KIM Information Guide: Courses, Fees, and Regulations

Our Signature Promoting excellence and integrity in management
practices since 1954.
The Kenya Institute of Management is a not-for-profit professional
membership-based, management development organization set up in 1954
to enhance excellence and integrity in management practice in Kenya and
To be a distinguished continental hub of excellence in organizational and
business management practices.
To steer and champion excellence, integrity and competitiveness in
individuals and organizations throughout Africa and beyond.
Our Values
We have a responsibility:
To champion, promote and advocate for individual and
institutional excellence in Kenya,
Africa and beyond, in everything that
we think, say or do.
To be a pillar and beacon of good governance; to
maintain the highest ethical and
truthfulness and decorum in all our
dealings with our staff, customers and
the community. To champion a free, just
and fair community.
Innovativeness: To encourage and promote an environment that nurtures
innovativeness and creativity, freshness
of thought and the spirit of exploration
and discovery.
Entrepreneurship: To champion and support creation of new wealth and
employment, through the spirit of
Collaboration: To seek and reach out to likeminded individuals and
institutions for collaborative and
synergistic initiatives for the universal
good of humankind.
The school offers courses leading to Certificate and Diploma
qualifications.The qualifications are recognised by the government and
employers through the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE),
National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), Public Service
Commission (PSC), the Directorate of Personnel Management (DPM) as
well as other organisations in Kenya.
All our courses are validated by the Commission for University
1. KIM is open to all students irrespective of religion, color, gender,
but reserves the right of admission on the ground of Academic and
/ or Professional qualifications.
2. The only guarantee of a place in a course is by payment of 50% of
the total fees before the starting date of the course. The balance is
payable within three months for all regular programs, and one
month for the Bridging and Crash Programs
3. Fees once paid are neither refundable nor transferable under any
circumstances. The transfer of fees is only done where a student is
transferring from one KIM Branch to another or had overpaid fees.
4. Transfer from one course/ semester/ session to another for all
regular programs, will only be allowed within 3 weeks of joining the
course or release of results. Transfers for Crash and BCM must be
done within 2 weeks of the semester.
5. All diploma courses must be completed within a maximum period of
three years (i.e including the Research Project and Attachment).
6. Progression from one level to another is done upon release of results.
Students should always go to the Admissions Desk for Progression
after which payment of not less than 50% of the total fees for the
next level is made before attending classes.
7. We have 4 intakes every year; that is: January, April, July and
October with semester. Each semester runs for 6 Months while Crash
semester is 3 months.
8. We have now introduced new sessions such as;
Evening crash (5.30-8.30pm,Monday-Saturday)
Weekend Crash (8.00-5.00pm,Saturday-Sunday)
Early Morning (6.30-8.00am,Monday-Saturday)
Sunday classes (8.00-5.00pm,Sunday only
NOTE: These will be offered subject to availability of quorum
Other available sessions are;
Morning (8.30-12.00noon)
Afternoon (2.00-5.00pm)
Evening (5.30-8.30)
Saturday 8.00-5.00pm)
Afternoon Crash (12.00-5.00pm, Monday-Friday)
9. The students are advised to familiarize themselves with all the
Institutes regulations, documents e.g. timetables, course outlines,
names of their lecturers, units one is taking at any one time among
10. All are advised to take personal responsibility of their belongings in
the classrooms and library such as phones, handbags, wallets etc.
1. The institution does not accept personal cheques or cash. please
deposit your fees in either;
ECO-BANK A/C 10200100, FEDHA
0550296119836,WESTLANDS Branch
No application form will be accepted without the 1st Deposit of the
course fee.
An original receipt is to be issued on the desk and no replacement
is done if one misplaces or lose it.
Banking slips which amounts in words and figures do not tally will
not be accepted, also be keen on the number that you write.
Penalty will be charged to those whose cheque bounce.
Early payment of fees without presentation of the banking slip to
the accounts desk does not acknowledge anyone to have made any
Refunds of excess amounts will be done at the end of the full
course diploma Section 2 with original receipts at the branch
manager’s office.
The Institute does not accept personal cheques nor should you
bank any cheque in the Insitute account. The acceptable modes
of payment are cash deposits, bankers cheques and company
cheques. Cheques are presented to the office. Do not bank
cheques into our accounts.
9. NOTE: Fees cannot be transferred from one account to another.
CATS and WBAs are each set and marked out of 30.
CATS constitutes 15% and WBA 15% of the final exam and
each is independent
1. A student must attend a minimum of 75% of all lectures failure to
which he/she will not be allowed to register for examinations.
2. Classes are allocated through the class lists upon admission and
payment of fees, especially for Courses that have group classes e.g
A, B & C and students should stick to their classes since there is no
provision for change of class
NB: Always ensure that your name appears in the printed
attendance list. If not report immediately to the training office.
3. The timetable can change at any time and students must conform to
the timetable of the day.
4. Lecturers release deadlines for work based assignments which must
be adhered to.
5. Each class must have a class representative who communicates
directly to the training officer in case of any problems. Class
representatives should forward their contacts to the training desk.
6. In case a lecturer is late for more than 15 minutes, the class rep
should report to this office so that action may be taken.
7. In case the class needs to organize make up classes the class rep
should book the rooms 2 days before the make up classes through
the training officer.
8. Smoking, use of alcoholic drinks and drugs, involvement in unlawful
processions/activities and improper conduct within the Institute
premises is prohibited.
9. Dignity and discipline must be maintained at all times within the
Institute and students MUST be appropriately dressed as prospective
or practicing managers.
1. Work Based Assignments WBA (take away) & Continues
Assessment Tests CATs (sit-in) are compulsory. Failure to do any
of these will lead to an automatic supplementary and the student
shall not be allowed to sit for exams in the current semester
2. Students must submit both WBA and CATs as stipulated in the
timetable. A timetable is provided together with the tuition
timetable before commencement of the semester. Dates indicated in
the timetable are for sitting CATS & WBA and all students MUST
be present on the date indicated to sit for the CATS. Failure to
which the student will be required to postpone the final exams and
do them in the next exam series as supplementary or pay fees and
repeat the class
Refer to Student Exams Handbook to be found on:
The Library's prime purpose is to provide information services
and materials to the KIM community. Currently the KIM
library network has a stock of approximately 20,000 volumes
distributed among the branch libraries with the collections
being organized as follows:
General/Open Shelf Collection
This collection comprises text books found on the open
shelves which may be borrowed for use outside the library
premises for a duration determined by the user category.
Reference Collection
Reference materials are for use in the library ONLY. This
collection is used to answer quick reference questions. It
comprises of dictionaries, encyclopedias, year books,
handbooks and world books
Reserved/ Short-Loan Collection
This section comprises of books considered to be in great
demand, acts of parliament, Exam past papers, Government
publications, Inspirational/Motivational books, Biographies
and Auto biographies
This comprises of e-journals, databases and e-books that the
library has subscribed to which include Ebrary, Taylor &
Francis, EBSCO host, Emerald, Gale, Sage, Cambridge
journals, IMF e-library, World Bank e-library e.t.c
Journals and Magazines
Comprises of business related journals and magazines. This include
Management magazine, Time magazine, Business Week, Newsweek,
African Business, New African among others
CD-ROM Materials
A limited number of CD-ROM materials are available for use within the
Research Projects
Consists of the independent research projects conducted by KIM Diploma
students as part of their course work.
The library is open to all registered students of KIM, members of staff,
lecturers and members of the Institute both Individual and Corporate.
Materials not available in the library may be obtained through an interlibrary loan service with other KIM branch libraries. Requests should be
handed over to the Librarian. A charge may be made to meet photocopying
expenses if any.
Library users are encouraged to make recommendations for purchase of
information materials for the library. They can do this by filling in the
“Recommend a book” form in the library
Any general enquiries and need for specific subject and bibliographical
work may be obtained at the circulation desk.
Security of all library materials is paramount. All library users must
therefore exercise caution while using these materials and must allow
themselves to be searched by the security person when they are leaving
the library.
Charges of Damaged/Lost Materials
All users should handle library materials with utmost care. If a user
damages or loses a library material, s/he is required to replace it by either
buying a new copy of the material or paying 150% of the value of the
damaged or lost material.
These vary from branch to branch depending on demand for services and
library staffing levels. The Branch executive and the Librarian on the
ground shall work out a suitable arrangement. However, the library shall
operate during normal working hours and remain CLOSED ON ALL
Silence in the library must be observed at all times. Cell
phones, radios and any electrical devices that are likely to
cause disturbances must be switched off within the library.
Chewing gums, Eating, drinking, Smoking or any other
misconduct which is a nuisance to other clients in the library is
Handbags, heavy jackets, briefcases, folders, among others
will be left at the baggage area/pigeon holes or any other
designated place in the library at the owner’s risk. Clients’ are
advised NOT to leave their valuables. In lieu of the foregoing,
clients are encouraged to visit the library light. In addition,
clients must be decently dressed including tucking in their
shirts where appropriate and conduct themselves decently
while in the library.
Liquids such as ink, water, among others, which may
accidentally damage library property through spillage, shall not
be allowed into the library.
Library clients are hereby informed that copyright law applies to
library materials and infringement of this through unauthorized
photocopying or plagiarism is a criminal offence. They are
advised to observe permissible photocopying limits for purposes
of study and research only.
The Institute shall not be held liable for loss or damage of
personal items such as laptops left by clients in the library.
Entry to KIM libraries will be allowed on production of KIM
Student ID or current KIM membership card.
An alert/announcement will be made /sounded 20 minutes
before closing time and all users must vacate the premise.
The library rules and regulations may be modified without
notice. Such modifications shall be posted to the Library’s and
Institute’s notice boards, website and any other form of mass
The Management reserves the right to withdraw library facilities
from any client who disregards library rules and regulations.
In any situation not covered by these rules, the management
shall use best judgement based on the circumstances to resolve
the matter and the decision shall be final.
NB: the full version of the library rules and regulations are
available on the Library notice boards.
All diploma students are expected to carry out a research project as a
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the KIM diploma.
The following procedure should be followed.
Allocation to the various supervisors is done 1-2 weeks after the
close of the registration deadline to allow the classes to form fully.
This is done at Section II of the Diploma Course.
Allocation is done per course to course lecturers/ specialists and the
results displayed on notice boards for students’ consumption.
Each student is expected to contact his/her supervisor and fill in the
necessary forms that the student collects from the projects office
Students should submit their research topics for approval to the
projects manager, in consultation with their research lecturer.
The topic must be in one’s area of specialization (course being
studied for at KIM).
The student fills in the supervision form (collect one from projects
office) and contacts the allocated supervisor.
The supervisor assigned signifies his/her acceptance by signing the
supervision form.
The student returns the supervision form to the projects
manager/officer for final approval and custody.
Students should then embark on the research proposal (chapter one
to three).
A research proposal should be completed within section II of the
diploma course.
The student should follow the KIM format for research available
from the Training/Exams officers at all branches.
Students embark on collecting the data from the field under the
guidance of the supervisor allocated. They are issued with letters of
introduction to facilitate data collection. (This is a must for those
going to the field to collect data).
Candidates shall be required to complete the research projects within
six months of section III of their Diploma examinations.
A stipulated late project fee shall be paid by all candidates who do
not meet the completion deadline.
Students are expected to submit two spiral bound copies of the
project for oral defence.
Within two weeks after the defence, students are expected to hand in
1 hardcover bound copy and 1 Compact Disk (CD) containing the
project (in PDF Format) to the projects department
The Research Project is an essential aspect of the training offered by
the Management Education Division. Thus, students are required to
carry out research and compile a well-documented report based on
the guidelines issued by Examinations & Projects Departments.
Research topics are selected by the students and approved by the
Projects Department.
Candidates who have done part of section II / III of Diploma
programmes and passed in all the subjects but have not successfully
defended the projects and completed the attachment shall not be
issued with transcripts until they clear the 2 units.
Completion of the project is on submission of 1 hard bound copy and
1 CD to the Research Projects office plus other requirements given
during defence.
To qualify for the award of the Diploma, the candidates are required
to defend their research findings before a panel of examiners. The
decision of the panel of examiners shall be final and candidates are
required to carry out any revisions, effect changes or modifications
as shall so be determined by the panel during the oral examination.
Candidates who have defended their projects successfully and
completed the attachment shall be issued with a final official
transcript within TWO months. The transcript shall reflect all the
subjects and grades attained together with the project and
attachment. The certificate is then issued after 6 months and or after
graduation; whichever comes first.
The assessment method for the research project shall be both
oral presentation and written report, which comprise of 30 per
cent and 70 per cent respectively
In the KIM School of Management (KIM SOM) Diploma Curriculum
Structure, all students must successfully complete the attachment
programme before their graduation. The attachment programme is graded
and considered as partial fulfilment for the award of Diploma. The
purpose of attachment is to supplement KIM SOM’s professional training
and to instil in the student the right work attitudes and professionalism so
that they can become effective and productive at their respective
organizations much sooner than is usual for fresh graduates.
The objectives of the Industrial Attachment Programme are to:  Provide opportunities for the students to use their initiative to
translate theories learnt in classrooms and perform assignments in an
actual working environment.
 Instil in the students the right kind of work attitudes and
professionalism through interaction with people in the organizations,
and observation of their future roles in industry.
 Lessen the on-the-job training requirements so that they can become
effective and productive to their respective organizations much
sooner than is usual for fresh graduates.
 Provide the trainees with the opportunities to market their trades and
occupational skills and as such give them a head start in job hunting.
 The programme will also enable the companies/organizations to
assess the quality of KIM SOM Management students, as well as
participate fully as partners in cooperative education.
Those still in training shall qualify for industrial attachment after
covering at least two-thirds of the course (After registration to
Section 11 or Section 111).
 Those who have completed course work should be placed for
industrial attachment within 6 MONTHS and should have
completed within a year.
 Industrial Attachment is a COMPULSORY UNIT for the partial
fulfilment for the Award of Diploma in Management in all the
options of specialization.
 Students should possess a valid insurance cover for the duration of
Industrial Attachment shall be for a continuous period of between 8 and
12 weeks for each attachment contract.
It is the sole responsibility of the student to find attachment places at the
appropriate time to enable them complete their course within the required
Deferment /Postponement/ Change of Attachment
Students/ Attaches are to report officially to the office when they defer or
change their place of attachment.
Reporting for work
Students/Attaches are to report for work punctually according to the
normal working hours of the company/organizations where they are
Students are to adhere strictly to their companies’/organizations’ rules and
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property developed by students during the course of Industrial
Attachment should belong to the company/organization where the student
is attached. The company is strongly encouraged to give some recognition
to students for their contributions.
Medical Leave
Students are to inform their companies and the mother branch if they fall
sick or need to see a doctor.
It is compulsory for all the students to purchase an insurance policy before
going for their Industrial Attachment.
Industrial attachment fee
The Industrial attachment fee must be paid as prescribed.
The following are the guidelines that will be followed during the
attachment procedure.
It is the responsibility of every student to secure their own
attachment at the appropriate time to facilitate completion of
his or her course within the stipulated time.
Students can get Attachment/Recommendation letters from
Attachment Office to assist them secure attachment placement.
Upon securing attachment place, the student should register
with the office before proceeding for attachment in order to
provide details (e.g. location) of attachment organization and
time period (specific dates) to facilitate assessment visits.
Where attachment opportunities are availed to any of the KIM
branches for distribution to students, allocation to available
places is as fairly as possible but based on merit, i.e.
 Academic performance
 Discipline
 Character
 Attitude
 Area of specialization
The WORKING STUDENT may not seek new placements
and may be assessed from their places of work and should
register with the office before proceeding for attachment in
line with the attachment procedure and schedule. In case they
prefer to seek attachment away from their places of work, they
are free to do so and the attachment requirement and
procedures will apply.
Students will seek own placement places but within the
designated areas of KIM Branches. The respective Branch
manager/executive must be informed to make necessary
assessment arrangements. Trainees outside their mother
Branches must fill transfer forms from the branch they are
coming from and present them to the new branch.
Trainees placement places shall not be restricted within their
registration/mother Branches as long as this is coordinated for
assessment purposes.
Where applicable a medical certificate for the attaché should
be availed to the company/ organization as requested.
The log book should be filled daily with the major dimensions
of your work.
You should then comment every end of week; your gains,
challenges, what you’ve learnt etc. the company supervisor
should also give his/her comments about your week’s work.
The attachment should run for a minimum of 8 weeks and a
maximum of 12 weeks, continuously without a break. If any
break or delay occurs, you will repeat the whole process afresh.
The students must be visited ONCE over the attachment period
and on the 7th WEEK of your attachment, a lecturer from KIM
will call you to organize to come to assess you and talk to your
boss/ supervisor concerning your progress at the work place.
Within 1 WEEK after the lecturer has come to assess you, you
will be required to write & submit to him report on the
experiences acquired during attachment failure to which your
attachment shall be cancelled. The report shall be marked and
scored out of 50%.
In case of a delay to get a call from the supervisor, contact the
attachment/projects office depending on branch location.
Dress appropriately to portray high level of professionalism
and comply with all the industrial attachment contract
Cooperate with the employer, obey rules and regulations of the
organization and observe labor laws and other relevant
Graduation ceremony shall be an annual event at the Institute.
Only those who have successfully qualified for the Diplomas
awarded by the Institute are eligible to graduate.
The Graduation Committee shall decide the venue of the
graduation ceremony.
The Executive Director and Members of the Council shall
decide on the guest of honour for the graduation ceremony.
The graduands shall be dressed in academic gowns.
The Function of the ICT department at KIM is to maintain and support the
Institute infrastructure and system. In Nairobi branch we have:
1. Modern and well equipped computer lab that has 50 computers.
All the computers in the Nairobi branch are connected by a local area
network with unlimited Internet access.
2. CCA Certificate in Computer Applications. This is a course to help
students the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology
efficiently. The highest goal of this course is to help students to be able to
learn and use new computer programs without large amounts of help. CCA
course gives people of all ages an edge in both their careers and education.
3. Students Email Accounts, all students are required to have KIM email
accounts, the following is the link for email registration, email activation is done after 24
hours, default password is pass123. Please note the dot after 3. You are
required to change your password after the first login. A student is required
to register with 2 name (First name and Surname name) please don’t use
3 names.
4. Wireless Internet
Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange
data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including
Advantages of wireless internet
a) Using laptops where computers are not available, ie in classes.
b) Wireless Internet in schools allows students to access online
learning courses, research materials.
Study collections