LICENCIATURA EM ENGENHARIA E ARQUITECTURA NAVAL Dimensionamento de Estruturas Navais Project Work The midship section of a containership has to be designed based on DnV Classification Society Rules. The midship section design covers several steps of calculations and to facilitate the project work the steps of calculations needed are briefly described here. HULL SECTION SCANTLINGS ACCORDING TO DNV RULES Hull scantlings section of the containership has to be generated in accordance with DNV Rule requirements concerning the hull girder strength and local strength. The following requirements have to be fulfilled: • Hull girder strength. • Local strength of plates, longitudinals and transverse stiffeners in bottom, side, decks, bulkheads, inner bottom and other longitudinal structures. • Local strength of plates and stiffeners in transverse bulkheads The requirements are given in Det Norske Veritas' Rules for Classification of Ships. The most significant chapters for Section Scantlings are included in -Part 3 Chapter 1 Hull Structural Design - Ships with length 100 metres and above. The references to those chapters in DNV Rules that are used in hull section scantlings are given in appendix In the resulting report of the Hull Section Scantling has to be included: 1.1 Rule Reference 1.2 Input Data • Length between perpendiculars, Lbp (m) • Breadth moulded, B (m) • Dept moulded, D (m) • Draught moulded, T (m) • Block coefficient, Cb 1.3 Panel Geometry 1.4 Node Co-ordinates 1.5 Layout of Plates and Profiles 1.6 Cross-Sectional Area 1.7 Cross Sectional Data • Cross sectional area of the longitudinal elements cm2 • Position of the centroid: Ycg mm 1 • Position of the centroid: Zcg mm • Moment of inertia about the horiz. Neutral axis, Ih m4 • Moment of inertia about the vert. Neutral axis, Iv m4 • Section Modulus, Bottom, m3 • Section Modulus, Deck line, m3 • Section Modulus, At side, m m3 1.8 Design Bending Moments • At actual position (from AP) • Design still water bending moments, Ms kNm • Design still wave bending moments, Mw kNm • Design still wave bending moments, Mw for buckling check kNm • Horizontal wave bending moment acc. to Rules, Mwh kNm 1.9 Hull girder Strength Requirements • Material strength group • Yield point of material • Material factor, f1 • Stress factor, f2 • Minimum vertical extent of HS-steel mm • Speed factor, Cav • Sped/flare factor, Caf • Wave coefficient, Cw • Wave coefficient, Cwo • Wave coefficient, Cwu • At actual position (Midship section) • Minimum section modulus, Zo • Section modulus requirement based on design bending moments: • Sagging kNm m3 • Hogging kNm m3 • Rule section modulus m3 • Combined stresses at bilge and deck corners N/mm2 • Minimum moment of inertia m4 • Minimum section modulus at side m3 • Design bending moments used as basis for the Rule Section moduli: • Bottom (sagging) Still water kNm • Deck (sagging): Still water kNm 1.10 Compartments and loads 1.11 Summary of Data Involved in the Local Rule Requirements 1.12 Local Rule Requirements- Plates 1.13 Local Rule Requirements- Stiffeners 1.14 Analysis of Primary Hull Girder Stresses REFERENCES TO THOSE CHAPTERS IN DNV RULES THAT ARE USED IN HULL SECTION SCANTLINGS. Section 2 Material and Material Protection Section 3 Design Principles Section 4 Design Loads B Ship Motions and Accelerations B200 Basic Parameters 2 201 The acceleration, sea pressures and hull girder loads have been related to a wave coefficient 203 A common acceleration parameter is given by: B300 Surge, sway /yaw and heave accelerations 301 The surge acceleration 302 he combined sway/yaw acceleration 303 The heave acceleration B400 Roll motion and acceleration 401 The roll angle (single amplitude) 402 The period of roll 403 The tangential roll acceleration 404 The radial roll acceleration may normally be neglected. B500 Pitch motion and acceleration 501 The pitch angle 502 The period of pitch 503 The tangential pitch acceleration 504 The radial pitch acceleration B600 Combined vertical acceleration B700 Combined transverse acceleration B800 Combined longitudinal accelerations C Pressure and Forces Section 5 Longitudinal Strength B Still Water and Wave Induced Hull Girder Bending Moments and Shear Forces B100 Still water condition 103 The design stillwater bending moments amidships (sagging and hogging) 104 The design stillwater bending moments amidships for buckling control 105 The design values of stillwater shear forces along the length of the ship are normally B200 Wave load condition 201 The rule vertical wave bending moments amidships 202 Vertical wave bending moments amidships, buckling control 203 The Rule values of vertical wave shear forces along the length of the ship 205 The Rule horizontal wave bending moments along the length of the ship C Bending Strength and Stiffness C200 Extent of high strength steel (HS-steel) 201 The vertical extent of HS-steel used in deck or bottom 202 The longitudinal extent of HS-steel used in deck or bottom C300 Section modulus. 302 The midship section modulus about the transverse neutral axis 303 The section modulus requirements about the transverse neutral axis based on cargo and ballast conditions 305 The midship section modulus about the vertical neutral axis (centre line) C400 Moment of inertia 401 The midship section moment of inertia about the transverse neutral axis SECTION 6 Bottom Structures A 200 Definitions B Design Load C 200 Keel plate 3 201 A keel plate 202 The thickness C 300 Bottom and bilge plating 301 The breadth of strakes 302 The thickness requirement corresponding to lateral pressure 304 The thickness is not to be less than: 306 The thickness of the bilge plate is not to be less than that of the adjacent bottom and side plates, whichever is the greater. 307 If the bilge plate is not stiffened, or has only one stiffener placed in the middle of the curved part, the thickness is not to be less than: C 400 Inner bottom plating 401 The thickness requirement corresponding to lateral pressure 402 The thickness is not to be less than C 500 Plating in double bottom floors and longitudinal girders 501 The thickness requirement of floors and longitudinal girders forming boundaries 502 The thickness of longitudinal girders, floors, supporting plates and brackets is not to be less than: C 700 Bottom longitudinals 701 The section modulus requirement 703 The thickness of web and flange i C 800 Inner bottom longitudinals 801 The section modulus requirement 802 The thickness of web and flange is not to be less than C 900 Stiffening of double bottom floors and girders 901 The section modulus requirement of stiffeners on floors and longitudinal girders 902 Stiffeners in accordance with the requirement in 901 are assumed to have end connections. 903 The thickness of web and flange is not to be less than given in 603. D Arrangement of Double Bottom D 100 General 101 The height of centre girder and floors at centre line 300 Double bottom with longitudinals 301 Side girders 302 The floor spacing 303 Supporting plates SECTION 7 Side Structures A 100 Side plating, general 101 The thickness requirement corresponding to lateral pressure 102 The thickness is not for any region of the ship to be less than: B Design Load C 300 Plating and Stiffeners 301 The section modulus requirement 302 The thickness of web and flange is not to be less than D. Girders D100 General 101 The thickness of web plates, flanges, brackets and stiffeners of girders is not to be less than: 4 102 The buckling strength of web plates subject to in- plane compressive and shear stresses SECTION 8 Deck Structures A General 100 Strength deck plating 101 The breadth of stringer plate and strakes 102 The thickness requirement corresponding to lateral pressure 104 The thickness is not to be less than: B Design Load C 300 Plating and Stiffeners SECTION 9 Bulkhead Structures A General B Design Load C 100 Bulkhead plating 101 The thickness requirement corresponding to lateral pressure 102 The thickness is not to be less than: 103 The thickness of longitudinal bulkhead plating is also to satisfy the buckling strength requirements given in Sec.14 104 In longitudinal bulkheads within the cargo area the thickness is not to be less than: C 200 Longitudinals 201 The section modulus requirement for stiffeners and corrugations 202 The web and flange thickness is not to be less than INPUT DATA Ship L (m) B (m) D (m) d (m) Cb V (knot) CT1 105 17.2 8.7 6.5 0.7 15 CT2 122 19.2 10.1 7.6 0.69 16 CT3 100.0 19.00 10.40 7.70 0.70 16 CT4 120.70 20.00 8.70 6.50 0.71 17 CT5 141.20 25.00 13.60 10.00 0.68 18 CT6 151.40 23.00 13.70 9.50 0.70 18 CT7 167.70 26.50 14.40 10.70 0.66 18 CT8 193.25 32.20 18.80 11.20 0.61 20 CT9 233.40 32.20 18.85 9.70 0.66 19 CT10 281.60 32.25 21.40 12.00 0.68 19 CT11 293.0 32.2 22.2 12.2 0.65 24 CT12 305.0 43 22.7 12.5 0.6 25 CT13 320.4 42.85 26.4 14.5 0.63 25.3 CT14 335 43 24.7 13.6 0.64 25.3 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION 5 The project report should be submitted in the last practical lecture of the semester. REFERENCES • DNV Electronic Rules (2002) • DEM lecture notes. 6 STANDARD PROFILES 7 8 9 STANDARD PLATES Thickness, mm Length, [m] as a function of breadth, [mm] 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000 4; 5 6 6 6 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 7 6 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 8; 9 6 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 10 10, 12 10; 11 6 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 10.1 10, 12 12 6 6, 7, 8, 10 6, 7, 8, 10 6, 7, 8 10, 12 10, 12 10, 12 12 14; 16; 18; 20 6, 7, 8, 10 6, 7, 8, 10 6, 7, 8 10, 12 10, 12 10, 12 12 22; 24; 26 10 10 10 28; 30; 32 6 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 12 12 12 12 36; 40 6 12 12 12 12 45; 50; 56 6 10