrates that
Within eight months, he took up the post of Branch
age is never a barrier to education and skills upgrading, and
Chairman. He was then elected into the Amalgamated
he continues to inspire his peers to do likewise.
Union of Public Employees (AUPE) Executive Council as a
Councillor in 2002, and later as Assistant Treasurer in 2011,
In recognition of his positive contributions to AUPE and
a position he still holds today.
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Ratnam Rajaram with the
As Branch Chairman, he fostered strong labourmanagement relations by having quarterly dialogue
sessions with the management. His initiative resulted in
a collaborative approach in managing workplace issues.
Brother Ratnam is always ready to assist members,
especially low-income members, and ensures that they
benefit from initiatives such as the U Care Back to School
Voucher programme, as well as the bursary awards for
members’ school-going children. His caring and supportive
approach wins the hearts of members.
At the union level, he has sat in several committees such
as the Finance Committee, General Purposes Committee,
Mutual Aid Welfare Committee and Membership
He is also the Treasurer of the AUPE Multi-Purpose
Cooperative Society, and represents AUPE at the NTUC
Care and Share Committee and the NTUC U Live
Committee as a Member.
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Royston Tan
Wee Pheng
Nominated by Port Officers’ Union
Brother Royston Tan Wee Pheng, a Senior Manager at
instrumental in persuading his marine union members to go
PSA Marine, became a Port Officers’ Union (POU) member
for pilotage licences upgrading so as to help the company
in 2000, and was elected into the Executive Committee
improve its productivity.
in 2007.
At the NTUC level, he represented POU as an Alternate
As a Class A1 harbour pilot, Brother Royston can pilot any
Member in the NTUC Workplace Safety and Health
size of container ships into the port. With his passion for
Committee from 2007 till 2011, Young NTUC Committee
union work, he exhibits enthusiasm to learn more about
from 2007 till 2011, and NTUC International Relations
workplace representation for his harbour pilot peers. He
Committee from 2011 till 2015.
participates actively and contributes positively during
Executive Committee meetings.
In recognition of his positive
contributions to POU and fellow
Similar to problems faced by his peers in the POU
workers, the National Trades Union
Executive Committee, he needs to juggle his office and
Congress is pleased to present
union work as a part-time union leader in order to serve
Brother Royston Tan Wee Pheng
members well. It involves a delicate balance of time
with the Comrade of Labour Award.
management and personal sacrifices.
Despite the tough demands, he succeeded in his
role as Chairman of PSA Marine Sub-Committee to
raise awareness of union representation and social
benefits provided by the union; and managed to
resolve ground issues unique to his marine peers.
These helped to increase the membership strength
of the union.
Brother Royston is a firm believer in leadership
renewal. After serving one term, he managed to
groom another Executive Committee member
to take over his role as Chairman of PSA Marine
Sub-Committee while still continuing to mentor
his successor.
At PSA Marine, Brother Royston contributed
significantly to improving and maintaining the
harmonious industrial relations climate. He was
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Goi Ai Kim
Nominated by Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union
Sister Shirley Goi Ai Kim is driven by her passion to promote
Sister Shirley embodies the undying spirit of a unionist
the welfare and protect the interests of workers. She came
committed to the cause of serving workers. She was
forward to serve in the NTUC Foodfare Co-operative
instrumental in resolving several workplace issues, and
Branch Committee under the Food, Drinks and Allied
ensures that grievances of members are resolved fairly and
Workers Union (FDAWU) as Branch Secretary when it was
amicably. She regularly sets aside personal time to visit the
established in 2000 and thereafter as Branch Chairman.
branch’s outlets across Singapore to be well-connected
She subsequently joined the Executive Council in 2008
to the ground. Sister Shirley also conducts membership
as Assistant General Secretary and is currently the
recruitment drives to promote the benefits of union
General Treasurer.
membership and organises numerous social activities for
members. As a result of her tireless efforts, unionisation rate
Sister Shirley’s passion in serving workers extends beyond
gradually increased under her tenure.
the branch level. She was appointed Chairperson of the
FDAWU Finance Committee, where she plays a crucial
Sister Shirley has also preserved the harmonious bipartite
role in reviewing certain financial guidelines to improve the
relationship between the union and management, and
welfare of members.
strikes a balance between pursuing the interests of
workers while ensuring that the company’s practices were
sustainable. This has enabled her to earn respect from the
management and members.
At the NTUC level, she also served as a Member in the
NTUC Care and Share Committee, and the NTUC Industrial
Relations Committee for Industrial Sector. She is now a
Member of the NTUC Hospitality and Consumer Business
Cluster, playing an active role in supporting its initiatives
and efforts.
In recognition of her positive contributions
to FDAWU and fellow workers, the
National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Sister Shirley Goi Ai
Kim with the Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Sim Siew Lect
Nominated by Singapore Union of Broadcasting Employees
Sister Sim Siew Lect joined the Labour Movement as
She is also actively involved in the NTUC Women’s
a union member in 1982. She was first elected into
Development Secretariat as a committee member in the
the Executive Committee of the Singapore Union of
`WeCare for U’ project by contributing ideas and feedback
Broadcasting Employees (SUBE) in 1990, and is currently
to help single mothers and their children.
serving as the First Vice-President of the union.
In recognition of her positive contributions to SUBE and
Sister Siew Lect plays an important role in the upkeep of
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
welfare and well-being of members at their workplace by
pleased to present Sister Sim Siew Lect with the
listening to their grievances and problems, and providing
Comrade of Labour Award.
feedback and constructive avenues to solve their problems.
To foster bonding and good relationships amongst union
members and their families, Sister Siew Lect organised
many activities like lunchtime talks and educational tours.
She is also active in promoting the benefits of union
membership to her colleagues. She participates in
membership recruitment road shows and pro-actively
engages colleagues to help them understand what the
union does for the workers.
She is keen on learning. She participates regularly in
seminars like the UNI APRO Overseas Seminar (Philippines)
in 2010, the Future Leaders Summit and the UNI APRO
PME Seminar (Kuala Lumpur) in 2013.
Sister Siew Lect was awarded the Branch Officials
Recognition Award in 2013, as a result of her contributions
over the years. Today, she continues to keep a lookout
for potential leaders amongst union members, and takes
the extra step to recruit, train and guide young leaders
in the union.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Tan Chin Chye
Nominated by Ngee Ann Polytechnic Academic Staff Union
Brother Tan Chin Chye first joined Ngee Ann Polytechnic
numerous Work Year Planning Workshops and Annual
Academic Staff Union (NPASU) in 1996 and was elected
General Meetings. This has contributed greatly to the
into the Executive Council in 2002. In 2008, he became
bonding among members of the Executive Council.
the Assistant Honorary Treasurer, then rose to become the
Honorary Treasurer in 2012, a position he still holds today.
Brother Chin Chye serves as an important link between
members in his division and the Executive Council through
Brother Chin Chye manages
reflecting feedback and sentiments on management
the finances of NPASU
policies. This is possible through his efforts in finding time
with honesty, integrity and
to lend a listening ear to members on the ground. Through
utmost good faith. He is
addressing minor issues at the root level and bringing major
also instrumental in
issues for discussion with management, he contributes
organising the NPASU’s
constructively towards the betterment of members.
As a key member of the union leadership, Brother
Chin Chye assumed an active role in researching and
negotiating Collective Agreements thus steering NPASU
towards entrenching fair employment and employability
practices. Currently, he also represents NPASU in the NTUC
Employment and Employability Committee since 2011.
A strong advocate of holistic education, in addition to
teaching in the field of engineering, Brother Chin Chye takes
responsibility in leading community service trips to Vietnam
and China. These trips have created learning opportunities
for students in the area of character development and social
In recognition of his positive contributions to NPASU
and fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present Brother Tan Chin Chye with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Tan Chor Khim
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees
Sister Tan Chor Khim joined the Labour Movement as a
She chairs the union’s Women’s Committee, which reaches
union official in 2007. In 2011, she was elected as Branch
out to the female members, and strives to identify and
Chairman and subsequently, appointed into the Executive
nurture potential female union leaders. In addition, she also
Council of the Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board
serves in the NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat
Employees (AUSBE) as a member, a position she continues
(WDS) and actively promotes key initiatives of WDS such
to hold today.
as flexible work arrangements. Sister Chor Khim is also a
member of the NTUC Healthcare Cluster.
As the Branch Chairman at the Health Promotion Board
(HPB) Branch, Sister Chor Khim plays a key role in the
In recognition of her positive
negotiations of HPB’s Collective Agreement, ensuring fair
contributions to AUSBE and
remuneration, career development and progression for
fellow workers, the National
members. Consistent and regular engagement with senior
Trades Union Congress is
management enabled the implementation of various key
pleased to present Sister Tan
initiatives, such as the signing of the Memorandum of
Chor Khim with the
Understanding for Re-employment in 2008, way ahead of
Comrade of Labour Award.
legislation effected in 2012.
Her efforts and support helped to build up the labourmanagement relations between HPB and AUSBE. As a
result, they were awarded the Workplace Partnership Award
organised by Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute
in 2013.
Sister Chor Khim stays connected with members
through active engagement sessions such as members’
dialogue, courses, leisure trips and recreational activities.
Her outreach efforts allow members to have a deeper
understanding of what the union does. Being a trusted
union leader, members readily seek her advice when they
require assistance or sometimes, just a listening ear. She
always attends to members promptly and worked tirelessly
to address their grievances and queries.
Sister Chor Khim conducts regular sharing on union
membership and benefits in conjunction with the induction
for new hires at HPB since 2007. She also organises road
shows at HPB to recruit members. Her efforts have made
her one of the top recruiters in AUSBE the last few years.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Tan Teng Hong
Nominated by Singapore Port Workers Union
Brother Tan Teng Hong joined the Singapore Port Workers
fair and balanced manner. He is an important member
Union (SPWU) in 1991 and was elected a Delegate in 1997.
of the Industrial Relations Council comprising key SPWU
In 2007, he was appointed as a Secretary to the Executive
leaders and PSA management. He strongly supports
Council and thereafter elected into the Executive Council as
union initiatives and helps to effectively explain issues to
2nd Assistant General Treasurer in 2010, a position he still
holds today.
He is also active in other SPWU committees such as
As the Co-Chairman of the Keppel Terminal Divisional
Industrial Relations, Industrial Health and Safety as well as
Committee, Brother Teng Hong regularly organises
Leadership Development. He provides good insights on
dialogues with members of his
issues, especially those related to safety at the yard.
terminal to better understand
their needs and issues at
Besides being the Chairman of SPWU Care and Share
their workplace. He then
Committee, he is also a Member of the NTUC Care and
raises these issues with
Share Committee. As Chairman in charge of
management at regular
welfare activities for SPWU, he organises
annual visits to SPWU’s adopted home
dialogues in a
Happy Villa (Community Home for the
He cares deeply for workers by checking
on prices and quality of food at PSA
canteens and gives regular feedback to
PSA management to ensure food costs and
quality are reasonable. Brother Teng Hong
also selflessly conducts regular hospital visits to
warded SPWU members in his own time, to check
on the members’ well-being on behalf of SPWU.
Brother Teng Hong signed up for Microsoft Excel courses at
his own time and expense to better understand the union’s
accounting system when he was appointed 2nd Assistant
General Treasurer. A mild-mannered and responsible man,
he is a union leader whom members feel comfortable
sharing issues with; and a good employee consistently
supportive of the company’s productivity initiatives.
In recognition of his positive contributions to SPWU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress
is pleased to present Brother Tan Teng Hong with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
Comrade of Labour
Yeo Hock Hin
Nominated by Singapore Refining Company Employees’ Union
Brother Yeo Hock Hin joined the Singapore Refining
In 1988, he was re-elected and was one of the founding
Company (SRC) and the union in 1976. He was elected
members of SRCEU as a house union in 1989 to better
Branch Assistant Secretary in 1980 and later appointed
serve members. Promoted to executive level in 1992, he
Branch Secretary of the SRC United Workers of Petroleum
stepped down from the Executive Committee but joined as
Industry (UWPI) Branch till 1986.
a General Branch union member.
Singapore Refining Company Employees’ Union (SRCEU)
In 2003, Brother Hock Hin was instrumental in convincing
was then a branch of UWPI. Brother Hock Hin was elected
the company to allow executive staff to join the SRCEU
into the UWPI Executive Committee in 1982 and was
rank-and-file union. With the inclusion of executive staff,
Assistant General Secretary from 1984 till 1986. He looked
SRCEU membership strengthened and the union grew with
after workers’ interests
an enlarged leadership base.
and welfare, and also
served in the NTUC
Brother Hock Hin was elected in 2003 to represent the
Youth Committee from
SRCEU Executive Committee when he raised the standard
1984 till 1986 when he
of negotiation skills of the committee. He was involved in
stepped down.
many union activities to bring together management and
staff to promote closer industrial relations.
He encourages mature staff to participate in U Live and
SRCEU activities, and formed the SRCEU 55 Bonus Club in
2013 to promote activities for mature members. He serves
in the NTUC U Live Committee and participates in dialogue
events or seminars.
Ensuring that members’ welfare is protected, Brother
Hock Hin has always conducted research for the union
on salary matters as preparation for Collective Agreement
negotiations with the company. He was also actively
involved in the implementation of the Post Retirement
Contract and Re-employment to ensure members could
continue to serve in the company after their retirement.
In recognition of his positive contributions to SRCEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Yeo Hock Hin with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Yong Kim San
Nominated by Singapore Bank Employees’ Union
Brother Yong Kim San joined the Singapore Bank
Employees’ Union (SBEU) in 1973 and his active
involvement with SBEU began in 1983 when he was
elected as a Committee Member of UMBC Bhd (now
known as RHB Bhd) Branch. An exemplary leader,
Brother Kim San had been actively involved in the daily
administration of the Branch and has been the Branch
Chairman since 1989. He led the team to resolve
workplace grievances and handle negotiations at
Branch level.
He has been instrumental to the harmonious and cordial
industrial relationship with the bank management. Today,
the labour-management relations with the RHB Branch sets
a standard for most of the banks to emulate.
In 2000, Brother Kim San was nominated to serve as
a Trustee of SBEU. Subsequently, he was elected into
the Executive Committee in 2006 and still serves in the
committee today. At the union level, he also contributed
in committees like the Industrial Relations, Sports and
Recreation, Care and Share and Scholarship (EduGrant).
As the Secretary of the SBEU Care and Share SubCommittee, he is directly responsible for carrying out
various community service projects that reach out to the
less privileged in society and low-income wage earners
within the SBEU membership.
At the NTUC level, Brother Kim San received the inaugural
NTUC Branch Officials Recognition Award in 2001. He
also sits in as a Member of the NTUC Care and Share
Committee since 2010, and renders active support to its
various projects and interest groups.
In recognition of his positive contributions to SBEU and
fellow workers, the National Trades Union Congress is
pleased to present Brother Yong Kim San with the
Comrade of Labour Award.
of Labour
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Anna Chua
Yeow Sim
Nominated by Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union
Sister Anna Chua Yeow Sim served faithfully as an
Executive Committee member of the Singapore
Insurance Employees’ Union (SIEU) and as Branch
Chairman from 1994 till she retired in 2013.
During these 20 years, the company went through
various changes, mergers and restructuring.
Throughout this period, she remained consistent in
serving the needs of her members without fear.
Some of the issues that Sister Anna represented
members included annual service increments,
yearly bonus payments, re-employment and various
grievances. However, her service to the Labour
Movement was not confined only to the company.
At the industrial level, Sister Anna actively supported
and advocated various NTUC initiatives such as
women issues.
She continues to be active in the union’s U Live
Committee, providing valuable feedback and
guiding the younger generation.
In recognition of her contributions to the Labour
Movement and SIEU, the National Trades Union
Congress is pleased to present Sister Anna Chua
Yeow Sim with the Veteran of Labour Award.
Veteran of Labour
Syed Ali
Nominated by Singapore Airport Terminal Services Workers’ Union
Sister Ayisha Syed Ali was first introduced to the
During her service, Sister Ayisha was involved in union
Labour Movement in 1979 under the Singapore Air
activities serving in various union committees for
Transport- Workers’ Union, which was later split to form
events and activities such as the Annual Dinner and
a house union, the Singapore Airport Terminal Services
Dance, Annual Gift, Scholarship awards and Delegates
Workers’ Union (SATSWU). In
1985, she embarked on her
journey as a SATSWU
Executive Council
Conference. She was also deeply involved in the
organising of events for the NTUC Women’s Committee,
and plays an active role in promoting work-life balance
activities during the SATSWU Family Day.
member and Chairman
of her Division.
Over the years, Sister Ayisha has proved herself to
be a leader in the workplace. She is highly respected
by fellow workers for empathising with their problems
and resolving issues and challenges. She takes extra
care of her needy members by helping them to apply
for assistance programmes such as the U Stretch and
Back to School vouchers, as well as hardship grants to
ease their financial burden.
The veteran unionist also played a vital role in
establishing good labour-management relations and
gained the trust and respect of both management
and staff. With that, she was instrumental in facilitating
the cordial and successful conclusion of successive
Collective Agreements with SATS.
Upon reaching the age of 62, she was appointed
Mentor of the branch and continues to play an active
role in guiding the young leaders serving in her branch.
In recognition of her contributions to the Labour
Movement and SATSWU, the National Trades Union
Congress is pleased to present Sister Ayisha Syed Ali
with the Veteran of Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Christina Tan
Ching Ching
Nominated by Education Services Union
Sister Christina Tan Ching Ching has served as a union
Even as Sister Christina gets ready to step down in 2014,
leader for close to 18 years. She started off as a committee
she continues to be active at the union level with the Early
member of the Kindergarten and Childcare Centres’ Staff
Childhood Chapter and the ESU Platinum Club Committee
Union (KCCSU) in 1996. When KCCSU was dissolved in
where she engages and organises activities for ESU’s
April 2008, its members came under the purview of the
mature members. Sister Christina has assured of her
Education Services Union (ESU).
continued efforts in these undertakings. Her wisdom and
experience will be tapped on by ESU’s 3-Flow team to
Sister Christina rallied union delegates and worked with her
groom younger leaders in the union.
team to address members’ concerns, enabling a smooth
transition. She was then elected as the Chairman of NTUC
In recognition of her contributions to the Labour Movement
First Campus (NFC) Branch and Executive Council Member
and ESU, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
of ESU in 2010.
present Sister Christina Tan Ching Ching with the Veteran of
Labour Award.
An active advocate of the early childhood profession, Sister
Christina led the formation of ESU’s Professional Chapter
for Early Childhood Educators in 2009 and currently chairs
its Advisory Committee. Her passion and dedication have
seen her spearheading many significant projects to uplift
the professionalism of pre-school educators. One such
project was Jamboree, ESU’s annual early childhood
conference which she and the team organised for three
consecutive years.
In her own way, Sister Christina’s efforts have contributed
toward early childhood educators getting better pay, better
progression and an image uplift. The chapter’s growth by
two-fold to 10,000 members today is a testament of her
As NFC Branch Chairman, Sister Christina ensures
workplace concerns faced by the members are properly
addressed. She also strives to achieve the best outcomes
for the members in union-management negotiations
on increments, bonuses, policy changes or workplace
grievances. Aside from her branch chairmanship, as a
long-serving NFC staff and a senior principal, she mentors
many younger colleagues and is respected as a caring and
selfless leader.
Veteran of Labour
Edwin Low
Hock Chye
Nominated by Union of ITE Training Staff
Brother Edwin Low Hock Chye was a pioneer of the
He also served in various NTUC committees, such as the
Union of ITE Training Staff (UITS) set up in 1992, after it
NTUC Club where he was one of the pioneer members
had to separate from the Singapore Teachers Union due
of the Advisory Committees and the Assistant Treasurer
to changes in the technical education scene. He went on
for a term. He was also a Member of NTUC International
to hold positions of Assistant General Secretary, Deputy
Relations Committee.
General Secretary and General Secretary as the union went
through re-organisation in tandem with the changes and
Brother Edwin stepped down as General Secretary of
challenges in the technical education scene.
UTIS in 2012 in support of NTUC’s 3-Flow framework after
more than 35 years, and continues supporting UITS as a
Brother Edwin was instrumental in helping members cope
Councillor Mentor.
with the early changes to the industry after it became
a post-secondary option for students. Many union
In recognition of his contributions to the Labour Movement
members did not have the necessary minimum diploma
and UITS, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
qualification required for their conversion to Training Officers
to present Brother Edwin Low
and therefore, the union stepped in to set up a special
Hock Chye with the Veteran of
upgrading diploma programme to help members obtain
Labour Award.
relevant certification.
In 2008, there was a decision in the industry to introduce
a new compensation package which required employees
to trade in their college vacation leave from 12 weeks to
an annual leave scheme of 28 days. As management and
board members were not forthcoming with the details,
UITS’ members grew increasingly concerned. Brother
Edwin, along with union officials, was involved in regular
talks with management and successfully negotiated for
a better compensation package that most
members and staff were happy with.
A strong advocate of leadership
renewal in the union, he introduced
new and younger members into the
Executive Committee of UITS at every Delegates’
Convention. He also advocated for greater recognition of
the contributions of union officials by the organisation, as
well as introduced constitutional amendments to keep the
union relevant and strengthen the leadership at branch
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Lim Chin Nam
Nominated by Singapore Chinese Teachers’ Union
Brother Lim Chin Nam started his union career in the year
In recognition of his contributions to the Labour Movement
2000 when he was appointed as the Assistant Secretary-
and SCTU, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
General of the Singapore Chinese Teachers’ Union (SCTU).
to present Brother Lim Chin Nam with the Veteran of
He held this post till 2006. Brother Chin Nam then served
Labour Award.
as Secretary-General from 2007 to 2009, and was elected
as SCTU’s President in 2010.
Brother Chin Nam was a very hands-on leader who led
by example. He inspired the younger union leaders with
his humble demeanor, his showing of genuine care and
concern for members, and unwavering principle-centred
Under his leadership, SCTU grew steadily in membership
recruitment. He was also active in the induction and
professional upgrading of members, young and old, local
and foreign.
In 2010, Brother Chin Nam led the SCTU Executive Council
in a dialogue with then Education Minister Ng Eng Hen on
the issue of potential adjustment of weightage of Mother
Tongue for the Primary School Leaving Examination. The
union acted as an important bridge and feedback channel
to the Ministry of Education so that the stance of the
Chinese teaching community could be heard.
Later in 2011, Brother Chin Nam graciously relinquished
his position to make way for the current SCTU President
as he reached the retirement age. And, he continues to be
actively involved in the union activities as its Consultant,
offering valuable advice to the union’s Executive Council.
In fact, Brother Chin Nam continues to make contributions
to the union through looking out for potential people who
are passionate about SCTU’s causes and get them to join
the Executive Council.
Veteran of Labour
Mahalingam Raju
Nominated by Singapore Technologies Electronics Employees’ Union
Brother Mahalingam Raju joined as a member of the
and various organising committees for union events and
Singapore Technologies Electronics Employees’ Union
activities, which earned him the respect and approval
(STEEU) in 1988 and was elected to the Executive
from members.
Committee in 1990.
At the workplace, Brother Lingam served as an important
Given his humble disposition, Brother Lingam has, in his 22
link between the Executive Committee and the lower-
years in the Executive Committee, declined to hold office-
ranked employees, consistently giving his views and vital
bearer appointments. However, his contributions to and
feedback on these employees’ needs. He also promoted
involvement in union work were
no less than those in office.
He made active contributions
harmonious industrial relations through engagement with
the members to promulgate current issues through his
involvement in the Collective Agreement Committee.
to the union’s Social and
Welfare Committee
Brother Lingam’s contributions were well-recognised by
the Executive Committee as he became the first person
in STEEU to be conferred the NTUC Branch Official
Recognition Award.
He has strong compassion for the less fortunate. With a
heart for the less fortunate, he stepped forward in 2004 to
serve in the NTUC Care and Share Committee (formerly
Community Development Committee). Currently, he still
represents the union in the company’s Wellness Committee,
giving valued suggestions on employees’ welfare and
Brother Lingam is also a strong believer in leadership
succession and renewal, and was selfless with supporting
the union’s 3-Flow Resolution when it was first proposed,
even though he would be the first to be affected. He served
until he flowed on in 2012, but continues to contribute as
the Internal Auditor for the union.
In recognition of his contributions to the Labour Movement
and STEEU, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Brother Mahalingam Raju with the Veteran of
Labour Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Tan Lian Eng
Nominated by Singapore Teachers’ Union
Sister Tan Lian Eng joined the Singapore Teachers’ Union
Sister Lian Eng has been designated as Mentor in STU’s
(STU) as a member in 1971. Since then, she has come a
Central Council. She continues her passion of serving the
long way with the union. Her contributions in STU span
members and, more importantly, she is able to provide
across four decades with commitment, passion and service
guidance and coach the younger leaders. She is truly a
to the union and its members.
role model of selfless service and dedication to the
union’s cause.
Sister Lian Eng had served in various areas in the union.
During her early years, she actively contributed in STU
In recognition of her
Women’s Committee. She was the Secretary and later
contributions to the
became the Chairman of the committee. She moved up
Labour Movement and
into the STU’s Central Council in 1979. As part of the
STU, the National Trades
Council, Sister Lian Eng was always ready to provide
Union Congress is pleased
assistance to the union’s activities, and was always there for
to present Sister Tan
members and union colleagues whenever help is needed.
Lian Eng with the
Veteran of Labour Award.
Sister Lian Eng moved on to helm various leadership
positions like the Acting President, the Vice-President and
the Assistant General Secretary of STU. Her dedication and
strong belief in the union became a positive inspiration for
both members and fellow union colleagues. She strongly
encouraged and rallied the younger teachers to join
the union.
Despite her busy workload as a school teacher and head
of department, she was always able to find time to give
her support to the union and its programmes like STU’s
AGE Committee for retired teachers. Through the years,
she has advocated for the betterment of its members and
helped raise matters of concern to the Ministry of Education
through the union.
Despite retiring from service, Sister Lian Eng continues
to play an important role in STU. She provides the
Central Council with insights and advices drawn from her
experiences, and goes the extra mile in sharing
her knowledge.
Medal of
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Doctor Cheong
Koon Hean
Chief Executive Officer
Housing and Development Board
Nominated by Housing and Development Board Staff Union
Housing and Development Board (HDB) Chief Executive
Agreement was concluded swiftly in August 2013, with
Officer, Doctor Cheong Koon Hean strongly believes
win-win outcomes for both HDB and HDBSU. She
in the well-being of HDB staff and advocates work-life
herself has been a HDBSU member since 2010. She
integration strategies. Under her leadership, several new
also encourages HDB managers and HDBSU leaders
initiatives were implemented. These include the ‘Time-
to build capabilities in the area of industrial relations
Off For Eldercare’ scheme and the annual ‘Work Life
management. ln November 2013, 19 HDBSU officials
Day’ since 2011.
received the Advance Certificate in lndustrial Relations
from Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership lnstitute.
With these and other efforts, HDB received the Work-
This is the largest number from one single union in over
Life Excellence Award by the Tripartite Committee
two decades.
On Work-Life Strategy in 2012. ln addition, HDB was
conferred the ‘Best Companies For Mums’ Award
To support HDBSU in promoting union membership,
by the NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat and
Sister Koon Hean introduced an initiative to subsidise
Tripartite Alliance For Fair Employment Practices for
six-months of union membership fees for HDBSU
making flexible work arrangements available to staff.
members who join the union from November 2012. And
to provide HDB senior managers greater exposure to
Sister Koon Hean is a strong believer in people
developments in the Labour Movement, she endorsed
development and skills upgrading. One key success
the subscription of 100 copies of the ‘NTUC This Week’
was the job redesign of car parks and administration
newsletter from January 2013 for distribution to these
functions in the 20 HDB branches in 2011. About 370
staff members.
staff acquired new competencies through in-house
training to take on higher value jobs.
ln recognition of her outstanding contributions,
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
She is committed to bringing industrial relations
present Doctor Cheong Koon Hean with the
between HDB and HDB Staff Union (HDBSU) to greater
Medal of Commendation Award.
heights. With her support, the new HDB Collective
Medal of Commendation
Chor How Jat
Managing Director
Keppel Shipyard Ltd
Nominated by Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union
Brother Chor How Jat is the Managing Director of
Brother How Jat also encourages union representation
Keppel Shipyard Ltd. He has worked very closely with
in various management committees, such as Safety and
the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’
Productivity Teams. With feedback from union leaders
Union (SMEEU) for more than 10 years. He is deeply
who are close to the ground, the company saw many
concerned with workers’ welfare, benefits and safety;
safety measures improvement over the years.
and believes that one of the best ways to improve them
is through working with the union.
His support for the Labour Movement enabled win-winwin outcomes for the union, workers and company.
With this belief, Brother How Jat collaborated closely
Over the years, he has developed and strengthened the
with SMEEU during Collective Agreement negotiations
labour-management relations.
to push for improvements in welfare benefits for
members. In 2012, he also supported a proposal by
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the
the union to improve the wages of the workers through
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
restructuring the wage package. As a result, many
Brother Chor How Jat with the Medal of Commendation
workers enjoyed very good salary increment for 2012.
Brother How Jat also pays special attention to the
welfare of foreign workers. Union leaders, together with
the management staff, conduct periodic inspection of
foreign workers’ dormitories to ensure that their welfare
is well taken care of and to gather feedback from them.
Brother How Jat supports tripartism and appreciates
the work of unions. Strong management commitment
towards the Labour Movement is seen through the
interest he takes in attending union events.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Daisy Chan
Mui Wah
Group Human Resource Officer
ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
Nominated by National Transport Workers’ Union
Sister Daisy Chan Mui Wah, the Group Human
Her commitment to being accessible to the people
Resource Officer of ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
and strong emphasis on engagement with the people
(ComfortDelGro), has always been a strong advocate
has encouraged many, especially management and
of good labour-management relations and a committed
union representatives, to share and raise their concerns
proponent of fair employment practices.
and give feedback. This interactive relationship and
partnership approach advocated by Sister Daisy has
Besides building and nurturing a strong labour
allowed ComfortDelGro and NTWU to better manage
relationship between ComfortDelGro Group of
the labour-management contentions and assuage
Companies and the National Transport Workers’
ground concerns such that the long-term interests of
Union (NTWU), Sister Daisy has also made significant
the employees and the company reach a sustainable
contributions in the business-labour scene to help
and harmonious outcome.
shape the broader national context on better labourmanagement relations and fairer employment practices.
In recognition of her outstanding contributions,
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
Her strong appreciation of operational and ground
present Sister Daisy Chan Mui Wah with the Medal of
matters has helped to progress many challenging
Commendation Award.
policies and issues. Coupled with her positive outlook
and collaborative approach, Sister Daisy has helped
to set a firm foundation of respect and trust between
ComfortDelGro and NTWU.
Medal of Commendation
Ho Nee Sin
Managing Director
SMOE Pte Ltd
Nominated by Sembawang Shipyard Employees’ Union
Brother Ho Nee Sin, the Managing Director of SMOE
As Chairman of the Workplace Safety and Health
Pte Ltd, is also a leader with deep compassion for
Committee, he has been personally involved in all
his people. During his 40 years in Sembcorp Group,
aspects of the safety management systems, processes
Brother Nee Sin has held many key appointments
and actions which promote a safer working environment
in various departments and brought about many
for the workers, which at the same time care for the
improvements to the company’s business, as well as
the safety, welfare, skills and knowledge of the workers.
He also promoted a closer relationship between
Brother Nee Sin encourages joint union-management
the management and the Sembawang Shipyard
involvement in organising events and functions for
Employees’ Union (SSEU).
employees and their families, thus promoting greater
co-operation and understanding between management
Brother Nee Sin strongly believes that people make
and union leaders. In good times and bad times, he
an organisation, that success should be attributed to
garners the support of SSEU through his consultative
all workers, and a leader must genuinely care for them
style of management.
and their families in deeds and actions. He knows many
workers personally, and shows great concern for their
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the
well-being in his daily movements in the company. In the
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
area of knowledge acquisition and skills training, there
Brother Ho Nee Sin with the Medal of Commendation
has also been much investment in tandem with the
mechanisation and changes to systems, processes and
infrastructure in the company.
A champion for the re-employment of mature workers,
Brother Nee Sin values their knowledge and experience,
and believes that they should remain in employment
as long as they can contribute, are in good health and
willing to work.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
James Wong
Kok Onn
Deputy Secretary (Policy)
Public Service Division
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of Public Employees
As Deputy Secretary (Policy) of the Public Service
Programme to support the training of lower division
Division (PSD), Brother James Wong Kok Onn plays a
officers. Under his directive, PSD, AUPE and the
pivotal role in developing a strong partnership between
Ministry of Education are reviewing jobs in the
the Public Service and the public sector unions, in
Operations Support Scheme (OSS) to enable OSS
particular with the Amalgamated Union of Public
officers to have a meaningful and rewarding career in
Employees (AUPE). Brother James believes in the
the Civil Service.
constructive role of unions, and actively engages unions
through regular dialogues and the annual Public Sector
Brother James not only helped put in place policies for
Union Management Gathering.
public officers to upgrade themselves, he also played
an instrumental role in uplifting the wages of lower
Through these engagements, he gathers feedback from
wage officers. Heeding unions’ call to help lower wage
unions to shape and refine policies impacting public
officers, he implemented built-in wage increases in 2012
officers. Recognising the skill-sets and experience that
and 2013, exceeding recommendations in the National
mature officers possess, he drove the introduction
Wages Council’s guidelines. These increases benefitted
of the Public Service Re-employment Guidelines in
some 9,200 lower division officers.
July 2011. This was six months ahead of national
legislation, allowing retired officers to be re-employed
Under his stewardship, medical benefits for civil
till age 65. Taking into consideration unions’ feedback,
servants were enhanced in April 2013. The Civil Service
he led reviews which allowed all eligible Division III and
also introduced two days of “medical certificate-free”
IV officers to be re-employed at the same substantive
outpatient sick leave per year in the same month.
grade and at their last drawn salaries.
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the
Brother James is also a strong advocate of continuous
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
upgrading to increase one’s employability and ability
Brother James Wong Kok Onn with the Medal of
to take on a larger job. He championed the review
Commendation Award.
of the Training Incentives Scheme and Day Diploma
Medal of Commendation
Joseph Yong
Soo Kyun
Chief Operating Officer
Natsteel Holdings Pte Ltd
Nominated by NatSteel Employees’ Union and Metal Industries Workers’ Union
As Chief Operating Officer of NatSteel Holdings, Brother
workers. He also launched a productive scheme so that
Joseph Yong Soo Kyun is known as a compassionate
employees who regularly improve their productivity get
leader towards workers and is deeply respected by both
rewarded and can earn better pay as a result. He was
Metal Industries Workers’ Union (MIWU) and NatSteel
also instrumental in building up the NatSteel Academy,
Employees’ Union (NEU). His friendship with the unions
which provides training to all employees.
started more than 20 years ago, and the meaningful
dialogues between him and the unions have led to the
Brother Joseph supports the Labour Movement’s call
improved welfare of the workers.
for fair employment practices, and is committed to
ensuring re-employed workers retain the same salary
NatSteel Holdings actively supports MIWU and NEU
package, with no changes to medical benefits. He
with contributions to the unions’ events and causes
chairs the Re-employment Review Committee at the
such as joint union-management Bursary and Merit
unions’ level to review all appeal cases of workers
Awards to benefit the staff’s school-going children. To
certified as unfit to work to ensure that everyone is given
support the unions’ membership recruitment drives, the
fair consideration and eliminate age discrimination.
management contributes a yearly sum to enable both
unions to organise functions for members.
At the national level, Brother Joseph is also a member
of the Workplace Safety and Health Metalworking
With Brother Joseph’s support, the company and
Committee as he strongly believes in the importance of
unions reached mutual agreement on increases
workplace safety.
in allowances and better pay for workers through
Collective Agreement negotiations.
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
As a strong advocate for productivity improvements and
Brother Joseph Yong Soo Kyun with the Medal of
continuous training, he led the company in investing
Commendation Award.
millions of dollars into automation of machines, resulting
in an easier, smarter and safer workplace for all
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Hock Heng
Vice President & Managing Director
Glaxo Wellcome Manufacturing Pte Ltd
& Beecham Pharmaceuticals (Pte) Ltd
Nominated by Chemical Industries Employees’ Union
Brother Lim Hock Heng joined GlaxoSmithKline in 1992
contracts and support those who are able to continue
and became the Vice President and Managing Director
beyond 65 years of age. The management is also fully
in 2011 for two Global Manufacturing Supply sites in
supportive of union membership, enabling the Branch
Singapore. The two sites were unionised under the
Committee members to participate and carry out their
Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU).
union activities throughout the year.
Throughout his career, Brother Hock Heng has been a
This open communication approach with the union and
strong advocate of good labour-management relations
the employees has enabled all parties to work closely
and staunch supporter of the union. He encourages
with a view to help build a strong trusting relationship
regular dialogues between CIEU and his team, to share
between the employees, the branch officials and
concerns and forge deeper mutual understanding in
facing the competitive challenges ahead. He espouses
open communication with the employees and made
In recognition of his outstanding contributions,
considerable efforts to reach out to the operation team,
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
especially to the technicians.
present Brother Lim Hock Heng with the Medal of
Commendation Award.
Together with CIEU, the companies have embarked
on progressive wages for employees, with emphasis
on improving productivity, development of staff and
better career progression. Under Brother Hock Heng’s
leadership, both companies motivated and encouraged
the re-employment of mature employees upon reaching
62 years of age, with no changes to their current
Medal of Commendation
General Manager
The American Club
Nominated by the Attractions, Resorts and Entertainment Union
Brother Martin Rudden has been on the Senior
service skills-upgrading is an example of the many
Management team of The American Club for over 11
training programmes that staff get to attend to keep
years and is now its General Manager. His continued
their capabilities current.
keen involvement in industrial and employment matters
has moulded a positive labour-management relations
The club also took responsibility for its outsourced
between the club and the Attractions, Resorts and
security staff by improving the safety of security
Entertainment Union (AREU).
personnel through technological and procedural
modifications. Following the Labour Movement’s call
Supported by Brother Martin, the club was active in
to increase wages of lower wage workers, he also
pursuit of initiatives that uplifted the working life of the
supported the proposal of an extra cash incentive for
staff. Firstly, the club embarked on the Progressive
outsourced staff on agreed productivity based criteria.
Wage Model in 2013 for their service and kitchen staff.
They went on to scale their success model across other
Brother Martin creates a very encouraging and nurturing
departments. This ensured that its workers have clear
environment for the club by empowering senior
and rewarding career ladders in conjunction with the
management of the club to place equal importance on
productivity projects that were implemented.
the welfare of staff, both internal and outsourced, and
the management of the club. He also works closely with
Secondly, the club showed its commitment to the
AREU to ensure a consultative approach is adopted on
re-employment of mature workers by engaging AREU
all employment matters.
proactively six months before the re-employment date
of staff to discuss the career paths for the staff. Training
In recognition of his outstanding contributions,
is also provided for those who require competency
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
matching for their re-employed positions.
present Brother Martin Rudden with the Medal of
Commendation Award.
Lastly, Brother Martin championed a club-wide service
training programme powered by Disney Institute. This
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Regional Director South Asia Manufacturing & Technology
Gemalto Pte Ltd
Nominated by United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries
Brother Ramon Padiernos, Regional Director, South
Institute of Technical Education (ITE) on an internship
Asia Manufacturing and Technology of Gemalto Pte Ltd
programme to create production technologist jobs with
(Gemalto), works in close partnership with the United
minimum pay of $1,100 to attract Singaporeans to join.
Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries (UWEEI)
In the tripartite programme to attract Singaporeans
to ensure a better working environment for Gemalto’s
to work in the electronics sector, he led Gemalto to
participate in the pilot programme and took in seven
ITE students to carry out their Industrial Attachment
Strong labour-management relations were forged and
Programmes at the company.
his pro-worker approach has won Gemalto many
accolades since it was unionised in 2002. Industrial
Brother Ramon believes that companies should value
relations matters are also settled amicably based on
mature workers for their experience and expertise.
trust and effective communication.
Thus, the company readily adopted the new
re-employment legislation and worked with the union on
Brother Ramon is an avid supporter of NTUC initiatives
the inclusion of re-employment terms in the Collective
such as being Cheaper, Better, Faster (CBF) and
the Progressive Wage Model (PWM). He believes in
promotion from within the organisation, and provides
Brother Ramon also actively supports the union’s
training opportunities and career progression for
events and contributes generously to UWEEI’s Annual
Gemalto’s employees through the PWM. Under Brother
Dinner and Dance. He also supports the union’s
Ramon’s lead, Gemalto came on board the CBF
membership recruitment drives and invites the union
initiative in 2010 and this resulted in cost savings of
to recruit new members at orientation programmes for
approximately S$12.4 million which directly benefitted
new employees.
workers in the form of rewards and recognition.
In recognition of his outstanding contributions,
Brother Ramon ensures that Gemalto continually
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
provides training opportunities for its employees. He
present Brother Ramon Padiernos with the Medal of
also supports a Singaporean Core by working with the
Commendation Award.
Medal of Commendation
General Manager/Director
Aexis Security Management Pte Ltd
Nominated by Union of Security Employees
Brother Robert Wiener, General Manager/ Director
not require its employees who undergo the training
of Aexis Security Management Pte Ltd (Aexis) and
to be bonded, a reflection of the generosity of the
founding member of Prosec Security Services (Prosec),
management. Brother Robert fully believes in training
is a strong supporter of initiatives that could make a
and development of the officers, and plans to
positive impact in the industry. Prosec joined the Union
continue providing full sponsorship without bond for all
of Security Employees (USE) in 2005 and under Brother
Robert, has embarked on initiatives like Job Re-Creation
Programme (JRP) and the Best Sourcing Initiative (BSI)
Aexis, under Brother Robert, is committed to engage
to help improve the lives of security officers.
buyers of security services to improve the livelihood
and profession of security officers. Aexis has adopted
Prosec was a pioneer in the industry to support women
a two-pronged approach in the sponsorship of their
back-to-work by introducing flexible work arrangements
employees’ training. Half of them were taken out from
and Screen-Train-Place-Train programme. Brother
their work to attend classroom training. This required
Robert also encourages union membership through
co-ordination with relevant stakeholders on the working
a subsidy of $5 off his employees’ monthly union
roster. Another half of them were trained on site with
membership fees.
the approval and endorsement of the buyers. This has
resulted in a win-win situation for both employer and
Under his leadership, Prosec received the Plaque of
employee, where employer gets better trained security
Commendation in 2009. Brother Robert’s vision for
officers, and security officers get a chance to upgrade
Prosec is to be an employer of choice, and to be a
their skills.
more people-centric organisation.
In recognition of his outstanding contributions,
Brother Robert is personally spearheading Aexis’
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
Continuing Education and Training initiative for his
present Brother Robert Wiener with the Medal of
employees to be better skilled and higher qualified.
Commendation Award.
Launched in September 2013, the initiative does
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Samantha Chia
Wai Yee
Executive Director
DBS Bank Ltd
Nominated by DBS Staff Union
Sister Samantha Chia Wai Yee joined DBS Bank in
were plans by management in 2013 to make changes
January 2006. She was the Country Head of Human
to the working hours, she would seek feedback
Resources (HR) and has been a strong advocate
from the employees and share their concerns with
of good labour-management relations, partnering
management so that the ultimate goal - better work-life
DBS Staff Union (DBSSU) in many employee-related
balance - could be attained.
programmes. In late 2013, she leveraged on the
bank’s Flexi Work Arrangement (FWA) programme and
She believes that employees are important assets to the
currently works part-time. Her role was redesigned to
bank and is committed to improving their welfare. With
enable her to focus more on partnering directly with
constantly evolving changes in the banking sector, she
DBSSU and managing Industrial Relations matters.
worked with DBSSU to implement key initiatives such
as re-employment, flexible benefits programme and
Through regular dialogues and sharing sessions with
flexible work arrangement to ensure the well-being of
DBSSU, Sister Samantha gathers feedback from
DBS staff.
DBSSU on staff sentiments, and uses various platforms
to share updates with the union. This way, both union
In recognition of her outstanding contributions, the
and the bank are strategically aligned.
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
Sister Samantha Chia Wai Yee with the Medal of
Sister Samantha promotes strong partnership and
collaboration between DBSSU and the HR team by
organising yearly teambuilding events. To cultivate a
harmonious relationship between management and
bank employees, Sister Samantha would engage
DBSSU on upcoming changes in the bank that would
potentially impact employees. For instance, when there
Commendation Award.
Medal of Commendation
Rhys Davies
General Manager
Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium
Nominated by Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union
Brother Samuel Rhys Davies is the General Manager of
Security and Concierge employees with increased
Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium. Under Brother Samuel’s
productivity leading to gain-sharing with the employees.
leadership, the company’s management and the union
– the Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU)
Under Brother Samuel’s leadership, the hotel
have enjoyed robust labour-management relations. This
implemented the Progressive Wage Model for the
has helped made possible the prompt signing of the
security employees, as well as over 10 other productivity
Collective Agreement (CA) in December 2012, which
projects to improve productivity of operations and
resulted in new starting salaries across the board and
up-skilling of the employees.
the incorporation of new clauses in the CA such as
birthday leave and optical care benefit.
The hotel also implemented a holistic and structured
Workplace Health Programme in 2013 to equip
The company also took in recommendations from the
employees with essential health knowledge to drive
National Wages Council, and gave out competitive
higher productivity and better quality of life. The hotel
annual wage increases to its rank-and-file employees.
also employs people with differences, and modifies
The consolidation of the service points into the
the working environment and conditions to suit their
employees’ basic salaries has also allowed an increase
of between 10 to 15 per cent in the annual take home
pay of the employees.
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
Brother Samuel has strong appreciation for the
Brother Samuel Rhys Davies with the Medal of
experience and expertise that mature workers possess.
Commendation Award.
This has motivated the hotel to re-employ mature
workers beyond the age of 62 since 2009.
Being a strong advocate for workers’ training and skills
upgrading, the hotel has successfully multi-tasked the
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Wolfgang Baier
Group Chief Executive Officer
Singapore Post Ltd
Nominated by Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore
Doctor Wolfgang Baier, the Group Chief Executive
S$100 million over the next few years into people,
Officer of Singapore Post Ltd (SingPost) has worked
processes and technology to enhance productivity,
closely with the Union of Telecoms Employees of
increase staff safety and convenience while serving its
Singapore (UTES) since he took office in 2011. He has
customers better.
adopted an open, consultative approach in managing
labour-management relations, even as he steps up
Brother Wolfgang also actively promotes workers’
SingPost’s efforts to transform the Group in the face of
training and skills upgrading by implementing the Lean
significant global postal industry challenges.
Six Sigma and Kaizen with more than 100 employees
being trained. Under his leadership, SingPost adopted
Brother Wolfgang, in close consultation with UTES
the Progressive Wage Model in 2013. The company
and the SingPost Board, spearheaded the $10 million
extended the career path of the postmen with a new
SingPost Inclusivity Fund (SPIF) in February 2013.
job grade and provided a career path for postmen to
About 90 per cent of the fund is dedicated to help its
progress to become Postal Officers.
lower wage staff cope with the rising costs of living
through annual special recognition payments, income
With his support, over 70 per cent of workers above
enhancements and retention awards.
62 years old have been successfully rehired. SingPost
has also worked with NTUC Women’s Development
In 2013, because of SPIF, these staff received an annual
Secretariat to hire housewives as mail sorters. This is
increment of more than six per cent, which was five
also in support of NTUC’s re-employment initiatives to
times more compared to the average increment of
build an inclusive Singapore.
1.2 per cent in the logistics industry in Singapore. The
remaining 10 per cent from SPIF is to reward staff for
In recognition of his outstanding contributions,
upgrading their skills and competencies, as well as
the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
channelled towards bursaries, awards and scholarships
present Doctor Wolfgang Baier with the Medal of
for staff’s school-going children.
Commendation Award.
Another area of his focus is to accelerate the
productivity drive. SingPost is investing more than
Medal of Commendation
Ahmed Piperdi
Executive Vice President (Food Solutions)
Nominated by Singapore Airport Terminal Services Workers’ Union
Brother Yacoob Ahmed Piperdi, Executive Vice
Brother Yacoob has always been obliging in rendering
President (Food Solutions) of SATS Ltd, has been
support towards the Singapore Airport Terminal
an integral member of the management team and is
Services Workers’ Union’s activities and programmes,
instrumental in building a progressive and cordial
in particular those targeted towards the educational
labour-management relations environment at the
pursuits of the children of union members as well as the
company since he joined in 1981.
underprivileged in the community.
In his affable and erudite ways, Brother Yacoob has
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the
always been people-centric in his approach to resolving
National Trades Union Congress is pleased to present
the manifold challenges relating to operational and
Brother Yacoob Ahmed Piperdi with the Medal of
people issues.
Commendation Award.
Over the last 32 years, he has held stints in the full
gamut of the Company’s operations including Cargo,
Catering and Gateway Services, amongst other roles.
In all the various roles he helmed, he has been most
supportive of continuous learning initiatives as well as
technological improvements. Hence, the many lives
which he has touched throughout the company have
reaped the benefits of such initiatives in terms of career
and compensation progression.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Plaque of
Plaque of Commendation
The management of 800 Super Waste Management
Pte Ltd goes to all extent to uphold cordial labourmanagement relations with the Building Construction And
Timber Industries Employees’ Union (BATU). It maintains
good industrial relations by collaborating with the union
during negotiations on improving employees’ benefits. It
also informs the union on matters relating to workplace
grievances, employee termination and other work-related
800 Super Waste
Pte Ltd
Nominated by Building Construction And
Timber Industries Employees’ Union
The company is also supportive of ways to raise the
productivity of its employees. Being a provider of cleaning
services, it works closely with its service buyers to venture
into possible automation of its operations; as well as the
purchase of appropriate machines to raise productivity.
In 2012, the company embarked on the Inclusive Growth
Programme (IGP) at Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre by
investing in mechanised cleaning equipment. Apart from
the IGP, the company also supports its employees in
training and upgrading of skills. Employees are encouraged
to attend relevant Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ)
courses and the company also conducts on-the-job training
for employees on a regular basis to raise their skills
and standards.
In addition, the company is committed to rewarding its
cleaners with a Performance Bonus, an uncommon
practice in cleaning companies. The management also
worked with the union to support initiatives such as the
union’s Progressive Wage Model Focus Group Discussions
for Cleaning Sector, Cleaners’ Day, Workplace Safety and
Health Carnival, among other programmes.
The close collaborative working relationship between
the company and the union has resulted in the company
becoming more flexible and adaptable. The union now has
more members and better leaders; and workers can work
with ease in a stable working environment.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present 800 Super Waste Management Pte Ltd with the
Plaque of Commendation Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
Aero Asia Security Systems Pte Ltd works closely with the
Union of Security Employees (USE) to promote various
initiatives to improve workers’ skills and productivity
by sending its employees to attend Workforce Skills
Qualifications (WSQ) courses on a regular basis to aid their
career development.
Aero Asia
Security Systems
Pte Ltd
Aero Asia recognises the importance of the union by
Nominated by Union of Security Employees
salary breakdown on their pay slips, and has a proper
offering free union membership to their employees as
a form of welfare and recognition to them. Unionised
in 2010, the company signed a Collective Agreement with
the union to provide better welfare and protection for its
Aero Asia has good human resource practices such
as paying their employees promptly with detailed
performance appraisal system and career progression
pathways for its employees.
The company also recognises and rewards its employees
through various awards, performance incentives and
bonuses, and other welfare benefits. One noteworthy
practice is the provision of free annual medical check-ups
for employees above the age of 60. The company also
implemented flexible working hours to accommodate
employees with family and personal commitments.
Aero Asia actively recruits mature workers. Currently,
there are 29 employees above the statutory retirement
age, of which the oldest employee is 82 years old. As a
strong supporter of re-employment of mature workers, the
company’s employment terms and conditions for these
workers remain unchanged upon their re-employment.
The company has also invested in technological
enhancements to increase the productivity of its
security officers. With the increase in productivity, the
company enjoyed reduction in operating costs; and a
certain percentage of savings gained from the improved
productivity was passed on to the security officers.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Aero Asia Security Systems Pte Ltd with the
Plaque of Commendation Award.
Plaque of Commendation
DHL Global
Pte Ltd
Nominated by The Singapore Manual
& Mercantile Workers’ Union
DHL Global Forwarding (Singapore) Pte Ltd (DGF) came
to know more about The Singapore Manual & Mercantile
Workers’ Union (SMMWU) when it acquired Excel, a
forwarding company back in 2007. DGF then opened its
doors to SMMWU upon realising that some staff members
of Excel were union members, by extending its premises
to the union for recruitment. Eventually majority of the
staff became union members. Since then, the company
has been adopting an open and positive approach when
working in conjunction with SMMWU in industrial relations
DGF treats SMMWU as a partner and actively keeps the
union in the loop on major changes that would impact the
workers. Active dialogues enable the company to share
rationales for organisational changes with the union, so that
the union leaders understand and could bring across the
message to its members.
The company has also been supportive of the union’s
recruitment efforts and readily provides accessible venues
for these recruitment drives. In addition, it grants time-off
for the branch officials to attend industrial relations courses
conducted by NTUC. The management firmly believes that
competent branch officials will not only be able to serve
the union members well, but will also be a more effective
communicator between management and union members;
and open dialogues could take place.
With the mutual trust that has been built up over the years
between the union and management, many workplace
grievances were amicably resolved between the union,
management and affected members through open
dialogues. For the past seven years, there has been no
grievance or dispute that had to be escalated to the Ministry
of Manpower for conciliation.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present DHL Global Forwarding (Singapore) Pte Ltd with
the Plaque of Commendation Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
There were two noteworthy projects that EMA and AUSBE
successfully completed in 2013. One was the Compensation
Framework Review for Executive Staff who forms about 50 per
cent of EMA workforce and comprises the non-graduate staff.
The review facilitated their career progression and improved
competitiveness of their remuneration with both the public and
private sectors. Mechanisms were built into the framework
Energy Market
to allow for greater responsiveness to market conditions and
provide greater flexibility in rewarding for performance. The
other was the renewal of EMA Collective Agreement whereby
several staff benefits were enhanced.
In line with the Government’s move to encourage officers to
work beyond 62 years of age, EMA adopted the Public Service
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of
Statutory Board Employees
Division’s re-employment guidelines in close consultation with
the union to ensure eligible staff remain gainfully employed as
long as they meet the criteria for re-employment.
Since its formation in 2001, the Energy Market Authority (EMA)
has fostered a strong partnership with the Amalgamated Union
of Statutory Board Employees (AUSBE) and established a spirit
of trust between the union and management. This has enabled
both parties to work closely to enhance the work environment
and staff engagement in EMA.
EMA strongly supports staff to sign up for union membership.
To encourage staff to sign up, those who become union
members are given full reimbursement of the annual
membership fees. To date, EMA has achieved an almost 100
per cent union membership rate for the executive staff.
EMA values AUSBE as a strategic partner and consults the
union regularly on staff matters. Union’s inputs and feedback
are taken into consideration by the management and acted
upon in a timely manner.
In addition, EMA staff are sent for the necessary skills upgrading
programmes to beef up their functional knowledge and
competencies. EMA has also put in place a learning framework
focusing on generic core courses. Beyond actively identifying
relevant courses for officers to upgrade their skills, EMA is also
conscious that some courses might require evening course
attendance or project work. It therefore implemented flexible
work arrangements for staff who undertake such courses to
support them in attaining the qualifications.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Energy Market Authority with the Plaque of
Commendation Award.
Plaque of Commendation
Evtec Management Services Pte Ltd has been working
closely with the Union of Security Employees (USE) to
promote various initiatives by the Labour Movement such
as hiring of back-to-work women, employing mature
workers and the adoption of the Progressive Wage Model.
Recruitment policies and procedures were adjusted to
Services Pte Ltd
make such initiatives possible. The company also employs
employees who are physically challenged to handle
administrative and back-end support.
Recently, Evtec adjusted the starting salary of its security
officers to $1,000. This adjustment is highly commendable
as the industry median salary for security officers (SOs) in
this job grade ranges from $600 to $700. The company is
also working with the union to further develop the skills and
productivity levels of the security officers so that they can
Nominated by Union of Security Employees
progress further in their careers. With that, the company
has pledged to send all its SOs to undergo at least one
to two Workforce Skills Qualifications training courses in a
year. This will help greatly in the area of skills development
for its SOs.
To ensure that the employees are well-trained and
able to handle their duties better, Evtec has also
arranged for its employees to undergo on-the-job training
programmes, where they are able to pick up practical skills.
The company has invested in various technologies to
integrate technology with guarding services so as to
increase productivity levels, as well as provide its employees
with better skills and technological knowledge.
Evtec also provides performance incentives and issues
letters of commendation to its employees to reward them
for their good performance. These serve to encourage
its employees to do their best at work, which in turn
lead to better career progression. To allow members to
have greater awareness of what USE does for them, the
company has agreed to co-pay the union membership fees
for its employees.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Evtec Management Services Pte Ltd with the
Plaque of Commendation Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
For such a strong labour-management relationship to be
present in Jurong Port, union leaders play a crucial role. To
support union leadership development, the management readily
sends union leaders for NTUC courses and seminars; and
recognise their contributions at the company’s annual dinner.
Jurong Port
Pte Ltd
Nominated by National Transport Workers’ Union
Jurong Port Pte Ltd has enjoyed excellent labour-management
relations with the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU)
since 2001 through mutual understanding and trust. The
management values NTWU as a key partner as they actively
consult union officials on industrial relations matters and
participates in union events.
Labour-management meetings are regularly organised to
maintain the close bonds between both parties, as well as to
share updates with one another. NTWU can post updates on
union matters and activities via the company’s intranet. Special
arrangements are also made for members to attend the union’s
general meeting. As a result of such harmonious labourmanagement relations, there is a healthy unionisation rate in
Jurong Port.
Jurong Port is one of the first branches in NTWU to put in
place a re-employment framework. A high proportion of mature
employees continue to be re-employed. Their contributions
continue to be recognised as they receive performance bonus,
annual wage supplements and are eligible for long service
There is also commitment towards helping lower wage
employees in the company. Going beyond the National Wages
Council’s guidelines, the management gave a higher quantum
of wage increases to their low-wage employees than the
recommended amount. They even raised the salary criteria,
so that more lower wage earners can benefit from the wage
The welfare and safety of employees are amongst the top
concerns of management. Welfare benefits such as bursary
schemes, holiday allowance, annual medical health screenings
and medical benefits for family members are but some of
the ways the company looks after the well-being of their
Jurong Port is dedicated to promoting a culture of safety within
the workplace. Regular departmental dialogue sessions and
annual town hall meetings are organised by management to
keep employees abreast of company matters, gather feedback
and address concerns.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased to
present Jurong Port Pte Ltd with the Plaque of Commendation
Plaque of Commendation
Leica Instruments (S) Pte Ltd has always been a very
supportive management partner of the Metal Industries
(S) Pte Ltd
Workers’ Union (MIWU) and was first conferred the MIWU
Plaque of Commendation in 1995, and then the MIWU
Plaque of Commendation (Gold) in 2013.
Being transparent and having an open communication
mindset has helped the company and union foster excellent
labour-management relations based on mutual trust and
faith that benefit the company’s employees.
Against the volatile nature of the manufacturing landscape,
Nominated by Metal Industries Workers’ Union
the company has continued to find ways to increase
productivity in order to remain competitive and sustainable.
The company has actively adopted the Progressive Wage
Model advocated by the Labour Movement to its existing
policies, so that constant improvements can be made to
the workers’ wages, skills, and productivity levels to help
them progress further in their careers. With their ageing
workforce, the company invested heavily in the training and
development of the workers by upskilling, re-skilling
and multi-skilling them to increase productivity as well
as making jobs easier, smarter and safer for its mature
All these efforts were done in close consultation with
the union, exemplifying the strong labour-management
relations. The management team actively consults the
union, valuing suggestions and feedback from the branch
officials. This has helped the company address many
workers’ issues and concerns promptly and in an amicable
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Leica Instruments (S) Pte Ltd with the Plaque of
Commendation Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) has
maintained a harmonious working relationship with the
Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) since it
of Singapore
was unionised. MDA consults closely with AUPE on staff
issues such as benefits, welfare and work-life balance
The co-operation between MDA and AUPE is evident
in MDA’s efforts to contribute towards broader national
initiatives such as the re-employment of mature workers
and improving the salaries of the lower wage workers. It
supports the union by allowing more grades of employees
to be represented, and claim union subscriptions and levies
under the flexi-benefits scheme.
MDA is committed to building a culture of continuous
Nominated by Amalgamated Union of Public Employees
learning that spurs staff to improve their skills, knowledge
and capabilities assuring lifelong employability for every
individual. It is proactive in supporting work-life harmony
for staff and has kept pace by offering competitive staff
welfare benefits. Some of the recent enhancements include
paternity, shared parental and childcare leave. These were
made possible by the co-operative and pragmatic approach
taken by MDA management towards enhancing work-life
harmony and creating a family-friendly work environment.
To supplement these engagement and welfare efforts
further, various wellness activities that provide opportunities
to strengthen employee cohesion and cross-divisional
interaction are organised in MDA. These include
organisation-wide activities such as the Bowling Challenge
and Bring Your Kids To Work Day. MDA also made it
possible for staff to give back to the community through its
Care Connexion, an employee volunteer group formed in
MDA is supportive of all union efforts and is understanding
towards workers who have to attend union-related
programmes. This has encouraged its workers to be more
involved in union activities, which in turn help forged a
stronger bond between the union and company, leading to
better quality discussions that could contribute to a better
work environment.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present the Media Development Authority of Singapore
with the Plaque of Commendation Award.
Plaque of Commendation
Pte Ltd
The management of PPL Shipyard Pte Ltd has been
working closely with the Shipbuilding and Marine
Engineering Employees’ Union (SMEEU) for many years and
is very pro-active in engaging the union to discuss industrial
relations issues and gather feedback from the ground.
For the past few years, the union has been pushing hard
for the industry to increase the basic wages of the
rank-and-file workers. In 2013, the management heeded
the union’s call, and revised the wages of workers earning
Nominated by Shipbuilding and
Marine Engineering Employees’ Union
an average monthly salary of $1,500 and below, beyond the
recommendations of the National Wages Council. These
workers were rewarded with a built-in wage increment of
$50, on top of their annual increment.
The company is also forward-looking when it comes to
industrial relations. They understand that the demographics
of the workforce are changing and after discussion with the
union, allowed executive staff to stand as union leaders in
the rank-and-file branch. This progressive
outlook allows the union to be in tune with the concerns
of the Professionals, Managers and Executives staff as
well as provides the union with a bigger pool of potential
union leaders.
The company also supports the union’s recruitment efforts
for workers of all collars with the sponsorship of venues
and meals. It also encourages workers to attend the union’s
recruitment drive. As a result, union membership for the
PPL branch grew.
The company also constantly seeks to improve workers’
welfare. In 2013, after consultation with the union, they
donated generously to the branch welfare fund. This fund
goes towards helping needy union members working in the
company or can be used to improve members’ well-being.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present PPL Shipyard Pte Ltd with the Plaque of
Commendation Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
The management of Ramky Cleantech Services Pte Ltd
works closely with the Building Construction And
Timber Industries Employees’ Union (BATU) to ensure good
working conditions and fair returns for the workers, as well
as continued training to upgrade the skills of these workers.
The company upholds good industrial relations practices
by collaborating with the union on the making and
Ramky Cleantech
Services Pte Ltd
Nominated by Building Construction And
Timber Industries Employees’ Union
improving of employees’ working terms and conditions.
The management also updates BATU promptly on
employee-related matters such as grievances, termination
and other work related issues.
The company has also shown its strong support in raising
the productivity of its employees. It explores possible
automation of its operations and purchases appropriate
machines to raise productivity. In 2012, the company
tapped on the Inclusive Growth Programme thrice to raise
productivity and make work easier, smarter and safer.
The company also supports up-skilling and training of
its employees, through on-the-job training and sending
them for Workforce Skills Qualifications courses so that
they remain competitive in the cleaning industry and meet
the standards required by their service buyers. As a form
of encouragement, the company provides its employees
with an annual wage supplement which is an uncommon
practice in cleaning companies.
The management also shows strong support to initiatives
like the Progressive Wage Model Focus Group Discussions
in the Cleaning Sector, by having its Director, Mr Milton Ng,
participating as one of the members in the Tripartite Cluster
for Cleaners.
The company and the union have worked closely together
to achieve the Labour Movement’s goal of Better Jobs
for All. This has resulted in the company becoming more
flexible and adaptable, the union having more members and
better leaders, and workers enjoying membership benefits
in a stable working environment.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Ramky Cleantech Services Pte Ltd with the
Plaque of Commendation Award.
Plaque of Commendation
Sembcorp Industries Ltd (Sembcorp) is a proactive pillar
of support for the Union of Power And Gas Employees
(UPAGE). Its consultative and collaborative approach
Industries Ltd
in industrial relations matters has helped to minimise
workplace dispute and enabled staff grievances to be
resolved amicably.
Sembcorp is also supportive of membership recruitment
amongst not just the bargainable employees, but also
its executive staff. The union is regularly invited by
the management to present its benefits during staff
Nominated by Union of Power And Gas Employees
communication sessions. With company’s support,
recruitment drives are often held at worksites to better
reach out to staff.
UPAGE and Sembcorp work closely together on various
initiatives, including skills upgrading for employees
and enhancement of industry standards based on the
Workforce Skills Qualifications system.
Sembcorp is also a firm supporter of re-employment and
was one of the first UPAGE companies to re-employ staff
at 62 years of age.
Sembcorp is supportive of union-related events such as
its annual Bursary Awards. It is also a contributor to the
UPAGE Endowment Fund, which ensures the union’s long
term stability. The company also contributes generously to
the NTUC-U Care Fund.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Sembcorp Industries Ltd with the Plaque of
Commendation Award.
May Day Awards
Citation 2014
VDL Enabling Technologies Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd
works very closely with the United Workers of Electronics &
Electrical Industries (UWEEI). The company values UWEEI
as an important partner in industrial relations matters and
VDL Enabling
Technologies Group
(Singapore) Pte Ltd
works very closely with the union to resolve employees’
concerns in all areas. During the 2008/2009 recession, the
company was in close consultation with the union to ensure
that the livelihood of the employees, especially the lower
wage workers, are not affected.
The company was an early adopter in the re-employment of
mature workers. It shows strong support by implementing
a re-employment policy with proper procedure and system,
Nominated by United Workers of Electronics
& Electrical Industries
even before the Retirement and Re-employment Act came
into effect. It now also re-employs employees beyond
65 years old.
With a strong belief in the importance of training for
workers, the company leveraged on the Skills Programme
for Upgrading and Resilience scheme and sent employees
for training during the downturn. And from November
2012 to January 2013 when the company faced business
slowdown, it tapped on the Manufacturing Resilience
Tripartite Programme and sent employees for training.
Employees are also sent for personal upgrading courses.
Tapping on the Economic Development Board’s Master
Craftsmanship initiative, the management introduced three
more new grades (Master Technologist 1, 2, 3) to enhance
the career development opportunities of its technicians.
These grades were endorsed by UWEEI in the Collective
Agreement. A Progressive Wage Model for technicians was
also put in place to keep the Singaporean Core, and to
move these technicians up the ladder of career progression,
skills and wages.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present VDL Enabling Technologies Group (Singapore)
Pte Ltd with the Plaque of Commendation Award.
Plaque of Commendation
Warren Golf and Country Club has always been supportive
of the Labour Movement. As a non-profit organisation,
the club shares the same challenges as many others in
the industry - rising operating costs, manpower crunch
and a more demanding membership base. The club thus
Warren Golf
& Country Club
embarked on several initiatives to make work Easier,
Smarter, Safer and to Value Every Worker.
In 2010, the club took advantage of the Inclusive Growth
Programme (IGP) to improve the golf course underground
water irrigation method. This greatly reduced the time taken
to irrigate the course and allowed the spare manpower
hours to be spent on higher value-add tasks such as
Nominated by the Attractions, Resorts
and Entertainment Union
operations of the special mower machines on fairways,
roughs and tees. Staff were also able to attend to the turf
and ornamental nursery, which increased the production of
in-house grown plants and turfs.
In 2013, the club embarked on another Food and Beverage
mobile ordering system under IGP where 17 workers
enjoyed an increment in wages due to the increased
productivity and reduction of wrong orders.
In light of the manpower crunch, the club shifted
its employment focus on mature workers. The club
embarked on a job redesign project which eased mature
employees’ workload. The club also implemented an ideal
re-employment guideline, keeping all employment terms
status quo for the same job. This motivates mature staff to
continue contributing actively. They also re-employ workers
beyond age 65 if they continue to be fit and are able to
perform the job.
In recognition of its positive contributions to the Labour
Movement, the National Trades Union Congress is pleased
to present Warren Golf and Country Club with the Plaque of
Commendation Award.