sRNAs in Artificial Gene Circuits and Bioremediation Applications Lee F. 3,6, Hsiao T. 2,6, Borchardt E. 2,6, Musselman M. 1,6, Chang A. 2,6, Cooper R. 2,6, Waltersdorf S. 2,6, Entler M. 1,6 1,6 6 5,6 4,6 Manaster J. , Evans C. , Jin Y.S. , Rao C.V. Department of Bioengineering1, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology2, Department of Biochemistry3, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering4, Food Science Human Nutrition5, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign6 Targeted inhibition and activation through sRNA Biobricks We are the UIUC-Illinois iGEM Bioware team. Our team consists of eight undergraduates in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Bioengineering and Biochemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This is our third year participating in the iGEM competition, and we are excited to present the research we have worked on full-time throughout this past year. Goal The Illinois iGEM team has worked to create a set of endogenous and artificial sRNA regulator Biobricks to be used in cellular stress responses and which contribute to bistability in artificial gene circuits. A bacterial decoder and a bacterial metal detection system of arsenic and gold demonstrates the capacity of sRNA regulation in artificial gene circuits. 160000 60000 40000 20000 ompA 2.) Public Outreach: With our survey results in mind, we prepared several presentations that we used to introduce synthetic biology to our community. gadX TARGET SEQUENCE::GFP FUSION Implementation of logic gate through sRNA Biobricks 50000 Input Input 1 2 IPTG Atc 45000 FLUORESCENCE 40000 35000 0 1 0 1 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 0 0 1 1 Expected Output 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Observed Output 0 0 0 1 1.00 0.10 0.09 0.03 0.01 1.00 0.43 0.39 0.20 0.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.00 Metal Remediation System 5000 0 0 mM [IPTG], 1 mM [IPTG], 0 mM [IPTG], 1 mM [IPTG], 0 mM [atc] 0 mM [atc] 1 mM [atc] 1 mM [atc] This cellular system allows cells to withstand high concentrations of arsenic and gold while allowing the cells to bind the metals on their surface. sRNAs regulate the expression of efflux pumps. STATEMENT A AND NOT B atc AND NOT IPTG A = Input D = Output Biobricks PgolS Promoter GolS Sensor Comparison between riboregulators and sRNAs 50000 Target Gene Expression 1-Hour after Regulatory RNA Induction 0 mM [IPTG] hfq+ 40000 1mM [IPTG] hfq+ 30000 Riboregulator 60000 20000 10000 0 sRNA 1.) Survey: Background: 11 questions designed to gage our audience’s awareness and preconceived notions about synthetic biology. Results: What are the first three words that come to mind when you hear the words “synthetic biology?” Confusing, Complicated, Bacteria, Genetics. What kind of science and/or synthetic biology do you see in pop culture? GATTACA, Jurassic Park, iRobot All Biobricks are RFC10 compatible SRNA D4 0 0 0 1 III. The bioremediation portion of the project is designed to remove ionic arsenic and gold from solution. Arsenic was chosen due to its detrimental health effects, and gold was chosen due to its market value and potential in nanoparticle fabrication. TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 Biobricks sRNA Target MicA OmpA MicF OmpF GadY GadX 80000 FLUORESCENCE D3 0 0 1 0 1mM [IPTG] hfq+ 100000 ompF 2-4 Binary Decoder Truth Table D2 0 1 0 0 (+) Human Practices Project Goal: To better connect with our community and to spread the word about synthetic biology. This was to both correct any misconceptions that might be out there as well as to reinforce accurate ideas. 0 Previously, the majority of engineered, genetic regulation within bacteria has been achieved through the use of transcriptional regulators. However, the recent explosion of interest from the emerging field of RNA regulation provides new insights into the dynamic nature of genetic regulation. Small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) comprise the chief regulatory mechanism for eliciting primary responses to environmental stresses. Acting in conjunction with proteins such as hfq (RNA chaperone), sRNAs provide a costeffective, specific and rapid response that is essential in targeting gene transcripts for regulation. II. A decoder is a logic construct that allows for the deprocessing of coded information. According to permutations of the possible combination of binary inputs, the decoder activates a specific and unique location. The intended inputs of our 2-4 binary decoder are the presence or absence of either IPTG (gratuitous inducer of the Lac operon) and atc (gratuitous inducer of the Tet operon). D1 1 0 0 0 (-) 120000 I. A2 0 0 1 1 0 mM [IPTG] hfq+ 140000 Background A1 0 1 0 1 Performance of Bacterial Decoder based on sRNA Biobricks 180000 FLUORESCENCE Illinois iGEM Riboregulator Key 1: BBa_J01008 Lock 1: Bba_J01010 GolB Binder Ges Efflux ParsR Promoter ArsR* Sensor ArsB* Efflux *Submission in Progress Gold Arsenic - VS - After cells have collected the metal, they can be washed to purify their specified metal and then recycled for a subsequent collection. Events: Engineering Open House Biology Open House Science Olympiad National Tournament G.A.M.E.S. Camp Quad Day Surrounded By Science TV Program Conclusion Summary of Accomplishments: Designed and constructed 31 Biobricks for the Bacterial Decoder and Au-As Bioremediation systems Constructed a Bacterial Decoder that uses sRNA logic gates to regulate the expression of four fluorescent proteins Engaged the immediate community in a practical and extensive human practices project Future Work Continue development of Bacterial Decoder 2.0, a completely sRNA regulated gene circuit Construct Au-As Bioremediation system Keep informing the public about Synthetic Biology and making advances in Human Practices Acknowledgements