From: AAAI Technical Report SS-97-06. Compilation copyright © 1997, AAAI ( All rights reserved. USE OF AN ACCOUNTINGOBJECT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR KNOWLEDGE-BASEDENTERPRISE MODELS Guido L. Geerts and William E. McCarthy Departmentof Accounting, N270North Business Complex MichiganState University East Lansing, MI48824, USA E-mail: Geerts "" -- McCarthy "" Telephone: 517-355-7486Fax: 517-432-1101 Abstract This paper reviewsthe basic tenets and structure of the REA(Resource-Event-Agent)accounting model, and discusseshowthat modelhas beenusedin a widevariety of knowledge-intensive environmentsto facilitate automated reasoning concerning economicphenomenain business enterprises. Themodel’sbasic conceptsandstructures are reviewedat both higher (enterprise valuechain) and lower (businessprocesstasks) levels of abstraction. Theuse REAin someprototypeAI systemsandits use in empirical assessments is also discussed. Introduction Mostcorporateenterprise informationis concernedwith the acquisition, transfer, conversion,and sale of economic resourceslike cash, inventory,and supplies of labor and services. Bydef’mition,such data traditionally has been tracked primarily by accountingsystemswith individual computerizedmoduleslike payroll, accountspayable and receivable,job costing, order entry, andgeneralledger. In both small and large companies,the accounting system designers usually have a preemptivecall on the basic schemesused to type economicdata either because of statutory reportingrequirements (to agencieslike the IRSor the SEC)or becauseof private reporting requirementsto creditors and shareholders. If accountants use these preemptiveprivileges to force traditional accountcoding onto the organization database as its fundamental classification architecture(in other words,if they require early joumalizing of Wansaction data), then many dysfunctionaleffects arise. McCarthy (1982)first noted these, andhis list wasreiterated andexpandedby Andros, Cberrington,and Denna(1992) in conjunctionwith work 41 that involvedrestructuringandconsolidationof all of IBM’s worldwideaccounting systems. Prominent amongthese dysfunctionalfeatures of traditional accountingenterprise architectureswerethree that weintendto focusuponin this paper: (1) their inability to integrate well withknowledgebased decision tools, (2) their inability to accommodate process-orientedmodelsof the enterprise, and (3) their inability to be usedinter-organizationally.Asa remedy for these deficiencies, weproposethe application of the REA accountingmodelin the analysis, operation, anduse of an enterprise information system. REAspecifically incorporates the semanticsof economicobjects into the information architecture of a fLrm. Such embedding facilitates couplingwith knowledge-based decisionsupport systems. Additionally,recent advancesin REAtheory have incorporatedits explicit top-down use as a processmodelof enterprise economic activities alonga value-addedchain. This allowsthe processsemanticsof a firm’s constellation of economicobjects to be viewedat multiple levels of abstraction andto be used in understandingandusing the corporatedatabase(Geerts andMcCarthy,1997). Therest of this paperis organizedas follows.Wefast give an overviewof the REA accountingmodel,especially as it can be viewed as a top-downportrayal of the basic economicrationale for organizing and structuring a company.Somewhat informally, werefer to this rationale as the "businessentrepreneur script." Thisscript is simplya process modelof the enterprise at different levels of abstraction. The term REA(which stands for resourceevent-agent) refers to the prototypical economicobject constellationassociatedwith eachprocessin this top-down script. Following illustration of the entrepreneurscript, we moveto an expositionof an architecturefor the accounting objectinfi’astructure,andwespeculateonthis architecture’s use in the day-to-dayoperation of a business. Oncedone with the architecture, wemoveto a comparison of systems built on PEAprinciples with those built on conventional precepts. Our comparisons here will focus on the possibilities for automated reasoningandfor couplingthese systemswith knowledge-based decision tools. Wefinish with an enumeration for both the near anddistant future of the possibleuses for our REAenterprise architecture. Our listing will emphasizeimmediatepractical use of these ideas, andour explanationswill includequickdescriptions of three AIsystemsbuilt withthese ideas. REAAccounting as a Business Entrepreneur Script In simpleterms, all businessesenterprises operate in the samemanner.Somebody has an idea about howto provide a new/improvedservice or product (e.g., a better mousetrap,a newwayto cure somemalady,a better/faster wayto improvesomething,etc.). This entrepreneur then acquiressomeinitial financingin the formof debtor equity for the enterprise. Theentrepreneurthenengagesin a chain of purposefuleconomic exchangeswith other parties (like vendors and employees), each time giving up some economicresource (like money)in return for taking back anotherresourceof greater valuewherevalueis defmedin termsof a deliverableportfolioof attributesattractiveto the fh’m’sultimate customers.Hopefully,mostentrepreneurs fred that when they have consummatedtheir final exchanges with their customersandpaid off their creditors, theyenjoya justifiable profit fromthese activities (i.e., in the longterm, they take in morecash than they giveout). Asuccessful entrepreneurcycles throughsuch a chain of value-added activities on a continualbasis. Acorporation doesthe same,exceptin morebureaucraticfashion. In processterms,this entrepreneur script is illustratedat the top of Figure1 at different levels of abstraction.Thetoplevel process "I engagein value-addedexchanges"is explodedto the three process bubblesjust belowit where each second-level process has identified economic resources as both input and output (R.M.= raw materials; F.G. = finished goods). Accountantswouldrefer to the three second-levelprocessesshownfromleft to right in Figure1 as the acquisitioncycle, the conversioncycle, and the revenuecycle. AnPEAprocess modelof the fh’mcan considersucha processhierarchyat great depths, although wehaveshownjust two levels here. A typical enterprise model would have a much deeper and wider process hierarchy that wouldapproximatea Porter-type (1985) value chain. Themicroeconomic rationale for these entire enterprise modelsis explained by Geerts and McCarthy (1994b). 42 Surrounded by a dotted line at the bottomof Figure1, we have shownthe REAobject constellation (in entityrelationship form)of each exchangeprocess. In general, each process explodesto eight entities, althoughthere almost always is someoverlap. Each exchange has an incrementevent (or possiblya set of events)linked with decrementevent (or set of events). The incrementand decrement eventshaveentity constellationsthat are actually mirror imagesof each other. Exact definitions for the economic resources, the economic events, and the economicagents follow from those given by McCarthyin 1982 as do the defmitions for the different types of relationshipsinvolvedin the prototypicalobjecttemplate. Tomakematters a little moreconcrete, wenote that the revenuecycle of Figure1 (i.e., the bubblelabeled"I sell f’mished goods") might have the following set of REA entities: decrement:a sale event occurs whichinvolves givingthe resourcefinished goodsby an internal agentsalespersonto an external agentcustomer increment:a cash receipt event occurs which involvestaking the resource cashby an internal agentcashier froman external agentcustomer. Readersinterested in howsuchentity constellationscan be implementedwith database technology mayconsult Gal and McCarthy(1986). The RIgA Accounting Object Infrastructure Whenthe entrepreneurscript is fully specified top down and wheneach leaf node in the process hierarchy is explodedto give its full complement of REAentities and relationships, a candidateenterprise schemafor a company results. In almostall corporatecases, this schemawill be augmented with manyobjects that do not relate directly to the acquisition,conversion,andsale of economic resources. However,the REAcomponentswill undoubtedlyform an accountabilityinfrastructure for the corporateinformation architecture. Theuse and maintenanceof this enterprise objectmodelis portrayedin Figure2. Wehaveattempted in the middle of this figure to show simultaneously both the processandeconomic object flavor of an REAinfrastructure. The five processes each have their appropriate economicevents portrayed, although space constraints preclude delineation of the economic resourcesand agents. Readersinterested in seeing a full entity-relationship modelfor a similar manufacturing firm mayconsult Davidand McCarthy(1995). Additionally, eachof the eventsillustrated maybe further dividedinto a set of tasks needed to accomplish them (Geerts and McCarthy forthcoming). explainedin detail by Geertsand McCarthy (1994a). What it entails however can be summarizedquickly. The repeated use of a standard object template in the construction of an REAenterprise modelallowsautomated reasoning (involving specific pattern matches on all appropriateobjectconstellations)to occurat as higha level of conceptdefinition as possible. Thus,instead of having to write multiple proceduresto defmevarious types of economicclaims (which in PEAterms are imbalances betweensets of incrementsanddecrements),wefind that it is possibleinstead to define sucha conceptonceandlet a reasoner find its instantiations. Such use makesthe semanticsof such definitions muchclearer by removing themfromproceduresand makingthemdeclarative. Onthe top left of Figure2, wehaveillustrated the inputs which might be associated with day-to-day use of a knowledge-intensive enterprise informationsystembased on our explanations thus far. Wenote that most of the populationof the conceptsin the objectstructureof the firm wouldcomefrom its transaction level input. However, other sourcescouldbe usedsystematicallyin an integrated fashion. Thesemightinclude both managerialinformation and estimates from inside the firm (such as budget informationor engineeringspecifications for a bill of materials)andpubliclyavailabledata fi’omoutsidesources (such as commodityprices or information on product substitutes/complements fromcompetitors). Theimportant point to remember for enterprise operationhere is that REA specification of economicphenomenaallows semantic integration of data fromdisparatesources.Thusa piece of inventorycould be given an integrated descriptionof its cost andavailability (fromtransactiondata), its physical specifications (from engineering estimates), and its competitiveness (from outside data sources). Such integratedsemanticsare impossiblein traditional business informationsystemswhichrely on bookkeepingartifacts for classificationpurposes. How RIgA Object Enterprise Models Can Work with Knowledge-Based Tools At present, there havebeenonly a handfulof directed PEA implementations in actual companies,althoughfirms like Price-Waterhouseand IBMhave adopted certain of its principles as guidingarchitectural features for accounting systemdesign (Cherringtonet al. 1993). Noneof these implementationshave beenfulI-REAmodelsin the sense of the object enterprise modelshownin Figure2 whereall processes and objects are specified and implemented without cost-benefit compromise. Empiricalassessmentof the possibilities for the accountingsoftwaremarketplace to be able to movetoward full-PEA implementations is somethingwe plan to do in the future. For the present section, however, we assume that the technology constraints of processingtime andstoragecapacities could be overcome,and wespeculate in Figure 3 howsuch full process modelsmight be linked with certain types of knowledge-basedsystems. Such an assumption and its accompanying discussionis actually quite realistic in a methodological environment wherethe full possibilities for an architecture are considered thoroughly in an early assessment phase unfettered by cost and technology constraints. On the top right of Figure 2, we show the outputs associated with daily operation of the REAobject enterprise model.Reports to managersmightnot differ muchfrom traditional architectures, but coupling with decision support systems-- especially if those systems contain semanticallyspecified components -- mightchange dramatically. AnREAenterprise informationarchitecture maintains its object-level and process-level semantics within itself. In a way,its meaningis conveyedwith its data, and this makesany connectionto anotherautomated systemless problematicbecauseit leaves less roomfor misinterpretation. This "conveyedmeaning"also makes automated use of components of the enterprise modeleasier for users outside the f’mn.Suchuse wouldfacilitate the development for instance of "conceptualEDI." Figure3 illustrates howinformationabout the real world (in the shapeat the middleleft) mightbe filtered through financialdecisionmakers(in the circle at the middleright) throughtwodifferent types of accountingsystem.Bothold (bookkeeping-based) and new (PEA-based)accounting showproposed use of knowledge-basedtechnology with lines emanatingfrom the decision makers;however,the difference is in the nature of their linkages to the computerizedinformation system of an enterprise. Both are describedbelow. At the bottomof the REAobject enterprise modelshownin the middleof Figure2, wehaveportrayeda component of these systemswhichperhapsdifferentiates themthe most fromtraditional accountinginformationarchitectures-- the specificationof additionalconceptdeclarations.Theuse of suchdeclarations in a knowledge intensive environment is 44 m o t._ e~ z.. t._ om oamlb 2) 45 r- cOo zo 46 Thetop of Figure3 illustrates the architectureneededfor FSA,one of the early AI prototypes intended to be used with the EDGAR system. (Mui and McCarthy1987). FSA (Financial StatementAnalyzer)wasable to take automated corporatefiling data (froma 10-kreport for example)and calculate any numberof f’mancialratios commonly usedby analysts in assessing the financial well-being of a corporation. This seemslike a relatively straightforward task, and indeed, it is one that is often taught in undergraduatefinance and accounting classes. Havinga machinehandle the task completelyhowevercaused the FSAdesigners fromArthurAndersento confrontthe highly idiosyncraticnatureof old accounting systems.First of all, an exhaustivechart-of-accountsknowledge structure had to be built into FSAbecause of the individualistic and synonymous namingconventions used by manycompanies to label variousasset, liability, equity,income,andexpense accounts. Second, because muchof the actual account informationis buffedin textual foomotes,FSAalso hadto be equippedwith NLPcapabilities for certain limited cases suchas the contra-accounts for depreciation(on inventory) andsub-leases (on rental expense).Theseare adjustments that expert humananalysts fmdsomewhat easy, but which cause significant interpretation problemsfor a fully automatedsystem. FSAworkedwell in its very limited domain,althoughit did require a high level of expertise with knowledge representation structures and tradeoffs, with knowledge acquisition problems, and with object-oriented programming techniques(in KEE)to makeit operational. A companionAI system called ELOISE (used for natural languageprocessingof other 10-kmaterial) wasalso built for EDGAR by Arthur Andersenat approximatelythe same time. However, neither of these systemsnor any similar AI efforts werepart of the productionversions of EDGAR that wereimplemented in the 1990s(Thereforethe only actual use optionfor prospectiveusers is the indicateddirect link to the EDGAR files). Therationale for this exclusionwas not madepublic, but a compellingcase can be madefor one reason whyit was not attempted. All the semantics necessaryfor a systemlike FSAto function had to come fromthe AI tool itself becauseof the idiosyncratic and syntactic nature of the accountingreporting systems. A good example of such idiosyncrasies were the many conventions needed to cover receivables (These are explainedin Figures 2 &3 in Muiand McCarthy (1987)). As wementionedin our last section, PEAcoverageof such claims is muchmore direct and declarative. If the accountingsystems in question had moreof a semantic base, building expert systemsto workon (or with) them might not have been such a daunting hurdle. As EDGAR exists in 1996,its disseminated outputcontainslots of data but verylittle assistancein determining the meaning of that data. Therefore it is no surprise that technologically sophisticated efforts are under wayto "intelligently process" EDGAR output for users whofred its present offeringsless thanusable. At the bottom of Figure 3, we have illustrated howa reconfigureddecision support systemlike FSAmightwork for f’mancialdecision makersin an PEAenvironment.The process and (more importantly in this case) the object semantics in an PEAimplementationremain intact and reside with the enterprise model.UnlikeFSAwhichhadto be augmented with account hierarchy and footnote schemataknowledgestructures, our newknowledge-based systemwouldneedonly the structures associatedwith the specific decisionexpertise(suchas whetherto invest in certain type of stock). If this expertise werecodedas semanticnetwork, the coupling betweenthe two systems wouldbe especially close. Essentially, the expert system wouldspecify the concepts only at the type level with individual consultations being instantiated with direct object-object connections.Theorganizationalandcapital marketramificationsof such direct corporate databaseto decision-maker links involvea set of issues describedby a numberof accounting theorists. These argumentswere summarized and analyzedrecently by Geerts and McCarthy (1995). Possible Migrations toward REAEnterprise Models and Uses for Research Results In this paper, we have outlined the PEAapproach to building object infi~structures for enterprise process models.Wewouldlike to emphasizethat, although it is certainly true that our modelslook quite different from traditional accountingarchitecturesbuilt uponbookkeeping ideas, it is also the casethat there are enterprisesoftware packagesthat afford hospitable implementation platforms for systems built upon PEAprinciples (for examples, readers may consult McCarthy, David, and Sommer (1996). This is becausemanyof the database tenets which PEAwas originally based in 1982 -- such as an emphasis on strong semantics,an insistenceon versatile use and delayed procedural aggregation of economic transaction data, and a strong orientation towardwider communities of users to include both accountantsandnonaccountants- are features that makeaccountingsoftware attractive in the 1990s.Webelievethat it is possibleto take a strong directed PEAapproachto building enterprise modelsthat can serve both as blueprints for strategic informationarchitectures and as initial databaseschemas that can be compromised by cost-benefit considerationsin individual companies.In this sense, our PEAframeworks are like the "prototypical models"for certain lines of businesses that someanalysis methodologiesadvocateas starting points for informationsystemdesign. Withsuch possibilities in mind,wefinish by mentioninghowsomeof the REA researchaccomplished thus far can affect practical designof enterprise modelsthat facilitate knowledge-based use. Ourresearch and practical implementationworkwith REA modelingof accounting phenomena has progressed on a numberof software engineeringand empirical validation fronts, summaries and assessmentsof whichare listed in Durra and McCarthy(forthcoming). For example,wehave built the following knowledge-based systemswith these principles. a. b. C. REACH-- This is a CASEtool for view modelingand view integration that integrates three different types of knowledge: (1)first order principles of the REAtemplate, (2) heuristic guidance of implementationcompromisesbased on object pattern matches,and(3) reconstructive ideas for prototypical modelsbaseduponlibrary guides for the design of account-based bookkeepingsystems (McCarthyand Rockwell 1989). CREASY -- This is also a CASEtool that supportsconceptualandoperationaldesignof fullREAmodels. The CREASY environment embeds both methodsknowledge(of semantic modeling structures and constraints) and domain-specific knowledge(of REAaccounting) for automated use by novice modelersand users (Geerts and McCarthy1992). REAL -- This is a knowledge-baseddecision support tool of the type identified in our discussionof Figure3. REAL is an expert system for purchasing that embodiessemantic network representationsof certain logistical facts suchas the location of transportation vehicles and the patternsof past deliveriesof rawmaterials.These expert systemintensionalstructures are linked to REAdatabases for actual operation whereinthe object conceptsare instantiated for a particular consultation (McCarthy and Rockwell1991). Theseand other knowledge-based REAtools are reviewed in an integrated methodological fashion by Geer~, /48 McCarthy,and Rockwell(1996) whosuggest manyother possible ways where the REAmindset can assist an enterprise modeler. Additionally, there has been some initial empirical assessmentsundertakenof (1) howREA principles fare in promotingbetter decision-making environments (by controlling complexitywith object-level interfacesable to manipulate levels of semanticabstraction) for individuals (Dunn1995). and (2) howREAadherence in actual accountingsystemoperationcan affect perceived levels of competitive advantage associated with an accounting system (David, 1995). Results of these empirical assessmentshave beententative and mixed;we plan to continuea programof such assessmentsto pinpoint waysin whichREAprinciples can be best used in actual operation. References Andros, D. P., J. O. Cherrington, and E. L. Derma. "Reengineer Your Accounting,the IBMWay,"Financial Executive, July/August1992,pp. 28-31. Cherrington,J O., W.E. McCarthy,D. P. Andros,R. Roth, and E. L. Derma,"Event-Driven Business Solutions: ImplementationExperiencesand Issues," Proceedingsof the FourteenthInternational Conferenceon Information Systems, Orlando,December 1993,p. 394. David, J. S. and W.E. McCarthy,"Ventura Vehicles: TeachingNotes and DatabaseImplementations,"Michigan State University,1995. David, J. S. An Empirical Analysis of REAAccounting Systems, ProductivRy, and Perceptions of Competitive Advantage,PhDdissertation, MichiganState University, July, 1995. Dunn, C. L. "AnAbstraction Hierarchy as a Database Interface: Doesit Control Complexity?,"Workingpaper, FloridaState University,1995. Durra, C. L. and W. E. McCarthy, "REAAccounting Systems:Historical Antecedentsand Future Directions," Working paper, MichiganState University,1995. Gal, G. and W.E. McCarthy,"Operationof a Relational AccountingSystem,"Advancesin Accounting,No.3, 1986, pp. 83-112. Geerts, G. L. and W. E. McCarthy,"The ExtendedUseof Intensional Reasoningand Epistemologically Adequate Representations in Knowledge-Based Accounting Systems," Proceedings of the Twelfth International Workshop on Expert Systems and Their Applications, Avignon,France, June 1992, pp. 321-332. Geerts, (3. L. and W. E. McCarthy, "Augmented Intensional Reasoning in Knowledge-BasedAccounting Systems," Paper presented at The International Workshop on Knowledge-BasedSystems and Strategic Management, ABO,Finland, June 1994a. (3eerts, (3. L. and W. E. McCarthy, "The Economicand Strategic Structure of REAAccounting Systems," Paper presented to the 300th Anniversary Program,Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany,September1994b. Geerts, G. L. and W. E. 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NewYork, The Free Press, 1985. (3eerts, (3. L. and W. E. McCarthy"Modeling business enterprises as value-added process hierarchies with Resource-Event-Agentobject templates," in J. Sutherland and D. Patel (eds.). Business Object Design and Implementation, Springer-Verlag, forthcoming. Geerts, G. L. and W.E. McCarthy,"Using Object Templates from the PEAAccounting Model to Engineer Business Processes and Tasks," paper to he presented at the EuropeanAccountingAssociation, (3raz, Austria, April 1997 (forthcoming). Geerts, G. L., W. E. McCarthy and S. R. Rockwell, "AutomatedIntegration of Enterprise Accounting Models Throughout the Systems Development Life Cycle," The International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management, September 1996, pp. 113-128. McCarthy, W. E. "The REA Accounting Model: A Generalized Framework for Accounting Systems in a Shared Data Environment," The Accounting Review, July 1982, pp. 554-78. McCarthy, W. E., J. S. David, and B. S. 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