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Informatics Minor
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Informatics Minor
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Welcome to the home page of the Informatics Minor. If you have any questions or would like to
discuss informatics or the minor, please email info-minor@uiuc.edu
How much
One out of every four jobs between now and 2012 will be related to information technology . Get
started with a Minor in Informatics!
INFO courses
Spring 2008 course catalog
Minor News
CS and ECE
Date Posted
Minor Brochure
Past Announcements and News
Slideshow about
the minor
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What is informatics?
Majors & Minors
Informatics studies the application of information technology to practically any field, while considering
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its impact on individuals, organizations, and society. It uses computation as a universal tool to solve
problems in other fields, to communicate, and to express ideas.
Formally, informatics is the study of the structure and behavior of natural and artificial systems that
generate, process, store, and communicate information. Informatics also includes (1) the study of the
cognitive, social, legal, and economic impact of information systems; (2) research and development
of technologies needed to implement artificial information systems that enhance our cognitive
abilities; and (3) the development and use of advanced information systems in science, engineering,
arts, humanities, education, and business. Because so much information can be stored digitally, we
can manipulate it by computer. And because there is so much information, computing is often the
only way to make information beneficial to humanity.
The ability to handle vast amounts of information cheaply has changed the way we live. Advances in
computing power, the World Wide Web, search engines, and large-scale collaborative initiatives like
Wikipedia have revolutionized the way knowledge is created and shared. We have new forms of social
interaction — from email, IM, and blogs to eBay, Facebook, and YouTube — and collaborative art and
entertainment - from Limewire and podcasts to Guitar Hero and Second Life. Information technology
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(IT) has become a ubiquitous, indispensable component of our everyday lives, helping — or hindering
— us as we manage information, create knowledge, and make decisions.
Within the humanities, digital content is changing the way we visualize, present, understand, and
experience history and literature. Within the fine arts, artists are using high-tech tools to construct
virtual worlds, produce animations, and make music. Within the social, biological, and physical
sciences, pattern analysis, data mining, visualization of massive data sets, and large-scale simulation
of biological and physical processes, are enabling new discoveries and insights.
To leverage these advances to solve problems across all disciplines requires knowledge of how to
represent problems and domain-specific data, how to structure processes, how to handle work-flow,
how to manage complexity, and how to interpret results. To fully participate as an informed member
of society, we must appreciate the historical, ethical, and social ramifications of these accelerating
Informatics addresses all of these issues and provides tools for handling them.
For some examples of how others define informatics, click here.
Apply to the Minor
The Informatics minor program is open to undergraduates from all colleges and majors. It
complements the backgrounds of those majoring in any field, whether liberal arts and sciences,
engineering, applied life sciences, or commerce.
Admission is by application. Students should apply before the end of their sophomore year.
To apply, contact the Informatics Advisor
Students must:
1. Complete the University of Illinois Statement of Intent to Pursue a Campus-Approved Minor
form available from the Informatics Advisor
or at
http://www.provost.uiuc.edu/programs/advising/intent.pdf .
2. Have the form signed by an Informatics representative — normally Informatics Advisor.
3. Have the form signed by a representative of their college of enrollment.
4. Submit the Campus-Approved Minor form to their college and return a copy of the form,
signed by a representative of their college, to the Informatics Advisor.
Return copy of the signed form, via Campus Mail, to: Informatics Advisor, 2231 Siebel, MC-258, or
drop it by the office.
How much computer experience?
You do not need to be a computer expert to pursue the Minor in Informatics, but you do need a basic
foundation. Familiarity with word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, the World Wide
Web, and creating, saving, and finding documents on your computer are required.
If you lack any of these, you can get up to speed quickly by taking a Student Technology Training
(STT ) workshop offered by Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES ).
These two-hour workshops are held in the evening on campus and cost $10. If you are a first-time
user of a computer and need even more basic instruction, one-on-one tutorials can be arranged.
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Contact sttrain@uiuc.edu
or call 333-6285 for STT course information or tutorials.
Contact the Informatics Minor Advisor at info-minor@uiuc.edu
or 333-2322 for any questions.
INFO courses
List of INFO courses
Most students are required to take the three core courses: INFO 102, INFO 103, and INFO 202, in
addition to 9-10 hours of upper-level coursework. More INFO courses will be available as they are
Note: CS 105 and ECE 101 count as INFO 102. CS 101, CS 125, and ECE 190 count as INFO 103. And
LIS 202 is the same as INFO 202.
Upper-level courses
List of Upper-level informatics-related courses
Students must complete 9-10 hours of upper-level informatics-related coursework (300-level or
above). Most courses emphasize Data, Society, or Expression. Each course must be approved by the
Minor. The list of courses is not exhaustive, and it constantly changes. If you see a course that you
think should be on this list, please contact the Informatics Advisor
. Candidate courses for inclusion
will be considered on an individual basis. See Upper-level course criteria for how these courses make
the list.
CS and ECE students
CS and ECE majors do not need to take INFO 102 or INFO 103 for the Minor in Informatics.
However, they need to take four additional upper-level courses instead of the usual three.
These upper-level courses cannot be CS courses, and they typically have a non-technical focus.
Upper-level courses must be approved by the Informatics Advisor before counting toward the Minor.
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Advising tracks (Informatics Minor)
Announcements and News (Informatics Minor)
CS and ECE students - special requirements (Informatics Minor)
FAQs (Informatics Minor)
How much computer experience is needed (Informatics Minor)
How others define informatics (Informatics Minor)
How to apply to the Minor (Informatics Minor)
INFO courses (Informatics Minor)
Intro to the Informatics Minor (Informatics Minor)
Majors & Minors Fair (Informatics Minor)
Minor 1 page (Informatics Minor)
Minor Brochure (Informatics Minor)
Minor Poster (Informatics Minor)
Minor presentation to undergrads (Informatics Minor)
Related articles (Informatics Minor)
Substitutions for core INFO courses (Informatics Minor)
Upper-level course criteria (Informatics Minor)
Upper-level informatics-related courses (Informatics Minor)
What is informatics (Informatics Minor)
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INFO courses - Informatics Minor - Informatics at the University of Illin...
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INFO 102
INFO 103
INFO 202
INFO 102 Little Bits to Big Ideas
Broad introduction to the nature, capabilities, and limitations of computing. Topics range
from the way data is represented and stored, to the way today's computers work, to the
general ideas of algorithms and computational efficiency, to the future of computing.
Covers "Great Ideas" across various areas of the field, including, for example,
cryptography and internet security, problem solving, modeling and simulation, and
artificial intelligence.
CS 105 and ECE 101 count as INFO 102.
INFO 103 Introduction to programming
Introduction to computer programming with non-technical focus. Elementary principles of
object-oriented programming. Problem solving in various domains. Areas of application
include graphics and multimedia, game design, programming in a 3D environment,
computer art and poetry. Basic concepts and skills covered include data types and data
representation, arithmetic, logical, and string operations, conditional execution, iteration
recursion, modular programming, functions, procedures, libraries and code re-use.
Language used and problem domain area may vary by semester.
CS 101, CS 125, and ECE 190 count as INFO 103.
INFO 202 Social Aspects of Information Technology
Explores the way in which information technologies have and are transforming society
and how these affect a range of social, political and economic issues from the individual
to societal levels.
LIS 202 and COMM 202 are the same as INFO 202.
INFO 490GG Game Design: Creating Virtual Worlds
In Spring 2008 INFO 490GG
will be taught by Guy Garnett
. This course covers
principles of game design, game theory, and current video game technologies related to
multiplayer games and virtual worlds. Topics will include theory of game design
(interaction, play, etc.), story crafting, game engines, graphics, physics simulations, AI
simulation, world design, play testing, multi-player interaction models, and user interface
design. You will apply theoretical concepts taught during lectures to a semester-long
video game design project of your choosing.
Not e: INFO 490 topics vary by semester.
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Added by tolliver, last edited by tolliver on Jan 14, 2008 (view change)
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This list is not exhaustive, and it constantly changes. If you see a course that you think should be on this list, please contact the
Informatics Advisor
. Candidate courses for inclusion will be considered on an individual basis. Very few 500-level courses are listed
here because they are usually for graduate students only. However, sometimes undergrads can take them with special permission.
Most courses emphasize Data, Society, or Expresssion: D denotes Data, S denotes Society, and E denotes Expression.
ABE 426
Applied machine vision D
ACCY 432
Introduction to management information systems D
AE 410
Computational aerodynamics D
ANSC 448
Mathematical modeling in life sciences D
ANSC 542
Applied bioinformatics D
ANTH 407
GIS for anthropologists D
ANTH 478
Advanced computer-assisted methods in archaeology D
ARTD 412
Computer visualization I E
ARTD 413
Computer visualization II E
ARTD 415
Ninth Letter E
ARTS 340
The art of 3D imaging E
ARTS 341
Image practice E
ARTS 343
Time arts I E
ARTS 344
Interactivity I E
ARTS 361
Alternative processes E
ARTS 401
Digital book design E
ARTS 440
Image studio E
ARTS 441
Multimedia studio E
ARTS 443
Time arts II E
ARTS 444
Interactivity II E
ATMS 305
Computing and data analysis D
BADM 350
IT for networked organizations D
BADM 351
E-Business management D
BADM 352
Database design and management D
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BADM 353
Information systems analysis and design D
BADM 354
Management of data communications D
BADM 355
Enterprise software management D
BADM 367
Management of innovation and technology D S
BADM 453
Decision support systems D
BADM 454
Enterprise computing management D
CHBE 571
Bioinformatics D
CHBE 580
Lab techs in bioinformatics D
CHEM 470
Computational chemical biology D
CI 407
Technology in science educationS
CI 407 MS
Using multimedia and the Internet in teaching social studies S
CI 407 TL
Teaching and learning in a technological society S
CI 436
The computer and mathematics education S
CI 490
Identity, Bakhtin and Cyberspace S
CI 490 ETM
Education, technology and media ecology S
CI 490 PSC
Philosophical and sociological context of technology in education S
COMM 391 (LIS 491) Literacy in the information age S
COMM 479
Video games: content, industry, and policy S
CPSC 565
Perl & Unix for bioinformatics D
CS 400
Data structures for non-majors D
CS 412
Introduction to data mining D
CS 417
Computer aided instruction D
CS 465
Principles of user interface design, implementation and evaluation D
CS 498GG
Game design: Creating virtual worlds D E
CS 498KK3
Social visualization D S
CS 498SJ3
Intro to and survey of discrete event simulation D
CS 498SS3
Algorithms in bioinformatics D
DANC 532
Digital media for dancers E
ECON 474
Computer simulation studies in the physical and social sciences D
ECE 402
Electronic music synthesis D E
ENGL 482
Writing technologies E
EPS 304/399
Ethical and policy issues in information technologies S
EPS 490N
Social and policy perspectives on educational technology S
EPSY 457
Computer use in education S
EPSY 490/EdPsy 317
Learning and human development with educational technologies S
Constructivism, constructionism, and educational technology S
Analysis of advanced instructional technologies S
Learning and instruction with educational technologies S
EPSY 587
Computer uses in education S
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GEOG 379
Introduction to GIS D
GEOG 460
Analysis and interpretation of aerial photography D
GEOG 469
Spatial ecosystem modeling D
GEOG 476
Applied GIS to environmental studies D
GEOG 489
Programming for GIS D
HRE 384
Instructional technology in education and training S
HRE 399F
Design of learning systems S
HRE 484
Technology transfer S
HUM 482
Computer-assisted foreign language teaching S
IB 473
Plant genomics D
IB 491
Biological modeling D
IB 492
Spatial ecosystem modeling D
IB 493
Statistical ecology D
IE 441
Interactive systems modeling and design D
IE 450
Computer-aided manufacturing systems D
LING 402
Tools and techniques for speech and language processing D
LING 406
Introduction to computational linguistics D
LING 506
Topics in computational linguistics D
LIS 310
Computing in the humanities S
LIS 351
Design of usable information interfaces S
Business, social science, and the Internet S
Computers and culture S
Ethics in Cyberspace S
Emerging technologies S
Information organization in everyday life S
LIS 390G
Science and the Internet S
Race, gender and information technology S
LIS 390W1A
Web technologies and techniques S
LIS 456
Information storage and retrieval D
LIS 490
Advanced topics in information studies (depending on section)
Community informatics corps S
Game culture and technology S
Museum informatics S
Entrepreneurial IT design S
LIS 490W2A
Web structures and information architectures E
Wireless technology and society S
LIS 491
Literacy in the information age S
MCB 405
Genetics and genomics D
MCB 409
Bioinformatics and functional genomics D
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MCB 417
Modeling neural systems D
MCB 419
Brain, behavior and information processessing D
MCB 432
Computing in molecular biology D
MCB 474
MCB 519
Computational brain theory D
MCB 554/CHEM 574
Genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics D
MFGE 450
Information management for manufacturing systems D
MSE 482
Physical and social science simulation D
MUS 503
Computer-assisted composition E
MUS 448
Computer music E
NEUR 591
Computational brain theory D
PATH 439
Health applications of GIS D
Methods in computational neurobiology D
PSYC 358
Human factors in human-machine systems D S
PSYC 429
Human computer interaction lab D
SOC 350
Technology and society S
SOC 457
Sociology of technology S
SOC 458
Science, technology and policy S
SPCM 396
Advanced topics in communication (depends on the section) S
SPCM 410
Workplace communications technology S
SPCM 496
Advanced topics in communication (depends on the section) S
Making the world wireless: service in technology & policy S
New media & identity S
STAT 420
Methods of applied statistics D
STAT 428
Statistical computing D
STAT 458
Mathematical modeling in life sciences D
TAM 470
Computational mechanics D
UP 418
GIS for planners D
UP 590
Advanced applications of GIS D
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