Binding Energy per nucleon most stable nuclei Radioactive decay is the release of binding energy as a nucleus decays to a more stable isotope. Excess binding energy is released in any nuclear reaction in which heavy-mass nucleus is broken into two intermediate-mass nuclei. Combining two light-mass nuclei into a heavier nucleus also releases binding energy. Fission Probability [K&R, 1993] Neutron Cross Section [Culp, 1991] 2 Types of Neutron Reactors Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2nd ed., Shultis and Faw, CRC Press, 2008. 3 4 U.S. Nuclear Power Reactors Babcock & Wilcox lowing general description applies to Oconee Unit 1, al though it is generally applicable to all U.S. B&W plants; the concepts are applicable to all PWRs. Containment building Fig. 2 is a vertical section of the reactor containment building. The structure is post-tensioned, reinforced con crete with a shallow domed roof and a flat foundation slab. The cylindrical portion is prestressed by a post-tensioning system consisting ofhorizontal and vertical tendons. The dome has a three way post-tensioning system. The foun dation slab is conventionally reinforced with high strength steel. The entire structure is lined with 0.25 in. (6.3 mm) welded steel plate to provide a vapor seal. The containment building dimensions are: inside di- ameter 116 ft (35.4 m); inside height 208 ft (63.4 in); wall thickness 3.75 ft (1.143 m); dome thickness 3.25 ft (0.99 m); and foundation slab thickness 8.5 ft (2.59 m). The building encloses the reactor vessel, steam generators, reactor coolant loops, and portions of the auxiliary and safeguard systems. The interior arrangement meets the requirements for all anticipated operating conditions and maintenance, including refueling. The building is de signed to sustain all internal and external loading con ditions which may occur during its design life. Reactor vessel and steam generators Also shown in Fig. 2 are the reactor vessel and the two vertical steam generators, each of which produces ap proximately 5.6 x 106 lb/li (705.6 kg/s) of steam at 910 1 OnceThrough Steam Generators (2) fl / / Reactor coolant Pumps (4) I Pressurizer Reactor Vessel Steam, 40th ed., Babcock & Wilcox Fig. 3 B&W nuclear steam supply system. 47-4 Steam 40 / Nuclear Installations for Electric Power Thium, was designed and subsequently built. Italy and r Japan also built versions of these British designs. The Soviet Union developed a graphite-moderated, boiling water-cooled, enriched uranium reactor from its early Obninsk power station design. A major difference in this reactor from similar Western designs was that it did not include a sturdy reactor containment building The early Soviet goals included the development of na *val propulsion reactors based upon the PWR concept which was then applied to civilian use. This PWR design was exported to several Soviet bloc countries and Fin land. The Soviet PWR was similar to the U.S. designs except it generally provided significantly lower electri cal output The excellent moderator characteristics of deuterium oxide (heavy water) became the basis for the very suc cessful Canadian deuterium (CANDU) reactors. These natural uranium-fueled reactors were first operated in 1962 (25 MW Nuclear Power Demonstration reactor at 1: Rolphton, Ontario), and subsequent designs increased output to 800 MW. CANDU designs have been built in India, Pakistan, Argentina, Romania and South Korea. In Japan, electric utilities were experimenting with several types ofimported nuclear generation plant designs. They ordered gas-cooled reactors from the U.K., and BWR and PWR designs from the U.S. The Japanese government also began sponsorship of a breeder reactor design. The Germans were actively involved in designs pri marily associated with high temperature gas reactor J concepts. In 1969, the formation of Kraftwerk Union in troduced German PWR and BWR designs based on U.S. • technology. The intent was to construct a series of these plants to achieve economies of scale. However, unlike the French program, few plants were constructed. Several German PWRs were exported to Brazil, Spain, Switzer land and the Netherlands The energy crisis of the mid 1970s caused significant reductions in worldwide electric usage growth rates, and Steam 40/ Nuclear Installations for Electric Power structure between reactor buildings 1 and 2. Correspond ing equipment for Unit 3 is located separately. The fol Fig. 2 PWR containment building, sectional view. Steam, 40th ed., Babcock & Wilcox 47-3 r Babcock & Wilcox — Steam, 40th ed., Babcock & Wilcox Fig. 4 Reactor containment building, ground floor plan view. psi (62.7 bar) and 595F (313C). This provides GOF (33C) of superheat. The B&W nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) (Fig. 3) is the only large scale commercial design that provides the added benefit of superheated steam output. A plan view of the containment building is shown in Fig. 4. The concrete shielding around the NSSS com ponents is also shown. Table 1 provides a listing of the important design parameters for the Oconee-type NSSS. Adso provided are the design parameters for a larger B&W Primary Flow Loop NSSS. The first of these la into operation in 1987 at th station in West Germany. T der construction in the U.S The NSSS for a typical se water reactor consists of th steam generators, coolant r piping to connect these com simplified schematic provi’ sists of two water flow circ uses pressurized water tot, core to the steam generati reactor coolant pump. Th primary loop pressure hi generation in the reactor e The steam generators prov mary coolant loop and the flow loop. In the B&W desi water enters the steam ged heated steam, which is son duce power. The primary R supplying the energy to go information is included in Fig. 6 shows a reactor vet steam generators inside a ci selis constructed oflowaflc less steel cladding. Externt is 20.75 ft (6.32 m) with an I m) including the closure I head is held in place by Mi high tensile alloy steel stui vessel and closure head is The vessel has six maji flow (two outlet hot leg anc ant water enters the vest nozzles located above the flows downward in the am tor vessel and the interna the core and upper plenul the upper portion of the v hot leg nozzles. Fkr 7 fini a nuclea •r i’c”? r—U IImnd1 o.’-fl_ primary loop press1j rnw’n Fig. 4 Reactor containment building, ground floor plan view. psi (62.7 bar) and 59SF (313C). This provides 60F (33C) of superheat. The B&W nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) (Fig. 3) is the only large scale commercial design that provides the added benefit of superheated steam output. A plan view of the containment building is shown in Fig. 4. The concrete shielding around the NSSS com ponents is also shown. Table 1 provides a listing of the important design parameters for the Oconee-type NSSS. Also provided are the design parameters for a larger B&W Steam, 40th ed., Babcock & Wilcox generation in the reactor The steam generators provide the Ii mary coolant loop and the power p flow loop. In the B&W design, subec water enters the steam generator an heated steam, which is sent to the si duce power. The primary side water supplying the energy to generate U, information is included in Table 1 a Fig. 6 shows a reactor vessel being steam generators inside a containme sel is constructed oflow alloy steel wi less steel cladding. External diamet is 20.75 ft (6.32 m) with an internal h m) including the closure head. Th head is held in place by sixty R 5 ir, high tensile alloy stee vessel and closure he The vessel has sb flow (two outlet hot leg and tour mu ant water enters the vessel throu; nozzles located above the midpoint flows downward in the annular spa tor vessel and the internal therma the core and upper plenum, down the upper portion of the vessel and hot leg nozzles. Fig. 7 shows a react a nuclear power plant site. Steam Outlet Inlet To Turbine — —--- ——— —. — ——- -.- From Last Feedwater Heater Baffle t Loop system Containment 515—Safety Injection System 4 4 4 ——— Secondary coolant Loop Fig. 5 Simplified schematic of primary and secondary loops. Steam 40 / Nuclear Installations for Electric Power Fig. 6 Reactor vessel pk Reactor Concepts Manual Pressurized Water Reactor Systems CONTAINMENT MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATER (MSR) SAFETY VALVES THROTTLE VALVE MAIN STEAM ISOLATION VALVE (MSIV) HP LP LP S/G HP HEATER PZR MAIN TURBINE ELECTRIC GENERATOR MAIN CONDENSER CIRC. WATER CIRC. WATER LP HEATER CORE LP HEATER REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM RCP CLEAN UP SYSTEM MAIN FEEDWATER PUMP CONDENSATE PUMP CONTAINMENT SUMP The major secondary systems of a pressurized water reactor are the main steam system and the condensate/feedwater system. Since the primary and secondary systems are physically separated from each other (by the steam generator tubes), the secondary system will contain little or no radioactive material. The main steam system starts at the outlet of the steam generator. The steam is routed to the high pressure main turbine. After passing through the high pressure turbine, the steam is piped to the moisture separator/reheaters (MSRs). In the MSRs, the steam is dried with moisture separators and reheated using other steam as a heat source. From the MSRs, the steam goes to the low pressure turbines. After passing through the low pressure turbines, the steam goes to the main condenser, which is operated at a vacuum to allow for the greatest removal of energy by the low pressure turbines. The steam is condensed into water by the flow of circulating water through the condenser tubes. At this point, the condensate/feedwater system starts. The condensed steam collects in the hotwell area of the main condenser. The condensate pumps take a suction on the hotwell to increase the pressure of the water. The condensate then passes through a cleanup system to remove any impurities in the water. This is necessary because the steam generator acts as a concentrator. If the impurities are not removed, they will be left in the steam generator after the steam forming process, and this could reduce the heat transfer capability of the steam generator and/or damage the steam generator tubes. The condensate then passes through some low pressure feedwater heaters. The temperature of the condensate is increased in the heaters by using steam from the low pressure turbine (extraction steam). The condensate flow then enters the suction of the main feedwater pumps, which increases the pressure of the water high enough to enter the steam generator. The feedwater now passes through a set of high pressure feedwater heaters, which are heated by extraction steam from the high pressure turbine (heating the feedwater helps to increase the efficiency of the plant). The flow rate of the feedwater is controlled as it enters the steam generators. USNRC Technical Training Center 4-20 0603 Reactor Concepts Manual Pressurized Water Reactor Systems SPRAY NOZZLE SAFETY NOZZLE RELIEF NOZZLE MANWAY UPPER HEAD INSTRUMENTATION NOZZLE LIFTING TRUNNION (LOAN BASIS) SHELL LOWER HEAD HEATER SUPPORT PLATE INSTRUMENTATION NOZZLE ELECTRICAL HEATER SUPPORT SKIRT SURGE NOZZLE Cutaway View of a Pressurizer USNRC Technical Training Center 4-18 0603 Power Plant Engineering, Black & Veatch, 1996 ower Plant Engineering 8. Typical Design Parameters and Data for Components of a Large Four-Loop PWR RELIEF NOZZLE olant pump ature height ngrpm diameter erator (U-tube) height shell diameter (outside) shell diameter (outside) pressure (tube side) ng pressure (tube side) e (shell side) pressure (shell side) How rate coolant flow rate coolant inlet temperature coolant outlet temperature ight SPRAY NOZZLE Is) 3 97,600 gpm (6.15 m m) ft (85.3 280 2,500 psia (17.2 MPa) 650° F (343° C) 28 ft (8.5 m) 1,189 6ft-5 in. (196 cm) 7,000 hp (5,220 kW) NOZZLE MAN WAY UPPER HEAD INSTRUMENTATION NOZZLE TEMPORARY LIFTING TRUNNION 67 ft-8 in. (20.6 m) 14 ft-7¼ in. (4.5 m) 11 ft-3 in. (3.4 m) 2,500 psia (171.2 MPa) 2,250 psia (15.5 MPa) 1,000 psia (6.9 MPa) 1,200 psia (8.3 MPa) 3.8 x 106 lbih (480 kgls) 35 x 106 lb/h (4,419 kg/s) 621°F (327° C) 558°F (292°C) 346 tons (314 tonnes) SHELL stinghouse 1984. ssure parts are carbon or low-alloy steel. Areas reactor coolant contact are clad with stainless steel tghouse and Combustion Engineering use U-tube ierators. Thç steam generators used by Babcock & t vertical, straight tube and shell exchanges. Reac it enters at the top of the steam generator and slows d through the Inconel tubes and exits at the bottom tin generator. Feedwater enters the steam generator middle and flows down an annulus between the Derator shell and tube baffle and enters near the rhe water, as it passes up the steam generator, is Ito steam. The steam is superheated before leaving generator. Since the steam is superheated, moisture s and dryers are not used. ses or decreases in the generating plant electrical ;e fluctuations in the reactor coolant pressure. A r on one of the RCS loops is used to limit pressure luring load transients and to maintain constant cool m pressure during steady-state operation. Figure ,ws a typical pressurizer. The pressurizer contains ELECTRICAL HEATER HEATER SUPPORT PLATE LOWER HEAD INSTRUMENTATION NOZZLE SURGE Fig. 23-12. Pressurizer for a large PWR design. (From Westinghouse. Used with permission.) creases above the pressurizer’s capability. Both relief and safety valves vent to a pressure relief tank that contains cooler water for condensing steam. A pressurizer for a large four-loop design has a typical height of approximately 53 ft (16.2 in), with an 8 ft (2.3.m) diameter, and contains approx imately 75 immerser heaters with 1,800 kW of power. The pressurizer is low-alloy steel with stainless steel interior Reactor Concepts Manual Pressurized Water Reactor Systems SAFETIES RELIEFS RCS SPRAY VALVES RCS COOLING SPRAY PRESSURIZER HEATERS VENT SURGE LINE PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) DRAIN Pressurizer and Pressurizer Relief Tank USNRC Technical Training Center 4-19 0603 t[IWdI .sm-a+tari steam then passes through moisture separators in the upper steam generator shell, where the entrained liquid is remo ved. The steam then passes through steam dryers to raise the steam quality to 99.75%. Table 23-8 shows typical parame ters and other data for reactor coolant pumps and steam generators used in a large four-loop PWR design. The steam generator U-tubes are made of Inconel, and the shell and MIXING VANES Power Plant Engineering, Black & Veatch, 1996 Steam Nozzle with IRestrictor DASHPOT REGION Secondary Separator DIMPLE Manway THIM8LE SCREW 17 Fuel assembly with control rod cluster. (From sed with permission.) Upper Shell Feedwater Nozzle Primary Separator Feedwater Ring Antivibration Bars pical Reactor Fuel Parameters for a Large PWR mr-Loop Design Parameter Tube Bundle Wrapper Tube Support Plate Value Tube Bundle diameter g thickness il Bter )d arrangement Lssembly i a core ol rod cluster assemblies ‘Se 1984. 12 ft (3.66 m) 0.36 in. (0.914 cm) 0.0225 in. (0.0572 cm) Zircaloy 4 0.3088 in. (0.7844 cm) 0.496 in. (1.26 cm) 17)< 17 264 50,952 53 Lower Shell Handhole Channel Head Slowdown Pipe Tubesheet Fig. 23-li. Steam generator for a large PWR. (From Westinghouse. Used with permission.) nail tflat in a I’WR, with the fuel temperatures roughly comparable. Because Water and vapor coexist in the core, a BWR produces saturated steam at about 545°F (285°C). The coolant thus serves The triple function of coolant, moderator, and working fluid. In its simplest form (Fig. 10-15), a boiling-waterreactor powerplant consists of a reactor, a turbine generator, a condenser and associated equipment (air ejector, cooling system, etc.), and a feed pump. Slightly subcooled liquid enters the reactor core at the bottom, where it receives sensible heat to saturation plus some latent heat of vaporization. When it reaches the top of the core , it has been converted into a very wet mixture of liquid and vapor. The vapor sepa rates from the liquid, flows to the turbine, does work, is condensed by the condense r, and is then pumped back to the reactor by the feedwater pump. The saturated liquid that separates from the vapor at the top of the reactor or in a steam separator flows downward via downcomers within or outside the reactor and mixes with the return condensate. This recirculat ing coolant flows either naturally, by the density differential between the liquid in the dow ncomer and the two-phase mixture in the core, or by recirculating pumps in the dow ncomer (not shown in the figure). This is similar to what happens in modern large fossi l-fueledsteam generators. Modern large boiling-water reactors are of the internal, force d recirculation type. The ratio of the recirculation liquid to the satur ated vapor produced is called the recirculation ratio. It is a function of the core aver age exit quality [Eq. (10-9), below]. Boiling-water core exit qualities are low, between 10 and 14 percent, so that recir culation ratios in the range of 6 to 10 are com mon. This is necessary to avoid large void fractions in the core, which would mate rially lower the moderating powers of Saturated steam to turbine mg (a) (b) Figure 10-15 Schematic of a BWR syste m: (a) internal and (b) external recirculation. V THERMAL-HSSION REACTORS AND PORPLANTS I 421 :i This state of affairs has been corrected by one of several methods: by-pass control, a dual-pressure cycle, an overmoderated reactor in which voiding results in a reduced loss of neutrons due to water absorption and hence increased power, and recirculation control [3] The last method is the one adopted in current designs. It is described in the next section. . 10-8 BWR LOAD FOLLOWING CONTROL The recirculation control method is based on a direct cycle but with variable recir culation flow in the downcomer, It is shown schematically in Fig. 10-17. Equation (10-17) is rewritten with the help of Eqs. (lO-8a) and (10-9) as t = ?etZi(hg Q — (10-18) hd) hg, the saturated steam enthalpy at the system pressure, and hd, the feedwater enthalpy, are both weak functions of load. Thus the plant load Q t is therefore proportional to the product of e and ñz, the flow in the downcomer. MAIN STEAM FLOW TO TURBINE STEAM DRYERS STEAM SEPARATORS MAIN FEED FLOW FROM TURBiNE DRVINGFLOW —.- RECI RCULATION PUMP Figure 10-17 BWR reactor vessel internal flow paths. Reactor Concepts Manual Containment/Drywell Boiling Water Reactor Systems Reactor Vessel Steam Line Turbine Building Throttle Valve Steam Dryer & Moisture Separator Electrical Generator Turbine Reactor Core Condenser Jet Pump To/From River Recirculation Pump Pump Containment Suppression Chamber Boiling Water Reactor Plant Inside the boiling water reactor (BWR) vessel, a steam water mixture is produced when very pure water (reactor coolant) moves upward through the core absorbing heat. The major difference in the operation of a BWR from other nuclear systems is the steam void formation in the core. The steam-water mixture leaves the top of the core and enters the two stages of moisture separation, where water droplets are removed before the steam is allowed to enter the steam line. The steam line, in turn, directs the steam to the main turbine causing it to turn the turbine and the attached electrical generator. The unused steam is exhausted to the condenser where it is condensed into water. The resulting water is pumped out of the condenser with a series of pumps and back to the reactor vessel. The recirculation pumps and jet pumps allow the operator to vary coolant flow through the core and change reactor power. USNRC Technical Training Center 3-2 0400 Reactor Concepts Manual Boiling Water Reactor Systems BWR 6 Reactor Vessel USNRC Technical Training Center 3-4 0400 750 Power Plant Engineering Power Plant Engineering, Black & Veatch, 1996 STEAM OUTLET CORE SPRAY INLET LOW PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION INLET CORE SPRAY SPARGER JET PUMP ASSEMBLY FUEL ASSEMBLIES CORE PLATE JET PUMP/RECIRCULATION WATER INLET RE CIRCU tAT ID N WATER OUTLET SHIELD WALL VESSEL SUPPORT SKIRT CONTROL ROD DRIVES - CONTROL ROD DRIVE HYDRAULIC LINES which fits into for transfen-jnj signs manufaci x 9 and Jo < designs are cc overseas. Three types standard fuel outer edge of lower and upp assembly dun fuel assembly clad tubes will The water rod remaining 5k slightly enrici into anchor ho a BWR than f along Ihe fuel ing. Each fue channel. The the fuel rods Control ro typical contra shape and co sheath. Each with each tub ing. Each coi Control rods - IN-C ORE FLUX MONITOR Fig. 23-15. Pressure vessel for a BWR. (From General EleCtric Company. Used with permission.) and flows back into the annulus region where it mixes with entering feedwater. The steam leaves the separators at the top flowing up wards and outwards through a series of drying vanes in the steam dryer where additional separated water is recovered. The steam then leaves the pressure vessel at the steam outlet nozzle and passes to the turbine—generator through the main steam lines. The steam separator assembly sits on the top flange of the core shroud and forms the top of the core discharge plenum. The steam dryer assembly is supported by pads extending from the pressure vessel wall above the ml 1 t,A k,1A,, il-in otoni BAIL HANDLE UPPER TIE PLATE FUEL BUNDLE FUEL ROD INTERIM