Testing Survey Grade GNSS Systems on the Curtin Test Network 1. Introduction These guidelines apply only in Western Australia and are issued under the direction of the Surveyor General. They describe a suggested practice for testing Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - hardware, firmware and software for surveying applications on the test network at Curtin University. The aim of the guidelines is to encourage all surveyors to employ a uniform approach when testing their equipment so the results obtained provide a reliable validation of user systems. Some requirements for testing on the network may not reflect the surveyor’s normal operational usage of that system, particularly with respect to data collection rates and the number of satellites observed. It is emphasised that these guidelines do not represent legal traceability of measurement and position by GNSS. These guidelines are specific to using GNSS in circumstances that follow a quality assurance approach. The following understandings and limitations therefore apply: • • • These guidelines apply to GNSS hardware and software systems designed for geodetic survey applications operated in differential mode where carrier phase and pseudo-range observations are recorded by the receivers. All equipment used in the test will be in good working order and adjustment and the GNSS antennae will be oriented correctly throughout the test. Because approved methodologies for establishing legal traceability of length measurement for GNSS do not currently exist under the Australian National Measurement Act (1960), GNSS should not be used as the sole method of measuring length in legal surveys. Surveyors using GNSS for legal purposes must adhere to the requirements of the Surveyor General as the appropriate verifying authority and Chairman of the Land Surveyors Licensing Board in this State. 2. Frequency of testing Surveyors should test their GNSS systems on the network at Curtin at least once per year, immediately after any repair, after a system upgrade (hardware and/or firmware) and after any upgrade of the post-processing software. Surveyors using multiple post processing software packages for their GNSS operations should compute the GNSS baseline observational data with all programs. 3. Minimum requirements for testing GNSS • • • • • The Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 coordinates (GDA94) promulgated by LANDGATE will be used to perform all processing. Receivers will be set to record at a 5 second data collection rate. The minimum constellation specification to be simultaneously observed by all receivers is: 5 common healthy satellites having an elevation angle of 150 or more above the horizon and a GDOP of 8 or less. Enough data must be observed to produce an Ambiguity Fixed baseline solution and/or a Standard Deviation of less than 3 mm. A braced quadrilateral formed by APPLECROSS 97 (PILLAR 20), PILLAR 16, PILLAR 18 and PILLAR 19 shall be observed. The six baselines are to be observed Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 1 of 7 • • • • • and processed as independent vectors. Please note that due to tree cover, PILLAR 17 is now unsuitable for GNSS occupation. PILLAR 15 can be included in the network but due to tree cover has a restricted western view to the sky. Users should follow the recommendations set out in the manufacturer's handbook and manuals. All ancillary equipment must be in good adjustment and repair. Field observation recording sheets similar to the type in Appendix A should be completed for each session. The receiver type, serial number and firmware used must be recorded on these sheets. Meteorological readings are optionally recorded but should not be used in the GNSS processing. The reduction software defaults for tropospheric modelling are to be used. A minimally constrained least squares adjustment of the observed baseline network must be carried out holding APPLECROSS 97 (PILLAR 20) fixed at the official LANDGATE values, to verify that the survey meets the required standards. All adjustments of GNSS data should be 3 dimensional in terms of the Geocentric Datum of Australia. Post adjustment base line vectors (chord distances - Pillar to Pillar) should then be compared with the promulgated LANDGATE values. Acceptance criteria are given as 5 millimetres or better. Other checks may be specified for surveyors engaged on government contracts requiring a particular CLASS of survey. 4. Data retention Surveyors are encouraged to suitably archive raw observational data, adjustment results and baselines. Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 2 of 7 5. Curtin University GNSS Test Network Coordinates 5.1 Station Information Station GDA94 PILLAR 15* Station GDA94 PILLAR 16 Cartesian Latitude: S 32 00 04.32714 X: -2 363 824.111 Longitude: E 115 53 17.35392 Y: 4 870 666.246 Ellipsoidal Height: -22.597 Z: -3 360 532.490 Orthometric Height (AHD): 9.528 MGA94 PCG94 Easting 394978.648 Easting 56754.956 Northing 6458891.034 Northing 258015.378 *PILLAR 15 can be included in the network but due to tree cover has a restricted western view to the sky. Cartesian Latitude: Longitude: Ellipsoidal Height: Orthometric Height (AHD): MGA94 Easting Northing Station GDA94 S 32 00 12.82263 E 115 53 30.23811 -20.778 11.327 X: Y: Z: -2 364 068.467 4 870 395.214 -3 360 755.362 Easting Northing 57092.956 257753.472 PCG94 395319.404 6458632.911 PILLAR 17** Cartesian Latitude: S 32 00 17.30041 X: Longitude: E 115 53 23.57802 Y: Ellipsoidal Height: -21.164 Z: Orthometric Height (AHD): 10.950 MGA94 PCG94 Easting 395146.068 Easting Northing 6458493.238 Northing **PILLAR 17 is now unsuitable for GNSS occupation due to tree cover. Station PILLAR 18 GDA94 Latitude: Longitude: Ellipsoidal Height: Orthometric Height (AHD): MGA94 Easting Northing S 32 00 21.54205 E 115 53 24.45849 -21.987 10.125 395170.511 6458362.866 -2 363 879.145 4 870 405.489 -3 360 872.118 56918.054 257615.668 Cartesian X: Y: Z: -2 363 869.395 4 870 332.476 -3 360 982.473 PCG94 Easting Northing 56941.075 257485.001 Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 3 of 7 5.1 Station Information Continued Station GDA94 PILLAR 19 Cartesian Latitude: Longitude: Ellipsoidal Height: Orthometric Height (AHD): MGA94 Easting Northing Station GDA94 S 32 00 02.40847 E 115 53 26.15702 -22.281 9.837 X: Y: Z: -2364045.775 4870593.773 -3360482.539 Easting Northing 56986.058 258074.321 X: Y: Z: -2 363 821.788 4 870 529.874 -3 360 734.112 Easting Northing 56812.253 257778.802 PCG94 395209.030 6458952.487 PILLAR 20 (Applecross 97) Cartesian Latitude: Longitude: Ellipsoidal Height: Orthometric Height (AHD): MGA94 Easting Northing S 32 00 12.00646 E 115 53 19.54284 -20.649 11.476 PCG94 395038.515 6458655.162 Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 4 of 7 5.2 Station Difference Information From Station Pillar 20 (Applecross 97) Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station Pillar 20 (Applecross 97) Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station Pillar 20 (Applecross 97) Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 16 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 16 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 18 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 16 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 16 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 18 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance 95 07 05.53 281.842 To Station PILLAR 16 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 275 06 59.86 281.843 156 17 09.31 320.804 To Station PILLAR 18 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 336 17 06.71 320.803 30 25 23.24 342.844 To Station PILLAR 19 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 210 25 19.74 342.841 209 27 29.37 308.456 To Station PILLAR 18 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 29 27 32.44 308.454 341 32 01.39 338.191 To Station PILLAR 19 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 161 32 03.55 338.189 4 19 33.74 591.033 To Station PILLAR 19 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 184 19 32.84 591.035 307 43 52.86 427.599 To Station PILLAR 15 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 127 43 59.69 427.596 231 43 32.69 222.666 To Station PILLAR 17 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 51 43 36.22 222.667 340 37 27.10 562.084 To Station PILLAR 15 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 160 37 30.87 562.085 Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 5 of 7 5.2 Station Difference Information Continued From Station PILLAR 18 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 19 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 19 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance From Station PILLAR 15 Azimuth Forward Chord Distance 349 58 09.42 132.681 To Station PILLAR 17 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 169 58 09.89 132.679 255 39 08.68 238.500 To Station PILLAR 15 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 75 39 13.35 238.500 188 23 40.34 463.668 To Station PILLAR 17 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 8 23 41.71 463.668 157 45 52.92 431.706 To Station PILLAR 17 Azimuth Reverse Spheroidal Distance 337 45 49.62 431.705 Notes 1. Station and Station Difference Information is in GDA94 2. Chord distance = Pillar to Pillar measured and legally traceable slope chord distance at stainless steel plate. 3. Heights are at stainless steel plate 4. Orthometric heights are Australian Height Datum (AHD) 5. Ellipsoidal Heights are an observed value and not derived using AUSGEOID98. 6. Projected coordinates are MGA94 Zone 50 and Perth Coastal Grid 1994 (PCG94) 7. PILLAR 15 can be included in the network but due to tree cover has a restricted western view to the sky. PILLAR 17 is now unsuitable for GNSS occupation due to tree cover. Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 6 of 7 Appendix A - Station Log Sheet: Curtin GNSS Test Network Occupied Pillar Number Receiver Operator Company/Agency Owning Equipment Receiver Type Model S/No Antenna Type Model S/No Receiver Firmware Type & Version NB Data Collection Rate is to be set to 5 seconds Observation Times (WA Std Time) Today's Date Start Time End Time Session Number Temperature Pressure Relative Humidity Observing to Pillar Number(s), this Session The Antenna MUST be Oriented to North. Antenna height above mark in metres enter the vertical height to the antenna reference point.(ARP) Height of ARP Record the measured height above the Pillar Plate, for as many of the following points on the antenna as possible. Distance (metres) vertical slant Offset Distance L1 Phase centre L2 Phase centre Base of antenna Top of ground plane Bottom of ground plane Bottom of choke ring Certification: This is a true and correct record of the observations taken and recorded by me or under my supervision at the GNSS Test Network situated at Curtin University. Signed Print Name Date NB: Retain this form as part of the Test Record Western Australian Land Information Authority ABN 86 574 793 858 Updated 27/01/2012 Page 7 of 7