P E R T H Level 26 BankWest Tower 108 St George’s Terrace Perth WA 6000 Australia 25 August 2011 Evans & Tate Creditors’ Trust And Subsidiaries As Set Out In The Schedule (In Liquidation) (the Group) Report to Creditors GPO Box 2537 Perth WA 6001 phone +61 8 9214 1444 fax +61 8 9214 1400 email perth@fh.com.au www.ferrierhodgson.com ADELAIDE BRISBANE MELBOURNE SYDNEY JAKARTA KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE TOKYO I refer to the appointment of Bruce Carter and I as Joint and Several Liquidators of the above Group on 14 December 2007. I advise that Bruce Carter resigned as Joint and Several Liquidator of the Group on 23 March 2010. I remain the sole Liquidator of the Group. The purpose of this report is to provide creditors of the Group with an update regarding the status of the Group and to declare a first and final dividend to unsecured creditors at a rate of 0.006 cents in the dollar. I hereby update creditors of the Group under the followings headings: 1 CURRENT STATUS 2 STATEMENT OF POSITION 3 DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS 4 ASSET REALISATIONS 5 RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS 6 INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY 7 APPOINTEES’ REMUNERATION 8 OUTSTANDING MATTERS TO FINALISE THE LIQUIDATION/CREDITORS' TRUST 9 QUERIES Ferrier Hodgson is an affiliation of independent partnerships/entities. Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation. Affiliated through Zolfo Cooper United States United Kingdom Caribbean and KLC Kennic Lui & Co Hong Kong China Page 2 1 CURRENT STATUS I advise that the current status of the Group is as follows: (i) I have concluded my comprehensive investigations into the affairs of the Group; (ii) During the course of my investigations I identified a claim that I considered may be pursued against the former directors, the Chief Operating Officer, the Financial Controller, the auditor and the valuer (of the bulk wine inventories) to recover the total dividend paid to shareholders in 2005 totalling $2.83 million. However, after further consideration I have determined for commercial reasons that it is not in the best interests of creditors for me to pursue the claim. I further note that the secured creditor has a priority for repayment of its debt ahead of other unsecured creditors from any proceeds recovered from such actions and in this regard the secured creditor advised, consistent with my view that it did not wish to pursue the action or fund it. Please refer to section 6 of this report for further details; (iii) I prepared and lodged my report pursuant to Section 533 of the Corporations Act 2001 (“the Act”) on the affairs of the Group with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on 27 October 2010. I note that this report is confidential between the Liquidator and ASIC and I am therefore unable to disclose any information in this regard. However, the ASIC has confirmed that I may proceed to finalise the liquidation in due course; (iv) I confirm that the Receivers and Managers of the Group retired on 30 June 2008; (v) I have attended to numerous enquiries by creditors by way of written correspondence and telephone and maintained an electronic portal to enable creditors to access information relating to the liquidation/trust; (vi) I have attended to all statutory requirements of the liquidation/trust; and (vii) In light of the above, I now consider it appropriate to call for formal proofs of debt and advise unsecured creditors of my intention to distribute a first and final dividend. The estimated dividend position is noted below and a formal notice with respect to Formal Proofs of Debt is attached. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 3 2 2.1 STATEMENT OF POSITION Set out below is current statement of position for the Group as at 31 July 2011: Cash at Bank Less: Priority Claims Liquidators’ Future remuneration and disbursements (subject to approval) Funds available for Unsecured Creditors Unsecured Creditors (estimated) Estimated Dividend (Cents in the $) Amount ($) 323,871 (30,000) 293,871 (48,665,000) 0.006 2.2 Please note I have not adjudicated on any proofs of debt and in this regard the total unsecured creditor pool may be subject to change. 2.3 Please refer to Section 7 of this report in respect of my remuneration incurred to date and future estimated remuneration. 2.4 I have been advised by the former Receivers and Managers that employees’ priority claims afforded under Section 556 of the Act were settled during 2007. To this end, I do not expect there to be any further claims of priority to that of unsecured creditors save for my remuneration and out of pocket expenses. However, please note this position is not definitive at this point pending any formal proofs of debt which may be submitted and my adjudication of the same. 3 DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS 3.1 I confirm that I have not yet made a distribution to creditors during the course of the liquidation. 3.2 As noted above, it is my intention to call for Formal Proofs of Debt for adjudication purposes. As noted in the above statement of position, the current estimated first and final dividend to unsecured creditors is 0.006 cents in the dollar. 3.3 Please note the existing value of all creditor claims may be subject to change as formal proofs of debt are received and adjudicated upon. 3.4 In view of the above, please find enclosed the following documents: (a) Notice of Intention to Declare a First and Final Dividend to Unsecured Creditors (b) Notice of Inviting Formal Proofs of Debt (c) Formal Proof of Debt Form. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 4 3.5 In this regard, a first and final dividend is to be declared on or before 7 October 2011. The following table summarises the dividend timeline: Date Thursday, 25 August 2011 Tuesday, 30 August 2011 Thursday, 22 September 2011 Friday, 7 October 2011 Action Declaration of dividend and request for formal PODs sent to creditors Notice of Intention to Declare Dividend Advertised in Gazette Final Day for Creditors to Submit Formal Proofs of Debt Dividend Declared on or Before this Date 3.6 With respect to the above, I note that pursuant to Regulation 5.6.65(2) of the Corporation Regulations 2001 creditors must submit a Formal Proof of Debt to this office on or before Thursday, 22 September 2011. In this regard, I enclose a Formal Proof of Debt for your completion. 3.7 I note that a number of creditors have already submitted Formal Proofs of Debt. Accordingly, if you have already submitted a Formal Proof of Debt you are not required to submit a further Formal Proof of Debt unless you wish to alter your original claim. 3.8 I confirm that the debts owed to holders of ETWG 8.25% Convertible Notes (Convertible Noteholders) rank as unsecured claims against Evans & Tate Limited pursuant to the Unsecured Convertible Note Trust Deed (Trust Deed) dated 7 October 1999. Pursuant to the Trust Deed, Permanent Nominees (Aust) Limited (the Trustee) acts as Trustee for all Convertible Noteholders. 3.9 I further advise that the Trustee pursuant to the Trust Deed has lodged a Formal Proof of Debt on behalf of all Convertible Noteholders. Accordingly, individual Convertible Noteholders are not required to lodge a further Formal Proof of Debt. The Trustee has further confirmed that they will distribute any dividend received from the Evans & Tate Creditors’ Trust to each respective Convertible Noteholder. 3.10 Section 140 of the Bankruptcy Act allows a Trustee and Liquidator the discretion as to whether it is to distribute dividends to creditors that are less than $25.00. Based upon our analysis, there are a large number of creditors that are expected to receive dividend cheques under $25.00. Given the cost of processing, distributing and liaising with creditors who are to receive such nominal dividends we consider that these costs are likely to outweigh the benefit to creditors. Accordingly, it is not our intention to distribute dividends to admitted creditors which fall under this $25.00 threshold. 4 4.1 ASSET REALISATIONS In addition to the funds payable under the DOCA to the creditors trust, 2.5 million ordinary shares were issued to the trust by the DOCA proponent in the recapitalised ETW Corporation Ltd (formerly Evans & Tate Limited). These shares were realised on the market for the sum of $36,662. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 5 5 5.1 RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS Set out below is a summary of receipts and payments since my appointment for the period 20 August 2007 to 31 July 2011: Amount ($) Receipts Contributions from DOCA proponent Cash at Bank Realisation of Securities Other Total Receipts Payments Legal Fees Professional Services Insurance Administrators' Remuneration Deed Administrators' Remuneration Trustees' Remuneration Liquidators' Remuneration Administrators' Disbursements Deed Administrators' Disbursements Trustees' Disbursements Liquidators' Disbursements Total Payments Cash at Bank 31 July 2011 945,705 24,707 36,662 8,672 1,015,746 (59,278) (9,477) (450) (301,341) (55,000) (55,000) (98,939) (52,052) (40,098) (10,111) (10,129) (691,875) $323,871 5.2 I note that the available cash at bank is currently held in a standard business cheque account at National Australia Bank Limited. 5.3 Creditors are advised pursuant to Section 539(5) of the Act, that the Liquidators’ account of receipts and payments can be inspected, upon appointment, at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 26, BankWest Tower, 108 St George’s Terrace, Perth, Western Australia. 6 INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY 6.1 Pursuant to Section 533 of the Act, a Liquidator is required to report on the affairs of the company. I advise that I lodged my Section 533 of the Act report with ASIC on 27 October 2010. This report is confidential between the Liquidator and the ASIC and I am therefore unable to disclose any information in this regard. However, the ASIC has confirmed that I may proceed to finalise the liquidation of the Group in due course. 6.2 As discussed earlier in this report, during the course of my investigations I identified a possible claim against the former directors, the Chief Operating Officer, the Financial Controller, the auditor and the valuer (of the bulk wine inventories) to recover the total dividend paid to shareholders and noteholders in 2005 totalling $2.83 million. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 6 6.3 Details of the claim are outlined below: (a) The Group declared a dividend to ordinary shareholders registered with the Group at 24 March 2005 of 2.25 cents per share following the announcement of a half year profit of $3.7 million as at 31 December 2004. In this regard, funds totalling $2.07 million were distributed to ordinary shareholders. (b) A dividend was also paid to convertible preference shareholders (“WInES”) and $765K was distributed. In summary, a total of $2.83 million was distributed to ordinary and WInES shareholders. The Group however would go on to announce a full year loss of $49.8 million which was subsequently restated in 2006 under IFRS to a loss of $73.7 million. (c) I also note that a number of the former directors and officers of ETW also held shares in ETW and received a financial benefit, albeit a small dividend in some cases, as a result of the declaration of the interim dividend. (d) At 30 June 2003 and 30 June 2004 valuations of the unallocated bulk wine were performed. ETW management sought confirmation from a licensed valuer, by way of correspondence in January 2005, that market conditions or other factors had not changed such that the 30 June 2004 valuation could be applied to 31 December 2004 inventory levels. The valuer confirmed that the report prepared at 30 June 2004 was still valid and nothing had changed in the market to alter their appraisal or their assumptions in respect of inventory value. The auditors and management of the Group appear to have relied on this report and management’s view that the 2005 Vintage would be less than was ultimately the case. As a consequence, the directors formed the view that no write-down of stock was required at 31 December 2004. (e) Around this time, ETW became aware of a major error in their cash flow forecasting. The error was so significant that ETW wrote to ANZ on 28 January 2005 advising that due to the error, ETW would be unable to meet the April Interchargeable Seasonal Funding facility repayment. (f) On 10 February 2005, ANZ wrote to the Group and advised that no repayment would be required during the April period. On 15 February 2005 the board of the Group met and declared the interim dividend. It appears that the payment deferral received from ANZ was necessary to allow the dividend to be paid. (g) Concerns were raised by the Group’s auditors and Korda Mentha, who were engaged by ANZ to perform an Investigative Accountants report on the Group, with respect to the current value of inventory as at 30 June 2005. Consequently, the Group engaged a secondary valuer to conduct a valuation as to allocated and unallocated bulk inventory of the Group. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 7 (h) Following receipt of the secondary valuers report, the Board resolved that one-off charges of $45.2 million and year end adjustments of $11.4 million were required for the financial year ending 30 June 2005 made up of the following: Inventory write-downs Intangible write-downs Provisions One-Off Adjustments Other Adjustments Inventory costing allocation Other Total 6.4 $ ‘000 30.6 7.3 6.8 0.5 45.2 9.1 2.3 11.4 $56.6 m (i) The main basis for the inventory write-downs was the deterioration in bulk wine prices for certain categories across the industry. The writedown of the bulk wine inventory amounted to $30.6 million. (j) The auditors of the Group conducted an independent review of the half year financial report to 31 December 2004 which included a review of correspondence from the first valuer with respect to the value of unallocated bulk wine. The auditor concluded that the half year financial report to 31 December 2004 represented a true and fair value of the Group’s financial position and financial performance. (k) A fundamental question that has been the focus of my investigations was whether the Board carried out sufficient tests to determine the value of inventory at 31 December 2004 and acted correctly in failing to provide in whole or part for the write-down of inventory as a result of adverse industry conditions. Notwithstanding the above, after careful consideration of the potential claim, risks and benefits of pursuing the claim, we concluded that it is not in the interests of creditors for the Liquidators/Trustees to proceed with the claim for the reasons below. I further note that the secured creditor has a priority for repayment of its debt ahead of other unsecured creditors from any proceeds recovered from such actions and in this regard the secured creditor advised, consistent with my view that it did not wish to pursue the action or fund it (a) There are various defences that may be available to the defendants to fully defend or limit the claim. (b) The possible contravention occurred a considerable time before my appointment as Administrator, such that obtaining documentary evidence to support the claim and communicating with witnesses and parties involved may be difficult. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 8 (c) The Group holds limited funds and approval from unsecured creditors is required to pursue the matter which may not be forthcoming in any event. (d) The cost of pursuing the action, should the matter go to trial, is likely to exceed current funds held based upon the advice we obtained. (e) It appears unlikely that a litigation funder would fund such a claim given its size and likely risk of success. Further, if a litigation funder was involved, it is likely that the success fee would substantially reduce the net return to creditors. Given our understanding of the secured creditor’s outstanding debt no return would be available to unsecured creditors if the action was successful. (f) The progression of the claim is likely to take considerable time given the lack of documentary evidence collated thus far and general legal complexities. (g) I have reported the matter to ASIC pursuant to Section 533 of the Corporations Act, of which ASIC advised that they do not intend to take any further action. (h) The Receivers and Managers did not progress the matter for the benefit of their appointers, ANZ Bank. (i) Further, I wrote to ANZ Bank, the secured creditor of the Group to seek their final views on whether they may wish to pursue and fund the above matter. In this regard, the secured creditor confirmed they do not wish to pursue the matter or fund it. (j) If I do not proceed to advance the claim I can immediately seek to distribute a first and final dividend to unsecured creditors from existing funds (as discussed earlier) and finalise the Creditors’ Trust and liquidations. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 9 7 7.1 APPOINTEES’ REMUNERATION I table below the Liquidators’ remuneration that has been approved and drawn during the course of the administration: Period Voluntary Administration Deed of Company Arrangement Creditors Trust Liquidation Total Amount approved ($ ‘000 excl GST) 300,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 $500,000 Amount drawn ($ ‘000 excl GST) 273,946 50,000 50,000 89,944 $463,890 7.2 I note that the Liquidators’ remuneration up to an amount of $100,000 has been previously approved by creditors. 7.3 I anticipate that my staff and I will incur a further $25,000 in respect of the adjudication of proofs and distribution of the dividend. In this regard, I seek further approval from creditors in respect of my remuneration which I envisage seeking at the final meeting of creditors (which is required to be convened for companies in liquidation). 7.4 Arrangements can be made to inspect the time and costs records which provide greater detail of work performed by me and my staff by contacting Mr Sean Holmes of my office on +61 8 9214 1444. 8 8.1 8.2 OUTSTANDING MATTERS TO FINALISE THE LIQUIDATION / CREDITORS’ TRUST At this stage, the outstanding matters relate to: (i) Calling for formal proofs of debt from unsecured creditors; (ii) Adjudicate on proofs of debt received and correspond with creditors as appropriate. (iii) Declare and distribute the first and final dividend to unsecured creditors. Once the above matters have been finalised I will be in a position to finalise the liquidation and Creditors’ Trust which will involve the following tasks: (i) Convening of a final meeting of members and creditors; and (ii) Attending to final statutory requirements of the liquidation and Trust. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 Page 10 9 QUERIES 9.1 Information pertaining to the Liquidation of the Group will continue to be posted as necessary on the Ferrier Hodgson website at www.ferrierhodgson.com in the “Creditors Information – Current Administrations” section. 9.2 Should you have any queries with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Holmes at this office. Martin Jones Joint and Several Trustee Joint and Several Liquidator Encl. E&T-D11-Report to Creditors 2011.7.11 THE SCHEDULE Company Australian Wineries Pty Ltd A.W.T. Pty Limited Cranswick Purchasing Pty Ltd Evans & Tate (USA) Pty Ltd Evans & Tate Vineyards Pty Ltd Ironbark Wines Pty Ltd Irybel Pty Limited Oakridge Vineyards Pty Ltd Redello Wines Pty Limited VA-G-159 ACN 058 399 134 054 567 690 082 976 921 084 350 425 008 713 764 090 894 974 005 405 194 076 706 440 003 753 491 Company Selwyn Viticultural Services Pty Ltd Selwyn Wines Pty Ltd Sovint Pty Limited Wine Source (NSW) Pty Ltd Wine Source (QLD) Pty Ltd Wine Source (VIC) Pty Ltd Wine Source (WA) Pty Ltd Wine Source Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 093 317 198 055 105 201 005 514 367 062 372 605 108 365 742 065 453 803 111 551 547 082 150 801 FORM 534 CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 Subregulation 5.6.48(3) THE EVANS AND TATE CREDITORS’ TRUST (E&T TRUST) NOTICE INVITING FORMAL PROOF OF DEBT OR CLAIM Take notice that creditors of the E&T Trust, whose debts or claims have not already been admitted, are required on or before Thursday, 22 September 2011 to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority by delivering or sending through the post to me at my address, a formal proof of debt claim in accordance with Form 535 or 536 containing their respective debts or claims. If they do not they will be excluded from: a) The benefit of any distribution made before their debts or claims are proved or their priority is established; and b) Objecting to the distribution. Form of proof may be obtained from me. DATED this 25th day of August 2011 Martin Jones Joint and Several Trustee of The Evans & Tate Creditors’ Trust Ferrier Hodgson Level 26, BankWest Tower 108 St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6000 VA-G-159 FORM 546 CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 Subregulation 5.6.65(1) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST AND FINAL DIVIDEND TO CREDITORS THE EVANS AND TATE CREDITORS’ TRUST (E&T TRUST) A first and final dividend is to be declared on or before 7 October 2011 for the E&T Trust. Creditors whose debts or claims have not already been admitted are required on or before Thursday, 22 September 2011 to formally prove their debts or claims. If they do not they will be excluded from the benefit of the dividend. A Formal Proof of Debt form may be obtained from this office. DATED this 25th day of August 2011 Martin Jones Joint and Several Trustee of The Evans & Tate Creditors’ Trust Ferrier Hodgson Level 26 BankWest Tower 108 St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6000 VA-G-159 FORM 535 CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 Subregulation 5.6.49(2) FORMAL PROOF OF DEBT OR CLAIM To the Trustee of Evans & Tate Limited Creditors’ Trust 1. This is to state that the company was, on 20 August 2007 (1) and still is, justly and truly indebted to(2) ................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ for ................................................................... dollars and ........................................................................cents. Particulars of the debt are: Date Consideration(3) Amount $ GST included $ Remarks(4) 2. To my knowledge or belief the creditor has not, nor has any person by the creditor's order, had or received any manner of satisfaction or security for the sum or any part of it except for the following:(5) 3.(6)* I am employed by the creditor and authorised in writing by the creditor to make this statement. I know that the debt was incurred for the consideration stated and that the debt, to the best of my knowledge and belief, still remains unpaid and unsatisfied. 3.(6)* I am the creditor's agent authorised in writing to make this statement in writing. I know that the debt was incurred and for the consideration stated and that the debt, to the best of my knowledge and belief, still remains unpaid and unsatisfied. DATED this day of 2011 Signature of Signatory ............................................................................................................................... NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS ..................................................................................................................... Occupation................................................................................................................................................. Address ...................................................................................................................................................... See Directions overleaf for the completion of this form OFFICE USE ONLY POD No: Date Received: / / Entered into IPS/Computer: Amount per RATA $ PREP BY/AUTHORISED DATE AUTHORISED VA-G-159 / / ADMIT - Ordinary $ ADMIT - Preferential $ Reject $ H/Over for Consideration $ TOTAL PROOF $ Directions * Strike out whichever is inapplicable. (1) Insert date of Court Order in winding up by the Court, or date of resolution to wind up, if a voluntary winding up. (2) Insert full name and address of the creditor and, if applicable, the creditor's partners. If prepared by an employee or agent of the creditor, also insert a description of the occupation of the creditor. (3) Under "Consideration" state how the debt arose, for example "goods sold and delivered to the company between the dates of .....................................................", "moneys advanced in respect of the Bill of Exchange". (4) Under "Remarks" include details of vouchers substantiating payment. (5) Insert particulars of all securities held. Where the securities are on the property of the company, assess the value of those securities. If any bills or other negotiable securities are held, specify them in a schedule in the following form: Date (6) Drawer Acceptor $ ¢ Amount Date Due If proof is made by the creditor personally, strike the two (2) paragraphs numbered 3. Annexures A. If space provided for a particular purpose in a form is insufficient to contain all the required information in relation to a particular item, the information must be set out in an annexure. B. An annexure to a form must: (a) have an identifying mark; (b) and be endorsed with the words: "This is the annexure of (insert number of pages) pages marked (insert an identifying mark) referred to in the (insert description of form) signed by me/us and dated (insert date of signing); and (c) be signed by each person signing the form to which the document is annexed. C. The pages in an annexure must be numbered consecutively. D. If a form has a document annexed the following particulars of the annexure must be written on the form: E. VA-G-159 (a) the identifying mark; and (b) the number of pages. A reference to an annexure includes a document that is with a form.