2015 National Rate Card

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Pacific aily News
Guam’s Complete Source
P.O. Box N, "agTtUa, Guam 96932
Published daily at
244 Archbishop Flores St. "agTtUa, Guam 96910
Phone (671) 472-1P N
Facsimile (671) 472-8432
Advertising epartment hours
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 30 p.m.
Customer Service "ours
Phone (671) 472-1P N (1736)
Monday - Friday 8 00 a.m. to 5 00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Sales irector jfmedina guam.gannett.com
Online onlinemgr guampdn.com
Gannett Rate Card Number 42
beginning ecember 30, 2013
The Pacific aily News/Pacific Sunday News
was established in 1970 as the
successor to the Guam aily News.
The Pacific aily News carries the news service
The Associated Press • Gannett News Services
• New York Times • Los Angeles Times •
Washington Post
Plus other special features from news
syndicates. P N Newsroom (671) 479-0404
The Marketing Guam and the Northern Marianas
offer a blend of cosmopolitan services with a relaxed lifestyle. The growing communities provide a
vital economic resource to business. The Pacific
aily News - Online provides you the opportunity
to influence, inform and sell to our increasing online readership.
1 Column ................................11 picas or 1 7/8”
2 Columns ..............................23 picas or 3 7/8”
3 Columns ..............................35 picas or 5 7/8”
4 Columns ..............................47 picas or 7 7/8”
5 Columns ..............................59 picas or 9 7/8”
Centerspread ..................................................21”
A standard page is 5 columns wide by 14B tall.
1 Column ..................................9 picas or 1 1/2”
2 Columns ....................................19 picas or 3”
3 Columns ................................29picas or 4 7/8”
4 Columns ..............................39 picas or 6 1/2”
5 Columns ....................................49 picas or 8”
6 Columns ..............................59 picas or 9 7/8”
Max. column dept ........................196 lines or 14”
A standard page is 6 columns wide by 14B tall.
07 50 3)&'+ 64
PRESI ENT & PUBLIS"ER Rindraty C Limtiaco ......................................................................671-479-0100
A VERTISING IRECTOR $ae Fermin Medina ..........................................................................671-479-0200
IGITAL MANAGER Carmen Sanchez ........................................................................................671-479-0226
MAR%ETING IRECTOR $ason Sakazaki ..................................................................................671-479-0500
NATIONAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Marty Anderson ..................................................................671-479-0209
isplay Open Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.50
isplay Open Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.50
6 pages or 420” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 pages or 910” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26 pages or 1,820” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
52 pages or 3,640” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Daily
1+black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600.00
2+black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,170.00
3+black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,750.00
Open Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 - 6 Consecutive ays . . . . . . . . . . .
7 - 9 Consecutive ays . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 or more Consecutive ays . . . . . . .
isplay Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.50
isplay Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.50
Blind Box Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.00
Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for mailing.
3)26)/'8 R)7&3(4 P30*&.4
Frequency rewards provide you with the opportunity to achieve maximum results. We offer these repeat discounts when you run the same ad more than once within a seven-day period (minimum sixinch ad size).
25% ISCOUNT off the open rate of the second ad run
35% ISCOUNT off the open rate on any subsequent run
A 2% cash discount will be granted for payments at net 30 days.
15% ISCOUNT Recognized Agency
Wednesday, 12 noon
Thursday, 12 noon
Friday 12 noon
Monday ,12 noon
Tuesday, 12 noon
Wednesday, 12 noon
Wednesday, 12 noon
Thursday, 2 p.m.
Friday, 2 p.m.
Monday, 2 p.m.
Tuesday, 2 p.m.
Wednesday, 2 p.m.
Thursday, 2 p.m.
Thursday, 2 p.m.
The Pacific aily News has full latitude with respect to ad placement, however we make every effort to accommodate your positioning requests. &ou may guarantee the position of your ad for an additional 25% on the
open rate. Minimum si>-inch ad si@e. *Sub0ect to availability.
0/ . -/ ) 2&4) 3
1 2 ) %1 2 -/ 4) ( -/ 3) 243
ome, ocal News, uneral and Photo allery
"alf Page (300 X 600)
Leader Board (728 X 90)
Weather Widget (88 X 33)
Posterbaord (300 X 250)
Pop Up
**Float over
appears once per unique visit per dayD
Spot Light Sponsor
*minimum of 5,
impressions and at least
D ifestyle, Technology D Sports A D pinion D National News A
D lassifieds D D ommunity A D oint D egion D dge A D uneral Announcements A D ibe D nline A D uam PD D A D nline A D uam
D oupons A %edding D uide A D uam D omefinder
Your Pre-printed inserts will be welcomed into your
customers’ homes every day. Inserts are priced by
size(number of tab pages) and frequency. 4oned inserts to the Northern, Central, and Southern parts
of Guam will allow you to target consumers in your
immediate vicinity, or consumers in areas that demographically match your best customer profile.
4oned inserts to the outer islands are also available. Consult your Account Executive on frequency
discount programs.
Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 full - 4 tab pages or less . . . . . . .
4 full - 8 tab pages or less . . . . . . .
6 full - 12 tab pages or less . . . . . .
8 full - 16 tab pages or less . . . . . .
• 16 + tab pages available upon request.
• Pre-print supplements must be reserved to Guam Publications no later than ten days prior to publication date.
All deliveries must be made in accordance with advertising space reservation deadlines. Any insert not delivered by this deadline will result in an adjustable date
(within 30 days of the original reservation date), which
will comply with our deadlines. An appointment for delivery must be arranged by calling (671) 479-0601
• Pre-print linage is not directly applicable to monthly
linage volume, howeverW One hundred percent of the dollar charges for inserting preprints will be converted to the
equivalent amount of space those dollars would buy at
the open rate determining linage to be credited to an advertiser’s earned rate.
• For size, paper weight and other mechanical requirements contact the Prepress Manager, (671) 479-0601.
Leader Board
D eader D oard A Skyscraper A Poster D oard
; R&5)4
Open non advertiser
13 weeks non advertiser
26 weeks non advertiser
52 weeks non advertiser
; R&5) C& '6 &503 S 0/4034+,
Open non advertiser
13 weeks non advertiser
26 weeks non advertiser
52 weeks non advertiser
*D ates are based on D PM rates with a minimum of D 5,D D D
impressions for at least D D days
MOBILE Standard WAP Banner
PAGE VIEWS - A page view is defined as every time
a page on a Web site is loaded by someone visiting
the site.
*minimum of D 5,D D D impressions and at least D D days
National $ob Finder (7 days)
D nline * 2D 14 rates are based on D PM rates
*D PM - D ost per thousand impressions.
VISITS - The visits report shows the number of visits
(i.e. sessions) to a site for the selected time period. A
visit is defined as a sequence of consecutive page
views without a 30 minute break. A visit always contains one or more page views. A unique visitor always
performs at least one, but possibly more, visits.
RETURN VISITS - The Return Visits Report displays
the number of visits a site received from visitors that
have previously been to a site. A visitor will not be
counted in the Return Report only if that visitor has
never been to the site. The difference between return
visits and total visits for a selected time period will be
the number of new visitors.
MONT"LY UNI+ UE VISITORS - Monthly Unique Visitors are defined as a visitor’s first visit site that month.
While one person may visit and view the home page
three times, a contact page twice, and several other
pages once each, the Unique Visitors reports records
that person as one Punique visitor” for that month.
BANNER IMPRESSIONS - The complete loading of a
banner on a web page.
* 45 * A
Ads via e-mail - All ads sent via e-mail must be in Binhex (not mime) format as an attachment to an
e-mail. Make arrangements ahead of time. Compressed files must be self-extracting. Sends ads to
graphicsW guampdn.com and inform your Account Executive.
We are equipped to read files inW + uarkXPress (include all images, fonts, convert colors to CMY%)
Photoshop (saved as EPS files, flatten layers, do not include halftone screens or transfer functions,
convert colors to CMY%). Calibrate Photoshop preferences to SWOP newsprint with a 30% dot gain
(FILEW COLORS SETTINGSW PRINTING IN%S SETUP). Graphics should be in EPS or TIFF format. If
in color, it should be in CMY%color only. CONVERT ALL RGB COLORS TO CMY%.
Photos should be 180 - 200 dpi, and sized within 10% of the size used in the ad. B&W photos can
be TIFF format. Color photos should be EPS format. If photos need to be separated, please submit
one day in advance of regular deadline.
Fonts. Screen and printer fonts must be included in your file. (PW N font listing available upon request).
2 . A * , 1 2, 6
Proofs. Please include a composite of your ad and a color print of ad for color matching purposes.
PW N will not be responsible for font incompatibility problems.
+ uestionsW Call 479-0609/0607 or fax 472-8847
• Email questions to graphicsW guampdn.com and a copy to your Account Executive.
• To Email ads send to W graphicsW guampdn.com
• Mac/+ uickmailW graphicsW guampdn.com
Cancellation of ad space must be done at the same time of space reservation deadline. The space
will be charged to the advertiser after this time.
The ANPA four digit color code(s) must accompany all reservations for color. Position and day of
publication subject to color availability. Camera-ready ads must have registration marks. Process
color ads which are camera-ready must have a color key. 85 line screen will be accepted for camera-ready half tones. Please consult your Account Executive for more information.
4 D 1D D D , 6
PAYMENTS O; ADS S All placement of advertising requires cash with copy or approved credit.
Credit applications are available through the advertising department. Advertiser shall pay for the
advertising purchased under its ad contract according to the terms indicated on the Newspaper’s invoices, and, in the event that it fails to timely pay as provided for in the invoices, the Newspaper
may reject advertising copy and/or immediately cancel Advertiser’s contract, and Advertiser agrees
to indemnify the Newspaper for all expenses incurred in connection with the collection of amounts
payable, including court costs and attorney’s fees. If Advertiser’s contract is canceled due to advertiser’s failure to make timely payment, the Newspaper may rebill the Advertiser for the outstanding
balance due at the open or earned contract rate, whichever is applicable.
RATE SCHEDULE CHANGES S The newspaper may revise its advertising rate schedule, and
should advertising rate schedule changes occur, you will be given a 30-day notice. You may, without
penalty, cancel by written notification, your advertising contract with the Newspaper at any time prior
to the time the new rates become effective.
STANDARDS S The Newspaper may, in its sole discretion, edit, classify or reject, at any time,
any advertising copy and/or photos.
RETAIL RATES S Retail advertising rates are available for the advertising of a single store, individual or service established or a group under single ownership operating under a single name from
one or more local addresses and selling merchandise or services at wholesale or directly to consumers at retail or a centralized group of individual stores or services, operating at a single location
as a shopping center, engaged in joint advertising of merchandise and services sold at that shopping
center. Classification of such advertising will be determined by the Newspaper.
INDEMNI; ICATION S Advertiser agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Newspaper
from all claims (whether valid or invalid), suits, judgements, proceedings, losses, damages, costs
and expenses, of any nature whatsover (including reasonable attorneysOfees) for which the Newspaper or any of its affiliates may become liable by reason of NewspaperOs publication of AdvertiserOs
; OINT AND SE; ERAL LIA; ILITY S If the Advertiser utilizes an agency recognized and billed
by the Newspaper, advertiser and the Agency shall be jointly and severally liable for payment and
for compliance with all the terms and conditions of the AdvertiserOs contract, including payment for
all advertising.
COPYRI; ; T S All advertising copy which represents the creative effort of the Newspaper and/or
the utilization of creativity, illustration, labor, composition or material furnished by it, is and remains
the property of the Newspaper, including all rights of copyright there in. Advertiser understands and
agrees that it cannot authorize photographic or other reproduction, in whole or in part, of any such
advertising copy for use in any other medium without the Newspaper’s prior written consent.
CONTRACTS S Each party’s obligations under the advertising agreement are conditional on
strikes, fires, acts of God or the public enemy, war or any cause not subject to the control of such
S; ORT RATIN; S If after any termination of this Agreement, the Customer shall have used more
or fewer space than the contracted advertising space agreed to in the ad contract, to the extent that
a different rate would be applicable according to the Company’s current rate schedule, Customer’s
rate for all space used during the term shall be reduced or increased to the appropriate rate indicated
on said rate schedule, and the Customer shall pay, or receive a credit for the difference. Specifically
in the case of a short rate, client will pay the rate that was earned. In the case of a rebate, there will
be a ceiling of 2 contract levels.
NO SE; UENTIAL LIA; ILITY S The Advertiser’s contract renders void any statements concerning
liability which appears on correspondence from Advertiser or its Agency, and is irrevocable without
the written consent of the Newspaper’s Credit W epartment. It is further agreed that the Newspaper
does not accept advertising orders or space reservations claiming sequential liability.
TA; ES S If any federal, state or local taxes are imposed on the printing of advertising material or
on the sale of advertising space, such taxes shall be assumed and paid by Advertiser.
CORRECTION TO AD; ERTISIN; ORDER S When orders are forwarded by Advertiser or its
Agency which contain incorrect rates or conditions, the advertising call for will be inserted and
charged at the correct rate in force governing such advertising as provided for in the Newspaper’s
rate schedule and in accordance with the conditions contained in Advertiser’s contract.
AD ACCEPTANCE S All advertising published in the Newspaper is subject to the applicable rate
card, copies of which are available from the NewspaperOs Advertising W epartment. All ads are subject
to the approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any
AD; ERTISIN; COPY S The subject matter, size wording, illustration and typography of all advertisements are subject to the approval of the Newspaper.
All advertisements less than a full page must have a full border. Full Page ads must have a minimum
of top & bottom orders.
Upside down, mirror image or vertical advertising copy less than 72 points is not acceptable for
Advertising which stimulates editorial contact not accepted unless clearly marked as advertising.
Font styles and design must be cleared by the NewspaperOs Advertising W irector prior to publication.
Alcohol and tobacco advertising accepted.
Personal ads are subject to the approval of the publisher, the Newspaper reserves the right to edit
all copy. Ad should be done in good taste. Publisher has the right to refuse any ad.
The Newspaper and The Sunday News deal directly and individually with its local advertisers and
does not accept local brokered advertising.
Each ad must be at least one inch deep for every column width. All advertisements greater than 11
inches will be billed at the maximum depth of 14 inches. 85 line screen will be accepted for camera-ready half tones. All centerspreads reserved will be billed as an 11 col. inch x 14 inches.
CANCELLATIONS S Cancellation of ad space must be done at the time of space reservation deadline. The space will be charged to the advertiser if cancelled after this time. Cancellations will not be
accepted after the applicable closing time. Advertiser shall be responsible for any production or
creative services provided by the Newspaper regardless of the cancellation of AdvertiserOs advertising.
RESPONSI; ILITY O; ERRORS S The Newspaper will not be responsible for errors after the
first day of publication on any advertisement. Errors noticed on the first day should be called to the
attention of the advertising department on the first working day after publication. Request for credit
for errors must be made within 30 days of the ad publication.
The Advertiser’s contract cannot be invalidated, and the Newspaper will not be liable, for (a)the incorrect publication (including, without limitation) typographical errors, incorrect insertions or omissions in advertising published by the actually occupied b the error.
PROO; POLICY S The purpose of a proof is to check for errors in price, phone number, sizes,
address, etc. Changes from original copy and resetting for nay other reasons will be charged to the
Changes to copy on proofs except correction and Pprice” charged by the hour. Includes substituting
of item price listing.
ADDITIONAL PROO; S S Customers will be provided up to two proofs. The first will be for correction and the second for minor items either missed in the first proof or not corrected by the artist.
Once the second proof is received, the artist will correct the ad, the ad will be sent to our camera,
and a copy will be faxed to the customer. If customers would like additional proofs (i.e. 3rd, 4th),
they need to add 24 hours to the deadline for each proof requested. If ads or proofs are not submitted
on deadline, the customers may not be provided their first and /or second proofs. If deadlines are
missed because of production delays, we will spend additional overtime hours to provide proofs to
customers after business hours.
; OLIDAY DEADLINES S A holiday deadline notification will publish 2 weeks prior to publication
date indicating advance deadline schedule.
ASSIGNMENT S Advertising contracts may not be assigned or transferred by Advertiser or its advertising agency (PAgency”), if any.
POSITIONIN; O; AD; ERTISEMENTS S Newspaper shall have full latitude with respect to positioning all advertisementsW provided, however, that Newspaper will use its reasonable efforts to
accommodate the AdvertiserOs positioning requests.
CREDIT C; EC; S The effectiveness of advertising contracts is subject to a satisfactory credit
check on Advertiser and/or Agency.
AGENCY COMMISSIONS S Agency commissions, if any, shall apply to all space charges and adjustments under the AdvertiserOs contract.
P; OTO RELEASES S Photographs of individuals to be used in advertising must be accompanied
by a signed release from the individual permitting the use of the photograph(s). Release forms are
available from your account executive.