Minutes - Parsons Heath Medical Practice

Parsons Heath Medical Practice
35A Parsons Heath
Tel: 01206 864395
Fax: 01206 869047
Patient Participation Group – Minutes
Monday 16th September 2013
Irvine Turner – Patient (IT) (Chair)
Amanda Stannard – Patient (Secretary)
Jackie Hawkins – Practice Manager (JH)
Elaine Appleyard – Project Manager(EA)
Peter Dennis – Patient (PD)
Caroline Bowring – Patient (CB)
Raymond Ricks – Patient (RR)
Tony Howe – Patient (TH)
Janice Squire – Patient (JS)
Jo Hartshorne – Patient (JoH)
Dr Una O’Callaghan – GP (Dr O’C)
Dr Susan Pickford – GP (SP)
Jeffery Allen - Patient
Alan Hayman - Patient
Barry Smith – Patient
Elmi White – Patient
Robert Finch - Patient
Rosemary Finch - Patient
Sheila Cheal - Patient
Carole Butterfield - Patient
Ann Jones - Patient
Minutes of the last meeting
It was agreed that the last minutes were a true record.
Welcome and Introductions
The chair started off with the introductions, he suggested that everyone states what
they did for a job, hobby and what medical interest that could help with the group.
Medical Interests
Sept minutes 2013
Medical Interest
Support for bereaved parents
Diabetes/Patient welfare
Disability/paediatric palliative care
Mental health
Heart disease
Mental Health
Flu Clinics
The Chair enquired if anyone had any ideas of which focus groups could attend the
Flu dates and what help was required by the Surgery.
JS offered to bring her ‘How to become a Dementia Friend’ experience to both Flu
clinics 19th October and 2nd November.
IT, JoH and CB also offered to help out at the 19th October and RR offered to help
out on the 2nd November; either making drinks for the staff or car park attendant.
If other members would like to help out or has a suggestion of a focus groups that
could attend the two flu dates, if they could contact Elaine Appleyard.
JH explained that there will be a children’s flu day on 28th September 2013 for 2-3
years old ONLY who will be receiving the new nasal spray – It is hoped we will be
able to vaccinate as many as possible on that date.
It is typical during a flu clinic to receive on average 800 patients during the 4 hour
period. In addition to the flu clinics, clinical staff visit nursing homes, residential
homes and those that are bed bound.
Action -JH to find a high visual jacket for those helping out in the car park.
Any other business
JH mentioned about the Shingles Vaccine, patients aged 70 and 79 were due to be
vaccinated on the flu dates, however there has been a national shortage of vaccines
and therefore the Surgery will be holding further clinics at a later date when stocks
are available
JH also mentioned about getting a disabled bay indicated in the car park. CB
suggested a place as to where to have it so will let JH or EA know the exact place
when she visits the Surgery.
JS enquired about how to become a member of the ‘Exclusion Group’, (i.e. patients
who have been excluded from a particular procedure or medication)
Action - EA to find out.
In the next few weeks we will be creating a new patient survey, so if you have any
ideas please contact EA asap.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
JH advised that CQC are currently visiting local surgeries and we are expecting to be
visited shortly, the surgery will be given 48 hours’ notice of the visit which will last all
Parsons Heath Medical Practice
35A Parsons Heath
Tel: 01206 864395
Fax: 01206 869047
day. CQC registration has been a lengthy process but we feel confident that we are
ready for the inspection.
Discussion was had around infection control issues and JH stressed the importance
in this area and gave assurance that she is very happy with the high standard in the
surgery and that all guidelines and protocols are in place and adhered to.
Quality Outcome Framework
A general discussion was had regarding pressures on the surgery to meet
government targets and the importance of ensuring that patients are aware of
correct treatment pathways, e.g. relating to A/E attendances. One of the Quality
Indicators that the Surgery has to meet is ‘The Contractor implements the
improvement plan that aims to reduce avoidable accident and emergency
attendances’. JH explained the difficulties of finding the correct balance of making
people aware of when to use accident and emergency, but also not alarming people
so they feel unable to use the service. The group needs come up with something to
make patients aware of what is the appropriate route to either go straight to the GP,
or Walk in Centre or for more serious problems e.g. broken bones to Accident and
Emergency. It was mentioned that other Surgeries near the town centre also have a
high attendance rate at Accident and Emergency. As the hospital is closer and so
some patients would rather go straight there instead of calling their GP Surgery.
The Surgery cannot meet all the QoF Indicators as some are out of kilter and would
take too long to achieve the results and may not be to the patients benefit. The
Surgery has a team for each indicator, which consists of a Dr, nurse, administrator
and a receptionist.
The Surgery has worked hard to provide ‘on the day’ appointments for patients
needing to be seen here at the surgery. JH explained that unnecessary visits to A/E
which could be dealt with in the surgery put extra pressure on an already stretched
A/E department, as well has having cost implications for the practice. Which means
when a patient goes to A/E the Surgery then has to pay for the treatment.
The Surgery will continue to advertise and educate patients in correct pathways
Other Business
The NHS has decided that less money should be spent on cosmetic procedures and
more on more severe problems e.g. hip replacements.
Sept minutes 2013
Any concerns please feel free to contact the chairman, Irvine Turner via email on:Irvine7turner@aspects.net.
Meeting finished at 8.15
EA will send out dates for next meeting, which will not be until February 2014.