URANIUM AND OTHER MINERALS IN GHANA – CASE FOR IMPLEMENTING UNFC John Hanson1, Florence Akontoh3, Samuel B. Dampare1,2, Felix Aidoo1 National Nuclear Research Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box LG 80, Legon-Accra, Ghana 1 2 Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, University of GhanaAtomic, P.O. Box LG 58, Legon-Accra, Ghana 3 University of Ghana, Legon-Accra, Ghana •IAEA WORKSHOP ON ‘‘UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CLASSIFICATION – 2009 FOR EVALUATION OF URANIUM AND THORIUM RESOURCES AND TO LEVERAGE TRANSPARENT AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, LUXOR, EGYPT, 1 18 - 22 OCTOBER, 2015” INTRODUTION 2 INTRODUCTION CONT’D Ghana is endowed with mineral resources Major mineral resources: gold, diamonds, manganese, bauxite and oil Gold is predominant mineral accounting for about 80 % of all mineral revenues. Ghana has a long mining history of which uranium has never been part. Uranium exploration; past and present has been directed at conventional uranium deposits (Keta, Voltaian and Winneba basin) Insufficient energy to support the growing population and industrial activities Ghana is, therefore, embarking on nuclear power project to introduce nuclear energy into the country’s energy mix The need to explore for other potential types of uranium deposits (co- products uranium resources) 3 INTRODUCTION CONT’D • Reprocessing of tailing resources for gold, copper and uranium e.g., Witwatersrand basin and copper tailings in Zambia • Tarkwaian paleoplacer gold deposits in Ghana and Witwatersrand deposits bear similarities • Elemental analysis of Takoradi Black Shales by Asiedu et al., (2005), revealed multi- elemental associations of concentrations of zirconium, vanadium, cobalt, thorium and uranium. • Therefore the need to explore and develop potential co- product uranium deposits from mine tailings cannot be overemphasized 4 GEOLOGICAL SETTING 5 POTENTIAL HOST ROCK TYPES FOR URANIUM DEPOSITS IN GHANA (INFERENCE FROM IUREP REPORT, 1982) 2 3 4 1 6 THE WAY FORWARD/FUTURE PLANS • Exploration activity on the Takoradi Black Shale and gold tailings • Anomalous areas of uranium concentration need to be well defined • Strengthening collaboration among GSD, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission and University of Ghana to continue with the uranium exploration activities • Have a national project on uranium exploration • Step up public education on uranium and nuclear power issues 7 CHALLENGES AND NEEDS • • Inadequate funds for ground follow-ups on anomalous areas Lack of equipment for effective ground follow-ups Continued support from the IAEA would be required in the following areas: TC Project on Uranium Exploration in Ghana Expert Advice/Mission Further training course in uranium exploration techniques and methods Equipment to support the GSD/GAEC/UG exploration team Image Analyzers for Nuclear Track Counting Track Etch Detectors Spark Counter Spectroscopy Amplifiers Broadband Gamma-Ray Scintillometers Portable Gamma-Ray Spectrometers D25A-400A 8 CONCLUSIONS • Although Uranium prospecting in Ghana started in the early days, it did not yield any economic viable deposits of the mineral • Recent studies have shown that Ghana stands a high chance of striking co- product Uranium resources • Ground investigations are being carried out by the Geological Survey Department together with Ghana Atomic Energy Commission and University of Ghana mine tailings and Takoradi Black Shales • Preliminary geochemical investigations have been carried out from the Voltaian Basins are not encouraging therefore further studies are to be carried out • Geochemical studies are to be conducted at potential areas such as Takoradi Black shales and gold tailings 9 APPLICATION OF UNFC-2009 TO EXPLORATION PROJECT OF GHANA Deposit / Project Investigator UNFC2009 Class UNFC -2009 SubClass UNFC-2009 Categories Voltaian Basin Explorat -ion Remarks E F G Ghana Geological Survey Department Exploration project None 3.2 3 4 Early Exploration Takoradi Black Shale GAEC, UG, GSD Exploration project 3.2 3 4 Early Exploration Gold tailings GAEC, UG, GSD Exploration project 3.2 3 4 Early Exploration 10 THANK YOU 11