Updated bibliography on Nepali women

Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
Eight years has passed since a reference bibliography on writings on
Nepali women was published in SINHAS (volume 2, number 2, 1997).1
Clearly, much more research and information has become available in the
intervening years and this updated bibliography is intended to aid further
research on women in Nepal.
As with the first bibliography, this list of references for writings on
women in Nepal is not comprehensive. It takes as its departure point
where the last bibliography ended, the late mid-1990s. While a few older
important publications that were not in the l997 list of references have
also been included, the focus here is on recent work. And as with the first
endeavor, these references include a mixture of books, journal and
magazine articles, theses, dissertations and development reports.
However, in this updated bibliography, special attention has been
given to masters’ level thesis completed at Tribhuvan University and to
articles published in Nepal-based journals and magazines such as the
Nepal Law Review, Nyayadoot (the bi-monthly magazine of the Nepal
Bar Association), CAMAD (A Journal of Administration, Management
and Development) and NUTA (Nepal University Teachers’ Association).
An attempt has also been made to integrate more scientifically oriented
The authors thank Bhaskar Gautam and Ramesh Parajuli for their assistance in
the preparation of this bibliography. Abbreviations used are: APROSC =
Agricultural Projects Services Centre; CEDA = Centre for Economic
Development and Administration; CERID = Research Centre for Educational
Innovation and Development; FWLD = Forum for Women, Law and
Development; HMGN = His Majesty’s Government Nepal; ICIMOD =
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development; IIDS = Institute
for Integrated Development Studies; INSEC = Informal Sector Service
Centre; MGEP = Mainstreaming Gender Equity Program of UNDP; MWCSW
= Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare; MWSW = Ministry of
Women and Social Welfare; NUTA = Nepal University Teachers’
Association; Pro Public = Forum for Protection of Public Interest; TU =
Tribhuvan University and lq=lj=lj= = lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
Studies in Nepali History and Society 10(1): 181-254 June 2005
© Mandala Book Point
182 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
research related to women in Nepal. Readers will see reflected in this
bibliography the recent attention to the gendered dimensions of the
current conflict, as well as the continuing focus on issues such as
As in the last published reference bibliography on women in Nepal,
SINHAS invites authors represented here (and those that may have been
missed) to send copies of their publications to SINHAS. They will be
deposited in the Martin Chautari library in Kathmandu, which is open to
researchers, journalists and students.
ABC/Nepal. 1994. A Situation Analysis Report on Girl Trafficking in
Sindhupalchowk Mahankal and Ichowk Village Development Committee.
Kathmandu: ABC/Nepal.
ABC/Nepal and WACN. 1995. Towards Equal Political Power: South Asian
Women’s Voices. Kathmandu: ABC/ Nepal & WACN.
Acharya, Bal Ram. 2005. Sociological Analysis of Divorce: A Case Study from
Pokhara, Nepal. Dhaulagiri 1: 129-140.
Acharya, Bidhan. 2002. A Review of Trafficking Problems with Reference to
Nepal. Population and Development in Nepal 10: 139-148.
Acharya, H., A. L. Joshi and R. Acharya. 1993. Participation of Women in the
Management of Community Forests in Gorkha, Nepal. A report submitted
to the Nepal field office of the Save the Children Federation, USA.
Acharya, I. 1997. A Gender Study Report of Ratanchura Village, Sindhuli District.
Kathmandu: Ministry of Agriculture, Women Farmer Development
Division & FAO.
Acharya, Meena. 1994. Time Use Surveys and Valuations of Women, Men and
Children’s Work. Unpublished report submitted to INSTRAW.
Kathmandu: IIDS.
Acharya, Meena. 1995. Measurement of Contributions of Women and Men to the
National Accounts (Beijing Conference on Women). Unpublished report
submitted to INSTRAW for Bejing Conference on Women. Kathmandu:
Acharya, Meena. 1995. Twenty Years of WID and Rural Women of Nepal. AsiaPacific Journal of Rural Development 5(1): 59-77.
Acharya, Meena. 1995. Twenty Years of Women in Development in Nepal: An
Overview. The Economic Journal of Nepal 18(4): 151-172.
Acharya, Meena. 1996. The Process of Decentralization and Women’s
Participation. In Democracy and Decentralization: A Policy Perspective
on Nepal from POLSAN Seminar. Ganga B. Thapa, ed., pp. 49-65.
Kathmandu: Political Science Association of Nepal (POLSAN).
Acharya, Meena. 1997. Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women: A Status
Report. Kathmandu: UNFPA.
Women Bibliography 183
Acharya, Meena. 2000. Labour Market Development and Poverty with Focus on
Opportunities for Women in Nepal. Kathmandu: Tanka Prasad Acharya
Memorial Foundation.
Acharya, Meena. 2003. Efforts at Promotion of Women in Nepal. Kathmandu:
Tanka Prasad Acharya Memorial Foundation and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Acharya, Meena. 2003. Gender Assessment and Budget Audit of Ministry of Local
Development. Kathmandu: MWCSW and MGEP/UNDP.
Acharya, Pitambar. 1991. Knowledge of Adolescent Girls on Sexual and
Reproductive Health: A Study of Badi Community in Western Nepal. M.A
Thesis, Population Studies, TU.
Acharya, Pratima Poudel and Fiona Alpass. 2004. Birth Outcomes across Ethnic
Groups of Women in Nepal. Care for Women International 25(1): 40-54.
Acharya, Rupendra. 2002. A Study of Women Labour of Carpet Industry in Nepal:
A Case Study in Bungamati VDC, Lalitpur. M.A. Thesis, Economics, TU.
Acharya, Shambhu P. 1995. Effects of Gender Preference on Contraceptive Use,
Fertility and Female Child Mortality in Nepal. Ph.D. diss., University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Acharya, Sudha. 2001. Views of Educated and Uneducated Women on Women’s
Property Rights in Nepal: A Case Study of Ward no.10 of Lalitpur Submetropolitan City. M.A. Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Acharya, Sushma. 2001. A Comparative Study of Antenatal Care of Hindu and
Muslim Women in Purania Village of Banke District. M.Ed. Thesis,
Education, TU.
Acharya, Ved Raj. 2000. Women Entrepreneurship in Nepal: Problems and
Remedies. The Journal of Nepal 23(2): 91-96.
Adhikari, Krishna Prasad. 1999. The Socio-economic Factors Affecting Women
Health Care: Cases from Sikhapur Village, Makawanur, Nepal. M.A.
Thesis, Economics, TU.
Adhikari, Puskar Prasad. 1998. Socio-Economic Determinants of Female Age at
Marriage: A Study Based on Seven Wards of Kathmandu Metropolitan
City. M.A. Thesis, Population Studies, TU.
Adhikari, R.K. 1981. Some of Our Sons and Daughters: Nepal Meets Mental
Retardation. Kathmandu: Human and National Development Service.
Adhikari, R. and R.P. Shrestha. 1994. An Evaluation Study of Income Generation
Project for Women Farmers Along Dharan-Basantapur Highway.
Lalitpur: Centre for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research,
Extension and Development.
Adhikari, Rabindra Nath. 2000. Maternal Health Care Practice Among Fisher
Women in Reu, Rapti and Narayani Rivers in Chitwan and Nawalparasi
Districts Especially Around the Royal Chitwan National Park. M.A.
Thesis, Population Studies, TU.
Adhikari, Radha. 1997. Nepal’s Lost Daughters, India’s Soiled Goods: An
Analysis of Returned Sex Worker’s Situation in Nepal. M.Sc. Thesis,
184 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
Health Promotion Science, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Adhikari, Rajendra. 1993. Perception of Discrimination of Women: An Opinion
Survey of Working Women in Kathmandu. M.A. Thesis, Public
Administration, TU.
Adhikari, Reena. 1997. Effectiveness of Production Credit for Rural Women in
Nepal: A Case Study of Mahuwan, Parsa District. M.A. Thesis,
Economics, TU.
Adhikari, Shashi Raut. 2054 v.s. Influence of Hindu Religion on Family Laws in
Nepal. Nyayadoot 28(3): 85-88.
Adhikari, Shahsi. 2060 v.s. Judicial Activities: Gender Perspective. Nyayadoot
34(7): 55-60.
Adhikari, Sumi. 2002. Gender Opportunity in Education, Attitude and
Constraints: A Case Study of Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ward No. 14.
M.A. Thesis, Geography, TU.
Adhikari, Surendra Bir. 2002. It takes Two to Tango: Couples’ Preferences and
Fertility Behavior in Nepal. Ph.D. diss., University of Akron.
Adhikari, Surendra Raj. 2001. Study on Women and Girls Trafficking and SocioEconomic Impact in Ghyangphedi Village Development Committee
Nuwakot District, Nepal. M.A. Anthropology Thesis, TU.
Ahamad, Q.K. and J. Joshi. 1988. Role of Women in Rural Industries: Bangladesh
and Nepal. Centre for Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific.
Ahearn, Laura M. 2001. Invitation to Love: Literacy, Love Letters and Social
Change in Nepal. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan.
Ahearn, Laura M. 2004. Literacy, Power, and Agency: Love Letters and
Development in Nepal. Language & Education 18(4): 305-316.
Ahmad, Moraj. 2001. A Study on Factors Affecting Family Planning Practices
Among Muslim Women of Reproductive Age Group. Research report
submitted to Nepal Health Research Council.
Alex, Michael. 1993. Widow Burning in Nepal. In Nepal: Past and Present.
Gerard Toffin, ed., pp. 21-34. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private
Alstadheim, T.W. 1999. Empowerment of Low-Caste and Women through Local
Organizations: The Case of Two Villages in the Annapurna Conservation
Area, Nepal. Oslo: Agricultural University of Norway.
Amatya, Ranjula. 2003. Socio-economic Status of Women: A Sociological Case
Study of Ekhanchhen Locality of Ward No. 22, Lalitpur District. M.A.
Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Andreasen, L. and H. Qwist-Hoffmann. 1997. A Framework for a Participatory
Economic Evaluation of Improved Goat Production by Women Groups in
the Bhusunde Khola Watershed. Gorkha: Inter-Regional Project for
Participatory Upland Conservation and Development.
Women Bibliography 185
APROSC. 1992. Study on Marginal and Landless Women Farm Families in
Mahottari District. Kathmandu: APROSC.
Aryal. Bimal. 1996. Women Participation in Industry: A Case Study of Mithila
Painting Industries in Janakpur, Nepal. M.A. Thesis, Economics, TU.
Aryal, Krishna Prasad. 1997. The Socio-Economic Status of Women in Nepal: A
Case Study of Panchakanya VDC in Chitwan District. M.A. Thesis,
Economics, TU.
Aryal, Manju. 2002. A Study of Sherpa Employed Women in Nepal. M.A. Thesis,
Sociology, Patan Multiple Campus, TU.
Aryal, Rudra Prasad. 2002. The Role of Farm Women in Principal Food Crop
Production: A Case Study of Geetanagar VDC, Chitwan District, Nepal.
M.A. Thesis, Economics, TU.
Aryal, Sadhu Ram. 1994. A Study on Married Women's Knowledge, Attitude and
Practice on Family Planning Methods at Bakrang Village. M.Ed. Thesis,
Education, TU.
Aryal, Tika. 2005. Differentials of Female Age at Marriage in Rural Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies 2(1): 90-95.
Asia Foundation. 2001. Women’s Empowerment Program: Rights,
Responsibilities, and Advocacy. Final Report. Kathmandu: The Asia
Asia Foundation, Horizons Project/ Population Council. 2001. Prevention of
Trafficking and the Care and Support of Trafficked Persons in the Context
of an Emerging HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Nepal. Kathmandu: The Asia
Foundation, Horizons Project/ Population Council.
Asian Development Bank. 2003. Combatting Trafficking of Women and Children
in South Asia: Regional Synthesis paper for Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
Manila: Asian Development Bank.
ASMITA Publishing House and Media Resource Centre. 1998. Media and
Gender Policy in Global Age: How Asian Women Speak Out in the
Mainstream and Alternative Television. Country Report, Nepal.
Kathmandu: ASMITA Publishing House and Media Resource Centre.
Association of District Development Committees of Nepal. 2002. Enhancing
Women Representation and Participation in Local Governance: DDC
Status Review Report. Submitted to UNICEF Nepal. Lalitpur: Association
of District Development Committees of Nepal.
Bajracharya, Bijaya. 1994. Gender Issues in Nepali Agriculture: A Review.
Research Report Series, 25. Kathmandu: Ministry of Agriculture.
Bajracharya, Kamala. 1993. Women’s Participation in Industries: A Case Study of
Carpet Industry. M.A. Thesis, Education, TU.
Bajracharya, Kiran. 2003. Violence Against Women—A Priority Health Issue.
Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal 3(1): 42-44.
Bajracharya, Kiran. 2003. Women Health and Concept of Gender Mainstreaming.
Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal 5(1): 21-24.
186 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
Bajracharya, Prabina. 2000. Gendered Water Rights in the Hile Khulo Kulo
Irrigation System, Shakhejung VDC, Ilam. In Water, Land and Law:
Changing Rights to Land and Water in Nepal. Rajendra Pradhan, Franz
von Benda-Beckmann and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, eds., pp. 129146. Kathmandu: FREEDEAL.
Bajracharya Rajbhandari, Shanti. 2000. Nepali NGOs Combating Trafficking of
Girls and Women. In Development NGOs Facing the 21 st Century
Perspectives from South Asia. Juha Vartola, Marko Ulvil, Farhad Hossain
and Tek Nath Dhakal, eds., pp. 121-133. Kathmandu: Institute of Human
Bajracharya, Rukmini. 2000. Increase of Female Teacher in Rural School of
Nepal. A study report submitted to UNESCO. Kathmandu: CERID.
Balkrishnan, Revathi. 2000. A Report on Aligning Gender Mainstreaming Policies
with Insttutional Directives. Kathmandu: FAO.
Banjade, Subhadra. 1998. Participation of Women in Dhaka Cloth Industry: A
Case Study of Tansen Municipality of Palpa District. M.A. Thesis,
Sociology, TU.
Banskota, Sunita. 1999. Women’s Participation in Adult Literacy: A Case of
Dadhikot VDC of Bhaktapur District. M.A. Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Barber, Jennifer S., Lisa D. Pearce, Indra Chaudhury and others. 2002. Voluntary
Associations and Fertility Limitation. Social Forces 80(4): 1369-1401.
Baskota, Rajendra Prasad. 1997. Women in Community Forestry: Issues in
Participation; A Case Study of Bakadhuwa VDC of Saptari District. M.A.
Thesis, Sociology/Anthropology, TU.
Bashyal, Laxmi. 2002. Status of Women and Their Fertility Behaviour in Nepal:
Using the Raw Data Files of Nepal Family Health Survey 1996. M.A.
Thesis, Population Studies, TU.
Basnet, Birendra Bir. 1990. Agricultural Extension Programmes from Women. In
Agricultural Extension System in Nepal, pp. 37-45. Lalitpur: Development
Pioneers Pvt. Ltd.
Basnet, Ramchandra. 2002. Mainstreaming Gender in Local Governance and
Social Mobilization Process: A Case Study of 12 Districts of Eastern
Nepal. M.A. Thesis, TU.
Basnet, Sandhya. 1997. Farming, Carpet Weaving and Women: A Case Study of
Bishnudevi Village Panga. M.A. Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Bastola, T.S. 2051/2052 v.s. Women in Agriculture. Four Monthly Statistical
Bulletin 16(2): 53-63.
Bastola, T.S. 2052/2053 v.s. Gender Composition in Nepal: Review of the 1991
Population Census. Four Monthly Statistical Bulletin 17(1): 58-69.
Basyal, Ram Devi. 1996. Urban Women’s Time Use in Household. M.A. Thesis,
Home Science, TU.
Belbase, Narayan and Pyakurel, S. 1999. A Study on Gender and Judges.
Kathmandu: Pro Public.
Women Bibliography 187
Belbase, Narayan and Mona Shrestha Adhikari. 2001. Judicial Gender Equality
Education and Human Rights: Broadening the Spectrum. Kathmandu: Pro
Belvins, Audie and Katherine Jensen. 2003-2004. Female Empowerment and
Improvement in Life Chances. Economic Journal of Development Issues
4(2)-5(1): 1-16.
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann. 2000. Gender
and the Multiple Contigencies of Water Rights in Nepal. In Water, Land
and Law: Changing Rights to Land and Water in Nepal. Rajendra
Pradhan, Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann,
eds., pp. 17-38. Kathmandu: FREEDEAL
Beyond Bejing Committee. 1999. Nepal: NGO Country Report-Monitoring
Platform, Pledge and Performance. Lalitpur: INHURED Platform.
Bhadra, Chandra. 1995. Women’s Studies in Nepal: Context and Content.
Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies ALAM-E-NISWAN 2(2): 53-58.
Bhadra, Chandra. 1997. Intra-Household Gender Analysis of Work Roles and
Distribution of Resources: A Pilot Study in a Nepalese Village. Ph.D.
diss., Oregon State University.
Bhadra, Chandra. 2001. Gender and Development: Global Debate on Nepal’s
Development. Contributions to Nepalese Studies 28(1): 95-107.
Bhadra, Chandra and Bhaskar Singh Karky. 2002. Assessment of the Role of
Women in Water Resource Use in the Annapurna Conservation Area.
Kathmandu: King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation.
Bhandari, Dil Bahadur. 2001. Attitude of Women Towards Perceived Effects of
Parental Property Ownership Right to Women: A Case Study of Khamari
Village of Thalajung VDC in Gorkha District. M.A Thesis, Sociology,
Bhandary, Rohan. 1997. Gender Participation in Community Forest
Management: Case Studies from Kabhrepalanchowk and Sindhupalchowk
Districts. M.A. Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Bharati, Bidur. 2001. Women in Poverty: A Case Study of Kadambas VDC,
Sindhupalchowk District. M.A. Thesis, Economics, TU.
Bhatia, D. N. and Allison Cohn. 1998. A Report on Abolition of Deowki System in
Baitadi District. Tripura Sundhari Village Development Association.
Bhatta, Diwakar. 2000-2001. Gender Equality: A Nepalese Perspective. Nepal
Law Review 14(1&2): 254-265.
Bhatta, Maya. 1996. Brahmin Women in Urban Setting: A Study of Status and
Attitude of Western Brahimins Towards Marriage, Family and
Occupation. M.A. Sociology/Anthropology Thesis, TU.
Bhatta, Pushpa, Shyam Thapa, Shailes Neupane, Jean Baker, and Matt Friedman.
1994. Commercial Sex Workers in Kathmandu Valley: Profile and
Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Journal of Nepal Medical
Association 32(111): 191-203.
188 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
Bhatta, Rajesh Deo. 1993. Women Involvement in Vegetable Cultivation in
Kathmandu Valley. M.A. Thesis, Economics, TU.
Bhattacharya, Sharada. 1998. The Significance of Nurses Role as a Teacher in
Promoting Child Health. Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal 1(1):
Bhattarai, Badri, Shailendra Pokharel and Shanta Shakya. 1991. Women and
Environment Report of the National Seminar on Women as Environmental
Conservationists and Resource Managers held on 3-4 June 1990.
Kathmandu: IUCN.
Bhattarai, Binaya. 2002. Women’s Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation
Programme: A Sociological Study of Chhadb: Drinking Water and
Sanitation Programme od Dhorphirdi VDC, Tananhu District. M.A.
Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Bhattarai, Binod, Jogendra Ghimire and Mohan Mainali. 2005. Structural
Violence: Rape. In Excess Unlimited: A Study of Impunity in Nepal, pp.
79-85. Kathmandu: Himal Books
Bhattarai, Dilli Prasad. 1998. Gender Sensitization as a Tool for Reducing Gender
and Feminisation of Poverty. The Economic Journal of Nepal 21(1):
Bhattarai, Durga. 1988. Women in Poverty: A Case Study of Bishnu Village
Panchayat. M.A. Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Bhattarai, P.P. 1989. Women’s Role: A Case Study of Tankhuwa Panchayat.
Dhankuta: Pakhribas Agricultural Centre.
Bhattarai, Rachana. 2003. Role of Women in Decision Making at Household
Management: A Case Study of Working and Non Working Women. M.A.
Thesis, Sociology, TU.
Biddlecom, Ann, William Axinn and Jennifer Barber. 2005. Environmental
Effects on Family Size Preferences and Subsequent Reproductive
Behavior in Nepal. Population and Environment 26(3): 583-621.
Bolam, A., D. Manandhar, P. Shrestha and others. 1998. Factors Affecting Home
Delivery in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Health Policy and Planning
13(2): 152-158.
Bondevik, Gunnar T., Rolv T. Lie, Magnar Ulstein and others. 2001. Maternal
Hematological Status and Risk of Low Birth Weight and Preterm Delivery
in Nepal. Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica 80(5): 402-408.
Bonfrbik, Hunnst Y., Magnar Ulstein, Rolv T. Lie and others. 2000. The
Prevalence of Anemia in Pregnant Nepali Women – A Study in
Kathmandu. Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica 79(5):
Boulay, Marc Guy. 2001. Change in Social Networks, Information-Seeking, and
Contraceptive Adoption among Women in Rural Nepal. Ph.D. diss., John
Hopkins University.
Women Bibliography 189
Brand, Carola. 2000. Meeting Nepalese Women. In Nepal: Myth and Realities.
Ram Pratap Thapa and Joachim Baaden, eds., pp. 488-498. Delhi: Book
Faith India and Cologne: German-Nepal Friendship Association (DNG).
Britt, Charle. 1994. The Effects of Biogas on Women’s Workloads in Nepal: An
Overview of Studies Conducted for the Biogas Support Programme.
Kathmandu: SNV (Netherlands Development Organization).
Brown, Helen. 1999. Sex Crimes and Tourism in Nepal. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management 11(2-3): 107-110.
Budhathoki, Chitra. 1995. The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factor on Maternal and
Child Health Care in Nepalese Society. Research report submitted to
Nepal Health Research Council.
Burchfield, S. 1997. An Analysis of the Impact of Literacy on Women’s
Empowerment in Nepal. Boston: Harvard Institute for International
CEDAW Monitoring Committee, Nepal. 2003. Shadow Report on the Second and
Third Periodic Report of Government on CEDAW Convention.
Kathmandu. UNIFEM/Nepal-UNFPA/Nepal- DANIDA/HUGOU.
Centre for Governance and Development Studies. 1998. Women in Garment
Industry: A Case Study of Momento Apparels Pvt. Ltd., Jhapa.
Kathmandu: Centre for Governance and Development Studies.
Center for Reproductive Laws and Policy and Forum for Women, Law and
Development. 2002. Abortion in Nepal: Women Imprisoned. New York
and Kathmandu: Center for Reproductive Laws and Policy and FWLD.
Centre for Women and Development. 1994. Review of WID Policies and
Programmes in Nepal. Kathmandu: Centre for Women and Development.
Centre for Women and Development. 1999. A Glimpse on Nepalese Women:
Compilation of News and Articles 1998/1999. Kathmandu: Centre for
Women and Development.
CERID. 1997. Gender and Secondary Education. Kathmandu: CERID.
CERID. 1998. Appeal Training Materials for Literacy Personnel (ATLP) for Girls
and Women in Nepal. Report of a National Training Workshop held on
February 26-March 7, 1998. Kathmandu: CERID.
CERID. 1998. Evaluation and Review of Incentive Schemes to Encourage
Participation of Girls and Women in Basic Education (Phase I ). A Report
Submitted to UNESCO/ PROAP Bangkok. Kathmandu: CERID.
CERID. 1999. Review Evaluation of the Incentive Schemes to Encourage Girls’
and Women’s Participation in Basic and Primary Education. Kathmandu:
CERID. 2000. Impact Study of Women Education Programme. Kathmandu:
Chand, Rajendra Bir. 2001. The Role of Far Western Rural Development Bank in
Economic Development of Women in Dhangadhi, Kailali District. M.A.
Thesis, Economics, TU.
190 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
Chaudhari, Rafiqul Huda. 2000. Health and Nutrition Status of Children and
Women in South Asia. Population and Development in Nepal 7: 201-218.
Chhetri, G. and S. Rana. 1995. A Gender Analysis of Women’s Participation in
Community Forestry. Kathmandu: Nepal-Australia Forestry Project.
Chhetri, Gyanu. 2001. A Social and Cultural Perspective of Women and
Community Forestry in Nepal. Contributions to Nepalese Studies 28(1):
Chhetri, Nabin K. 2054 v.s. Women’s Exclusive Property (Stridhanam): An
Outdated Phenomenon. Nyayadoot 28(3): 89-92.
Chitrakar, Kamal B. 2001. Contribution of Tharu Women in Household Economy.
The Economic Journal of Nepal 24(3): 157-163.
Chitrakar, Roshan. 1996. Promotion of Girls’ Education Through Recruitment
and Training of Female Teachers in Nepal: A Country Case Study (Phase
I). Kathmandu: CERID.
Chitrakar, Roshan. 1996. Promotion of Girls’ Education Through Recruitment
and Training of Female Teachers in Nepal: A Country Case Study (Phase
II). Kathmandu: CERID.
Chollet, B. 2005. Continuing to Make a Difference in Retirement: Empowering
Girls and Women in Nepal. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin 71(2): 5-7.
Christian, P., Al Thorne-Lyman, K.P. West Jr, and others. 1998. Working After
the Sun goes Down: Exploring how Night Blindness Impairs Women’s
Work Activities in Rural Nepal. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
52(7): 519-524.
Christian, P., K.P. West, S.K. Khatry and others. 2000. Night Blindness During
Pregnancy and Subsequent Mortality among Women in Nepal: Effects of
Vitamin A and B-Carotene Supplementation. American Journal of
Epidemiology 152(6): 542-547.
Christian, P., J. Shrestha, S.C. LeClerq and others. 2003. Community and
International Nutrition – Supplementation with Micronutrients in Addition
to Iron and Folic Acid Does Not Further Improve the Hematologic Status
of Pregnant Women in Rural Nepal. The Journal of Nutrition 133(11):
Christian, Parul, Margaret E. Bentley, Rajendra Pradhan, and others. 1998. An
Ethnographic Study of Night Blindness “Ratauni” among Women in the
Terai of Nepal. Social Science and Medicene 46(7): 879-890.
Clapham, Susan and Indira Basnet. 2000. Nepal Safer Motherhood Project: A
Part of HMG Safe Motherhood Program. Research report submitted to
Nepal Health Research Council.
Clarke, Mari. 2001. Gender Assessment of USAID/Nepal. November.
Comrade Parvati. 2003a. Question of Women’s Leadership in People’s War in
Nepal. Nepal Bulletin, June, pp. 19-23.
Women Bibliography 191
Comrade Parvati. 2003b. Women’s Participation in the People’s War. In The
People’s War in Nepal: Left Perspectives. Arjun Karki and David Seddon,
eds., pp. 165-182. Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
Congdon, N.G., M.L. Dreyfuss, P. Christian and others. 2000. Pregnancy and
Lactation – Reponsiveness of Dark-adaption Threshold to Vitamin A and
B-carotene Supplementation in Pregnant and Lactating Women in Nepal.
The American Journal of Nutrition 72(4): 1004-1009.
Cottingham, Sara, Kate Metcalf and Bimal Phnuyal. 1998. The REFLECT
Approach to Literacy and Social Change: A Gender Perspective. In
Gender, Education, and Training. Caroline Sweetman, ed., pp. 27-34.
Oxford: Oxfam Great Britain.
Dahal, Khagendra. 2004. Legal Abortion in Nepal and Women in Prison. Lancet
9424: 1905.
Dahal, Prabin Kumar. 1998. Impact of Grameen Bikas Bank on Income
Generation of Rural Women: A Case Study of Aurawani VDC, Sunsari,
Nepal. M.A. Thesis, Economics, TU.
Dahal, R. and G. Alling. 1996. Female Education Scholarship Programme in
Nepal: An Impact Study. Kathmandu: The Asia Foundation/Nepal.
Dali, Indira, ed. 1999. Coverage of Gender Issues in Media Time to Change.
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cof{n, Crf . @)^! . sfFrsf] kbf{df dlxnf cfsif{0f . g]kfn $-@%_M $# .
cof{n, uf]ljGb . @)%( . s~rgk'/ lhNnfdf dlxnf /fhgLlts ;xeflutf . :gftsf]Q/
txsf] zf]wkq, /fhgLltzf:q, l;4gfy ax'd'vL SofDk; .
cof{n, ef]h]Gb| . @)%( . n}lËs cWoog . sf7df8f}+M ;dfhzf:q k|sfzg .
cof{n, dlgiff . @)$( . Nffx'/]sL >LdtL . lxdfn #M !^–!& .
cof{n, dlgiff . @)$( . ljsf; sfo{df dlxnfx¿M d]/f efudf s] t < lxdfn -#_M
!!%–!!* .
cj:yL, dxfb]j . @)%* . a}t8]nL eflifsfsf s]xL kIf . sf7df8f}+M Pstf k|sfzg .
cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf . @)%^ . r]lna]6L a]rlavglj?¢
;~rf/ ;lqmotf . sf7df8f}+M cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t
;+:yf .
cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf . @)%^ . dlxnfdflysf sfg'gL
lje]b / ;dfgtfsf cfwf/x¿ . sf7df8f}+M PS;g P8 g]kfn .
cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf . @)^) . dlxnf / ldl8ofM g]kfndf
dlxnfsf ;DaGwdf ;~rf/dfWodsf] cj:yfaf/] Ps cWoog . sf7df8f}+M cl:dtf
dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf .
232 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf . ;+g\ @))# . g]kfnL dlxnfx¿df
6]lnlehgsf] k|efj . sf7df8f}+M cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t
;+:yf .
cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf . @)^@ . a]rlavglj?4 n]vg .
sf7df8f}+M cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf .
cl:dtf kl/jf/ . @)^@ . ue{ktgsf] clwsf/M Ps ;fy{s ax; . :jf:Yo, ;dfh /
/fhgLlt . ef:s/ uf}td / clgn e§/fO{, ;+=, k[= @&#–@&% . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g
rf}tf/L .
cfrfo{, l8NnL/fd . @)$( . o; ztfAbLsf] eofjx /f]u …P8\;Ú, j]Zofj[lQ / sfg'g .
Gofob"t @$-@_M !&–@) .
cfrfo{, l8NnL/fh . @)%) . ue{ktg;DaGwL g]kfn sfg"gdf k'g/fjnf]sgsf] cfjZostf .
Gofob"t @$-%_M @$–@* .
cfrfo{, g/xl/ . @)%^ . dlxnfsf] ;du| ljsf;df k'?ifsf] e"ldsf . gof“ g]kfnsf]
k|:tfjgf . k[= !@*–!#^ . sf7df8f}+M ;+jT;/ k|sfzg .
cfrf{o, an/fd . @)^) . n}lËs cWoog . sf7df8f}+M g]zgn a's ;]G6/ .
cfrfo{, ef]h/fh . @)%^ . g]kfndf r]nLa]6L a]rlavg, ;'/Iff / clwsf/ . Gofob" t
#)-&_M ^^–&# .
cfrfo{, dx]Zj/ . @)^! . cg'/fusf] cj;fg . g]kfn %-$_M %@–%# .
cfrfo{, dLgf . @)%% . k}lqs ;DklQdf dlxnfx¿sf] ;dfg clwsf/ Ps cWoog .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj .
cfrfo{, ljwfg . @)%^ . g]kfnL 5fkfdf dlxnf k|:t'lt . sf7df8f}+M cl:dtf dlxnf
k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf .
cfrfo{, ;'j|t .@)%( . KffFr pTs[i6 cleg]qL . g]kfn #-!$_M %( .
pkfWofo, s]bf/gfy . @)%%÷%^ . dlxnf / ;zlQms/0f, dfgj clwsf/ / Goflos
;+j]bgzLntf . Gofob"t #)-!_M !–^ .
pkfWofo, r'8fdl0f . @)$# . b]psL k|yf . sf7df8f}+M sdnf zdf{ .
pkfWofo, ljg]z . @)^! . ;'>L …Pdcf/Úx¿ . g]kfn %-!$_M $@ .
pkfWofo, d'gf . @)^) . g]kfndf dlxnfsf] ;fDklQs clwsf/M lxhf], cfh / ef]ln .
Gofob"t #$-#_M %$–%% .
pkfWofo, z}n]Gb|s'df/ . @)%& . Gff/L / k'?ifsf] ;DaGw . g]kfn !-%_M %( .
pk|]tL, c~h' . @)%# . k|lti7fgdf dlxnf sfdbf/ tyf sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{ ;do . Gofob"t
@&-#_M %@–%$ .
pk|]tL, c~h' . @)%$ . >d P]gM dlxnf xs clwsf/ / Jojxf/ . Gofob"t @*-#_M %$–^# .
pk]|tL, c?0ff . @)%* . k'?ifn] klg b]z lauf/] ls < lxdfn !!-#_M !! .
pk]]|tL, c?0ff . @)%* . lsg hGdb}5g\ afx|f}+ ;Gtfg < lxdfn !!-@!_M $% .
pk]|tL, c?0ff . @)^@ . dlxnf :jf:Yosf] bogLo cj:yf . :jf:Yo, ;dfh / /fhgLlt .
ef:s/ uf}td / clgn e§/fO{, ;+=, k[= !)^–!!% . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g rf}tf/L .
pk|]tL, alatf . @)%* . k}lqs ;DklQdf ;dfgtf / o;n] pAhfPsf] s]xL k|Zgx¿ .
Gofob"t #@-$_M $*–%) .
pk|]tL, e/t/fh . @)#% . ue{ktg / sfg"gM Ps ljjfb . Gofob"t (-@^_M !#–!( .
Women Bibliography 233
cf]emf, 3gfgfy . @)%^ . g]kfndf dlxnf . sf7df8f}+M k}/aL a'S; P08 :6]zg/L ;]G6/ .
s'Fj/ s]=;L=, zf/bf . @)%$ . ;fd'bflos jg ljsf; sfo{qmddf u|fdL0f dlxnfsf] e"ldsfM
dlxnf pksf/ ;fd'bflos jg ljsf; sfo{qmd af“s]sf] Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/
txsf] zf]wkq, dfgjzf:q tyf ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj .
s'Fj/, /]jGtaxfb'/ . @)%( . g]kfndf n}lËs ;dfgtfdf ePsf k|of; / o;sf]
c;kmntfsf sf/0fx¿ . Gofob"t ##-&_M !$(–!%@ .
s'Fj/, ;'/h . @)^! . abL{wf/L anfTsf/L . g]kfn %-@_M #^ .
sfg"g cg';Gwfg tyf ;]jf s]Gb| . @)%* . g]kfndf dlxnfx¿sf] sfg'gL l:yltM Ps
cWoog . sf7df8f}+M sfg'g cg';Gwfg tyf ;]jf s]Gb| .
sfˆn] cof{n, clhtf . @)%( . r]nLa]6L a]rlavgM /fli6«o cl:dtfsf] uDeL/ k|Zg .
Gofob"t ##-&_M !@#–!@* .
sfsL{, sljtf . @)%$ . sfg"g Joj;fo / dlxnf sfg"g Joj;foL . Gofob"t @*-^_M
@#–@% .
sfsL{, zflGt . @)%^ . hgsk'/ gf/L ljsf; s]Gb|sf dlxnfx¿sf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s
cj:yfM Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
sfsL{, zf]ef . @)%& . dft[Tjsf] cfwf/df gful/stf k|flKt cfhsf] cfjZostf . Gofob"t
#!-%_M %(–^) .
sfsL{ ;'zLnf . @)$* . cfd lgjf{rgdf dlxnfsf] ;xeflutf . Gofob"t @@-#_M ^^–&) .
sfsL{, ;'zLnf . @)$( . :qL c+zwgdf bfOhf] / k]jf . Gofob"t @#-%_M !–$ .
sfsL{, ;'zLnf . @)%% . g]kfndf dlxnflj?4sf] lx+;f . Gofob"t @(-$_M #(–$$ .
sfsL{, ;'zLnf . @)%^ . sfg'gL Gofo / g]kfnL dlxnf . Gofob"t #)-@_M %)–%@ .
sfsL{, ;'zLnf . @)%^ . dlxnfsf] a]rlavg / 3/]n' lx+;f ;'/Iff clwsf/ . Gofob"t
#)-&_M !–^ .
s]=;L=, t]haxfb'/ . @)%* . n}lËs c;dfgtfb]lv dlxnf ;zlQms/0f;Dd . Gofob"t
#@-#_M $@–%@ .
s]=;L, k|s[lt . @)%^ . dlxnfdf a9L lx:6]l/of lsg < lxdfn (-#_M %! .
s]=;L, k|s[lt . @)%^ . xf]d ;fOG;nfO{ ca x]nf gug"{ . lxdfn (-%_M$& .
s]=;L, k|s[lt . @)%^ . Affnof}g zf]if0f slt;Dd bafP/ /fVg] . lxdfn (-&_M %) .
s]=;L, k|s[lt . @)%^ . d]/f] dfOtL g]kfn . lxdfn (-!#_M %! .
s]=;L=, ef]haxfb'/ . @)$* . ;DaGw ljR5]bkl5 :jf:gL dflg;sf] l:ylt . Gofob" t
@@-$_M $(–%$ .
s]=;L, z/b . @)^) . a'sf{leqsf] ljb|f]x . lxdfn !#-$_M &#–&& .
s]=;L, z/b . @)^) . dlxnf hxfF k'U5g\ ToxfF ;tfOG5g\ . lxdfn !#-&_M !@–!% .
s]=;L, z/b . @)^! . k|ltIffdf 5g\ a]nfot–cd]l/sfsf c:ktfn . lxdfn !$-^_M
!*–@) .
s]=;L, z/b . @)^! . 3/sf] …dfgf]Ú c¿sf] ;]jf . lxdfn !$-!%_M #) .
s]=;L=, ;'/]Gb| . ;g\ !((^ . of}g ck/fwcGtu{t sf7df8f}+ lhNnfdf 36]sf anfTsf/ kLl8t
dlxnf;DaGwL Ps dfgjzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q
tyf dfgjzf:q, lq=lj=lj .
234 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
s}gL, k|efb]jL . ;g\ !(($ . g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)$& / dlxnf pDd]bjf/LM Ps cWoog .
slG6«Jo';g 6' g]lKnh\ :6l8h\ @!-@_M @#%–@%@ .
s}gL, k|ef / clgtf jfUn] . @)%( . dlxnf kltelQmM :j]R5f ls afWotf < g]kfn #-@_M
$$ .
sf]O/fnf, s]bf/ . @)^) . ;'zf;gsf nflu dlxnf ;xeflutf . sf7df8f}+M cgf}krfl/s If]q
;]jf s]Gb| -OG;]s_ .
sf]O/fnf, tLy{ . @)%* . d'n'sL P]gn] Ps;o c7\rfnL; jif{ kf/ ubf{ . g]kfn @-!^_M
@@–@# .
sf]O/fnf, tLy{ . @)%( . k]zfut dof{bfdf ga;]kl5 . g]kfn #-^_M #! .
sf]O/fnf, w|'j . @)%* . n}lËs ;dfgtf — cfhsf] cfjZostf . Gofob"t #@-%_M $!–$# .
sf]O/fnf, ljBfgfy . @)%^ . blnt dlxnfsf] z}lIfs cj:yf / ;'wf/sf pkfox¿ .
ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff !$M ^)–^& .
sf]O/fnf, ljBfgfy . @)%^ . blnt dlxnf lzIff tyf :jf:Yosf] cj:yf . blnt dlxnf
;+3sf] cfof]hgfdf blnt dlxnf lj?4 ePsf] e]befj / pTkL8g ;d:of /
;dfwfg ljifos bf];|f] /fli6«o sfo{zfnf uf]i7Ldf k|:t't sfo{kq .
sf]O/fnf, ;'zLn . @)^! . lgM;Gtfg x'Fbfsf] kL8f ;Gtfg k|flKtsf] ;'v . lxdfn !$-@_M
@# .
If]qL, c~h' . @)^! . tYofÍsf] ;d:of . ;do !-@*_M $)–$! .
If]qL, c~h' . @)^! . e|d / jf:tljstfM r]nLa]6L k"g:yf{kgf . ;do !-#)_M #^–#& .
If]qL, c~h' . @)^! . …lx8g ;]nÚleqsf] lrTsf/ . ;do !-$%_M #*–#( .
If]qL, c~h' . @)^! . vfFrf] 3/jfnL lj:yfkgsf] . ;do !-$^_M !$–!% .
If]qL, c~h' . @)^! . lg/Gt/sf] ;d:ofM dlxnf a]rlavg . ;do !-$&_M !^–!& .
If]qL, c~h' . @)^@ . lnËe]bL ;dfhsf] k|ltlaDaM lau|bf] dlxnf :jf:Yo . :jf:Yo, ;dfh
/ /fhgLlt . ef:s/ uf}td / clgn e§/fO{, ;+=, k[= !@%–!@* . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g
rf}tf/L .
If]qL, c~h' / d~h' yfkf . g]kfndf r]lna]rlavglj?¢ ;~rf/ ;lqmotf . cg'= ;/f]h
kGt . k[= %^–^# . sf7df8f}+M cl:dtf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf .
If]qL, c~h', d~h' yfkf / ;/f]h kGt . @)%( . kqsfl/tfdf dlxnf k|Zg . sf7df8f+}M
g]kfn k|]; OlGi6Ro"6 .
If]qL, gL/s'df/ . @)## . g]kfnL dlxnf / sfg"g . Gofob"t &-@)_M !*–@# .
If]qL, OGb|Wjh . @)^! . AffFRg]n] s]xL ug'{k5{ . lxdfn !$-@)_M #( .
v8\sf, ?b| . @)^) . ;dfhsL lbbL . g]kfn $-!!_M % .
v8\sf, ?b| . @)^! . k'?if ;Fu;Fu} . ;do !-@_M @! .
v8\sf, ?b| . @)^! . ca ;d:of u'hf/fsf]M ;s{;af6 d'Qm aflnsfx¿ . ;do !-!!_M
@)–@! .
v8\sf, ?b| . @)^! . b]psL u'xf/ . ;do !-#^_M $)–$! .
v8\sf, ?b| . @)^@ . cem} v]nh;/L lax] . ;do @-^^_M !*–!( .
v8\uf, lht]Gb| . @)^@ . ;Kt/Ldf bfOhf] cftª\s . g]kfn %-#%_M #( .
vltj8f, k'0o/lZd . @)%& . d]/f] kl/ro . sf7df8f}+M /rgf k|sfzg .
Women Bibliography 235
vgfn, c?0ff . ;g\ !((( . g]kfnsf] ;fdflhs kl/j]z tyf /fhgLltdf dlxnf
;xeflutf . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
vgfn, aunfb]jL . @)%@ . dlxnf xs ;+/If0f sfg"gM slt k|efjsf/L . Gofob"t @^-%_M
!*–!( .
vgfn, /]jtL/d0f . @)#@ . g]kfnsf] sfg'gL Oltxf;df b]j/ efpHo"sf] ;DaGw . Gofob"t
^-!$_M #–!) .
vgfn, nIdLb]jL . @)%^ . n}lËs ;dfgtf cfhsf] cfjZostf . Gofob" t #)-&_M
!^*–!^( .
vgfn, ljsf; . @)^! . lqz'nh:t}M tLg lbbLalxgLsf] ;kmntf . ;do !-@&_M %( .
vgfn, ljgf]b/fh . @)%& . k}lqs ;DklQdf dlxnfsf] clwsf/ / o;sf] ;fdflhs k|efjM
Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]qkq, lq=lj=lj= .
vgfn, z+s/ . @)^@ . k'?ifn] a]Rg x'Fb}g ;?jf . ;do @-^$_M $^ .
v/]n, /df / zld{nf k/fh'nL . @)%% . dlxnf :jf:Yo / ue{ktg . Gofob"t @(-#_M
%$–%^ .
UffpFn], lzj . @)%& . ;DaGw ljR5]bsf] af9L . lxdfn !)-$_M @*–#$ .
lu/L, cflGjsf . @)^@ . clwsf/ 5, clwsf/ 5}gM cfdfsf] gfddf gful/stf . ;do
@-^!_M @)–@! .
lu/L, dGh'nf . @)$& . km]l/ cf]8f/lt/} . lxdfn !M !!( .
lu/L l;njfn, ef/tL . @)%% . lgjf{rgdf dlxnf ;xeflutf /fhg}lts ;zlQms/0f .
sf7df8f}+M ljsf; ljsNkx¿ .
u'Ktf, ljZj/~hg k|;fb . @)$* . ;dfgtfsf] xs / lnËe]b ;d:of . Gofob"t @@-$_M
#$–$# .
u'/fufOF{, uf]kfn . @)%$ . sf/fuf/leq sf/fuf/M g]kfndf aGbL dlxnfsf] cj:yf .
sf7df8f}+M cgf}krfl/s If]q ;]jf s]Gb| -OG;]s_ .
u'/fufOF{, uf]kfn . @)%^ . Dff]gfn / xfa|]sf dlxnf 8fS6/ . lxdfn (-!!_M %! .
u'/fufOF{, ;'ljk . @)^! . ;s{;sf] hf]lvdaf6 d'lQm . ;do !-$_M !$ .
u'?ª, sdnf . @)%% . ;dfh;]jf / u|fdL0f ljsf;df cfdf ;d"xsf] e"ldsf Ps cWoog .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
u'?ª, 5qs'df/L . @)%( . d'n'sL P]g P3f/f}+ ;+zf]wgsf] kl/k|]Iodf dlxnf clwsf/ .
Gofob"t ##-^_M !^%–!^* .
u'?ª, 5qs'df/L . @)^) . n}lËs ;dfgtf / gful/stfsf] k|Zg . Gofob"t #$-&_M
#$–#& .
u'?ª yfkfdu/, laGb|s'df/L . @)%^ . wflbª dlxnf ;d'bfodf ;fdflhs kl/jt{gsf
k|of; . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
u}/], afns[i0f . @)%^ . g]kfndf j]Zofj[lQ ;d:of / /f]syfdsf pkfox¿ . :gfts txsf]
zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q tyf dfgjzf:q, sfg"g, g]kfn n SofDk; .
uf}td, pk]Gb| k|;fb . @)%# . cfhsf] ;Gbe{df dlxnf c;dfgtf . Gofob"t @&-^_M
@&–#@ .
uf}td, lu/L/fh . @)%# . cfhsf] ;Gbe{ dlxnf k'?if ;dfg ;fDklQs clwsf/ . Gofob"t
@&-@_M %!–%# .
236 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
uf}td, hob]j . @)^) . ljZj kof{j/0fLo cfGbf]ngsf dlxnf g]t[ . jftfj/0fLo GofoM
;|f]t ;“ufnf] . huGgfy clwsf/L / z/b l3ld/], ;+=, k[= !!#–!@) . sf7df8f}+M
dfl6{g rf}tf/L / ;fdflhs ljsf; tyf cg';Gwfg s]Gb| .
uf}td, bLkf . @)^@ . k'?if kL8f . ;do @-%%_M #( .
uf}td, dgLif . @)^! . dg ldNof], dfofF a:of] . ;do !-*_M $)–$! .
uf}td, dgLif . @)^! . s'ntsf] s'rqmM dlxnf b'Jo{;gL . ;do !-!*_M @%–@* .
uf}td, dgLif . @)^@ . cfgLafgL cfgLx¿sf] . ;do !-%@_M @)–@! .
uf}td, dgLif . @)^@ . cjf]wdfly v/fa cfFvfM afnaflnsf ljz]if . ;do @-^^_M
!$–!% .
uf}td, dgLif / dgf]h bfxfn . @)^! . ca ;ª\3if{ cfTd;Ddfgsf] . ;do !-!*_M
@$–@* .
uf}td, /fhf/fd . @)%* . cem}+ ;hfo ef]Ub}5g\ . g]kfn #-!$_M %& .
uf}td, zf]ef . @)%$ . dlxnf :jf:YoM sf/0f / lg/fs/0f . :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL lx:6«L P08
;f];fO6L @-@_M #%#–#^@ .
uf}td, zf]ef . @)%& . n}lËs cjwf/0fsf cfwf/df dfgjclwsf/sf] cj:yf . zflGtsf]
vf]hL . /f]lxts'df/ g]kfnL, ;+=, k[=*@–** . sf7df8f}+M ;fk–g]kfn klAnl;ª
xfp; .
uf}td, zf]ef . @)%* . hgo'4sf] ;]/f]km]/f]leq dlxnf / afnaflnsf . tLy{ sf]O/fnf, ;++=,
sf7df8f}+M dfgj clwsf/ ;~rf/ k|lti7fg g]kfn .
uf}td, zf]ef . @)%* . w]/} k|fKt ef], cem} k|fKt ug{ afFsL . g]kfn @-!^_M @( .
uf}td, zf]ef / cd[tf afF:sf]6f . @)%% . dfcf]jfbL hgo'4n] dlxnf tyf afnaflnsfdf
k/]sf] k|efjaf/]sf] cWoog k|ltj]bg . sf7df8f}FM ;~rfl/sf ;d"x .
uf}td, ;+lht / rGb|sfGt 1jfnL . @)%$ . e|"0f k/LIf0f, ue{ktgM sfg'gL j}wtf cfhsf]
cfjZostf . Gofob"t @*-#_M ^$–^& .
l3ld/], sNkgf . @)%& . k'?if s] ;+:s[ltsf lgdf{0f x'g t < g]kfn !-$_M #& .
l3ld/], sNkgf . @)%& . of}g ko{6gaf6 ;fjwfg . g]kfn !-&_M %( .
l3ld/], sNkgf . @)%& . …ˆn6{Ú :qL–k'?if lh:sg] cfr/0fsf] ljleGg ¿k / ljleGg cfofd
. g]kfn !-(_M ## .
l3ld/], sNkgf . @)%* . g]kfnL dlxnf lsg olt w]/} ;'Gb/ < g]kfn @-#_M $# .
l3ld/], sNkgf . @)%* . pRr lzIffsf nflu ljb]lzg nfu]sL 5f]/LnfO{ v'nfkq . g]kfn
@-%_M $# .
l3ld/], sNkgf . @)%* . o'/f]lkog dlxnfsf] clwsf/ . g]kfn @-!^_M @* .
l3ld/], hubLz . @)^! . rl/qjfg of}gsdL{x¿ . g]kfn $-!*_M !# .
l3ld/], hubLz . @)^! . k|ltof]lutfM t?gL, k|f}9f, ljw'jf / hf]s/x¿sf] . g]kfn %-#_M
!! .
l3ld/], tf/fgfy . @)%^ . jt{dfg kl/k|]Iodf g]kfndf dlxnfsf] ;DklQ clwsf/M Ps
cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, /fhgLltzf:q, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
l3ld/], b'uf{ . @)^) . r]lna]6L a]rlavgsf] ;d:of / r'gf}tL . g]kfn dfgjclwsf/
;+u7g jflif{s k|sfzg *M #&–#* .
Women Bibliography 237
l3ld/], b]jL . @)%* . n}lËs ;dfgtf tyf ;dtf, dlxnf ;zlQms/0f / n}lËs
d"nk|jfxLs/0fM Ps ljj]rgf . sf7df8f}+M Ifdtf zdf{ .
l3ld/], dgLiff . @)%( . sfnfuf]/f . g]kfn @-@#_M #& .
l3ld/], /fh]z . @)%$ . dlxnf clwsf/ clej[l4df ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3n] u/]sf] k|of; .
Gofob"t @*-#_M( .
l3ld/], /fh]z / dgLif uf}td . @)^! . cfF;'df n'sfP/ xfF;f]M Soflag / 8fG; /]:6'/fFsf
dlxnf . ;do !-#(_M @&–#@ .
l3ld/], j;Gt . @)^) . dlxnf ;zlQms/0f / ljsf; . g]kfnsf] ;jf{ËL0f cfly{s ljsf; .
k[= !()–!(( . sf7df8f}+M a;'Gwf/f l3ld/] .
l3ld/], ljb'/ . @)%& . sfe|] lhNnf, s'zfb]jL uflj;sf j[4 dlxnfx¿sf] ;fdflhs,
;f+:s[lts Pj+ cfly{s l:yltM Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
l3ld/], z'qm/fh . @)%^ . of}g :jtGqtf / cbftnsf] cfb]z . Gofob"t #)-@_M $*–$( .
l3ld/], xl/Gb|/fh . @)%* . enfovs{ ufp“ ljsf; ;ldlt ;flxnL6f/ ufp“sf dlxnfx¿sf]
z}lIfs tyf ;fdflhs cfly{s cj:yfM Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/
txsf] zf]wkq, kf6g ;+o'Qm SofDk; .
l3o" . @)%( . …UNofd;{ DoflglSjgÚ . g]kfn #-!$_M %& .
r6f}t, cf/tL . @)^! . of}g Joj;fonfO{ sfg'gL dfGotf, dfu s;sf] < ;do !-!*_M
@( .
rfkfufO{+, clgtf . @)%# . ue{ktg / dlxnf aGbL . Gofob"t @&-^_M @%–@^ .
rfkfufO{+, clgtf . @)%( . d'n'sL P]g !! cf}+ ;+zf]wgsf] kl/k|]Iodf dlxnf . Gofob"t
##-^_M &&–*) .
rfkfufO{+, lgg' . @)%( . ;Gbe{M ;+:s[lt / ;f+:s[lts ¿kfGt/0f . sf7df8f}+M ljj]s
;[hgzLn k|sfzg k|f=ln .
rfln;] zdf{, /fwfb]jL . @)%^ . dlxnfM cj;/sf] vf]hLdf . ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff !$M
%^–%( .
lrqsf/, k"0f{zf]ef . @)$& . cGt/f{li6«o >lds dlxnf lbj; -* dfr{_ af/] . sf7df8f}+M
clvn g]kfn dlxnf ;+3 s]Gb|Lo ;ldlt .
…lrGtsÚ, rGb|sfGt 1jfnL / ;+hLj uf}td . @)%! . g]kfndf ax'klt k|yf / o;sf]
sfg'gL lgoGq0f . Gofob"t @^-!_M @)–@@ .
rf}w/L, nIdLs'df/L . @)^) . n}lËs Gofo / o;sf] ;sf/fTds kIf . Gofob"t #$-&_M
$!–$@ .
rf}+nfufO{+, ltnsk|;fb, gflg/fd kf]v/]n / s]zj/fh ;fksf]6f . @)^) . n}lËs cWoogM
;fdflhs ljZn]if0f . sLlt{k'/M Go"xL/f a'S; OG6/k|fOh\ .
rf}xfg, hLtaxfb'/ . @)%* . ;DklQdf dlxnfsf] ;dfg clwsf/df sfg"g Joj;foLx¿sf]
b[li6sf]0fM Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
rf}xfg, lzj/fh . @)%^ . dlxnfsf] a]rlavg, sf/0f Pj+ ;'/Iff . Gofob" t #)-&_M
(#–($ .
hf]zL, clgtf . @)%^÷%& . lghfdtL ;]jf P]gdf dlxnf;DaGwL Joj:yfM Ps ;dLIff .
Gofob"t #!-@_M !^)–!^! .
238 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
hf]zL, cfhn . @)#^ . g]kfnsf] /fhgLltdf dlxnf ju{sf] ;xeflutf . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
hf]zL, cfTdb]j . @)%# . 5f]/LnfO{ c+zsf] ;jfndf ;fdflhs ;+/rgfsf] s'/f . Gofob"t
@&-#_M @&–@( .
Hff]zL, ¿kf . @)%^ . ldgL Ao"6L …sG6]i6ÚM s] eof] xfd|f] ljj]snfO{ . lxdfn (-!)_M !# .
Hff]zL, ¿kf . @)%* . k|ltsf/ssf] cefjdf anfTsf/Lsf] lj:tf/ . lxdfn !!-@_M #& .
Hff]zL, ¿kf . @)%( . ;f;" eOof] Û lxdfn !@-&_M $# .
1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . a]Rg ;lhnf], p4f/ ufx|f] . ;do !-!%_M !( .
1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . …of}g k];f ug{ lsg gkfpg] <Ú ;do @-%$_M !@ .
1jfnL, jfdb]j . @)%# . 5f]/Lsf] c+z xs;DaGwL l/6 lgj]bg / ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf]
cfb]z . Gofob"t @&-#_M @#–@^ .
emf, rGb|lszf]/ . @)^! . !) lszf]/Lsf] p4f/ . lxdfn !$-!*_M @@ .
emf, xl/j+zL . ;g\ @))# . t/fO{+sf blnt Pj+ blnt dlxnf . sf7df8f}+M ;]G6/ km/
Osf]gf]lds P08 6]lSgsn :6l8h / k|m]l8s Oj6{ l:6km'6'+u .
…emfkfnLÚ, l8NnLk|;fb ;+h]n . @)%( . n}lËs ;dfgtf cfhsf] cfjZostf . Gofob" t
##-^_M !%)–!%! .
8+uf]n, /Lgf . @)^) . e|i6frf/ lgjf/0fdf dlxnf . Gofob"t #$-%_M %%–%^
8f;'÷8]lg8f . ;g\ @))) . lhNnfsf gof“ ;xhstf{x?sf] nflu k|lzIf0fsf] ^) g[To
r/0fx?M uf=lj=;= dlxnf k|ltlglwx¿sf] /fhg}lts r]tgf tyf g]t[Tj Ifdtf
ljsf; . nlntk'/M 8f;'÷8]lg8f .
9sfn, dgxl/ . @)%* . k}lqs ;DklQdf dlxnf clwsf/sf nflu ePsf /fhg}lts k|of;M
Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, /fhgLltzf:q, jL/]Gb|
gu/ ax'd'vL SofDk; .
9sfn, r08L/fh . @)^! . ha/h:tL s/0fLM d~h'/L jf ;xdlt . Gofob" t #%-%_M
#*–$) .
9'¨fgf, gf/fo0fk|;fb . @)%^ . kf“rvfn uf=lj=;=sf bg'jf/ dlxnfx¿sf] jt{dfg cj:yfM
Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
9'Ëfgf, gLltsf .@)^) . b'/frf/ lj?4 sfg'gL pkrf/ . g]kfn $-!^_M !@–!# .
9' ¨ fgf, xf]dgfy . @)%^ . 5f]/LnfO{ 5f]/f;/x c+zM lg/y{s k|Zg . Gofob"t #)-#_M
$%–$& .
9'¨ fgf, ;'/]z s'df/ . @)%$ . g]kfnL dlxnfsf] ;+j}wflgs l:ylt / ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf]
b[li6 . Gofob"t @*-#_M #%–$# .
9'ª\u]n, dfwj . @)^! . of] s;sf 5f]/L < g]kfn $-@&_M !$–!& .
9'ª \ u ]n, dfwj, ljgf]b e08f/L / dfwj l3ld/] . @)^! . wg / tgsf] 8s}tL . g]kfn
%-!)_M @$–@( .
9'ª\u]n, ljgf]b . @)%( . Aof/]sdf b'O{ lszf]/Lsf] h3Go anfTsf/ . d"Nofª\sg !)%M
$@–$$ .
bf;, k|efs/ nfn . @)%^ . n}lËs cWoog . sf7df8f}+M /]vf/fgL k|sfzg .
tDv]jf, ljdnf . @)^) . oL dlxnf ;flxTosf/x¿ . g]kfn $-%_M #^–#& .
Women Bibliography 239
tfdfª, ;]/f . ;g\ @))$ . g]kfndf ljsf;] gf/Ljfb . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df ;dfhzf:qLo
lrGtg, d]/L 8]z]g / k|To"if jGt, ;+=, k[= %@@–%%& . nlntk'/M ;f];n ;fOG;
axfM .
ltlD;gf, dft[sf, nId0f l;+x s'Fj/, n]vgfy e08f/L / sf]dn e§/fO{, ;+= . @)%& .
of]udfofM ;fdflhs cfGbf]ngsf] cu|0fL tyf slj . sf7df8f}+M g]kfn cWoog
s]Gb| .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%& . 5f]/f5f]/L a/fa/L eGg] dfGotf a9\bf] . g]kfn !-!@_M #)–#! .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%& . …kf]8]Ú elGbgfn] b'MvL l5g\ /Lgf . g]kfn !-%_M %% .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%* . dlxnf a]Rg]nfO{ unkf;f] . g]kfn @-!!_M @! .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%* . j}jflxt anfTsf/ . g]kfn @-!$_M $^–$& .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%* . cfof]u aGof] ljjfb ;lsPg . g]kfn @-!^_M !^–!& .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%( . ue{ktgM ljw]osn] s] clwsf/ lbof] < g]kfn @-!*_M $)–$! .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%( . j}jflxs anfTsf/af/] cbfntsf] cfb]z . g]kfn @-@)_M $$ .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%( . o;kfnL a9\nf dlxnf pDd]bjf/L < g]kfn #-$_M #^–#& .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%( . clwsf/sf] vf]hLdf cfof]u . g]kfn #-&_M $!–$@ .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%( . PSnf] sl/c/ . g]kfn #-!!_M %# .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)%( . lxhf]cfh ;fwgf . g]kfn #-!^_M$! .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^) . ;}lgs x'g tof/ eP dlxnf . g]kfn $-*_M #*–#( .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^) . 8fS6/ dL/fsf] k]|lisK;g . g]kfn $-!@_M % .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^) . /]8 Pl/ofkl5 /]8nfO6 . g]kfn $-!#_M !$–!% .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^) . ZfflGtsf] vf]hLdf ?s'd]nL dlxnf . g]kfn $-!#_M $* .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^) . ZffxL ;]gfdf dlxnf b:tf . g]kfn $-!*_ #*–#( .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . k'/f0f jfrs dlxnfx¿ . g]kfn $-@^_M #^ .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . sdf{sf] ;+/If0f sd{ . g]kfn $-@*_M !! .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . h]nhLjgsf] cj;fg . g]kfn $-@(_M $$ .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . ;dfg kb, c;dfg Jojxf/ . g]kfn $-#@_M @*–@( .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . cfof]] dlxnf kmf}h . g]kfn %-@_M #$–#% .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . /fwfsf] lnnf . g]kfn %-%_M #*–#( .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . 5}6f}+ ljZjljBfnosf] tof/L . g]kfn %-!)_M $$ .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . cfdf Zofdf . g]kfn %-!@_M !@ .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^! . km];g km}nfpFb} . g]kfn %-!@_M %)–%! .
ltlD;gf, ozf]bf . @)^@ . cnlabf cu'jf Û g]kfn %-#*_M #* .
ltlD;gf, l;¢ . @)^! . Knfli6slj?¢ dlxnfx¿ . g]kfn %-*_M !@ .
ltlD;gf, l;¢ . @)^! . Ho]i7 gful/sx¿sf] g]t[ . g]kfn %-!^_M !@ .
ltldlN;gf, gj/fh . @)%( . :yfgLo lgsfodf dlxnfsf] k|ltlglwTj, e"ldsf, sfg'gL
Joj:yf / cj:yfM Ps dLdf+;f . Gofob"t ##-&_M *^–*( .
t]Dv]jf, ljdnf . @)%( . dlxnfn] rnfPsf] 6]Dkf] ;'/lIft . g]kfn #-!!_M $( .
t'DafxfDkm], lzjdfof . @)%( . g]kfndf dlxnf cfGbf]ng -@))$–@)$^_ . sf7df8f}+M
clvn g]kfn dlxnf ;+3, g]kfn .
240 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
t'nfw/, OGb' / ;/h/fh yfkf . @)%( . sfg'gL ;xfotf / Gofodf dlxnfsf] kx'Fr .
g]kfndf dfgjclwsf/ tyf sfg'gL pkrf/ . uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+=,
k[= !–& . sf7df8f}+M lqe'jg ljZjljBfno dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
lqkf7L, ;'wf . @)^) . dlxnf / wd{eL?tf . . d"Nofª\sg !)(M @(–#) .
lqkf7L, ;'wf . @)^! . dlxnfsf] cfFvfdf b;}+ . d"Nofª\sg !@$M @! .
yklnof, zfGtf . @)%( . j}jflxs anTsf/sf ;DaGwdf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] lg0f{o
pNn]vgLo . dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;jf]{+Rr cbfntsf kmf};nfx¿sf] l6Kk0fL .
uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+=, k[= &–!$ . sf7df8f}+M lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
yklnof, zfGtf . @)^) . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df dlxnf clwsf/sf] ljsf; . g] k fn
dfgjclwsf/ ;+u7g jflif{s k|sfzg *M #$–#^ .
yklnof, zfGtf . @)^) . n}lËs Gofosf] ;Gbe{df cbfntL sfo{ljlw / sfof{Gjog kIf .
Gofob"t #$-&_M !$–@) .
yfkf, sNn/ l;+x . @)%% . s]Gb|Lo sf/fuf/ sf7df8f}+sf dlxnf aGbLx¿sf] Ps
;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
yfkf s]=;L=, ?s' . @)%&÷%* . n}lËs ;dfgtf / n}lËs lje]bM Ps r'gf}tLk"0f{ cj:yf .
Gofob"t #@-!_M %@–%$ .
yfkf, k]|daxfb'/ . @)%(–@)^) . n}lËs ;dfgtf / xfd|f] Gofokflnsf . Gofob" t
#$-!_M %*–^$ .
yfkf a:g]t, a;'Gwf/f . @)%% . uf]+ua" ufp“sf j[4 dlxnfx¿sf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s
l:ylt Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
yfkf, d~h' . @)%& . ;~rf/df lgofNbf …dlxnfÚ . sf7df8f}FM cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg
u[x .
yfkf, d~h' . @)^) . dlxnf / n}lËs;DaGwL ;jfnx¿df ;sf/fTds x'Fb}5 g]kfnL
;~rf/dfWod . ldl8ofsf] pTkfbg / cGtj{:t' . /d]z k/fh'nL / k|To"if jGt, ;+=,
k[= !%%–!&# . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g rftf/L / ;fdflhs ljsf; tyf cg';Gwfg
s]Gb| .
Yffkf, d~h'>L . @)%$ . gAa] nfv ljb|f]xx¿ . lxdfn *-@_M !@–!$ .
yfkf, /]vf . @)$^ . dNnsfndf gf/Lsf] cj:yf . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, g]kfnL
Oltxf;, ;+:s[lt / k'/ftTj, lq=lj=lj= .
yfkf, lnnL . @)%( . ljw'jfsf] jf:tljstf . g]kfn #-!_M $@ .
yfkf, ;dL/ . @)^! . ;s{;df a]lrPsf g]kfnL afnfx¿ . d"Nofª\sg !@!M $# .
yfkf, ;Ltfd}of . @)%$ . g]kfndf dlxnf clwsf/x¿;DaGwL kfl/jfl/s sfg"gsf] efjL
:j¿k . Gofob"t @*-#_M !!–!@ .
yfkf, ;Ltfd}of . @)%( . g]kfndf dlxnfdfly x'g] zf]if0flj¿4sf] xs / sfg'gL pkrf/ .
g]kfndf dfgjclwsf/ tyf sfg'gL pkrf/ . uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+=, k[[
@&@–@*# . sf7df8f}+M lqe'jg ljZjljBfno dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
yfkf, ;Ltfd}of . @)^) . dlxnf ;zlQms/0fsf nflu n}lËs Gofo, ;dfgtf / ;dfwfg .
Gofob"t #$-&_M @!–@( .
bf;, k|efs/nfn . @)%* . n}lËs cWoog . sf7df8f}+M ?jL k|sfzg .
Women Bibliography 241
bfxfn, O{Zj/L . ;g\ !((@ . g]kfnsf] sfg"gdf dlxnfsf] ;DklQ xsM Ps ljj]rgf .
ljldG;\ 8fOnu !M !%–!* .
bfxfn, dgf]h . @)^@ . csf]{ clwsf/jfbL cGbf]ngM gf]an zflGtsf nflu xhf/ dlxnf .
;do @-^#_M #* .
bLlIft, cho . @)^! . ;'Gb/tf / Ol/g a|f]sf]ler . ;do !-!(_M %# .
bLlIft, lgd{nf . @)%* . hn pkef] Q mf ;ldltdf dlxnf ;xeflutfM /Tggu/
gu/kflnsfl:yt k~rsGof l;+rfO{ k|0fnL If]qsf] pkef]Qmf;DaGwL Ps cWoog .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
b]jsf6f, u[idaxfb'/ . @)@$ . g]kfnL kqsfl/tfdf dlxnfx¿sf] k|j]z . g] k fnsf]
5fkfvfgf / klqsfsf] Oltxf;, k[= !#)–!## . ljzfngu/M s]zjk|;fb nD;fn .
b]jsf]6f, z]if/fh . @)%% . ufO{v'/ uf=lj=;=sf dlxnfx¿sf] kl/jf/ lgof]hgsf] 1fg /
k|of]uM Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q,
lq=lj=lj= .
b]jsf]6f, ;'jf; . @)^@ . ;fwgf clwsf/L /lxgg\ . ;do @-%$_M !) .
lg/fnf, sljtf, uLtf pk|]tL, b'uf{ l;+x / ls/0f /f0ff . @)%% . dlxnf tyf
afnaflnsflj?4 x'g] ck/fwx¿ . sf7df8f}+M k|x/L k|wfg sfo{no .
lg/f}nf, g[kWjh . @)^) . ue{ktgsf] clwsf/M t'ngfTds cWoog . Gofob" t #$-#_M
#$–$$ .
lg/f}nf, Zofdk|;fb . @)^! . sd 5}gg\ dlxnf . g]kfn $-#)_M !^–!& .
lg/f}nf, ;Ltf . @)%* . g]kfnL dlxnf / dfjgclwsf/sf] l:ylt . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
g]kfn, ls/0f / d's'n x'dfufO+{ . @)^) . Kff}/vL dlxnfx¿ . lxdfn !#-!_M #*–%! .
g]kfn, lszf]/ . @)%& . Gff/Lsf] rl/q k'?ifsf] efUo . lxdfn !)-@#_M $( .
g]kfn, lszf]/ . @)^! . a'9Lcfd}sf] cult kg]{ lrGtf . lxdfn !$-!)_M %% .
g]kfn, hgs . @)^@ . ef/tLo cbfntdf g]kfnL r]nLx¿ . g]kfn %-#%_M $% .
g]kfn, hgs . @)^@ . a'sf{ p3f/]/ ;dfh;]jf . g]kfn %-$)_M !@ .
g]kfn, hgs . @)^@ . ax'klt ;f6f] Ps klt . g]kfn %-$$_M #& .
g]kfn kl/jf/ lgof]hg ;+3 . @)%* . of}g tyf k|hgg\ :jf:Yosf sfo{qmdx¿df n}lËs
;+j]bgzLntfsf] cjnDagM ;}4flGts lgb]{lzsf . nlntk'/M g]kfn kl/jf/ lgof]hg
;+3 .
g]kfn jf/ P;f]l;P;g . @)^! . Gofob"t [dlxnf sfg'gL Joj;fo / jt{dfg cfj:yf
ljz]iffÍ] . #%-^_ . sf7df8f}+M g]kfn jf/ P;f]l;P;g .
g]jf/, g/]z . @)%% . ;fgf] aDa} . lxdfn *-$_M !@–!$ .
g]zgn 8]df]qm]l6s OlGi6Ro"6 km/ O{G6/g]zgn ckm]o;{ . @)%$ . pHofnf]lt/M clw/fHosf
cf7 lhNnfsf bzhgf dlxnfsf] /fhgLlts hLjg syf . lrtjgM g]zgn
8]df]qm]l6s OlGi6Ro"6 km/ O{G6/g]zgn ckm]o;{ .
Gof}kfg], lgd{nf . @)$( . ;fdflhs / wfld{s If]qdf lnlR5jL gf/L . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, ;+:s[lt, lq=lj=lj= .
242 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
kGt, ;/f]h . @)^) . r]lna]6L a]rlavglj¿4 5fkf dfWodsf] ;lqmotf . sf7df8f}+M
cl:dtf dlxnf k|sfzg u[x, ;~rf/ tyf ;|f]t ;+:yf .
kGt, ;'ifdf . @)%* . z'+uL uf=lj=;= sf dlxnfx¿sf] ;fdflhs / cfly{s cj:yfM Ps
;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, kf6g ;+o'Qm
SofDk; .
kGyL, pld{nf . @)%@ . dlxnf ;dfgtf / sfg"g . Gofob"t @^-^_M !@–!# .
kGyL, pld{nf . @)%$ . ue{ktg / ;d:of . Gofob"t @*-#_M $$–$* .
k|wfg, ug]Gb|dfg . @))( . :qL hLjg . sf7df8f}+M ;d/axfb'/ >]i7 .
k|wfg, uf}/L . @)$* . g]kfndf r]nLa]6Lsf] b]x Jofkf/M oyfy{ tyf r'gf}tLx¿ . sf7df8f}+M
g]kfn afn dhb'/ s]Gb| .
k|wfg dNn, ;kgf . @)%$ . dlxnf ljsf; / dlxnf lj?4 ;a} k|sf/sf] e]befj cGTo
ug]{ dxf;lGw / g]kfnL sfg"g . Gofob"t @*-@_M !%)–!^) .
k|wfg dNn, ;kgf . @)%% . g]kfndf dlxnf lj?4sf lx+;f / sfg"g . Gofob"t @(-$_M
$%–%^ .
k|wfg dNn, ;kgf . @)%& . kmf}hbf/L Gofo / dlxnfsf] ck]Iff . Gofob"t #!-^_M %$–^) .
k|wfg dNn, ;kgf . @)%( . dlxnfnfO{ j}b]lzs /f]huf/df cbfntaf6 ;d]t e]befj .
dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;jf]{+Rr cbfntsf kmf};nfx¿sf] l6Kk0fL . uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L
…lrGtgÚ, ;+=, k[= %(–^% . sf7df8f}+M lqe'jg ljZjljBfno dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
k|wfg, jL0ff / OlGb/f >]i7 . @)$& . dlxnfsf nflu ;f]rfOsf] cefj . lxdfn -!_M
!)@–!)$ .
k|wfg, efjgf . @)@& . g]kfndf :jf:gL dflg;sf] sfg'gL x}l;ot . Gofob"t !-$_M
!*–@! .
k|wfg, ?sdl0f . @)#& . g]kfnL hghLjgdf b]jL ;/:jtLsf] :yfgM Ps cWoog .
slG6«Jo';g 6' g]lKnh :6l8h\ *-!_M !(–@)^ .
k|wfgfË, /l~hteQm . @)%( . hah{:tL s/0fLsf ¿kdf j}jflxs anfTsf/M sfg"gsf]
JofVof / kl/dfh{gsf] cfjZostf . dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;jf]{+Rr cbfntsf
km};nfx¿sf] l6Kk0fL . uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+=, k[[ !%–@# . sf7df8f}+M
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
k|wfgfË, /l~hteQm . @)^! . hLpdf:g] a]Rg] ck/fw klxn] / clxn] . Gofob"t #%-@_M
#@–$) .
k|;fO{+, l8NnL/fh . @)%* . g]kfndf lzlIft /f]huf/ / lzlIft a]/f]huf/ dlxnfx¿sf]
l:ylt t'ngf, lj/f6gu/ pkdxfgukflnsfsf] Ps :ynut cWoog . :gftsf]Q/
txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
k|;fO+{, g/]Gb|/fh . @)%& . kfl/hftsf] hLjgsyf . sf7df8f}+M Pstf k|sfzg .
k|]; sfplG;n g]kfn . @)^@ . g]kfnL 5fkf dfWoddf n}lËs ;jfnsf] cg'udg .
sf7df8f}+M k|]; sfplG;n g]kfn .
k/fh'nL, sdnf . @)%$ . dlxnf cfGbf]ng eg]sf] s] xf] < :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL lx:6«L P08
;f];fO6L @-@_M @(*–#)! .
k/fh'nL, k|df]b . @)#^ . dlxnfx¿sf] lgldQ lzIffdf ;dfg cj;/ sfo{qmd . ljsf;sf]
lglDt lzIff $M !)(–!@$ .
Women Bibliography 243
k/fh'nL, /d]z .@)^) . ldl8ofdf dlxnf hLjgj[lQM rfns dlxnf;DaGwL 5fkf–;fdu|Lsf]
Ps cWoog . ldl8ofsf] lr/kmf/M s]xL ;fdflhs ;Gbe{ . ;+= k|To"if jGt / /d]z
k/fh'nL . k[= !&(–!(* . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g rf}tf/L / ;fdflhs ljsf; tyf
cg';Gwfg s]Gb| .
kf7s dNn, piff . @)^) . n}lËs GofoM sfo{ljlwut ;'wf/sf nflu kfl/jfl/s cbfntsf]
cfjZostf . Gofob"t #$-&_M #*–$) .
kf08], h] . @)^@ . /fhfsf] a:tLdf km]l/of] ;+:s[lt . g]kfn %-$%_M !& .
Kff08], 1fg" . @)%$ . Gff/L d'lQm cfGbf]ng / q'6Lk"0f{ ;fd"lxs cjr]tg dg . :6l8h\ Og
g]kfnL lx:6«L P08 ;f];fO6L @-@_M #!!–#!% .
kf08], ljGbf . @)%& . g]kfnL >lds cfGbf]ngdf dlxnf ;xeflutf . lji0f' l/dfn, ;+=,
sf7df8f}+M g]kfn 6]«8 o'lgog dxf;+3 .
kf08], ljGbf . ;g\ @))@ . d'n'sL P]gn] lbPsf] dlxnfsf] clwsf/ . lji0f' l/dfn, ;+=,
sf7df8f}+M g]kfn 6«]8 o'lgog dxf;+3 .
Kff08], ;Ltf . @)%^ . d}n] kf08] g} y/ lsg /f]h]F < lxdfn !)-#_M !& .
kf08]o, /fdhLk|;fb . @)%( . ul0ft lzIff / n}lËs c;dfgtf . ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff
!^M !!#–!@* .
kflnv], ljdnf . @)$^ . g]kfndf gf/Lsf] cj:yf @))&–@)!& lj=;+= . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wk|aGw, Oltxf;, lq=lj=lj= .
k'gdu/, h]aL . @)^! . dlxnf t:s/Lsf] km}nFbf] ;~hfn . lxdfn !$-&_M !@–!$ .
k'gdu/, h]aL . @)^@ . /fxtdf e]befj . lxdfn !%-&_M !@ .
k'gdu/, h]aL . @)^! . Eff/tsf ;s{;df g]kfnL afnaflnsfM syf ;'Gbf sxfnL nfU5 .
lxdfn !$-$_M !@–!^ .
kf]v/]n, czf]ss'df/ . @)%( . n}lËs c;dfgtf, 3/]n' lx+;f / dlxnf tyf afnaflnsf
a]rlavg . Gofob"t ##-&_M @!–#^ .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%& . wGg ar]5g\ a]lrgaf6 . lxdfn !)-^_M !& .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%& . k'?if k|wfg b]zdf k'lnËL kz'sf] qmGbg . lxdfn !)-^_M $*–$( .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%& . cd]l/sf hfg gkfPsf >LdtLx¿sf] Joyf . lxdfn !)-!)_M
@%–@& .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%& . dnfO{ t?0fL agfOb]pm b]jL . lxdfn !)-!#–!$_M *@–*# .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%& . cd]l/sfdf kf]On hfg] g]kfnL >LdtLx¿ . lxdfn !)-!^_M
%)–%! .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%* . k|yd ;jf]{Rr dlxnf GofowLz . lxdfn !!-#_M !# .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%* . a'y/Lb]lv …8f= kf]v|]nÚ;Dd . lxdfn !!-@$_M !& .
kf]v/]n, b'uf{ . @)%( . oL ck/fwLx¿ slxn] h]nd'Qm x'g] < lxdfn !@-#_M @! .
kf]v/]n, laGb' . @)$@ . sd{rf/L dlxnfx¿sf] :tgkfg;DaGwL cWoog . :gftsf]Q/
txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
kf}8]n, Hof]lt . @)^! . gofF ;/sf/df dlxnf . ;do !-!!_M @^ .
kf}8]n, Hof]lt . @)^! . e]befj cGTosf nflu . ;do !-$%_M $) .
kf}8]n, t'n;L/fd . @)%* . n}lËs cWoogsf] ¿k/]vf . sf7df8f}+M lgdf k|sfzg .
kf}8]n, t]hk|;fb . @)%$ . 5f]/Lsf] c+zM e"t, jt{dfg / eljio . Gofob"t !*-#_M %!–%# .
244 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
kf}8]n, t]hk|;fb . @)%% . r]nLa]6L a]rlavg . Gofob"t @(-$_M *^–*& .
kf}8]n, kljqf . @)^! . ;dfg sfd c;dfg Hofnf . lxdfn !$-&_M @* .
kf}8]n kf08], /df . @)%( . z'e ;fOtdf k~rsGof . g]kfn #-@_M $% .
kf}8]n, e"kxl/ . @)%* . dlxnfx¿ g} cufl8 . g]kfn @-!^_M @^–@& .
kf}8]n, dflqsf . @)^! . dfcf]jfbL ;]gfdf dlxnfx¿ . d"Nofª\sg !@@M !@–!* .
kf}8]n, /d]zs'df/ . @)^! . /ftf] 6Lsf lgwf/df tnSs 6lNsof] . ;do !-$^_M !@ .
kf}8]n, /d]zs'df/ . @)^@ . pT;fxsf] tfhM ld;]; PrcfO{eL snª\s/lxt k|ltof]lutf .
;do @-^)_M %$ .
Kff}8]n, j]b/fh . @)^! . anfTsf/, xTof / km]l/ anfTsf/ . g]kfn $-@&_M !( .
kf}8Øfn, ab|L . @)^! . g]kfndf cfˆg} 6]i66\o'j aRrf . lxdfn !$-@$_M #)–#% .
kf}8\ofn, dlGb/f . @)^) . bzf+} of]hgfdf n}lËs ;dfgtf cg'udg tyf d"Nofª\sg
Joj:yf . sfdfb ^-@_M #(–%% .
Kofs'/]n, Hof]lt . @)%* . dlxnf h]nsf] cj:yfM g]kfnL gf/Lsf] ;femf syf . lxdfn
!!-@$_M $( .
km]8l/s, hf]g . @)%% . oxfF c;ª\Vo uLtfx¿ 5g\ . lxdfn *-$_M ^–!! .
ah|frfo{, /fHonIdL / ;fg' zfSo . @)^) . n}lËs Gofo / d'n'sL P]g @)@) . Gofob"t
#$-&_M %)–%$.
a~h/f, /fh]Zj/L . @)%$ . anfTsf/, sfg"g / anfTs[t dlxnfsf] ;fdflhs x}l;ot .
Gofob"t @*-#_M $(–%) .
a8fn, s]zj . @)$& . g]kfnL dlxnf / ltgn] lng'kg]{ af6f] . sf7df8f}+M k}/jL k|sfzg .
a8'jfn, lbk]Gb| . @)^@ . of}g Joj;foLx¿ Psh'6 x'g] t/v/df . g]kfn %-$%_M !^ .
aG;{, P= cu:6, /f]GgL n]les, h]g DofS;j]n / Sofyl/g zf]lkof] . @)%* . dlxnfsf nflu
8fS6/ gePdfM dlxnfsf] nflu :jf:Yo lgb]{lzsf . sf]dn e§/fO{, z/b jGt /
c?0ff pk|]tL, ;+=, sf7df8f}+M u|fdL0f :jf:Yo tyf lzIff ;]jf u'7L tyf hg:jf:Yo
;/f]sf/ 6«i6 -km]S6–g]kfn_ .
a/fn afF:sf]6f, ;'ifdf . @)^) . n}lËs GofoM sfg'gL kIf, sfo{ljlw / sfo{Gjog .
Gofob"t #$-&_M $#–$( .
a:g]t, k|ef . @)## . g]kfnL dlxnf ;fIf/tf . ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff !M ^#–^& .
a:g]t, k|ef . @)#% . gf/L ;fIf/tf l:yltsf] Ps emns . ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff #M
!$#–!$^ .
a:g]t, dL/f . @)%# . g]kfnsf] k|hftflGqs cfGbf]ngdf dlxnfju{sf] e"ldsf . sf7df8f}+M
n]vs :jod\ .
a:g]]t, dL/f . @)%# . hgcfGbf]ng @)$^ df dlxnf ju{sf] e"ldsf . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, Oltxf;, lq=lj=lj= .
a:Goft, ;'/]Gb|jL/ l;+x . @)$% . hLp df:g] a]Rg]df j]Zofj[lQ . Gofob"t !(-^_M #@–#% .
a:ofn, /Iff . @)^! . /fHosf] k'g;{+/rgfsf] ;jfn dlxnfsf] b[li6sf]0faf6 . d"Nofª\sg
!@%M @$–@( .
afF:sf]6f, cd[tf . @)%$ . hËnL o'usf] ;dflKt slxn] < :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL lx:6«L P08
;f];fO6L @-@_M $))–$)% .
af:tf]nf, ;f]dgfy . @)^! . anfTsf/ / xTofkl5 a:tL g} phf8 . lxdfn !$-$_M @$ .
Women Bibliography 245
a'9fP]/, df]xg / u0f]z rf}w/L . @)^) . Aff]Ng 8/fpg] dlxnfx¿ xltof/;Fu v]N5g\ .
g]kfn $-$_M @)–@! .
a]Naf;], s[i0f . @)$( . lnË kl/jt{g / hl6ntfx¿ . Gofob"t @$-@_M !–& .
a]Njf;], s[i0f . @)%) . gf/L zf]if0fsf] cdfgjLo syfM b]jbf;L k|yf . Gofob"t
@$-^_M$&–%$ .
a]Naf;], gf/fo0f / df]gf >]i7 clwsf/L, ;+= . @)%* . n}lËs ;dfgtf / GofoM . sf7df8f}+M
hglxt ;+/If0f d~r .
a]Naf;], ;'eb|f, kb\dnfn b]jsf]6f / wd{/fh ah|rfo{ . @)$# . ;xeflutfM ;+rf/df
u|fdL0f dlxnf . sf7df8f}+M jN8{Eo" OG6/g]zgn kmfp08]zg g]kfn .
Aff]u6L, d's'Gb . @)%( . v]nf8Lsf >LdtLx¿ . g]kfn #-%_M &)–&! .
Aff]x/f, /fd]Zj/ . @)^! . Affx| kmsf{OP c7f/ a]kQfM ;s{;sf aflnsf . lxdfn !$-)&_M
!@–!$ .
e§ a:g]t, ;GWof . @)%$ . g]kfndf kfl/jfl/s sfg"gsf] cfjZos ;+zf]wgM sfof{Gjog /
c;/ . Gofob"t @*-#_M @#–#) .
e§, Zofd . @)^! . l;Gb'/;lxt k/LIff . ;do @M !( .
e§, Zofd . @)^@ . of}g xf]Og ¿kfGt/0fM afbL Joyf . ;do @-^*_M !^–!& .
e§rg, s[i0faxfb'/ . @)%$ . g]kfnsf] ;~rf/df dlxnfsf] l:ylt ljZn]if0f . ;~rfl/sf
;d"xåf/f k|m]8l/s O{j6{ l:6km6''Ë g]kfnsf] cfof]hgfdf sf7df8f}+df cfof]lht
æ;dfgtf / PSoa¢tfsf nflu ;~rf/M ;~rf/df dlxnfsf] a9\bf] ;xeflutfÆ
ljifos uf]i7Ldf k|:t't sfo{kq, !@–!# ;fpg .
e§rg, s[i0faxfb'/ . @)^) . s] g]kfnL cflbjf;L dlxnfx¿ ;Ëul7t x'g cfjZos 5 <
5fkfdf hftLo d'lQm cfGbf]ng . afns[i0f sfp5f du/, ;+=, k[= #)#–#)& .
sf7df8f}+M hghflt d~r .
e§/fO{, clgn / ;'hftf yfkf . @)^@ . af]S;L, wfdLemfFqmL / hg:jf:Yo . :jf:y, ;dfh
/ /fhgLlt . ef:s/ uf}td / clgn e§/fO{, ;+=, k[= !@(–!#% . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g
rf}tf/L .
e§/fO{, Ps/fh . @)%% . g]kfnsf] /fhgLltdf dlxnf ;xeflutf, @))& b]lv @)%!
;fn;Dd . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, /fhgLltzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
e§/fO{, tf/f . @)%* . sfª\u|];L g]tfsL >LdtL . g]kfn @-^_M &# .
e§/fO{, tf/f . @)%* . eujtLsf] b'nxL . g]kfn @-!!_M #& .
e§/fO{, tf/f . @)%( . k'?if wd{ s] xf] < g]kfn #-!_M $# .
e§/fO{, k|bLk . @)%( . g]kfnL rnlrqdf gf/L ;Dj]bgf . g]kfn @-!&_M %^–%& .
e§/fO{, dw';'wg/fh . @)%! . dlxnf ljsf; sfo{qmddf u|fdL0f dlxnfsf] ;xeflutf .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
e§/fO{, dL/f . @)%# . gjf}+ of]hgfdf n}lËs b[li6sf]0fsf] PsLs/0f . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf tyf
;dfh sNof0f dGqfno .
e§/fO{, ljBf . @)%( . u|fdL0f dlxnfx¿sf nflu pTkfbg C0f Joj:yf sfo{qmdsf] k|efj
/ dlxnfx¿sf] ;+:yfut k|of; . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q,
lq=lj=lj= .
e08f/L, ls/0f . @)^! . k|lt:kwf{sf] rfFhf]kfFhf] . ;do !-@_M !^–!( .
246 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
e08f/L, ls/0f . @)^! . lbg lkmg]{ cfzfM lghfdtL ;]jfdf dlxnf . ;do !-@)_M @#–@% .
e08f/L, s[i0fd'/f/L . @)%* . ljw]os kfl/t ug'{kg]{ afWotf . g]kfn @-!^_M #) .
e08f/L, s[i0fd'/f/L . @)%( . PsnL dlxnf . g]kfn #-!_M $)–$! .
e08f/L, s]zj axfb'/ . @)%& . o'PdPgåf/f ;~rflnt b}n]v cgf}krfl/s dlxnf lzIff
sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsfl/tfM Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lzIffzf:q,
lq=lj=lj= .
e08f/L, lglstf . @)%( . k'?ifx¿sf ljifodf lglstf e08f/L . g]kfn !-@_M %)–%! .
e08/L, nIdL . @)^) . ;'/Iff lbg] dlxnf . g]kfn ^-!*_M #$–#% .
e08f/L, n]vgfy . @)^) . ;fdflhs hfu/0fdf dlxnf ljb|f]xsf] k|:yfgljGb' . sf7df8f}+M
ljj]s l;h{gzLn k|sfzg k|f= ln= .
e08f/L, z/bl;+x . @)^! . of}gsdL{nfO{ cg'dlt lbg'k5{ . ;do !-#(_M #$ .
ef;Lg, sdnf . ;g\ !((( . s]6L s] xf] < s]6f s] xf] < cg'= cgGtnIdL >]i7 . ;+= z}n]z
>]i7 . sf7df8f}+M :qL zlQm .
ef;Lg, sdnf . ;g\ @))) . lkt[;Qf s] xf] < cg'= k|]daxfb'/ >]i7 . ;+= ;'vdfof af]x/f,
d'lQm l/;fn / cgGtnIdL >]i7 . sf7df8f}+M :qL zlQm .
ef;Lg, sdnf / lg3t ;fO{b vfg . ;g\ @))! . gf/Ljfb s] xf] < cg'= d'lQm l/hfn /
cgGtnIdL >]i7 . sf7df8f}+M :qL zlQm .
e';fn uf}td, k'ikf . @)%# . g]kfnsf] jt{dfg cj:yfdf dlxnfx¿sf] /fhgLlts
clwsf/ . Gofob"t @&-^_M !–!!
e';fn, k'ikf . @)%* . /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u – cfhsf] cfjZostf . Gofob"t #@-%_M
$$–$% .
e';fn, k'ikf . @)%( . cfdfsf] j+zhaf6 gful/stf k|fKt gx'g] e]befjk"0f{ Joj:yfnfO{
Goflos dfGotf . dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;jf]{+Rr cbfntsf kmf};nfx¿sf] l6Kk0fL .
uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+=, k[[= #)–#^ . sf7df8f}+M lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
e';fn, k'ikf . @)%(–@)^) . n}lËs ;dfgtf / dlxnf clwsf/sf] ;Gbe{df d'n'sL P]g .
Gofob"t #$-!_M %@–%& .
e';fn, k'ikf . @)^) . dfgjclwsf/sf] ;Gbe{df dlxnf clwsf/ . g]kfn dfgjclwsf/
;+u7g jflif{s k|sfzg *M #(–$) .
e';fn, lji0f'dfof . @)%# . dlxnf sfg"g Joj;foL Ps r'gf}tL . Gofob"t @&-$_M
&)–&# .
e';fn, ljif0f'dfof . @)%$ . dlxnf lj?4 x'g] lx+;fM Ps cWoog . Gofob"t @*-#_M
&$–*) .
du/, plh/ . @)^! . …kbf{kmf;Ú df kDkmf . g]kfn %-!$_M !& .
d/x¶f, k'?iff]Qd . @)$* . ue{ktgM sfg'gL hl6ntf . Gofob"t @#-@_M ##–#* .
dxh{g, /fh]Gb| . @)%* . /S;L lj/f]wL jftf{ ;kmnM ;+3if{sf] of] z}nLaf6 dlxnfx¿ z;Qm
x'G5g\ . d"Nofª\sg ()M @( .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%^ . dlxnf lj?4 x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf e]befj pGd"ng
ug]{ dxf;lGwM >L % sf] ;/sf/sf] k|f/lDes k|ltj]bg pk/sf] 5fof“ k|ltj]bg .
sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
Women Bibliography 247
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%& . a]Olhª sfo{of]hgfsf] k'g/fjnf]sg;DaGwL
b:tfj]hx¿sf] ;“ufnf] . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%& . dlxnf lj?4 x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf e]befj pGd"g ug]{
dxf;lGwM k|lzIf0f k'l:tsf . nlntk'/M dlxnf afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f
dGqfno n}lËs ;dtfsf] d"n k|jfxLs/0f sfo{qmdsf] nflu dlxnf, sfg"g /
ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%* . g]kfndf e]befjk"0f{ sfg"g / o;af6 dlxnfdfly
k/]sf c;/x¿;DaGwL cWoogsf] ;f/f+z . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf;
d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%* . hLp df:g] a]Rg] sfo{ -lgoGq0f_ ljwo]s, @)%*
k|:tfljt Joj:yf, sdL–sdhf]/L / ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/x¿ . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g /
ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%* . j]Zofj[lQsf] nflu dlxnf / afnaflnsfsf]
a]rlavg lj?¢sf] ;fs{ dxf;lGw, @))@ . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf;
d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%( . dlxnf ;DklQ;DaGwL clwsf/ . sf7df8f}+M
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%( . 3/]n' lx+;f lgoGq0f;DaGwL sfg"gM Ps
cfjZostf . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)%( . a]Olhª\u ± % sf] ;dLIffsf] cj;/df kfl/t
b:tfj]h;DaGwL hfgsf/L kq . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)^) . dlxnfsf nflu ePsf ljz]if Joj:yf / o;sf]
k|efj . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . ;g\ @))$ . dlxnfsf] cfly{s / sfg'gL clwsf/sf]
;+/If0f / ;Da¢{gsf nflu ljBdfg sfg'gL Joj:yfdf ;'wf/sf] cfjZostf /
cf}lrTotf . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, sfg"g / ljsf; d~r . @)^@ . gful/stf;DaGwL ljBdfg e]befjk"0f{ sfg"gaf6
kLl8tx¿sf tYo ;+sng / ;+zf]wgsf cfjfhx¿ . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf, sfg"g /
ljsf; d~r .
dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f dGqfno . ;+g\ @))) . a]Olhª\u ± % /fli6«o
k|ltj]bg . nlntk'/M n}lËs ;dtfsf] d"n k|jfxLs/0f sfo{qmd ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3Lo
ljsf; sfo{qmd .
dlxnf ljsf; ljefu . @)%& . n}lËs cled"vL ;xeflutfd"ns u|fdL0f n]vfhf]vfM dlxnf
ljsf; sfo{qmddf ;+nUg sd{rf/Lx?sf] lgldQ sfo{ lgb]{lzsf . nlntk'/M >L %
sf] ;/sf/ dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f dGqfno dlxnf ljsf;
ljefu .
dfOtL g]kfn . @)%* . r]nLa]6L / /fhgLltM r]nLa]6L a]rlavg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf
nflu dfOtL g]kfnsf] k|of; . sf7df8f}+M dfOtL g]kfn .
dfgGw/, ;'nf]rgf . @)%$ . dlxnf x:tfIf/sf] Oltxf;–df]ltnIdL . :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL
lx:6«L P08 ;f];fO6L @-@_M #!%–#!( .
248 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
dfgGw/, ;'nf]rgf . @)%& . d ;'gsf] r'/f nufpFlbg lg Û lxdfn !)-@)_M %^ .
dfgGw/, ;'zLnf . ;g\ !((^ . k|frLg g]kfnL ;dfhdf gf/Lsf] :yfgM lnlR5jLsfnsf
clen]v lgofNbf . slG6«Jo';g 6' g]lKnh\ :6l8h\ @#-!_M #)&–#)* .
df:s], ;';g . @)$# . g]kfnL jfª\do ljsf;df gf/L n]lvsfx¿sf] of]ubfg, @))&–
@)!& . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, Oltxf;, lq=lj=lj= .
ld>, /ljGb| . @)%* . g]kfnL k'?ifx¿nfO{ nfh nfUg'kg]{ xf] . g]kfn @-!^_M ( .
d]ofª\af], k|bLk . @)%& . 5'§} JolQmTj agfPsf nfx'/] kTgLx¿ . lxdfn !)-!&_M %! .
d]ofª\af], k|bLk . @)%( . sd 5}gg\ nfx'/]gLx¿ klg . g]kfn #-#_M $! .
d}gfnL, ;RrL . @)^! . GofowLzx¿ …>LdfgÚ x'g . lxdfn !$-)*_M @% .
odL, lxl;nf / afa'/fd e§/fO{ . @)%& . dfS;{jfb / dlxnf d'lQm . sf7df8f}+M pTk|]/s
k|sfzg .
o'lg;]km . ;g\ !((* . dLgfM k|of]ustf{sf] nflu lgb]{lzsf . sf7df8f}+M o'lg;]km .
of]~hg, ;[hgf . @)%& . …sNr/Ú, 6«]l8;g / xfd|f] ;dfh . lxdfn !)-!%_M %# .
/fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^! . d'gf ljb]z, dbg r'Nxfrf}sfdf . ;do !-#*_M !( .
/fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^! . dftf Jofkf/ . ;do !-$%_M !@–!$ .
/fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^! . 3/ kmls{Og\ ;l/tf . ;do !-$^_M !# .
/fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^! . ue{ /xg] 8/n] ˆofFlsG5g\ kf7]3/ . ;do !-$&_M !^–!& .
/fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^@ . ;ª\3if{af6 kl/jt{gM …af]S;LÚ a:tL . ;do !-%(_M @! .
/fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^@ . Psn dlxnfsf] k'glj{jfx . ;do @-^%_M !@ .
/fO{, dw' . @)^) . gf/L cfofd . lj/f6gu/M jf0fL k|sfzg .
/fO{, ldng . @)%$ . g]kfnL dlxnf / dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+lIfKt rrf{ . Gofob"t @*-#_M
#!–$# .
/fO{, zf]ef . @)%% . dlxnf lj?4sf] lx+;f . Gofob"t @(-#_M &! .
/fhe08f/L, /]0f' / afns[i0f ;'j]bL . ;g\ @))! . ;a}sf nflu k|hgg\ :jf:Yo tflnd
lgb]{lzsf . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf k'g:yf{kgf s]Gb| .
/fhe08f/L, ljgfos . @)%* . OGb|]0fL . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf k'g:yf{kgf s]Gb| .
/fhe08f/L, ljgfos . @)%& . aL;f}+ ztfAbLsf] bf;tf . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf k'g:yf{kgf
s]Gb| .
/f0ff b]pjf, cf/h' . ;g\ !((^ . g]kfndf dlxnf lj?4 lx+;fsf] j:t'l:ylt ljZn]if0f .
zDe' sf]O/fnf, cg'+= sf7df8f}+M ;fyL / b Plzof kmfp08]zg .
/f0ff b]pjf, cf/h' / lk+sL l;+x /f0ff . @)%* . dlxnf tyf aflnsf lj?4 x'g] lx+;fsf]
dfgl;s–;fdflhs k|efjsf] anfTsf/, xf8gftf s/0fL / ax'ljjfxdf s]lGb|t
cWoogsf] lgisif{ tyf ;'emfjx¿ . ljgo s;h", ;+= nlntk'/M ;fyL .
/f0ff, aGbgf . @)%& . jf:tljstfafbL kf] x'F ls < lxdfn !)-$_M #% .
/fkm]n, ;fOl/nf . @)$& . e'jg]Zj/L dlxnf cf>ddf pRr cfbz{ . lxdfn !M !@$–!@% .
/fjn, tKt axfb'/ . ;g\ !((^ . hf]/kf6L uf=lj=;= l:yt un}+rf pBf]udf /x]sf dlxnf
sfdbf/x¿M Ps dfgjzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
/fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u . @)%( . /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u k|:tfljt ljw]os @)%( .
sf7df8f}+M /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u .
Women Bibliography 249
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] ;lrjfno . @)%$ . ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] dlxnfpk/ x'g] ;a}
k|sf/sf] e]befj lgd"{ng;DaGwL dxf;lGw k|f/lDes k|ltj]bg g]kfn . sf7df8f}+M
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] ;lrjfno .
l/dfn, sdn . @)^! . anfTs[tnfO{ /fxt . lxdfn !$-!@_M @# .
l/dfn, sdn . @)^! . JolQmTj ljsf;df aGbL dlxnf . lxdfn !$-@$_M @& .
l/dfn, sdn / s]zj Gof}kfg] . @)^! . wf} wf} ef] r]lna]6Lsf] OHht hf]ufpg\ . lxdfn
!$-^_M @^ .
l/dfn, lji0f' / ljGbf kf08] . ;g\ @))) . xfdL dlxnf . sf7df8f}+M g]kfn 6]«8 o'lgog
dxf;+3 .
l/;fn, e}/j . @)%$ . pQ/L uf]/vfsf] ax'klt k|yf . lxdfn &-#_M $@–$# .
l/;fn, ;fwgf . @)%^ . ;dfhzf:qLo b[li6sf]0fdf n}lËs ;dtf / xfd|f] l:ylt . l8:sf];{M
:6'8]G6\; hg{n ckm ;f]l;of]nf]hL÷cGy|f]kf]nf]hL $M *^–*& .
l/;fn, ;'zLnf÷e}/j . @)%* . nf]Ug]–:jf:gL / s]xL ldqsf lr7L . sf7df8f}+M n]vs
:jod\ .
/]UdL, aunf . @)%* . lghfdtL ;]jfdf dlxnfsf] kx'“rM Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
/f]sf, /d]z . @)%# . 5f]/LnfO{ c+z– Ps ljj]rgf . Gofob"t @&-^_M $)–$! .
/f}lgof/, bLks . @)^! . kl/kSjtflt/sf] bf}8 . ;do !-!^_M %$–%% .
/f}lgof/, bLks . @)^! . bf}8 ;'Gb/Lx¿sf] . ;do !-!&_M %@ .
nfdf, ;+uLtf . @)%& . dlxnfsf] af]em c¿ a9\of] . lxdfn !)-@$_M @*–@( .
nfdf, ;+uLtf . @)%* . s'g …ZnLnÚ s'g cZnLn . lxdfn !!-$_M %$ .
nfld5fg], s]zj . @)^! . ;d'Gb| kfl/ ;fOgf]M ljb]zL;Fu ljjfx . ;do !-#@_M #^–#& .
nfld5fg], s]zj . @)^@ . s'/Lltlj?¢ kfOnfM bfOhf]k|yfsf] lj/f]w . ;do @-%#_M $! .
nfld5fg], s]zj, bLks 1jfnL / clgn ltjf/L . @)^! . …c¿n] b]z a]Rg x'g], xfdLn] b]x
a]Rg lsg gx'g] < ;do !-#(_M ## .
n'O+{6]n, nLnf . @)^) . g]kfnL dlxnf syfsf/ . sf7df8f}+M g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f k|lti7fg .
n'O+{6]n, ;dL/f . @)$* . lzIffdf dlxnfnfO{ ;dfg cj;/ s;/L < ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff
!)M !!–!& .
n'O+{6]n, ;dL/f . @)%$ . ;zlQms/0f s] / s;/L < ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff !@M !)$ .
n'O+{6]n, xl/uf]ljGb . @)%* . af]S;Lsf] cf/f]kdf oftgf xb eof] . d"Nofª\sg (!M $$ .
n'O+{6]n, xl/uf]ljGb . @)%( . af]S;L sf08x¿af/] cfof]u g} agfOg'k5{ . d"Nofª\sg (*M
@% .
n'O+{6]n, xl/uf]ljGb . @)%( . c=g]=d=;+3 dfux¿ / s'df/L k|yf . d"Nofª\sg !)!M
$)–$# .
n'O+{6]n, xl/uf]ljGb . @)^! . …;'Gb/LÚ 5gf}6 k|ltof]lutf o;k6s ePsf] lj/f]w . d"Nofª\sg
!@@M ( .
n'xfg, h]= dfOsn / k"gd yfkf . @)$& . Afflnsfsf] ;+;f/ . lxdfn !M !!$–!!@ .
n}lËs ;dtfsf] d"n k|jfxLs/0f sfo{qmd÷;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3Lo ljsf; sfo{qmd dlxnf,
afnaflnsf tyf ;dfhsNof0f dGqfno . @)%* . :yfgLo dlxnf
250 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
hgk|ltlglwx¿sf] Ifdtf clej[l4 sfo{qmd ;xefuL k'l:tsf . nlntk'/M n}lËs
;dtfsf] d"n k|jfxLs/0f sfo{qmd, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f dGqfno .
jGt, k|To"if, zf]ef uf}td / cd[tf afF:sf]6f . @)%^ . 5fkfdf dlxnf . sf7df8f}+M g]kfn
k|]; OlGi6Ro"6 .
j:tL, k|sfz . @)%& . d / d]/f] sfg'gL clwsf/ . sf7df8f}+M g]kfn af/ Pzf]l;Pzg
sfg'gL ;xfotf kl/of]hgf .
jfUn], lbg]z . @)%& . dlxnfx¿sf] xf]:6]n nfOkm . g]kfn !-$_M %)–%! .
jfUn], lbg]z . @)%* . kltx¿ 36\b}5g\ . g]kfn @-&_M @!–@@ .
jfUn], lbg]z . @)%( . gfOl6ª\un aGg] /x/ . g]kfn #-!@_M #* .
ljZjsdf{, ld7fOb]jL . @)^! . g]kfnL gf/Lsf] cj:yf / cjl:ylt . sf7df8f}+M l6= cf/
ljZjsdf{ :d[lt k|lti7fg .
j}B, s';'d . @)$@ . lj=;+= !(!) sf] d'n'sL P]gcg';f/ gf/Lx¿sf] cj:yf . :gftsf]Q/
txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj= .
j}B, lbks . @)%$ . dlxnfx¿ ljZjel/ k'?ifeGbf Hofbf >d u5{g\ . d"Nofª\sg %^M
#( .
j}B, lbks . @)%$ . ;'Ts]/L ljbfsf] k|rng ;+;f/df ljleGg d'n'sdf . d"Nofª\sg
%^M $) .
zdf{, v]d/fh . @)%$ . d'n'sL P]gdf gf/Lsf] :yfg . Gofob"t @*-#_M !–!) .
zdf{, emns . @)%^ . ;DaGw ljR5]b / :jf:gL dflg;sf] l:ylt . Gofob"t #)-&_M
!((–@)) .
zdf{, tf/fgfy . @)%( . b]js'df/L yfkfb]lv hn]Zj/L >]i7;Dd . g]kfn #-!!_M %#
zdf{, gd|tf . @)^! . j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf dlxnfnfO{ pk]Iff lsg < ;do !-#*_M !* .
zdf{, k|sfzdl0f, k|Llt yfkf / lzjk|;fb kf}8]n, ;+= . @)^) . n}lËs Gofo;DaGwL
d'2fx¿sf] ;“ufnf] . sf7df8f}+M hglxt ;+/If0f d~r -k|f] klAns_ / ;+o'Qm /fi6«
;+3Lo dlxnf ljsf; sf]if -o"lgkm]d_ .
zdf{, aLgf . @)^) . /]l8of] g]kfndf dlxnf sfo{qmd ljutb]lv jt{dfg . /]l8of] g]kfnsf]
;fdflhs Oltxf; . k|To"if jGt / c¿, ;+=, k[= @(&–#!^ . sf7df8f}+M dfl6{g
rf}tf/L .
zdf{, dw' . @)## . g]kfnL gf/L / /fh:j . Gofob"t &-@!_M *–!@ .
zdf{, dw' . @)%& . ;f}Gbo{snf . sf7df8f}+M ;du| k|sfzg .
zdf{, dlGb/f . @)%* . g]kfndf af]S;L;DaGwL ;fdflhs ;d:of k|efjsf/L sfg"gsf]
cfjZostf . Gofob"t #@-%_M %(–^$ .
zdf{, df]lbgLk|;fb . @)$) . lnlR5jLsfnLg g]kfndf gf/Lsf] cj:yf . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, Oltxf;, lq=lj=lj= .
zdf{, /fwfb]jL . @)%% . dlxnf ;zlQms/0f / n}lËs ;dfgtf . ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff
!#M !))–!)^ .
zdf{, nfnk|;fb . @)^@ . dgsL wgL dgs'df/L . g]kfn %-$@_M !@ .
zdf{, nf]rgf . @)%( . s'df/Lx¿sf] dfgl;s ljsf;df ;d:of . d"Nofª\sg !)!M $! .
Women Bibliography 251
zdf{, z/brGb| . @)%* . lrof aufgdf dlxnf >dM lrof aufgsf dlxnf >ldsx¿sf]
;fdflhs cfly{s cj:yf— ag]{ lrof aufg Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj .
zdf{, zzL . @)^! . of}gsdL{nfO{ cg'dlt lbg'xFb}g . ;do !-#(_M #$ .
zdf{, Zofdk|;fb . @)%( . k|]d ljjfx / dlxnf d'lQm . sf7df8f}+M ljj]szLn k|sfzg
k|f= ln .
zdf{, ;Gtf]if . @)^@ . cfTdlge{/tfsf] af6f] . g]kfn %-$(_M !@ .
zdf{, ;l/tf . @)%$ . k}lqs ;DklQdf ;dfg clwsf/ . Gofob"t @*-#_M ^*–&# .
zdf{, ;f/bf . @)%* . wfkf;L uf=lj=;sf] dlxnfsf] :t/ tyf k|hgg l:yltaf/] Ps
;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, lq=lj=lj .
zdf{, ;'wL/ / dgLif uf}td . @)%^ . /fhwfgLsf] /fqLhLjgM l8«Í, 8fG; / 8fª8'ª .
lxdfn (-@!_M ##–$^ .
zfSo, sNkgf . @)%^ . ue{ktg Ps uDeL/ ck/fw . Gofob"t #)-$_M ^)–^@ .
zfSo, kbds'df/L . @)%& . sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsfsf] hfvf ufp“sf dlxnfx¿sf] z}lIfs
l:yltM Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q,
lq=lj=lj= .
zfSo, zflGtnIdL . @)$* . ;fgf ls;fg ljsf; sfo{qmddf dlxnf ;xeflutf .
:gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q tyf dfgjzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
zfSo, ;'j0f{ . @)%$ . :ju{sf] b/jf/ k[YjLdf . nlntk'/M zxLb z'qm :d[lt k|lti7fg .
zfvM, s';'d . @)%( . g]kfndf dlxnfclwsf/ / sfg'gL pkrf/ . g]kfndf dfgjclwsf/
tyf sfg'gL pkrf/ . uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+= k[[ ##–$% . sf7df8f}+M
lqe'jg ljZjljBfno dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
Zffx, ;f}efUo . @)%& . dlb/f, /fHo / dlxnf . lxdfn !)-!#–!$_M (#–(* .
>]i7, cho afb] . @)%& . ;fgf ls;fg ljsf; cfof]hgfdf dlxnf ;xeflutf, kfNkf
lhNnf v:of}nL uf=lj=;=sf] Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q,
lq=lj=lj= .
>]i7, cldtf nIdL . @)%( . sfg'gL ;xfotfdf dlxnf sfg"g Joj;foLsf] ck]lIft e"ldsf
/ ;lqmotf . Gofob"t ##-%_M %#–%& .
>]i7, OlGb/f / s[i0f xf5]y' . @)%( . dlxnf zf;g Joj:yf / k|hftflGqs k|lqmofM /fHosf]
kl/sNkgf . sf7df8f}+M :qL zlQm .
>]i7, s]bf/gfy . @)#% . g]kfndf dlxnfnfO{ lzIffdf ;dfg cj;/M ljsf; /
Jojwfgx¿ . ljsf;sf] lglDt lzIff #M !##–!$! .
>]i7, hfgsL . @)%) . ax'bnLo Joj:yf / dlxnf xslxt;DaGwL ;+j}wflgs Joj:yf .
Gofob"t @$-^_M ^@–^$ .
>]i7, lgef . @)^! . ;z:q åGån] afnaflnsfx¿df kfg]{ dgf]j}1flgs c;/ . d"Nofª\sg
!@^M #*–#( .
>]i7, k|ltdf . @)%* . dlxnf z;lQms/0fsf] nflu k}lqs ;DklQdf dlxnfsf] ;dfg
clwsf/M sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
>]i7, k|bLk laqmd . @)$& . ue{kgtM Ps ;+j]bgzLn k|Zg . Gofob"t @!-^_M #%–#( .
252 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
>]i7, ldng . @)%(–@)^) . d'n'sL P]g P3f/f}+ ;+zf]wgn] dlxnfsf] ;fDklQs clwsf/df
kf/]sf] k|efj . Gofob"t #$-!_M ^%–&! .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%$ . s] k}t[s ;DklQsf] xs dlxnfnfO{ lbFbf bf]xf]/f] ;DklQ kg{ hfG5 <
d"Nofª\sg %)M #!–## .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%$ . s] ue{ktgnfO{ j}w ul/g' h?/L 5 < d"Nofª\sg %$M @%–@& .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%$ . g]kfndf gLlt lg0f{o ug]{ If]qdf dlxnfx¿sf] ;xeflutf lsg Go"g
5 < d"Nofª\sg ^%M @)–@# .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%& . dlxnf ljw]os o;kfnL klg kf; x'g] 5fF6 5}g . d"Nofª\sg &*M
!@–!# .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%* . 5f]/Ln] klg 5f]/f;/x ;DklQ kfpg] . d"Nofª\sg *(M $$–$% .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%* . dlxnf ljw]osM xfQL cfof] xfQL cfof] km':;f . d"Nofª\sg (@M $$ .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)%* . lsg k5fl8 k/]sf 5g\ /fhgLltdf dlxnfx¿ < d"Nofª\sg (^M
@)–@$ .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)^) . dlxnfx¿ lsg a9L c:j:y x'G5g\ < d"Nofª\sg !!&M @$–@% .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)^! . bfOhf]k|yfdf cfpsf] ljs[lt / o;sf] cGTo . d"Nofª\sg !!*M #@ .
>]i7, d'Qmf . @)^! . ;fwgfsf] ;Demgfdf . d"Nofª\sg !#)M #^ .
>]i7, /fdk|;fb . @)$$ . g]kfndf gf/Lx¿sf] l:ylt / sfg"gL Joj:yf . Gofob"t !*-$%_M
$%–%) .
>]i7, /fdk|;fb . @)%( . k|df0fsf nflu u'KtfËsf] hfFr uf]kgLotf;DaGwL xssf]
pNnª\3g . dfgjclwsf/;DaGwL ;jf]{+Rr cbfntsf kmf};nfx¿sf] l6Kk0fL .
uf]kfn l;jfsf]6L …lrGtgÚ, ;+=, k[[= !$#–!$* . sf7df8f}+M lqe'jg ljZjljBfno
dfgjclwsf/ s]Gb| .
>]i7, z+s/s'df/ . @)%& . 5f]/LnfO{ c+zM Ps ljZn]if0f . Gofob"t #!-&_M !–# .
>]i7, z+s/s'df/ . @)%* . 5f]/LnfO{ c+zM k|;Ë ;'/Iffsf] . Gofob"t #@-&_M !–@ .
>]i7, zzL . @)%$ . g]kfnsf] dlxnf cfGbf]ngsf] lbzf ;DaGwL s]xL s'/f . :6l8h\ Og
g]kfnL lx:6«L P08 ;f];fO6L @-@_M #)!–#)% .
>]i7, zzL . @)^! . * dfr{ s;/L dgfOof] < d"Nofª\sg !!*M #)–#! .
>]i7, zfGtf . @)%) . zfGtf >]i7 Ps . sf7df8f}+M t]QL; k'ntL k|sfzg .
>]i7, zfGtf . @)%* . …qmflGtsf/LÚ dlxnfx¿sf] hf]z hfFu/ b]v]/ w]/} k|efljt ePF .
d"Nofª\sg !!)M @^ .
>]i7, ;[hgf . @)^! . hLljt b]jL s'df/LM syf / jf:tljstf . sf7df8f}+M ;[hgf >]i7 .
>]i7, ;'/h s'df/ . @)%^ . t/sf/L v]tLdf dlxnf ;xeflutf afnsf]6 uf=lj=;= j8f g+=
& sf] Ps cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
;+u|f}nf, vu]Gb| . @)%$ . Gff/L ;dfgtfaf/] b'O{ l6Kk0fL . :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL lx:6«L P08
;f];fO6L @-@_M #*^–$)) .
;+u|f}nf, vu]Gb| . @)^! . ;fksf]6f, uf]sL{ / ld; 8fa/ g]kfn . g]kfn %-$_M !! .
;+u|f}nf, vu]Gb| . @)^! . /fhf b]jd'vL xh'/cfdf hgd'vL . lxdfn !$-@_M $^ .
;+u|f}nf, uLtf . @)%$ . dlxnf lj?4sf] lx+;fsf] ;Gbe{df 3/fo;L lx+;f / sfg'gL ;+oGqsf]
ckl/xfo{tf . Gofob"t @*-$_M #$–$) .
Women Bibliography 253
;+u|f}nf, uLtf . @)%^÷%& . r]nLa]6L a]rlavgsf] k|Zg /fli6«o cl:dtfsf] k|Zg xf] .
Gofob"t #!-@_M !*@–!(! .
;+u|f}nf, o'j/fh . @)%$ . dlxnf cz+ xsM :jfwLg x}l;otsf] kIf . :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL
lx:6«L P08 ;f];fO6L @-@_M #&)–#*! .
;~rfl/sf ;d"x . ;g\ @))) . a]Olhª\ ± %M lgisif{ b:tfj]hsf] ;+If]k . nlntk'/M
;~rfl/sf ;d"x .
;dfgtf–;fdflhs tyf n}lËs ;dfgtfsf] nflu ;+:yf . ;g\ @))! . a]rlavg lj?4
k|sfzgx¿ tyf ;"rgf lzIff tyf ;~rf/ ;fdu|Lx?sf] ;+u|x . sf7df8f}+M dlxnf,
afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f dGqfno .
;jf{ËL0f ljsf; cWoog s]Gb| . @)%^ . zx/L If]qdf klg dlxnf zf]if0f / pTkL8g M Ps
lrGtg . sf7df8f}+M ;jf{ËL0f ljsf; cWoog s]Gb| .
l;+x, l;n' . @)%$ . xfd|f] sfg'gL clwsf/M g]kfnL dlxnfx¿sf] clwsf/;DaGwL k'l:tsf .
sf7df8f}+M c;xfo ;]jf s]Gb| .
;fksf]6f rfkfufO{+, clgtf . @)^) . n}lËs ;dgtf / Gofodf dlxnfsf] kx'Fr . Gofob"t
#$-&_M #)–## .
;fMv, s';'d . @)%@ . g]kfnL dlxnf / ;dfg cfly{s clwsf/sf nflu ;'emfjx¿ .
Gofob"t @^-#_M !*–@$ .
;fMv, s';'d . @)%@ . g]kfndf dlxnfsf] ;fDklQs clwsf/M ;d:of / ;dfwfg . Gofob"t
@^-*_M !–^ .
l;6f}nf, zf/bf . @)%# . df]/ªsf yf? dlxnfx¿sf] jt{dfg cj:yf . :gftsf]Q/ txsf]
zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj=
l;Dvbf, w|'j .@)%* . 5f]/LnfO{ cª\z . g]kfn @-!^_M !*–@! .
l;Njfn, k'0os'df/L . @)%( . n'e" uf=lj=;=sf a[4 dlxnfx¿sf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s
l:yltM Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq, ;dfhzf:q,
lq=lj=lj= .
l;+x, gLt' . @)^! . hlxn] klg hxfF klgM s'yf{ ;njf/ . ;do !-#(_M %! .
;'j]bL, k|ltef . @)%* . DffG5] j]Zofj[lQsf nflu dfq} a}Rb}gg\ . lxdfn !!-!*_M !^ .
;'j]bL, k|ltef . @)%( . dlxnf k'?if ;dljsf;sf] cfwf/ . sf7df8f}+M gf/L r]tgf s]Gb|
g]kfn .
;'j]bL, lji0f' . @)%% . 5f]/LnfO{ ;s{; k7fpg] rng . lxdfn *-$_M !%–!^ .
;]8\kf g]kfn lkmN8 clkm; . @)%# . gf/L kl/rfng . sf7df8f}+M ;]8\kf g]kfn lkmN8
clkm; .
;]kf{, cfªl5l/ª . @)%( . Kff;fª Nxfd' /fli6«o lje"lt . g]kfn @-!*_M $@ .
;f]a, b'uf{ . @)%$ . pTkL8g leq dlxnf . :6l8h\ Og g]kfnL lx:6«L P08 ;f];fO6L @-@_M
#$*–#%# .
:yfgLo ljsf; k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg . @)%^ . dlxnf k|ltlglwx?sf] /fhg}lts r]tgf tyf
g]t[Tj Ifdtf ljsf; -:yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g / ljs]Gb|Ls/0fsf] ;Gbe{df sfo{
k'l:tsf—efu @_ . nlntk'/M :yfgLo ljsf; k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg .
:yfgLo ljsf; k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg . @)%* . g]kfnsf] zf;g Joj:yf / n}lËs l:ylt .
nlntk'/M :yfgLo ljsf; k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg .
254 Seira Tamang and Harsha Man Maharjan
:yfgLo ljsf; k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg . @)%* . g]kfndf dlxnf tyf ul/aL . nlntk'/M
:yfgLo ljsf; k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg .
xf8f, lgdf . @)%$ . rfkfufp“ uf=lj=;= l:yt Kofª ufp“ s f dlxnfx¿sf]
;fdflhs–cfly{s cj:yf Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . :gftsf]Q/ txsf] zf]wkq,
;dfhzf:q, lq=lj=lj= .
x'dfufO{+, d's'n . @)^) . gl;{ª ;]jf / sl/o/ b'j} . lxdfn !#-!_M ^*–^( .
lxdfn . @)^! . cfhsf] gf/L ;ª\3if{ . !$ -!#–!$_M ^*–*@ .
lxdfn . @)^! . Hff] sdhf]/ pxL lzsf/M PrcfO{eL÷P8\; / dlxnf . !$-!^_M #%–%$ .