Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Department of Statistics A Gentle Introduction to LATEX (mathematics) Wolfgang Pößnecker September 24, 2014 Math Mode We used it already, but here it is officially: By far the most common way to enter math mode is $ ...$ I The $ command is used for an in-text formulas. I The $. . . $ structure is equivalent to \(. . . \) and to \begin{math}. . . \end{math} environments, e.g. n2 p + n3 + 7 n2 p + n3 + 7 n2 p + n3 + 7 $ n^2p + n^3 + 7 $ \( n^2p + n^3 + 7 \) \begin{math} n^2p + n^3 + 7 \end{math} Displayed Math Mode Displayed formulas are produced by: \[ . . . \] Note the difference between the $ . . . $ and the \[ . . . \] environments in the example below: Are determined by: fm (x) = fm−1 (x) + ρ h(x) where ρ is a step size. Are determined by: fm (x) = fm−1 (x) + ρ h(x) where ρ is a step size. Are determined by: $f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x)$ where $\rho$ is a step size. Are determined by: \[f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x)\] where $\rho$ is a step size. Displayed Math Mode Displayed formulas are produced by: \[ . . . \] but also by the equivalent environments $$. . . $$ and \begin{displaymath}. . . \end{displaymath}. The two code chunks below are equivalent. $$. . . $$ should be avoided as it produces slightly inconsistent spacing. Are determined by: fm (x) = fm−1 (x) + ρ h(x) where ρ is a step size. Are determined by: \[ f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x) \] where $\rho$ is a step size. Are determined \begin{displaymath} f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x) \end{displaymath} where $\rho$ is a step size. Numbered Math Mode Numbered displayed formulas are produced by the environment: \begin{equation} . . . \end{equation} Are determined by fm (x) = fm−1 (x) + ρ h(x) (1) where ρ is a step size. 1 Provided by the amsmath package. Are determined \begin{equation} f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x) \end{equation} where $\rho$ is a step size. Numbered Math Mode Numbered displayed formulas are produced by the environment: \begin{equation} . . . \end{equation} Are determined by fm (x) = fm−1 (x) + ρ h(x) (1) where ρ is a step size. Are determined \begin{equation} f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x) \label{mytag} \end{equation} where $\rho$ is a step size. I If you want to refer to that equation’s number, use \label to assign a name and \eqref1 command to refer to that name, e.g. type \eqref{mytag} and it appears like this: (1) I \eqref produces the parentheses in (1) as well, which is the recommended behaviour for equation reference. Use \ref if no parentheses are desired. I \equation* environment is the same as \equation except that it does not generate equation number. 1 Provided by the amsmath package. Numbered Math Mode Numbered displayed formulas are produced by the environment: \begin{equation} . . . \end{equation} Are determined by fm (x) = fm−1 (x) + ρ h(x) (1) where ρ is a step size. Are determined \begin{equation} f_m(x) = f_{m-1}(x) + \rho\, h(x) \label{mytag} \end{equation} where $\rho$ is a step size. I If you want to refer to that equation’s number, use \label to assign a name and \eqref1 command to refer to that name, e.g. type \eqref{mytag} and it appears like this: (1) amsmath I \eqref produces the parentheses in (1) as well, which is the recommended behaviour for equation reference. Use \ref if no parentheses are desired. I \equation* environment is the same as \equation except that it does not generate equation number. 1 Provided by the amsmath package. amsfonts amsthm amssymb The Three Modes LATEX processes your input in one of the three modes: I Paragraph (Text) Mode (Absatzmodus) – LATEX’s normal mode for ordinary text processing. It regards your input as a sequence of words and sentences. Automatically breaks sentences and pages. I Math Mode (Mathematischer Modus) – LATEX is in math mode when it is generating a mathematical formula. When in math mode, it considers letters as being mathematical symbols. Therefore, the input $ a l e $ is considered as the product of a, l and e, and ignores any space characters between them: ale. LR Mode (Links-Rechts Modus) – LATEX considers your text to be a string of words from left to right on a single (infinite long) unbreakable line: I This line is in LR-Mode and this is way it goes beyond the page boundaries and even further. . . The Three Modes Notes of caution: I You should always be aware in which mode you are in. There are mode-specific commands, e.g. \alpha in math mode looks like α, whereas in paragraph mode you get ! Missing $ inserted. <inserted text> $ l.7 in text mode \alpha I Different modes can be nested within one another. You can insert text in math mode, for example with \text or \mbox. I Declarations are not allowed in math mode, e.g. ${\bfseries 1 + 1 }$ would lead to ! LaTeX Error: Command \bfseries invalid in math mode I {\bfseries $1 + 1$ } is not an error, however, with this example nothing changes. The Three Modes - Example Different modes can be nested within one another. You can insert text in math mode with \text. That is $\mathbb{E}\,(y_t) = \mu \quad \text{for all $t$,}\quad \mu < \infty$ That is E (yt ) = µ for all t, µ < ∞ 1. That is is in paragraph mode. 2. $\mathbb{E}\,(y_t) = \mu \quad } is in math mode. 3. \text{for all ,} is in LR mode. $t$ \quad \mu < \infty$ Common Structures I Subscripts and Superscripts: _ and ^ x 2a a x2 a x2 ! Double superscript. x 2a $x^{2a}$ $x^{2^a}$ $x^{2^{a}}$ $x^2^a$ $x^{2_a}$ I NB: In text mode x^{2} leads to ! Missing $ inserted. <inserted text> $ l.40 x^ {2} ? x2a x2a ! Double subscript. xa2 xa2 $x_{2a}$ $x_{2_a}$ $x_2_a$ $x^2_a$ $x^{2}_{a}$ Fractions I \frac{numerator}{denominator} (n + p)/m $(n+p)/m$ n+p m $\frac{n+p}{m}$ n+p m n+p 1 + x+z y n+p x +z 1+ y n+p 1+ I I x +z $\dfrac{n+p}{m}$ $\dfrac{n+p}{1+\frac{x+z}{y}}$ $\dfrac{n+p}{1+\dfrac{x+z}{y}}$ $\cfrac{n+p}{1+\cfrac{x+z}{y}}$ y \dfrac - displaystyle fraction as in \[. . . \] or in $$. . . $$ \cfrac - continued fraction Square Roots & Integrals I \sqrt{number} √ a+b √ n a+b I $\sqrt{a+b}$ $\sqrt[n]{a+b}$ \int_{a}^{b} R∞ a R∞ 2x dx 2x dx a $\int_{a}^\infty 2x\,dx$ $\int\limits_{a}^\infty 2x\,dx$ ∞ Z 2x dx $\displaystyle\int_{a}^\infty 2x\,dx$ 2x dx \[\int_{a}^\infty 2x\,dx\] a ∞ Z a Z∞ 2x dx a \[\int\limits_{a}^\infty 2x\,dx\] Sums & Products Note the difference when in displaystyle. I \sum_{a}^{b} \prod_{a}^{b} Pn i=1 n X Xi $\sum_{i=1}^n X_i $ Xi i=1 n P \[\sum_{i=1}^n X_i \] Xi i=1 X Xi,j 0<i<m 0<j<n Qn i=1 n Q i=1 Yi Yi $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n X_i$ \[ \sum_{\substack{0<i<m\\ 0<j<n}} X_{i,j} \] $\prod_{i=1}^n Y_i$ $\prod\limits_{i=1}^n Y_i$ Spacing in Math Mode Relative Amount Command Description || || || || || | | | | \, \! \: \; \ \quad \qquad thin space negative thin space medium space thick space interword space large space even larger space I LATEX does not understand what ydx means. If you want y times the differential dx you need to type $y\,dx$ in order to obtain y dx. Simply typing $y dx$ gives you ydx. Common Structures I Over- and Underlining2 7 z }| { x1 + x2 + · · · + xn−1 + xn | {z } $\underbrace{x_1 + x_2}_{7} + \cdots + \overbrace{x_{n-1} + x_n}^{7}$ 7 x1 + x2 + · · · + xn−1 + xn $\underline{x_1 + x_2} + \cdots + \overline{x_{n-1} + x_n}$ I Use \cdots (· · · ) between operators like +,−, and =. Use \ldots (. . .) between juxtaposed symbols like a . . . z. . . Use \vdots ( .. ) and \ddots ( . . ) in matrices. I Stacking symbols and accents a ∼ def ~ x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) \ 1 − x = ŷ ā ã 2 $\stackrel{a}{\sim}$ $\vec{x} \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} (x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ $\widehat{1-x} = \hat{y}$ $\bar{a}$ $\tilde{a}$ \underline may be used in text mode too. Exercise 3 Please find the file 03maths.pdf on the homepage. Try to reproduce the document. Hints: 1. Begin your document with: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} 2. Do not forget to include \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} (required for E) 3. The different sections are produced with \enumerate. Put this in your preamble: \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{( \alph{enumi} )} 4. Symbols that were not shown on the slides: \beta β \theta θ \vartheta ϑ \epsilon \varepsilon ε \nu ν \Sigma Σ \to → \lim lim \in ∈ \otimes \partial ’ \neq \sim \Rightarrow \le \ge \mathbb{E} \top ⊗ ∂ 0 6= ∼ ⇒ ≤≥ E > Multiline Formulas Use \align3 environment for multiline Formulas. Note that this environment is in math mode, therefore, you do not need to specify $...$ explicitly. y = β0 + 3x + 7 = 2.5 + 3x + 7 y = β0 + 3x + 7 = 2.5 + 3x + 7 (2) \begin{align} y & = \beta_0 + 3x + 7 \\ & = 2.5 + 3x + 7 \notag \end{align} \begin{align*} y & = \beta_0 + 3x + & = 2.5 + 3x + 7 \end{align*} 7 \\ I Consecutive rows are separated by \\. I Note the \notag command in the first example. It suppresses the equation number. I \align* environment is the same as \align except that it does not generate equation numbers at all. 3 \align comes with the amsmath package. Multiline Formulas You can use whichever symbol you like as a reference point y = β0 + 3x + 7 (3) = 2.5 + 3x + 7 (franz) and then (franz) is shown here as well. \begin{align} y & = \beta_0 + 3x + 7 \\ & = 2.5 + 3x + 7 \label{funlab} \tag{franz} \end{align} and then \eqref{funlab} is shown here as well. But remember that \tag{franz} expects franz to be in LR-Mode. Never leave a blank line before the \end{align}. \begin{align} y & = \beta_0 + 3x + 7 \\ Runaway argument? & = 2.5 + 3x + 7 \label{mybullet} y & = ... {funlab} \tag {fr\ETC. \tag{\textbullet} ! Paragraph ended before \align was complete. \end{align} What’s wrong with \eqnarray? Most textbooks recommend \eqnarray for multiline formulas. Do not use \eqnarray, use \align instead! Problem 1: Spacing inconsistency = whereas = whereas = = \begin{minipage}{4cm} \begin{minipage}{4cm} \[ \[ \framebox[1cm]{} = \framebox[1cm]{} \framebox[1cm]{} = \framebox[1cm]{} \] \] whereas whereas \begin{align*} \begin{eqnarray*} \framebox[1cm]{} &= \framebox[2cm]{} \framebox[1cm]{} &=& \framebox[2cm]{} \end{align*} \end{eqnarray*} \end{minipage} \end{minipage} What’s wrong with \eqnarray? Most textbooks recommend \eqnarray for multiline formulas. Do not use \eqnarray, use \align instead! Problem 2: Overwriting equation numbers4 = = (5) (4) \begin{minipage}{4cm} \begin{minipage}{4cm} \begin{align} \begin{eqnarray} \framebox[1cm]{} &= \framebox[2cm]{} \framebox[1cm]{} &=& \framebox[2cm]{} \end{align} \end{eqnarray} \end{minipage} \end{minipage} 4 Consider the article by Lars Madsen (Madsen, 2006) for further details. Array The \array environment has a single argument that specifies the number of columns and the alignment of items within these columns: c - center, l - flush left and r flush right. a+b+c a+b a xy x +y x y 100 72 1 \[ \begin{array}{clr} a + b +c & xy a + b & x + y a & \frac{x}{y} \end{array} \] & 100 \\ & 72 \\ & 1 I Adjacent columns are separated by &. There must be no & after the last item in a row. I Adjacent rows are separated by \\. The last row is not followed by a \\, however, it is not a problem if there is one. I Keep your source code well arranged - increases readability. I If you do not provide enough alignment-letters, then you’ll see something like ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to ... Matrix I Delimiters are parentheses which are big enough to fit around expressions. Put delimiters around your \array and you get a matrix! \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a + b + c & xy & 100\\ a+b+c xy 100 a + b & x + y & 72\\ x + y 72 a+b a & \frac{x}{y} & 1 x 1 a y \end{array} \right) \] I The matrix environment acts like a centered array. You do not bother providing even the single argument {ccc} of \array{ccc}. a+b+c a+b a xy x +y x y 100 72 1 \[ \left( \begin{matrix} a + b + c & xy a + b & x + y a & \frac{x}{y} \end{matrix} \right) \] & 100\\ & 72\\ & 1 Further Delimiters " # a+b+c a+b xy x +y a + b + c a+b xy x + y ( a+b+c a+b ( a+b+c a+b xy x +y \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} a + b + c & xy \\ a + b & x + y \\ \end{matrix} \right] \] % 1 \left| \right| % 2 \left\{ ... \right\} % 3 \left\{ ... \right. % 4 ) xy x +y ... I Note the third example. We used \left\{ ...\right\} and not \left{ ...\right} since {...} belong to the ten special characters! I Note also the fourth example. When a big left (or right) delimiter is required with no matching one, the \left and \right command still have to match. Therefore, type a . after the matching \left or \right! Changing Style in Math Mode Change the style only of letters, numbers, and uppercase Greek letters. Nothing else is affected. italic + 2 3 α + φ roman + 23α + φ bold + 23α + φ bold + 23α + φ 5 sans serif + 23α + φ typewriter + 23α + φ UPPERCASE ON LY R, N, Q, . . . 6 $\mathit{italic + 2^{3\alpha} + \phi}$ $\mathrm{roman + 2^{3\alpha} + \phi}$ $\mathbf{bold + 2^{3\alpha} + \phi}$ $\mathbf{bold + 2^{3\alpha} + \boldsymbol\phi}$\\ $\mathsf{sans\ serif + 2^{3\alpha} + \phi}$ $\mathtt{typewriter + 2^{3\alpha} + \phi}$ $\mathcal{UPPERCASE\ ONLY}$ $\mathds{R,N,Q,\ldots}$ The \boldmath declaration causes everything in a formula to be bold boldmath + 23α + φ 5 6 \boldmath{$boldmath + 2^{3\alpha} + \phi$} You need amsbsy package for the \boldsymbol command. You need the Doublestroke Font package dsfont for R, N, Q, . . . symbols. Defining Commands Important! LATEX provides plenty of commands. But still we do need our own. I By repeated structures, for example, it is convenient to have our own definitions through \newcommand. Let y be a Rn vector and X be a Rn×m matrix. \newcommand{\R}{\mathds{R}} % in preamble ... Let $y$ be a $\R^n$ vector and $X$ be a $\R^{n\times m}$ matrix. I Common problem: define it in the right mode? \newcommand{\R}{\mathds{R}} or \newcommand{\R}{$\mathds{R}$} Solution: \ensuremath n Let y be a R vector and X be a Rn×m matrix and R in text mode. \newcommand{\R}{\ensuremath{\mathds{R}}} ... Let $y$ be a $\R^n$ vector and $X$ be a $\R^{n\times m}$ matrix and \R in text mode. Defining Commands Important! I We can define arguments as well: 1 exp − 12 2πσ 2 1 √ exp − 12 2πσ 2 √ I x−µ 2 σ y −µ 2 σ \newcommand{\dnorm}[1] {\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{#1-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2 \right)} $\dnorm{x}$ $\dnorm{y}$ Another common problem: using \newcommand to define a command that already exists produces an error. ! LaTeX Error: Command \R already defined. I If you are absolutely sure that you want this name, use \renewcommand instead. Do not redefine an existing command unless you know what you are doing. Otherwise use another name. A note of caution: all LATEX commands should contain letters only, i.e. no numbers or special characters are allowed! Common Symbols Art Of Problem Solving: The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List: Find out the name of your symbol: Exercise 4 Please find the file 04maths-multiline.pdf on the homepage. Try to reproduce the document. Hints: 1. Begin your document as in the last exercise. 2. The different sections are produced with \enumerate. this in your preamble: \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Roman{enumi}} \times 3. Symbols that were not shown on the slides: \star \tau Put × ? τ 4. \input is extremely helpful to organize the files of large projects, use it heavily. See more on: References Madsen, L. (2006). Avoid eqnarray!, PracTeX Journal . URL: