Israel Demanded a King

Read this before arriving on Sunday. This will help get
your mind and heart ready to lead your group.
Today’s Bible story picks up more than 20 years after the Philistines
returned the ark of God to the Israelites. During that time, Israel
began to seek God again, and Samuel led them to remove their
foreign gods and worship God only.
Samuel had judged Israel throughout his lifetime, but he was getting
old. So Samuel made his sons, Joel and Abijah, judges over Israel.
But like many sons before them, Joel and Abijah did not follow the
example of their father. They disobeyed God and caused problems
for Israel.
Israel Demanded a King
1 Samuel 8-10
KEY VERSE | Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal
spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
The Israelites wanted a king. They did not trust God. God gave the
Israelites a king, but He had a plan to send His Son, Jesus, to be king
over the whole world. Jesus would be the perfect King. Jesus would
bring peace and save people from sin.
Up until this point, Israel had relied on God to give them judges to
lead them. The elders of Israel spoke to Samuel about his sons and
demanded a king. All the other nations around them had kings, they
pointed out. Samuel knew their request was sinful, and he prayed to
“Give them what they want,” God said. “They have not rejected you;
they have rejected Me as their King.” Samuel explained to the
Israelites what rights a king would have over them; he warned them
that when they regretted asking for a king—and they would regret
it—God would not help them. The people insisted on having a king,
so God told Samuel to appoint a king.
Ask kids to think of qualities they think a leader should have. Guide
kids to create wanted posters for the leader they would like to
have or be. Provide kids with markers, paper, and other decorating
supplies. As kids work, ask each one about one of the qualities they
think are important.
Through a series of events, a young man named Saul came to
Samuel. God had chosen Saul to be the king, so Samuel explained
to Saul what God had said. Samuel anointed Saul by pouring oil on
his head. Samuel presented Saul to Israel. “Long live the king!” they
God knew Israel would want a king, but the kind of king Israel
wanted was not the kind of king they needed. They wanted a king
like the other nations. The problem was that every human king
would fail them. God had a plan to give them Jesus—a perfect King
who would reign with justice and righteousness forever. (Isa. 9:6-7)
Wanted Posters
supplies needed | blank paper, markers/crayons
Tip: It’s OK if some of the qualities kids want in a leader are silly.
Allow for some silliness but make sure kids also include some
serious responses.
Say • In our Bible story today, the Israelites wanted a new leader.
Samuel led Israel for a long time, but he was old. The Israelites
wanted a new leader. Listen closely to find out God’s response to
their request.
newlife kids elementary
Ask •
• Do your parents or teachers ever have to tell you to do
something more than once?
• Do you always know what’s best for you?
• Do you always want to follow your parents’ plan?
• Did the Israelites always want to follow God’s plan?
• Did they follow His plan in today’s story?
ACTIVITY | (10 min)
I Want
supplies needed | none
Invite the kids to think of something they would really like to have.
Choose a volunteer. Secretly ask what item that they would really
like to have.
Encourage the kids to try and figure out what the item is that the
volunteer has chosen. Allow the other kids to ask questions as they
guess. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the next volunteer.
Say • Sometimes we ignore those whom God has put in charge of
us, like our parents or teachers. If the people had just trusted God to
be their King, they would not have needed a man to lead them. God
gave them Saul, but there would be a much better king who would
one day rule. God planned for a king without sin—a king who
would put the salvation of His people above all else. He was the
King of kings. We call Him Jesus.
If the kids struggle to come up with items, questions, or hints, assist
as needed.
Say • It isn’t always bad to want something like someone else has. It
is wrong if you covet it. To covet is to want something belonging to
someone else. It is a selfish desire to have something that does not
belong to you. God’s plan for your life is perfect even if you don’t
always get what you want.
Share briefly about a time as a kid you wanted something but didn’t
get it. Close in prayer.
supplies needed | Bibles
Ask the following review questions:
1. What did the people ask Samuel to give them?
(a king, 1 Samuel 8:5)
2. Who were the Israelites rejecting by asking for a king?
(God, 1 Samuel 8:7)
3. Why did Saul stand out among the other Israelites?
(He was taller and looked impressive, 1 Samuel 9:2)
4. What kind of king did God plan to give Israel?
God planned to send a perfect king.
5. Who is the perfect King? (Jesus)
Say • We all want different things. Sometimes things we want are
not things we need. The Israelites wanted a king to lead them. They
didn’t need a king. They had God leading them. God already had a
plan to give them a king many, many years down the road—when
the time was right. What kind of king did God plan to give Israel?
God planned to send a perfect king. His name was Jesus.
PRAYER | (5 min)
Take prayer requests from your group. Pray for the requests or ask
if anyone would like to pray for them. Close the prayer in your own
words or use the following:
Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus as our perfect king. Thank You
for our time together today learnig about how Jesus is the perfect
king. Help us to allow Jesus to be the king of our life. Amen
newlife kids elementary