¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear? Grade Seven


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Ohio Standards


Foreign Language


Benchmark J

Present original work and cultural material .

Indicator 11

Produce and share informal and formal communication

(e.g. fliers, posters, videos).


Benchmark B

Compare and contrast how linguistic structures carry meaning and vary across languages .

Indicator 2

Compare and contrast grammatical categories such as tense, gender and agreement in the target language and English.

Lesson Summary: Intermediate Level Proficiency

This lesson reinforces grade-level concepts in English

Language Arts. Students will present to the class a flier, poster, video or style show on clothing worn in the different months of the year here in Ohio and in Chile during those same months. Students should already know weather expressions, seasons, months, clothing and colors. Students will develop a fashion show on what to pack for a trip if you travel to Chile no matter what the season. Students will also be able to use adjective agreement correctly as well as demonstrate knowledge about the similarities between

English and Spanish.

Estimated Duration: Six hours

The foreign language academic content standards were written with the assumption that elementary programs meet for 90 minutes per week and that secondary programs meet the equivalent of 50 minutes per day throughout the year.

Time and intensity do matter, and programs that meet fewer minutes/less often will need more time to review previously introduced material before moving forward .


From the writer: This is a good lesson to use when highlighting Spanish-speaking countries such as Chile. This also permits a comparison and contrast of grammatical categories of agreement between English and Spanish.

From the field: The final project is awesome! This is the best project I have seen using all four skills, group work and appropriate content. The kids will love it!


Students individually will share packets of pictures of different seasons and clothing to demonstrate preexisting knowledge of vocabulary on weather, clothing and colors.

Students will first construct sentences describing the seasons, then describing weather and seasons and finally describing clothing and seasons.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Instructional Tip:

If students are having difficulties with vocabulary recognition, have them work with vocabulary flashcards or tutorial software. (See Attachment A, Vocabulary Flash Cards.


You may want to color code feminine and masculine nouns and adjectives to assist visual learners.

Scoring Guidelines:

You may make a check list using a “+” or a “–” for each question per student or a three-point rubric on whether the student did not respond, responded correctly or exceeded the expected response. Adjust the lesson according to student responses.


The Post-Assessment has two parts.

Have students create a flier, poster, video or fashion show presentation comparing the clothing worn in the different seasons in Chile and Ohio. Have students share their presentations with the class. They will receive a score for the written portion of the project (see Attachment B, Project Check List, and Attachment C, Project Rubric ) as well as the speaking portion (see Attachment D, Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric and

Attachment E, Nine-Point Conversion Chart ).

Have students take a simple written assessment to assess their ability to compare adjective agreement between English and Spanish using Attachment F, Post-Assessment

II-Morphology and Attachment G, Post-Assessment II - Scoring Guide .

Scoring Guidelines:

For Post-Assessment I, see Attachment C, Project Rubric, and Attachment D, Oral

Presentation Assessment Rubric . For Post-Assessment II, use Attachment G, Post-

Assessment II - Scoring Guide . On this chart mark if students’ statements include the differences in gender, number and placement of adjectives in English and Spanish.

Instructional Tip:

Oral presentations can be done in front of the class or in front of you. Attachment E, Nine-

Point Conversion Chart, is a sample designed to convert the numbers to a percentage or to a specific point scale

Instructional Procedures:

Day One

1. Write on the board and discuss that by the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

• compare climate differences of Chile and Ohio;

• compare and contrast the use of adjectives in English and Spanish; and

• produce and share a flier, poster, video or style show presentation on clothing worn in the different months of the year in Ohio and in Chile.

2. Conduct the Pre-Assessment by dividing students in groups of three or four. Distribute to each group an envelope with pictures of different seasons and clothing.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Have students first write individually on dry erase boards the following sequence of sentences. The first sentence should describe in the target language what season the pictures depict, for example, Es el invierno. (It’s winter.) The second sentence should include the season and weather expression that best describes the picture, such as,

Hace mucho frío en el invierno. (It’s very cold in winter.)

Check students’ written responses and provide feedback to those who need extra guidance.

Using pictures of different types of clothing, have students describe how many, what color and tell what it is. They will also state in what season they would wear that article of clothing. Example: Students see a picture of three yellow shirts. Have students write a sentence such as Hay tres camisetas amarillas. (There are three yellow shirts.) Llevo una camiseta amarilla en el verano . (I wear a yellow t-shirt in the summer). Encourage group members to assist students having difficulties.

Additional practice may include using tutorial software, working in pairs, groups or one-on-one with you.

Instructional Tip:

Use pictures from magazines, transparencies, textbook materials, drawings, etc., that show seasons and clothing. Instead of dry erase boards, this informal assessment can be a paper and pencil activity.

3. Divide students into small groups to discuss in the target language the types of clothing worn in the different seasons in Ohio.

Have each group select a card to choose a season. They will discuss clothing worn in

Ohio during that season.

Have each group select a secretary to write on big chart paper so they can share their results with the class.

In Spanish have students explain in detail the type of clothing worn. For example, camisas de mangas largas o mangas cortas (long or short sleeve shirts ) , abrigos o chaquetas (coats or jackets ) , pantalones cortos o pantalones largos (shorts or long pants ).

Have the group select a reporter to present the group’s paper to the class in the target language.

Using the target language, have the class come to a consensus on what clothes are worn by compiling the best results of all charts.

4. Finally, ask the class ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? (What is the weather like today?), ¿Qué llevas? ( What are you wearing?) and ¿Qué llevas cuando hace frío? ¿cuando hace calor?

(What do you wear when it is cold? When it is hot?)

Day Two

5. As a warm up, display a picture of a person who is outdoors. Have students answer what that person is wearing and what the weather is like.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven a) Have students write answers individually. b) Have students compare their answers with partners. c) Finally, discuss as an entire class.

6. Distribute Attachment H, Anticipation Guide on Chile, a) Have students work on this individually. b) Have students then discuss their answers in small groups of three to four. c) Have each group come to consensus on what they feel are the correct answers.

7. Distribute Attachment I, Chile: un país largo y estrecho (Chile: A Long, Narrow

Country) and have students scan the reading selection about the climate in Chile. Instruct students to look for weather expressions, seasons and the months that correspond with each season in Chile.

After they finish scanning the reading, have students return to their anticipation guide and make any answer changes individually.

Discuss answers in whole group. Ask students to explain where in the reading the statement is supported or where it proves that the statement is incorrect. Use questions such as: a. En las primeras tres preguntas, ¿cuáles son las frases que son ciertas?

(In the first three questions, which sentences are true?) ¿Por qué son falsas las otras frases? (Why are the others false?) b. ¿Dónde en el artículo le ayuda formar su decisión?

(Where in the article does it help you form your decision?) c. En preguntas números cuatro a siete, ¿cuáles son las frases falsas? (In questions number four to seven, which of these statements are false?) ¿Por qué son falsas?

(Why are they false?)

Conduct the discussion in the target language.

8. Finally, have students name at least three things they learned about Chile. Display their responses using a transparency.

Instructional Tip:

Use reading sections from either your textbooks, readings from the Internet or you may want to create your own reading selection.

Day Three

9. On the overhead, write in the target language the following questions:

¿Qué tiempo hace en el verano? ¿Qué llevas en el verano? (What is the weather like in the summer? What do you wear in the summer?)

¿Qué tiempo hace en el invierno? ¿Qué llevas en el invierno?

(What is the weather like in the winter? What do you wear in the winter?)

Have students ask and answer these questions orally in pairs.

10. Following the discussion, have students form groups of four or five.

11. Take students to the school library to access print sources and the Internet.

12. Distribute Attachment J, El clima en Chile (The Climate in Chile).


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Have each member of the group select a different city in Chile, such as Santiago,

Concepción, La Serena, Valparaíso and Punta Arenas.

Have students work individually on Part I.

Have students compare and discuss their answers within their groups.

Share responses with the entire class (on chart paper, transparency, etc.).

Discuss answers with entire class.

Instructional Tips:

You may want to provide other names of cities in Chile to select from (Antofagasta,

Arica, Puerto Montt, Temuco, Valdivia and Viña del Mar).

Sign out the computer lab, computer cart or the library/media center depending on computer availability in your school. Speak to your media specialist or technology specialist and ask for assistance in teaching the technology components of the lesson.

Search for information on the Internet using keywords like “ weather in Chile ,” or check available Web sites provided by your textbook.

13. Have students work on Attachment K, T-Chart, either individually or with partners, to show which months are in each season in Chile and Ohio.

14. Have students create sentences based on the information they have found about the climate in Chile and Ohio.

Have students first work individually on writing sentences and then work in small groups.

Have students share their information with the class.

15. Finally, ask students ¿Qué tiempo hace en enero en Chile? ¿Qué tiempo hace en enero en

Ohio? (What is the weather like in Chile in January? What is the weather like in January in Ohio?) Then ask students what they would wear in each location in January.

Instructional Tip:

Students may create a graph to show the temperature highs and lows for each month in Chile and in Ohio.

Day Four


On the overhead, have students answer the following questions in the target language:

En tu opinion, ¿qué tipo de ropa necesitas llevar en enero en Ohio? ( In your opinion, what type of clothes do you need to wear in Ohio in June?)

Si vamos a Chile para vacaciones, ¿qué tipo de ropa necesitas llevar en junio en

Chile? (If we were going to Chile on vacation, what type of clothes do you need to wear in Chile in June?) a) Have students write answers individually. b) Have students compare answers with partners. c) Discuss with the entire class.

17. Review information learned from Day Three. Ask students:

¿Qué tiempo hace en junio en Chile?

(What is the weather like in June in Chile?)


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

¿Qué tiempo hace en junio en Ohio? (What is the weather like in June in Ohio?)

18. Begin discussion of final project.

Have students work in the same group as in Day Three.

Have each student select one of the four seasons.

Have the group select a city in Chile from those that were previously researched.

Have the group create a map of Chile in their final project to explain where their city is located and what the average temperature is for each season.

Have students produce a flier, poster, video or fashion show based on what they need to pack and wear when they travel to Chile based on the season that was selected and how it compares to the same time of year in Ohio.

Distribute Attachments B, Project Checklist , C, Project Rubric, and D, Oral

Presentation Assessment Rubric .

Inform students that most of the work that is completed in class will help them with the project.

Each student will need to speak during the presentation.

Have students exchange contact information with other group members to coordinate their projects outside of class.

Instructional Tips:

Assign the project to provide students a weekend to finish their work, which will be due on the following Monday. Depending on class size, you may need to allow more than one day for all students to present their work to the class.

Review vocabulary and Post-Assessment attachments prior to the presentations. Make sure all questions posed by students are clearly addressed.

Students may want to do the fashion show as a multimedia presentation. Allow flexibility in presentation formats, particularly for students who exceed expectations.

Stress that each group member will need to have an equal speaking roles for assessment purposes.

Day Five

19. Review the use of adjectives and nouns in Spanish, focusing particular attention on agreement of gender and number. Place the following nouns and adjectives on the overhead: camisa (shirt) , pantalones (pants) , traje (suit) , blusas (blouses) , morado

(purple, masculine/singular) , blancas (white, feminine/plural) , blancos (white, masculine/plural) and morada (purple, feminine/singular). Ask the class to match the appropriate adjective with each article of clothing.

20. Using Attachment L, Venn Diagram , have students work in small groups and then share with the class the differences and similarities of between adjectives in Spanish and


21. On the overhead or chalkboard write students’ statements. Remember to emphasize gender, number and placement of adjective in both Spanish and English.

22. Review answers from Attachment M, Comprehension Check with the entire class.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

23. Distribute Attachment N , Formative Performance Assessment .

24. Finally, review any questions that students may have about the project.

Day Six

26. Have students translate into Spanish: She is wearing a blue skirt, white t-shirt and black shoes. Ask students to explain the difference of agreement in Spanish vs. English. Clarify any misconceptions.

27. Give students Attachment F, Post-Assessment II-Morphology.

28. Once students have completed Attachment F, they may use the remaining time to work on their final projects.

29. Have groups sign up for a presentation slot and identify the format of their presentations.

Make any technology arrangements necessary based on this information.

Days Seven and Eight

30. Have students present their projects. Assess speaking and written components using the attached rubrics (Attachments C and D).

Differentiated Instructional Support:

Instruction is differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met, to advance beyond the specified indicator(s).

Students work in cooperative groups and in pairs to learn new information.

Use visual supports in the classroom that capture information from large group sharing.

Students may use a variety of presentation styles to complete written assessment.

Challenge students to place data in a spreadsheet format and create electronically- generated graphs.


Have students make a plan for a vacation in Chile during a specific month. Have them categorize activities and clothing needed and create a packing list.

Students could track the weather in Chile and Ohio for one week to compare them to the seasonal norms, make Celsius/Fahrenheit conversions, etc.

Students could create a Concentration game with cards naming articles of clothing, and correct forms of the colors for differing gender and quantity.

Home Connections:

Students may want to create a graph illustrating the temperature from month to month in

Ohio and Chile.

Students may attend a local festival celebrating Chile or other South American countries and report back to the classroom.

Students may want to survey their family members as well as neighbors of different age ranges about what to wear during the different seasons.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Interdisciplinary Connections:


Earth and Space Science hydrosphere and atmosphere (e.g., water cycle, weather and pollution).

English Language Arts

Acquisition of Vocabulary vocabulary. author’s use of comparison, contrast, definition, restatement and example.

Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self Monitoring


Benchmark Determine a purpose for reading and use a range of reading comprehension strategies to better understand text. substantiating with specific references to textual examples that may be in widely separated sections of text.

Indicator Summarize the information in texts, using key ideas, supporting details and referencing gaps or contradictions.

Indicator Select, create and use graphic organizers to interpret textual information. summarizing and making predictions and comparisons, using information in text, between text and across subject areas.

Indicator Monitor own comprehension by adjusting speed to fit the purpose, or by skimming, scanning, reading on, looking back, note taking or summarizing what has been read so far in text.

Writing Process

Benchmark Clarify ideas for writing assignments by using graphics or other organizers. material, and keep a list of writing ideas. and Venn diagrams) to plan writing.

Indicator Use available technology to compose text.

Indicator Use resources and reference materials (e.g., dictionaries and thesauruses) to select more effective vocabulary.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Indicator 15: Proofread writing, edit to improve conventions (e.g., grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization) and identify and correct fragments and run-ons.

Indicator Apply tools (e.g., rubric, checklist and feedback) to judge the quality of writing.


Benchmark Locate and summarize important information from multiple sources.

Indicator Identify appropriate sources and gather relevant information from multiple sources (e.g., school library catalogs, online databases, electronic resources and Internetbased resources).

Benchmark Communicate findings orally, visually and in writing or through multimedia.

Indicator Select an appropriate structure for organizing information in a systematic way (e.g., notes, outlines, charts, tables and graphic organizers).

Indicator 8: Use a variety of communication techniques, including oral, visual, written or multimedia reports, to present information that supports a clear position with organized and relevant evidence about the topic or research question.

Communications: Oral and Visual

Benchmark Select an organizational structure appropriate to the topic, audience, setting and purpose.

Indicator Interpret the speaker’s purpose in presentations and visual media (e.g., to inform, to entertain, to persuade).

Benchmark Give presentations using a variety of delivery methods, visual materials and technology. information and descriptive details.

Materials and Resources:

The inclusion of specific resources in any lesson should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that particular resource or its contents by the Ohio Department of Education. Please note that information published on the Internet changes over time and that links may no longer contain the specific information related to a given lesson. Therefore, teachers are advised to preview all sites before using them with students.

Note: Some Web sites contain material that is protected by copyright. Teachers should ensure that any use of material from the Web does not infringe upon the content owner's copyright.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

For the teacher: chart paper, markers, overhead, calculator, Internet, computer, zip disks, all attachments, colored number cubes, weather- related

For the student: pictures, people outdoors to describe clothing worksheets, chart paper, paper and pencils

Vocabulary and Structures:


• corto/a short

• largo/a

• la temperatura máxima maximum temperature

• la temperatura mínima minimum temperature

• mangas sleeves


• pesado




• noun/adjective agreement

Technology Connections:

Have students work with the Internet to find information on Chile.

Their project may be a multimedia presentation.

Students may be communicating via e-mail to students in Chile.

Students may develop charts to best illustrate the comparisons on weather and clothing.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Research Connections:

Cook, Vivian. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching . 3 rd ed. New York, NY:

Arnold Publishers, 2001.

The purpose of language teaching in a sense is to provide optimal samples of language for the learner to profit from – the best ‘input’ to the process of language learning


Curtain, Helena and Carol Ann Bjornstad Pesola. Languages and Children: Making the

Match. ed. White Plains, NY: Longman Publishing Group, 1994.

Teacher-produced materials and visuals add a personal quality and investment to any lesson, and they are often the most effective of all teaching tools (p. 315).

…language proficiency outcomes are directly proportional to the amount of time spent by students in meaningful communication in the target language (p. 47).

When children learn to work cooperatively in small groups or in pairs, their opportunities for language use are multiplied many times over, as are their opportunities for active participation in concrete and meaningful experiences (p. 317).

[Games and activities] involve the students and the teacher in meaningful, motivating situations within which real information is exchanged (p. 371).

General Tips:

Present this lesson after students have learned weather, seasons, clothing, colors and noun/adjective agreement.

If your school has portable computer labs, you may want to bring the laptops directly to your classroom to save instructional time.

The best time to use this lesson maybe in the fall and can be used as a review of previously learned material.

Hispanic Heritage month is from September 15 to October 15. Many areas of Ohio have celebration or activities that students may attend. Encourage them to do so. Consider going yourself and, if possible, videotaping some of the events to share in the classroom.


Attachment A, Vocabulary Flash Cards

Attachment B, Project Check List

Attachment C, Project Rubric

Attachment D, Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric

Attachment E, Nine-Point Conversion Chart

Attachment F, Post Assessment II - Morphology

Attachment G, Post Assessment II - Scoring Guide


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment H, Anticipation Guide on Chile

Attachment I, Chile: un país largo y estrecho

Attachment J, El clima en Chile

Attachment K, T-Chart

Attachment L, Venn Diagram

Attachment M, Comprehension Check

Attachment N, Formative Performance Assessment


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment A

Vocabulary Flash Cards

La Ropa

traje de baño abrigo


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment A (Continued)

Vocabulary Flash Cards

La Ropa

gorro pantalones cortos

lentes del sol


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment A

Vocabulary Flash Cards


Attachment A

Vocabulary Flash Cards (Continued)



¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment A (Continued)


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Vocabulary Flash Cards



¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment A

Vocabulary Flash Cards - English


bathing suit coat

Attachment A


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Vocabulary Flash Cards (Continued)


gloves jacket dress skirt sandals hat sunglasses ball cap shorts


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment A

Vocabulary Flash Cards - English



¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Vocabulary Flash Cards (Continued)



¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment B

Project Check List

Proyecto ___________________________

Desfile ____________________________

Están preparando para un nuevo desfile de modas. Será la sensación del año. Primero deben escribir un párrafo para el locutor del programa. Debe incluir:

• Nombre de la ciudad en Chile

• Dónde está la ciudad

• Comparación de los meses de las estaciones en Chile y en Ohio

• Descripción de tres artículos de ropa que lleva en cada estación

-usen adjetivos describiendo cada artículo de ropa.

-escriban en frases completas en español.

• Frases que usan las expresiones del tiempo para cada estación


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment B

Project Check List - English

You are preparing for a new fashion show. It will be the sensation of the year. First you must write a paragraph for the announcer of the program. You must include:

• The name of the city in Chile

• Where is it located in Chile

• A comparison of the months of the seasons in Chile and in Ohio

• A description of three articles of clothing that are worn in each season

-use adjectives to describe each article of clothing.

-write in complete Spanish sentences.

• Sentences using weather expression for each season


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment C

Project Rubric

Project Rubric

Name ______________________

Date ______________________

4 3 2


Completion of check list



All items on check list completed

All but one item is completed

All but two items are completed

Three or more items are not completed

Uses grammar, spelling, word order and punctuation correctly

Well organized, neat and looks professional

Few grammatical or spelling errors; few word order and punctuation errors

Many grammatical or

Serious and significant spelling errors; many word order grammatical and spelling errors; and punctuation errors excessive word order errors

Somewhat organized, neat and looks somewhat professional

Loosely organized, not very neat and could be more professional

Not organized, lacks visual appeal; lacks professional quality


A lot of thought and effort into this project

Some effort and thought into this project

Little effort or thought into this project

Not legible; extremely hard to read


Able to understand what you are trying to communicate

Able to Able to understand most understand only a of what you are small part of what understand what you are trying to trying to you are trying to

Not able to communicate communicate communicate

Total Score ____________



¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment D

Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric

9-8 Demonstrates high proficiency

Excellent command of the language:

Few or no grammatical errors

Extensive use of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions

Articulate, flowing speech

Thorough response with interesting and pertinent detail

7-6 Clearly demonstrates proficiency

Good command of the language:

Minor grammatical errors

Adequate use of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

Some gaps in fluency

5-4 Demonstrates progress toward proficiency

Comprehensible expression:

Some serious grammatical errors

Limited vocabulary marked with some Anglicisms

Unnatural hesitations

Some detail, but not sufficient

3-2 Demonstrates strong need for intervention

Limited command of the language:

Serious grammatical errors

Limited vocabulary marked by frequent Anglicisms that force interpretation by the listener

General, narrow response

1 Unacceptable

Response falls below the above descriptions or is inappropriate

Refuses to make the presentation


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment E

Nine-Point Conversion Chart

Nine-Point Scale Conversion Chart

Name ______________________

Nine-point percentage 20 points 30 points 50 points

9 100% 20 30 50

8.5 96% 19 29 48

7.5 90% 18 27 45

6.5 85% 17 25.5 42.4

5.5 77% 15.5 23 38.5

4.5 67% 13.5 20 33.5

3.5 56% 11 17 28

3 50% 10 15 25

2.5 40% 8 12 20

2 30% 6 9 15

1.5 20% 4 6 10

1 10% 2 3 5


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment F

Post-Assessment II - Morphology

Compare and Contrast use of adjectives in Spanish vs. English .

Nombre ______________________

Hora _______

Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta en inglés.

A Ana le gusta el color amarillo. Hoy hace un poco frío y hay nieve. Lleva pantalones amarillos y una blusa amarilla. También lleva un abrigo amarillo y botas amarillas.

Explica la diferencia gramatical de la palabra amarillo entre el español e el inglés. Piensa en el número, el género, la concordancia y donde se pone el adjetivo. Escribe en inglés usando oraciones completas. (12 puntos)


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment F

Post Assessment II – Morphology

English Translation

Compare and Contrast use of adjectives in Spanish vs. English .

Name ______________________

Date _______________________


Read the paragraph and answer the question in English.

Ana likes the color yellow. Today it is a little cold and there is snow. She is wearing yellow pants and a yellow blouse. She is also wearing a yellow coat and yellow boots.

Explain the grammatical differences between the Spanish and English usage of the word yellow . Consider gender, number, agreement and placement. Write in complete sentences in

English. (12 points)

1. pantalones amarillos (yellow pants)

2. blusa amarilla (yellow blouse)

3. abrigo amarillo (yellow coat)

4. botas amarillas (yellow boots)


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment G

Post Assessment II - Scoring Guide

Name _________________

Date _________________

Hour _______

Look at each statement. Place a check mark in the box when the student explains gender, number and or placement correctly. Add the number of check marks and place it on the line provided.

Question #




Gender Number Placement


Total ______ out of 12


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment H

Anticipation Guide on Chile

Una guía de anticipación sobre Chile Nombre ______________________

Hora ______

Escribe “Sí” si estás de acuerdo con la oración o “No” si no estás de acuerdo.

Antes de leer Después de leer

______1. Chile es el país más grande que habla español. ______

______2. Chile está situado en América Central. ______

______4. Las estaciones de Chile son iguales a las estaciones de Ohio. ______

______5. El tiempo es el mismo en todas partes de Chile. ______ cerca ______

______7. La gente en Chile lleva pantalones cortos en diciembre. ______


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment H (Continued)

Anticipation Guide on Chile - English

Date _________________________

Hour _____

Write “Yes” if you agree with the statement or “No” if you disagree.

Pre-reading After reading

______ 1. Chile is the largest Spanish speaking country. ______ seasons. ______

______ 4 The seasons in Chile are the same seasons as in Ohio. ______

______ 5. The weather is the same throughout Chile. ______ to ______

______ 7. People in Chile wear shorts in December. ______


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment I

Chile: un país largo y estrecho

Chile está situado en el oeste de Sudamérica. Este país es largo y estrecho y mide unas dos mil seiscientos millas de largo. Es como la distancia de Nueva York hasta San Francisco. Chile tiene fronteras con

Perú en el norte, Bolivia y Argentina en el este y el Océano Pacífico en el oeste. La tierra de Chile tiene características definidas. Por ejemplo, el desierto de Atacama está en el norte. En el centro del país está el

Valle Central. La Cordillera de los Andes que está en el este de Chile tiene muchos volcanes. Algunos de estos son activos. Tiene muchos lagos al sur del valle central. En el sur por la Tierra del Fuego hay temperaturas como las de Antártica. Las temperaturas del país están influidas por la topografía local. Recuerda que Chile está situada al sur del ecuador y por eso las estaciones son opuestos de las de los Estados


El desierto de Atacama tiene una atmósfera muy clara y pura. Es un sitio ideal para los astrónomos. Por eso hay varios observatorios allí en el desierto. El Cerro La Silla es uno de los observatorios más famoso y más sofisticado del mundo.

La Cordillera de los Andes tiene más volcanes que cualquier otra

área montañosa del mundo. Esta área tiene unos dos cientos cuatro volcanes. Una cuidad popular en esta área es Portillo. Portillo es uno de los centros de esquí más popular de los esquiadores profesionales.

Muchos esquiadores practican allí durante los meses desde mayo hasta octubre. Esta es la temporada de frío o mejor dicho el invierno allí en


El mejor clima y tierra de Chile está en el Valle Central. Allí, la tierra es más fértil. También es donde vive la mayoría de la gente de Chile. En esta región está la capital de Chile, Santiago. Tiene un clima mediterráneo y variado como lo del hemisferio norte. Esta región es donde puede ver las cuatro estaciones como las de los

Estados Unidos.

Chile es una tierra de contrastes. Su clima es muy variado; depende de cuál región estás visitando. Chile está situado en el hemisferio del sur y por eso las estaciones son opuestas de las del hemisferio del norte. Por ejemplo, si quieres disfrutar el verano por casi todo el año, puede visitar los Estados Unidos durante los meses de junio, julio, y agosto y Chile durante los meses desde noviembre hasta febrero. Entonces si prefieres el otoño puedes ir a Chile durante los meses desde marzo hasta mayo.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment I

Chile: A Long and Narrow Country

English Translation

Chile is located in western South America. This country is long and narrow and measures some two thousand six hundred miles in length. It is similar to the distance between New York and San Francisco. Chile is bordered by Peru to the north, Bolivia and Argentina to the east and the

Pacific Ocean to the west. The land of Chile has definite characteristics.

For example, the Atacama Desert is in northern Chile. In the middle of the country you have the Central Valley. The Andes Mountains are to the east which has many volcanoes. Some of these are active. There are many lakes in the southern part of the Valle Central. In the south by the

Tierra del Fuego there are similar temperatures to those of Antarctica.

The temperatures of the country are influenced by the local topography.

Remember that Chile is located south of the equator so the seasons are opposite of those in the United States.

The Atacama Desert has a very clear, pure atmosphere. It is an ideal place for astronomers. There are many observatories there in the desert.

El Cerro La Silla is one of the most famous and most sophisticated observatories in the world.

The Andes mountain range has more volcanoes than any other mountainous area in the world. This area has two hundred four volcanoes. A popular city in this area is Portillo. Portillo is one of the most popular ski resorts for professional skiers. Many skiers practice there from May to October. This is the cold season or winter in Chile.

The best climate and land of Chile is located in the Central

Valley.There the land is very fertile. This is also where the majority of the population of Chile lives. In this region is the capital of Chile,

Santiago. It has a Mediterranean and varied climate like that of the northern hemisphere. This region is where you can see four seasons like those of the United States.

Chile is a land of contrasts. Its climate varies depending on which region you are visiting. Chile is situated in the southern hemisphere so the seasons are the opposite of those in the northern hemisphere. For example, if you want to enjoythe summer for most of the year, you can visit the United States during the months of June, July and August and Chile during the months from November to February. Then, if you prefer the fall, you can go to

Chile during the months from March to May.


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment J

El clima en Chile

El Clima en Chile Nombre _____________________

Fecha _____________________

Hora ______

Parte I Encuentra las respuestas en el Internet o en libros sobre Chile.

Nombre de la ciudad _________________________________________

¿Es grande o pequeña la ciudad? _________________________________________

¿Cuáles son los meses . . . de la primavera? ______________________________________________________ del verano? ______________________________________________________ del otoño? ______________________________________________________ del invierno? ______________________________________________________

Parte II Encuentra esta información en el Internet o en libros sobre Chile

¿Cuál es la temperatura máxima y mínima para cada estación?

Estación Max. Min.

¿Qué tipo de ropa llevan las personas en Chile durante estas estaciones?


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment J (Continued)

The Climate in Chile - English

Name _____________________

Date _____________________

Hour ______

Part I Find the answers on the Internet or in books about Chile.

Name of a city in Chile _______________________________________

Is the city big or small? _______________________________________

What are the months . . . in the spring? ______________________________________________________ in the summer? ______________________________________________________ in the fall? ______________________________________________________ in the winter? ______________________________________________________

Part II Find the answers on the Internet or in books about Chile.

What is the maximum and minimum temperature for each season?

What type of clothes do people in Chile wear during these seasons? spring summer fall winter


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment K


Nombre ______________________

Fecha ______________________

Hora ______

Comparaciones de las estaciones

Escribe los meses para cada estación.

Ohio Chile


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment K (Continued)

T-Chart - English

Name ______________________

Date _______________________

Hour ______

Season Comparisons

Write the months for each season.

Ohio Chile spring spring summer summer fall fall winter winter


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment L

Venn Diagram

Nombre ______________________

Fecha _______________________

Hora ________

Compara las diferencias y semejanzas de los adjetivos de inglés y de español.

Inglés Español


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment L (Continued)

Venn Diagram - English

Name ______________________

Date _______________________

Class ________

Compare the differences and similarities of adjectives in English and in Spanish.

English Spanish


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment M

Comprehension Check

Hora __________

Contesta las preguntas en español en frases completas.

1. ¿Cuántas estaciones tienen Ohio y Chile?

2. En Chile, ¿en qué estación estamos durante los meses de junio, julio y agosto?

3. En Ohio, ¿en qué estación estamos durante marzo, abril, y mayo?

4. Explica lo que lleva la gente en Chile durante el mes de diciembre.

5. Explica lo que llevamos en Ohio en diciembre.

6. ¿Hay una diferencia en lo que lleva la gente de Chile y lo que llevamos en el mes de diciembre? Explica en frases completas.

Ahora escribe dos frases en español sobre las diferencias o semejanzas del clima en Chile y en Ohio.






¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment M

Comprehension Check - English

Hour __________

Answer in complete sentences

1. How many seasons are in Ohio and in Chile?

2. In Chile, what season is it during the months of June, July and August?

3. In Ohio, what season is it during the months of March, April and May?

4. Explain what the people in Chile wear during the month of December.

5. Explain what we wear in Ohio in December.

6. Is there a difference in what the people wear in Chile and what we wear in Ohio?

Explain your answer.

Now write two sentences in Spanish about the differences or similarities of the climate in

Chile and Ohio.





¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment N

Formative Performance Assessment

Contesta en español en frases completas.

1. ¿Cuáles son los meses del verano en Chile?

2. ¿Cuales son los meses del verano en Ohio?

3. ¿Cuáles son los meses del invierno en Chile?

4. ¿Cuáles son los meses del invierno en Ohio?

5. ¿Qué tipo de ropa lleva la gente en Chile durante los meses de diciembre, enero y


6. ¿Qué tipo de ropa lleva la gente en Ohio durante los meses de diciembre, enero y febrero?


¿Qué debo llevar? - What Should I Wear?

Grade Seven

Attachment N

Formative Performance Assessment - English

Assessment Name ______________________

Answer in Spanish.

1. What are the summer months in Chile?

2. What are the summer months in Ohio?

3. What are the winter months in Chile?

4. What are the winter months in Ohio?

5. What type of clothing do people in Chile wear during the months of December, January and February?

6. What type of clothing do people in Ohio wear during the months of December, January and February?

