Summer School - Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism

Summer School 2016
Summer School
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Summer School 2016
The University College of Hospitality Management Sant Pol de Mar (Barcelona) offers two
summer courses to the students of Hospitality, Tourism Management, Business
Management and Gastronomy.
The two programs have the same structure but specific contents in each area of expertise.
Hotel and Restaurant Management
Culinary Arts
Structure and length:
2 weeks composed by:
14 hotel nights
8 school days
2 field trips (approximately 12 hours)
4 days off (weekends)
24 sessions of two hours each Monday through Thursday (48 teaching hours)
12 hours of facultative trips on Fridays
Course overall: 60 teaching hours.
Half of the classes will be common for the whole group, and the other half will be divided
into two groups, according to the area of specialization (1) Hotel and Restaurant
Management, and (2) Cuisine and Gastronomy
1. June 5 to 19, 2016
(in Spanish)
2. June 19 to July 3, 2016 (in Spanish)
3. July 3 to 17, 2016
(in English)
4. July 17 to 31, 2016
(in Spanish)
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Summer School 2016
Prospective students:
Students of the bachelor in Hotel and Restaurant Management, Tourism, Business
Admisitration and Culinary Arts.
Other candidates/profiles can be accepted upon request and approval of EUHT StPOL.
Number of Participants:
In order to ensure the best quality of the teachings, the maximum number of students is of
25 comprising both groups (Hotel and Restaurant Management and Cuisine and
Gastronomy) The number of students per class will be from 10 to 25 approximatively.
Structure and Timetable of the Courses:
Monday through Thursday:
3 sessions of 2 hours each:
first session
second session
third session
Facultative trips
Saturdays and Sundays:
Day off
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Summer School 2016
Certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Events Planning*
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theoretical class
Sommelierie* (introduction to wine tasting)
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theory demonstration class in our room especially designed for wine tasting
(sensory room)
Destination Management
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theoretical class
Distribution Systems
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theoretical class
Field Trips*
(1) Visit to the Cellar Alta Alella
Visit to the vineyards
Introduction to their products
Wine tasting
(2) Visit to Barcelona
Visit to the market La Boqueria
Visit to the Museum of the Ham and tasting of Iberian hams.
Lunch with wine pairing.
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Summer School 2016
Certificate in Cuisine and Culinary Arts
Events Management*
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theoretical class
Sommelierie* (introduction to wine tasting)
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theory demonstration class in our room specially designed for wine tasting (sensory
Introduction to molecular cusine
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theory demonstration class with the participation in rotation of the students
European Gastronomical culture
6 sessions of 2 hours each
Theoretical class
Field Trips*
(3) Visit to the Cellar Alta Alella
Visit to the vineyards
Introduction to their products
Wine tasting
(4) Visit to Barcelona
Visit to the market La Boqueria
Visit to the Museum of the Ham and tasting of Iberian hams.
Lunch with wine pairing.
*These classes and contents are common to both groups.
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Summer School 2016
Tuition fee: 2050 Euros
14 hotel nights in full board (3 daily meals) at the Hotel-School (Hotel Gran Sol *** ) starting with the dinner of the night before the beginning of
the course, and ending with the breakfast the day after the accomplishment of the
course. Please notice that July is peak season.
8 class days with a total of 48 teaching hours
2 facultative trips (see following details)
Transfer Barcelona Airport-Sant Pol (upon arrival)
Materials for the hands-on classes
Daily use of hat and apron (for the cuisine and gastronomy students)
Certificate-diploma for the students who have been regularly present to the classes
and who have satisfactorily passed the tests.
Farewell dinner consisting of a tasting menu of 5 dishes with wine pairing.
Access to the computer classes
1. All students must be in possession of a valid health insurance policy that covers them in
the case of illness or accident while staying at the university.
2. In case that the visit to the Cellar would not be possible for circumstances beyond
the control of the School, the School will find another venue of the same level and
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Summer School 2016
Structure and components of the systems of intermediation in the tourism industry.
New managing trends in the intermediation and the role played by the new
Possible business and professional relations between the hotel business and the
systems of intermediation.
Traditional systems of intermediation (travel agencies and tour operators).
The role of the internet in the global touristic marketing.
Marketing for hotels.
Tasting technique and acquirement of real knowledge of the products (Sensorial
room, an innovative space at the school for sensory experiences)
Origins and evolution of the viticulture until the present moment
Identifying the different wine varieties, the cycles of the vine and the influence of the
soil and the climate in the fruit.
Tasting methodology, involving the senses in all the different stages, and usage of the
specific terminology.
Key competences for a sommelier of the XXI century, and its practical application in
the pairing with the different dishes at the restaurant.
Techniques used in haute gastronomy to texturize food, understanding the reason of
each reaction
Groups of additives used in molecular cooking for modifications
Emulsifiers: explanation and application of the most common emulsifiers in the haute
cuisine to elaborate cold and hot airs with a base of dairy, alcohol, etc..
Fat texturizers to create semi solid fats at room temperature
Direct, inverse and mechanical specification, acid reaction and the most advisable
products to be able to create the spheres
Hot gelatins with a spectrum of gellings (agar, gellan glue, iota, kappa, etc…)
Guidelines of usage for each of them
Fundamental theory of the practical session to follow
Teacher´s demonstrative confection with the assistance of the students
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Key elements which contribute to configure the gastronomy of a territory.
Evolution of the human nourishment through the history.
Influence of the gastronomy on human sociability.
Gastronomy as a touristic resource.
To know and differentiate the main world gastronomical areas.
Culture and art applied to the gastronomy and its increasing influence in today´s
societies and touristic demand.
Definitions, components, functions and destination agents
Typology of the touristic destinations according to different factors (nature, special
offers, specialization, provenance and tourists motivation)
Life cycle of a tourist destination (Plog & Butler, phases in the lifecycle)
Sustainability of a tourist destination and new perspectives
Management of the destination: land, population, resources
Development of the destinations, services and infrastructure
Policies and strategies: planning, administration, marketing, sales
Image and branding of a destination
Internet and a tourist destination
Management of a tourist destination based upon sustainability
Control of the destination management. Application of the model Kaplan y Norton
Concepts and definitions.
Principles ruling the planning of events
Tourism of meetings and conventions: introduction to the model.
Types of de events: assemblies, conferences, congresses, conventions, seminars,
fairs, incentive trips, courses and others
Companies organizing events
ceremonial protocol: types, norms, symbology
System of quality management applied to the Events department
EUHT StPOL reserves itself the right to modify academicals contents and activities with the objective to improve the quality
of the course
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Summer School 2016
1. Visit to the Cellar Alta Alella-PRIVAT (D.O.Alella)
Includes the bus with driver and the visit to the cellar with a teacher. To keep the
costs low, lunch will be taken at the Hotel-School.
Departure: 9:30
3 hour long visit and wine tasting
Return to Sant Pol: 14:00
Fuente: Alta Alella - Privat
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2. Professional visit to Barcelona:
Departure from Sant Pol´s train station: 10:00
Arrival to Barcelona: 11:00
Visit to the Market La Boquería and Jamon Experience
Lunch: 15:00
Return to Sant Pol: free, after 17:00
Visit to the Market of Sant Antoni – La Boqueria
It is one of the more emblematic European markets and one of the best assorted.
( )
Visit to Jamón Experience
This is a unique museum exclusively focused in the Iberian sausages of high quality.
Includes the museum admission, the tasting of 6 different hams and a glass of wine.
( )
Lunch with wine pairing
Lunch consisting of Catalan and Spanish gastronomy with its wine pairing.
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Summer School 2016
More information about EUHT StPOL
Sant Pol University School of Hospitality Management (Barcelona) it is a private
institution specialized in hospitality Management and culinary arts.
Founded in 1966, it is the pioneer university hotel management degree in Europe
with its own real training hotel . It is a member of the very prestigious network Hotel
Schools of Distinction, together with some of the best hotel schools of the world.
It takes the form of a “Hotel-Escuela” /”Hotel-École”. It operates full service hotel
open to the public with its facilities adapted for training and teaching. The students
combine theory classes with hands-on workshops and real practice services with real
The school offers bachelor degrees, technical degrees and masters in hotel
management, food and beverage management, and culinary arts.
For further information:
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Summer School 2016
In order to be admitted on the programs of the University school of
Hospitality Management of Sant Pol (EUHT StPOL), as a future
student, you must present this form duly completed along with the
required documentation. These documents may be handed in to
the school in person or be sent by post, courier or electronic mail to :
Admissions Department
Ctra. N-II Km. 664
08395 Sant Pol de Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Tel. 902021925 From other countries: +34 937602240
Fax (+34 - 93 760 0985)
E- mail ( )
In order to apply for the course, the candidate must
complete/attach the following documents:
Application Form
Documents to be attached to the Application Form
Candidates will receive a contirmation (receipt) e-mail of the
documentation received and the Admissions Department will
advise them on the admission process at all times.
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1. Documentation to be attached
*All documents bust be clearly visible in English
Fully completed application form
Copy of passport or European Union identification card
Curriculum Vitae (Resume).
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Summer School 2016
2. Summer Course Admission Form:
(Must be filled by hand in capital letters)
Summer Course
 Certificate in Culinary Arts
 Certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Management
 June 5 to 19
 June 19 to July 3
 July 3 to 17  July 17 to 31
Personal Information
First name:
Last name:
Date and place of birth:
Man Woman
E.U. ID/Passport:
Contact Details
Address: Street name:
Fixed phone:
Cell phone:
E-mail (other):
Previous Studies
Finished studies/qualifications
Year of
Studies in Couse
Expected End
The undersigned hereby certifies the truth of the details given above and accepts the conditions and regulations of internal use stipulated
Signed in
In compliance with articles 5 and 11 of the Spanish LOPD, we hereby inform you that your personal data will be included in our
files for the effects of maintaining and developing the activities of EUHT StPOL, and may be passed on to all public bodies that
might legally correspond and to the bank institutions with which we work for the payment and/or receipt of monetary amounts
when this might proceed due to the needs of the service (page 7).
However, EUHT StPOL guarantees the holder of the data the exercise of all rights of access, rectification, cancellation and
opposition to the data concerning them, by writing to the following address: EUHT StPOL Ctra. N-II s/n km664 08395 Sant Pol de
Mar (Barcelona) FAO Marketing and communication department.
The holder of the data is informed of the communication and treatment of said data under due conditions of security and
professional secrecy for the period which might be necessary for the purpose for which they are collected, treated and granted.
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2. Course Fees
The course fee is 2.050€.
This amount must be paid in one payment by bank transfer or credit card charge.
(Credit Card charges have a supplement of 30€)
3. Payment:
(1) Bank wire transfer
The wire transfer must be made to:
Bank: Banc de Sabadell
Office: 0102 – Carrer de l’Esgésia 215 – 08370 Calella
Account: 0081-0102-81-0001044107
Reference: Student´s name + Summer School + Course
*(Transfer fees will be paid by the student)
**EUHT StPOL must receive a receipt of the payment
(2) Credit Card Authorization (includes 30€ surcharge)
Amount: 2.080 €
 Mastercard
 Diners
Bank Name: _________________________________________________
Name of the Credit Card Holder:_____________________________________________
Expiration date:___________________________________________________________
Credit Card Number:___________________________________________________
I hereby authorize EUHT StPOL to charge 2.080 € to my Credit Card.
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Summer School 2016
TOURIST VISA (If needed)
In order to ensure correct receipt of the letter of acceptance for students to get their
visas, the letter will be sent to the following countries by courier (UPS), and must be
paid for by the candidate along with the admission fees:
Europe: €65
Russia: €110
Remaining countries: €75
The place in the course will be reserved only after the full payment has been
done and all the documentation has been received.
In the case there is not a minimum number of students the school will reserve
the right to cancel the course. In this case EUHT StPOL will inform the student
with a phone call or email before 1 June 2015 and will give the student the
possibility to register for another course or the whole payment will be refunded.
In the case of a cancellation by the student with less than 30 days before the
beginning of the course´s notice, there will be no refund.
I have read and accepted the conditions:
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