COVER SHEET SIGMA XI GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD CONTEST Due 5:00pm, March 16th (Monday) to NAME_____________________________________ UNIVERSITY ADDRESS ______________________ UNIVERSITY PHONE ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________ HOME ADDRESS ___________________________ MAJOR DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE ____________ __________________________________________ MAJOR ADVISOR ___________________________ EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE ______________ DEGREE BEING PURSUED ____M.S. ____Ph.D. _______Proposal or _______Paper The paper is Published_______ Unpublished______ 2015 Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Award Eligibility: Any graduate student in a scientific field that is eligible for membership in Sigma Xi. Awards: An award certificate and cash prizes will be presented to award winners and runners up. Award winners and their advisors will be invited to the annual Sigma Xi Banquet and Award Ceremony to receive awards and be recognized. Awards will be given for: • • • • An original research proposal from a M.S. level student. An §original research paper from a M.S. level student. An original research proposal a Ph.D. level student. An §original research paper from a Ph.D. level student. § if a student winning the MS or PhD research paper award is a College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences (ABS) student, then they would also be eligible for the Griffith Graduate Agriculture Research Award sponsored by the William and Byrne Griffith Research Funds. If an ABS student does not win either of the best paper awards, then no one is awarded the Griffith scholarship in this year. Note: Award categories and number of awards may be changed based on the number of applications in each category and the selection committee’s decision. The committee’s decision will be final and binding to all applicants. Guidelines for Proposals and Papers “Proposal” Guidelines: The proposal will describe research that is planned, in progress, or a study the applicant plans to undertake if funds were available. Pg 1: Cover Sheet Pg. 2-3: The body of the proposal should be in an extended abstract form (with references) and should not exceed two pages. (References should be presented on a separate sheet and not counted in the page limit). Explain the problem to be addressed to a general audience, the hypothesis, research methodology, and possible conclusions, mentioning equipment and resources necessary and a projected timeline. “Paper” Guidelines: The paper should describe research that is completed. The research may be published, submitted for publication, or in preparation for publication. If the research is already published, the work from the published paper should be summarized following the same guidelines as unpublished work. The paper should be the work conducted by the student. Pg. 1: Cover sheet Pg. 2-6: The paper should be in an extended abstract form of no more than five pages. It should describe the research question/aims/hypothesis, methods, primary outcomes, and significance of the research. (References will not count in the final page count). Figures and tables can be included within the specified page limit. The format of both the proposal and the paper should utilize justified, Times New Roman, 12-point font, one and a half line spacing, with margins of 1 inch. Improperly formatted applications will be returned to the applicant without review. Applications should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file. The page limit will be strictly enforced. A panel of Sigma Xi judges will evaluate the applications. Authors of meritorious applications will be invited to make oral presentations. Oral presentations will be evaluated on the basis of organization and presentation style, research significance, clarity of objectives, literature review, research methodology, and concluding comments. A PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 minutes in length followed by 3 minutes of discussion is strongly encouraged for oral presentations. Written and oral presentations are both required for the receipt of an award. The date for the oral presentation will be set by the award committee and be binding to all applicants. Unfortunately, no requests for change of date for the oral presentations can be accommodated. The deadline for receipt of written materials is 5:00pm, March 16th, 2015 (Monday). All application materials should be submitted to Dr. Michael Gonda, at with the phrase “Sigma Xi Application” in the subject line of the email.